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Character Gush / Western Animation
aka: Gushing About Western Animation Characters You Like

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Characters from Western Animation that are just that... totally... Awesome.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the sizable nature of the page, and the fact that it will keep growing, please try to keep them in alphabetical order by series on this page so it doesn't delve into chaos and confusion.

  • Dr. Ivo Robotnik, from the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. God Almighty. Incredibly well-acted, hilarious, smart, inventive, Memetic Badass...what more could you want?
    • SnooPING AS usual, I see?
    • Something needs to be said for Scratch and Grounder. They're both hilarious, and the way they alternate from bickering and insulting each other to getting along so well it's almost Ho Yay is a joy to watch. I'm not alone on this, since they were so influential to the franchise as a whole that they were expied twice. Often imitated, never duplicated.
  • From Adventure Time, Marceline. No, it's not the voice. She just may very well be one of the most cleverly played cartoon characters I've ever seen.
    • Finn and Jake themselves pretty much kick ass. This troper finds it appealing that Finn is not portrayed as a moral, sensible and always nice protagonist. He has his share of jerkass moments, he's impulsive, not composed and prone to solving all problems with violence. All the time remaining completely lovable and unpredictable.
    • Princess Bubblegum is a short-fused Cute and Psycho girly-girl princess who Minored In Ass Kicking and has rescued the heroes before. And her Angrish is just hilarious.
    • Lumpy Space Princess. That is all.
    • Poor Ice King is never getting any love.
    • Flame Princess may start off as seeming like a Hair-Trigger Temper Broken Bird, until you get to know her just a little more. Then, she melts your heart with her adorableness, and yet still manages to be a badass.
    • The Lich for being a genuinely frightening villain, who aspires to simply destroy the entire universe. While wrong by itself, the Lich somehow manages to make the destruction of all life in the universe seem cool. There's also the fact that he was created from an atomic bomb.
    • Beemo! Every time he/she/it appears on screen, you can bet that something hilarious or adorable is about to happen.
  • Stanley friggin' Chan. One of the wackiest characters ever to grace American animation, funny and crazy and corny and goofy and it's impossible not to laugh when he's on screen. Plus, he's rather attractive in his own right...not like Henry, but easy on the eyes nonetheless.
    • Also, his younger sister Anne. She's quite adorable and plays off her girly sister and brainy brothers very well, sort of a foil but not so much that there's uncomfortable friction between them. She's a tomboy done right, not a Straw Feminist who rejects all things girly or obligated to cry "ohhh woe is me I'm so awkward and jealous of my pretty sister".
    • Tom. This troper has always had a weakness for nerds and dorks, and Tom is one of the cutest animated nerds ever. His Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness is done in the most endearing way and he can be pretty funny despite being the Straight Man nerd archetype. And the best part? He's not shoehorned into the role of the puny wimp or a Stereotypical Nerd like most TV geeks are.
  • The title character of The Amazing World of Gumball. He has everything I love in a cartoon character: he's funny, he has a girlfriend, he loses a lot. He's my favorite main cartoon character introduced in this decade. Unlike a lot of other main cartoon characters, he actually got the girl he wanted and he's only 12! He was smart about it and loyal to the end. Never have I laughed harder and more consistently at the main character in a kid's cartoon.
    • Try to find a line said by Richard Watterson that isn't funny. Tell me how much you find, I bet it won't be a lot.
  • Roger of American Dad!. J-Just Roger. Everything about him is hysterical: his voice, his disguises and personae, his snarking, his Comedic Sociopathy, even the way he walks.
    • Second!
    • Don't forget Klaus. He's a hilariously obnoxious, yet sympathetic guy who deserves better.
  • Amphibia is full of amazing characters, but I must speak for my absolute favorite, Marcy Wu. I do not use the term "comfort character" lightly, but Marcy is just that for me - a sweet, bubbly, and inquisitive yet deeply, deeply flawed Badass Adorable nerd who is Endearingly Dorky personified. And as a very nerdy Asian person with autism, I recognize a lot of myself in her (including traits I had when I was 13 too) - heck, I even have the same last name as her. And as much as seeing her in pain or in tears utterly breaks my heart (to the point where I cannot rewatch certain episodes), it makes me root even harder for her and makes seeing her happy mean even more for me. I've never met a character who struck with me so deeply before, making me laugh and smile just as much as she makes me cry and despair.
    • Sprig is so damn underappreciated in the fandom. Anne's first true friend, and just a cute, silly, adventure-loving frog boy. The way he and Anne get along is such a pleasure to watch, as is how much they care for each other. And remember, Anne would have never grown as a person if it wasn't for their friendship, with many of the show's most important moments coming the pair's friendship. In many ways, he's the true heart of the show.
  • Dagget! I mean, if it isn't enough that he's a talking beaver who watches scary movies and dreams of being a poodle groomer, he's voiced by Richard Horvitz.
  • A lot of great characters on Animaniacs, but the best is probably Slappy the Squirrel.
  • Although Joey Felt and AP are a fantastic duo, the clear best character in Atomic Puppet is Pauline Bell. Cute and appealing design? Check! Sassy attitude? Check! Great friend to Joey? Check! A total badass when it calls for it? ("Sword Sisters" was a pure undiluted Moment of Awesome for her) Check! Check! Check! She is pure awesome and just plain rocks.
    • I've got a few characters from this show that I wanna gush about, despite them being criminally underrated. My most favorite example of this being the Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain, Mookie! Sure, he has his moments of Nausea Fuel (the episode "Parallel Puppet" being a good example of this trope), sure he's a bit of a Scrappy and he has his annoying moments, but my goodness, I have never seen a show where a character could be so relatable to me, and the season finale especially broke my heart 'cause he's such a huge source of comfort for me, and seeing him have this full-on mental breakdown made me feel scared for him (especially with that Wham Shot at the end of Part 2). Besides that, I think that this man is really cute and funny, and his design for when he and Professor Tite-Gripp team up to fight Atomic Puppet in The Big Shift (Part 2) looks really badass.
      • Another character that I really like is Professor Tite-Gripp. Though I don't really have a clear explanation as to why I like him, he's such an interesting guy regardless. His Faux Affably Evil personality and even his deep voice makes me charmed, and when he teamed up with Mookie in the season finale, it was so cool! What a charming guy!
    • Let's talk about the title duo too, shall we? Joey and AP were an amazing superhero team with a truly unique dynamic that was both hilarious and badass. They helped each other grow as people, and they constantly showed how much they truly valued each other as partners and friends all while saving the city and fighting evil far better than either of them could have ever done alone. They were the core of the show, and when the two and their relationship was at its best, the series was too.
  • Toph Bei Fong. Cute Bruiser, Little Miss Badass, and Little Miss Snarker.
    • Really now, her blind jokes are just awesome.
      • Almost as incredible as her Earthbending. This troper wants to learn what her style of Kung Fu is (Southern Praying Mantis?) just so he can do her moves right. Hail Tophgod!
      • Fourthed. I freaking love Toph. She's just such an amazing, well-rounded character that I can't relate to-but could totally see going out with. No, no PSL here-I just think she's a really cool person.
    • Ye gods, Azula. Female Magnificent Bastards are hard to come by - especially those still in their teen years - but she pretty much epitomizes the image.
      • Also, very few works of fiction could successfully make you pity such a character and realize that they have Hidden Depths to them at the last moment. But damn, Azula....
      • Not many characters can make your heart break and scare the fuck out of you at the same time.
      • Azula is just perfectly pitched. She's skilled and competent in the way of Darth Vader. She is made of cold fire and scary as fuck in the way of Tywin Lannister. She's nearly as inventive and creative in her approach as a protagonist. She has as much brazen confidence as anyone I can image. She is the perfect combination of awe-inspiring and despicable, controlled and a loose canon, sympathetic and horrifying... You can't cheer for her victory nor for her defeat.
    • Mai is just as awesome with her dry wit, especially when she's playing off Zuko's dorkiness.
      • This Troper thinks Mai - that cool, calm, collected Ninja -is the greatest female character on this show! She's the only one to totally pwn Azula when she's her sane, Magnificent Bastard self... without lifting a finger! An action that caused the Manipulative Bastard herself to "miscalculate!" The Power of Love has never looked so badass.
      • This troper is a Zutarian who thinks Mai is one of the coolest characters in any show.
    • Same goes for Ty Lee. Ozai's Angels for the win!
      • Please don't use that horrid, cringeworthy nickname - the Fire Trio deserve better, being the most badass characters in the entire series. But, yeah ...
    • EVERYONE in Avatar is Made of Win.
      • Sokka included!
      • Oh, absolutely Sokka. In a series where he's overshadowed by awesome of his gifted friends, his frequently unusual ideas, determination, and courage show pretty consistent development throughout, and it is wonderful to see. Deciding he's the 'warrior' of the southern tribe in his father's absence and facing down Zuko's ship was at once terribly reckless and immensely brave; even when his attempts were unsuccessful, Sokka kept on trying. What's more, his taking a level in badass doesn't somehow eclipse (hah) his initial characterization, but re-enforce the positive traits he already had. People adore and admire Katara for good reasons, but Sokka deserves respect (and a bit more confidence in himself). And an honorable mention to Hakoda, for as far as we see, he's a smart warrior too, and comes across as a decent, caring father to his children in spite of his very small role.
      • Not to mention that, for all their bending prowess, the Gaang is pretty much completely lost without Sokka. He's not the idea guy for nothing! (And my, but he looks good with his hair down...)
      • And Prince Zuko especially! Truly one of the best Anti-Hero characters I've ever seen. He's got a well-written sympathetic background and redemption story, and he's a total badass on the outside while being a total dork on the inside (and sometimes the outside). And a Woobie, too.
      • Absolutely Zuko, oh my gosh. Never have I cheered so loudly for a two-dimensional drawing! He seems almost like a real person, with all his flaws and insecurities and strengths and character development that makes me as a writer squee in delight. Being drop-dead sexy is just the cherry on the top.
      • I think Zuko is just one of THE best characters in fiction.
    • Have we forgotten Iroh? The kids are all great, true, but Iroh is a rare example of an adult in a children's series who makes growing up look like something well worth doing.
      • YES, YES, YES. From his first badass act of tricking the guard into touching his super-heated handcuffs, to the scene where we see him working out in prison, refusing to lay down and die despite his obvious pain over Zuko, to his burning the fire-nation flag in Ba Sing Se. Absolute best character on the show, and possibly in anything. Ever.
      • Kudos to a show that can make so many badass old people. Iroh, Pakku, Bumi, Jeong-Jeong...
      • I totally agree, but would like to add an extra dose of seconding to Bumi. He's one of the oldest characters in the show (Over 100!) and still manages to be one of the most badass. He can earthbend with just his face. That is all.
    • The titular character, Aang, throughout the whole series as he grew, developed, and became steadily more badass with each episode. Especially in the finale, where he manages to stay true to his values AND save the world (with a display of bending and self-restraint nothing short of spectacular), without making either look cheap.
    • Katara. A girl with so many wonderful qualities that make you worship her but also visible flaws that make you want to shake her is the mark of an extremely well-rounded character.
      • Indeed. Her flaws don't make her unlikable and her strengths don't make her too OP. One of the most well done animated heroines ever!
      • Not only that, but she's also beautiful.
    • Ursa and Kya really don't get enough love from the fandom. One killed to protect her child and the other was killed to protect her child - and neither was onscreen for long, but I dare you to find more awesome mothers in animation.
    • You know, I think we've gushed about every single main and secondary female character in the show except for Suki. How did this happen?! C'mon, she ran up a wall! And then later she saved Toph and Sokka at the last minute. She might not have been there for very long, but if 75% of your screen time involves you being awesome, then you have it made.
      • Seconded. "Did boomerang come back?" "No, Suki did!" Pure awesomeness.
    • One word: Jet. Jet to the bitter end.
    • We may as well face it. If there's any even slightly important character who is not at least slightly made of awesome, that character is not in Avatar
      • Absolutely true, this is a show that made us love a guy who only says "MY CABBAGES!", one who never says anything but foams at the mouth, and of course we can't forget the badass Action Girl bounty hunter with a giant rat thing June.
    • I think we're forgetting someone... Someone very important... Where's Momo and Appa?
  • Caractacus P Doom of Avenger Penguins is a villain who definitely Needs More Love. He's a cooler Transatlantic Equivalent of Dr Robotnik, he can wonderfully go from Laughably Evil to Magnificent Bastard at the drop of a hat, has one of the best comedians of Whose Line Is It Anyway? as his voice and of course, is one of the most enjoyable hams in all of animation.
  • Batman: The Animated Series has the best versions of The Joker and Mr. Freeze ever. And though it catches much flak from some, The Batman has the best versions of The Riddler and Poison Ivy ever as well.
    • And Superman: The Animated Series gave us the best versions of Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Metallo and Mxyzptlk.
    • This series gave us one of the more fun renditions of Clark, Lois, and Kara ever to exist. These are the versions I think about when I think of the characters.
      • LOBO. Oh sweet zombie Jesus, Lobo. He is the only reason this troper even bought the DVD of STAS.
      • True, although it kind of pissed off this troper that they left out his trademark hook-and-chain thingy.
    • Harley Quinn is almost as good a solo character as Mistah Jay, and the relationship between her and him is one of the most well done in any cartoon I've ever seen.
      • Though some prefer her paired with the DCAU's Poison Ivy... sure, it's blatant Fanservice, but at least it's a (moderately) healthy criminal partnership!
  • Terry McGinnis. If this troper ever ends up loving a real person as much as she loves this sexy Deadpan Snarker badass, she will be happily married for life.
    • Seconding the Terry love. He's not a Bruce Wayne clone and he doesn't have to be. He's a worthy successor to the Batman legacy while doing it his own way.
    • Kevin Conroy's take on Batman. That is all.
  • Batman: The Brave and the Bold: The Music Meister. A one-time musical villain voice by Neil Patrick Harris who seems to be as much about entertainment as he is for villainy, considering he turned all his schemes into musical numbers. I mean, sure, at heart, he's a thief with mind control, but at least he wanted to make sure everyone had some fun under his bidding when he could have easily had them mining or groveling at his feet or otherwise doing horrible things. Screw that, get up, dance, sing, and have a good time! ...And leave the valuables where instructed.
    • May I put in a word for the Red Hood? A heroic alternate-universe version of The Joker, this guy had class coming out of his ears, was a phenomenal fighter able to go up against the freaking Batman and damn near win, on top of the whole Injustice Syndicate, and yet somehow remained beautifully true to his origins as a character. The interrogation scene in Deep Cover for Batman is pure Awesome Art, not to mention his killing Silver Cyclone in the middle of his dramatic monologue. Seriously, can I just launch a petition to give this guy a spin-off comic?
  • Beast Wars: Optimus Primal, Megatron (yeeess!!!), Dinobot, Rhinox.
    • And Inferno. Seriously, an Axe-Crazy, fanatic, Pyromaniac, Large Ham of an ant? Who calls Megatron 'my Queen'? And kicks major ass? How can you not like him?
    • WHUT. Primal is here, but Prime isn't? Does not compute! My personal favorite version is Animated's. Anyone can fight a Megatron when they're supreme Autobot leader. It takes REAL ball bearings to fight - and BEAT - Animated's very effective Megs when you're half his size - and a REPAIR BOT. (Granted, he WAS in the Academy, but he'd been told more than once at that point that he was no hero.) And of course, Prowl is a damn cool ninja with the saddest pre-Heroic Sacrifice expression in possibly all of Transformers. Jazz is adorable, especially his temporary terror of Sari, who also happens to be the best token human Team Pet in Transformers and gets one or two great CMOAs after Transwarped. Bulkhead is a sweetheart Gentle Giant and something of a Genius Bruiser when it comes to space bridges who I just want to hug. Blitzwing makes everyone laugh in the space of a ten-second introduction and then doesn't show up again until the third-to-last episode of the season and is STILL loved, and also forms a formidable villainous duo with Lugnut, who has the epic Punch of Kill Everything. Adorable Motor Mouth Blurr runs across the galaxy when he has something serious to tell Cybertron and kicks off the journey using Thundercracker's face. Omega Supreme is pure epic, and Wreck-Gar is full of references and is huggable to boot. "I am a hero" indeed.
    • Personally, I think Blitzwing and Lugnut deserve a special mention. They're the whole reason I first started watching Animated, and every single appearance, either together or solo, is either a Moment of Awesome or a Funny Moment. That's pretty hard to beat.
    • As you can see, the whole cast is pretty much Made of Win. Don't forget Swindle the hilarious shady arms dealer (But Wait, There's More!), and Perceptor the genius who sounds just like Stephen Hawking.
  • Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice was a depressed goth in the movie; in the cartoon she's re-imagined as a sweet goth. She had me in the debut episode after Beetlejuice unfurls a picture of her to us, and after she sings "The Banana Boat Song".
  • On the hero side of things, Grandpa Max from Ben 10 owns all. I mean, he's got the voice of the Colonel from Metal Gear Solid! And on the villain side of things, Charmcaster is bitchin' awesome.
    • How has there not been any mention of any other Ben 10 characters on this Page?! There are plenty of awesome Characters in this series. Ben himself is pretty awesome. The man who Wields the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix. It is the most powerful weapon in the Universe. He's saved the human race several times, saved other races multiple times, Heck he's saved the high breed race when they were trying to exterminate all other life forms in the universe. His all time best line comes from the episode "The Purge".
    Maybe you forgotten something: I'm Ben Tennyson, wielder of the most powerful weapon in the universe. I stopped the Highbreed invasion, I defeated Vilgax in hand-to-hand combat and I've beaten the Forever Knights more times that I can count. Here what's going to happen: you're going to release these prisoners, you're going to crawl back to whatever hole you came from and you're going to stop hunting down aliens because if you don't, I promise, you'll regret it for the rest of yourvery. short. lives.
    • Despite what the sequels did to her, Gwen Tennyson of the classic Ben 10 series is a snarky badass with a great Love/Hate relationship with our hero Ben, and learning to use magic made her even cooler.
  • I can't say I like BoJack Horseman, but he's one of the most fascinating, well-developed fictional characters I've ever come across. He had a terrible childhood but the show never uses that as an excuse for his terrible actions. He does some of the most awful things yet you still root for him and want him to get better. Plus, he was totally right when he said that honeydew is garbage fruit.
    • Diane Nguyen is an excellent Audience Surrogate, embodying our impulse to empathize with BoJack while still mostly hating him for the things he does. Diane won't hesitate to call out bad men in Hollywoo, but one of those bad men happens to be her best friend. She's flawed and often hypocritical, but that just makes me admire her more. She doesn't take shit from anyone, she's super relatable, she desperately wants to make a difference in the world, and eventually she learns to let herself be happy and that her existence doesn't have to be defined by her suffering.
    • Princess Carolyn is a BADASS. She constantly kicks all of the ass and gets none of the credit. She's so accomplished yet so complicated.
    • Todd!! One of the very few asexual characters on television, and he's such great representation. Not only that, but he's hilarious, his ideas are amazing (if impractical), and even though he seems like a doofus, he can be very profound when the situation calls for it.
  • Bugs Bunny. He's always on top of things, always knows just how to outsmart his foes, and even looks great in a dress and wig. Daffy Duck deserves some love too, poor guy having to play the second banana. As Chuck Jones put it, we dream of being Bugs, and we wake up as Daffy.
    • Word on Bugs! Bugs was written as a character who never went looking for trouble but knew how to handle trouble when it came his way. I think that's why he's such a classic character.
    • Seconding the Daffy statement. He was always this troper's favorite Looney Tunes character. He's much easier to relate to than Bugs, yet still Jerkass enough for the viewers to be amused at his failures.
    • Although I think Chuck Jones' Daffy is a decent character. The best version of Daffy is obviously the one in Bob Clampett cartoons. He's a Cloudcuckoolander, a magician, a maniac on the loose, and he has some of the best animation in cartoon history as proven in The Great Piggy Bank Robbery. He is also a true "daffy" character as opposed to Chuck Jones' Daffy.
  • There are so many great LT characters who deserve love—-adorkable Elmer Fudd, hilarious, adorable Sylvester, awesome Roadrunner, Wiley Coyote, and that handsome, I say handsome rooster Foghorn Leghorn!
  • I would like to choose two Camp Lazlo characters to gush over. Edward Platypus and Scoutmaster Lumpus. Are they nice, likable, cute, or contagiously cheerful? NO!! That is why they're so awesome. They play off the title character's optimism so well and make for the show's funniest characters from their sheer loathing of everything and no pure luck. It gets even better in later seasons as they become even less likable! If you want to know how to create an unlikable yet gut-bustingly hilarious Jerkass, Lumpus and Edward are the ones you need to watch.
  • How has nobody mentioned CatDog here? The relationship between these two Conjoined Twins is one of the most hilariously adorable things I've ever seen, and in spite of the constant abuse these two put up with, through it all they remain as close as siblings can get. Special mention goes to Cat himself: while he might be a rough-skinned Jerkass with a huge Money Fetish who usually cares only about himself, humiliate his brother Dog and he'll stop at absolutely nothing to make him happy again. Just goes to show how much these two brothers care about each other! And if that's not enough, they're voiced by the incomparable duo of Jim Cummings and Tom Kenny. That is all.
  • ChalkZone:
    • Snap. He's really cute with his big eyes, and of course, he has that awesome Brooklyn accent!
    • Rudy's so cute, too! Especially in the Oh Yeah! Cartoons shorts, but that doesn't mean he's not as lovable in the actual show. On top of that, he's done by E.G Daily!
    • Don't forget Penny! She's utterly adorable with her glasses, adorkable personality, and sugary-sweet voice courtesy of Hynden Walch!
    • Blocky! He's The Ditz, adorable, & he's a rectangle! What more could ya possibly want?
  • Gadget Hackwrench of Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers is perfection personified. Sweet, smart, stunningly beautiful and incredibly caring and compassionate, not only for her friends but for anyone in need.
  • Radda Radda Radda Radda?
  • Odd Della Robbia. Not always as funny as he could be, but super-adorable, AND his dub voice is some of the best dub work I've ever heard, ever. And most, if not all the characters on that show are great for all their little quirks and flaws...
    • Let's show Yumi and Aelita some love, too. Two strong, smart, young and kind female badasses, one who knows Kung Fu and another with a genius IQ. Not enough characters can be such walking CMOA's and also be such well-developed characters.
      • And Jeremie. He's a computer programmer and usually plays Mission Control, but he's also the leader of the team and gets his girl before anyone else on the show. There is a reason for that.
      • And Ulrich. He's also shown that you're not supposed to bring lasers to a sword fight.
      • Sissi and William. The former is one of the best developed and ultimately genuinely Lovable Alpha Bitch this side of Cordelia Chase, and the latter gave XANA a much needed edge as a dark Lyoko warrior in the fourth season.
      • Nothing for Milly and Tamiya? They got the first lines of the whole series! Seriously, these two put a much more realistic edge to the whole school scenario, and Milly's little rivalry with Sissi (a kind of a love-hate relationship for the both of them) keeps me interested in them. I really love the fact that both of them are kind of hopeless suitors to Ulrich...
      • I think there's someone who's been forgotten about here....but I'd rather not talk about it.
  • *ahem* I'd like to elect all of the characters from Codename: Kids Next Door! And that's a lot of characters! First we have Mr. Boss, a great father but a mean bad guy. Then we have Father himself, who I actually like more when he's in his Ben form. He can also shapeshift! Then we have Grandfather, the villain to end all villains. Then we have Sector V themselves, namely Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 5. Then we have Numbuh 86 and Numbuh 362. And last but certainly not least we have... SECTOR Z!!! badass, great outfits, whoops serious behind, etc!
    • ...You know what? Fuck it. This show has my favorite cast of characters in any cartoon. Ever.
      • Agreed. This has some of the greatest characters to ever grace Cartoon Network.
    • Betty Gilligan, Numbuh Two's supposedly-widowed mom. Maybe a bit of an airhead, but she's so constantly cheerful, adores her two sons, even going Mama Bear on them in one episode, and looks back on memories of her husband with fond happiness. She rivals Kuki in terms of being The Pollyanna.
  • The titular dog from Courage the Cowardly Dog.
  • Cybersix and Lucas of...well Cybersix. Cybersix is a kicass Artificial Human who genuinely doesn't know how "human" she is and often feels inferior because of this, yet she still constantly puts herself on the line to save her town from her Mad Scientist creator and his various monsters because it's the right thing to do. Lucas, who is completely human and has no idea what is going on half the time, gets into fights and situations just because he loves Cybersix even racing to save her from a giant bomb in the series finale, although he doesn't make it...possibly.
  • Dan of Dan Vs. definitely deserves to be mentioned here. Seriously—the guy's a sociopathic hate monger on a revenge melee, he shows virtually no compassion for the only people in his life that willingly tolerate him, he's out to destroy everything you care about, yet he still manages to manipulate you (and any other poor sap who gets sucked into the program) into loving him and finding his antics as adorable as they are downright disturbing.
    • Also his bumbling, lovable sidekick Chris, and his Ugly Cute cat Mr. Mumbles.
  • VLAD FUCKIN' MASTERS. Sex on Legs. Clever badass. Suave voice. Even if he suffered serious Character Derailment in Season Three, he is still awesome.
    • Usually this Troper doesn't think Danny Phantom is all that watchable The episodes that feature Vlad are the exception. That's how cool he is.
    • Jazz and her Character Development is simply beautiful and realistic, and I can relate to her very much. And Valerie can kick so much ass, plus she's got her own development and she's a very complex character for a cartoon.
    • Obligatory Dark Danny example. Just one episode and already he remains one of the most popular DP character.
      • Oh god yes. Such an awesome villain. And yes, that voice is kinda hot. There is nothing quite as terrifying as seeing him change into the form of the 14-year-old Danny Fenton, reminding us that still, this is what could have happened to the Danny we all know and love. And he has some lines that are just plain awesome.
    • Clockwork, too who also has some killer lines. He is exactly the kind of God-like figure I like to see in the media: a firmly neutral individual who can make or break a hero. Clockwork is bound by no rules and he can leisurely do what he pleases. As far as I know, if he thought Danny turning evil was the true path, he would do it. He's wily, calm, and quite possibly the best The Chessmaster out of all the DP characters—yes, including Vlad, because he will always, always be six steps ahead. Plus, David Carradine voicing him? Yum.
    • Not a huge fan of DP, but Ember is awesome! You will remember my name...
    • I think Valerie is one of the best Anti Heroes ever, especially since well-written female Anti Heroes are so rare, for whatever reason.
    • How can no one list Danny himself? He's probably the cutest kid on the show.
    • Tucker is awesome. He reminds me of me.
    • And how about Maddie Fenton, one of the best combinations of sexy scientist and Action Mom on TV?
  • Without Jane Lane, Daria wouldn't have been half as interesting. Sure, it would have been interesting, but Jane was the best best friend that Daria could have ever had. And maybe something * ahem* more...
    • Daria Morgendorffer. She was a voice to teenage girls (hey, teenagers in general) everywhere whose adolescent woes were fixated not upon the shallow, materialistic, petty concerns of the commercialized mainstream, but on issues of self-identity, life, death, God (or really [life without God best friends, and understanding that just because other people find you unusual doesn't mean there is something wrong with you, or that you can't love yourself. Jane's's pretty badass, too.
    • This Troper thinks Quinn deserves a mention. Even early on there were hints that she had Hidden Depths beyond a fashion-obsessed idiot, and she grew more as the show went on. She makes a great foil for Daria in both their similarities and differences.
  • Muttley. I still think Muttley is secretly on Yankee Doodle Pigeon's side.
  • Doug Funnie. He's a great role model for the kids that watch the show, he's very creative, similar to everyone (yes, you, you, and you in the back), very, very sweet, and well, is just darn likable! (And I have to admit, sometimes he can be cute)
  • DuckTales (1987):
    • Scrooge McDuck. A terrific combination of quick wits, adventurous spirit, and Hidden Depths. In his sunset years by the time of the show, he nonetheless shows no sign of slowing down. Despite his short temper and tendency towards Gold Fever, he's an affectionate uncle to his three nephews (and to Webby) and even clearly has a soft spot for his staff/friends that acts as a check on his worse aspects.
    • Launchpad McQuack. While most famous for his Captain Crash tendencies, the show portrayed him as not only a pilot who seldom lands straight, but also with deeper traits like a surprising insecurity complex surrounding his family and his position as Big Brother Mentor to Doofus and faithful friend to Scrooge and the boys — not to mention the moments when he brings his A-game and makes it abundantly clear that despite his Cloud Cuckoolander side, he is legitimately heroic. Half goofy comic relief, half gallant Action Hero, and all good nature, loyalty and heart.
    • Webby is considered by many to be their least favorite character, but I find her adorable and really wish the boys hadn’t been written to be such jerks to her, especially considering she seemed to be on the younger side of things.
  • Ducktales 2017:
    • Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, also known as Gizmoduck. Right from the start, his dorkiness and desire to do good made him endearing to a number of fans. Combine that with his sheer badassery as a superhero (well, once he figures out how to work the armor) and the fact that he's voiced by the ever-popular Lin-Manuel Miranda, and you get arguably the best character on the show.
    • Both of the actors who played Darkwing Duck In-Universe on the show are amazing; the first for being fun to watch even as he's threatening a studio with a lightning gun and for providing a unique take on the origin of Negaduck (already a fan favorite), and the latter for his chemistry with Launchpad, his dorkiness, and the fact that he's become an Ascended Fanboy at the end by deciding to become a "real life" version of his hero, Darkwing Duck.
    • The new Webby. She seems to something of a Base-Breaking Character, but I'm firmly on her side. The reshuffling of episodes certainly hasn't helped Canon Sue accusations, but actually scores quite low on the test.
    • Donald Duck himself. This troper is a huge Carl Barks fan, and DT-17's version of Donald might be the best outside of the comics. He's still recognisably Donald, with his bad temper and even worse luck, but it also shows how freakin' badass he can be. This show demonstrates that under all that goofiness and silly voice is a Papa Wolf who'll do anything to protect his family and loved ones. There's a reason Donald Ducks Awesome page has an entire section devoted to his 2017 exploits.
  • Eddy from Ed, Edd n Eddy. Heavily flawed, blind to the fact that his scams are imperfect, ready to sacrifice nearly everything to become popular and liked... yet his character is so brilliantly developed and expanded. This troper can barely contain the admiration she has, and always had, for this character. As much as she dislikes Jerkass Woobie characters, she can feel nothing but relation and love for Eddy. He's exceptional. And he's had the best visual acting in the whole show!
    • No love for Edd? He’s sane, sweet, smart, and the voice of reason. He goes through a lot of crap and gets punished for things that aren’t his fault, and he still stays humble.
    • I may be in the minority, but as wimpy as he is, Jimmy is an awesome character in a way. Jimmy's not afraid to lash out against gender stereotypes and be himself. Sure he's girly, but his character teaches kids that it's okay to have your own unique hobbies and that it's okay for guys to enjoy things that are for girls. He's also a find brand of Camp Straight and The Chessmaster.
    • Rolf is the wackiest and the nicest guy ever. Sure his customs are weird, but he's one of the best-written characters with the funniest lines, and you know he's going to make you laugh when he appears on screen.
    • Ed deserves love too, ya know. He's my favorite Cloudcuckoolander in history! He even goes badass when he saves his friends from danger.
  • Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda from The Fairly Oddparents, pre-Flanderization. Timmy's adorable and funny, Cosmo's plain hilarious, and Wanda is probably one of the best mother figures I've seen on TV. Plus, I just loved (pre-flanderization) Cosmo and Wanda's relationship.
    • Cosmo (pre-Flanderization) is a strange combination of awesome and adorable.
    • Don't forget Crocker who, despite being an antagonist is actually more funny than evil.
    • Can we give a little love to another villain from the show? Namely Norm the Genie? Sure he only got two episodes and one special but those were my absolute favorites of the series hands down. He's a snarky, sarcastic, hilarious jerkass genie who was enough of one to have previously been the page image for the trope. He was rather laid back in his two episodes but really stepped things up in his special. God I wish how he'd be brought back somehow. That voice of his and those looks I'll willingly admit attraction to the guy. Which certainly helps out with my deep affection towards the character.
  • Bruce the Performance Artist. I don't know how a minor character can be so awesome and fun to watch. Probably because he's so understated, he doesn't need wacky stunts and a million catchphrases to be amusing or an extensive past to be interesting. And he's got kind of a sexy voice.
    • Oh, Stewie. May your return to hysterically funny Evil Overlord status be swift. In the Meantime, there's always Mayor West. Crazy Is Cool indeed.
    • Meg Griffin. For so many reasons.
    • Pre-Character Derailment Brian Griffin. The smooth-voiced, sardonic, dry-witted voice of reason with enough flaws to make him likeable and relatable (alcoholism, abandonment issues, etc).
