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Main Characters


    Izuku Midoriya — Rex 

Izuku Midoriya — Rex

Quirk: One For All, Quirkless (Formerly)

Blade(s): Pyra, Mythra, Pneuma, Nana, Theory, Nia, Reiko

U.A. Class Status: 1-A Hero Class
Click here  to see his hero costume

Izuku Midoriya is a young teenager who lives in a superpowered society without a superpower of his own. Being bullied and ridiculed by everyone, his life changes when he meets a Blade named Pyra. With her power and support, Izuku reignites his dream of becoming a hero.

  • Accidental Discovery: Izuku accidentally discovered alien life when he touched Pyra's core crystal.
  • Action Dad: To Poppi. And to a hilarious extent, to Shoto as well.
  • Adaptational Badass:
    • Izuku is much surer of himself thanks to Pyra and learns how to fight and have self-confidence. He even stands up to Bakugo multiple times and is on par with him in a 1-on-1 fight.
    • Izuku also has Haoshoku/Conquerer's Haki, though currently uncontrolled.
  • Adaptational Name Change:
    • Izuku calls his "Full Cowling" technique Aegis Enchant.
    • Instead of Deku, his Hero Name is Aegis Hero: Rex, inspired by his "Aegis Enchant" and Mythra telling him a bit about Addam.
  • Armor-Piercing Response: When Stain asks how he is standing up and fighting after being stabbed with a poisonous blade, Izuku's response is: "Fuck you, that's how".
  • Back from the Dead: He briefly dies during the USJ and comes back from the dead shortly afterwards, thanks to Mythra sharing part of her Core Crystal.
  • Badass Normal: While technically using Pyra's power, he is still Quirkless and has no power of his own but can kick ass regardless. Downplayed as he now has One for All, but he has shown he can still fight without it.
  • Battle Strip: Pulls off his shirt just before facing Bakugo at the Sports Festival.
  • Became Their Own Antithesis: He has a nightmare where he sees another version of himself who accuses him of being no different than Bakugou, always lashing out with anger.
  • The Big Damn Kiss: Pyra finally kisses him on the lips after he wins the Sports Festival.
  • Broken Pedestal: After the rejection and not seeing him for a year, Izuku no longer views All Might as his idol, but instead as a reminder of his broken dream, so much so that he does not immediately accept One for All when offered.
  • Butt-Monkey: The universe seems to have it out for him.
  • Cannot Talk to Women: While he has gotten better thanks to Pyra and Nia, he still can't hold a decent conversation with the female population without being embarrassed. He gets better with time, though.
  • Can't Tie His Tie: Izuku cannot tie a tie properly and it looks like a mess. He ditches the tie altogether after receiving part of Pyra/Mythra's Core Crystal.
  • Catchphrase: While most people in the series say "Plus Ultra!", Izuku took after his new teacher and says "BALLS OUT!"
  • Clueless Chick-Magnet: Izuku has at least four girls pining on him, yet he is oblivious. Downplayed, as he acknowledges Poppi as his daughter and Mei as the mother, and initiates a kiss on Reiko.
  • Combat Clairvoyance: He develops the ability to see flashes of the future during the USJ incident.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Years of Bakugou abusing him with teachers enabling or even outright encouraging him has resulted in Izuku being desensitized to Bakugou trying to murder him during the Battle Trials.
  • Cosmic Flaw: He starts seeing an alternate version of himself, specifically the canon Izuku that he takes to calling Deku for accepting such an insulting name. Deku considers that despite the vast variations of Izuku's out there he finds Rex so different from the rest of the multiverse that he is this trope and has to be corrected. Luckily for now all he does is disapprove of Rex's actions and warn he'll be haunting him.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Will get angry when someone objectivizes Pyra. Or Mythra. Or Nana. Or Theory. Or Momo. Or...
  • Curtains Match the Window: Green hair matches green eyes.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Izuku's entire life pre-Pyra.
  • Death Glare: A pretty effective one, particularly when empowered with Haoshoku Haki.
  • Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: Has a serious muttering problem.
  • The Dog Bites Back: He stands up against Bakugo whenever he insults Pyra. Then he finally stands up for himself during their battle trial, so much so that he releases Haoshoku Haki.
  • Easily Forgiven: Due to his lack of self-confidence, Izuku forgives people way too easily, often blaming himself for or justifying their actions. Pyra even claims that trait has allowed his toxic relationship with Bakugo to last so long.
  • Feel No Pain: He has an absurdly high pain threshold. When Kaminari comments on this after Majima resets Izuku's nose, Izuku asks if it was supposed to hurt. It's heavily implied to be a consequence of the bullying he went through.
  • Fights Like a Normal: Despite being able to, Izuku does not use Pyra's powers to fight Bakugo during the Battle Trials.
  • For Want Of A Nail: Izuku has many differences from his canon counterpart.
    • He learns fighting and swordplay, to the point where he can fight even with Bakugo.
