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Characters / Im: Great Priest Imhotep

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A list of characters and character-related tropes from Im: Great Priest Imhotep

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Main Characters


The Hero, a high priest from Ancient Egypt. He's remembered as the Great Heretic who desecrated the creator gods and unleashed a horrible calamity upon the world. After being sealed for millennia, he was revived to rectify his sin by stopping the magai wherever they appear. As part of his mission, he traveled to Japan in pursuit of the false gods.

  • Absurd Phobia: Cameras. To be fair, a "box of light" in his profession is totally worth fearing.
  • Accidental Pervert: He got hit by a car and ultimately landed his face atop Hinome's crotch. Then he wonders why it's "soft" without realizing.
  • Accidental Public Confession: He admitted his true name to Cleopatra when she stroked his ego despite just establishing she'd use it against them.
  • The Ace: He became among the highest-ranked high priest at a very young age, obviously the youngest when he met Djoser. He's also intellectually gifted, and quite sturdy for a religious scholar.
  • Adorably Precocious Child: Despite being an exceptional priest, he's still a kid. At one point, he bemoaned "babysitting" Harugo and co. on their trek across a desert. One cut later, and he's face-down in the sand begging Harugo to carry him.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Imhotep prefers to be casually addressed as "Im" after Djoser first coined it upon them officially becoming friends.
  • Age Lift: He was significantly older in the one-shot, at least a few years.
  • The Ageless: It's been 3.000 years but he seemingly hasn't aged a day. This is because he was magically sealed away the whole time.
  • And This Is for...: Im hit Harugo as payback for punching poor Anubis during their first meeting. He does this a second time when Harugo is brooding unnecessarily.
  • Antiquated Linguistics: Due to the fact he's from the distant past and as he doesn't speak the language he's used to, he regularly slips into this.
  • Memento MacGuffin: As Im and Djoser promised to be there for one another as Pharaoh and Vizier, Djoser had matching bracelets made for them both; his with a red stone and Im's with a blue stone. This marked the start of their unbreakable bond. Upon the failure of his plan to erase Hell and save Djoser from his cruel destiny, it was the breaking of his bracelet that signaled Im that he was too late and Djoser had perished. This caused him great despair. Later on, when he revisits the temple in the present day to confront Thoth, he finds the bracelet within a heap of sand, followed by putting it on while declaring his loyalty to Djoser as his vizier and their unbreakable bond.
  • Apology Gift: He gave one to Harugo for a magai destroying his family.
  • The Archmage: As the greatest high priest of his time, his skill with holy magic made him a living legend. He doesn't have just one magical specialty like most other priests either:
    • Animate Inanimate Object: After sealing Ptah.
    • Cessation of Existence: "Damnatio Memoriae" can erase anyone or anything's existence by rewriting events. The only problem is it's extremely difficult to perform correctly and he refuses to do so again for any reason. He's one of the few able to even learn the spell, and now the only one who knows it.
    • Charm Person: He can forcibly control Anubis by digging his hand into their skull. Naturally, doing this is taboo.
    • Dishing Out Dirt: He'll manipulate mud or sand depending on the environment.
    • Golem: He invented clay golems so those swept away on water could have bodies to bury.
    • Healing Hands: He he can heal pretty serious wounds instantly, though even that has its limits.
    • Hollywood Exorcism: His method for sealing the magai within an oddly shaped crystal.
    • I Know Your True Name: He knows Isis's Words of Power, a forbidden Brainwashing magic that controls people via invoking their real name.
    • Master of Illusion: After sealing Serket.
    • Playing with Fire: After sealing Sekhmet. At least until the magai repossesses Hinome.
    • The Power of the Sun: One of his most powerful spells is summoning a boat with a mirror that turns sunlight into a Death Ray. It's called Khepri ra Whira, a reference to another sun god; Khepri, who is a male god with a beetle for a head.
    • Protective Charm: He's well-verses in spells and incantations of this nature.
    • Summon Magic: His signature spell. Summons an Anubis (or three!) to fight on his behalf. He can summon the moon god Thoth too, no matter the time of day.
    • Truth Serums: The magic variety. Useful for getting confessions from criminals.
  • Asleep in Class: Hinome's math teacher bored him to death.
  • The Atoner: Averted. He was never actually malevolent, or intended to cause such calamity. He does call himself a "grave sinner" rather than a savior, aware of his mistakes.
  • Badass Bookworm: Im loves to read, study and learn new things.
  • Because Destiny Says So: He was told everyone had a god-given Soul Destiny they had to follow to maintain order to the cosmos and originally planned to follow through with it.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Hinome was the first person since he was unsealed to not treat him like a pawn or anathema, even accepting him as a friend. He's eternally grateful as a result, especially since he feels unworthy of it.
  • Best Friend: He decided to become Hinome's "Friend Number One" since she wanted one and he'd taken a liking to her due to their similar problematic childhoods. Hinome, however, did not go along with this because she already had Kobushi.
  • Brains and Brawn: The brains to Harugo's brawn.
  • Brutal Honesty: Let us just say that Im and tact are worlds apart.
  • Carpe Diem: His advice to Hinome when asked what she should write for her future plans.
  • Child Prodigy / Teen Genius: He's able to absorb a ridiculous amount of information in mere moments and completely comprehend it. The result was learning a lifetime's worth of knowledge by his teens, and explains why he can speak fluent Japanese and English. This is also shown when he learns math by simply flipping through Hinome's math book.
    • Renaissance Man: As a polymath, his fields expertise included math, science, language, writing, magic, and more.
  • Childhood Friends: With Djoser. He's known the Prince since he was smaller than him.
  • Crash-Into Hello: Hinome and Im met when he literally landed on her after getting hit by a car.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He readily uses the power of the magai he's captured since they're harmless once sealed in the Purification Box.
  • Cosmic Plaything: His life has never been easy. And his Soul Destiny's forced him to kill his best friend several times over.
  • Create Your Own Villain: His actions turned his best friend into his Arch-Enemy without meaning to.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: To this day, he's burdened by the fact his defiance of the gods has caused innumerable damage to countless lives for millennia.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Despite his clothes' dark color scheme and shady reputation, he's definitely not one of the baddies. He is, however, considered the epitome of evil by the priests of the Amen Priesthood.
  • Death Glare: Whenever someone even threatens to cause in any way harm to Djoser or Hinome. It's for that reason he can't restrain his anger when face-to-face with the Ennead.
  • Declaration of Protection: He promised to protect everyone in the modern world from the magai, even after deciding against erasing Djoser's existence with Damnatio Memoriae.
  • Defiant to the End: Nothing will make him bow to the gods again.
  • Determinator: He can be relentlessly stubborn and single-minded. When Hinome was in danger, Im immediately got back up to fight despite only having one leg to stand on.
  • Didn't See That Coming: But the other priests did see him coming and set a trap to ensure he couldn't perform Damnatio Memoriae. He did it anyway.
  • Do You Trust Me?: After revealing he wouldn't erase Djoser's existence, Im went up to Hinome and promised to still protect her and all humanity before asking this. She believed him.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: He's insulted when Harugo and co. ignore his childish demands since he's 3.000 year older than them and is very much aware of his strength and wisdom.
  • Epic Fail / Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: He performed Damnatio Memoriae to remove the world-dooming Miasma about to leak out of Hell's Gate from existence. Instead, it removed Hell's Gate itself.
  • Facepalm: After seeing Harugo drunk.
  • False Friend: Subverted. He and Djoser were never supposed to be close, but he ended up valuing his relationship with the prince over his duties as an Amen priest.
  • Fatal Flaw: Pride. His ego has lead him to make mistakes on more than one occasion.
  • Fear Is the Appropriate Response: To Ramses. Im felt the meaning of despair.
  • The Fettered: Binds his life to the responsibility of sealing the magai and stopping Djoser as atonement for the lives he's ruined, which is complicated by his personal feelings.
  • Fish out of Water: Mostly played for laughs, but he was immediately sent to a country quite different from his own as soon as he's unsealed.
  • Friendless Background: Before Djoser, he had no one he could call a friend during his childhood.
  • Friendship Trinket: He received a golden bracelet with a blue stone from Djoser to complement the prince's sun bracelet and symbolize they were bound together as one. It broke upon his friend's death.
  • From Bad to Worse: Losing his best and only friend as a human sacrifice to save the world was bad enough. But his attempt at a third option made things worse for him and the world.
  • Good is Not Nice: He's a coldly stoic and arrogant Spoiled Brat but still a good person despite that.
  • Gratuitous English: He recited "fluent" English in one of Hinome's classes when asked.
  • Groin Attack: On the receiving end of one, after he went too far with Hinome.
  • Guyliner: Well, he is Ancient Egyptian.
  • Happily Adopted: By Hinome's father, Mashuu, who Im calls 'Papa-dono'.
  • The Heretic: Ever since he first rebelled against the priesthood to save Djoser, Imhotep has despised the Ennead and their methods. Thoth and Anubis are the only deities he'll call upon, and his current cooperation with the Amen Priesthood is out of necessity.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Played With. The world at large knows him as a famous historical figure, but the Amen Priesthood advertise him as a heretic and evildoer to their members.
  • Heroes Love Dogs: He accepted Anubis as an apprentice. Though through explanations, it's made clear that Im wasn't at all fond of the Anubis in the past.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Even if he succeeds in saving the world, he refuses to be called a savior or shown any compassion, constantly demeaning himself as a grave sinner.
  • Heroic Vow: He vowed to protect Djoser. Later swore off ever using Damnatio Memoriae again, refusing to simply erase his crime along with his friend's existence.
  • High Priest: One of the highest-ranked of the Amen Priesthood in his era.
    • The Medic: He healed an injured child at Djoser's behest.
  • Historical Domain Character: Based on the real-life polymath Imhotep who actually served Pharaoh Djoser as vizier and was deified in association with Thoth.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Imhotep refused to believe Djoser would harm innocents to achieve his goals despite his endgame being world destruction.
  • Hunter of Monsters: Hunting the magai is why he was unsealed, aside from erasing their leader from existence.
  • Hypocrite: Hinome calls him out on touting his greatness moments earlier for fear a package carried a bomb. He also calls Cleopatra a coward for using Isis's Words of Power only to cast it on her later.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: While he assumes it could never happen, he'd like to be a normal kid after he finally cleans up the mess he made once and for all.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: The modern world fills them with surprise and wonder.
  • Intelligence Equals Isolation: When he was a child, he was ostracized by the older priests who both envied and feared him for his overwhelming power despite his youth. And his strict studies and other duties didn't make him very good at socializing either. He figured he'd be rejected by Hinome's classmates for the same reason.
  • Limp and Livid: When he stood up against Ramses in an attempt protect Hinome while severely injured.
  • Loners Will Stay Alone: He felt more at ease alone since everyone he associated with either didn't want anything to do with him or would die by his hand. Djoser eventually broke through this mindset by showing that the common folk loved him.
  • Love Interests, but not really: With Hinome. He took a "liking" to her early on, jokes about her falling for him, freaks when she acts indifferent to him, always confides in her first, and eventually gets extremely protective whenever her safety's in jeopardy. This is, however, because they have an unbreakable bond of friendship, since they are each other's first friends, basically.
  • Luminescent Blush: After he received his first thank you from a child he healed.
  • MacGuffin: The Purification Box he uses to exorcise magai doubles as his magic staff. With it, he can uses the power of magai he's exorcised. And it's implied there's more to it.
  • Manly Tears / Tears of Joy: When thanking Hinome and his other friends for calling him a friend even after just hearing The Reveal of his past crimes.
  • Mercy Kill / Staking the Loved One: He killed his best friend to prevent him from becoming a monster who caused the apocalypse for revenge.
  • Missing Time: He doesn't really remember what happened during his first battle with Djoser in the temple until he ended it.
  • Mummy: He was sealed away as one, bandages, sarcophagus, and all. He was apparently still alive the whole time though.
  • Must Make Amends: He decides he can't die until the magai and Djoser are truly stopped.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After seeing the results of his failed performance of Damnatio Memoriae.
  • My Greatest Failure: He's responsible for unleashing the magai upon the world and turning his friend to evil. And he's constantly reminded of it.
  • My Name Is Inigo Montoya: Invoked whenever he's been underestimated.
  • New Transfer Student: His cover story for entering Hinome's class to investigate potential after-effects of Magai Serket. He's just Im Hawakata.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: He often gets right up in Hinome's face with harmless or even benign intentions, (but it's no less embarrassing for her).
  • No Social Skills: At first, he couldn't even properly grasp friendship and what it entailed. He gets better, thanks to Djoser.
  • Non-Uniform Uniform: Besides the hat, his attire is completely different from the standard Amen Priesthood uniform.
  • Not Afraid to Die: He's long resigned himself to not living past his mission.
  • Noodle Incident: He and Djoser once went out to the desert to play and nearly died, but Im never clarifies how they even got lost.
  • Older Than They Look: Despite his diminutive size, Imhotep is hinted to be older than Djoser, although in an omake it is said that he is around Djoser's age. He's still a teenager as well.
  • Only Friend: Djoser was Friend Number One during his era, prompting Im to do anything to save him from his Soul Destiny. It is, however, strongly hinted that Djoser is more than a friend to Im.
  • Open Mouth, Insert Foot: Right after warning everyone not to reveal their true names to Cleopatra, he did just that. Because she praised him.
  • Please Kill Me if It Satisfies You: Im agrees to let Harugo have revenge by killing him, after they completely stop the magai.
  • The Prankster: He loves messing around with Hinome and others he feels close to, likely due to Djoser's influence.
  • Pretty Freeloader: And is called out for it by Hinome. Often.
  • Power of Trust: Harugo having faith in him, the Great Heretic, really raised his spirits.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Chronologically he's over 3.000 years old, but physically and mentally still very much a teenager.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Whether he shares Djoser's fate, fulfills his promise with Harugo, or gets officially executed for his original crime, he doesn't see a Happy Ending in the cards.
  • Sadistic Choice: He keeps getting the worst scenarios.
    • He was forced to choose between his duty and his beloved friend, with the world at stake. He failed to save either.
    • Ramesses later recreated this choice with Im's Purification Box and Hinome, and he nearly lost both of them too.
    • Djoser does his own spin on it with either helping the Amen Priesthood exorcise the magai rampaging in their capital or helping the Pharaoh save Hinome from becoming their Weapon of Mass Destruction.
  • Scare 'Em Straight: When Cleopatra attempted to control him with magic, Im instantly deflected the spell and coldly chided the "girl's" arrogance.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: Played With since the Ennead and Amen Priesthood view him as a vile heretic.
  • Shrouded in Myth: While it feeds his massive ego, he also suffers from it at times.
  • Socially Awkward Hero: He used to be one. It has toned down thanks to Djoser's influence.
  • Super-Speed Reading: Due to being a Teen Genius.
  • Spoiled Brat: He's used to living the decadent lifestyle of a high priest of the Amen temple and so often asked for or expected the unreasonable while in Japan.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: The sorcerer to Harugo's sword. This is referenced to Khonsu likening them to a Mage and Knight in an old-school RPG.
  • Take a Third Option: He attempted to find a way to exorcise the Miasma without sacrificing Djoser in the process, and failed. He later tried to rescue Hinome while also recovering his Purification Box from Ramesses, and failed that too.
  • Tears of Blood: When brought before the Ennead in chains after killing Djoser.
  • Think Nothing of It: As far as Imhotep's concerned, no amount of good he does now will make up for the suffering he's caused.
  • This Cannot Be!: His reaction upon seeing the carnage in the Amen temple.
  • Troubled Backstory Flashback: How we learn about most of his past.
  • Trying Not to Cry: After Harugo admonished his half-hearted resolve to kill Djoser. Despite his profound guilt over their sins, he couldn't help feeling joy seeing his friend again and think him another victim of Soul Destiny, and that contradiction tore him apart inside.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: He never expected his attempt to erase the Miasma about to overflow from Hell's Gate would instead erase Hell's Gate itself.
  • Unwitting Pawn: He cast countless convicted and would-be criminals alike into Hell for bearing the mark of the black serpent on their bodies as part of his duties as an Amen priest. He only realized he was amassing the very miasma he'd later try to extinguish from existence after the fact.
  • Vague Age: It's never clarified but he's likely about Djoser's age, physically. This is mentioned in one of the omakes that lists the characters' ages, likes and dislikes, favorite foods and what's their ideal future.
  • Warts and All: Imhotep ultimately decided to defy the Ennead's order to use Damnatio Memoriae to erase Djoser's existence since it would also erase his crimes.
  • Weak, but Skilled: As a Child Mage, he's not suited for close quarter combat. His defeats are usually the result of his magic failing to keep his opponents from closing in.
  • When He Smiles: While often a goofball, Im rarely genuinely smiles.
  • Why Won't You Die?: He questioned how Djoser casually appeared in front of him when he personally saw to his death and recently confirmed his body remained sealed.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Im frequently shows his wisdom as a millenia-old prodigal priest, typically when it relates to his past mistakes.
  • Years Too Early: He easily solved the ridiculously complex equation Hinome's math teacher challenged him with before dropping this line.
    Imhotep: Try again, boy. You're three thousand years too early to challenge me.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: He did everything he could to avert him and Djoser's Soul Destiny. Not only did he fail, his resistance made things worse.
  • You Have No Idea Who You're Dealing With: He often has to remind others that he's a ridiculously powerful priest they shouldn't be challenging.

