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Characters / Palworld Direhowl To Gorirat

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#026: Direhowl / Gawolf (ガウルフ Gaurufu)
Direhowl is a black wolf Pal that inhabits throughout the lower islands. They tend to be found in packs, ready to eat any unsuspecting Pals or humans nearby. Long ago, Direhowl would also hunt alongside humans, but over the years this bond faded.

Their Partner Skill is Direhowl Rider, which allows the player to mount and ride Direhowl.
  • Canine Companion: Subverted. They used to hunt alongside primitive humans, but in the modern day the two have drifted apart as humans became more modernized. Can potentially be Double Subverted if you capture one to train as one of your mounts.
  • Com Mons: They're plentiful throughout the southern islands, and often are among the first mounts you can acquire.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Despite not being Dark-elemental, they have a black fur coat and intimidating disposition, being ruthless predators to boot. Despite this, they can be a loyal ally to its trainer and is an excellent early-game mount.
  • Dire Beast: Pretty much the entire inspiration of their appearance and namesake is that they're the Palworld universe's equivalent of Dire wolves.
  • Disc-One Nuke: A Direhowl is one of the fastest land mounts you can get in the early-game, and if you choose to do some breeding to get speed-increasing modifiers on top of upgrading its Partner Skill through the Pal Essence Condenser, one of the best, period. Suddenly, the Wide-Open Sandbox becomes a lot smaller once you figure out how to traverse it with this wolf.
  • Expy: They are a clear-cut Composite Character between Mightyena and Lycanroc.
  • Fragile Speedster: They are fast for the time you get them, and can potentially become one of the fastest mounts in the game through breeding in the right Passives. Their Partner Skill ensures they're faster than average too, and they can even get faster with each upgrade to their Partner Skill ability. Attack and Defense-wise, though... yeah, unless you do some major Elite Tweaking or also have the right Passives, they're about what you would expect from a relatively early-game Pal, so unless invested into, they can fall off.
  • Noble Wolf: Can potentially become one of these to the player if you catch one, being a loyal and steadfast ally and a solid early-game mount.
  • Non-Elemental: Despite what their appearance and inspiration might have you believe, they are actually a Neutral-elemental Pal.
  • Power Up Mount: Can be ridden as a steed with the appropriate Pal Gear, allowing the player to control its attacks as well.
  • Savage Wolves: Direhowl are one of the first hostile Pals that the player will encounter, attacking the player on sight, and sometimes they can spawn in a pack attacking a smaller and weaker Pal (often rare ones).
  • Secret Art: Fierce Fang, a Neutral skill that has Direhowl lunging at an enemy to bite them.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: They come in packs and tend to hunt any travelers on sight, and it'll take quite a bit to shake them off.
  • We Used to Be Friends: A species-wide example; according to the Paldeck, Direhowl and humans used to co-exist, but in the modern day the two have drifted apart, and Direhowl are now hostile to people.
  • Zerg Rush: They often appear in packs of two or three and attack you at the same time.


#027: Tocotoco / Kuruttori (クルットリ)
An oddity of a Pal that resembles a brightly-colored toucan with a vacant expression. However, would-be tamers are advised to beware this Pal, as Tocotoco lays eggs that are highly explosive… and so is the Pal itself, when its eggs are spent.

Their Partner Skill is Eggbomb Launcher, which allows the player to equip Tocotoco as a grenade launcher that fires exploding eggs.
  • Action Bomb: Tocotoco's first-learned skill is Implode, which has it running at an enemy and exploding after a short delay, incapacitating itself to deal heavy damage.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: They may look ridiculous and harmless, but the Paldeck calls them "frightening" for a reason. These things are aggressive, explosive, and gregarious, meaning unwary tamers are at high risk of having their legs blown off if even one of them in the group gets to them.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Their Partner Skill and self-destructing attacks are utterly devastating, but that's about where their usefulness ends. Their meager 75 Attack means that any other skills won't do much when used by Tocotoco, and they have extremely lackluster base utility with only Level 1 Gathering. You'll probably be using them exclusively for their Partner Skill since letting them actually blow themselves up means having to heal them back at base.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: The only skill they can learn that isn't a Neutral-elemental move is Sand Tornado… which makes sense, as they're found in the desert and are birds, soooo
  • Doofy Dodo: They're not Dodos, but as a flightless bird that is often portrayed as comedic, the distinction is genuinely academic. They're a very derpy-looking bird who can fire explosive eggs and can be used as a Grenade Launcher by slapping its rear, and much of their appearance is almost too silly to take seriously. But that's exactly how they get you.
  • The Dreaded: When even the Paldeck calls these things frightening, you know they're bad news. Tocotoco is rightfully feared across the islands for the mass chaos and destruction it brings.
  • Egg-Laying Male: Tocotoco of both genders can be wielded to shoot exploding eggs at enemies.
  • Equippable Ally: Its Partner Skill allows it to be wielded as a living Grenade Launcher.
  • Expy: Tocotoco is appearance-wise a fusion of Xatu and Toucannon, and gameplay-wise they function as the resident Action Bomb much like the Voltorb line.
  • Feathered Fiend: They pretty much are "kill on sight" to any trespassers, and will likely blow you to bits with their explosive eggs (or themselves).
  • Glass Cannon: Its Partner Skill is devastating, and it learns the most damaging skill in the game in Megaton Implosion… but the majority of its damage is dealt by blowing itself up so it's not gonna be alive for long unless the player intervenes, and even if it doesn't self-destruct, it's very easy to take out due to its pathetic Defense and Health.
  • Grenade Launcher: Its Partner Skill lets it be picked up and slapped on the bottom to shoot out explosive eggs. It's a very powerful weapon, and it likely has a lot of use for that purpose alone.
  • Lethal Joke Character: They're a very derpy-looking bird in general, and much of their existence is Played for Laughs… not to worry that they have two Action Bomb skills (one of which is flat-out the strongest skill in the game), a very useful Partner Skill in damage, as well as an excellent Attack stat overall. Frankly, when PVP comes around, they'll be a very popular tool for Griefers.
  • Made of Explodium: They and their eggs are both highly explosive. The fact that gunpowder drops from these guys should be cause for concern.
  • Meaningful Name: Its name is partially derived from the toco toucan species, while the repetition of the name beings to mind the "tick-tock" sound of a Time Bomb, befitting toucan-like birds that are highly explosive.
  • Non-Elemental: They are a Neutral-elemental Pal… though given what they're like, they should be an Explosion-elemental Pal…
  • Proj Egg Tile: They use their eggs as weapons, which is rather effective given that those eggs explode.
  • Sand Blaster: One of their few skills they can use that isn't a Neutral-elemental move is Sand Tornado.
  • Secret Art: They're the only Pal who can learn Megaton Implosion, which is an even stronger variant of Implode that will likely obliterate anything in its way at the cost of its own life/consciousness. Unlike most other signature attacks, this one can be bred onto other Pals.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: This is pretty much the end result of their explosive eggs, given they can and will cause things to explode if you give them enough time.
  • Suicide Attack: Their first-learn skill is Implode and they also learn their signature move Megaton Implosion, which basically tries to blow itself up to take its opponent with it, which will kill (or incapacitate, in the case of a caught Tocotoco) the poor bird outright.
  • Taking You with Me: As mentioned above, they can and likely will take you out with them due to their ability to explode on demand.
  • Wind from Beneath My Wings: This is presumably how they can use Sand Tornado, despite being a largely flightless bird.
  • Zerg Rush: Tocotoco tend to be lower level than other Pals in the area, but are almost never found alone and often appear in groups of three or more. It can get frightening when the group decide to rush you at once and explode.


