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Trivia pages are attached to the work they are about, on the Trivia tab. They are for on-topic information, fun facts that are not really storytelling tropes (unless they happen In-Universe), or the author's/authors' opinion on the work.

Trivia falls into classifications—that is to say, little bundles of similar facts. The bundles are listed on the wiki because they are sort of fun. If you find an example from one of the following little bundles, it goes on the Trivia tab of the work, not its storytelling (main) trope examples list.

You can also add Trivia items that don't fit any category or premade page as long as they are legitimately trivia and not Tropes or Audience Reactions.

Be aware that Playing with a Trope cannot apply to these Trivia items. They can't be subverted or downplayed or inverted or averted.

Compare YMMV (which also don't go on the main page, but for different reasons).

Please note: This is not the place to list works that have Trivia pages. That would be this auto-index.

Examples of the following go in the Trivia tab:

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  • Rarely Performed Song: A musical artist's song, regardless of if its a hit or not, is rarely or never performed live due to backlash, painful subject or difficulty.
  • Reality Subtext: When Real Life issues mirror the production, but don't significantly affect it.
  • Real-Life Relative: Related characters are played by actors who are related in real life.
  • Real Life Writes the Hairstyle: A character's hairstyle is affected by real-life circumstances.
  • Real Song Theme Tune: The theme song wasn't written for the show and had actually existed prior to the show entering production.
  • Real-Time Timeskip: The time that passed between the original release and the continuation is the same that passed in-universe.
  • Recast as a Regular: An actor who plays a minor role gets a major role later on.
  • Reclusive Artist: The creator is very asocial and secretive in real life.
  • Recursive Adaptation: An adaptation is given its own adaptation in the medium of the original work.
  • Recursive Import: The product is changed for export, then the new version is imported back to its country of origin.
  • Recycled Script: An episode is basically the same as another episode but with minor differences.
  • Recycled Set: A movie set that is reused for a later movie.
  • Recycled: The Series: A movie's premise is adapted into a weekly television series.
  • The Red Stapler: A work ends up increasing demand for a particular item.
  • Referenced by...: A work references another work.
  • Refitted for Sequel: Something that didn't make it to the final draft of the original work gets reworked for use in the sequel or a reboot.
  • Release Date Change: The intended release date gets changed.
  • Renamed to Avoid Association: A character is renamed because another character unrelated to the work shares a name with them, and the creators don't want to confuse the two.
  • Remade for the Export: A video game that wasn't released overseas gets a remake that does get released outside the country it is made in.
  • Renewed Before Premiere: The network considers the work so important, it is renewed before the work even airs.
  • Rereleased for Free: A work is re-released to the public for free.
  • Rerun: Re-airing television episodes that have already aired before.
  • The Resolution Will Not Be Identified: An episode of a series that is meant to be the Series Finale, but not advertised as such.
  • Revival by Commercialization: A song becomes popular again after being used in modern media.
  • Role-Ending Misdemeanor: The career of someone involved with the work ends because they committed a crime or did something that the people behind the work didn't approve of.
  • Role Reprise: An actor returns to play a role they originally played in the new continuity or some time after they last played the role.
  • Romance on the Set: Two people involved in the work's production fell in love during the work's production.
  • Rule 34 – Creator Reactions: The creator of the work gives their opinion on smutty artwork based on their creation.
  • Running the Asylum: Fans of the series are given a free hand to implement their own ideas and interpretations now that they're the ones in charge.
  • Same Voice Their Entire Life: A character keeps their voice actor even in flashbacks, or younger characters keep their voices in flash-forwards.
  • Saved from Development Hell: A work that has been in Development Hell finally finishes production and gets released.
  • Schedule Slip: A work's release gets delayed.
  • Science Imitates Art: A fictional work serves as inspiration for real-life scientific nomenclature.
  • Science Marches On: Scientific facts presented as true in a work are later proven incorrect in the real world.
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: Production or distribution of a work is ceased or hindered by legal issues.
  • Screwed by the Merchandise: A series gets canceled because the merchandise didn't sell well.
  • Screwed by the Network: A show gets canceled because of ill treatment by the network.
  • Scully Box: To make an actor appear taller, they stand on a box outside of the camera's view.
  • Self-Adaptation: The adaptation is made by the same person who created the original work.
  • Self-Remake: The remake is made by the same director of the original work.