     Hinome Hawakata

The Heroine, a Japanese teenager possessed by a magai named Sekhmet. Due to her family's occult reputation and voice sparking uncontrollable flames, she silently isolated herself from everyone for much of her childhood. But following a chance encounter with Imhotep, she was finally exorcised of her curse only to end up repeatedly drawn into the boy priest's conflicts with the magai. Despite her initial reluctance, she becomes one of his closest friends who supports him through thick and thin.

  • A Friend in Need: After hearing Im muse about wanting a normal school life, even briefly, if he had freedom like her, she quietly begged the gods to give him some of hers.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: She was bullied and marginalized for most of her life because of her father's reputation as an occultist. Getting cursed didn't help her case.
  • Anger Born of Worry: When she visited Im at the hospital after his first battle with Djoser, the first thing she did was yell at him for making her worry.
  • Arranged Marriage: Averted. Ramses planned to abduct Hinome and present her to Djoser as his unwilling bride but she fought him off.
  • Artifact of Doom: Her mother's treasure box her father gifted her became the anchor for the magai cursing her.
  • Badass Normal: She found the willpower to break her most treasured object possessed by a magai while being burnt alive. Yeah. There's also her Go Through Me moment against Harugo. Upgraded to Empowered Badass Normal after gaining control over Sekhmet's power.
  • Big "NO!": When she thought Harugo had killed Im in front of her and Ryuu.
  • Blessed with Suck: Breathing fire is cool… except when you have no control over it and thus can't even call for help.
  • Burning with Anger: First unleashes her flame magic out of fury over her uselessness while Im nearly died trying to rescue her from Ramesses.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Only half-Japanese on her father's side.
  • The Champion: To Imhotep. If anyone dares lay a finger on him, she'll burn them up!
  • Crash-Into Hello: Hinome and Im met when he landed on her, butt-first, after getting hit by a car. By the time she realized what hit her, the position was more than just a little bit embarrassing.
  • Curse: Hinome suffered a magai curse for eight years before Imhotep exorcised her. The trigger was her getting bullied at school and her mother's ka wanting to protect her from pain and hurt.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Supernatural Gold Eyes for Hair of Gold.
  • Cuteness Overload: Her initial reaction to Anubis. Later had a similar realization with Yagami.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: She's been ostracized for her family's reputation her whole childhood and eventually withdrew from the world. Her father gave her a "magic" box to cope, but she was then cursed after being bullied at school and unintentionally burned him and their home, withdrawing herself even further.
  • Damaged Soul: Imhotep's exorcism of Sekhmet unknowingly exorcised Hinome's Ka from her soul too, making her a walking abomination. If the magai and Ka weren't still tenuously linked to her from the Purification Box, she might've died.
  • Damsel in Distress: As the least experienced in combat, she's the most frequently targeted. This, however, changed after obtaining her powers from Sekhmet.
  • Deal with the Devil: She agrees to let Sekhmet repossess her so long as she could use the magai's power to save Im. Sekhmet warns the deal's off the moment Hinome's heart shows vulnerability.
  • Death Glare: When Ausir claimed he'd fulfill Imhotep's god-given mission in his place.
  • Declaration of Protection: She eventually vows to protect him so he can reconcile with Djoser and live a normal life.
  • Demoted to Satellite Love Interest: Subverted. While she disappeared from all of one arc, (save for the occasional cameo) it served to emphasize her personal struggle going forward.
  • Determinator: At her bleakest moment, she was willing to welcome back the magai that ruined her childhood for eight years in order to protect Im. Moreover, she made it obey her through sheer force of will. Though it's strongly hinted that Magai Sekhmet is also her mother.
  • Determined Expression: When things get serious.
  • Devoted to You: After he fulfilled both of her dreams, Hinome dedicates herself to helping Im fulfill his dream, even if his sins can't be forgiven.
  • The Dreaded: By her schoolmates and teachers due to her family's reputation as occultists who can curse you. Many of them also think she is cursed herself.
  • Dreaming the Truth: She realized her mother was magai Sekhmet after dreaming of her mother forgiving her for breaking her treasure box and feeling it was the magai hugging her.
  • Eating Lunch Alone: And hating it. But it gets better when she finally befriends Kobushi.
  • Face Your Fears: She feared destroying her garden-in-a-box since it was her only solace from a world that regularly hurt her, but Im ultimately convinced her to not shy away from her dreams.
  • Facial Dialogue: With Inaba over how adorable Yagami is.
  • Fire of Comfort: Im's reaction to her flame magic. He mentions it has a healing kind of warmth.
  • Flames of Love: She demands a magai give her control over fire magic so she can be with Im, who she strongly cherishes and cares about and protect him.
  • Flower Motif: Golden petals accompany her flames.
  • Foil: With Im. Both have parents missing from their lives, difficulty connecting with others due to poor reputations and bad social skills, and a dream to live a normal life. Unlike Imhotep though, Hinome was free to have that normalcy after he exorcised her curse, and she ultimately decided to trade her normal life for his so he could one day have it instead.
  • Fire-Breathing Weapon: The Amen Priesthood try to make her into one.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Her hairstyle of choice.
  • Go Through Me: She's put herself between Im and certain death on multiple occasions even after just seeing him take a good beating.
  • Grass is Greener: She was briefly jealous of Im's talents since he could theoretically become anything while she couldn't think of a future career within her means. By the end of the day, she realized he's already robbed of any future.
  • Hellfire: Her voice was cursed to emit flames of a magai, and she later willingly drew upon them for her own magic powers.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Inverted. Despite hearing he's the Great Evildoer and the one who unleashed the magai, she's certain he's a good person. She was later proven right.
  • How Dare You Die on Me!: She tearfully admonished Im for seemingly dying against Harugo after all his bragging and earlier promise to atone for creating the magai. She even scolds him for scaring her.
  • Hidden Depths: Her hobby crafting miniature gardens demonstrates her caring nature. She made her own "world" to withdraw to so her curse wouldn't affect the real one.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: For the longest time, she dreamed of being free of her curse so she could just be a normal girl. Ultimately inverted once she realized she couldn't stay beside Im without having some magical power to justify her presence.
    • I Just Want to Have Friends: As a byproduct of achieving normality, she wanted to be accepted by her peers and make friends, so she tries hard to change her classmates' opinion of her, like by becoming the class vice president.
  • I Owe You My Life: Im saved her from an entire life of loneliness and misery so she now wants to return the favor.
  • Ice Queen: For eight years, she acted cold to everyone around in order to prevent anyone from getting near and potentially burned by her curse, earning this reputation.
    • Defrosting Ice Queen: This demeanor and reputation vanished once Im exorcised her and she reached out to Kobushi.
  • Love Interests: With Kobushi. It's strongly hinted that Hinome cares about Kobushi as more than a friend.
  • Luminescent Blush: Whenever she's called out for having paid more attention to Im than anything else. It's simple embarrassment at he realization, nothing more.
  • Meaningful Name: Hinome is Japanese for "sunlight" and Imhotep likens her fire magic to the sun.
  • Missing Mom: She's only seen her Mother in photos and her dreams since she suffered Death by Childbirth.
  • Muggle Best Friend: She eventually considers Imhotep a friend and does her best to help him despite her mundane abilities. Subverted after she gets magical powers of her own.
  • Mundane Utility: She used her curse to cook her octopus sausage lunch in her very first scene.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Ramesses is far larger and brawnier than her, yet she managed to easily break free of him with Sekhmet's power.
  • Oh, Crap!: When she realized Im was likely a Dead Man Walking.
  • Only Friend: Kobushi became this after some tribulations. Subverted when she eventually accepted Imhotep as another.
  • Ordinary High-School Student: Though even after being freed of her curse, she couldn't quite escape the supernatural despite her best wishes and eventually embraces it.
  • Out of Focus: She's almost completely absent from the Cleopatra arc, along with Anubis, though does move back into the spotlight in the ensuing story arcs.
  • Personality Powers: Fiery breath for a fiery personality.
  • Pervy Patdown: Hapi subjected her to this while she was separated from their group. Thankfully, this is the only time something like this happens.
  • Playing with Fire: After Sekhmet repossesses her.
    • The Power of the Sun: Imhotep notes Hinome's flame magic is brighter and warmer than Sekhmet's malicious flames, comparing it to the sun.
  • Plucky Girl: For someone who has been suffering from a curse, false rumors, and total isolation for most of her youth, she's very upbeat and friendly. Just a bit rough around the edges.
  • Power Incontinence: What happened the first time her curse manifested. The result wasn't pretty.
  • Power of Trust: She was the first to trust Im when no one else did, and Im later confirmed it after revealing he wouldn't erase Djoser's existence and thus potentially endanger her and others. It's because he's so loyal to her that Khonsu lets her stay with him.
  • Princely Young Man: He becomes the most popular kid in Hinome's class after a day of showing off his mental talents and she feels quite jealous of that.
  • Protective Charm: The "doodles" Im drew on her bedroom prevent magic from working in there. He also gave her a Medjed keystone as a protection and luck charm.
  • Recurring Dreams: As a child, she had recurring dreams of her mother hugging her from behind.
  • Refusal of the Call: She initially didn't want to accompany Im on his quest...
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gave one to Harugo when he was about to kill Im.
  • Recurring Dreams: She occasionally dreamed of her mother hugging her from behind in her dreams. Turned out to actually be her ka.
  • Scars Are Forever: Averted. She lost all her scars after being exorcised and so stops wearing a scarf to hide them.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Flatly denied she and Im are an item:
    Harugo: Why are you shielding him? Are you his woman?
    Hinome: NO WAY!!!
  • Skipping School: One of Hinome's classmates implied she had stopped bothering to even come to school until recently.
  • Sleep Cute: She sleeps through New Years with Im and Anubis in the chapter 25 color image.
  • The Speechless: She became this to mitigate her curse but stopped once she was exorcised. Before then, she communicated with written signs and Hand Signals, though.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: She strongly resembles her mother, Himawari.
  • Supernatural Aid: Sekhmet lends her control of the magai's power.
  • Technicolor Fire: Wields Sekhmet's pure gold flames, matching her hair.
  • Tears of Joy: After destroying her garden-in-a-box anchoring Magai Sekhmet and thus taking back her world of her own volition.
  • That Liar Lies: To Harugo when he claimed Im was the cause of the magai. Largely to convince herself her savior wasn't the evil that cursed her to begin with.
  • This Is Something He's Got to Do Himself: She refused to let Im destroy her garden-in-a-box so she could prove she had the courage to not let herself be alone with her own hands.
  • True Companions: Even after confirming that Imhotep unleashed the magai that plagued her from his own lips, she stands by him because she knows he's a good and kind person.
  • Wreathed in Flames: While drawing on Sekhmet's power.
  • Unwitting Pawn: She's unaware Khonsu's only allowing her to be beside Imhotep so he can use their relationship as leverage to get close to him.
  • Wacky Parent, Serious Child: She can't stand her dad's occult obsession.
  • You Would Do the Same for Me: Hinome reminded Im she's following his advice to stand up and protect a hurt friend after Ramesses nearly killed him.


The Series Mascot, an Anubis puppy and god of mummy-making. After being sent by the Amen Priesthood to monitor Imhotep, he becomes the priest's apprentice. He dreams of one day becoming a proper god. He's said to be 3 years old.

  • A Dog Named "Dog" / A Kind of One: Anubis is a race of gods who collectively represent the individual deity as imagined in mythology and simply all go by that name.
  • Butt-Monkey: Im once casually commented that picking up a scent is all he's good for.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: He loves really big "boobies", so much so that he hesitated to hug Hinome because she was c-cup.
  • Canine Companion: He accompanies Im on most missions.
  • Determinator: He never gave up on his mission of spying on Im no matter how fruitless it seemed.
  • Die or Fly: His Anubis master gave him an ultimatum: either successfully monitor Imhotep or be disposed of.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: He is an Anubis after all.
  • Friendless Background / The Un-Favorite: Because he's so clumsy, his constant failures earned him jeers and rejection from the priests and fellow Anubis. Im is his first friend and the first person to acknowledge his efforts.
  • Fun Size / Super-Deformed: He looks like a plush toy and is mistaken as such by Hinome's friend, Kobushi.
  • Funny Animal: He's an anthropomorphic dog who can walk, talk, and feel like a human.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He would've gone through with bashing his brains out to prevent the Pharaoh-waker he cast from blowing up the city had Imhotep not stopped him.
  • Impossible Task: Imhotep challenged him to land even one blow on his person, knowing it was impossible. He only succeeded because the priest blocked the attempt of hitting himself with a hammer.
  • The Klutz: the reason why he was disliked.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: Since he is an Anubis, who is a jackal.
  • Physical God: He's technically a god, though you'd be forgiven for forgetting.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: He usually is, but not all the time. He's his own surprisingly well written character.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Hinome's reaction when she first saw Anubis? Fawn over how cute he looks.
  • Scarily Competent Tracker: He can follow a scent surprisingly well.
  • Student–Master Team: Him and Imhotep, after proving his courage and selflessness.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: The beady yellow eyes of a tiny god.
  • Team Pet: A puppy. Well, an Anubis puppy.
  • You're Not My Father: He's not sure whether to call Seth "Papa" since stories are split over the birth of Anubis by him or Osiris.

