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Anti Magic Academy The 35th Test Platoon characters from the Anti-Magic Academy.

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The Inquisition

    Sougetsu Ootori
Voiced by: Shin-ichiro Miki

The headmaster of the academy as well as the president of the Inquisition. Sougestu is a man of secrets and whims that only he knows, much to the frustration and suspicions of pretty much everyone. Calm even in the face of chaos and war, Sougestu shows a disturbingly relaxed attitude while observing destruction. He also happens to be the adoptive father of Ouka, much to her confusion, and sees the 35th Platoon as his favorite since he personally picks the oddballs that are placed into it.

  • Bad Boss: He's perfectly content to send his subordinates and students to their deaths if it means accomplishing something he wants.
  • Big Bad: He's ultimately revealed to be the real main villain the series and the final climax of the story is stopping him from destroying the world.
  • Big Good: Subverted. He's the headmaster of the Anti-Magic Acamedy the main characters attend to and he leads the Inquisition that is meant to stop magic criminals, but it's obvious he has no benevolent intentions for whatever he's trying to do.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: His signature expression, with the novel even comparing his smiles to the Cheshire Cat's.
  • The Chessmaster: Everyone knows he has a plan in store for the world, and pretty much everybody is a pawn in it.
  • Create Your Own Hero: He gives Lapis to Takeru in order to set him into the path of becoming a God Hunter who can kill the world's god; Sougetsu himself. However, Sougetsu made the miscalculation of not expecting Takeru and Lapis would acquire the power to become the new god, which ruins Sougetsu's plan to destroy the universe along with himself.
  • Deity of Mortal Creation: His true identity is an artificial half-god that was created by humans to combat the real gods from the world of Norse mythology. After the worlds merged and all the original gods died, Sougetsu became the only god of the new world.
  • Destroyer Deity: He's revealed to be a deity who wishes to bring about the end of the world with his own death.
  • Devil in Plain Sight: Pretty much everybody and their mother knows he is up to no good, they just don't have anything to confirm their suspicions. And even if they did they probably only have it because he wanted them to.
  • Dissonant Laughter: He laughs hysterically with madness reflected in his eyes as the Einherjar of King Arthur is on his way to destroy Anti-Magic Academy and mass murder both inquisitors and students. He really seems to be enjoying the catastrophe.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: The light novel narration repeatedly describes Sougetsu as having very feminine features to the point Takeru isn't totally sure he's a man.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He acts carefree and fun-loving when he's really manipulative and shady as hell. Also, his ultimate goal is ending the world.
  • For the Evulz: As he admits to Nagaru, he loves to destroy because it's so fun for him.
  • Frontline General: He goes with the Dullahans to the front lines during the battle against Alchimist's fifth laboratory.
  • God Is Evil: He's revealed to be the god of the series' universe and he becomes the final villain in the last stages of the light novels, with his goal being to destroy the world.
  • God Was My Copilot: The school principal was no other than God.
  • Graceful Loser: Downplayed. Once Takeru finally defeats him, Sougetsu pretends to be as nonchalant as ever and even says it was a fun game even though he lost at the end. When Takeru finishes him off, however, Sougetsu dies with a bitter facial expression as he's clearly pissed he was killed by a mortal that he saw as a mere pawn.
  • Laughably Evil: He's devious, there's no doubt about that, but no one can deny he's damn entertaining.
  • Load-Bearing Boss: Sougetsu's life is directly connected to the magic of the planet. If he dies, the world will end from the loss of magic. For this reason, Takeru has Sougetsu's godhood absorbed into Lapis and Lapis becomes the new god so the world doesn't die along Sougetsu.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: He has upper back length hair and he's fairly handsome.
  • Mysterious Backer: He's the headmaster of the Anti-Magic Academy and the one who puts the 35th Platoon together, but none of the main characters ever believes Sougetsu has clean intentions and they're right.
  • Mystical White Hair: He's the most important figure of the Inquisition and his hair is silver only to make him stand out more. He stands out even more with the revelation that he's essentially a god whose existence is tied to that of the world.
  • No-Sell: No Relic Eater can be used to harm him because they were made from his own magic so their attacks leave no effect on him.
  • Parental Neglect: He's Ouka's adoptive father who took her in after the death of her first adoptive family, but they don't feel any love for each other. Sougetsu doesn't even have qualms with endangering Ouka's life if that makes Takeru do what he wants.
  • Pass the Popcorn: During Haunted's attack at the tournament, Sougetsu sits at the sidelines and eats popcorn as if he's watching an entertaining show.
  • Perpetual Smiler: His smile never disappears from his face.
  • Physical God: He's the God of the setting with the form of an adult man.
  • Pretty Boy: He's a good-looking man with androgynous features.
  • Really 700 Years Old: He looks like he's in his late twenties at the oldest. However, the fact that he was alive during the Witch Hunt War 150 years ago is the first clue that he isn't a normal person.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: He has red eyes and is a manipulative villain.
  • Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum: Being tired of immortality and the whole world, Sougetsu's ultimate goal is creating a God Hunter that can kill him and since he's the only god left, his death will destroy the world along with him. With Mother Goose's help, Takeru and Lapis ruin his plan by acquiring the power to replace him as a god.
  • Thanatos Gambit: His ultimate plan was giving Lapis to Takeru so the latter becomes a God Hunter, then create a situation where Takeru is forced to kill his own sister and once Takeru would found out Sougetsu was the one behind it, he would kill Sougetsu and since Sougetsu is their world's god, the world would be destroyed with his death which is Sougetsu's real goal. In the end, Takeru does kill Sougetsu as the latter wanted, but Lapis becomes the new god to save the world.
  • Villain in a White Suit: He always wears a completely white suit and pants along with a red necktie. He's extremely shady and later revealed to be an evil Physical God who wants to destroy the world along with himself.
  • Villain Teleportation: One of his powers as a god is being able to make his existence appear and disappear wherever and whenever he wants. This makes defeating him nearly impossible until Nagare sends him and Takeru to the mythological world.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: His cruel methods are always justified in the public eye as the Inquisition making the hard choices necessary for humanity's survival.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Of course, a man with silver hair wouldn't be trustworthy. Especially after he's revealed to be the real main villain of the story.

