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"It's true! Read my bible!"

The fact that one promotional Q&A was enough to fill this page years before even a minute's worth of film gives no doubt to how much Rapid-Fire Comedy Sonic Villains itself is bound to have.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.


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    Q&A 1: Ask the Eggman Empire 
  • From the intro segment:
  • "Ask the Eggman Empire" is sponsored by Chaos Cola!
    Cubot: We're not actually sponsored, by the way… we just tied up the spokesman and stole some of the products for ourselves.
    Eggman: Not so loud! The last thing we need is the United Federation on our trail! And I wouldn't drink that if I were you.
    Cubot: (a robot, if we need remind you) Why not—
    (a sizzle and a bang noise are heard, followed by a beat)
    Orbot: …His head exploded—
    Eggman: (interrupting) I'll replace it later.
  • Orbot acknowledges for how they couldn't reasonably answer every single person's questions. For those left out, Eggman comes up with the most delicate apology he could think of: "Get bent!"
  • Eggman's roll call where all the baddies introduce themselves:
    • Grounder, the "walking arsenal", can't pronounce "arsenal" and just switches to "robot".
    • Rosy's introduction includes a brief cut from the Q&A background image to a fully-animated close-up of her darkly teasing the audience. It's equal parts creepy and hilarious.
      Rosy: Hi, thieves and perverts! That's riiiiight! (cut to animation) I've seen what you do to us in your free time…!
      (cut back to normal)
      Eggman: So have I. (under his breath) Keep doing it, by the way, you all make me look fantastic!
      • You heard that right — Eggman doesn't mind being in, er… alternative media so long as he gets his good side shown.
    • Dark Oak introduces himself by telling the audience to water their plants daily so they may be spared during the inevitable vegetable uprising. Eggman takes it in stride.
    • Eggman introducing Sara:
      Sara: I'd kick ten puppies and eat a live Chao for you, my incredibly handsome Lord Eggman!
      Eggman: Haha, attagirl!
    • Boom!Shadow has to listen to yet another Eggman giving him the Character Shilling treatment:
      Eggman: And finally, the Ultimate Life Form from six dimensions over, our star player… Shadow the Hedgehog!
      Shadow: I hate every last one of you with a burning passion.
      Scourge: Wait, why's he the star player!?
      Eggman: Because shut your yap, that's why!
    • Eggman skips Infinite's chance to introduce himself and the poor jackal spends the rest of the Q&A in the background. By now, it seems he's been reduced to Eggman's mere Beleaguered Assistant for whenever he needs Phantom Ruby magic.
  • Everyone answers what their favorite musical genres are:
    • Eggman ("a man of quality") likes industrial rock-and-roll. "Because I'm the Eggman, that's what I am!"
    • Dark Oak enjoys the peaceful sounds of nature.
    • The SSSSS Squad are metalheads.
    • Sleet likes listening to opera when working or crying to himself to sleep at night about where his life went wrong, causing Orbot to sympathize with him.
    • Orbot likewise enjoys musical theater, with the eyecatch later showing him as a conductor, wig included.
    • Shadow doesn't give a response to the question. Not a verbal one, at least.
    • Scourge likes rock. Dingo also likes rock, especially when sung by Sonia.
    • Naugus likes classical music.
    • Rosy likes screams of terror and destruction. Scourge is disturbed.
    • Sara only enjoys Eggman's maniacal laughter, and claims that it can even cure cancer, leading to a Cutaway Gag featuring the Praise Be Thy Overlord book above.
      Eggman: It's true! Read my bible!
      (cut to an advertisement of said "bible" with angelic choir noises in the background, followed by a brief clip of a live-action gloved hand giving a thumbs-up)
      • The cover to the "bible" itself has Rosy, Dingo, Sara and the SSSSS Squad worshiping Eggman in togas, Cubot holding a halo over Eggman's head and Orbot holding Eggman's chin in place.
