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Hugo awards and nominations:

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     1953 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: 11th Worldcon, Philadelphia; September 5-7, 1953

Best Novel

  1. The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester [Galaxy Jan,Feb,Mar 1952; Shasta, 1951]

Best Professional Magazine

  1. Astounding Science Fiction, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.
  1. Galaxy, edited by HL Gold

Best Cover Artist

  1. Hannes Bok
  1. Ed Emshwiller

Best Interior Illustrator

  1. Virgil Finlay

Excellence in Fact Articles

  1. Willy Ley

Best New SF Author or Artist

  1. Philip José Farmer

#1 Fan Personality

  1. Forrest J Ackerman

     1955 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Clevention, Cleveland; September 2-5, 1955

Best Novel

  1. Theyd Rather Be Right by Mark Clifton and Frank Riley [Astounding Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov 1954]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Darfsteller” by Walter M Miller, Jr. [Astounding Jan 1955]

Best Short Story

  1. "Allamagoosa” by Eric Frank Russell [Astounding May 1955; Sci Fiction, 2004-09-15]

Best Professional Magazine

  1. Astounding Science Fiction, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Best Professional Artist

  1. Frank Kelly Freas

Best Fanzine

  1. Fantasy Times, edited by James V Taurasi, Sr. and Ray Van Houten

     1956 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: NYcon II, New York; August 31 – September 3, 1956

Best Novel

  1. Double Star by Robert A. Heinlein [Astounding Feb,Mar,Apr 1956]

Best Novelette

  1. "Exploration Team" (alt: "Combat Team") by Murray Leinster [Astounding Mar 1956]

Best Short Story

  1. "The Star" by Arthur C. Clarke [Infinity Nov 1955]

Best Professional Magazine

  1. Astounding Science Fiction, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Best Professional Artist

  1. Frank Kelly Freas

Best Fanzine

  1. Inside And Science Fiction Advertiser, edited by Ron Smith

Best Feature Writer

  1. Willy Ley

Most Promising New Author

  1. Robert Silverberg

     1957 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Loncon I, London; September 6-9, 1957

Best American Professional Magazine

  1. Astounding Science Fiction, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Best British Professional Magazine

  1. New Worlds, edited by John Carnell

Best Fanzine

  1. Science Fiction Times, edtied by James V Taurasi Sr., Ray Van Houten, and Frank R Prieto Jr.

     1958 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Solacon, South Gate, California; August 29 – September 1, 1958

Best Novel or Novelette

  1. The Big Time by Fritz Leiber [Galaxy Mar,Apr 1958]

Best Short Story

  1. "Or All The Seas With Oysters" by Avram Davidson [Galaxy May 1958]

Outstanding Movie

  1. The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957) [Universal] Screenplay by Richard Matheson; Directed by Jack Arnold; based on his novel

Best Professional Magazine

  1. The Magazine Of Fantasy And Science Fiction, edited by Anthony Boucher

Outstanding Artist

  1. Frank Kelly Freas

     1959 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Detention, Detroit, Michigan; September 4–7, 1959

Best Novel

  1. A Case Of Conscience by James Blish [Ballantine, 1958]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Big Front Yard" by Clifford Simak [Astounding Oct 1958]

Best Short Story

  1. "That Hell Bound Train" by Robert Bloch [F&SF Sep 1958]

Best SF or Fantasy Movie

  1. none

Best Professional Magazine

  1. The Magazine Of Fantasy And Science Fiction, edited by Anthony Boucher and Robert P Mills

Best Professional Artist

  1. Frank Kelly Freas

Best Fanzine

  1. Fanac, edited by Terry Carr and Ron Ellik

Best New Author

  1. none
  2. Brian W. Aldiss

     1960 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Pittcon, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; September 3–5, 1960

Best Novel

  1. Starship Troopers (alt: Starship Soldier) by Robert A. Heinlein [F&SF Oct,Nov 1959; Putnam, 1959]
  2. Dorsai! (alt: The Genetic General) by Gordon R. Dickson [Astounding May,Jun,Jul 1959]

Best Short Fiction

  1. "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes [F&SF Apr 1959]
  2. "The Alley Man" by Philip José Farmer [F&SF Jun 1959]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. The Twilight Zone (1959), by Rod Serling
  2. The World The Flesh And The Devil [HarBel/MGM] Screenplay by Ranald Mac Dougall; Story by Ferdinand Reyher; Directed by Ranald Mac Dougall

Best Professional Magazine

  1. The Magazine Of Fantasy And Science Fiction, edited by Robert P Mills
  2. Astounding Science Fiction, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Best Professional Artist

  1. Ed Emshwiller
  2. Frank Kelly Freas

Best Fanzine

  1. Cry Of The Nameless, edited by FM Busby, Elinor Busby, Burnett Toskey, and Wally Weber

Special Awards

     1961 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Seacon, Seattle, Washington; September 2–4, 1961

Best Novel

  1. A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M Miller, Jr. [J. B. Lippincott, 1959]

Best Short Fiction

  1. "The Longest Voyage" by Poul Anderson [Analog Dec 1960]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. The Twilight Zone (1959), by Rod Serling
  2. Village of the Damned (1960) [MGM] Screenplay by Stirling Silliphant and Wolf Rilla and Ronald Kinnoch; Directed by Wolf Rilla

Best Professional Magazine

  1. Astounding/Analog, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Best Professional Artist

  1. Ed Emshwiller

Best Fanzine

  1. Who Killed Science Fiction? (one issue), edited by Earl Kemp

     1962 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Chicon III, Chicago, Illinois; August 31 – September 3, 1962

Best Novel

  1. Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein [Putnam, 1961]
  2. Dark Universe by Daniel F Galouye [Bantam, 1961]

Best Short Fiction

  1. "Hothouse" (alt: "The Long Afternoon of Earth") by Brian W. Aldiss [F&SF Feb,Apr,Jul,Sep,Dec 1961]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. The Twilight Zone (1959), by Rod Serling
  2. Village of the Damned (1960) [MGM] Screenplay by Stirling Silliphant, Wolf Rilla, and Ronald Kinnoch; Directed by Wolf Rilla

Best Professional Magazine

  1. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Best Professional Artist

  1. Ed Emshwiller

Best Fanzine

  1. Warhoon, edited by Richard Bergeron

Special Awards

     1963 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Discon I, Washington DC; August 31 – September 2, 1963

Best Novel

  1. The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick [Putnam, 1962]

Best Short Fiction

  1. "The Dragon Masters" by Jack Vance [Galaxy Aug 1962]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. none

Best Professional Magazine

  1. The Magazine Of Fantasy And Science Fiction, edited by Robert P Mills and Avram Davidson

Best Professional Artist

  1. Roy G Krenkel

Best Fanzine

  1. Xero, edited by Richard A Lupoff and Pat Lupoff

Special Awards

     1964 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Pacificon II, Oakland, California; September 4–7, 1964

Best Novel

  1. Way Station (alt: Here Gather the Stars) by Clifford Simak [Galaxy Jun,Aug 1963]
  2. Glory Road by Robert A. Heinlein [F&SF Jul,Aug,Sep 1963; Putnam, 1963]
  3. Witch World by Andre Norton [Ace, 1963]
  4. Dune World by Frank Herbert [Analog Dec 1963,Jan,Feb 1964]
  5. Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. [Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963]

Best Short Fiction

  1. "No Truce With Kings" by Poul Anderson [F&SF Jun 1963]
  2. "Code Three" by Rick Raphael [Analog Feb 1963]
  3. "A Rose for Ecclesiastes" by Roger Zelazny [F&SF Nov 1963]
  4. "Savage Pellucidar" by Edgar Rice Burroughs [Amazing Nov 1963]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. none

Best Professional Magazine

  1. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.
  2. Galaxy, edited by Frederik Pohl
  3. The Magazine Of Fantasy And Science Fiction, edited by Avram Davidson
  4. Science Fantasy
  5. Amazing Science Fiction Stories, edited by Cele Goldsmith

Best Professional Artist

  1. Ed Emshwiller
  2. John Schoenherr
  3. Virgil Finlay
  4. Frank Frazetta
  5. Roy G Krenkel

Best Fanzine

  1. Amra, edited by George H Scithers
  2. Yandro, edited by Robert Coulson and Juanita Coulson
  3. Starspinkle, edited by Ron Ellik
  4. ERB-dom, edited by Camille Cazedessus, Jr.

Best SF Book Publisher

  1. Ace Books
  2. Pyramid
  3. Ballantine
  4. Doubleday

     1965 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Loncon II, London, England; August 27–30, 1965

Best Novel

  1. The Wanderer by Fritz Leiber [Ballantine, 1964]

Best Short Fiction

  1. "Soldier, Ask Not" by Gordon R. Dickson [Galaxy Oct 1964]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Dr. Strangelove [Hawk Films/Columbia] Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick, Terry Southern, and Peter George; Directed by Stanley Kubrick

Best Professional Magazine

  1. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Best Professional Artist

  1. John Schoenherr

Best Fanzine

  1. Yandro, edited by Robert Coulson and Juanita Coulson

Best SF Book Publisher

  1. Ballantine

     1966 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Tricon, Cleveland, Ohio; September 1–5, 1966

Best Novel

  1. Dune by Frank Herbert [Chilton, 1965]
  1. This Immortal (alt: ...And Call Me Conrad) by Roger Zelazny [F&SF Oct,Nov 1965; Ace, 1965]

Best Short Fiction

  1. "'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman" by Harlan Ellison [Galaxy Dec 1965]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. none

Best Professional Magazine

  1. If, edited by Frederik Pohl

Best Professional Artist

  1. Frank Frazetta

Best Fanzine

  1. ERB-dom, edited by Camille Cazedessus, Jr.

Best All-Time Series

  1. Foundation by Isaac Asimov

     1967 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: NYcon 3, New York, New York; August 31 – September 4, 1967

Best Novel

  1. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein [If Dec 1965,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr 1966; Putnam, 1966]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Last Castle" by Jack Vance [Galaxy Apr 1966]

Best Short Story

  1. "Neutron Star" by Larry Niven [If Oct 1966]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. "The Menagerie", Star Trek: The Original Series [Desilu] Screenplay by Gene Roddenberry; Directed by Marc Daniels

Best Professional Magazine

  1. If, edited by Frederik Pohl

Best Professional Artist

  1. Jack Gaughan

Best Fanzine

  1. Niekas, edited by Edmund R Meskys and Felice Rolfe

Best Fan Writer

  1. Alexei Panshin

Best Fan Artist

  1. Jack Gaughan

Special Awards

     1968 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Baycon, Oakland, California; August 29 – September 2, 1968

Best Novel

  1. Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny [Doubleday, 1967]
  2. The Einstein Intersection by Samuel R. Delany [Ace, 1967]
  3. Chthon by Piers Anthony [Ballantine, 1967]

Best Novella

  1. "Riders Of The Purple Wage" by Philip José Farmer [Dangerous Visions, 1967]
  1. "Weyr Search" by Anne McCaffrey [Analog Oct 1967]
  1. "Damnation Alley" by Roger Zelazny [Galaxy Oct 1967]

Best Novelette

  1. "Gonna Roll The Bones" by Fritz Leiber [Dangerous Visions, 1967]
  2. "Wizards World" by Andre Norton [If Jun 1967]

Best Short Story

  1. "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" by Harlan Ellison [If Mar 1967]
  2. "The Jigsaw Man" by Larry Niven [Dangerous Visions, 1967]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. "The City on the Edge of Forever", Star Trek: The Original Series [Desilu] Screenplay by Harlan Ellison; Directed by Joseph Pevney
  2. "The Trouble with Tribbles", Star Trek: The Original Series [Desilu] Screenplay by David Gerrold; Directed by Joseph Pevney

Best Professional Magazine

  1. If, edited by Frederik Pohl
  2. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Best Professional Artist

  1. Jack Gaughan
  2. Frank Kelly Freas

Best Fanzine

  1. Amra, edited by George H Scithers
  2. Australian Science Fiction Review, edited by John Bangsund

Best Fan Writer

  1. Ted White

Best Fan Artist

  1. George Barr
  2. Bjo Trimble

Special Awards

     1969 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: St. Louiscon, St. Louis, Missouri; August 28 – September 1, 1969

Best Novel

  1. Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner [Doubleday, 1968]
  2. Rite Of Passage by Alexei Panshin [Ace, 1968]

Best Novella

  1. "Nightwings" by Robert Silverberg [Galaxy Sep 1968]
  2. "Dragonrider" by Anne McCaffrey [Analog Dec 1967,Jan 1968]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Sharing Of Flesh" by Poul Anderson [Galaxy Dec 1968]
  2. "Total Environment" by Brian W. Aldiss [Galaxy Feb 1968]
  3. "Getting Through University" by Piers Anthony [If Aug 1968]

Best Short Story

  1. "The Beast That Shouted Love At The Heart Of The World" by Harlan Ellison [Galaxy Jun 1968]
  2. "All The Myriad Ways" by Larry Niven [Galaxy Oct 1968]
  3. "The Dance Of The Changer And The Three" by Terry Carr [The Farthest Reaches, 1968]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. 2001: A Space Odyssey, [Paramount] Screenplay by Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick; Directed by Stanley Kubrick

Best Professional Magazine

  1. The Magazine Of Fantasy And Science Fiction, edited by Edward L Ferman
  2. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.
  3. Galaxy, edited by Frederik Pohl

Best Professional Artist

  1. Jack Gaughan
  2. Frank Kelly Freas
  3. Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon

Best Fanzine

  1. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  2. Riverside Quarterly, edited by Leland Sapiro
  3. Trumpet, edited by Tom Reamy

Best Fan Writer

  1. Harry Warner, Jr.

Best Fan Artist

  1. Vaughn Bode

Special Awards

     1970 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Heicon '70, Heidelberg, Germany; August 20–24, 1970

Best Novel

  1. The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin [Ace, 1969]
  2. Up the Line by Robert Silverberg [Ballantine, 1969]

Best Novella

  1. "Ship Of Shadows" by Fritz Leiber [F&SF Jul 1969]
  2. "A Boy and His Dog" by Harlan Ellison [The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World, 1969]

Best Short Story

  1. "Time Considered As A Helix Of Semi Precious Stones" by Samuel R. Delany [New Worlds Dec 1968]
  2. "Passengers" by Robert Silverberg [Orbit 1969]
  3. "Not Long Before the End" by Larry Niven [F&SF Apr 1969]
  4. "Deeper Than The Darkness" by Gregory Benford [F&SF Apr 1969]
  5. "Winters King" by Ursula K. Le Guin [Orbit 1969]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. TV Coverage of Apollo XI
  2. Marooned, [Columbia] Screenplay by Mayo Simon; Directed by John Sturges
  3. The Illustrated Man [SKM] Screenplay by Howard B Kreitsek; Directed by Jack Smight
  4. The Immortal [Paramount] Screenplay by Lou Morheim and Robert Specht; Directed by Allen Baron and Joseph Sargent
  5. The Bed Sitting Room [Oscar Lewenstein] Screenplay by John Antrobus; Directed by Richard Lester

Best Professional Magazine

  1. The Magazine Of Fantasy And Science Fiction, edited by Edward L Ferman
  2. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.
  3. Amazing Science Fiction Stories, edited by Cele Goldsmith and Ted White
  4. Galaxy, edited by Frederik Pohl
  5. New Worlds, edited by Michael Moorcock and James Sallis

Best Professional Artist

  1. Frank Kelly Freas
  2. Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon
  3. Jack Gaughan
  4. Eddie Jones
  5. Jeff Jones
  6. Vaughn Bode

Best Fanzine

  1. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  2. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown and Dena Brown
  3. Riverside Quarterly, edited by Leland Sapiro
  4. Speculation, edited by Peter R Weston
  5. Beabohema, edited by Frank Lunney

Best Fan Writer

  1. Wilson Tucker
  2. Richard E Geis
  3. Piers Anthony
  4. Charles N Brown
  5. Richard Delap

Best Fan Artist

  1. Tim Kirk
  2. George Barr
  3. William Rotsler
  4. Alicia Austin
  5. Stephen Fabian

     1971 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Noreascon I, Boston, Massachusetts; September 2–6, 1971

Best Novel

  1. Ringworld by Larry Niven [Ballantine, 1970]
  2. Tau Zero by Poul Anderson [Doubleday, 1970]
  3. Tower Of Glass by Robert Silverberg [Scribner's, 1970]
  4. The Year Of The Quiet Sun by Wilson Tucker [Ace, 1970]
  5. Star Light by Hal Clement [Analog Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep 1970]

Best Novella

  1. "Ill Met In Lankhmar" by Fritz Leiber [F&SF Apr 1970]
  2. "The Thing In The Stone" by Clifford Simak [If Mar 1970]
  3. "The Region Between" by Harlan Ellison [Galaxy Mar 1970]
  4. "The World Outside" by Robert Silverberg [Galaxy Oct,Nov 1970]
  5. "Beastchild" by Dean Koontz [Venture Aug 1970]

Best Short Story

  1. "Slow Sculpture" by Theodore Sturgeon [Galaxy Feb 1970]
  2. "Continued On Next Rock" by R. A. Lafferty [Orbit 1970]
  3. "Jean Dupres" by Gordon Dickson [Nova 1970]
  4. "In The Queue" by Keith Laumer [Orbit 1970]
  5. "Brillo" by Ben Bova and Harlan Ellison [Analog Aug 1970]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. none
  2. Colossus: The Forbin Project, [Universal] Screenplay by James Bridges; Directed by Joseph Sargent
  3. Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers [Sony] Written and produced by The Firesign Theatre
  4. Hausers Memory [Universal] Screenplay by Adrian Spies; Directed by Boris Sagal
  5. Blows Against The Empire [RCA] Produced by Paul Kantner
  6. No Blade Of Grass [Theodora/MGM] Screenplay by Sean Forestal and Jefferson Pascal; Directed by Cornel Wilde

Best Professional Magazine

  1. The Magazine Of Fantasy And Science Fiction, edited by Edward L Ferman
  2. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.
  3. Amazing Science Fiction Stories, edited by Ted White
  4. Galaxy, edited by Ejler Jakobsson
  5. Vision Of Tomorrow, edited by Philip Harbottle

Best Professional Artist

  1. Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon
  2. Frank Kelly Freas
  3. Jack Gaughan
  4. Jeff Jones
  5. Eddie Jones

Best Fanzine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown and Dena Brown
  2. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  3. Energumen, edited by Michael Glicksohn and Susan Wood Glicksohn
  4. Speculation, edited by Peter R Weston
  5. Outworlds, edited by Bill Bowers and Joan Bowers

Best Fan Writer

  1. Richard E Geis
  2. Terry Carr
  3. Ted Pauls
  4. Elizabeth Fishman
  5. Tom Digby

Best Fan Artist

  1. Alicia Austin
  2. Tim Kirk
  3. William Rotsler
  4. Stephen Fabian
  5. Mike Gilbert

     1972 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: L.A.Con I, Los Angeles, California; September 1–4, 1972

Best Novel

  1. To Your Scattered Bodies Go by Philip José Farmer [Putnam, 1971]
  2. The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin [Amazing Mar,May 1971; Scribner's, 1971]
  3. Dragonquest by Anne McCaffrey [Ballantine, 1971]
  4. Jack of Shadows by Roger Zelazny [F&SF Jul,Aug 1971; Walker, 1971]
  5. A Time Of Changes by Robert Silverberg [Galaxy Mar,Apr,May/Jun 1971; Signet, 1971]

Best Novella

  1. "The Queen Of Air And Darkness" by Poul Anderson [F&SF Apr 1971]
  2. "A Meeting With Medusa" by Arthur C. Clarke [Playboy Dec 1971]
  3. "The Fourth Profession" by Larry Niven [Quark 1971]
  4. "Dread Empire" by John Brunner [Fantastic Apr 1971]
  5. "A Special Kind Of Morning" by Gardner R Dozois [New Dimensions #1, 1971]

Best Short Story

  1. "Inconstant Moon" by Larry Niven [All the Myriad Ways, 1971]
  2. "Vaster Than Empires And More Slow" by Ursula K. Le Guin [New Dimensions #1, 1971]
  3. "The Autumn Land" by Clifford Simak [F&SF Oct 1971]
  4. "The Bear With The Knot On His Tail" by Stephen Tall (aka: Compton Crook) [F&SF May 1971]
  5. "Sky" by R. A. Lafferty [New Dimensions #1, 1971]
  6. "All The Last Wars At Once" by George Alec Effinger [Universe 1, 1971]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. A Clockwork Orange, [Hawk Films/Polaris/Warner Bros.] Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick; Directed by Stanley Kubrick
  2. The Andromeda Strain [Universal] Written by Nelson Gidding; Directed by Robert Wise
  3. THX 1138 [Warner Bros./Zoetrope] Screenplay by George Lucas and Walter Murch; Directed by George Lucas
  4. "Los Angeles: A.D. 2017", The Name Of The Game [Universall/NBC] Screenplay by Philip Wylie; Directed by Steven Spielberg
  5. I Think We're All Bozos on This Bus [Sony] Written and produced by The Firesign Theatre