    Hayato Kurogane
Voiced by: Kenjiro Tsuda

My law won't be shaken

Captain of EXE and the Dullahans of the Inquisition, he is a cold and intimidating figure among the Inquisition and highly respected by its members. A stern believer in justice and the law, Hayato is unyielding and unrelenting in his pursuit against those who go against the law. Though stict, he shows concern about Ouka despite her being demoted from her postion in EXE, and continues to watch over her and the 35th platoon throughout the series.

  • The Ace: He's the best Witch Hunter with unparalleled natural skills. It's thanks to being a Hero Vessel.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: He always wears a suit with black-red striped tie and he looks damn cool in it.
  • Born Winner: He is actually a Hero Vessel, meaning that he has superhuman strength, agility, and constitution without having trained at all.
  • Broken Ace: He was this in the past. Being a Hero Vessel gave him superior abilities than those of any regular human, but it also made him think and act like an emotionless machine that put following the law to the letter over protecting people's lives. His behavior improved thanks to his captain Kazuma.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Made the choice to live up to his abilities as a hero and would gladly give his being if it meant saving the world.
  • A Day in the Limelight: A portion of Volume 10 features his defection from the Inquisition after deeming Sougetsu a criminal as well as his backstory with Ouka's first adoptive father.
  • The Dreaded: His very presence inspires certain dread and admiration among his peers.
  • The Fettered: Used to be The Unfettered, but his interactions with the former captain of EXE, Ouka's father made him rethink how he carried out the law.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: After interrupting Takeru's fight with Haunted in Volume 12, Hayato literally punches some sense into Takeru, telling him he shouldn't lose himself to his anger towards Haunted when he should be focusing on trying to persuade the desperate Kiseki.
  • Good Is Not Nice: He's completely dedicated to protecting innocent people, but no one said he was the friendly sort of guy.
  • Guns Akimbo: He's the only one known to wield two different Relic Eater guns at the same time.
  • Knight Templar: He believes in the law above all else, though he eventually develops the ability to distinguish the ways of carrying out that justice in his backstory.
  • Lack of Empathy: Originally, he was unable to empathize with other people's feelings because of his status as a Hero Vessel.
  • Made of Iron: He's buried under debris when Kiseki breaks out of her prison and he comes out completely unharmed.
  • Married to the Job: He doesn't have time for anything other than his job.
  • My Greatest Failure: After he witnessed the tragic death of Kazuma and most of his family, Hayato felt regret for the first time in his life. Since then, he swore to himself that he would try to avoid letting people die so he wouldn't regret ever again.
  • Nerves of Steel: He can face the Hyakki Yakou coming out of Kiseki's body while feeling no fear at all.
  • One-Man Army: Kurogane alone has more strength than an army of inquisitors.
  • Perpetual Frowner: His face seems to be permanently stuck in the same stern frown.
  • Principles Zealot: After being influenced by Kazuma Mineshiro, Hayato strives to always stay true to his inner law.
  • Secret Police: He's in charge of the EXE, the specialist police force of the Inquisition.
  • Sociopathic Hero: When he first joined EXE, he was utterly ruthless and performed needless brutality towards his arrest tagets while using the norms set by the Inquisition to justify it. He got better because of his captain Kazuma setting a better example of law for him to follow.
  • The Stoic: He never loses his cool no matter the situation. It's a side effect of being a Hero Vessel, which makes it hard for him to feel emotions.
  • Superpower Lottery: Thanks to his status as a Hero Vessel, Kurogane's physical ability and mental capacity far exceed that of ordinary humans. His regular strength can trump an enemy armed with a Relic Eater and his speed is above Takeru under the effects of Soumatou. Even without any weapons or assistance from his Relic Eaters, Kurogane's abilities were considerably powerful.
  • Took a Level in Idealism: In the past, Kurogane only acted according to the laws and rules of the Inquisition, often implementing them in brutal ways. Through his late superior Kazuma's heavy-handed lessons, Hayato strove to better himself and became more aware of those around him and he forged an inner "law" to live by.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Kurogane originally had no emotions due to his status as a Hero Vessel and this led him to value efficiency over all else. He eventually gained more human feelings through his relationship with the former captain of EXE Kazuma Mineshiro, Ouka's first adoptive father. While he still isn't very good with emotions, he has learned to care about the safety of others in his own way.
  • World's Best Warrior: He's said to be the strongest Witch Hunter in the entire Inquisition.