    • Speaking of, Freeze-Frame Bonus regarding the Praise Be Thy Overlord ad and its incredibly poor marketing knowledge:
      • The phone number used to order it is 1-9000-3752-75679 (which has thirteen digits despite likely meaning to evoke a "1-800" United States phone number of ten digits).
      • The disclaimer is that the buyer needs to "be made of flesh or metal to order".
      • Its stated price is 270 rings (not too expensive if going by the prices of food or souvenirs from Sonic Unleashed) or $300.99 (very expensive for a book if meant to be in USD, and doesn't even use the ".99" tactic correctlynote ).
      • And lastly, a website link of "The Devilled Egg /" (which mixes a URL with an email address… in reverse, and with spaces).
    • That only leaves Cubot's favorite music… bass-boosted microwave noises.
      Scourge: Is that a f**kin' microwave!?
      Cubot: Nay… 'tis art!
      Sleet: Bah! Sounds like Dingo after he stubs his toe! Shut it off! Shut it off!
      Cubot: (begrudgingly shuts it off) Everyone's a critic.
  • Sleet reiterates how the morphing remote he uses on Dingo can transform his cohort into anything needed for the situation. The others catch on to this and what proceeds is a Long List.
    Rosy: So… a motorbike?
    Sleet: Yes.
    Rosy: An airplane.
    Sleet: Yes.
    Sleet: Aren't most of us?
    Rosy: A goblin?
    Sleet: Yes.
    Rosy: A really ugly goblin.
    Sleet: I literally just said anything.
    Scratch: A VHS of my favorite show?
    Grounder: A bucket of chicken!
    Coconuts: A prrrrrromotion?
    Sara: A statue of our lovely Dr. Robotnik?
    Dark Oak: A daughter that actually loves her father?
    Cubot: A super-long and fancy top hat?
    Orbot: …A better boss?
    Eggman: I heard that!
    Sleet: How about I transform him into a giant hand that'll slap you all 'til you SHUT THE HECK UP!? (beat) Yes. He can transform into anything. In fact, why don't we try out a few of those suggestions for ourselves… right now? (chuckles evilly)
    Dingo: (gulps) Don't I get a say in any a' this?
    Everyone else: Nope!
    Dingo: Oh, blimey.
    • And the eyecatch for this one shows Dingo as a horse being ridden by Rosy.
  • Scourge finally gets a question to himself and it just happens to be asking why he let Sonic trick him into being defeated. He doesn't take it well and proceeds to blame the Anarchy Beryl that he used, claiming he would've won if he swiped the Master Emerald from Knuckles. Cubot, of all people, expresses that Scourge is most likely posturing through pure "big baby wussy talk", and doesn't even flinch when the hedgehog threatens retaliation.
    • On another note, Eggman responds to Scourge's indignation by reassuring him that they've all been tricked by Sonic before and that they have nothing to be ashamed of. Note that Eggman's a Mad Scientist with a narcissistic streak a parsec wide and a chip on his shoulder that's almost as big. And yet, he chooses to comfort Scourge, likely because the green hedgehog comes off to him as just that pitiful.
    • Likewise, Scourge wishes he was worshiped like a king with subjects that would "bow to [him] and beg at [his] feet". Rosy likewise exclaims that she already does that.
      • What makes Rosy's flattered response even funnier is that it's unclear whether she was being Sarcasm-Blind or genuinely took being called a "freak" as a compliment.
      • Rosy's awful, awful pet names for Scourge: "my little booger ball" and "my little honeysuckle butter biscuit cream pie applesauce cherry cake with a side of… (slurping noise) bacon".
        Scourge: (flatly) …You need medicine.
  • One person decides to ask Boom!Shadow a very peculiarly-worded question, with literally everyone else being Genre Savvy and appropriately horrified enough about it to practically beg Shadow not to answer it. This unfortunately causes Shadow's curiosity on it to peak, and then he himself posits the question he was asked… "just who exactly is Joe?"
