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Characters / Luminosity

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A list of characters in Luminosity.

Unmarked spoilers ahead, including character deaths.

In addition to the Character Sheets here, there is an official character list (with spoilers through the end of Radiance), which can be found here.

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The Cullens

A family of Friendly Neighborhood Vampires residing in Forks, Washington. Initially consisting of seven members (Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett), their numbers expand when Bella joins the family, and later with the birth of Elspeth.


    Bella Swan Cullen 

The protagonist of the first book. Bella starts out as an Ordinary High-School Student who happens to be extremely dedicated to recording and analyzing her own thoughts and feelings. Upon learning that vampires exist, she quickly develops ambitions to improve the world and prevent humans from dying unnecessarily. She has the power to block other supernatural powers.

  • Adaptational Badass: Of the Guile Hero variety. Comes up with the strategy that defeats James and Victoria, and takes it upon herself to fight the Volturi.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: The premise of the series.
  • Bald Head of Toughness: Ends up with this after she survives being executed by burning.
  • Barrier Warrior: Her usual role in a fight is to shield her allies with her power so they can attack and defend without being taken out by the other side's powers.
  • Berserk Button: She hates being interrupted. Notably, she also doesn't like the fact that this is a button for her, and uses her luminosity to keep it under control, to the point where it's barely noticeable even when she's a newborn vampire and could more or less kill anyone before thinking about it.
    But my annoyance was the ascription of motive to the secretary, glued down with entitlement and habit. If the motive were recognized to be nonexistent and the entitlement dissolved and the habit fought as a thing in my brain that I did not welcome, they ceased to trouble me.
  • Brainy Brunette: She's logical and strategic-minded, and has brown hair.
  • Brutal Honesty: Toward herself.
  • Calling Parents by Their Name: Usually does this in narration, but calls them Mom and Dad out loud because that's what they prefer.
  • Damsel out of Distress: Gets kidnapped by James, but outsmarts him and gets away.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Tends to do this both in narration and dialogue, even noting that she has a bad habit of speaking flippantly about serious situations.
  • Dude Magnet: Downplayed; two of the boys in her lunch group at Forks High School are interested in her.
  • Everybody Hates Mathematics: Played with. Trigonometry is her worst subject in school, but she shows an affinity for statistics on occasion.
  • Faking the Dead: After surviving her execution by the Volturi, she's forced to do this so that they won't come back to finish her off for real.
  • Genre Savvy: When considering how to proceed with Edward, she notes that his unbreakable attachment to her is similar to a Paranormal Romance novel.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Doesn't like to kill anyone, but she's ready to do what needs to be done when it's kill-or-be-killed with James and Victoria. Later, when considering the setup of her intended Vegetarian Vampire government, she reluctantly concludes that it would sometimes be necessary to execute a vampire if they're deliberately eating humans and can't be stopped any other way.
  • Guile Hero: Clever solutions to problems and beating villains by outwitting them is her typical modus operandi.
  • Immortality Seeker: Wants both to become immortal herself via vampirism, and to offer immortality to others.
  • The Klutz: As a human, she's very clumsy.
  • Living Forever Is Awesome: She loves being alive and has a hard time understanding why anyone would want to die in a world where it's possible to go on living indefinitely.
  • New Transfer Student: To Forks High School at the beginning of the story.
  • No Matter How Much I Beg: Before turning, she asks Edward to confirm that if she begs him to kill her during the transformation, he won't do it.
  • No One Could Survive That!: After she survives being burned by the Volturi at the end of Luminosity.
  • Note to Self: She's always recording her thoughts in her journals.
  • Predator Turned Protector: To humans in general as a vampire, and specifically to Gianna.
  • Pro-Human Transhuman: As happy as she is to become a vampire, she's adamantly against turning any human without consent.
  • Psychic Block Defense: Her power.
  • Psychoactive Powers: When she's able to do something with her power beyond what it normally does, it's when she's feeling intense desperation in the face of a lethal threat. Conversely, her ability to shield others becomes unreliable when she's distracted by worries that are outside the scope of her power (e.g., knowing that Edward is in the witch dungeon).
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Starts to play this role by the end of Radiance, such as when she authorizes the resurrection of Harry and Sue.
  • Science Hero: Comes up with a battery of experiments to test the parameters of the Cullens' vampiric superpowers. Much later on, she sets up an R&D arm of her vampire government to conduct scientific research.
  • Secret Diary: Goes to great lengths to protect the contents of her journals from prying eyes.
  • Smitten Teenage Girl: Defied. When she's first getting to know Edward, she deliberately reminds herself that much of her attraction to him is driven by superficial factors, and that she doesn't actually know him that well yet.
    If I tried to convince myself that I found Edward interesting for deep reasons, it would lead down a path of feedback loops and foolish reasoning that could literally kill me. I would be more likely to take stupid risks with Edward if I fancied myself up to my eyebrows in transcendent romantic adoration. I would be less likely to behave like an idiot around him if I recognized that he was a hot (well, cold), rich guy who sounded like an angel and had sexy superpowers and that these things were not irrelevant to me.
  • Supernaturally Young Parent: In Radiance, she has to pretend to be Elspeth's sister rather than her mother because they look like teenagers no more than a couple years apart in age. By Flash 5 ("Forms"), where Elspeth is an adult, Bella is actually taken to be the younger of the two.
  • To Unmasque the World: Her ultimate goal is to take down the Masquerade (in a controlled manner) and create a Society of Immortals.
  • Young Conqueror: She's seventeen years old when she first sets out to Take Over the World. And she's 23 when she succeeds.

    Elspeth Cullen 

Bella and Edward's half-vampire daughter, and the protagonist of Radiance. Elspeth is five years old at the start of Radiance (roughly equivalent to a sixteen-year-old human), and has spent most of her life up to that point on the run with her mother. She has the power to transmit her thoughts and memories to others, and to be supernaturally believable when she is telling the truth.

  • Adaptation Name Change: Her counterpart in Twilight canon is called Renesmee.
  • Adaptational Badass: Renesmee in canon played a purely passive role in the conflict, acting as little more than a Living MacGuffin. Here, Elspeth can hold her own in combat through clever use of her power, and is a key player in the eventual plan to defeat the Volturi. Partially due to the fact that Elspeth is near adulthood, while Renesmee appeared only as a young child.
  • Bad Liar: A side effect of her power. If she tries to lie, people notice that she suddenly doesn't sound as strikingly honest as she did a second ago.
  • Brutal Honesty: Her power allows her to weaponize this, invoking a Villainous BSoD in Demetri by forcing him to realize the truth about Allirea's true feelings toward him.
  • Deprogram: Figures out how to use her power to do this to people affected by Chelsea's power.
  • Exact Words: Uses them when she has to hide something from someone, since she can't outright lie.
  • Exposition Beam: Her power.
  • Fighting from the Inside: Her power is designed to help her tell the truth. As such, when she's brainwashed by Chelsea, her magic begins to "itch" because she's lying to herself. She eventually starts to use this to regain control of her own mind.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Conceived in vitro using sperm from Edward and an egg extracted from Bella when she was human.
  • Hates Being Alone: She's very much an extrovert and seeks out the company of other people whenever possible. Preferably close people she doesn't have to keep secrets from, but having anyone to talk to is better than nothing.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: By the end of Radiance, she can use her power to un-brainwash people en masse, put a vampire in an hours-long coma, or turn a human into a Clone by Conversion, among other things.
  • Heroic Resolve: Jumps into the fight against Demetri to great effect after seeing him seriously wound Jacob.
  • Homeless Hero: Since Bella can't let the Volturi know she's alive, she and Elspeth have to keep moving and can't have a permanent home.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Growing up on the run, she could only ever form temporary friendships with humans who didn't know her true nature or identity. Unsurprisingly, she jumped at the chance to have friends she could be honest with.
  • It Only Works Once: Her main offensive move, namely blasting someone with all of Aro's millions of years of memories, is far less effective against people who've been hit with it before. As such, she has to be very careful about when she uses it.
  • Look What I Can Do Now!: By the time she reunites with her family, she's acquired the ability to transfer large amounts of memory quickly and at range, as well as other useful skills like deprogramming brainwashed people.
  • Mind Rape:
    • Blasting a human with millions of years of implanted memories permanently destroys their original consciousness. Elspeth herself refuses to use her power this way; the only times we see it done are by Addy copying her power.
    • Less destructively, during the fight with Demetri, she throws him off at a key moment by hitting him with all the memories that prove Allirea actually hates him.
  • My Skull Runneth Over: After being sent millions of years of memory at once, she's put into a coma-like state for an entire day as her brain attempts to process it all.
  • Politically-Active Princess: Acquires the title of Princess when Bella becomes the new Vampire Monarch, and takes an active role in the administration as the Imperial Soothsayer.
  • Primal Scene: A magical variant. After waking up with Aro's memories, she's horrified to realize she now has Edward's memories of his and Bella's honeymoon.
  • Talking to Themself: When she tries using her power to send thoughts to herself, she sees another one of herself facing her. She eventually works out that the other her is a personification of her magic.
  • Time to Unlock More True Potential: Starts experimenting with her power on her own, but it takes Addy's tutelage for her to make further progress.
  • Touch Telepathy: Has the power to transmit thoughts and memories to others, and at least at first, she has to be touching the recipient.
  • Superpowerful Genetics: Both of her parents have witchcraft like she does, and her power is related to both of theirs. She shares her own thoughts, while Edward reads those of others; and like Bella, her power can counter Mind Manipulation.
  • Unreliable Narrator:
    • Whenever Allirea is discussed, Elspeth elides the conversation with phrases like "they were talking about something unimportant", due to Allirea's Perception Filter making Elspeth disregard her existence.
    • On a darker note, spends a few chapters effusively praising and making excuses for the Volturi after being Chelseaed.
  • Younger Than They Look: She's five and a half years old, but physically about sixteen.

