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Characters / Victor and Valentino

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Character page for Victor and Valentino.

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Los Hermanastros de Calavera

    Tropes that apply to both: 

  • Ambiguously Human: Since they're directly descending from Tlaloc and Chalchiuhtlicue it seems they are demigods rather than normal humans.
  • Parental Abandonment: Or Ambiguously Absent Parent. We do know that they're being raised by Chata and that she's their paternal grandmother it's known what happened to their parents.


Victor "Vic" Calavera

Voiced by: Diego Molano

Valentino's younger half-brother and Chata's grandson.

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: He goes on Valentino's nerves all the time.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: He has some pretty thick eyebrows.
  • Book Dumb: He doesn't know how to spell well and is rather impulsive, but Valentino does credit him on being smarter than his appearance and behaviors would suggest when the situation demands it.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: He's a jerk and wants to do whatever he wants without people telling him what to do, and like a little kid, he'll cry and moan if pushed too far.
  • Childish Tooth Gap: Is missing his center front tooth.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Victor is not above ribbing on Valentino or joining in on supernatural mischief. But as soon as someone or something threatens to legitimately hurt Val, expect Victor to back out.
  • Foil: The mischievous, rambunctious boy compared to the more cautious, responsible Valentino.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The Foolish Sibling to Val's Responsible Sibling.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: Roughhousing and generally ribbing Valentino like most brothers? Victor has no problem with that. Anyone else threatens to hurt Val? That's crossing a line.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite his mischievous nature and spats with Valentino, he is a good person who truly cares for him.
  • I Call It "Vera": He has a special jawbreaker named Selena.
  • Implausible Boarding Skills: Subverted; he's a formidable skateboarder but nowhere near the level of the kids at the hidden skate park.
  • Meaningful Name: "Calavera" means "skull" in Spanish, and a calaca is a skeleton figure used for the Day of the Dead. Both are very appropriate names for a character in a Mexico-based supernatural series.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: The resulting moment whenever a supernatural event he caused reaches its most dangerous situation.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The mischievous and rambunctious mean to Valentino's nice and Chata's in-between.
  • Noodle People: Disregarding the obvious weight gap between him and Valentino, Victor is generally a very skinny person.
  • Not So Above It All: He frequently bursts into tears and cries aloud like a small child whenever things seem to have ended badly (usually due to his doing in the first place), like when he thought Val drowned or when Val was nearly killed by the Suerte characters.
  • Overly Long Name: Victor Guadalupe Marine Laguna Calaca Calavera, as stated by Valentino in "Legend of the Hidden Skate Park".
  • Platonic Life-Partners: He is Cristina's best friend. He has no romantic feelings for her (mainly because he's living and she's dead) and sees her as a troll friend to help him pull pranks on other people for fun.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red to Valentino's Blue even though between the two of them he wears the blue clothing.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The Manly Man to Val's Sensitive Guy.
  • Skewed Priorities: More often than not, he decides to risk whatever may prolong his fun time, putting himself and everyone else at risk.
    • "Through the Nine Realms of Mictlan" put a serious case when he purposefully has their undead friend Cristina miss the train to go back home by prolonging their last troll of the day so that she'd be forced to stay with him and Valentino in exchange of never seeing her family again.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: From what we've seen so far, jawbreakers.
  • Vague Age: He's somewhere between the ages of 9 and 12, according to his official bio.
  • Vocal Dissonance: Victor looks like a preadolescent or early adolescent, but his voice sounds pretty adult-like. Especially when you compare his voice to Val's, who sounds comparatively more age-appropriate.
  • Vocal Evolution: His voice was pretty deep in both the pilot and early episodes of the series. As the show went on, his voice became more whiny and nasally.
  • Weirdness Magnet: If something supernatural occurs, it's usually because he started it.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Seems to have a distaste for serpents going by the aftermath of "Love At First Bite".


Valentino "Val" Calavera

Voiced by: Rico Rodriguez (pilot), Sean-Ryan Petersen (series)

Victor's older half-brother and Chata's grandson.

  • Acrofatic: He's overweight but pretty nimble and quick when the situation calls for it.
  • Berserk Button: Valentino gets very angry when someone messes with or ruins his mint coin collection. In "My Thirsty Little Monster", he gets upset that Victor's new pet Cammy ruins his mint coin collection with bat guano, which results in Valentino scaring him away with water spray.
  • Big Brother Instinct: He is very protective towards his younger brother.
  • Big Eater: In "Chata's Quinta Quinceañera", he agrees to Vic's plan to try to attend two separate parties only when the latter tells him that he'll get to eat twice.
  • The Collector: It also gets him in trouble in at least two separate occasions.
  • Didn't Think This Through: While he is generally more on the ball than his brother, he also isn't afraid to use the town weirdness to his advantage (Case in point dressing his brother up as a goat to lure the chupacabra and takes picture as said creatures takes his brother away, good thing the chupacabra in this setting is a vegetarian).
  • Eating Lunch Alone: Mentions this is how his meals in second grade were like.
  • Foil: The cautious, responsible boy compared to the more mischievous, rambunctious Victor.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The Responsible Sibling to Victor's Foolish Sibling.
  • Jerkass Realization: Has one in 'Decoding Valentino' when he realizes that he was acting so jealous of Isabella and wanting to be the smart one that he almost let her DIE FROM A SPIKE TRAP.
  • Laughing Mad: In "My Thirsty Little Monster", Valentino breaks into hysterical laughter after his mint coin collection gets ruined by Victor's pet Camazotz and his brother has no idea Camie was responsible for it.
  • Morality Pet: To Victor. Being a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, Victor is not above going along with any troublemaking or mischief the boys find. However, the second someone or something threatens Val, Vic drops everything to help his brother.
  • Nice Guy: While he still has his faults, he's mostly a well-meaning and amiable guy.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The kindhearted and cautious nice to Victor's mean and Chata's in-between.
  • Not So Above It All: Can get swept into using the magic surrounding the town to his advantage (Sometimes, without prompting from Vic).
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Victor's Red despite being the one wearing reddish-orange clothing.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The Sensitive Guy to Vic's Manly Man.
  • Terrified of Germs: He goes through ridiculous lengths to avoid the spreading of germs.
  • Vague Age: According to the show's wikia, Val is somewhere between 10 to 14-years-old.
  • Vocal Dissonance: Val started off sounding relatively age-appropriate, but as his voice actor continued to hit puberty, later episodes have Val sounding more adult-like.
  • Vocal Evolution: His voice was more childish in the pilot. For the series proper, he starts off sounding more like a teenager, but his voice deepened considerably as the show went on.

