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Characters / Castlevania (2017): Antagonists

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The Church

    In General
The (Roman Catholic) Christian Church. Their local branches in Wallachia catalyzed the series' overall conflict by ordering the execution of Lisa Tepes on bogus charges of witchcraft, thus motivating Dracula to declare his bloody vengeance against all of humanity.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In the video games, the Church was the primary organization opposing Dracula with several good guys such as Sypha being associated with them. Here, they are responsible for everything going wrong and serve as one of the primary antagonists of Season 1.
  • Broken Pedestal: For Prior Sala after learning that their execution of Dracula's wife led to the carnage that soon followed.
  • Christianity is Catholic: Despite the show taking place in a region that is historically Eastern Orthodox, the Church here is depicted as unmistakably Roman Catholic in appearance.
  • Corrupt Church: Though rather than being self-serving and in search of material wealth, they are controlling and fundamentalist in nature.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: For the whole series alongside Dracula. Had they not executed Lisa on charges of witchcraft, none of the events of the series would have happened and even though they were dealt with in Season 1, the consequences of their actions continue to follow the heroes and shape the world well into other seasons.
  • Renegade Splinter Faction: Sala's priory breaks away from the Church, turning their crucifix upside down and adopting Satanist symbols like the alchemical symbol for sulfur meaning "Hell".
  • The Theocracy: They are depicted as having considerable power over Wallachia, implied to be greater to secular authorities with the only one seen (a mayor) say anything that might displease them on pain of torture and death. Once Dracula's carnage begins, they assume the role completely as both religious and political authorities in areas they operate.
  • Token Good Teammate: No character associated with the Church is presented in a positive light, with the sole exception of one nameless priest whom Trevor orders to bless some water to help fight against Dracula's hordes in "Monument". He's on screen for all of four seconds with no dialogue.
  • Too Dumb to Live: The Church's zealotry in killing heretics nearly doomed Wallachia and humanity. Not only did they provoke Dracula by killing his wife on no grounds, they also almost completely eradicate the Belmont family and the Speakers, taking away humanities' best defenders against vampires and monsters.

    The Bishop
Voiced by: Matt Frewer (English), Mitsuru Ogata (Japanese), Humberto Solórzano (Latin American Spanish), Axel Lutter (German)

"The Archbishop would prefer that life in Wallachia be kept simple."