Best Professional Magazine

  1. The Magazine Of Fantasy And Science Fiction, edited by Edward L Ferman
  2. Analog Science Fiction and Fact, edited by John W. Campbell, Jr.
  3. Amazing Science Fiction Stories, edited by Ted White
  4. Galaxy, edited by Ejler Jakobsson
  5. Fantastic Universe, edited by Ted White

Best Professional Artist

  1. Frank Kelly Freas
  2. Jeff Jones
  3. John Schoenherr
  4. Jack Gaughan
  5. Vincent Di Fate

Best Fanzine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown and Dena Brown
  2. Energumen, edited by Michael Glicksohn and Susan Wood Glicksohn
  3. Granfalloon, edited by Ron Bushyager and Linda Bushyager
  4. SF Commentary, edited by Bruce Gillespie

Best Fan Writer

  1. Harry Warner, Jr.
  2. Terry Carr
  3. Susan Wood Glicksohn
  4. Bob Vardeman
  5. Rosemary Ullyot
  6. Tom Digby

Best Fan Artist

  1. Tim Kirk
  2. William Rotsler
  3. Alicia Austin
  4. Grant Canfield
  5. Wendy Fletcher

Special Awards

     1973 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Torcon II, Toronto, Canada; August 31 – September 3, 1973

Best Novel

  1. The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov [Galaxy Mar/Apr,May/Jun 1972, If Mar/Apr 1972]
  2. When Harlie Was One by David Gerrold [Ballantine, 1972]
  3. There Will Be Time by Poul Anderson [Signet, 1972]

Best Novella

  1. "The Word for World Is Forest" by Ursula K. Le Guin [Again, Dangerous Visions, 1972]
  2. "The Gold At The Starbows End" by Frederik Pohl [Analog Mar 1972]
  3. "The Fifth Head Of Cerberus" by Gene Wolfe [Orbit, 1972]

Best Novelette

  1. "Goat Song" by Poul Anderson [F&SF Feb 1972]
  2. "Patron Of The Arts" by William Rotsler [Universe, 1972]
  3. "Basilisk" by Harlan Ellison [F&SF Aug 1972]

Best Short Story

  1. "Euremas Dam" by R. A. Lafferty [New Dimensions, 1972]
  2. "The Meeting" by Frederik Pohl and CM Kornbluth [F&SF Nov 1972]
  3. "When We Went To See The End Of The World" by Robert Silverberg [Universe, 1972]
  4. "And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side" by James Tiptree, Jr. [F&SF Mar 1972]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Slaughterhouse-Five, [Universal] Screenplay by Stephen Geller; Directed by George Roy Hill
  2. The People [American Zoetrope/ABC] Written by James M Miller; Directed by John Korty
  3. Silent Running [Universal] Screenplay by Deric Washburn, Michael Cimino, and Steven Bochco; Directed by Douglas Trumbull
  4. Between Time And Timbuktu [NET Playhouse/PBS] Screenplay by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.; Directed by Fred Barzyk

Best Professional Editor

  1. Ben Bova
  2. Donald A Wollheim
  3. Ted White

Best Professional Artist

  1. Frank Kelly Freas
  2. Jack Gaughan
  3. John Schoenherr

Best Fanzine

  1. Energumen, edited by Michael Glicksohn and Susan Wood Glicksohn
  2. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown and Dena Brown
  3. Algol, edited by Andrew Porter

Best Fan Writer

  1. Terry Carr
  2. Susan Wood Glicksohn
  3. Richard E Geis

Best Fan Artist

  1. Tim Kirk
  2. William Rotsler
  3. Grant Canfield

Special Awardsnote 

     1974 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Discon II, Washington, DC; August 29 – September 2, 1974

Best Novel

  1. Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke [Galaxy Sep,Oct 1973; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973]
  2. Time Enough for Love by Robert A. Heinlein [Putnam, 1973]
  3. Protector by Larry Niven [Ballantine, 1973]

Best Novella

  1. "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" by James Tiptree, Jr. [New Dimensions, 1973]
  2. "The Death Of Doctor Island" by Gene Wolfe [Universe, 1973]
  3. "Death And Designation Among The Asadi" by Michael Bishop [If Feb 1973]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Deathbird" by Harlan Ellison [F&SF Mar 1973]
  2. "Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand" by Vonda N. McIntyre [Analog Oct 1973]
  3. "Love Is The Plan The Plan Is Death" by James Tiptree, Jr. [The Alien Condition, 1973]

Best Short Story

  1. "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" by Ursula K. Le Guin [New Dimensions, 1973]
  2. "With Morning Comes Mistfall" by George R. R. Martin [Analog May 1973]
  3. "Construction Shack" by Clifford Simak [If Feb 1973]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Sleeper, [Rollins-Joffe/MGM/UA] Screenplay by Woody Allen and Marshall Brickman; Directed by Woody Allen
  2. Genesis II [Norway/Warner Bros.] Written by Gene Roddenberry; Directed by John Llewellyn Moxey
  3. Soylent Green [MGM] Screenplay by Stanley R Greenberg; Directed by Richard Fleischer

Best Professional Editor

  1. Ben Bova
  2. Robert Silverberg
  3. Ted White

Best Professional Artist

  1. Frank Kelly Freas
  2. Frank Frazetta
  3. John Schoenherr

Best Fanzine

  1. The Alien Critic, edited by Richard E Geis
  2. Algol, edited by Andrew Porter
  3. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown and Dena Brown

Best Fan Writer

  1. Susan Wood
  2. Richard E Geis
  3. none

Best Fan Artist

  1. Tim Kirk
  2. William Rotsler
  3. Alicia Austin

Special Awards

     1975 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Aussiecon One, Melbourne, Australia; August 14–17, 1975

Best Novel

  1. The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin [Harper & Row, 1974]

Best Novella

  1. "A Song For Lya" by George R. R. Martin [Analog Jun 1974]

Best Novelette

  1. "Adrift Just Off The Islets Of Langerhans" by Harlan Ellison [F&SF Oct 1974]

Best Short Story

  1. "The Hole Man" by Larry Niven [Analog Jan 1974]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Young Frankenstein, [20th Century Fox] Screenplay by Gene Wilder and Mel Brooks; Directed by Mel Brooks

Best Professional Editor

  1. Ben Bova

Best Professional Artist

  1. Frank Kelly Freas

Best Fanzine

  1. The Alien Critic, edited by Richard E Geis

Best Fan Writer

  1. Richard E Geis

Best Fan Artist

  1. William Rotsler

Special Awards

     1976 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: MidAmeriCon, Kansas City, Missouri; September 2–6, 1976

Best Novel

  1. The Forever War by Joe Haldeman [St. Martin's Press, 1974]
  2. Doorways in the Sand by Roger Zelazny [Analog Jun,Jul,Aug 1975; Harper & Row, 1976]
  3. Inferno by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle [Galaxy Aug,Sep,Oct 1975]
  4. The Computer Connection (alt: The Indian Giver) by Alfred Bester [Berkley Putnam, 1975]
  5. The Stochastic Man by Robert Silverberg [F&SF Apr,May,Jun 1975; Harper & Row, 1975]

Best Novella

  1. "Home Is the Hangman" by Roger Zelazny [Analog Nov 1975]
  2. "The Storms Of Windhaven" by George R. R. Martin and Lisa Tuttle [Analog May 1975]
  3. "ARM" by Larry Niven [Epoch, 1975]
  4. "The Silent Eyes Of Time" by Algis Budrys [F&SF Nov 1975]
  5. "The Custodians" by Richard Cowper [F&SF Oct 1975]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Borderland of Sol" by Larry Niven [Analog Jan 1975]
  2. "The New Atlantis" by Ursula K. Le Guin [The New Atlantis, 1975]
  3. "And Seven Times Never Kill Man" by George R. R. Martin [Analog Jul 1975]
  4. "San Diego Lightfoot Sue" by Tom Reamy [F&SF Aug 1975]
  5. "Tinker" by Jerry Pournelle [Galaxy Jul 1975]

Best Short Story

  1. "Catch That Zeppelin!" by Fritz Leiber [F&SF Mar 1975]
  2. "Croatoan" by Harlan Ellison [F&SF May 1975]
  3. "Child Of All Ages" by PJ Plauger [Analog Mar 1975]
  4. "Sail The Tide Of Mourning" by Richard A Lupoff [New Dimensions #5, 1975]
  5. "Rogue Tomato" by Michael Bishop [New Dimensions #5, 1975]
  6. "Doing Lennon" by Gregory Benford [Analog Apr 1975]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. A Boy and His Dog, [20th Century Fox] Screenplay by L.Q. Jones and Wayne Cruseturner; Directed by L.Q. Jones
  2. Monty Python and the Holy Grail [Python (Monty) Pictures] Written by Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin; Directed by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones
  3. Dark Star [USC] Written by John Carpenter and Dan O Bannon; Directed by John Carpenter
  4. Rollerball [Harbor/20th Century Fox] Written and directed by Brian De Palma
  5. The Capture by Phil Foglio

Best Professional Editor

  1. Ben Bova
  2. Robert Silverberg
  3. Edward L Ferman
  4. James P Baen
  5. Ted White

Best Professional Artist

  1. Frank Kelly Freas
  2. Rick Sternbach
  3. George Barr
  4. Stephen Fabian
  5. Vincent Di Fate

Best Fanzine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown and Dena Brown
  2. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  3. Outworlds, edited by Bill Bowers and Joan Bowers
  4. Algol, edited by Andrew Porter
  5. Don O Saur, edited by Don C Thompson

Best Fan Writer

  1. Richard E Geis
  2. Susan Wood
  3. Don C Thompson
  4. Charles N Brown
  5. Don D Ammassa

Best Fan Artist

  1. Tim Kirk

Special Awards

     1977 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: SunCon, Miami Beach, Florida; September 2–5, 1977

Best Novel

  1. Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang by Kate Wilhelm [Harper & Row, 1976]

Best Novella

  1. "By Any Other Name" by Spider Robinson [Analog Nov 1976]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Bicentennial Man" by Isaac Asimov [Stellar #2 (Ballantine), 1976]

Best Short Story

  1. "Tricentennial" by Joe Haldeman [Analog Jul 1976]
  2. "A Crowd Of Shadows" by CL Grant [F&SF Jun 1976]
  3. "I See You" by Damon Knight [F&SF Nov 1976]
  4. "Custom Fitting" by James White [Stellar #2 (Ballantine), 1976]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. no award

Best Professional Editor

  1. Ben Bova

Best Professional Artist

  1. Rick Sternbach

Best Fanzine

  1. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis

Best Fan Writer

  1. Richard E Geis
  1. Susan Wood

Best Fan Artist

  1. Phil Foglio

Special Awards

     1978 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: IguanaCon II, Phoenix, Arizona; August 30 – September 4, 1978

Best Novel

  1. Gateway by Frederik Pohl [Galaxy Nov,Dec 1976,Mar 1977; St. Martin's Press, 1977]
  2. The Forbidden Tower by Marion Zimmer Bradley [DAW, 1977]
  3. Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle [Playboy, 1977]

Best Novella

  1. "Stardance" by Spider Robinson and Jeanne Robinson [Analog Mar 1977]
  2. "In The Hall Of The Martian Kings" by John Varley [F&SF Feb 1977]
  3. "Aztecs" by Vonda N. McIntyre [2076: The American Tricentennial, 1977]

Best Novelette

  1. "Eyes Of Amber" by Joan D Vinge [Analog Jun 1977]
  2. "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card [Analog Aug 1977] (The novel would come out in 1985)
  3. "The Screwfly Solution" by Raccoona Sheldon (aka: James Tiptree, Jr.) [Analog Jun 1977]

Best Short Story

  1. "Jeffty Is Five" by Harlan Ellison [F&SF Jul 1977]
  2. "Air Raid" by Herb Boehm (aka: John Varley) [Asimov's Spr 1977]
  3. "Dog Day Evening" by Spider Robinson [Analog Oct 1977]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. A New Hope (aka: Star Wars), [Lucasfilm] Written and directed by George Lucas
  2. Close Encounters of the Third Kind [Columbia/EMI] Written and directed by Steven Spielberg
  3. Blood!: The Life and Future Times of Jack the Ripper [Alternate Worlds Recordings] Written by Robert Bloch and Harlan Ellison; Directed by Shelley Torgeson

Best Professional Editor

  1. George H Scithers
  2. Edward L Ferman
  3. Ben Bova

Best Professional Artist

  1. Rick Sternbach
  2. Frank Kelly Freas
  3. Stephen Fabian

Best Fanzine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown and Dena Brown
  2. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  3. Janus, edited by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll

Best Fan Writer

  1. Richard E Geis
  2. Susan Wood
  3. none

Best Fan Artist

  1. Phil Foglio
  2. Grant Canfield
  3. Alexis Gilliland

     1979 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Seacon '79, Brighton, England; August 23–26, 1979

Best Novel

  1. Dreamsnake by Vonda N. McIntyre [Houghton Mifflin, 1978]
  2. The White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey [Ballantine Del Rey, 1978]
  3. The Faded Sun Kesrith by C. J. Cherryh [Galaxy Feb,Mar,Apr,May 1978; DAW, 1978]

Best Novella

  1. "The Persistence Of Vision" by John Varley [F&SF Mar 1978]
  2. "Fireship" by Joan D Vinge [Analog Dec 1978]
  3. "The Watched" by Christopher Priest [F&SF Apr 1978]

Best Novelette

  1. "Hunter's Moon (1978)" by Poul Anderson [Analog Nov 1978]
  2. "Mikals Songbird" by Orson Scott Card [Analog May 1978]
  3. "The Man Who Had No Idea" by Thomas M. Disch [F&SF Oct 1978]

Best Short Story

  1. "Cassandra" by C. J. Cherryh [F&SF Oct 1978]
  2. "Count The Clock That Tells The Time" by Harlan Ellison [Omni Dec 1978]
  3. "View From A Height" by Joan D Vinge [Analog Jun 1978]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Superman: The Movie, [Alexander Salkind] Screenplay by Mario Puzo, David Newman, Leslie Newman, and Robert Benton; Directed by Richard Donner
  2. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy [BBC Radio 4] Screenplay by Douglas Adams; Directed by Geoffrey Perkins
  3. Watership Down [Nepenthe] Written and directed by Martin Rosen

Best Professional Editor

  1. Ben Bova
  2. Edward L Ferman
  3. George H Scithers

Best Professional Artist

  1. Vincent Di Fate
  2. Michael Whelan
  3. Boris Vallejo

Best Fanzine

  1. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  2. Maya, edited by Rob Jackson
  3. none

Best Fan Writer

  1. Bob Shaw
  2. Richard E Geis
  3. none

Best Fan Artist

  1. William Rotsler
  2. Jim Barker
  3. Alexis Gilliland

     1980 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Noreascon Two, Boston, Massachusetts; August 29 – September 1, 1980

Best Novel

  1. The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke [Gollancz, 1979; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979]
  2. Titan by John Varley [Analog Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr 1979; Berkley Putnam, 1979]
  3. Jem by Frederik Pohl [St. Martin's Press, 1979]
  4. Harpist in the Wind by Patricia A. McKillip [Atheneum, 1979]
  5. On Wings Of Song by Thomas M. Disch [F&SF Feb,Mar,Apr 1979; St. Martin's Press, 1979]

Best Novella

  1. "Enemy Mine" by Barry B Longyear [Asimov's Sep 1979]
  2. "Songhouse" by Orson Scott Card [Analog Sep 1979]
  3. "The Moon Goddess And The Son" by Donald Kingsbury [Analog Dec 1979]
  4. "Ker Plop" by Ted Reynolds [Asimov's Jan 1979]
  5. "The Battle Of The Abaco Reefs" by Hilbert Schenck [F&SF Jun 1979]

Best Novelette

  1. "Sandkings" by George R. R. Martin [Omni Aug 1979]
  2. "The Homecoming" by Barry B Longyear [Asimov's Oct 1979]
  3. "The Locusts" by Larry Niven and Steven Barnes [Analog Jun 1979]
  4. "Fireflood" by Vonda N. McIntyre [F&SF Nov 1979]
  5. "Options" by John Varley [Universe 9, 1979]
  6. "Palely Loitering" by Christopher Priest [F&SF Jan 1979]

Best Short Story

  1. "The Way Of Cross And Dragon" by George R. R. Martin [Omni Jun 1979]
  2. "Unaccompanied Sonata" by Orson Scott Card [Omni Mar 1979]
  3. "Can These Bones Live?" by Ted Reynolds [Analog Mar 1979]
  4. "giANTS" by Edward Bryant [Analog Aug 1979]
  5. "Daisy In The Sun" by Connie Willis [Galileo Nov 1979]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. The Science Fiction Encyclopedia by Peter Nicholls [Doubleday, 1979]
  2. In Memory Yet Green by Isaac Asimov [Doubleday, 1979]
  3. Barlowes Guide To Extraterrestrials by Wayne Barlowe and Ian Summers [Workman, 1979]
  4. Wonderworks by Michael Whelan [Donning, 1979]
  5. The Language Of The Night by Ursula K. Le Guin and Susan Wood [Putnam, 1979]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Alien, [20th Century Fox] Screenplay by Dan O Bannon; Directed by Ridley Scott
  2. Time After Time [Warner Bros.] Written and directed by Nicholas Meyer
  3. Star Trek: The Motion Picture [Century/Paramount] Screenplay by Harold Livingston; Directed by Robert Wise
  4. The Muppet Movie [Henson/ITC] Screenplay by Jack Burns and Jerry Juhl; Directed by James Frawley
  5. no award
  6. The Black Hole [Disney] Screenplay by Jeb Rosebrook and Gerry Day; Directed by Gary Nelson

Best Professional Editor

  1. George H Scithers
  2. Edward L Ferman
  3. Ben Bova
  4. Stanley Schmidt
  5. James P Bean

Best Professional Artist

  1. Michael Whelan
  2. Vincent Di Fate
  3. Stephen Fabian
  4. Boris Vallejo
  5. Paul Lehr

Best Fanzine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  3. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  4. Janus, edited by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll
  5. Thrust, edited by D Douglas Fratz

Best Fan Writer

  1. Bob Shaw
  2. Richard E Geis
  3. Mike Glyer
  4. David Langford
  5. Arthur D Hlavaty

Best Fan Artist

  1. Alexis Gilliland
  2. William Rotsler
  3. Joan Hanke Woods
  4. Victoria Poyser
  5. Stu Shiffman
  6. Jeanne Gomoll

     1981 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Denvention Two, Denver, Colorado; September 3–7, 1981

Best Novel

  1. The Snow Queen Series by Joan D Vinge [Dial Press, 1980]
  2. Lord Valentine's Castle by Robert Silverberg [F&SF Nov,Dec 1979,Jan,Feb 1980; Harper & Row, 1980]
  3. The Ringworld Engineers by Larry Niven [Galileo Jul,Sep,Nov 1979,Jan 1980; Phantasia, 1980]
  4. Beyond The Blue Event Horizon by Frederik Pohl [Ballantine Del Rey, 1980]
  5. Wizard by John Varley [Berkley Putnam, 1980]

Best Novella

  1. "Lost Dorsai" by Gordon R. Dickson [Destinies v2 #1 Feb/Mar 1980]
  2. "One Wing" by George R. R. Martin and Lisa Tuttle [Analog Jan,Feb 1980]
  3. "Nightflyers" by George R. R. Martin [Analog Apr 1980]
  4. "The Brave Little Toaster" by Thomas M. Disch [F&SF Aug 1980]
  5. "All The Lies That Are My Life" by Harlan Ellison [F&SF Nov 1980; Underwood-Miller, 1980]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Cloak And The Staff" by Gordon R. Dickson [Analog Aug 1980]
  2. "Savage Planet" by Barry B Longyear [Analog Feb 1980]
  3. "Beatnik Bayou" by John Varley [New Voices III: The Campbell Award Nominees, 1980]
  4. "The Lordly Ones" by Keith Roberts [F&SF Mar 1980]
  5. "The Autopsy" by Michael Shea [F&SF Dec 1980]
  6. "The Ugly Chickens" by Howard Waldrop [Universe 10, 1980]