Citizens of Monte Macabre

    Grandma Chata 


Voiced by: Carla Tassara (pilot), Laura Patalano (series)

Victor and Valentino's paternal grandmother.

  • Ambiguously Human:
    • Let's see, her emotions control the water during the summer solstice, her house seems to be alive, and oh yes, the pilot shows she might be a magical deity.
    • Her favorite flower is the marigold, a symbol of the dead and the afterlife in Mexican culture.
    • The ambiguity goes away in the finale, where it is revealhed she's Tlatloc's wife Chalchiuhtlicue.
  • Ambiguous Situation: She's perhaps the only resident who doesn't ever seem to notice any of the supernatural events happening around her (more so because her grandsons are always the ones triggering said events and try to keep her from knowing). However, it's hard to tell if she's genuinely oblivious to it or if she knows but is just desensitized to it.
  • Amnesiac God: "Fall Into The Fifth Sun" reveals she's the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue. Tez had been messing with her memories.
  • Animal Motifs: Often seen with a hummingbird.
  • Berserk Button: Anything to do with her rival, Maria Teresa.
  • Blank White Eyes: When she does open her eyes, you only see the sclera, though, in one ep, we did see her pupil. She is blind, however.
  • Eyes Always Shut: 95 percent of the time; she can't see very well and uses a cane. As for the other 5 percent, see Nightmare Face.
  • Mood-Swinger: Her mood can change from calm to angry and then back to calm again if Victor and Valentino are acting mischievous or fighting.
  • Never Mess with Granny: Her angry Jump Scare outbursts make it sound like she's possessed.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The in-between to Victor's mean and Valentino's nice; she's a sweet old lady but is not afraid to show her Nightmare Face.
  • Nightmare Face: You wouldn't expect a sweet old granny like her to have one, but she's not afraid to use it.
    Chata: Traviesos. I can't believe you didn't ask permission. Because if you did, I would have said... of course you can.
    (Vic and Val sigh in relief)
    (Vic and Val scream)
  • Voice of the Legion: Whenever she wants to intimidate Victor and Valentino, she makes a scary face and yells, her screaming having a slight echo.
  • Weirdness Censor: If she's aware of any of the supernatural goings-on in Monte Macabre, she's never made that clear. Pretty impressive, considering that her house is apparently an Eldritch Location.


Voiced by: Cristina Milizia

Pineapple's sister and Maria Teresa's granddaughter.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: She clearly has this for Vic, but he despises her and only sees her as a rival. Doesn't stop her from trying to impress him, though.
  • Childish Tooth Gap: Similar to Victor, she's missing center teeth on the top row.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: When Charlene sees Victor hanging out with any other girls, she gets very jealous. In "Villainy In Monte Macabre", she throws a stop sign at Demencia for being close to Victor and yells at Demencia to "get away from [her] Victor."
  • Creepy Child: She's very disturbing and mysterious at times, but don't let it trick you.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Despite her black attire, her creepy and macabre demeanor, and her connection to supernatural beings, Charlene is actually pretty friendly.
  • Distaff Counterpart: To Victor. They're each other's rivals and both have dark hair and teeth missing in their top row.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: In "Charlene Mania", when Victor accidentally infects the entire population with Charlene's love potion meant for him, the potion causes everyone including girls to fall madly in love with Charlene too.
  • Foil:
    • To Pineapple. She is an ecstatic and talkative Perky Goth girl who enjoys the supernatural aspects of Monte Macabre, while her brother is a strong yet silent boy who tends to drag Charlene away from the more dangerous ones.
    • She's a foil to Isabella as well. Both are the respective love interests for the titular main characters and share the same voice actress. But while both Isabella and Valentino like each other, only Charlene likes Victor.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The Foolish Sibling to Pineapple's Responsible Sibling, as she enjoys the town's supernatural aspects so much that her brother has to drag her away from the more dangerous ones.
  • Nice Girl: Strange as she is, Charlene is one of the friendliest characters on the show.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The ecstatic and perky nice to Maria Teresa's mean and Pineapple's in-between.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Routinely enjoys the supernatural happenings of the show, even the ones that freak out Victor and Valentino.
  • Perky Goth: Usually cheerful and friendly despite her interest in the macabre.
  • Ship Tease: She has a hidden crush on Victor and tries everything to win his heart.
  • Speech Impediment: She has a distinct lisp, largely due to the gap in her front teeth.
  • Stalker with a Crush: To Victor. See Ship Tease.
  • The Rival: Zigzagged; the brothers see her as such, but she seems to have a crush on Victor and only uses the rivalry to get close to him.
  • Yandere



Voiced by: Diego Molano

Charlene's brother and Maria Teresa's grandson.

