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Characters / Songs Of War Ardoni Clans

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One of the primary species in the world of Ardonia, and its namesake, the Ardoni occupy the Ardoni territories in the north of Ardonia, with all but Nestoria being located closely together. They possess the unique ability to harness powers from "Songs", which are a huge part of their culture (and have been included here for the sake of convenience).

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     Ardoni in General
The Masters of four clans, Kaltaris, Mendoris, Nestoris and Sendaris, each holding a Prime Song.
Few of these mysteries however, have attracted such fascination as the Ardoni species, for which the land shares its name.

An ancient species that live in the northern half of the supercontinent, and who wield the titular Songs, the Ardoni are among the most revered species in Ardonia, though they have made some grave mistakes that have had led to serious issues in recent world history. Due to the location of their territories, near the frozen mountains of the kingdom of Northwind, they have a high resistance to cold temperatures. Unlike the kingdoms of Ardonia, the Ardoni society is a democratic one, where they choose who gets to lead their respective clans. They also refer to their older and respected members of their clans as "Ky", which means "Sir" or "Lady", to show their respect.

  • Animation Anatomy Aging: The "ears" on the sides of their heads (as well as their height), are an indicator of how old an Ardoni is, the longer they are, the older the Ardoni is.
  • Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism: Averted; the difference between genders for the Ardoni are fairly subtle. The females tend to have larger eyes, "ears" that extend more onto the forehead, and a lighter colour scheme.
  • Color Motif: The Ardoni have varying colour schemes that reflect their personalities and positions in life.
    • Red - The Voltaris clan were the most violent of the clans in recent history, and their abuse of the power granted to them by the Prime Songs long ago made the other clans force them into exile.
    • Blue - The Sendaris clan members that we've seen reflect certain personalities to the colour blue. Thalleous is often calm in situations where others definitely wouldn't be, while Ria is rather melancholic due to not being allowed to leave her home (being one of the only female Ardoni currently in existence) and go on adventures.
    • Yellow - Achillean Nestoris was the Big Good during The Great War, and many Nestoris clan members intend on following in his footsteps, showing the warmth of their motives.
    • Green - This is a colour often associated with high status. The Kaltaris clan are always high-ranking in any Ardoni force, and often participate in any events that may come about in times of great need.
    • Magenta - The Mendoris clan tend to have a more ambiguous and reluctant reaction when it comes to the subject of war, and aren't commonly seen in combat situations. They also seem to have a hint of wisdom to their arguments.
    • White - White is associated with innocence and purity, which perfectly describes the personality of Senn, the only known clanless Ardoni in existence.
    • Black - A colour commonly associated with death, Ardoni are only this colour when they have died.
  • Empowered Badass Normal: An Ardoni is perfectly capable of holding their own without the need to wield Songs. The Songs however, give them an edge in battle, no matter what the type is.
  • Expy:
  • Eye Lights Out: When an Ardoni dies, their colour fades to black, signifying their deaths. This is shown multiple times in Episode 6, and done in a heartbreaking way with the death of Thalleous. Their gravestones allow their lights to carry on shining long after their death, with the patterns of their torsos shining brightly.
  • Gender Rarity Value: The gender disparity between male Ardoni and female Ardoni, mean that there are far more males than females. This naturally means that there are a very large number of single male Ardoni in the world, as well as multiple (though still not many) marriages, and many children within said marriages.
  • In Harmony with Nature: Rarely do Ardoni create large buildings and structures, preferring to live in trees or caves.
  • Magical Society: Their use of the Songs definitely invoke this, though fewer Ardoni are wielding them during the first half of the first season.
  • Magic Knight: What wielding the Songs allows them to become.
  • Matriarchy: The female Ardoni, given their rarity (look above), have a much higher standing in Ardoni society than the males do, meaning this is the preferred option if it becomes available.
  • Not So Similar: There are subtle differences between each of the clans and their cultures, mostly in terms of their geography and the architecture in their respective territories.
  • One Head Taller: Normally, Ardoni are much taller than other humanoid species, especially humans and Felinas. Though they are still shorter than Magnorites and Netherans.
  • Power Glows: Just before an Ardoni is about to use a Song, they will glow in the colour of that particular Song.
  • Staff of Authority: The masters of the clans tend to carry large, intricate staffs with them (image above). Though these in particular are ceremonial, and too impractical as a means of combat.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: The children of certain Ardoni will tend to have patterns on them that resemble their parents, as is the case with Ria and Osivian.
  • Supernaturally Marked Grave: When an Ardoni is buried, the master of whatever clan they were a part of, taps the gravestone with their intricate staff, and the grave shows the patterns that were on the torso of the Ardoni when they were still alive.
    Master Aurelius Nestoris: Long has it been an honour for us masters to light the graves of our dead... so that their markings may shine forever.
  • Theme Naming:
    • The clans have their given name, followed by the name of the clan they are a part of.
    • Their territories have the first part of their clan names, but end with "ia" instead of "is".
    • The most prominent members of the Nestoris clan all have names beginning with "A"; Aegus, Achillean, Aurelius.
  • The War Room: The Ardoni masters, as well as several other members of the Ardoni clans, have a war room dug out from a cave between Kaltaria and Mendoria, near the mountains of Northwind.



Ingressus Voltaris a.k.a. Deathsinger

Voiced by: Jonathan David Bullock
One rose above the rest. Persistent, cunning and powerful.

They call me... Deathsinger, yet it was they who slaughtered my people and denied me the Prime Songs, which were rightfully mine!

The leader of the Voltaris clan, Ingressus sought to prove his clan's reliability by winning a tournament to wield the four Prime Songs. However, he disguised himself to enter the tournament, which outraged the masters of the other clans, who refused to give him the Prime Songs. Ingressus then set out alone that night to claim them, killing the masters of the Kaltaris, Sendaris and Mendoris clans, while the Nestoris master, Aegus, survived. He then allied himself with King Chronos of the Nether, triggering The Great War. After 50 years, he was defeated in battle by Achillean Nestoris, the Tidesinger, though not before ensuring a Mutual Kill. His actions shape what the Voltaris clan does to this day, as they prepare for his return.