Best Short Story

  1. "Grotto Of The Dancing Deer" by Clifford Simak [Analog Apr 1980]
  2. "Our Lady of the Sauropods" by Robert Silverberg [Omni Sep 1980]
  3. "Spidersong" by Susan C Petrey [F&SF Sep 1980]
  4. "Cold Hands" by Jeff Duntemann [Asimov's Jun 1980]
  5. "Guardian" by Jeff Duntemann [Asimov's Sep 1980]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. Cosmos by Carl Sagan [Random House, 1980]
  2. In Joy Still Felt by Isaac Asimov [Doubleday, 1980]
  3. Dream Makers: The Uncommon People Who Write Science Fiction by Charles Platt [Berkley, 1980]
  4. Di Fate's Catalog of Science Fiction Hardware by Vincent Di Fate and Ian Summers [Workman, 1980]
  5. Warhoon 28 (the writings of Walter A. Willis) by Richard Bergeron [Richard Bergeron, 1980]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. The Empire Strikes Back, [Lucasfilm] Screenplay by Leigh Bracket and Lawrence Kasdan; Directed by Irvin Kershner
  2. The Lathe Of Heaven [WNET/PBS] Screenplay by Diane English and Roger Swaybill; Directed by Fred Barzyk and David R Loxton
  3. Cosmos [KCET/PBS] Written and directed by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan
  4. The Martian Chronicles [BBC/NBC] Screenplay by Richard Matheson; Directed by Michael Anderson
  5. Flash Gordon (1980) [20th Century Fox/De Laurentiis] Screenplay by Lorenzo Semple, Jr.; Directed by Mike Hodges

Best Professional Editor

  1. Edward L Ferman
  2. George H Scithers
  3. James P Bean
  4. Terry Carr
  5. Stanley Schmidt

Best Professional Artist

  1. Michael Whelan
  2. Vincent Di Fate
  3. Stephen Fabian
  4. Don Maitz
  5. Paul Lehr

Best Fanzine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  3. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  4. Starship, edited by Andrew I Porter
  5. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter

Best Fan Writer

  1. Susan Wood
  2. Richard E Geis
  3. Mike Glyer
  4. David Langford
  5. Arthur D Hlavaty

Best Fan Artist

  1. Victoria Poyser
  2. Alexis Gilliland
  3. William Rotsler
  4. Joan Hanke Woods
  5. Stu Shiffman

Special Award

  1. Edward L Ferman - for his effort to expand and improve writing quality in the field

     1982 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Chicon IV, Chicago, Illinois; September 2–6, 1982

Best Novel

  1. Downbelow Station by C. J. Cherryh [DAW, 1981]
  2. The Claw Of The Conciliator by Gene Wolfe [Timescape, 1981]
  3. The Many Colored Land by Julian May [Houghton Mifflin, 1981]
  4. Project Pope by Clifford Simak [Ballantine Del Rey, 1981]
  5. Little Big by John Crowley [Bantam, 1981]

Best Novella

  1. "The Saturn Game" by Poul Anderson [Analog Feb 1981]
  2. "In The Western Tradition" by Phyllis Eisenstein [F&SF Mar 1981]
  3. "Blue Champagne" by John Varley [New Voices #4, 1981]
  4. "With Thimbles With Forks And Hope" by Kate Wilhelm [Asimov's Nov 1981]
  5. "True Names" by Vernor Vinge [Binary Star #5, 1981]
  6. "Emergence" by David R Palmer [Analog Jan 1981]

Best Novelette

  1. "Unicorn Variation" by Roger Zelazny [Asimov's Apr 1981]
  2. "Guardians" by George R. R. Martin [Analog Oct 1981]
  3. "The Thermals Of August" by Edward Bryant [F&SF May 1981]
  4. "The Fire When It Comes" by Parke Godwin [F&SF May 1981]
  5. "The Quickening" by Michael Bishop [Universe 11, 1981]

Best Short Story

  1. "The Pusher" by John Varley [F&SF Oct 1981]
  2. "The Woman The Unicorn Loved" by Gene Wolfe [Asimov's Jun 1981]
  3. "Absent Thee from Felicity Awhile..." by Somtow Sucharitkul [Analog Sep 1981]
  4. "The Quiet" by George Florance Guthridge [F&SF Jul 1981]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. Danse Macabre by Stephen King [Everest, 1981]
  2. The Art of Leo & Diane Dillon by Leo Dillon, Diane Dillon, and Byron Preiss [Ballantine, 1981]
  3. The Grand Tour by Ron Miller and William K Hartmann [Workman, 1981]
  4. After Man by Dougal Dixon [Macmillan, 1981]
  5. Anatomy Of Wonder, Second Edition by Neil Barron [R. R. Bowker, 1981]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Raiders of the Lost Ark, [Lucasfilm] Screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan; Directed by Steven Spielberg
  2. Time Bandits [Handmade Films] Screenplay by Michael Palin and Terry Gilliam; Directed by Terry Gilliam
  3. Excalibur [Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Rospo Pallenberg and John Boorman; Directed by John Boorman
  4. Dragonslayer [Paramount/Disney] Screenplay by Hal Barwood and Matthew Robbins; Directed by Matthew Robbins
  5. Outland [Outland/The Ladd Company] Written and directed by Peter Hyams

Best Professional Editor

  1. Edward L Ferman
  2. Terry Carr
  3. George H Scithers
  4. Stanley Schmidt
  5. David G Hartwell

Best Professional Artist

  1. Michael Whelan
  2. Vincent Di Fate
  3. Rowena Morril
  4. Don Maitz
  5. Carl Lundgren

Best Fanzine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  3. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  4. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter

Best Fan Writer

  1. Richard E Geis
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. David Langford
  4. none
  5. Arthur D Hlavaty

Best Fan Artist

  1. Victoria Poyser
  2. Joan Hanke Woods
  3. Alexis Gilliland
  4. William Rotsler
  5. Stu Shiffman

Special Award

  1. Mike Glyer - for "keeping the 'fan' in 'fan'zine publishing"

     1983 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: ConStellation, Baltimore, Maryland; September 1–5, 1983

Best Novel

  1. Foundation's Edge by Isaac Asimov [Doubleday, 1982]
  2. The Pride of Chanur by C. J. Cherryh [DAW, 1982]
  3. 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C. Clarke [Ballantine Del Rey, 1982]
  4. Friday by Robert A. Heinlein [Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1982]
  5. Courtship Rite by Donald Kingsbury [Timescape, 1982]
  6. The Sword Of The Lictor by Gene Wolfe [Timescape, 1982]

Best Novella

  1. "Souls" by Joanna Russ [F&SF Jan 1982]
  2. "The Postman" by David Brin [Asimov's Nov 1982]
  3. "Unsound Variations" by George R. R. Martin [Amazing Jan 1982]
  4. "Brainchild" by Joseph H Delaney [Analog Jun 1982]
  5. "To Leave A Mark" by Kim Stanley Robinson [F&SF Nov 1982]
  6. "Another Orphan" by John Kessel [F&SF Sep 1982]

Best Novelette

  1. "Fire Watch" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Feb 1982]
  2. "Nightlife" by Phyllis Eisenstein [F&SF Feb 1982]
  3. "Pawns Gambit" by Timothy Zahn [Analog Mar 1982]
  4. "Aquila" by Somtow Sucharitkul [Asimov's Jan 1982]
  5. "Swarm" by Bruce Sterling [F&SF Apr 1982]

Best Short Story

  1. "Melancholy Elephants" by Spider Robinson [Analog Jun 1982]
  2. "Sur" by Ursula K. Le Guin [The New Yorker 1982-02-01; The Compass Rose, 1982]
  3. "The Boy Who Waterskied To Forever" by James Tiptree, Jr. [F&SF Oct 1982]
  4. "Spider Rose" by Bruce Sterling [F&SF Aug 1982]
  5. "Ike At The Mike" by Howard Waldrop [Omni Jun 1982]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction by James E. Gunn [Oxford, 1982]
  2. The World Of The Dark Crystal by Brian Froud and JJ Llewellyn [Knopf, 1982]
  3. A Readers Guide To Fantasy by Baird Searles, Beth Meacham, and Michael Franklin [Avon, 1982]
  4. The Engines Of The Night by Barry N Malzberg [Doubleday, 1982]
  5. Fear Itself: The Horror Fiction of Stephen King by Tim Underwood and Chuck Miller [Underwood-Miller, 1982]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Blade Runner, [Blade Runner Partnership] Screenplay by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples; Directed by Ridley Scott
  2. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan [Paramount] Screenplay by Jack B Sowards and Nicholas Meyer; Directed by Nicholas Meyer
  3. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial [Amblin/Universal] Screenplay by Melissa Mathison; Directed by Steven Spielberg
  4. The Dark Crystal [Henson/ITC/Universl] Screenplay by David Odell; Directed by Jim Henson, Frank Oz, and Gary Kurtz
  5. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior [Kennedy Miller/Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Terry Hayes, George Miller, and Brian Hannant; Directed by George Miller

Best Professional Editor

  1. Edward L Ferman
  2. Terry Carr
  3. Stanley Schmidt
  4. George H Scithers
  5. David G Hartwell

Best Professional Artist

  1. Michael Whelan
  2. Frank Kelly Freas
  3. Rowena Morrill
  4. Don Maitz
  5. Darrell K Sweet
  6. Barclay Shaw

Best Fanzine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  3. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  4. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  5. Fantasy Newsletter, edited by Robert A Collins

Best Fan Writer

  1. Richard E Geis
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. David Langford
  4. Arthur D Hlavaty

Best Fan Artist

  1. Alexis Gilliland
  2. William Rotsler
  3. Joan Hanke Woods
  4. Stu Shiffman
  5. Dan Steffan

     1984 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: L.A.con II, Anaheim, California; August 30 – September 3, 1984

Best Novel

  1. Startide Rising by David Brin [Bantam, 1983]
  2. Tea with the Black Dragon by R. A. MacAvoy [Bantam, 1983]
  3. Millennium by John Varley [Berkley, 1983]
  4. Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern by Anne McCaffrey [Ballantine Del Rey, 1983]
  5. The Robots of Dawn by Isaac Asimov [Doubleday, 1983]

Best Novella

  1. "Cascade Point" by Timothy Zahn [Analog Dec 1983]
  2. "Hardfought" by Greg Bear [Asimov's Feb 1983]
  3. "In The Face Of My Enemy" by Joseph H Delaney [Analog Apr 1983]
  4. "Seeking" by David R Palmer [Analog Feb 1983]
  5. "Hurricane Claude" by Hilbert Schenck [F&SF Apr 1983]

Best Novelette

  1. "Blood Music" by Greg Bear [Analog Jun 1983]
  2. "The Monkey Treatment" by George R. R. Martin [F&SF Jul 1983]
  3. "The Sidon In The Mirror" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Apr 1983]
  4. "Slow Birds" by Ian Watson [F&SF Jun 1983]
  5. "Black Air" by Kim Stanley Robinson [F&SF Mar 1983]

Best Short Story

  1. "Speech Sounds" by Octavia E Butler [Asimov's mid-Dec 1983]
  2. "Servant Of The People" by Frederik Pohl [Analog Feb 1983]
  3. "The Geometry Of Narrative" by Hilbert Schenck [Analog Aug 1983]
  4. "The Peacemaker" by Gardner Dozois [Asimov's Aug 1983]
  5. "Wongs Lost And Found Emporium" by William F Wu [Amazing May 1983]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. The Encyclopedia Of Science Fiction And Fantasy through 1968, Vol 3: Miscellaneous by Donald H Tuck [Advent, 1983]
  2. The High Kings by Joy Chant, Ian Ballantine, Betty Ballantine, George Sharp, and David Larkin [Bantam, 1983]
  3. Dream Makers Volume II by Charles Platt [Berkley, 1983]
  4. Staying Alive: A Writer's Guide by Norman Spinrad [Donning, 1983]
  5. The Fantastic Art Of Rowena by Rowena Morrill [Pocket, 1983]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Return of the Jedi, [Lucasfilm] Screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas; Directed by Richard Marquand
  2. The Right Stuff [The Ladd Company] Written and Directed by Philip Kaufmann
  3. WarGames [MGM] Screenplay by Lawrence Lasker and Walter F Parkes; Directed by John Badham
  4. Brainstorm [MGM] Screenplay by Philip Frank Messina and Robert Stitzel; Directed by Douglas Trumbull
  5. Something Wicked This Way Comes [Bryna/Disney] Screenplay by Ray Bradbury; Directed by Jack Clayton

Best Professional Editor

  1. Shawna Mc Carthy
  2. David G Hartwell
  3. Terry Carr
  4. Edward L Ferman
  5. Stanley Schmidt

Best Professional Artist

  1. Michael Whelan
  2. Rowena Morrill
  3. Don Maitz
  4. Barclay Shaw
  5. Val Lakey Lindahn

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  3. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  4. Fantasy Newsletter/Fantasy Review, edited by Robert A Collins
  5. Whispers, edited by Stuart David Schiff

Best Fanzine

  1. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  2. Ansible, edited by Dave Langford
  3. The Philk Fee-Nom-Ee-Non, edited by Paul J Willett
  4. Izzard, edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden and Teresa Nielsen Hayden
  5. Holier Than Thou, edited by Marty Cantor and Robbie Cantor

Best Fan Writer

  1. Mike Glyer
  2. Richard E Geis
  3. David Langford
  4. Teresa Nielsen Hayden
  5. Arthur D Hlavaty

Best Fan Artist

  1. Alexis Gilliland
  2. William Rotsler
  3. Joan Hanke Woods
  4. Brad W Foster
  5. Stu Shiffman

Special Awards

  • Robert Bloch - for 50 years as an SF professional
  • Larry Shaw - as one of the early unsung editors in the field

     1985 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Aussiecon Two, Melbourne, Australia; August 22–26, 1985

Best Novel

  1. Neuromancer by William Gibson [Ace, 1984]
  2. Emergence by David R Palmer [Bantam, 1984]
  3. The Peace War by Vernor Vinge [Bluejay, 1984]
  4. Job: A Comedy of Justice by Robert A. Heinlein [Ballantine Del Rey, 1984]
  5. The Integral Trees by Larry Niven [Ballantine Del Rey, 1984]

Best Novella

  1. "Press Enter []" by John Varley [Asimov's May 1984]
  2. "Cyclops" by David Brin [Asimov's Mar 1984]
  3. "Valentina" by Joseph H Delaney and Marc Stiegler [Analog May 1984]
  4. "Summer Solstice" by Charles L Harness [Analog Jun 1984]
  5. "Elemental" by Geoffrey A Landis [Analog Dec 1984]

Best Novelette

  1. "Bloodchild" by Octavia E Butler [Asimov's Jun 1984]
  2. "The Man Who Painted The Dragon Griaule" by Lucius Shepard [F&SF Dec 1984]
  3. "Return To The Fold" by Timothy Zahn [Analog Sep 1984]
  4. "Blued Moon" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Jan 1984]
  5. "Silicon Muse" by Hilbert Schenck [Analog Sep 1984]
  6. "The Weigher" by Eric Vinicoff and Marcia Martin [Analog Oct 1984]
  7. none
  8. "The Lucky Strike" by Kim Stanley Robinson [Universe 14, 1984]

Best Short Story

  1. "The Crystal Spheres" by David Brin [Analog Jan 1984]
  2. "The Aliens Who Knew, I Mean, Everything" by George Alec Effinger [F&SF Oct 1984]
  3. "Symphony For A Lost Traveler" by Lee Killough [Analog Mar 1984]
  4. "Salvador" by Lucius Shepard [F&SF Apr 1984]
  5. "Ridge Running" by Kim Stanley Robinson [F&SF Jan 1984]
  6. "Rory" by Steven Gould [Analog Apr 1984]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. Wonders Child My Life In Science Fiction by Jack Williamson [Bluejay, 1984]
  2. The Faces Of Science Fiction by Patti Perret [Bluejay, 1984]
  3. Sleepless Nights In The Procrustean Bed by Harlan Ellison [Borgo Press, 1984]
  4. In The Heart Or In The Head: An Essay in Time Travel by George Turner [Norstrilia Press, 1984]
  5. The Dune Encyclopedia by Willis E Mc Nelly [Berkley Putnam, 1984]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. 2010: The Year We Make Contact (aka: 2010: Odyssey Two), [MGM] Written and Directed by Peter Hyams
  2. Ghostbusters (1984) [Black Rhino/Columbia] Screenplay by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis; Directed by Ivan Reitman
  3. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock [Cinema Group/Paramount] Screenplay by Harve Bennett; Directed by Leonard Nimoy
  4. Dune [De Laurentiis/Universal] Written and Directed by David Lynch
  5. The Last Starfighter [Lorimar/Universal] Screenplay by Jonathan R Betuel; Directed by Nick Castle

Best Professional Editor

  1. Terry Carr
  2. Stanley Schmidt
  3. Shawna Mc Carthy
  4. Edward L Ferman
  5. George H Scithers

Best Professional Artist

  1. Michael Whelan
  2. Vincent Di Fate
  3. Val Lakey Lindahn
  4. Barclay Shaw
  5. Tom Kidd

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  3. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  4. no award
  5. Whispers, edited by Stuart David Schiff
  6. Fantasy Review, edited by Robert A Collins

Best Fanzine

  1. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  2. Rataplan, edited by Leigh Edmonds
  3. Ansible, edited by Dave Langford
  4. none
  5. Mythologies, edited by Don D Ammassa
  6. Holier Than Thou, edited by Marty Cantor and Robbie Cantor

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Leigh Edmonds
  3. Richard E Geis
  4. Mike Glyer
  5. none
  6. Arthur D Hlavaty

Best Fan Artist

  1. Alexis Gilliland
  2. Brad W Foster
  3. Joan Hanke Woods
  4. William Rotsler
  5. Stu Shiffman
  6. none
  7. Steve Fox

     1986 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: ConFederation, Atlanta, Georgia; August 28 – September 1, 1986

Best Novel

  1. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card [Tor, 1985]
  2. Cuckoo's Egg by C. J. Cherryh [Phantasia, 1985; DAW, 1985]
  3. The Postman by David Brin [Bantam Spectra, 1985]
  4. Footfall by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle [Ballantine Del Rey, 1985]
  5. Blood Music by Greg Bear [Arbor House, 1985]

Best Novella

  1. "24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai" by Roger Zelazny [Asimov's Jul 1985]
  2. "Sailing To Byzantium" by Robert Silverberg [Asimov's Feb 1985]
  3. "The Only Neat Thing To Do" by James Tiptree, Jr. [F&SF Oct 1985]
  4. "Green Mars" by Kim Stanley Robinson [Asimov's Sep 1985]
  5. "The Scapegoat" by C. J. Cherryh [Alien Stars, 1985]

Best Novelette

  1. "Paladin Of The Lost Hour" by Harlan Ellison [Universe 15, 1985; Twilight Zone Dec 1985]
  2. "Portraits Of His Children" by George R. R. Martin [Asimov's Nov 1985]
  3. "The Fringe" by Orson Scott Card [F&SF Oct 1985]
  4. "A Gift From The Graylanders" by Michael Bishop [Asimov's Sep 1985]
  5. "Dogfight" by Michael Swanwick and William Gibson [Omni Jul 1985]

Best Short Story

  1. "Fermi And Frost" by Frederik Pohl [Asimov's Jan 1985]
  2. "Flying Saucer Rock And Roll" by Howard Waldrop [Omni Jan 1985]
  3. "Snow" by John Crowley [Omni Nov 1985]
  4. "Dinner In Audoghast" by Bruce Sterling [Asimov's May 1985]
  5. "Hongs Bluff" by William F Wu [Omni Mar 1985]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. Science Made Stupid by Tom Weller [Houghton Mifflin, 1985]
  2. The John W Campbell Letters, Vol. 1 by Perry A Chapdelaine, Sr., Tony Chapdelaine, and George Hay [AC Projects, 1986]
  3. An Edge In My Voice by Harlan Ellison [Donning, 1985]
  4. Benchmarks Galaxy Bookshelf by Algis Budrys [Southern Illinois University Press, 1985]
  5. The Pale Shadow Of Science by Brian W. Aldiss [Serconia Press, 1985]
  6. Faces Of Fear: Encounters with the Creators of Modern Horror by Douglas E Winter [Berkley, 1985]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Back To The Future, [Amblin/Universal] Screenplay by Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale; Directed by Robert Zemeckis
  2. Ladyhawke [20th Century Fox/Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Edward Khmara, Michael Thomas, Tom Mankiewicz, and David Webb Peoples; Directed by Richard Donner
  3. Cocoon [20th Century Fox/Zanuck/Brown] Screenplay by Tom Benedek; Directed by Ron Howard
  4. Brazil [Embassy/Universal] Screenplay by Terry Gilliam, Charles Mc Keown, and Tom Stoppard; Directed by Terry Gilliam
  5. Enemy Mine [20th Century Fox/King's Road] Screenplay by Edward Khmara; Directed by Wolfgang Petersen