    • Following this, a moment of silence happens, Eggman questions how they should respond next — and we also lied about it being "literally everyone else", since it's Sara who (via a fully animated moment) decides to deliver the punchline.
      Sara: Pardon me, my lord of lardness, but isn't the answer to this peculiar question… "Joe Mama?"
      Shadow: (eyes widen with absolute rage as Sara's "Joe Mama" echoes)
    • Everything goes quiet again, Eggman sheepishly asks "Shadow?"… and then, through gritted teeth, the black hedgehog starts counting down from ten. Cue the Mass "Oh, Crap!" as the others brace for the shockwave.
      Eggman: AHHH! He's counting down to something!
      Grounder: What do we do!? What do we do!?
      Sleet: YIPE! Everyone, use Dingo as a meat shield! His pecs will deflect the blast!
      Dingo: Wait, no! Guys! AHHH!
      Rosy: Oh, he's glowing red! We gotta break his kneecaps and snap his neck in two before he explodes! HAHAHA! I'LL DO IT!
      Coconuts: NO-NO-NO-NO, GET BACK, YOU!
      (everyone screams at the top of their lungs, the transmission cuts to an intermission with a Chao rolling back and forth)
  • Infinite gets asked about the subject of his Uncertain Doom at the end of Sonic Forces. Eggman prevents him from answering honestly and bullshits that he heard the "harrowing cries" of Infinite upon defeat and gave up on his world domination plan to nurse him back to health. Eggman then proclaims that the rest of the story about Infinite will be told once Sonic's defeat is broadcasted (and quietly admits that he'd still perform some Manipulative Editing on such) before ordering Infinite to get back into his chamber with all the respect of someone ordering a cat to get off their dining table.
    • To add insult to injury, the eyecatch has Rosy rubbing her face Stitch-style against the glass of Infinite's chamber.
  • Dark Oak's ideas of how to reforge his relationship with Cosmo: frolicking across a planet where humans are being assimilated by trees, braiding each other's hair-leaves, and watching scary movies like "The Small Store of Terrors".
  • The eyecatch where Scratch, Grounder and a scared Coconuts play fetch with Dingo after someone from the audience showed them their own dog.
  • Scourge is asked another embarrassing question, this time about his and Fiona's relationship. He first makes sure to get the fuck out of there and hide before answering it within earshot of Rosy. And when she finds him, he briefly Screams Like a Little Girl.
  • The animated eyecatch of Rosy enthusiastically showing off her battle plans to a Shadow observing closely: a crayon drawing of Sonic being hit with broken glass. And there are even rings coming out of him!
  • "To Rosy: when is yours and Scourge'swedding?"
    Scourge: God help me.
    Rosy: Ha-ha! Today!
    Scourge: Wait, WHAT—
    (cut to an image of an ecstatic Rosy and horrified Scourge at a wedding altar as the opening notes to "Here Comes the Bride" play)
    (cut again to a crude drawing of Rosy kicking off of said altar a Fiona Fox crying like a baby)
    Scourge: No! NO! This is crazy! You're crazy, this Internet guy is crazy, and the only way we're doin' this is over my dead body!
  • Coconuts calls out the hypocrisy of Naugus being salty at his sister Wendy for joining Dr. Eggman… while he's serving under an Eggman himself. Ol' Wally doesn't take it well and insists that he's only working with Eggman out of convenience and could throw him into a canyon any time if he wanted.
  • A guy inadvertently reveals one of Sonic's most terrible, twisted and utterly callous actions against Eggman… giving him the Embarrassing Nickname of Baldy McNosehair. All of his subordinates respond with nothing less than laughing their asses off.
    Eggman: Yep. Yeah. Okay. Laugh it up. Come on, now! It really isn't that funny!
    Scourge: I gotta hand it to Blue. As childish as it is, it suits ya crazy butt well! Heh-heh!