The Rest

    Edward Cullen 

Bella's Love Interest, and a vampire with the power to read minds. He was turned at age seventeen in 1918 by his adoptive father Carlisle, who found him dying of Spanish flu. He sees vampirism as a curse and himself as a soulless monster, though Bella gradually convinces him away from this view.

  • Alone Among the Couples: Of the seven original Cullens, he's the only one who didn't have a mate for all those years.
  • And I Must Scream: Spends years broken into pieces and stored in a dungeon by the Volturi, for them to make use of his power.
  • The Atoner: For his time as a Serial-Killer Killer.
    Edward: I told myself that if I happened to run across a murderer stalking a girl down an alley, and I saved her, then surely, I wasn't so terrible. It was only a rationalization. I'm still a murderer.
  • Celibate Hero: Wants to remain a virgin until marriage. This comes as a rude shock to newborn vampire Bella, who thought they'd be able to have sex immediately.
  • Combat Clairvoyance: With his mindreading, he can be ready for an opponent's moves as soon as they start to think of them, and can evade invisible attacks.
  • Death Faked for You: When the Volturi take him to the witch dungeon, they leave no sign that he's still alive, and let his family assume he was executed.
  • Distressed Dude: Spends much of Radiance as a prisoner of the Volturi, and has to be rescued by Elspeth.
  • Drives Like Crazy: His much faster reaction times and ability to read the minds of other drivers and pedestrians allow him to safely drive way over the speed limit. Bella understands this intellectually, but still prefers to keep her eyes closed when he's behind the wheel.
  • Elegant Classical Musician: He's an accomplished pianist and composer. One of his Valentine's gifts to Bella is a CD of his compositions.
  • Heroic Willpower: His ability to resist Bella's blood, despite her being his singer.
  • Hot Consort: Becomes this at the end of Radiance, when Bella becomes the new Vampire Monarch.
  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: In the witch dungeon, believing Bella is dead and having been snipped from everyone else he once loved, all he wants is to die, but he can't even move on his own, let alone kill himself. As such, he constantly begs Addy to put him out of his misery, despite knowing she never will.
  • I Love You, Vampire Son: Invoked. Bella is turned in a controlled setting via syringe, and per her request, Edward is the one to provide the venom for the syringes.
  • Insecure Love Interest: To Bella, at least until she becomes a vampire.
    Edward: I didn't want to push you. You'll let me hold you, you'll let me spend more time with you than I would have dared to ask for - I don't want to do anything that would jeopardize that. It's already so much more than I deserve.
  • Mr. Exposition: Explains many important plot elements to Bella, including witch powers, the two types of werewolves, and some background information on the other covens.
  • Religious Vampire: Played for drama; he believes becoming a vampire destroys your soul and robs you of an afterlife. Aside from causing him a good deal of angst, this leads him to oppose Bella becoming a vampire, at least until she manages to cast sufficient doubt on his views.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: He's apparently dead at the end of the first book, but turns out in Radiance not to be.
  • Romantic Vampire Boy: He's a vampire who falls in love with the human Bella.
  • Serial-Killer Killer: Spent a few years eating humans who committed violence against innocent victims (identified via his mindreading), before concluding even that was still wrong.
  • Supernaturally Young Parent: In Radiance, similarly to Bella, he's physically only a year or two older than his chronologically five-year-old daughter Elspeth. He gets another layer of this when you realize that, after the mnemic blast, he and Elspeth are actually the same age in terms of remembered time.
  • Super-Speed: He's the fastest vampire they know of.
  • Telepathy: He can read the current surface thoughts of anyone in his range, with the exception of Bella and anyone covered by her shield.
  • Troubled, but Cute: Suffers from depression and guilt over his past, and normally keeps a distance from humans; and of course, he's a vampire.
  • Understanding Boyfriend: Accepts that Bella has to keep some of her activities secret from him, since he's not protected from mindreading like she is, and gives her what support he can anyway, even helping cover for her with the rest of the family.

    Carlisle Cullen 

The father of the Cullen family, who turned most of the rest. He is a doctor with an exceptional ability to resist the temptation of human blood.

  • The Fettered: His strength lies in his absolute commitment to not killing or otherwise harming humans.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Has blond hair and is one of the most moral characters.
  • Heroic Willpower: He's not the only vampire with a perfect record of never eating a human, but he's the only known one to achieve this without having had any other Vegetarian Vampire around to help him get control of himself.
  • The Medic: Downplayed, since there are few characters around who need one, but he plays this role on occasion, such as putting Bella unconscious for her turning, and setting Elspeth's shoulder after it's broken in a fight.
  • Religious Vampire: Believes in God, souls, and an afterlife, but doesn't share Edward's belief that vampires lose their souls. As a result, he proves a valuable resource when Bella is investigating whether there's any evidence for Edward's views.
  • Reluctant Warrior: He's extremely compassionate and understanding, and will resort to violence only when there's truly no other way.
    Carlisle would have to be facing down someone who was not plausibly "just misguided" before he'd really apply himself to the task of making them dead.
  • Revolutionaries Who Don't Do Anything: In Radiance, he starts gathering allies in Denali after learning about the witch dungeon, but they don't have any apparent plan to stop it. Lampshaded by Ilario and Gianna:
    Ilario: Do the Cullens have a plan? Or are they just sitting in Alaska, congratulating each other about being willing to make a stand?
    Gianna: They haven't been sending regular status reports. For fair enough reasons. But my suspicion is that they're just trying to... gather witnesses, or something, and wait for the Volturi to come to them and hope that all the watchful eyes will be enough to prevent a massacre.
  • The Smart Guy: He's the source of much of the knowledge of vampires and their physiology that Bella learns.
  • Team Dad: Of the Cullens, with him and Esme being the adoptive parents of the rest.
  • Vampire Doctor: The only vampire with the self-control to practice as one.
  • What Have I Become?: He was horrified to realize he'd become a vampire, and tried many times to kill himself until he realized he could survive on animal blood.

    Esme Cullen 

The mother of the Cullen family, who was turned after jumping from a cliff following the death of her infant son. She has a passion for architecture and interior design.

  • A Day in the Limelight: Flash 16 ("Esme") tells her story, from her human life to the end of the series.
  • Domestic Abuse: She was physically abused by her human husband, to the point where she finally ran away upon becoming pregnant rather than let her child grow up with him as a father.
  • The Heart: To the Cullen family.
  • Interrupted Suicide: She was beyond saving via human means after jumping from the cliff, but her heart was still beating, allowing her to be turned.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Her reaction after the one time she slips and eats a human, her former husband.
    Charles came to have a look at the supposed resting place of his wife and child, later. Esme did dare to be present, hiding in the long evening shadows.
    Later, wiping blood off her mouth and sobbing tearlessly into Carlisle's chest, she wished she hadn't, because one instant of wanting a man dead was enough to kill him, as she was now.
  • Person of Mass Construction: Helps design and create the many Golden Coven capitals.
  • Team Mom: Of the Cullens. Also plays this role more generally from time to time, such as being the one to stay with Gianna during her Painful Transformation when no one else can stand to do it.

    Alice Cullen 

One of Edward's adoptive siblings, who has the power to see visions of the future. She was turned in 1920 after being confined to an asylum for her visions.

  • And I Must Scream: Spends five years broken into small pieces as a prisoner in the witch dungeon.
  • Big Brother Is Watching: Her power is very convenient for surveillance, as long as wolves or hybrids aren't involved. After the Golden Coven takes power, her role is to monitor vampires to ensure they aren't eating humans by checking their eye color.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: With Jasper.
  • Combat Clairvoyance: In a fight, she can see the next attack coming before it happens and be ready to counter it.
  • Death Faked for You: The Volturi use Jasper's power as copied by Addy to fake her death when they take her to the witch dungeon.
  • The Fashionista: She loves fashion and shopping for clothes, and is delighted at the opportunity to buy Bella a whole new wardrobe after she becomes a vampire.
  • Genki Girl: The most energetic and enthusiastic of the Cullens.
  • I Do Not Drink Wine: The fact that the Cullens don't eat catches Bella's notice early on, but it's Alice's response when Bella asks what kinds of food she likes that really makes her suspicious.
  • Mistaken Death Confirmation: A tragic example; Jasper believes her to be dead because Addy copies his power and uses it to make him feel what he thinks is Alice dying.
  • Mr. Exposition: She first delivers the reveal to Bella that the Cullens are vampires, their powers, and the existence of the Volturi.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: She's under five feet tall, but with Combat Clairvoyance on her side, she's a much more formidable fighter than her small size would suggest.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: She's presumed dead at the end of the first book, but in fact she was taken to the Volturi witch dungeon.
  • Shipper on Deck: Uses her foresight to help Edward make the right choices to win Bella over. Later, she plays this same role for Maggie with Gianna.
  • Waif Prophet: She's the smallest of the Cullens by a significant margin.

    Jasper Hale 

One of Edward's adoptive siblings, and Alice's mate. He was turned during The American Civil War, and has the power to both feel and manipulate the emotions of others.