  • A Father to His Men: Judging by the way that his clan help him back on Mount Velgrin, he was very much respected by them. Some of his dialogue in Episode 10 also shows how much he cared for his people.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: He was this with King Chronos in The Great War. However, after The Great War, The Netheran army abandoned the Voltaris to face near extinction. So in future seasons, Ingressus and King Chronos will likely oppose each other.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: After his return at the end of Season 1 Episode 10, he will likely form this with King Chronos, The Necrolord and the Unyielding Legion.
  • Bilingual Bonus: His name in Latin means "entered", referring to his surprise entrance in the tournament in the prologue, as well his entrance into the present day through the portal.
  • The Chessmaster: Just about everything that has happened in the series that we see, has been a part of his plan. The portal at the peak of Mount Velgrin was kept intact for 150 years so he'll be able to return, Jalkar was hired to get the Dragon Egg to Zinaida, who would have ensured it wouldn't hatch, and the Prime Songs were (supposed) to be retrieved to grant him the strength to finish his campaign on Ardonia.
  • Defeat as Backstory: A twisted example, he won the tournament to wield the Prime Songs, but the masters denied him those Songs, so he was defeated emotionally, before he snapped and killed the masters for the Prime Songs. Knowing he'd be defeated in the First Great War, he made plans to travel forward in time, to when Ardonia is weak, so he will win there. Loss is not something that he takes lightly, considering everything his clan has been through.
  • Dressing as the Enemy: He disguised himself as a member of the Nestoris clan in order to enter the tournament, and then revealed himself, so as to prove the reliability of the Voltaris to the other clans. However, since the other clans were already fearful of what the Voltaris might do, this didn't help build any trust between them, and he was refused the Prime Songs.
  • Determinator: After he was denied the Prime Songs, he stopped at nothing to reclaim what was (rightfully) his. He slayed the masters of the Kaltaris, Sendaris and Mendoris clans before Aegus Nestoris managed to pull through and survive. After it became apparent that wouldn't win The Great War, he decided he would win another one, wanting to finish what he started.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Averted, his voice is youthful, contrasting heavily with the other members of the Voltaris clan.
  • Faking the Dead: He counted on the Prime Songs being unable to travel through time and made it seem like he died, since Songs can only normally be recovered upon an Ardoni's death.
  • Flaming Sword: His BFS had an enchantment that allowed it to become a massive example of this.
  • Fling a Light into the Future: He set out plans for the Voltaris to follow, so that he could return when Ardonia is weak, and finish what he started, all those centuries ago.
  • Freudian Excuse: He wanted to return the Voltaris clan to a position of power and glory, which clearly showed through in his rampage to get back the Prime Songs.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Most of the events that have taken place within the series have been because he intended them to be that way, so Ardonia would be weak enough for him to finish his campaign.
  • The Hunter Becomes the Hunted: He and the Voltaris clan in general became this at the end of the war, after relentlessly pursuing a campaign of destruction across Ardonia.
  • Know When to Fold Them: As he states in the final battle between him and Tidesinger, he knew he wasn't going to win the Great War, and decided to travel through time in order to make sure he'd be able to win another war.
  • Mirror Character: To Achillean Nestoris, the Tidesinger. Both are young Ardoni who know how to wield their Songs successfully, and got wrapped up in a devastating war where neither was the true victor.
  • Mutual Kill: Involved in one with the Tidesinger, Achillean Nestoris. Though nobody knows who killed who first, since they fought alone. This is averted when it is revealed they both survived.
  • One-Man Army: He became this after retrieving three of the Prime Songs.
  • Posthumous Character: He's long dead by the time the series properly starts. Until it turns out that he was never dead, he actually sent himself forward in time, over a 150 years after the end of the Great War, to a weakened Ardonia.
  • Red Baron: He didn't get the name Deathsinger by being diplomatic.
  • Red Is Violent: The most prominent example of this in the series so far.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After being refused the Prime Songs he legitimately won, he stopped at nothing to get his revenge on the masters.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: He and the Voltaris received this treatment from the other clans, due to their abuse of the power of the Prime Songs.
  • Staff of Authority: Like any of the other clan leaders he had his own staff to signify himself as the master.
  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else!: Or rather, sound just like everyone else. His voice shows that he's actually quite young, rather than the Evil Sounds Deep that the audience is used to after hearing the voices of other members of the Voltaris clan before his introduction.
  • Tragic Villain: He was a relatively young Ardoni, who wanted to return his clan to power, but he was denied what was rightfully his, so he went on the warpath to ensure that he and his clan would survive. However, as is clear in Episode 10, he has become a much more monstrous being, intent on destroying those who stood against him in the war.
  • Unflinching Walk: He was very good at this when he was on his rampage to get the Prime Songs.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: He was a powerful Ardoni even before using the Prime Songs, but he couldn't wield them in the same way that the Tidesinger could, leading to their Mutual Kill. Except they both lived through their battle and went through the portal to the future.
  • War Hawk: He backed out the First Great War, in order to start a Second War in the future.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Heavily implied after he got a hold of three of the Prime Songs, which only reinforced the other clans beliefs of the Voltaris being untrustworthy of the Prime Songs. His dialogue with Tidesinger during their final battle shows just how much the Prime Songs affected him.
    Achillean: I would have refused them, for no one should wield their combined power.
    Ingressus: (Evil Laugh) That is what they all say, until you have felt them for youself!
  • Worthy Opponent: He sees Achillean Nestoris, the Tidesinger, as his greatest adversary, which was why he intended to go to the future so Achillean wouldn't stop him.


Tygren Voltaris

Voiced by: Lucas Webley
So many years have we prepared for this, and you, are not about to interfere.

You travelled all this way for us... I'm flattered. However, you should have come better prepared!

A member of the Voltaris clan who lead his people after The Deathsinger was supposedly killed, Tygren reunited what was left of the scattered and unorganised Voltaris to once again make them a force to be reckoned with. He wields an Aggressium Song. He also successfully killed Thalleous Sendaris, taking his sword and his Mobilium Song. When Ingressus (the Deathsinger) returns in the present time, he becomes Ingressus’ second-in-command.