    • Has more confidence and stands up to others (albeit mostly to defend others, not himself).
    • No longer holds All Might in high regard, even considering rejecting One for All.
    • Learns how to use One for All properly by the Sports Festival, since he got actual training.
  • Got Me Doing It: Izuku is upset that Hatsume got him to start calling their joint creation their baby.
  • He Cleans Up Nicely: When forced to manage Club Sunshine by Majima, the girls present (Pyra, Mythra, Nana, and Mina) are all VERY impressed with Izuku wearing a tux, with the other girls not present (Nia, Crossette, Momo, Brighid, Ochaco, Reiko, Azami, and Mei) all suddenly feeling they've missed out on something amazing.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Despite knowing it isn't true, years of abuse have caused him to still feel useless and undeserving of praise or awards. It's why he hesitates to accept One for All.
  • Hidden Depths: He can bust some serious dancing moves, which he proves by dancing with Reiko while they are both skating in the Sports Festival.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Is stabbed in the back by Fingers during the USJ. He survives thanks to Mythra.
  • In-Series Nickname:
    • Like canon, he's called Deku often by Ochaco (who eventually drops it when she realizes how much it hurts him) and Bakugo.
    • Nia used to call him "hero boy" but changed it to "reckless arse".
  • In Spite of a Nail:
    • Despite the help in this regard, Izuku still can't confidently talk to most people.
    • Still feels undeserving of power and a need to prove himself.
    • Constantly takes the blame for things that aren't his fault.
  • Loser Protagonist: In short, his life sucks.
    • He's born powerless and is bullied, ridiculed, pitied, or cast aside by everyone in his life.
    • He's been so mentally scarred that he has no self-confidence, and thinks all the bad stuff in his life is meant to happen.
    • Even after getting into his dream school, he sees the teachers act the exact same way as his old ones did and holds no hope for things to change.
  • Love Epiphany: Realizes he's in love with Nia after seeing her fight with Bakugo during the Sports Festival. He also realizes he's in love with Pyra and Mythra and the other girls right after.
  • Mundane Utility: Even though it is a weapon, he uses his Extreme Nimbus as an ordinary skateboard.
  • Nice Guy: He is one of the nicest people in the story, with Pyra claiming that Izuku is unmatched in kindness when they first meet Momo and Brighid, the latter later acknowledging his kindness but doesn't say it.
  • Official Couple: More like Official Harem. He finally gets together with Pyra, Mythra, Momo, Brighid, Nana, and Mei in Chapter 34, along with Reiko and Azami in the following chapter.
  • Properly Paranoid: He's a bit concerned when told that Reiko was taken to Jaku General Hospital to receive a 'new experimental treatment'. Considering the hospital is a cover for a Nomu factory and Shigaraki's request to the doctor earlier, Izuku has valid reasons to worry.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Izuku's newfound confidence prompts him to give this to people who really piss him off.
    • Gives one to Shinso during their match, calling him out on just trying to be a hero without putting any effort besides his Quirk. He later delivers a massive one to Bakugo during the finals while kicking the everliving shit out of him.
    • During the Internships arc, he calls Stain out on his hypocritical attitude and points out that he is nothing but a violent thug that enjoys hurting others.
  • Shared Family Quirks: A surrogate example. He inherited Nishiniki/Second's dancing skills, as evidenced during his dance with Reiko during the Sports Festival.
  • Their First Time: Izuku has his with Pyra/Mythra after the fight with Stain, which qualifies for Glad-to-Be-Alive Sex.
  • Undying Loyalty: To all of his friends really, but mostly with Pyra as his first friend.
  • Violently Protective Boyfriend: He's very protective of all of his girlfriends and Blades.
    • He gives Bakugo a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown after the latter nearly killed Reiko at the Sports Festival, and flies to the hospital she's been taken to because he has a gut feeling that she's not safe - where he gets into a fight with Reiko's mother because she won't say where Reiko is.
    • Arriving at Sotenbori, he knocks out a drunk jerk that tries to flirt with Pyra.
    • When a client at the nightclub gets handsy with a clearly uncomfortable Theory, he walks up to the guy, slams his head on the table, and literally throws him out of the club far away enough to register as a new record.
  • Visions of Another Self: Starting with the I-Island arc, Izuku's Combat Clairvoyance evolves to the point he can catch glimpses of alternate versions of himself:
    • He sees his canon self during the events of Two Heroes as well at the beginning of the Training Camp arc.
    • He catches a glimpse of his Heroes DxD during the second day of the camp.
    • Izuku also sees a future version of himself with his, Pyra, Mytrha, and Nia's kids during the second day.
  • Worthy Opponent: Ryuji considers him this, telling Izuku to get stronger, so they will fight for the title of True Dragon.