  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: With Alice.
  • Despair Event Horizon: After thinking Alice was killed, he completely loses his grip, returning to eating humans because empathically feeling the terror of their final moments offers a brief respite from remembering the feeling of Alice's "death". He gets better after being reunited with her.
  • The Empath: The sensing part of his power.
  • Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul: Downplayed. He can influence others' emotions, but not to the point of completely overriding your deepest sentiments as in many examples of this trope.
  • Psychic Glimpse of Death:
    • Due to his power, he used to feel some of what his human victims felt as he killed them; this motivated him to become a Vegetarian Vampire. When he thinks Alice is dead, he begins to invoke this deliberately as a momentary escape from his own pain.
    • When Alice was taken by the Volturi, Addy used Jasper's own power to push a fake impression of this on him, thereby faking Alice's death.
  • Southern Gentleman: He's from Texas in the mid-1800s. Alice mentions this trope by name when telling the story of how she and Jasper met.
  • Warm Bloodbags Are Everywhere: Out of all the Cullens, he struggles the most with the temptation of human blood.

    Rosalie Hale 

One of Edward's adoptive siblings, who was turned in 1933 after being raped and left for dead. She always wanted to be a mother, and hates the fact that she lost the ability to have kids when she became a vampire.

  • Defrosting Ice Queen: She's cold toward Bella at first, but soon warms up to her when Bella not only listens to her warning about giving up the chance to have a child, but comes up with a partial solution.
  • Immortal Procreation Clause: As a vampire, she can never be pregnant, to her sorrow.
  • The Medic: She's been through medical school, and performs egg extraction surgeries on human women preparing to become vampires, starting with Bella.
  • Proud Beauty: She's one of the most beautiful vampires, and takes pleasure in that fact. At one point she's seen relaxing in the sun with a mirror at the Norway house (safely out of sight of humans) so she can enjoy her own sparkles.
  • Rape and Revenge: As a human, she was raped by her fiancé and his friends, leaving her mortally injured. After turning, she hunted them all down and killed them.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Downplayed. She's not especially tall next to, say, Siobhan or any given female werewolf, but she's the tallest of the Cullen women, and the most strikingly beautiful.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Goes from scoffing at and avoiding Bella to welcoming her into the family and helping her freeze eggs before turning.
  • Wight in a Wedding Dress: Invoked; she stole a wedding dress to wear when she went to take revenge on her former fiancé.
  • Wrench Wench: Loves cars and knows how to fix one.

    Emmett Cullen 

One of Edward's adoptive siblings, and Rosalie's mate. He was turned in 1935 after being mauled by a bear.

  • Animal Motifs: He's compared to a bear, was almost killed by one as a human, and they're his Trademark Favorite Food as a vampire.
  • The Big Guy: He's the largest and strongest of the Cullens.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Always ready for a fight when a threat crops up, and more than happy to help the newborn Bella practice some combat skills. During the trip to Ireland in the first book, he's mainly just excited for the opportunity to spar with Siobhan.
  • Double Entendre: His go-to form of humor. Bella later repeats some of these to the freshly-activated Rachel to help her keep control of her form.
  • Fun Personified: Usually the first one to crack jokes and inject cheer into a tense situation.
  • Gentle Giant: Looks imposing at first glance, but he's really a sweet, friendly guy.
  • Hidden Depths: He apparently has a knack for learning languages.
  • Rescue Romance: He and Rosalie first met when she found him in the nick of time to save him from a bear attack.

The Quileutes

A Native American tribe in La Push, Washington. Some of them have a gene that allows them to "activate" as shapeshifting werewolves.


    Jacob Black 

The youngest of the Black siblings, who imprints on Elspeth in Radiance. He initially activates as a wolf in his sister Rachel's pack, but splits off as the alpha of his own pack to escape the Volturi's attack on La Push.

  • The Chains of Commanding: He never wanted to be an alpha in the first place, only doing it because it was the only way to escape the Volturi, and hates that he had to break his resolution to never use the alpha-voice to keep the peace.
  • Character Development: In the first book, he's just Rachel and Becky's younger brother who winds up in over his head when he has to flee the attack on La Push. By Radiance, he's grown into a responsible and circumspect leader.
  • Men Use Violence, Women Use Communication: Averted. He handled the strife in the free pack by sitting down with each person one-on-one and having them explain their grievances, so he could address them with the whole group.
  • Mission Control: Plays this role as a "kept wolf" in Volterra, telepathically coordinating the operations of his pack members in the field.
  • The Not-Love Interest: To Elspeth. He's imprinted on her, which is broadly assumed to imply a romantic relationship, and they're each other's closest companions, but they agree they don't actually have romantic feelings for each other, at least for the time being.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: He and Elspeth become this. Though he's imprinted on her, he never thought of the relationship as romantic. On her side, she becomes closer to him over time, and eventually tells him before the final battle that wherever they end up when it's all over, she'll stick with him.
    Jacob: You're my imprint, and I'm your wolf. It doesn't have to be patterned after anything else, does it?
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: To the free pack, and later to the Golden Empire pack.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Managed to be a successful leader to a pack full of people traumatized by having to flee for their lives and be presumed dead by their families when he was fifteen.
  • You Are in Command Now: Had to become an alpha when both his sisters were captured by the Volturi, and splitting the packs was the only way anyone could escape.

    Rachel Black 

A childhood friend of Bella's who becomes the first wolf to activate. She is the only alpha until her twin sister Becky splits off her own pack during the schism in the first book.

  • Adaptational Badass: In canon, she never activates as a werewolf or gets involved in any physical conflict.
  • Always Identical Twins: Averted; she and Becky are fraternal twins.
  • Amazonian Beauty: When we see her again awhile after activating, she's grown to over six feet tall with a physique that suggests she's "on her way to the Olympics, and not for figure skating", and she's described as pretty.
  • Ascended Extra: Barely has a role in the original books. Here she's an alpha and Bella's main contact among the wolves.
  • Brutal Honesty: One of the first things she says to Bella when they meet up is that she should tone down the perfume. (Of course, what she's actually smelling is Bella's vampire scent, which is distasteful to anyone with the wolf gene.)
  • Childhood Friends: She and Becky used to play with Bella as young kids, but they've since fallen out of contact.
  • Living Mood Ring: Downplayed. Before she learns to phase at will, she tends to go wolf when she gets angry, and shift back to human when something makes her laugh. When she's trying to stay in human form, she asks Bella to keep telling her jokes.
  • Power Incontinence: Has a tough time keeping control of her form immediately after activating. As a result, Bella has to buy a horse trailer to drive her back to La Push, since shifting to a form larger than the entire car while inside of it would not end well.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Implied with her and Becky. Both twins left La Push immediately after high school, but otherwise took entirely different tacks, with Rachel going to a faraway-but-in-state college and enrolling in classes year-round while Becky moved all the way to Hawaii. Later, they take opposite positions on the issue of Sue's pregnancy. Their wolf forms also suggest this: Rachel has off-white fur, while Becky's is black.
  • Zombie Advocate: Defends Sue Clearwater from the side of the schism that wants to destroy her half-vampire baby.

    Rebecca "Becky" Black 

Rachel's twin sister and a childhood friend of Bella's, who activates as a wolf in the first book. She becomes the alpha of her own pack after disagreeing with Rachel in the schism over Sue Clearwater's pregnancy.

  • Always Identical Twins: Averted; she and Rachel are fraternal twins.
  • Childhood Friends: She and Rachel used to play with Bella as young kids, but they've since fallen out of contact.
  • Fur Against Fang: She's a lot less well-disposed toward vampires than her sister. After the schism, she starts collecting all the most anti-vampire wolves for her pack.
  • Named After Someone Famous: Inverted; the author gives her the nickname Becky, thereby preventing her from being called Rebecca Black. (She was first named in Twilight, published six years before there was a famous musician by that name.)
  • O.C. Stand-in: In canon, we're told that Jacob has an older sister named Rebecca who got married and moved to Hawaii, but she never appears in the story.
  • Out of Focus: Of the three Black siblings, has by far the least screen time. Although it's still a massive step up from her (basically nonexistent) role in canon.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Implied with her and Rachel. Both twins left La Push immediately after high school, but otherwise took entirely different tacks, with Becky getting married and going to live in Hawaii with her surfer husband while Rachel went away to college. Later, they take opposite positions on the issue of Sue's pregnancy. Their wolf forms also suggest this: Rachel has off-white fur, while Becky's is black.
  • Van Helsing Hate Crimes: Wants to force Sue Clearwater to abort her half-vampire baby, believing the baby would be dangerous.

    Leah Clearwater 

Harry and Sue's daughter and a member of Rachel's pack.

  • Big Sister Instinct: Protective of her younger brother Seth when Cody is born and she worries that Seth will be careless with him and get bitten in the process. Also shows this tendency toward Cody himself on other occasions.
  • Blessed with Suck: Being a werewolf feels this way to her in the first book, between hurting her father and having to be telepathically connected to her erstwhile fiancé after he imprints on another woman.
    Rachel (to Bella): [Leah] doesn't really hate you, and she's still grateful you saved her dad, but you're kind of turning into the herald of all things awful in her life the way she thinks of it.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Chases down Bella and Edward for the Volturi after Chelsea subverts her loyalties. Given her Lightning Bruiser status, it's over very quickly.
  • Lightning Bruiser: She's the fastest wolf in the main story, with her record remaining unbroken until Kirsten decades later.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Her reaction after seriously injuring her father as a wolf.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: She's snarky and unafraid of confrontation, while her brother Seth is earnest and agreeable.
  • Trauma Conga Line: And how. First she nearly kills her father after losing her temper on her first full day as a wolf, resulting in him having to become a vampire. This not only threatens her relationship with her mother, but leads to the latter becoming pregnant with a half-vampire baby, putting her life at risk and causing a pack schism. Meanwhile, her engagement to Sam abruptly ends when he imprints on Emily, who had been like a sister to her. It's no wonder she's so receptive to Chelsea's mind control when she's offered a harmonious life in the Volturi wolf village.
  • Unrequited Love Lasts Forever: Defied; she gets Chelsea to cut away her lingering unrequited love for her ex-fiancé Sam.