    Kanata Oonogi
Voiced by: Mari Misaki

A member of the EXE and an ace sniper in the Banshees. She primarily works under Hayato Kurogane.

  • Demoted to Extra: The anime significantly reduced her role and appearances to such extreme that she was all but Adapted Out.
  • Long-Range Fighter: Her Relic Eater Nobunaga has the form of a Sniper Rifle and its offensive properties increase the farther away Kanata is from her opponent.

    Magnolia Scarlet

Vice-Captain of the EXE who leads her personal team, the Magnolia Troop, that specializes in covert operations and wet work.

  • Abnormal Ammo: Her Bloody Mary's magic bullets can take the shape of dragons.
  • Adapted Out: Her appearance in the Two Alchemists arc wasn't included in he anime.
  • Arc Villain: She's the main enemy of the White Escape arc where Sougetsu sends her troop to hunt down the 35th Platoon and Nagaru.
  • Bifauxnen: She has an androgynous appearance that makes it easy to mistake her for a cute boy.
  • Boyish Short Hair: As a Bifauxnen and Action Girl, Magnolia has short hair.
  • Covered with Scars: It's mentioned she has scars all over her body, as if she was tortured at some point in the past.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She first appeared in Volume 3 as one of the inquisitors who went with Sougetsu to destroy the army of Alchemist's 5th Laboratory. Her official introduction is at the prologue of Volume 8.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: She has a large eye in the middle of her chest due to implanting herself with cells of Hyakki Yakou.
  • Guns Akimbo: Like Ouka, Magnolia's Relic Eater has the form of two handguns.
  • In-Series Nickname: Some characters call her "Mag".
  • Jerkass: She's got a really shitty personality.
  • Logical Weakness: Takeru can't injure Magnolia by slashing her with his sword because her Relic Eater reverses destruction and healing. When Nagaru stabs her with a knife incorporated with healing magic, though...
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Her Bloody Mary's intrinsic magic, Turn Over, negates damage done to her body by reversing destruction and recovery.
  • Older Than She Looks: She's described to look like a middle school student, but she's a woman over twenty years old.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: Her Relic Eater Blood Mary is a pair of revolvers.
  • Sensor Character: She can use the Hyakki Yakou cells in her body to track down Takeru and co. due to Kiseki's obsession with her brother.

    Kagerou Ootori

Sougetsu's stalker/wife and a member of the Magnolia Troop division of the EXE

  • Adapted Out: She and the rest of the Magnolia Troop had their Early-Bird Cameo removed from the anime version of the Two Alchemists arc.
  • Age Insecurity: She complains that she's "close to expiration date" and is afraid Sougetsu will dump her for a younger woman, which is why she's so paranoid about him adopting Ouka.
  • Ambiguously Bi: After Sougetsu is killed and Nagaru becomes the new leader of the Inquisition, Kagerou abandons Sougetsu's surname, Ootori, and changes it to Hoshijiro. Takeru wonders why the hell Kagerou took Nagaru's surname, but decides he doesn't want to know either.
  • Ax-Crazy: To say she's deranged would be putting it mildly. During her fight with Ouka and Mari, Kagerou rants about how she would like to cook them for Sougetsu's dinner.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She declares all of Sougetsu belongs to her alone and even sees his adopted daughter Ouka as a threat to her marriage.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Kagerou can incapacitate her opponents with her Relic Eater's sound of fear, but she has no combat skills. The moment Ouka can withstand the fear produced by the Relic Eater, Kagerou is completely defenseless.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She briefly appears along the rest of the Magnolia Troop in Volume 3, acting as Sougetsu's bodyguards in the battle with Alchemist's Fifth Laboratory. She isn't properly introduced until Volume 8.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: She's described as a woman who looks like a Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl, with long black hair covering most of her face and white skin.
  • Hiding Behind Your Bangs: Her long hair falls over her face, leaving her eyes barely visible and giving her a creepy look that warns others about how unhinged she is.
  • Imaginary Love Triangle: She's paranoid about why Sougetsu would adopt Ouka, believing he's trying to pull a Wife Husbandry like in The Tale of Genji.
  • Jealous Parent: She thinks her adopted daughter Ouka will steal her husband Sougetsu away and wants to get rid of her before that happens.
  • Satellite Love Interest: She has no defining traits aside from being Sougetsu's creepy Yandere wife.
  • Self-Harm: She tends to bite her own fingers until they bleed.
  • Sonic Stunner: Her Relic Eater Antoinette produces a sound comparable to screams from hell that disable people by installing extreme fear in their minds or render them deaf.
  • Speech Impediment: Her dialogue is slow and with notable stutter.
  • Stalker with a Crush: She stalked Sougetsu until he signed marriage papers just to make it stop.
  • Wicked Stepmother: She's Sougetsu's wife, making her Ouka's adoptive mother. She's very openly antagonistic towards Ouka because she's paranoid about Sougetsu planning to replace her with a younger woman.
  • Yandere: She's quite crazy and possessive of Sougetsu. Any woman who might steal his attention must be eliminated, including their adopted daughter.