     Harugo Misora
some caption text

The Rival, a young member of the Amen Priesthood Japan Chapter. He joined the organization after his family was slaughtered by a magai it enshrined, developing a zealous hatred for the sham gods and anyone related to them. He grew to be an excellent fighter but always isolated himself from his peers. In spite of his past grudge and anger issues, he cooperates with Imhotep as per the Priesthood's directive and even becomes friends with him and those he used to shun.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Lato calls him just "Haru". Others also call him by nicknames as well.
  • Aloof Ally / Fire-Forged Friends: To Imhotep. They initially teamed up out of necessity, but he eventually accepts him as a comrade.
  • Aloof Big Brother: To the other youngsters in the Amen Priesthood Japan Chapter.
  • Anti-Hero: Harugo is rather stubborn and rejects the company of others having long been considered the descendant of a group of worshipers of Magai due to the mission of his ancestors. He only has good relationships with his adoptive father and Lato (his mentor), and his stubbornness generally pushes him to refuse help from others; especially that of Imhotep. He hates the latter for being the creator of the Magai and indirectly responsible for the tragedy he experienced, and does not accept that the gods called on him to exorcise them, refusing to see him as a savior.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: He's noted for being way too serious about everything.
  • Baby Morph Episode: Im casted a spell that made his Ka answer his true feelings while also changing into a form that best reflected them. He became a toddler.
  • Badass Back / Nonchalant Dodge: He didn't even have to see Imhotep's dropkick coming.
  • Befriending the Enemy: He slowly comes to think of Im as a friend.
  • Brains and Brawn: The brawn to Imhotep's brains.
  • Broken Bird: He has issues which are related to his trauma and self isolation.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: He just couldn't admit he was lonely and wanted to be part of the family.
  • Color Failure: When the "person" he sensed behind him turned out to be a giant lion.
  • The Comically Serious: His attempts to take everything seriously have become increasingly over the top. He turned their vacation to Egypt into the second coming of Napoleon, as he did a ton of research in just a matter of hours.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Head of blue hair to complement Icy Blue Eyes. They were softer once.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: When he was a kid, his whole family was murdered by the magai it was supposed to keep sealed away after it possessed his father. His father then beheaded himself right before his son's eyes before the magai could kill the boy too. What's worse, his Parental Substitute caused the incident to begin with.
  • Death Glare: Who hasn't he given this to at some point? But his scariest one was definitely when Khonsu joked he too shy to make up with Imhotep.
  • Defrosting Ice King: Inaba and Imhotep eventually get him to open up a little.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: He gave Seth, an Ennead, a light punch to the noggin while he was in the middle of fanning the priesthood's hatred of Imhotep. The priests' reaction was appropriate.
  • Dynamic Entry: We first see him when he destroys the shrine bell before proceeding to eliminate the magai it was hiding in.
  • Everybody Knew Already: Lato and Inaba knew Harugo was isolating himself because of his family's reputation. That didn't stop them from wanting to befriend him.
  • Family of Choice: His relationship with the Crow's Brood.
  • Fear Is the Appropriate Response: To Ramses. Frozen and shivering, his very Ka warning him not to fight that man.
  • Flippingthe Bird: To Imhotep when he encouraged him to communicate with his surrogate family.
  • Friendless Background: His desire not to get hurt or hurt others led to him not associating with anyone at the Japan Chapter HQ, and everyone just assumed he was an arrogant hardass.
  • Friendly Rivalry: With Imhotep, after they come to a mutual understanding.
  • Good is Not Nice: The biggest jerk of the core cast.
  • Happily Adopted: He's grateful to Yata for taking him in after he lost his family Even after learning his foster father got his family killed in the first place.
  • The Heretic: Zig-Zagged. Despite being an Amen priest, he has no reverence for the Ennead and obeyed them at his convenience even before he actually met one. At the same time, he shows respect for Japanese shrines and suggests worshiping a "real god" instead of magai.
  • Heroic BSoD: When Imhotep, the object of his hatred, suddenly thanked him, he completely froze. His brain simply couldn't process what just happened.
  • Hey, You!: Tends to reduce his enemies and strangers to simple descriptions like "woman" for Hinome.
  • Hidden Depths: The reasons why he isolated himself are complex. And he can show respect and act polite, when he bothers to do.
  • Hot-Blooded: Almost to the point of having a Hair-Trigger Temper.
  • Hunter of Monsters: He's been hunting magai for years.
  • I Work Alone: He actively refused to work with anyone, wanting to both prove his independence to Yata and avoid dragging others into his family's poor reputation.
  • I'll Kill You!: Aside from his grudge against Imhotep, he commonly throws this out when he's pissed off or being screwed around with.
  • Identical Grandson: It's theorized In-Universe that Harugo is the Reincarnation of his powerful and talented exorcist ancestor, Seiten Misora, due to sharing his exact same appearance down to the hair color.
  • Ineffectual Loner: He noticed his accomplishments only made him more hated and so resigned himself to never making friends with the rest of Crow's Brood.
    • Loners Are Freaks: He got a lot of flak for always trying to go it alone. Khonsu even teased him about even knowing what "teamwork" meant.
    • Loners Will Stay Alone: He wanted to get close to his surrogate family, but he assumed everyone would inevitably revile him and gave them the cold shoulder, which only made everyone think he was an arrogant ass. Imhotep and Inaba finally broke the cycle.
  • In Vino Veritas / Not So Above It All: He drank too much alcohol at Imhotep's going away party and lost his carefully crafted image as a humorless unapologetic loner.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Deep down he is a good person.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: A modern day Egyptian priest who fights like a samurai.
  • Leave Me Alone!: He brushed off all attempts to befriend him, aside from Yata. He stopped after Im and Inaba confronted him about it.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: He tends to run in sword swinging without giving much thought to either his comrades or his opponents.
  • Luminescent Blush: He gets embarrassed when people notice he cares.
  • Magic Knight: While relying mostly on martial arts, he can manifest his Ka as a Heavenly Bat spirit to use some magic like a Familiar.
    • Blow You Away / Razor Wind: Storm Cloud creates a tornado of razor-sharp gusts.
    • Make Me Wanna Shout: The Heavenly Bat emits shockwaves of sound called Sky Echo.
    • True Sight: His Ka lets him see people and magic even through walls via his missing right eye after he opened to Crow's Brood.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: Inverted. He was ready to leave Yagami when she couldn't keep pace because she was, in his opinion, "deadweight" and would keep them from reaching Yata in time.
  • No Sense of Humor: And yet increasingly the source of it.
  • Not So Stoic: With Imhotep's help, he was able to tell Inaba all his insecurities.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: He pretended not to know Imhotep after being attacked and interrogated by Djoser.
  • Older Than They Look: In a side comic, Hinome questions if he's actually a minor while Harugo's smoking right in front of her.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Inaba called him out for saying "please" when finally asking for help. Im was also taken aback when he actually thanked him for it afterward. He later admitted that meeting Inaba and Imhotep was the best thing that ever happened to him, though they wished he would say it while sober.
  • Perpetual Frowner: He's usually either annoyed, angry, or some combination of both.
  • Pre Ass Kicking One Liner: Imhotep said he didn't want to fight. His response? "The fight's already over."
  • Prettyboy: According to Heavenly Bat, he's quite aware of it too.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: He didn't take kindly to Seth treating humans like mindless cattle.
  • Rebel Relaxation: How he spends his downtime. With a smoke, of course.
  • Rejected Apology: Even after going through the trouble of explaining why he hated Imhotep, he refused to accept the priest's apology.
  • Revenge: Played With. He has a personal vendetta against the magai and their creator, but he also wants to prevent anyone else from having his tragic childhood.
  • Revenge Myopia: He didn't care that Imhotep regretted unleashing the magai upon the world and was now dedicating his life to ridding them from it.
  • Say My Name: He screamed for Imhotep after immediately assuming the heavenly voice revealing all his secrets was his doing in a side comic.
  • Scars Are Forever: One over his lost right eye.
  • Smoking Is Cool: He smokes, typically before or after a battle.
    • No Smoking: He won't smoke on shrine grounds, and later stopped Imhotep from smoking a water pipe since he's underage.
  • Siblings Wanted: He wanted to be a "brother" to the Crow's Brood, but felt they'd either be hated or end up hating him.
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: Definitely. But he is getting better.
  • Stop Saying That!: He told Yata to stop apologizing for gettings his family killed.
  • Student–Master Team: He was trained in how to use his Ka and combat in general by Lato.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: The sword to Imhotep's sorcerer.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Good luck spotting the sugar.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With pretty much anyone, but especially Imhotep.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: Imhotep could never wash the blood of Harugo's family from his hands in his eyes... At least until he realized his character was genuine.
  • Tranquil Fury: When he's not plain raging.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Called out by Hinome for refusing Im's apology when he didn't even apologize to Ryuu. He realized she was right. Later delivered one to Sed when he was about to kill Yata, and the rest of Crow's Brood when they were being easily swayed by Seth.
  • Unrelated Brothers: With Inaba and the rest of Crow's Bood after they open to each other.
  • Warrior Monk: He serves the Amen Priesthood as a hunter of magai and their worshipers.
  • When He Smiles: He did so while thanking Yata for being his Dad.
  • Will Not Tell a Lie: He reported he disobeyed orders and attacked Imhotep to Khonsu despite the fact he could've kept quiet, his superior none the wiser. Sometimes he's honest to a fault.
  • The Worf Effect: Harugo got his ass handed to him by Djoser not once, not twice, but three times. Even the volume 3 cover had the Pharaoh popping off the head of a Senet piece shaped like the priest.
  • You Are Not Alone: Imhotep reminded him that he wasn't the only one desperate to save Yata and that he could rely on everyone around him because their goals are one and the same.
  • You Killed My Father: When explaining why he wanted Imhotep dead. Later extends this justification to killing Djoser.
  • Your Head A-Splode: All of the Crow's Brood seeing him and Inaba's heart-to-heart made him die of embarrassment.

Amen Priesthood


  • Ancient Conspiracy / Mystery Cult: The priesthood has existed since before antiquity and became an international secret society after the fall of Ancient Egypt.
  • Animal Motifs: The organization's symbol is the ram sphinx, and is employed also as the insignia for their uniforms. It bares noting that the ram was a sacred symbol in Egyptian mythology, associated with the god Amun.
  • Befriending the Enemy: It ultimately sided with the Roman Empire against Cleopatra and her planned world domination.
  • Blind Obedience: The priesthood has generally done whatever the gods have asked without question.
  • Church Militant: They're essentially a religious armed force in modern times.
  • The Clan: The highest echelons of the priesthood are governed by eight Blue Blood families named after one of the Ennead, excluding Atum.
  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: Low-ranking priests or "Black-clads" wear black uniforms while high priests wear white uniforms.
  • Corrupt Church: Spies for the Church of the Magai have infiltrated their ranks practically since the Magai were unleashed into the world. Some ranking priests even cooperate with them for personal gain.
  • The Fundamentalist / Holier Than Thou: Many of the ranking priests from old priest families see the recruitment of outsiders, especially relatives of magai cultists, as impurities that should be cleansed from the priesthood.
  • Hunter of Monsters: Hunting the magai has been their primary duty for millennia.
  • Ki Manipulation: Most priests manifest the power of their Ka, or spirit, in some form to aid them in battle.
  • Meaningful Name: Amen is the "invisible god" said to have predated even the Ennead.
  • Orphanage of Love: The kids victimized by magai and magai cultists and rescued by Yata became a Family of Choice known as the Crow's Brood.
  • Physical Religion: Since the gods regularly provide them divine revelations, faith in the priesthood is more about obedience than belief.
  • Religion is Magic: While most priests rely on the Ka in their soul for power, many high priests use holy magic provided from gods who've earned their favor.
    • Holy Is Not Safe: Much of their holy spells are dangerous to the caster and anyone in the vicinity if not used correctly.
  • Shining City: The Egyptian Chapter headquarters is a micronation in the middle of the desert hidden with magic, known as the Amen Priest Nation.
  • Nonuniform Uniform: Beyond a basic design and color hierarchy, every branch has its own twist on the uniform which then gets further customized by the individual priests.
  • Our Mages Are Different: For all intents and purposes, priests and high priests are more like sorcerers or magic swordsmen than men of the cloth.

     Shiro Inaba

A young member of the Amen Priesthood Japan Chapter. Adopted by the chapter chief Yata after his family was killed by magai, he grew up to become a priest for the branch. He was later teamed up with Harugo and Imhotep.

     Himeko Yagami

A new member of the Amen Priesthood Japan Chapter. Adopted by the chapter chief Yata after her family was killed by magai, she recently became a priest for the branch. She was later teamed up with Harugo and Imhotep.


A high ranking priest of the Amen Priesthood Egypt Chapter. Flanked by his bodyguards Lato and Sed, he's assigned as Imhotep's overseer during his time free of the seal. He's quite the flamboyant individual, but there's much more to him than meets the eye.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Hesire calls him "Khonkhon".
  • Agent Peacock: He might not look it thanks to his odd behavior, but he's quite the competent priest.
  • Anti-Hero: He has no scruples and a few vendettas of his own, but he is legitimately interested in making the world a better place as a priest.
  • Benevolent Boss: He's pretty easygoing and puts a huge amount of faith in his underlings. Though the easygoing part of him is often spoken off and not being genuine.
  • Bishie Sparkle: Doesn't leave home without it.
  • Byronic Hero: No one tells Khonsu how to live his life even if his means and methods aren't for the best, even for himself.
  • Character Name Alias: Khonsu isn't his real name. However, is real name is never revealed.
  • Color Failure: After seeing Imhotep and co.'s bill after a day in Egypt.
  • Crouching Moron Hidden Bad Ass: He's pretty silly most of the time, but it's only mostly an act.
  • Facepalm: After seeing how Harugo acts drunk.
  • High Priest: Pretty high-up in the ranks too, as he has been a priest for over a decade and is quite strong and smart.
  • Kill the God: He admits aloud that he despises the Ennead and has a personal vendetta against them. He downplays this a second later, though.
  • Laughing Mad: Upon unexpectedly learning he was face-to-face with **the** Djoser.
  • Master of Illusion: He could make the Japan Chapter's deputy chief believe he had his own ear sliced off without actually doing anything of the sort.
  • Meaningful Name: Khonsu is a god of the moon alongside Thoth, though in a different way. Khonsu also has familial relations to the god Amun, who is also the symbol of the Priesthood.
  • Narcissist / Vanity Is Feminine: Nothing insults him more than forgetting his glorious and beautiful person.
  • Mysterious Past: His origins are largely a mystery within the priesthood, and what little flashes we're shown give a dreary picture.
  • Not-So-Innocent Whistle: While Hapi questioned why Lato as a prestigious daughter of House Osiris would serve Khonsu.
  • Not What It Looks Like: When Hesire recalls him being an edgy teen before he became who he is now.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: He absolutely despises the gods. This may be partially driven by the black mark of the serpent plaguing him.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: It's no accident.
  • Secretly Dying: He bears the black mark of the serpent denoting magaiation and has been taking pills to slow the process. But he's nearing his limit thanks to specific triggers.
  • The Slacker: Most of the time, he just makes everyone else do things for him and he's called out for it.
  • Stepford Smiler: Despite his near-constant smile, it's usually fake.
  • Turbulent Priest: He has a lot of issues for a man of the cloth.
  • Vicariously Ambitious: Though he takes the backseat, this high priest is more than involved in manipulating Imhotep to serve his ends.


A high priest of the Amen Priesthood, one of Khonsu's bodyguards. Serving as his right-hand woman, she helps the fellow high priest with a variety of tasks and can manipulate water by the use of Neith's Carpet, who is an ancient Egyptian goddes of many things including water. She can be very motherly but is also not to be messed with.