    Seth Clearwater 

Harry and Sue's son and a member of Rachel's pack.

    Brady Johnson 

A member of Jacob's pack in the second book, who is imprinted on Pera.

  • Adaptational Name Change: Has the last name Johnson here. Later, he would be given the canon last name Fuller.
  • Defecting for Love: He was a "kept wolf" loyal to the Volturi until he imprinted on their kidnap victim.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: As seen in Flash 2 ("Meetings"), his reaction when he's suddenly able to realize with a clear mind that he's been complicit in Pera's kidnapping.
  • Power of Love: When he imprints on Pera, he breaks free of Chelsea's conditioning and flees with Pera.
  • Sacrificial Lion: His death drives home just how dangerous it is in the wolf village, via both the event itself and the fact that Chelsea prevented Elspeth from even wondering what happened to him until much later.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The Volturi kill him after turning Pera.

    Kirsten Cooper 

The daughter of a wolf in Becky's pack, who is eight years old as of the end of Radiance. She becomes the focus of her own story in Flash 11 ("Kirsten"), which follows her from age two to age sixty.

  • Children Are Innocent: As a toddler, she doesn't understand what's happening when the Volturi attack La Push, including after she sees her "sleeping" father.
  • Kids Hate Vegetables: As shown in one scene, taking place when she's four years old:
    Mommy was always right except about vegetables. Mommy was never right about vegetables. She thought they were for eating.
  • Mundane Luxury: It's a huge deal for her when she and her mother are given permission to leave the wolf village for the day and go aboveground.
  • Retired Badass: Ends up as this. After spending some time as part of the traveling pack hunting down and subduing vampires that kill humans, she ultimately chooses a quiet civilian life.
  • Super-Speed: As an adult, she's possibly the fastest character in the entire series, beating even Leah in a foot race in the nonhuman Olympics.
  • Tyke Bomb: From the age of three, she's raised to be a Super-Soldier for the Volturi once she activates as a werewolf. Ultimately subverted; the Volturi are deposed and all the wolves un-brainwashed when Kirsten is eight, and from then on she's raised with the freedom to choose her own path.
  • Younger Than They Look: Like all wolves, she starts growing rapidly after activating. This comes with some unfortunate consequences, such as an adult man hitting on her when she's fourteen.


    Billy Black 

The father of Jacob, Rachel, and Becky, who has the werewolf gene but is too old to activate.

  • Killed to Uphold the Masquerade: When the Volturi take the wolves away from La Push, they kill all the humans left, including Billy.
  • Sacrificial Lion: He's killed at the end of the first book.
  • Spy Speak: He and Bella wind up in this kind of conversation early on, before either of them knows exactly how much the other does or doesn't know about the supernatural goings-on.
    Billy: You seem well-informed.
    Bella: Oh, I'm sure Charlie talks all the time about how I will poke and poke at an unanswered question that happens to strike my fancy, until I know the answer. I know all kinds of things.
    Billy: Mmm. Does Charlie know all kinds of things?
    Bella: I find he doesn't have at all the same attitude towards mysteries. I also find that he finds me trustworthy in general and has respect for my judgment. And I find that some people are very, very attached to their secrets, and might not care for the people who stumble across them.

    Harry and Sue Clearwater 

The parents of Leah and Seth and later Cody. Harry is turned after being mortally wounded in an incident where Leah loses control of her form, resulting in Sue becoming pregnant with the half-vampire Cody.

  • Back from the Dead: They're resurrected in the bodies of two of the mnemic blast victims in Radiance.
  • But I Can't Be Pregnant!: Sue is shocked to discover she's pregnant after having sex with vampire!Harry.
  • Clone by Conversion: How they're resurrected. Two victims of the mnemic blast are put in enough makeup to look like Harry and Sue, and then prompted to "recognize themselves as" them.
  • Doomed Moral Victor: When the Volturi attack La Push and take Leah and Seth captive, they go to fight even knowing they have no chance against what they're facing.
  • Emergency Transformation: Bella turns Harry to save his life after he's mortally injured, after getting Leah and Seth's permission since Harry himself isn't lucid enough to give it.
  • Good Girls Avoid Abortion: Sue refuses to even consider aborting the half-vampire fetus that becomes Cody, even when everyone is telling her the pregnancy could kill her.
    Sue: And we wouldn't [have two children] if I'd killed Leah because she wasn't convenient.
  • Panicky Expectant Father: Harry in the days leading up to Sue's Traumatic C-Section. This is extremely understandable, given that it's an last-ditch experimental procedure for a type of pregnancy literally no one has ever survived before, being performed by someone with no medical training.
  • Sacrificial Lion: They're killed by the Volturi at the end of the first book.
  • Traumatic C-Section: Their son Cody is delivered via one, performed by Bella.
  • Womb Horror: Sue's half-vampire pregnancy, which pretty much everyone expects to kill her.

    Cody Clearwater 

The half-vampire son of Harry and Sue, who is raised by Jacob's pack after the Volturi's attack on La Push.

  • Buffy Speak: His dialogue tends toward this.
    Cody: I know more about my sister from them than from anybody else. Or at least how things were with her before... stuff happened. I include myself in the category of happening stuff. That's me, I'm a happening guy.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: He greatly misses his parents, who were killed in the same attack that made him a fugitive. Later he gets them back, after asking for them to be resurrected in the bodies of blast victims.
  • Fun Personified: Has a consistently cheery disposition, and a large fraction of his lines are jokes or witty remarks.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Elspeth picks up that something is wrong when he's not making as many jokes as usual. It turns out he's planning to run away from the free pack and join his siblings in Volterra.
  • Raised by the Community: He grew up with Jacob's pack from the age of one month. (Although as a half-vampire, he could take care of his own physical needs by that age, so there wasn't nearly as much actual raising to do as with a human child.)
  • Traumatic C-Section: How he came into the world, and how his mother Sue became the first human woman to survive a half-vampire pregnancy.
  • Walking Spoiler: For the fact that Harry becomes a vampire, that he gets Sue pregnant with a hybrid baby, and that those pushing for the baby to be aborted are unsuccessful.
  • Younger Than They Look: Like Elspeth, he's five going on six in Radiance, but looks and acts like a teenager.

The Volturi

The government of the world's vampires and enforcers of the Masquerade, residing in Volterra, Italy. They consist of a central coven of five vampires, along with a larger group known as the Volturi guard.

The Volturi Coven

The ruling triumvirate of Aro, Caius, and Marcus, along with their wives. Caius's wife Athenodora is Out of Focus, while Marcus's wife Didyme is a Posthumous Character.


The leader of the Volturi and the Big Bad of the series. He is a mindreader who can absorb all of a person's memories by touching them.

  • Beware the Mind Reader: He's the reason Bella can't bring any other Cullens in on her plans; the secret would be compromised as soon as Aro touched them.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Say what you will about him, he really cares about his wife Sulpicia.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Bella. Like her, he uses guile and manipulation to achieve his goals. Both of them formed their ambitions to rule the vampire world at a young age, and show an aptitude for getting people with useful powers to work for them. The difference is that Bella does it all to save humans' lives, while Aro just wants a nice stable hierarchy with himself at the top and humans as unwitting prey.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He smiles and acts friendly, and generally cultivates a just and merciful persona.
  • I Love You, Vampire Son: Averted. He considered turning Sulpicia himself, but asked Caius to do it instead, since Caius had more experience turning humans without killing them and Aro didn't want to take any chances.
  • It Must Be Mine!: He's very enthusiastic about collecting powerful witches, and very eager to add Edward and Alice to his collection. Unfortunately for them, with Addy around, their willing participation is not necessarily required.
  • Manipulative Bastard: As seen with his plan to gain leverage over Bella by tricking her into eating a human in Volterra, or how he manipulated Sasha into taking the fall for a crime so he could keep up an appearance of justice after killing her.
  • Omniglot: Has the memories of everyone he's touched, including whatever language(s) they spoke. As a result, he's fluent in virtually every known language, living or dead.
  • Practically Different Generations: He's twenty-three years older than his sister Didyme.
  • Sibling Murder: He killed Didyme to prevent her from taking Marcus and his power away.
  • Terms of Endangerment: Makes liberal use of terms of endearment, even with people he's about to kill.
  • Time Abyss: Has millions of years worth of memories in his head, from reading the memories of everyone he's ever touched.
  • Touch Telepathy: His power. According to Addy, he might have acquired range if he'd worked on his power early on, but by now it's too late.
  • Young Conqueror: He was turned in his early twenties and immediately threw himself into the project of taking over the world.


One of the ruling triad of the Volturi. In Radiance, it's revealed that he was the one who originally had the idea to Take Over the World, and turned the other two.