#028: Flopie / Potpourrina (ポプリーナ)
A cute, fairy-like creature resembling both a rabbit and a cat. A peaceful creature found in the center of the map, most of the time it just wants to be left alone, happily frolicking in the woodlands. It prefers places that have an abundance of vegetation, but hay fever has apparently become a problem for Flopie as of late.

Their Partner Skill is Helper Bunny, which allows all Flopie in your team that aren't the active Pal to accompany the player and pick up items within a range of the player.
  • Badass Adorable: They're a Ridiculously Cute Critter and Fairy Companion; what's not to love, even when it's kicking your ass?
  • Beware the Nice Ones: They are happy to frolick in the woodlands by themselves, but give them a reason to fight and they will.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Oh, sure, it's more than happy to just frolick and be happy, but they can grow to become very competent fighters if given the chance.
  • Blow You Away: Their first learned skill is Wind Cutter, and later levels have them learn Air Cannon and Grass Tornado.
  • Cartoon Creature: It's hard to tell whether they are a rabbit or a cat, frankly.
  • Expy: They're a fusion character of both Whimsicott and Sylveon.
  • Our Fairies Are Different: They are flying miniature creatures who appear in the woodlands of the center of the map, are playful and deeply peaceful, and are often harmless in general. Basically, they're the post-Grimm rendition of fairies.
  • Fairy Companion: They're generally stylized after this. In contrast to other fairy-like creatures that are malevolent like Daedream or Nox, they come out in the day, are very peaceful and only attack when provoked.
  • Gameplay Automation: In a different sort of automation compared to base-assigned Pals, a player can stand in a base and use Flopies in their party to collect items for them, freeing up slots by forgoing the need for transporter Pals.
  • Good Counterpart: They're this to Daedream. While Daedream is a malicious trickster who puts individuals into an eternal sleep, Flopie is just happy to frolick in the daytime and is a deeply joyful fairy critter. Furthermore, while both of them have a Partner Skill that lets them appear around you even when not active, Flopie's helps you collect items, while Daedream's blasts enemies in the face. One of the game's trailers even shows both of them together as a contrast to each other.
  • Green Thumb: They are a Grass-elemental Pal.
  • Hidden Depths: They actually can drop Low-Grade Medical Supplies upon being defeated, hinting that they're a lot smarter than one may think when it comes to medical supplies.
  • Ironic Allergy: Despite them being Grass Elementals, Flopie populations have been seeing a rise in hay fever.
  • Making a Splash: They, surprisingly, can learn Hydro Jet and Bubble Blast.
  • Power-Up Magnet: Their Partner Skill allows them to appear beside and automatically collect items around the player, even if they aren't the active partner.
  • Protection Mission: There's a random event where a Flopie is under attack by three Direhowl. It's up to the player if they want to intervene or not.
  • Utility Party Member: They automatically pick up any items nearby while in the team, even when not summoned out.


#029: Mozzarina / Milkalbi (ミルカルビ Mirukarubi)
Mozzarina is a wild bovine Pal found in one of the southern islands. A lumbering, placid cow that somehow lactates regardless of gender, it can produce milk like it's water from an open faucet. The mechanics of this are best left to remain a mystery.

Their Partner Skill is Milk Maker, which allows them to produce Milk when assigned to a ranch.
  • Badass Adorable: It's a very cute bovine, and is a tanky Pal who can hold its own in combat.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: They are very much peaceable and would rather be left alone, but give it a reason to attack, and it will trample you.
  • Blow You Away: It learns Air Cannon at Level 15.
  • Constantly Lactating Cow: All Mozzarina will produce milk once put into the ranch, even those that haven't bred before and newly-hatched ones.
  • Cute Little Fangs: It has adorable protruding little fangs when it smiles, which is very often.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: It can learn Sand Blast, Stone Blast, and Stone Cannon at various levels, giving it an edge in being able to cause a lot of damage.
  • Early Installment Character-Design Difference: In the early trailers of the game, Mozzarina looked more like a normal cow with both a snout in its model and open eyes, rather than having a flat face with shut eyes and Cute Little Fangs.
  • Expy: Mozzarina is a milk-producing cow like Miltank, but sports both Snorlax's body shape and sleepy face (the only difference being the Cute Little Fangs pointing down instead of up). In addition, it has a passing resemblance to the cows from Story of Seasons in its shape.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Mozzarina almost never opens its eyes regardless of how it's feeling, only showing Wingding Eyes when KO'd.
  • Game Hunting Mechanic: They drop Mozzarina Meat when killed, which can be eaten raw or cooked into a more fulfilling meal.
  • Gentle Giant: They're a very large bovine, even larger in their Alpha forms, but they're peaceable and would just rather be left alone.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: The only effect its Partner Skill has is to… allow it to produce Milk at a Ranch. While this seems pretty lame, milk is required for Cake, which in turn is required for breeding, which in turn allows for some absurd Elite Tweak shenanigans. It's also required for some of the higher end foods that can keep your base Pals satiated.
  • Item Caddy: When placed in a Ranch, they will produce milk.
  • Lactating Male: Mozzarina of both genders can produce milk. The Paldeck notes that the mechanics of this are perhaps best left undiscovered.
  • Meaningful Name: It's named after Mozzarella cheese, which can be produced from cow's milk.
  • Non-Elemental: They are a Neutral-elemental Pal.
  • Perpetual Smiler: It's always smiling or having a derpy expression on its face, only breaking it when defeated.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: For a cow, it's utterly adorable.
  • Stone Wall: For an early-game Pal, Mozzarina has a rather solid 90 base health and 80 base defense. However, their base attack is the lowest in the game at 50 (for reference, Chikipi's is 60), and their movement speed is slow.
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: Mozzarina's very slow movement plus very low base attack stat makes them unsuitable for combat in the late-game, and they have no proficiencies in anything else except farming. They're still one of the most important Pals in the game, being the only reliable source of milk once put in a ranch for farming, and milk is used to bake cakes for Pal breeding.
  • You Do Not Want To Know: Mozzarina's Paldeck entry mentions it's a mystery how both genders are capable of lactating, although that mystery is best left unsolved.


#030: Bristla / Ibarahime (イバラヒメ)
A flowery Grass-elemental Pal that is often found in the center part of the map. Normally cold and aloof, they gradually warm up to the player, and tend to be nothing but friendly to only Cinnamoth.

