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Combat Medic / Video Games

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Card Games

  • Plants vs. Zombies: Heroes:
    • Plants:
      • Venus Flytrap heals the plant hero for the amount of damage they do with each attack.
      • Power Flower is more than durable enough in battle and deals good damage with their Strikethrough attacks. They also heal the plant hero by one point for every flower plant (including themselves) out on the field at the beginning of every turn.
      • Venus Flytraplanet transforms anything on it into a Combat Medic as long as it deals damage and survives.
      • Astrovera is this trope taken to the extreme: it heals the hero for 10, and allows the hero to have 10 more health than usual. It also has a decent 5/5 bulk.
      • Aloesaurus will heal all plants and the Plant Hero for 1 HP every time a card is drawn. It also has strong 4/7 stats for a 5-cost plant.
    • Zombies:
      • Medic can heal either another zombie or the zombie hero when played and is no joke in combat either.
      • Nurse Gargantuar has the strength and health associated with members of the Gargantuar tribe. They also heal the zombie hero for the amount of damage they do with each attack.


  • Valentine from Skullgirls is a doctor with a Morally Ambiguous Doctorate — despite her character and virtually all her attacks being themed around medicine, she's one of the game's major villains and is responsible for creating the monstrous Painwheel.

First-Person Shooter

  • In Battlefield 2, one of the unlockable weapons for the medic is the G36E, an assault rifle so accurate and well-rounded that some will argue it borders on Game-Breaker status.
    • Hell, the entire series has this. Medics are as well-equipped as the Assault class, just with the Medikit instead of a Grenade Launcher. In 1942, an SMG in the right hands entirely obsoletes Assault as a front-line class. In most games, reviving a teammate will take back spawn tickets lost during their deaths, so heavy medic use can single-handedly turn the tide of a game.
    • And in 2142, they simply dispensed with a separate medic class and rolled it into the assault class.
    • And in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 & Play4Free, the medic was again separated from the assault class, and both classes got some aspect of the old Support class, so medics are armed with light machine guns. Sounds silly and unbalanced at first, but then again it makes perfect sense for a support-oriented class to carry a fire support weapon. Especially since LMGs in that game lack the mobility and raw strength of assault rifles, but make up for it with great range and volume of fire. The machine guns literally become more accurate the longer you hold the trigger, so standing still and hosing the air works out the best for effective MG use.
      • In gameplay terms, the light machine gun and medical capabilities make the medic the most team-oriented player. Conversely... a group of four medics is commonly used to troll people with a nigh invincible cluster of machine guns that simply revive each other in turn. A tank or Carl Gustav recoiless rifles are generally some of the easiest solutions.
    • Battlefield 3 returns to the 2142 style of combining the assault and medic class. Assault players can choose between a third weapon (either a single-shot grenade launcher or a bolt-action shotgun, potentially mounted to their rifle) or a medkit, meaning that they can choose between being an all-out attacker with enormous firepower or a healer who's more than capable of shooting back — and thanks to the ever-present Defibrillator, as either one he'll still be able to revive downed teammates to full health (though this is only if the patient accepts the revive by standing up). This Combat Medic class is so strong at killing infantry and surviving, it's the dominant class in any deathmatch modes.
  • Roland from Borderlands has a skill tree called Medic which includes an ability to restore health to allies when he makes a kill and best of all Cauterize, which allows him to heal teammates by shooting them.
    • In the the sequel, Maya is the character with healing abilities with her Harmony tree. Along with the aforementioned healing via bullets, she can make it so that enemies trapped in her Phaselock ability release health orbs if killed and can even revive character doing a Last Stand with said ability.
    • In the Pre-Sequel, team healing isn't limited to just one character. Athena can heal nearby allies simply by having her shield out. Wilhelm's healing drone Saint can create a healing zone when it's destroyed/recalled. Claptrap can cause the team to regen health simply by dealing elemental damage as well as causing a healing explosion either around enemies he kills or himself when his shields are destroyed.
  • Due to the emphasis on customisation in Brink!, there's nothing stopping a medic from being a Mighty Glacier who wades into combat with a minigun and grenade launcher.
  • Guardian from Dirty Bomb generally focuses more on combat than the other medics on account of having assault rifles in her arsenal. Even then, the other medics are still pretty dangerous in combat by being pretty much limited by distance as their SMGs out DPS the other rifles at short ranges.
  • Any of the characters from the medic class in Evolve. Depending on who you pick you could be armed with an armor piercing sniper rifle, a napalm grenade launchers, or missile pods. Justified, as hunting gigantic extraterrestrial killing machines unarmed would be a good way to get killed quickly.
  • Half-Life:
    • The Medic NPC from Half-Life: Opposing Force has a Desert Eagle and will often engage alien and Black Ops units. In Sven Co-op , where some maps make heavy use of the Medic, they'll often open fire first.
    • Medics in Half-Life 2 are just regular Resistance troops that happen to hand out medkits. They aren't any squishier than their compatriots, and are just as capable of fighting.
    • Black Mesa adds medics to the ranks of the HECU soldiers fought in the original Half-Life. Unlike the medics of Opposing Force, they're capable of using the MP5 like most of their squadmates.
  • Killing Floor embraces the Combat Medic idea with the "Field Medic" perk, which could be seen as a combination of a healer and a tank. They have the strongest (and cheapest) body armor in the game, resistance to acidic puke and run the fastest of any class. With their healing tool that recharges faster and is more efficient than the standard one, their rather good dedicated weapons (SMGs that have heal darts as their secondary fire) and their allies-healing enemy-poisoning gas grenades, they're an important part of almost every game.
    • On the enemies' side, the Scrake was designed to be the ultimate medic, but it eventually decided that hurting and killing people was much more fun than healing them.
    • Killing Floor 2 expands on this partly by diminishing the strict separation of perks that the first game held to; you no longer need a mountain of dosh accrued over the course of seven or eight waves to get a Medic weapon without being a Medic and add on to the healing without losing much of the hurting, and in fact it's perfectly possible to find the Medic handgun out in the field and pick it up. Several Medic guns even get greater bonuses to their regular shooting when in the hands of another perk user, like the rifle-focused Commando getting stronger shots, less recoil, and a faster reload from the medic assault rifle, though in turn their healing won't be quite as potent as a proper Medic's.
  • Almost universal in MAG, since all it takes to be a medic is the Medi-Kit item and three points in the Medic skill tree (one point in the Resuscitation skill branch), all of which are available at level 3. While the Medi-Kit takes up almost a third of a loadout (10 points out of up to 34 in a loadout), that's still enough for most class configurations to fit their essential parts (primary weapon, role-specific gear and armor).
  • Navy corpsman Jim Sullivan in Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault is tasked with healing Conlin, and, when Japanese forces are nearby, shooting back at them with a handgun or revolver, which he's surprisingly good at killing with. Both the Imperial Japanese Army and Imperial Japanese Navy troops that the Marines come up against have their own medics, who are armed with Nambu Type 14s, and won't hesitate to shoot back when trying to treat their own wounded.
  • In Overwatch, all the medic characters have some capability for combat:
    • Soldier: 76 fulfills the "Combat" aspect, being an Offense character who excels at firefights, but can use his Biotic Field to heal others.
    • Sombra is another Offense character that fulfills the "Combat" aspect, but can also use her hacking ability to secure health packs exclusively for her team (making them charge faster for more use as well).
    • Ana carries a special rifle that lets her heal allies by shooting them while also functioning as a regular sniper rifle to enemies.
    • Out of all of them, Baptiste is the Support hero that fully embodies the Combat Medic playstyle. Has a three-round burst rifle for mid to long-range combat, a Biotic grenade launcher mounted on his rifle that heals allies, an Immortality Field that makes his allies unkillable while they are inside the field and his Ultimate lets him project an Amplification Matrix, which doubles the damage and healing that pass through it for his allies and himself.
    • Brigitte is a mix of this and a pseudo-tank. She leans more heavily on protecting her teammates rather than healing them (although she still can heal them) and she has more than a few tricks to protect herself or others. She can shield bash an enemy to stun them, attempt to kill them with her mace, or use that same mace to push them away from her. Her Ultimate ability both heals her teammates, and gives them temporary armor to boost their HP.
    • Lucio can passively heal allies around him while his sound gun is good for crowd-control and potential environmental kills.
    • Mercy embodies the "Medic" part of this trope, as the Support whose main role is to heal or buff others, or even bring them back from the dead, but she can defend herself with a pistol if she really has to. One of her skins is even called "Combat Medic Ziegler"note .
    • Moira is basically Mercy's Evil Counterpart. She has two biotic sprays, one for healing her teammates while the other is for sucking the life out of the enemy team. She can also use either of these sprays as long range orbs, which can keep her away from the front lines if needed, and her Ultimate ability is a fusion of the two sprays, literally healing and damaging at the same time.
    • Zenyatta is a buffer/debuffer that can also deal decent damage and whose ultimate is a massive AoE heal.
  • While the Support champions in Paladins are no slouches in combat, some are better at dealing damage:
    • Jenos is a Support champion who was specifically designed to be geared more towards damage. He's fast, wields a machine gun, can immobilize enemies, has a simple use-and-forget healing ability, and has an Ultimate that fires a singular, high-damage beam that penetrates all terrain in the targeted direction.
    • Grohk's Maelstrom talent reduces the cooldown of his Shock Pulse, allowing him to destroy grouped-up enemies and get a damage score on par with Damage and Flank champions.
    • Furia has a powerful shotgun (actually a magical sword that functions just like a shotgun) and her unique mechanic increases her rate of fire when she heals allies. Her other abilities are also offensive in nature: Wings of Wrath launches homing fireballs, and Pyre Strike is a beam that damages and stuns enemies caught in it.
  • Being a Combat Medic is common in PlanetSide 1. Almost all players are certified in the basic medical equipment, so they can heal themselves and their teammates in combat. Further certifications allow them to revive their downed teammates.
    • In the sequel, the Combat Medic becomes one of the six classes. They are the only ones who have access to powerful, accurate, and rapid-fire Assault Rifles in addition to the multi-class SMGs and shotguns, and they can (of course) revive allies and heal themselves and others. Further specialization allows them to deploy a shield regeneration bubble, passively heal allies near the medic's vehicle, and toss out healing and reviving grenades. The Engineer, another class, is equivalent to the medic for MAX suits and vehicles, and while the engineer carries a weaker carbine, they can deploy turrets and use anti-material rifles.
  • The Medic class in Resistance 2's Co-op multiplayer mode comes equipped with a gun called the Phoenix. While not as powerful as standard (or Chimeran) ordnance, it allows the user to drain an enemy's life force and convert it to cartridges that can heal your fellow team members. The medic is the only class that can survive on its own while still fighting indefinitely because his gun does not use ammo, and when it damages enemies, it heals him in the process. The spec-ops, in turn, can give himself ammo, but can't heal himself if hurt, and the soldier is utterly screwed if he runs out of ammo or can't get healed.
  • In Return to Castle Wolfenstein, medics can only be armed with the standard submachine gun. However, combine this with the fact that medics can easily keep themselves healed, a medic can become a literal One-Man Army as long as he has a steady supply of ammo. Enemy Territory takes this even further by giving high level medics the ability to inject themselves with a stimulant that temporarily, but vastly, increases their speed and reduces the damage they take. They also have the ability to passively regenerate their own health and have the highest base health out of all of the classes. There is a reason why these medics are called Rambo Medics.
  • In the Syndicate reboot one of the co-op Breaches is the ability to heal allies. It turns out to have been stolen from Eurocorp; like the co-op characters, Merit and the Twins can do this. To win that boss fight, you have to temporarily disable Merit, run down the health of a Twin, then do a melee execution.
  • Team Fortress Classic has the Combat Medic class. Armed with a Medkit that can be used for healing teammates and infecting the enemy team, a super nail-gun, four frag grenades, three concussion grenades that can be used for disorienting players and be used to fly across the map, and two shotguns, the class can be the poster child of this trope in video games. The Medic is also the second-fastest class behind the scout, is immune to infection, and regenerates his own health over time.
    • Due to the abilities of this class, the Combat Medic is the preferred class over the scout when it comes to completing the objectives; but it also results in the class barely being used for its intended purpose, to heal and help support his teammates in battle.
    • The engineer can also count with his ability to repair teammates' armor with his wrench, if he has enough metal to do so.
  • Heavily downplayed in Team Fortress 2: the Medic has average healthnote  (with slow health regeneration) and is (again) the second-fastest class in the game (only the Scout is faster), but his primary weapon only has above-average damage at best and is very hard to use because it fires slow, arcing projectiles. This makes him better at fighting than the other "Support" classesnote  but horribly disadvantaged against any class whose main purpose is actually fighting. Besides which, the Medic's healing function is very important and desired — fighting at any time other than self-defense, finishing off an enemy, or hunting Spies is an extremely inefficient use of the class and WILL frustrate your team. This was done because in an earlier build of TF2 (and, as mentioned before, the original Team Fortress), the Medic had much more potent weapons, but as a result, none of the medic playtesters bothered to heal anyone.
    • The above applies to the conventional TF2 game modes. When the Medic finds his way into a mod like Zombie Fortress, many of the detriments that limited this class can become quite helpful if used properly. Overheal stays much longer on Survivors than it did in normal modes, and the speed of the Medic can help him stay ahead of two of the three zombies classes. Throw in the melee restriction that all zombies have, and a Medic can become a lethal adversary who seems impossible to chase down and kill.
    • Chain Übersnote , however, play this trope straight. If you can't split the two invulnerable medics or run away from them (and, remember, they're the second-fastest class in the game, so good luck with that unless you're a Scout), expect a lot of trouble.
    • In Medieval Mode, where class roles are wildly different from the regular game, Medic plays the trope much straighter. His crossbow is the second-best ranged weapon in the mode (and 6 classes don't even have a ranged weapon) and heals teammates it hits. The Amputator gives him one of the mode's two Area of Effect heals while boosting his heal rate when out, making him a very well-rounded fighter at any range that will still proceed to patch up all surviving teammates after a skirmish.
    • This trope can apply in the opposite manner with other classes using certain unlockable weapons that help allies regain health, such as a Heavy with a Sandvich (can restore half of an ally's health every half a minute), a Scout with Mad Milk/Soldier with a Concheror (both grant a Life Drain in different ways), or Scout with a Candy Cane (enemies they kill drop health packs). Obviously, none are nearly as effective at healing as a Medic, but they can still be pretty useful.
    • "Combat Medic" or "Battle Medic", a playstyle with focus more on combat then healing when playing as the Medic. As mentioned earlier, this isn't always a good thing, and can frustrate your team if you're not healing them often enough.
  • The medics in Vietcong are always armed with either a submachine gun or an assault rifle.
  • In Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, the medic class is one of the best fighting classes due to their higher starting health, auto-regen, ability to heal themselves, and adrenalin needles (at higher levels). A medic that just fights and never heals other players is often called a "rambo medic." Experienced players are fond of playing rambo medics because they require aiming skill. Oh, and they can also revive players to full health if they run out of hitpoints but aren't damaged enough to completely die, meaning that if 2-3 of these rambo medics decide to work together, you better have a panzerfaust ready or get out of their way.