  • Bedsheet Ghost: He wears a white bed sheet over his head with two eye holes cut out so that he can pretend to be the ghost of El Pintor.
  • Big Brother Instinct: He has shown to care deeply for his little sister Charlene, such as dragging her away from any dangerous situations.
  • Fartillery: Farts on Victor during their wrestling match in part 1 of "Welcome to the Underworld".
  • Foil: To Charlene. He is a strong yet silent boy who tends to drag his sister away from dangerous situations, while Charlene is an ecstatic and talkative Perky Goth girl who routinely enjoys the supernatural happenings of Monte Macabre.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The Responsible Sibling to Charlene's Foolish Sibling, as he tends to drag her away from dangerous situations that she'd rather stay for.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Works at the town Cat Cafe.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The in-between to Charlene's nice and Maria Teresa's mean; he seems hulking and intimidating on the surface but is a real softy deep down.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Pineapple probably is not his real name.
  • Pokémon Speak: Pineapple can only say the words "Pine" and "Apple".
  • Real Men Wear Pink: A hulking boy with a gravelly voice... who attends dance camp, is part of a knitting club, plays piano, and freely comforts people when they feel bad.
  • The Silent Bob: Is a boy of few words.
  • The Rival: Is this along with Charlene to the titular protagonists.

    Maria Teresa 

Maria Teresa

Voiced by: Frankie Quiñones

Charlene and Pineapple's grandmother.

  • Ambiguously Human: She's married to an Aztec god, and she has been shown to have access to (and knows how to use) various magical potions, as well as other cursed items. That said, she could just get these things from Tez.
  • Butter Face: Her body is quite attractive, her face not so much.
  • Cursed Item: For whatever reason, she has a lot of these. From lotions that can rapidly age and de-age people to items that can trap people in a "Groundhog Day" Loop, Vic and Val eventually realize to steer clear of her stuff by the end of Season 1. She's well aware of this and mentions in "Forever Ever" that the stuff in her attic is Tez's equipment for his magic acts, so take that as you will.
  • Doting Grandparent: In contrast to Chata who raises her grandchildren with a firm hand, Maria Teresa spoils Charlene and Pineapple.
  • Gonk: She's based on the stereotype of old women who try to look young by wearing obviously fake wigs and overdone makeup.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The vain and self-centered mean to Charlene's nice and Pineapple's in-between.
  • Older Than They Look: Apparently, she and Chata are around the same age (75) but, Maria looks like she could possibly pass for middle-age.
  • Pet the Dog: She gave Victor and Valentino the antidote to her youth potion at the end of "Escape from Bebe Bay."
  • Rich Bitch: In "Chata's Quinta Quinceañeta", Chata has María Teresa's crown confiscated, before she upstages Chata by wearing a better-looking gold crown. María Teresa takes a spare crown from her purse and puts it on her head.
  • The Rival: Unlike their grandchildren, she and Chata have a bitter rivalry.
  • Wicked Witch: Never explicitly called one, but she has access to various magic potions.

    Don Jalapeño 

Don Julio Jalapeño

Voiced by: Jason Hightower

The owner of a store with vast knowledge of Mexican folklore and ancient mythology.

  • The Chew Toy: Is a frequent recipient of pranks by Victor and Valentino.
  • Fat Idiot: Seems to be one with all his superstition.
  • Ignored Expert: He may seem out of touch, but he turns out to be right about the superstition and myths that happen around Monte Macabre.
  • Ironic Name: Don mainly sells jalapeños, but it turns out he can't handle spicy foods, having a Potty Emergency just from eating one.
  • Likes Older Women: He seems to be attracted to Chata, who is an old lady.
  • The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: When turned into a baby, he seemed to mentally regress into one, despite Victor and Valentino somehow keeping their intellect.
  • The Mole: After being terminated from the Jaguar Patrol in "The Bodyguard", Tez instead has him become his Chief of Surveillance in keeping an eye on Victor and Valentino. However, "Into the Obsidian" has him learn Tez's true colors after Victor and Valentino expose the surveillance and he ultimately helps the boys stop Tez's plan.
  • Overly-Nervous Flop Sweat: Whenever he's around Chata, like in "The Babysitter".

    Xochi Jalapeño 

Xochi Jalapeño

Voiced by: Cristina Vee

Don Jalapeño's teenage daughter.

  • Action Girl: See how she prevents Victor and Valentino from leaving their own house in "The Babysitter"?
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: She doesn't really care much about the supernatural happenings in Monte Macabre.
  • Ambiguously Lesbian: In "Band for Life", she constantly blushes at her friend Amabel's advances, and the ending of the episode shows the two of them holding hands, implying they've started a relationship, so the only ambiguity here is whether or not she also likes boys.
  • Ambiguously Human: She's revealed to have plant manipulation powers, but she admits she isn't sure if that makes her even human.
  • Green Thumb: It's revealed in "Xochi's Garden" that Xochi has the power to manipulate plant life. This includes making puppets out of vines and maintaining her own private garden where she can practice her magic.
  • Hartman Hips: Xochi has absolutely massive hips, far wider than any other character in the series.
  • Hidden Depths: Likes to Salsa dance.
  • Incompatible Orientation: Valentino shows some attraction to her, note  but she is Ambiguously Lesbian.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She can be snarky and cynical, and isn't tolerant of Victor and Valentino's antics, but she does care for others.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Xochitl means "flower" in Nahuatl. Which makes sense with her Green Thumb powers.
    • Xochiquetzal is an Aztec goddess of fertility, beauty, female sexual power, pregnancy, childbirth, and feminine activities such as weaving and embroidery, as well as being the protector of young mothers.