The third member of the EXE's Magnolia Troop.

  • Adapted Out: He and the rest of the Magnolia Troop had their Early-Bird Cameo removed from the anime version of the Two Alchemists arc.
  • The Brute: He's the biggest and toughest member of the Magnolia Troop.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She briefly appears along the rest of the Magnolia Troop in Volume 3, acting as Sougetsu's bodyguards in the battle with Alchemist's Fifth Laboratory. She isn't properly introduced until Volume 8.
  • The One Guy: He's the only male in the Magnolia Troop.
  • Only One Name: The narration states he doesn't have a last name.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: He was experimented on by Alchemist and turned into a werewolf.
  • The Voiceless: He never has any actual lines of dialogue.

    Kazuma Mineshiro 

Ouka's first adoptive father, the previous captain of the EXE, and Vlad's contractor before the Relic Eater was passed down to Ouka. Kazuma was one of the first inquisitors to question the ways of the Inquisition and his beliefs brought allies to his side, which resulted in him being fired. Shortly after that, he and most of his family were killed by the witch Laugh Maker, leaving Ouka as the only survivor.

  • The Atoner: There was a Breeding Slave witch in Red Butterfly's Insect Cage that he wanted to save. Unfortunately, when he arrived to destroy the branch, it was already too late and the witch had been killed because her offspring had no magic. That witch turned out to be Ouka's birth mother, so Kazuma adopted Ouka to atone for not being able to save her mother.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: Kazuma was a better man and father than Ouka's second, living adoptive father Sougetsu could ever be. To Ouka, Kazuma is still her one and only father.
  • Disappeared Dad: He died when Ouka was very young, having intended to sacrifice himself so Laugh Maker would let his daughters live. Sadly, only Ouka was spared while the younger daughter was killed too.
  • The Fettered: He prioritized civilian safety and other noble goals over his duties as a witch hunter.
  • Hate at First Sight: When he first met Hayato, the first thing he said to Hayato was that he looked like a "shitty bastard".
  • He Knows Too Much: Sougetsu sent Laugh Maker to kill Kazuma because Kazuma had found out the truth about Sougetsu being the god of the world.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Despite receiving orders to kill all the witches produced by Red Butterfly's Insect Cage, Kazuma spared Laugh Maker and only caught her. After Sougetsu let Laugh Maker escape, she killed Kazuma along with his wife and younger daughter by forcing their adopted daughter Ouka to stab them.
  • Positive Friend Influence: It was his moral code and determination to protect civilians what made Hayato revalue his worldview and decide to prioritize the "law of his heart".
  • Posthumous Character: He has been dead for years by the time the story begins.
  • Rebel Leader: He was the leader of the Heretic Alliance before Nagaru.
  • Red Baron: He was known as "Red Glare" during his days in the Inquisition.
  • Senseless Sacrifice: He and his wife stabbed themselves with the knife in Ouka's hand because Laugh Maker claimed she could let the younger daughter live if they died. Laugh Maker didn't keep her word.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Even though he only appears in brief flashbacks, he was a big influence in changing Hayato from the borderline sociopath he was originally and his tragic death acts as big motivator in Ouka's and Hayato's current actions.
  • Take Care of the Kids: His last words to Ouka were him asking her to take care of her little sister. This was right before Laugh Maker manipulated Ouka's body and made her cut her little sister into pieces.

Academy Students

    Kyouya Kirigaya
Voiced by: Kenji Akabane

"Revenge is the meaning of my life. If you want to embrace the hate for magic, there's no reason for me not to lend you a hand. Our goal is the same, if we cooperate it'll go faster."

Captain of the 15th Platoon at the academy and an old friend of Takeru's back from when they were classmates in Middleschool; though they drifted apart after Takeru's personality changed. A talented captain, it was under his leadership that the 15th platoon were in the top three of the school's rankings. However, after the death of his teammates and that of his childhood from at the hands of Haunted, he became fueled by a desire for revenge. He obtains the Relic Eater Nero from the president and works alongside the EXE in their missions. Unfortunately his quest for revenge also extends to Takeru, who he views as partially responsible for his platoon's death.

