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Sugar Wiki / Rule of Sean Connery

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"Sean Connery elevates everything he's in... Except like, you know, that one movie we don't talk about. And Zardoz, I guess."
The Spoony One, The Spoony Experiment

A subtrope of the "Rule of Cool". This is about actors who make movies cooler or better just by their mere presence in them.

Sean Connery:
A = Movie's Awesomeness Factor without Sean Connery
B = Awesomeness Multiplier of Sean Connery = 100
C = Movie's Actual Awesomeness Factor
If Sean Connery is in the movie then C = BA = 100A, otherwise A=C.

Nicolas Cage aka The Great Variable:
A = Movie's Awesomeness Factor without Nicolas Cage
B = Awesomeness Multiplier of Nicolas Cage = ±5
C = Movie's Actual Awesomeness Factor
If Nicolas Cage is in the movie then C = BA = ±5A, otherwise A=C


Connery Factors (Your mileage WILL vary with all of these)

Other Actors Full of Awesome

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Voice Acting

Cage Factors

  • Nicolas Cage can elevate films like Wild at Heart, Leaving Las Vegas, Adaptation., and Kick-Ass.
    • Nicolas Cage is best described as good in good movies, and hilarious in bad movies.
      • So much that The Wicker Man (2006) can be a GREAT movie as long as you view it as a comedy. I mean, how else are you supposed to view him punching a woman out while dressed in a bear costume, or the infamous "Not the bees"?
      • Cage is the only reason anyone should EVER willingly watch the movie Deadfall. But good god he makes every second of his screen time a joy to watch.
    • See also The Nic Cage Song, for a loving musical tribute to his best AND worst moments.
  • Jennifer Aniston has an acting range that stretches all the way from A to B, but sometimes (Friends, The Good Girl) is helpful to what she's working on.
  • Jack Black. His Large Ham can be positive (Kung Fu Panda), and he can even be subdued and rather sweet (The Holiday, Shallow Hal).
  • Matthew Broderick, depending on whether he's in Simba mode or "That's a lot of fish" mode.
  • Sandra Bullock is the only actress to win an Oscar for Best Actress (for The Blind Side) and a Razzie for Worst Actress (for All About Steve) in the same year. She even attended the 2010 Razzie ceremony to collect her "award".
  • Michael Cera, to the point he earned a Hatedom - but still works in places such as Arrested Development.
    • When it comes to Cera there are two types of viewers: Those who like Michael Cera Hipster flicks (who still hate Year One), and those who hate Michael Cera Hipster flicks (who will still enjoy Scott Pilgrim vs. The World).
  • Jackie Chan may have some amazing fight scenes, but his acting ability and insistence on being family friendly trumps any badass factor he may have had.
  • Tom Cruise has played a number of roles that were seemingly made for him. He's not always good, but when he is, he is exceptional.
  • Eugene Levy. He’s not the guy to save a film if it’s otherwise bad, but if you’re already suffering through it, he’ll brighten up your experience for however long he’s onscreen. And when he’s in a genuinely good movie, all the better.
  • Keanu Reeves is hardly expressive and has a very spotty track record. But he certainly elevates things such as Bill & Ted and John Wick.
    • Him appearing in Cyberpunk 2077 turned that already highly-anticipated game from a day-one purchase to an instant pre-order. No, better, him showing up on stage at E3 turned the entire Xbox briefing from "meh" to (as a heckler rightfully described him) breathtaking.
  • Adam Sandler. Mostly during his Saturday Night Live tenure, but occasionally makes movies that work in his favor (such as Anger Management and Mr. Deeds).
    • Worth noting that many people agree that despite his comedy... being incredibly variable, he is a solid-to-incredible dramatic actor, and when people cite their favorite movies of his, his more serious works like Punch-Drunk Love and Uncut Gems are almost always amongst them, with a consistency beyond his comedic fare.
  • Sylvester Stallone, who despite Rocky and Rambo under his belt, has taken home more Razzie Awards than anyone due to many unsalvageable films.
  • Ben Stiller has certainly become this if he wasn't this already. He helps many of his mainstream comedies, such as Night at the Museum and Tower Heist, and is more successful when he's directing himself in a film like Tropic Thunder or is starring in an art house film like The Royal Tenenbaums.
  • Robin Williams. Whenever he was funny, he was REALLY funny, and elevates such films as Aladdin, Good Morning, Vietnam and Mrs. Doubtfire. However, when he’s obnoxious (see Jack (1996), Flubber and Patch Adams), he’s REALLY obnoxious. And when he's creepy...
    • And the there's those rare times when he's doing a dramatic role, which he can be surprisingly good at. It mainly depends on the writing.
  • Owen Wilson, like Ben Stiller, can help a mainstream comedy or improve some unusual fare (including the movies he co-wrote with Wes Anderson).
  • The variability of whether or not Ryan Reynolds is a positive or a negative is based on only two critical factors; whether scathingly self-aware and -depricating, fast-talking comedy works for the viewer, and whether or not the movie he's in calls for that kind of comedy/performance (as noted is generally the case for this trope). note 
  • With the possible exception of Cage, the thing these actors have in common is playing every role the same way. When it works, it really works. When it doesn't, it can ruin the picture.
    • Another thing these actors have in common is that their hits are usually films where their abilities are put to best use, for example if one considers Tom Cruise 'good' in Rain Man, it's because his acting style is minimalistic and doesn't clash with Dustin Hoffman's more extravagant performance.

... and let's not forget he who works in any work he's in, namely Chuck Norris.