  • Action Girl: Using Neith's Carpet, she can manipulate a small stream of water that surround her like a sash. She is also able to throw a knife with scary accuracy.
  • The Bait: She acts as a helpless bystander to lure magai while helping Harugo and Imhotep get accustomed to being a team.
  • Big Sister Instinct: She's extremely protective of "Haru" and worries about his loner attitude.
  • Blind Obedience: She's perfectly willing to follow the Ennead without question. This, however, changes when she learns the truth.
  • Bodyguard Crush: She has one for Khonsu, though it's heavily implied this is comphet, as she lets know she's more fond of women.
  • Character Name Alias: "Lato" isn't her real name. What her real name is, is unknown. Only her surname is revealed.
  • Bodyguarding a Badass: She isn't Khonsu's bodyguard to protect him, but to stop him from going out of line.
  • Declaration of Protection: She and Sed promised to protect Khonsu no matter what.
  • The Driver: She's Khonsu's primary driver.
  • The Fettered: As part of their promise, she and Sed agreed to even kill the other should either ever betray Khonsu.
  • Fire-Forged Friends / True Companions: She and Sed have a deep bond of trust due to their time together as Khonsu's bodyguards.
  • Foreign Exchange Student: She's from the Egypt Chapter but trained under Chief Yata at the Japan Chapter in her youth. This is because she fleed from her family, who lashed and eventually killed her caretaker for being too kind and soft to her when she was only several years old.
  • Handshake Substitute: She and Sed fistbump.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Everyone in the priesthood knows her as a scary sadist who's more like a character from Mad Max than a proper lady. This is the half truth.
  • High Priest: She's the same rank as her boss, technically.
  • I Gave My Word: Invokes this during her fight against Cleopatra and Sed, regarding their promise.
  • Just Friends: She rejected Sed's confession, leaving them as this.
  • Making a Splash: She can call upon and manipulate water. Her main weapon is a water sash titled Neith's Carpet.
  • Meaningful Name: Lato's name likely comes from Latopolis, where Neith was one of its guardian deities.
  • Morality Chain: According to Khonsu, they're there to protect others from him.
  • Mistaken for Romance / She Is Not My Girlfriend: She correct Cleopatra's assumption that she and Sed are lovers.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong / Undying Loyalty: She ultimately continues to serve Khonsu despite his obvious hostility to the gods she worships.
  • Ninja Maid: She performs various miscellaneous tasks on Khonsu's behalf.
  • Ojou: She's actually from the prestigious priest family, House Osiris, being the second eldest sibling after Ausir.
  • Onee-sama: She's seen as this by most who meet her, as well as her little brother.
  • Palm on Cheek Pose: After seeing Harugo and Inaba passionately open up to each other.
  • Power of Trust: She refused to believe Sed would be brainwashed despite appearances.
  • Sexy Secretary: An excellent aide and beautiful to boot.
  • Sour Supporter: She's quick to criticize Khonsu's comments and occasionally demeanor, keeping him in line in this way as well.
  • Supernatural Aid: She has the protection of the Egyptian war goddess Neith.
  • Student–Master Team: She trained Harugo in swordplay and using his Ka.
  • Team Mom: Subverted. Despite being the team captain, she had no confidence in mediating Harugo and Inaba's hostility toward each other during their reconnaissance mission. She is, however, very motherly in her behavior and she wishes to become a good mom in her ideal future.
  • Technically a Smile: She smiled while asking Inaba to find Harugo for the mission, but he could feel the menacing aura of a Mad Max character behind it.
  • Tomboyish Ponytail: She wears her hair up in the back.
  • Trauma Button: She was bit by a dog as a child, and can't stand them even now. This is also the reason why she doesn't want to 'date' Sed, who likes dogs and smells like them. She even attacks Im's Anubis the second she sees him, despite the pup only offering her a snack.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Cleopatra called her out when she decided to kill her and Sed together despite the latter's past relationship.


A priest of the Amen Priesthood, one of Khonsu's bodyguards. Serving as his eyes and ears, he helps the high priest with intelligence and espionage. Due to trauma in his childhood, he doesn't speak and always wears a mask over his nose and mouth. He is loyal to Khonsu because he's the one who saved him and gave him a reason to live. Despite wearing the black uniform, his skills rival Lato's.

  • Bodyguarding a Badass: He isn't Khonsu's bodyguard to protect him, but to stop him from going out of line..
  • Brainwashed: By Cleopatra. Subverted since it was all an act.
  • Character Name Alias: "Sed" isn't his real name. His real name is unknown.
  • Cool Mask: With goggles too.
  • Double Agent: He only pretended to be brainwashed by Cleopatra in order to collect vital intelligence for Khonsu.
  • The Driver: He's Khonsu's designated driver when both the boss and Lato drink.
  • Evil Costume Switch: He wears a magai cultist cloak after Cleopatra brainwashes him. He switches back once the act is over.
  • Fire-Forged Friends / True Companions: He and Lato have a deep bond of trust due to their time together as Khonsu's bodyguards.
  • Finger Poke of Doom: To Harugo, Inaba, Yuuto, and Hinome. Though it's more of a flick of the fingers than anything. The latter for sneaking out to join Im's group, the other three for not sending her back.
  • Gentle Giant: Despite how he looks, he's a sweet guy who loves dogs, is a bit of a romantic, and normally couldn't kill an ally unless asked by that very person.
  • Hand Signals: To tip off Lato that Cleopatra's body was made of dirt.
  • Handshake Substitute: He and Lato fistbump.
  • Heartbroken Badass: Lato rejected him because he smelled like a dog.
  • Hopeless Suitor: He has a crush on Lato but she's not interested.
  • If I Wanted You Dead...: Lato pointed out that Harugo and Inaba would already be dead if he actually intended to kill them while pretending to be brainwashed.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's a swift hand-to-hand fighter.
  • Meaningful Name: Sed is another name for Wepwawet, who is connected to Neith.
  • Mercy Kill / Shoot the Dog: Lato decided to kill him rather than allow him to remain Cleopatra's puppet. Subverted since it was revealed to all be an act.
  • Mistaken for Romance: Cleopatra assumes he and Lato were lovers.
  • Morality Chain: According to Khonsu, he and Lato are there to protect others from him.
  • Parrying Bullets: He can block and deflect magic attacks with his claws.
  • The Silent Bob: Most people can understand him despite not saying a word.
  • The Speechless: He can't speak and most often signals things with his hands or eyes.
  • Supernatural Aid: He's been granted the protection of the war god Wepwawet.
  • Tranquil Fury: Everyone could tell he was furious about Hinome secretly stowing away with Im's team on a mission in Egypt.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Harugo questions how, brainwashed or no, he could allow his former partner to get beat on by Cleopatra.

     Wadjityuuto Osiris

A high priest of the Amen Priesthood's Egypt Chapter and youngest sibling of House Osiris. Khonsu assigned him as Imhotep and co.'s guide and support during their stay in Egypt. He's a huge fan of his sister Lato. Uses a gun as his weapon.

  • Berserk Button: He doesn't like it when people get closer to his sister, Lato. He can't stand Khonsu in particular.
  • Big Brother Worship: He adores Lato to the point he's a huge fan of her.
  • Black Sheep: His failures in the field have made him a sour spot upon his family's reputation, which weighs heavily on him.
  • Black Mage: He uses holy magic with his gun as a sort of staff.
    • The Power of the Sun: He can summon a boat with a mirror that turns sunlight into a Death Ray, though less powerful than Imhotep's spell.
    • True Sight: His left eye allows him to see the Ka within others' souls and identify its shape and condition. By extension, he can see the black mark of the serpent.
  • The Cape: He wears a small one for his uniform.
  • Child Soldier: He's about Imhotep and Hinome's age and has been fighting as a priest since long before then.
  • Childhood Friends: With Hapi, to his chagrin.
  • The Coats Are Off: When revealing his uniform after being demeaned one too many times by lower-ranking priests, surprising pretty much everyone.
  • Conspicuous Trenchcoat: In Egypt... During summer...
  • Dirty Coward: Played With. In the past, he continually failed to support his subordinates and abandoned them, putting his right to his rank into question. But it's driven him to stand his ground no matter how terrifying the situation.
  • Disappointing Older Sibling: Inverted. His older brother is ashamed to be related to him.
  • Facial Markings: His face bears the Eye of Horus around his left eye, reflecting his power.
  • High Priest: Despite his age, much to the surprise of many.
  • Knight Templar: He would've killed Hinome as a "monster" simply because a Ka was disturbingly absent from her soul if not for more pressing issues.
  • Large Ham: He tends to make a big deal about everything.
  • Meaningful Name: Wadjit is a snake goddess associated with the Eye of Horus or Ra. His surname, Osiris, also has a connection to Ra.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: He refuses to let any man get near Lato and potentially romance her.
  • Mysterious Watcher: He attempted to spy on Imhotep's group from afar like this. It failed miserably.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Almost no one calls him by his full name, preferring simply "Yuuto" instead, much to his chagrin.
  • Princely Young Man / The Proud Elite: Much of his attitude comes from being a member of the prestigious House Osiris.
  • Run or Die: He attempts to hold off Ramesses while telling Imhotep and the others to escape, despite being terrified and shaking in fear.
  • Secret-Keeper: He decides against revealing the fact that Khonsu bears the black mark of the serpent on his body to Imhotep or anyone else.
  • Sour Supporter: As far as he's concerned, he's carrying a know-nothing team consisting of a 3.000-year old man and country bumpkins from mundane society.
  • Sweet Tooth: Downplayed, but he can't stomach anything sour or bitter, like coffee.
  • Too Clever by Half: He's a rather knowledgeable priest but pretty inept in many other things.
  • Young Gun: He uses a revolver to cast holy magic instead of a conventional staff.

     Ausir Osiris

The eldest son of House Osiris and originally thought to become the next head of the family. He has a strong yet warped sense of justice that he's stubborn about acting through. Later on, however, he starts anew and is a much more likeable person.

  • Aloof Big Brother: Serious and to the point.
  • Berserk Button: Due to his past, the mention of Imhotep angers him
  • The Cape: His uniform includes a short one like his little brother.
  • Child Prodigy: He was overseeing a major experiment within the priesthood when he was still a pre-teen. It's also made clear by none other than Imhotep that Ausir's skills in controlling mummies/the dead is unmatched and that it is extremely difficult to master.
  • Childhood Friends: With Hapi.
  • Cool Mask: He wore one like his subordinates as a child. It resembled a profile view of Amun.
  • Creepy Child: Due to his family's indoctrination, he gladly partook in cruel and unusual acts.
  • Death Glare: Shot one back at her when Hinome claimed he could never replace Imhotep.
  • Death Seeker: Played with. The House Osiris creed is "die, become a departed soul, and fulfill one's duty at the gods' sides," but most actively seek theirs and by extension all of humanity's death to cleanse the world.
  • Disappointing Older Sibling: Inverted. He considers his baby brother's cowardice a stain on his life.
  • Facial Markings: Like Yuuto, he bears an Eye of Horus around his left eye. It is, however, not real and a tattoo.
  • Final Solution / Kill All Humans: He oversees Project Sekhmet in order to eliminate Apophis once and for all and return the world to its original, "pure" state.
  • The Fundamentalist: Even more so than most high-ranking priests. He believes the gods' will and survival must come above humanity's no matter the situation. A priest less dedicated than that is a "phony".
  • High Priest: He attained the rank as a teen.
  • In the Hood: In his youth, his uniform cape came with one.
  • Mad Scientist: Oversaw countless women bursting into flames after their Ka was torn out and replaced with a fragment of Sekhmet's spirit for the Humanity Extermination Plan without any remorse. As a child.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is an alternate form of the name Osiris.
  • Necromancer: Fitting his family name being the King of the Underworld.
    • Animate Dead: "Osiris Meshaa" allows him to reanimate corpses through a wand.
    • I Know Your True Name: As the current head of House Osiris, he knows Isis's Words of Power in order to prevent any internal rebellions.
  • Oh, Crap!: After seeing Anubis take control of his reanimation magic.
  • Princely Young Man: As the eldest son of House Osiris.
  • Samurai Ponytail: A large, fuzzy one.
  • You Will Be Spared: He agreed to allow Himawari to be exiled instead of outright disposed of after seeing Dr. Hawakata's sudden kiss and proposal to her.


Ausir's childhood friend and chief subordinate. Serving as his right-hand man, he helps carry out the prestigious high priest's plans with an ever present grin on his face. He supports Ausir no matter what.

  • Affably Evil: He's typically upbeat and cheery even while indulging his darker side.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Despite how he first appears, he turns out to be pretty sinister. Though he's not always like this.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: His face is constantly plastered with one.
  • Childhood Friends: With Ausir and Yuuto.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: He acts silly, laidback, and somewhat spacey.
  • Eyes Always Shut: His eyes are shown opened only once.
  • High Priest: Despite his station, he's the same rank as the children of House Osiris.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: He casually gave Hinome a Pervy Patdown while she was isolated from the group, solidifying him as a "creep" as she put it.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He made Hinome physically and emotionally uncomfortable before whispering promises that her power over Sekhmet could be useful to Im in order to make her cooperate.
  • Meaningful Name: Hapi is the god of the Nile and also one of the heads on the canopic jars, the one that contains the lungs, which is Hapi's Magai form when he takes the pill.
  • Sassy Secretary: He's unafraid to play it casual even as Ausir's right-hand man.


The chief medical doctor of Per-Ankh operating from the Amen Priest Capital in Egypt. As a specialist with Ka, he spearheads the research and operation on priests' spirits. With bandages around his mouth and neck and the fact he looks quite tired and sickly, many find him quite the creepy individual. He is, however, a nice guy that wants nothing more than to help cure his colleagues and protect his friends.He has also known Khonsu for over a decade and affectionately calls him Khonkhon.

There is a row of piercings by his collarbones; this is his way of keeping count on how many of how many patients he could not save.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Khonsu calls him "Hessi".
  • Bandaged Face: A mask of bandages covers his lower face down to his collarbone.
  • Ancient Egypt: Hesire, or Hesi-Ra, was an actual existing person back in ancient Egypt. He was said to be the personal physician of pharaoh Djoser and even knew quite a bit about dentistry.
  • Comically Inept Healing: Subverted. Harugo's screaming during the operation put Hesire's skill into question, but he ultimately proves his credentials are merited.
  • Creepy Shadowed Undereyes: You'd almost think he could kill you before healing you.
  • Deadly Doctor: He's perfectly able and willing to end lives if necessary.
  • Dr. Feelgood: He gives Khonsu experimental pills to suppress his black mark of the serpent and test their effectiveness.
  • Dressed to Heal: He wears an open doctor's labcoat together with a simple shirt that has an Ankh symbol upon it, which is the symbol for life in Egyptology.
  • Healing Hands: He specializes in examining and treating Ka and so personally operates on his patients' damaged spirits.
  • High Priest: His doctor's labocoat doubles as his ranking uniform.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: His reasoning for killing many of his patients after they transformed into magai.
  • Magic Antidote: He's researching a means to cure magaiation so that he won't have to continually put down his fellow priests.
  • Mercy Kill: He's killed his own comrades despite not wanting to because the alternative was letting them rampage as monsters.
  • Messy Hair: He doesn't seem to take care of his appearance.
  • Nerves of Steel: He takes horrifying developments in stride and talks about some disturbing subjects with clinical detachment. He is a doctor, after all.
  • Professor Guinea Pig: As soon as he got a sample of the magai cult's new drug, he immediately ingested a pill to confirm his hypothesis without any preliminary analysis.
  • Slasher Smile: Whenever his medical research goes well.