  • Acquired Poison Immunity: He develops resistance to poison due to using Nero's poison magic to enhance his physical abilities.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Akira calls him "Kyo-chan".
  • Always Save the Girl: He doesn't care what he must do or what happens to anyone else in order to keep Akira's clone alive. At one point, he tries to steal the homunculus that Takeru intends to transfer his sister's soul into to free her from her demonic body in order to save Akira as her clone's body is already decaying.
  • An Arm and a Leg: He loses both his legs when the debris falls on him during Haunted's attack at the tournament. His legs are later restored when he becomes contracted with Nero.
  • Byronic Hero: He's a selfish, abrasive and impulsive young man who is obsessed with revenge, driven by his passionate emotions, tortured by the deaths of his platoonmates and commits very amoral, ruthless actions, but still comes off as sympathetic.
  • Determinator: He's as stubborn as Takeru when it comes to refusing to give up even when he's completely battered. Special mention to him not using his Relic Eater's regeneration magic on himself, so he keeps fighting out of sheer willpower.
  • Does Not Like Magic: Same as Ouka in the beginning, Kyouya hates magic and everything related to it because all his comrades were killed by the evil sorcerer Haunted.
  • Green and Mean: His green Witch Hunter armor is described as demonic and his obsession with revenge against all heretics makes him twisted and murderous.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After Akira is saved by having her soul transferred to a homunculus body, Kyouya has no reason to obey Sougetsu anymore and becomes an ally to the 35th Platoon in order to pay back Takeru for saving Akira's life.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's a very difficult person to get along with, to say the least, but he isn't heartless, wants to do everything to protect Akira, and will always try to pay back a debt.
  • Precious Photo: He has a picture of his deceased platoonmates that he carries in his breast pocket.
  • Retired Badass: At the end of the series, Kyouya quits the Inquisition after its restoration and gets married to Akira's clone. They go on to open up a bakery.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Zigzagged, while Kyouya's desire for revenge against the heretics that killed his teammates lands him in his Fatal Flaw, he is not lost enough that he can't reason and try to do the right thing.
  • Scars Are Forever: After Haunted almost kills him, Kyouya gains three scars on his face with one of them going past his left eye.
  • Shadow Archetype:
    • He essentially represents the twisted and bloodthirsty man Takeru would have become if he had never decided to grow out of his angry ways and lost the comrades he cares about so much.
    • He's also one to Ouka. After the death of his entire platoon, Kyouya becomes basically the same Ouka was before she was forced to join the 35th Platoon and learned to care about her comrades; obsessed with revenge and blinded by his murderous rage towards all heretics who he blames for the violent deaths of his loved ones. But Kyouya is several times more irrational and deranged than Ouka ever was.
  • Sole Survivor: He's the only surviving member of his 15th platoon after Haunted's attack. The only one left besides him is Akira's clone who doesn't count as a member.
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: Beneath that revenge-obsessed and brutal asshole, there's a man suffering from extreme loneliness and grief over the loss of his platoon.
  • Survivor Guilt: After his entire platoon is massacred by Haunted, Kyouya is burdened by the guilt of not having been able to save any of them.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Kyouya keeps the stars of the uniforms from the dead members of his platoon to always remind himself of their death.
  • Trapped in Villainy: He knows that Sougetsu is only using him as a pawn and his contract with Nero forces him to keep killing in the name of revenge instead of letting him try and find a way to save Akira's clone. However, if he betrays Sougetsu and doesn't give Nero the revenge she wants from him, they can easily let Akira's clone die since she depends on Nero's magic to stay alive. Even though Kyouya is aware that clone is not the original Akira, if she dies, he would feel he really lost everyone he cared about and he could never bear that.
  • The Unapologetic: Even after his Heel–Face Turn, Kyouya is too proud and stubborn to properly apologize to Takeru for being such a Jerkass during his quest of revenge and that includes the time he blasted a hole through Kiseki's chest.

    Akira Yoshimizu
Voiced by: Akira Sekine

A member of the 15th platoon, and an aspiring Seelie, Akira is the childhood friend of Kyouya and is often the one keeping him in check. Another acquaintance of Takeru's from his days in middle school, she tends to be the mediator between him and the unruly Kyouya. However during the events of the platoon tournament, she is killed by Haunted and a clone of hers is used as a trojan horse to ferry him into the arena. The clone survives, but is left in a catatonic state, serving as the primary motivator for Kyouya's need for revenge.