  • Fanboy and Chum Chum is a pretty mediocre show, but Kyle gives this troper a reason to watch it. His lines are hilarious, he's got a well-developed personality, even with his huge teeth and braces he looks better than half the cast, and he's all in all a brilliant character. It's like they took him from some other, more sensible show and stuck him here instead, which makes sense given his Fish out of Water status.
  • I started rewatching Fireman Sam as an adult for nostalgia and for a more exciting alternative to Postman Pat. Initially, I gravitated towards Sam because he was really funny in early seasons and had a good heart, but now that I've plowed through the first six seasonsnote , I think I can safely say I've settled on Elvis Cridlington as my favourite character. First off, the guy is hilarious. He gets the best jokes and slapstick of any character. Despite his goofiness, he still remains a brave and competent firefighter. Secondly, as a hobbyist singer, I also enjoy coming up with my own songs and singing them while I work, like he does. But I think my favourite element of his character is his unbridled optimism and enthusiastic. No matter how much Steele yells at him, no matter how many emergencies he ends up entangled in, and no matter how many times he screws up, every time he comes back swinging with the same passion for his job as he did before. Look at that bright smile he gives the camera at the end of the theme song from Series 10 onwards; that man loves life, just as much as I love him.
  • A magazine article on the 10 sexiest female cartoon characters awhile back listed Betty Rubble of The Flintstones and qualified it: "A prehistoric Snow White eternally betrothed to a man half her size and twice her girth. Not the brightest light on the porch, but unlike Wilma, she's not a nag when she argues with Barney." When the series came to where the Rubbles adopted Bamm-Bamm, the emotional fragility Betty showed in that episode just melted me. Bea Benaderet was perfect to reflect her sweetness and common sense.
  • Wilt. He is just too darn shweet for his own good... I might even have a bit of a crush on him. I am ashamed. :(
    • Mac however, is the definition of the word cute. I mean, look at him! He's soooooooo adorable!!
    • Frankie is such a cool, compassionate, hardworking 22-year-old girl who deserves to be appreciated for putting up with so much insane crap and cleaning up after everyone else at Foster's while still keeping her sanity intact (or at least three-fourths of it)... and she's HOT!
      • Not to mention cute.
    • This troper's favorite childhood character was Bloo. Sure, he's one of the biggest jerkasses on the show, but he's a lovable one at that. He still provides some of the most memorable moments (this troper can quote the entire "It's hot in Topeka" scene from memory). And he's just as cute as any of the other characters, if not more.
  • No love for Bender? There are no Jerkasses anywhere in fiction that are as brilliantly well-written and hilarious as he is. Besides, he's had his fair share of "awww" moments (Some of the show' most touching and heartbreaking episodes center on Bender like "Lethal Inspection", "The Bots and the Bees", and "Godfellas").
    • or Zoidberg? With his genuine friendship and kindness towards everyone (even if they don't feel the same about him), Hidden Depths (as seen in "The Tip of the Zoidberg") , and general laugh-out-loud hilarity, Zoidberg is easily one of the show's greatest characters (and that's saying something!).
    • And Philip J. Fry. He's such a nice guy, one of the most lovable characters on TV. A huge part of this is because Billy West's great voice work.
    • Leela is the only reason the characters are still alive at this point. She is easily the most competent person at Planet Express.
    • And how about the Professor, the prophet of "good news!"? Who knew that combining senility with insanity and an amoral view on human life could create so many laughs-per-minute. Hell, crazy old Farnsworth still gets his fair share of Pet the Dog moments ("It's on me, Johnny.") even through his usual Jerkassery.
    • Hedonismbot is one of the best minor characters in the show. Every debaucherous thing he says and does is just like him — made of gold. He's also got a pretty unique design and a distinctive voice, courtesy of Maurice LaMarche. "I apologize for nothing!"
    • Morbo will destroy you all! Seriously, he's one of the funniest minor characters on the show, and that's really saying something in a huge cast of memorable characters.
  • XANATOS IS MY GOD. I shouldn't even have to explain why. Owen is also; he gets cooler as the series goes on, especially his Crowning Moment of Awesome in The Gathering. You know the part I mean. "It's such a good explanation — I brought visual aids!"
    • This Troper has started to rewatch this series for the first time since he was a kid, and I have to just be astounded how in-depth this show is. Puck is just hilarious, and if you watch the series knowing Owen's secret everything he does just becomes more interesting. Xanatos would probably rank second for me, of course.
    • Gargoyles was just cram-packed full of awesome characters. Besides Xanatos and Owen / Puck, walking CMOAs in their own right, there's Goliath, Elisa, Brooklyn, Macbeth, Fox, Demona, and even Titania. All tied for the top of this troper's list of Best Character Ever, though there's not a one of them I don't have something good to say about.
  • PJ from Goof Troop is too awesome for his own good. Being The Woobie (on purpose) and the No-Respect Guy at the same time is actually quite impressive by itself, but he also plays with many, many other trope assumptions. He's an Extreme Doormat with rational opinions, a Shrinking Violet Fat Best Friend whose insecurities stem from other sources than his weight and he's not a Satellite Character (usually). He's a cynical Nice Guy; he is The Drag-Along and has Undying Loyalty at the same time. He is both fat and In Touch with His Feminine Side and isn't made fun of for them much at all. He is on equal footing with Max and is portrayed more sympathetically than he is, and is extremely likable and relatable, having no major unsympathetic flaws but many, many major sympathetic flaws. Also, he is not a Fat Bastard, a Fat Slob, a Fat Idiot, or a Fat Comic Relief character, and he's adorable. I just love him so much.
    • Goofy and Max, the ultimate Wacky Parent, Serious Child relationship starring the ultimate dumb dad. I just love dynamics like this - the Bumbling Dad and Family Man who has nothing but unconditional love and devotion for their son, and the son who even though he's constantly embarrassed by his dad, you can tell he fully and genuinely loves his father back. It's a relatable dynamic just as capable of being heartwarming as it is capable of being hilarious - and I love Goofy and Max's father-son relationship so much for it.
  • This troper likes all the kids from Gormiti: The Lords of Nature Return!. But Jessica is his undisputed favorite - finally, an Action Girl who can hold her own as much as the guys, is treated equally by the writers, and is not just there to look good and introduce sexual tension in the team! Plus, she is quite probably an Expy of Izumi Orimoto, and that's a big plus in my book!
  • Okay, so let's get one thing straight. Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer was borderline shit. But why did we watch it, men? Well because of the villain! We watched it over and over again each year to ogle over one of Western Animation's most intensely seductive villainous hotties, and we continue to each year as we imagine her under the mistletoe.
    • Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer may not be the best written or animated holiday special out there, but its watchable entirely for Cousin Mel. She combines all the right villain tropes into one semi-unsuspecting character, and her voice is like the syrup on top of a stack of pancakes. Oh, and did I mention she's a fucking sex goddess?
  • Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls, I just love that guy! Mabel is equally awesome, as well.
    • Don't forget Grunkle Stan! Now, who wants to put on some some blindfolds and get into his car?!
    • Soos is probably the most well-done man children this troper's ever seen on TV!
    • Let's not forget Wendy, either! As a person who never had friends in his own age group, this particular troper just loves how good she is to Dipper. Also, she's dang good with an axe.
    • Bill Cipher. A hilarious and terrifying reality-warping demon. What's not to Love to Hate?
    • Stanford Pines, the Author is a trench coat wearing, gun toting nerd who is also freaking adorable. I just love the guy!
    • No love for Pacifica? Who went from an Alpha Bitch to one of the best examples of a redemption arc I have ever seen!
  • The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy: Grim is hands down the funniest and most downright awesome version of Death in all of Western Animation. He even has a Jamaican accent for no reason! You kinda feel sorry for the poor guy too with all the painful shenanigans he's been through with the two brats.
    • Let's not forget the show's version of Dracula, who never fails to make a scene utterly hilarious when he's around. "You don't tell Dracula what to do! Dracula was born knowing what to do!"
  • Laney Penn is Grojband's best character, hands down. She's a snarky Badass Adorable Fiery Redhead tomboy with an absolutely adorable crush on Corey! How can she not be awesome?!
  • Harvey Beaks. Best kid in Western Animation, hands down. He's kind, sweet, innocent, loving, and adorable. Just look at how cute he is as a baby! Although, to be honest, all of Harvey's friends are pretty awesome and kinda cute (except maybe Princess, but she's too hilarious for me to hate).
  • Hero Elementary has AJ Gadgets, who is probably the best example of an autistic character done right. Many autistic or autistic-coded characters in cartoons are treated poorly by other characters (such as putting them on a leash or mocking their interests). AJ averts all the negative stereotypes. He has a likable personality and helps save the day with his Gadgeteer Genius skills. Plus, the other characters treat him as an equal; they don't bully him or talk down to him. AJ's being autistic isn't his only personality trait, so he feels like someone you could meet in real life rather than a one-dimensional stereotype.
  • Hey Arnold! gives us Helga G. Motherfuckin' Pataki, who's quite possibly the most developed female character in Western Animation, going from a comedic Anti-Villain to a tragic Jerkass Woobie. Sure, she's mean and nasty to people and bullies the person that she claims to love, but given how she was raised (or more appropriately "not raised") can you blame her? Her father is a neglectful, greedy, work-obsessed Jerkass, her mother is all but outright stated to be an alcoholic and her older sister is an airheaded perfectionist and the center of attention wherever she goes. She met Arnold, who is perhaps the only one to have ever given her genuine kindness up to this point, and falls in love with him instantly. But the other kids in preschool made fun of her for it, and from that point on, she realized that the only way she can be respected by others is to be aggressive. Growing up ignored and unloved makes it hard for her to display. But the fact that she's able to retain even a shred of sanity is admirable. She's shown to possess an intellect well beyond that of an average fourth grader, she's a damn good poet and got a perfect score on the aptitude test, and she does have a kind side, even though she keeps it hidden. She helped Arnold find Mr. Hyunh's daughter, even giving up her Christmas present to do so, she convinced her sister's con artist fiancêe to take a hike, saved Arnold from being scammed by his beach crush, and best of all, helped Arnold stop the neighborhood from being destroyed by an evil businessman. If she'd stop bullying Arnold, then he would likely return her affections, because she's that damn awesome..
  • This troper is disgusted that no one has mentioned yet the greatest character of all fucking time. Coach McGuirk his ability to be such a complete and utter Jerkass no matter what the situation. Not to mention keeping a straight face all the while delivering his twisted advice to the main cast. It's just too awesome to be ignored.
  • I submit for your consideration a pair of powerful and adorable heroes who carried my heart away for several months to the tune of bagpipes: How to Train Your Dragon's Hiccup and Toothless.
  • Invader Zim is a wonderful Genius Ditz, his plans continually balanced on that precipitous line between blindingly stupid and epically brilliant, and GIR is without question the most adorable Non-Human Sidekick ever ("GIR? What does the 'G' stand for?" "I... don't... know...").
    • Dib. Just... Dib. Despite being hated, mocked and abused because of his ridiculously zealous interest in the paranormal, he always manages to pick himself up again and keep opposing ZIM. Oh, and save the world, too. Well... for the plans that ZIM wasn't going to mess up on his own, anyway.
      • Seconded on both above examples. And while we're at it, Gaz and Tak. Gaz is Little Miss Badass that can inflict a horrible Mind Screw on anyone who enrages her, and Tak is an awesome Foil to Zim and one of the coolest Ensemble Dark Horse to ever be in a cartoon.
    • What I like about Zim is that he's not all that stupid. The only thing really keeping him from being a legitimate threat to the planet Earth are his suicidal overconfidence, and his devotion to petty revenge. If not for the former he'd have enough humility to rethink and perfect the stupid plans he instead assumes are brilliant, and if not for the latter he would've destroyed the Earth at least three times already ("The Wettening", "Megadoomer", and "Battle of the Planets"). There's something inherently hilarious about a Harmless Villain who is defeated again and again not not by his idiocy but by his crippling social flaws.
    • The Almighty Tallest steal the show for me. Whether they spend their time abusing their power, eating snacks, shooting people they don't like into space, watching puppet shows or trying to get rid of Zim they are always a ton of fun to watch. And who can forget the delicious hamminess of Professor Membrane! The man without whom this world falls into chaos and the inventor of SUPER TOAST!
    • Countess Von Verminstrasser is an Awesome Knight Templar who takes her job to terrifying extremes, yet still manages to to protect those under her care from a bigger danger, and make a great female foil to Dib as well.
  • Heloise is the major reason why I love Jimmy Two-Shoes. A totally Ax-Crazy Enfant Terrible Mad Scientist, absolute sadist, Crazy Is Cool ... and yet still manages to be totally moe (especially with her crush on Jimmy). Bonus points for being a Bespectacled Cutie whenever she wears her Nerd Glasses.
    • Saffi is literally the best thing about this show that isn't Heloise. How can you possibly not love a Cloud Cuckoolander Cute Monster Girl who can shred through stone with her teeth yet still be such an adorable romantic partner for Beezy (Still kinda peeved they broke up in Season 2.)?! Crazy Is Cool at its finest, and a crying shame she didn't appear more.
    • Lucius Heinous VII. This guy is honestly one of the most hilarious interpretations of Satan in any cartoon ever. It's as much fun to watch him be hammy, evil, horrible, and sadistic as it is to watch him get constantly hurt and humiliated, make a fool of himself, and get driven up the wall by Jimmy.
  • Nobody fits the G-Rated Lovable Sex Maniac title than Johnny Bravo's very own Johnny Bravo.
    • Carl Chryniszzswics was my favorite on that show. He was the cute adorkable nerd in contrast to the handsome but meat-headed Johnny.
  • Josie and the Pussycats has Valerie Brown. Valerie was my favorite character on the show. She was the brains of the band and was constantly saving their tails. She rocked out with a pair of tambourines. She looked great in a kitty cat outfit. Oh, and she was a trailblazer: Valerie was an African-American character with smarts and personality. This was in 1970, when you could count African-American cartoon characters on one hand. Valerie was one of the most awesome characters in cartoons. I'm not exaggerating, people!
    • And some love to Token Evil Teammate Alexandra Cabot. Her Tsundere tendencies have the side-effect of moving the plot along, and she routinely had the honor of the closing gag.
  • The Question. Smart as a whip. Dresses sharp. Can weaponize anything within reach. Willing to sacrifice life and reputation for the good of the team. Makes conspiracy theorists look cool. And that voice . . .
    • And when working with Huntress... dawww
    • The Goddamn Batman. So nice, we listed him twice.
    • And Superman. And The Flash. And Hawkgirl. Screw it, everyone in the whole damn show.
      • Seconding the whole badass show. I can't think of anyone who isn't amazing.
      • I third the whole show, but also second The Flash. He's hilarious! And he's one of the nicest superheroes around.
    • Vigilante. Cowboy, smartass, badass, and voiced by Nathan Fillion just to seal the deal.
    • Shining Knight! Even after all of his teammates fell and he was practically dead on his feet, he kept getting back up to try and stop Eiling.
    • Green Arrow. So awesome he hums his own Leit Motif.
  • I personally really love June from KaBlam!. Why? Well, she's funny, cool, and she reminds me of myself. And did I mention how cute she is?
    • I also love Loopy. She's really cute. And I've got a cousin who reminds me of her.
    • And Henry. He's the kind that you'd wanna hug when he's upset.
  • Shego. Kim Possible would most likely be a really boring and generic series if it wasn't for Shego. The Supreme One, Evil Counterpart, Mirror Character, Ho Yay, Foe Romance Subtext, Mud Bath, Beach Episode without the beach, Hypercompetent Sidekick. And played by Nicole Sullivan!!!
    • I love Yori... she kicks a lot of butt and does it while being one of the calmest characters in Western Animation. She's also very graceful.
    • Honestly, this troper wishes she had her own Ron Stoppable. He's goofy, adorable, and supportive. All the makings of the perfect Heterosexual Life Partner or just plain dorky boyfriend material.
      • This troper absolutely loves Ron Stoppable and wants her own. He's so cute with his messy blond hair, freckles, brown eyes, and the fact that he's skinny yet a bit soft in the middle. And he's got such a cute personality! He's extremely childlike, optimistic, the way he loves his Bueno Nacho, he's not afraid to be himself, he's got a great sense of style, he's so funny and silly, he's got a cute voice, and he's very sweet. And he's so sickeningly adorable (in a good way, of course) and cuddly!!!! Boo-YAH!
    • In my opinion, Dr. Drakken is the breakout star of this show. He's funny, a perfect foil for Shego, and incredibly quotable... the perfect supervillain.
    • Kim herself is a lot more capable than most girls in their own series are permitted to be.