  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: We don't see much of him and Athenodora together, but Aro is able to recognize his own mate bond by similarity to their thoughts.
    Still, the pair of them, Caius capturing the rapt attention of customarily fanciful Athenodora as she brought a smile to his otherwise dour face, were fresh in Aro's mind, and he recognized the insistence in his thoughts arcing over to Sulpicia as the same demand for companionship his covenmates shared. The same overarching instinctual keen.
  • Fantastic Racism: He hated the Children of the Moon and had them wiped out.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: His attempt to have Addy killed results in her blasting everyone in range with all of Aro's memories, destabilizing the Volturi and setting the stage for their overthrow less than two weeks later.
  • Shoot the Dangerous Minion: Orders Addy killed after figuring out that her power allowed her to blackmail Aro.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: He has white hair and he's evil.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: In his early days, he turned many people in hopes that they'd manifest useful powers; many of those who disappointed him he killed.


One of the ruling triad of the Volturi. He has the power to see relationships, which makes it possible for Chelsea to use her power to keep the Volturi together. The most passive of the three, due to his grief over the loss of his mate.

  • Authority in Name Only: He's ostensibly one of the three in charge, but he's so consumed with grief that he's largely apathetic about anything else.
  • Blessed with Suck: Because of his power, he saw the ribbon of light representing his and Didyme's relationship snap at the moment she was killed. And then had to spend the next couple of thousand years looking at his torn half of it as a constant reminder of her death.
  • Crusading Widower: Wants nothing more than revenge on Aro after finding out it was him who killed Didyme. Unfortunately, Aro anticipated this when the secret started to leak, and made a preemptive strike.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Crossed this when Didyme died.
  • The Eeyore: He's said to have always been a bit melancholy, but losing Didyme pushed him firmly into this territory.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: His power to see relationships doesn't sound very useful at first, and indeed barely comes up in canon. Here, he's the reason Chelsea is able to keep the Volturi together — he sees relationships in much greater detail than she feels them, and can point out the beginnings of internal conflicts that she would otherwise miss. His power also allows him to notice Allirea's presence via relationships involving her. At one time, it also made him effectively immune to Chelsea's power, since he could catch her using it on him and call her out, but these days he doesn't care enough to bother.
  • The Lost Lenore: Didyme.
  • Redemption Earns Life: He's the only one of the three to peacefully accept the new government, and the only one who survives the series.
  • Resurrected Romance: Gets a second chance at a happy life with Didyme after she's resurrected in Radiance.
  • Sherlock Scan: Can do this with the help of his power, as seen in the flashback when he was first introduced to Chelsea:
    Marcus: You're how old?
    Chelsea: Forty-three.
    Marcus: Not from when you were born, from when you were turned, girl.
    Chelsea: Two. How did you know...?
    Marcus: ... [I]t's obvious. You couldn't have been an immortal for forty-three years and still be nursing anything like that little love-hate relationship with your... father, yes, that'll be him, I've never seen that shade of mauve anywhere else. It would have dimmed by now if you'd been among us long, or brightened if he'd turned too. But no, there it is. He was hard on you, and you resent him, but at the same time you haven't killed him yet - probably can't make up your mind - you admit he was instrumental in making you who you are and... Is he looking after your... niece? You've a dead sister who left a daughter behind?
  • The Social Expert: His power.
  • The Stoic: He's living in constant misery, yet he virtually never shows any outward emotion beyond boredom.
  • Took a Level in Cheerfulness: After reuniting with the resurrected Didyme.
    Marcus and Didyme stood together, swaying faintly, and for the first time in more than two thousand years, Marcus smiled.
  • Took the Wife's Name: Neither he nor Didyme ever had a family name in the modern sense, so they both adopt her host body's original family name, Greco.


Aro's wife, whom he met as a human in The Roman Republic.


Marcus's wife and Aro's sister, who was killed over two thousand years ago. She projected an aura of happiness around her. It comes out that Aro was the one who killed her, leading Marcus to turn against him. At the end of Radiance, she is resurrected in the body of a human woman via Clone by Conversion.

  • Back from the Dead: Two victims of the mnemic blast become reincarnations of vampires whose memories were part of the blast when they latch onto those memories as their own. One of those becomes Didyme.
  • Clone by Conversion: How she's resurrected. It turns out one of the mnemic blast victims has "recognized herself as" Didyme in the hospital, essentially becoming her.
  • The Lost Lenore: To Marcus.
  • Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe: Before turning her, Aro checked their mother's memories to verify that Didyme was truly his full biological sister (and therefore likely to manifest a similarly powerful ability).
  • Morality Pet: Led Marcus to start reconsidering his desire to take part in the Volturi's world domination. Of course, Aro couldn't have that....
  • Nice Girl: Just wanted to live a quiet life with Marcus. After being resurrected, she's pleased to learn it's possible for vampires to live without eating humans, and seems truly regretful that her host body's family lost their original loved one.
  • Posthumous Character: She's been dead for thousands of years when the story starts. Subverted when she's resurrected.
  • Practically Different Generations: She's twenty-three years younger than her brother Aro.
  • Resurrected Romance: With Marcus at the end of Radiance.

The Volturi Guard

A group of vampires handpicked for their powers and abilities. Their initial permanent membership roster consists of Chelsea, Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix, Afton, Corin, Santiago, Heidi, and Renata; sometime during the first book, they're joined by Addy.


The first and oldest member of the Volturi guard, and the linchpin of the organization due to her power of manipulating relationships.

  • Evil Counterpart: To Elspeth. They both have powers that affect the minds of others, and both thrive on the company and attention of others. However, while Elspeth wants genuine friendships based on honesty, Chelsea is happy to simply force people to love her. Their powers can also be seen as this; Elspeth's is based on sharing truth, while Chelsea's induces Selective Obliviousness.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Acts outwardly kind and courteous to everyone, but only so that it will be easier to use her power to make them love her.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Killed Afton's family because she was jealous that he loved them more than her. Of course, with her power, it was easy to make sure he wouldn't miss them.
  • Happiness in Mind Control: No one in the Volturi guard or the wolf village is ever upset about her using her power on them - once she binds you to her, your own mind will generate whatever excuses you need about how it's all for the best, and isn't it nice that your good friend Chelsea has given you a close group of people you know you can count on?
  • Hypnotize the Captive: When the wolves, and later Elspeth, are captured, Chelsea twists their loyalties toward the Volturi so they'll complacently stick around and serve them.
  • It's All About Me: In her internal monologue, she repeatedly thinks, "Everyone must love me."
  • Love Hungry: She's addicted to being loved, and constantly uses her power on everyone around her to ensure it happens.
  • Mind Rape: She can cut away your connection to anyone you love, leaving you indifferent to them. This results in things like a mother and father not caring when their baby is killed, or another victim watching impassively as her former loved one is killed right in front of her.
  • More than Mind Control: Needs "seeds" to bind you to someone. If you hate a person completely without even one stray bit of sympathy, she can't change it. Destroying your existing relationships is always possible, though.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Almost always smiling politely, even when her actions are clearly malevolent.
  • Playing with Puppets: Prior to joining up with the Volturi, she made a hobby of taking over human towns and making the inhabitants worship her as a goddess to satisfy her addiction to being loved.
  • Required Secondary Powers: To manipulate relationships, she has to be able to detect them in the first place. Marcus can do this with much greater fine detail than she can, to the point where she needs his help to do anything large-scale.
  • Selective Obliviousness: When she uses her power on you, your own mind does the work of bringing you around to her desired way of thinking, via whatever self-deception is needed.
    Elspeth's Magic: You're making excuses for our new friends. You're refusing excuses to our old friends. You're justifying how Chelsea makes us feel even though you know she did it and could have done it to make you like almost anyone.
    Elspeth: I don't understand. Of course I know what Chelsea does. But everything I've said about all our friends - past and present - is true.
    Elspeth's Magic: You're leaving things out. For example: Yes. David was trying to hurt Daphne. Yes. Daphne is thirteen. But. She is still a wolf, still dangerous, and she was attacking David, and he didn't know how old she is. We know that. If we didn't care about David or Daphne, that would still matter - perhaps we'd blame both of them or neither - but Chelsea tipped the scales, opposite from how they were before. So now you care about making Daphne look innocent because she's our friend, and don't mind if you have to do that by rationalizing at David's expense, because he isn't our friend anymore. But it's not that simple. And you know that.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Was one to Afton in the past. Upon first seeing him as a human and forming a mate bond, she followed him home, lured him away, and ate his whole family before turning him.
  • Somebody Doesn't Love Raymond: Becomes extremely distressed on the rare occasions she's faced with someone who doesn't like her at all, to the point where she has to have Addy copy her power and snip Edward rather than doing it herself.
  • True Blue Femininity: In her first appearance, she's wearing an elegant blue sundress.
  • Unholy Matrimony: With Afton.

    Adelaide "Addy" Bauer 

The Volturi's newest recruit, who has the ability to copy the powers of others via touch.