Their Partner Skill is Princess Gaze, which boosts the power of Grass Pals in your team for each Bristla in your party.
  • An Ice Person: Surprisingly — or unsurprisingly, given her personality — Bristla actually learns both Ice Missle and Iceberg at early and later levels respectively.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Possibly the reason why it's so warm to Cinnamoth, due to its carefree and friendly nature getting past Bristla's own grouchy personality.
  • Blow You Away: Its first learned skill is Wind Cutter, and it learns Grass Tornado at a later level.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: It can be any gender, but it's often the brooding one to the gentle Cinnamoth.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Bristla is a cold and unresponsive Pal, but it's when Cinnamoth's around or it warms up to its tamer that it that it truly begins to smile.
  • Elemental Personalities: Not her main typing, but Bristla actually learns Ice-elemental moves. Befitting of a Defrosting Ice Queen, she actually fits using Ice-elemental spells very well.
  • Expy: Bristla is basically just a fusion of Bellossom, Gossifleur, and Tsareena.
  • Green Thumb: They're a Grass-elemental Pal, and often learn a plethora of different Grass-elemental moves.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She can come off as cold and dismissive, but she's nothing but nice to Cinnamoth, and gradually warms up to the player over time.
  • Only Friend: She regards Cinnamoth as her best friend, and only ever smiles when Cinnamoth comes around to pollinate Bristla.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Bristla almost never shift their expression from a scowl, except when Cinnamoth comes to pollinate them.
  • Pet the Dog: She's normally nothing but dismissive and cold to almost everyone else... except Cinnamoth, who's often her Only Friend and she's nothing but nice to them.
  • Plant Person: They look like humanoid thorny bushes, with red thorns shaped like hair and roots shaped like a ball-gown.
  • Poisonous Person: Her Paldeck entry states that her thorns are highly poisonous. Oddly, she naturally doesn't learn Poison Blast or Poison Mist by herself.
  • Power Stereotype Flip: Green Thumb characters are normally gentle and nurturing, but Bristla is a cold, unresponsive Ice Queen instead. The same applies to Bristla's Blow You Away abilities; they're normally carefree and cheerful, but Bristla is instead bitter and, well, prickly. The one case of proper Personality Powers comes from her secondary ability to learn Ice-elemental skills, which is far more fitting of what she's like.
  • Punny Name: Geddit, she's a bristly character?
  • Stat Sticks: Simply having a Bristla in the party will boost the attacking power of all Grass-Elemental Pals, making them great for support filler if you only rely on a single powerful Grass Pal like Lyleen or Verdash.
  • Support Party Member: Their presence in the party boosts the attack of all your Grass-elemental Pals in the party, giving it a unique niche in keeping them around even after they get overshadowed by stronger Grass-element Pals.
  • Those Two Girls: They're often this to Cinnamoth, with Bristla regarding the insect as its Only Friend.
  • Troubled, but Cute: She's constantly in a prickly mood, but she can't help but be deeply adorable in spite of such.
  • When She Smiles: Bristla is normally a grouchy character who's a total ice queen, but gradually warms up to the trainer until she's smiling from sauna baths or being petted.


#031: Gobfin / Sharkid (シャーキッド)
A shark-like Pal with legs that populate the appropriately-named Gobfin's Turf. Long ago, Gobfin used to be large and strong aquatic Pals, but due to food scarcity, they were forced to adapt to a terrestrial life. Because walking required much energy, they gradually evolved into a small and weak Pal, a far cry from their ancestors' glory days.

Their Partner Skill is Angry Shark, which allows an active Gobfin to use Aqua Gun on a target. It also boosts the player's attack while Gobfin is in the party.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: A species-wide example. Gobfin used to be large and powerful aquatic pals, but due to food scarcity, they evolved into much smaller and weaker Pals that live on land.
  • Ice Magic Is Water: They're one of the few Water Pals that can learn an Ice move despite not being part Ice-elemental, with said move being Icicle Cutter at level 30.
  • Lethal Joke Character: While Gobfin's stats may be average and their Paldeck entry rather demeaning towards their weak status, they're actually very useful Support Party Members if a player is going for a player damage build. A max skill level Gobfin can provide a 20% additive boost to attack as long as it's in the team. Breed Vanguard onto them and each Gobfin can give up to 30% more damage output for the player, which is no small deal and allows the player to actually deal sizable damage from their guns.
  • Pun-Based Creature: As minute Shark Men, Gobfin are essentially goblin sharks.
  • Punny Name: It's a goblinoid Shark Man that naturally has fins.
  • Shark Man: They're a smaller version of this, possessing a squat humanoid frame with shark features.
  • Stat Sticks: Simply having a Gobfin in the party without actually using it as an Active Pal will boost the player's attack.
  • Support Party Member: Simply having a Gobfin in the team will boost the player's attack, stacking additively. This amount per Gobfin can be increased from 10% at no skill level to 20% at max skill level. One can keep four Gobfin with Vanguard in their team along with one mount that changes the player's damage to a specific element, to boost the player's damage output significantly.
  • Threatening Shark: They're a lot smaller than most fictional sharks, but they're no less vicious for it, and what they lack in individual strength they make up in sheer numbers.
  • Zerg Rush: Gobfin spawns in very large numbers, so setting foot on their territory usually involves a dozen of them attacking you at once. Thankfully, they're only found in one specific area.

#031b: Gobfin Ignis / Sharmander (シャーマンダー)
The Fire-element variation of Gobfin. Like their regular counterpart, they used to be powerful aquatic Pals that were forced to adapt to a small and weak terrestrial form. However, after burning several calories from walking so much, these Gobfin astonishingly awakened fire powers.

Their Partner Skill is Angry Shark, which allows an active Gobfin to use Spirit Fire on a target. It also boosts the player's attack while Gobfin Ignis is in the party.
  • Burning with Anger: When its Partner Skill is activated, Gobfin Ignis attacks enemies with a powerful Spirit Fire move. While on your team, this also increases your own attack power.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: They managed to gain fire-based powers not normally seen in regular Gobfin, as a result of… walking a lot to literally burn enough calories.
  • Lethal Joke Character: Like regular Gobfin, Gobfin Ignis' stats are rather middling, but can also be very useful Support Party Members if a player is going for a player damage build. A max skill level Gobfin Ignis can provide a 20% additive boost to attack as long as it's in the team.
  • Shock and Awe: At level 30, it learns the move Lightning Streak.
  • Stat Sticks: Simply having a Gobfin Ignis in the party without actually using it as an Active Pal will boost the player's attack.
  • Support Party Member: Simply having a Gobfin Ignis in the team will boost the player's attack, stacking additively. This amount per Gobfin can be increased from 10% at no skill level to 20% at max skill level.
  • Threatening Shark: They're a lot smaller than most fictional sharks, but they're no less vicious for it, and what they lack in individual strength they make up in sheer numbers.


#032: Hangyu / Shimenawa (シメナワ)
Hangyu is a floating Pal that has a tiny cream-colored body with short stubby feet. In contrast to its small body, it sports gigantic arms strong enough to tear apart even iron. These arms were put to use in brutal executions, where serious criminals would be strung up in a public square and a Hangyu would flay the skin and flesh from their bones.

Their Partner Skill is Flying Trapeze, which allows the player to use Hangyu as a glider that gives a short upward boost when used.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: Effectively a living hangman's noose.
  • Bait-and-Switch Character Intro: Hangyu is shaped like a noose and after catching it, its Monster Compendium entry states it was used in executions in the past… only for the next sentence to clarify that it performed this task by flaying criminals with its powerful arms.
  • Cephalothorax: Their body consists of a round head, two big arms, and nothing else.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Hangyu's Paldeck entry mentions that it was used in Public Executions by stringing the criminal up and having one tear the skin from their bones. For reference, it can also tear apart iron rather easily.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Hangyu's gliding speed is normally slow, even though they do have the utility to move upwards for a few seconds when activated. However, if a player uses the quick momentum burst gained from using a Grappling Gun and canceling it mid-grapple, they become one of the best ways to travel.
  • Expy: As a Cephalothorax Mon based on an inanimate object, it bears a distinct resemblance to Chingling. Its two hanging arms, Ground-element, and desert habitat also give it traits of Baltoy.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Despite being shaped like a noose and its name suggesting that criminals were hanged using it, criminals sentenced to death by Hangyu were flayed.
  • Punny Name: It's a noose-like Pal that was used in Public Executions.
  • Utility Party Member: They can be used in place of a glider while they are in your team. Unlike most other gliders, pulling out Hangyu allows you to move upwards for a few seconds before gravity kicks in. While their glide speed is normally slow, a Difficult, but Awesome strategy involves grappling and quickly releasing while activating the Hangyu glider, allowing your momentum to make it ascend while moving quickly.