Interactive Fiction

  • In Guenevere, Guen can choose to spec both in light (that is, healing) magic and sword-fighting.
  • In Moonrise, Ishara is, essentially, The Medic, but her healing powers have such great combat capabilities that it's what everyone focuses on and talks about.

Hack and Slash

  • Bloodline Champions has a Healer archetype whose bloodlines are all far from helpless, as well as other bloodlines within other archetypes that are capable of healing their allies to a lesser degree. Additionally, being able to heal themselves constantly can make them quite tough to fight if it goes down to just one-on-one in a match, as every mistake non-healers make against them will be punished by having few to no ways to recover from it while they instead can try to disengage and heal back up.
  • The Paladin from Diablo II serves as the closest thing to a 'support class' in the game, with his auras capable of providing powerful buffs to himself and his allies. (And even an actual direct healing spell, though you'd be hard pressed to find any players who can even name it.)


  • Age of Conan's healing classes (Tempest of Set, Bear Shaman, and Priest of Mitra) are all designed to heal by using offensive spells. (Offensive spells, or attacks, let them charge up and improve healing spells.) This actually ended up to the point that they out-damaged the traditional damage archetype (the Demonologist), though they still could not compare to the Herald of Xotli.
  • The healer class of Air Rivals also functions as a Stone Wall, so it's not uncommon to see some of them striking into enemy lines like everyone else. Furthermore, it is widely considered to be the best overall fighter in one-on-one dueling, due to a combination of self-healing, self-buffing, and an exclusive reverse-flying ability that grants unparalleled maneuverability in close quarters.
  • Shamans and Oracles in Atlantica Online both have an offensive ability that makes up to two enemies take damage over time and more damage in general. The Monk on the other hand has purely supportive abilities, but all three have a decent attack that can hit flying enemies. Attacking is much needed, too, as a lot of experience comes from killing blows.
  • In City of Heroes, Masterminds who choose the "Mercenaries" powerset eventually receive a Medic as a henchman. The Medic can only use his healing power once every couple of minutes... the rest of the time, he's blasting away with his assault rifle.
    • Additionally, both Defenders and Corruptors combine Buff/Debuff skills (including healing) with ranged attacks.
  • In Dynasty Warriors Online, there are 3 skills, only 2 in the English version, that allow you to heal your party of allies, and the combat part is pretty much a given. One just heals party members, the other heals them as well as giving a buff, but weakens you in the process. The latter can have a stat build specifically for making full use of it to heal your party, making it one of the only times there is a specific "support roll" in the entire hack and slash game. The Japanese only skill will allow you to even distribute the effects of an item between your friends, so you can prepare to find healing items allowing you heal your party in the process.
  • Eden Eternal has four healing classes that do this,but Sage class outshines them all. Sages melee enemies like most classes do, except their skills also have bonus buffs when used, such as healing allies' HP or MP when striking an enemy with said skills.
  • The healer classes in Final Fantasy XIV are built around being able to do just as much damage as a caster. Prior to 4.0, doing this relied on their Cleric Stance ability, which switched their healing stat (mind) with their offensive magic stat (intelligence). Post-4.0, their mind stat boosts both healing and offensive magic, and Cleric Stance was changed to a temporary damage buff. You're taught very early on that healing isn't all you should be expected to do, and many players are happy when a healer can balance both keeping the party alive and doling out damage (though there's no shame if you can't, because either you might not be geared enough to throw in damage or, more rarely, a teammate might not be geared enough to survive long enough for you to throw out an attack or two between heals).
    • Lesser examples include Summoner, an offshoot of Arcanist that is the DPS counterpart to the healing Scholar, and The Red Mage from the Stormblood expansion, which marries several schools of magic together to use them in different ways than White or Black Mages. Both have some minor ability to heal other players, but they only get a basic single-target healing spell — which will be less potent than a proper healer's due to their lower Mind stat — and a single resurrection spell, which makes them better at taking some of the pressure off an actual healer's efforts to keep the party alive and in top form rather than taking over for them entirely.
  • In Flyff, the designated healers/buffers are the Ringmasters. They have a grand whopping total of one offensive spell. Just one, and that's it. Because their job in a party is to make sure the party doesn't die, this is usually the last skill they bother to train. It is the single most powerful area of effect skill in the game. While its initial damage is the same as a few other abilities, it also has a damage over time effect that lasts ten seconds, pushing it into the top spot. Its cooldown is... ten seconds.
  • Guild Wars' attributes and dual-class system allows for healers to take on offensive roles, or offensive classes to take on healing. Monks (standard healers) can become damage classes through Smiting Prayers; Necromancers and Elementalists (non-healers) can become healers by exploiting balance issues, and the Ritualist class is designed to both heal and deal damage (though since unlike monks their primary attribute does not effect their healing significantly, combined with AI issues that make otherwise stronger builds less viable when used by a hero, most ritualist healers are necromancer/ritualist).
  • A healer in Luna Online come with a few holy elemental magic that can be upgraded. While they are not as powerful as other classes' skills, they are great at assist kill when the enemies are busy picking off other characters. It's even possible to solo cleric via Death of a Thousand Cuts strategy since healers in Luna Online can survive just fine by spamming healing spells on self while attacking.
  • Korean MMORPG Priston Tale contains the "Priestess" class, who is the game's primary healer, but in earlier versions, was considered the most powerful offensive class in the game due to their AoE elemental magic.
  • The Monks and their upgraded forms in Ragnarok Online. They start as a standard Acolyte, same as Priests but lack many of the heals and buffs of the Priest to allow them to dish out some nice melee damage.
    • Priests themselves can be pretty easily built, given the proper resources and gear, to be very capable melee fighters — and also not necessarily at the cost of losing all of their supporting ability, due to RO's allowing you to stat your character pretty much however you want. Less SP isn't an issue either, since the strength they've invested in allows them to carry more items, and therefore more mana pots/equipment. A well built one can easily function as both a fighter/tanker and primary support for midtier parties, though, granted, in higher tier dungeons, even with Assumptio in play if you're a High Priest, their heal amounts probably won't cut it for being primary healer.
  • In Rakion, the Mage class can produce 4 healing orbs per round that allies can approach and absorb to heal a percentage of their health. Their Chaos Mode can summon a healing circle that heals nearby allies up to 30% of their health.
  • Rift lets mages specialize in "chloromancy" alongside their other schools of magic. While they gain a couple direct heals, the vast majority of their healing comes from skills that allow them and their party to convert damage output into healing. Bards are similar, converting their combo points into healing, and all the cleric souls feature melee damage, offensive magic, and healing in various combinations.
    • In regards to the Cleric, it should probably be mentioned that their tanking soul (Justicar) features a nigh-mandatory talent that causes five of your allies to be healed for 25% of the damage your Justicar attacks deal (and 10% of the damage from non-Justicar attacks). Put on Mien of Honor (50% bonus to said healing), grab a staff, and start spamming your Justicar AoE attack; you're LITERALLY healing your allies by BEATING PEOPLE WITH A STICK.
  • In The Secret World, assault rifle "leech healers" heal by doing damage, a percentage of which gets converted to healing. Other weapon combinations can do this to some extent, although the stats required for healing and damage are different, so doing this outside of assault rifles usually doesn't work as well in groups.
  • In Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE, you can chose both healing skills and combat skills in tandem, and it is recommended you do this or other more helpful skills, because the skill system means you can take any "class" you want as long as the character has enough skill memory to learn it. So you have a healer/bard combo to heal and buff, or you can have a healer/gunner. You could also have a healer/bard/gunner/swordsman/defensive/dark magic/craftsman, but don't expect them to be great at any one job. You can also use items to heal allies during combat without taking skill in healing magic, making this another viable option for combat medic, but you'll need money to pay for the items.
  • Star Trek Online:
    • All classes are capable of using weapons, but tactical officers are only a DPS class with a couple of buffs and debuffs. However, engineering and science officers have access to a mix of healing skills and more directly combat-related skills, although science is more known as the healer class particularly in ground combat (engineering relies more on being a Drone Deployer dirtside).
    • In a story example, Dr. Rhian Cratak, the chief medical officer of the Romulan Republic flagship RRW Lleiset, pulls a disruptor on a group of Vaadwaur who board the ship in "Capture the Flag", helping the player take them down by shooting them In the Back.
    • "Combat Medic" is a Federation and Terran Empire NPC/enemy. Players may also spec their characters or Bridge officers into filling this role if they wish.
  • Star Wars: Galaxies has a class tree literally named "Combat Medic", the full mastery of which allowed the use long range poisons to cripple enemies as well as perform his healing duties.
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic. The Jedi Sage, Sith Sorcerer, Scoundrel, Operative, Mercenary, and Commando advanced classes can function as healing classes. The Commando even has a healing specialization called Combat Medic. Each class has a companion character that fits this role as well.
  • WildStar Medics are actual doctors, with legit medical degrees. They just use their Resonators, tools of healing, as tools of destruction as well, because just plain healing in a nice, safe office out of the action has stopped being profitable.
  • In Wizard101 this applies to the healers of the game — life wizards. They have more healing spells than attack spells, but their attack spells aren't bad, especially when buffed, and they have the second highest amount of life points. Some wizards will dual-build Life/Ice in order to become effective tanks.
  • All of the healer classes in World of Warcraft can just change specialisation to deal damage (or even tank in some cases), but only three classes can dish out damage even while in healer spec. Of these three, monks use melee attacks to regenerate mana, while paladins and Discipline priests outright convert their damage into healing. In previous expansions, hybrid damage/healing specs were even more common, such as Shadow priests healing their party members via vampirism.
    • Some fights require each member of the party to kill some literal inner demon that only they can see. Since healers back in the day had virtually no damage capabilities, the stats for + heal and + spell damage eventually got merged into a single + spell power. Since healers' attacking abilities are either Holy or Nature spells, the Inner Demons in that fight were made particularly vulnerable to Holy and Nature spell damage.
    • Blood Death Knights were originally designed to be a "healer" spec for the class by having them heal through their aura while fighting. This did not make it very far in testing when a group of players made their entire group these and proceeded to curbstomp dungeons due to everyone constantly being cumulatively healed by their four teammates.
  • Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning has three healer classes per faction. All of them have at least some damage or debuff potential, but the Sigmarite Warrior Priest and the Disciple of Khaine actually need to melee to get the most out of their healing power. Due to this hybrid nature, they're likely among the best classes for both solo Player Versus Environment gameplay and 1on1 duels with other players. As with Shadow Priests, they tend to get a lot of flak should they dare to prefer hitting over healing...