  • Authority Equals Asskicking: The current leader of the Voltaris clan, and an absolute beast in a fight, as shown in Episode 6.
  • The Dragon: He has become this to Ingressus, after the latter travelled forward in time to the present.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: He has a deep gravelly voice.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He starts off rather polite and smug, but that drops instantly as he threatens Thalleous before fighting him.
  • Freudian Excuse: His sadism towards the other Ardoni clans derives from the way that they hunted the Voltaris after The Great War.
  • Hero Killer:
    • He killed Hawken, who was protecting Thalleous so he could get back up.
    • In Episode 6, he succeeds in killing Thalleous by sending a spear through his torso.
  • In a Single Bound: He makes a massive leap towards Thalleous in Episode 6.
  • It's Personal: He states that he intends to kill Thalleous as retribution for slaying many of his fellow Voltaris.
  • Never My Fault: He blames Thalleous for hiding the Mobilium Prime Song, which caused him to burn down a large part of Sendaria in the process.
  • Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: Delivers a long, potent one to Thalleous before they fight:
    Your sword has slain many of my brothers, and once I kill you, I will take it and slay TWICE AS MANY OF YOURS.
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner:
    • As he's about to kill Thalleous in Episode 1:
    So many years have we prepared for this, and you, are not about to interfere.
    • Another one when before he fights Thalleous again in Episode 6.
    You won't escape this time, old man.
  • Red Is Violent: Both he, and his Song, the Aggressium Aggro-sphere, show this in its full.
  • Sadist: He seems to have taken joy in burning a large part of Sendaria in Episode 6.
  • The Pawns Go First: During the climax of Episode 6, he lets the Voltaris under his command to fight Thalleous first, most of whom die fighting him, before Tygren himself battles Thalleous.
  • Unknown Rival: A rare example where he fully intended for this to happen before meeting Thalleous.
    Tygren: You must be Thalleous Sendaris. I have heard many things about you.
    Thalleous: And I have heard nothing about you.
    Tygren: Oh I know, I've made quite sure of that.
  • Villain of Another Story: If the fact that he's been leading the Voltaris since the fall of Ingressus isn't enough to prove this, he's been killing anyone who reached the Peak of Mount Velgrin so that word doesn't get out about the Voltaris' existence.
    • He organised the Voltaris to attack all of the villages in the Ardoni Territories that held the Prime Songs, setting them all ablaze when they couldn't be found. However, Thalleous intervened and had the Prime Songs moved elsewhere, before they could attack.


Lucidius Voltaris

Voiced by: Jimothy Stewart
Never seen an Ardoni before?

This could be unwise Zinaida. The mute one, I believe he is The Reaper.

A member of the Voltaris sent to retrieve the Dragon Egg from Jalkar and Grim in Episode 6, along with Zinaida and several other Voltaris. He's the only Voltaris to have survived the encounter.

  • Affably Evil: He's much more reasonable than Zinaida during the attempted negotiations with Jalkar and Grim. He's also polite to Abbigail when she finds him, even giving her directions to where Jalkar and Grim may be heading off to.
  • Badass Normal: He doesn't wield any Songs, yet he was able to hold his own in the climactic battle atop Mount Velgrin in Episode 10.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: He made a background appearance along with several other Voltaris during Episode 1, before making his official debut in Episode 6.
  • Know When to Fold Them: Part of the reason that he was much more open to a diplomatic solution to the deal with Jalkar and Grim was because he knew that Grim in particular was not one to mess with. It doesn't stop him from engaging with Jalkar seconds later though.
  • The Lancer: He was this to Zinaida in Episode 6, arguing with his method of doing the deal.
  • Mercy Kill: He asks Abbigail for one, since he's in a bad shape from his fight with Jalkar. Abbigail states that she has no intention of killing him, and instead asks for directions in regards to where Jalkar and Grim would be heading to. Lucidius obliges.
  • Non-Indicative Name: His name in Latin means "bright", which shows no indication to his appearance at all.
  • Number Two: To Zinaida in Episode 6.
  • Sole Survivor: He's the only Voltaris to have survived the Voltaris vs Jalkar and Grim fight in Episode 6.
  • Token Good Teammate: He seems to have been the only reasonable Voltaris to have turned up in Episode 6. He's also rather concerned as to what might happen to the Voltaris when the war party, led by Zulius Kaltaris, turns up to take revenge in Episode 10.


Zinaida Voltaris

Voiced by: Josh Gustafson
Kill them!

Have it your way mercenary. We will compensate for your extra... trouble. But your companion is not part of the deal.

The field leader of the group of Voltais sent to intercept, and make a deal with Jalkar and Grim at Tabora Crags in Episode 6. However the deal goes awry and Zinaida attempts to take the Dragon Stone by force. It gets him killed. He wields an Aggressium Song.

  • A Death in the Limelight: He's killed in the same episode that he's introduced in.
  • The Brigadier: He's the one in charge of the Voltaris who are to make a deal for the Dragon Egg with Jalkar and Grim.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: He makes a brief appearance in Episode 1 in the background, before making his official debut in Episode 6.
  • Evil Laugh: He gives an impressive one while making the deal with Jalkar.
  • General Failure: His attempts to get the Dragon Stone by force fail completely, getting most of the Voltais present, himself included, killed in a matter of minutes.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Jalkar uses Zinaida's own Aggro-storm to get his knife to stab Zinaida in the side of the head.
  • Staff of Authority: His staff signifies that he's the one in charge, it also helps him channel his Aggro-storm ability.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He was only ever going to be present in Episode 6.



Thalleous Sendaris

Voiced by: Carl G. Brooks
You think the Voltaris are at Mount Velgrin?

Our strength comes from not the power of our weapons, but rather... how we choose to wield what power we have been given.

A veteran of The Great War, Thalleous is among the oldest of the Ardoni alive at the beginning of the series, and has been hunting down remaining Voltaris ever since The Great War ended, travelling across the world to ensure that they are no longer a threat. He wields a Mobilium Song, and later, an Aggressium Song. He's killed by Tygren Voltaris in Episode 6, becoming a martyr to the cause against the Voltaris.

