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Characters / The Wandering Inn Free Antinium

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A point of contention for the entire world, the Free Antinium are the first and only Hive in history to coexist with other species, stationing themselves in the city of Liscor, Izril, as part of a peace treaty between the Antinium and all of Izril after the Second Antinium War. By the time of the story, it has at least gained grudging acceptance from the city's people over the ten years since its establishment.

It was a project led by the Free Queen to create Antinium Individuals, just like the True Antinium of old, but progress had become stagnant, its workers unable to have any will outside of the Queen's until the arrival of a certain [Innkeeper].

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    The Free Antinium as a whole 
  • Aerith and Bob: The Free Antinium's names are all over the place because they name themselves after things they like, people (real or fictional) that they like, or get assigned a name.
  • Amicable Ants: The Free Hive is the one Hive focused on improving relations with other species.
  • And I Must Scream: The general state of Antinium at the start of the story. Partially subverted because Antinium usually don't live long before something kills them.
  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: Those lucky few Free Antinium who go up to the surface are given clothes that they have to wear. All they get is a Loincloth and they consider it mostly pointless because they don't have anything to cover. Later some of the Individuals get armor, and the [Priests] and [Acolytes] get robes. They do not get more clothes in winter despite cold weather being deadly to them.
  • Bad Liar: Applies to almost all Antinium but becomes particularly apparent with the Free Hive due to how often they interact with other species.
  • Child Prodigy: In the wider world of the story it's considered very impressive to hit '30 before 30'. Multiple members of the Free Hive have hit level 30 before they're four years old.
  • Church Militant: The [Crusaders].
  • Cultural Personality Makeover: The Free Antinium becoming part of Liscor in part by copying the ideas, actions, and lifestyles of Drakes, Gnolls, and Humans.
  • Curiosity Causes Conversion: It started with Workers wanting to watch Erin play chess and grew from there.
  • Cute as a Bouncing Betty: Most of the world still sees them as monsters and some of them have names like 'Singy', 'Dots', or 'Furfur'.
  • Diner Brawl: Repeatedly invoked thanks to the Free Hive's connection to The Wandering Inn and the inn being a danger magnet.
  • Distinctive Appearances: The Painted Antinium, who literally paint themselves to become distinct among the uniform Antinium.
  • Dug Too Deep: After digging into a lost dungeon, the Free Hive has been fighting monsters every day for years.
  • Eat the Evidence: Klbkch has Workers do this to most of his notes and reports.
  • Eating the Enemy: Standard for Antinium, but particularly applies to the Free Hive since one of their major food sources is monsters from the dungeon under Liscor, who they fight on a daily basis.
  • Edible Theme Naming: This is how some of the Free Antinium name themselves, like Infinitypear, Pie Piper, and 'clumsily drawn bee on a plate'.
  • Epiphanic Prison: Applies to all the Hives, but the Free Antinium are the first to start finding their way out.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: Invoked both when hundreds or thousands of Antinium joined in the fight against Skinner and his undead and again in the fight against Belavierr. It helps a lot that they don't have genitals to begin with.
  • Full-Name Basis: It's very rare for Antinium to have nicknames, regardless of how long their names are. Klbkch and Silveran are notable exceptions.
  • Gargle Blaster: Rxlvn is an Antinium-made alcohol created in the Free Hive that features Shield Spider venom. Nearly no non-Antinium can drink more than a shot of it without getting extremely drunk and even Antinium can get "sloshed" after a single shot despite being highly resistant to alcohol.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Those that have clothes wear the same outfit each time.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Progressively subverted for the Free Hive while this remains the standard for other Hives.
  • Individuality Is Illegal: Gets subverted with extreme prejudice.
  • Inexplicably Identical Individuals: The multiple Kevins and Shellys.
  • Informed Attribute: Antinium are not, in fact, unthinking, unfeeling, murderous monsters. The people of Liscor are the first to start learning that, though only really apply it to all Antinium rather than just to Klbkch after Erin arrives and starts changing the Hive.
  • Insect Gender-Bender: Hardly any members of the Free Hive are female and Klbkch, Ksmvr, and the first several Individuals are all male.
  • Meaningful Name: Repeatedly invoked.
  • More Dakka: Not everyone can be Bird and the Archer Workers sometimes rely on this. They don't rely on this trope as much as Workers-with-bows from other Hives do but it's still in play.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: The Workers and Soldiers have four arms. And if those aren't enough then their mandibles can act as a weapon too.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: The Free Antinium increasingly find that living and dying just for their Hive and Queen isn't enough. Also applies to Klbkch and the Free Queen diverging from the desires of the Grand Queen even after being reconnected to the other Hives.
  • Named by Democracy: Some Antinium, like Singy, take a given nickname as their name.
  • Name From Another Species: When the Free Antinium start naming themselves they don't take Antinium names.
  • Odd Name Out: Any name is unusual amongst Antinium since most of them don't have one.
  • Repression Never Ends Well: There's a reason Aberrations almost entirely stopped appearing after the Free Antinium started becoming Individual.
  • Resignations Not Accepted: Subverted. Bird quits the Hive and Xrn splits off a group of Antinium that Magnolia set up to defect into a new, seventh Hive and effectively leaves them to lead themselves.
  • Rogue Drone: More or less what the Free Queen was looking for in Individuals.
  • Shell Backpack: The Antinium working at The Wandering Inn have an apron-uniform.
  • The Stoic: Nearly all Free Antinium at the start of the story. Any deviation of this was likely to get them labeled an Aberration and killed.
  • You Are Number 6: This is how Klbkch names the Archer Workers and, later, how the [Crusaders] are named. Possibly partially subverted because nearly all of the Archers and [Crusaders] accept the number-names they're given and can even be defensive if anyone objects to their names.

