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Characters / Welcome To Eden 2022

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    In General
  • Asshole Victim: Ulises and Brenda are killed in the first and second season respectively. He was a violent guy who didn't give a rat's ass about the wellbeing of others, while she killed people with ZERO guilt. Given their crimes, both of them had it coming. Alma because she killed Ibón, making her irredemeable to most viewers.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Basically the Eden members, including Astrid and Erick, are this to the newcomers who are chosen to stay in the island, acting cordial and sympathethic towards them, and even supportive of the sad lives they've have to deal with, but in the meantime they start showing their true faces once each of them, especially Zoa, are suspicious of their intentions. And when they punish those who disobey by murdering them, it becomes serious.
  • Boom, Headshot!: The cause behind some of the deaths seen on the show are often Brenda shooting her victims dead on their foreheads with a large device that is the size of a telescope. Alma is promoted to Brenda's old job in season 2 and kills Ibón with the same device, though this time she stabbed him in the stomach.
  • Disposing of a Body: Judith gets killed by Brenda, her body is hidden in a cave to try and scare Zoa into submission, then is place on a boat headed to a cave in white cloth, mirroring a painting of Patinir in which a man is looking at Hell. However, when shown by Alma, the man is looking at Heaven.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Averted with almost all of the Eden members, who are not above torturing or murdering those who break the rules, including the vicious Ulises and the heartless Brenda and Alma. However, some exceptions (other than the token good teammates Fran, Bel, Claudia, Eloy, Saúl and presumably Eva) can include Erick, Orson, Mayka and Nico, when it comes to protecting their loved ones, who would be Africa, Eloy, Ibon, Charly and Zoa, even if they put in jeopardy their loyalty to Astrid.
  • Island of Mystery: The Eden island, the so-called "paradise", is not really what it seems when five of the newcomers are invited to stay. Suspicions arise when they are being followed around by drones and watched by cameras. Then... BANG! People start dying when they know a lot about its true nature, being killed as punishment by the orders of two delusional cult leaders. Some of them are unemotional heads of securities like Ulises or heartless murderers like Brenda and Alma.
  • Public Execution: Zoa and Bel were sentenced to death by Astrid for both their assassination attempt on her and their complicity in Ulises' death, with the high-ranking members in attendance. However, they are fortunately saved (at least for now) when Gabi interrupts and begs Astrid to let them go, then Brisa arrives on a chopper when she is only willing to spare Zoa.
  • Token Good Teammate: Bel, Fran, Claudia, Eloy and Saúl are the only good-natured members of the island who are rooting against their leader Astrid and disagree with her immoral ways.


Played by: Amaia Aberasturi
  • Accidental Hero: Zoa running away to Eden and getting stuck there was the necessary push to lead Gabi away from a life of misery and finally realize that her mother is a junkie who is beyond any help.
  • Ambiguously Bi: Zoa gets involved with David and Nico, her first male love interests. Later on, she develops feelings for Bel and they start a relationship.
  • Bad "Bad Acting": Nico clearly doesn't buy Zoa's claim about having returned to Eden, when she had the chance to escape, because she still loved him (her kiss to him didn't help matters). She hides the fact that it was because her sister Gabi is one of the guests at the party, knowing that Nico would report this to Astrid.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She becomes stubborn when bad things happen or don't go her way. She acts defensive when Judith is not allowed to attend the festival even though the contract forbade it by threatening to leave if Judith leaves, gets angry at Astrid for playing mind games on Charly about his sister's death and everyone else, and pressures Bel into murdering Astrid after Ibón was killed, more desperate than ever to save Gabi from being brainwashed, despite Bel asking her to take at least a day off.
  • Big Sister Instinct: She will stop at nothing to prevent Eden from corrupting or even killing her little sister.
  • Break the Cutie: Her best friend is killed, all because she encouraged her to go to a party she wasn't even invited nor allowed to attend, and her little sister, having been manipulated by the entire environment at Eden, betrays her to Astrid, almost leading to Zoa's inminent doom.
  • Cool Big Sis: To Gabi.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Zoa is hurt to learn that it was Gabi who sold her and Bel out to Astrid. Gabi, in tears, apologizes to Zoa, but she won't hear any of it.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Bel starts falling in love with Zoa.
  • Dude Magnet: She attracted two guys: David and Nico.
  • Heroic BSoD: Zoa briefly becomes depressed and isolates herself in a beach, believing that she will never escape the island and see her sister after Ulises ordered the newcomers to participate at the festival, knowing that the plan will be complicated with someone keeping an eye on them. However, she is snapped out of it by Bel who reassures her otherwise.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Ironically, Zoa herself had to learn this the hard way. She was initially skeptical when Astrid told her that Gabi, gave her all the details about the attempted assassination on her, which was after Zoa warned her not to stay close to Astrid. Gabi being brought over, the first star carved on her wrist for this act, and sadly confirming this is what leaves Zoa in shock and heartbreak that her little sister would be capable of doing such thing to her.
  • I Let Gwen Stacy Die: Judith gets killed by Brenda and Orson, all because Zoa insisted that she come along with her to the party despite the contract clearly forbidding any admittance to friends. She has to live with that guilt, but that also makes her want to fiercely protect those she cares about, even her little sister.
  • It's All My Fault: Zoa beats herself up for Judith's death because she was the one who convinced her to go in the first place, knowing that the contract forbid her from bringing friends on the trip. This is even lampshaded by Astrid and Erick.
  • It Was Here, I Swear!: Zoa tries to show Judith's dead body to Ibón, only to find that it's no longer inside the cave.
  • Lipstick Bisexual
  • Ms. Fanservice: Zoa is often shown in revealing clothes, and later shows a lot of naked skin when she gets intimate with Bel.
  • My Greatest Failure: Her idea of bringing Judith to Eden led her to be killed, and this is what drives her to seek justice for those at Eden and her sister Gabi when she arrives.
  • Nice Girl
  • Only Sane Woman: The only mature and responsible woman of her dysfunctional family, consisting of a workaholic father, a negligent heroin addict mother and a naïve little sister who can't tell between right and wrong.
  • Preserve Your Gays: If not for the detective's arrival, Astrid would've succeeded in executing her and Bel.
  • Promotion to Parent: Justified in the fact that her mother is addicted to heroin and her father travels a lot for work, something that forces her to raise Gabi on her own.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Zoa is the reason why her best friend Judith winds up killed by Eden as she was the one who had encouraged her to go in the first place and the contract she signed made very clear that she wasn't allowed to invite any friends.