     Kurou Yata

The chief of the Amen Priesthood Japan Chapter and leader of the Crow's Brood. Over the years as chapter chief, he took in numerous children victimized by magai or their worshipers, leading those who went on to be priests themselves. Despite being only in his forty's, he's easily mistaken to be much older than that.

  • A Father to His Men: All the priests he took in as children look up to him as a surrogate father and he treats them as if they were his own.
  • Apologises a Lot: He frequently apologizes to Harugo for not saving his family from a magai.
  • Appeal to Force: His solution to problems in his younger priest days, as he was one of the extremists.
  • Guilt Complex: He feels tremendous guilt over arriving too late to save Harugo's family. Subverted once it's revealed his unnecessarily harsh rhetoric gave the magai the opening to possess Harugo's father and slaughter the clan beforehand.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Averted. He intended to sacrifice himself, but he ultimately survived.
  • High Priest: Promoted sometime after the death of Harugo's family.
  • I Should Have Been Better: Had he not been so carelessly callous, Harugo would still have a loving family, and Yata knows it.
  • Implied Death Threat: He warned Haruaki Misora to hand over the magai in his possession before something "bad" happened to him or his family. He was right, but it was also Yata's own fault it happened to begin with.
  • Knight Templar: Due to his personal grudge, the punishments he once mete out to magai cultists were excessive, and he readily took matters into his own hands. He's considerably mellowed out though after taking in orphaned children.
  • Meaningful Name: "Kurou" is a Japanese homophone for the English "crow" and also means "black" while "Yata" is likely taken from Yatagarasu, a three-legged crow in Japanese mythology.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After seeing the possessed Haruaki slaughtered everyone *but* his son, Harugo.
  • Not Afraid to Die: He'd gladly die to Cleopatra's torture so the Crow's Brood wouldn't have to worry about him or the magai sealed inside his body.
  • Papa Wolf: Or Papa Crow, as he says.
  • Parental Substitute: To everyone in Crow's Brood.
  • The Penance: He considered slowly dying over a few decades to contain the magai he unwittingly unleashed to be atonement for letting Harugo's family die.
  • Rapid Aging: Despite how he looks, he's still only 49. The price of keeping the magai sealed within his body was it siphoning his life force.
  • Retired Badass: He was removed from active duty due to "illness" after rescuing Harugo The truth was because he became vessel for a magai.
  • Revenge: He originally joined the Amen Priesthood to avenge his wife and child's murder by magai culstists.
  • See You in Hell: His thoughts as he prepared to commit suicide and kill both him and the magai sealed inside him.
  • Strong and Skilled: He was just a bruiser in his early priest days, but he's since learned to be more thoughtful and precise in his approach.
  • Taking You with Me: When he intended to die with Magai Seth.
  • Tears of Joy: When Harugo thanked his "Dad" for saving him.
  • Tears of Remorse: Whenever he thinks about how he thoughtlessly ruined Harugo's childhood.

Church of the Magai


  • Apocalypse Cult: Known more widely as the cult of the magai, and it's end goal is the destruction of the world.
  • Black Cloak: Many of the generic members wear one, together with an upside down Ankh symbol.
  • Chest Insignia: Their uniforms wear one or more reverse Ankhs on their chests.
  • Human Sacrifice: This is quite common, but is more mentioned rather than shown.
  • The Mole: The church has had eyes and ears in every branch of the Amen Priesthood since practically the day Djoser was sealed.
  • Psycho Serum: It produces drugs that create the Black Mark of the Serpent in order to accelerate magaiation.
  • Religion of Evil: The cult has existed in one form or another all around the world since the magai were unleashed, worshiping Djoser and magai to obtain power.
  • Second Coming: Their main objective is fully resurrecting their leader, Djoser.

Djoser during his princely days.

Imhotep's first and childhood friend whom he shares an unbreakable bond with. A prince of ancient Egypt, Djoser was the very first to try to pull Im from his lonely and solitary world by persistently trying to drag him along into things with gentle bullying, even stealing his headdress/mask. Because he had seen the state the country was in and thanks to Im having scolded him, Djoser promised to become Pharaoh to better the land for his people, because he was sure his older brother was not going to. He is, however, unaware of the cruel fate that awaits him.

He's the Big Bad of the story as the Pharaoh of the Magai.

  • Prince Djoser
    • Childhood Friends: With Imhotep. He's the one who originally coined his nickname "Im" and inspired the priest to try living more as a normal boy.
    • Memento MacGuffin: As Im and Djoser promised to be there for one another as Pharaoh and Vizier, Djoser had matching bracelets made for them both; his with a red stone and Im's with a blue stone. This marked the start of their unbreakable bond. However, Im's broke the moment the young prince died and his heart thrown into Hell. Yet, Djoser's bracelet remains with him at all times, as it's the catalyst for his soul in his clay body he uses in the present day. This means that even though he was so angry at Im, the bracelet still meant so much to him; as a soul's catalyst can only be something that it's owner places great value in.
    • It Sucks to Be the Chosen One: But not in the way you'd expect.
    • The Chosen One: Though he was not aware of it until the promised day, Djoser had a soul of the sun which had to be sacrificed to quell the miasma within Hell. This meant cutting out his still beating heart while he was still very much alive.
      • Deal with the Devil: Cooperates with Apophis after their souls merge so he could get his revenge on those that wronged him. However, Apophis used this to his advantage to take control of Djoser's body.
    • Dragged Off to Hell: His heart carying his soul of the sun was ripped from his chest while he was still alive and thrown through Hell's Gate. While there, he met Apophis and they agreed to merge and have Revenge.
    • Enlightened Antagonist: He rebels against the gods after merging with Apophis and learning the Ennead set up the universe so he had to be betrayed by Im and suffer a miserable death.
    • Et Tu, Brute?: In his rage at the supposed betrayal by Im, the fact he was a sacrifice hit him even harder; the first priest whom he killed by beheading them, was the one who had used magic to make themself look exactly like Im.
    • God-Emperor: In this canon, members of the royal family are considered to be living gods.
    • Historical Domain Character: Based on an actual Pharaoh named Djoser, who's vizier was called Imhotep.
    • Life of the Party: Djoser is, by nature, a lively and energetic young man who is very likeable and liked by the people. He's also quite active and often drags Im along to do more things outside the town they live in or simply hang out with him.
    • Nice Guy: Kind, warm.. Djoser is the perfect example of a nice guy. But despite that, he knows when being nice doesn't do the job and he can be tougher if need be. He is, however, still kind to Apophis when he kills him one last time after the final battle despite having spent a hellish 3.000 years with him.
    • Noodle Incident: He and Im apparently nearly died in the desert when they went out to play one time, however that happened.
    • Odd Friendship: He and Imhotep become the best of friends, perhaps even more, despite coming from feuding factions.
    • Pint-Sized Kid: Djoser was pretty small and weak before hitting his teens. This is because, thanks to following Im's advice, he began to eat a lot more and healthier.
    • Royals Who Actually Do Something: The prince was much more involved with the common citizen and their well-being than either his father or the priests.
    • Was It All a Lie?: His reaction when he learns he was born to be a Human Sacrifice and Imhotep knew it all along. Needless to say, he hates lies.
    • Body Horror: We are treated to a lovely shot of his chest wide open, with his heart missing and blood gushing out. Im actually vomits upon seeing it.
Pharaoh of the Magai Djoser with the Third Eye symbol.

  • Pharaoh of the Magai
    • A Child Shall Lead Them: Djoser becomes Pharaoh of the Magai as a teen and seemingly hasn't aged for thousands of years. It's stated he was 15 when he 'died'.
    • Accidental Pervert: He walked in on Cleopatra while she was still naked. He headed straight for the exit, but Cleopatra demanded he state his business before he did leave.
    • Affably Evil: He often still acts like his old, more awkward and silly, self even after his revival, especially with Im. However, something is off about him.
    • The Ageless: Despite being 3.000 years old, he looks no different than he did before his death. This is because he uses magic to create a temporary clay vessel identical to his original body.
    • Ancient Evil: He's actually merged with the evil deity predating Creation that his sacrifice was supposed to keep sealed in Hell.
    • Arch-Enemy: To Imhotep.
    • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: He went from an ordinary prince of Egypt to Pharaoh of the Magai with all the dark powers you'd expect from the avatar of a wicked god.
    • Back from the Dead: His body was rendered immobile by Imhotep and sealed away for many millennia. However, as his actual body was sealed away, his soul still roamed freely as it is linked to the golden and red bracelet that match Im's, which is the core of his clay body.
    • Big Eater: He'll eat dozens of plates full of food in one sitting. Claims it's because he's Pharaoh of the Magai. This is, however, because his body is inhabited by Apophis.
    • Came Back Wrong: Because he was possessed by Apophis, who's hellbent on wreaking havoc and chaos for the sake of revenge against those who shunned him.
    • Fog of Doom: Can create and manipulate Miasma.
      • Power of the Void: His most frequent form of dark magic, capable of absorbing and redirecting anything.
      • Teleportation: Via his black holes. It's how he gets around so quickly.
      • Gravity Master: Another byproduct of his power over black holes.
    • Devil in Plain Sight: Djoser infiltrated the Amen Priest Nation but dropped his disguise since most won't recognize him to begin with. He even outright reveals himself to a waiter only to be taken as making a horrible joke, much to Im's anxiety.
    • The Dreaded: The Amen priests all fear the cult of magai resurrecting Djoser, for good reason.
    • Double Consciousness: Rather than this Djoser being a single person, it is a combination of Djoser and Apophis sharing one soul, as they were both incomplete. It's Apophis who takes the reigns.
    • Equal-Opportunity Evil: He recruits various Pharaohs of different ethnicities and time periods to his cause.
    • Evil Costume Switch: He starts wearing black after his revival. Even his original white outfit turned black the moment he and Apophis merged into one being.
    • Evil Former Friend: To Imhotep.
    • Evil Is Petty: Almost destroyed an entire city because he found the constant interruptions to his long-awaited reunion with Im annoying.
    • Evil Laugh: While watching countless newborn magai rampage through the Amen Priest Nation, of course.
    • Evil Makes You Monstrous: After his revival, he starts having Black Eyes of Crazy and fangs during especially evil moments. Later turns out to be Apophis's facade slipping.
    • False Reassurance: He promises Im he won't harm anyone in the Amen Priest Nation. And he doesn't, because it wasn't him who did it. Even so, he doesn't mention it to Im until it's too late to prevent it.
    • Foil: To Imhotep. They both have disdain for the Ennead but their reactions to the gods' manipulations couldn't be more different otherwise.
    • Foreshadowing: Something clearly possessed Djoser shortly after his resurrection, and Imhotep noticed, but it isn't addressed again until Apophis finally introduces himself to Im.
    • God of Evil: After Hell's Gate opened, Djoser merged with Apophis, who's warred with the other gods since before Creation, making his status as Pharaoh (god-king) of the Magai especially appropriate.
    • Golem: With his true body sealed, his soul uses life-sized clay dolls in the interim.
    • Has a Type: He prefers busty women with dark skin, citing Beyoncé as an example. This was, however, from a comeday omake and is thus not canon.
    • Mark of the Beast: His Facial Markings are a sign that Apophis's facade is slipping.
    • Omnicidal Maniac: His new goal post-resurrection is destroying the world, including every god and human in existence, and creating a new one free of divine influence. Apophis seems mainly interested in the journey to get there.
    • Out of Continues: Despite their resilience, Djoser's clay bodies do have their limits, and he retreats when he clearly bit off more than he could chew.
    • Resurrective Immortality: Despite Im killing him shortly after his revival, Djoser casually returns millennia after the fact. Later revealed his actual immortal body remains in the Amen Priesthood's custody and he's using a clay body to move about.
    • Revenge: Everything he does is payback for what the gods and their priests put him through.
    • Sealed Evil in a Can: Once Im killed him after his first revival, the Amen Priesthood sealed Djoser's body and kept it under close watch for millennia. Subverted since his soul was freely inhabiting clay golems the whole time.
    • Self-Recovery Surprise: Subverted. While he shrugs off Im's decisive blow, his temporary body's permanently damaged and soon starts completely falling apart after some further fighting.
    • Serpent of Immortality: His expression frequently takes on more snake-like characteristics after his revival. Later revealed to be because he's actually the immortal Chaos Serpent Apophis.
    • Slasher Smile: He flashes Im one of these when offering to help his "best bud" save Hinome.
    • Slouch of Villainy: His preferred manner of sitting. His posture is quite lax.
    • Talking to Themself: He chats with himself both out loud and in his own mind after his resurrection. Later revealed to be between himself and Apophis.
    • Third Eye: His occasional Facial Markings include one. Most notable when Apophis first merges with the prince, enlightening him about the Soul Destiny.
    • Troll: Djoser takes glee in playing jokes on others at their expense, especially when they're cruel and twisted.
    • Utopia Justifies the Means: He believes a world without the gods and their Soul Destiny system would be best for humanity. And he's right.
    • The Usual Adversaries: He's used to curb-stomping Amen priests coming after him in a blind rage for creating the magai.
    • Villains Never Lie: Djoser hates lies and so Im typically takes him at face value despite being enemies. Unfortunately for him, he also loves twisting the truth to get a reaction out of the priest as Apophis.
    • Villains Out Shopping: Im suddenly encounters Djoser at the Amen Priest Nation. The reason? Snuck out to enjoy the local festival with him.
    • Villain Takes an Interest: Ideally, he'd like Im to join him due to their shared hatred for the gods and the Soul Destiny they gave them. Im, however, refuses due to not wanting anyone to come to harm.
    • Vitriolic Best Buds: Despite both still considering the other to be their best friend, they now treat each other as bitter enemies. Djoser acts especially cruel toward Im.
    • Walking Spoiler: The fact Djoser is also an avatar of Apophis.
    • We Can Rule Together: He offers Im the chance to help him create his new utopian world free of the gods' control. Im refuses.
    • We Used to Be Friends: He was Imhotep's first and only friend in Ancient Egypt. Then he became Pharaoh of the Magai and now Im has to kill him to prevent him from destroying the world.
    • You Have No Idea Who You're Dealing With: Invokes this every time some Amen priest thinks they're somehow going to be the one to kill him all by themselves.
    • Friends To Rivals To Friends: After the final battle, the true Djoser manages to be alive due to borrowing Hinome's ka for several minutes and they manage to make amends with one another. This is, however, short-lived as Djoser returns to his mummy self when his borrowed ka is fully returned to Hinome.

     Cleopatra VII Philopator

The last Pharaoh of Egypt. After dying failing to conquer the world, she's resurrected by Djoser as one of his servants. With the promise of becoming Queen of his new world empire, she faithfully serves his efforts to destroy the Amen Priesthood with the magai.