The nameless bishop of the Catholic Church who ordered Lisa Ţepeş burnt at the stake, setting the entire plot into motion.
  • Agent Scully: When Dracula appears after Lisa's execution and demands to know why she was killed, the Bishop outright refuses to believe that Dracula is real despite, you know, the twenty-foot high face made of fire that introduces itself as Dracula and is speaking directly to him.
    • Agent Mulder: Zigzagged, they both are in fact, as the chief reason he refuses to believe Dracula is real is because he's convinced that the giant flaming visage is a trick from Satan, pretending to be Dracula... Yes, really.
  • Arc Villain: Acts as one for the first season. His witch hunts set the plot in motion with the execution of Lisa Ţepeş, and he also blames the Speakers for the demon invasion, sending an angry mob after the only people who were trying to fix the situation. Ultimately, Dracula is the bigger threat.
  • Asshole Victim: One doubts anyone shed a single tear for this guy when Blue Fangs tore his face off.
  • Ax-Crazy: His need to destroy so-called "heretics" easily reaches into this, as Trevor notices almost immediately.
    Trevor: The current bishop of this place is... well... he's beyond insane. Over the top and into new lands of... snake-fuckingly crazy.
  • Believing Their Own Lies: Trevor initially believes the bishop is just hiding behind religion, like most people, to increase his power and satisfy his selfish desires. It's only after actually speaking with him that Trevor realizes in disbelief, "My God. You really believe it, don't you?"
  • Big Bad Wannabe: The Bishop is ultimately taken down very easily by Dracula's minions once they find him, shrugging off the idea of God still protecting him, and they only bother taking their time killing him because of his direct role in Lisa's death and Dracula's revenge on Wallachia. Otherwise, he's not a threat at all. Even his attempt at killing the Speakers falls apart as soon as Trevor reveals to the mob that the Church was the one responsible for the monsters' invasion. Amusingly, Trevor and his fellow heroes don't even seem to acknowledge his death at all, if they even knew of it, showing how inconsequential he is.
  • Came Back Wrong: Zigzagged. His body is used to give life to a Night Creature (although more or less a zombified version of the Bishop) by Hector on Carmilla's orders. Unlike the Bishop himself, the creature has God's blessing, blessing the river and turning it into holy water to be used against Dracula's loyalists.
  • Canon Foreigner: In the original story, Lisa's death is merely the instigator of the plot, without much attention paid to it beyond that point. Here, the instigator himself was created to be the first Arc Villain.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: His carcass is shown in the Season 2 Trailers and in the series proper, probably just to show his fate. It then turns out he does still have some importance: his reanimated body still has the authority to bless water, thus making him a weapon against vampires. One that Carmilla freely deigns to use.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He gets “kissed to death” by Blue Fangs, and by that, we mean Blue Fangs outright ripped his face off.
  • Deader than Dead: His reanimated corpse completely dissolves into the blessed river. He is probably not coming back from this, even if the others tried to resurrect him again.
  • Dirty Coward: It's subtle, but he was hiding in his church alone while he sent his lackeys off to kill the speakers, confident the holy ground would keep any demons away. This is in contrast to the other nameless priest that actively was outside trying to help people.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": He's never referred to by name, further cementing his status as a forgettable Hate Sink that nobody will miss.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: When Trevor incredulously asks him how he believes the demons came because people weren't religious enough, pointing to the death of the archbishop as proof this can't be the case, the bishop responds, "The archbishop had certain... interests that I believe compromised his ability to protect the city and the country. We disagreed on matters of... clerical discipline." This could either be a reference to the archbishop's seeming laziness (he is seen being carried around before he was seen able to stand up) or to something worse. In any case, it's left ambiguous what he was "interested" in that so disgusted even the bishop. However, given the bishop's remark about the archbishop wanting to keep things in Targoviste simple, the archbishop's interests simply might not line up with the bishop's own, and in terms of clerical discipline, we know that the bishop's own men are hardly the righteous sort. For all we know, it was the Archbishop who had the standards in this case.
  • Evil Luddite: Dismisses Lisa's advanced knowledge of biology and chemistry as witchcraft. Although his remark about wanting to keep the life in Gresit "simple" hints at more sinister motive, keeping people uneducated so they keep turning to Church for protection; scientists and doctors like Lisa are seen as unwanted competition.
  • Evil Old Folks: His hair is white and receding, giving the impression of him being rather old.
  • Expy: Very similar to Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Both are corrupt heads of power who use their standing and belief they do God's will to justify doing unspeakable awful things, all the while believing themselves in the right for senseless murder and oppression.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He's a soft-spoken articulate man, which barely masks his cruel demeanor. This is best highlighted when he condemns Lisa to a painful burning, smirking all the way and saying:
    "I believe she's exhorting Satan not to take revenge on us, which I suppose is almost commendable, for a witch. Perhaps I'll say a prayer for her. A small one."
  • The Fundamentalist: The Bishop is utterly convinced that anyone not directly in service to the Church (like the Belmonts or the Speakers) is an evil heretic that must be destroyed. Also, he sees himself as the ultimate religious authority in Wallachia due to all the other major cities being destroyed by Dracula's forces. He is even like this to the other priests, believing in clerical discipline and disagreed with the Archbishop over it.
  • Genre Blindness: He is utterly clueless to how much danger he's in with an army of demons running around, convinced that faith alone would keep him from being torn to pieces like everyone else was.
  • A God Am I: In Dracula's Hell on Earth, the Bishop believes that Gresit will be the last major city in the country and that his authority in the Church will be the only authority. As he himself put it as Trevor leaves, for all intents and purposes, he will be the Church.
  • God Is Displeased: During the attack on the town by Dracula's forces, the bishop comes to find out that in response to his abuse of power and burning of Dracula's wife, God withdrew His protection. Seconds later, the demons tear into and devour him.
  • Hate Sink: The Bishop is designed to be as deeply unlikable as possible. He's a hypocritical, self-righteous fundamentalist who is directly responsible for bringing Dracula's wrath down on Wallachia (by personally arranging for Lisa to be burned at the stake), and spends the rest of the season using anyone not affiliated with the Church (from the Belmonts to the Speakers) as scapegoats. It's even heavily hinted that part of him is secretly glad that Dracula's army has devastated Wallachia so badly since it gives him more authority over the surviving populace in his mad quest to "burn out" every sin in the country.
  • Hiding Behind Religion: His supposed goals of helping the people are nothing but hollow lies for him to get away with murder and heartlessness, and he actually takes advantage of Dracula's rampage to increase his own power and standing within the Church. In the end, God Himself is so disgusted with the Bishop's actions that he withdraws his protection and allows Dracula's demons to kill him.
  • Humiliation Conga: Not only is he humiliated by one of Dracula's goblins before being killed in the most gruesome way, in Season 2, his corpse is reanimated by Hector to further advance the plans of the Bishop's enemies.
  • Implausible Deniability: It really says something about how brain-numbingly arrogant he is when he watches Lisa's funeral pyre erupt into a hundred-foot tower of flame, manifest into the demonic face of Dracula himself and have it introduce himself as Dracula, before telling the entire city of Gresit Your Days Are Numbered, and he still refuses to believe that Dracula even exists until the Legions of Hell are upon them. But Lisa's centrifuge? Obvious witchcraft.
  • Irony: He did more good and held more holy power as a mindless, undead slave than he did in life.
  • Jerkass: Everything he says is either hypocrisy, cruelty, or self-deluded arrogant prattling. He enjoys throwing his weight around, smirking as he gloats about how much the he controls the people through his church. "I will be the church..." indeed.
  • Karmic Death: Blue Fangs gives him a Breaking Speech on how his Knight Templar ways desanctified his church, reducing it to an "empty box" he was standing in and caused God to turn his back on him. But don't fret. Blue Fangs still loves him.
  • Knight Templar: The Bishop is obsessed with burning out what he views as sin. Whenever someone rises up with a different belief, he condemns them as a heretic that is harming society and seeks to have them killed; for example, when the Mayor of Targoviste mentions he briefly studied chemical sciences like Lisa did, the Bishop shoots him a Death Glare that instantly shuts down his argument. He sees the church as the highest authority and uses the chaos brought by Dracula to rise up in the ranks. Trevor himself is taken aback not just by the man's cruelty, but by the utter conviction he has in his deluded morality.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: The man is killed in his own church, then resurrected and forced to serve the vampires, which he enabled to rampage over the Earth. Better yet, he's destroyed permanently in a river he sanctified.
  • Light Is Not Good: He may wear the robes of a religious man, but make no mistake — he is in no sense a saint. Even as an undead horror, he can still make holy water.
  • Ludd Was Right: His reaction to seeing the science and technology that Dracula had given Lisa is to accuse her of witchcraft which for the time period and her affiliation with an alchemist like Dracula would certainly be construed as witchcraft.
  • Never My Fault: The Bishop throws fault at everybody for Dracula's rampage except himself, even though he was the one who ordered Lisa to be burned at the stake as a witch. Even the demons see through these excuses and mock him for them.
  • No Name Given: He's only known as "the Bishop".
  • Noodle Incident: He was absent from Targoviste when Dracula returned to purge it. His talk with Trevor indicates he had a disagreement with the Archbishop over certain church matters and was sent away. What those disagreements were is left ambiguous.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Bishop abuses his authority to use anyone fighting Dracula's monsters not affiliated with the Church as scapegoats to his denial that Lisa's death was his fault. He also seems fine with all the murder, as it gives him a higher standing in the Church with fewer people. Ultimately, his supposed goal of helping the people are just hollow lies to get away with murder and heartlessness. It's no wonder God won't save him from Blue Fangs; the titular demon also claims that even his declaration of Lisa being a witch was just an excuse, implications being he killed her solely because her spreading her knowledge was a threat to his power over the ignorant masses.
    Blue Fangs: Your God knows we wouldn't be here without you...this is all your fault, isn't it?
    Bishop: She was a witch!
    Blue Fangs: Lies? In your house of God? No wonder He has abandoned you...
  • Pet the Dog: A very small moment, which only leads to further emphasize what a bastard he is. When he hears Lisa implore Dracula to not take revenge, he admits that it's compassionate of her, and that he might say a small prayer for her later.
  • Predecessor Villain: He is this for Dracula as his murder of his wife is what drove Dracula to Kill All Humans and thus kickstarting the story.
  • Reforged into a Minion: Forgemaster Hector reanimates him into a servant for Carmilla's schemes.
  • Sinister Minister: A self-righteous fundamentalist who throws blame for Dracula's rampage at everyone except himself. It's also implied that he thinks that surviving Dracula's rampage will give him more authority within the Church, as all the other great cities are losing.
  • Skewed Priorities: Even after Dracula's goblins have already descended upon Gresit, the Bishop stresses that extermination of the Speakers is more important. Justified in that he's more or less stark raving mad.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He doesn't have much of a role other than to kill Dracula's wife and is easily dealt with by one of his minions in the show's fourth episode. However that action of killing Dracula's wife is what drove Dracula to Kill All Humans, thus causing the events of the series to occur.
  • Starter Villain: He is the first villain the heroes have to face, and he's easily killed by Blue Fangs, 4 episodes later in the Season 1 finale.
  • Tear Off Your Face: In Season 2, one of Dracula's servants dumps a pile of bodies belonging to the people of Gresit, two of them being the dead Bishop and the Bald Priest. The former having half of his face bit off by Blue Fangs.
  • Too Dumb to Live: In the flashback proper where he arrests Lisa, she's initially kind and cordial to him, and he's very rude and assumes she is a witch. When she tries to explain that she does science that has been forgotten, he dismisses it, and interprets her warnings about Dracula as a threat. Then he orders her execution. The fact that he survived long enough to encounter Trevor is a miracle, since he single-handedly brought down Dracula's wrath on Wallachia.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: It was bad that the bishop killed Dracula's wife, but he did not anticipate Dracula himself to Kill All Humans.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • He has a minor one while speaking with Trevor when the latter calls the Church out for branding the Belmonts as heretics simply because they were doing their job of defending Wallachia, shouting that the Belmonts "never understood the power of the word of God" and that the people of Gresit are his to command and will kill the Speakers if they believe it's God's will, then warns Trevor that by sundown, he'll either be out of Gresit or be dead.
    • Later, when confronted by Blue Fangs inside his own church, he begins to crack under the demon's accusations, vehemently stating that his life's work has been in the name of God and denying that Dracula's genocide is his fault before screaming that Lisa was a witch. By the time his face gets bitten off, the only thing leaving his mouth is frightened whimpering.
  • Villainous Legacy: He gets killed quickly by one of Dracula's minions. However, it clear that his murder of Lisa Tapes still influences the story, even after he died.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Ordered that Lisa should be burned at the stake. And he admits to performing the same act to other women.