Role: Attacker

Element: Fire

Weapon: Aegis Sword

Pyra is a Blade from Alrest known as the Aegis who sent all the Blades to Izuku's world. She is caring and protective of Izuku and her sister Mythra and quickly adapts to his family and helps Izuku on his journey to becoming a hero. She is a unique fire type and her blade weapon is her Aegis Sword which can use her fire to extend and do more damage. She can be heard as a voice in Mythra's head when Mythra is in control.

  • Action Girl: While she mostly acts as Izuku's backup, Pyra can fight just as well as her Driver even acting as his trainer.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Malos.
  • Berserk Button: Insulting Izuku or Mythra is a quick way to earn her ire.
  • The Big Damn Kiss: She kisses Izuku on the lips after winning the Sports Festival as her 'prize for first place'.
  • Covert Pervert: When she learns that Mei wanting to "make babies" with her and Izuku just means working on support gear, she silently laments it.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Red hair matches red eyes.
  • Eating the Eye Candy: She doesn't complain that Izuku tore off his shirt during the USJ.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: One of Pyra's specialties is cooking. She thoroughly enjoys cooking for other people, even offering to cook meals for Uraraka.
  • Harem Seeker: By proxy. She's already content on sharing Izuku (given she shares a body with Mythra) and wants him to be as happy as possible after all he's suffered, so she actively seeks out other girls who show an interest in him to ensure everyone can be happy.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: She constantly shows no shame in showing her thirst for Izuku.
  • Laser Blade: Her Aegis Sword is a big sword that allows her to channel her fire into it to extend the blade.
  • Mundane Utility: While it's one of her main offensive weapons, Pyra usually uses her fire to do mundane tasks like cooking and warming people up.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Multiversal. If Chapter 1's omake is to be believed, her exploration of the multiverse to decide where to go is what causes Tabane Shinonono to become obsessed with Sammy in Heroes DxD: This is our story.
  • Official Couple: She gets together with Izuku in Chapter 34, along with some of the other girls.
  • Red Is Heroic: Pyra is mostly red in aesthetic and hair color and is a heroic character.
  • Split Personality: She and her sister Mythra are essentially two minds in the same body.
  • Their First Time: She has sex with Izuku after the fight with Stain.
  • Tragic Hero: She feels that she was only made to deal with the guilt her sister can't and often feels depressed about the destruction of Alrest.
  • Team Mom: Pyra behaves very maternally in her efforts to ensure that everyone in Izuku's friend group/harem is happy and cared for.
  • Undying Loyalty: She will do anything for Izuku, and support him no matter what.



Role: Attacker

Element: Light

Weapon: Aegis Sword

Mythra is the original Aegis who accidentally destroyed her home world in a war. She seals herself away in guilt and creates Pyra to live her life. Despite this, she came out to save Izuku and promised to redeem herself. She can be heard as a voice in Pyra's head when Pyra's in control.

  • Arch-Enemy: To Malos.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Insulting Izuku or Pyra gets her mad quickly.
    • Also if anyone pervs at Pyra.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Gold hair matches gold eyes.
  • Combat Clairvoyance: Her Foresight ability gives her and Izuku the ability to see a few seconds into the future.
  • Foreshadowing: Pyra's eye color changes to gold when Mythra feels intense emotion.
    • The first is when Ochaco calls Izuku 'Deku' for the first time. She wanted to murder her.
    • The second time was during the talk with All Might, and Izuku even sees it and questions it.
  • Lethal Chef:
    • Mythra is apparently capable of killing a person with her cooking according to a short conversation between her and Pyra.
    • Her first dish in the series is so bad that the dish itself was suffering. Izuku manages to stomach it for her sake, though, to Mythra's delight.
  • Mistaken Identity: She is often mistaken for Pyra by those who don't know her.
  • Official Couple: She gets together with Izuku in Chapter 34, along with some of the other girls.
  • Their First Time: She has sex with Izuku after the fight with Stain.
  • Tragic Hero: Blames herself for the destruction of Alrest to the point of sealing herself away and refusing to come out until she needs to during the USJ arc to save Izuku's life.
  • Tsundere: Her dislike of Ochaco becomes harder to maintain as they get to know her. When Ochaco stops calling Izuku "Deku", Mythra remarks that she can stop pretending to hate her now (before taking it back when Pyra teases her).
  • Undying Loyalty: She's willing to do anything for Izuku and Pyra, even more unsavory things.

    Pneuma (Spoilers) 


Role: Attacker

Element: Light

Weapon: Aegis Sword

The combined form of Pyra and Mythra who appeared during the rematch with Malos after their abduction.

  • Fusion Dance: Played With in that she is actually the original form of Pyra and Mythra, but she becomes this to the other two.

U.A. Drivers

    Nia Hanekoma — Regulus 

Nia Hanekoma — Regulus

Quirk: Cat (unofficial name)

Blade(s): Dromarch, Crossette, Herself

Role: Healer

Element: Water

Weapon: Anima Sword

U.A. Class Status: 1-A Hero Class
Click here  to see Nia in her Blade form

Nia is the Driver of Dromarch. She comes off as rude and extremely irritable but is truly caring and protective underneath. She has cat powers that give her cat-like features and enhanced senses like a cat.