Best Professional Editor

  1. Judy Lynn Del Rey (Lester del Rey refused the award)
  2. Terry Carr
  3. Shawna Mc Carthy
  4. Edward L Ferman
  5. Stanley Schmidt

Best Professional Artist

  1. Michael Whelan
  2. Frank Kelly Freas
  3. Rowena Morrill
  4. Don Maitz
  5. Barclay Shaw

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  3. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  4. Fantasy Review, edited by Robert A Collins
  5. Interzone, edited by Simon Ounsley and David Pringle

Best Fanzine

  1. Lans Lantern, edited by George Laskowski
  2. none
  3. Anvil, edited by Charlotte Proctor
  4. Universal Translator, edited by Susan Bridges
  5. Holier Than Thou, edited by Marty Cantor and Robbie Cantor
  6. Greater Columbia Fantasy Costumers Guild Newsletter, edited by Bobby Gear

Best Fan Writer

  1. Mike Glyer
  2. Richard E Geis
  3. David Langford
  4. Arthur D Hlavaty
  5. Don D Ammassa
  6. Patrick Nielsen Hayden

Best Fan Artist

  1. Joan Hanke Woods
  2. Brad W Foster
  3. William Rotsler
  4. Stu Shiffman
  5. Steve Fox

     1987 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Conspiracy '87, Brighton, England; August 27 – September 1, 1987

Best Novel

  1. Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card [Tor, 1986]
  2. The Ragged Astronauts by Bob Shaw [Gollancz, 1986; Baen, 1986]
  3. Count Zero by William Gibson [Asimov's Jan,Feb,Mar 1986; Gollancz, 1986]
  4. Marooned in Realtime by Vernor Vinge [Analog May,Jun,Jul,Aug 1986; Bluejay, 1986]
  5. none
  6. Black Genesis by L. Ron Hubbard [Bridge, 1986; New Era, 1986]

Best Novella

  1. "Gilgamesh In The Outback" by Robert Silverberg [Asimov's Jul 1986; Rebels in Hell, 1986]
  2. "Escape From Kathmandu" by Kim Stanley Robinson [Asimov's Sep 1986]
  3. "R & R" by Lucius Shepard [Asimov's Apr 1986]
  4. "Spice Pogrom" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Oct 1986]
  5. "Eifelheim" by Michael F Flynn [Analog Nov 1986]

Best Novelette

  1. "Permafrost" by Roger Zelazny [Omni Apr 1986]
  2. "Thor Meets Captain America" by David Brin [F&SF Jul 1986]
  3. "The Winter Market" by William Gibson [Stardate Mar/Apr 1986; Interzone #15 Spr 1986]
  4. "Hatrack River" by Orson Scott Card [Asimov's Aug 1986]
  5. "The Barbarian Princess" by Vernor Vinge [Analog Sep 1986]

Best Short Story

  1. "Tangents" by Greg Bear [Omni Jan 1986]
  2. "Robot Dreams" by Isaac Asimov [Robot Dreams, 1986; Asimov's mid-Dec 1986]
  3. "The Boy Who Plaited Manes" by Nancy Springer [F&SF Oct 1986]
  4. "Still Life" by David S Garnett [F&SF Mar 1986]
  5. "Rat" by James Patrick Kelly [F&SF Jun 1986]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. Trillion Year Spree by Brian W. Aldiss and David Wingrove [Gollancz, 1986; Atheneum, 1986]
  2. The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, Klaus Jenson, and Lynn Varley [DC/Warner, 1986]
  3. Industrial Light And Magic: The Art of Special Effects by Thomas G Smith [Ballantine Del Rey, 1986]
  4. Science Fiction In Print: 1985 by Charles N Brown and William G Contento [Locus Press, 1986]
  5. The Pale Shadow Of Science by Brian W. Aldiss [Serconia Press, 1985]
  6. Only Apparently Real: The World of Philip K. Dick by Paul Williams [Arbor House, 1986]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Aliens, [20th Century Fox] Written and Directed by James Cameron
  2. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home [Paramount] Screenplay by Steve Meerson, Peter Krikes, Harve Bennett, and Nicholas Meyer; Directed by Leonard Nimoy
  3. The Fly (1986) [Brooksfilms/20th Century Fox] Screenplay by David Cronenberg and Charles Edward Pogue; Directed by David Cronenberg
  4. Little Shop of Horrors [Geffen] Screenplay by Howard Ashman; Directed by Frank Oz
  5. Labyrinth [Delphi/Henson/Lucasfilm/TriStar] Screenplay by Terry Jones; Directed by Jim Henson

Best Professional Editor

  1. Terry Carr
  2. Gardner Dozois
  3. David G Hartwell
  4. Edward L Ferman
  5. Stanley Schmidt

Best Professional Artist

  1. Jim Burns
  2. Frank Kelly Freas
  3. Don Maitz
  4. Barclay Shaw
  5. Tom Kidd
  6. JK Potter

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Interzone, edited by Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
  3. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  4. Science Fiction Review, edited by Richard E Geis
  5. Fantasy Review, edited by Robert A Collins

Best Fanzine

  1. Ansible, edited by Dave Langford
  2. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  3. none
  4. Lans Lantern, edited by George Laskowski
  5. Texas SF Enquirer, edited by Pat Mueller
  6. Trap Door, edited by Robert Lichtman

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Patrick Nielsen Hayden
  3. Simon Ounsley
  4. Mike Glyer
  5. none
  6. D West
  7. Arthur D Hlavaty

Best Fan Artist

  1. Brad W Foster
  2. Arthur Thomson
  3. Stu Shiffman
  4. Taral Wayne
  5. Steve Fox

     1988 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Nolacon II, New Orleans, Louisiana; September 1–5, 1988

Best Novel

  1. The Uplift War by David Brin [Phantasia, 1987; Bantam Spectra, 1987]
  2. When Gravity Fails by George Alec Effinger [Arbor House, 1987; Bantam Spectra, 1987]
  3. Seventh Son by Orson Scott Card [Tor, 1987]
  4. The Forge Of God by Greg Bear [Tor, 1987]
  5. The Urth Of The New Sun by Gene Wolfe [Tor, 1987]

Best Novella

  1. "Eye For Eye" by Orson Scott Card [Asimov's Mar 1987]
  2. "The Secret Sharer" by Robert Silverberg [Asimov's Sep 1987]
  3. "The Blind Geometer" by Kim Stanley Robinson [Asimov's Aug 1987]
  4. "Mother Goddess Of The World" by Kim Stanley Robinson [Asimov's Oct 1987]
  5. "The Forest of Time" by Michael Flynn [Analog Jun 1987]

Best Novelette

  1. "Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight" by Ursula K. Le Guin [F&SF Nov 1987; Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences, 1987]
  2. "Rachel In Love" by Pat Murphy [Asimov's Apr 1987]
  3. "Dinosaurs" by Walter Jon Williams [Asimov's Jun 1987]
  4. "Flowers Of Edo" by Bruce Sterling [Asimov's May 1987]
  5. "Dream Baby" by Bruce Mc Allister [Asimov's Oct 1987; In the Field of Fire, 1987]

Best Short Story

  1. "Why I Left Harrys All Night Hamburgers" by Lawrence Watt-Evans [Asimov's Jul 1987]
  2. "Forever Yours Anna" by Kate Wilhelm [Omni Jul 1987]
  3. "Angel" by Pat Cadigan [Asimov's May 1987]
  4. "Night Of The Cooters" by Howard Waldrop [Omni Apr 1987]
  5. "The Faithful Companion At Forty" by Karen Joy Fowler [Asimov's Jul 1987]
  6. "Cassandras Photographs" by Lisa Goldstein [Asimov's Aug 1987]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. Michael Whelans Works Of Wonder by Michael Whelan [Ballantine Del Rey, 1987]
  2. Imagination The Art And Technique Of David A Cherry by David A Cherry [Donning Starblaze, 1987]
  3. The Battle Of Brazil by Jack Matthews [Crown, 1987]
  4. Anatomy Of Wonder, Third Edition by Neil Barron [R. R. Bowker, 1987]
  5. Science Fiction Fantasy And Horror 1986 by Charles N Brown and William G Contento [Locus Press, 1987]

Other Forms

  1. Watchmen, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons [DC/Warner, 1987]
  2. Wild Cards I, by George R. R. Martin [Bantam Spectra, 1987]
  3. I Robot: The Movie by Harlan Ellison [Asimov's Nov,Dec,mid-Dec 1987]
  4. The Essential Ellison: A 35-Year Retrospective by Harlan Ellison, Terry Dowling, Richard Delap, and Gil Lamont [Nemo Press, 1987]
  5. Cvltvre Made Stvpid: A Misguided Tour of Illiterature, Fine & Dandy Arts, & the Subhumanities by Tom Weller [Houghton Mifflin, 1987]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. The Princess Bride, [Act III/20th Century Fox] Screenplay by William Goldman; Directed by Rob Reiner
  2. RoboCop (1987) [Orion Pictures] Screenplay by Michael Miner and Edward Neumeier; Directed by Paul Verhoeven
  3. "Encounter at Farpoint", Star Trek: The Next Generation [Paramount] Screenplay by D. C. Fontana and Gene Roddenberry; Directed by Corey Allen
  4. Predator [20th Century Fox] Screenplay by Jim Thomas and John Thomas; Directed by John McTiernan
  5. The Witches of Eastwick [Guber-Peters/Kennedy Miller/Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Michael Cristofer; Directed by George Miller

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. David G Hartwell
  3. Edward L Ferman
  4. Stanley Schmidt
  5. Brian M Thomson

Best Professional Artist

  1. Micheal Whelan
  2. David A Cherry
  3. Don Maitz
  4. Tom Kidd
  5. Bob Eggleton
  6. JK Potter

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  3. Aboriginal Science Fiction, edited by Charles C Ryan
  4. Interzone, edited by Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
  5. Thrust, edited by D Douglas Fratz

Best Fanzine

  1. Texas SF Enquirer, edited by Pat Mueller
  2. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  3. Lans Lantern, edited by George Laskowski
  4. The Mad 3 Party, edited by Leslie Turek
  5. FOSFAX, edited by Timothy Lane

Best Fan Writer

  1. Mike Glyer
  2. David Langford
  3. Leslie Turek
  4. Arthur D Hlavaty
  5. Guy H Lillian III

Best Fan Artist

  1. Brad W Foster
  2. Diana Gallagher Wu
  3. Steve Fox
  4. Teddy Harvia
  5. Taral Wayne
  6. Merle Insinga

Special Awards

  • The Science Fiction Oral History Association

     1989 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Noreascon 3, Boston, Massachusetts; August 31 – September 4, 1989

Best Novel

  1. Cyteen by C. J. Cherryh [Warner, 1988]
  2. Red Prophet by Orson Scott Card [Tor, 1988]
  3. Falling Free by Lois McMaster Bujold [Analog Dec,mid-Dec 1987,Jan,Feb 1988; Baen, 1988]
  4. Islands in the Net by Bruce Sterling [Morrow/Arbor House, 1988]
  5. Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson [Gollancz, 1988; Bantam Spectra, 1988]

Best Novella

  1. "The Last Of The Winnebagos" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Jul 1988]
  2. "The Scalehunters Beautiful Daughter" by Lucius Shepard [Ziesing, 1988; Asimov's Sep 1988]
  3. "Journals Of The Plague Years" by Norman Spinrad [Full Spectrum, 1988]
  4. "The Calvin Coolidge Home For Dead Comedians" by Bradley Denton [F&SF Jun 1988]
  5. "Surfacing" by Walter Jon Williams [Asimov's Apr 1988]

Best Novelette

  1. "Schrodingers Kitten" by George Alec Effinger [Omni Sep 1988]
  2. "Peaches For Mad Molly" by Steven Gould [Analog Feb 1988]
  3. "Do Ya Do Ya Wanna Dance" by Howard Waldrop [Asimov's Aug 1988]
  4. "The Function Of Dream Sleep" by Harlan Ellison [Midnight Graffiti Jun 1988; Asimov's mid-Dec 1988]
  5. "Ginny Sweethips Flying Circus" by Neal Barrett, Jr. [Asimov's Feb 1988]

Best Short Story

  1. "Kirinyaga" by Mike Resnick [F&SF Nov 1988]
  2. "The Giving Plague" by David Brin [Interzone #23 Spr 1988; Full Spectrum #2, 1988]
  3. "Ripples In The Dirac Sea" by Geoffrey A Landis [Asimov's Oct 1988]
  4. "Our Neural Chernobyl" by Bruce Sterling [F&SF Jun 1988]
  5. "Stable Strategies For Middle Management" by Eileen Gunn [Asimov's Jun 1988]
  6. "The Fort Moxie Branch" by Jack McDevitt [Full Spectrum, 1988]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. The Motion Of Light In Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village 1957–1965 by Samuel R. Delany [Morrow/Arbor House, 1988]
  2. First Maitz by Don Maitz [Ursus, 1988]
  3. The New Encyclopedia Of Science Fiction by James E. Gunn [Viking Press, 1988]
  4. A Biographical Dictionary Of Science Fiction And Fantasy Artists by Robert Weinberg [Greenwood, 1988]
  5. Science Fiction Fantasy And Horror 1987 by Charles N Brown and William G Contento [Locus Press, 1988]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Who Framed Roger Rabbit, [Amblin/Touchstone] Screenplay by Jeffrey Price and Peter S Seaman; Directed by Robert Zemeckis
  2. Beetlejuice [Geffen/Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Michael Mc Dowell and Warren Skaaren; Directed by Tim Burton
  3. Big [20th Century Fox] Screenplay by Gary Ross and Anne Spielberg; Directed by Penny Marshall
  4. Willow [Imagine/Lucasfilm/MGM] Screenplay by Bob Dolman; Directed by Ron Howard
  5. Alien Nation [20th Century Fox] Screenplay by Rockne SO Bannon; Directed by Graham Baker

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. David G Hartwell
  3. Edward L Ferman
  4. Stanley Schmidt
  5. Charles C Ryan

Best Professional Artist

  1. Micheal Whelan
  2. Don Maitz
  3. David A Cherry
  4. Bob Eggleton
  5. Thomas Canty

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  3. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by David G Hartwell, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Susan Palwick, and Kathryn Cramer
  4. Interzone, edited by Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
  5. Thrust, edited by D Douglas Fratz

Best Fanzine

  1. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  2. Lans Lantern, edited by George Laskowski
  3. Niekas, edited by Edmund R Meskys
  4. FOSFAX, edited by Timothy Lane
  5. Other Realms, edited by Chuq Von Rospach

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. Arthur D Hlavaty
  4. Svedon Carol
  5. Chuq Von Rospach
  6. none
  7. Guy H Lillian III

Best Fan Artist

  1. Brad W Foster
  1. Diana Gallagher Wu
  1. Stu Shiffman
  2. Teddy Harvia
  3. Taral Wayne
  4. Merle Insinga

Special Awards

     1990 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Noreascon 3, Boston, Massachusetts; August 31 – September 4, 1989

Best Novel

  1. Hyperion by Dan Simmons [Doubleday Foundation, 1989]
  2. A Fire in the Sun by George Alec Effinger [Doubleday Foundation, 1989]
  3. Prentice Alvin by Orson Scott Card [Tor, 1989]
  4. The Boat Of A Million Years by Poul Anderson [Tor, 1989]
  5. Grass by Sheri S. Tepper [Doubleday Foundation, 1989]

Best Novella

  1. "The Mountains of Mourning" by Lois McMaster Bujold [Analog May 1989]
  2. "The Father Of Stones" by Lucius Shepard [WSFA Press, 1989; Asimov's Sep 1989]
  3. "A Touch Of Lavender" by Megan Lindholm [Asimov's Nov 1989]
  4. "Time Out" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Jul 1989]
  5. "Tiny Tango" by Judith Moffett [Asimov's Feb 1989]

Best Novelette

  1. "Enter A Soldier Later Enter Another" by Robert Silverberg [Asimov's Jun 1989; Time Gate, 1989]
  2. "For I Have Touched The Sky" by Mike Resnick [F&SF Dec 1989]
  3. "Everything But Honor" by George Alec Effinger [Asimov's Feb 1989]
  4. "At The Rialto" by Connie Willis [The Microverse, 1989; Omni Oct 1989]
  5. "The Price Of Oranges" by Nancy Kress [Asimov's Apr 1989]
  6. "Dogwalker" by Orson Scott Card [Asimov's Nov 1989]

Best Short Story

  1. "Boobs" by Suzy Mc Kee Charnas [Asimov's Jul 1989]
  2. "Lost Boys" by Orson Scott Card [F&SF Oct 1989]
  3. "Computer Friendly" by Eileen Gunn [Asimov's Jun 1989]
  4. "The Return Of William Proxmire" by Larry Niven [What Might Have Been? Vol. 1: Alternate Empires, 1989]
  5. "The Edge Of The World" by Michael Swanwick [Full Spectrum #2, 1989]
  6. "Dori Bangs" by Bruce Sterling [Asimov's Sep 1989]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. The World Beyond The Hill by Alexei Panshin and Cory Panshin [J. P. Tarcher, 1989]
  2. Grumbles From The Grave by Robert A. Heinlein [Ballantine Del Rey, 1989]
  3. Dancing At The Edge Of The World by Ursula K. Le Guin [Grove, 1989]
  4. Astounding Days by Arthur C. Clarke [Gollancz, 1989; Bantam Spectra, 1989]
  5. Harlan Ellisons Watching by Harlan Ellison [Underwood-Miller, 1989]
  6. Noreascon 3 Souvenir Book by Greg Thokar [MCFI, 1989]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, [Lucasfilm/Paramount] Screenplay by Jeffrey Boam; Directed by Steven Spielberg
  2. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen [Allied/Columbia/Laura/Prominent] Screenplay by Terry Gilliam and Charles Mc Keown; Directed by Terry Gilliam
  3. Batman (1989) [Guber-Peters/PolyGram/Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Sam Hamm and Warren Skaaren; Directed by Tim Burton
  4. Field of Dreams [Gordon/Universal] Written and directed by Phil Alden Robinson
  5. The Abyss [20th Century Fox/Lightstorm/Pacific Western] Written and directed by James Cameron

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. Ellen Datlow
  3. David G Hartwell
  4. Beth Meacham
  5. Edward L Ferman
  6. Stanley Schmidt
  7. Charles C Ryan

Best Professional Artist

  1. Don Maitz
  2. Thomas Canty
  3. Micheal Whelan
  4. Jim Burns
  5. David A Cherry
  6. Tom Kidd
  7. James Gurney

Best Original Artwork

  1. Rimrunners (written by Alexei Panshin), coverart by Don Maitz
  2. Hyperion (written by Dan Simmons), coverart by Gary Ruddell
  3. Paradise (written by Mike Resnick), coverart by Michael Whelan
  4. The Renegades Of Pern (written by Anne McCaffrey), coverart by Michael Whelan
  5. Quozl (written by Alan Dean Foster), coverart by James Gurney
  6. The Stress of Her Regard (written by Tim Powers), coverart by James Gurney

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  3. Interzone, edited by Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
  4. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by David G Hartwell, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Susan Palwick, and Kathryn Cramer
  5. Thrust, edited by D Douglas Fratz

Best Fanzine

  1. The Mad 3 Party, edited by Leslie Turek
  2. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  3. Lans Lantern, edited by George Laskowski
  4. Pirate Jenny, edited by Pat Mueller
  5. FOSFAX, edited by Timothy Lane

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. Leslie Turek
  4. Arthur D Hlavaty
  5. Evelyn C Leeper

Best Fan Artist

  1. Stu Shiffman
  2. Teddy Harvia
  3. Taral Wayne
  4. Merle Insinga
  5. Joe Mayhew
  6. Steve Fox

     1991 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Chicon V, Chicago, Illinois; August 29 – September 2, 1991

Best Novel

  1. The Vor Game by Dan Simmons [Doubleday Foundation, 1989]
  2. Earth by David Brin [Bantam Spectra, 1990]
  3. The Fall Of Hyperion by Dan Simmons [Doubleday Foundation, 1990]
  4. The Quiet Pools by Michael P Kube Mc Dowell [Ace, 1990]
  5. Queen Of Angels by Greg Bear [Warner Questar, 1990]