  • In Foxhole, playing medic is sometimes forgotten in favor of stocking your Respawn Point structures, but the field hospital allows you to manufacture medical supplies for the front lines. Any player can stock up with first aid kits to heal their teammates and trauma kits to allow them to stabilize dying allies. Nothing stops you from hauling weapons along other than having to deal with encumbrance and the trauma kit occupying the main weapon slot.
  • Galaxy Angel: During the battle segments, Vanilla's Emblem Frame, the Harvester, has minimal weaponry to damage the enemies, but is also the only one capable of repairing the other ships mid-combat by using Nanomachines. In the sequel trilogy Galaxy Angel II, Vanilla's role is filled in by adoptive daughter Nano-Nano and her First Aider.
  • The Tsurugi class in Touken Ranbu are the only class capable of healing anyone on the team other than themselves during battle while still serving their main purpose of melee attackers.


  • Yoko Belnades from Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow heals a tiny amount of HP with each physical attack she does.
  • Sonic Unleashed has a annoying wizard-type Dark Gaia monster which can heal other monsters while smacking you around.

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena

  • In Defense of the Ancients most every heal doubles as a damaging or damage increasing ability.
    • This does carry over a little to Dota 2, but almost every support character is expected to build group healing items to help out the team, making them all this.
      • The best example in the sequel is most likely Omniknight, who has a healing ability, a temporary spell-immunity buff, and a mass temporary damage immunity spell for his ultimate ability.
      • Witch Doctor can be considered as one, since it has an ability of healing himself and his allies around. He also has an attack that bounces around enemies and stun them and has an ultimate that deals ridiculous amount of damage, but it's channeled.
      • Oracle plays this in a weird way, in that his primary healing spell deals a large burst of damage to the target, and then applies a rapid regeneration effect. Because the spell can target enemies and allies, pierces Spell Immunity, and multiple copies of its regeneration stack, if played incorrectly, Oracle can unintentionally heal his enemies more than he harms them.
      • Some carry heroes with strong early game presence and little use for their large mana pool (most notably Viper, Razor, and Shadow Fiend) will also buy the healing item Mekanism to complement their teamfight strength. Dark Seer in particular is often referred to as a "Mek Carrier", in that he can effectively buy and use a Mekanism fairly early in the game (and later upgrade it to the much more powerful Guardian Greaves), while otherwise being played as a core hero.
  • Heroes of the Storm has an entire Healer class, many of which are The Medic. However, every hero has access to two alternate Heroics, which for healers usually means one aggressive and one defensive. There are also a few healers who have more combat capabilities than others:
    • Rehgar is meant to be an aggressive frontliner, and puts out a fairly large amount of damage through basic attacks for a Healer. One of his heroics is Bloodlust, a powerful combat stim for himself and his team.
    • Alextrasza has a strong fireball ability that slows and applies a Damage Over Time, with a low cooldown. With good aim, she can pump out tonnes of damage with this one skill. And that's not including her trait, which lets her become a colossal dragon temporarily. The main thing holding her back is her poor ability to heal herself.
    • Kharazim is the closest thing to this trope by far. He effectively has the skillset of a melee assassin, but with a few healing abilities thrown in. His trait augments every third basic attack he lands with an effect, which can be modified at the start of the game — one option is healing an ally, but the others are bonus damage or mana gain and CDR for himself. His heroics are a self-castable buff that prevents an ally from dying, or an AoE where he strikes nearby enemies for max health-based damage.
    • Whitemane enforces this. She has horrible out-of-combat healing, but converts all damage she deals to enemies directly into healing for her team.
  • All League of Legends support champions have some degree of offensive capability, but post-rework Taric is designed for this. His mana regenerates when he deals damage and the cooldown on his heal decreases when he strikes an opponent, so fighting improves his healing and sustainability. His heal spell also heals both its target and himself, allowing him to recover from damage without neglecting his support duties. His Shatter ability used to give bonus armor to himself and an aura that increased the armor of allies, temporarily losing the aura when he activated the spell to damage enemies and reduce their armor. Now he retains the aura and loses the personal armor bonus, letting him use it without weakening the rest of his team.
    • Kayle also qualifies, being able to unload damage onto a target while healing and hasting allies, and making them temporarily invulnerable.
    • Both iterations of Karma serve(d) as this. Pre-rework, she had two charges of Mantra. Her basic Q did AoE damage, her W was a slow when used on an enemy and a speed-up when used on an ally and her E was simply a strong shield. Her passive got her more and more AP the less HP she had. If her skills were empowered, her Q added a procentual AoE heal that additionally scaled with AP, the Speed/Slow was doubled and her shield added a nuke equal to the shielded damage plus [b]80%[\b] of her AP. She was very dangerous at low levels of health, being both a strong combatant and capable support.
      • The new Karma has a passive that reduces the CD of her Mantra Charge when she hits an enemy with spells or basic attacks. Her Q is a notoriously strong nuke when charged, however it's no slouch when used in its basic form either. Her W roots and damages her target, if it's empowered it also heals her for up to 40% of her missing health. Her E is a single target shield that grants movement speed while her empowered E adds strength to the primary target's shield and grants an AoE shield for allies surrounding the shields target, also granting them movement. The longer the fight goes and the more damage she can dish out, the more use can be made of her.
    • Nami can throw a skipping of water that heals (and speeds) allies and damages (and slows) enemies. With one splash, she can potentially save her carry and pick off the low-health sap trying to escape.
    • Soraka was almost a non-combatant, being able to sit well away from the fighting while keeping her carry's health and mana bars full. Riot wanted to preserve her ability to heal while making her play more dynamic and risky, so they changed her healing spell to Cast from Hit Points and gave her a health-regen mechanic with her Starcall ability. The damage is fairly weak until she builds AP (less than twice her regular attack damage), but it has a long range and is useful for poke. Soraka is still primarily The Medic, but her need to attack and siphon off life from the enemy in order to do her job pushes her in the direction of this trope.