Voiced by: Tom Kenny
A short pale-skinned, whitehaired kid.
  • Creepy Child: Shows some elements of this. Such as referring to his mother and father as "Creator" and "Co-Creator".
  • The Eeyore: He has a rather gloomy personality.
  • In Touch with His Feminine Side: Has shown this to a minimum degree. Notable examples including his affinity to a bit of pink in his wardrobe and considering himself "powerful" when he's ended up with more ladylike body parts.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Owns a white cat.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: Easily one of the richer citizens of Monte Macabre going by his house in his birthday episode.
  • Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold: Is described as being a nice boy despite his quirky behaviors.
  • Mystical White Hair: His locks are this shade.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He has a leather jacket decorated with "razzle dazzles" in his wardrobe. And he openly admits to preferring hugs to hi-fives or handshakes. He also owns a glittery pink coat he considers his "Mourning Coat".
  • Third-Person Person: He frequently speaks this way, saying "Guillermo" instead of "I".



Voiced by: Debi Derryberry

  • Brainy Baby: Is smart enough to know how to sell his chocolate bars.
  • Hero of Another Story: The crossover with Villainous reveals them to be a squid monster disguised as a human and a hero.
  • Meaningful Name: Is known as "CaCao" and carries a stash of chocolate bars.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Cacao likely is not this kid's birth name.
  • Pokémon Speak: Only says their name. Turns out this is due to him being a baby as when Victor, Valentino, and Don Jalapeno were turned into babies they can hear him speak fluently.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Chocolate bars.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: In "Villainy In Monte Macabre", he's shown vomiting chocolate after being exposed to salt and reverting back into his true form as a shapeshifting squid.


Rosa "Rosita"

Voiced by: Arianna Villavicencio

  • Brainy Brunette: She investigates about bugs and likes to read so much that she doesn't pay attention to her surroundings.
  • Hidden Depths: She's a seasoned Patolli player who played the game since she was a baby.

    Reynaldo and Reynalda 

Reynaldo and Reynalda

Voiced by: Diego Molano (Reynaldo), Cristina Milizia (Reynalda)
The inseparable twins who are always seen together.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: Implied to have some sort of mental disorder.
  • Brother–Sister Incest: Implied. They are always holding hands and openly affectionately with each other. They aren't romantic interest with anyone who are the same ages as them.
  • Brother–Sister Team: In "Churro Kings", they fight together in perfect sync when they fight against Victor and Valentino.
  • Those Two Guys: They are never seen apart from each other and always seen together.



Voiced by: Jorge Gutiérrez

A friend of Chata.

  • Ambiguously Human: While he's flying with the boys (who are wearing his headband), his shadow appears in the shape of a winged serpent...
  • Amnesiac God: Tez repressed his memories as Quetzalcoatl, unless he drinks rainwater out of Chata's water vessel.
  • Cain and Abel: He is revealed to be Tez's brother, and they have issues worse than the Calavera brothers.
  • Cool Old Guy: He brings the boys on an adventure in his debut episode.
  • Meaningful Name: His shadow being of a winged serpent while he's flying and his supposed nickname being Sal points to him being Quetzalcoatl. This is confirmed at the end of season 3.
  • Sizeshifter: Is able to shrink to the size of an ant.



Voiced by: Cristina Milizia

A kind, fairly laid-back girl who is supportive of Val and hangs out with him and Vic occasionally.

  • Always Someone Better: She proves to be this to Valentino, albeit unintentionally, in the episode "Decoding Valentino".
  • Foil: To Charlene. Both are the respective love interests for Valentino and Victor and share the same voice actress. But while both Isabella and Valentino like each other, only Charlene likes Victor.
  • Nice Girl: She's a friendly, easygoing girl who gets along well with Valentino.
  • Ship Tease: She and Valentino can get flustered around each other when making contact.


Voiced by: Montse Hernandez

Tula is a bossy, arrogant, and spoiled girl who cannot stand not getting her way. She is a diva who looks down on "weirdos", such as Victor, Lana, and Achi. Her mean streak is only overshadowed by her arrogance, lording her vast wealth over the other residents and children of Monte Macabre. She is dating Fernando.

  • Rich Bitch: She isn't above flaunting her wealth to her fellow citizens.


Voiced by: Miggs Perez

Xipe is a fashion designer, thrift store owner and Val's mentor.

  • Ambiguously Human: Creates a musical number like Tez by making clothes and mannequins move, can send people through time, and is named after the Aztec god, Xipe Totec, no longer ambiguous.
  • Creepy Good: He encourages Victor to be comfortable with in his own skin, but shares a name with and is a god without skin that covers it up with the flayed skin of others, imagery maintained in his musical number.
  • Trickster Mentor: He gets Val to stand up to bullies and be himself through indirect advice in "In Your Own Skin", and grants Val's wish to go back to a simpler time in "A Simpler Life: Ayohuih Nemilitzli, only to leave out how difficult it was during those times.


Voiced by: Keith Ferguson

Teo is an old man that Val meets in "Old Man Teo" and tries to impress, with Teo just wanting his hat back.

Supernatural Oddities



Voiced by: Christian Lanz

An undead talking chihuahua from the underworld.

    The Bone Boys - Mictlantecuhtli and Hunhau 

Mictlantecuhtli "Mic" and Hunhau "Hun"

Voiced by: Daran Norris

A pair of brothers, they are the keepers of the underworld.

