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Older Than Television

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The Oldest Ones in the Book
Older Than the NES | Before 1985
Older Than Cable TV | 1939 — 1980
Older Than Television | 1890 — 1939
Older Than Radio | 1698 — 1890
Older Than Steam | 1439 — 1698
Older Than Print | 476 — 1439
Older Than Feudalism | ~800 BC — 476 AD
Older Than Dirt | Before ~800 BC

Tropes first documented between the invention of radio (1890) and the emergence of television as a mass medium of entertainment (1939).

Radio and Cinema provided two entirely new media, for the first time in millennia, and originated many tropes. This is also the time of the first Super Heroes, and the majority of Sherlock Holmes storiesnote .

TV, as we generally know it, was invented in 1928, but regular broadcasts didn't start until 1936 in the U.K. and Nazi Germany and 1939 in the U.S. and U.S.S.R.


Alternative Title(s): Older Than TV