  • Aloof Big Brother: He was this to Galleous, since they never got along much, due to their contrasting ideas on war and the Voltaris.
  • Badass Boast: He gives one to Tygren in Episode 6.
    Thalleous: I have fought against your kind for two hundred years, Tygren. Whatever the Voltaris are planning... I will stop it.
  • Badass Bookworm: Thalleous is knowledgeable and well-educated, but that doesn't stop him from being a competent fighter. Also crosses over into Cultured Warrior.
  • BFS: His main weapon is an enchanted Diamond Greatsword.
  • Blue Is Heroic: The most prominent example of the series so far.
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Cool Uncle: To the younger Ardoni, especially Senn and Ria.
  • Decoy Protagonist: It was originally thought that Thalleous was the main protagonist of the series, but he was killed at the end of Episode 6 by Tygren.
  • Feeling Their Age: His fight with Tygren shows that while he's still a mighty warrior to beware of, he is a rather old Ardoni.
  • Hero of Another Story:
    • He's been hunting down the Voltaris since The Great War ended, which put a serious dent in whatever plans they had until the present.
    • He, along with Zulius Kaltaris, was able to hide the Prime Songs, far away from the Ardoni Territories, where (for now) they are safe from the Voltaris, between Episodes 1 and 2.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: While not stated to be twins, when it comes to him and Galleous, Thalleous has a lighter shade of blue, a more fantasy-esque voice, and a slightly different pattern on the top-left part of his torso.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: He meets his end after Tygren throws a spear into his back at the end of Episode 6.
  • The Insomniac: He's implied to be either this or The Sleepless; he mentions to Senn that he has trouble sleeping due to wielding the Songs for so long.
    Thalleous: You should be asleep, Senn.
    Senn: So should you.
    Thalleous: If only. A lifetime of wielding Songs has had certain... adverse effects on my health.
  • Ironic Death: After spending the past 150 years hunting down the Voltaris, and slaying them each and every time, he's slayed by Tygren while trying to run for it.
  • It's Personal: We see him having this reaction after Tygren kills Hawken.
  • Last Stand: After being ambushed by Voltaris in Episode 6, he makes sure to kill as many of them as possible, making great use of his Mobili-flash and Aggro-quake, succeeding in killing around 6 and stunning at least 3, before finally meeting his end with a spear through the back.
  • Long Last Look: He manages to lock eyes with Senn before passing away.
  • Meaningful Funeral: Several Ardoni attend the funeral procession of him and the other Sendaris who were killed in the Voltaris raid on the village.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: He's killed at the end of Episode 6, right in front of Senn.
  • Old Master: An old Ardoni who's skilled with his Songs.
  • Old Soldier: Among the oldest Ardoni alive, and still able to hold his own during a fight with anyone.
  • Older Than He Looks: He's much older than he lets on, being one of few people of Ardoni who participated in the Great War nearly 150 years ago. However, he's middle-aged by Ardoni standards.
  • One-Man Army: He decimated the number of competent fighters that the Voltaris had during their attack on Sendaria in Episode 6.
  • Properly Paranoid: Apparently, he's been warning about the return of the Voltaris for over 100 years, and his encounter with the remains of the clan at Mount Velgrin only proved this.
    Zulius Kaltaris: Thalleous warned us of an attack on the Prime Songs, and the attack came.
  • Sacrificial Lion: His death in Episode 6 highlights the danger that the Voltaris, and Tygren in particular, are to the world of Ardonia.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: He doesn't remember The Great War fondly, and he's still shaken by his experiences well into the present.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: He is much more confrontational when it comes to the Voltaris, wanting to fight while his brother Galleous prefers a more peaceful approach to conflict. Thalleous also travels the world constantly, while Galleous lives a mundane life as a blacksmith in Ataraxia.
  • Spanner in the Works: He made sure to hide the Prime Songs away from the Ardoni Territories, knowing that Tygren and the rest of the Voltaris clan would try to get them, and destroy everything in their path. He succeeded in stalling the plans of the Voltaris, for now. On a lesser note, his decimation of Voltaris fighters in Episode 6 made it much harder for the Voltaris to defend against another attack, like the one in Episode 10.


Osivian Sendaris

Voiced by: Micheal Potok
You two, go back to your rooms and remain there until I summon you!

You've spoken about the Voltaris and their return for the last hundred years. Without evidence, your words can only fall on deaf ears.

The patriarch of his family in Sendaria, father to Ria and adoptive father to Senn, Osivian is one of the most respected members of the Sendaris clan, and a trusted friend of Thalleous. He's against his children being thrust into battle, and is not keen on them wielding Songs. His family have been keeping the Mobilium Prime Song secure since The Great War ended over 150 years ago.

  • Fantasy-Forbidding Father: He doesn't really want his children going off across the world, or using Songs at all.
  • Go to Your Room!: His usual punishment when he catches his children disobeying him.
  • Macguffin Guardian: He and his family have been guarding the Mobilium Prime Song since The Great War ended, so as to make sure any enemies seeking them would have a harder time trying to find it.
  • Parental Substitute: He raised Senn when no one else would care for a Clanless child, naming him after the clan, so that he'll always have somewhere to call home.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: All of his arguments regarding how to run his area of Sendaria, and what his family can do in general, are reasonably, logical ones.
  • Strict Parents Make Sneaky Kids: His strict attitude makes Ria and Senn much better at sneaking out than he would think.
  • Uncertain Doom: It's unknown whether or not he survived the attack on Sendaria by the Voltaris.


Ria Sendaris

Voiced by: MinaVA
Songs? For us?

I know. Because I'm "one of the few surviving female Ardoni." You've told me before.

Osivian's daughter and one of the only female Ardoni currently in existence, Ria is close to her adoptive brother Senn and like him, wishes to go out exploring the world one day. While her father forbids her to train in combat, preferring she stay in Sendaria to fulfill her responsibilities, she and Senn train behind his back, with Ria being the better combatant. She is given a Mobilium Song by Thalleous in her first appearance.

  • Gender Rarity Value: As one of the few remaining female Ardoni at the current point in the series, she has many responsibilities to be getting on with, much to her chagrin.
  • I Just Want to Be Badass: She has every intention to go out exploring the world, however, she's aware that it may never happen anytime soon.
  • Meaningful Name: Ria is the term used for a partially submerged, unglaciated river valley, which is where her home of Sendaria is.
  • Nice Girl
  • Rebellious Princess: While not technically a princess, she disobeys her father Osivian constantly, sneaking out of her room to do whatever she wishes.
  • Ship Tease: With Senn, her adoptive brother.
  • Strict Parents Make Sneaky Kids: Despite Osivian's restrictions, she is very skilled at sneaking around when her father isn't looking.
  • True Blue Femininity
  • Uncertain Doom: It's unknown whether or not she survived the attack on Sendaria by the Voltaris.