"So now, I'm stupid? I work within the light of God Himself, but you can see things I can't with your magic?"
Voiced by: Timothy Omundson (English), Tomoyuki Shimura (Japanese), Armando Coria (Latin American Spanish)

A member of Gresit's Church and a direct subordinate of its corrupt Bishop. He belonged to a group of equally corrupted priests who acted as the Bishop's thugs and who were often put in charge of doing all the dirty work.
  • Asshole Victim: He is a very vile man, a Dirty Coward and delights in ordering people about, as well as inflicting pain on those he deems opposition. As brutal as it was, it's definitely karmic and cathartic when townspeople learn the truth of his and the Bishop's involvement in Dracula enacting genocide upon Wallachia. They all gang up on him and begin then slaughter him violently and mercilessly.
  • Blasting It Out of Their Hands: Trevor uses his Vampire Killer whip to try and snatch the cross-shaped stave off of his hands, which leads to him losing his right index finger. Although judging by the Vampire Hunter's cheeky apology, that was probably intentional.
  • The Cameo: He makes an appearance in Season 2's "War Council" episode as one of the Bishop's thugs that accosted then arrested Lisa. While wrecking up her home, he gets startled by accidentally activating a centrifuge.
    It moves on its own!
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: The poor bastard gets absolutely murdered by the angry mob, getting a pitchfork to the neck, spear to the gut, then stabbed and slashed several times.
  • Dirty Coward: Is introduced accosting the Elder Speaker and gleefully answers yes to his question of "Will killing an old man make you less scared of the dark?" and that's not even the least of his cowardly actions.
  • Fingore: Thanks to Trevor's whip, he loses his right index finger. And the former's apology might just be him being cheeky.
    Trevor: Oh hell. I'm sorry. I was trying to snatch the stave out of your hand. How's your finger?
    Burly: What fucking finger?!
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: The guy gets impaled by both a pitchfork and a spear.
  • Improbable Weapon User: He carries around a stave that is more or less a long and large crucifix. The bearded priest threatens to beat the Elder Speaker to death with it. After Trevor... objects to this, he's next seen using a knife.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: He was one of the priests that arrested Lisa to be burned at the stake, and once Gresit's mob finds out about the Church's involvement in incurring Dracula's wrath, they are more than happy to give him his just desserts for taking part in plunging Wallachia into its current predicament.
  • Meaningful Name: He lives up to his name by being a bulky and muscular man with a seemingly permanent bad attitude.
  • No Kill like Overkill: How he meets his end, once the angry mob of Gresit turns on him and his associates. He gets a pretty gruesome death at the angry villagers' hands. Starting off with a pitchfork to the neck, spear to the back, then getting slashed and stabbed repeatedly.
  • Sinister Minister: The way he acts and talks is more like a thug than a priest really.
    Burly: (Points a blade at Trevor) Uh, careful. My knife hand's not too steady, I could slip and take your eye out. The Bishop of Gresit requests your kind attendance at the church.

    Bald Priest
He doesn't talk much but he's just as nasty as the rest of them regardless.
The priest after getting his eye whipped out. 
After being revived. 

Voiced by: None

One of the Bishop's goons, who gives Trevor trouble when he arrives in Gresit. Later, he comes back as one of Dracula's night creatures thanks to his Forgemasters.
  • Asshole Victim: He's a vile bully and corrupt priest like his Bishop, so of course you won't feel sad when he gets his from Trevor.
  • Badass Preacher: A rare evil version, he's a priest and is capable of fighting the likes of Trevor (badly, mind you, but still).
  • Bald of Evil: He has as much hair on his head as he has redeeming qualities.
  • Came Back Strong: His corpse is used to create a powerful staff/spear-wielding demon who takes on Trevor for a rematch in the Belmont hall. Being quite the formidable adversary for him too.
  • The Cameo: He appears twice in Season 2, first he appears alongside Burly in "War Council" as one of the Bishop's goons that arrest Lisa then burn down her home. Then his corpse appears alongside the Bishop's in "Shadow Battles".
  • Chekhov's Gunman: He's just a forgettable and disposable henchman for the Bishop, but he comes back as a particularly formidable night creature later on and turns out to be one of the priests that arrested Lisa and burned down her home.
  • Devious Daggers: He carries a cross that conceals a knife blade. When Trevor sees him draw it, he rightfully calls the priest out for carrying what Trevor calls a "thief's knife".
  • Elite Mook: He's one of the few priests who can hold his own in a fight. Even more so as a night creature, where he matches Trevor blow for blow.
  • Eye Scream: The poor bastard gets this twice. Trevor whips out his eyeball in their first encounter, after the former was humiliating him for a few moments. Then later he takes an arrow to the other eye when Trevor uses him as a human shield.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: How he dies a second time. Having the staff-spear he was using broken in half and one of the pieces being used to impale him in the heart.
  • Human Shield: How he met his end, with Trevor using him as a shield to block arrows from archer priests. He gets two for his troubles, and the first arrow hitting him right in the remaining eye.
  • Mix-and-Match Weapon: Of a more mundane variety, after being revived as a night creature. He trades out his hidden dagger for a strange yet sturdy staff that has a club-like head on one end and the other being very pointy and used as a spear. Surprisingly, after Trevor breaks it. The vampire hunter gets lots of mileage from the pieces of his broken staff-spear. Even trying to use it against Dracula.
  • Mutilation Conga: First, he gets his left eye whipped out. Then later, he gets hit through the right eye and heart with arrows. Then he's forged into a night-creature still missing his eyes, attacks the heroes, and finally gets killed by Trevor again.
  • Mythology Gag: In appearance only, but he resembles Zead from Castlevania: Curse of Darkness.
  • Nothing Up My Sleeve: Where he holds his unpriest-like dagger.
  • Reforged into a Minion: Is ironically drafted into an army of demons along with his Bishop.
  • Silent Antagonist: He never utters a spoken word.
  • Sinister Minister: Befitting the Church of Gresit and being the Bishop's lackey, he's a corrupt and murderous priest.
  • Villainous Valor: Contrasting his bearded partner Burly, he actually seems fairly confident in fighting Trevor.