The Free Hive

    The Free Queen 




  • Blade Spam: Limited to when Klbkch has [Recaptured Sublimity] active and can move faster than the speed of sound.
  • Came Back Strong: In Volume 7 Klbkch intentionally invokes this trope by having his fellow Centenium Wrymvr severely injure him during a skirmish with a Walled Cities strike team. Desperate to save him, the Queens put aside their differences to pool their knowledge while remaking his body. The end result is sleeker, more agile, and has poisoned mandibles.
  • Clone by Conversion: Klbkch spent about two decades in a Worker's body after his true form was lost at sea.
  • Cool Sword: He owns two swords made of silver-like Chitrx Metal, a metal unique only to Antinium, created tens of thousands of years ago, and strong enough to go up against enchanted weapons. There's a reason people keep trying to steal them.
  • Death Is Cheap: Played with. Klbkch can be brought back to life an indefinite number of times, but only if he has at least ten levels, dies within range of a Unitasis Network or a Prognugator able to link with a Queen, and a Queen has the time and resources to bring him back. Olesm comments on the level loss as a steep price but Klbkch dismisses it as a small price to pay for life—to the point that he thinks that he wouldn't mind dying to Zel Shivertail if not for the time he'd lose to revival.
  • Dented Iron: With his losses of Levels to multiple Rites of Anastases and quite some time passed since he had to face a challenge, his skill with the sword has deteriorated. It's apparent that whenever he uses [Recaptured Sublimity], all of his strengths become leagues ahead of the current him; during the Trial of a Thousand Blades, Zeladona lamented not fighting him at his prime, which made it clear to the old Centenium that he's out of shape.
  • Devious Daggers: Part of Klbkch's standard equipment when he had four arms, and still a backup weapon of choice now that he's back down to two arms.
  • Dual Wielding: Invoked twice when Klbkch had four arms.
  • Earn Your Title: He became 'Klbkch the Slayer' at level 40 after getting a Skill that let him kill entire battalions by himself. It says something that he's still known by that title despite no longer having that Skill.
  • Fighter, Mage, Thief: The Fragile Speedster Thief to Xrn's Mage and Wrymvr's Stone Wall Fighter.
  • Fragile Speedster: Saliss reads Klbkch as this. Additionally, Klbkch created a fighting style based around always dodging or parrying, never blocking. Once he had a form which, if damaged even slightly, prevented him from using the swords built into his body.
  • Friendly Address Privileges: Relc calls him 'Klb'. Anand is absolutely not allowed to call him 'father' or really even address Klbkch unless by title.
  • Gave Up Too Soon: More or less let himself be killed by Goblins while despairing over the death of the first Worker to show any hint of will or personality. He did not know that that Worker was the first of many.
  • Hero with a Unique Name: Intended to be this among Antinium, until the rise of the Individuals.
  • Hollywood Spelling: Subverted at least in some Mage's Guild messages. Otherwise played straight and possibly justified by most people pulling from Wordsmith's book, and he could reasonably have a Skill that helps with his spelling.
  • Iconic Item: Even when he changes bodies, Klbkch is still recognizable thanks to his twin shortswords.
  • I Have Many Names: Per the rewrite of Volume 1, Klbkch has had at least a dozen different names over the course of his life.
  • It Was a Gift: Klbkch got his swords from the First Queen. May also apply to having obtained a coat rack for the scarf Erin gave him during Innworld's first Christmas and that he only wore once.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Thanks to living for so long, Klbkch is one of the few living people who has his memories of the Trials of Leveling either removed or blocked by The Grand Design.
  • Lightning Bruiser: When [Recaptured Sublimity] is active, Klbkch can upgrade himself from being a Fragile Speedster if he takes a balanced install instead of focusing on only strength, speed, or defense.
  • Living Forever is No Big Deal: He lived in Liscor for over ten years before mentioning his age, though he doesn't like being called old. The other Centenium seem to share this outlook, despite Xrn making fun of Klbkch's age.
  • Living Relic: Partially subverted. Klbkch is one of the last remaining Centenium, created to be heroes and the pinnacle of their species, but he lost his true form and is much weaker than he used to be.