Galleous Sendaris

Voiced by: Carl G. Brooks
A bit of patience may save you even more time, my young friend.

I... have not seen him in many years... My brother and I never... agreed on much... But despite our differences.... I am going to miss him.

Galleous Sendaris is Thalleous' estranged younger brother, one of the founders of Ataraxia, and the local blacksmith. After the death of Thalleous, he is the last living member of his family, and takes up the mantle of mentor to Senn. He is more pacifistic than his brother, and has incredible skill in acquiring information very quickly.

  • Badass Pacifist: He's not as much into battle as Thalleous, which caused friction between the two when Galleous (among others) founded Ataraxia to shelter people affected by the First Great War. He's also been stocking up on weapons in preparation for the Voltaris' return.
    I do not just make tools Senn. I have been preparing for the Voltaris in my own way.
    • A Supporium Song is also the only Song shown in his home, showing the kind of action he prefers.
  • Crazy-Prepared: He's been building up a large cache of weapons in preparation for the return of the Voltaris.
  • Heroic BSoD: While he initially tries to hide it, he's incredibly distraught over the death of his brother Thalleous.
  • Hidden Weapons: He's a very skilled blacksmith, and the amount of weapons he's created and kept over the years in his secret bunker really shows how good he is.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: While not stated to be twins, when it comes to him and Thalleous, Galleous has a darker shade of blue, a much more human voice, and a slightly different pattern on the top-left part of his torso.
  • Last of His Kind: As he states in his first scene, he's the last surviving member of his family.
  • The Mentor: He vows to be this to Senn in Episode 10.
  • Not So Stoic: He tries to hide his grief upon learning of Thalleous' death, but it doesn't last very long.
  • Passing the Torch: He takes up the mantle as Senn's mentor and trainer at the end of Season 1 after Thalleous' death.
    I will train you Senn, as Thalleous would have.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: He is less confrontational when it comes to the Voltaris than Thalleous is, preferring to help peacefully than through fighting. He also lives the mundane life, working as a blacksmith in Ataraxia, while Thalleous is constantly travelling the world.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Averted, while it seems that he's a carbon-copy of Thalleous, it's made clear that he is his own character, having a different personality to Thalleous as a whole.



Master Aegus Nestoris

Aegus Nestoris survived the massacre, thus protecting the last and the most powerful Prime Song.

Aegus Nestoris was the Master of the Nestoris clan during The Great War, and was the one in charge of keeping the Aggressium Prime Song, the most powerful Prime Song, safe. Like the other masters, he refused to give Ingressus Voltaris the Prime Songs, and he managed to survive the massacre that came from the vengeful Voltaris leader. From what we know, he continued to serve as the master of the Nestoris throughout The Great War. At some point between The Great War, he died of old age, presumably being replaced by Aurelius Nestoris.

  • Didn't Think This Through: The outrage by him and the other masters, triggered by their prejudice over the Voltaris clan, made Ingressus volatile, which directly led to The Great War.
  • Heroic BSoD: He was clearly distraught after seeing the carnage unleashed by the Deathsinger after he was refused the Prime Songs.
  • MacGuffin Guardian: He was in charge of the Aggressium Prime Song during The Great War, and passed it on to another family afterwards, so that the Prime Songs wouldn't be found so easily by other possible enemies.
  • Posthumous Character: What he most likely is, since he hasn't been mentioned in-series outside of the prologue. The fact that his name in Estonian means "expired" proves this even further. With Episode 9 showing a different master for the Nestoris clan, this is now confirmed.
  • Sole Survivor: He was the only master to have survived the Deathsinger's massacre.
  • Staff of Authority: As with any Ardoni clan master. His (the Nestoris' master staff, later seen with Aurelius) takes a form reminiscent of a caduceus.


Achillean Nestoris a.k.a. Tidesinger

Voiced by: Joe Goffeney
The tides of this conflict changed, when a young Ardoni joined the fight.

Because... I have united the people of Ardonia, against this nightmare you have created!

When the alliance of the Nether armies and the Voltaris clan seemed unstoppable, Achillean Nestoris joined the fight against them. An Ardoni skilled with the Songs, he was also able to unite the armies of Ardoni, Humans, Felinas, Magnorites and Enderknights, and lead them to victory with every battle they fought, earning the name Tidesinger. This eventually forced the Nether armies to retreat back to the Nether, and forced the Voltaris to fall back to Mount Velgrin. It was here where he fought Ingressus Voltaris, the Deathsinger, alone, which cost them both their lives. An era of peace came about following his sacrifice, and he is revered by all people in the present for his ability to unite and lead the armies to victory.

  • The Ace: Not only was he a great warrior who was skilled with the usage of the Songs, but he was also able to unite and lead all the armies of Ardonia to victory.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: His skill and power with the Songs allowed him to quickly rise through the ranks and eventually the leader of the United Armies.
  • Big Good: Of The Great War and the armies against the Voltaris and Nether.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: He's seen in multiple shots during the prologue, including one after the reveal of Ingressus at the tournament, and one looking back at Nestoria after Ingressus' massacre.
  • Double Weapon: He wielded a double-bladed staff during The Great War.
  • Faking the Dead: It's implied that he did something to trick Ingressus Voltaris, the Deathsinger, that he was either dead or dying, so that he could continue their fight, and stop him from carrying on his rampage on Ardonia.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Thalleous says it was ultimately his ability to unite all of the different peoples of Ardonia (and become the hero of The Great War), that was his greatest strength, not his skill with the Songs.
  • Heroic BSoD: He's seen saddened by the destruction that the Deathsinger brought upon Nestoria during the prologue, possibly hinting that him taking up arms later in the war was a case of It's Personal.
  • Humble Hero: He states that he would have refused the Prime Songs, not wanting himself to have that kind of power.
  • Left for Dead: After the Deathsinger looks down at his body and assumes that he died from the fall off the cliff, he climbs up after the Deathsinger is gone.
  • The Leader: Of the armies against the Nether and Voltaris in The Great War.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Even when not using the abilities of the Songs he had, he was able to outmanoeuvre Ingressus in just about every way.
  • Mirror Character: To Ingressus Voltaris, the Deathsinger. Both are young Ardoni who know how to wield their Songs successfully, and got wrapped up in a devastating war where neither was the true victor.
  • Mutual Kill: With the Deathsinger, though nobody knows who killed who first, since they battled alone. This is averted when it is revealed they both survived.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: He is known in stories and legends as the Tidesinger, his nickname.
  • Posthumous Character: He died in a Mutual Kill with the Deathsinger, which ended The Great War. It's implied by The Stinger in Episode 10 however, that he will go through the portal built by Ingressus and continue their fight.
  • Spin to Deflect Stuff: His introduction in the prologue showed him deflecting arrows from skeletons by spinning his staff.
  • Staff of Authority: An extendable one that he used to fight with. This shows how skilled he is, and how he's not as violent as others, such as the Deathsinger, who primarily uses his sword.
  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else!: Or rather, sound just like everyone else. His voice shows that he's actually quite young, rather than having the baritone one would expect from someone of his legendary prowess.
  • Weak, but Skilled: He was incredibly skilled with the Songs, but he didn't have the power he needed to survive against the Deathsinger, where both were killed. Except they both survived.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: It's implied that he was the one to persuade Ingressus into entering the tournament.
    Ingressus: Do you remember... who it was - who suggested I enter the tournament in the first place?


