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Fridge / Luminosity

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As a Fridge page, all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned.

Fridge Brilliance
  • At first it seems that Addy showing up is unrelated to the change in Bella's personality which is the main Point of Divergence from canon - then you realize that in this timeline, Bella informed the Volturi about Joham and his hybrid children, whom Addy was traveling with at the time, which led to the Volturi finding her.
  • Allirea's power goes a long way toward explaining why hybrids are completely unknown.
  • In Luminosity, Bella says it's a good thing she can't choose to let Edward read her mind because if she had that ability and this were known, she could be forced to do it. When she's finally able to open her shield to him, it's after she's taken power, i.e., once there's no longer a higher authority in place that could force her to do things.
  • When Bella is deceiving James, she uses deliberately awkward syntax to make him discount the possibility that she's tricking him, saying things like "since technology's getting so, you know, high-tech". In other words, she actually slays a vampire with Buffy Speak.
  • The death of Victor and Maureen's baby Natalie. The Volturi would have no incentive to kill her, she's a potential future fighter like any puppy — but even humans have killed babies by accident because of how fragile they are, and anyone in the Volturi is probably unfamiliar with how to handle babies safely. So it's very likely that she was killed accidentally.
  • Chelsea is wearing a blue dress in her first appearance. Given the general region and time period she's from, she would have associated blue dyed clothing with wealth and power.
  • Kind of a meta example, but I've heard complaints about Luminosity's Bella being too... clinical, too formal in narration and while I don't mind it, it is kinda true. However, I also noticed the narration gets less formal once she's a vampire. This makes sense if you realize, based on the prologue, that she's telling the story from memory after the Volturi attack on La Push. The reason the human!Bella section is more formal is because she's telling it from vague human memory and memorized journal entries, whereas the vampire section is more natural.
  • Bella is from Phoenix, Arizona. The first book ends with her rising from the ashes after being burned.
  • Overlapping with Fridge Horror: Jane is using memories of her turning as a weapon. And being turned is described as the worst pain humans or vampires could ever feel, to where they want to die just to escape it. Now imagine, instead of a fixed three-day process, it's a person who can inflict that on you at will. The desperation to die instead becomes a desperation to do whatever will avoid making her mad. No wonder she's so feared.
  • Cody, upon introducing himself to Elspeth, comments that he's possibly the least interesting half-vampire in existence. This is highly ironic after learning about Allirea — but when you think about it, Cody doesn't contribute nearly as much to the plot as Allirea does, and his personality is less well-defined than hers.

Fridge Horror

  • Allirea's state of rest - what happens when she's not actively exerting effort - is to be unnoticeable. This has always been the case for her. Anything that is clearly "about" Allirea is not worth notice unless she acts to counteract that default. She's also a half-vampire. This means that her mother died an agonizing death by childbirth. And no one cared. Not even her mother.
  • It was once common to believe that people who committed suicide went to hell. Now imagine Esme jumping off the cliff, being mortally wounded and probably losing consciousness, and then suddenly finding herself plunged into intense fiery pain worse than anything she'd ever imagined, and consider where her mind would likely go.
  • Everything that must be in the mnemic blast. Not just people getting eaten, but mundane horrors. There are probably memories of people getting tortured, raped, seeing their children killed, all in countless different iterations — and possibly worse, other people's memories of committing all those atrocities. And now Elspeth, who just a month ago was a young girl who relied on her Mama, has all of those memories.
  • Whenever Aro eats someone, which obviously involves touching them, he gets their memories. This would include their final experience of being eaten by him, which he would receive as he's doing it. And this hasn't even slightly dissuaded him from eating people.
  • I'm the only one that is terrified by the implication of having a LOT of part vampire AND vampire around? How come nobody even tried to think about the HUGE INCREDIBLE mess that would come out of having so many possible one sided mating?
    • Based off the answer the author gives here, it seems that the complete disaster that was Demetri mating on Allirea was a perfect storm; it was the fact that her magic didn't work on him and his reaction to her panic being to increasingly delude himself that caused the problem. Apparently, had they met while Demetri was still human, their personalities were a match and she'd have liked him a lot. Presumably, had Demetri been able to get actually useful help like Alice was for Edward (because Luminosity's Bella would almost certainly not have taken well to Twilight-canon!Edward's behavior), there may have been a chance. Going off that, the Golden Coven has staff there to help with various adjustments. Counselors to assist in problems of vampires mating on hybrids - not to mention some potential imprint cases - would be helpful here. Not foolproof, but helpful.
  • It's milder than a lot of these, but consider that the imprints from the village now have to deal with the fact that they have living family out there that they've been forced to cut out of their lives, who they no longer love. Amanda at least wants to reconnect for her daughter's sake, but there's no way that's going to be a smooth process. And the other imprints are from Volterra, so their families are going to find out the whole truth soon regardless of what they do.

Fridge Sadness

  • Esme thinking she lost four of her kids after Luminosity becomes even sadder when you realize that the loss of her first child was what made her try to commit suicide.
  • Volterra has a population of about 11,000. Gianna probably knew the mnemic blast victims (all those who were locals, anyway) as well as the Italian imprints who were snipped from their families. What’s more, she probably remembers Paola Greco as a cute little kid.