Played by: Amaia Salamanca
  • Armor-Piercing Question: Sisuk tries reasoning with Astrid that his motives to have her father killed were out of business and pleads for Som to be left out this, but she angrily asks him if he ever thought of also leaving her poor son out of this when he lit the match. He doesn't respond.
  • Bad Boss:
  • Batman Gambit: Astrid orders Nico to take Zoa to a cave where she sees her friend's dead body in an attempt to scare her into submission and show her that that they mean business. However, the plan backfires massively as it causes Zoa to become even more questionable about the island's true nature.
  • Big Bad: Arguably, the main antagonist of the show and leader of the cult.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl
  • Dark and Troubled Past: She lost her father who was killed by two biker assasins, one of whom is revealed to be Danae, one of her most trusted goons. This triggered her dark path to villainy in the first place, as she's willing to finish his research he began years ago.
  • Freudian Excuse: The reasoning behind her insane behavior is that her father was killed on orders of Som's father, and she built Eden to exact revenge on the killers.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Astrid becomes this to África as she and Erick start growing closer to each other and Astrid has second thoughts about assigning him as her link.
  • Happily Married: To Erick, for 15 years.
  • Karma Houdini: This woman proves to be untouchable and impossible to kill. She still gets away with most of her schemes, killings and other wrongdoings.
  • Kick the Dog
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist
  • Pet the Dog: She and Erick vote against executing Zoa, who was suggested as a scapegoat for the "Death to Astrid" debacle. Although she seconds Brenda's suspicions about Zoa's behavior over her friend Judith's death, Astrid still has her hopes up that Zoa can improve, but that she'll accept whatever they choose.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: In her backstory, she was very humble and a decent woman until the death of her father had totally destroyed her.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Has blonde hair and is the most antagonist character of the show.
  • You Have Failed Me:
    • Astrid reprimands Brenda for not living up to the expectations she had of her trying to find out the culprits behind the death-threat and Ulises' murder. At the end, she shoots her multiple times, killing her.
    • Does the same to Orson and Alma for failing to kill Eloy, whom they believed was responsible for the murder of Ulises. While Astrid merely gives Orson a warning, she has Alma's second star removed from her wrist.



Played by: Belinda
  • Brainless Beauty
  • Break the Haughty: Almost everything goes bad for her after getting stuck in Eden, from Astrid locking her up and refusing to feed her (and almost having her executed) to Erick, with whom she had an affair, leaving her for his family. And later learns that she's pregnant with Erick's child.
  • Everyone Loves Blondes
  • I Choose to Stay: She and Ibón are the only newcomers, apart from Aldo, Charly and Zoa, who are willing to stay in Eden.
  • Did You Actually Believe...?: When Erick chooses his family over África and ends things with her, especially after his son Isaac was almost killed by Zoa and Bel, she reveals to him that she did not becomes his and Astrid's maid as a mere thanks for saving the latter's life - it was just an excuse to be closer to Erick.
  • Hypocrite: Africa becomes this for saving Astrid from Saúl, even though she kept her locked up in a cell, refused to feed her and almost had her executed.
  • It's All About Me
  • Jerkass Ball: She behaves like an asshole to Zoa for not rescuing her, even though she clearly had no idea she was in trouble. She also coldly tells her not to disrespect Astrid and Erick, which is because she got to be their maid to escape death. However, in the second case is subverted as she had asked for the job, not because she actually enjoyed it, but to be closer to Erick.
  • Parental Abandonment: África's mother abandoned her at a park when she was five years old.
  • Likes Older Men: Just ask Erick.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch:
  • The Mistress: Becomes Erick's lover in the second season.
  • Moral Myopia: Africa angrily blames Zoa for the psychological torture she had to endure from Astrid while she was kept imprisoned for days, completely ignoring that the entire situation was her own damn fault for entering the compound and entering the device room without even knowing what was she causing. It's also Astrid's fault for not allowing Africa to participate in the other festival due to her being famous.
  • No Sympathy: When Erick refuses to attend the New Eden event, which leads to an argument with Astrid and her making Isaac choose who he wants to be with, the kid tries to turn to Africa, who works as his parents' maid, by reaching her hand, but all she can do is to callously brush him off. This is a clear sign that Africa only accepted the job because of Erick and she really doesn't care about him or Gabi.
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: Has a lot of followers on social media, but no real friends.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality
  • Womanchild: She has shades of it.



Played by: Tomy Aguilera



Played by: Diego Garisa
  • Abusive Dad: Ibón's father is very perfectionist and abusive towards his son, forcing him to work full-time at his hotel and making all of the decisions for him, rather than allowing him to make them on his own.
  • Ambiguously Bi: In season one, he has entered the relationship with Alma, his first female love interest. But in season two, he cheated on her with Orson, and ended up in a threesome with both Orson and Eloy.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Ibón is usually very shy and reserved. However, he goes very ballistic when Aldo keeps calling him "Chopin" and almost picks a fight with Ulises when he confronts him for sneaking out of Module 1.
  • Break the Cutie: Ibón is left traumatized by his murder of Ulises.
  • Bury Your Gays: Ibón is the first bisexual character to be killed off.
  • The Cutie
  • Death by Woman Scorned: Ibón is killed by Alma, his ex-girlfriend, as revenge for cheating on her with Orson and Eloy and choosing to spend with them over her.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Ibón is called "Chopin" (after the late Polish pianist) by Aldo and Charly when he's revealed to be a classic music geek. Aldo even keeps calling him this despite repeatedly correcting him.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Ibon had sex with Orson, even before the threesome started, he seems to have the hots for Eloy despite being his friend.
  • Foil
  • The Gwen Stacy
  • Hidden Depths: He is an art and music history geek (managing to identify the music playing before he and the guests depart for Eden and explaining a painting from Patinir), and likes playing the piano. But his abusive father disapproves of his son's hobbies while forcing him to work at his hotel.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Just like África, Ibón is sure that the people of Eden truly want to help them move on past their traumatic experiences and initially dismisses Zoa's claim that they killed Judith. Her dead body floating on the sea leaves him horrified. However, after pretending to still trust Alma, with whom he's fallen in love with, he gets too carried away by her probably genuine charms and becomes determined to stay in the island for good.
  • I Choose to Stay: Despite Zoa's protests that no one in Eden cares about him, Ibón reiterates that he elects to stay so that he won't return to his abusive father.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Ibón cheats on Alma with Orson and Eloy, thus leaving her unhappier than she was after Astrid demoted her. Later, he breaks up with her just after he had a threesome with them.
  • Kill the Cutie: He is killed by his girlfriend Alma.
  • Morality Pet: Ibón is this to Alma. Sadly deconstructed when she kills him.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He's visibly horrified after killing Ulises, despite it being the only way to stop him from killing Zoa.
  • Nice Guy
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
  • Sadistic Choice: He makes the hard decision to kill Ulises when he tries to do the same to Zoa after she is caught attempting to escape. Had he allowed him to, Zoa would've been dead by now.
  • Shrinking Violet
  • Stepford Smiler
  • Too Good for This Sinful Earth: Poor Ibón gets killed by Alma after confessing it was him who killed Ulises to get back on Astrid's good graces.
  • Uptown Boy: He is implied to be rich, while he's in the relationship with Alma who came from the poor family.
  • When He Smiles: For a shy guy like Ibón, his smile is definitely gorgeous.