Master Aurelius Nestoris

Voiced by: Faux Broadcaster
The Ardoni will go to war once again.

Today we buried innocents - massacred by an enemy we no longer have the strength or courage to repel.

Master Aurelius Nestoris is the current master of the Nestoris clan, having most likely succeeded the previous master, Aegus. After the Voltaris attacked the villages with the Prime Songs, he is willing to go to war with them in order to bring an end to their heinous plans.

  • Honour Before Reason: He says that going to war with the Voltaris is a case of restoring the honour that the Ardoni clans have, as well as quelling a dangerous breakaway clan.
  • Named After Someone Famous: His name comes from the Roman Emperor Aurelius, the father of the infamous Commodus.
  • Old Master: Comes with being the current leader of the Nestoris clan.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: While he knows that the Ardoni aren't strong enough to fight the Voltaris as of now, he's aware that many Ardoni will want to take a stand against the Voltaris and crush them, so he agrees to send word to the other clans to gather warriors to fight.
  • This Means War!: As the image quote says:
    The Ardoni clans will go to war once again. We will send word to the other clans, and gather all Ardoni warriors who are willing to fight.


Hubris Nestoris

Voiced by: Lucas Martinez VA
The knights of Ardonia will always be recruiting.

This is bigger than that. We need to be ready to defend all of Ardonia.

Hubris is a resident of Ataraxia, who's recruiting for The Knights of Ardonia, a resistance network spanning the whole of Ardonia. While he agreed with Zulius Kaltaris about the need to quell the Voltaris threat, he sees the bigger picture, and wants to defend the whole world from attacks on all fronts.

  • Cassandra Truth: His idea of gathering an army to protect all of Ardonia is scoffed at by Zulius Kaltaris and Hadion Mendoris, but it looks like a much better idea after the return of the Deathsinger and the Necromancer invasion of Felden.
  • La Résistance: He is attempting to build one called "The Knights of Ardonia", in order to create an army that the entire world will be able to use to defend itself from hostile forces.
  • Non-Indicative Name: The word "Hubris" is a synonym for arrogant, which better describes the attitudes of Zulius and Hadion when he discusses his idea of creating the Knights of Ardonia in Episode 10.
  • Only Sane Man: He recognises the need to defend everyone in Ardonia instead of simply the Ardoni clans, knowing that an attack on the Voltaris on Mount Velgrin will probably not be enough.



Zulius Kaltaris

Voiced by: Kevin Liberty
Unbelievable! This is unprecedented!

Voltaris... even after all this time, you do not know when to admit defeat.

A respected member of the Kaltaris clan, Zulius was a trusted friend of Thalleous Sendaris, having helped him hide the Prime Songs. When he finds out that Thalleous was killed by the Voltaris, he takes up the role as the main force against them, wanting to avenge his friend, and finish what he started. He wields an Aggressium Song.

  • Authority Equals Asskicking: The leader of the war party against the Voltaris in Episode 10, and the one from that war party with the highest body count.
  • Big Good: He rallies the Ardoni to go to Mount Velgrin in order to face the Voltaris and put an end to their plans once and for all.
  • Heroic Vow: As part of a Rousing Speech in Episode 9.
    I am no master, and I have no partner in life. I will do what I must to eliminate the Voltaris, once and for all!
  • Hero of Another Story: He helped Thalleous hide some of the Prime Songs between Episode 1 and 2, which stalled the plans of the Voltaris.
  • Honour Before Reason: He does not recognise the need to defend all of Ardonia before the Voltaris may attack, simply wanting to vanquish them swiftly at Mount Velgrin.
  • Javelin Thrower: How he dispatches of one Voltaris in Episode 10.
  • The Leader: He becomes the leader of the war party against the Voltaris at Mount Velgrin, which he founded in Episode 9.
  • Staff of Authority: He wields a staff when going into combat, which helps him to channel the power of his Aggressium Song.



Master Siderian Mendoris

Voiced by: HedonisticActor
What you propose will bring our clans to war.

Not just any villages either... they were after the Prime Songs.

Master Siderian Mendoris is the current leader of the Mendoris clan, and is rather hesitant to go to war with the Voltaris, fearing that the Ardoni will lose too much in the ensuing conflict.

  • The Cynic: He rather bluntly says that the Ardoni are currently too weak to fight the Voltaris.
    We are too weak to attack, and we risk too much.
  • Old Master: Comes with being the leader of the Mendoris clan, and he knows that the attackers were at the villages for the Prime Songs.
  • Unexplained Accent: His Eastern European accent sticks out like a sore thumb among the voices of all the other Ardoni.
  • War Is Hell: He's not at all keen on bringing the clans to war with the Voltaris, though he sends the word out for warriors regardless.

     Galadar & Hadion 

Galadar Mendoris and Hadion Mendoris

Voiced by: Connor Ludovice
Galadar on the left, Hadion on the right.

Master Siderian... we face an even greater danger if we allow the Voltaris to grow in strength. I will go with you Zulius Kaltaris.
As will I, brother. The only way to end this threat is to face it.

Two brothers of the Mendoris clan, Galadar and Hadion are among the most respected of that clan, and were the first to volunteer to go to war with the Voltaris to end their threat to the Ardoni way of life. Galadar is of a darker shade of purple, while Hadion is more magenta-coloured.