  • A Taste of Their Own Medicine: Imhotep used her own magic against her. She later twisted Djoser's own words against him after he insulted her age and appearance.
  • Absurdly Youthful Mother: Subverted. Her son's long dead and her current body is an intentionally modified clay doll.
  • Armor-Piercing Response: To Imhotep. He told her ancients like them had no right to threaten the "present age" despite their cursed fates and many regrets. She reminded him she had a "present" too.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: She quickly picks up on subtle signs to her opponent's personality and habits so she can zero in on a weakness or adapt on the fly.
  • Baddie Flattery: She stroked Im's ego to get him to confirm he was the great priest himself.
  • Be Careful What You Say / I Know Your True Name: She knows the forbidden spell Isis's Words of Power, allowing her to Brainwash humans by invoking their true name. It can be resisted though.
  • Berserker Tears: When Imhotep essentially suggested her death barred her from finding happiness.
  • Bling of War / Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: She looks more ready for an ancient Egyptian soirée than soldiering, which may be intentional.
  • Break Them by Talking: And she's pretty good at it.
  • Broken Bird: After her death and before she met Djoser.
  • Burial at Sea / Undignified Death: Instead of being mummified and entombed like a proper Pharaoh, she died a dog's death in Alexandria and was just left at the sea bottom for millennia. This is Artistic License – History, as the real Cleopatra was buried in a tomb alongside Marc Anthony by Augustus.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: Djoser's servants purposefully enlarged her breasts. He approved.
  • The Chessmaster: In life, she used political guile, sex appeal, and military might to preserve her dynasty. She now applies it to Djoser's plans. Also shown playing Senet during her introduction proper.
  • Clean Cut: Lato dismembered her first body in its entirety instantly. Helps it was made of clay.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: After her second defeat, she vowed to strip Imhotep and his friends of their skin as part of their slow and painful deaths.
  • Cruel Mercy: She had Yata's aide suffer a life-threatening wound but intentionally in a manner that'd likely get him healed by his cromades in time.
  • Cuddle Bug: She's very hands-on with males.
  • Dark Action Girl: Cleopatra looks helpless at first glance. It's a ruse.
    • Action Mom: She went through the tribulations of swordsmanship and childbirth.
    • Dance Battler: Her fighting style emphasizes dexterity and agility, and she even alludes to fighting being a dance.
    • Dual Wielding: She wields a scimitar in each hand.
    • Lady of War: Though a bit more malevolent than most.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: She and her husband Antonius set out to face the invading Roman navy in the Battle of Actium. They're instead met by the Amen Priesthood aiding the enemy. Her fleet was defeated, her husband committed suicide, her son was killed, and her kingdom collapsed. This after the death of her first love Caesar kickstarted the conflict.
  • Deal with the Devil: Djoser offered her the fulfillment of her dream and revenge against everyone who wronged her in exchange for serving him. She gladly accepted.
  • Determinator: Even after taking the full brunt of a magai's power, an Ennead no less, she kept fighting to protect it, nearly stopping Harugo.
  • Did You Think I Can't Feel?: When Imhotep suggested present day people's pursuit of happiness superseded the dead's ambitions, like hers. After looking like a malevolent demon up until that point, Cleopatra broke down and showed herself to be just a woman who had her own life and loved ones and wasn't afforded any such clemency regardless.
  • Dominatrix: Domineering and rejecting anyone else have control of the situation.
  • Electric Torture: Her method of convincing Yata to release the magai sealed within his body.
  • Ephebophile: While she generally only falls for strong men, she makes an exception for Imhotep.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: She feels Antonius betrayed her by trying to kill himself and leave both her and her son behind when things went south.
  • Evil Gloating: She tries keeping it under wraps since it shows her hand but she can't help herself sometimes.
  • Evil Laugh: She can't help laughing at others' suffering.
  • Evil Makes You Monstrous: Like Djoser, she starts having eyes with black sclera and fangs during especially evil moments.
  • Evil Makes You Ugly: Played With. She's physically gorgeous but the more wicked she acts, the more unsightly her portrayal. Peaks with her body getting mangled by Magai Seth.
  • Evil Matriarch: Downplayed since her son's already dead by the time she turned evil.
  • Evil Wears Black: She wears a black dress following her resurrection.
  • The Fake Cutie: She'll play up her Moe factor when the need arises, but it's usually to lull others into a false sense of security.
  • Faux Affably Evil: When she's being friendly or funny, it's almost certainly an act.
  • Female Misogynist: She refuses to have women as her servants since she only likes strong men, and weak women are especially pathetic to her.
  • Femme Fatale: Don't let her looks fool you. Her dangerous aura is quite real.
  • Foil: To Djoser. Both had their lives ruined by the Ennead, driving them to seek vengeance, and bear associations with snakes. Their key difference is she's actually invested in ruling their new world empire and not totally without scruples.
  • Frontline General: Though it's implied she never actually fought on the battlefield in life, she at least commanded her troops from her throne at the lead.
  • Go for the Eye: Stopped short of killing Harugo thanks to Yata sniping her eye. He did say he would.
  • Golem: Her soul inhabits clay dolls the same as Djoser.
  • Good Parents: Even when everything was falling apart around her, her first priority was ensuring her son's safety.
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: She holds a pipe while playing Senet in the Amen Priesthood's Japan Chapter headquarters, but it's unlit and she's never shown with one again.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She wants all lovers to suffer tragedy since her relationships with Caesar and Antonius met such a fate. Her face contorts into empty sockets and a gaping maw to match.
  • Hammerspace: She suddenly pulled her swords out of nowhere, much to Harugo and Inaba's surprise. Potentially Justified as they're engraved with seemingly magic runes.
  • Heel–Face Turn: She turns on Apophis upon learning that he was the one who actually orchestrated her fall, and that the reason the Amen Priesthood turned on her was because Mark Anthony was in league with the cultists.
  • The High Queen: She was a beautiful and noble ruler in life. But now...
  • Historical Domain Character: Based on the real-life Cleopatra, and one of the more faithful to their historical counterpart.
  • In Its Hour of Need: She went down with her fleet defending Egypt and her son while her husband took the easy way out.
  • In the Back: By Magai Seth. The poor woman really can't trust anyone.
  • Internalized Categorism: She despises pathetic women, having also been completely helpless and distraught in the moments leading up to her death.
  • Karmic Death: Averted. While she again fell into the ocean after suffering a crushing defeat, she's later revealed to have survived, barely.
  • Kick Them While They Are Down: Did this to Lato just to draw out her suffering before she killed her. Later did the same to Yata when he noticed she was soft.
  • Lady and Knight: Her two great loves in life were both Roman generals.
  • Losing Your Head / Not Quite Dead: After her second clay body was severely mutilated and submerged in seawater, she was reduced to just a head.
  • Luminescent Blush: Constantly. So long as she's dominating or witnessing others dominating, she'll be turned on by just about anything. Humans, magai, 3000 year old boys.
  • Lured into a Trap: Her combat strategies revolve around tripping up her opponents through various means.
  • Mama Bear: She implied her ambitions in life were motivated in part by her desire to protect her and Caesar's son Caesarion when Yata raged against her turning his "kids" against each other.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Easily provides the most eye candy of any single character in the series.
  • Marshmallow Hell: Subjected Imhotep to this after sneaking up on him.
  • More Deadly Than the Male: While she often relies on men to fight on her behalf, she's stronger than most of them.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: She can hold her own against two young men way more built than her with one hand each, likely because her body's magic-derived.
  • My Name Is Inigo Montoya: When she captured Yata.
  • Narcissist / Vanity Is Feminine: She has a huge complex about how she's perceived physically. Justified since she's considered one of the three most beautiful women in the world.
  • Not My Lucky Day: Her entire lifetime of empire-building was completely undone in a single day along with losing everyone she cared for, plus her own life!
  • Nipple and Dimed: When she first tore off her bandages following her resurrection, her nipples just barely remain covered.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain / Stronger Than They Look: Harugo and co. assumed her reliance on Mooks and seemingly ditzy demeanor meant she was weak and an easy kill. They were wrong.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Lato trapped her in The Weaving Goddess's Red Burial Dress.
  • Out of Continues: Because her remains weren't well preserved, there were only enough to give her one spare body, and she just barely kept that thanks to her skull somehow remaining intact after her second defeat.
  • Playing with Puppets: Averted. She'll at most use the fact they're obedient to throw off her opponents before or during combat. She may be cruel, but she also likes winning.
  • Power is Sexy: She's mainly attracted to strength. Even when Imhotep made her shiver in terror at effortlessly rebounding her spell, she was simultaneously turned on.
  • Psychotic Smirk: Her default expression when neither excited nor losing.
  • Purple Is Powerful / Royal Blood: Purple hair and Queen of the Nile.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: Loathes the gods after realizing they abandoned her for her enemies.
  • Really Gets Around: Averted. Despite her behavior, she was 100% loyal to her two lovers in life.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Despite her beauty, her lifetime was over two millennia ago.
  • Redshirt Army: Following her resurrection, she commands similar golems of the soldiers who served her to the very end. They're not very useful.
  • The Resenter: She blames just about everyone for her sorry fate, even herself, and so takes it out on the entire world.
  • Revenge: She seeks the blood of the Amen Priesthood and their gods as payback for the deaths of her husband and child.
  • Right Under Their Noses: She specialized in infiltration in life, allowing her to easily slip into an enemy base or right up into their personal space undetected. She first met Caesar by stowing away in a carpet to get past the guards and surprise him.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: She took an active role in her country's policies, particularly by strengthening her military and alliances with neighbors like Rome.
  • Say My Name: Justified due to her magic. She later invokes her full name of "Cleopatra VII" when raging over her defeat.
  • Screw Destiny: Her response to the Ennead deeming her entire life as one big mistake, invalidating everything she did for her kin and country.
  • She Is the King: She's Egypt's last Pharaoh.
  • Slasher Smile: Flashes one of these whenever she gets worked up.
  • Smug Snake: There are very few who Cleopatra won't look down upon. Even Djoser earned this attitude from her after he said she was too old to consider dating.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: She was known in life as the Serpent of the Nile, wears a snake-shaped choker, frequently employs serpent-themed allusions, and is depicted with them in various artworks.
  • The So-Called Coward: Imhotep proclaimed she uses a coward's magic. She proceeded to use that ego against him. And shortly after proved perfectly willing and able to fight. She's just not stupid.
  • Start of Darkness: It wasn't until she was betrayed by Rome, the Amen Priesthood, and her own husband that her personality warped into who she is now.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Her perspective on her soldiers following her death.
  • Take Over the World: Her dream in life was to create a world empire to ensure her family and country's future security and prosperity. She views her resurrection as a second chance at achieving it.
  • Talking Your Way Out: Whenever Cleopatra's at a disadvantage in a straight-up fight, she'll rely on guile or magic to turn the situation around.
  • The Tease: She knows how to use her assets.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: The gods decided her, her family, and their dream was wrong to justify destroying them, so she embraces it.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: She refuses to forgive the gods for ruining her life.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: Despite her skill with a blade, she's apparently never actually killed someone and purposefully avoids mortal blows. Since this puts her resolve into question, she hated Yata pointing it out.
  • Underestimating Badassery: She had her doubts the dorky-looking boy she found face-down in the sand really was the Imhotep and so tested her magic on him. He wasn't bluffing.
  • Undying Loyalty: She had this to Egypt as a whole, claiming that everything she did in her life, she did for her country. This is part of the reason it stung so much when she learned that the Priesthood decided to back the Romans during their invasion of Egypt.
  • Unluckily Lucky: First, her fleet sank along with her kingdom, lifelong dream, and very life, but Djoser gave her a second shot at rebuilding it all. Then she failed again, but her skull managed to remain intact so she could have a third try.
  • Unsexy Sadist: Her true self. When it's fully embraced, she acts and looks absolutely unhinged so she tries to restrain herself.
  • Villain Has a Point: Imhotep was thrown off by her Armor-Piercing Response. He expected Cleopatra to just accept her time had passed and that she shouldn't ruin the lives of the living for her own ends. He failed to articulate why death denied her a dream or why she should respect present-day lives; the gods certainly didn't respect hers.
  • Villainous Breakdown: After Imhotep insinuated her death invalidated her dreams, she put her full rage, and grief, on display.
  • Waking Up Elsewhere: After she's killed by Lato in the desert, she wakes up in her backup body on her personal ship some ways away.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Like Djoser, her commitment to the end of the current world order is rooted in bitterness at how it's arbiters treated her life, not to mention the lives of her country and kin.
  • Wicked Cultured: Swordplay and dancing are the hobbies of a top-class lady according to her.
  • Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises: She was legitimately terrified of Im's ability to overpower her in a magic battle without batting an eye.
  • You Have No Idea Who You're Dealing With: Invoked this when Harugo and Inaba severely underestimated her. Ended up on the receiving end when she challenged Imhotep's magic.
  • You Remind Me of X: Herself. She openly admitted that Lato's pathetic state was too Close to Home for her liking.

     Ramesses II

The Brute, Egypt's greatest and longest-living Pharaoh. Long after his death, he's resurrected by Djoser as one of his servants. Pitying the poor prince, he agrees to aid his plans for destruction and domination.

  • The Ace / The Juggernaut: Cleopatra considered him a monster, and his first on-screen battle showed her word choice was entirely justified.
  • Adaptational Dye-Job: Is depicted with a long mane of black hair; even though the historical Ramses is known to have had red hair.
  • Animal Motif: The lion, for obvious reasons.
  • The Anti-Nihilist: Death is the end to him. He doesn't think the dead have a right to interfere with the living for their own regrets. He accepts who he is and how his life turned out.
  • Anti-Villain: He has no interest in messing with the world himself. The only reason he's fighting as Djoser's champion is because he loves the weak and pities the prince.
  • And Now You Must Marry Me: Or rather, his boss. He just saw Hinome was pretty and decided to gift her to Djoser as his bride. He probably recalled their earlier conversation about finding him a girlfriend.
  • Badass Boast: He's quite proud of his long life's accomplishments building great temples and loving many wives.
  • Baddie Flattery: He complemented Imhotep for how well-trained his "vassal" Harugo was.
  • Boisterous Bruiser / Large Ham: He's a jolly old fellow.
  • Blood Knight: He has an unquenchable thirst for battling the strong, and scoured the whole of Egypt for worthy warriors immediately after his revival.
  • Broken Pedestal: He heard stories about the great Imhotep since he was kid but was ultimately disappointed with the genuine article.
  • The Champion: To Djoser, since Imhotep won't.
  • Contrived Coincidence: Lampshaded by Ramses. He just happened to cross paths with Imhotep and co. after wandering Egypt looking for strong foes before falling into a trap when he wanted a brief rest, which just so happened be at the drug facility they were tasked with investigating.
  • Crossdresser: He did this once when Cleopatra suggested Djoser get a girlfriend to comfort him. It scarred Djoser.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: He swiftly defeated Imhotep, Harugo, Inaba, and Yuuto working together without even breaking a sweat.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: His general philosophy.
  • Didn't See That Coming: He was surprised that Hinome not only broke free of his grasp, but even managed to steal back Im's Purification Box.
  • The Dreaded: He's synonymous with despair, and anyone who's met him can vouch for it. Well, except for Hinome.
  • Exact Words: He described him as Djoser's champion, not Apophis', and acts in kind.
  • Fed to the Beast: He accidentally triggered a trap dropping him into a pit of giant lions. Subverted since he "played" with the beasts until they were nigh dead.
  • The Giant: Probably the Goliath of Ancient Egypt.
  • Glory Days: All Pharaohs who came after him despaired having to fill his shoes.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: Imhotep and co. expected a fight the moment they encountered him. Instead, he sat down and settled for a nice chat with drinks.
  • Golem: He's another one of the dead inhabiting a clay doll crafted by Djoser.
  • Good All Along: It's ultimately revealed that he was never on Apophis' side; his goal from the get go was to one day take on Apophis so that he could free Djoser, whom he noticed from the beginning was in pain.
  • The Good King: His reign heralded a golden age for his kingdom not seen since his death.
  • The Hedonist: He loves pursuing wine, women, and revelry when not enjoying battle.
  • Historical Domain Character: Based on an actual Pharaoh Ramses.
  • I Have Many Names: Ramses, Ozymandias, Pharaoh of Pharaohs, the Great Pharaoh, the Most Powerful Pharaoh, Despair.
  • Killing Intent: He gave off a huge aura after encountering Imhotep and co. in Egypt.
  • Look on My Works, Ye Mighty, and Despair: Subverted, strangely enough. He left these words for future generations, and though his kingdom ultimately collapsed, he's now back and living proof of what he meant.
  • Life Will Kill You: He died of natural causes at 90 years of age.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Despite his great size, his speed and reflexes are no less insane.
  • Marry Them All: He took many wives, and is quite proud of that fact.
  • Men Are Tough: The stereotypical manly man.
  • No Challenge Equals No Satisfaction: If you aren't strong, he's not interested in fighting.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: He relies solely on his fists and brute force.
  • One-Man Army: In life, he fought on the battlefield in person and plunged straight into enemy lines, crushing them all.
  • Pet the Dog: He grabbed Hinome's hand when she almost fell to her death.
  • The Power of Friendship: Ramses saw how lonely and pathetic Djoser was after his best friend "abandoned" him and so decided to be the one person on his side.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: He lectured Imhotep for lacking the resolve to actually go through with killing Djoser after "abandoning" his friend to millennia of loneliness and suffering.
  • Really 700 Years Old: He's over 2000 years old.
  • Secret Test of Character: He gave Imhotep a choice between saving Hinome or saving his Purification Box as a recreation of his split between friend and duty with Djoser. The boy hesitated before going for both and immediately failed, proving he was too soft.
  • Shirtless Scene: He wears an open robe revealing his pecs and abs.
  • Strong and Skilled: He has both the strength and technique to use it.
  • Super-Toughness: Only a direct blast from one of Imhotep's strongest spells could threaten him, and he emerged without a scratch when the priest just slightly held back the power.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: There's certainly a reason he had so many wives, besides being Pharaoh.
  • Trial by Combat: His preferred method of settling a dispute.
  • We Help the Helpless: His calling. He believes it's his duty as one of the strong to love and protect the weak, who can't defend themselves.
  • We Used to Be Friends: He had a best friend in life whom left him after they reached an impasse in their relationship. They never reconciled and Ramses implied he felt abandoned. The juxtaposition of a parted sea and the friend's meager clothes and staff in a later flashback indicate he was Moses, who is later explicitly named.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: His method for protecting the weak? Subjugate and enslave them so he can micro-manage their lives free from harm.
  • Worthy Opponent: He gladly accepted Hinome as his opposite in Im and Djoser's struggle.