  • Sequel First: A sequel is released in a foreign market before the first installment.
  • Sequel Gap: There's a significant amount of time between the current installment and the last.
  • Sending Stuff to Save the Show: Viewers are unpleased that a series has been cancelled and proceed to fight back at the network's decision.
  • Separated-at-Birth Casting: Actors who are not related, but look like they can be.
  • Sequel in Another Medium: The story of the original work is continued or expanded on in a different medium than that of the original.
  • Serendipity Writes the Plot: The work's decisions are because they had to work around limitations.
  • Series Hiatus: A series goes on a break from releasing new episodes.
  • The Shelf of Movie Languishment: A work has finished production but doesn't get released until much later, if it ever gets released at all.
  • Shipper on Set: An actor voices their support for a ship in a work they star in.
  • Shoot the Money: A work has spent a lot of money on its production and intends to make the most of it.
  • Short-Lived, Big Impact: A person or thing that has only been around for a short time, but its impact can still be felt in modern life today.
  • Short Run in Peru: Episodes of a show air in another country before they start airing locally.
  • Show Accuracy/Toy Accuracy: How well a character's action figures match their depiction on the show.
  • Shrug of God: When not even the creator has all the answers about what isn't explicitly shown in the show.
  • Similarly Named Works: Works that coincidentally have the same or similar titles.
  • Sleeper Hit: A work that becomes an unexpected success upon its release.
  • So My Kids Can Watch: An actor plays a role because they want a work that their kids can see.
  • Spared by the Cut: A character intended to die presumably survives simply because the scene depicting their death was cut.
  • Spin-Off Cookbook: A cook book consisting of recipes for food used in the work the cook book is based on.
  • Spoiled by the Cast List: An actor's presence in a cast list spoils a surprise character appearance.
  • Spoiled by the Merchandise: The merchandise spoils a scene for people who haven't seen the movie yet.
  • Staff-Created Fan Work: People who work on a series create their own fan-works for them.
  • Star-Derailing Role: One bad role destroys an actor's standing on the A-list.
  • Star-Making Role: The role that led to an actor having a long and memorable career.
  • Starring a Star as a Star: A famous actor is cast to play the part of a fictional similarly famous actor.
  • Stillborn Franchise: A work that fails to start a franchise.
  • Streisand Effect: Attempts to hide or suppress something only make it more widely known.
  • Stunt Casting: Casting a famous actor in hopes of cashing in on their popularity.
  • Stunt Double: During dangerous scenes, the actor is substituted with an experienced and more physically strong person made to look like them to avoid the regular actor getting hurt.
  • Suppressed Mammaries: Tying down breasts to appear younger or male.
  • Surprise Release: A work is intentionally announced and released on the same day, with no prior news or marketing.
  • Surprisingly Lenient Censor: Censors are more liberal than writers expect.
  • Swan Song: A creator's last work or artist's last performance before they died.
  • "Take That!" Tit-for-Tat: A work responds to another work insulting it by insulting back.
  • Teasing Creator: The creator likes to mess with the work's fans.
  • Technical Advisor: Someone who's brought onto the work's production team due to their outside knowledge of the subject.
  • Technology Marches On: An old work features use of technology that is now out-of-date.
  • Testing the Editors: Creators decide to make sure the editors are doing their jobs.
  • Those Two Actors: Two actors who are frequently cast together in movies.
  • Throw It In!: An improvised joke or mistake is left in the final version because the creators find it amusing.
  • Tie-In Cereal: If it exists, there was a breakfast cereal based off of it.
  • Tom Hanks Syndrome: An actor gone from comedy to drama.
  • Torch the Franchise and Run: The creator deliberately ends the work in a way that it is impossible to continue the story further, often by killing off all or most of the major characters, in order to prevent the work being revived against their wishes.
  • Tourist Bump: A work of fiction increases tourism in a real-life location. Often exploited by said location to lure in more tourists.
  • Trailer Delay: Development Hell causes a gap in the release dates of a trailer and a film.
  • Trans Character, Cis Actor: A transgender or non binary character is played by a cisgender performer.
  • Translation Correction: A mistake is corrected when a work is translated in a foreign language.
  • Trend Killer: A work or event killed a trend.
  • Tribute to Fido: A character is created based on the creator's pet.
  • Trolling Creator: The creator likes to troll their work's fans.
  • Troubled Production: A work had several problems faced by the development team during production.
  • Two-Hit Wonder: An artist has only two major successes.
  • Two Voices, One Character: A character is played by two or more actors within the same work.
  • Typecasting: When an actor keeps playing the same kind of role in most of their works.


Alternative Title(s): Home Page