Priory of Lindenfeld

    Prior Sala
Voiced by: Navid Negahban (English), Yūsuke Sasaki (Japanese), Enrique Cervantes (Latin American Spanish)

A rogue priest in charge of the local monastery in Lindenfeld. He and his fellow monks were once visited by one of Dracula's night creatures, falling under its spell and being driven to madness. Now they have converted to a new religion — rejecting God and Jesus in favor of revering Satan and Dracula instead.
  • Arc Villain: He serves as the direct antagonist for Trevor and Sypha’s storyline. With that said he is under the influence of the Visitor that attacked his priory and once its goal is accomplished, Sala makes a run for it.
  • Asshole Victim: Technically speaking, he is the final victim of the Judge of Lindenfeld who was a prolific Serial Killer who specifically arranged his death according to his M.O. (sending their victims down to their deaths to a spike trap) with Sala's particular death being horrific being impaled in the head. But considering the man arranged the mass murder of an entire innocent village to open a portal to Hell, no one is going to weep his end.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: When Saint-Germain points out that the symbol worn by him and his followers stands for the elemental sign of sulfur meaning Hell, he is jubilant.
  • The Comically Serious: Comes across this way whenever he interacts with Saint Germain. If nothing else though, at least he knows all about toilet paper...unless he heard that too from Saint Germain.
  • Creepy Blue Eyes: Has very wide, pale eyes.
  • Creepy Monotone: Sala’s voice never inflects, even during his Villainous Breakdown. It really adds to his intense and unsettling aura.
  • Decomposite Character: of the dark priest Shaft from the video games. He takes the clerical aspects and the goal of resurrecting Dracula, but shares it at the same time with Isaac takes his utter loyalty and position as as The Dragon. Sala is ultimately the pawn of an pawn of Isaac's, who momentarily flees from the monastery once his usefulness was fulfilled.
  • The Dragon: To the Visitor, since he leads the cult on its behalf and follows its instructions to open a portal to Hell so they can resurrect Dracula.
  • The Extremist Was Right: He believed the Catholic Church is evil and Dracula was a righteous being who was reunited with his love Lisa in Hell, waiting to be resurrected. The setting is run by a very Corrupt Church as shown as early as the first season, and it turns out Dracula and Lisa are in Hell, despite any goodness she may have had in life.
  • Foil: To the Bishop of Gresit, who was a fundamentalist Knight Templar who followed his own twisted perception of God's commands. Sala, on the other hand, is a former Christian monk that went mad after learning the Bishop was the cause of everything that he went full-blown evil cultist.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: He used to be a Christian monk until the attack on his priory by Dracula's night creatures lead him to insanity. He turned away from the Church, blaming it for starting everything and began revering Dracula instead.
  • Hellish Pupils: Sala's pupils are much larger than the other characters in the show. The camera focuses on his long stares to add to the unsettling air around him. His wide unblinking eyes further make his face somewhat difficult to read with his emotions usually blending together.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: He falls on the Judge's spiked trap and gets impaled through the head.
  • More than Mind Control: It's briefly speculated that the Night Creature that attacked the church and took up residence within, may have used magic to induce his and the other monks' madness, although it's left ambiguous how much was due to demonic magic and how much was due to learning the Church's role in Dracula's genocidal campaign. For what it's worth, the moment the Visitor opens the portal to the Infinity Corridor, Sala becomes puzzled and terrified and immediately flees from the location (though he doesn't express remorse or regret for his actions).
  • Religion of Evil: He formed a cult of Satanists who see Dracula as their Dark Messiah and Lisa as a Madonna Archetype, attracting other deranged and unstable individuals into his plot. His goal is to bring Dracula back to life.
  • Sinister Minister: Somehow he manages to be even creepier than the Bishop of Gresit from previous seasons. It may have to do with him running an evil cult, along with his calm tone of voice.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Constantly speaks with a complete monotone despite being quite clearly insane.
  • Villain Has a Point:
    • Despite everything else, he isn't wrong in saying that the Church is at fault for Dracula's rampage.
    • On a more humorous note, he calls out the Count for treating him like a child that needs to be constantly reassured just because he's crazy. The Count sheepishly stops doing so.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Loses all composure when the Visitor doesn't just resurrect Dracula, but opens a gateway to Hell that he didn't even know was there, running for his life.
    Prior Sala: What the fuck is that?