#032b: Hangyu Cryst / Obakenawa (オバケナワ)
The Ice-element variation of Hangyu. It sports gigantic arms strong enough to tear through blocks of ice. These arms were put to use in particularly cruel forms of public humiliation where notorious sinners were tied in the town square and a Hangyu Cryst would rip all the hair off their scalps.

Their Partner Skill is Winter Trapeze, which allows the player to use Hangyu as a glider that gives a short upward boost when used.
  • Kill It with Ice: Many of its active skills are this. For a standout example, at level 50, it learns Blizzard Spike, which creates a giant lump of ice to hurl at enemies, dealing damage to anyone caught in the surrounding area upon impact.
  • Shamed by a Mob: In ancient more brutal times, convicted criminals were tied in the town square, and as a form of public humiliation, had their hair torn out by a Hangyu Cryst. This is a Cruel Mercy when you consider this Pal is strong enough to smash and weaponize ice. (It's also Cruel Mercy when compared to standard Hangyu, which was used to flat-out kill people.)
  • Utility Party Member: They can be used in place of a glider while they are in your team. Unlike most other gliders, pulling out Hangyu Cryst allows you to move upwards for a few seconds before gravity kicks in.


#033: Mossanda / Sasazou (ササゾー)
Mossanda resembles a huge panda with big arms and green moss on its head, resembling a mask. Even though it's no carnivore, it's still quite dangerous to face with its monstrous strength, capable of tearing through 3000 layers of paper at once.

Their Partner Skill is Grenadier Panda, which allows the player to mount Mossanda and lets it use a grenade launcher that deals high area damage and stuns targets.
  • Acrofatic: Despite what its rotund appearance would suggest, Mossanda is actually incredibly light and flighty, not only being very susceptible to knockback but capable of floating through the air by flapping its arms. Oddly enough, it still takes fall damage in spite of this.
  • Bears Are Bad News: Just because Mossanda's a herbivore doesn't make it any less dangerous, as it packs quite a punch and is quite aggressive.
  • Grenade Launcher: Mossanda's Partner Skill, Grenadier Panda, allows it to wield one.
  • Herbivores Are Friendly: You wish. Mossanda is highly territorial and while it won't eat you, it will attack you on sight regardless.
  • Megaton Punch: Mossanda itself isn't the only thing susceptible to being knocked around in its presence, as the Secret Art of the species, Crushing Punch, involves them winding up a punch with impressive power and heavy knockback should anybody be too slow to dodge it; the thing can punch a hostile human fifty feet across the land with a square shot. Amusingly, it ends up stumbling forwards afterwards every time like it forgot just how hard it hits.
  • Power Up Mount: Its Partner Skill allows the player to ride on its back. While Mossanda's movement abilities are nothing too special, it makes up for it with a devastating Grenade Launcher that the player can aim.
  • Punched Across the Room: Most humans and Pals that get hit by their Secret Art Crushing Punch will be sent flying a good distance if they survive. If the victim doesn't survive, they're launched even further.
  • Punny Name: It's a panda covered in moss.

#033b: Mossanda Lux / Raizou (ライゾー)
The Electric element variation of Mossanda. It has the shocking capability to alter the electrical currents in its body to overload its own strength, potentially giving it the strongest sheer power output of all Pals.

Their Partner Skill is Grenadier Panda, which allows the player to mount Mossanda Lux and lets it use a grenade launcher that deals high area damage and stuns targets.


#034: Woolipop / Meripop (メリポップ)
Woolipop is a Pal that resembles a cross between a poodle and a sheep, made out of pink cotton candy. With a body 18,000 times sweeter than sugar, carnivorous Pals often track it down by scent to get a sweet meal. But once they take a bite out of Woolipop, its sheer sweetness will overwhelm and likely knock them out.

Their Partner Skill is Candy Pop, which allows them to produce Cotton Candy when assigned to a ranch.
  • Item Caddy: When placed in a Ranch, they will produce Cotton Candy.
  • Sugar Causes Hyperactivity: Woolipop's defense mechanism is its sweet coat. A predator only has to take a single bite to have a major sugar rush or become completely incapacitated.
  • Sweet Sheep: They're sheep that leave the player alone unless attacked. In a much more literal sense of the trope, they're made of a substance 18,000 times sweeter than sugar.


#035: Caprity / Berrygoat (ベリゴート)
Caprity resembles a big, light green goat with a bush with cherries on top of its back. As long as this Pal is properly fed, the bush on its back will continuously produce berries. Courtship between Caprity involves offering their berries to potential mates, with romance ensuing if both partners like the flavor of each others' berries.

Their Partner Skill is Berry Picker, which allows them to produce Red Berries when assigned to a ranch.
  • Crutch Character: Caprity's ability to produce Red Berries initially serves as an alternative to farming them in the early-game, where it takes a good bit of time to plant, water, and harvest a small amount of berries. However, as your Gathering Pals are replaced with more proficient ones, the amount of berries they harvest also increases, quickly outdoing the amount that Caprity can produce at a Ranch.
  • Item Caddy: When placed in a Ranch, they will produce Red Berries.
  • Game Hunting Mechanic: They drop Caprity Meat when killed, which can be eaten raw or cooked into a more fulfilling meal.
  • Planimal: Those bushes on their back produce the very same berries you can harvest from bushes around the island. Furthermore, Caprity Meat has berries and herbs blended into it.


#036: Melpaca (メルパカ)
This Pal resembles a pink llama. Despite having a its fluffy appearance and docile nature, looks can be deceiving, as once threatened, their kicks are powerful enough to possibly send one flying to the other side of the world. Melpaca also view Kingpaca as their rulers and serve them as vassals.

Their Partner Skill is Pacapaca Wool, which allows them to be mounted. It also allows them to produce wool when assigned to a ranch.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: They are docile, but will retaliate with ferocious moves and speed if you strike them. Their kicks are known to move at hypersonic speed.
  • Horse of a Different Color: Melpaca are one of the weaker monsters with a low farming level for wool drops on the base. They don't have much use apart from being one of the earliest mounts the player can get.
  • Item Caddy: When placed in a Ranch, they will produce wool. Notably, they produce more wool than Lamball on average, making Melpaca a straight upgrade.
  • The Reliable One: Melpaca's only work proficiency is Farming, meaning that unlike Lamball and Cremis, which might run off to do Handiwork or Gathering, they will almost certainly stay in the Ranch to produce Wool. Furthermore, they produce more wool on average than Lamball.


#037: Eikthyrdeer / Tsunogami (ツノガミ)
Eikthydeer resembles a deer with a long tail. The leader of an Eikthydeer herd is determined by the one with the most impressive antlers. Should an Eikthydeer's antlers be broken, they become depressed and leave the herd, never to be seen again.