  • Artificial Human: The real Akira was killed by Haunted and replaced by an identical clone with her same memories.
  • Chest Burster: Haunted's thorns do this to her in the middle of the arena match, taking out all of her friends much to her horror.
  • Childhood Friends: With Kyouya, with the two going back quite some time.
  • Clone Degeneration: Akira's clone has a very short life expectancy because clones with rapid growth have very weak bodies and decay quickly. Kyouya is trying to keep her alive with Nero's regeneration magic, but he knows Akira's clone can't survive long the way she is. Takeru gives Kyouya the homunculus body that was meant to save Kiseki so Akira's clone can live on in a new body.
  • Clones Are People, Too: Kyouya accepts Akira's clone as a person even though she isn't the Akira who was his childhood friend.
  • Convenient Coma: Her clone is left unconscious for the majority of the series. Kyouya uses Nero's healing powers to help her condition in life support.
  • Doppelgänger Replacement Love Interest: She isn't really Kyouya's childhood friend, but a clone of the real Akira who was killed by Haunted. Kyouya still thinks she's close enough to the real thing and protects her with his life. In the epilogue, they're Happily Married.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: Akira's clone is all Kyouya has left after losing everyone in his platoon. Even though he knows she's just a copy of his childhood friend, he desperately wishes for her to wake up and be by his side.
  • Living on Borrowed Time: Akira's clone should have died shortly after Haunted made her because clones that go through rapid growth can't have healthy and functional bodies. She's being kept alive with Nero's healing magic and when that's not enough anymore, she's put inside Alchemist's Healing Vat. After her soul is transferred to a homunculus, she can live a longer life.
  • The Medic: She took care of the health of her platoonmates and aimed to become a Seelie (medics of the Inquisition).
  • Morality Pet: Akira was the only one who could get her childhood friend Kyouya to calm down when he picked fights. Even at his worse, Kyouya cares deeply about Akira's clone and goes to extreme lengths to protect her in her comatose state, even using all of Nero's regenerative magic in her instead of himself.
  • Nice Girl: She's a friendly girl who keeps Kyouya from taking his jackassery too far.
  • Our Homunculi Are Different: How her clone's life is saved, with Takeru giving up the homunculus Orochi gave him to save his sisters so that Kyouya could save Akira.
  • Protectorate: Kyouya does everything in his power to protect Akira's clone and keep her alive during her coma.
  • Really Was Born Yesterday: Akira's clone is not even a year old and only looks the same age as the original because of rapid growth.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: The rapid death of her original self is primarily to give Kyouya motivation to antagonize Takeru.
  • Satellite Love Interest: She doesn't get any characterization besides being a Nice Girl who is Childhood Friends with Kyouya and she's immediately replaced by a clone that spends almost the entire series in a coma.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She's killed off shortly after being introduced, and her clone is left unconscious for the majority of the series.

    Nagaru Hoshijiro
Voiced by: Natsumi Yamada

The current student council president of Anti Magic Academy. Nagaru appears to be a small and harmless girl, she is an upperclassman to the 35th platoon. She enlists their services after the student council is wiped out by Mephistopheles, though it is a somewhat fragile arrangement. Due to a mental defect since her birth, she is incapable of feeling sadness and any way, and is thus incapable of sympathizing with other people normally. However she is without a doubt on the good side of the spectrum, and is an ally always willing to aid the small fry platoon.

  • An Arm and a Leg: She gets her legs crushed by a tree, though due to the weather she was fortunately numb to the pain.
  • Artificial Limbs: She gets a prosthetic leg after losing it during the battle with the EXE's Magnolia Troop.
  • Big Good: It becomes clear she's this in the second half of the series. Nagaru is the 35th Platoon's most important ally and the top leader of the Heretic Alliance. She leads the side of the heroes as the second Witch Hunt War is breaking out in order to stop Sougetsu's Evil Plan.
  • The Chessmaster: She likes moving people like chess pieces, though a much more benevolent example than others.
  • Coat Cape: She wears her uniform coat over her shoulders like a cape.
  • Cool Big Sis: She acts like a playful yet caring and mature older sister in her interactions with the 35th Platoon, mainly Takeru.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: She had an older sister who suffered from Overflow Complex, an issue that is common with witches where an individual's Phantom Instrument, a secondary heart of sorts that provides a person with mana, wasn't able to regulate itself and exerted power without control. After an incident where her sister accidentally caused a magic disaster that killed many people, she was classified as a S-class threat when she was only ten years old and the Inquisition took her away to experiment on her under the guise of treating her until she died. This is Nagaru's main motivation for taking over the Inquisition and correct their inhumane ways.
  • Faking the Dead: Thanks to a Bulletproof Vest and fake blood, she manages to fool Mephistopheles into thinking she killed her.
  • For Happiness: Despite liking to move people like chess pieces, Nagaru's schemes have the goal of making people happy and help them with their problems.
  • Good Counterpart: To Sougetsu. He outright calls Nagaru "the same type as him" because both are so good at using people to achieve their goals. Both also hide their manipulative nature behind a carefree facade. The difference is that Nagaru can still hold on to human morals and her goal is ultimately for the greater good of everyone while Sougetsu is only seeking chaos and destruction.
  • Guile Heroine: She's just as much of a cunning manipulator as Sougetsu and uses deceitful tactics against her enemies, but she's definitely on the side of the heroes and saves the members of the 35th Platoon several times.
  • Idiot Hair: She has a little cowlick standing atop her head.
  • Lack of Empathy: Nagaru has a mental disorder that doesn't allow her to feel negative emotions, making it hard for her to empathize with those suffering. Even when her relatives and subordinates died, she felt no grief. However, on the positive side, it's precisely because she can't empathize that she doesn't like seeing people sad and creates situations to make them happy.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: Her legs get crushed under a tree and Magnolia tears them off. Nagaru somehow stays nonchalant like usual and can joke with Takeru for a bit. It's somewhat justified since she was numb to pain thanks to laying on the snow.
  • Mellow Fellow: She's carefree and laid-back all the time, even in lethal situations. This is said to be the result of a mental defect that makes her unable to feel negative emotions.
  • Mysterious Past: Her entire background is full of mystery and even the most basic details about her are likely false information. She says that she was found in the fragment of the Norse Mythology world by the first members of the Heretic Alliance, creating even more questions about her origins.
  • Older Than She Looks: She's actually 17 years old, one year older than the 35th platoon, but she looks like a kid.
  • The Pollyanna: She's incapable of feeling sadness in anyway, so she's always happy. Even when all her comrades are killed off, or she has her body crushed under a tree.
  • Public Domain Artifact: When she faces off Sougetsu, she wields Mjolnir, the legendary hammer of the Norse thunder god Thor.
  • Rebel Leader: She's the current leader of the Heretic Alliance, a group where members of several organizations secretly work together in order to save the world from the war between the Inquisition and Valhalla.
  • Signature Headgear: She wears a small white kitten hair clip accessory on the left side of her bangs, contributing to her childlike appearance.
  • Sole Survivor: She's the only surviving member of the student council after the Mephistopheles incident.
  • Student Council President: She's the head of the student council that serves as a special platoon of high-ranking students in the Anti-Magic Academy.