  • King of the Hill:
    • Hank Hill. Admit it, you want him as your neighbor. Honest, hard-working, sensible, and just plain respectable under his many flaws and stubborn old-fashioned ways, he's quite possibly one the most well-rounded protagonists ever written for a sitcom.
    • Bobby, contrary to what his dad always says, is quite right. Confident, charismatic, passionate, people-oriented, honest, ambitious, and fundamentally good-natured, he got the best qualities of his parents under his naive and oddball childishness, and his dynamic with his father is one of the best elements of the show. This speech alone is proof of his greatness.
    "Mom, I'm fat. But big deal! I don't feel bad about it. You never made me feel bad about it. And just because there's some people in the world who want to make me feel bad about it doesn't mean I have to. So Bobby Hill's fat! Heh! He's also funny, he's nice, he's got a lot of friends, a girlfriend. And if you don't mind, I think I'll go outside and squirt her with water. What are you gonna do?"
  • The Legend of Korra
    • Lin Beifong is my hero. Not only is she one of the toughest characters in a World of Badass, she's also a deeply complex and beautiful person. Grumpy, snarky, clueless with kids, moody, no-nonsense, and even a bit bitter, but still deeply, heart-breakingly idealistic and compassionate. Her devotion to her city, to the Avatar, and to the last airbenders is inspiring.
    • Korra herself! Her fantastic character design, undisputed Action Girl street cred, and her contradictory mix of sweet perkiness and fierce hot-headedness make her initially intriguing, but the real treat is watching her learn and grow.
      • Korra is, in my opinion, one of the best protagonists of any animated show. At first glance, she appears to be another headstrong kid with a good heart, which we've all seen a million times. But she's shown to be more nuanced than your average fiery shonen protagonist. She's clearly inexperienced in romance, and even displays some nervousness about her love life. Much more importantly, however, is this - she comes to fear Amon. It's amazing how much depth this adds to her character. It humanizes her and makes her relatable - it also provides an excellent inner conflict between her outward fearlessness and eagerness to take Amon down and her inner terror at the thought of having her bending stolen. In addition, it makes her seem more vulnerable, adding a layer of tension to every subsequent fight she has with Amon. Korra is an incredibly well-written character, and I look forward to seeing how she grows further over the course of Book Two.
      • What's great about Korra is that she ends the season similarly to how she began it, but with a big difference, and it's just excellent character development. She starts out confident and sure of herself to the point of cockiness and arrogance. She's never a jerk about it, always very friendly with people, but it's more shown by how she jumps into things without thinking clearly, which is a very bad idea with a character like Amon. Because of this, she's constantly beaten down and suffers many defeats at the hands of him and his followers until he brings her down to the lowest point possible, which brings her to call on her spiritual abilities for the first time. After an entire season of Amon destroying her confidence in herself, she finally gets it back at the end, but in those last few minutes, comes off as much more mature than she initially started. It's a great character arc, especially for what was originally only a 12 episode miniseries.
      • I completely agree; in a show filled with absolutely incredible characters, Korra is one of the best. There were some bumps in the road of her characterization, of course, the most notable being the first half of Season 2, but by the end of the show, she'd grown into such an amazing, strong woman that I even kind of look up to, even though she's a fictional character.
    • Amon is simply one of the best villains in years. Incredibly mysterious and extremely charismatic, maybe even a little too charismatic. He also achieved Magnificent Bastard status in record time, showing himself after only three major appearances to be one of the most competent and effective villains in the history of Western Animation. This and his ability to take away peoples' bending and resist bloodbending makes him horror incarnate and puts the fear of god into Korra. Steve Blum's superb voice acting doesn't hurt either. He manages to have a point while still making you want to see him beat and mixing an utter badass who fights with his men and a Chessmaster, plus an incredibly tragic backstory that only adds greater depth, paradoxes, and mystery to his motivations makes him one to remember.
    • While we're talking about villains, I'd like to bring up Zaheer from Book Three. He's a man possessing great courage and conviction. He loves his friends and is polite to a fault. He is equal parts warrior and philosopher. And he'd be a great guy if it wasn't for the fact that he seeks the utter destruction of governments worldwide and has a hell of a body count. It also helps that he's voiced by an icon of punk rock. In short: I love this guy.
      • Seconded. Zaheer is by far the greatest villain I have ever seen in Western Animation, and to me, he is one of the greatest villains of all time across all mediums! That's how great he is. Unlike most villains, he actually cares about his friends and girlfriend and treats them as equals. Not only that, but he is also one of the only villains who really managed to pull off the calm demeanor while also having a good point to make about the world. Everything he would say was just so meaningful. He works as a perfect foil for Korra, Aang, and the Air Nomads. Zaheer pushed this show to its highest point in my opinion.
    • Another awesome character to add to the awesome pile, Bolin! Taking up the comic relief mantle from Sokka, He's just as likable and funny. Even though he gets put through all kinds of crap, he still manages to persevere. He's a really Nice Guy as well.
    • Since we're bringing up characters from Team Avatar here, how has no one mentioned Asami Sato yet? Initially introduced as, seemingly, the usual Bitch in Sheep's Clothing/ Rich Bitch tropes you would usually come to expect from the second woman in a Love Triangle. Asami subverts this to hell and back by being one of the kindest, most forgiving characters in ''The Legend of Korra'', as well as an all around badass. When her father tries to sway her into joining the Equalists she takes his electrified stun glove... and uses it to knock him and the Lieutenant out and successfully escape with Team Avatar. Afterwards, she becomes the Krew's version of Sokka (being the resident Badass Normal that can kick ass with any bender, their resident "idea lady" when it comes to anything mechanical as well as replacing Sokka as the Avatarverse's punching bag) - to top it all off, she is an awesome driver. However, what is truly impressive about Asami is that despite all of the crap the Avatarverse throws at her she always gets back up again stronger than ever, going from an initially sheltered heiress to a captain of industry over the course of three years. Hell, that's not even getting into the fact that she won Korra's heart and became one half of the first canon, acknowledged bisexual couple in the whole history of western animation. In short - Asami is awesome.
    • Tenzin far surpasses the stereotypical role of The Obi-Wan - sure, he's the calm, collected mentor figure to the fiery protagonist, but he's also a complete and utter badass, as we see when the Equalists try and take out all of the Council members and he obliterates them. In addition, he undergoes character development himself in regards to many things, from simply listening to Korra and learning to see the values of pro-bending, all the way to confronting his own doubts and worries about living up to Aang, carrying on his father's legacy, and his own spiritual power. Together with his heartwarming interactions with his family and Korra, it makes him an extremely lovable character.
    • Who couldn't love Varrick - arrogant, infuriating and utterly entertaining? From being a borderline antagonist in book 2, to reappearing in book 4, working for Kuvira and ultimately turning against her, he's an absolute riot and enormous fun to watch.
    • Naga is cuter than Appa, and I'm NOT SORRY.
  • Almost all the characters from Legion of Super-Heroes. Bouncing Boy being my favorite... he's just the guy with the lame power fitting in with the cool kids and he has all the good lines. Also Brainiac 5, favorite plaything of the shippers.
  • Luna the Moon is like the cool big sister you wish you had. She's funny yet responsible, a caring guardian, has a beautiful singing voice, and was the personal pasta expert for frickin Michelangelo! When you live for billions of years, you've done it all, but Luna never tires from her world travels.
  • Lynn Loud is probably the cutest tomboy I've seen in western animation. And I personally think she's cuter than even LILY! That's saying something!
    • Luan is pretty dang adorkable and her puns are as eye-rolling as they are fun. Also her relationship with Benny is so freakin' cute!
    • Lincoln. He's not one of those boring main characters with no personality. He's a determined, strategic nerd and, unlike most fictional nerds, is actually confident. As a YouTuber named The Mysterious Mr. Enter put it, "It would've been so easy to just write him as 'The Boy' in a houseful of girls. But they don't."
    • On the surface, Lori seems like a boring stereotypical teenage girl, but then you find out that she has depth: she farts a lot, plays video games, and likes golf.
    • Back to Lily, she's a little bundle of cuteness and the episode "Any Given Sundae" reveals that, even though she's only one, she's nearly as strategic as Lincoln!
    • The pets: a cartoon cat and dog who actually get along, a hamster who (despite being mentioned to be the fourth) isn't currently expendable, a canary, a cute little bunny, a rat, and also a frog, lizard, snake, and even a bat.
    • Lisa is a Comically Serious scientist, but she's also a four-year-old who still takes naps and can't zip up her sleeper. That combination is hilarious.
    • While the parents aren't perfect (see "Rita Her Rights" and "No Such Luck"), they're still some of the best cartoon parents: they have personalities, they're supportive, and they break sexist stereotypes by having the mother as a dental nurse and inverting the trope Dads Can't Cook.
      • Speaking of parents, Clyde's dads are one of the best gay couples on TV because they're not obnoxious stereotypes and no one makes a big deal out of their gayness. Clyde himself is also pretty cool because even though he's kinda neurotic, he's a loyal friend and very polite.
    • Leni is, as one person put it, "one of the best dumb characters in media". She's the dumbest of the family, yet she's also very sweet and supportive.
    • Lucy is cool, being some weird hybrid of the gloomy goth and the Perky Goth, usually acting gloomy but sometimes liking ponies, etc. She also has a (working?) crystal ball and a pet bat.
    • Luna is fun, energetic, and also a good example of diversity, being a bisexual main character without her bisexuality being the centre of her character.
    • The twins, Lana and Lola. Lola acts like a Spoiled Brat but episodes like "A Tattler's Tale" prove that she has a heart of gold. Lana can do repair work at six and is a passionate Animal Lover.
    • Bobby qualifies, being able to hold down a lot of jobs despite being a bit of a ditz, and being a love interest with an actual personality unlike some badly-written love interests on TV.
  • Martha Speaks
    • Martha. She's a completely non-humanised Talking Animal. Speaks like a human but sees the world from a dog's perspective. That's good writing and also comedy. She even gets rid of her cat prejudice in "There Goes the Neighbourhood".
    • T.D. He's quirky, smart, energetic, funny, and optimistic.
    • Milo Lee. Especially how he doesn't get tired.
    • Kitten. He's a Cute Kitten and he helped Martha shed her prejudices.
    • Alice Boxwood. She's The Klutz and athletic at the same time.
    • Helen Lorraine. She's polite (usually), shy but with high self-esteem, and an Animal Lover. She also likes sports and art at the same time.
  • Flapjack. Pure sunshine and joy. I dare you not to smile at his wacky hijinks!
    • Seconded. With so many cartoons making young male protagonists as cocky jerkasses, Flapjack is an exceptional. He's pure, sweet, kind, and absolutely adorable. Sure, he may get into his share of troubles, but I view it mostly due to his young, naive age who admires K'nuckles (who really, really isn't a good role model). Overall, he is such a little darling that even my cynical personality can't help but squeal every time he does something cute.
    • Also, K'Nuckles. He's basically a G-rated version of Murdoc. You can't not love him.
  • The 1994 Mega Man (Ruby-Spears) isn't too highly regarded for a variety of reasons. So why watch it? To witness what is quite possibly the coolest incarnation of the Blue Bomber himself, Mega Man! Not only can he match all of the Robot Masters pun-for-pun, but still kick their asses in the most creative and funny ways imaginable, most often using their own weapons and powers to do so. Special mention goes to Terror Of the Seven Seas, where he breaks into Dr. Wily's warship, repeatedly gives Bomb Man a humiliating defeat involving his own bombs, one of which involved letting a shot reflected by a door Guts Man was using as a shield hit Bomb Man and send his bomb flying towards Guts Man, and to top it all off, engaged Proto Man in unarmed combat and overwhelmed Proto Man to the point where he had to cheat to stand a chance, and he still beat him without his blaster! Still think honest bots finish last after that fight, Proto Man?
    • Not to mention he's voiced by Ian James Corlett, best known as the original voice of Goku that set the precedent for Sean Schemmel to follow. This Troper questions his heterosexuality listening to him sometimes...
    • Best of all, the original Mega Man's pacifistic tendencies have a habit of shining through this version even though this is a Mega Man that has less problems fighting than most other incarnations—he never gives up hoping that Proto Man can eventually turn good and will always put civilians, human or robot, ahead of defeating Dr. Wily. As Dr. Light says, Mega Man does what he's programmed to do—save lives. And he's pretty damn good at it, too.
  • Coop. And the giant robot he pilots. Combining two of This troper's favorite things in the world — Humongous Mecha and New Jersey. Oh, and wanton, reckless abandon and destruction. What more could a guy ask for?
  • Toki from Metalocalypse. He's just so innocent and naive compared to the other band members that you can't help but love him.
  • Dude, guys...Mickey Mouse. He's been a staple of American pop culture for over 80 years and remains as popular as ever. He's been everywhere and done everything with a near-infinite versatility as a hero, and he's still fundamentally the same pure-hearted Everyman, coming home after his adventures to (or with) the same girlfriend, dog, and best friends as he has for decades. All that, and he's badass on top of it.
    • I agree with the above Troper. Cartoon characters have come and gone unnoticed over the past 80 years, but it's hard to imagine us without Mickey Mouse.
      • Also he is adorable.
  • Mighty Magiswords is a new show, not even 2 months old as of this entry, but Grup! He is so sweet, adorable, and silly. His song in "Gotta Get Grup to Get Down" is fantastic, and he's so goofy and funny, he deserves his own show! How could you not love him? He's Grup!
  • Michelanne Mazinsky. She's a rough, snarky who's willing to get her hands dirty, yet she's also very sweet, talented and friendly. She's the girl you always want to be around.
  • Molly of Denali has Molly Mabray. At age 10, she managed to find her grandfather’s drum based solely off a 60+ year old photograph and help him sing again; singlehandedly create and judge a flag contest; run the Trading Post on at least one occasion and create a winter manual on how to do so; learn to paddle a canoe and place third in a canoe race; count puffins in a scientific study; organize the making and transportation of a statue of Balto, the greatest sled dog that ever lived to the village where he delivered medicine; get in a goddamn airplane to deliver supplies to a far-away village; and scaled the titular mountain of Denali!
  • Reverend Putty is just amazing. I never thought I'd ever feel that much sympathy for a conservative american christian, and yet I do. He is by far the most open minded of all Christians in the disgusting hell-hole Moralton is, and while he did Kick the Dog a few times its impossible to not like him. Plus his (overcome later in the series, of course) sexual frustration is hilarious.
  • Penny Proud. She's such a sweet, friendly and smart character who definitely deserves better.
  • Miss Giggles in The Mr. Men Show, really, her laugh is just freakin' adorable.
  • Adam Lyon is such an adorable kid with an Adorkable personality to match, and his sweet voice provided by Nika Futterman just adds to his lovability. His buddy Jake Spidermonkey is no slouch either, being the literal Butt-Monkey of many jokes in the show and maintaining an upbeat disposition through it all. And whenever Adam's been humiliated, expect Jake to step right in and do whatever it takes to cheer him up. True Companions to the end!
  • I honestly don't understand why Jenny Wakeman is such an outcast in her own show. C'mon people, she's an ass-kicking robot girl with dozens of awesome gadgets and a bubbly personality that's every bit adorable as her appearance. If I had met a robot girl just like her, I would be excited and fascinated beyond belief (No, not in a Sheldon type of way).
    • Her creator, Dr. Nora Wakeman, deserves some credit where it's due. She's quirky (definitely one of the funniest characters on the show), brilliant (you know you're a great scientist when a robot like Jenny is your masterpiece), motherly (sure, she doesn't see Jenny as a human, but that doesn't mean she still deeply cares about her robot daughter), and even badass (Her battle with Queen Vexus in "Escape from Cluster Prime", anyone?).
    • No love for Brad? He’s quite funny, and probably the first human who accepts Jenny as a person and their relationship as Platonic Life-Partners is quite sweet.
    • Tuck is hilarious when he’s not being a jerk or brat, and can quite badass when the situation calls for it.
  • On the subject of My Little Pony, there are some really great characters from the first show I love. Wind Whistler, Megan, and Rosedust in particular are wonderful. Wind Whistler is The Spock, and a badass to boot. Megan is a badass too, who has taken on evil in fights and commands the powerful magic of the Rainbow of Light, with which she killed the first villain. But more than that, she's got the strength of will and character to not abuse the Rainbow's power, as well as manage to negotiate a favorable bargain from a bad position. At the same time, she's loving and compassionate, and willing to risk life, limb, and soul for her friends without hesitation. And Rosedust... She Needs More Love. She did initially refuse to go destroy the Smooze, saying "It's not our fight", true - but she had a good reason. By getting involved and making it the Flutter Ponies' fight, she would risk bringing Hydia's wrath down upon her own subjects. Since she cared about them, that's not a risk she wanted to force onto them. But when Morning Glory and then others argued against that decision, meaning they accepted the risk, she immediately ate her refusal and led the charge against the Smooze, winning the day. And when her fears came to pass, she did not resent the ponies of Dream Valley or Megan for it, instead just focusing on dealing with the problem, for she was a very kindhearted being - so much so that she could even forgive Queen Bumble when Bumble decided to make a Heel–Face Turn. And later in "Bright Lights", she led her army against the evil sorcerer Erebus, and damn near disintegrated him to force him to return her friends' souls. Just awesome.