    Dark Oak: (becomes even harder to understand than usual due to laughing so hard)
    Scratch: That sounds like something our Sonic would call our Robotnik! BA-HA-HA-HA!
    Sleet: Oh, ours too!
    Sara: I have no understanding as to why we're laughing!
    Shadow: Ha! A name so idiotic it almost makes me smile.
    • Eggman then prepares to retaliate by giving the also requested "hilarious" nicknames to everyone else.
      Eggman: Orbot! Cubot! Cover your sound processors! Ya don't wanna hear this.
      Orbot: No offense, boss…
      Cubot: But we've seen the Internet. We'll be good.
      Eggman: Very well. (takes a very deep breath, cut to another Chao Intermission)
    • And once he's done with it, almost everyone except Shadow and Scourge are genuinely hurt by their nicknames. Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts are bawling, Rosy is left speechless, and Dingo and Dark Oak decide to sit in the corner together.
      Orbot: Ooh… lord…
      Cubot: I lied, bro! I was not good! I was not good!
      • Not only is Scourge not even fazed by his insult, he actually compliments Eggman for it!
    • Sara, Dingo and Scratch making faces at Eggman's reflective bald head. We have about as much context for that as you do (read: the question being about the "Baldy McNosehair" nickname, and pretty much nothing else).
  • After Orbot and Cubot (and Rosy) show off their musical talent via covers of "If I Didn't Have You" and "Other Friends", Eggman's impressed that, among other things, Cubot's voice chip was able to handle it for long enough. Cubot then reveals that Orbot has a voice chip glitch of his own if you bonk him on the head: he starts singing a Top 40-like song in autotune about a city where, among nothing else, women shake their asses. Eggman's oddly amused.
  • Eggman reveals why, despite having an ego the size of all his comrades' universes combined, he chose distinct villains from every universe instead of an Alliance of Alternates of himself: he can't stomach his own Insufferable Genius traits any more than anyone else can.
    Eggman: I've had some experience teaming up with another me before… y'know, when you're stuck in a white void with your younger self for an eternity, all that genius in one room just cancels itself out. Don't even get me started working with that nutso descendant of mine. Urgh.
    Orbot: Remind me again why we keep inviting that man to tag along with us every time Olympic season rolls around?
    Eggman: It's not my fault, it's the Olympics association! They never banned him after he tried nuking the whole stadium that one time.
    • This gets Cubot to remind Eggman of the London incident with him and Bowser that also didn't get him banned from the Olympics. Eggman still feels justified about his actions given that his robots were still invited before he was. "That's a crime! A crime punishable by spooky death fog!"
    • Eggman also begins his answer by stating that he views his new comrades as some of the greatest Sonic combatants out there. Some of them, at least.
      Scratch: …What's everyone staring at us for?
      Sara: It's giving me massive anxiety attacks!
    • "Bottom line, the only me this dimension will ever need is me, and these other guys are incredibly gullible and increasingly exploitable. Moving on!"
      Sleet: Wait, hold on— (cue Eye Catch)
  • Orbot and Cubot discuss vacation ideas:
    Orbot: I've always wanted to stay at the Emerald Coast Hotel in Station Square!
    Cubot: Or visit Angel Island without that echidna guy punching us into the ocean…
    Orbot: Going to Spagonia during one of their annual festivals.
    Cubot: Or visiting Sky Sanctuary without that echidna guy punching us into the ocean…
    Orbot: Ooh, I hear Soleanna is something quite special during the winter—
    Cubot: (voice chip briefly switches to pirate) Oh, to be a pirate out on th' high seas of Blaze's dimension! The smell o' saltwater! The boundless array of tuna! The scurvy and barnacles that grow on your bottomside! And the rum. Oh, sweet Tikal have mercy, the rum!
    • Given that last bit, it seems that Cubot still hasn't learnt his lesson about liquids with the Chaos Cola from earlier.