  • Master Swordsman: He was the creator of the Silver Illusion sword school and has the [Swordslayer] class (though not the [Blademaster] class). That said, his repeated revivals during the Antinium Wars and before reduced his levels on top of having gotten rusty by the present, forcing him to rely on [Recaptured Sublimity] to mimic his skills during his prime.
  • Murder, Arson, and Jaywalking: Erin knows that he killed people during both Antinium Wars, she's seen him attack the Individuals and Painted Antinium, and also he lied to her about being able to eat pasta. Guess which one she called him a jerk for.
  • Mystery Meat: Klbkch makes a point of not asking what body parts go into his food, likely due to the unsavory elements used to make Antinium nutritional paste.
  • Nay-Theist: Klbkch knows that at least one Demigod is real. But she keeps creating monsters and the more people who know about her the more power she gains. Klbkch has spent thousands of years working towards her death for the deaths of Antinium and specifically the First Queen.
  • Not Too Dead to Save the Day: Comes Back from the Dead Just in Time to save Liscor, Erin, and four Individuals after Ksmvr fails to lead the Hive against Skinner and his undead.
  • Old Master: Older than dirt and the creator of his own Skill School. Subverted to the extent that while he did use to train War Queens and other Centenium in the sword, he did not directly train Ksmvr, the only character confirmed to have inherited his Skills.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Hardly anyone calls him Klbkchhzeim. Relc routinely shortens his name even further. A lot of other who know his infamy during the Antinium Wars called him "the Slayer".
  • Peeling Potatoes: He's an ancient warrior and second-in-command of his Hive. Erin has him peel potatoes and haul buckets of water to help her out with making breakfast for her inn.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Turns out that the way of talking Aberrations use is, in True Antinium, rage. This recontextualizes Aberrations when it turns out that all of the Izril Antinium are True Antinium.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: "[..]as some may have noticed, I have returned to life." Subverted in that Klbkch did actually die, it just didn't stick. Everyone in Liscor just forgot that Klbkch could survive death.
  • Secret Snack Stash: Has a personal supply of acid flies.
  • Self-Applied Nickname: Klbkch very very rarely refers to himself by his full name, only using his full name when he's switching hats to being a Centenium or when he had to give full ID to a Courier.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Like Belgrade, has the realization that the Soldiers he kills to find and break dungeon traps have the potential to be Individuals or Painted Antinium. Promptly stops that idea back down due to his belef that that sort of thinking would be the end of the Hives.
  • Speed Blitz: Can occur when Klbkch uses [Recaptured Sublimity]. Though other characters also have speed Skills and so one good example of this is when Klbkch caused a dungeon corridor full of Shield Spiders to 'vanish'.
  • Square Race, Round Class: He's an Antinium with the [Diplomat] class in a world where that's a laughable combination of species and class.
  • The Evils of Free Will: Klbkch routinely struggles to be around other Individuals. He longs for the Antinium of Rhir, who had personality but weren't able to disobey orders.
  • The Power of Hate: How he broke the geas to say 'I will slay god' and cut through Pawn's [Holy Barrier]. Also seems to be a large factor in how he's successfully undergone the Rite of Anistasis so many times.
  • The Unpronounceable: In the Volume 1 rewrite, Klbkch offers Erin to just call him 'Senior Guardsman' when she struggles with his name. Relc later invokes this by claiming that he can barely pronounce Klbkch's name.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Rarely invoked. Used when fighting Goblins and again in a duel against a Custodium.
  • Time Abyss: Multiple times older than Eternal Khelt, which was founded over 20,000 years ago, having been created before Antinium started keeping track of time. In a world with multiple immortal species, the glossary lists him as one of the oldest beings in the world.
  • Unaffected by Spice: Subverted. Klbkch thought he could handle Calescent's spice challenge due to being an Antinium. The narration afterwards doesn't describe the aftermath other than saying he was wrong.
  • Uniformity Exception: He's initially a Worker and always been identifiable by his swords, but by the end of Volume 1 he gets remade into a unique form while the rest of the Hive, minus the Queen, are all effectively clones of either the Worker or Soldier form.