  • Adaptational Wimp: Subverted. She was originally Quirkless before being given her quirk by All for One.
  • Anger Born of Worry: Constantly comes off as angry when someone she cares about is hurt or insulted. Especially with Izuku.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Insult Izuku, Dromarch, or her.
    • Also if someone directly tries to claim Izuku.
  • Cat Girl: She has a cat Quirk. Or, more accurately, werecat.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Anytime a girl insults or is affectionate with Izuku, she gets angry and jealous.
  • Cute Kitten: She's a Cat Girl, looks young, quite small, and very cute. Also doubles as Badass Adorable. Piss her off enough, though...
  • Deadpan Snarker: She has a pretty sharp tongue, constantly calling people out when they do something wrong or not to her liking. Especially with Iida.
  • Defecting for Love: She officially betrayed the League of Villains after Fingers kills Izuku and she kills him in revenge. As she said to Shigaraki:
    Nia: (to Shigaraki) Consider this my official resignation, ya crusty fuck!
  • Exact Words: During the USJ, Akhos tells her to continue working on spying on the class. She uses this to go find Izuku when she hears that a former classmate is out to get him.
  • Fantastic Arousal: Izuku touching her ears gives her much pleasure.
  • Foreshadowing: There are hints that there's more to Nia than she lets on.
    • When she presents her last name, Izuku notes how it feels off but doesn't pry.
    • During her fight with Momo, she almost comments how her accent is Ardainian.
      Nia: (to Momo) What's with the accent Yaoyorozu? You sound Ardai- Scottish! You sound Scottish.
    • When she snuggles with Izuku, there is an ether thread between them.
  • Game Face: She has a Lightning Bruiser battle form.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Every time a girl other than Pyra looks at Izuku with interest, she gets jealous. This is best shown during the battle trials when Momo comments on claiming Izuku.
    Momo: That partner of yours downstairs is quite something, is he not? He'd make an excellent enforcer... or pet.
    Nia: Ohohohohoho...! You keep your grubby mitts off my rabbit, you strippy whore!
  • Groin Attack: She delivers several to Bakugo during their match in the Sports Festival.
  • Insult of Endearment: Often calls Izuku "reckless arse". It's not undeserved.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite the constant insults and arguments, she truly cares for Izuku, Pyra, and Dromarch, and wants what's best for them.
  • Lethal Harmless Powers: Her Quirk seems to give her just Cat Girl traits but it actually gives her all aspects of a cat - an apex predator - with a Game Face form that has lethal claws and extreme agility.
  • Little Bit Beastly: She has two cat ears because of her Quirk. The beastly part becomes far more pronounced when she's angry enough.
  • The Mole: Was apparently one for the League of Villains, albeit very unhappily. She quit after seeing Izuku's (briefly) lifeless body.
  • My Instincts Are Showing: When Izuku sees her for the first time after the USJ and glomps her, Nia actually purrs at first before trying to get him off. When she goes full cat mode her instincts get stronger.
  • Official Couple: She is finally in a relationship with Izuku after the Internship Arc. note 
  • Our Werebeasts Are Different: Her Quirk gives her the ability to assume a Beast Man form.
  • Power Perversion Potential: Izuku and his harem take advantage of Nia's healing powers to have a weeklong marathon of debauchery and sin by having sex that entire time without any regard for actually taking breaks.
  • Secret-Keeper: She knew about One for All and All for One the entire time without anyone knowing.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: While she isn't Izuku's girlfriend (yet), she is very protective of her very first friend. Fingers learns firsthand how violent Nia can be when she kills him.

    Momo Yaoyorozu — Meleph 

Momo Yaoyorozu — Meleph

Quirk: Creation

Blade(s): Brighid, Corvin

U.A. Class Status: 1-A Hero Class
Click here  to see her current hero costume

Momo Yaoyorozu is a human and the Driver of Brighid. She is a kind and intelligent person and a member of Class 1-A. She meets Izuku on the first day and they immediately become friends. Her Quirk, "Creation", allows her to create any inanimate object from her skin as long as she knows the molecular makeup.