  • No surprise, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is filled with many wonderful characters:
    • Twilight Sparkle is a great character for a number of reasons: Very intelligent and talented, but also very modest and doesn't like to outshine her friends, with a dash of Adorkable thrown in for good measure.
      • Really, even if Twilight somehow isn't your favorite pony, it's damn near impossible to NOT like her. She's such a wonderful combination of funny, smart and adorable it's intoxicating.
      • Guess what? She's become an alicorn, but I'm not angry at all. Its just wonderful to see her personal growth over the past 65 episodes and I'm brimming with liquid pride over here.
    • This troper loves Fluttershy. She's so cute!
      • Her "nibbling the scenery" ("yay!") is not only adorably funny, it makes her actual scenery chewing in the Grand Galloping Gala absolutely hilarious.
      • I've gotta get my own Flutter-love out there! Honestly, I cannot state in mere words how much I love Fluttershy! I just think that she is adorable, and it's really cool to see her become more confident as the show goes on, without losing the "shy" part of her character. And, of course, she gave a BEAR chiropractic therapy! That's just awesome!
      • And now she managed to top that feat by befriending Discord and making him turn good. All just by being her sweet adorable self. Kudos to Fluttershy!
    • Come on, you guys know Rainbow Dash is 20% cooler than everyone else on this page. She's tough, brave, loyal and caring; not to mention she's the only one who's ever pulled off a sonic rainboom - a stunt once thought to be impossible. And she's done it twice - once as a filly (which would be comparable to a five year old jumping 15 flaming school buses on a tricycle) and the second time she saved the lives of three of her heroes and one of her best friends. The best part? Her first rainboom led to all her friends getting their cutie marks. If she's not a legend in Equestria yet, she should be.
      • Seconded by this troper-I've been a Rainbow Dash fanboy ever since her first appearance. She's a good contender for the most badass character on the show, and that's saying a LOT. She also manages to be a very likable character, despite constantly bragging about herself. This troper usually can't stand bragging characters, and so making Rainbow Dash my favorite character on the show is quite an accomplishment. All in all, she really earns the title of Best Pony in my eyes-not that I don't love the other characters too, of course.
    • Rarity deserves a mention here for a very good reason: Most cartoons aimed at girls have at least one character that's obsessed with fashion. Nine times out of ten, such characters are basically shallow consumer-whores with little characterization beyond that. Rarity outright defies this expectation by being a trend-setter rather then a trend-follower. She genuinely cares about how others feel and is willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to make others feel good about themselves. Not to mention how hammy she can get, which is always funny, even when she's at her worst.
      • Rarity, oh Rarity. After her first scene, Spike's response annoyed me, and I was convinced any further appearances would be painful. My initial reaction couldn't have been more wrong. More Rarity!
    • No love for Pinkie Pie? Understandable since "Party of One" gives her more screen time than all the other season 1 episodes combined. But she's so silly and lovable it's impossible not to smile when she's onscreen. This troper aww'd quite a bit when Pinkie Pie revealed that she doesn't approve of playing even harmless pranks on the equally adorable and timid Fluttershy.
      • Her song "Smile Smile Smile" is really... infectious. In a good way.
      • The scene that really defines her best for me is in "The Last Roundup" where Pinkie suddenly sped in and gave that mailpony cake for his birthday after everyone else had all but shunned him. Underneath all that zaniness and hyperactivity she's a total sweetheart, and I love her for it.
      • Not to mention the cutest damn scene ever in "Too Many Pinkie Pies" when she tackle hugs Twilight The Glomp.
      • Imagine if every town or community in the world had its own Pinkie Pie—someone who takes it upon herself to set up parties welcoming new people to the community and helping them set up friendships, and someone who makes it her lifelong mission to make sure the new person's special days are always celebrated and they always know they are part of an extended family.
    • You're all crazy, Applejack is best pony! Badass Normal, Team Mom, nice hat. Oh, and she's from the original G1 My Little Pony pilot episode. She's old-school!
      • Also treats saving lives like it's nothing ("Spike At Your Service") and as of "Apple Family Reunion", is confirmed to have no living parents. And how does she react to this fact? Why, she becomes a true motherly figure for Apple Bloom and has risen up to the responsibility. Not only a Badass Normal, but also an Iron Woobie.
      • It would have been so easy for Applejack's only personality traits to be "she has a southern accent and wears a cowboy hat.". Instead, she plays the vital role of keeping the group grounded due to being the best at keeping her emotions under control, and has just as much worldly wisdom and common sense as Twilight has book smarts.
      • Don't forget her big brother, Big Macintosh. He may be a pony of few words, but he's grown on many a troper . . . e-yup.
    • Of course, Spike makes the perfect counterbalance for the rest of the mane cast by being the only main character who isn't a pony or female. A lot of people can really empathize with him, and he has the best one-liners.
    • Discord is without a doubt one of the most entertaining cartoon villains ever. He's an evil reality warping chaos god perfectly voiced by Jon "Q" De Lancie in all his hammy glory. Every moment he's on screen is pure TV gold. Too bad we probably won't be seeing him again...
      • And then we got to see him again after all. But this time, his heart grew several sizes that day and is now friends with the Ponies... Maybe.
    • WHAT? No love for the Cutie Mark Crusaders? I've always loved these fillies ever since. They're so cute and stay determined to achieve their goals. I love Apple Bloom because I can relate to her, Sweetie Belle because of her talent of singing, and Scotaloo for her tomboyish ways. I hope these three stay friends and never split up.
    • This troper is going to go out and say it. She freaking loves the Flim Flam brothers from Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 They had quite possibly one of the catchiest and best songs in the series so far. I for one would love to see them come back every now and then with a new plan, machine and maybe even a song. They could be like the shows own version of Team Rocket or something, only the members are related and they're ponies. Plus they're awfully attractive for ponies.
      • For this Tropette, when she first heard that song, she immediately thought of "Trouble" from The Music Man, which, is one of her all time favorite musicals. From that point on, she absolutely adored Flim and Flam, and thinks that they Need More Love as characters. That said, she seconds the idea of a "Team Rocket" thing.
    • No love for Derpy? She was already an adorable, funny Cloud Cuckoo Lander in fanon, and now that she's an Ascended Meme, I can safely say that she's a symbol of the power of fanon. Can you believe she started off as an animation in-joke that caught the eyes of a few fans? Also, what little we've seen of her canon personality has her come off as incredibly sweet - I aww'd quite a bit at the fact that she was willing to help clean up the mess that she made.
    • These characters are all fine, but they just don't have the show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!
    • Fancypants. He's like the Good Guy Greg of Equestria.
    • Queen Chrysalis, leader of the changelings, is probably the greatest villain we've had so far. While the others didn't really have any plans outside of Evulz Chrysalis used cunning and trickery to come close to toppling the capital of Equestria. All in the name of trying to feed her changelings with love. She's also the first villain to actually succeed in removing the Elements of Harmony as a threat AND directly defeat Celestia in combat. Not to mention her singing and design were both beautiful.
    • King Sombra. Sure, he had very few lines and he is closer to those generic evil emperor villains. However, what I genuinely appreciate about him is that he tried really hard. Unlike Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, all of whom near the end just stops doing anything at all, even until the point of his defeat, he never stopped trying. For that alone he earns my respect.
    • This far down the page and absolutely no mention of Princess Celestia!? The ultimate ponyfication of Light Is Good and Royals Who Actually Do Something, a kind and caring ruler for her subjects and mentor to Twilight Sparkle? She has always been one of this troper's favorite ponies just because of the simple fact that she puts her subjects' happiness and well-being above her, even willing to banish her own sister when she became a threat despite clearly being broken up over the whole thing.
    • Cadence is a pink pony who's both a princess and a Love Goddess. That's enough to convince me.
    • There's a surprising lack of love for Coco Pommel here. Being one of the sweetest characters on the show hands-down is one thing, but it's that not just that that makes me. On one hand she's a tougher cookie than she looks, enduring Suri's demands throughout "Rarity Takes Manehattan" and moving on to bigger and better things seemingly without holding even the slightest hint of a grudge. You can't help but root for her all the way. On the other: This is Coco. Yep. If not the singular cutest character in the entire series (on a show full of them!), she's definitely one of them. She could break your television or a Priceless Ming Vase and you still couldn't be angry with her. All in all, she's the best qualities of Fluttershy and Rarity merged together into a very strong contender for best pony. (If you're able to attract a legion of fans within minutes of your first appearance, you're clearly doing something right!)
    • I am much, much less a fan of almost every aspect of this show than I was when I started, but one thing remains the same-Lord Tirek is fucking metal. Not counting Discord, as he's on the hero's side now, he's by far the best villain of the show.
    • The BG Pony duo of Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody are two of my favorite ponies ever. I absolutely love the funny yet heartwarming character interactions between these two in fanworks, and they have loads of chemistry together. So many funny moments from the fan stuff came from these two, what with Octavia being prim, proper and serious while Vinyl is the wild party animal. Yet I can still believe that the two of them are not only best friends, but also lovers {Depending on if the fanfic ships them}. They are so cute and very fun to watch. Not to mention that they're character designs are great too.
    • Flurry Heart and the Cake twins. May sometimes be annoying, but, c'mon, they're cute little babies!!
      • Seconded, especially on Flurry Heart. I thought I was going to hate the episode "A Flurry of Emotions" due to the whole babysitter aspect, but unlike most examples of the Badly Battered Baby Sitter trope where the baby makes life an utter hell for the baby sitter, Flurry's just a curious child who loves her auntie Twilight throughout the episode, and Twilight doesn't take very much abuse if any at all; all Flurry does is get into some tiny mischief like an actual baby. Not only that, but she turned out to be one of the most expressive ponies on the show, and her adorableness feels genuine! Hopefully her haters will start to calm down after that.
    • Some of the pets, including Angel Bunny, Tank (especially his loyalty and propeller), Winona, Gummy, Owlowicious (especially the "hoo" jokes), Opalescence, and Philomena.
      • Wouldn't that mean all of the pets except for Peewee?
    • Zecora. Especially her healing potions and Rhymes on a Dime.
  • Basically every major character in OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes is worthy of lavishing praise, but just so this doesn't become a Zero-Context Example...
    • K.O. Kincaid himself is a sweet, kind, humble, All-Loving Hero who just wants to help people and will do whatever it takes to protect the innocent. His journey to become the great hero he's always wanted to be is fascinating to watch, he gets a number of badass moments to remind us of how great his potential is, and his genuine enthusiasm for everything he sets his mind to is just plain adorable. He's more than a little naïve (he is a kid, after all,) but he's got more than enough heart and determination to make up for it.
    • Radicles X is a badass fighter who gets lots of funny dialogue, and is surprisingly relatable because of the pressure he feels conforming to societal standards of masculinity despite some of his more feminine interests. True he can be a bit of a doofus at times, but it's not a good idea to mess with his friends under any circumstances.
    • Enid Mettle is a beautiful, hilariously snarky witch/ninja who initially comes across as abrasive and cynical but, thanks to K.O.'s Positive Friend Influence comes out of her shell and becomes far more friendly and benevolent. She largely uses sarcasm as a defense mechanism for her various insecurities (she's the Black Sheep of her family, Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life and has been had to deal with personal betrayals and romantic failures in the past.) Just like Rad, she's unfailingly protective of her friends, and despite her initial cynicism, she's never afraid to do the right thing. Also, she's openly bisexual and in a loving same-sex relationship with time-travelling cyborg superheroine Red Action.
      • Red Action herself is also deserving of praise not just for being stunningly beautiful and a powerful fighter but for being genuinely compassionate and making it clear she'd do anything to make her girlfriend happy.
    • Lord Boxman is the main villain of the show, and what a villain he is: a cross between a Mad Scientist and an Arms Dealer who made a name for himself selling robot henchmen to fellow villains, Boxman is a hilariously immature and unapologetically over-the-top laugh riot of a character played by the one and only Jim Cummings. Just because he's a comedic character, that doesn't mean he should be taken lightly, as he can be very dangerous when properly motivated. All that said, he's not completely heartless; he demonstrates on more than one occasion that there exist moral lines he will not cross under any circumstances, and while he's initially abusive to his robotic children, he eventually sees the error of his ways and begins to genuinely care for them. He's also perhaps the first openly pansexual character in Cartoon Network history, and he eventually starts a hilarious and heartwarming romantic relationship with Professor Venomous.
    • Then there's Professor Venomous... wow. Let's put aside the fact that he's Comically Serious, drop-dead gorgeous and voiced by the inimitable Steven Ogg. For one, he's an amazingly effective villain, being suave, charismatic, and always one step ahead of the heroes. Then we learn his Dark and Troubled Past and it becomes surprisingly easy to feel bad for him. He was once a beloved superhero known as Laser Blast of the prestigious super team P.O.I.N.T. Laser Blast was a highly skilled and powerful fighter who was dating K.O.'s mother, Carol. However, no matter how much praise he earned or how many battles he won, Laser Blast always thought of himself as worthless, holding himself to impossible standards as he convinced himself that he didn't deserve the adoration of his teammates and that they didn't really care about him. He began experimenting with genetic engineering to increase his powers, but a lab accident instead rendered him stripped of his powers forever. He then faked his death and went into hiding after overhearing part of a conversation that made him mistakenly believe that Carol never really loved him. The now-powerless former hero continued his genetic experiments, eventually solidifying his metamorphosis into the villain we know today — only to discover years later that he is the father of Carol's child. In addition to all that, Venomous wholeheartedly and enthusiastically reciprocates Boxman's romantic affections, and he has a caring, fatherly relationship with his minion Fink. What's not to love?
      • Fink herself is also worthy of a gush. Once a homeless rat that gained sentience and sapience thanks to Professor Venomous' scientific experiments, Fink is unfailingly loyal and devoted to her boss, whom she clearly sees as a father figure — mostly because he raises and cares for her as if she were his very own child. Their interactions together serve as an adorable reminder that this seemingly remorseless villain has people that he genuinely cares about. It's honestly too cute for words. Despite only being 6-11 years old, she's also a very competent fighter and gets a few badass moments on her own. In addition, she's also a very funny character; her bratty and hyperactive behavior makes her the perfect foil for Venomous' stoic professionalism, she's habitually irreverent to the point where it seems like she can't stop herself from fucking with people, and her video game obsession makes her surprisingly relatable.
    • Carol Kincaid, K.O.'s mother, is perhaps one of the best mothers in animation history. She's an Open-Minded Parent par excellence, happily encouraging her son to follow his passion of becoming a hero and giving him the guidance he needs to complete his journey. She herself is a retired superhero who operated under the codename Silver Spark, and while her days of professional heroism are behind her, she's willing and able to throw down when the situation calls for it. She's also very sympathetic as well, since she believed for years that the man she loved died in a horrible accident, leaving her to take care of their lovechild all by herself. That said, things do end happily for her, as she gets into a loving relationship with...
    • Mr. Gar — real name Eugene Garcia — is yet another awesome character. First of all, he's voiced by David Herman hamming it up like never before. Second, he's an über-macho badass brawler and former superhero who is amazingly skilled in combat. Third, while he is gruff and runs a tight ship, he genuinely cares about his employees and isn't afraid to show compassion for them from time to time (i.e. giving them the day off on Black Friday and encouraging them to stand up for themselves when customers get too mean and pushy.) Fourth, he's head-over-heels in love with Carol, and seeing this usually-unflappable BMF blushing and sweating profusely whenever she's around is too hilarious for words. Finally, he and Carol eventually hook up, and their romance is genuinely sweet to watch, especially since he proves to be a good father figure for K.O.
    • Dendy note  is like a more subdued Peridot, or a much kinder and gentler Brigid Tenenbaum; a good-hearted young girl with a great love of science and an incurable thirst for knowledge, Dendy comes across as a bit emotionally stunted at times, but she's nevertheless a true friend and a great ally for the heroes. She's also very easy to feel sorry for since she's been the victim of widespread prejudice against her species, only to step up and prove everyone's preconceived notions wrong.
  • I LOOOVE Greg from Over the Garden Wall. His boundless optimism and childlike wonder are so hard to come by these days and his non sequitirs always make me laugh.