    • Eggman then insists that the two are talking nonsense and that they already have his personal Dark Chao Garden for whenever they want a break.
      Eggman: Besides, you're robots. You're soulless unless I say otherwise.
    • Cubot describing the Casino Night Zone (that he, Orbot and the SSSSS Squad plan to sneak out to visit) as "the place where you throw your entire body in the machine and pray not to die as you get bounced around by springy murder weapons" in a tone befitting a kid getting excited for a visit to the pizza parlor or candy store.
    • The eyecatch of Orbot and Cubot riding the Emerald Coast orca onto the beach, with beachgoers running and panicking.
  • Eggman answers a question he's heard over and over: how does he always manage to outrun Sonic on foot in the classic games? Turns out shifting your body fat back and forth can increase your kinetic force, thus making Eggman a literal Acrofatic.
    Eggman: Hey, when ya got it, flaunt it, baby!
    Dark Oak: The way you organics strive to make use of your limited meat sack bodies is both beautiful… and nightmarishly terrifying.
    Eggman: Jealous?
    Dark Oak: (thinking over it) I don't… know.
    • The eyecatch of when Eggman used this technique to escape Sonic back in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, with Sonic being appropriately bewildered at the sight.
  • Everyone's just been asked to discuss their own reasons for hating Sonic and his friends. The video briefly glitches, as if the transmission itself was lurching in response to being asked that. Nevertheless, this question is clearly one of Eggman's favorites so far:
    Eggman: Ooh, this is a fun one! Let's popcorn by order of how many veins have popped outta the heads of everyone here after hearing that question— least to greatest! (to Orbot and Cubot) You two, go!
    • First in line is of course Orbot and Cubot, who admit they don't really have anything against Sonic and pals personally since they're just Punch-Clock Villains.
      Orbot: Honestly, I have no qualms with him whatsoever.
      Cubot: Yeah, I don't know, he's pretty cool when you get right down to it. He's always helpin' the little guy, enjoys nature, free as the wind between his quills—
      Eggman: (bluntly) Your opinion is no longer valid. Next person.
    • "Sonic hurting any leftover hair on your bald head is enough reason to hate him for me!"
    • And following that, we have Dark Oak hammily looking forward to destroying Sonic:
      Dark Oak: He'll soon halt my plans for complete forestation no longer! All the greenery! All the shrubbery! All the fruit salad!
    • Dingo's reason for hating Sonic is that his version of him stands in the way of him and Sonia, and he aspires to have her as the queen to his harem when he conquers the multiverse. Eggman however notices one teensy little issue regarding that:
      Eggman: Wait a minute. That's Sonic's biological sister in your universe, right? Isn't she, like… what, sixteen? How old even are you, anyways?
      Dingo: (slowly realizing the implications of what he's just expressed) I, um, uh… I'm not sure.
      (everyone else in the room minus Shadow audibly winces and casually expresses disgust, with even Scourge only able to respond with a "yikes")
      • The obvious presumption is that Shadow's lack of a response means he simply wasn't listening enough to care, but given that he does answer when it's his time to, it's still not out of the question that — behind the lack of Sequential Art or animation — he could've simply given Dingo a disapproving look in his own way.
    • Sleet looks forward to collecting the bounty for Sonic and his siblings and hopefully making it so "the one percent" eventually becomes "the only percent" thanks to their removal.
    • Rosy gives a poem:
      Oh, little blueberry, squishy and round
      Makes my brain feel sad whenever he rolls around
      Oh, little blueberry, speedy and fake
      Makes my little green bean look as dumb as a rake
      Oh, little blueberry, better run home
      'Cause you'll be in MUCH PAIN WHEN I BREAK EVERY BONE!
      • "So yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me."
    • And once everyone else is done, an energized Eggman finally gets to talk about his reasons for hating Sonic. He takes a very, very deep breath and gives a "FU-" before the feed cuts off to another Chao Intermission.