  • The Ace: She is one of the four students to get in on recommendations and for good reasons. She's extremely intelligent and powerful in her own right, her Blade only boosting her skills and confidence.
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: In this story, Momo's "friends" were people who only liked her as long as she gave them nice things and made them favors. As soon she realized their true intentions she cut them off her life, which led to them spreading rumours about how she only achieved all she did because of her looks and wealth, leading Momo to have no friends until she met Brighid and later Izuku.
  • Adaptational Modesty: She ditches her Stripperiffic outfit during the Internships in favor of one that resembles the one Morag uses in canon.
  • Adaptational Name Change: Instead of Creati, Momo's hero name is Creator Hero: Meleph.
  • Brief Accent Imitation: During the battle trial, Momo takes up an Ardai- Scottish accent when playing the villain as "Special Inquisitor Momo of the Yaoyorozu Criminal Empire".
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Downplayed, especially in regards to Nia, but she doesn't like it when other girls get close to Izuku. She also had the exact same thought as Nia when All Might took Izuku and Pyra to talk.
  • Composite Character: Of Mòrag, being the Drivers of Brighid. To drive the point home, during the battle trials, Momo takes up a Ardai- Scottish accent and even refers to herself as "Special Inquisitor Momo of the Yaoyorozu Criminal Empire". And then her second hero costume is basically a red version of Mòrag's outfit.
  • Covert Pervert: After she gets her new costume, she ponders keeping the old one for the sake of "other purposes" with Izuku.
  • Eating the Eye Candy: She couldn't help but stare at Izuku after he tore off his shirt during the USJ.
  • Friendless Background: Momo didn't have any friends until she resonated with Brighid. In fact, many of her old classmates spread lies about her because they were jealous of her wealth, intelligence, and Quirk.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Realizing that Aegaeon outclasses both her and Denki in power and skill, her strategy to beat him is to throw a flashbang grenade and run as fast as she can.
  • Large Ham: She really chews out the scenery while playing her "Special Inquisitor" role.
  • Mythology Gag: Her hero name, Meleph, is the original Japanese name of Mòrag, Brighid's Driver in the main game.
  • Nice Girl: She is extremely nice to people although openly disgusted with horrid actions. Brighid claims she is unmatched in kindness when they first meet Izuku and Pyra.
  • Not So Above It All: She really gets into the villain role during the battle trials.
  • Official Couple: She gets together with Izuku in Chapter 34, along with some of the other girls.
  • Stripperiffic: Her original hero costume is, uh, on the revealing side, to Izuku's distress.
  • Undying Loyalty: To her friends, but mostly Izuku and Brighid as her first friends.

    Denki Kaminari — Chaos 

Denki Kaminari — Chaos

Quirk: Electrification

Blade(s): Pandoria, Adenine

U.A. Class Status: 1-A Hero Class
Click here  to see his hero costume

Denki Kaminari is a human and the Driver of Pandoria. He is a laid-back yet caring guy. He immediately tries to bond with his fellow Drivers of class 1-A and has a romantic relationship with Pandoria. His Quirk is Electrification which allows him to produce electricity from his body, at the risk of frying his brain from overuse.

  • Adaptational Badass: During the battle trial, he and Pandoria go head-to-head with Todoroki and almost win. Even though Todoroki's only using his ice, he still is one of the strongest in the class, and Kaminari did far better than his canon counterpart could.
  • Adaptational Name Change: Instead of Stun Gun Hero: Charge Bolt, Denki's hero name is Thunderbolt Hero: Chaos.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Denki calls Pandoria "Pandy" for short. She in turn always calls him "My Prince".
  • Composite Character: Of Zeke, being the Driver of Pandoria.
  • Interspecies Romance: He's a human in a relationship with a Blade.
  • Love Confession: Confesses to Pandoria in the "Forget you then, but love you now" Heart to Heart.
  • Meaningful Name: Invoked. Says that he will fight for the people who "order" fails to protect.
    Denki: I don't fight for order. I fight for people, for those who need help. I know that 'order' has failed too many. If order won't keep people safe… Then I'll bring the chaos and save them myself!
  • Mythology Gag: His hero name is obviously one to one of Thunderbolt Zeke's self-proclaimed nicknames, Bringer of Chaos.
  • Official Couple: Is in a relationship with Pandoria.
  • Secret-Keeper: Finds about One for All after the events of I-Island.
  • Undying Loyalty: To his friends, but mostly Pandoria as his lover.

    Mei Hatsume 

Mei Hatsume

Quirk: Zoom

Blade(s): Poppi

U.A. Class Status: 1-H Support Class

Mei Hatsume, no doubt the most eccentric character, is an inventor with boundless optimism. She focuses all her effort and time on her inventions which she calls her babies (and less time on everything else). She even befriends Izuku quickly due to his intelligence. Her Quirk is Zoom, which allows her to see up to 5 kilometers away. She already replicated Core Chips and created an artificial blade.

  • Absurdly Youthful Mother: In a way. Since she treats all of her gadgets as her "babies", she's essentially Poppi's mother, with the artificial Blade calling her as such.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: She has a short attention span regarding anything that doesn't involve her babies.
  • Brutal Honesty: Hatsume is rather tactless, saying whatever she thinks regardless of social appropriateness.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: She may be a bit scatterbrained and she may have some seriously skewed priorities, but there is no denying that she is a brilliant inventor.
  • Ditzy Genius: A very intelligent inventor who lacks any social cues.
  • Exotic Eye Designs: Her eyes look like crosshairs. This is justified given her Quirk.
  • Genki Girl: She is quite energetic, going from one topic to another, especially in regards to her inventions, which she seems to be utterly obsessed with.
  • Goggles Do Something Unusual: They compound the magnification of her Zoom Quirk.
  • I Call It "Vera": Calls her gadgets her "cute little babies".
  • Mad Scientist: Is really into her gadgets, which she calls her "babies", so much so that she ignores literally everything unrelated to them.
  • Official Couple: She gets together with Izuku in Chapter 34, along with some of the other girls.
  • Parent-Child Team: Her and Poppi.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: Her home gets burned down after the Sports Festival by Quirk supremacists implied to have been hired by Re-Destro.