Best Novella

  1. "The Hemingway Hoax" by Joe Haldeman [Asimov's Apr 1990]
  2. "Bully!" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's May 1990]
  3. "A Short Sharp Shock" by Kim Stanley Robinson [Ziesing, 1990; Asimov's Nov 1990]
  4. "Bones" by Pat Murphy [Asimov's May 1990]
  5. "Fool To Believe" by Pat Cadigan [Asimov's Apr 1990]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Manamouki" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Jul 1990]
  2. "A Braver Thing" by Charles Sheffield [Asimov's Feb 1990]
  3. "Tower Of Babylon" by Ted Chiang [Omni Nov 1990]
  4. "The Coon Rolled Down And Ruptured His Larinks, A Squeezed Novel by Mr. Skunk" by Dafydd Ab Hugh [Asimov's Aug 1990]
  5. "Over The Long Haul" by Martha Soukup [Amazing Mar 1990]

Best Short Story

  1. "Bears Discover Fire" by Terry Bisson [Asimov's Aug 1990]
  2. "Cibola" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Dec 1990]
  3. "Godspeed" by Charles Sheffield [Analog Jul 1990]
  4. "The Utility Man" by Robert Reed [Asimov's Nov 1990]
  5. "VRM 547" by WR Thompson [Analog Feb 1990]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. How To Write Science Fiction And Fantasy by Orson Scott Card [Writer's Digest, 1990]
  2. Science Fiction In The Real World by Norman Spinrad [Southern Illinois University Press, 1990]
  3. Science Fiction Writers Of America Handbook by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith [Writer's Notebook Press, 1990]
  4. Bury My Heart At WH Smiths by Brian W. Aldiss [Avernus, 1990; Hodder & Stoughton, 1990]
  5. Hollywood Gothic by David J Skal [Norton, 1990]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Edward Scissorhands, [20th Century Fox] Screenplay by Caroline Thompson; Directed by Tim Burton
  2. Total Recall (1990) [Carolco/TriStar] Screenplay by Ronald Shusett, Dan O Bannon, and Gary Goldman; Directed by Paul Verhoeven
  3. Ghost (1990) [Paramount] Screenplay by Bruce Joel Rubin; Directed by Jerry Zucker
  4. Back to the Future Part III [Amblin/Universal] Screenplay by Bob Gale; Directed by Robert Zemeckis
  5. The Witches [Henson/Lorimar] Screenplay by Allan Scott; Directed by Nicolas Roeg

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. Ellen Datlow
  3. Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  4. Edward L Ferman
  5. Stanley Schmidt

Best Professional Artist

  1. Micheal Whelan
  2. David A Cherry
  3. Don Maitz
  4. Thomas Canty
  5. Bob Eggleton

Best Original Artwork

  1. none

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  3. Interzone, edited by Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
  4. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, and Gordon Van Gelder
  5. Quantum, edited by D Douglas Fratz

Best Fanzine

  1. Lans Lantern, edited by George Laskowski
  2. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  3. Mimosa, edited by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  4. FOSFAX, edited by Timothy Lane
  5. Mainstream, edited by Jerry Kaufman and Suzanne Tompkins

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. Teresa Nielsen Hayden
  4. Arthur D Hlavaty
  5. Avedon Carol
  6. Evelyn C Leeper

Best Fan Artist

  1. Teddy Harvia
  2. Stu Shiffman
  3. Peggy Ranson
  4. Diana Harlan Stein
  5. Merle Insinga

Special Awards

     1992 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: MagiCon, Orlando, Florida; September 3–7, 1992

Best Novel

  1. Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold [Analog Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct 1991; Baen, 1991]
  2. Bone Dance by Emma Bull [Ace, 1991]
  3. All The Weyrs Of Pern by Anne McCaffrey [Ballantine Del Rey, 1991]
  4. The Summer Queen by Joan D Vinge [Warner Questar, 1991]
  5. Xenocide by Orson Scott Card [Tor, 1991]
  6. Stations Of The Tide by Michael Swanwick [Asimov's mid-Dec 1990,Jan 1991; Morrow, 1991]

Best Novella

  1. "Beggars in Spain" by Nancy Kress [Asimov's Apr 1991; Axolotl, 1991]
  2. "The Gallery Of His Dreams" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch [Pulphouse/Axolotl, 1991; Asimov's Sep 1991]
  3. "Jack" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Oct 1991]
  4. "Griffins Egg" by Michael Swanwick [Legend, 1991; St. Martin's Press, 1991]
  5. "And Wild For To Hold" by Nancy Kress [Asimov's Jul 1991]

Best Novelette

  1. "Gold" by Isaac Asimov [Analog Sep 1991]
  2. "Dispatches From The Revolution" by Pat Cadigan [Asimov's Jul 1991]
  3. "Miracle" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Dec 1991]
  4. "Fin De Cycle" by Howard Waldrop [Night of the Cooters: More Neat Stories, 1991; Asimov's mid-Dec 1991]
  5. "Understand" by Ted Chiang [Asimov's Aug 1991]

Best Short Story

  1. "A Walk In The Sun" by Geoffrey A Landis [Asimov's Oct 1991]
  2. "One Perfect Morning With Jackals" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Mar 1991]
  3. "In The Late Cretaceous" by Connie Willis [Asimov's mid-Dec 1991]
  4. "Winter Solstice" by Mike Resnick [F&SF Oct/Nov 1991]
  5. "Press Ann" by Terry Bisson [Asimov's Aug 1991]
  6. "Buffalo" by John Kessel [Fires of the Past, 1991; F&SF Jan 1991]
  7. "Dogs Life" by Martha Soukup [Amazing Mar 1991]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. The World Of Charles Addams by Charles Addams [Knopf, 1991]
  2. Science Fiction The Early Years by Everett F Bleiler [Kent State University Press, 1991]
  3. The Science Fantasy Publishers: A Critical & Bibliographic History (3rd ed) by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith [Writer's Notebook Press, 1990]
  4. The Bakery Men Dont See Cookbook by Jeanne Gomoll [SF 3, 1991]
  5. Clive Barkers Shadows In Eden by Stephen Jones [Underwood-Miller, 1991]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Terminator 2: Judgment Day, [Carolco/Lightstorm/Pacific Western] Screenplay by James Cameron and William Wisher, Jr.; Directed by James Cameron
  2. Beauty And The Beast [Silver Screen/Disney] Screenplay by Linda Woolverton; Directed by Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise
  3. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country [Paramount] Screenplay by Nicholas Meyer and Denny Martin Flinn; Directed by Nicholas Meyer
  4. The Addams Family [Orion Pictures/Paramount] Screenplay by Caroline Thompson and Larry Wilson; Directed by Barry Sonnenfeld
  5. The Rocketeer [Gordon/Silver Screen/Touchstone/Disney] Screenplay by Danny Bilson and Paul De Meo; Directed by Joe Johnson

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  3. Ellen Datlow
  4. Stanley Schmidt
  5. Edward L Ferman

Best Professional Artist

  1. Micheal Whelan
  2. Don Maitz
  3. Bob Eggleton
  4. David A Cherry
  5. Thomas Canty

Best Original Artwork

  1. The Summer Queen (written by Joan D Vinge), coverart by Michael Whelan
  2. Jan 1991 issue of Asimovs, coverart by Bob Eggleton
  3. The White Mists Of Power (written by Kristine Kathryn Rusch), coverart by Thomas Canty
  4. Heavy Time (written by C. J. Cherryh), coverart by Don Maitz
  5. Lunar Descent (written by Allen Steele), coverart by Bob Eggleton

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  3. Interzone, edited by Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
  4. Pulphouse The Hardback Magazine, edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith
  5. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, and Gordon Van Gelder

Best Fanzine

  1. Mimosa, edited by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  2. Lans Lantern, edited by George Laskowski
  3. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  4. FOSFAX, edited by Timothy Lane
  5. Trap Door, edited by Robert Lichtman

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Harry Warner, Jr.
  3. Mike Glyer
  4. Avedon Carol
  5. Evelyn C Leeper
  6. none
  7. Andrew P Hooper

Best Fan Artist

  1. Brad W Foster
  2. Teddy Harvia
  3. Peggy Ranson
  4. Stu Shiffman
  5. Diana Harlan Stein

     1993 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: MagiCon, Orlando, Florida; September 3–7, 1992

Best Novel

  1. A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge [Tor, 1992]
  1. Doomsday Book by Connie Willis [Bantam Spectra, 1992]
  1. Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson [Harper Collins UK, 1992; Bantam Spectra, 1993]
  2. China Mountain Zhang by Maureen F Mc Hugh [Tor, 1992]
  3. Steel Beach by John Varley [Ace/Putnam, 1992]

Best Novella

  1. "Barnacle Bill The Spacer" by Lucius Shepard [Asimov's Jul 1992]
  2. "Stopping At Slowyear" by Frederik Pohl [Pulphouse/Axolotl, 1992; Bantam Spectra, 1992]
  3. "Protection" by Maureen F Mc Hugh [Asimov's Apr 1992]
  4. "Uh Oh City" by Jonathan Carroll [F&SF Jun 1992]
  5. "The Territory" by Bradley Denton [F&SF Jul 1992]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Nutcracker Coup" by Janet Kagan [Asimov's Dec 1992]
  2. "Danny Goes To Mars" by Pamela Sargent [Asimov's Oct 1992]
  3. "True Faces" by Pat Cadigan [F&SF Apr 1992]
  4. "Suppose They Gave A Peace..." by Susan Shwartz [Alternate Presidents (Tor), 1992]
  5. "In The Stone House" by Barry N Malzberg [Alternate Kennedys (Tor), 1992]

Best Short Story

  1. "Even The Queen" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Apr 1992]
  2. "The Mountain To Mohammed" by Nancy Kress [Asimov's Apr 1992]
  3. "The Lotus And The Spear" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Aug 1992]
  4. "The Arbitrary Placement Of Walls" by Martha Soukup [Asimov's Apr 1992]
  5. "The Winterberry" by Nicholas A Di Chario [Alternate Kennedys (Tor), 1992]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. A Wealth Of Fable by Harry Warner, Jr. [SCIFI Press, 1992]
  2. Lets Hear It For The Deaf Man by David Langford [NESFA Press, 1992]
  3. Virgil Finlays Women Of The Ages by Virgil Finlay [Underwood-Miller, 1992]
  4. The Costumemakers Art by Thom Boswell [Lark, 1992]
  5. Enterprising Women: Television Fandom and the Creation of Popular Myth by Camille Bacon Smith [University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992]
  6. Monad Number Two by Damon Knight [Pulphouse, 1992]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. "The Inner Light", Star Trek: The Next Generation [Paramount] Screenplay by Morgan Gendel and Peter Allan Fields; Directed by Peter Lauritson
  2. Aladdin [Disney] Screenplay by Ron Clements, Ted Elliott, John Musker, and Terry Rossio; Directed by Ron Clements and John Musker
  3. Bram Stoker's Dracula (alt: Dracula) [American Zoetrope/Columbia] Screenplay by James V Hart; Directed by Francis Ford Coppola
  4. Alien³ [20th Century Fox/Brandywine] Screenplay by David Giler, Walter Hill, and Larry Ferguson; Directed by David Fincher

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  3. Ellen Datlow
  4. Beth Meacham
  5. Stanley Schmidt

Best Professional Artist

  1. Don Maitz
  2. David A Cherry
  3. Thomas Canty
  4. Bob Eggleton
  5. James Gurney

Best Original Artwork

  1. Dinotopia, art and story by James Gurney
  2. Aristoi (written by Walter Jon Williams), coverart by Jim Burns
  3. Nov 1992 issue of Asimovs, portrait of Isaac Asimov by Michael Whelan
  4. Oct/Nov 1992 issue of Fantasy And Science Fiction, coverart by Ron Walotsky
  5. Illusion (written by P Volsky), coverart by Michael Whelan

Best Semiprozine

  1. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  2. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  3. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  4. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, Ariel Hameon, and Tad Dembinski
  5. Pulphouse The Hardback Magazine, edited by Dean Wesley Smith and Jonathan E Bond

Best Fanzine

  1. Mimosa, edited by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  2. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  3. Lans Lantern, edited by George Laskowski
  4. Stet, edited by Leah Zeldea Smith and Dick Smith
  5. FOSFAX, edited by Timothy Lane

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Harry Warner, Jr.
  3. Mike Glyer
  4. Evelyn C Leeper
  5. Andrew P Hooper

Best Fan Artist

  1. Peggy Ranson
  2. Teddy Harvia
  3. Stu Shiffman
  4. Diana Harlan Stein
  5. Linda Michaels
  6. Merle Insinga

Special Awards

  • Takumi Shibano - for building bridges between cultures and nations to advance science fiction and fantasy

     1994 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: ConAdian, Winnipeg, Canada; September 1–5, 1994

Best Novel

  1. Green Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson [Harper Collins UK, 1993; Bantam Spectra, 1993]
  2. Moving Mars by Greg Bear [Tor, 1993]
  3. Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress [Morrow AvoNova, 1993]
  4. Glory Season by David Brin [Bantam Spectra, 1993]
  5. Virtual Light by William Gibson [Bantam Spectra, 1993]

Best Novella

  1. "Down In The Bottomlands" by Harry Turtledove [Analog Jan 1993]
  2. "Wall Stone Craft" by Walter Jon Williams [F&SF Oct/Nov 1993; Axolotl, 1993]
  3. "Into The Miranda Rift" by G David Nordley [Analog Jul 1993]
  4. "The Night We Buried Road Dog" by Jack Cady [F&SF Jan 1993]
  5. "An American Childhood" by Pat Murphy [Asimov's Apr 1993]
  6. "Mefisto In Onyx" by Harlan Ellison [Omni Oct 1993; Ziesing, 1993]

Best Novelette

  1. "Georgia On My Mind" by Charles Sheffield [Analog Jan 1993]
  2. "Dancing On Air" by Nancy Kress [Asimov's Jul 1993]
  3. "The Shadow Knows" by Terry Bisson [Asimov's Sep 1993]
  4. "Deep Eddy" by Bruce Sterling [Asimov's Aug 1993]
  5. "The Franchise" by John Kessel [Asimov's Aug 1993]

Best Short Story

  1. "Death On The Nile Willis" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Mar 1993]
  2. "Mwalimu In The Squared Circle" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Mar 1993]
  3. "The Story So Far" by Martha Soukup [Full Spectrum #4, 1993]
  4. "The Good Pup" by Bridget Mc Kenna [F&SF Mar 1993]
  5. "England Underway" by Terry Bisson [Omni Jul 1993]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. The Encyclopedia Of Science Fiction by John Clute and Peter Nicholls [Orbit, 1993; St. Martin's Press, 1993]
  2. The Art of Michael Whelan: Scenes/Visions by Michael Whelan [Bantam Spectra, 1993]
  3. Once Around The Bloch: An Unauthorized Autobiography by Robert Bloch [Tor, 1993]
  4. Understanding Comics The Invisible Art by Scott McCloud [Tundra, 1993]
  5. PITFCS: Proceedings Of The Institute For Twenty First Century Studies by Theodore R Cogswell [Advent, 1993]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Jurassic Park [Universal/Amblin] Screenplay by Michael Crichton and David Koepp; Directed by Steven Spielberg
  2. The Nightmare Before Christmas [Skellington Productions/Touchstone] Screenplay by Caroline Thompson; Directed by Henry Selick
  3. Groundhog Day [Columbia] Screenplay by Danny Rubin and Harold Ramis; Directed by Harold Ramis
  4. "The Gathering", Babylon 5 [Babylonian Productions] Screenplay by J. Michael Straczynski; Directed by Richard Compton
  5. Addams Family Values [Orion Pictures/Paramount] Screenplay by Paul Rudnick; Directed by Barry Sonnenfeld

Best Professional Editor

  1. Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  2. Gardner Dozois
  3. Mike Resnick
  4. Ellen Datlow
  5. Stanley Schmidt

Best Professional Artist

  1. Bob Eggleton
  2. Michael Whelan
  3. Don Maitz
  4. David A Cherry
  5. Thomas Canty

Best Original Artwork

  1. Space Fantasy Commemorative Stamp Booklet by Stephen Hickman [commissioned by the US Postal Service]
  2. Oct/Nov 1993 issue of Fantasy And Science Fiction, coverart by Thomas Canty
  3. Nov 1992 issue of Asimovs, portrait of Isaac Asimov by Michael Whelan

Best Semiprozine

  1. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  2. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  3. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  4. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, Ariel Hameon, and Tad Dembinski
  5. Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, edited by Algis Budrys
  6. Pulphouse The Hardback Magazine, edited by Dean Wesley Smith and Jonathan E Bond

Best Fanzine

  1. Mimosa, edited by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  2. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  3. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  4. Lans Lantern, edited by George Laskowski
  5. Stet, edited by Leah Zeldea Smith and Dick Smith

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. Sharon N Farber
  4. Evelyn C Leeper
  5. Andrew P Hooper

Best Fan Artist

  1. Brad W Foster
  2. Teddy Harvia
  3. Linda Michaels
  4. Peggy Ranson
  5. William Rotsler
  6. Stu Shiffman

     1995 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Intersection, Glasgow, Scotland; August 24–28, 1995

Best Novel

  1. Mirror Dance by Lois McMaster Bujold [Baen, 1994]
  2. Mother Of Storms by John Barnes [Tor, 1994]
  3. Beggars And Choosers by Nancy Kress [Tor, 1994]
  4. Brittle Innings by Michael Bishop [Bantam, 1994]
  5. Towing Jehovah by James Morrow [Harcourt Brace, 1994]

Best Novella

  1. "Seven Views Of Olduvai Gorge" by Mike Resnick [F&SF Oct/Nov 1994]
  2. "Les Fleurs Du Mal" by Brian Stableford [Asimov's Oct 1994]
  3. "Forgiveness Day" by Ursula K. Le Guin [Asimov's Nov 1994]
  4. "Cri De Coeur" by Michael Bishop [Asimov's Sep 1994]
  5. "Melodies Of The Heart" by Michael F Flynn [Analog Jan 1994]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Martian Child" by David Gerrold [F&SF Sep 1994]
  2. "Cocoon" by Greg Egan [Asimov's May 1994]
  3. "A Little Knowledge" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Apr 1994]
  4. "Solitude" by Ursula K. Le Guin [F&SF Dec 1994]
  5. "The Singular Habits Of Wasps" by Geoffrey A Landis [Analog Apr 1994]
  6. "The Matter Of Seggri" by Ursula K. Le Guin [Crank #3 Spr 1994]

Best Short Story

  1. "None So Blind" by Joe Haldeman [Asimov's Nov 1994]
  2. "I Know What Youre Thinking" by Kate Wilhelm [Asimov's Nov 1994]
  3. "Barnaby In Exile" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Feb 1994]
  4. "Dead Mans Curve" by Terry Bisson [Asimov's Jun 1994]
  5. "Understanding Entropy" by Barry N Malzberg [SF Age Jul 1994]
  6. "Mrs Lincolns China" by M Shayne Bell [Asimov's Jul 1994]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. I Asimov A Memoir by Isaac Asimov [Doubleday, 1994]
  2. The Book On The Edge Of Forever by Christopher Priest [Fantagraphics, 1994]
  3. Silent Interviews On Language Race Sex Science Fiction And Some Comics by Samuel R. Delany [University Press of New England, 1994; Wesleyan, 1994]
  4. Making Book by Teresa Nielsen Hayden [NESFA Press, 1994]
  5. Spectrum The Best In Contemporary Fantastic Art by Cathy Burnett and Arnie Fenner [Underwood Books, 1994]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. "All Good Things...", Star Trek: The Next Generation [Paramount] Screenplay by Ronald D. Moore and Brannon Braga; Directed by Winrich Kolbe
  2. The Mask [Dark Horse/New Line] Screenplay by Mike Werb; Directed by Chuck Russell
  3. Interview with the Vampire [Geffen] Screenplay by Anne Rice; Directed by Neil Jordan
  4. Stargate [Carolco/Centropolis] Screenplay by Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich; Directed by Roland Emmerich
  5. Star Trek: Generations [Paramount] Screenplay by Ronald D. Moore and Brannon Braga; Directed by David Carson

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  3. Ellen Datlow
  4. Mike Resnick
  5. Stanley Schmidt

Best Professional Artist

  1. Jim Burns
  2. Michael Whelan
  3. Bob Eggleton
  4. Don Maitz
  5. Thomas Canty

Best Original Artwork

  1. Lady Cottingtons Pressed Fairy Book, artwork and story by Brian Froud and Terry Jones
  2. Foreigner (written by C. J. Cherryh), coverart by Michael Whelan
  3. Gun, with Occasional Music (written by Jonathan Lethem), coverart by Michael Koelsch