The Greater-Scope Villain, the embodiment of chaos, darkness and a dud sun god, he has existed before the creation of light and the world, and the source of all negativity currently in existence. Due to the constant battle with the Ennead gods because of his immortality by his connection to Atum, who was born from him, he was cast into Hell by those same gods, vowing to one day come back and punish them and everyone that cast him out. He's now possessing and acting through Djoser.

  • Animal Motif: He's a snake, literally.
  • Ancient Egypt: In Egyptology, Apophis (also called Apep) is the serpent of darkness that the sun god Ra has to fight every night so that he, the sun, would rise again the next morning. This cycle continues and happens every single night, which connects to Apophis coming back to life despite being killed again and again, day in day out. Apep, however, has no connection to Thoth.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: The manga describes Apophis as having been created by the Ogdoad to watch over the Earth in their steady, with Atum-Ra having been born from him. Though there aren't many accounts of his origin, Apophis is believed to have been created after Ra, with most creation myths conspicuously lacking his presence.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: In the mythology, he was a wholly evil being, who sought to destroy creation simply because he hated it and all it stood for. In this, Apophis was originally benevolent, but is motivated by a desire to get revenge on the Ennead for turning humanity against him.
  • Arch-Enemy: To all the Ennead, to such an extent that they once thought the only way to fully erase his influence could be done by erasing all negativy and by extension wiping out humanity rather than the easy way out; killing Atum, who was born from Apophis.
  • As Long as There Is Evil: Apophis planted a fragment of his soul in humanity, swaying their hearts to darkness, turning them against the gods, and occasionally even transforming them into magai. The mark of the black serpent is proof man's been tainted by evil.
  • Big Bad: Turns out he, not Djoser, is the true creator and master of the Magai, and much of the evil in the world can be traced back to him.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: A good way of telling when he's in control is when Djoser's normally golden irises turn black.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: In contrast to Djoser, who seems to believe sincerely that what he's doing is right, Apophis knows very well what he's doing is evil, and just doesn't care. All he wants is to get revenge on those that hurt and shunned him.
  • Chaos Is Evil: Par the course in Ancient Egypt, he's supposedly the true evil of the story.
    • Turns out to be a deconstruction; he was the god of darkness, and as Atum first rose into being, he became reviled as a demon due to his connection to darkness, and grew to hate the other gods and humanity because of it.
  • The Corrupter: Played up, as he not only lures people into doing acts of evil and causing wars, but corrupts them to such a point that they become magai and thus servants only he can control.
  • Death Glare: Imhotep shudders at Apophis' warped look of disgust, so much so that he laments abiding by his promise to not kill him immediately after.
  • Demonic Possession: Not in the strictest sense possession, as Apophis isn't so much possessing Djoser as much as he's functionally merged with him. However, it's revealed that Apophis was always the one in control, and he was only letting Djoser think this was an equal partnership.
  • The Dreaded: All the gods, even the Ennead, are afraid, or at least wary of him, as its indicated he has the power to destroy the world if he was fully released.
  • Exact Words: He's very fond of this practice, quick to note how he never actually made any commitments to anyone. Notably Cleopatra confronts him about his role in Egypt's collapse, and how he said he would help her, Apophis sardonically points out he never actually promised such a thing, merely saying he was "rooting for her". Apophis also mentions that he hates liars and thus not lies himself.
  • Evil Makes You Ugly: The more characters under Apophis' influence indulge in negative emotions, the more unsightly they become.
  • Forced Transformation: He's capable of inflicting this on people he corrupts, slowly turn them into Magai, and later during the final battle, when he's at full power, he's able to do it to everyone (save Im and Hinome) instantly at will.
  • For the Evulz: As the embodiment of chaos, he seems to only exist to wreak havoc, and he loves every second of it.
  • God of Evil: By his own words and actions, he is indeed evil (which is quite ironic, considering why he became 'evil' in the first place), but this is dramatized by the Ennead who throw every issue the world has onto Apophis.
  • Madness Mantra: "It's sickening" after seeing Djoser and Im's continued trust in one another as friends.
  • Mark of the Beast: Those who worship him, have strong negative emotions or have a tainted ka, receive a black mark that resembles a black serpent coiling around their body.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: His only goal is the destruction of all creation, and the spreading of chaos out of a bitter hatred for existence.
  • The Resenter: Apophis' original motivation was he resented Atum for (inadvertently) turning the people against by being the god of light in opposition to his darkness.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: It turns out that Apophis was originally one of the primordial guardians of the world, but when Atum came into existence, Apophis, a being of darkness, began to be scorned as an evil being. He then grew to hate Atum and the rest of the gods, and decided to get revenge on those that cast him out.
  • We Used to Be Friends: He and Thoth were the original gods of existence, but when Apophis fell from grace, their relationship didn't last thanks to Thoth taking too long to reach out to him. This is juxtaposed with the falling out between Djoser and Im.
  • Walking Spoiler: His mere existence is a spoiler in of itself.



  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: How they manage the hierarchy amongst themselves.
  • Awful Truth: They've desperately tried to keep the existence of Apophis and origin of the magai under wraps for millennia.
  • Big, Screwed-Up Family: They're all related, and pretty dysfunctional as a whole.
  • Brother–Sister Incest: Aside from Atum, all of them are married to a sibling.
  • Divine Conflict: They've been warring against Apophis in one form or another since the beginning of Creation.
  • Earth That Was: The gods originally coexisted with humans on Earth and governed their worshipers to create a peaceful order of light. But, Apophis brought chaos to that order and tainted humanity with his soul so they ultimately abandoned the Earth.
  • Genocide Dilemma: They decided to Kill All Humans but panicked after seeing the destruction and called off the plan. In reality, they just didn't want to lose their convenient slaves, or at least that's what Apophis claims.
  • God in Human Form: They inhabit specially selected humans to be their mouthpieces for spreading divine revelations. The vessel has no choice. And it's for life.
    • Later, it turns out that the relationship is not as parasitic as it initially seems; the hosts willingly give themselves to the gods, who make them some kind of promise in return. We also see a couple instances where the characters interact with the hosts, and they don't appear particularly unhappy with the arrangement. Seth's primary motivation to dethrone Atum, is so that he can remove this rule.
  • God Is Flawed: They've erred in the past, and most aren't the best role models regardless. But they are far better than the alternative.
  • God's Hands Are Tied: Since the time they battled Apophis, they've gotten significantly weaker, forcing them to rely on humans while they be the pillars of the world.
  • God Needs Prayer Badly: Something of a variation on this, as it's not literal prayer that the gods need to sustain their power, but more the preservation of order. To that end, the Church of the Magai have spent the past age fomenting chaos and conflict in the world, so as to weaken them.
  • Jerkass Gods: Zigzagged; they are rather callous and uncaring to individual humans, and will readily torment them for the sake of ensuring the continued order of the world. But they do still care for the world as a whole, and Imhotep admits that the world still needs them in the end. And at any rate, the alternatives are far worse.
  • Incredibly Inconvenient Deity: They give humans Soul Destinies to follow as part of their system for maintaining order in the universe. It's questionable if the net result's worth it for the humans.
  • Kneel Before Frodo: Generally everyone in the Amen Priesthood will immediately prostrate themselves once they realize they're in their presence.
  • The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: They know most every spoiler relevant to the overarching plot but mostly sit back in the shadows sending down vague revelations to their followers.
  • Order Versus Chaos: They bring order to the world and try to minimize the chaos caused by Apohpis.
  • Out of Focus: The only two Ennead who get any real focus are Atum and Seth, and while the others are given distinct personalities and designs, they don't play much individual role in the story.
  • Physical God: They can be touched and interacted with like any human, at least in their host bodies.
  • Pointy Ears: At least four of them have these.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: They rarely directly involve themselves in human matters, but if they do, watch out.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: They summarily abandoned Cleopatra in her quest to Take Over the World since the royal family had been obsolete once the magai were unleashed.

     Atum Ra

First of the Ennead, deity of creation and the sun. He leads them in their mission to extinguish the magai.

  • A Storm Is Coming: He noted this after they learned Djoser was on the move.
  • Biological Weapons Solve Everything: He begot Sekhmet from his right eye to eradicate humanity for their disobedience driven by the soul of Apophis they harbored.
  • The Maker: He's responsible for the rest of the Ennead and the gods in general.
  • Mystical Pregnancy: He just sprang forth from Nun, the primordial oceans, during the Age of Chaos.
  • The Power of the Sun: As the sun god.
  • The Stoic: He keeps a consistent calm, almost careless, demeanor in everything.
  • Top God: He holds the most authority among the Ennead. Even Seth won't openly disobey him.
  • That Wasn't a Request: When Seth tried to argue with him about returning from Earth, he made his point quite clear.


Seventh god of the Ennead.


Eighth god of the Ennead, deity of storms and destruction who rules over barren deserts, chaos, disaster, and stormy weather.

  • A God Am I: In his mind, humans should feel honored to get a direct audience with him, especially since he only comes down to Earth maybe once in a few centuries.
  • A Taste of Defeat: Literally. After successfully messing with Horus multiple times, he was tricked into eating lettuce laced with the god's seed.
  • Awful Wedded Life: His wife never takes his side so they just trade barbs. Even worse, Anubis might actually have been fathered by their brother and not him.
  • Bolt of Divine Retribution: He struck down his imitation with one.
  • Black Eyes of Crazy: He has similar traits to Djoser and Cleopatra's evil faces.
  • Can't Take Criticism: He stomped Imhotep face-first onto the deck at the slightest provocation.
  • Chaos Is Evil: Seth rules over chaos like Apophis.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Imhotep slighted him, and got this.
    • Electric Torture: At one point, he picked up the priest by the face just to electrocute him.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He tore Osiris's body into pieces before throwing them in a river.
  • Confronting Your Imposter: He came down and slew Magai Seth before it could be sealed in Imhotep's Purification Box.
  • Destroyer Deity: He's the god of storms and destruction and the most violent of the Ennead.
  • Evil Laugh: After reminding the Crow's Brood Imhotep was the "enemy" they should revile.
  • Evil Uncle: He hates his nephew Horus, so much he can't even stand hearing about him.
  • Fangs Are Evil: Befitting his overall impish appearance and personality.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: The Ennead seem to generally consider him a disgrace to their divinity.
  • For the Evulz: There's no apparent reason for his violent nature. Its just by virtue of him being the god of destruction.
  • God Couple: Married to his sister Nephthys.
  • Godly Sidestep: Want to know what the "black serpent" is about, Imhotep? Come to Egypt, then maybe he'll talk about it.
  • Hate at First Sight: Ever since Imhotep was first brought before the Ennead, Seth's hated the boy's overt hostility to them and their will.
  • Heaven Above: He literally descended from the heavens to greet Imhotep.
  • Hot God: He knows how to pick his human vessels.
  • Humans Are Morons: He sees them as this since they quickly forget their fear and hatred of someone once they feel gratitude toward the person.
  • I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure: When Imhotep proclaimed he'd never be their slave again, Seth decided to kill the Crow's Brood and more until he erased Djoser.
  • Japanese Delinquents: His life story was summed up as this in a side comic.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite being set up as a Card-Carrying Villain, it turns out he actually strongly opposes the practice of taking mortal bodies as hosts, as well as the whole concept of Soul Destiny. Part of the reason he wants to dethrone Atum-Ra, is because if he were the new sun god, he'd be able to rewrite the rules so that the gods' hosts, and humanity as a whole can be free.
  • Kick the Dog: He had a little too much fun with making Imhotep suffer.
  • Large Ham: He's loud and likes to make a show of things.
  • Lean and Mean: His vessel has a slender figure similar to Imhotep.
  • Make an Example of Them: Implied he'd punish Yata for getting captured and almost losing Magai Seth to the enemy.
  • Malicious Misnaming: Calls Imhotep "Crappytep".
  • Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe: He's not sure whether Anubis was sired by him or his brother Osiris.
  • Maniac Tongue: He has a habit of doing this when indulging his sadism.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He loudly reminded the Crow's Brood that Imhotep was the reason their families were killed by Magai to rekindle their animosity for the priest.
  • Narcissist: He talks up himself in side comics as being amazing and flawless.
  • Obviously Evil: He's unapologetically malevolent even toward the Ennead.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Atum intervened and called him back to his throne.
  • One-Man Army: He planned to wipe out the entire Crow's Brood before Atum stopped him.
  • Power of the Storm: He is the god of storms.
    • Blow You Away: Flurries of tornadoes and gale-force winds can flank his attacks.
    • Flight: Floating in the air like it's natural. Comes with Teleportation.
    • Shock and Awe: He can freely conjure lightning and bend it to his will.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Once he got talking about Im's flippant disobedience of their order to erase Djoser from existence, he lost any semblance of calm.
  • Really 700 Years Old: His current vessel is a child.
  • Sadist: Tormenting Imhotep was a lark for him.
  • Shonen Hair: He's got a peculiar punk rock style going for him.
  • Sibling Murder: He killed his brother Osiris, possibly over his wife.
  • Sinister Scythe: His weapon of choice.
  • Slasher Smile: Half of his expressions are one of these.
  • Smug Snake: He's rude and demeaning to just about everyone, Ennead included.
  • The Starscream: To no one's surprise. He's vied for the Top God spot for millennia and currently biding his time to overthrow Atum. Though it's played with in that it's less out of malicious ambition, and more out of Seth's belief that Atum's rules regarding humans are cruel and unfair, and he could do better.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Lettuce.
  • Vulgar Humor: He warned that every human around him could die and humanity would make up the difference in no time flat.
  • Wowing Cthulhu: He was impressed that Harugo stood up to him.