  • Affably Evil: Will start up a friendly chat with just about anyone, even if she's currently threatening, kidnapping, or imprisoning them. It's to the point where Edward actually has to remind himself he shouldn't be having a civil conversation with one of the people responsible for keeping him in the witch dungeon and (he thinks) killing Bella.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Betrayed Pera and her other old friends to the Volturi; then betrays the Volturi themselves by helping Elspeth learn to beat Chelsea; then betrays the rebels just days after joining up with them.
  • Creepy Child: Was one about nine or ten centuries ago, as seen in Flash 4 ("Mimicry").
  • Doctor von Turncoat: She's an Evil Genius who's spent the past several centuries researching magical powers. After the Volturi are defeated, she persuades Bella to hire her to a position lending her skills and expertise to the new government.
  • Enfant Terrible: She's all but stated to have killed her brother's new wife at the age of ten. And with no apparent motivation other than that to see what it would be like.
  • Enigmatic Minion: She works for the Volturi, but clearly has her own agenda, and for much of Radiance it's unclear whose side, if anyone's, she's really on.
  • For Science!: Even while ostensibly loyal to the Volturi, she cares more about seeing how she can train and improve new witch powers. It's to the point where she helps Elspeth learn to beat Chelsea's power, just to see if her power can evolve that way.
  • The Hedonist: Her primary motivation is to experience and taste interesting new powers and develop them in interesting ways, not for any larger goal but simply because she finds it fun.
  • I Fight for the Strongest Side!: Works for the Volturi while their power is secure; after that falls through, she works behind the scenes helping the rebellion while hedging her bets, and declares openly for the new government only once the rebels have won.
  • Instant Expert: A part of her power; she can absorb mundane skills (such as playing a particular piece of music) simply by seeing them done.
  • Karma Houdini: After everything she's done, she ends up employed by the Golden Coven helping train and develop powers, which is exactly what she wants to be doing.
  • Laughably Evil: In her first appearance, she's wearing a blood donation t-shirt.
  • Magical Sensory Effect: Every power she copies has its own unique "flavor" that tells her what it can do, and some are tastier than others.
  • Opportunistic Bastard: Most of her actions throughout the series are her jumping on sudden opportunities to experience and study new powers, or improvising ways out of the sticky situations caused by her previous reckless actions. The one time she does operate according to an overarching plan, it's after she gets a copy of a supernaturally-good-planning power.
  • Power Copying: She can touch any witch to gain a copy of their power. She can only hold one at a time, and can't control taking on a new one, so a frequent countermeasure against her is to make sure she collides with a witch whose power is contextually useless to her.
  • The Sociopath: She's entirely self-serving, makes impulsive decisions in pursuit of new powers to try, and will happily kill or inflict extreme suffering on seemingly anyone in the name of convenience or just satisfying some idle curiosity.
  • The Svengali: Trains Elspeth in the use of her power purely for her own purposes, and uses manipulation and threats to keep her in line when she won't go along with some aspect of the lessons.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Briefly to the rebels in Radiance. Later, she becomes this to the Golden Coven.
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: As a child in Flash 4 ("Mimicry"), her older brother takes note of her strange behavior (really the result of the pre-turning version of her power), and even suspects she might be responsible for the unexplained deaths around her.


One of the "witch twins" who were turned at the age of fourteen after being burned at the stake by the townsfolk who feared their powers. Has the power to induce a mental illusion of excruciating pain.

  • Agony Beam: Her power.
    It might really have been only a second or two. I couldn't tell. I was burning, I was not meant to hold that much pain, and that was all there was, wherever I tried to fling myself and escape there was only more fire, I knew I was screaming but couldn't even hear it over the anguish pouring over me like liquid iron.
  • And There Was Much Rejoicing: When Iseul, who was tortured by her in the past, learns she's gone, she's so relieved that she doesn't even mind having to answer to the new Vegetarian Vampire government.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: A big part of her Undying Loyalty to Aro is simply that he was the first non-related person to ever treat her with kindness.
  • Burn the Witch!: The people of her hometown did this to her and Alec, believing their powers came from the devil, but Aro rescued them and turned them both before they died from it.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Tortures Elspeth for coming into her room without knocking. (Which Elspeth only did in the first place because Addy made her.)
  • Emergency Transformation: Aro had planned to wait longer to turn her and her brother, but they were so badly burned by the time he found them that they wouldn't have survived otherwise.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Eleazar comes to this conclusion about her after being deprogrammed by Elspeth:
    Eleazar: Being fourteen with a troubled past isn't... actually an excuse for cold-blooded torture.
  • Mind Rape: What she projects is only the mental experience of pain, but it's no less effective for that.
  • Powers Do the Fighting: She only needs line-of-sight to use her power, and even a few seconds will take the target some time to recover from, so she usually has no need for physical fighting. The downside is that this has left her without much incentive to pick up ordinary combat skills.
  • Recruited from the Gutter: In adding her to their ranks, the Volturi rescued her from a life of being hated and treated as an outcast for her supernatural ability.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: She's perfectly calm and polite with Elspeth after torturing her.


Jane's twin brother, who has the power to project a field of total sensory deprivation.

  • Angsty Surviving Twin: After the rebels defeat the Volturi, he's left alive while Jane is killed. He agrees to be snipped from her, but that just leaves him without any connections to anyone.
    Alec: I let Addy make me not miss Jane. I got the option. It was... easier, I guess, and missing her wouldn't bring her back, and if I want Her Imperial Majesty to trust me it was probably the safe bet... But I miss missing her.
  • Burn the Witch!: The people of his hometown did this to him and Jane, believing their powers came from the devil, but Aro rescued them and turned them both before they died from it.
  • The Champion: He's always looking out for Jane. In his flashback, the moment he decides it's right to join the Volturi is when he sees that she's actually happy for the first time in years.
  • The Dreaded: Deconstructed. A lot of vampires have learned to fear his power over the centuries. After the Volturi are overthrown, that means he'd be in a lot of danger if he went off by himself - since his power moves slowly and he no longer has Jane with him, a well-coordinated coven could easily get the jump on him. This leaves him with little choice but to accept Bella's job offer.
  • Emergency Transformation: Aro had planned to wait longer to turn him and his sister, but they were so badly burned by the time he found them that they wouldn't have survived otherwise.
  • Hates Being Touched: Doesn't like people other than Jane to touch him.
  • Not Growing Up Sucks: He speculates that, because of how young he was when he was turned, he'll never have a mate.
  • Now What?: After Jane is killed and his connection to her is snipped, he's left without direction in life.
    Alec: I don't think I know how not to be a twin. A non-dominant twin. I don't know what to do with myself if not follow Jane around and help her and make her happy.
  • Powers Do the Fighting: Usually relies on his power in lieu of physical fighting. It's an area effect that expands slowly, but that's not a big issue since he almost always has Jane with him. With her gone, his ability to defend against attacks takes a hit.
  • Recruited from the Gutter: In adding him to their ranks, the Volturi rescued him from a life of being hated and treated as an outcast for his supernatural ability.
  • Swords to Plowshares: As a member of the Volturi guard, his power is primarily deployed to incapacitate enemies and those suspected of crimes. In the Golden Coven, it's instead used to anesthetize people while they're turning.


The Volturi's tracker, who can find anyone he's met before from anywhere in the world. He forms a one-sided mate bond to the half-vampire Allirea.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: To Allirea. Understandable since her first impression of him was him tracking down her family to recruit a half-vampire for the Volturi, with the implication that they didn't have much choice in the matter.
  • I Reject Your Reality: Ignores or reinterprets every indication that Allirea doesn't love him.
  • Loving a Shadow: Seems to love his own idea of Allirea rather than the reality, even giving her a nickname when she Prefers Proper Names.
  • Scarily Competent Tracker: Once he's met you, he can follow a "pull" in your direction from any distance. And even without that, his ordinary tracking skills are pretty formidable.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Will follow Allirea anywhere in the world with his power.
  • Villainous BSoD: After Elspeth finally makes him understand the truth of Allirea's feelings.


A member of the Volturi guard noted for her professional demeanor.

  • Ascended Extra: As of when the story was written, "Santiago" was just a name in the list of Volturi vampires in the back of Breaking Dawn; the actual character doesn't appear anywhere in the four books.
  • Badass Bureaucrat: Apparently in charge of managing the Volturi's leverage over the world's human governments. Takes on the same duty for the Golden Coven after they take over.
  • Badass Normal: Can hold her own against vampires with combat-applicable powers, despite not having one herself.
  • Consummate Professional: Carries out orders efficiently and seriously, and holds those under her (such as the wolf field team that came to Denali) to the same standard. Also doesn't appreciate having her time wasted by bringing up irrelevant things.
  • Dance Battler: Her fighting style is described as evoking this. Understandably given her human background.
  • Dark Action Girl: Of the Volturi.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Invoked; she goes by the name of the city she's from, keeping her birth name and erstwhile human identity secret. In her human life, she was a renowned dancer named Tamara Morales.
  • Gender Flip: Of sorts. At the time of writing, Santiago technically had no canon gender (nor any other traits), but the name implied a male character; the fic made it a Gender-Blender Name.
  • Pet the Dog: Gives dance lessons to Gwyn and later Elspeth in the wolf village.
  • Vampire Dance: In her flashback scene, she dances with her creator, a vampire who admired her art and wanted to preserve it forever.


Chelsea's mate, who has the power to manipulate the inertia of his own body.

  • Adaptational Superpower Change: At the time the series was written, Afton had only been mentioned in passing in canon, and had no power given. With the publication of The Twilight Illustrated Guide, he was given more canon description, including a power different from the one he has here.
  • Affably Evil: He's quite talkative with the residents of the wolf village, apparently just because he likes to be.
  • Enhanced Punch: Specifically, he can deliver one with extra power behind it.
  • O.C. Stand-in: Technically never even appears in the Twilight books proper, only being mentioned in the list of vampires at the back of Breaking Dawn, where he's listed as Chelsea's mate.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Invoked by his power.
    Unless his opponent had an extra advantage that gave a boost in a physical fight, like Alice or Renata, he was nigh-unbeatable. He could add force to his blows, and check misplaced momentum, with better finesse than even the best-trained normal vampire.
  • Unholy Matrimony: With Chelsea.


The Irish Coven

A coven of vampires living in Ireland, initially consisting of Siobhan, Liam, and Maggie. They later split into vegetarian and non-vegetarian factions.