Real-Time Strategy

  • In the expansion pack for Act of War, the first tier of mercenaries for hire included a small group of medics equipped with heavy sidearms.
  • Age of Empires II: The Mountain Royals expansion introduces the Warrior Priest as a unique unit for the Armenian civilization, which can heal allied units like a Monk but fights on the frontlines like an infantry unit.
  • Arknights has quite notable examples:
    • While Kal'tsit is classified as a medic in-game, she might as well be a summoner failing to pretend to be a medic. Her gimmick is being able to deploy a mechanical dragonoid called "Mon3tr" which becomes more powerful depending on which skill Kal'tsit. Her healing? She priotitizes healing herself and Mon3tr, making her a more effective fighter than healer. This is a case of Gameplay and Story Integration given she's able to defeat Ursus Ursus Emperor's Blade in single combat. Keep in mind, all Emperor's Blades are One Man Armies empowered by secret occult power drawn from "demons" despite her title as Rhodes Island's head doctor.
    • Folinic, a free unit obtainable from "Twilight of Wolumonde" event, is a 5* medic whose second skill can inflict damage within an area and also heal allies within the area.
    • An entire branch of Medic subclass called "Incantation Medic" has a trait of healing an ally within their attack range half the arts damage they inflict to enemies. While they can decently heal and dealing damage at the same time, they can't heal anyone when there isn't any enemy within their attack range since the heal only activates when they attack enemies. Hibiscus the Purifier and Reed the Flame Shadow are currently the only members of the branch.
    • A subclass of Supporter operators called "Abjurer Supporter"'s trait is that they heal allies and apply other supportive effects within their range when their skills are activated, attacking enemies normally when not activated. Their role as a healer is situational at best since it's only available during skills.
  • Command & Conquer: Generals: The USA's Ambulance heals troops stationed inside it and removes contamination/radiation, and can be given a combat drone as a weapon (being a medical Humvee, it can also run over infantry).
  • Averted in Company of Heroes. The medics will automatically run out there and bring back any survivors, all while being unarmed. In return, enemy soldiers will not open fire on any medic, unless the player explicitly tells them to do so.
  • Space Marine Apothecaries in Dawn of War carry a boltgun just like any other Space Marine... but due to Gameplay and Story Segregation, they have less life than Servitors, the unarmored cyborg Worker Unit. In Dawn of War 2 they get upgraded to hero status, making them a much more potent foe, while the campaign gives every faction a mass healing/reviving item, giving every commander the potential to be a Combat Medic.
  • Empire Earth: Strategist heroes heal allied units and yell enemies into taking extra damage, but while they can attack, they do pitiful damage (less than the basic infantry of their age) and won't even attack unless specifically ordered to. They're the only source of mobile healing until (non-combat) medics become available... some 20 centuries later.
  • Machines: Wired For War: Medic Commanders, Medic Commandants, Surgeon Warlords and Assassin Surgeon Warlords all have healing devices and plasma cannons.
  • Played With in the Men of War series. The Medic unit isn't any squishier than say, the regular infantryman, but is equipped with the respective faction's bolt-action rifle by default, a crap-ton of bandages and the Morphine Kit. In fact, only the Morphine Kit is required to give any infantryman the ability to revive downed soldiers; the Medic happens to be the only unit that actually spawns with it in most game modes. Due to the inventory system of the game, it is also possible to reequip the medic with other weapons, explosives and even dismount .50 CALIBER HEAVY MACHINEGUNS for his private use.
  • In Bungie's Myth series, the Journeymen units can heal your other units (with a heaping helping of Revive Kills Zombie) and have a shovel for self-defense. However, in Myth 2, once they have finally fully paid their penance, they take off the nine gold plates they wore (each weighing as much as a grown man) threw away their shovels, and started Dual Wielding their katana-like swords again. And while they couldn't hold as many healing roots as they used to, they could still heal your other units.
  • Republic at War: Barriss Offee and Fixer can attack enemies and also heal friendly units.
  • In Supreme Commander Forged Alliance the UEF get a T2 Field Engineer, the Sparky. It has light armament to defend itself and has more HP and a higher movement speed than other engineers. Being an engineer, it can repair units.
    • Cybran T1 tanks (the Mantis) have repair capabilities as well.
  • In Warcraft III, the Night Elf Druid of the Claw. They are the faction's primary source of healing with their Rejuvenation spell, they can also Roar to boost the damage of allies or turn into a bear to serve as heavy infantry. And, as one of the strongest melee units in the game (in bear form) who also happen to be able to heal themselves to full health with 12 seconds out of combat (in night elf form), are subject to a lot of balance complaints.
    • The Human Paladin and Undead Death Knight both focus on healing and protecting units. The Paladins Holy Light spell heals a significant amount of health to units and deals half damage to Undead units, while the Death Knight's Death Coil spell does it the other way around. The Paladin has the Resurrection ability which brings allied dead units back to life, while the Death Knights turns any dead units into invincible Undead units for a short duration.
  • Medics in World in Conflict are part of the all-purpose Infantry Squad.