Played by: Albert Baró
  • Advertised Extra: Aldo is featured in the official poster and billed in the main cast, but he has very little screen time because he gets killed off in the middle of the season.
  • Cassandra Truth: No one believes Aldo rightfully claiming that Eden is a cult.
  • Excellent Judge of Character: He's right in pointing out that the island's inhabitants are not as good as everyone thinks they are.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Aldo regarding his own escape from the island.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Out of the five members who are invited to stay in Eden, Aldo is the only one who is quick to suspect that the island is a cult, something the others dismiss as jealousy. Nevertheless, Aldo makes numerous attempts to escape and when it seems that he managed to do so after boarding a boat, however, it turns out Brenda predicted this when she suddenly appears with her gun. How does Aldo respond? Getting on his knees and let her shoot him on his forehead.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: All we get to know from Aldo is that he was an entrepreneur.



Played by: Lola Rodríguez
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: Mayka stops Charly from risking his life to rescue Zoa and Bel. To prove her point, she shows him some footage of the entire time he spent at Eden, to prove that she actually cares about him and she couldn't bear the thought of living without him. She risked her job to save him, defended him to Astrid and Erick when they were still willing to execute him, she did it all for Charly so she wouldn't lose him.
  • Anti-Villain: While she's been loyal to Astrid for years and follows each and one of her orders, she's not that evil unlike the rest of her delusional co-workers.
  • Berserk Button: DON'T question Mayka's name and gender identity. Charly learned this the hard way when Mayka called him out on this.
  • Betty and Veronica: Mayka is the Betty to Som's Veronica.
  • Brick Joke: Mayka was not present at the I.T. room to alert anyone about Ibon escaping the Module 1, as she was having sex with Charly. Later in season 2, when Charly and Mayka secretly meet for sex after he was forced to be Som's link in exchange of sparing his family's life, he fears they will get caught, but Mayka quickly reminds him who's the one in charge of the I.T. room.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Mayka's loyalty to Eden becomes tested as she starts developing real feelings for Charly.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: She was attacked and threatened in her hometown for being trans, which led her to join Eden where she was accepted for who she was.
  • First Girl Wins: In the Charly-Mayka-Som love triangle, and after taking some distance from him, Mayka definitely stands out as the winner. Justified, Charly was basically assigned as Som's link to make her fall in love with him so she could stay at the island, albeit as a way of blackmail, so after Som signed the contract, Astrid no longer needed Charly and he was free to be with her instead.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Once she finds out that Charly had sex with Som, but in a worse way, as their tryst was taped and shown to her.
  • Morality Pet: To Charly.
  • Ms. Fanservice
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: She was busy taking care of and then having sex with Charly by the time Ibon ran out of Module 1 where all the residents were supposed to stay during a thunderstorm, so there was no one in the I.T. room to report him. However, this didn't stop Ulises from confronting Ibon the next morning about it.
  • Pet the Dog: When Astrid gets death-threatened and she wants to have someone as The Scapegoat, she votes against having Zoa executed along with Astrid, Erick and Saúl. She also votes against executing Charly and África, despite the majority of the results being in favor.
  • Trans Relationship Troubles
  • Undying Loyalty: She's been the most loyal member of Eden to Astrid for years.



Played by: Guillermo Pfening
  • Affably Evil: Erick, despite being in complicity with his wife's schemes, is kind, well-mannered and serves as a father figure to África.
  • Anger Born of Worry: He gets angry at Africa for entering the device room, which shows how genuinely worried and horrified he is of what is Astrid going to do with her next. Also, he scolds Isaac for leaving his module to explore the island as he was almost discovered by Joel when he accidentally left his backpack behind.
  • Anti-Villain: While he's far from being taken seriously as a villain and despite his affection for Africa, Erick still stands with Astrid on every strict policy of the island.
  • Blatant Lies:
    • He assures Zoa and Charly that the boat is going to pick them up. He is seen smirking when Zoa calls him a liar.
    • When Erick is leaving Africa upon learning that Isaac was almost killed, he refers to her as a "nobody", which visibly hurts her. After he notices this, Erick claims he didn't mean it like that by clarifying that their romance was merely an affair. SAME THING, MAN!
  • Happily Married: To Astrid, for 15 years.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While leaving Africa alone and pregnant was not the wisest call to make, Erick choosing his family after learning his son was almost killed is totally reasonable.
  • May–December Romance
  • Never My Fault
  • No Sympathy
  • Parental Substitute: Becomes a father figure to África.
  • Pet the Dog: He and Astrid vote against executing Zoa, who was suggested as a scapegoat for the "Death to Astrid" debacle. Erick was the one who came up with the suggestion, but still.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Erick leaves Astrid to move in with Nuria, as he's fed up with having to put with her lies to the residents about discovering "New Eden", and takes Isaac with him. However, he changes his mind after learning that Zoa and Bel almost killed his son by putting the bombs inside her module.
  • Team Dad
  • Villain Respect: Erick's reaction to finding out that Gabi is Zoa's sister and came to Eden using a fake name is to compliment her intelligence and quick-thinking to avoid being discovered. However, Astrid feels that Gabi "betrayed" her and chides Erick for downplaying the situation.