    The Visitor
A gigantic Night Creature that attacked the village of Lindenfeld following Dracula's defeat. It apparently disappeared after breaking into the local monastery and doing something strange to the monks inside.
  • Arc Villain: It's the primary mover behind the Lindenfeld plotline, as it's the one manipulating Sala into sacrificing the souls of the Lindenfelders to open a portal to Hell.
  • Bioluminescence Is Cool: It has a fairly distinctive appearance with brightly colored glowing tendrils.
  • Breath Weapon: Its primary mean of attack is a powerful fire breath.
  • The Corruptor: Its influence was what led Sala and the priory into becoming demon-worshippers intent on resurrecting Dracula.
  • Fertile Feet: Its presence causes the growth of distinctive bioluminescent mushrooms.
  • Final Boss: Of Season 3. In the last few episodes, the ritual works and he calls in a few buddies to fight Trevor and Sypha and ends up being the last thing Trevor fights in the season to prevent the resurrection of Dracula.
  • Growing Muscles Sequence: Its originally wiry body swells with muscles once it consumes the souls of Lindenfeld's population.
  • Healing Factor: After absorbing all the souls of Lindenfeld, it gets a powerful regenerating ability, rapidly heals from even the devastating blasts of the Morning Star and shrugging off anything less than that.
  • Irony: It appears to enjoy this, as it has itself crucified like a certain Christ, despite being an actual demon from hell.
  • It Can Think: Unlike most Night Creatures, it's intelligent enough to understand alchemical symbols and undertake a complex plan.
  • Leitmotif: Synthesizer cords play whenever the Visitor is on screen, highlighting its otherworldly nature.
  • The Man Behind the Man: It's the brains behind Prior Sala's plan, while itself working the will of Isaac.
  • Manipulative Bastard: It corrupted Sala and encouraged the priory to fulfill its plan of resurrecting Dracula.
  • Mighty Glacier: Not very agile, but can take a nasty beating and a (mostly) direct hit from it brings Trevor to his knees. Trevor is forced to bring his other whip in order to deal any meaningful damage to the monster.
  • Multiple-Tailed Beast: It has several tails in addition to its multiple arms and legs.
  • My Death Is Just the Beginning: Not the Visitor's death, but its plan is a failsafe of Isaac's in the case of Dracula's death.
  • Near-Villain Victory: It successfully sacrifices the town of Lindenfeld and opens a direct portal to Hell. If Saint Germain hadn't redirected the Infinite Corridor to somewhere else at the last moment, Dracula would've been resurrected then and there.
  • Play-Along Prisoner: When Saint-Germain finds it crucified in the chapel's basement, it's there of its own volition. In fact, it is stated that being in that position was its own command in the first place, as part of its intended ritual.
  • The Speechless: The Visitor never speaks a line despite many Night Creatures being shown to be able to talk. It nevertheless is able to form a plan and carry it on.
  • Super Mode: After absorbing the souls of Lindenfeld it becomes capable of fighting Trevor Belmont, who is at peak condition and armed with the Morning Star, head on.
  • Walking Spoiler: What exactly its role in the story is gives away a lot of the mystery and conspiracy of Season 3.

    Creatures of the Corridor 
Monsters that emerge from the Infinite Corridor (an interdimensional portal accessed from the basement of the Lindenfeld priory) after the Visitor seizes control of it and connects it to Hell. They may be demons from Hell, or simply a grab-bag of extradimensional monsters that fell through as the Corridor paged between destinations.
  • Annoying Arrows: One of them is able to fire arrows at Sypha and has seemingly endless ammunition. Though the "annoying" part is downplayed by the fact the heroes take special care to avoid actually getting hit by them, and considering their large size and how easily they destroy stone...
  • Big Red Devil: One of them, a red minotaur with bat wings and fire powers, is the most stereotypical devil seen in the series.
  • Boss in Mook's Clothing: At first glance, they appear to be no different than Dracula's night creatures other than being lightly colored, but they possess powers beyond their normal capacity like summoning black holes and are unrelenting in combat, giving a much harder fight to Trevor and Sypha than other any night creatures from before. Special note should be given the lion archer, who manages to keep Sypha on her toes for a prolonged period and even deflect a couple of her attacks. It takes a lot of dodging and creativity on her part to beat it.
  • Cthulhumanoid: One of the creatures has an octopus-like head and is clearly the show's iteration of a Malachi from the video game.
  • Diabolus ex Nihilo: While they gain access to the world of the living because of the Visitor's efforts, their precise origin on whether they are Dracula's servants or residents from other worlds that became displaced is never clarified. In any case, they remain unbound by anyone and have no allegiance to any antagonist but themselves.
  • Divinely Appearing Demons: Several of them have appearances that are very close to traditional angelic appearances, complete with white color schemes, feathered wings, and eyes all over. They're also homicidal and attempt to kill Sypha and Trevor as soon as they see them.
  • Elite Mook: They're clearly a cut above the other things Trevor and Sypha kill. These monsters are very dangerous and forces both heroes to bring their A-game to survive. This may be because they are brought directly from Hell itself, and possibly some from other dimensions altogether, through the Infinite Corridor as opposed to being embodied through a human vessel by a Forgemaster.
  • Hyperspace Is a Scary Place: And they are part of the reason why besides the portals opening at random, you also have to deal with monsters making incursions into Earth.
  • Immune to Fire: One of them is a hollow lizard-like creature full of fire that absorbs Sypha's fire magic effortlessly.
  • Skull for a Head: One of the creatures, based off a Fire Demon from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, has a bovine skull for a head.
  • Spike Shooter: The lion archer, instead of carrying arrows, can grow them directly from it's hand. This allows it to have a bottomless supply and also deploy them rapidly. It can even grow multiple ones at the same time.
  • Wrong Context Magic: One of them wields Power of the Void in the form of a summoned black hole, which is distinctly alien compared to the more traditional fantasy magics the other characters use, including other demons. Fittingly, it's a Cthulhumanoid, making it appear closer to a Lovecraftian monster than a demon.

Other Antagonists

    Stone-Eye Cyclops

A monster stalking the catacombs beneath Gresit that preys on those who search for the Sleeping Soldier.

  • Attack Its Weak Point: Trevor was only able to kill the cyclops by stabbing it through the eye.
  • Classical Cyclops: It's a huge, humanoid, one-eyed monster that lives in a cavern-like space and attacks anyone that approaches it. It can also fire a petrifying beam from its eye, which serves as its only vulnerable spot.
  • Composite Character: Of the Sadly Mythtaken kind. It's a cyclops, but has the abilities of Medusa.
  • Emotion Eater: The cyclops feeds on the terror of its victims after leaving them trapped in stone.
  • Eye Beams: The cyclops fires a continuous beam of light from its eye that turns anything it touches to stone.
  • Eye Scream: Trevor kills it by throwing a dagger into its eye.
  • Lone Wolf Boss: Trevor encounters him in the catacombs once and he has no ties to Dracula's invasion. Furthermore, it's implied that he has been around far longer.
  • Made of Iron: According to Trevor, putting a sword in its chest did cause a mortal injury. Unfortunately for Trevor, the attack had no stopping power allowing the fight to continue. It may have eventually died from the sword wound, but by the time it did, Trevor could very well have been killed.
  • No Ontological Inertia: The only thing that can return a petrified victim to normal is to kill the cyclops. Once it dies, all of the human statues in the area return to flesh and blood... including shattered ones.
  • No-Sell: Trevor is able to stab his sword through its chest, yet this does nothing to the beast.
  • Silent Antagonist: The cyclops makes no vocalization whatsoever.
  • Taken for Granite: As the name implies, the cyclops turns its victims to stone with its Eye Beams.
  • Would Hit a Girl: It turned Sypha into stone with the full intent of killing her afterwards.