  • Always Identical Twins: While not explicitly stated, it's probably played straight, since they have the exact same body patterns and the same voice actor.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Hadion initially tries to consider other options from the Voltaris when thinking of who could have attacked the villages. However, that doesn't stop him from going along with the attack and later defending the reason behind it by all means.
  • Badass Normal: They wield no Songs, yet they are among the Ardoni war party that are still alive by the end of Episode 10.
  • Bodyguarding a Badass: They guard Zulius' flanks before the climactic fight in Episode 10.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: Hadion's sword is holed, while Galadar's isn't. Also, Hadion is of a slightly lighter shade of Magenta than Galadar.
  • Jumped at the Call: They are the first Ardoni to heed Zulius' call to raise an army to strike the Voltaris.
  • Those Two Guys: They are only very briefly seen apart in Season 1.




Voiced by: Tom Agilo
I'm really going to travel with you? How far are we going? What should I bring? Do I need a sword?

Do you think the undead fight fair? Or the Nether? Or the many other dangers out in the world?

Senn is one of the three main protagonists (alongside Lucan and Abbigail) of Songs of War. The only known Clanless Ardoni in existence, Senn was orphaned at an incredibly young age by the Voltaris, being the only one of his family to have survived. He was rescued by Thalleous and later raised by Osivian as one of the Sendaris clan, hence his name, Senn. He's eager to explore the world, and is a skilled weaponsmith. He's given a Protisium Song by Thalleous in his first appearance.

  • Audience Surrogate: He's not very knowledgeable about the world, so whenever Thalleous or another character has to explain something to him, they're also explaining it to the audience.
  • Bearer of Bad News: He is the one to break the news of Thalleous' death to Galleous in Episode 10.
  • Birds of a Feather: He quickly makes friends with Igneous in Episode 7, due to the both of them being regarded as outcasts within their own species, and not having anyone but animals to talk to up until that point.
  • Constantly Curious: He asks a lot of questions in his interactions with Thalleous. Given that he's never left Sendaria prior to Episode 3, this is to be expected.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: He bears these on a Voltaris that ambushes him in Episode 6, until Timber comes to save him.
  • The Hero: He is one of the three main protagonists (alongside Lucan and Abbigail) of the series, specifically, he’s the hero of the Ardoni storyline.
  • Hidden Weapons: He makes a lot of weapons in his room, though some of them aren't as hidden as they should be.
  • Heroic BSoD: He's incredibly distraught after seeing Sendaria up in flames at the end of Episode 5.
  • Jumped at the Call: When Galleous said that everyone in Ardonia would need to help to stop the next Great War, Senn immediately volunteered his services to do so.
  • Light Is Good: He has a white colouring, and is definitely on the side of good.
  • Long Last Look:
    • He has this before setting off with Thalleous in Episode 3, looking at Ria. Considering what happens in Episode 5, this is especially heart-wrenching to see.
    • He manages to lock eyes with Thalleous before he passes away in Episode 6.
  • Meaningful Name: He's named after the Sendaris clan, where he was raised.
  • Mind Rape: He is briefly subjected to this by the Elder Guardian in Episode 9, which gives us hints to the past that he doesn't know, as proven by this line:
    Mysterious Voice: Whose child is this?
  • Mysterious Parent: His parents, as well as his overall ancestry is a mystery to everyone, though Thalleous might know something about it.
  • Near-Death Experience: He is underwater for a very long time in Episode 8 and 9, which, combined with the Mind Rape from a little bit earlier, almost drowns him, had the Guardians not ejected him from the water.
  • Nice Guy
  • Oh, Crap!: His reaction upon making eye contact with the Elder Guardian in Episode 8.
  • Only Friend: Igneous describes him as such in Episode 10, just before he leaves to settle the conflict between Cydonia and K'arthen.
  • Ship Tease: With Ria, his adoptive sister.
  • Sole Survivor: He is the only one of his family who survived after they were killed by the Voltaris.

The Order of the Songs

     In General 

The Songs

The titular Songs are among the most powerful objects in the world of Ardonia, though only in the hands of the Ardoni species, who possess the unique ability to wield the power within them, and use them for whatever they desire (depending on what powers the Songs offer). The Songs in existence are Aggressium (red): which is primarily used to attack, Mobilium (yellow): which is primarily used for movement, Protisium (blue): which is primarily used for self defence and protection, and Supporium (green): which is primarily used for healing and telekinesis. An Ardoni can wield one Song from each order, meaning that they need to be strategic in the Songs they choose. A Song can be used through any means necessary, with bare hands or weapons, though their powers are better channelled through wielding a staff. As shown in Episode 10, they can't travel through time.

  • Color Motif:
    • Red - The Aggressium Songs are used for attacking, which is commonly seen as something intense, especially in a series like this.
    • Green - Supporium Songs are typically used to heal oneself, showing the relative tranquillity of their nature, and not used to directly harm others (most of the time).
    • Blue - Protisium Songs are coloured blue, the most common favourite colour which people feel safe around, and Protisium is a protective Song.
  • Macguffin: What they effectively are in many cases, mostly with the Prime Songs.
  • Meaningful Name: The etymology for their names make it fairly obvious as to their intended purpose:
    • Aggressium is the attacking Song, "Going on the aggressive" is another way of saying, "Going to attack".
    • Mobilium is the movement Song, Mobile is another word for moving or movement.
    • Protisium is the protection Song, the rest is self explanatory.
    • Supporium is a healing and telekinesis Song, which allows one to "support themselves" better.
  • Necessary Drawback:
    • There is a cooldown period between when the user is able to use the powers of the Songs they wield.
    • An Ardoni can only wield a maximum of four Songs, one from each order, forcing them to pick and choose which particular Songs they should have.
  • Power at a Price: Handling a Song requires a lot of physical and mental strength, and wielding them for a long time will have adverse affects on an Ardoni's health, as Thalleous explains in Episode 5.
  • Power Glows: When an Ardoni activates a Song, they will glow a little before the Song's effect is used.


The Aggressium Songs

Aggressium is the Song that is primarily used to attack, it has more varieties than any other order of Song.