Played by: Begoña Vargas
  • Action Girl: Bel is very skilled in combat and manages to beat the crap out of Nico who fights her over Zoa.
  • Action Girlfriend
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Most of the time she's stoic but always protective of those she cares about.
  • Badass Adorable: Despite her toughness, Bel is one of the nicest members of Eden after her friend Eloy.
  • Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Nico's Veronica for Zoa, who is the Archie.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Prone to become violent whenever she's provoked, as lampshaded by her. For example, she gets into a fight with Nico over Zoa, later does the same to Eva when they are not on the same page about sacrificing Eloy to protect Ibon.
  • Butch Lesbian: Bel is a lesbian who has a braid-hairstyle and often dresses in masculine clothing.
  • Cute Bruiser: She may be a girl, but never understimate Bel's abilities to fight. Nico learned this the hard way when he aggresively confronted her for becoming Zoa's new link.
  • The Lad-ette: The least ladylike of all the female characters.
  • Letting Her Hair Down: Midway through the second season, Bel lets down her hair more often than not, showing more of her femininity.
  • Morality Pet: To Zoa.
  • Never Hurt an Innocent: Bel refuses to defuse the bombs to blow Astrid up with Isaac inside, but Zoa is very insistent as she's grown desperate to get Gabi back.
  • Nice Girl: Bel is tough but most of the time, one of the few nicest characters in the show.
  • Preserve Your Gays: If not for the detective's arrival, Astrid would've succeeded in executing her and Zoa.
  • Token Good Teammate: The first to be revealed in Eden. She leads the rebellion against Astrid.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Bel is a tomboyish girl, while Zoa is more feminine.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: She's mad at Eva for wanting to have Eloy sacrificed for Ulises' death.
  • When She Smiles: Astrid tells Bel that she should smile sometime; she does and it's pretty to see.



Played by: Sergio Momo
  • Anti-Villain: He's loyal to Eden and is desperate to make Astrid proud of him, but at the same time, he genuinely wants to help Zoa.
  • Comfort the Dying: Zoa stays with Nico during his last moments after Saúl injects him with overdose.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: He just can't stand seeing Zoa and Bel together.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Being injected with overdose is definitely not a nice way to go.
  • Demoted to Extra: Nico's role in season 2 is smaller as he still attempts to get a promotion from Astrid. After finding out that Saúl was responsible for threatening Astrid with death, he tries to report him, but in the process Saúl fatally injects him with overdose.
  • Did Not Get the Girl: Nico never gets to be with Zoa after she chooses Bel and is killed by Saúl.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: After he is poisoned by Saúl, Zoa craddles him in her arms before he dies.
  • Dying Declaration of Love: Nico gives one to Zoa moments before he dies after being given a fatal overdose injection by Saúl.
  • Fatal Flaw: His own incompetence in handling things he's tasked to do, mainly being assigned as Zoa's link. No wonder why this guy is never able to get the promotion he longs for.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Nico violently attacks Bel after he sees her and Zoa making out.
  • It's All About Me: He's desperate for a promotion and is willing to do whatever it takes to please Astrid.
  • Kick the Dog: When Zoa won't stop complaining about Judith's death, Nico loses his patience with her and yells that no one cares about her and tells Zoa to get over it, although he later apologizes.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He gets into a physical fight with Bel after he saw her and Zoa making out.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Nico is no longer needed as Zoa's link and is replaced by Bel.



Played by: Berta Vázquez
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Snaps at Alma when she provokes her by bringing up Fran's death.
  • Black Girl Dies First: She's the first black character in the show to be killed off, followed by Nico and Saúl.
  • Break the Cutie: Fran's death is what makes her a sad character to watch.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Once she's made to take the fall for the death threat directed at Astrid, Claudia willingly goes with Orson and Brenda so they can finish her off and stops Zoa from interfering.
  • Token Good Teammate: Along with Bel, Fran, Eloy and Eva, but she refuses to parttake in their rebellion and advises Zoa against it.
  • The Scapegoat: Gets framed by Eden for the "Death to Astrid" video, after Alma reported her to Astrid for refusing to share information about Zoa, resulting in Orson and Brenda killing her the same way they killed Judith.



Played by: Irene Dev
  • Abusive Parents: As she reveals in season 2, Alma had such a crappy childhood, since her parents were poor and would always blame their situation on her, considering Alma "a worthless weak little girl" as Astrid said when she scolded her for failing to kill the culprit of Ulises's killer.
  • Betty and Veronica: Alma is the Veronica to Orson and Eloy's Betty for Ibón (Archie).
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She was already this after the newcomers arrived, but season 2 has her pretending to support Ibón after telling her that he killed Ulises, but she becomes desperate to earn her place back in Eden, and ends up killing him as revenge.
  • Blatant Lies: Alma confronts Claudia, demanding to know what was she telling Zoa, even going as far as to bring up Fran's death, which causes Claudia to snap at her. Alma apologizes to Claudia for offending her. However, her discreet grin as she leaves suggests otherwise.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She continually questions Ibon on why is he around Zoa the entire time (and he lies to her about it to avoid suspicions about her paranoid behavior over Eden), even though the two barely know and have no feelings for each other. She becomes even more jealous to see Ibon with Orson and Eloy.
  • The Dragon: Astrid's newly appointed second-in-command after Brenda's death.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: She doesn't feel remorse for killing Ibón and clearly fails to understand that he suffered a lot worse than she did, as he had an abusive father while Alma's neglectful parents were poor.
  • Evil Redhead: Zig-zagged. While Alma is loyal to Eden and sees herself reflected in its ideals, however, she starts developing genuine feelings for Ibón. However, season 2 takes this to a new level when she kills Ibón, who had confessed to being Ulises' killer, in order to prove herself to Astrid and shows no remorse about it when Orson calls her out.
  • Fatal Flaw: Her flaw is that she is a people-pleaser. Alma lived with abusive parents who blamed her for their situation, which caused her have low self-esteem and live in Eden. She met Astrid and looked up to her, feeling she was the mother she needed and could please at any cost. Tragically, this leads to her killing Ibon to earn back her place after she was demoted for disobeying a direct order to execute the alleged culprit behind Ulises' death.
  • Foil
  • Freudian Excuse: Her reason to choose Eden as her new home is because her parents were poor and considered her a "worthless weak little girl" as Astrid described.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She wasn't quite happy when Ibón grew closer to Orson and Eloy.
  • Ironic Name: Her name means "kind" and "nourishing". However, Alma is clearly beyond any kindness or redemption after she kills Ibón.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Alma's reason to kill Ibon was to get back "where she belongs". In short, fixing her loyalty to Astrid.
  • I Just Want to Be Special
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: In season 2 only after killing Ibon.
  • Kick the Morality Pet: Sadly, her murder of Ibon.
  • Lack of Empathy: Just like Brenda, she never felt remorse after killing Ibón.
  • Love Makes You Evil: As Alma grows increasinly jealous of Ibon's closeness with Orson and Eloy, her love for Ibon soon turns to obsession, eventually leading her to murder him herself.
  • Not Good with Rejection
  • Psycho Ex-Girlfriend: She kills Ibón, not only for killing Ulises, but also out of jealousy for cheating on her with Orson and Eloy.
  • Revenge Before Reason:Alma doesn't care anymore about Ibon's wellbeing and was now willing to have him done for already to earn her place back.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man
  • Slasher Smile: Alma gives one as she recalls murdering Ibon, without zero remorse no less.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: She's basically like her friend Brenda after she is appointed as the new executioner.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: Alma feels sad and has no desire of doing anything after she's demoted by Astrid for failing to kill Eloy, who supposedly killed Ulises, when it was actually Ibón.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: She becomes this after learning that Ibón killed Ulises and shows her true face to him shortly after he gently breaks up with her. How? By killing him.
  • Woman Scorned: Impales Ibón with the shooting device, both after he breaks up with her and because he murdered Ulises.