  • The Eggman gets asked about who his favorite villain in the group is (and per the one asking, lets everyone else answer the question for themselves as well). Shadow joyfully makes it clear to Eggman that he's now treading on very thin ice: "And don't worry, we won't judge you, no matter how wrong you are."
    Dark Oak: What? No, no, no, no, no, no. (audibly sheaths a sword) We'll just tie you down and probably gut you like a fish.
    Rosy: Shhh! Darkie! Don't reveal our plan right in front of him!
  • As for Rosy: "I'd say you're all the cutest, coolest, scariest, fluffiest, mustachiest baddies I've ever met!"
    Nearly everyone: Awww!
    Scourge: Ugh, brother.
    • That being said, Rosy and Sara hit it off big with the Villainous Friendship.
      Rosy: She's a total loose cannon, and… she tells the funniest jokes!
      Sara: I burned down sixty village houses for target practice before being pulled into this Q&A! Yay!
      Rosy: (squees and giggles) See? SHE'S PERFECT!
  • Scourge reluctantly agrees with Shadow in that he doesn't personally like anyone here and isn't up for "having cherry cake and ice cream with… pals".
    Dingo: But I just baked cherry cake for all of us half an hour ago!
    • That being said, he finds Dark Oak's Cloudcuckoolander plant obsession amusing.
      Scourge: I mean, come on! His whole schtick is just gardenin' people to death! "Oh no, fertilizer! My one weakness!" (laughs)
      Dark Oak: Keep talking, needlemouse! Your corpse will fit right in with the color of all the trees you'll be buried under!
  • Dark Oak admits he likes Eggman for being the Only Sane Man in the room… and also because he's hilarious to watch.
    Eggman: Um... thank you?
    • Naugus likewise likes Eggman for the same reasons, and demonstrates it through briefly turning his head into a chicken's for fun, just as he did back in the SatAM cartoon.
      Orbot: Ah—
      Eggman: (with the head of a chicken photoshopped over his own, and through gritted teeth) Not a word, Orbot.
  • Orbot and Sleet, bonding over their experiences of dealing with arrogant superior Eggmen, plan to have a drink of motor oil and "child-inappropriate beverages" sometime.
    • Dingo also likes Naugus, Rosy, and the hench-bots, especially since he had fun playing fetch with them earlier.
      Eggman: Hmm. So that's how that tree made it in here.
      Naugus: For the record, I did not agree for you to steal my magic scepter and use it as a BAT!
  • And lastly, Rosy and Sara decide to run off and have fun together by launching a nuke from Eggman's missile hangar to blow up a nearby town. Eggman is livid that nobody out of the entire group told him about this earlier ("that's a whole lot of eyes doing nothing!"), considering how rocket fuel doesn't grow on trees. Perhaps his mind control of Sara worked a little TOO well.
    Eggman: Wait! Girls! Don't touch that! Get down from there this instant! GIRLS!
    Rosy and Sara: AN-AR-CHY! AN-AR-CHY! AN-AR-CHY! AN-AR-CHY!
    • To be fair, though, Grounder did notice. Why didn't he say anything?
      Grounder: B-but they threatened me not to tell!
  • With Eggman busy handling "Kitty-chan and Pinky McCrazypants", Shadow and Scourge — the two most antisocial members of the group — are left to trade notes, with a question being asked regarding the time Boom!Eggman tricked Shadow into gunning for Boom!Sonic.
    Shadow: I still don't know how he managed to mix Sonic's words within the video so convincingly!
    Scourge: Wait. The dude manipulated footage and you believed him? Guess you ain't the sharpest tool as far as other Shadows go, ah?
    Shadow: I live in a cave, for Pete's sake. I don't care much for all the new-fangled technology people throw out these days.
    Scourge: What's your Eggman even like, anyways? Sounds to me like he leans towards the lame-o side of the scale.
    Shadow: He once tried to fake an injury and lock Sonic into a court case, instead of using one of his robots to kill him while he was down. All because he'd rather be… (in a tone that's just oozing with disgust) …friends with him.