Role-Playing Games

  • White Mage characters everywhere revolve around casting healing spells and buffs on the party, but most can do their share of fighting when needed.
  • Baldur's Gate has classes like Clerics and Druids who can both fight and heal, and there are various characters representing them. Depending on how you use them, they can be total combat medics, support characters, or offensive casters. But the dual-class and multi-class options allow to make direct combinations with fighters as well, which are even more explicit if you use them for healing. Among such characters, Jaheira, a fighter/druid; Anomen, a fighter/cleric; Yeslick, a fighter/cleric. Besides, cleric/mages such as Quayle or Aerie are too a further expansion of this trope, since they have access to huge amounts of offensive magic, while the cleric/thief Tiax can be an unorthodox healer that can also deal critical hits in combay by backstabbing.
    • Branwen is a Cleric and a Priest of Tempus, which is the in-game deity of war. She's not only a combat medic, but religiously devoted to fight!
  • Cyberdwarf in Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden is a skilled wrestler whose special skills consist entirely of healing magic.
  • In BoxxyQuest: The Gathering Storm, Catie serves as the team’s main healer, but she learns plenty of attack magic too. Her Megahax, Hollow Wave, fully heals allies while massively damaging enemies at the same time.
  • Ryu in Breath of Fire III is the game's primary healer. He is also the main character, and can double as a tank (although Garr and Momo are better used for this purpose.)
    • Breath of Fire II's Ryu was also one of that game's many healers — although roughly half the characters in that game could heal to some degree.
  • Celestial Hearts:
    • Kayah uses Magic Music to heal her allies, but is also a powerful physical attacker with her war horn.
    • Helen is a heavily armored fighter who also has the cleric skillset from previous games.
  • Chest: Anzi uses only healing skills, but she has the second highest stat spread in the party.
  • Marle, from Chrono Trigger, has the most and strongest healing spells in the group, but also learns a decent set of ice-based spells and techs. (Also inverted, nearly all the other characters learn a healing or status-affect spell).
    • Frog is probably a better example, since he has both effective healing techs and a sword that can do an appreciable amount of damage (especially when you get the Masamune). Robo can also make a decent healer though he otherwise functions as a Mighty Glacier character — with enough Magic Tabs, his Heal Beam can restore the entire party to full HP (or at least pretty close). There's also Ayla, who's healing tech is the only singe-tech capable of curing status effects.
  • Dragon Age
    • For an old lady mage, Dragon Age: Origins' Wynne can be tough as hell. You can learn this first-hand if you bring her along for The Gauntlet and defile a sacred relic. Additionally, if you choose the Spirit Healer specialization, a mage PC or Morrigan can also act the part.
    • Anders in Dragon Age II is supposedly a talented healer, but isn't quite as good as a specialist player. Mode shifting to offensive magic makes him less effective. He became much more effective once certain specialty accessories were made available in DLC.
    • Dragon Age: Inquisition removed in-combat healing spells to instead focus on avoiding damage. However, the Knight Enchanter's Focus Spell is the ultimate full party heal.
  • Dragon Quest:
    • Dragon Quest: Being the only party member requires the Hero to be able to hit hard and cast healing spells.
    • There is the Princess of Moonbrooke in Dragon Quest II. She starts with a good healing spell, and does little melee damage, but soon learns a good attack spell.
    • The Cleric from Dragon Quest III can equip some decent armor, as well as wield some swords and has offensive wind magic. Later on, the Sage can do everything the Cleric can, as well as having offensive magic.
    • Dragon Quest IV:
      • The Hero acts like this early on, though they eventually grow into more of a Lightning Bruiser who happens to have healing magic.
      • Kiryl is pretty good with weapons in addition to being able to heal.
      • Meena falls behind Kiryl in terms of healing magic, but she is more than capable of holding her own in battle and has access to a decent range of equipment.
      • Most of the main heroes of the game are able to learn healing magic.
    • In Dragon Quest V, the Hero hits hard and his spell line makes him a reliable source of healing. In fact he's very much like that of the Priest class rather than the Hero class. Must be because he's not actually the chosen one.
    • Nevan in Dragon Quest VI learns better healing spells naturally than the rest of the party, but can also make use of flails that hit every enemy in a single group. The Job System can let you make anyone you choose this.
    • Dragon Quest VII: Prior to being able to change vocations, the Hero Auster learns healing magic naturally (Up to Mid Heal) and some support spells.
    • Dragon Quest VIII:
      • Angelo fits, and in his case, it is more justified than the typical cleric character in that he is a Templar (No, not that kind). Having him specialize in staffs or bows will cause him to lean more toward the "healer" side of things (focusing on spells or MP regeneration), but giving him a sword will produce a Magic Knight / Combat Medic type character, since he can use the powerful Falcon Sword.
      • A better example is The Hero himself. He can learn Heal, Midheal, Fullheal, and is the only character in the game who can learn the most powerful healing spell, Omniheal, if you raise his Courage stat high enough. He also has access to plenty of status recovery spells as well, such as Squelch and Tingle.
    • The vocation system in Dragon Quest IX — where you are pretty much encouraged to change vocations for the permanent stat benefits — can allow for a limited variation of this. At the least, you'd get Priest or Sage (classes with best healing spells) that is less Squishy than normal.
    • Dragon Quest XI:
      • Serena can be this if you choose to invest in Spears, but in Part 2 she can also be this when Veronica dies, having her gain all of her twin's offensive spells and the power to go with it. Sylvando and Rab (if you choose to go into Claws for his weapon) are this by default.
      • The Hero is the straightest example. He can learn every healing spell except Multiheal, and unlike most of his predecessors also learns the best revival spell. His Sword of Plot Advancement can cure all status effects when used from the item menu.
  • The Elder Scrolls
    • Healers have long served in the Imperial Legion, using Restoration magic to heal wounded soldiers. Battlemages are also trained for the duty, as seen during the Imperial invasion of Akavir, but are used only as a last resort as their Magicka is better spent offensively. Plenty of other military forces throughout Tamriel are known to employ Healers as well.
    • Until the series did away with classes, Healer was one of the stock classes a player could choose. The class is titular at best, as the nature of series largely does not allow for Pacifist Runs, meaning you'll need some ability to kill enemies to succeed.
    • Daggerfall has stock enemy Healers, though they are one of the least encountered stock enemies in dungeons.
    • As shown prominently in Skyrim, the Nords, a Proud Warrior Race through and through, have a strong cultural dislike for magic and magic users. The one exception they make is for Healers, as their way of life means that Skyrim always needs more Healers. Given the dangers faced by simply living in Skyrim, these Healers usually have the ability to defend themselves in some way.
  • Eternal Twilight: While healing mages from other RPGs usually have separate skills for offense and healing, Damien has two offensive spells that heal the party at the same time. His normal attack also performs light healing on the party.
  • Etrian Odyssey: The Medic class isn't any good for physical attacks... at first, but later they can deal some of the best damage in the game. Simon Yorke, and any other Medic you choose to give an appropriate Grimoire stone, can become Combat Medics much earlier in the remake.
  • Fallout:
    • An honorable mention is the Super Stimpak healing item of the series. It restores about 75 damage but the user incurs 9 points of damage shortly thereafter. A popular assassination technique is to apply a large number of Super Stimpaks to a benign target and then wait for the cumulative damage to kill them.
    • Another honorable mention in the Fallout series goes to the "Living Anatomy" Perk. Awarded when you have a high amount of "Doctor" skill, this perk gives you both a boost to said skill and a boost to damage caused to living creatures, since as someone intimately familiar with anatomy, you know where to aim to hit the vital points.
    • One more goes to Arcade Gannon of Fallout: New Vegas. Having him as a companion gives you the "Better Healing" perk, which increases the amount of health you gain from healing items. Combat-wise, he specializes in Energy weapons, one of the more powerful category of weapons in the series and if you complete his personal quest a certain way has his own suit of Enclave Tesla Armor.
    • In all Fallout games, the Player Character can be one of these. A high Medicine skill, some combat skill maxed out (or very high in Fallout 1/2/Tactics).
  • Familia:
    • Keeria and Koko have both offensive ninpo skills and force-based healing skills.
    • Marlene is a Kung-Fu Wizard with Restoration, an MP-based healing skill. Sero, a standard Squishy Wizard, also has Restoration, along with the weaker Cure skill.
  • Many of the Final Fantasy games either give you the option of mixing and matching classes to create these, or give healers flails, bows, or other weapons they can use from the safety of the back row so they can contribute some damage when not healing. And then, later in the game, there's the Holy spell...
    • In Final Fantasy II, the Crutch Character Minwu is obviously meant to be used as The Medic, but since his MP total for that portion of the game is amazing, players often replace his Useless Useful Spells with straight damage-dealing ones and unleash him on the enemies with decisive results. He's even more of a Combat Medic in Soul of Rebirth mode, gaining access to the ultimate white magic Ultima, calling him the most suited man to wield it. When powered up, Ultima will outdamage everything else in the game easily.
    • Final Fantasy III has Sages. White Magic, Black Magic, and Summon Magic. Do the math. note 
      • White Mages and their upgraded form, the Devout, are a bit more combat ready than they are in the rest of the series thanks to the Aero series of spells.
    • In both Final Fantasy IX and Final Fantasy X the medic is also the summoner.
      • Final Fantasy X also has a fair amount of customization, so Yuna, the starting white mage, can learn black magic spells as well (or you can buff her strength and make her a physical fighter). Works in reverse for other characters as well.
    • Final Fantasy XII, Larsa has a Hyperspace Arsenal of healing items in the original version of the game and White Magic in the Updated Re-release, and he is liberal about using them, but is also a decent fighter.
    • In Final Fantasy Tactics, Monks may not seem like it at first glance, but their Stigma Magic/Purification, Chakra, and Revive abilities allows them to function as effective ones in battle, to the point they can outperform Chemists and White Mages in their intended roles - given that they can heal units as easily as they can damage them. However, that's only because the Base Success Rates and power of their abilities happens to scale off of their high Physical Attack in particular, rather than their average Magick Attack.
      • Final Fantasy IX takes it one step further with Amarant Coral. Half of Amarant's abilities center around subjecting the enemy to a variety of gruesome fates, while the other half center around healing and reviving fallen allies. He's also a formidable fighter on the front lines.
      • Taken up another level if he goes into Trance. All of his abilities will now affect the entire side. This means he can totally cripple all enemies with his harmful abilities and his healing abilities can help everyone out at once.
    • Healer classes in Final Fantasy XIV have several spells they can use to dish out damage, which is need when one is doing solo content. The Conjurer's Cleric Stance, which can also be used by other healers, can swap the healer's Mind (healing potency) and Intelligence (magic damage) stats around so that they can really dish out the pain.
  • Finding Light: Keller has the highest Spirit growth, which makes him the most suitable for using healing spells. He also has decent Power and Intelligence, meaning he can deal physical and magical damage when he doesn't need to heal.
  • Genshin Impact:
    • Baizhu may be a frail doctor, but he is still capable of defending himself physically with his acupressure and Dendro vision. His playstyle reflects this, with Universal Diagnosis sending snake-like spirits that strike at his enemies before healing him afterwards, and Holistic Revivification erecting continually-regenerating Seamless Shields that simultaneously heal the active character and damage an opponent whenever their time expires or they are shattered.
    • Barbara's Melody Loop, in addition to periodically restoring the active character's HP, allows Barbara to simultaneously heal the party in tandem with her attacks.
    • Bennett's Inspiration Field either heals allies while their HP is low or boosts their Attack otherwise.
    • Diona's Signature Mix creates a Drunken Mist field which simultaneously deals Cryo damage to all enemies and heals all characters within its radius.
    • Jean is a close-range fighter who wields a sword, but she is also a powerful healer. Notably, Dandelion Breeze summons a Dandelion Field that simultaneously heals allies and deals Anemo damage to enemies inside, and her first-ascension passive, Wind Companion, grants her normal attacks a 50% chance to heal the party based. Both healing abilities scale off of her Attack stat (specifically, 15% through Wind Companion), so making her hit as hard as she can will help her healing.
    • Kokomi's elemental talents are both oriented around providing damage and healing in equal measure.
    • Kuki Shinobu's Sanctifying Ring summons the Grass Ring of Sanctification, a phantasmal whip-sword made of Electro energy around the active character that, for the next twelve seconds, simultaneously zaps surrounding enemies and heals surrounding allies in 1.5-second bursts (for a total of eight). Both her ascension passives boost the Ring's healing potency. Constellation-wise, her second upgrade, To Forsake Fortune, extends its duration to fifteen seconds (and hence ten bursts), while her fourth, To Sever Sealing, allows the Ring to augment normal, charged, or plunging attacks with Thundergrass Marks, three kunai made of Electro energy that deal wide-ranging damage based on 9.7% of her Max HP each.
    • Noelle's Breastplate allows her to randomly heal allies while attacking; with her first Constellation upgrade, I Got Your Back, she will have a guaranteed chance to heal using the Elemental Skill if Sweeping Time is also active.
    • Qiqi, a cute little zombie girl, can simultaneously deal respectable damage and heal her allies, albeit in her case she can do so with both Elemental Talents.
    • Sayu's Yoohoo Art: Mujina Flurry summons the Muji-Muji Daruma, a doll-like being that normally attacks surrounding enemies unless there are allies with less than 70% of their HP, in which case it will switch to healing the one with the lowest remaining HP before resuming the offensive.
    • Xingqiu's first-ascension passive Hydropathic, in combination with Rainbow Bladework, allows the active character to constantly heal themselves, as Rain Swords are also shattered when they hit enemies.
    • Yaoyao's doll Yuegui usually hurls White Jade Radishes to damage surrounding enemies, except if there are nearby allies with less than 70% of their HP, in which case it will then shift priorities to hurling the Radishes to heal the one with the lowest HP percentage.
  • Get in the Car, Loser!: When Grace uses the Sword of Fate, she heals the party by a small amount in addition to greatly filling the enemy's Ravage gauge. The amount healed increases the more the sword is used in a single battle.
  • Golden Sun's robust Class and Level System makes it possible to turn any player character into one of these, either by giving one of the Magic Knight characters healing abilities, or by giving the resident White Mage some combat capacity.
    • In their default classes, Squire-class Venus Adepts, Jenna, Piers, and more than half the playables in Dark Dawn have decent stats or weapon selections and healing powers.
  • The Gray Garden: Froze, the only one of the girls to learn healing spells on top of offensive abilities.
  • Hearts Like Clockwork: The protagonist, Rin, can cast a melody that heals the party while granting HP regen and can wield a katana.
  • Knight Eternal: Astraea has high Spirit growth and decent Strength, making her good at healing and physical attacks.
  • Meru of The Legend of Dragoon has a rather effective healing spell, above average melee ability later, high magic ability, is the fastest playable character, and has abysmal HP and defense against melee. Give her a good set of armor and she will mess stuff up between heals.
  • Lie of Caelum: Miyu's Flow ability enhances her healing spells and allows her to heal the party with her unique defend command. Her Limit Break, Aloerus, fully heals the party and buffs their Max HP as well. She can also deal damage with her railgun, and one of her techniques allows her to recover a small amount of the damage dealt to the enemy.
  • The Hero and Jerin in Lufia & The Fortress of Doom share the best healing spells between them, but The Hero is also the second-hardest hitter while Jerin specializes in softening up multiple targets for the other members.
  • Yurist in Lufia: The Legend Returns is one of the few characters who can use the full-party Champion healing spells, and can supplement healing with martial-arts IP attackss.
  • Jessica from Lunar: The Silver Star is the party's designated healer, being a cleric-in-training and all, but can deal pretty decent melee damage, unlike Nash and Mia (who are both pure magic users).
  • Luxaren Allure: Chisa, A White Mage with an axe.
  • Anyone in Mana Khemia and its sequel can become this with the proper common skills equipped. On inherent skills alone, however; Jess is a powerful healer who packs some very large and painful objects in her Bag of Holding, Pamela's highest level Life Drain affects the entire party (on both sides), and Ulrika is a hard-hitting mage with one very useful healing spell. Puniyo is somewhat lacking in offense, but makes up for it by double casting common skills at no extra cost, including Fantastic Nukes. When properly equipped...
  • In Marvel: Avengers Alliance, the Player Character's Agent will often serve as this, using one or more of the many healing and buffing gadgets available in addition to attacking. Iron Fist and Doctor Strange can also spread some healing power around in between taking names.
  • Meet Mass Effect's Mordin Solus. Doctor, scientist, field medic, safe sex advocate, former black ops, sharp shooter, light foes on fire with omni-tool, once killed krogan with farming equipment. *inhale*. Don't provoke.
    • In the first game, the 'first aid' and 'medicine' skills were on you or your party members, who all actively fight. The medicine skill in particular gives you a Neural Shock to deal with organic enemies. It went even farther by allowing an Engineer or Sentinel class Shepard to get the Medic Specialization. Among Shepard's comrades, the only party member with access to the Medicine talent was Kaidan Alenko, otherwise the resident Jack of All Stats. This was dropped for the sequel, however.
    • In the multiplayer portion of the third game, all players can heal their allies. However, the Infiltrator is considered the best, thanks to their Invisibility Cloak, allowing them to run up to injured allies without fear of being murdered by enemies.
    • The Geth Engineer and the N7 Demolisher are the only units in multiplayer that have a way of instantly restoring theirs as well as their allies' shields, via the Geth Turret (former) and Supply Pylon (latter). It's not quite healing, but it's close enough, and very valuable, especially in hold the line missions or when reviving allies. Both units are also very kick-ass; the Geth Engineer has Overload and Hunter Mode, while the Demolisher has a lot of grenades.