Played by: Alex Pastrana
  • Asshole Victim: No one is definitely going to shed a tear for Ulises after he attempted to choke Zoa to death and got his well-deserved comeuppance by Ibón who drowned him.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Zig-zagged in season 2, as Ulises was killed by Ibón at the end of season 1 in defense of Zoa, only to be avenged by Alma, who murdered Ibón right on the spot after he confessed to being the culprit. Zoa and Bel were accomplices as they covered up the murder, and Astrid was ready to have them both done for after Gabi revealed their plan to have her killed. But they survived thanks to Brisa arriving, interrupting the execution.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: Ulises in Season 1. While he's not the Big Bad of the series overall, Ulises, Eden's head of security, serves as Zoa and the other newcomers' antagonist in their attempt to escape the island. He meets his demise at the hands of Ibón by being drowned while attempting to kill Zoa.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Of Season 2, posthumously, as two of the season's main villains, Joel and Danae, are summoned by Astrid to reinforce the island's security and investigate the person responsible for Ulises' death. It doesn't end well for Ibon, as Alma ends up killing him after he admits to it.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Due to his cranky attitude, Ulises easily gets angry, almost violent.
  • Hate Sink: He's very vile, unempathetic and unforgiving in nature. He tortured Fran for disobedience, attacked Ibón for sneaking out of Module 1, left Eloy with a bleeding nose when he tried to defend him and tried to kill Zoa.
  • The Heavy: In Season 1. While Astrid is still his boss, he's the one causing most of the problems. Astrid is simply fulfilling her goal to invite as many people as possible to stay in Eden forever, while Ulises is directly antagonistic to the newcomers, such as having a violent confrontation turned into a fight with Ibon for sneaking out of Module 1 during a thunderstorm and viciously attempting to kill Zoa when she attempts to escape.
  • Jerkass: A sadistic, unsympathetic and ruthless person who will do anything to get what he wants.
  • Kick the Dog: Ulises tortures Fran for disobedience, picks a fight with Ibón, while demanding to know why he snuck out of the module during the storm, and punches Eloy when he tries to break them up.
  • Meaningful Name: His name means "to hate, wrathful", which exactly fits his personality.
  • The Sociopath: Has zero qualms for carrying out orders from a cult's leader, even attempted murder.
  • The Stoic: Ulises shows very little emotion for most of the time. That's until he attempts to kill Zoa.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He loses his Tranquil Fury cool and savagely attacks Zoa when she attemtps to escape the island, to the point of choking her while he grunts scarily.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Ulises shows no mercy on Zoa, as he furiously attempts to choke her to death after he caught her trying to escape Eden.



Played by: Joan Pedrola
  • Anti-Villain: He's very hot-tempered and strict to following orders, but he grows into this by the second season, especially because of his relationship with Eloy.
  • Betty and Veronica: Orson is the Betty to Alma's Veronica for Ibón.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Pretends to comfort Judith after she witnesses Fran being tortured until it turns out that he and Brenda lead her into a trap, resulting in her death.
  • Character Development
  • Dirty Coward: Despite being sad about Ibón's death and clearly against Zoa and Bel being executed, he can't do anything about it as he's afraid Astrid will punish him if he doesn't follow her commands.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Orson is shown to be in a relationship with deaf member Eloy, which is supposed to be one of his few redeeming qualities.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • He's not visibly pleased when Ulises injures Eloy in an attempt to break up a fight he had with Ibon.
    • Torn between emotions and strict adherence to the rules, Orson was very hesitant to kill Eloy despite being framed by Eva for murdering Ulises that he did not want to watch and pressured Alma to just kill him already, which she couldn't do either.
    • He was also disgusted to learn that Alma killed Ibón.
  • Heel–Face Turn
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Orson might be unkind and detestable to a certain extent, even when he helped Brenda kill Judith and Claudia, but that doesn't mean he's uncaring. When Alma suggests that Ibón be put in charge of security alongside Ulises instead of checking the sound with Orson, he says he has no problem with that change and accepts it without a second thought. Later in season 2, while initially dismissive towards Ibón, Orson helps him up when he almost falls off a cliff.
  • Manly Gay
  • Mr. Fanservice
  • Not So Stoic: Like Ulises, he shows little emotion for most of the time, but his relationship with Eloy and Ibón's death points to the contrary.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • When Ulises suggests Eloy as potential scapegoat for the death threat to Astrid, Orson says he doesn't think he could do such thing.
    • Despite not being that fond to Ibon initially, he agreed to start their own search party to find Eloy before Astrid's goons did.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: He refuses to kill Eloy even if he didn't kill Ulises and starts bonding with Ibón. He even turns on Alma after she kills him.