Best Semiprozine

  1. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  2. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  3. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  4. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, Ariel Hameon, and Tad Dembinski
  5. Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, edited by Algis Budrys

Best Fanzine

  1. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  2. Mimosa, edited by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  3. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  4. Lans Lantern, edited by George Laskowski
  5. Habakkuk, edited by Bill Donaho

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. Andrew P Hooper
  4. Sharon N Farber
  5. Evelyn C Leeper

Best Fan Artist

  1. Teddy Harvia
  2. Brad W Foster
  3. William Rotsler
  4. Linda Michaels
  5. Peggy Ranson

     1996 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: L.A.con III, Anaheim, California; August 29 – September 2, 1996

Best Novel

  1. The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson [Bantam Spectra, 1995]
  2. The Time Ships by Stephen Baxter [Harper Prism, 1995]
  3. Brightness Reef by David Brin [Bantam Spectra, 1995]
  4. The Terminal Experiment (aka: Hobson's Choice) by Robert J. Sawyer [Harper Prism, 1995; Analog mid-Dec 1994,Jan,Feb,Mar 1995]
  5. Remake by Connie Willis [Bantam Spectra, 1995]

Best Novella

  1. "The Death Of Captain Future" by Allen Steele [Asimov's Oct 1995]
  2. "A Womans Liberation" by Ursula K. Le Guin [Asimov's Jul 1995; Four Ways to Forgiveness, 1995]
  3. "Bibi" by Mike Resnick and Susan Shwartz [Asimov's mid-Dec 1995]
  4. "A Man Of The People" by Ursula K. Le Guin [Asimov's Apr 1995; Four Ways to Forgiveness, 1995]
  5. "Fault Lines" by Nancy Kress [Asimov's Aug 1995]

Best Novelette

  1. "Think Like A Dinosaur" by James Patrick Kelly [Asimov's Jun 1995]
  2. "When The Old Gods Die" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Apr 1995]
  3. "The Good Rat" by Allen Steele [Analog mid-Dec 1995]
  4. "Must And Shall" by Harry Turtledove [Asimov's Nov 1995]
  5. "Luminous" by Greg Egan [Asimov's Sep 1995]
  6. "TAP" by Greg Egan [Asimov's Nov 1995]

Best Short Story

  1. "The Lincoln Train" by Maureen F Mc Hugh [F&SF Apr 1995]
  2. "A Birthday" by Esther M. Friesner [F&SF Aug 1995]
  3. "TeleAbsence" by Michael A Burstein [Analog Jul 1995]
  4. "Life On The Moon" by Tony Daniel [Asimov's Apr 1995]
  5. "Walking Out" by Michael Swanwick [Asimov's Feb 1995]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. Science Fiction The Illustrated Encyclopedia by John Clute [Dorling Kindersley, 1995]
  2. Yours Isaac Asimov A Lifetime Of Letters By Isaac Asimov by Isaac Asimov [Doubleday, 1995]
  3. Alien Horizons The Fantastic Art Of Bob Eggleton by Bob Eggleton [Paper Tiger, 1995]
  4. Spectrum II The Best In Contemporary Fantastic Art by Cathy Burnett and Arnie Fenner [Underwood Books, 1995]
  5. To Write Like A Woman: Essays in Feminism and Science Fiction by Joanna Russ [Indiana University Press, 1995]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. "The Coming of Shadows", Babylon 5 [Babylonian Productions] Screenplay by J. Michael Straczynski; Directed by Janet Greek
  2. Apollo 13 [Imagine/Universal] Screenplay by William Broyles Jr. and Al Reinert; Directed by Ron Howard
  3. 12 Monkeys [Atlas/Universal] Screenplay by David Webb Peoples and Janet Peoples; Directed by Terry Gilliam
  4. Toy Story [Carolco/Centropolis] Screenplay by Joss Whedon, Andrew Stanton, Joel Cohen, and Alec Sokolow; Directed by John Lasseter
  5. "The Visitor", Star Trek: Deep Space Nine [Paramount] Screenplay by Ronald D. Moore and Brannon Braga; Directed by Winrich Kolbe

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  3. Stanley Schmidt
  4. Ellen Datlow
  5. Scott Edelman

Best Professional Artist

  1. Bob Eggleton
  2. Michael Whelan
  3. Don Maitz
  4. Jim Burns
  5. Thomas Canty

Best Original Artwork

  1. Dinotopia The World Beneath, artwork and story by James Gurney
  2. Jan 1995 issue of Analog, coverart by Bob Eggleton
  3. Jan 1995 issue of Fantasy And Science Fiction, coverart by Gary Lippincott
  4. Oct/Nov 1995 issue of Fantasy And Science Fiction, coverart by Bob Eggleton
  5. Mar 1995 issue of Analog, coverart by George H Krauter

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  3. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  4. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, Ariel Hameon, and Tad Dembinski
  5. Crank!, edited by Bryan Cholfin

Best Fanzine

  1. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  2. Mimosa, edited by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  3. Lans Lantern, edited by George Laskowski
  4. Attitude, edited by Michael Abbott, John Dallman, and Pam Wells
  5. Apparatchik, edited by Andrew P Hooper and Victor Gonzalez
  6. FOSFAX, edited by Timothy Lane and Elizabeth Garrott

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Sharon N Farber
  3. Evelyn C Leeper
  4. Andrew P Hooper
  5. Joseph T Major

Best Fan Artist

  1. William Rotsler
  2. Teddy Harvia
  3. Joe Mayhew
  4. Peggy Ranson
  5. Ian Gunn

Special Award

     1997 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: LoneStarCon 2, San Antonio, Texas; August 28 – September 1, 1997

Best Novel

  1. Blue Mars by Neal Stephenson [Bantam Spectra, 1995]
  2. Memory by Lois McMaster Bujold [Baen, 1996]
  3. Remnant Population by Elizabeth Moon [Baen, 1996]
  4. Starplex by Robert J. Sawyer [Analog Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct 1996; Ace, 1996]
  5. Holy Fire by Bruce Sterling [Bantam Spectra, 1996]

Best Novella

  1. "Blood Of The Dragon" by George R. R. Martin [Asimov's Jul 1996]
  2. "Time Travelers Never Die" by Jack McDevitt [Asimov's May 1996]
  3. "Immersion" by Gregory Benford [SF Age Mar 1996]
  4. "Abandon In Place" by Jerry Oltion [F&SF Dec 1996]
  5. "Gas Fish" by Mary Rosenblum [Asimov's Feb 1996]
  6. "The Cost To Be Wise" by Maureen F Mc Hugh [Starlight #1, 1996]

Best Novelette

  1. "Bicycle Repairman" by Bruce Sterling [Intersections, 1996; Asimov's Oct/Nov 1996]
  2. "The Land Of Nod" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Jun 1996]
  3. "Mountain Ways" by Ursula K. Le Guin [Asimov's Aug 1996]
  4. "Beauty And The Opera Or The Phantom Beast" by Suzy Mc Kee Charnas [Asimov's Mar 1996]
  5. "Age Of Aquarius" by William Barton [Asimov's May 1996]

Best Short Story

  1. "The Soul Selects Her Own Society" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Apr 1996]
  2. "Un Birthday Boy" by James White [Analog Feb 1996]
  3. "The Dead" by Michael Swanwick [Starlight #1, 1996]
  4. "Decency" by Robert Reed [Asimov's Jun 1996]
  5. "Gone" by John Crowley [F&SF Sep 1996]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. Time And Chance by L. Sprague de Camp [Donald M. Grant, 1996]
  2. The Tough Guide to Fantasyland by Diana Wynne Jones [Vista, 1996]
  3. Look At The Evidence by John Clute [Serconia Press, 1996]
  4. The Silence Of The Langford by David Langford [NESFA Press, 1996]
  5. The Faces Of Fantasy by Patti Perret [Tor, 1996]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. "Severed Dreams", Babylon 5 [Babylonian Productions] Screenplay by J. Michael Straczynski; Directed by David Eagle
  2. Star Trek: First Contact [Paramount] Screenplay by Brannon Braga and Ronald D. Moore; Directed by Jonathan Frakes
  3. "Trials and Tribble-ations", Star Trek: Deep Space Nine [Paramount] Screenplay by Ronald D. Moore and Rene Echevarria; Directed by Jonathan West
  4. Independence Day [20th Century Fox/Centropolis] Screenplay by Dean Devlin and Roland Ememrich; Directed by Roland Ememrich
  5. Mars Attacks! [Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Jonathan Gems; Directed by Tim Burton

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  3. Stanley Schmidt
  4. Scott Edelman
  5. Patrick Nielsen Hayden

Best Professional Artist

  1. Bob Eggleton
  2. Michael Whelan
  3. David A Cherry
  4. Don Maitz
  5. Thomas Canty

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  3. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, Ariel Hameon, and Tad Dembinski
  4. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  5. Speculations, edited by Kent Brewster

Best Fanzine

  1. Mimosa, edited by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  2. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  3. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  4. Tangent, edited by Dave Truesdale
  5. Nova Express, edited by Lawrence Person

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. Evelyn C Leeper
  4. Sharon N Farber
  5. Andrew P Hooper

Best Fan Artist

  1. William Rotsler
  2. Peggy Ranson
  3. Joe Mayhew
  4. Ian Gunn
  5. Sherlock

     1998 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: BucConeer, Baltimore, Maryland; August 5–9, 1998

Best Novel

  1. Forever Peace by Joe Haldeman [Ace, 1997]
  2. City On Fire 1997 by Walter Jon Williams [Harper Prism, 1997]
  3. The Rise Of Endymion by Dan Simmons [Bantam Spectra, 1997]
  4. Frameshift by Robert J. Sawyer [Tor, 1997]
  5. Jack Faust by Michael Swanwick [Avon, 1997]

Best Novella

  1. "Where Angels Fear To Tread 1997" by Allen Steele [Asimov's Oct/Nov 1997]
  2. "The Funeral March Of The Marionettes" by Adam Troy Castro [F&SF Jul 1997]
  3. "Ecopoiesis" by Geoffrey A Landis [SF Age May 1997]
  4. "Loose Ends" by Paul Levinson [Analog May 1997]
  5. "Marrow" by Robert Reed [SF Age Jul 1997]

Best Novelette

  1. "We Will Drink A Fish Together" by Bill Johnson [Asimov's May 1997]
  2. "Three Hearings On The Existence Of Snakes In The Human Bloodstream" by James Alan Gardner [Asimov's Feb 1997]
  3. "Moon Six" by Stephen Baxter [SF Age Mar 1997]
  4. "Broken Symmetry" by Michael A Burstein [Analog Feb 1997]
  5. "The Undiscovered" by William Sanders [Asimov's Mar 1997]

Best Short Story

  1. "The 43 Antarean Dynasties" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Dec 1997]
  2. "Itsy Bitsy Spider" by James Patrick Kelly [Asimov's Jun 1997]
  3. "No Planets Strike" by Gene Wolfe [F&SF Jan 1997]
  4. "The Hand Youre Dealt" by Robert J. Sawyer [Free Space, 1997]
  5. "Standing Room Only" by Karen Joy Fowler [Asimov's Aug 1997]
  6. "Beluthahatchie" by Andy Duncan [Asimov's Mar 1997]

Best Non-Fiction Book

  1. The Encyclopedia Of Fantasy by John Clute and John Grant [Orbit, 1997; St. Martin's Press, 1997]
  2. Infinite Worlds: The Fantastic Visions of Science Fiction Art by Vincent Di Fate [Penguin Studio, 1997]
  3. Space Travel by Ben Bova and Anthony R Lewis [Writer's Digest Books, 1997]
  4. Reflections And Refractions: Thoughts on Science-Fiction, Science and Other Matters by Robert Silverberg [Underwood Books, 1997]
  5. Spectrum IV: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art by Cathy Fenner, Arnie Fenner, and Jim Loehr [Underwood Books, 1997]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Contact [SouthSide Amusement/Warner Brothers] Screenplay by James V Hart and Michael Goldenberg; Directed by Robert Zemeckis
  2. Men in Black [Amblin/Columbia/McDonald/Parkes] Screenplay by Ed Solomon; Directed by Barry Sonnenfeld
  3. Gattaca [Columbia/Jersey] Written and directed by Andrew Niccol
  4. The Fifth Element [Gaumont/Columbia] Screenplay by Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen; Directed by Luc Besson
  5. Starship Troopers [Touchstone/Tri Star] Screenplay by Edward Neumeier; Directed by Paul Verhoeven

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. Stanley Schmidt
  3. David G Hartwell
  4. Gordon Van Gelder
  5. Scott Edelman

Best Professional Artist

  1. Bob Eggleton
  2. Michael Whelan
  3. David A Cherry
  4. Don Maitz
  5. Jim Burns
  6. Thomas Canty

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, Ariel Hameon, David G Hartwell, and Kevin J Maroney
  3. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  4. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  5. Speculations, edited by Kent Brewster

Best Fanzine

  1. Mimosa, edited by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  2. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  3. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  4. Tangent, edited by Dave Truesdale
  5. Attitude, edited by Michael Abbott, John Dallman, and Pam Wells

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. Evelyn C Leeper
  4. Bob Devney
  5. Andrew P Hooper
  6. Joseph T Major

Best Fan Artist

  1. Joe Mayhew
  2. Teddy Harvia
  3. Brad W Foster
  4. Peggy Ranson
  5. Ian Gunn

     1999 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Aussiecon Three, Melbourne, Australia; September 2–6, 1999

Best Novel

  1. To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis [Bantam Spectra, 1998]
  2. Children of God by Mary Doria Russell [Villard, 1998]
  3. Darwinia by Robert Charles Wilson [Tor, 1998]
  4. Distraction by Bruce Sterling [Bantam Spectra, 1998]
  5. Factoring Humanity by Robert J. Sawyer [Tor, 1998]

Best Novella

  1. "Oceanic" by Greg Egan [Asimov's Aug 1998]
  2. "Aurora In Four Voices" by Catherine Asaro [Analog Dec 1998]
  3. "Story Of Your Life" by Ted Chiang [Starlight #2, 1998]
  4. "Get Me To The Church On Time" by Terry Bisson [Asimov's May 1998]
  5. "The Summer Isles" by Ian R Mac Leod [Asimov's Oct/Nov 1998]

Best Novelette

  1. "Taklamakan" by Bill Johnson [Asimov's May 1997]
  2. "Echea" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch [Asimov's Jul 1998]
  3. "Zwarte Piets Tale" by Allen Steele [Analog Dec 1998]
  4. "Steamship Soldier On The Information Front" by Nancy Kress [Future Histories 1997; Asimov's Apr 1998]
  5. "The Planck Dive" by Greg Egan [Asimov's Feb 1998]
  6. "Time Gypsy" by Ellen Klages [Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction, 1998]
  7. "Divided By Infinity" by Robert Charles Wilson [Starlight #2, 1998]

Best Short Story

  1. "The Very Pulse Of The Machine" by Michael Swanwick [Asimov's Feb 1998]
  2. "Maneki Neko" by Bruce Sterling [F&SF May 1998]
  3. "Radiant Doors" by Michael Swanwick [Asimov's Sep 1998]
  4. "Wild Minds" by Michael Swanwick [Asimov's May 1998]
  5. "Cosmic Corkscrew" by Michael A Burstein [Analog Jun 1998]
  6. "Whiptail" by Robert Reed [Asimov's Oct/Nov 1998]

Best Related Book

  1. The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World by Thomas M. Disch [Free Press, 1998]
  2. The Work Of Jack Williamson: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide by Richard A Hauptmann [NESFA Press, 1998]
  3. Science Fiction The Gernsback Years by Everett F Bleiler [Kent State University Press, 1998]
  4. The Hugo Nebula And World Fantasy Awards by Howard De Vore [Advent, 1998]
  5. Spectrum 5: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art by Cathy Fenner, Arnie Fenner, and Jim Loehr [Underwood Books, 1998]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. The Truman Show [Paramount] Screenplay by Andrew Niccol; Directed by Peter Weir
  2. Dark City [New Line Cinema] Screenplay by Alex Proyas, Lem Dobbs, and David S. Goyer; Directed by Alex Proyas
  3. Pleasantville [New Line Cinema] Written and directed by Gary Ross
  4. "Sleeping in Light", Babylon 5 [Babylonian Productions] Written and directed by J. Michael Straczynski
  5. Star Trek: Insurrection [Paramount] Screenplay by Michael Piller; Directed by Jonathan Frakes

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. Patrick Nielsen Hayden
  3. David G Hartwell
  4. Stanley Schmidt
  5. Gordon Van Gelder
  6. Scott Edelman

Best Professional Artist

  1. Bob Eggleton
  2. Jim Burns
  3. Michael Whelan
  4. Don Maitz
  5. Nick Stathopoulos
  6. Donato Giancola

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  3. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, Ariel Hameon, David G Hartwell, and Kevin J Maroney
  4. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  5. Speculations, edited by Kent Brewster

Best Fanzine

  1. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  2. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  3. Mimosa, edited by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  4. Thyme, edited by Alan Stewart
  5. Plokta, edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and Mike Scott
  6. Tangent, edited by Dave Truesdale

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Maureen Kincaid Speller
  3. Mike Glyer
  4. Evelyn C Leeper
  5. Bob Devney

Best Fan Artist

  1. Ian Gunn
  2. Teddy Harvia
  3. Joe Mayhew
  4. Brad W Foster
  5. Freddie Baer
  6. D West

     2000 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Chicon 2000, Chicago, Illinois; August 31 – September 4, 2000

Best Novel

  1. A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge [Tor, 1999]
  2. A Civil Campaign by Lois McMaster Bujold [Baen, 1999]
  3. Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson [Avon, 1999]
  4. Darwins Radio by Greg Bear [Harper Collins UK, 1999; Ballantine Del Rey, 1999]
  5. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling [Bloomsbury, 1999; Scholastic, 1999]

Best Novella

  1. "The Winds Of Marble Arch" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Oct/Nov 1999]
  2. "Forty Counting Down" by Harry Turtledove [Asimov's Dec 1999]
  3. "The Astronaut From Wyoming" by Adam Troy Castro and Jerry Oltion [Analog Jul/Aug 1999]
  4. "Hunting The Snark" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Dec 1999]
  5. "Son Observe The Time" by Kage Baker [Asimov's May 1999]

Best Novelette

  1. "10^16 to 1" by James Patrick Kelly [Asimov's Jun 1999]
  2. "Stellar Harvest" by Eleanor Arnason [Asimov's Apr 1999]
  3. "Border Guards" by Greg Egan [Interzone #148 Oct 1999]
  4. "The Secret History Of The Ornithopter" by Jan Lars Jensen [F&SF Jun 1999]
  5. "Fossil Games" by Tom Purdom [Asimov's Feb 1999]
  6. "The Chop Girl" by Ian R Mac Leod [Asimov's Dec 1999]

Best Short Story

  1. "Scherzo With Tyrannosaur" by Michael Swanwick [Asimov's Jul 1999]
  2. "Ancient Engines" by Michael Swanwick [Asimov's Feb 1999]
  3. "Hothouse Flowers" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Oct/Nov 1999]
  4. "macs" by Terry Bisson [F&SF Oct/Nov 1999]
  5. "Sarajevo" by Nick Di Chario [F&SF Mar 1999]

Best Related Book

  1. Science Fiction Of The20th Century by Frank M Robinson [Collector's Press, 1999]
  2. The Sandman: The Dream Hunters by Neil Gaiman and Yoshitaka Amano [DC/Vertigo, 1999]
  3. The Science of Discworld by Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart, and Jack Cohen [Ebury Press, 1999]
  4. Spectrum 6: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art by Cathy Fenner, Arnie Fenner, and Jim Loehr [Underwood Books, 1999]
  5. Minicon 34 Restaurant Guide by Karen Cooper and Bruce Schneier [Rune Press, 1999]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Galaxy Quest [Dream Works SKG] Screenplay by David Howard and Robert Gordon; Directed by Dean Parisot
  2. The Matrix [Silver] Written and directed by Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski
  3. The Sixth Sense [New Line Cinema] Written and directed by Gary Ross
  4. Being John Malkovich [Gramercy/Propaganda/Single Cell] Screenplay by Charlie Kaufmann; Directed by Spike Jonze
  5. The Iron Giant [Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Tim Mc Canlies; Directed by Brad Bird

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. Stanley Schmidt
  3. David G Hartwell
  4. Patrick Nielsen Hayden
  5. Gordon Van Gelder

Best Professional Artist

  1. Michael Whelan
  2. Bob Eggleton
  3. Don Maitz
  4. Jim Burns
  5. Donato Giancola

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  3. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  4. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, Ariel Hameon, David G Hartwell, and Kevin J Maroney
  5. Speculations, edited by Kent Brewster