    The Magician
A nameless sorcerer whom Isaac encounters during his journey to find Carmilla's castle.
  • Arc Villain: He serves as the antagonist for Isaac's storyline for the last few episodes of Season 3, but is more or less a nonentity beforehand.
  • Asshole Victim: He enslaved the populations of several towns for his own gain, to the point that death is a mercy for his victims. So it's hard to feel bad for him when Isaac kills him.
  • Biblical Motifs: His magic takes the form of sickly green crowns of thorns around his victims' heads.
  • Body of Bodies: During Isaac's attack on his city, he makes his minions float up and combine into a giant sphere of bodies to essentially create the show's iteration of Legion from the video game.
  • Charm Person: When Isaac reaches him, he resorts to direct mind control to try and remove the threat.
  • Evil Versus Evil: When it comes down to it, he is pretty much the same thing as Isaac since he enslaves people with magic to do his bidding. Isaac seeks his downfall so he can incorporate the Magician's minions into his own demonic army so he can take on Carmilla.
  • Evil Old Folks: He looks just like how you'd expect an evil wizard to look; elderly, decrepit, white-bearded, and strangely attired.
  • Evil Sorcerer: He's a ruthless wizard who specializes in the use of Mind Control spells to turn hundreds of innocent people into his slaves.
  • Fake Ultimate Mook: His personal bodyguard is a huge man covered in armor who dwarfs all the other slaves in size. Despite his imposing appearance, Isaac dispatches him with little difficulty.
  • Flunky Boss: He's not much of a physical threat himself, but instead relies on his mind-controlled thralls to attack his enemies, although his "flunkies" are themselves a proper boss when they form into a single mass.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: One day he goes around enslaving towns, no reason given. He's so personality-less that he doesn't even say a word to Isaac.
  • Giggling Villain: He has no lines of dialogue except softly laughing at Isaac when facing him.
  • Mage Tower: He's a magician, and rules over his city from top of a tall tower.
  • Mass Hypnosis: He rules over an entire city built by his mind controlled slaves.
  • No Name Given: His name is never uttered onscreen, not by Miranda (the only person who might be familiar with him) or himself (who never says anything in front of Isaac).
  • Orcus on His Throne: He sits comfortably at the top of his castle and throws his endless waves of slaves at Isaac and his army as he waits for the Devil Forgemaster to confront him. This actually makes sense, as he's a Squishy Wizard with no combat capabilities other than his mind control spell.
  • Rule of Symbolism: The Magician's fancy hat and elegant robes slip off him as Isaac kills him and holds him aloft, exposing him for what he was beneath all his power: a mad, withered old man.
  • Sickly Green Glow: His magical combination manifests as pale green thorns encircling the heads of his victims.
  • Sigil Spam: Every person mind-controlled by him shares a pale green halo in the shape of a crown of thorns with an eye in the front, suggesting that he may be able to see through any or all of them.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He's a minor Arc Villain with neither a name nor any lines. However, fighting off his mind control and then killing him allows Isaac to realize his own agency, leading to his Heel–Face Turn and his decision to free Styria and spend his life making the world better rather destroying it all.
  • Squishy Wizard: He's a great magician with the power to control hundreds of slaves, but also very frail and unable to physically fight back against an opponent that can get past his minions and shrug off his mind control.
  • Villain of Another Story: The Magician has absolutely no affiliation, association, or connection with any of Dracula's forces, and was never even directly relevant or involved with the series' overall conflict until Isaac learned about him.
  • The Voiceless: He never says even a single word during any of his time onscreen.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: He is the first serious challenge that Isaac faces since Dracula's end after several slaughters. His enchanted army actually manages to kill many of Isaac's night creatures, and Isaac himself would have ended up as just another one of his slaves were it not for a colossal effort of will to resist the Mind Control spell.

    The Mastermind (UNMARKED SPOILERS) 

Voiced by: Malcolm McDowell (English), Satoshi Tsuruoka (Japanese), Carlos Barragán (Latin American Spanish)

"I am not a vampire as you understand it. Death is my meat."