Played by: Claudia Trujillo
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Despite how unforgivable her murders were, some fans who liked the acting of Claudia Trujillo felt sad when Astrid killed Brenda.
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl
  • Assassins Are Always Betrayed: Despite her loyalty to Astrid and doing her job without any hesitation whatsoever, Brenda is nonetheless finished off by Astrid over her failure in catching Ulises' killer, shooting her several times until she's dead. She is replaced by Alma as the new hitwoman.
  • Asshole Victim: Like Ulises, she gets zero sympathy by fans when Astrid killed her.
  • Back for the Dead: Brenda is killed by Astrid in the Season 2 premiere when it becomes clear to her that Brenda hasn't done her job properly in finding the culprit who killed Ulises.
  • Dirty Coward: Brenda is shown to be this when Astrid is about to kill her, as she doesn't struggle to fight back and starts sobbing.
  • The Dragon: To Astrid, as she is the one who often carries out the executions at Eden if anyone dares disobey the rules at the island. Her death at the beginning of season 2 makes her lose this title and is replaced by her friend Alma.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite how sadistic and nightmarish she is, she has a close friendship with Alma, whom she invited to join the island.
  • Hate Sink: Brenda is widely loathed for both her attitude and murders of Fran, Judith, Aldo and Claudia, and without any shreds of guilt.
  • Jerkass: Like Ulises, She’s one of the most insufferable characters in the series.
  • If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: Brenda (jokingly) swears to Ibón that she would kill him if he ever dared try to hurt Alma. Ibón laughs with her. Wait a second Brenda, would you?.
  • Lack of Empathy: Brenda never regrets any of her actions, including the murders she committed on Astrid's orders. She didn't even hesitated on doing the same to Judith, who was desperately begging to be spared.
  • Shipper on Deck: Brenda is very supportive of Alma and Ibón's relationship, especially due to how close she is to Alma.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Judging by her face and Astrid's disappointment on her for doing a rather incompetent job in keeping her detractors at bay, Brenda clearly knows Astrid just wants to get rid of her and does so by shooting her.



Played by: Carlos Soroa



Played by: Jonathan "Maravilla" Alonso
  • Dr. Jerk: Averted with Saúl, the doctor in charge of the members' health as he is shown to be very kind and compassionate.
  • Dying Alone: After he's severly wounded by Joel and his team, he crawls back to Graciela's grave. Danae approaches him to deliver a final gunshot, but he tells her to let him die alone.
  • Face Death with Dignity: After being shot by Joel, thanks to Africa intervening to save Astrid, Saul crawls back to his mentor Graciela's grave and apologizes to her before succumbing to his wounds.
  • It's Personal: He is revealed to be the assailant who made the death-threat to Astrid and attempted to kill her and Erick, to get revenge on them for the death of Graciela, who was his mentor and originally started the rebellion.
  • Nice Guy: To his fellow colleagues and the newcomers.
  • Pet the Dog: Votes against executing Zoa, who was suggested as a scapegoat for the "Death to Astrid" debacle.
  • Token Good Teammate: Not only this, but he's the one who tried to kill Astrid and Erick back in season 1, and was acting on his own accord to exact revenge for his mentor Graciela's death.



Played by: Dariam Coco
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: She's in a relationship with Joel, the tough leader of the militaries.
  • Ambiguously Evil: By the end of season 2, after having betrayed Zoa and Bel for Astrid once again and joined Joel's military unit, it is left unclear whether she regrets delivering this hard blow or willingly wanted a promotion without a care for their feelings.
  • Anti-Villain: Eva betrays the rebellion more often than not to be on Astrid's good graces, but is still affable.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She fights back against Bel when they argue over Eloy taking the fall for murdering Ulises.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: She has the tendency to betray the rebellion for Astrid and get herself a promotion. She tells on Fran when he tries to flee the island, makes Eloy the scapegoat for Ulises' murder and allows Joel and his team to capture Bel and Zoa.
  • Good All Along: When she's revealed to be part of the rebellion against Astrid. However, this is zig-zagged when she keeps betraying the rebellion when things go out of hand, all for wanting a promotion from Astrid, which causes Bel to question her actions: Ibon killing Ulises during Zoa's failed attempt to escape makes her frame Eloy, who found the body and hid it, and almost have him killed, and in the mix comes Gabi, who sells Zoa and Bel out to Astrid, leaving Eva with no choice but to allow them to be captured.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She shows a lot of skin in season 2 whenever she engages in sex with Joel.
  • Nice Girl: What she really is, after it's known that she's on Bel's side. However, she still betrays the rebellion.
  • Regretful Traitor: While she wasn't the one who sold Zoa and Bel out to Astrid, Eva did not tip them off about Joel and his team coming after them as Bel speaks to her over the walkie-talkie, only to get no response at all. Eva, who has joined Joel's team, answers with a simple "I'm sorry".
  • The Quiet One: She hardly speaks and voices her opinions about Eden.
  • Token Good Teammate: Along with Bel, Fran, Eloy and Claudia. It becomes deconstructed as she often betrays them for Astrid.