  • Artistic License: They're depicted as brothers despite coming from different mythologies (Aztec and Mayan respectively).
  • Glowing Eyelights of Undeath: They (and their skeletal subjects) all have these.
  • Graceful Loser: In "Through the Realms of Mictlan"; they not only reward Christina along with her fellow deceased denizens back home in Mictlan to get what they wanted thanks to Victor choosing to go to Mictlan over the living world, but they found Victor and Valentino so entertaining that they let the boys visit the Underworld whenever they like thus allowing Victor and Cristina to hang each other again instead of being away forever.
  • The Quiet One: Hun.


Huēhuecoyōtl "HueHue"

Voiced by: Christian Lanz

The Aztec god of mischief, sealed away in a magical alebrije until it was accidentally broken by Valentino.

  • Agent Peacock: He acts a bit sensual, which is likely a nod to him being the patron of uninhibited sexuality and male sexuality. He could also be gender changing in the various mythical stories. Even kissing Valentino goodbye in the 59th episode!
  • Berserk Button: Do not attempt to reimprison him again.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: HueHue has a complete lack of self control. What starts off as frivolous playful antics gradually develop into mean-spirited dangerous pranks.
  • Call-Back: After escaping at the end of his return episode, he calls the boys to say it was fun helping them recapture the escaped spirits, calling them his minions. In his debut, he was stopped from awakening every captured spirit, after referring to them as "my mischief makers."
  • Do Wrong, Right: The trickster coyote spirit has to school and tutor the boys often on how to be a proper mischief maker, sometimes to his annoyance.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Amateurish pranks and poorly executed jokes irritate him, and he's a Grammar Nazi to boot.
  • Faux Affably Evil: His initial friendliness with Victor and Valentino shows his true colors when he resorts to malicious pranks (even beyond Victor's standards) that could have hurt Valentino, and his attitude towards Victor is apathetic.
  • Friendly Enemy: He's on good terms (or at least he thinks he's on good terms) with the boys, getting intimate, giving them Friendly Address Privileges and having No Sense of Personal Space.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: HueHue's eyes become hypnotic rainbows when he's really mad with someone.
  • Grammar Nazi: He corrects Victor's bad spelling and treats it as Serious Business, which turns out to be his downfall when he re-spells "Esdas etripado" to "¡estás atrapado!" and says it a third time, sending him back to his alebrije.
  • Hijacked by Ganon: After helping Victor and Valentino round up three escaped malicious spirits (and escaping himself to avoid recapture), he's sure to give the boys a call and let them know all those spirits work for him, which is why he knew how to catch them all.
    • However, it's only a twist if you did not pay close attention to a few words in his debut episode.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He gets very irritated with Victor's bad spelling, and Victor exploits this to make him say "¡estás atrapado!" for the third time.
  • Jerkass: All he wants to do is prank people, no matter how much it may hurt them.
  • Rewatch Bonus: His debut episode discreetly implies that many of the captured spirits are actually his underlings, which he confirms at the end of his return episode.
  • Rule of Three: HueHue and his minions are unstoppable and can only be sealed again into a alebrije by saying "¡estás atrapado" three times.
  • Sizeshifter: Comes with the territory of being a Reality Warper, the god can appear tiny or giant-sized at will.
  • Starter Villain: He's the first antagonist that the brothers face off against in the TV series, and gives them a taste of the strangeness of Monte Macabre.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: When the boys idiotically release some of HueHue's mischievous alebrije spirits, they have no choice but to enlist the help of master mischief-maker to help catch them. The coyote spirit eventually decides to cooperate with the boys
  • The Bus Came Back: Returns in episode Folk Art Friends to assist the boys in recapturing his escaped minions, but the crafty Aztec god himself absconds in the ending.
  • Those Wily Coyotes: He's a coyote and a god of mischief.
  • The Punishment: His wanton mischief got so bad the other gods sealed him away in a alebrije. However, he's still a god, and can easily escape if the sculpture is damaged.
  • The Trickster: A mischievous coyote spirit that liked to play pranks on the ancient Aztec gods.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: For all his amazing reality-bending abilities, he can be sealed in an easily-made alebrije with a very short incantation.
    • On the other hand, the easily-made alebrije is also easily shattered, or he can find ways to keep you from saying the incantation. This is why the boys create so many of them he can't destroy them all, and even record themselves saying the incantation so he can't muffle their voices either.


Demon bats that drink the blood of others that were released by Victor and Valentino by accident. Victor grows an attachment to the littlest one, naming it Cammy.


The ghost of a football player trapped inside a mirror.

  • Attention Whore: He is so self-absorbed that Val tricks him into possessing the ball saying that it doesn't matter if he is a great football player, everyone pays attention to the ball.
  • Demonic Possession: He possesses Val to turn him into a great football player but also takes possession of his body giving him a monstrous appearance.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: He is sealed in an obsidian mirror that connects to the underworld inside the closet of Charlene's room because her grandfather stored it in there.

    El Pintor 

Voiced by: Tony Plana

The ghost of a painter who died of a broken heart.

  • Dark and Troubled Past: In life, he was a painter who died of a broken heart after his love left him at the altar.
  • Friend to All Children: Though he terrifies them at first, he turns kind when they agrees to spend the day with him.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Of a sort, he just wants someone to spend Dia De Los Amantes with him and is overjoyed when the Lonely Haunts Club agrees to visit him every year.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: He is based on Mexican painter Diego Rivera. Likewise, his amante resembles Frida Khalo.
  • Reality Warper: He can bring his paintings, and their contents, to life to affect the physical world.