  • Basically anyone from The Owl House counts, but let me pick a few stand-out examples.
    • LUZ. She's a sweet-natured, goofy, determined little badass who finds unconditional love from her newfound family after being seen as annoying for years. Not only that, but she has great depth through her uncertainty on what she should do with her life (very relatable to young audiences) and her (subtle) low self-esteem (see her need to blame everything that goes wrong on herself). Even her style of using magic is unique and interesting. Also, her character design is amazing, with the short scruffy pixie cut and the purple and white hoodie. Also also, she's great representation for neurodivergent, bisexual and gendernonconforming kids. What's not to love?
    • Amity is a GREAT subversion of your typical Draco Malfoy/Diana Cavendish character: in even her first episode, while mean, she has a valid reason to be angry at our protagonist. The next few episodes explore her layers and her slowly improving relationship with Luz, until they become friends and eventually Amity gets a totally adorable crush on Luz! In one of the best instances of character development in a Disney show, she can't even think about Luz without blushing like crazy. The juxtaposition of her cold attitude around Bosccha and her gooey, warm center when she's around or thinking about Luz is so cute and so fun to watch.
    • Eda is a crusy, sarcastic and cynical old witch who, much like Amity, slowly opens herself up to Luz, becoming her adoptive mother. She's equal parts badass, funny, and sweet, and is one of the best characters in a Disney show. Also, much like her adoptive daughter's crush on Amity, she has a tooth-rottingly cute relationship with one Raine Whispers. Speaking of which ...
    • RAINE WHISPERS. They've been in literally one episode, and they're already a fan favorite! They have an appealing design, cool powers, a sweet personality and a lovely speaking voice. Also, they are non-binary and use they/them pronouns, making them the first non-binary Disney animated character. Not bad, not bad at all!
    • Wait, no love for KING?! I loved watching this little guy grow. Simply starting as a hilarious gag character (think Bill Cipher if he had no powers, but believed himself to be as strong as he canonically is and you have King), who grows into a little brother figure for Luz. Then, come season 2, where he gets even more development as we learn more about his past. Add on his adorable design, his Super-Scream powers and the reveal he's a baby Titan, along with the fact he was willing to commit a Heroic Sacrifice just so that Luz and her friends could escape, makes him one of my favorite characters from this amazing cast.
    • VEE! For starters, she’s one of the best examples of subverting expectations in recent memory. Her Face Framed in Shadow debut appearance implied she would be Luz's sinister doppelgänger… and then she turns out to be one of the cutest, most precious characters ever created. Add on her adorable character designs, wonderful acting by Michaela Dietz, and her in-story role of sparking Camila's character development, and it's impossible not to love her.
  • Kowalski from The Penguins of Madagascar He's slightly nerdy and awkward, and a Commando! And you just have to love his tirades about science, coupled with a "slightly skewed" (read: completely off the wall) scientific method. Plus he's voiced by Jeff Bennett.
    • Seconded, seconded and OH SO SECONDED!
    • Other fan favorites: Julien (tall, sleek, Ambiguously Gay ring-tailed lemur who can dance and often gives bedroom eyes), Mort (The Chew Toy with bright eyes and a MAJOR foot fetish) and... Marlene (the Only Sane Man of the group, and pretty well built).
      • No love for Maurice? His position as the (other) Only Sane Man makes it easy for this troper to relate to him (and at times, sympathize with him). He also gets some pretty funny lines, and don't even get me started on that voice. I'd totally go furry for it.
    • No love for Rico? A walking, babbling, time bomb of insanity?
  • "Who's that girl? What's her name? Is she cool? Is she lame?"
  • Oh, and how about Penelope Pitstop? I loved how she often managed to get herself out of trouble AND rescue the Ant Hill Mob.
  • Doctor Doofenshmirtz is one of the most genuinely amusing and enjoyable Harmless Villains ever made and a big reason for watching the show. Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporaaaateeed!
    • His nemesis Perry the Platypus is certainly no bore either, an Animal Superhero with a nice hat, The Speechless and he has his own theme song! He's a semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammal of action!
      • And together, they embody Foe Romance Subtext!
      • Perry has the best lines I've ever seen from a character without functional vocal cords. Plus he's a total badass and one smooth operative.
    • Doofenshmirtz is awesome? Seconded, seconded, and oh so seconded.
      • His songs are easily the best in the show. It takes a special song indeed to show up one of Doof's.
    • If you don't ever feel a need to hug Doofenshmirtz because of simply how adorable he is while doing his thing (as long as they don't actually succeed), you probably need to check in case your heart is a plastic replica.
    • Ferb is walking awesome.
    • Phineas is such a sweetheart and matches his step-brother's walking awesome.
    • Doof's daughter Vanessa is just cool.
    • Candace is totally cool, as is her friend Stacy (and they're both often hilarious, too!)
    • Isabella is just as cool as everyone else. Most of the kids in this show are.
    • Irving is awesome. So is Albert (He can handle nun chucks, for crying out loud!)
    • This troper absolutely loves Norm. His lines are absolutely hilarious and his relationship with Doofenshmirtz is just so good. And boy was he awesome in Norm Unleashed...
      • Seconded!
  • Popeye the Sailor. This is a guy who fight for what's right, whether it be protesting his girlfriend from a big bully or going on the front lines to defend our country. A real American hero.
  • Do you think a show that stars a mail carrier would be boring? Allow me to introduce Postman Pat, a village hero in his own right. No matter what the situation, he always has a hand to lend anyone in Greendale, as well as being a caring and attentive husband to Sara, father to Julian, and caretaker to his black and white cat, Jess. What a lad.
  • One word: BRICK!
  • Allow me to present Sean Rafferty from Ready Jet Go!. He's an Adorkable, cute, and somewhat neurotic science nerd who serves as both the Fat Best Friend and Straight Man in Jet's clique. Despite his dreams of becoming an astronaut when he grows up, he is afraid of going to outer space, and is bad at using his imagination. However, thanks to the highly unusual amount of Character Development in the series, he learns how to use his imagination and is not as afraid to go to outer space as he was in the earlier episodes. He even wants to go space in some episodes! Sean is also a perfectionist, a fanatic of using the Scientific Method, and likes to think logically. He's just so dorky and relatable, plus he delivers some of the funniest lines that the show has to offer.
    • Seconded. Ever since I discovered RJG!, I knew this little cutie was going to be my favorite. However, I didn't realize I was going to love him as much as I do. Never have I found a character that truly spoke to me, that I had so much in common with (generally anxious, foodie, brunette). I've liked a lot of preschool characters, but this one...I wanted to adopt him the second I saw him in action. God bless you, Sean Rafferty.
  • T.J. Detweiler from Recess. Cool, funny, cute, sweet, and totally badass. This troper wishes she could've had a friend like him in elementary school.
    • Gotta give good ol' Mikey Blumburg a mention here.
    • She may be really nerdy, but Gretchen Grundler is really cute and sweet, and is one of this troper's favorite characters.
    • Forget his Broken Base; I really love Gus Griswald. He's such a little sweetie, gets too much crap from life.
    • Vince, he's flawed, he has his issues but he's real and such a loyal friend.
    • Spinelli must be mentioned. A cute bruiser (and can be beautiful when she has to be, and that means absolutely has to be) with great artistic skills and is much smarter than she's at times given credit for, not to mention her razor sharp wit. She's concentrated awesome, no doubt about it.
      • Seconded on so many levels. She's tough, cute, witty, what more could you ask for?
    • Miss Grotke is a sweetheart and downright walking awesome.
    • What, no love for Randall Weems? He's the only character in the whole show to regularly make me laugh.
  • Benson, who is one of the only examples of a Hair-Trigger Temper character who isn't totally annoying, in my opinion. Also Mordecai, who has much more common sense than Rigby and seems to have the more interesting life of the two.
    • Benson takes it to a whole new level. See here.
    • Oh yes, most definitely Mordecai. The best way to describe him is "the one that reminds me of someone with whom I'd be friends." Sure, he gets into trouble a lot (albeit mostly with Rigby), but he still seems pretty responsible, levelheaded, and smart for someone who just wants to have a little fun. His yin-yang relationship with energetic Rigby is perfect and pretty much makes the show the greatness that it is. Out of a show filled with all sorts of characters (no offense to any of the other characters, I love them all) he is the only one who feels human. Think about that for a second. Even with a bunch of actual humans running around, the most human character in the show is a friggin' 6-foot-tall, socially awkward, anthropomorphic blue jay with a So Cal accent. This speaks volumes about the kind of show this is.
    • You may love him, or you may hate him, but Rigby gets my stamp of approval. Despite his Jerkass tendencies, there's no denying that he is just a fun presence when he's at his best. He's a miniature ball of nuclear-powered energy, and his excitability and yes, childishness balances extremely well with the more reasonable side of Mordecai. Plus, Rigby's just too adorable that I can't help but love him. Any time I see him acting like a dork or breaking out his trademark "shark face", I can't help but smile.
  • What?! No mention of Ren yet?! The Mexican accent, Large Hamminess, Jerkassery, the expressions... dear God, the expressions!, the psychotic tantrums, the violence, the insults and "Space Madness" might just be one of the greatest cartoons made in the history of animation. Will you ever be able to forget the soap-eating scene? The psychotic rambling? Or his (unintended) Catch Phrases, like "You sick little monkey!" and variations thereof, "You EEDIOT!" or "You bloated sack of protoplasm!"?
    • You can't just leave out Stimpy either. Probably the funniest character in the whole show, his expressions included, and how childish and adorable he always acts. Joooooy!
  • Rick Sanchez. He's funny, smart and badass, But what makes him even better is that unlike certain charcters (say modern Peter Griffin and Mr. Krabs), he actually has a morality. While he usually is rather mean to his grandson Morty, he actually DOES care about him and his life even if half the time he's just telling him to "grow a pair". He's not a complete jerk to everyone in the show, and season 2 shows that he's spending more time with his family by having Summer tag along in more of there adventures. Plus, it's hard to not smile when he compliments Beth. He's essentially a more likable version of Peter Griffin from the more modern seasons
  • May I be the first to add a fangirl favorite to the list by the name of Jack Frost? He has a fandom for a reason. As much as he's an Audience Surrogate he's got rather a vivid characterization that's pieced together really well over the course of the movie. Honestly if this tropette hadn't spoiled it for herself, she might never have seen the film.
    • Seconded. Hilarious, kind-hearted, charming, GORGEOUS, seriously cool (literally!), a certified badass and an amazing big brother figure to boot, there's a reason why he's this tropette's favorite character. He also happens to be everything I look for in a guy. The fact that he's voiced by Chris Pine doesn't hurt, either.
  • I propose for your consideration: the titular team from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Are they sillier than previous incarnations? Yes. Are they different from previous incarnations? Oh, definitely. Is this a bad thing? HECK. NO. While not unrecognizable, these turtles build on their general traits to be something brand new and exciting, mixed together with open love and appreciation you don't normally see from the turtles. What makes them stand out? Let's go down the list, shall we?
    • Raphael's anger issues have been downplayed, though not removed, and his Big Brother Instinct played up. His antagonistic relationship with Leo has been removed...which is actually a good thing, as it allows him to be more than just the ever-complaining Lancer. He's comfortable with his emotions, caring to his family (almost to the point of being a mother hen) and is honestly the kind of big sibling I might've liked to have growing up.
    • Leonardo. Gone is the stoic, disciplined, Standardized Leader of your usual TMNT fare; in his place is a wisecracking jokester with a huge ego, the skills to back up said ego, and genuine love for his family underneath it all. Being free from The Chains of Commanding allows Leo's character to move in directions he could never have gone before, and the results are both hilarious and genuinely intriguing in a way past Leos have never quite managed. Helps that he's got both a) a very cool sword, b) a considerable amount of charm in spite of his arrogance, and c) a surprising amount of Hidden Depths.
    • Donatello might not be as nice as typical incarnations, but he's got a good heart, is awesome with his bo staff (tech bo), and his Mad Scientist tendencies are always funny. And much like Leo, his love for his family is genuine. He's also one of the best autism-coded characters I've seen in media.
    • And Michelangelo? No longer does he have to be reduced to comic relief. Mikey here gets to have more focus on his lesser-known traits, like his love of art and high empathy. He's absolutely adorable, even helping to reform a former Big Bad!
  • May I talk about the movie Robots for a moment? Yes Fender and Rodney and all the good guys were cool and all but the one character I truly like from this film is Ratchet. He's like this d-bag that's just so full of himself to the point where you want to punch him in the face but can't help but be entertained by him, every scene with him are some of the best, whether hes being an amusing d-bag or acting like an overgrown child he just steals a majority of the scene. Along with having a rather oddly adorable breakdown moment. Lastly he's actually rather rather attractive for a robot. But that could just be me.
  • Samurai Jack. Humble, kind, always ready to help those in need, and a badass to boot. A true hero and a role model for us all.
    • What about Aku? Easily one of the greatest villains in cartoon history. You just cannot help but love (to hate) him!
  • Sanjay Patel and Craig Slithers; The former is a happy-go-lucky and insanely adorable little Keet of a child with all these sweet, weird and beautifully drawn expressions on his face in almost every episode and the latter is a hammy and downright Crazy Is Cool Jerk with a Heart of Gold with the voice (emphasis on) talent provided by Chris Hardwick who often acts like a big brother to the neighborhood kids.
  • The titular dog from Scooby-Doo, no questions asked.
    • Scrappy Doo wasn't that bad. There, I said it. He could be obnoxious and foolhardy, but he was also a brave, adventurous, enthusisastic, loyal dog who loved his friends (especially his uncle) enough to go charging at monsters. If only he'd be used properly...
  • Don't get me wrong, the Saturdays were awesome, but the guy who stole the show for me was its Big Bad, V.V. Argost. His appearance, his voice, his personality, and his Large Ham were all fantastic and an absolute pleasure to watch, and he was a devious and competent villain who frequently got one over the heroes without being a perfect Invincible Villain Sue. Everything about him and his conflict with the heroes was an absolute pleasure to watch. The show couldn't have asked for a better Big Bad.
    • The Saturdays themselves too. The Badass Family to end all Badass Families. What other show has a family of heroes made up of a kid with the power to control legendary creatures, a Genius Bruiser father with a Power Fist, an Action Mom with a flaming sword, a humanoid gorilla-cat as an adopted son/brother, a superpowered Komodo dragon, a pterosaur, and a Cool Uncle who used to work as a mercenary?
  • Almost every character from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Especially Catra. It's incredible to see such an annoying and divisive character from the original series rebooted into one of the best parts of new series. She's such a well-defined character that people are flocking to see the new series just because of her. And her constant ship tease with Adora helps. Also add the other characters of the Super Pal Trio consisting of Scorpia and Entrapta. They're so charming that you almost want to root for the Horde to win.
    • More love for Adora! Her arc is incredible. She wants so badly to protect those she loves, often bordering on self-sacrificial, but no one realizes how unhealthy that is until almost the end of the show. I love that she learns to reject destiny and not hold the weight of the world on her shoulders. She's such a compelling protagonist.
    • She may not be the most significant character, but I've gotta give a shout-out to Frosta for essentially being the ice version of Toph.
  • Bart, Lisa, and Maggie Simpson. All three of them have distinct personalities, and they all manage to be entertaining. They're awesome because most of the time, they know more than the adults do, and they use that advantage in different ways, and yet they're still kids with interests in comic books, dolls, action figures, and just having fun.
    • Bart and Lisa have one of the most believable sibling relationships in animation while still having fully developed individual personalities. It is why they will always be my favorite characters from any media.
    • Kang and Kodos. They came from Rigel-7, and they brought their other-worldly personalities and humor with them. How can two aliens who only come once a year bring so much joy into our lives?
      • Homer Simpson, Even after... well. Still, one of the highest laugh-per-minute ratios on the show.
      • Second! Homer Simpson is without a doubt one of the funniest cartoon characters ever.
    • Every single character. They're all so wacky, oddball, and neurotic, and I love them for it.
    • Two words: Frank Grimes. Why is he awesome, you might ask? Because he's the series' first normal character (other than Lisa Simpson). He's also awesome because he manages to be one of the best characters in the show despite being in only one episode. He's also one of the darker characters in the show (in a funny way). What's best about the character is that he starts out as a normal character and throughout the episode he becomes totally insane to the point where he accidentally kills himself.
    • What about some of the awesome supporting characters? As someone already said, they're all awesome, but there's some characters that deserve their own mention. Kent Brockman, Lenny & Carl, Apu, Snake Jailbird, Moe, Ralph & Chief Wiggum, and of course, Mr. Burns.