The leader of the Irish coven, whose top priority is keeping competitors out of Ireland. She is alleged to have the power to manipulate outcomes to her benefit. It turns out she does have a power, but it's not that; instead, she has supernaturally-enhanced planning ability.

  • Action Girl: She's one of the most formidable combatants in the series.
    Maggie: Do you not think me and Gianna and Ilario could beat up Siobhan if we ganged up?
    Elspeth: Um, I remember Siobhan actually fighting all-out, and I'm not even slightly tempted to say anything besides hell no, not even without Liam helping, not even if Siobhan started out missing an arm.
  • All Amazons Want Hercules: Averted. Liam, her mate, is a decent fighter but nowhere near her level. And per Flashes, he's also shorter than her.
  • Amazonian Beauty: She's well over six feet tall, extremely muscular, and as beautiful as any vampire.
  • Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Let's just say the balance of power changes drastically once the rebels get Siobhan on board.
  • Berserk Button: Apparently has a strong opinion on the name of a certain set of islands. Nobody ever pushes the button on-screen, but Maggie stops Jake from using the name "British Isles", warning him that "it would be an inauspicious way to start your day if you provoked Siobhan into perforating your face."
  • Crazy-Prepared: Likes to come up with a contingency plan for everything that could go wrong.
  • Neutral No Longer: Initially stays out of the conflict between the Cullens and the Volturi in the interest of self-preservation, but gets involved after the mnemic blast makes the status quo a lot more shaky.
  • The Strategist: This is, in fact, her power.
  • Supporting Leader: Takes the lead on strategy for the rebels in Radiance.
  • Time for Plan B: Part of why she's such an effective planner is her ability to anticipate potential setbacks and come up with an appropriate Plan B (C, D, E...) for each one. Particularly because she's guided by her power.
    Siobhan: You're not going to try just waltzing into Denali to make your announcement before you figure out how it's likely to go wrong. You're going to figure out how it's likely to go wrong, we'll patch that problem, and then we start over again.
    Elspeth: And we do this how many times?
    Siobhan: Until the only problems we find have patches worse than the holes themselves.


An Irish vampire turned in England, who later returned home and joined Siobhan's coven. She has the power to tell when someone is lying to her. She becomes the first vampire Bella convinces to give up human blood.

  • Alone Among the Couples: She's the only single person around when two of the Cullen couples visit her, Siobhan, and Liam. At one point she's seen looking wistfully at the latter two, and expresses her desire to find a mate of her own.
  • Ascended Extra: Was barely present in Breaking Dawn, basically only serving as a device to show that the Volturi were lying in one scene.
  • Beautiful Singing Voice: Alice advises her to sing for Gianna to win her love. After Bella hears her, she thinks to herself that she can certainly see why.
  • The Cutie: She's quick to enthuse over anything she finds cute, and Bella notes that her excitable mannerisms and body language make her look younger than her real physical age of about 25.
  • Everyone Can See It: When she first meets Gianna, the Cullens realize she's her mate before Maggie herself does.
    Edward: Was I this ridiculous?
    Alice: You were worse.
  • Literal Maneater: Briefly becomes this after the Cullens scare her with the possibility that she might accidentally eat her mate. A rare case where a character does this specifically because she's not interested in men.
  • Living Lie Detector: Her power. Specifically, it goes off when someone makes a statement they know is untrue and intend for her to believe.
  • Mercy Kill: Starts to give one to Gianna during her turning, but fortunately Bella intervenes in time.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After she almost gives in to Gianna's pleas for death during her Painful Transformation.
  • Paranormal Gambling Advantage: In Radiance, she becomes a professional poker player to provide for her human daughter Molly, using her lie detection power to win.
  • Queer Establishing Moment: After mentioning she hopes to find her mate soon:
    Bella: If you don't ever leave Ireland, are you very likely to run into him?
    Maggie: Her.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: Has quite a difficult time prying herself away from Gianna when the latter has to be left at home in Radiance. Later during their phone conversation, they're said to be "getting worse and worse at holding off on the mush".
  • Third Wheel: To Siobhan and Liam at first.

    Gianna Trafeli 

The Volturi's human receptionist who works for them in hopes of being turned. She's rescued by Bella when the Volturi plan to kill her, and turns out to be Maggie's mate. She is the surrogate who gives birth to Elspeth.

  • Agent Mulder: She never stopped thinking the legendary vampires of Volterra might be real, and went looking for them after Ilario got sick.
  • Ascended Extra: In canon, she's never seen again after her one appearance in the Volturi compound in New Moon.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Put her life in the hands of the Volturi in hopes of saving her dying brother.
  • Love at First Note: Maggie singing for her helps warm her up to the idea of being with her forever.
  • Mama Bear: In Radiance towards her and Maggie's human daughter Molly (bear in mind that the below quote is directed at Addy, who has many centuries of experience and combat skills on her):
    Gianna: Come, come. All of you. But if you even think about harming my daughter, I will kill you. My mate will be able to confirm whether you have thought about doing so or not. I recommend that you avoid it.
  • Non-Action Girl: Out of herself, Ilario, and Maggie, she's agreed to be the worst fighter. When making plans for the rebellion, she's quickly chosen as the one to stay home and take care of Molly (though this is also partly because she has the best chance of talking her way out if they lose).
  • Occult Detective: With only the local legends to go off of, she found enough clues around Volterra to lead her to the Volturi.
  • Rambunctious Italian: Inverted. She's highly averse to conflict and generally keeps her emotions understated or hides them altogether.
  • The Renfield: To the Volturi at the start of the story, doing various tasks in the daylight that they can't do themselves.
  • Statuesque Stunner: She's said to be quite tall, and is noted as beautiful even as a human. This is only accentuated after she becomes a vampire.
  • Working for a Body Upgrade: By proxy. She initially planned to ask the Volturi to turn Ilario, who was dying of cancer. After seeing how little they cared for human lives, she decided her best bet was to get them to deem her useful and turn her, and then turn Ilario herself.

    Ilario Trafeli 

Gianna's brother, whose terminal cancer was the reason she went looking for vampires. He moves to Ireland with her and Maggie after the first book.

  • Agent Mulder: Believed in the vampire stories he heard growing up in Volterra. When he was diagnosed with cancer, he asked Gianna to find a vampire who might turn him to save him.
  • And I Must Scream: He's given morphine before turning, rather than being put into a coma like Bella. It turns out all this does is paralyze him, while doing nothing about the pain.
  • Baldness Means Sickness: When he's first seen, he's bald as a result of his cancer treatments and very sickly-looking. Bella speculates that the only reason he's even survived as long as he has is because he was holding out hope for supernatural intervention.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Inverted. As a vampire in the first book, he's very protective of his still-human older sister Gianna.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: When he meets his mate, Cath, in the second book.
  • Emergency Transformation: He's turned to save him from cancer.
  • Everyone Can See It: When he and Cath form a mate bond, Maggie (who herself was the subject of this trope in the first book) realizes what's going on before either of them do.
  • Real Men Cook: He can prepare a good meal even after becoming a vampire and losing his taste for human food. This comes in handy when someone needs to cook for a pregnant Gianna, since Maggie has long since forgotten how.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: With Cath in Radiance.

The Denali Coven

A family of Vegetarian Vampires in Denali, whom the Cullens consider cousins.


One of the three Denali sisters, and the leader of the coven after the death of their adoptive mother Sasha.

  • The Commies Made Me Do It: When the Volturi order her and her coven to act as The Mole among the rebels, they take David prisoner to ensure compliance.
  • Heel Realization: In a flashback, she becomes the first of the sisters to swear off eating humans, after realizing there's no reason the humans she's been killing should have less value than vampires like her.
    Tanya: We were human once too.
  • Really Gets Around: Like her sisters, she makes a habit of seducing and sleeping with human men.
  • Regretful Traitor: Informs on the Cullens to the Volturi out of a belief that they are just and won't execute anyone not complicit in a crime, but comes to regret this after learning that the Volturi framed Sasha and executed her for their own ends.
  • Seeks Another's Resurrection: Flash 14 ("Resurrection") revolves around her and Kate's quest to find a willing human body donor to resurrect Irina.
  • Sex–Face Turn: Her turn toward being a Vegetarian Vampire began with her thinking about the human men she seduced and deciding she didn't want to kill them anymore.
  • Sex for Solace: In Flash 14 ("Resurrection"), she goes out to find a one-night stand to distract herself from the despair of her continued failed efforts to resurrect her dead sister Irina.


One of the three Denali sisters, who becomes the mate of the non-vegetarian vampire Laurent.

  • Clone by Conversion: In Flash 14 ("Resurrection"), Tanya and Kate manage to find a terminally ill human willing to donate her body as a host for Irina's consciousness.
  • Crusading Widow: Sets out to avenge Laurent after he's killed by some of Becky's wolf pack.
  • Please Wake Up: Spends a long time insisting that Laurent is just away longer than usual on one of his trips away from home, even after everyone else has realized he was probably killed.
  • Really Gets Around: Like her sisters, she long made a habit of seducing and sleeping with human men, but stopped when she met Laurent.
  • Revenge Myopia: Wants revenge on the wolves for killing Laurent... even though they did that in response to him coming down and eating people around La Push.
  • Sex–Face Turn: Sleeping with human men seems to have influenced her toward Tanya's "experiment" of not eating humans. In a flashback, when she's beginning to be persuaded, she cites the example of a man she was recently involved with:
    Irina: He had a very close family. He would have been sad if they died.
    Kate: You didn't eat any of them, did you? I don't think I did. Did Tanya -
    Irina: I don't think anybody ate any of his relatives. But I wouldn't have wanted him to be sad. I liked him.
    Kate: ...Well, then, I don't understand your point. Isn't it good that no one ate his family?
    Irina: Yes. My point is that I cared if he was sad, and he cared if things happened to them, and... it's not crazy to care about humans.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: Inspired by Bella's earlier use of a similar strategy, she retaliates against the wolves for killing Laurent by getting the Volturi involved.