    El Colorado 

A character from the game "Suerte." Like the other characters, he comes to life in order to find someone to take his place in the game.

  • Giggling Villain: If he's not hamming it up, he's doing this.
  • Graceful Loser: After Victor admits he cheated at the game, El Colorado lets off a Big "NO!", after which he happily bids Valentino farewell.
  • Incoming Ham: When Valentino first sees him, he's outside giggling creepily and making hand gestures.
  • Large Ham: "PEEK-A-BOO! I'm gonna find you!"
  • Our Demons Are Different: One of his legs resembles a goat leg, and the other resembles a chicken leg.
  • Prehensile Tail: He uses his tail as a lasso to grab Valentino.
  • Satanic Archetype: He's basically Satan in all but name.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He clearly enjoys chasing Val, and specifically tries to trap him in the game because Victor wouldn't admit to cheating.
  • You Will Not Evade Me: When he finally gets bored with chasing Valentino, he uses his tail as a lasso to catch him.

    El Chupacabra 

Chupacabra "Chupa"

Voiced by: Fred Tatasciore

A legendary cryptid.

  • Friend to All Living Things: Vic and Val are surprised to learn that Chupacabra would never harm or eat an animal, considering them his friends. He makes sculptures resembling animals, and even cuddles a rabbit, because he believes that animals have natural beauty.
  • Terrible Artist: His sculptures are so bad people mistook them for the gruesome remains of his meals.
  • Vegetarian Vampire: He doesn't like to eat animals, because he's a vegetarian.

    La Lechuza 

Voiced by: Vanessa Marshall

A legendary owl monster who preys on crying children.

  • Affably Evil: "Evil" is a stretch. While she does kidnap crying children, it's out of protective instinct rather than malice. Befitting her motherly nature, she's very kind and caring even if she insists on letting her "children" stay with her. And she's even willing to let them go once they've matured.
  • Friend to All Children: Legend says she preys on crying children, when she actually adores children and is compelled to pamper and protect them by maternal instinct.
  • I'm Taking Him Home with Me!: When she snatches up crying children, she's actually taking them to her nest to take care of them.
  • My Beloved Smother: Downplayed. She's actually perfectly willing to let her "children" leave the nest if they "matured," but still expects them to constantly keep in touch. Mostly, it's the "children" taking advantage of her kindness.
  • Taking Advantage of Generosity: She's willing to let her "children" leave the nest once they "mature", but the problem is her "children" are so spoiled and pampered, they would rather stay. One man was clearly kidnapped when he was a baby, and he never outgrew it.

    Los Cadejos 

Two mountain spirits that take the form of large dogs and appear to lost travelers.

Tropes that apply to both


An evil Black Cadejo that leads lost travelers to their doom.
  • Body Horror: Once their true identity is found out by Valentino, and Mr. Snuggles foils its attempts to kill Victor, he suddenly sheds most of his body's flesh and fur to reveal Dem Bones - while insects and an excess amount of maggots visibly fall from its body all over the place.
  • Dark Is Evil: Has black fur and tries to kill lost travelers.
  • Dem Bones: The lower half part of his body in his true form is just a skeleton.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: His eyes turn red when he hypnotizes people.


A good White Cadejo that protects lost travelers from harm


A spawn of the Aztec Eldritch Abomination that the gods slew to make the world that Victor and Valentino kept as a pet.

Voiced by: Christian Lanz

Maria Teresa's magician husband, who has finally returned to Monte Macabre after traveling the world. In truth, he is the Aztec god Tezcatlipoca.