Best Fanzine

  1. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  2. Mimosa, edited by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  3. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  4. Plokta, edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and Mike Scott
  5. Challenger, edited by Guy H Lillian III

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. Evelyn C Leeper
  4. Steven H Silver
  5. Bob Devney

Best Fan Artist

  1. Joe Mayhew
  2. Teddy Harvia
  3. Brad W Foster
  4. Freddie Baer
  5. Taral Wayne

     2001 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: The Millennium Philcon, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; August 30 – September 3, 2001

Best Novel

  1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling [Bloomsbury, 2000; Scholastic, 2000]
  2. A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin [Harper Collins Voyager, 2000; Bantam Spectra, 2000]
  3. Calculating God by Robert J. Sawyer [Tor, 2000]
  4. The Sky Road by Ken MacLeod [Orbit, 1999; Tor, 2000]
  5. Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson [Warner Aspect, 2000]

Best Novella

  1. "The Ultimate Earth" by Jack Williamson [Analog Dec 2000]
  2. "A Roll Of The Dice" by Catherine Asaro [Analog Jul/Aug 2000]
  3. "The Retrieval Artist" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch [Analog Jun 2000]
  4. "Oracle" by Greg Egan [Asimov's Jul 2000]
  5. "Seventy Two Letters" by Ted Chiang [Vanishing Acts, 2000]
  6. "Radiant Green Star" by Lucius Shepard [Asimov's Aug 2000]

Best Novelette

  1. "Millennium Babies" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch [Asimov's Jan 2000]
  2. "On The Orion Line" by Stephen Baxter [Asimov's Oct/Nov 2000]
  3. "Agape Among The Robots" by Allen Steele [Analog May 2000]
  4. "Generation Gap" by Stanley Schmidt [Artemis Spr 2000]
  5. "Redchapel" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Dec 2000]

Best Short Story

  1. "Different Kinds Of Darkness" by David Langford [F&SF Jan 2000]
  2. "Kaddish For The Last Survivor" by Michael A Burstein [Analog Nov 2000]
  3. "Moon Dogs" by Michael Swanwick [Moon Dogs, 2000; Asimov's Mar 2000]
  4. "The Elephants On Neptune" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's May 2000]
  5. "The Gravity Mine" by Stephen Baxter [Asimov's Apr 2000]

Best Related Book

  1. Greetings From Earth The Art Of Bob Eggleton by Bob Eggleton and Nigel Suckling [Paper Tiger, 2000]
  2. Robert A Heinlein A Readers Companion by James Gifford [Nitrosyncretic Press, 2000]
  3. Concordance To Cordwainer Smith, Third Edition by Anthony R Lewis [NESFA Press, 2000]
  4. Terry Pratchett Guilty Of Literature by Andrew M Butler, Edward James, and Farah Mendlesohn [The Science Fiction Foundation, 2000]
  5. Putting It Together: Turning Sow's Ear Drafts into Silk Purse Stories by Mike Resnick [Wildside Press, 2000]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon [China Film] Screenplay by Wang Hui Ling, James Schamus and Tsai Kuo Jung; Directed by Ang Lee
  2. Chicken Run [Aardman Animations/Dream Works SKG] Screenplay by Kary Kirkpatrick; Directed by Peter Lord and Nick Park
  3. Frank Herbert's Dune [New Amsterdam] Written and directed by John Harrison
  4. X-Men [20th Century Fox/Marvel] Screenplay by David Hayter; Directed by Bryan Singer
  5. Frequency [New Line Cinema] Screenplay by Tony Emmerich; Directed by Gregory Hoblit

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. Ellen Datlow
  3. Stanley Schmidt
  4. David G Hartwell
  5. Gordon Van Gelder

Best Professional Artist

  1. Bob Eggleton
  2. Frank Kelly Freas
  3. Michael Whelan
  4. Jim Burns
  5. Donato Giancola

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Science Fiction Chronicle, edited by Andrew I Porter
  3. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  4. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, Ariel Hameon, David G Hartwell, and Kevin J Maroney
  5. Speculations, edited by Kent Brewster

Best Fanzine

  1. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  2. Mimosa, edited by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  3. Plokta, edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and Mike Scott
  4. Challenger, edited by Guy H Lillian III
  5. Stet, edited by Leah Zeldes Smith and Dick Smith

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. Evelyn C Leeper
  4. Steven H Silver
  5. Bob Devney

Best Fan Artist

  1. Teddy Harvia
  2. Brad W Foster
  3. Sue Mason
  4. Sheryl Birkhead
  5. Taral Wayne

     2002 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: ConJose, San Jose, California; August 29 – September 2, 2002

Best Novel

  1. American Gods by Neil Gaiman [Morrow, 2001]
  2. The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold [Eos, 2001]
  3. Passage by Connie Willis [Bantam, 2001]
  4. Perdido Street Station by China Miéville [Macmillan, 2000; Del Rey, 2001; Fleuve noir, 2003]
  5. The Chronoliths by Robert Charles Wilson [Tor, 2001]
  6. Cosmonaut Keep by Ken MacLeod [Orbit, 2000; Tor, 2001]

Best Novella

  1. "Fast Times At Fairmont High" by Vernor Vinge [The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge, 2001]
  2. "Stealing Alabama" by Allen M Steele [Asimov's Jan 2001]
  3. "May Be Some Time" by Brenda W Clough [Analog Apr 2001]
  4. "The Chief Designer" by Andy Duncan [Asimov's Jun 2001]
  5. "The Diamond Pit" by Jack Dann [Jubilee, 2001; F&SF Jun 2001]

Best Novelette

  1. "Hell Is The Absence Of God" by Ted Chiang [Starlight #3, 2001]
  2. "The Days Between" by Allen Steele [Asimov's Mar 2001]
  3. "Undone" by James Patrick Kelly [Asimov's Jun 2001]
  4. "Lobsters" by Charles Stross [Asimov's Jun 2001]
  5. "The Return Of Spring" by Shane Tourtellotte [Analog Nov 2001]

Best Short Story

  1. "The Dog Said Bow Wow" by Michael Swanwick [Asimov's Oct/Nov 2001]
  2. "The Bones Of The Earth" by Ursula K. Le Guin [Tales from Earthsea, 2001]
  3. "Old Mac Donald Had A Farm" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Sep 2001]
  4. "The Ghost Pit" by Stephen Baxter [Asimov's Jul 2001]
  5. "Spaceships" by Michael A Burstein [Analog Jun 2001]

Best Related Book

  1. The Art Of Chesley Bonestell by Ron Miller, Frederick C Durant III, and Melvin H Schuetz [Paper Tiger, 2001]
  2. Being Gardner Dozois by Michael Swanwick [Old Earth Books, 2001]
  3. JRR Tolkien Author Of The Century by Tom Shippey [Harper Collins, 2000; Houghton Mifflin, 2001]
  4. Meditations On Middle Earth by Karen Haber [St. Martin's Press, 2001]
  5. The Art Of Richard Powers by Richard Powers and Jane Frank [Paper Tiger, 2001]
  6. I Have This Nifty Idea...Now What Do I Do with It? by Mike Resnick [Wildside Press, 2001]

Best Dramatic Presentation

  1. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring [New Line Cinema/The Saul Zaentz Company/WingNut Films] Screenplay by Fran Walsh, Philipa Boyens, and Peter Jackson; Directed by Peter Jackson
  2. Shrek [DreamWorks SKG/Pacific Data Images] Screenplay by Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio, Joe Stillman, and Roger SH Schulman; Directed by Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson
  3. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (aka: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) [1492 Pictures/Heyday Films/Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Steven Kloves; Directed by Chris Columbus
  4. Monsters, Inc. [Pixar Animation/Disney] Screenplay by Dan Gerson and Andrew Stanton; Directed by Pete Docter, David Silverman, and Lee Unkrich
  5. "Once More, with Feeling", Buffy the Vampire Slayer [Fox Television Studios/Mutant Enemy, Inc.] Written and directed by Joss Whedon

Best Professional Editor

  1. Ellen Datlow
  2. Gardner Dozois
  3. Stanley Schmidt
  4. Patrick Nielsen Hayden
  5. Gordon Van Gelder

Best Professional Artist

  1. Michael Whelan
  2. Bob Eggleton
  3. Frank Kelly Freas
  4. Donato Giancola
  5. Jim Burns

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  2. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  3. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, Ariel Hameon, David G Hartwell, and Kevin J Maroney
  4. Speculations, edited by Kent Brewster
  5. Absolute Magnitude, edited by Warren Lapine

Best Fanzine

  1. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  2. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  3. Mimosa, edited by Dick Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  4. Plokta, edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and Mike Scott
  5. Challenger, edited by Guy H Lillian III

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. Steven H Silver
  4. Bob Devney
  5. John L Flynn
  6. Jeff Berkwits

Best Fan Artist

  1. Teddy Harvia
  2. Brad W Foster
  3. Sue Mason
  4. Frank Wu
  5. Sheryl Birkhead

Best Web Site

  1. Locus Online (link), awarded to Mark R Kelly
  2. Scifi Com (link), awarded to Craig Engler
  3. SF Site (link), awarded to Rodger Turner
  4. Strange Horizons (link), awarded to Mary Anne Mohanraj
  5. Tangent Online (link), awarded to Dave Truesdale and Tobias S Buckell

     2003 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Torcon 3, Toronto, Canada; August 28 – September 1, 2003

Best Novel

  1. Hominids by Robert J. Sawyer [Analog Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr 2002; Tor, 2002]
  2. Kiln People (alt: Kil'n People) by David Brin [Tor, 2002]
  3. Bones Of The Earth by Michael Swanwick [Eos, 2002]
  4. The Scar by China Miéville [Del Rey, 2002; Macmillan, 2002]
  5. The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson [Bantam, 2002]

Best Novella

  1. "Coraline" by Neil Gaiman [Harper Collins, 2002]
  2. "Brontes Egg" by Richard Chwedyk [F&SF Aug 2002]
  3. "Breathmoss" by Ian R Mac Leod [Asimov's May 2002]
  4. "A Year In The Linear City" by Paul Di Filippo [PS Publishing, 2002]
  5. "The Political Officer" by Charles Coleman Finlay [F&SF Apr 2002]
  6. "In Spirit" by Pat Forde [Analog Sep 2002]

Best Novelette

  1. "Slow Life" by Michael Swanwick [Analog Dec 2002]
  2. "The Wild Girls" by Ursula K. Le Guin [Asimov's Mar 2002]
  3. "Halo" by Charles Stross [Asimov's Jun 2002]
  4. "Presence" by Maureen F Mc Hugh [F&SF Mar 2002]
  5. "Madonna Of The Maquiladora" by Gregory Frost [Asimov's May 2002]

Best Short Story

  1. "Falling Onto Mars" by Geoffrey A Landis [Analog Jul/Aug 2002]
  2. "'Hello,' Said the Stick" by Michael Swanwick [Analog Mar 2002]
  3. "The Little Cat Laughed To See Such Sport" by Michael Swanwick [Asimov's Oct/Nov 2002]
  4. "Creation" by Jeffrey Ford [F&SF May 2002]
  5. "Lambing Season" by Molly Gloss [Asimov's Jul 2002]

Best Related Book

  1. Better To Have Loved The Life Of Judith Merril by Judith Merril and Emily Pohl Weary [Between the Lines, 2002]
  2. Ray Bradbury An Illustrated Life by Jerry Weist [Morrow, 2002]
  3. Dragonhenge by Bob Eggleton and John Grant [Paper Tiger, 2002]
  4. Spectrum 9: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art by Cathy Fenner and Arnie Fenner [Underwood Books, 2002]
  5. The Battle Of The Sexes In Science Fiction by Justine Larbalestier [Wesleyan University Press, 2002]

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

  1. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers [New Line Cinema] Screenplay by Fran Walsh, Philipa Boyens, Stephen Sinclair, and Peter Jackson; Directed by Peter Jackson
  2. Minority Report [20th Century Fox/DreamWorks SKG] Screenplay by Scott Frank and Jon Cohen; Directed by Steven Spielberg
  3. Spirited Away [Studio Ghibli/Disney] Screenplay by Steven Kloves; Directed by Chris Columbus
  4. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets [Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Steven Kloves; Directed by Chris Columbus
  5. Spider-Man [Columbia Pictures] Screenplay by David Koepp; Directed by Sam Raimi

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form

  1. "Conversations with Dead People", Buffy the Vampire Slayer [Fox Television Studios/Mutant Enemy, Inc.] Screenplay by Jane Espenson and Drew Goddard; Directed by Nick Marck
  2. "Serenity", Firefly [20th Century Fox Television/Mutant Enemy, Inc.] Written and directed by Joss Whedon
  3. "Carbon Creek", Star Trek: Enterprise [Paramount] Screenplay by Chris Black; Directed by James Contner
  4. "Waiting in the Wings", Angel [Fox Television Studios/Mutant Enemy, Inc.] Written and directed by Joss Whedon
  5. "A Night in Sickbay", Star Trek: Enterprise [Paramount] Screenplay by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga; Directed by David Straiton

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. David G Hartwell
  3. Ellen Datlow
  4. Gordon Van Gelder
  5. Stanley Schmidt

Best Professional Artist

  1. Bob Eggleton
  2. Donato Giancola
  3. Jim Burns
  4. David A Cherry
  5. Frank Kelly Freas

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown, Jennifer A Hall, and Kirsten Gong Wong
  2. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  3. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, and Kevin J Maroney
  4. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  5. Speculations, edited by Kent Brewster

Best Fanzine

  1. Mimosa, edited by Rich Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  2. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  3. Emerald City, edited by Cheryl Morgan
  4. Plokta, edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and Mike Scott
  5. Challenger, edited by Guy H Lillian III

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Mike Glyer
  3. Steven H Silver
  4. Bob Devney
  5. John L Flynn

Best Fan Artist

  1. Sue Mason
  2. Frank Wu
  3. Brad W Foster
  4. Teddy Harvia
  5. Steve Stiles

     2004 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Noreascon 4, Boston, Massachusetts; September 2–6, 2004

Best Novel

  1. Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold [Eos, 2003]
  2. Ilium by Dan Simmons [Subterranean, 2003; Eos, 2003; Gollancz, 2003]
  3. Singularity Sky by Charles Stross [Ace, 2003]
  4. Blind Lake by Robert Charles Wilson [Tor, 2003]
  5. Humans by Robert J. Sawyer [Tor, 2003]

Best Novella

  1. "The Cookie Monster" by Vernor Vinge [Analog Oct 2003]
  2. "The Empress Of Mars" by Kage Baker [Asimov's Jul 2003]
  3. "Just Like The Ones We Used To Know" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Dec 2003]
  4. "The Green Leopard Plague" by Walter Jon Williams [Asimov's Oct/Nov 2003]
  5. "Walk In Silence" by Catherine Asaro [Analog Apr 2003]

Best Novelette

  1. "Legions In Time" by Michael Swanwick [Asimov's Apr 2003]
  2. "The Empire Of Ice Cream" by Jeffrey Ford [ 2003-02-26]
  3. "Nightfall" by Charles Stross [Asimov's Apr 2003]
  4. "Into The Gardens Of Sweet Night" by Jay Lake [Writers of the Future XIX, 2003]
  5. "Bernardos House" by James Patrick Kelly [Asimov's Jun 2003]
  6. "Hexagons" by Robert Reed [Asimov's Jul 2003]

Best Short Story

  1. "A Study in Emerald" by Neil Gaiman [Shadows Over Baker Street, 2003]
  2. "Paying It Forward" by Michael A Burstein [Analog Sep 2003]
  3. "Robots Dont Cry" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Jul 2003]
  4. "Four Short Novels" by Joe Haldeman [F&SF Oct/Nov 2003]
  5. "The Tale Of The Golden Eagle" by David D Levine [F&SF Jun 2003]

Best Related Book

  1. The Chesley Awards For Science Fiction And Fantasy Art: A Retrospective by John Grant, Elizabeth L Humphrey, and Pamela D Scoville [Artist's and Photographer's Press Ltd., 2003]
  2. The Thackery T Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases by Jeff VanderMeer and Mark Roberts [Night Shade Books, 2003]
  3. Spectrum 10: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art by Cathy Fenner and Arnie Fenner [Underwood Books, 2003]
  4. Dreamer Of Dune: The Biography of Frank Herbert by Brian Herbert [Tor, 2003]
  5. Scores Reviews 19932003 by John Clute [Beccon Publications, 2003]
  6. Master Storyteller An Illustrated Tour Of The Fiction Of L Ron Hubbard by William J Widder [Galaxy Press, 2003]

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

  1. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King [New Line Cinema] Screenplay by Fran Walsh, Philipa Boyens, and Peter Jackson; Directed by Peter Jackson
  2. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl [Disney] Screenplay by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio; Directed by Gore Verbinski
  3. X2: X-Men United [20th Century Fox/Marvel] Screenplay by Michael Dougherty, Dan Harris, and David Hayter; Directed by Bryan Singer
  4. Finding Nemo [Pixar Animation/Disney] Screenplay by Andrew Stanton, Bob Peterson, and David Reynolds; Directed by Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich
  5. 28 Days Later [DNA Films/Fox Searchlight] Screenplay by Alex Garland; Directed by Danny Boyle

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form

  1. "Gollum's Acceptance Speech at the 2003 MTV Movie Awards" [Wingnut Films/New Line Cinema] Written and directed by Fran Walsh, Philipa Boyens, and Peter Jackson
  2. "The Message", Firefly [20th Century Fox Television/Mutant Enemy, Inc.] Screenplay by Joss Whedon and Tim Minear; Directed by Tim Minear
  3. "Chosen", Buffy the Vampire Slayer [Fox Television Studios/Mutant Enemy, Inc.] Written and directed by Joss Whedon
  4. "Heart of Gold", Firefly [20th Century Fox Television/Mutant Enemy, Inc.] Screenplay by Brett Matthews; Directed by Thomas J Wright
  5. "Rosetta", Smallville [Tollin/Robbins Productions/Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Al Gough and Miles Millar; Directed by James Marshall

Best Professional Editor

  1. Gardner Dozois
  2. Ellen Datlow
  3. David G Hartwell
  4. Stanley Schmidt
  5. Gordon Van Gelder

Best Professional Artist

  1. Bob Eggleton
  2. Donato Giancola
  3. Frank Kelly Freas
  4. Frank Frazetta
  5. Jim Burns

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown, Jennifer A Hall, and Kirsten Gong Wong
  2. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, and Kevin J Maroney
  3. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  4. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  5. The Third Alternative, edited by Andy Cox

Best Fanzine

  1. Emerald City, edited by Cheryl Morgan
  2. Mimosa, edited by Rich Lynch and Nicki Lynch
  3. Plokta, edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and Mike Scott
  4. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  5. Challenger, edited by Guy H Lillian III

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Cheryl Morgan
  3. Bob Devney
  4. John L Flynn
  5. Jeff Berkwits

Best Fan Artist

  1. Frank Wu
  2. Sue Mason
  3. Teddy Harvia
  4. Brad Foster
  5. Steve Stiles

     2005 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Interaction, Glasgow, Scotland; August 4–8, 2005

Best Novel

  1. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke [Bloomsbury, 2004]
  2. River Of Gods by Ian McDonald [Simon & Schuster UK, 2004]
  3. The Algebraist by Iain M. Banks [Orbit, 2004]
  4. Iron Sunrise by Charles Stross [Ace, 2004]
  5. Iron Council by China Miéville [Del Rey, 2004; Macmillan UK, 2004]

Best Novella

  1. "The Concrete Jungle" by Charles Stross [The Atrocity Archives, 2004]
  2. "Sergeant Chip" by Bradley Denton [F&SF Sep 2004]
  3. "Elector" by Charles Stross [Asimov's Sep 2004]
  4. "Winterfair Gifts" by Lois McMaster Bujold [Irresistible Forces, 2004]
  5. "Time Ablaze" by Michael A Burstein [Analog Jun 2004]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Faery Handbag" by Kelly Link [The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm, 2004]
  2. "The Clapping Hands Of God" by Michael F Flynn [Analog Jul/Aug 2004]
  3. "The People Of Sand And Slag" by Paolo Bacigalupi [F&SF Feb 2004]
  4. "Biographical Notes to 'A Discourse on the Nature of Causality, with Air-Planes' by Benjamin Rosenbaum" by Benjamin Rosenbaum [All-Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories, 2004]
  5. "The Voluntary State" by Christopher Rowe [ 2004-05-05]