One of the three Denali sisters, who has the power to deliver electric shocks with a touch.

  • The Commies Made Me Do It: When the Volturi order her and her coven to act as The Mole among the rebels, they take David prisoner to ensure compliance.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: In a flashback, when she finally breaks through her denial and takes a good look at the consequences of her diet of human blood.
    Kate: Ugh, don't say it, I can't bear it. Don't say "evil". We weren't, were we? Really, were we? I mean, yes, p-people died, but....
    Irina: We didn't understand. It's still hard, for me, you know -
    Kate: I can't bear it. How do you? How do you say "yes, Tanya is right, we must not kill humans, they are nearly as valuable as us, if we kill someone's sister it is almost like if someone killed one of us, if we kill someone's mother it is almost like - like - " How do you stand it?
  • Really Gets Around: Like her sisters, she makes a habit of seducing and sleeping with human men, at least until meeting Garrett during Radiance.
  • Regretful Traitor: Informs on the Cullens to the Volturi out of a belief that they are just and won't execute anyone not complicit in a crime, but comes to regret this after learning that the Volturi framed Sasha and executed her for their own ends.
  • Seeks Another's Resurrection: Flash 14 ("Resurrection") revolves around her and Tanya's quest to find a willing human body donor to resurrect Irina.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Per her memories, she's the type who's good at ignoring unpleasant truths. She was the last of the sisters to stop eating humans, being the most deeply in denial about the reality of what she was doing when she killed them. This later raises concerns that she may simply reject the revelation that Sasha was framed.
  • Shock and Awe: Her power.
  • Welcome Back, Traitor: Invoked by Elspeth and Siobhan. They determine via Elspeth's implanted memories that Kate is most likely to reject the truth about the Volturi if she feels it's already too late to go back to the allies she betrayed. By making it clear that she will be accepted back if she genuinely washes her hands of her previous actions, they gain the Denalis as Double Agents who feed false reports to the Volturi, which allows the rebels to win.

    David Baxter 

A Forks resident who was turned by the first book's Starter Villain James to create a distraction for the Cullens. He's initially sent to Denali to keep him safely away from humans, but ends up joining their family for good.

  • And I Must Scream: When the Volturi keep him in pieces as a prisoner, he's in intense pain, but unable to move or communicate.
  • Drives Like Crazy: He drives the getaway car (which Rosalie previously modded for him) after his coven's betrayal. Elspeth's only description of his driving is that she now knows what Bella meant about vampires driving like maniacs.
  • The Generic Guy: Doesn't get much characterization in the first book, instead serving mainly as an example of what typical newborn vampires are like when they turn without advance warning.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: When the rest of the Denalis turn traitor, they hide it from him, correctly guessing he wouldn't go along with it since he hasn't had experiences like theirs to teach him a "healthy respect for the law".
  • Nice Guy: Has no special powers or combat prowess, but he's kind and friendly, and willing to put himself in harm's way for the people he cares about when it comes down to it.
  • Vampire Refugee: In Flash 13 ("Staying Human"), we see him in the process of turning after being bitten by James. He doesn't fully understand what's happening to him, but tries to resist the transformation and stay human by sheer force of will.


A former member of the Volturi guard, who left with his mate Carmen and later became a Vegetarian Vampire. He has the power to detect and identify the powers of others.

  • Brainwash Residue: He's been away from the Volturi for a long time, but still carries remnants of Chelsea's influence until Elspeth deprograms him.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Comes to this conclusion regarding Jane after being deprogrammed by Elspeth.
    Eleazar: Being fourteen with a troubled past isn't... actually an excuse for cold-blooded torture.
  • Mr. Exposition: Gives Bella the rundown on the Volturi guard in the first book, along with explaining how powers are shaped by a person's thinking.
  • Please Spare Him, My Liege!: He first met Carmen as a newborn member of a coven the Volturi were punishing, and pleaded with Aro to spare her on the grounds that she was a newborn and hadn't been taught properly by her creator.
  • Regretful Traitor: Participates in betraying the Cullens to the Volturi, but regrets it after learning about some of the latter's more unsavory actions, as well as being deprogrammed by Elspeth.

Other Characters


A half-vampire hybrid fathered by Joham, a vampire with the goal of creating as many hybrid children as possible. She has the power to make herself seem irrelevant, and seeks revenge on Demetri for forcing her to live as his mate and refusing to believe that she doesn't love him.

  • Dhampyr: And the first and oldest known one at that.
  • Forgettable Character: When her power is active, people forget she exists even when she's right in front of them.
  • Invisible Introvert: By default, people around her don't even notice her existence, and she likes it just fine that way.
  • Master Race: Considers hybrids to be this.
  • Prefers Proper Names: She thinks nicknames are childish and refuses to use them.
  • Recruited from the Gutter: Bella gains her loyalty by helping her escape from a life spent fleeing Demetri.
  • Reduce Aggro: Her power can be used to deflect notice from herself even as she's attacking. She does this in the final confrontation with the Volturi, fading herself and Nathan while they first hold off the wolves long enough for Elspeth to deprogram them all, and then enter the compound and take apart most of the vampires inside.
  • Revenge is Sweet: After finally killing Demetri, Elspeth notices that she looks the calmest she's ever seen her.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Her power lets her be perceived as this. Unless you're Demetri or Bella.

    Pera Ortega 

A former student of Addy's, with the power to move people and objects in and out of a separate layer of space known as the "hiding place". She was kidnapped and brought to Volterra after Addy joined the Volturi, but escaped when Brady imprinted on her.

  • 11th-Hour Ranger: Getting her on board toward the end of Radiance is the last big win the rebels need before they finally take the fight to Volterra.
  • Defecting for Love: After being recaptured and having her loyalty bound to the Volturi, she leaves again and joins the rebels after mating to Razi.
  • Invisible Introvert: Of the "other stealth-related powers" variety.
  • Love Across Battlelines: Invoked and exploited by the rebels, who send Razi to recruit her after finding he's her mate.
  • Personality Powers: Powers in general are said to be shaped by one's personality, and that very clearly applies in Pera's case.
    Brady drew in a sharp breath between his teeth and placed a hand over Pera's eyes. She didn't protest, just leaned against him more and shivered. I was beginning to see why her power was based around hiding.
  • Phantom Zone: When you're in the hiding place, the physical world around you is the same, but you can't see, touch, or interact with anyone unhidden, or vice versa. Animals and objects normally exist in both places, but Pera can hide them the same way she does people, so that they exist only in the hiding place.
  • Second Love: After her relationship to Brady is cut away by Chelsea, she finds love again with her vampire mate Razi.
  • Shrinking Violet: She's generally timid and avoidant.


A vampire who was kept prisoner by the Volturi so that Addy could copy and use his power of teleportation.

  • 11th-Hour Ranger: The rebels finally make contact with him in Chapter 40 of Radiance and persuade him to join up.
  • And I Must Scream: Was kept broken in pieces by the Volturi. Since he lacked any sense of his own body in that state, he was unable to use his power to escape.
  • Psychoactive Powers: When he's agitated, he has less control over his power. However, he can still control where he goes, so this usually just means jumping randomly around the room until he calms down.
  • Second Love: To Pera, who was snipped from Brady after being turned.


A vampire with the power to manipulate the four classical elements.

    Charlie Swan 

Bella's father and the police chief in Forks.

  • Dads Can't Cook: His cooking is underwhelming enough that Bella prefers to just take care of the food situation herself.
  • Have You Tried Not Being a Monster?: Played for laughs. He really doesn't understand some aspects of vampire psychology like mate bonds, and sometimes asks Bella questions like whether her level of attachment to Edward is unhealthy. She notes that she "half expect[s] him to ask if [she's] ever tried to stop being a vampire".
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Bella can't tell him the truth about her supernatural life lest he be Killed to Uphold the Masquerade, and so has to come up with lies to explain things like being kidnapped by James. Until he catches her in La Push and has to be let in on (almost) everything.
  • Secret-Keeper: After stumbling upon Bella and Harry Clearwater in La Push, he has to be entrusted with the secret that they're now vampires and the latter's children are part of a werewolf pack. This takes a tragic turn later when he has to keep secret from Renée that they have a possibly-still-living granddaughter, since Renée doesn't know the truth about Elspeth and was instead just told that Bella was pregnant.

    Renée Dwyer 

Bella's mother.

  • Locked Out of the Loop: She's never told anything about vampires, werewolves, or any supernatural goings-on until the very end of Radiance, after Bella has overthrown the Volturi and can finally go to her parents and tell them she's alive.
  • Wacky Parent, Serious Child: Bella is very serious about knowing her own thoughts and mastering her emotions, and the weighty decisions she has to make. Renée is pretty much the polar opposite. To give one example, when she finds out that vampires exist, Bella (whom she believed dead) is the new Vampire Monarch, and one of her capitals is under construction nearby, her reaction is to clap her hands in enthusiasm and say "Oh, we have to go see it!".
  • Womanchild: She's rather flighty and unserious, and often shows a childlike enthusiasm for things.