    Scourge: Ha! So he's about as much a wuss as the doc on my planet. Good to know!
  • It turns out Eggman's kidnapped Fleetway!Sonic (and yes, he does have a British accent here, thank you for noticing) and locked him up to use his Superpowered Evil Side for later. What does Scourge do the moment he learns about this, and sees this Sonic too locked in chains to do anything? Toy with him like a school bully. It's too bad this (predictably) bites him and everyone else in the ass later.
    Fleetway!Sonic: (forlornly, possibly even on the verge of tears) The doctor I knew when I was little… Ovi Kintobor… he wouldn't hurt a fly! That is, until an accident with the Chaos Emeralds turned him into the rubbish creep you two know as Robotnik!
    Scourge: (completely unfazed and conversational) Ah, right! I remember now! You're that Sonic with the freaky evil super transformation, right? 'Bout time you woke up, sleepin' beauty! You can get back to rest, though. I get a feelin' the boss man won't be needin' you for a while.
    Fleetway!Sonic: You're the one that's gonna need a long rest after I break outta these—! (groans out of sudden pain)
    Scourge: Hey now, hey now! Take a chill pill there, Blue! Can't have you turnin' piss yellow and wreckin' shop just yet, now can we? You just sit tight and enjoy the rest of the questionnaire with us, okay?
    Fleetway!Sonic: (growls furiously)
    Scourge: TAKE CARE, TUBBY! A-HA-HA-HA!
    Fleetway!Sonic: (growls even more furiously)
  • Eggman's line after he gets back from dealing with Rosy and Sara's shenanigans.
    Eggman: I'm staring to think recruiting a bunch of teenagers and incompetent adults to assist me was a bad idea.
  • The SSSSS Squad are asked about their collective Iron Butt Monkey track record, with Scratch concluding "We're ripped studs!" and even Shadow admitting curiosity about it since they were the closest in range to his Chaos Blast. It's Dingo of all people that proposes that maybe it's because they come from a world that runs on 1990's-era Toon Physics.
    Everyone else: …NAHHHH!
  • The way that Cubot and Grounder start getting possessed by the Sonic.exe virus is… weird, but even then it's funny when Eggman orders Sleet to turn Dingo into a pile of rope to tie them up with (that Naugus crystallizes), and there's also this:
    Orbot: That's the deepest Cubot has ever sounded! This is horrible!
    • Taking a page out of Gravity Falls, it turns out EXE!Grounder is just chanting "Backwards message!" backwards.
    • Eggman's voice glitches out and keeps skipping even when they get to the eyecatch.
  • Eggman actually likes the more dashing version of himself from "that new dimension that just materialized", and even finds his "ROCK-CONNAISSANCE" tirade funny despite oddly feeling sorry for him being stranded on a distant mushroom planet and forced to drink hairspray to survive. Orbot then notes Agent Stone's reaction of "crying alone to himself in a dark, empty room" while forlornly caressing a picture of his Robotnik. (Which the follow-up effectively put its own spin on, albeit one with Robotnik latte art instead.)
    Eggman: Think you'd be that sad about me going insane and leaving you two to rot, Orbot?
    Orbot: Absolutely naaaugh— I mean, yes! Yes, I would, doctor! I mean, we'd be devastated, right, Cubot?
    EXE!Cubot: (too busy making a strange "I art thou, thou art I" speech to respond)
    • The eyecatch with Jim Carrey Robotnik going crazy and Agent Stone shedding a tear about his disappearance.
  • The whole Sonic.exe possession stuff switches from weird quasi-Nightmare Fuel to funny again when the possessed Grounder begins chewing on Sleet's leg and growling like an angry dog. Dark Oak's solution to this? Singing a lullaby.
  • As for the last question, the villains are asked about their favorite parts about being villains. They get passionate.