  • Answer to Prayers: Amongst other things, Pawn uses this to help out his team during a game of baseball.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Loses three arms and part of a foot to Ksmvr. It slows him down surprisingly little, aside from needing help to walk. He gets better.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: He becomes Individual after Erin hits him with one of these, though it almost went very badly.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Subverted hard when Pawn becomes Individual and is horrified by all the pain and death in the Hive. Not even Xrn understands Pawn mourning the deaths of Workers and Soldiers.
  • Cross-Melting Aura: Subverted so far. Pawn's [Holy Barrier] held up well enough against Belavierr and his <Religion> Skills let him hurt her badly enough that she fled rather than keep trying to fight him.
  • Crystal Dragon Jesus: Pawn builds his religion by taking pieces of Earth religions, starting with Christianity.
  • Deity of Mortal Creation: Pawn either made a god, brought one back to life, or woke one up.
  • Give Me a Sign: Loses faith pretty early on, then pivots to not worshipping a god at all and becomes more invested in knowing whether or not the heaven he's trying to build really exists. Gets confirmation that Antinium Heaven is real after Yellow Splatters is revived with the Rite of Anistasis.
  • God and Satan Are Both Jerks: It's a very good thing that Pawn isn't worshipping the dead gods or the Demigod sleeping in Hell.
  • Good Shepherd: The Painted Antinium have been refered to as his 'flock' before and he's devoted to trying to improve their lives and bring a decrease of suffering to the Hive.
  • Heaven Above: Pawn specifically worships the sky, alongside Erin (The Sky) and happiness.
  • Heaven Seeker: Trying to build a heaven so that all Antinium can have salvation. Inconsistent on whether or not he thinks that 'bad' Antinium like Klbkch and Ksmvr also deserve to go to heaven.
  • Healing Hands: He's not as good at healing as Zimrah is but healing does seem to be a routine part of his day. He can use his healing Skill up to twelve times safely and a few more times if he pushes his limits. In a world with so little healing magic, this is still really good. Gets even better when healing potions become a rarity for the forseeable future. Does not seem to work on scars and definitely doesn't regrow limbs.
  • High Priest: Rediscovered <Religion> classes which had been lost for thousands, possibly tens of thousands of years and founded his own religion.
  • Holy Ground: Is trying to create this by establishing official places of worship both within the Hive and above ground. He worked with Hexel to create architectural plans that Antinium could achievably build with the materials they usually have access to.
  • Hope Bringer: Very literally for up to three people per day with his [Benediction of Hope] Skill.
  • Iconic Item: His censer.
  • Identity Breakdown: Has a version of this before taking his name, and again after getting his [Summon Aberration] Skill.
  • Illegal Religion: Klbkch nearly kills Pawn for gaining a <Religion> class.
  • Love Is Like Religion: Part of Pawn's religion is worshipping happiness, and that includes love. He gains levels in his [Priest] class through his relationship with Lyonette.
  • Martyrdom Culture: After accidentally causing a mass murder-suicide amongst Soldiers, Pawn has to be very clear that purposely seeking death is not the way to reach heaven.
  • Miracle Food: He has the [Create Bread] Skill. Unfortunately, gluten is one of the only things Antinium can't eat.
  • Oblivious to Love: Was able to describe his feelings for Lyonette but didn't know that that's what love was.
  • Odd Name Out: Briefly. Stopped applying once more and more members of the Free Hive started taking 'non-Antinium' names.
  • One-Steve Limit: Attempted to invoke this, but quickly recanted his position.
  • Pious Monster: He's an Antinium priest.
  • Prayer of Malice: Rarely invoked, but did occur during the Hectval war via both prayer and red Skills.
  • Religion is Magic: Thanks to The Grand Design. Because <Religion> classes have been gone for so long and the geas makes <Religion> classes invisible to appraisal Skills and artifacts, Pawn's [Priest] Skills are seen as magic beyond magic.
  • Sacred Scripture: Pawn writes one for the Antinium. The first finished, scribed version gets stolen by Nerry.
  • Saintly Church: Largely focused on improving the lot of the Antinium within the Hives but they've also been known to take up other causes, like the Hectval war and fighting an army of monsters that came out of the High Passes to attack cities.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Is of the opinion that one either doesn't think about what goes into the nutritional paste or about the general level of everyday suffering in the Hive or one breaks.
  • Square Race, Round Class: Pawn is the one who rediscovered <Religion> classes despite the Antinium being in a multi-thousand year war against a Demigod.
  • Staff of Authority: He has a walking stick, which his censer is sometimes attached to. Amongst Antinium, having any personal possessions at all is a mark of prestige.
  • The Power of Love: How he gains his [Holy Barrier] Skill.
  • The Soulsaver: Pawn created the Painted Antinium and is able to bring Antinium back from being Aberrations.
  • Token Religious Teammate: Of the original five Individuals, Pawn is the only one who who both prays and is confirmed to believe in heaven.
  • Turn to Religion: This is how Pawn handles gaining an identity and the expectations that, as the first Individual, he will do great things.
  • Vow of Celibacy: Subverted despite Workers like Pawn not even having genitals.