    • Three words - Howdily. Doodily. Doo. Love the Flanders!
    • Among the show’s many incredible secondary characters, few deserve more praise than the late Edna Krabappel. Assertive, sex-positive, determined, and quite attractive, she was such an admirable woman for how much crap she put up with, especially from Bart Simpson. Her loneliness and weariness all made us root for her to find the happy ending she deserved, and despite her untimely demise, it was wonderful that the show finally gave her what she sought in the form of her relationship with Ned Flanders. The character and her phenomenal performance from Marcia Wallace will be dearly missed by all.
  • I'm just going to come right out and say that I adore Knuckles in Sonic Boom. This Knuckles is a big adorable bundle of dorkiness and, despite being the big tough guy of the gang, is a huge softie on the inside. Plus, almost everything he says is golden, his actor delivers his lines perfectly, the animators give him the cutest facial expressions ever...and, despite his Dumb Muscle reputation, he's actually very relatable (at least to some viewers). Honestly, this character needs more love.
  • The Fresh TV embodiments of Spoiled Sweet: Caitlin Cooke and Lo Ridgemount. Both pretty, both sporting adorable voices, and both some of the nicest girls ever due to The Power of Friendship.
  • Cartman.
    • Stan and Kyle. Being the only sane people in the world really must suck for them (especially if you're only fourth graders) but I love them for it.
      • Agreed. This troper especially loves Stan. People always look at me weird when I tell them he's my favorite character, but I think he's awesome. So there.
    • And then Butters, who is the only character on the show who actually acts the age they're supposed to be, and he's given some of the best material. Lu lu lu I've got some apples...
      • Not to mention he's absolutely ADORABLE to boot!
      • Thirded. *hugs imaginary Butters plushie*
    • Timmy. Just ... TIMMY! Honestly, you can't help but root for the disabled kid with a heart of gold whenever he appears. Especially the episode when he adopts that turkey - it gave him Crowning Moments of Awesome, Crowning Moments of Heartwarming, AND Tear Jerkers.
    • For this troper, it's Kenny all the way! This troper finds him strangely endearing... Even more so than Butters! He's very flawed yet he's proven time and time again to be one of the, if not the, most heroic figure on the show. But the #1 reason that this character is gush-worthy: he sincerely cares for his friends.
    • Jimmy is a funny cha...cha...cha...cha...character.
  • Gwen Stacy is a big reason why I watch Spectacular.
    • I must agree. There's a chance that Gwen Stacy has virtually crushed any future I have of getting married.
    • Gwen's cool, but Mary Jane is even cooler! And so much fun. damn, she's the embodiment of why Redheads Are Ravishing!
    • And I will take Black Cat any day. That battle banter that rivals the web-head's, the sexy yet classy outfit, the graceful moves that remind one of a dancer on stage. It reminds me of how much I loved her back in the 90s animated show!
    • I love the episodes with Harry in it the most. He's a woobie, has a lot of character development, and works hard to become awesome and figure out that The Norman Osborn next to him is really the Chameleon in the series finale.
      • Seconded. Part of what makes Harry the most interesting (to This Troper) is that his personality is much less "set." You know Peter is ultimately going to be The Hero, you know Gwen is going to hold the group together, but Harry, being so unsure of himself and reacting to his circumstances, can go from nice guy to rage-fueled maniac throwing his father across the room to Magnificent Bastard in that final scene. My biggest regret about the show is that it didn't run long enough to see if he really would make the transition to full villain.
    • Quentin Beck/Mysterio is a unique and interesting example of a villain who puts work into a secret identity, having a totally different persona in costume than out of it. Beck, with his Moe Howard haircut looks like he'd be a random mook couldn't be more different than Mysterio, a Fake Brit Large Ham, but they are the same person (and have the same voice actor). Mysterio may be the first villain for whom being a ham is a carefully controlled act, and shows him a seemingly ridiculous character can actually be a cunning villain.
    • Norman Osborn is a Magnificent Bastard once again. His plan to throw off suspiscion was brilliant and horrifying at the same time.
      • Seconded. This may very well be the single greatest incarnation of Norman Osborn ever. As the single-nastiest villain in the show, he is able to casually out-gambit every character in the series, both in and out of costume. For Christ's sake, he managed to seize control of New York City's criminal underground virtually overnight without even having his own gang. This was one hell of a bad guy.
    • I'm going to say this now: Spectacular's version of Peter, bar none, is easily the absolute best portrayal of his character ever, even moreso than his original comic self. As opposed to several other portrayals of his character, the comics included, he's a lot more optimistic and has a bit more self-esteem, though not to the levels of a Wide-Eyed Idealist. When things don't go his way, he doesn't immediately give up, and even after suffering a really bad day can often find something about it that still makes everything worthwhile. Not to mention he doesn't repeatedly suffer from Aesop Amnesia and try to hang up the tights and forgetting why he's begun fighting crime in the first place. He slightly suffers a case of this once early on over the course of the show but even after toying with the option of quitting knows the good he does overlaps anything else, and by the time of the first season finale he's permanently dropped the notion of him ever giving up the good fight.
  • This troper would like to gush about two characters: the title character of Spongebob Squarepants, and Slinkman of Camp Lazlo. They're both completely awesome. SpongeBob's dedication to his job is the only thing keeping the Krusty Krab alive, and if Slinkman weren't around, well, all the Bean Scouts would be dead. This troper's bedroom is graced by SpongeBob toys and bedclothes, along with original, autographed artwork of Slinkman greeting her. * sniff* Thank you, Joe Murray!
    • Speaking of Joe Murray, let's not forget Rocko, Ed Bighead, Heffer, and Filburt.
    • Rugrats
      • Tommy Pickles. He's the bravest and possibly smartest of all the babies, but he's still one year old. That makes for a good character.
      • Angelica. Sure she's a bit mean, but a lot of her statements of how the world works (which consist mostly of lies, imaginings, and guesses) are hilarious.
      • Kimi. She's almost fearless, very optimistic, and with a big imagination.
      • Phil and Lil. Sure they could say some gross things sometimes, but they were funny.
      • Chuckie. He's smart, friendly, and shy all at once.
      • Betty. She never lets anything get her down and is very strong too. Besides, it's funny how she calls children "pups".
      • Stu. His wacky inventions never fail to get a laugh.
      • Grandpa Lou. Especially his stories.
      Lou: "Be prepared. That's what they told my great-uncle who got stuck at the top of Kilimanjaro and he had to eat his shoelaces."
      • Taffy. Especially how she cares about the environment, has pink hair, speaks in punk slang, is not a Hormone-Addled Teenager, and calls the babies "minis".
      • And let's not forget Fluffy, Angelica's cat. Especially when she showed her friendly side in "Babysitting Fluffy".
    • Never mind the Seasonal Rot, SpongeBob SquarePants is still the most adorable character ever in this page. You got a character who still sticks with people who wouldn't mind murdering him just to get him off their backs, loves a job where he gets less-than-less-than normal pay from a totally vile boss, and hangs out with an adorable dim-witted starfish. He's an entirely optimistic sponge, where almost nothing can destroy his cheerful nature.
      • The SpongeBob before The Movie is one of this troper's favourite cartoon characters ever. This, of course, was before his horrific Character Derailment.
    • "Dear people, Please help, I'm 20 years old and I can't get a better job than at a fast food place. I'm socially awkward, and my only co-worker hates me. I'd complain, but my boss only cares about money. I'd leave, but I can't pass my drivers test, or any test I've ever taken. I'm in love with one of my only friends; she's a smart, athletic, gorgeous southern belle, but, I'm stuck in the friend zone. My only other friend is this guy who i'm pretty sure only talks to me, because he's mentally handicapped. To top it all off, I live in a freaking pineapple. Sincerely, Spongebob S Pants."
    • His best friend Patrick also counts too. Despite his utterly ridiculous stupidity, he's a starfish you would love to have for a life partner because he'll always be by your side, through the thick and thin of things.
    • Add Squidward and Sandy to that. Between them, SpongeBob, and Patrick, they're probably my favorite characters in all of fiction.
      • How to describe Squidward Quincy Tentacles? He's a very human character. He is shown feeling everything that we have all felt; inferiority complex, rage at stupidity, the fun of being a practical joker and the caprice of the jerks around you. He has by far the biggest range of facial expression out of all the characters. He is reserved, yet he is not afraid to let his feelings out. And all that while keeping his personality relatively consistent. He's funny, he's cynical, he's a jerk, he's sympathetic... he's basically us. And that's what makes him one of my all time favorite cartoon characters. And that design. He just has one of the most original, most creative, most beautifully constructed, visually appealing designs ever. It's like the best parts of Wile E. Coyote, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd rolled into one beautiful Chuck Jones -esque combination.
    • Before his just tragic Character Derailment, Mr. Krabs was actually a likable, hilarious character.
  • Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Star Butterfly is a wonderful combination of adorable, badass, and hilarious with a surprising amount of Hidden Depths. She also makes for an amazing duo with Marco, who is also a great character, thanks to his adorkable personality, karate skills, and the Hidden Depths within him. Whether your prefer Starco as a Platonic or Romantic ship, it goes without saying Star and Marco are the perfect pairing as they play each other off perfectly.
    • Marco Diaz is a Chick Magnet, kindly, strong and works so perfectly with Star. I root for him all the time and want him to be happy because he's so wonderful.
  • Steven Universe:
    • Garnet, a badass with powerfists who is guaranteed to have a golden line each episode. She's also the literal representation of the love between two women. She's the perfect harmonization of two very different gems. Every awesome thing she does shows how strong their relationship is.
    • Definitely a second for Garnet. And what about the other characters? I nominate Pearl; nerdy, adorable, and elegant. Her character-focused episodes, such as "Space Race", "Rose's Scabbard," "Back to the Barn," and "Mr. Greg" tend to be the most heartbreaking. Few shows have the confidence to show a character who's fundamentally a good person who nevertheless makes mistake after mistake, and yet she's all the more compelling because of it. The show's not afraid to make her harder to like at times and refuses to shy away from her flaws and insecurities, not to mention a completely Heartbroken Badass who misses Rose each and every day. And through it all, she's strong, capable, protective, and defied all the brainwashing Homeworld threw at her, and now is well on her way to repairing her trust issues and even might have a new relationship with the Mystery Girl. But seriously, every character needs a spot.
    • Greg GREATEST FATHER IN FICTION Universe. He left his musical career for a woman he barely knew, and proceeded to love her unconditionally even though she was actually an asexual warrior alien from a race of conquering sentient rocks. And when she disappeared to allow their child to be born, he alone took care of his infant son, built a house for him (a house Greg himself would never live in) and allowed Steven to live with his late wife's fellow aliens (one or two of which blame Greg to an extent for said wife's disappearance) so he can learn from his mother's legacy. Additionally, he pays for everything they ever brake (which happens often) and every other expense they may have, while he gets to live alone in a van. And all this without ever lashing out at anyone, being incredible supportive of his son (Steven, I'm supportive and very proud of you and... I'll be right back. -goes off to have a panic attack after his son told him murderous aliens are trying to kill him), respectful and friendly with the gems (I think so highly of you, it just isn't fair that you have so little faith in me), and all-around optimistic (If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs!), [Adorkable] (Let me drive my van into your heart...), walking Heartwarming Moment (What do I do with all this money? I'd rather spend my time with you -to Steven).
    • Steven Quartz Universe himself! A cute, friendly, approachable kid who does his best to love everyone. He's cheerful, optimistic, and goes through a very rewarding character arc as he slowly averts his status as The Load and grows into his powers over time. He's also incredibly smart and wise. The series doesn't make it easy for him as it slowly chips away at his innocence and the realization that the world around him is larger and more dangerous than he could've ever imagine, not to mention going through some incredibly adult issues, even coping with survivor's guilt, trouble living up to his mother's legacy, and the strain with her isn't negative. It's how he feels and has every right to do so. In short, one of the most likable, realistic, and developed protagonists in western animation.
    • Connie as well! She's adorable, book smart, serious when it comes to her studies, and has a lot of insecurities that don't get in the way from her fun-loving, dependable personality. She's not just the token human sidekick who sits in the background, she's become an Action Girl in her own right and developed the confidence to call out her mother on her unintended pressure and responsibility. While she's not always around, she's got school and her own things to do, she never hesitates to jump into the fight and she gets the large badass sword while he has a pink flower-shaped shield, and this is treated in-show as awesome with no stigma attached. In fact, when fused, they become so much more than themselves alone, and demonstrate an equal partnership in the form of Stevonnie. And they're just as cute and strong as you'd expect, not to mention being a non-gendered character who has nothing but love and support and is not only respected, but seen as a miraculous, beautiful being who explored more subtlety in their introduction in gender dynamics, attraction, and LGBT themes in ten minutes than most series have managed in their entire runs.
    • Three more characters deserve no small amount of gush as well:
  • Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters' Riya Dashti/Blindstrike possesses several of the qualities for a truly great animated WOC. She looks and sounds attractive, yet the animators never sexualize her. Her racial background feels incidental to her roles as a reclusive nonconformist (in season one), and a vengeful, seasoned vigilante (in season two). She develops good chemistry with the Flex Fighters, but the show doesn't rush her into a romance with any of them. In season one, the Foreshadowing of her secrets feels just obvious enough for The Reveal to instill pride in a viewer savvy enough to piece it together, rather than frustration at either predictability or abruptness. In season two, the increased amount of time Riya spends with the guys helps her feel as prominent and fleshed-out as them, especially after she reveals having her own reasons for foiling Stretch Monster's schemes. Throughout the series, Blindstrike's combat experience, resourcefulness, and stealth enable her to save the day several times, even though other times the Flex Fighters have to rescue her — which at least keeps Blindstrike from feeling too OP. Plus, unlike the women of certain popcorn flicks, Riya became an action figure the same time that the male leads did.
  • Strawberry Shortcake's lady villain, Sour Grapes, was an Ensemble Dark Horse character since her debut in 1982. Brazen, intelligent, feminine without being too cutesy and yet still maintaining a place in a cutesy show by way of being a Deadpan Snarker Genki Girl Harmless Villain (who has her successes outside of screen time), and it worked. She was brought back for the franchise's 2003 remake by the year 2006, this time as all of the aforementioned as well as a savvy Anti-Villain. She was recreated as more insecure and timid than before, while the main cast was more tomboyish and go-get-'em than they had been in the '80s. Again, Sour Grapes was a darkhorse character, wearing leather pants (justifiably) more than ever. She was THE Rounded Character of the show, needing a place in the world for herself while also needing her Genre Blind Visionary Villain brother's happiness, and her Heel–Face Revolving Door adventures made her even more sympathetic as opposed to less. Character Development lead her to become an odd type of Parental Substitute (in a world where none of the main characters have parents), Heartwarming Moment — but the heel face revolving door was still not set to end any time soon. Complicated woman. In both incarnations, Grapes was a fantastically rare blend of common sense and the lack thereof, something unusual for any character and all the more unusual for a female. And yes, she resides in a show created for little girls.
  • The Warden or Jared. There's PLENTY of reasons to list for these guys. The Warden is brilliant, hillarious, colorful, has a wonderful imagination, and just an amazing Wonka , even if he does have his moments of JerkAssery. He's too busy being Crazy Is Cool to notice. Not to mention he becomes a friggin' ''Dictator'' in the future. As for Jared, well lets see: he is recovering from just about every addiction imaginable, he suffers frequent abuse, and has had overall a really crappy life, yet he still manages to run the jail without a hitch almost single-handedly, and still manages to be the sweetest, nicest little midget ever. He's also a decent sniper.
  • The titular SWAT Kats. I mean, come on — how could you not love T-Bone and Razor?
  • Most versions of Raphael depict his as a hot-head who butts heads with Leonardo. That's all well and good, but I love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) version, where he's a sardonic, sarcastic wisecracker.
  • 2003 'toon Donatello will always have a special place in my heart. He's easily one of the nicest characters on the show, but, as his trip to the Bad Future clearly showed, he's also willing to kill for his family, despite his distaste for fighting. Though he doesn't get as much attention as his brothers note  it manages to be satisfying, in a way— he fills his duty as The Reliable One and then lets one of the others take the spotlight from there on out, content to work in the background. He's a character that even the most shy and attention-avoidant of us can relate to... plus, he's awesome and adorable!
  • Leonardo from the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) cartoon is the best version of the character ever. I have already talked about how much I love the fact that they actually act as teenagers,and he is the best example of it:he is as honorable and as noble as always,but the way he feels the pressure of being a leader and being less of Splinter's boy makes him much more likable and relatable.