An elemental spirit that feeds on death itself. All the events of Season 4 were orchestrated by him to bring back Dracula, and it's not until said goal is close to completion that he reveals himself.
  • Adaptational Badass: In the games, Death is simply one of Dracula's many servants. Here, Death is the Greater-Scope Villain of the series and is implied to have been manipulating Dracula into waging a genocidal war on humankind. He is also the Final Boss of the series.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: The game version of Death, while a villain, was generally polite to his enemies and was unfailingly loyal to Dracula. This version of Death is a raging, slimy swearaholic who just wants to kill people to satiate himself, with no loyalty to anyone.
  • Adaptational Villainy: While always an opponent, most of Death's ambitions in the games are to serve Dracula and find a way to resurrect him whenever he's dead, and was completely loyal to him. Here, however, Death's an Omnicidal Maniac who wants to drive Dracula insane during the resurrection to use him as a tool to wipe out all life on Earth.
  • All-Powerful Bystander: He's a being that can casually manipulate the Infinite Corridor, but is merely a spirit, and is unable to affect the human world on a large enough scale to kill the souls whose death he could feed off of, and needs an agent like Dracula in order to do it. He also can't reach into Hell to resurrect Dracula, as only humans can do that. Needless to say, he is pissed about this arrangement.
  • And Your Little Dog, Too!: When preparing the final blow on Trevor, Death promises to personally kill Sypha next.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Invoked, but subverted. Early cultures based their depictions of The Grim Reaper on him, and he styles himself as the embodiment of death, but he is really just a fancy vampire who feeds on the life force of dying humans.
  • Arch-Enemy: He establishes himself as Trevor Belmont's deadliest and most personal enemy on the show despite only having one scene with him, and fixates on him when first learning of his presence. Trevor knows a great deal about Death and treats him with absolute seriousness, while Death would return the sentiment once Trevor foils his plans and the two face each other head on.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: His final form is a gigantic monstrosity that is bigger than anything the heroes have ever faced, and could easily hold Trevor in the palm of his hand.
  • Ax-Crazy: All he wants to do is feed, and he'll slaughter the whole world to ensure he never goes hungry again.
  • Badass Boast: When Trevor says that killing things like him is his business, Death responds thus:
    Death: I was put here at the dawn of life here on Earth to feed on the last breath of every one of you fuckers. I'm a little more than a... "thing".
  • Badass Bystander: Due to Death being a spirit, he can't interact with Hell or actually kill in order to feed on the death of his own victims. Doesn't stop him from being a superpowered Eldritch Abomination.
  • Badass Longrobe: He wears one of these, accentuated with bones.
  • Believing Their Own Lies: According to Trevor and the Belmont family, anyways. Death is supposedly not the actual incarnation of death, but is simply a vampiric spirit/elemental that feeds on death. Humanity mistook him for death personified which Death eagerly encouraged. By the time Season 4 comes around, Death truly believes that he was put on Earth (presumably by God) to feed on the death of every living thing on the planet. Whether the Belmonts or Death is correct about his origins doesn't matter. What matters is that Death has gotten so arrogant that he loses the battle due to his pride and his need to be recognized.
  • Big Bad: The main villain of Season 4. All the plans and manipulations to bring back Dracula were orchestrated by him.
  • Big "NO!": He screams this when Trevor exorcises Dracula and Lisa from the Rebis, destroying all of his plans.
  • Character Catchphrase: "Do you know me?" and, by extension, "You know me". The former is almost exclusively used in his Varney form, with the exception of stating it (minus one word) to Trevor. The latter is stated repeatedly to Saint-Germain during The Reveal. As he presents himself as the physical embodiment of Death itself, the implication is that people who know him are familiar with death in some form or another — a fact which greatly pleases him.
  • The Chessmaster: Hands down the best in the series, leading everyone where he wants them without them knowing, under seemingly harmless aliases.
  • Cold Ham: In his true form, Death shows himself to be an arrogant being who is a master of the Badass Boast. But, he remains restrained and snarks with Tranquil Fury.
  • Composite Character: He carries the traditional look of the character, but has far more agency beyond serving Dracula with his origins and motivations being closer to Chaos from the mainline games or Satan from the reboot, but his personality definitely takes influence from the self-serving, Manipulative Bastard of Zobek, the Lord of Death, from Lords of Shadow, who reeks of a Faux Affably Evil demeanor seeking to torture and corrupt Dracula further to fulfill his ambition. Death's backstory as an ancient, all-consuming embodiment of nothingness who plans to resurrect Dracula also gives him a lot more in common with Chaos than with his own in-game counterpart.
  • Crown-Shaped Head: Death's skull is open, with the edge of the opening spiked to look like a crown.
  • Decomposite Character: His role as Dracula's right-hand goes to Isaac. This Death doesn't seem to have any personal connection to Dracula beyond seeing him as a useful tool to acquire souls.
  • Deadpan Snarker: As dead as his own bones. Part of what makes him so Laughably Evil is his ironic, often bitterly caustic sense of humor.
    Death: Is there a point to this? Are you dictating your fucking obituary to me, Belmont?
  • The Death of Death: Subverted. Death does die at the hands of Trevor Belmont, but since he's more of a elemental vampire that feeds on the death of others rather than embodying the concept of death, there's no universal repercussions from killing him.
  • Defeat Equals Explosion: His death causes a massive blast which destroys a large chunk of the castle and would've killed Trevor were it not for Saint Germain.
  • Dem Bones: His design is a skeleton on top of musculature.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: The foolish, arrogant lout Varney was an Eldritch Abomination playing everyone for fools and nearly ushered in the apocalypse.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Although ostensibly Dracula's servant, he holds no real loyalty to Dracula and simply sees him as a useful way of spreading death on a massive scale. As shown when he manipulates Saint Germain into fusing Dracula and Lisa into a Rebis, which is quite obviously a Fate Worse than Death, but serves his purposes as the resulting abomination would most certainly lash out in indiscriminate wrath until no life would be left on Earth, without any of the qualms that so tormented Dracula during his first go at it.
  • Eldritch Abomination: According to Belmont lore, so-called Death is actually a primordial elemental that is nourished by the energy of death, the way vampires are sated by blood. He claims he was "put on this earth" at the dawn of life itself. Where he came from, and what created him, are never answered.
  • Evil Is Petty: He has been manipulating the entire plot of Season 4 to get back his 'treasure', a.k.a. the death of living creatures that sustains him that Dracula's genocide was supposed to feed him. He's also incredibly annoyed that the humans are able to resurrect Dracula, and has nothing but contempt for them.
  • Evil Sounds Raspy: Unlike the deep-voiced Dracula or soft-spoken Sala, Death's voice is rather hoarse and guttural.
  • Fatal Flaw: Pride along with his sadism and hunger. Death could very well have succeeded in his plan if he hadn't chosen to cast off his mask and threaten Saint Germain into completing the ritual. He also takes too much time knocking Trevor around and taunting him instead of finishing the Belmont off. This results in his defeat.
  • Final Boss: He is the final Big Bad of the series.
  • For the Evulz: While he has goals and desires, he also openly states he finds the cruel things he does to reach them to be fun.
  • Genius Bruiser: Huge and frighteningly powerful, especially after feeding on so many demises making him rival Dracula himself, but also exceptionally intelligent, orchestrating the entire season without fail.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: The instigator of the series as a whole, despite only showing up personally in the final season. Not only is he behind the attempts to revive Dracula in Seasons 3 and 4, but he implies he's been trying to push Dracula into waging genocide against humanity for ages, only for the heroes to steal Dracula from him by killing the vampire lord in Season 2. In other words, all the human attacks that turned Dracula into a Misanthrope Supreme, the church deciding to burn Lisa at the stake, all of it was thanks to his manipulations.