    Shizuka Sendou
Voiced by: Yoshiko Ikuta

A member of the student council who also serves as Nagaru's enforcer.

  • Killed Offscreen: She died at some point and when seen again, her body has been possessed by Mephistopheles.
  • Subordinate Excuse: It's implied she had strong feelings for Nagaru that went deeper than boss-subordinate level.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She's killed shortly after her introduction in the Festival of Fools arc.

    Reima Tenmyouji
Voiced by: Makoto Furukawa

The son of a high-ranking family who held connections with the Saionji household. Reima claims to be Usagi's childhood friend and he is also her fiancé because their families decided so. However, Reima has been tormenting Usagi since they were kids and he treats her like his possession, apparently leaving her enough trauma to give her anxiety attacks. He transfers to the Anti-Magic Academy and becomes its Ethics Committee Chairman.

  • Arc Villain: Of the Festival of Fools arc where he tries to take control over Anti-Magic Academy with the help of the witch Mephistopheles.
  • Arranged Marriage: The Saionji household decided to basically force Usagi to marry Reima, which he uses as another way to dominate her.
  • Asshole Victim: After Takeru defeats him, Reima tries to escape so he can shamelessly beg his family to save him from the Inquisition. Kyouya catches Reima before he can get away and turns the pathetic bastard into a pool of blood. The way in which Kyouya kills Reima is undoubtedly brutal, but nobody feels bad for the scumbag getting what he had coming.
  • Attempted Rape: He almost rapes Usagi to completely break her spirit. His attempt is foiled when Usagi defends herself by biting him and Takeru arrives just in time to kick the bastard's ass.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He pretends to be an affable gentleman. It never takes him long to reveal his true colors as an abusive and controlling jackass.
  • Bring My Brown Pants: He wets himself when Takeru pretends to give him the final blow, only to stop himself at the last second because he considers Reima Not Worth Killing.
  • Charm Person: He used charm magic to become popular with the girls in the academy in only a month.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Subverted. He introduces himself as Usagi's childhood friend and they're engaged through an Arranged Marriage between their families. The truth is Reima is just a childhood tormenter who has been taunting Usagi for years over her adopted brother's accidental death as if it was her fault. He harbors no affection for her and only views her as an object to be controlled.
  • Dirty Coward: Reima loves to taunt and torment people he thinks are inferior to him, but whenever he is faced with some kind of danger, he becomes a coward who would do whatever he can to save his skin.
  • Disposable Fiancé: Usagi is being forced by her family to enter an Arranged Marriage with Reima, even though she's terrified of him because he's an abusive and detestable Bitch in Sheep's Clothing. She manages to escape the engagement thanks to her true love interest Takeru saving her from Reima's Attempted Rape.
  • Domestic Abuse: Reima has been subjecting his fiancée Usagi to verbal, emotional and physical abuse for most of their lives, using her guilt over the deaths of her half-siblings against her. What he has put her through is so bad that Usagi experiences anxiety attacks just being near him.
  • Entitled to Have You: He calls Usagi his precious belonging and treats her like an object instead of a person. He has gotten in her head that she deserves no better than him because no one would ever marry an illegitimate child and a murderer except for him who wants to keep her as his personal living doll.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He acts charming and friendly in front of the students when he's really a sadistic villain who wants to take over the academy.
  • Hate Sink: He's one of the most despicable and disgusting characters in the entire series, being a two-faced Domestic Abuser who treats Usagi like his piece of property. The reader feels like cheering when Takeru gives him the beating of his life in revenge for how he treated Usagi and then Kyouya kills him.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: He kidnaps Usagi, puts her in a wedding dress and tries to rape her. Fortunately, Usagi finally fights back and Takeru gives the disgusting creep the beating he deserves.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Reima's family looked down on him for not being as good as his brother and this caused Reima's desire for control and acknowledgment.
  • New Transfer Student: He arrived at the Anti-Magic Academy as a transfer student from a branch school one month before the Festival of Fools arc.
  • Not Worth Killing: Takeru doesn't finish him off because he thinks Reima is not worth the trouble.
  • Sadist: He takes great pleasure in tormenting poor Usagi to make her subdue to him.
  • Shadow Archetype: To Usagi. Both are the younger children of a noble family and developed an inferiority complex because they weren't as good as their older siblings, causing their families to look down on them. What makes them completely different is that Usagi is an inherently good person who has never stopped trying to do her best no matter how much her family abused her, never takes out her frustrations over the unfairness of her life out on anyone but herself, and she did eventually find a group of comrades who see her value. On the other hand, Reima blames everyone else for his family never acknowledging him and wants to control and abuse those he sees as inferior, mainly Usagi.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: The anime has him disappear after Takeru spares him and his fate is left unknown. In the light novels, Reima attempts to escape from the academy and gets killed by Kyouya.
  • Successful Sibling Syndrome: He lived under the shadow of his superior brother and his family always overlooked his efforts and accomplishments because they paled next to his brother's.
  • Villains Want Mercy: When he sees his Hero Form can't win against Takeru's Witch Hunter Form, Reima throws his pride away and begs for his lowly life to be spared. Takeru doesn't kill him not out of mercy, but because someone like Reima isn't worth it. When Kyouya arrives to finish the dirty job, Reima tries to plead for his life again, even offering to make himself a slave, only for Kyouya to ignore him and kill him off.