Their Partner Skill is Guardian of the Forest, which allows them to be mounted as a mount with a double jump. It also increases the player's and Eikthyrdeer's logging efficiency when mounted.
  • Anti-Structure: Their Partner Skill allows both them and their rider to deal extra damage to trees when mounted.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: They’re normally timid in the wild, and flee at the sight of you. That is, until you've attacked them. Unless you already have a flying mount early-on, escaping an enraged Eikthyrdeer is almost impossible.
  • Game Hunting Mechanic: They drop Eikthyrdeer Venison when killed, which can be eaten raw or cooked into a more fulfilling meal.
  • Power Up Mount: Eikthyrdeer can be ridden with the appropriate Pal Gear. In addition to being decently fast, Eikthyrdeer can Double Jump, allowing players to gain a bit more height or avoid fall damage.
  • Secret Art: Antler Uppercut, a Neutral charging attack that knocks enemies away a fair distance. The direction of the charge can be controlled if performed while the player is riding it.

#037b: Eikthyrdeer Terra / Yamagami (ヤマガミ)
The Ground-element variation of Eikthyrdeer. The leader of an Eikthydeer Terra herd is determined by the one with the hardest horns. Should a leader lose its horns, it loses its status, leaves the herd amidst farewell glances, and quietly returns to the earth.

Their Partner Skill is Guardian of the Golden Forest, which allows them to be mounted as a mount with a double jump. It also increases the player's and Eikthyrdeer Terra's logging efficiency when mounted.
  • The Marvelous Deer: Even more so than its Neutral-elemental Pal counterpart. This subspecies has off-white fur, gold mantle, tail, ear tips, and horns. Its brows and hooves are bronze colored, which all add to a majestic appearance in the wilderness.
  • Walk of Shame: Upon losing its horns/antlers, it's no longer deemed worthy of leading the herd, and leaves its family forever. Whereas the neutral main species' leaders fall into depression, leaving on an ambiguous journey as The Exile, the ground subspecies are explicitly stated to lose the will to live altogether.


#038: Nitewing / Hawkwin (ホークウィン)
Nitewing is a large hawk-like Pal. Their behavior might seem caring at first, carrying newborn Pals to their nest and raising them like a surrogate parent would. However, this is but a cruel ruse — once the baby Pal has been fed enough to provide a sufficient meal, the Nitewing will hunt them.

Their Partner Skill is Travel Companion, which allows them to be mounted as a flying mount.
  • Airborne Mook: The very first flying Pal that players are likely to encounter, and can subsequently become a player's first flying mount.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Nitewing are known to take in newborn Pals and care for them… so they can hunt them once they've been sufficiently fattened up.
  • Brutal Bird of Prey: Raise orphaned Pals only to hunt them down once they are big enough. Fortunately for players and Pals that they don't take in, they're not aggressive by nature.
  • Crutch Character: Nitewing is the first flying mount available in the techtree, and is worth keeping around for a bit for that reason alone. However, other Pals usable as flying mounts all have various advantages over it by either having better typing, faster movement, or additional benefits when mounted.
  • Expy: It's a large dark-colored hawk with a white underbelly, zigzag chest pattern, and prominent head crest, which points to Staraptor as inspiration.
  • Fattening the Victim: Per the fluff, it does this to the orphaned Pals it takes in.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Despite what their name suggest, they are not nocturnal and can be found sleeping at night. Their Japanese name Hawkwin is more fitting by simply describing their appearance.
  • Power Up Mount: The first flying mount the player has access to in the techtree. In addition to being able to cross water safely by flying a short distance off the ground, Nitewing can also fly at higher altitudes at the expense of stamina, making it excellent for traversing hilly terrain. The only downside is, Nitewing is among the slowest flying Pals you can find. They do get faster through Pal Condenser upgrades, but even at max upgrades they're still outperformed by Pals that are faster and stronger to begin with.
  • Secret Art: Tornado Attack, which has Nitewing send out a tornado at the enemy to stun them before following up with a sweeping dive.


#039: Ribbuny / Himeusa (ヒメウサ)
This Pal looks like a pink bunny with a large tail and a bow atop its head. It has a white bow on its collar and two tentacles extending from its neck. Ribbuny are cheerful pals who are always seen with a bright smile. However, Cattiva will sometimes prank Ribbuny by tying up their ribbons into knots. It is during those moments where Ribbuny drops its cheery face and replaces it with something altogether demonic.

Their Partner Skill is Skilled Fingers, which boosts the power of Neutral Pals in your team for each Ribbuny in your party. It also increases Ribbuny's work efficiency when working at a workbench.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Ribbunny's Paldeck entry notes that while for the most part it wears a cheerful smile, it gets an expression described as "altogether demonic" if its tentacles get tangled up as a result of Cattiva's pranks.
  • Bunnies for Cuteness: Pink bunny Pals clearly designed to be quite lovable… unless you happen to be a Cattiva getting on its bad side.
  • Expy: It's a pretty clear fusion of Buneary and Sylveon, mixing the cute bipedal bunny body of the former with the pink-and-white color, head bow, and ribbon feelers of the latter.
  • Perpetual Smiler: They're cheerful Pals which are always seen with a bright smile, unless they get pranked by a Cattiva.
  • Punny Name: It's a bunny with ribbon-like appendages.
  • Rare Random Drop: They have a small chance of dropping a Beautiful Flower when caught or killed.
  • Stat Sticks: Simply having a Ribbuny in the party will boost the attacking power of all Neutral-Elemental Pals, making them great for support filler if you only rely on a single powerful Neutral Pal like Paladius or Gorirat.
  • Support Party Member: Their presence in the party boosts the attack of all your Neutral-elemental Pals in the party, giving it a unique niche in keeping them around even after they get overshadowed by stronger Neutral-element Pals.


#040: Incineram / Hellgoat (ヘルゴート)
These bipedal, ram-like Pals are far from your typical friendly goat, albeit with the same appetite. They hunt at night, stealing Pals away, and with their fiery breath and deadly claws, what happens next is perhaps best left to the imagination. Not that imagining the aftermath is very difficult.