    Reiko Yanagi — Umbra (SPOILER ALERT) 

Reiko Yanagi — Umbra

Quirk: Quirkless

Blade(s): Azami

U.A. Class Status: 1-B Hero Class

Role: Attacker

Element: Darkness

Weapon: Fright Shotguns
Click here to see her hero costume 

A creepy, verbose girl, Reiko is the resident horror fan of Class 1-B. She is also a Quirkless Driver and forms a quick friendship with Izuku. After being nearly killed by Bakugo during the Sports Festival, Reiko is implanted with a Core Crystal and becomes a Blade Eater.

  • Adaptational Name Change: Instead of Emily, Reiko's hero name is Umbra.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Played With. In canon, she has a Quirk that lets her telekinetically control any object. Here she's Quirkless but is still in the hero course thanks to her Blade, Azami. Fully subverted when she becomes a Blade Eater.
  • Berserk Button: The truth about Izuku having One For All proves to be one for her, as she briefly comes to believe that Izuku was lying about his Quirklessness, which brought back memories of a similar situation, where someone was pretending to confess to her, instead drawing her out so that they could attack her, which resulted in her losing her left eye. As a result, she very nearly breaks up with Izuku in a vicious argument, before the two of them manage to iron things out.
  • Casting a Shadow: Her Element as a Blade Eater is Darkness, the same as Azami.
  • Composite Character: After Bakugo gives her a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown, she receives a Core Crystal to help heal, becoming a full Blade Eater like Mikhail.
  • Dual Wielding: After becoming a Blade Eater, she can summon two shotguns.
  • Eye Scream: Reiko's left eye is a mass of scar tissue, the result of an attack on her, where she was lured out by a fake love confession.
  • Fantastic Arousal: Connecting with Izuku while he uses Aegis Enchant almost makes her moan in pleasure.
  • Hitodama Light: After becoming a Blade Eater, the Core Crystal she received looks like a hitodama.
  • Love Confession: She confesses to Izuku in Chapter 30 before her match against Bakugo.
  • Manchurian Agent: After getting over the shock of Yanagi seemingly betraying them during the Summer Camp attack, her friends quickly realise she and Azami must have been mind-controlled in some unspecified manner since they seemed off and they could not feel any intent from them.
  • Mundane Utility: She uses her Ether Cannon as a skateboard. A custom Core Chip Izuku gives her (courtesy of Mei) lets her turn it into a Hover Board.
  • Oblivious to Love: She does not realise Tokoyami has a huge crush on her until the students move into the new dorms after the Kamino Ward incident.
  • Official Couple: She gets together with Izuku in Chapter 35, along with Azami.
  • Shoot the Mage First: After becoming mind-controlled during the Training Camp arc, she shot Momo (the strongest student without Izuku at the building) in the back once the attack begun, leaving all students to be exposed to Mustard's gas.

    Melissa Shield 

Melissa Shield

Quirk: Quirkless

Blade(s): Haze, KOS-MOS

U.A. Class Status: 1-A Hero Class

Melissa is an American Driver who is also Quirkless. Despite working to be a support item inventor at I-Island, she always had the dream of becoming a hero. That dream was reignited when she hears Izuku's Sports Festival speech. She becomes a U.A. Hero Student at Class 1-A during the Training Camp arc.

  • Affectionate Nickname: "Uncle Might" for All Might.
  • Ascended Extra: She joins 1-A following the events of I-Island, filling in Bakugou's former spot.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Since her father is not the one to blame for the I-Expo attack, she gives one to Sam, for letting his greed nearly get people killed.
  • Contrasting Sequel Main Character: Of Lora. Both of them are Haze's Drivers, but that's about all they have in common.
    • Lora was an orphan who's been on the run most of her life and is implied to be a bastard. Melissa still has her father and lives a steady life on I-Island.
    • Melissa is a scientist who helps develop support items for heroes. Lora is more of a fighter and worked as a mercenary.
    • Lora spent part of Torna looking for her mother with no mention of her father. Melissa's mother is curiously absent while her father is present.
    • Lora's first Blade was Jin, while Melissa's first Blade is Haze.
  • Un-Sorcerer: Like Izuku and Reiko, Melissa is one of the unlucky 20 percent of people to be born without a Quirk.