Relic Eaters

Voiced by: Joji Nakata

Designated as Malleus Malificarum IV. He is the Relic Eater under contract with Ouka Ootori.

  • Abnormal Ammo: Instead of bullets, his twin pistols form fires enchanted, red stakes that pierce through and dispel magic.
  • Ancestral Weapon: Before Ouka, Vlad's previous contractor was her first adoptive father, Kazuma Mineshiro.
  • Anti-Magic: Vlad's stakes are able to cancel any form of magic, from spells to Witch Hunter form, so long as Ouka knows the magical procedure behind it. Later on, Vlad is able to undo Takeru's God Hunter transformation before it becomes irreversible thanks to Lapis explaining the highly complicated magical procedure to Ouka.
  • The Atoner: He sacrifices himself to save Ouka's life in order to atone for not having been able to protect her adopted family from Laugh Maker.
  • Blood Magic: He needs to drain blood to cast magic-dispelling attacks.
  • Cape Wings: The Witch Hunter armor he grants to Ouka includes a red cape that also functions as wings that she uses to fly around.
  • Disappears into Light: He explodes into light before Ouka's eyes once he becomes magic power to save her from Hyakki Yakou.
  • Flowery Elizabethan English: The translation of the light novel has Vlad speak in Shakespearean English.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Before he sacrifices himself to save his master, Vlad smiles gently at Ouka.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: To save Ouka from being consumed by the Hyakki Yakou, Vlad turns himself into magic power.
  • In the Hood: His human form shows up wearing a hood that hides his face.
  • My Greatest Failure: Vlad broke his contract with Kazuma Mineshiro after he retired from the Inquisition. Shortly after that, Kazuma, his wife and daughter were killed by the Laugh Maker using their adopted daughter Ouka. Vlad felt he was indirectly responsible for causing Kazuma's death and leading Ouka to become obsessed with revenge.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: He is named after Vlad III, the infamous prince of Wallachia during the 15th century whose violent tactics in protecting Europe from the Ottoman Empire earned him the title, the Impaler Prince and the basis for Dracula.
  • Pile Bunker: In Witch Hunter form, Vlad can turn into a large pile-bunk called the Count's Fang that fires off larger, more powerful stakes at enemies.

Voiced by: Akira Sekine

Designated as Malleus Malificarum V. She is the Relic Eater contracted Kyouya Kirigaya.

  • Arm Cannon: The main weapon of Nero's Witch Hunter armor is a large cannon that is merged to the armor's right arm.
  • Cleavage Window: Her human form wears a dress with a large cleavage cutout.
  • The Corrupter: She reinforces Kyouya's obsession for Revenge and extreme hatred for any form of heretics. Whenever Kyouya tries switching his focus to protecting Akira's clone, Nero reminds him that she will let the clone die by not supplying her with regeneration magic if he ever thinks about anything but revenge.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: Like other female Relic Eaters, Nero wears a frilly goth-like dress.
  • Exotic Eye Designs: Same as other Relic Eaters, her eyes have two circles parallel to the iris.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: Inverted. Nero takes on Akira's appearance to remind Kyouya of all his hatred and anger over the death of his entire platoon.
  • Green and Mean: Nero's signature color is green and is the most corruptive and malicious of the Relic Eaters known.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: She is named after Nero, the 5th and last Roman Emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. This Nero is similar to his cousin Caligula in a sense that both their rule involved their descent into madness.
  • Poisonous Person: Her intrinsic abilities pertain to the use of a wide variety of poisons both in and out of combat.
  • Psycho Serum: Kyouya uses Nero's poison on himself to increase his strength and heighten his reflexes, but it causes severe harm on himself because he uses all of Nero's healing magic on Akira's clone.