Their Partner Skill is Flameclaw Hunter, which lets it use Hellfire Claw on a targeted enemy when activated.
  • Baphomet: They're generally stylized after this. A demonic-like goat with hellfire powers and dark abilities is a pretty good dead ringer for Baphomet. Their internal name is even "Baphomet".
  • Big Red Devil: They're highly stylized after this, being likely based off of Baphomet and The Jersey Devil.
  • Casting a Shadow: It learns Shadow Burst later on at Level 30.
  • Creepy Good: Despite being very sinister-looking, they can be very heroic and even an ally to any trainer that catches them.
  • Our Cryptids Are More Mysterious: They seem to be based on The Jersey Devil, as they have a lot of mix-and-match parts to them.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Played with. Like any other carnivorous Pal, Incineram can be used for good in the right hands and aren't inherently evil, but some Incineram can be found aiding Syndicate mooks in early areas. However, it's precisely because of that where they can be an addition on the team of any trainer.
  • Disc-One Nuke: There's a specific fixed encounter in an early-game area where Syndicate mooks will send several Pals at you, including a level 10 Incineram which can be caught for yourself. If you pull it off, Incineram's combat stats and base utility will considerably outperform most Pals available at that point, and will continue being useful for quite a while after that.
  • Our Demons Are Different: They seem to have been designed with being a Big Red Devil in mind, hunting creatures at the dead of night and devouring them outright.
  • Expy: Its overall design is heavily reminiscent of Houndoom, down to sharing the same typing. It also takes major cues from Baphomet and The Jersey Devil.
  • Gruesome Goat: In addition to their demonic appearance, Incineram are vicious nocturnal predators.
  • Heinous Hyena: Their Boss Subtitles suggest that they have some added elements of hyenas on top of being goats.
  • Hellfire: They get the ability to learn Spirit Fire and Hellfire Claw, and their flames cause grievous wounds powered by darkness.
  • Horned Humanoid: They're a bipedal goat-like creature.
  • Horns of Villainy: It has massive horns and, while they're not evil, they're a predatory species that devours its prey at the dead of night.
  • The Jersey Devil: Likely emphasizing their menagerie of animal parts is likely inspired by this legend, and they fit much of the same characteristics as a demonic mammalian chimeric entity that devours its prey at the dead of night.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: While their name suggests they're inspired by rams, their Boss Subtitles suggest that they have elements of hyenas in their design and their predatory nature.
  • Odd Friendship: It's not commented on by the Paldeck, but Incineram seems to get along with Leezpunk. The two can be found fighting together in the wild, and higher-level Leezpunk raids will be spearheaded by increasing numbers of Incineram.
  • Playing with Fire: They have Fire as their primary element, and boast a number of Fire skills to back it up.
  • Punny Name: It's a bipedal ram that incinerates things.
  • Secret Art: Hellfire Claw, a Fire skill that has Incineram uppercut an opponent into the air with one claw before slashing them with the other. Its Partner Skill allows it to use this skill on command.
  • Soul Power: They learn Spirit Fire at an early level, which is apparently able to general the flames of souls to burn opponents with.
  • Things That Go "Bump" in the Night: They reportedly hunt its prey at the dead of night, being highly stylized after Boogeyman-like creatures who eat its prey outright.
  • Wake-Up Call: These vicious Pals will go straight after your base buildings in a raid. Woe betide any player who used wood in every construction, and didn't invest in stone infrastructure and/or base defenses. You get to watch your hard work and resources go up in flames.

#040b: Incineram Noct / Abyssgoat (アビスゴート)
A version of Incineram that's pure Dark elemental, lacking their regular counterpart's Fire. They're also somewhat picker about their prey, specifically targeting young Pals and leaving devastated parents in their wake.

Their Partner Skill is Darkclaw Hunter, which lets it use Hellfire Claw on a targeted enemy when activated.
  • Asshole Victim: If you think that them only being available in the Nature Reserve is due to their child-eating tendencies and being Hated by All, one can fairly see it as this. Granted, it's still a Pal, and Pals may or may not be inherently evil in spite of such.
  • Child Eater: They specifically target and capture juvenile Pals as their prey.
  • Dark Is Evil: While no Pal is inherently evil or good, even Dark-elementals, Incineram Noct really takes this to the limit it can go. It outright hunts children for sustenance and, while not inherently evil, seems driven for no other reason than pure sadism.
  • The Dreaded: Their very existence spawns nothing but fear and dread in other people, and rightfully so.
  • Eats Babies: It has no compunctions with eating baby Pals as their prey.
  • Endangered Species: They're only findable in the Nature Reserves or the occasional raid. This rather strongly implies that due to their feared reputation, they were so hated that they were hunted to near-extinction.
  • Expy: If Incineram is based off of Baphomet and The Jersey Devil, Incineram Noct is basically Krampus.
  • Evil Counterpart: Calling normal Incineram good may be a stretch, but Incineram is not really anything other than a normal animal who hunts at night. Incineram Noct, however, straight-up hunts children for no reason than pure sadism.
  • The Fair Folk: Many of the more malevolent kinds of Pal really play into this, but Incineram Noct take it up to a logical extreme; it's an abducting, demonic goat of hellish energy that hunts down children to devour as its prey, while being entirely a night creature and deeply ethereal.
  • Hated by All: Their tendency to eat children and sadistic natures make them apparently hated enough that they're an Endangered Species due to being overhunted.
  • The Krampus: They seem to be based off of this. They're a dangerous and sadistic hunter of children who abducts children at night to eat them.
  • Playing with Fire: Despite lacking the Fire element, they still have the same affinity for Fire skills as their regular version, including their signature Hellfire Claw.
  • Sadist: It's hard to imagine any other reason to go exclusively after baby Pals if they aren't this.
  • Same Character, But Different: They're functionally the same species as Incineram, just — to be literal — Darker and Edgier.
  • Underground Monkey: A pure Dark version of Incineram with antlers instead of horns.
  • Things That Go "Bump" in the Night: They're basically the Palworld equivalent of the Boogeyman, often hunting young Pals or children to kidnap and devour. It wouldn't be hard to imagine that Incineram Noct is used as a story for misbehaving children to scare them straight.
  • Would Hurt a Child: It likely targets baby Pals for no other reason than cruelty.


#041: Cinnamoth / Papitefu (パピテフ)
Cinnamoth is, as the name suggests, a butterfly-like moth that sticks out against the green terrain in which it lives. Its scales cause an euphoric high when inhaled. Due to these drug-like effects, people have tried to exploit Cinnamoth and regulate its scales, but were stopped by the Free Pal Alliance, who vehemently opposed these measures.

Their Partner Skill is Mysterious Scales, which lets it use Poison Fog on a targeted enemy when activated.
  • Badass Adorable: It's very cute, and can become a total powerhouse with enough investment.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Make no mistake, despite being very peaceful, it usually spawns in the Level 20s. It will wreck you if you fight it underleveled.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: They're a moth almost as big as a human.
  • Blow You Away: They can learn all the wind-adjacent attacks, including Air Cannon, Wind Cutter, Sand Tornado, and Grass Tornado.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: It can be either-or gender dynamic, but they're a carefree and gentle Pretty Butterfly to the brooding and ice-cold Bristla.
  • Elemental Personalities: It uses both Grass-elemental powers and has a lot of Blow You Away themed abilities. It's not only a very gentle and nurturing creature, it's also very lively and carefree as well, fitting both stereotypes.
  • Expy: For all intents and purposes, they're a fusion of Butterfree and Mothim.
  • Fantastic Drug: Sniffing its scales causes a euphoric high that can potentially lead to addiction. There was clearly an attempt to regulate the product, but the Free Pal Alliance have opposed it entirely, letting the trade of its scales go unopposed.
  • Green Thumb: It's a Grass-elemental Pal, so it naturally learns mostly Grass-elemental moves.
  • Mix-and-Match Critter: It's some kind of fusion of a moth and a butterfly.
  • Moth Menace: Subverted. They're actually pretty harmless and don't attack players on sight.
  • Poisonous Person: They can naturally learn Poison Fog at Level 15 to do damage over time and is only one of two Pals to learn it naturally, the other being Vaelet. Their Partner Skill basically serves as an on-demand ability to use Poison Fog, even if it doesn't have the skill equipped.
  • Punny Name: It's a moth that smells as intoxicating as cinnamon.
  • Pretty Butterflies: It's actually more of a moth than a butterfly, but let's be real, it's still very cute.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: For a moth-like butterfly, it's still very adorable.
  • Sand Blaster: They learn Sand Blast at Level 22.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Their scales are a highly addictive substance, leading to a trading of their own scales and much attempt at regulation that was only stopped as a result of the Free Pal Alliance. It's very possible that Marcus may use its scales as the drug to keep his police force addicted and loyal to him.
  • Those Two Girls: They're often this to Bristla, with it regarding Cinnamoth as its Only Friend.