Best Short Story

  1. "Travels With My Cats" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Feb 2004]
  2. "The Best Christmas Ever" by James Patrick Kelly [ 2004-05-26]
  3. "A Princess Of Earth" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Dec 2004]
  4. "Shed Skin" by Robert J. Sawyer [Analog Jan/Feb 2004]
  5. "Decisions" by Michael A Burstein [Analog Jan/Feb 2004]

Best Related Book

  1. The Cambridge Companion To Science Fiction by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn [Cambridge University Press, 2003]
  2. With Stars In My Eyes: My Adventures in British Fandom by Peter R Weston [NESFA Press, 2004]
  3. Futures 50 Years In Space: The Challenge of the Stars by David A Hardy and Patrick Moore [AAPPL, 2004; Harper Design International, 2004]
  4. Dancing Naked The Unexpurgated William Tenn, Volume 3 by William Tenn (aka: Philip Klass) [NESFA Press, 2004]
  5. Scores Reviews 19932003 by John Clute [Beccon Publications, 2003]
  6. The Best Of Xero by Pat Lupoff and Dick Lupoff [Tachyon, 2004]

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

  1. The Incredibles [Pixar Animation/Disney] Written and directed by Brad Bird
  2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [Focus Features] Screenplay by Charlie Kaufman; Directed by Michael Gondry
  3. Spider-Man 2 [Sony Pictures/Columbia] Screenplay by Alvin Sargent; Directed by Sam Raimi
  4. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow [Paramount] Written and directed by Kerry Conran
  5. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban [Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Steve Kloves; Directed by Alfonso Cuarón

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form

  1. "33", Battlestar Galactica (2003) [NBC Universal/Sci Fi Channel] Screenplay by Ronald D. Moore; Directed by Michael Rymer
  2. "Smile Time", Angel [20th Century Fox Television/Mutant Enemy, Inc.] Written and directed by Ben Edlund
  3. "Heroes Part 1 & 2", Stargate SG-1 [MGM/Sci Fi Channel] Screenplay by Robert C Cooper; Directed by Andy Mikita
  4. "Not Fade Away", Angel [20th Century Fox Television/Mutant Enemy, Inc.] Screenplay by Jeffrey Bell and Joss Whedon; Directed by Jeffrey Bell
  5. "Pilot Episode", Lost [Touchstone/Bad Robot] Screenplay by J. J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof; Directed by J. J. Abrams

Best Professional Editor

  1. Ellen Datlow
  2. Gardner Dozois
  3. David G Hartwell
  4. Gordon Van Gelder
  5. Stanley Schmidt

Best Professional Artist

  1. Jim Burns
  2. Donato Giancola
  3. Frank Kelly Freas
  4. Bob Eggleton
  5. John Picacio

Best Semiprozine

  1. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  2. Interzone, edited by David Pringle
  3. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown
  4. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, and Kevin J Maroney
  5. The Third Alternative, edited by Andy Cox

Best Fanzine

  1. Plokta, edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and Mike Scott
  2. Emerald City, edited by Cheryl Morgan
  3. Banana Wings, edited by Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer
  4. Chunga, edited by Randy Byers, Andy Hooper, and Carl Juarez
  5. Challenger, edited by Guy H Lillian III

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Cheryl Morgan
  3. Claire Brialey
  4. Steven H Silver
  5. Bob Devney

Best Fan Artist

  1. Sue Mason
  2. Frank Wu
  3. Steve Stiles
  4. Brad Foster
  5. Teddy Harvia

Best Web Site

  1. Sci Fiction (link), awarded to Ellen Datlow
  2. Locus Online (link), awarded to Mark R Kelly
  3. Emerald City (link), awarded to Cheryl Morgan
  4. Strange Horizons (link), awarded to Mary Anne Mohanraj
  5. E Fanzines (link), awarded to Bill Burns

Special Awards

     2006 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: L.A.con IV, Los Angeles, California; August 23–27, 2006

Best Novel

  1. Spin by Robert Charles Wilson [Tor, 2005]
  2. Accelerando by Charles Stross [Ace, 2005; Orbit, 2005]
  3. Old Man's War by John Scalzi [Tor, 2005]
  4. Learning The World by Ken MacLeod [Orbit, 2005; Tor, 2005]
  5. A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin [Voyager, 2005; Bantam Spectra, 2005]

Best Novella

  1. "Inside Job" by Connie Willis [Asimov's Jan 2005]
  2. "Magic For Beginners" by Kelly Link [Magic for Beginners, 2005; F&SF Sep 2005]
  3. Burn by James Patrick Kelly [Tachyon, 2005]
  4. "The Little Goddess" by Ian McDonald [Asimov's Jun 2005]
  5. "Identity Theft" by Robert J. Sawyer [Down These Dark Spaceways, 2005]

Best Novelette

  1. "Two Hearts" by Peter S. Beagle [F&SF Oct/Nov 2005]
  2. "I, Robot (2005)" by Cory Doctorow [The Infinite Matrix 2005-02-15]
  3. "The King Of Where I Go" by Howard Waldrop [Sci Fiction, 2005-12-07]
  4. "The Calorie Man" by Paolo Bacigalupi [F&SF Oct/Nov 2005]
  5. "TelePresence" by Michael A Burstein [Analog Jul/Aug 2005]

Best Short Story

  1. "Tk'tk'tk" by David D Levine [Asimov's Mar 2005]
  2. "The Clockwork Atom Bomb" by Dominic Green [Interzone May/Jun 2005]
  3. "Singing My Sister Down" by Margo Lanagan [Black Juice, 2004]
  4. "Down Memory Lane" by Mike Resnick [Asimov's Apr/May 2005]
  5. "Seventy Five Years" by Michael A Burstein [Analog Jan/Feb 2005]

Best Related Book

  1. Storyteller Writing Lessons And More From 27 Years Of The Clarion Writers by Kate Wilhelm [Small Beer Press, 2005]
  2. Transformations The Story Of The Science Fiction Magazines From 1950 To 1970 by Mike Ashley [Liverpool, 2005]
  3. The Sex Column And Other Misprints by David Langford [Cosmos, 2005]
  4. Soundlings: Reviews 1992-1996 by Gary K Wolfe [Beccon, 2005]
  5. Science Fiction Quotations by Gary Westfahl [Yale, 2005]

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

  1. Serenity [Universal Pictures/Mutant Enemy, Inc.] Written and directed by Joss Whedon
  2. Batman Begins [Warner Bros.] Screenplay by Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer; Directed by Christopher Nolan
  3. The Curse of the Were-Rabbit [Dreamworks Animation/Aardman Animation] Screenplay by Steve Box, Nick Park, Bob Baker, and Mark Burton; Directed by Steve Box and Nick Park
  4. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe [Paramount] Screenplay by Ann Peacock, Andrew Adamson, Christopher Markus, and Stephen Mcfeely; Directed by Andrew Adamson
  5. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire [Warner Brothers] Screenplay by Steve Kloves; Directed by Mike Newell

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form

  1. "The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances", Doctor Who [BBC Wales/BBC 1] Screenplay by Steven Moffat; Directed by James Hawes
  2. "Dalek", Doctor Who [20th Century Fox Television/Mutant Enemy, Inc.] Screenplay by Robert Shearman; Directed by Joe Ahearne
  3. "Father's Day", Doctor Who [MGM/Sci Fi Channel] Screenplay by Paul Cornell; Directed by Joe Ahearne
  4. "Pegasus", Battlestar Galactica (2003) [NBC Universal/British Sky Broadcasting] Screenplay by Anne Cofell Saunders; Directed by Michael Rymer
  5. "Jack-Jack Attack", The Incredibles [Disney/Pixar Animation] Written and directed by Brad Bird
  6. "Prix Victor Hugo Awards Ceremony (Opening Speech and Framing Sequences)" [Interaction Events] Screenplay by Paul Mc Auley and Kim Newman; Directed by Mike Moir and Debby Moir
  7. "Lucas Back In Anger" [Reductio Ad Absurdum Productions] Screenplay by Phil Raines and Ian Sorensen; Directed by Phil Raines

Best Professional Editor

  1. David G Hartwell
  2. Ellen Datlow
  3. Gordon Van Gelder
  4. Sheila Williams
  5. Stanley Schmidt

Best Professional Artist

  1. Donato Giancola
  2. Micheal Whelan
  3. Bob Eggleton
  4. Jim Burns
  5. John Picacio
  6. Stephan Martiniere

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown, Kirsten Gong Wong, and Liza Groen Trombi
  2. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, and Kevin J Maroney
  3. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  4. Emerald City, edited by Cheryl Morgan
  5. Interzone, edited by Andy Cox

Best Fanzine

  1. Plokta, edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and Mike Scott
  2. File 770, edited by Mike Glyer
  3. Challenger, edited by Guy H Lillian III
  4. Banana Wings, edited by Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer
  5. Chunga, edited by Randy Byers, Andy Hooper, and Carl Juarez

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. Cheryl Morgan
  3. John Hertz
  4. Steven H Silver
  5. Claire Brialey

Best Fan Artist

  1. Frank Wu
  2. Steve Stiles
  3. Sue Mason
  4. Teddy Harvia
  5. Brad Foster

Special Awards

     2007 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Nippon 2007, Yokohama, Japan; August 30 – September 3, 2007

Best Novel

  1. Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge [Tor, 2006]
  2. Glasshouse by Charles Stross [Ace, 2006; Orbit, 2006]
  3. His Majesty's Dragon (aka: Temeraire) by Naomi Novik [Voyager, 2006; Del Rey, 2006]
  4. Eifelheim by Michael F Flynn [Tor, 2006]
  5. Blindsight by Peter Watts [Tor, 2006]

Best Novella

  1. "A Billion Eves" by Robert Reed [Asimov's Oct/Nov 2006]
  2. "Lord Wearys Empire" by Michael Swanwick [Asimov's Dec 2006]
  3. Julian A Christmas Story by Robert Charles Wilson [PS Publishing, 2006]
  4. "The Walls Of The Universe" by Paul Melko [Asimov's Apr/May 2006]
  5. "Inclination" by William Shunn [Asimov's Apr/May 2006]

Best Novelette

  1. "The Djinns Wife" by Ian McDonald [Asimov's Jul 2006]
  2. "Pol Pots Beautiful Daughter" by Geoff Ryman [F&SF Oct/Nov 2006]
  3. "Dawn And Sunset And The Colours Of The Earth" by Michael F Flynn [Asimov's Oct/Nov 2006]
  4. "All The Things You Are" by Mike Resnick [Jim Baen's Universe Oct 2006]
  5. "Yellow Card Man" by Paolo Bacigalupi [Asimov's Dec 2006]

Best Short Story

  1. "Impossible Dreams" by Tim Pratt [Asimov's Jul 2006]
  2. "How to Talk to Girls at Parties" by Neil Gaiman [Fragile Things, 2006]
  3. "Eight Episodes" by Robert Reed [Asimov's Jun 2006]
  4. "Kin" by Bruce Mc Allister [Asimov's Feb 2006]
  5. "The House Beyond Your Sky" by Benjamin Rosenbaum [Strange Horizons Sep 2006]

Best Related Book

  1. James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon by Julie Phillips [St. Martin's Press, 2006]
  2. Worldcon Guest Of Honor Speeches by Mike Resnick and Joe Siclari [IS Fi C, 2006]
  3. Heinleins Children The Juveniles by Joseph T Major [Advent: Publishing, 2006]]
  4. About Writing: Seven Essays, Four Letters, and Five Interviews by Samuel R. Delany [Wesleyan University Press, 2006]
  5. Cover Story The Art Of John Picacio by John Picacio [Monkeybrain, 2006]

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

  1. Pan's Labyrinth [Picturehouse] Written and directed by Guillermo del Toro
  2. Children of Men [Universal Pictures] Screenplay by Alfonso Cuarón, Timothy J Sexton, David Arata, Mark Fergus, and Hawk Ostby; Directed by Alfonso Cuarón
  3. The Prestige [Touchstone Pictures] Screenplay by Jonathan Nolan and Christopher Nolan; Directed by Christopher Nolan
  4. V for Vendetta [Warner Bros.] Screenplay by Wachowski Brothers; Directed by James McTeigue
  5. A Scanner Darkly [Warner Independent Pictures] Written and directed by Richard Linklater

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form

  1. "Girl in the Fireplace", Doctor Who [BBC Wales/BBC 1] Screenplay by Steven Moffat; Directed by Euros Lyn
  2. "Army of Ghosts / Doomsday", Doctor Who [BBC Wales/BBC 1] Screenplay by Russell T Davies; Directed by Graeme Harper
  3. "Downloaded", Battlestar Galactica (2003) [NBC Universal/British Sky Broadcasting] Screenplay by Bradley Thompson and David Weddle; Directed by Jeff Woolnough
  4. "School Reunion", Doctor Who [BBC Wales/BBC 1] Screenplay by Toby Whithouse; Directed by James Hawes
  5. "200", Stargate SG-1 [Double Secret Productions/NBC Universal] Screenplay by Brad Wright, Robert C Cooper, Joseph Mallozzi, Paul Mullie, Carl Binder, Martin Gero, and Alan Mc Cullough; Directed by Martin Wood

Best Professional Editor - Long Form

  1. Patrick Nielsen Hayden
  2. David G Hartwell
  3. James Patrick Baen
  4. Ginjer Buchanan
  5. Lou Anders

Best Professional Editor - Short Form

  1. Gordon Van Gelder
  2. Sheila Williams
  3. Stanley Schmidt
  4. Gardner Dozois
  5. Davids G Hartwell

Best Professional Artist

  1. Donato Giancola
  2. Bob Eggleton
  3. John Picacio
  4. Stephan Martiniere
  5. John Jude Palencar

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown, Kirsten Gong Wong, and Liza Groen Trombi
  2. Interzone, edited by Andy Cox
  3. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, and Kevin J Maroney
  4. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  5. Lady Churchills Rosebud Wristlet, edited by Gavin J Grant and Kelly Link

Best Fanzine

  1. Science Fiction Five Yearly, edited by Lee Hoffman, Geri Sullivan, and Randy Byers
  2. Challenger, edited by Guy H Lillian III
  3. Plokta, edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and Mike Scott
  4. Banana Wings, edited by Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer
  5. The Drink Tank, edited by Chris Garcia

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. John Scalzi
  3. John Hertz
  4. Steven H Silver
  5. Chris Garcia

Best Fan Artist

  1. Frank Wu
  2. Sue Mason
  3. Brad Foster
  4. Teddy Harvia
  5. Steve Stiles

     2008 Hugo Awards 

Presented at: Denvention 3, Denver, Colorado; August 6–10, 2008

Best Novel

  1. Literature/The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Creator/Michael Chabon [Harper Collins, 2007; Fourth Estate, 2007]
  2. {{Literature/The Last Colony by Creator/John Scalzi [Tor, 2007]
  3. [[{{Literature/Halting State by Creator/Charles Stross [Ace, 2007; Orbit UK, 2007]
  4. Rollback by Creator/Robert J. Sawyer [Tor, 2007; Analog Oct,Nov,Dec 2006,Jan/Feb 2007]
  5. Brasyl by Creator/Ian Mc Donald [Gollancz, 2007; Pyr, 2007]

Best Novella

  1. "Literature/All Seated on the Ground" by Creator/Connie Willis [Asimov's Dec 2007; Subterranean Press, 2007]
  2. "Literature/Recovering Apollo 8" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch [Asimov's Feb 2007]
  3. ''Literature/The Fountain of Age" by Nancy Kress [Asimov's Jul 2007]
  4. "Memorare" by Creator/Gene Wolfe [F&SF Apr 2007]
  5. "Literature/Stars Seen Through Stone" by Creator/Lucius Shepard [F&SF Jul 2007]

Best Novelette
  1. "The Djinns Wife" by Ian McDonald [Asimov's Jul 2006]
  2. "Pol Pots Beautiful Daughter" by Geoff Ryman [F&SF Oct/Nov 2006]
  3. "Dawn And Sunset And The Colours Of The Earth" by Michael F Flynn [Asimov's Oct/Nov 2006]
  4. "All The Things You Are" by Mike Resnick [Jim Baen's Universe Oct 2006]
  5. "Yellow Card Man" by Paolo Bacigalupi [Asimov's Dec 2006]

Best Short Story

  1. "Impossible Dreams" by Tim Pratt [Asimov's Jul 2006]
  2. "How to Talk to Girls at Parties" by Neil Gaiman [Fragile Things, 2006]
  3. "Eight Episodes" by Robert Reed [Asimov's Jun 2006]
  4. "Kin" by Bruce Mc Allister [Asimov's Feb 2006]
  5. "The House Beyond Your Sky" by Benjamin Rosenbaum [Strange Horizons Sep 2006]

Best Related Book

  1. James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon by Julie Phillips [St. Martin's Press, 2006]
  2. Worldcon Guest Of Honor Speeches by Mike Resnick and Joe Siclari [IS Fi C, 2006]
  3. Heinleins Children The Juveniles by Joseph T Major [Advent: Publishing, 2006]]
  4. About Writing: Seven Essays, Four Letters, and Five Interviews by Samuel R. Delany [Wesleyan University Press, 2006]
  5. Cover Story The Art Of John Picacio by John Picacio [Monkeybrain, 2006]

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

  1. Pan's Labyrinth [Picturehouse] Written and directed by Guillermo del Toro
  2. Children of Men [Universal Pictures] Screenplay by Alfonso Cuarón, Timothy J Sexton, David Arata, Mark Fergus, and Hawk Ostby; Directed by Alfonso Cuarón
  3. The Prestige [Touchstone Pictures] Screenplay by Jonathan Nolan and Christopher Nolan; Directed by Christopher Nolan
  4. V for Vendetta [Warner Bros.] Screenplay by Wachowski Brothers; Directed by James McTeigue
  5. A Scanner Darkly [Warner Independent Pictures] Written and directed by Richard Linklater

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form

  1. "Girl in the Fireplace", Doctor Who [BBC Wales/BBC 1] Screenplay by Steven Moffat; Directed by Euros Lyn
  2. "Army of Ghosts / Doomsday", Doctor Who [BBC Wales/BBC 1] Screenplay by Russell T Davies; Directed by Graeme Harper
  3. "Downloaded", Battlestar Galactica (2003) [NBC Universal/British Sky Broadcasting] Screenplay by Bradley Thompson and David Weddle; Directed by Jeff Woolnough
  4. "School Reunion", Doctor Who [BBC Wales/BBC 1] Screenplay by Toby Whithouse; Directed by James Hawes
  5. "200", Stargate SG-1 [Double Secret Productions/NBC Universal] Screenplay by Brad Wright, Robert C Cooper, Joseph Mallozzi, Paul Mullie, Carl Binder, Martin Gero, and Alan Mc Cullough; Directed by Martin Wood

Best Professional Editor - Long Form

  1. Patrick Nielsen Hayden
  2. David G Hartwell
  3. James Patrick Baen
  4. Ginjer Buchanan
  5. Lou Anders

Best Professional Editor - Short Form

  1. Gordon Van Gelder
  2. Sheila Williams
  3. Stanley Schmidt
  4. Gardner Dozois
  5. Davids G Hartwell

Best Professional Artist

  1. Donato Giancola
  2. Bob Eggleton
  3. John Picacio
  4. Stephan Martiniere
  5. John Jude Palencar

Best Semiprozine

  1. Locus, edited by Charles N Brown, Kirsten Gong Wong, and Liza Groen Trombi
  2. Interzone, edited by Andy Cox
  3. The New York Review Of Science Fiction, edited by Kathryn Cramer, David G Hartwell, and Kevin J Maroney
  4. Ansible, edited by David Langford
  5. Lady Churchills Rosebud Wristlet, edited by Gavin J Grant and Kelly Link

Best Fanzine

  1. Science Fiction Five Yearly, edited by Lee Hoffman, Geri Sullivan, and Randy Byers
  2. Challenger, edited by Guy H Lillian III
  3. Plokta, edited by Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and Mike Scott
  4. Banana Wings, edited by Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer
  5. The Drink Tank, edited by Chris Garcia

Best Fan Writer

  1. David Langford
  2. John Scalzi
  3. John Hertz
  4. Steven H Silver
  5. Chris Garcia

Best Fan Artist

  1. Frank Wu
  2. Sue Mason
  3. Brad Foster
  4. Teddy Harvia
  5. Steve Stiles

     2009 Hugo Awards 

     2010 Hugo Awards 

     2011 Hugo Awards 

     2012 Hugo Awards 

     2013 Hugo Awards 

     2014 Hugo Awards 

     2015 Hugo Awards 

     2016 Hugo Awards 

     2017 Hugo Awards 

     2018 Hugo Awards 

     2019 Hugo Awards 