  • Chef of Iron: Subverted. Garry is the only one of the original five Individuals who doesn't fight, aside from defending Erin during Skinner's attack.
  • Chubby Chef: He's a [Baker] and the only Worker noted to have gained weight without also gaining height.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: He keeps using insects and monster parts as ingredients. In his defense, Antinium find most bugs tasty and even some non-Antinium have found themselves enjoying either Garry's bug-filled cooking or the acid flies in honey served at The Wandering Inn.
  • "Kiss the Cook" Apron: His says "Hug the [Cook]".
  • Miracle Food: Has a cornucopia Skill that gives him a random bit of food each day.
  • Supreme Chef: And he does this while using insects and monster parts as ingredients in his cooking.
  • Sweet Baker: After acting as Santa for the second Christmas, he becomes a [Baker of Presents, Gifted Chef] and considers giving away very nearly free food to those in need to not be helping as much as he could be. His class lets him give one free magical present a week.
  • You Are a Credit to Your Race: Over the course of the story bigotry against Antinium wanes but there are still holdouts. However even Lism acknowledges that Garry is doing good work with his store/soup kitchen. Tyrion Veltras himself even ends up befriending him.

  • An Arm and a Leg: Loses two arms in a battle and keeps going until he drops from blood loss.

  • Bear Trap: Belgrade loves traps, but he especially loves reusable traps and he has a Skill that creates bear traps out of nothing.

  • Character-Driven Strategy: Likes to play chess by the book, using defensive, memorized strategies.

  • Did You Think I Can't Feel?: Has a moment of this with Embria during the Hectval war.

  • Drowning Pit: He nearly died when one of the Hive's tunnels flooded, which left him even more afraid of water than most Antinium.

  • Foreign Queasine: All the non-Antinium in Liscor's second army are disgusted by gelatin. Belgrade likes it and manages to get leftover gelatin rations allotted to the army's Antinium forces.

  • Just a Flesh Wound: Takes a poisoned arrow to the guts and still leads his command to victory in a battle against Hectval and their allied forces.

  • Safety in Indifference: Attempts to invoke this to deal with his guilt for all the Antinium his traps and tactics can't save. It doesn't work very well.

  • Selective Obliviousness: Tries to force himself into this in order to sidestep guilt over the fact that the Workers and Soldiers under his command could have the potential to be Individuals and are, in fact, just like him.

  • Trap Is the Only Option: Belgrade redesigns part of the Hive so that the only paths between the Hive and the dungeon are all filled with traps. For anything that survives that, there's a fortified kill box at the end.

  • Trap Master: He specialized in traps to the point of becoming a [Trapsetter Tactician].

  • Badass Bookworm: He has the [Reader] class and is considered the better Strategist over Belgrade when it comes to going up against a Gold-rank dungeon.

  • Character-Driven Strategy: Tends towards free-flowing, aggressive chess strategies.

  • Cursed with Awesome: Anand was really happy to be chosen as a representative of the Individuals and taken to the Hivelands by Klbkch. Now he's stuck struggling to try to build boats and he hates it.