    Yui Kodai — Rule (SPOILER ALERT) 

Yui Kodai — Rule

Quirk: Size, Quirkless (briefly, formerly)

Blade: Simon

U.A. Class Status: 1-B Hero Class
Click here to see her hero costume 

A stone-faced Class 1-B girl. Her Quirk, "Size", allows her to increase and decrease the size of any non-living objects she touches. She loses it during the Training Camp arc but gains a Blade, Simon, who returns her Quirk to her.




Role: Healer

Element: Water

Weapon: Twin Rings

Dromarch is the Blade of Nia. His appearance is that of a White Tiger. He is very respectful and caring of his Driver and her friends. He acts similar to a caretaker to her being the voice of reason between the two. His element is water and also has healing abilities. His blade weapon is Twin Rings which can be used both short and long-range offensively.

  • Animal Superheroes: He's a tiger in training to be a Hero.
  • Battle Butler: He acts and speaks like a butler despite his status as a giant tiger, and is very combat-capable.
  • Great White Feline: He's a white tiger and is very wise.
  • Making a Splash: His innate element is water.
  • The Medic: He has healing abilities.
  • Old Retainer: He largely treats Nia as if he were her aged old butler and adopts mannerisms appropriate for the role. This is in spite of the fact that he's technically younger than Nia by a fair bit.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Nia and, by extension, her friends.



Role: Tank

Element: Fire

Weapon: Whipswords

Brighid is the Blade of Momo Yaoyorozu. She is polite and strong-willed, though can be strict at times, as well as informative. She is very defensive about how people treat her Driver and cares greatly for her. Her element is fire and serves as a tank. Her Blade weapon is Whipswords, which can extend the blade to reach long distances.

  • Amnesiac Resonance: When fighting Aegaeon at I-Island, her previous Driver's second Blade, Brighid has an odd sense of sadness.
  • Berserk Button: Insulting Momo is a good way to get on her bad side.
  • Eating the Eye Candy: She blushes when Izuku rips off his shirt during the USJ.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Her default expression. Her eyes only ever open when she's surprised, like upon learning of Pyra's harem plan.
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple: Her hair and outfit have a bit of purple intermingled with blue.
  • Marshmallow Hell: As a Running Gag, Izuku's face always somehow ends up in Brighid's bosom. By the Sports Festival, Brighid begins to suspect that he's somehow doing so on purpose... and doesn't mind at all.
    Brighid: (thinking) If he likes burying his face in my chest so much, all he has to do is ask.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Navel-Deep Neckline? Check. Long blue hair with flame-like accents? Check. Large bust? Check. Zettai Ryouiki? Of a sort. She fits the trope nicely, much like her Driver.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline: It goes right down to the groin.
  • Official Couple: She gets together with Izuku in Chapter 34, along with some of the other girls.
  • Playing with Fire: Her innate element is fire.
  • Stripperiffic: Her normal outfit leaves nothing to the imagination.
  • Technicolor Fire: Her fire is blue.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Momo and, by extension, her friends.
  • Whip Sword: Her swords can extend/transform into a pair of segmented whips for certain attacks.



Role: Attacker

Element: Electric

Weapon: Big Bang Edge

Nicknamed "Pandy", Pandoria is the Blade, and girlfriend, of Denki Kaminari. She is very caring and affectionate towards Denki and his friends, yet constantly teases him about his flaws like his stupidity (not that she minds). She has an electric element and is an attacker. Her Blade weapon is Big Bang Edge, A large double-sided sword that can deal massive damage.



Role: Healer

Element: Wind

Weapon: Extreme Nimbus

The second Blade Izuku awakens after Pyra/Mythra, having received her Core Crystal from Nezu. She shockingly looks like Nana Shimura, All Might's predecessor, and is, in a way, her reincarnation.

  • Applied Phlebotinum: The reason she exists is due to One for All interacting with the Core Crystal when Izuku resonated with it, causing the aspects of Nana in One for All to almost completely override whatever used to be in the Core Crystal.
  • Blow You Away: She's a wind element Blade.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She's not happy when Izuku and Pyra have Their First Time.
  • Hover Board: Her Blade weapon is one called Extreme Nimbus.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: She has no recollection whatsoever of either All Might or Gran Torino, yet she still knows details about One for All, such as its history and how to use it.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Nana loves to mess around and act perverted towards Izuku.
  • Official Couple: She gets together with Izuku in Chapter 34, along with some of the other girls.
  • Shipper on Deck: She supports Pyra/Mythra/Izuku.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: With Azami, constantly getting into comedic spats with her.



Role: Healer

Element: Fire

Weapon: Bitball

Nia's second Blade, whom she received from Nezu.



Role: Healer

Element: Wind

Weapon: Knuckle Gloves

Denki's second Blade, whom he received from Nezu.