  • Ambiguously Human: He has magic powers and his face turns catlike during his Villain Song. He turns out to be an Aztec god.
  • An Arm and a Leg: He claims to have lost his leg to one of his crocodiles, Guapo. Then he says that he lost it to a giant winged serpent... and neither of these explanations are exactly wrong (as far as we know, anyways).
  • Animal Motifs: He is associated with cats, most notably his eyes getting cat-like when he's excited. Tezcatlipoca was associated with jaguars and even ended the first world by making jaguars rain on people.
  • Big Bad: He has plans for Monte Macabre...
  • Cain and Abel: He is revealed to be Sal's brother, and he suppressed his memories as Quetzalcoatl out of spite. The Final Battle in the Grand Finale shows they have worse issues than the titular duo, which they compare to their own Sibling Rivalry.
  • Collector of the Strange: He has a collection of mystical artifacts in Maria Teresa's attic, which she says he uses for his magic shows.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: A glyph of Tezcatlipoca is seen in the first episode's flashback, where he is Huehuecoyotl's prank victim and the one who imprisoned him in an alebrije.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He's evil, but from what little we've seen so far though, he seems to love his wife. How much of it is an act is currently unknown. For the record, Tezcatlipoca really got around with noblewomen according to myth... His relationship with his brother, Sal, also plays a factor in his Heel–Face Turn, when the Calavera brothers help resolve their issues with each other.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He acts like a Cool Old Guy, but he wants to trap Victor and Valentino away in his mirrors for all eternity so that he can carry out his evil plans for Monte Macabre undeterred, all while keeping up an amicable facade.
  • Foreshadowing: Tez's identity is easily given away if you know anything about Mesoamerican mythology.
    • As other mythological characters in the show have had nicknames that shorten their name, Tez's name is a dead giveaway if you know who Tezcatlipoca is.
    • "The Smoking Mirror" is also the nickname of Tezcatlipoca.
    • Tezcatlipoca is associated with obsidian (which was what Mayan mirrors were made of), the night, and sorcery. Sound familiar?
    • He lost his foot to a crocodile or a winged feathered serpent... Tezcatlipoca lost his foot to his brother, Quetzalcoatl, who is a winged feathered serpent. On the other hand (pun unintended), alternative interpretations state that Cipactli ate his foot.
    • His Animal Motif is cats and his face turns catlike when he has Vic and Val trapped in his temple. Tezcatlipoca can transform into a jaguar.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: When his eyes turn into cat eyes.
  • Heel–Face Turn: He makes amends with his brother, Sal after Vic and Val get through to them about their relationship and restores every supernatural being in Monte Macabre their powers, finishing off with rejecting his alliance with the tzitzimimes.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: It isn't clear what his end goal is, but it requires getting Victor and Valentino out of his way and seems to involve setting a monster free.
  • Jerkass God: He's Tezcatlipoca, who is considered by the Spanish to be evil. And so far, he's been Faux Affably Evil towards Vic and Val, ignored his grandchildren (although possibly unintentionally), and intends to set some sort of evil upon Monte Macabre.
  • Magic Mirror: Charlene says she got the obsidian mirror she uses to contact the Underworld from him. He can also cast a spell to enchant someone's reflection to come alive and pull them into a mirror, trapping them.
  • Meaningful Name: "Smoking mirror" is an appropriate name for a stage magician. It's also the nickname for Tezcatlipoca.
  • Metaphorically True: He claims to Vic and Val that he lost his leg to a crocodile named Guapo, but then later states that he lost it to a giant winged feathered serpent. Val notices the inconsistency and takes it as evidence that Tez is lying about his magic. Tez is technically not lying, since it depends on which interpretation of his myth you're looking at; he either lost his leg to Cipactli or Quetzalcoatl, so either Tez forgot, is lying about which version is true, or is being coy about what really happened.
  • Multiple-Choice Past: He claims that he lost his leg to a crocodile named Guapo during one of his acts, but then he later says that he lost it to a giant winged feathered serpent. He's technically not lying since it varies between interpretations, but only he knows what really happened.
  • Redemption Equals Affliction: After restoring the supernatural beings of Monte Macabre and making amends with his brother Quetzalcoatl, Tez is dragged into space by the tzitzimimes and is imprisoned by Coyolzauhqui for breaking their agreement.
  • Riddle for the Ages: Implied. He's not consistent on whether or not he lost his leg to Guapo or a winged serpent, to line up with how these are different versions of the myth and he acts rather sly about which one is the truth, preventing us from ever learning what really happened.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: As of "Sal's Our Pal, he is now elected to be in charge of Monte Macabre and isn't above enforcing his rule to stick it to Victor and Valentino.
  • Villain Song: "Tez Sez".
  • Walking Spoiler: It's hard to talk about him without bringing up that he's supernatural, much less that he's an ancient Mesoamerican god.

    El Sibon 

Voiced by: Rocco Narva, Eric Bradley (whistling)

El Silbón (The whistler) is a legendary figure in Colombia and Venezuela, usually described as a lost soul. In this series he steal the bones of children via whistling

  • Ballistic Bone: Can use the bones he steal as such.
  • Berserk Button: Gets greatly offended when someone questions his whistlings skills.
  • Collector of the Strange: For unexplained reasons he's collects entire skeletons in his sack.
  • Magic Music: He can harmlessly skin people alive with his whistling, taking their entire skeleton for himself and leaving them floppy, boneless, but still alive husks.
  • Sinister Whistling: As mention he is the master of this.

    La Llorona 
Voiced by: Vanessa Marshall

The ghost of a crying woman who punishes children.

    La Planchada 
Voiced by: Jenny Lorenzo

The Ironed Woman. La Planchada is a ghostly nurse who stalks the night healing children of their ailments.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: of course, just because she’s a Friend to All Children does not mean she’ll let children get away with anything. Just ask ask Victor who gets everyone else sick and rudely demands her help. Her response? Threatening to iron him flat.
  • Ghostly Glide: Made more eerie by the fact that she slides around the air like a slip of paper and can effortlessly slide through any cracks in barriers.
  • Healing Hands: She's called upon to heal ailments. She accomplishes this by covering the ill with her body as they sleep and apparently steaming the sickness out.
  • Dissonant Serenity: she keeps an eerily playful tone when she talks even while chasing down Victor.
  • Paper People: Her most distinguishing feature is that she's entirely flat.
  • Squashed Flat: How she died, squished under a great weight. She can also inflict this on those selfish enough to intentionally sicken others and maintain the gall to call upon her to heal themselves.


Mysterious deities from among the stars and enemies of the sun.

  • Demonic Possession: They will possess people to carry out whatever plans they have. Whoever is possessed by a Tzitzimime will have stars in their eyes and will twist and contort in nightmarish ways.
    • Carmelita reveals that this isn't limited to people, as one possesses the titular car to attack Vic, Valentino, and Xochi.
  • Eldritch Abomination: They are cosmic beings who seem to actually be the stars in the night sky appearing as living masses of darkness with numerous faces and toothy mouths.
  • Light Is Not Good: Looking up at any bright stars in the night sky might get you possessed.
  • Most Definitely Not a Villain: Their attempts to act like the people they have possessed ends up looking at best incredibly unnerving. They do get much better over the course of the series. The impersonation in the episode Star Child works disturbingly well.


Voiced by: Montse Hernandez

A ghost girl who is both a trickster and prankster like Victor which leads to them becoming friends.