  • The Reliable One: He wants to be this for Klbkch. Klbkch can barely manage to give him a thumbs up.

  • I Need a Freaking Drink: After Erin not-quite-dies, Anand responds by trying to get drunk and manages to drink so much that he throws up, despite Antinium being extremely resistant to alcohol.

  • Legacy Vessel Naming: Torthe warns him not to do this when he starts naming his ships 'Sinkity Ship' followed by a number. He knows enough not to use the name 'Titanic' either.

  • Significant Name Shift: Goes from saying that he doesn't care for Klbkch or his treatment of Pawn to wanting to call Klbkch 'father'.

  • Xanatos Speed Chess: A short-term variant supported by his [Strike Strategist] class that lets him outmaneuver and blitz enemy formations.

  • A Mistake Is Born: The Free Queen outright says that Bird's existence is a mistake. She changes her stance almost immediately but only after nearly killing Bird. She gives him gold for an expensive bow and later spares his life instead of killing him to learn how he's using the Unitasis Network.

  • Awesomeness by Analysis: Most of his archery is actually observation and math. Having Skills just makes him even better than he already was.

  • Beware the Silly Ones: An attempt to talk Bird out of revenge killing everyone in Manus ended up with three friends of the inn tied up after Bird threatened to shoot them in non-lethal places.

  • Black Sheep: Bird is considered odd even by Antinium standards, and he eventually makes the seemingly unprecedented decision to 'quit' his Hive.

  • Bratty Food Demand: Bird, an adult, responds to the Free Queen not sharing a cake with him by crying until she gives him some. Bird, unlike the Free Queen, can't safely digest the gluten in the cake and they both know that.

  • Break the Cutie: He's generally happy and playful but when Hectval almost kills Erin he fully plans to kill everyone in Hectval in revenge. He starts by making enough arrows to account for the city's entire population.

  • Character-Driven Strategy: His actual goal when playing chess is to form the pieces on both sides into a picture of a bird.

  • Excrement Statement: Has said that he might do this to Klbkch, after Belgrade tried to correct him on the difference between 'poo on' and 'poo-poo'.

  • Forgets to Eat: Erin has to make Bird promise to come down from his tower for meals.

  • Genius Ditz: Absolutely brilliant when it comes to archery, all facts bird-related, and math. Has beaten Erin at chess and was able to keep up with Niers teaching him like one of his students. Extremely lacking in common sense and thought his idea of wandering around a Gold-ranked dungeon alone while yelling for Mrsha had 'no flaws'.

  • I Am What I Am: Subverted. Bird has always accepted that he's Bird. Conditions in the Hive and risk of being killed are the only reasons Bird suppressed his personality.

  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Both with and without using his Skills. He's extremely good at aiming for eyes and knees and he landed an 'impossible' shot on an arrow moving over a hundred miles per hour.

  • Parental Favoritism: By far the favorite of all of the individuals by the Free Queen. Despite the potential value in dissecting him to reproduce his ability to freely access the Unitasis Network, his singing is enough to get the Free Queen to give up on that idea, and instead give him money for a new bow and a request to come by frequently to sing. [[Spoiler: By the end of volume nine, Bird gets promoted to the second Queen of the Free Hive. ]]

  • Selective Obliviousness: Attempts to invoke this when Klbkch tries to get him back to the Hive in volume 9 to talk about his [Unitasis Network] Skill.

  • Sneaking Snacks: Bird keeps sneaking dead birds into his room so that they can become 'squishy' or 'runny' birds. They don't rot while in the inn but they can still get infested with insects.

  • The Cuckoolander Was Right: Invoked when Erin revealed her Quest for Mershi, City of Stars. Also invoked against Numbtongue when he dismissed Bird talking about shooting 'invisible birds' until Bird says that he gained two levels from doing so. Also is the only one who understands why the drones of Izril are not acting like true Antinium and how the hives can fix this.

  • The Noun Who Verbed: Gets dubbed as 'Bird the Hunter' when he's mistaken for being a new Centenium.

  • Trademark Favorite Food: Anything and everything bird, bird-related, or bird-shaped. To the point where Erin lies about 'broccoli birds' to get Bird to eat his vegetables and bribed him with bird-shaped cookies to take math lessons, and banning Bird from eating birds was part of a punishment Erin and Lyonette gave him once.

The Seventh Hive