    • Darkie's turn is first:
      Dark Oak: First off, I'll start by saying I'm not into labels. Unless you're a nuisance ruining my plans, in that case, kiss my blade. Second, of course there's more to the work I do. I don't mean to terrify the masses and murder innocent people in an attempt to cleanse the galaxy of all its pointless conflict… buuuuuut sacrifices must be made.
    • Scourge insisting he had no choice in becoming a villain because of "the losers at the bottom of the food chain who can't hang with [his] style" that were "built weak". In other words, Scourge is likely admitting without any self-awareness that his entire reason for going bad is nothing more than him having a giant tantrum against the environment around him.
      Rosy: Aww, people can be so cruel sometimes, my precious hunk of algae!
      Scourge: Don't touch me.
    • Rosy's passionate speech on how you should never take into consideration anything you do in life, ever. Tia Ballard's voice acting here is absolutely on point:
      Rosy: Well, I say life is like a biiiiig playground with no rules! You want something you don't have? Take it! You wanna wish yourself older to increase your chances of getting a date? DO IT! You need someone to pay for crushing your heart into a million pieces!? CRUSH 'EM BACK HARDER! HARDER! The world is your humanoid oyster! Grab it by the neck, and STRANGLE YOUR OWN LEASH ON LIFE! (beat) …Is dat weally such a villainous thing to do?
    • Scratch and Coconuts get intimidated by how passionate everyone is, but they still talk about how much they love blowing stuff up, driving people crazy, quietly stealing things, refusing to pay when ordering food at a restaurant, and making prank calls.
    • Sleet and Dingo like the money and how it pays with power, respect, and free chicken.
  • The first person in the entire group who realizes Grounder and Cubot aren't malfunctioning, but are rather being taken over by someone or something they really should be dealing with? Rosy.
  • Eggman's corny attempt to end the Q&A on a high note despite the backdrop of Nightmare Fuel noises and the fact that he and everyone else in the room is in mortal danger.
    Eggman: (woodenly as if reading from a script) And with all that hullabaloo concludes this session of "Ask the Eggman Empire"! Thanks to all of you who participated in asking a question! It was a real… a real… ahemshadow…
    Shadow: (groans) "…Chaos Blast."
    Naugus: (equally woodenly) Indeed, doctor! I had quite the "wizarding" time, and am sure glad nothing bad ever happened during this glorious event.
    Orbot: (equally equally woodenly) But master, there are still many participants who haven't gotten their questions answered…!
    Rosy: (woodenly at first) Silly robot! I guess that means we have to come back for another one of these realRAAAAUGH! THIS IS STUPID! THIS IS STUPID, THIS IS STUPID, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!
    Scourge: Ah, I knew she was gonna f**k this up the moment we started doin' this.
    Eggman: Rosy, no! Stick to the script!
    Rosy: Shut it, you militaristic milkman! Those cutie-patootie robot thingies have been singing show tunes backwards for thirty minutes! They. Are. CLEARLY. POSSESSED!
    • Reversing the audio of this point of the Q&A will reveal that Rosy wasn't being metaphorical when she said that — Cubot and Grounder are indeed singing a very, very out-of-tune version of "Ragtime Gal" backwards.
  • The Q&A ends on a dark note with Sonic.exe and Fleetway Super Sonic murdering all the villains and putting their heads on pikes. It's horrifying, yes… but it's such a ridiculously over-the-top case of Mood Whiplash that it loops all the way back to being hilarious.
    • On that note, Fleetway Super Sonic talks to the audience to casually assure them not to worry because the cast is "only temporarily dead".
    • Also, this exchange between Sonic.exe and Fleetway Super:
      Sonic.exe: An idle mind is the devil's playground, isn't it?
      (the "audience" screams in utter fear and horror)
      Super Sonic: (chuckles) YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!
    • In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, .EXE and Super give the audience the useful advice to "stay outside", "never wash those filthy little hands", and "HAVE FUN DYING!"