#042: Arsox / Bulferno (ブルフェルノ Buruferuno)
A Pal that resembles a flaming bovine creature with large horns. In the past, Arsox weren't flaming creatures and were hunted by carnivorous Pals. The rage and resentment of being helpless prey transformed them into a raging inferno, the traits of which have been passed on to this day.

Their Partner Skill is Warm Body, which allows the player to use it as a mount that also keeps them warm in cold climates.
  • Burning with Anger: Arsox used to be pursued by carnivorous Pals during ancient times, and their rage towards their predators transformed into a raging inferno, turning them into the blazing Pals they are today.
  • Punny Name: Its name is derived from Arson + Ox and it's a flaming ox.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: They were once very sweet Pals, but being hunted by predators since antiquity has transformed them into hateful fiery creatures that incinerate their enemies. Arsox will readily attack you on sight; only capturing them can make them peaceful and genial again.
  • Xenophobic Herbivore: Thanks to being hunted by predators in the past, Arsox has become a rather irascible and aggressive Pal in the present day, attacking the player on sight.
  • You Must Be Cold: When tamed, it's a very kind Pal, that will keep its human warm from frigid environments with its fiery wool, and even light all the torches on the base.


#043: Dumud / Todododon (トドドドン)
A greyish brown fish-like pal that bears resemblance to both a mudskipper and blobfish, preferring to appear in wet, sandy habitats. Its reaction time becomes extremely slow when relaxed, to the point where it can survive bisection from head to tail until it realizes it should be dead the next morning.

Their Partner Skill is Soil Improver, which boosts the power of Ground Pals in your team for each Dumud in your party. It also allows Dumud to produce High Quality Pal Oil when placed at a Ranch.
  • Achievements in Ignorance: It can somehow survive vertical bisection for a while by being too slow to realize that it should be dead.
  • Delayed Reaction: Its reaction time drastically declines when it's relaxed. It can even be cut in half and won't realize that it should be dead until the next morning.
  • Expy: It's a cross between Slowpoke and Clodsire while having Sobble's frill as a dorsal fin. It even has the former's Delayed Reaction.
  • Fun with Palindromes: By putting "dumb" and "mud" together, we get a palindromic name.
  • Game Hunting Mechanic: Dumud will drop Dumud meat when defeated or caught, which can be eaten raw or cooked into more substantial food.
  • Item Caddy: They will produce High Quality Pal Oil when placed at a Ranch.
  • Punny Name: Dumb + Mud. It's a rather dopey and oblivious creature that resembles a mudskipper.
  • Stat Sticks: Simply having a Dumud in the party will boost the attacking power of all Ground-elemental Pals, making them great for support filler if you only rely on a single powerful Ground Pal like Warsect or Anubis.
  • Stone Wall: Dumud can take quite a fair bit of punishment due to its 100 base HP and 95 base Defense, but its 70 base Attack puts it at the same damage output as early-game Pals.
  • Support Party Member: Their presence in the party boosts the attack of all your Ground-elemental Pals in the party, giving it a unique niche in keeping them around even after they get overshadowed by stronger Ground-element Pals. They can also produce High Quality Pal Oil when placed at a Ranch.
  • Terrestrial Sea Life: They're fish-like creatures that live on land, although they're often seen near the water. This is justified as they're partially based on mudskippers.


#044: Cawgnito / Maskrow (マスクロウ)
A greyish-black avian dark elemental Pal. These crows used to fly the skies like most birds do, but after losing a contest with Galeclaw, they abandoned the skies for a quiet nocturnal life on the ground.

Their Partner Skill is Telepeck, which lets it use Phantom Peck on a targeted enemy when activated.
  • Acrophobic Bird: Cawgnito used to fly the skies, but after losing a contest with Galeclaw, they now live a quiet nocturnal life on the ground.
  • Creepy Crows: Although they look menacing with their red glowing eyes in the dead of night, unlike the hyper-aggressive Galeclaw are passive. They will mind their own business unless you attack them first.
  • Flash Step: Their signature move Phantom Peck has them teleport in front of you and do a rushing peck attack.
  • "Just So" Story: According to the Paldeck, all Cawgnitos could fly until they lost a contest with the Galeclaws, which caused them to abandon flight and live a terrestrial life.
  • Nocturnal Mooks: They appear at night in certain areas of the map.
  • Plague Doctor: They're crows with an appearance strongly based on a plague doctor outfit, with a a white face and long beak resembling a mask through which their glowing red eyes peak out, head feathers shaped like a brim hat, and their wings draped like an open black cloak with a yellow chest spot resembling a button holding it in place.


#045: Leezpunk / Dalizard (ダリザード)
A bipedal reptilian Pal that always takes great care to maintain a stylish stance. It's constantly on the search for the coolest poses, and will even spend all day posing in front of a mirror should they be provided one.

Their Partner Skill is Sixth Sense, which lets it detect and reveal dungeons in range of the player.
  • Attack! Attack... Retreat! Retreat!: In the wild, they may either attack you or flee from you at random. For this reason, it's unwise to drop your guard if they're around while exploring.
  • Expy: Its status as a bipedal hoodie-wearing lizard owes something to Scrafty.
  • The Fashionista: Its Paldeck entry states that it takes "great care to maintain a stylish stance" and will even spend all day in front of a mirror in search of the ultimate coolest pose.
  • Fragile Speedster: They can move relatively fast, but their average base health of 80 coupled with the worst base Defense of 50 (tied with its Ignis variant and Fuddler) means they'll go down quickly to attacks.
  • Narcissist: Will spend all day long looking at itself and posing in the mirror.
  • Mysterious Animal Senses: Its Partner Skill is Sixth Sense. When activated, the Pal can detect nearby dungeons.
  • Odd Friendship: For whatever reason, Leezpunk seems to get along with Incineram, as evidenced by the two often being found together in wild encounters and raids.
  • Reptiles Are Abhorrent: It's hostile to you in the wild, and will attack on sight without being provoked.

#045b: Leezpunk Ignis / Chilizard (チリザード)
The fire subspecies of Leezpunk. A Pal that has an unusual obsession with their standing posture. Unlike their regular counterparts, Leezpunk Ignis are always in search of the hottest poses instead of the coolest ones, and will constantly show off fervent stances to their owners.

Their Partner Skill is Sixth Sense, which lets it detect and reveal dungeons in range of the player.
  • The Fashionista: It has an unusual obsession with its standing posture and will even make poses in front of its owner. Unlike its regular counterpart, it's always in search of the hottest poses instead of the coolest ones.
  • Fragile Speedster: They can move relatively fast, but their average base health of 80 coupled with the worst base Defense of 50 (tied with its regular variant and Fuddler) means they'll go down quickly to attacks.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: Unlike like most monsters, it can take charge on your base and is able to order your other Pals to work.
  • Mysterious Animal Senses: Its Partner Skill is Sixth Sense. When activated, the Pal can detect nearby dungeons.


#046: Loupmoon / Tsukikage (ツキカゲ)
A nocturnal honey badger-like species that only appears at night or in dungeons. They prefer the night over the day, as the horns on their head grow under the moonlight, but itch when exposed to sunlight.