    • The Volus characters all come with Shield Boost, which restores shields and can be upgraded to provide defensive buffs. The Volus Engineer and Volus Protector Vanguard have the more offensively-oriented powersets of the Volus classes, though any of them can wield a giant machine gun if desired.
    • Cora Harper in Mass Effect: Andromeda also has the Shield Boost skill. After her loyalty mission is completed, one of its upgrades allows her to directly heal the squad's health. This is when she is not zipping around the battlefield with a Biotic Charge to cause large amounts of damage with the Nova skill or a shotgun.
  • Roll.exe's skill in Mega Man Battle Network series does damage to an enemy while healing the player character.
  • Many characters in Monster Girl Quest! Paradox RPG can be effective at both damage-dealing and healing. In general, there are multiple races (e.g. angels, mermaids) that can always use healing skills in addition to any other skills they can learn. More specifically, there are characters like Sonya (good with both clubs and white magic).
  • In the Mother series, Ninten, Ness, and Lucas, all of whom are also The Hero. Not only are they the best healers, they also have the highest HP counts and boast the strongest physical attacks on their teams.
  • Both healer characters in Octopath Traveler. Ophilia the Cleric can attack with her staff and Light-based magic, while also having access to two healing spells that can heal the entire party at once. Alfyn the Apothecary has a single-target healing skill and a skill that heals status effects. His Concoct ability also enables him to combine ingredients to heal even more, as well as buff his allies and damage enemies. He also has an ice-based attack and can SLAY with his axe.
  • Octopath Traveler II has Castti the Apothecary, who is every bit as capable as Alfyn was, and even stronger in battle thanks to the second game adding Latent Powersnote  and EX Skills.note  Temenos the Cleric has Reflective Veil replaced with Mystical Staff which recovers SP with a staff attack. His Latent Power, Judgement, allows him to break his enemies regardless of the attack type he uses.
  • Persona: A surprisingly large portion of the party in Persona 3 possess at least a portion of the Dia (Heal) Spell family, though Yukari Takeba and Ken Amada have a stronger focus on healing than the others. Persona 4 has clearer "role" divisions between party members, so most players bring either Yukiko Amagi or Teddie as their designated healer. Persona 5 gives us Morgana, who learns the most diverse line of healing spells of the party (including Salvation, which fully restores party HP and cures negative status effects), and Makoto Niijima, who can also function as a party-wide healer. None of these characters are slouches in combat either; Yukari and Yukiko are each their respective party's strongest magical damage dealer, Ken is reasonably tough and has some insta-kill spells in his arsenal, Morgana has passable Strength and decent Agility (though his wind magic spells are somewhat weak), and Makoto and Teddie are both well-balanced stat-wise (they both suffer a bit in Luck, but compensate with Makoto's high Agility and Teddie's solid Magic). Of course, with the proper Persona set up, the protagonist can be this as well (in fact, in 3 you were kind of forced to...).
  • This is fairly common through the Phantasy Star series.
    • While Amy is your main healer, Rolf of Phantasy Star II learns the low and medium-strength healing spells and can also cast Rever. Hugh is more of a Red Mage, but he can hold his own if properly equipped. Nei qualifies in the PlayStation 2 remake of the game, as she learns Nares there.
    • A lot of Phantasy Star III characters get access to Healing techniques and are excellent warriors on their own. Mieu is your first party member and remains in the party for the rest of the game, and depending on who you marry each generation, four of Rhys' sons and grandsons note  are all swordsmen with healing techs. And there's also Laya, Gwyn, Thea, and Kara.
    • Rika from Phantasy Star IV. Though most of her spells are curative (and she may serve as the main healer depending on your party setup), she does a surprising amount of damage with her claws, and tends to move quickly as well. Rika's actually a little closer to the Jack of All Stats in that respect; her healing abilities are second only to Raja and her damage output is roughly even with Chaz up until he gets the Elsydeon, her agility and dexterity are top notch, and because she equips heavy-type armor, her defense stays competitive for the entire game. Unlike many RPG healers, she mostly fills that role in combat simply because no one else can, and not because she's no good for anything else.
  • Many Pokémon capable of using Heal Pulse and/or Heal Bell to restore HP or remove status effects respectively can also dish out a good amount of damage.
  • Oichi in Pokémon Conquest is generally weak and a bit pathetic, her default and perfect link species being Jigglypuff who has not much attack and a weak move, but is useful due to Jigglypuff's Ability which puts enemies to sleep and her Warrior Skill, which restores health to all teammates. And then when you get a Moon Stone Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff, learns Hyper Voice and actually becomes a damn tank of power — on top of all the good stuff mentioned above that she can still do.
  • Prayer of the Faithless: Aeyr has high Power growth and later learns Soulfire Mend, which lets him consume his Soulfire Blaze buff to recover a single target's HP. Even before that, he has a passive that allows him to increase the amount healed by consumable items.
  • Marco in Radiant Historia. He is a short 17-year-old boy who fights with swords and grappling hooks, uses White Magic and carries many pill bottles for healing allies.
  • RealityMinds: Astrake and Reffian are both melee fighters who can use healing magic. Of the two, Astrake is more focused on combat due to having more stackable attack buffs while Reffian is better at healing due to her higher speed and magic stats.
  • Reverse: 1999 has several characters who can both dish out damage and heal your party at the same time. One of the first examples is the free starter character, APPLe, who will heal the most wounded members of your party for a certain percentage with some of his attacks.
  • Rise of the Third Power:
    • Reyna leans more on the medic side, since she has healing magic, support spells, a normal attack that restores MP, and offensive magic that summons a pillar of light.
    • Natasha leans more on the combat side, since she has a single-target healing skills, but the rest of her moveset focuses on weakening the enemies' defenses and dealing critical damage.
  • Many of these exist in Shining Force:
    • The most prominent example from the first game, Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention, is Gong, a monk: he can cast most of the healing spells that the traditional healers eventually get access to, and with enough grinding, he can dish out as much damage as most of the regular melee fighters.
    • The first game's remake, Resurrection of the Dark Dragon, adds Princess Narsha, who combines healing with raising status effects.
    • Shining Force III had priests that could become hilariously overpower due to the fact that they got 10exp every time they healed a character. Give that character a staff with a powerful in-built spell and watch as you wipe out the whole enemy with a Cleric. Also more offensive orientated characters learnt heal spells or got special equipment to allow healing.
  • The Priestess in Shining Soul II really is this trope. She is advertised in the manual as being someone who can't really take a few hits and this would make one think that playing the game with her is actually rather hard since you were probably the only person who'd own the game. Instead, she's actually more of a combat medic in that she handles decently with flails and can actually kill people who get too close to her if you ever found someone else to play multiplayer with you.
  • Veradux from Sonny even has "Combat Medic" listed as his official character class, and you'll spend most of your time having him set to heal and buff your party. But the eponymous character meets up with him right after he's stolen a set of experimental armor and weaponry designed specifically for medics from the ZPCI, and he also has powerful battle attacks at his disposal, including a very handy debuff.
  • In Star Ocean: The Second Story, Opera focuses on fighting with guns, but her Healing Star killer move actually becomes powerful enough to allow you to remove Rena from your team. However, this means you will have to use items to revive fallen party members and cure status effects.
    • Rena herself is a competent fist-fighter and light magic user. Her usefulness in a physical fight deteriorates as the game goes on though.
    • Like Rena, Noel also is skilled at melee and healing, at least on paper. He becomes much more useful in the sequel, Blue Sphere, partly because his own abilities are much more effective, but also because he's the only healer available until Opera and Rena join.
    • Bowman Jeane is a certified pharmacist who kicks ass with bare fists. Oh, and he also has a self-healing killer move.
  • Star Warrior II: Cerise can apply regen to the party and can learn a revive skill from a sidequest. She can also deal decent single-target damage with her machine gun, though not as much as Hiro.
  • Stellar Bewitching: Elya has decent ATK and MAT as a gun-wielding witch, but isn't as specialized in offense as the other party members. However, she's still the best source of Force damage against enemies that are weak to that attribute. She also has healing and barrier spells to keep the party alive.
  • In Super Mario RPG, Princess Toadstool averts this up until you get the Frying Pan, where she starts doing as much damage as Mario with a Lazy Shell.
  • The Tales Series has favored this approach to healers in every game save Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia.
    • Rutee in Tales of Destiny can slash enemies with her sword repeatedly in the air, perform damaging attacks that produce money from nowhere, use water spells, and heal, cure status ailments, and raise the dead. The Combat Medic to which all other Tales Combat Medics aspire.
    • Reala gets the most healing spells in Tales of Destiny 2, and since her TP regeneration is by far the best, she is suited to keep the party alive. However, she also possesses incredibly destructive spells based on the four elements, so you will be seeing her nuking half the screen during the second half of the game. Magic is very effective.
    • Tales of Symphonia:
      • Regal fits the monk sub-type of this trope, but inverts the general concept by being a primarily melee-based character with just one tech tree of single-target healing spells.
      • Kratos and Zelos can also learn three different healing spells regardless of their ability trees. They are not as effective as Raine, but they can provide some much needed relief when she's busy.
      • Raine's spell selection consists primarily of healing and buff spells, but eventually she can learn Photon and either Ray or Holy Lance to give her some offensive abilities as well. She also has access to Prism Stars and Gospel, two of the most powerful Unison Attacks in the game.
      • In the sequel, Marta does this even having a Mystic Arte that both whacks the enemies for heavy damage and heals everyone in the party!
    • Tales of the Abyss:
      • Tear has very potent healing spells that cover a wide area and can use Resurrection. However, her offensive spell pool is extremely powerful and she gains a unique accessory that easily makes her the best offensive spellcaster. Her melee artes are limited but have their uses, so she can easily go out on the offence.
      • Natalia lacks offensive spells, but her healing and buffing is on point. She's limited to single-target healing outside of FOF changes, but in exchange her spells are usually faster than Tear's and restore the same amount of HP. FOF changes like Angel's Breath only make her better since she can even resurrect multiple characters at once. However, she is also a very quick and potent archer, so she has no problem sniping at people from afar while healing her own party.
    • Tales of Innocence:
      • Ange may look and act like your typical White Magician Girl, but note that she prefers knives. And she is not shy about performing some awesome melee combos with them, either.
      • Iria also gets several healing artes, but is perfectly fine duking it out with her pistols. Innocence R buffed her healing by giving her Cure, while in the original game she never went above Heal.
    • Tales of Vesperia
      • Estelle is a healer who sports the highest defense scores in the game and a fast track to the protective skills. You could viably play her as the party tank and leave spot heals to your less proficient members, as she has an array of melee attacks to take advantage of. She's also no sap at supporting from the sidelines with her light based attack magic.
      • Similarly Karol heals as well as a White Mage, though his heals are limited to a small radius around him. He even obtains an arte that lets him remove status ailments!
      • Raven is built for combat, having only a single move that heals for small amount. However, his sheer healing speed and efficiency compared to other characters with higher healing power, like Estelle, makes him the combat medic of choice for many players.
      • Flynn is basically a more melee-oriented Estelle. He has strong offence and crowd control abilities, tanky skills that make it almost impossible for him to die while keeping everyone else safe, light spells to devastate his enemies and two healing spells straight out of Estelle's spell list in case you need to heal. A true Paladin through and through.
    • Tales of Hearts has two of them as the brother and sister duo of Hisui and Kohaku Hearts.
      • In the DS version, Hisui will be your only healer for quite a long time, so he gets First Aid, Cure (single-target) and Nurse (multi-target). He needs his sister in combat to access the more powerful area of effect healing in Fairy Circle, but is the only one who can use Resurrection.
      • Kohaku gets the more powerful Heal (single target), Healing Circle and Revitalize (multi target) but tends to be slower than her brother. Her Raise Will has a chance of failure and may not actually resurrect a fallen party member. Things went a bit differently in R, so both siblings got to have area of effect spells and Resurrection.
    • Tales of Graces follows the example from Tales of the Abyss in how it handles it's healers.
      • Sophie's healing spells focus on single targets for more power and speed. She's also a martial artist who hits like a truck and has the most speed out of all the characters.
      • Cheria's healing focuses on multiple targets for less power and less speed. Offensively she throws away the staff to focus entirely on throwing knives and uses powerful offensive magic including Indignation.
    • Tales of Xillia has three.
      • Jude follows Regal's example. He can heal HP and status ailments in his close vicinity, and can revive the person he is linked with automatically as part of his link skills. He's also an exceptionally powerful martial artist.
      • Leia heals single targets for greater power and can raise the party's stats. Her traditional healer's staff is actually a quarterstaff which she uses to charge into the frontlines alongside Jude, Milla, and Alvin.
      • Elize heals multiple targets for slightly less power and can Anti-Debuff. When she's not healing she serves as the party's primary dark-elemental nuker. Both girls can revive KO'd party members, and through the link-system can combine both their healing spells and offensive skills for far greater power than either is capable of alone.
    • In Tales of Xillia 2 Muzét could count as a minor example since she has two martial artes that can be used for healing and she has access to the Resurrection spell.
    • Tales of Zestiria has all of the seraphs fit to an extent since all of them have their two healing artes that have secondary effects and are still able to deal fight through attack and seraphic artes.
      • Mikleo's artes are single target but they have the effect boosting arte defense or curing poison and paralysis depending on the arte.
      • Lailah's healing artes both restore SC while granting a boost to arte attack or healing burn.
      • Dezel/Zaveid have artes that restore BG and increase focus or cure fatigue and increase speed.
      • Edna can increase defense with her arte and she gets an area healing arte that also cures slow.
    • Zestiria's prequel Tales of Berseria has all of the characters that can cast magic fit this role.
      • Eleanor and Eizen are the more physically oriented of the magic users while also being the ones who have access to the revival spells Life and Resurrection respectively.
      • Magilou and Laphicet are more likely to be dedicated mages to fight but their physical attacks are nothing to disregard either. Magilou is the one who gets the area healing spells Healing Circle and Fairy Circle which is also capable of damaging enemies caught in the spell. Laphicet gets the single target healing spells First Aid and Elixir Vitae which also cures all status ailments.
  • The Tiamat Sacrament: Due to being a dragon, Az'uar is a strong physical fighter, but he can also learn healing and support spells from the Great Sevens' soul gems or from class changes.
  • Vampyr: The main protagonist Jonathan Reid served as a field doctor during World War I with one flashback showing him treat a patient in the middle of combat and after saving his life, he prepares to fight off the enemy soldiers.
  • The Priest class in Wizardry are also strong, especially since their "preferred races" are also pretty good. They can carry staffs that deal mighty damage and even tank with their good health.
  • In Xenoblade Chronicles 1, Sharla can become this through careful skill and Arts managing. Even though most of her skills are healing or supportive, she also has a handful of offensive abilities and the only Instant Death attack of the whole team. If said attack is used during a Chain Attack, it always connects.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2
    • All Healer-type Blades are designed to keep the party's health up while dishing out damage, with Arts that cause HP-restoring potions to drop from struck enemies.
    • Among Drivers, Nia fits this role the best of the party, as she comes equipped with the Healing-type Blade Dromarch and will be the main source of healing the party gets with her Arts in the early game. Even once the player starts getting more Blades with healing abilities, she'll be one of the best to put them on. Then there's the fact she's also a Flesh Eater Blade whose healing abilities are some of the best both in story and gameplay, wielding a powerful water-based sword and capable of doing things in the story no other Healing Blade can, such as resurrection for the recently-deceased or rampant cellular growth.
    • Rex comes a close second in the party since while the Aegis sword (Pyra and Mythra) is technically an Attacker-type, but comes with an Art that yanks healing potions out of enemies with his anchor, meaning that he's going to be both a source of damage and HP no matter the build. He's also the only one who can use Nia's Blade form, meaning by the end of the game he'll have the best offensive Blade and the best healer Blade locked to him and even get unique abilities from equipping both at once, so the game can naturally shift him to this.
  • In Xenogears there are two:
    • Citan Uzuki, just your friendly country doctor and Omnidisciplinary Scientist is the first - until you meet Billy Lee Black, he's the only character in your party with healing and support magic that can be used on other party members. He's also a Game-Breaker with an overpowered speed stat (possibly the most valuable stat in the game, as it grants extra turns in battle), the highest on-foot HP, and capable of dealing the most on foot damage per attack for most of the game, and gets even more overpowered once the Power Crisis accessory is used to take advantage of his high base HP and/or he gets his sword at the end of disc one.
    • Billy Lee Black has the best variety of healing and support spells on foot, but can also deal good damage with his guns, and with the proper equipment for his Gear (ether boosting accessories on him and the Gear both), can do more damage than Fei in Xenogears by the endgame.