    • Also, Karai. Just...Karai. Not only is she a fun character and villain, but the twist of her actually being Splinter's daughter is such a bold move on the writers' parts and it makes her just that much more complex and interesting.
  • In Teen Titans (2003), the animated version of Terra by far surpasses her comic book counterpart in being a likeable, fascinating, and awesome character. I enjoyed her in both her good and bad phases and her character arc got me very emotional for her. Truly well done for a character who only had five episodes!
    • Ah heck, this troper loves all the Titans, Titans East and the Honorary Titans included. Every single one has their own distinct personality and unique character design and the way they interact with each other is so much fun. If she had to pick a favorite though, it would be Robin. I loves me some Badass Normal team leaders. The fact that he's cute doesn't hurt either.
    • Starfire can go from being absolutely adorable and sweet and naive one minute to drop-dead kickass the next. Just try to tell me that's not awesome.
    • Of course you can't forget all the memborable and brilliant villains can you?
    • One word: SLADE.
      Demon Guard: You cannot hope to defeat pure evil.
      Slade: Actually, I'm not such a nice guy myself.
    • And Raven. Born the daughter of the ultimate demon, destined to be his key to universal domination, and she still found the strength to flip him the metaphorical finger and be a hero, even though her natural instincts all tended towards evil. Then, after all this has been revealed to the audience in Season Four, you realize that her standoffish, hostile attitude towards the team in earlier season wasn't because she didn't like them, but because she was trying to keep them at arm's length because she knew she was dangerous and didn't want them to get hurt.
      Raven: Fathers are kind. Fathers protect you. Fathers raise you. I was protected by the monks of Azarath. I was raised by my friends. They are my family, this is my home, and you are not welcome here!
    • How about Beast Boy? He can TURN INTO ANY ANIMAL. Even dinosaurs. Even alien animals. And sometimes a werewolf. I can't possibly think of a cooler power. And throughout the whole series, he was often overshadowed by his teammates, but he kept on going with them, at every once in a while he'd get a chance to show off his true colors and it was invariably EPIC! A prime example: turning into an insect to fly into Trigon's eardrum, then transforming into a whale while inside.
    • There is no mention of Cyborg here. The guy gets so little love from the fandom!
      • Yeah, Cyborg is awesome. There's not much else to say but....BOO-YAH!
    • Jinx. That is all.
    • Red Star and Argent were pretty awesome, and I second Slade and Robin. Slade is my favorite villain ever, and Robin's obsessiveness and yet his kindness to his teammates was what made him a great hero, and a great leader.
      • Not to mention his greatest moment, when he nearly killed himself to keep his friends alive. Let me clarify. He infected himself with the same poison nanites his friends had to keep Slade from destroying his friends and himself. And he did it with his greatest quote ever. All because he knows how similar he is to Slade. "And I know how you hate to lose! If that's isn't worth this page, I don't know what is.
  • Scott Tracy is my favorite Tracy brother in the Thunderbirds series. It's probably the eyes, or that voice, or those dimples, or the fact that he looks like a young Sean Connery... So handsome...
  • Izzy, the living incarnation of Crazy Is Cool .
    • Seconded! She's the only character who survived Total Drama Action intact. That, and YOU'LL NEVER GET HER ALIIIIIVE!!!
    • I agree with that as well, Izzy is awesome. She should have won one of the seasons, or at least gotten to return in season three after the army took her away.
      • And Sierra? Why does she get so much hate? Yes, she's a bit of a stalker, but she's also a bit of a Woobie due to her past, and she gets her stalkerness from her mother so it isn't all her fault, and she's totally dedicated to the guy she loves, which is totally sweet.
      • And Harold? He's pretty awesome too, with all his wicked skills. He's funny too! Too bad he doesn't get enough respect.
      • Trent counts. He was sweet, normal, and quite refreshing compared to everybody else's intentionally overstated personalities. TDA was a shame.
      • Noah. Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah. A brilliant, hilarious, witty, attractive Deadpan Snarker, Launcher of a Thousand Ships and basically a walking talking fetish. And have you seen his hair when it gets wet? Holy Batman!
      • Cody. His hopeless suitor attitude, funny Butt-Monkey moments, and Beware the Nice Ones moments justify why he's probably the most fangirled over character in the show. Not to mention he's the epitome of Adorkable!
      • A Base-Breaking Character she might be (there's a lot of 'em in this series), but Total Drama Action aside, this troper can't help but love good ol' uptight Courtney.
      • Gwen for me. I loved her from the second I saw her kick a psycho killer in the face. Not only that, but she's smart, tough, snarky, brave and beautiful all at the same time. And when I say tough, I'm talking about a girl who was tricked into thinking her boyfriend cheated on her, had her chance to win a million dollars yanked away at the last minute, and was framed for using Trent to cheat her way to the final two and hooking up with Duncan behind his back. And she still keeps on going. I'm rooting for her to win Season 5 and finally get what she's been fighting for. Take it all the way, Weird Goth Girl!
      • Jasmine is pure awesome. She's an Awesome Aussie, she genuinely cares for others, she's the only one who helps Samey when her sister tortures her, and even when she's afraid she overcomes her fears. Plus, she's adorable with Shawn. And that laugh!
      • Speaking of Pahkitew Island, Why don't we actually pay more attention to Sky? The Passionate Sports Girl? Tons of people hate her for "cheating" on Dave, But if Dave wouldn't have gotten mad, her reputation would still be up.
      • Base-Breaking Character or not, Duncan is amazing. He's tough bastard who never takes anyone's crap and is one of the few characters in the series who has actually retaliated against Chris and all the crap he puts them through. On more then one occasion no less!
      • Bridgette. Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely adore her. She's compassionate, gentle, smart, beautiful, moral, easygoing, down-to-earth... I could go on forever on the good qualities of this surfing, animal-loving, Cute Clumsy Granola Girl who gets along with nearly everyone. She's just such a sweet, relatable, likeable, realistic, well-meaning, refreshing, and wonderful person. And seeing someone as good and kind as her being constantly and unfairly mistreated and unappreciated makes me want to hug and comfort her. She means so much to me, and I want her to have love and happiness above all else.
      • Among the Revenge of the Island contestants, Dawn was my favourite. She was just so cool, unique, and likeable, with her weird mystical powers, adorable design and voice, and compassionate personality. Kinda sucks she was eliminated early, but she was awesome while she lasted.
      • Speaking of the second gen contestants, what about Brick? If there was a TD contestant who could truly be considered heroic, he would be it ("Never leave a man behind!"). We salute you, cadet!
      • B is underrated as hell! This dude's genius and quiet confidence are awesome, and his friendship with Dawn was a pleasure to watch. For an early elimination who never talked, he was pretty memorable in his own unique way. As Sam said, "Woah, B! You should change your name to A+!"
      • I know he's a major Base-Breaking Character (and I get why), but I still consider Owen one of my favourite Total Drama characters with reason. He's such a genuinely lovable Nice Guy; I just love his positive attitude, how friendly he is towards everyone, and how he really does consider all the other contestants to be his friends - I know I'd definitely want him as a friend. Plus, he actually can be quite funny - ESPECIALLY when he's paired alongside Noah, making for a truly hilarious and awesome Odd Friendship.
      • The Gentle Giant DJ. You just CANNOT dislike this guy. He's one of the nicest people on the show, and has consistently proven that he can be brave and tough when the time calls for it. It is honestly insulting how little positive development he received after TDI (same goes with the show's other normal Nice Guys/Girls like Bridgette and Trent; TDA and TDWT are shameful in how much they defiled these incredibly likeable and admirable characters just to milk them for drama).
      • Leshawna rocks! She may be a bit of a stereotype (then again, so is everyone on the show), but her sass is awesome and she's a great friend who stands up to jerks and bullies and doesn't take crap from others. Sadly, like so many characters, her later appearances screwed her over badly, and while some started to dislike her for it, she's still a cool gal in my book.
      • Disregarding his behaviour in TDA, Geoff is all-around awesome. Super-nice, a ton of fun, and really chill, it's hard not to like this beach party dude and his happy-go-lucky attitude. Small wonder Bridgette fell in love with him (and they are so cute together!). The enduring and genuine love and happiness they give each other is something they both 100% deserve to have and share.
      • Poor, forgotten Tyler. Not only is he one of the most genuinely hilarious Butt-Monkey characters ever, but he's such a lovable guy. He's never gives up, plays fair, always looks on the bright side, and is patient and loyal with his lovably stupid girlfriend Lindsay (they're so sweet together!). How could anyone possibly dislike him?!
      • Oh what the heck, all 22 of TDI's contestants are great. I cannot name any one I dislike. They're all crazy stereotypes, but they feel like real people you knew from high school (I knew a Lindsay and was myself a Harold) with depth and complexity, especially with those bios (words cannot adequately describe how awesome the bios are). NONE of the 29 teens introduced after TDI collectively match up to them. But the way the writers handled nearly all of them in the seasons after is an utter shame, and it's sad that so many of these awesome characters lost fans because of how the show "ruined" them (they're all still great to me). They deserve better and to be actually loved, respected, and given happiness rather than being treated as playthings to wring drama out of, get abused by Chris, and get dragged through increasing amounts of insanity without regard for consistency and positive development.
  • I'll admit it, Total DramaRama is kind of my Guilty Pleasure, but if there's one thing about the show I love wholeheartedly, it's the kiddie version of Bridgette and how freaking adorable she is. She's such a little angel, and just so good and pure. Teenage Bridgette was already an incredibly lovable and huggable character, but toddler Bridgette and her unbelievably kind and considerate personality has me saying "How is she so cute?!" every time she appears. Too bad the writers don't treat her any better than they do her teenage self.
  • Yeah, yeah Ultimate Spiderman 2012 is not the greatest adaptation of the wall crawler, but this show version of Harry Osborn is just wonderful: not only he puts the sweet in Spoiled Sweet, but at the time passes he became a tragic figure who lose his father and feels like the world is completely turning on him. And yet he still mantain the heroic qualities he showed in the first episode when he tried to save Mary Jane. Plus in this version he became Venom, and is actually a frightening Knight of Cerebus Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds.
  • Larry the Cucumber is, without a doubt, one of the most hilarious and lovable characters in the history of Religious Edutainment. From his perpetually optimistic outlook on life to his absolutely adorable design, Larry is such a sweet and fun character to watch. And that's not even getting into his Silly Songs....
  • Brock-Fucking-Samson.
    • Rusty Venture, for being a Deadpan Snarker cynic whose apathy belies his actual intelligence.
    • Doctor Orpheus. He has an interdimensional portal in his daughter's closet.
    • Shore Leave. Camp Gay and Badass is an entirely too rare combination.
    • There is not a single character on this show that I dislike, Sgt. Hatred is a much different style of bodyguard from Brock—he's much more gung-ho, more willing to plan and whatnot (as opposed to Brock who by-and-large just jumps into any given scenario and starts bashing heads), and is actively training the boys to take care of themselves. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big Brock fan, but Hatred is still pretty strong character on his own merits. As for the Moppets, there's something about their creepily gleeful disposition towards slaughter that makes them absolutely hilarious, but more-so is how other people react to them. I think Brock's "Yeah...this was kind of a stupid idea" upon realizing that getting the Moppets to non-fatally injure Dermott was futile is one of the funniest line reads Warburton's ever given.
    • The titular characters themselves are very well put together. It's nice seeing them develop over the series, especially Dean after he finds out he's a clone.
  • Gromit is one of the most interesting, endearing and consistently entertaining animated characters I have ever seen. The fact he has no mouth and cannot speak only adds to this. Wallace is awesome in his own right, but the shorts would be nothing without the mouthless, facepalming canine sidekick.
  • Badass characters? I like that. Female badass characters? I enjoy that. Female, redheaded (close to redhead at least), and badass characters? I love that. So it would be no surprise that Sylvia from Wander over Yonder would be a favorite of mine. However, what really takes the cake is her design. I don't know why but something about it just makes me love the character even more. Combining that along with being a badass with red(ish) hair and you get my favorite character of all time.
    • I think that Wander himself is super cute! He's just so innocent and fuzzy, and he's an overall lovable guy! I can't bring myself to hate him at all, he's that precious!
  • Roger Rabbit. A film icon every ounce as much as a fantastic homage to classic American animation.
    • Seconded! He's absolutely hilarious, adorable, and easily the nicest character in the movie. Oh, and he's the titular character of a masterpiece partly responsible for kicking off The Renaissance Age of Animation.
    • And I think we all know that Jessica Rabbit was invented to be gushed at. Her steaming hot body was already enough before you add her seductive voice on top of it. Not to mention her character is also very well-fleshed out.
  • Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum has Brad, who is extremely adorkable and relatable due to his shy, neurotic personality.
  • Let's get some Rogue love in here, please. Evo-Rogue is the best Rogue ever.
    • I couldn't agree with you more if I were you and we held the same opinion due to being each other.
    • I third that agreement, and also submit Quicksilver. That boy is just too much fun, quirky, and completely out of control!
    • Fourthed. Also, how can we forget Toad? He was awesome! Especially in the later seasons, with his Character Development and hopelessly faling in love with Wanda, which actually made him funnier, far more entertaining, and more sympathetic all at the same time. An example of some really good Woobie-fication writing. (Say it with me: Tee-Oh-Aye-Dee, TOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!!)
    • Gambit. Oh jeez. He's awesome (in his own right) in Evo for not being a main character. There's so much I could say about him, even though he didn't get a lot of screen time, which shows how much I can gush about him. The eyes, the coat, the accent! How can he be so cool/sexy and not be real?! (I guess that's the point though, yes?) One time I wrote so much crap about him on a forum about how hot I thought he was, someone basically told me to shut-up. And it was an X-Men:Evo forum.
    • Nightcrawler. Shadowcat. Wolverine. Charles fricking Xavier. Jean. Scott. Scarlet Witch. Avalanche ... you know what? Let's just say that EVERY character with substantial development is Made of Win. Even Spyke gets it when he's finally Rescued From the Scrappy Heap.
    • I second Nightcrawler. He's a Nice Guy, especially when he's keen to forgive Mystique when Rogue isn't, he's Fun Personified, his interactions with Kitty are adorable, and he's just enough of The Woobie. Seriously, Nightcrawler is my favorite X-man in all adaptations, but this one especially helped seal the deal.
    • Wolverine Wolverine Wolverine Wolverine. Oh Lord....there are no words for his awesome. And Nightcrawler, that precious little fuzzy blue angel. So cute and sweet! With his own moments of badassery as well, of course.
  • Young Justice (2010) did such an amazing job of interpreting (and inventing) DC characters, that they need a shout out her. For example, take Artemis, a Broken Bird whose a Badass Normal that holds her own on a team of super-heroes. We get to watch her grow out of her own hatred for her past, learn to trust others and love and become such an amazing character.
    • Robin 1/Nightwing. Intelligent, quick-witted and an amazing fighter. Also, makes sweet back-formations. Stay whelmed.
      • Expanding on Nightwing, because the way he stands out is spectacular for so many reasons. Dick Grayson was around 70 years old when this show debuted, and the fact that they managed to present a fresh, modern take on him that stayed true to his core attributes — fun, dedicated, smart, and Just That Damn Good — is breathtaking. Even when it seems like the show is going out of its way to focus on lesser-known characters like Artemis and Miss Martian and deliberately keeping boy wonder to the side, he has such a big personality that he can't help making his presence felt. And he has such depth of character— he's a pretty flagrant hypocrite, but everything he does is for the greater good. He's clever and he revels in it, and he knows his own mind very well. He's a total dork when he has a crush, but still manages to steal Wally's flirting techniques and make them look smooth. He flips from snarky annoyance to hypercompetent badass almost at the drop of a hat.
    • Blue Beetle is absolutely awesome here, especially when he's stopping the scarab in his head from blowing things up.
    • The runaways, both as a group and individually. Tye's got a Battle Aura Force Field, an unstable home life, and is Jaime's friend. Ed's the teleporting son of a zeta beam scientist, and has Daddy Issues as well as being a Son Wolf. Sam's got a unique version of Blow You Away and can't speak English. Virgil shoots lightning, doesn't stop to think, and genuinely wants to be a hero. They get very little screen time, but are very well developed and have a great group dynamic.
    • Red Arrow is the perfect teenage character because his arc touches on all the issues normally found in young adult literature: “isolation, identity, independence, burgeoning sexuality, social presence, power and sense of worth.” The best part? Despite how prickly he was – especially at first – he still cared about his friends (as seen in “Infiltrator,” “Downtime,” “Insecurity,” “Performance,” and “Auld Acquaintance”) and overcame his flaws by the end.