Third god of the Ennead, goddess of moisture.

\* Big Brother Attraction: And it was reciprocated.


Ninth god of the Ennead, goddess of night.


Fourth god of the Ennead, god of earth.


Fifth god of the Ennead, goddess of the sky.


Second god of the Ennead, god of air.


Sixth god of the Ennead, god of the underworld.

  • Back from the Dead: Thanks to his wife and Nephthys putting his body back together after Seth tore him to pieces and tossed him in a river...
  • Came Back Wrong: But they never recovered his privates, so he became king of the underworld.
  • Cool Mask: Wears it over his bandaged face.
  • Distressed Dude: He'd still be dead had his wife and other sister not saved him.
  • Groin Attack: Seth's quite satisfied with his brother at least being castrated after all was said and done. Osiris insist he still has one.
  • Black Cloak: With a snazzy hood and everything.
  • God Couple: Married to his sister Isis.
  • Heavenly Blue: Divine being with blue mask.
  • Mummy: He is the origin of the practice.
  • The Prankster: He only speaks up to poke fun at Shu and Seth when they're less than amused about a given situation.
  • Sadly Mythtaken: Is shown to be among the rest of the gods in the mortal world, even though after his death, he was unable to return from the afterlife.



  • Animal Motif: All of the magai take a form resembling some animal, usually connected to the god they're named after.
  • Artifact of Doom: Every magai attaches itself to an object as an "anchor" for their power in the mortal world. Destroying the anchor severely weakens the magai and ends any possession.
  • Chaos Is Evil: They're avatars of chaos born from the soul of Apophis embedded in the human soul.
  • The Corruption: They corrupt humans and are themselves born from corrupted humans through their Ka, or spirit.
  • Death Is the Only Option: The only way to permanently stop a magai is its destruction. Especially tragic since the magai may have been human mere moments prior.
  • Demonic Possession: They exploit a weakness in the human spirit to possess individuals' Ka.
    • Possession Burnout: Their victims generally die from within a month to a number of years depending on the individual's Ka and training.
  • Emotion Eater / Soul Eating: They feed off their host's negative emotions and soul until the individual dies or their Ka becomes a magai itself.
  • Evil Twin / God Guise: Each magai imitates a certain Egyptian god and their powers.
  • For the Evulz: They inflict pestilence, natural disaster, and accidents upon humans through curses simply to sow chaos upon the mortal world.
  • Invisible to Normals: The mark of the black serpent denoting magaiation can only be seen by those using their Ka or holy magic.
  • Meaningful Name: Magai means "imitation" in Japanese, hence why Djoser picked it.
  • Monster of the Week: Early on, but ultimately subverted as the series went on.
  • Our Demons Are Different: They're essentially evil spirits with an Egyptian flavor. Later revealed to literally be humans' corrupted Ka.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: The magai were all sealed as miasma in Hell before Hell's Gate was destroyed and they were unleashed upon the world. Imhotep now seals those he comes across in his Purification Box.
  • Was Once a Man: Every magai was originally a human whose extreme negative emotions corrupted their Ka until they became monsters, assuming they didn't die of the pain first.


The Reality Warper Magai. Without any apparent anchor, he hid in the local forest in Japan to devour the souls of those who'd enter.

  • Brutish Bulls: The magai takes the form of the sacred bull Apis, Ptah's "living form".
  • Death Trap: He conjured rumors of "ghosts" and "monsters" lurking in the forest to lure unsuspecting students and the like to him.
  • Extra Eyes: It has three sets of eyes.
  • Lured into a Trap: He ended up being baited into a trap by the Amen Priesthood.
  • Reality Warper: Downplayed. Unlike Ptah, the bull could only create rumors and bend other minor aspects of reality by imagining it.


The Inferno Magai. She anchored herself to Hinome's garden-in-a-box and cursed her with a destructive fire breath for eight years, hoping to rampage to her heart's content.

  • A God Am I: She boasted about how, imitation or no, she was still a god with the strength to match. Himawari's Ka is a fragment of the real Sekhmet's spirit, making this technically true.

  • Barred from the Afterlife: After becoming Hinome's Ka, Himawari's spirit has been bound to her daughter's soul and forced to watch from the sidelines.
  • Big "NO!": When Hinomi destroyed her garden-in-box anchoring Sekhmet's power.
  • Break Them by Talking: She attempted to repossess Hinome by preying on her perceived helplessness without any magical power. It didn't work as intended.
  • Caught the Heart on His Sleeve: Her response to Dr. Hawakata's first kiss and proposal.
  • Classical Tongue: She can read, speak, and understand Ancient Egyptian.
  • Crush Blush: After her first kiss.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Supernatural Gold Eyes with Hair of Gold, just like her daughter.
  • Death by Childbirth: Himawari died giving birth to Hinome after transferring her Ka into the baby, who had none.
  • Died Happily Ever After: She died knowing she lived a fulfilled life with love and happiness thanks to meeting her husband.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: Dr. Hawakata described them as like a solar eclipse when he first saw her.
  • Emotionless Girl: Before meeting Dr. Hawakata, she was emotionally dead inside, without knowing empathy for life or love.
  • Escaped from the Lab: Before she could be disposed of, she managed to escape captivity.
  • Evil Gloating / Evil Laugh: When she believed Imhotep failed to convince Hinome to destroy her garden-in-a-box.
  • Evil Matriarch: Magai Sekhmet is in fact Hinome's overprotective mother.
  • First Kiss: With a man she just met earlier that day, along with a proposal. She wanted another.
  • Flaming Hair: You could even call it a mane.
  • Forced into Evil: As Hinome's Ka, Himawari's spirit was corrupted by her desire to protect her daughter from bullying when her husband failed, transforming her into the destructive magai.
  • Fourth-Date Marriage: She agreed to marry her husband after knowing him for less than a day.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She's jealous of Hinome getting close to Imhotep, and was even willing to kill her before being exorcised.
  • Good All Along: "Good" may be pushing it, but as it turns out, she's not a Magai, but the manifestation of Himawari's Ka, which was itself, imbued with that of the real Sekhmet. Her hostility and violence stems from Himawari's drive to protect her daughter, and from Sekhmet's naturally fiery demeanor.
  • Hellfire: She is the Inferno Magai.
  • Happily Married: To Mashuu Hawakata.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She sacrificed her own life with her beloved husband so their child could live and he could meet her.
  • Hug and Comment: During Hinome's first dream after the battle with Ramses, she hugged her daughter from behind and forgave her for destroying the garden-in-a-box.
  • Human Weapon: She was part an experiment for the Amen Priesthood's Humanity Eradication Project but was to be disposed of as a failure.
  • I'll Kill You!: She proclaimed she'd do this to Imhotep, furious he stole Hinome's heart.
  • King of Beasts: She looks like a fiery lioness woman, matching the real Sekhmet.
  • Last Request: She told her husband to take care of their daughter and never let her go, since she'd never do so. His failure to live up to that promise ultimately turned her into a magai.
  • Lethal Chef: She couldn't cook to save her life.
  • Manipulative Bastard: She used Hinome's fear of being alone and helpless to possess her and rampage with her destructive flames. Her attempt to repossess her via this failed, however.
  • Meaningful Look: She shot her husband a glare when he attempted to argue her decision to sacrifice herself for their child. He immediately understood it was the look of a mother.
  • Meaningful Name: Himawari is Japanese for sunflower, because her smile looked as warm as the sun and as lovely as a flower.
  • Moment of Weakness: She plans to take advantage of any sign of weakness in Hinome's heart to break free of the Purification Box and repossess her.
  • Monster Is a Mommy: It's only much later that the relation between Magai Sekhmet and Hinome's mother is revealed.
  • My Beloved Smother: Sekhmet's destructive nature was a result of Himawari's desire to keep anyone from harming Hinome, indiscriminately burning anyone and everyone around her.
  • Never Given a Name She had no name before her future husband gave her one.
  • Playing with Fire: She can create balls, streams, and bursts of fire and explosions at will.
  • The Power of the Sun: Her powers imitate the daughter of the sun god who nearly brought fiery doom to humanity by his decree.
  • The Promise: Just before her death, she promised Hinome she'd always protect her. In the end, it corrupted her.
  • Sanity Slippage: Himawari began going mad after successfully becoming a vessel for Sekhmet's Ka, losing memories and manifesting the god's uncontrollably violent personality. She was thus deemed another failure.
  • Sunny Sunflower Disposition: Her attitude after meeting Dr. Hawakata.
  • Taking You with Me: She threatened to burn Hinome to death if Imhotep dared attempt to destroy her anchor and exorcise her.
  • Talking in Your Dreams: She often hugged Hinome in her dreams when she being bullied as a child. This stopped after becoming a magai, but she returned one last time once she returned to her daughter.
  • Tears of Joy / Tears of Remorse: Her baby's birth was both the happiest and saddest day of her life.
  • Took a Level in Cheerfulness: She smiled for the first time and came to understand happiness interacting with her future husband, leading to her happier outlook on life.
  • Tragic Villain: Magai Sekhmet becomes much less one-note once you realize she's a human experiment who had to sacrifice her life so her child could live and then became a monster to protect that same child.
  • Two Aliases, One Character: She's both Magai Sekhmet and Himawari Hawakata, Hinome's mother.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Sekhmet wasn't anywhere near ready to stop rampaging in the human world. Later revealed to be rooted in her anger at her husband for failing to protect Hinome like he promised.
  • Walking Spoiler: You'd never expect the first baddie in the series to be the heroine's mother.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Wanting to protect your daughter's all well and good, but becoming a demon hellbent on never-ending destruction by cursing said daughter probably wasn't the best way to go about it.


The Hallucination Venom Magai. He took residence in the tree growing in the old abandoned schoolhouse at Hinome's high school, hoping to feast upon the entire student body.

  • Break Them by Talking: He preyed on Kobushi's fear of never making real friends to break her faith in Hinome and possess the girl.
  • Evil Gloating: He was more than happy to talk-up his abilities.
  • Evil Laugh: When he believed he succeeded in defeating the great Imhotep.
  • Gender Flip: Serket is a goddess, but the magai is a man.
  • Master of Illusion: His venom puts anyone it touches into a dream-like state where they see an illusion of their dearest wishes or worse insecurities.
  • Scary Scorpions: He has a scorpion body, claws, and head on an otherwise human body.
  • When Trees Attack: He made his anchor a tree growing in the abandoned schoolhouse and spread its roots throughout the school grounds to disperse his venom.


A magai sealed in a sword at Misora Shrine. After being sealed away by Seiten Misora, the magai was worshiped by the Misora family from its anchor for generations. After it stopped offering him human sacrifices, the magai eventually broke free and possessed the family head and slaughtered nearly the whole clan.

  • Arch-Enemy: He despises Seiten Misora with a passion, and will do everything to destroy him and his legacy.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: He made the reverse ankh used to chain Yata his new anchor, which could be easily found beneath the same symbol at the center of his chest.
  • Captured Super-Entity: After Seiten sealed it in a sword as its anchor, his descendants satiated the magai to share in their forebearer's fame despite lacking his power. Yata later resealed it with the Misora family crest and his own conviction.
  • Humans Are Insects: He calls them ants, flies, etc.
  • Offing the Annoyance: He was peeved by Cleopatra's screaming and so struck her and all her servants from behind.
  • Secret Identity: Youma is in fact Magai Seth, an imitation of the eighth Ennead.
  • Shock and Awe: He conjures unique black lightning that instantly devours souls.
  • Shaped Like Itself: He takes the form of Seth portrayed in iconography, which is an unidentified anthropomorphic animal usually just referenced as the god himself.



A god of the moon, languages, magic, mathematics, medicine and many more things, Thoth serves as the scribe of the Ogdoad. Having been created together with the snake god, they have spent time together since their creation, long before light came to be. However, the Ogdoad asked of Thoth to record all the events of the newly made world and thus not intervene, which strongly clashed with his heart and strong feelings for Apophis. He tried to reach out, but it was too late.

In the end, he decides to remain by Hell's gate in order to keep an eye on it, as he claims.

  • Ancient Egypt: Thoth (also spelled as Djehuty and Zehuti), is the god of the moon, language, medicine, magic and the recordkeeper at the scales of Ma'at.
  • Animal Motif: The African Sacred Ibis.
  • Older Than They Look: Even if he closely resembles Im, Thoth is much older by many millenia. His true age is unknown, but it's hinted that his creation went hand in hand with the creation of the moon and the primordial sea, Nun.
  • Only Friend: Before he was forced to become neutral and not intervene with anyone or anything, the only person that Thoth had and got along with was Apophis.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Forced into a role as a neutral scribe by his creators, Thoth was forced to witness Apophis's death again and again every single day. In his hesitation to reach out and wanting to comfort his partner, he was much too late in doing so, causing Apophis to turn his back to him.
  • Complete Immortality: Being a god of creation that has existed since the beginning of the very world, Thoth cannot die by natural means.
  • Body Backup Drive: In order to to be able to remain by the gates as Hell to supposedly keep an eye on it, he had made a deal with the Ennead to rewrite his self; to make himself think he was a mortal human priest. When his current body died, without fail, an infant would be found at the temple's doorsteps. Thoth's conscienceness resides within these mortal vessels, only remembering who he truly is when he is close to dying.
  • Born-Again Immortality: See above.
  • The Resenter: Ever since humanity began to shun and fear Apophis, Thoth has not cared a single bit about their fate or what would become of them. In his opinion, they deserve the horror that his dearest partner will unleash upon them. Even so, he goes along with Im's plan.
  • We Used to Be Friends: During the final battle, both Thoth and Apophis claimed to not be friends anymore. For Thoth until the fight was over and for Apophis never again.
  • Not So Similar: As much as he resembles Im physically, mentally they are quite different. While Im is more hopeful, trusting and optimistic, Thoth is the opposite.
  • The Ace: Being the creator of magic and language, Thoth is the strongest in using these. This especially goes for his magnum opus spell; Damnatio Memoriae, which can rewrite history, the present and the future.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: According to Apophis, his moves are very predictable, so he gets stomped right into the ground by Apophis without effort.
  • The Killjoy: He's pessimistic, doesn't like or trust humans and thinks Im's plans are not going to work.
  • Disappeared Dad: Because he's the one who created Im, he's his father - Im even calls and refers to him this way many times. He's never been present in Im's life because he doesn't have his own physical body and he shares Im's much like Apophis 'shares' with Djoser.
  • Walking Spoiler: His reveal is in one of the last chapters, his existence uncertain until Im confronts him.


The progenitors of all existence, including Thoth, Apophis, and Atum-Ra. Among them is the Hidden God, Amen, the namesake of the Amen Priesthood.

  • Eldritch Abomination: From what little we see of them, they are amorphous, dark beings whose only discernible features are their featureless faces.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: The Ennead are actually more wary of them than they are of Apophis, noting how they possess the power to destroy the universe at will if they were so inclined while there is very little known about them.
  • The Man Behind the Man: The Ogdoad directed Apophis to wake them in the event that the world doesn't suit their desires, so they could erase it, and try again. However, Apophis decided not to oblige by those rules.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: According to Atum, if they were to be awoken, they would completely destroy the entire universe, down to the last atom.