  • Birds of a Feather: With Victor on platonic scale since one is dead and the other is living.
  • Cute Ghost Girl: In spades.
  • A Day in the Limelight: She becomes the Deuteragonist in "Through the Realms of Mictlan" one-hour Season 2 finale involving her role to reunite with her fellow deceased family in Mictlan due to missing the train going into the after life thanks to Victor as he and Valentino tries to pass the realms as trials to get there.
  • The Trickster
  • Troll: Likes to do trolling with Victor.

    Ītzpāpālōtl (MAJOR SPOILERS) 

This one is a large, skeletal monster with eyes on the wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles, protrusions on the back that resemble insect legs, a snake for a tail, and large butterfly wings. Most people know her as Isabella.

  • Angry Animalistic Growl: She lets those out once she is frustrated enough.
  • Becoming the Mask: She geniunely falls in love with Valentino and ends up acting against the other Tzitzimime twice. She pays with her life for the second act.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: It turns out that Isabella is hiding quite the temper.
  • Cassandra Truth: Victor is suspicious of her claims that she had her nails done by her mother to explain her absence. When she later transforms into her true form, her nails have red markings that were not there in the previous episode. She really did get her nails done.
  • Changeling Tale: She has been living a human life for quite a while.
  • Chest Insignia: Her purple shirt with a crescent moon that she prefers to wear as a human is basically this considering her connection to the moon.
  • Defiant to the End: She uses her last strength not to beg for mercy but to tell Victor and Valentino how to win against Tez.
  • Divine Parentage: It is strongly implied that her mother is a moon deity.
  • Dark Action Girl: She gives Victor and Valentino trouble even when the two have backup from Xochi and Don.
  • Dying Declaration of Love: Towards Valentino: "I am glad I got to know you."
  • Eye Colour Change: She can change her eyes just like the Tzitzimime do when they possess somebody.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: She has eyes on all the major joints of her limbs.
  • Foreshadowing: At the end of "Starry Night", the tzitzimimes are scared off by Vic and Val's bluff that the sun is coming up and each of them exit their hosts... except Isabella, implying she is still possessed. "Starry Eyes" reveals that she was not possessed but always had been disguised as Isabella.
  • Freakiness Shame: When Victor and Valentino find her revealing her true self, she instantly runs away from them while covering her face. She is also increasingly unhappy when Valentino describes her as ugly and horrible.
  • Human Disguise: She has a large collection of disguises that allows her to impersonate nearly everybody.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: Once she is suitably angry, she is a fierce fighter.
  • Literally Shattered Lives: She is killed in a horrible way by being broken like glass while she is fully conscious.
  • Master of Disguise: She can wear the fake but flawless skins of humans both big and small though it is implied that smaller shapes like Isabella are a bit uncomfortable to her.
    • During the events of Star Child she quickly changes disguises on the spot as needed.
  • Meet the In-Laws: It is strongly implied that she brought Valentino to an open spot outside the town so he can meet her mother, just like she claimed. She just didn't mention that apparently her mother is a moon deity since she tried to carry Valentino there and eventually flies off towards the moon.
  • Mistaken for an Imposter: Valentino understandably suspects her to have abducted and replaced the real Isabella. The truth is worse: She has always been Isabella.
  • The Mole: Spies on Victor and Valentino since she is working with Tez.
  • Moth Menace: Has prominent moth wings in her natural form.
  • Puppet Queen: Despite being the Tzitzimime queen, she is presumed to take orders from her unseen mother and pressured by her subjects to prove her loyalty.
  • Redemption Equals Death: She rebels against Tez and her people in the end and pays for it with her life.
  • Shown Their Work: Her appearance is very much inspired by the depiction of Tzitzimitl from the Codex Magliabechiano.
  • Spotting the Thread: Nobody did suspect her Dark Secret but once Victor and Valentino did find her hiding spot and incorrectly suspect that she had kidnapped and replaced Isabella, she is struggling to keep the deception going.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: Literally with Valentino. It is strongly implied that her feelings for him are real and she is utterly crushed by how he views her true form. The moment he finds out in "Starry Eyes", he's horrified and then brutally rejects her in "Star Child". He later regrets it when she dies trying to redeem herself for him.
  • Staying Alive: It is implied that she isn't killed in the traditional sense but her physical body is broken apart and she is returned to what all Tzitzimime are: a star.
  • Trying Not to Cry: She runs away from the second confrontation with Victor and Valentino while wiping away tears after Valentino called her a monster. She finally cries as she is killed by Tez for saving Valentino.
  • Walking Spoiler: In "Starry Eyes", she drops this Wham Line: "Don't you get it? I am the real Isabella."
  • Willfully Weak: It is hard for her to hold back when she is angry, but she still spends most of the confrontation with Victor, Valentino, Xochi, and Don by throwing them away from herself instead of trying to impale them with her sharp insect legs. She also flat-out just runs away when she is found by Victor and Valentino alone despite clearly being able to overpower the two of them.

    Coyolxauhqui ((SPOILERS)

Voiced by: Cristina Vee

Coyolxauhqui is a Moon Goddess, who is the former master of Tez.

  • Bad Boss: Implied, she doesn't care about Isabella's death, As after Tez gives up their plan, she punishes him.
  • God of the Moon: She is the moon goddess (though this isn't translated well into her character design). Like in mythology she desires to kill her brother the sun.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: She is the reason Tez was able to have magical powers.
  • Hate Sink: It's implied that she forced her own daughter "Isabella" to break their relationship with Victor and Valentino, and she doesn't care about her death after Tez finally killed her because she's a "Mega Mime".
  • You Have Failed Me: Upon Tez’s failure and betrayal to her.