  • An Arm and a Leg: Has parts of her body just... missing. This doesn't seem to hinder her at all.
  • Bifauxnen: It can be easy to mistake her for a boy due to her short hair.
  • Third Wheel: Of the awkward variety to Denki and Pandoria, especially whenever they get... intimate.



Role: Tank

Element: Light

Weapon: Uchigatana

Momo's second Blade, whom she received from Nezu.

  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: "Humble" doesn't seem to exist in his vocabulary.
  • Insult of Endearment: Given his friendly yet cocky attitude, plus his haircut and the fact he wields two swords, everyone calls him Kirito.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: In the "Shared Interest, Simple Solution" Heart to Heart, Corvin suggests to Momo and Brighid that, since both of them are interested in Izuku romantically, both of them should date him at the same time.



Role: Attacker

Element: Darkness

Weapon: Ether Cannon

Reiko's Blade who resembles a porcelain doll slash puppet.

  • Creepy Doll: She looks like a porcelain doll with visible ball joints and moves like a marionette, and she's got a really creepy personality to go along with her appearance. Reiko appreciates her appearance, though.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Sure, she looks like a creepy porcelain doll, but Azami is loyal to Reiko, who wants to become a hero.
  • Official Couple: She gets together with Izuku in Chapter 35, along with her Driver.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: With Nana, who often calls her "toilet" because of her porcelain appearance.
  • The Tease: She has a very flirty personality, as evident in how she kissed Izuku on the cheek after he and Nana escorted her and Reiko to their home.



Role: Tank

Element: Earth

Weapon: Drill Shield

An artificial Blade created by Hatsume with Izuku and Pyra's help.

  • Artificial Human: She's an artificial Blade.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: Poppi is, quite literally, less than a year old, and it's reflected in her mannerisms and mentality. Fittingly, she refers to Mei as "Mama" and Izuku as "Papa".
  • Cuteness Proximity: With few exceptions, she invokes this in practically everyone.
  • Third-Person Person: Poppi only speaks in the third person. It is unclear if this is due to programming or choice.

    Theory (current) 


Role: Tank

Element: Ice

Weapon: Chroma Katana

Izuku's third Blade, whose Core Crystal he received from Shoto after the USJ. For tropes applying to her before the USJ, see her entry in the LoV's section.

  • Amnesiac Hero: She does not know a lot about her previous incarnation as a Blade for Fingers and the League of Villains, and has no desire to find out since she does remember it was a miserable life.
  • An Ice Person: She's an ice tank Blade.
  • Reincarnation: Due to Blades losing their memories every time they return to their Core Crystal, this Theory is effectively a different person from the Theory that was with the League. She does have a vague idea, though, given her reaction when Izuku hugs her.
  • Reluctant Fanservice Girl: She feels very uncomfortable with the hostess dress she wears during the internship with Maijima, particularly because it attracts too much (unwelcome) attention from the club's clients.



Role: Healer

Element: Wind

Weapon: Crosier

Melissa's first Blade.

  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Downplayed, but she has little to no shame, to the point where Melissa has a "horny jail" (a baby crib) where she has Haze sit in whenever she gets horny, like when she calls Izuku hot.
  • Miko: Her default appearance.



Role: Attacker

Element: Light

Weapon: Ether Cannon

Melissa's second Blade.

  • Arm Cannon: She has a pair of ether canons her weapons.
  • The Comically Serious: Most humor involving KOS-MOS is about her acting serious in silly situations.

    Simon (Unmarked Spoilers) 


Role: Attacker

Element: Earth Flames

Weapon: Lockheed

Yui's Blade, who resembles Simon, the protagonist from "Magical Girl Levia-Tan".

  • Alternate Self: To Samuel D. Sigurd, from the Heroes DxD: This is our story dimension.
  • Applied Phlebotinum: It's implied that this Blade took the form of Simon due to Yui's intense love for his DxD counterpart, Sammy, whom she had visions and dreams with for a long time.
  • Battle Aura: Unlike most Blades, he can use Heat, and not just any kind, Emperor's, the most powerful and rare variety.
  • Combo Platter Powers: Simon is the only Blade with two elements, fire, and gravity.
  • Cool Bike: His Blade weapon is a motorcycle called Lockheed, which resembles Johanna from Persona 5.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: He and Yui actually flip off All for One during their fight.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Simons manages to punch All for One twice during their fight, and even with the strength enhancing on his body, the villain still felt the pain from it. Not to mention all the other hits that land on him during the fight.
  • Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: Simon successfully retrieves both Yui and Ragdoll's Quirks upon reaching out and grabbing All for One by the hands.
  • Gravity Master: He can manipulate gravity, an element no other Blade possesses.
  • Semantic Superpower: Much like Shiki from EDENS ZERO, Simon's gravity powers can also work in a figurative sense. He first displays this while taking back Ragdoll and Yui's Quirks from All for One, by ordering them to fall back to their original owners.
  • Super Prototype: He is the first result of Garaki's experiences with Core Crystals, and is one of the most powerful Blades shown so far.