Played by: Berta Castañé
  • Affectionate Nickname: Zoa calls Gabi "Ardillita" (Little Squirrel) because of her messy hair in season 1.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: She desperately pleads Zoa to forgive her for selling her out to Astrid by reminding her of their one-rule: "We never say goodbye in anger". However, Zoa just stays silent, as she's too depressed to even be moved by this attempt, before she privately breaks down in tears.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: At least from Zoa's point of view. Zoa even says that she's 15-years-old, but she keeps acting like if she was five. The two have a sort-of love-hate relationship but it doesn't mean they don't deeply care about each other.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: The youngest of the characters in the show.
  • Batman Gambit: Gabi changes her hairdo to copy Zoa's appearance and improves her social media profile under a fake name ("Molly") in order to get herself invited to Eden.
  • Blatant Lies: When Astrid reveals Gabi's betrayal to Zoa, she claims that her life was being threatened and thus she had no choice but to cooperate, but Astrid is quick to call her bluff.
  • Brainy Brunette: She was originally this with brown hair, before dying her hair blonde. Not to mention, you could see her reading a book in episode 2 back from season 1.
  • Corrupt the Cutie: Astrid unknowingly manages to do this to Gabi, which leads to her going as far to betray her own big sister by revealing the entire assassination plot when her cover is blown.
  • Didn't Think This Through: It actually never ocurred to Gabi, and it's no wonder the reason how, that Astrid would punish Zoa with death after she spilled the beans about her and Bel's plan to assassinate her.
  • Easily Forgiven: This is possibly the outcome for Gabi betraying Zoa to Astrid, as the two hug each other wordlessly when the execution is unceremoniously interrupted by Brisa's arrival to Eden.
  • Fatal Flaw: Her naiveness causes problems for the characters, especially Zoa, at Eden more often than not.
  • Forced to Watch: While her sister Zoa is about to be executed, after begging Astrid to let her and Bel go. Fortunately, the nightmare is over when Brisa arrives.
  • Flanderization: She was already a Horrible Judge of Character and a Spoiled Brat, but by season 2, her naiveté gets the best of her when she betrays Zoa by selling her out to the Obviously Evil Astrid, which leads her to become an Extreme Doormat and take a level in dumbass.
  • Good Cannot Comprehend Evil: Gabi doesn't clearly understand Astrid's true motivations of bringing people to Eden, let alone killing them if they dare disobey her rules. When Astrid has Zoa and Bel executed, Gabi pleads for Astrid to change her mind, even calling her "my mother" and telling Zoa "our mother will forgive you", clearly seeing this as Tough Love on her part.
  • Heel Realization: Gabi finally realizes how of a living hell Eden truly is while she lashes out at Som who finds her crying and races to stop Astrid from killing her sister and Bel, but it's uncertain if her statement about Astrid being the perfectly good mother for them was actually true or a ploy to get Astrid to stop the execution.
  • Horrible Judge of Character:
    • Both Zoa and her father want nothing to do with her mother because of her addiction to heroin. Gabi, on the other hand, is the only one willing to give her a chance everytime she left the rehab clinic, yet Zoa always told her not to get her hopes up because she would relapse after a short while. Later on, Gabi realizes that Zoa was right when she goes missing and their mother shows very little interest in her disappearance.
    • Happens once again in season 2 when Gabi becomes content with her new lifestyle in Eden and comes to believe that Astrid and Erick have good intentions with the guests. This creates a rift between her and Zoa, who repeatedly insists that they're brainwashing her.
    • She continues to believe that Astrid is truly a good person despite having attempted to kill Zoa and Bel.
  • Hypocrite:
    • Gabi gets mad at her mom for drinking, but she also does the same at a party where she encounters David and attempts to kiss him. She even repeats the same her mom said, about not being used to drink a lot.
    • This little girl has the gall to tell Zoa that she's not being corrupted by Astrid and that she would never do anything to harm her, despite Gabi having absolutely no problem diving in very deep sea waters, and almost drowning, to retrieve her necklace to prove herself.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She may be very ungrateful, bratty and self-righteous, but deep down she looks up to her sister Zoa, despite their frequent fights and disagreements.
  • Liar Revealed: It turns out she didn't keep her promise to not get near Astrid and ended up selling Zoa and Bel out by revealing their failed assassination plot.
  • Likes Older Men: She becomes enamored with David, a random guy Zoa met at the Eden party, and later Joel, the tough leader of the military team hired by Astrid.
  • Morality Pet: To Zoa, in season 2. Actually deconstructed.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Gabi cries after hearing Astrid intending to kill Zoa and Bel because she told on them. She repeatedly apologizes to Zoa, who is completely heartbroken that her sister would do something like that to her.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Her naiveness in two cases about Eden leads to the following outcomes:
    • When Gabi tries on the wristband David stole from the boat, it sets off an alarm back on the island, inadvertently revealing his location and causing him to be captured, then executed by Astrid's mainland hitmen.
    • She overhears Charly breaking up with Som, and informs Astrid about it. As a result of reneging on the deal to be Som's link in exchange for sparing his brother's life, she sends León to his house and attempts to kill him. Fortunately, Brisa is there to back him up and they both survive, but still...
    • And to put a nail on the coffin, Gabi betrays Zoa and reveals her attempted murder on Astrid, which leads to her and Zoa almost getting executed, and she is the one who attempts to prevent it. Shame on you, Gabi.
  • Only Sane Woman: She is the only one to show serious concern for Zoa's whereabouts while her parents just sit there and do nothing about it, but especially their alcoholic mother couldn't care less that Zoa ran away again. It is deconstructed in season 2 as Gabi repeatedly dismisses Zoa's warnings about Eden.
  • Shipper on Deck: She's totally okay with Zoa and Bel as a couple and says they look good together to her. She also thinks the same about Charly and Som, not knowing this was forced upon him by Astrid and that he actually likes Mayka.
  • Spoiled Brat: Probably the worst kind you could ever imagine.
  • Took a Level in Dumbass: Ever since she arrived at Eden, all this little girl has been making were a lot of stupid decisions, especially when she's blinded by her idealized personality of Astrid.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: She becomes more selfish, childish and ungrateful than she was in the previous season, especially when her and Zoa clash over their differing views about Eden.
  • Ungrateful Bitch: She belittles Zoa's efforts, mistaking them for jealousy and apathy, to protect her from the people of Eden who are up to no good in favor of having a better lifestyle.



Played by: Nona Sobo
  • All Love Is Unrequited: She has a crush on Charly, who's only playing along as her link on Astrid's orders and he's still in love with Mayka.
  • Ambiguously Bi: Aside from her brief relationship with Charly, she possibly has a crush on Danae, as the two are seen close to each other.
  • Betty and Veronica: Som is the Veronica to Mayka's Betty.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She initially appears as naive as the rest of the newcomers were about Eden's true nature, and was often seen with a smile on her face. However, her true colors are revealed as she actually came to the island intentionally to complete her father's scheme against Astrid, with Danae, who posed as a Level 2 soldier, as her partner.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Som is clearly jealous that Astrid and Erick pay more attention to Gabi and Astrid over her.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She is not shy about showing her entire naked body when she has sex with Charly and goes skinny dipping at night.
  • Nice Girl: Until her true colors are revealed in Episode 8
  • Sins of Our Fathers: It turns out that Astrid's disdain for Som stems from her father, Mr. Sisuk, being responsible for Astrid's father's death, having employed two biker assassins, one of them revealed to be Danae, to do the job and stop the creation of New Eden. Both Erick and Sisuk himself try to talk some sense into her, reminding Astrid that Som is not to blame for the ordeal, but she refuses to hear them out.



Played by: Martí Atance
  • Defiant to the End: No matter how many chances he's given, Fran always disobeys orders from his superiors, eventually becoming the last straw for Ulises to punch and torture him without any mercy. Fran is later killed by Brenda (off-screen) after Eva literally blows the whistle on him when he tries to escape.
  • Only Sane Man: He's the only member of Eden disechanted with the members not being allowed to leave the island.
  • Token Good Teammate: Fran was part of the rebellion led by Bel.



Played by: Max Sampietro



Played by: César Mateo
  • Bedmate Reveal: He goes to his bedroom where Danae is waiting for him to have sex.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
  • Mr. Fanservice: Lucas removes his robe as he is about to have sex with Danae.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: He never found out that Gabi was Zoa's sister, as David only gave up her name and location when he was questioned and threatened about the stolen wristband.
  • Put on a Bus: He didn't return for season 2. His job was to take the guests to the island and, given that Astrid closed any future festivals, there's no reason for Lucas to appear.
  • We Meet Again: After finding out he stole a wristband that caught his location, due to Gabi trying it on, he encounters David passing by and asks if he remembers him before capturing him with the help of his partners, Danae and León.