  • The Grim Reaper: Downplayed. He looks the part, with the skeletal appearance and the scythe, and Trevor mentions that it's one of his names, but he's not actually the real embodiment of death (as in, the one to personally bring death to every being on Earth), but rather more of a "death elemental", a primal, ancient magical being that feeds on the energies of death and grows stronger from them. Trevor also adds he did inspire the Grim Reaper iconography, but ancient peoples did not understand what they were seeing and assumed that he was the incarnation of death. As Trever explains to Sypha, ancient people "were trying to make sense of what they saw".
  • Horror Hunger: He's driven to feed off the life force of humans after death and is eternally frustrated by only being able to consume only small bits at a time. His big plan is to essentially become the most powerful being on Earth and finally end his insatiable hunger by using Dracula to murder all of humanity and feed off their collective life force.
  • I Am the Trope: He calls himself Death itself... but he really isn't. He's simply a very specific type of vampiric spirit that feeds on whatever Life Energy humans give up when they die.
  • Irony: As Varney, he needles Ratko by pointing out that for all his dressing up what he does as being an efficient soldier, he's still basically just another killer and vampire, which sets Ratko off into his rant about how he's better than Varney and a superior soldier and warrior than anyone else. Come his fight with Trevor, Trevor calls Death little better than a thing to be slain per family tradition, which Death protests saying he is more than that, only for Trevor to call him simply another killer in the world like him. Death doesn't appreciate the turnaround.
  • It's All About Me: Death has a huge ego, especially when he disguises himself as Varney, and he has no loyalty to anyone but himself. Not even to Dracula whom he plans to forcibly resurrect just to reap the benefits of the mass-murdering rampage that result from Dracula's madness upon his revival.
  • Jerkass: He's crude, petty, egotistical, and just generally unpleasant on a personal level.
  • Kaiju: Less a traditional "ambigiously animal-like monster" than the usual examples, but he absolutely fits the bill when he grows to the size of Dracula's castle.
  • Kick the Dog:
    • He snaps an old man's neck for no reason apart from petty frustration.
    • His torture of Dracula and Lisa by fusing them into the Rebis is absolutely nightmarish, specifically designed to torment the former into (even further) insanity.
  • Knight of Cerebus: While Castlevania is far from a light series, Death's reveal darkens the mood even more and almost brings about the end of the world.
  • Large Ham: He flips between this and Cold Ham on a dime. Oh yeah, Malcolm McDowell is having the time of his unlife.
  • Laughably Evil: He's nothing less than pure evil, but he's such an unrepentantly petty and snarky dick on a personal level in spite of being some kind of ancient evil that he's pretty hilarious.
  • Love Makes You Evil: Death makes full use of this trait with Saint Germain, convincing him that he needs to bring Dracula back if he wants any chance of reuniting with his beloved. Death also intentionally wants Dracula and Lisa fused together in a rebis, as sensation of his wife trapped inside him would push Dracula into even greater depths of maddened carnage than before.
  • Make My Monster Grow: Self-inflicted in the final fight by devouring the Infinite Corridor key, growing from simply towering over humans to towering over Dracula's castle.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He manipulates Saint Germain, Hector, Ratko, and many other vampires in his quest to bring back Dracula and continue his plans of genocide against humanity. He would've succeeded too, were it not for Trevor interrupting the ritual at the last second, and his own hunger getting the better of him.
  • Master Actor: He plays the smug, Small Name, Big Ego Varney and the mysterious Alchemist flawlessly.
  • Master of Disguise: He poses as Varney with his powers to manipulate everyone by playing as the local boisterous idiot, and also as the Alchemist to manipulate Saint Germain, to fulfill his goal of resurrecting Dracula.
  • Mighty Glacier: Downplayed. In his giant form, Death remains stationary from the waist down. He is, however, very fast with scythe strikes and punches. Trevor gets thrashed and beaten within an inch of his life during the first half of their fight.
  • Mocking Sing-Song: After beating Trevor to an inch of his life, Death takes the time to insult him when he falls down.
  • Morphic Resonance: As Varney, not only does he lack irises, making his pupils look like empty sockets along with his sclera being the same tone of his skin, but the coat he wears has a collar that's been partially popped open, making it look like a scythe blade.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain:
    • Although in all fairness, he couldn't have known how it would backfire. Bringing back Dracula and trapping him with Lisa to drive him to new heights of madness was a good plan and it almost works if not for Trevor killing the Rebis. However, because he brought them both back for a moment, the backlash of the spell unraveling means that both Dracula and Lisa are resurrected in new bodies. Dracula would have probably been brought back by someone else eventually, but Death's method ensured that he had his Morality Chain with him, and thus he has no desire to destroy humanity.
    • His plan would have succeeded had he simply remained where he was and allowed Saint Germain to resurrect Dracula. Teleporting to Dracula's castle, seemingly for no reason other than to witness the event himself and to taunt Germain, allowed Trevor and Sypha to follow him and turn the tide of the battle.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Inflicts this on Trevor, to Game-Breaking Injury levels.
  • No-Sell: In the final battle with Trevor, direct hits from the Morning Star bounce off him.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: As Varney, he came off as a stupid jackass who took credit for everything that everyone else did, to the point where nobody took him seriously. In reality, he was pulling every string at once to have his plan come to fruition.
  • Obstructive Code of Conduct: He cannot reach into Hell and therefore needs human help to resurrect Dracula and Lisa.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: His ultimate goal is the extinction of all life on Earth, in order to feed on the life energy that it will give off as it perishes.
  • The Problem with Fighting Death: Averted. Trevor makes it clear that while this thing calls himself Death and he looks like The Grim Reaper, he's not a Psychopomp or incarnation of death, just a being that eats souls.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: His constant swearing and talking about how things will be "fun" makes him come off as an edgy teenager.
  • Sinister Scythe: He wields a large scythe decorated with human skulls.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: He drops enough f-bombs in just one season before and after ditching his "Varney" disguise to rival Trevor over the course of four entire seasons.
  • The Sociopath: A charming manipulator who sways Saint Germain to his side for a false promise and a bloodthirsty, egoistical psychopath who is willing to drive Dracula insane upon resurrection just so he can feed on the deaths of millions that would result from the devastation, not caring one bit of any imbalance that may result from the extinction of humanity. And he's all too eager to gloat about it.
  • Sophisticated as Hell: He constantly switches between speaking like an upper-class man and swearing like a sailor.
    Death: Why is it that only human hands can reach into Hell? Don't you think that's weirdly fucked-up? I can't do it.
  • Time Abyss: He claims to have been born at the dawn of life on Earth.
  • Tranquil Fury: Evident rather quickly once he reveals himself from the cracks in his Faux Affably Evil nature by being a massive Sir Swears-a-Lot that Dracula's death has left him in a state of perpetual rage against everyone, even his allies, just barely held back by his smarminess.
  • Villain Ball: He really didn't need to reveal himself to Saint Germain and threaten his life to complete the ritual; Saint Germain was already set to do so. The only purpose for the reveal was to provide some Evil Gloating just before his moment of triumph, but that just winds up tipping off Trevor and the others as to what is really going on.
  • Walking Spoiler: Not just the fact he was impersonating other characters for all of Season 4, but the fact that he was going to show up in the series at all.
  • Would Hurt a Child: In addition to his followers sacrificing children to him, he wants to revive Dracula so he would kill all humanity, including children.
  • Your Head Asplode: How he finally bites it as Trevor stabs him with the God-Killing dagger in the head, causing his head to crumble and rupture away before finally exploding violently with enough force to obliterate not only Death's entire body, but a whole section of Dracula's castle in the aftermath.