Their Partner Skill is Claws Glistening In The Dark, which lets it use Jumping Claw on a targeted enemy when activated.
  • Bad Ol' Badger: Loupmoon are badger-like solitary creatures, and If you linger around one for too long, it may get irritated and attack you. However, if you abide by its desire for solitude, it will leave you alone too.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: These fierce-looking Pals will leave you alone, so long as you respect its desire to be left alone.
  • Expy: They look like a mixture of a Zoroark and a bipedal Absol, having a black furred werebeast-like body with red claws, a prominent tuft of chest fur, and long pointy ears like the former, while having face and horn designs like the latter.
  • Glass Cannon: Their Attack is decently high for how early they can be encountered, but their relatively low base 80 Defense and Health means they're better at dishing out hits than taking them.
  • Nocturnal Mooks: They only spawn at night around the middle areas of the map.
  • Our Werebeasts Are Different: Their name is inspired by the Loup-Garou and Moon, with them having a moon-related trait of their horns growing when exposed to moonlight and a digitigrade werebeast-like Beast Man body. Despite "loup" meaning "wolf", though, they resemble honey badgers more, and they do not have an untransformed state.
  • Utility Party Member: Loupmoon has a good Handiwork proficiency of 3, is nocturnal, and unlike just about every other Pal with Handiwork capabilities, it has no other work proficiency, meaning it won't get distracted by other tasks. If you need to craft a lot of stuff in a hurry, they'll get it done.


#047: Galeclaw / Aimurgh (エアムルグ)
A medium-sized avian Pal that can easily take flight even while grasping a human. They're prone to letting go when tired, which predictably leads to the sudden demise of quite a few unfortunate souls.

Their Partner Skill is Galeclaw Rider, which allows the player to use it as a fast glider. When gliding, the player can use weapons.
  • Airborne Mook: They're flight-capable Pals that are also aggressive and will attack you on sight. Unlike most other airborne Pals, Galeclaw will usually try to keep its high altitude when attacking.
  • Brutal Bird of Prey: Galeclaws are an annoying menace to deal with for beginners. They will spawn in groups of three or more, and once they spot a player, they will stay in the air and keep attacking relentlessly. The best way to deal with them is to shoot them down with ranged weapons.
  • Feathered Fiend: They are highly aggressive and love to stay airborne while blasting their targets with ranged attacks from above.
  • Fragile Speedster: While not as tough as most flyers, having only 75 base health and a very low base defense at 60, they are fast and love to kite you with their ranged attack from above. It doesn't help that there are usually a group of them ganging up on you.
  • Game Hunting Mechanic: They drop Galeclaw Poultry when killed, which can be eaten raw or cooked into a more fulfilling meal.
  • "Just So" Story: According to Cawgnito's Paldeck entry, Cawgnito used to fly until Galeclaw beat them in a contest, forcing the crow Pals into a terrestrial life.
  • Utility Party Member: They can be used in place of a glider while they are in your team. You can even fire at enemies while gliding this way, unlike with other gliding Pals. They're invaluable as an ally against very dangerous bosses that target you with wide-area deadly skills, as they can quickly get you to, and maintain, a safe distance.


#048: Robinquill / Featherro (フェザーロ)
A Grass-elemental Hu Mon that dwells in forested areas, Robinquill lives and hunts much like primitive humans did and may be an evolutionary link between humans and Pals. Highly territorial, they challenge invaders with deadly bows.

Their Partner Skill is Hawk Eye, which allows the player's attacks to deal even more damage to enemy weak points while Robinqull is active.
  • Cold Sniper: These guys aren't much for warm welcomes, as intruders on their territory quickly find themselves in their sights. Of course, this can be averted if you catch one, as they're no more belligerent or distant than any other Pal you catch.
  • Critical Hit Class: While Robinquill is the player's active Pal, the player's attacks deal more damage to enemy weak points.
  • Expy: They're a Hu Mon spin on Decidueye, being Grass-elemental archers which lessens the owl status into a bird-like Animal Motif of a cloak shaped like two wings, talon-like feet, and prominent head quills. They also draw inspiration from Robin Hood, having "Robin" in their name and holding a Forest Ranger image.
  • Forest Ranger: They produce a bow to attack, are Grass-elemental, and are usually found patrolling forested areas.
  • Hammerspace: Unlike Bushi's sword, which is visibly stowed at its side when not in use, there's no indication of where Robinquill stashes its bow when not using it (or whatever it uses as ammo, for that matter).
  • Hu Mons: They have a very humanoid figure and cry. The Paldeck posits that they may be proof of humans and Pals sharing a common ancestor.
  • No Mouth: Their eyes are the only facial feature visible on their model.
  • Secret Art: Focus Shot, a Grass skill that has Robinquill taking careful aim before releasing a powerful shot from its bow.

#048b: Robinquill Terra / Sandoro (サンドロ)
A Pal that lives a hunting life in rocky areas and is very close to humans. Their bones are often found nearby human bones in ruins, suggesting that they lived and died together with humans.

Their Partner Skill is Hawk Eye, which allows the player's attacks to deal even more damage to enemy weak points while Robinqull Terra is active.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: When fighting alongside this Pal, you can deal more damage to enemy weak points.
  • Together in Death: Like the Direhowl, they were said to be very close to humans once, and would bury their remains with people's.
  • We Used to Be Friends: They are hostile towards any humans intruding on their territory, though this wasn't always the case, judging how well they buried their dead.


#049: Gorirat / Gorirage (ゴリレイジ)
A Neutral-elemental Pal that resembles a gorilla/rat hybrid. They communicate with their troop by beating the ground rhythmically, and while it's known that the meaning of each rhythm differs by troop, the distinction between them hasn't been figured out yet.

Their Partner Skill is Full-power Gorilla Mode, which gives Gorirat a temporary attack buff when activated.
  • Battle Aura: When their partner skill Full-power Gorilla Mode is active, they will gain a red flame-like aura.
  • Dumb Muscle: Wild Gorirat always have the Hooligan passive skill, which increases their Attack but reduces work speed.
  • Killer Gorilla: They're rat-like gorilla Pals that are hostile and will attack you on sight, while also packing quite a punch. Unlike most gorillas, they sport tails due to also being part rat.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Gorirat's stats are mostly-average, with 90 in base HP/Defense and 95 in attack. However, if fully condensed to 4 stars, Full-Power Gorilla Mode will grant it a massive +200% attack boost. One can even breed Megaton Implode onto them and use it alongside Full-Power Gorilla Mode to deal some of the highest damage in the game in one attack.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Like its name suggests, Gorirat is a cross between a gorilla and a rat, having a simian build and stance of a gorilla but a slender body and presence of a tail, like a rat.
  • Primal Chest-Pound: Gorirat are aggressive by nature. Even if you haven't antagonized one and keep your distance, it will beat its chest as a show of intimidation before attacking. Gorirat will also perform this when the player lets it use Full-power Gorilla Mode.
  • Punny Name: It appears to be a cross between a gorilla and a rat.
  • Quad Damage: Full-power Gorilla Mode gives it a temporary attack buff of normally +50%, but it can go up to as high as a huge +200% if condensed to four stars. It also gains a red Battle Aura when this is active.
  • Riddle for the Ages: In-universe, no one knows what distinctions are made by different troops of Gorirat beating the the ground in different rhythms.
  • Turns Red: Full-power Gorilla Mode causes Gorirat to release its fury and increases its attack power significantly. Condensing one to four stars will allow this skill to triple its attack power.