Played by: Lucía Guerrero
  • Action Girl: She's highly experienced in combat and weaponry.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Danae is speculated to be a lesbian as she was very close to Som putting her head in her bare back, and Lucas was the only man she's ever been with.
  • Ascended Extra: She gets more prominence in the second season when she's employed by Astrid alongside Joel and the militaries to reinforce the island's security in light of Ulises being murdered. She's also revealed to be the one who killed Astrid's father, as she was hired by Som's father, and is working against her to destroy New Eden.
  • Beauty Is Bad
  • Big Bad Ensemble: As far as we knew, she was working for Astrid, until it is revealed that this is just a facade to scheme against her, with Som as her accomplice, and destroy her New Eden project her father started years ago, whose death she is also responsible for.
  • Ax-Crazy
  • Don't Look At Me: Says this to David right before she kills him.
  • Evil Feels Good
  • Eviler than Thou: She is the most dangerous villain and threat of the island altogether, even more than Astrid.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: Danae has a pretty face, but her sadistic personality will definitely scare you.
  • Kick the Dog: She goes from mentally torturing some of the Eden members into confessing who killed Ulises to violently attacking Nuria for unintentionally revealing Isaac to the island.
  • Lack of Empathy
  • The Mole: She is a double agent who works for Som's fahter and infiltrated Astrid's military team as a level 2 guard to destroy her dominion.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Has one scene in her underwear lying in a bed as Lucas is about to have sex with her.
  • Promotion to Opening Titles: Becomes a main character in season 2, as she was employed by Astrid to reinforce the island's security and look into Ulises' death.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: She takes over Ulises' old job as head of security, having the suspicious and violent behavior that rivals Ulises'.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Under the guise of working for Astrid, Danae posed as a level 2 member to stop Astrid's plot with New Eden from coming to fruition.
  • Vehicular Sabotage: She kills Astrid's father by hijacking his car and causing it to crash down a hill, killing him and injuring his young grandson Isaac.
  • Would Harm a Senior: She violently beats up Nuria, Isaac's caretaker and birth mother for allowing him to roam around the island after his presence was revealed to the rest of the inhabitants.
  • Would Hurt a Child: It's possible that she could harm Isaac now that he caught her inside the transmission room, and possibly use him as leverage against her.



Played by: Carlos Torres
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He pretends to help Charly go home, before revealing himself as a Level 2 guard and recapturing him.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: While Astrid is in charge of the island, Joel often takes the spotlight as the main villain in the second season as he was employed to reinforce Eden's security, becoming a more even dangerous threat than Ulises.
  • Evil Is Bigger: He's very tall in stature.
  • Hate Sink: Carlos Torres definitely makes a damn great job at making us hate Joel with all our forces for all the trouble he puts the characters through.
  • Invincible Villain: Joel proves to be harder to defeat, especially because he's the leader of the militaries.
  • Karma Houdini: Along with Astrid, Alma and Danae, he's yet to be punished for his cruel actions.
  • Lack of Empathy: He follows Astrid's orders and clearly doesn't care about how many tough losses the characters have to face.
  • Mr. Fanservice: He's quite a good-looking muscular big guy.
  • Pædo Hunt: He kisses 16-year old Gabi.
  • Would Hurt a Child: The second season finale shows that Joel is even willing to harm Gabi after learning the truth about her and Zoa.




Played by: Blanca Romero

  • Alcoholic Parent: Zoa and Gabi's mother is on-off addicted to heroin, yet everytime she goes to the rehab clinic and is discharged, she always relapses.
  • Blatant Lies: Roberta denies having relapsed again, but Gabi doesn't buy it for a second.
  • Never My Fault: Most of the time when she gets drugged, Roberta never owns up to her actions.



Played by: Ana Mena
  • Advertised Extra: Judith is featured in the official poster, billed in the main cast and featured in the show's promotional material, but she has very little screen time because she gets killed off in the middle of the season.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: While she's cornered on a cliff by Brenda and Orson, Judith fearfully pleads for her life by promising them she didn't see anything and won't tell anyone, but it's not enough for Astrid's goons to change their minds.
  • Break the Cutie: Judith is left traumatized by Fran getting tortured by Ulises, to the point of even crying when her life is threatened.
  • Childhood Friends: With Zoa.
  • Curiosity Killed the Cast: Her wandering into the tent witnessing what Eden is really like when she sees Ulises torture Fran is what leads to her death.
  • He Knows Too Much: Brenda and Orson dispose of Judit by throwing her off a cliff after witnessing Ulises torturing Fran as a way to buy her silence.
  • Killed Off for Real: Judith's dead body is seen by a devastating Zoa. The following episode reveals that Orson and Brenda killed her to keep quiet about Fran.
  • The Pollyanna: Judith was very cheerful and prone to partying a lot. Well, at least until she witnessed the people in charge torturing a disobedient subordinate and desperately pleads for her life when she's at the mercy of Brenda and Orson.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye:

    Zoa and Gabi's father 

Zoa and Gabi's father

Played by: Mario de la Rosa
  • Put on a Bus: Not seen again after season 1. He's mentioned by Roberta to be travelling as usual.
  • Really Gets Around: Has a lot of meaningless flings, as Gabi texts Zoa that "Dad brought another girlfriend".
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: Zoa and Gabi's father travels a lot for work and has little to no time for them.




Played by: Jason Fernández

  • Character Death
  • Nice Guy
  • Satellite Character
  • Too Dumb to Live: David secretly stole the wristband he was wearing at the festival when he met Zoa. After Gabi, who is seeking answers behind her sister's disappearance, tries it on, it catches his location in San Sebastián. But do Eden's external crew go to Gabi? No. Instead, they go to David because he still carries the wristband. They kidnap and torture him into revealing why he stole it. With his mother's life hanging by a thread, David is forced to sell Gabi out. David is killed anyway, though.
  • You Said You Would Let Them Go: David is tortured by Lucas, who is part of Eden's external crew, into telling them who gave the wristand he stole to, threatening to have his mother executed if he doesn't comply. With no other choice, David is forced to give up Gabi's name and location. However, Lucas doesn't make good on his promise and leaves David to die.