  • The Healer class from ''Majesty are this, though barely. The only thing that keeps them from being Actual Pacifists is their daggers, which they only break out should themselves, their temple, or the Palace come under attack.

Survival Horror

  • Resident Evil's Rebecca Chambers is classed as a medic, rear security and helicopter mechanic. While comparatively weak, she gets ample opportunity to demonstrate her medical and scientific knowledge. In her more combat orientated role in Resident Evil 5 she uses finesse as a Combat Pragmatist, as well as a machine gun and automatic shotgun.
  • George Hamilton of Resident Evil: Outbreak is more offense-oriented than the game's other Medic, Cindy Lennox, who functions better as support. This is especially true in File #2 with the addition of his ampoule shooter.

Third-Person Shooter

  • The Medic class acts like this in Alien Swarm. They can use almost any weapon other classes can (assuming they are not class exclusive weapons), whether it be a flamethrower or a shotgun.
  • The Defender classes in Super Monday Night Combat are a combination of The Engineer and The Medic, and as such they use healing guns to fix up allies while their turrets fend off enemies. Leo is the standout here — while his turret's not very impressive, his Mona Laser's healing power is charged by doing damage to enemies. At full charge it can heal most classes from near-death to full health, and since it heals the whole team no matter where they are, it can turn the tide of the match (or at least a team fight).
    • The other two Defender classes, the Support and the Combatgirl, can use the altfire on their heal/hurt guns to, uh, hurt enemies rather than heal allies, but this isn't very efficient without upgrades. All three Defenders have nasty secondary weapons that come in very handy in emergency situations — the Support's shotgun, the Combatgirl's nailgun, and Leo's Balestra (a crossbow)
  • In Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare, both eponymous sides have a healer class who can also deal respectable damage:
    • The Zombie Scientist is more combat focused, having only one healing ability by default*, which is a healing station that can be dropped to heal teammates while leaving the Scientist free to engage in combat far away.
    • Sunflower is a more active healer with less emphasis on combat*, but can freely attack while using her heal beam on a teammate, unlike healers in contemporary shooters. Sunflower's most powerful ability only has offensive use, being a solar-powered Death Ray.
  • The Scientist class in Transformers: War for Cybertron act like this, having powerful weapons as well as the ability to heal allies with the energon repair ray and energon grenade.
  • Transformers Fallof Cybertron did away with grenades and changed the repair ray into an ability rather than a weapon, giving Scientists a little more offense while maintaining the ability to heal.