  • Chain Lightning: The Aggressium power Aggro-shock allows the wielder to zap a red, electricity-like bolt towards an enemy, which will have this effect on the desired targets, if they are grouped close to each other.
  • Death Ray: The Aggressium power Aggro-beam allows the user to create one.
  • Energy Ball: Aggro-sphere is this.
  • Ground Pound: Aggro-quake can be used through punching the ground, sending any opponent flying, stunning and sometimes killing them in the process, as seen with Thalleous in Episode 6.
  • Herd-Hitting Attack: Most are capable of doing this, those that don't include Aggro-sphere and Aggro-blast.
  • Short-Range Shotgun: Aggro-blast allows for something like this to happen, being a short range, but powerful variety to use, as shown by Ingressus.
  • Storm of Blades: Aggro-shard is a Hard Light version of this trope, sending red energy shards towards any of the desired targets on any battlefield.
  • Tornado Move:
    • The power Aggro-storm, allows the wielder to cast a tornado-like effect around them, drawing opponents in, and harming anyone within short range, as shown by Zinaida in Episode 6.
    • Similarly, Aggro-vortex give the wielder the ability to blast a reddish-orange vortex towards the desired target, as demonstrated by Zulius.


The Mobilium Songs

Mobilium is the Song primarily used for movement, giving the wielder limited Teleportation, to wherever is in their field of vision.

  • Bouncing Battler: Mobili-bounce allows the wielder to become this, bouncing with the use of temporary platforms to outmanoeuvre their opponent.
  • Criss-Cross Attack: Mobili-bounce also allows the wielder to utilise one of these, as shown with Achillean Nestoris a.k.a. Tidesinger in Episode 10.
  • Dash Attack: Mobili-burst allows its wielder to move forward at a tremendous speed and hit their opponent, knocking them back in the process.
  • Flash Step: The Mobilium power Mobili-flash allows the wielder to do this, for short bursts of speed to use in whatever situation, as demonstrated by Thalleous.
  • In a Single Bound: Mobili-leap will give its wielder the ability to jump up an incredible height, as shown with Ingressus in Episode 10.
  • Knockback: Mobili-burst will knock back the victim of the Dash Attack quite a distance, making it a dual-purpose Song.
  • Mundane Utility: Since they provide movement-based powers, they can be used by Ardoni so that they can move to certain places within their field of vision much faster than they normally would.
    • Necessary Drawback: However, they can only move to somewhere that's within their field of vision.
  • Super-Speed: Mobili-burst will allow this to happen, though as the name implies, it's only a short burst of speed, as shown with Deathsinger in Episode 10.
  • Teleportation: They can do this in a limited sense, since they do allow the wielder to move from one place to another very quickly.
  • Temporary Platform: Mobili-bounce gives these to the wielder, using several of them and jumping from one platform to another, which helps them to attack the opponent from several angles.


The Protisium Songs

Protisium is the Song used for protection and self defence, and it has a wide variety of ways to do so.

  • Barrier Warrior: Most Protisium Song powers, such as the aptly-named Prote-barrier, allow the wielder to become this.
  • Deflector Shields: Prote-sphere allows the user to cast one, which will move with them wherever they go.
  • Knockback: Prote-armor will knock back an opponent who will hit the armour on the Ardoni, breaking the armour in the process.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: As well as the regular Songs which cast shields or barriers to protect its user, the Prote-shield power gives its user a small, impenetrable shield to protect themselves from any sort of attack, until it fizzles away.
  • Moveset Clone: Prote-clone gives the user the power to move away, and create a fragile statue of themselves, which will take the hit for them.
  • Necessary Drawback: Many of the powers have drawbacks to their usage.
    • Prote-sphere will only protect its user, making it useless for large groups.
    • Prote-barrier is only capable of protecting a group from one side, leaving them open to attack from other sides.
    • Prote-armor will render its wielder unable to move when activated.
    • Prote-shield only protects a very small area on an Ardoni's arm, leaving them exposed in all other areas of their body.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Prote-armor makes its user completely invulnerable to any hits from their opponent, and give them a knockback effect in the process.


The Supporium Songs

Supporium is the Song that has the more miscellaneous powers, whatever hasn't been listed under the other Songs will most likely be listed under this Song.

  • Dishing Out Dirt: Suppori-spike allows the wielder to manipulate the earth beneath their opponent, specifically, to raise it from beneath them.
  • Healing Factor: At least one Song from this order is capable of doing this, though we have yet to see it.
  • Hufflepuff House: Any powers that can't be listed under any of the other Songs are grouped into Supporium, leaving this order to be the least-desired of any order of Song.
  • Mundane Utility: Word of God confirms that Suppori-spike can simply be used to make stairs for its user.
  • Necessary Drawback: Part of the reason why they aren't as sought after as the other Songs.
    • Suppori-kinesis can only move inanimate objects and Song effects like Aggro-sphere, so living beings aren't affected.
    • Likewise, Suppori-lift can only move living creatures, and not inanimate objects.
  • Telekinesis: Suppori-kinesis allows the wielder to move any inanimate object or Song effect with their mind (in conjunction with this Song power). Suppori-lift is almost identical, but allows the user to move living beings instead of inanimate objects.

     Prime Songs 

The Prime Songs
The Prime Songs: (left to right) Protisium Prime, Aggressium Prime, Mobilium Prime, Supporium Prime.
The most powerful of the Songs, they were deemed far too powerful and dangerous for the Ardoni to wield freely after they were abused by members of the Voltaris clan hundreds of years before The Great War. The Prime Songs allow an Ardoni to wield any power from the respective Song order, making the wielder incredibly powerful when used by a skilled enough Ardoni. As such, they were given to the masters of the four remaining Ardoni clans, as a sign of peace and unity. One must prove themselves worthy in order to wield them, and even then they are only considered necessary to wield when there is no other option available.

  • Combo Platter Powers: The Prime Songs can wield any power of the Songs from their respective order, showing why they are so powerful and sought after.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Using them in any way is definitely considered this.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: We never get to properly see all of them being used to their full potential, and one can only wonder why.
  • Too Awesome to Use: In a rather tragic and scary way, they are this, since we never get to see what one is truly capable of when wielding all of them.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: They seem to have this effect on inexperienced or non-Ardoni beings, as proven when Senn and Sulliman stare at the Mobilium Prime in Episodes 3 and 4, respectively. This may also be the reason Deathsinger became so deranged upon collecting 3 of them, and why it's forbidden to wield them freely.