Turn-Based Strategy

  • Advance Wars:
    • In terms of commanders, there is both Andy from Orange Star and Hawke, The Dragon of Black Hole. The former's power is completely recovery-based note , while the latter's damages enemies and recovers alliesnote . Not only can they fight remarkably well, but they are one of the deadliest tag teams you can create in the game.
    • In terms of units, there is the Black Boat of Black Hole that can drive up alongside other units and replenish their health. Sasha even remarks how strange it is that Black Hole is using technology that "destroys with one hand and heals with the other", and it's your first hint that some members of their army have redeeming qualities.
  • Priests in Age of Mythology DS. While primarily suited to healing, they are actually able to attack, and are reasonably powerful. They can also be upgraded to attack from range, making them akin to the Norse throwing axe men.
    • Also, of a more literal example, the above game has an Egyptian hero by the name of Nakht. As a priest, he is able to heal, but he can actually out fight several heavy infantry type units. Quite a feat for a light infantry priest.
  • The Cleric and other races' equivalents thereof in Age of Wonders is a capable combat unit in addition to their healing abilities, to the point that it's debatable whether they're medics who can fight, or mystical warriors with healing on the side. While their actual attack and defense values are usually low, they have a useful magical ranged attack, and infuse their melee strikes with magical (or elemental, depending on the race) energy to strike hard. They're especially useful against pesky units with high defense or are flat-out resistant or immune to physical damage.
  • Mages of Light in Battle for Wesnoth. They're strong in ranged casting, especially against magical creatures and the undead, and fairly decent in melee for a unit which mainly heals and (with its light aura) buffs its allies. A chaotic-alignment enemy that tries to attack the Mage will also have its damage reduced at night or evening by having to stand in that same aura.
    • Pretty much any unit with healing abilities in Battle for Wesnoth, really. The game basically has no non-combat medics; even the comparatively lowly Elvish Shaman and Saurian Augur have useful attack powers and the motivation to use them (to earn XP and advance, of course, just like other units).
  • One of the possible promotions of melee and gunpowder units in Civilization 5 is Medic, which increases healing rate of itself and any surrounding units. Any of these unit can acquire this promotion with enough experience, so you can have a mechanized infantry combat medic if you wish so.
    • In Civilization: Beyond Earth, one of the upgrade options for Apostles (the Tier IV Supremacy version of the basic infantry unit) is to give a small heal to all adjacent friendly units. The Rising Tide expansion adds the Drone Cage unique unit, which has a similar area heal by default.
  • In Darkest Dungeon both the Vestal and Occultist have access to stunning and smiting spells and melee attacks in addition to their healing skills. The Plague Doctor excels at Damage Over Time effects as well as being able to cure them from the party. While the Crusader and Arbalest are primarily combatants, they both have secondary healing abilities.
  • Clerics from Disgaea are straight-up Medics if you just level them the standard way. However, using the same apprentice system you use the Magikarp Power Flonne into the resident Disc-One Nuke, you can easily teach them some offensive spells to take advantage of their INT stat. Conversely, you can give anyone a cleric as an apprentice to teach them healing spells. The other elemental spells may be useless if you have no staff and/or poor INT because they'll have short range and do less damage than regular attacks, but self-healing is always useful.
  • In Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark, the Plague Doctor class combines powerful buffs and healing spells with the ability to poison enemies and inflict crippling status ailments. There is also the Anatomist class, which has single-target healing spells, destructive dark magic, and the ability to reanimate dead enemy units as zombie thralls. More generally, any unit can become this by equipping the Mender’s Holy Magic as a secondary skillset.
  • Fire Emblem:
    • You can promote healing-only Clerics/Priests into damage-dealing Bishops. In Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, the Bishops' special skill is the Slayer ability, which deals three times the normal damage to monsters. You can promote Clerics and Priests into Valkyries and Sages too, but Bishops are often much-needed as monsters become the primary enemies. In general, most promoted magic classes can usually both heal and fight.
    • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (and its sequel Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn):
      • Mist stands out for being able to wield Swords as her secondary weapon, unlike most other healers in the franchise. Indeed, she is one of the few characters who is both able to wield a sword and has a top-notch Magic stat; in Path of Radiance, once you give her the Wind Edge (a sword that deals damage based on Magic instead of the normal Strength stat) and promote her to a horse-riding Valkyrie, she becomes quite a force to be reckoned with (unfortunately, this was changed in Radiant Dawn).
      • Princess Elincia also has an exceptional magic stat and the ability to use swords in addition to healing staves, with extra mobility to boot. Unlike Mist, Elincia's return in Radiant Dawn saw a very minor drop in her healing abilities accompanied by a Game-Breaker level boost to her combat skills.
    • Before that, there were the Troubadours of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, likewise sword-wielders with healing abilities. Genealogy of the Holy War's Lachesis (at least pre-promotion; after promoting she's capable of doing just about everything) and her daughter Nanna are probably the straightest examples.
    • Fire Emblem: Awakening adds War Monks/War Clerics, who use axes in addition to staves. The DLC adds the Brides, who use lances, bows, and staves. Additionally, the Falcon Knights can now use staves in addition to lances and swords, and Thieves can be promoted into Tricksters who use swords and staves.
    • Fire Emblem Fates keeps several Combat Medic classes, dividing them into Nohrian (Strategist aka Valkyrie) and Hoshidan (Onmyoji aka Sage, Falcon Knight) types. Then it adds Butlers/Maids (who use staves and throwing weapons) and Adventurers (who are like Tricksters but with bows rather than swords) for Nohr, and Priestesses (bows/arrows and staves) and Great Masters (naginatas/lances and staves) for Hoshido.
    • Any recruitable unit in Fire Emblem: Three Houses can potentially become one by leveling the Faith skill alongside a weapon or Reason and using a magic-capable class. Even a purely Faith-focused unit gains access to at minimum one offensive spell, Nosferatu, and possibly more depending on the character. There are, however, a few classes designed to fill the role: the Holy Knight (a mounted unit proficient with Lances and Faith), Gremory (master of both black and white magic), Dancer (able to cast white magic and defend themselves with swords as well as dance) and Enlightened One (Byleth's exclusive class that uses swords, gauntlets and white magic). DLC reintroduces the Trickster and War Monk/Cleric, the latter now specializing in brawling with axes and Faith as a secondary focus. Special note goes to Marianne, who is her class's desginated medic but also has a rather offense-based Faith list.
    • Fire Emblem Heroes allows Staff users to attack enemies while healing their allies, at the cost of halving the damage output. Although, there are skills like Wrathful Staff or Dazzling Staff that either allow Staff units to inflict full damage or prevent the foe from counterattacking respectively. A handful of powerful Staff units even have personal staves that have either Wrathful Staff or Dazzling Staff effects built into their weapon.
  • In the Front Mission franchise, this first emerges in the USN scenario of the remake Front Mission 1st, made into an official class in 4, and further seen in Online, 2089, 5, and Evolved. Certain wanzer builds (i.e. Giza, Eldos) are heavily armored and have power output high enough to mount repair backpacks, allowing them to repair damaged friendlies and stay alive long enough to return fire. Front Mission 5 further refines this with Mechanic specialists, who have skillsets that enhance the effectiveness of repairs - Hector Reynolds, the Colonel Badass in charge of Delta Force's expy, is a Combat Medic.
  • In Jagged Alliance, mercenaries with medical skills are quite commonplace. Their roles? Not constantly pumping hit points to other mercs, but treating their wounds and stopping them from bleeding to death. When the mercs are resting, they can use their doctoring skill to bolster the regeneration rate of those within the same sector. All of them have high wisdom stats which help them to learn new skills faster, and because of this eventually become ass kickers if they survive long enough in the battlefield. Most of them are expert melee combatants thanks to their familiarity with scalpels. That said, medics whose marksmanship are on par with the most expensive mercs are very few.
    • It's also rare to find a regular mercenary who doesn't have at least some skill-points in Medicine; not enough to be all that useful in the "Doctor" role out of combat, but sufficient to perform emergency first-aid for a wounded comrade if the actual Medic is too far away.
  • Alouette of La Pucelle is one of your main healers throughout the game, but she is also capable of dealing out the pain with magic or whacking monsters with her Holy Book.
  • Cube from Live A Live is the best healer in the game but can also hold his own in battle with enough robot parts.
  • Makai Kingdom has a "Medic" class with the same healing and buff abilities as the Cleric class of the same game, but with better defense and the ability to use guns at the expense of a lower INT growth. In addition to standard weapons, both classes also have access to the Syringe weapon class, which can both heal and do damage with attacks based on RES, the same stat that powers healing magic.
  • To continue the Nippon Ichi trend, Phantom Brave clerics have access to powerful RES-based attacks if you take the time to level and fusion the right items.
  • Maya in Shadow Watch is the team's Cold Sniper, who can also learn how to heal her teammates.
  • Silent Storm has no limitations on the weapons each class can use. From the simple pistols and revolvers, through the rifles, submachine guns and light machine guns to the anti-tank weaponry and eventually shoulder mounted energy cannons and Power Armor with rocket launchers and anti-tank rifles, there's no weapon the Medic cannot use. The Medic skill tree also has a whole group of perks related to fighting with knives, and they are surprisingly efficient as snipers. Their outfit actually combines military uniform and medical clothing: a male Axis Medic is basically dressed like a NCO carrying medical stuff on his back, a female Axis Medics wears a white nurse jacket over Wehrmacht pants and shirt, and Allied Medics (both genders) are dressed in British army clothes with a white apron.
  • In the Super Robot Wars franchise, there are a number of units who can either Repair and/or Resupply other units without needing to pull them back into their battleships. The most iconic of these are Boss Borot and Methuss. Some games even have items that can give other units these abilities. While it might be silly, yes, you can turn universe-rending machines like Shin Getter Robo and Genesic GaoGaiGar into healing machines that fit this trope even better.
    • Super Robot Wars Z's Gunleon. Heavy, well-armored mecha with a Boisterous Bruiser at the helm? Check. Giant wrenches to repair other units with? Check. Ability to resupply other units after awakening its true power? Icing on the cake.
  • Despite their name the paladin recruit from Templar Battleforce is this rather than The Paladin, since their abilities are not divinely granted and they are no more inclined to be Lawful Good than any of the other Templars.
  • Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children: This is Anne's role. In fact, the reason she joins the cast is to play up the "combat" part. She has used her healing abilities to act as a Back-Alley Doctor of sorts for a while, in spite of still being in her early teens, and while the people around her have done their best to keep her away from the brutalities of combat, she is distressed by the fact that people have died when she couldn't be on site fast enough, and wants to remedy that by developing the skills needed to go into the thick of it.
  • Because the original XCOM series lacks any sort of class system or specialization, any soldier can become one of these by carrying a Medkit.
    • The remake introduces the Support class, which has several skills that improve Medkit use. A soldier of this class is limited to assault rifles (and their laser/plasma equivalents) and pistols (and equivalents).
      • The massive mod Long War replaces the Support class with the Engineer and the Medic. The latter is by all means this trope, whose skills can be developed in various ways to enhance healing abilities or combat abilities. The official guide to the mod names three possible builds as Field Medic, Tactical Support and the properly named Battle Medic.
    • The sequel of the remake has the specialist class, which has one ability branch that is outright called battle medic, which has several abilities to improve healing.
