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Due to major Plot Twists within the story, all spoilers are unmarked. Read at your own risk.

Suguru Geto

Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai (Japanese), Lex Lang (English)

Age: 27

Cursed Technique: Cursed Spirit Manipulation
Click here to see him in the Hidden Inventory arc
"I don't like monkeys. That's the truth I chose."

The Big Bad of both "Volume Zero" and "Jujutsu Kaisen", former student of Jujutsu High and former best friend of Satoru Gojo. Despite starting out as a Wide-Eyed Idealist fully intent on honouring his presumed duties as a Jujutsu sorcerer to human society, experience, loss and disgust with the broader populace slowly transformed him into A Nazi by Any Other Name, coming to view sorcerers as superior to regular humans who provide the world with nothing except an excess of Cursed Energy for Curses to spawn from. In order to wholly rid the world of Cursed Spirits, he plans to completely exterminate non-sorcerers.

He returns in the main series, now apparently in league with the Disaster Curses and leading a new posse of Curse Users. However, a drastic shift in his role, appearance and personality between "Volume Zero" and "Jujutsu Kaisen" suggests Geto is not what he seems.

His Cursed Technique, "Cursed Spirit Manipulation", allows him to absorb and control any Curses he exorcises, though this comes at the price of having to physically devour a subdued Curse, a process which Geto describes as "eating a rag wiped in vomit". Nevertheless, his ability makes him one of the four registered Special Grade sorcerers and grants him near-unparalleled versatility, as well as a personal army at his immediate disposal.

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    Tropes applying to Geto during "Volume Zero" 

Suguru Geto

Suguru such as he is appears as the main antagonist in Volume Zero and a supporting protagonist in the "Hidden Inventory" flashback arc within "Jujutsu Kaisen", detailing his student days, his relationship with Gojo and his descent into villainy.

During the climax of Volume 0, he releases multiple powerful spirits at Shinjuku and Kyoto. He then invades Jujutsu High in order to take control of Yuta Okkotsu's Guardian Entity Rika, but is defeated by Yuta and later executed by Gojo. His body is subsequently stolen and possessed by Kenjaku.

  • Affably Evil: To those he respects, even after his Start of Darkness, Geto is laid back, well-spoken, and often smiling. He doesn't take his frustration out on anyone, and is even not above casual conversation. When he's around people he wants to manipulate or harm, however, he slips into Faux Affably Evil.
  • Arc Villain: Serves this role as the main villain of the prequel arc, with all of Jujutsu High working to stop him. While he is defeated, his ultimate fate is ambiguous. The main series confirms Gojo killed him then.
  • Ax-Crazy: Suguru absolutely lost it after becoming a Curse-User, regularly watching his Cursed Spirits butcher non-sorcerers with a serene smile on his face.
  • Bash Brothers: Was this with Gojo as Jujutsu High students, with the two going on missions together and the pair called "the strongest".
  • The Beastmaster: His Cursed Technique makes him this with Curses.
  • Became Their Own Antithesis: In a downright Monte Cristo-like act of vengeance, one of the first things he does after abandoning Jujutsu High is to take over the very Time Vessel Association that ruined his worldview and put the hit on Riko in the first place, brutally slaughter their leader Sonoda Shigeru in front of their entire leadership and group of sponsors, and then ask if there were any objections to him becoming the head of the very group that caused his Start of Darkness with immediate effect.
  • Bloodbath Villain Origin: Geto began to believe that the solution to stopping the creation of cursed spirits was to kill all non-sorcerers after he began to look down on non-sorcerers and witnessed the deaths of sorcerers who tried to exorcise cursed spirits such as Yu. He started to act on it when on a mission the villagers wanted him to kill two young sorcerers, causing him to massacre all 112 of the village's inhabitants. In strict adherence to his belief, Geto even killed his own non-sorcerer parents.
  • Broken Ace: He was touted as one of the two strongest sorcerers of Jujutsu High, alongside Gojo, but ultimately, a mixture of factors, including witnessing the cruelty of normal people towards sorcerers, seeing one too many comrades fall in battle against cursed spirits, his growing jealousy towards Gojo's overwhelming power, severe overwork, and, most importantly, his failure to save Riko ended up twisting him into an ironically charming sociopath with no empathy towards Muggles and a drive to exterminate them all in order to create a curse-free world.
  • Cannibalism Superpower: Curses he defeats turn into small black orbs which he then has to eat in order to take control of them. The caveat being that curses taste like rags covered in vomit. Which he doesn't enjoy. He's eaten them over six-thousand times.
  • Dead All Along: Though Gojo appears to confront him at the end of Volume 0 and asks for his final words, his fate is ultimately left open, and he returns at the beginning of the main series with stitches across his head, leading one to believe he simply recovered offscreen. Upon meeting Gojo in Shibuya, the present-day Suguru reveals he is in fact a different being using a technique to control Geto's body, confirming Gojo had killed him then.
  • Declaration of Protection: When he gives Riko Amanai the choice to either go through with her Merger of Souls with Tengen or escape to live her own life, Geto declares that he and Gojo will protect her no matter what choice she makes, even if it means going against all the higher-ups of the Jujutsu world. This really emphasizes what a good guy he used to be and just how much Riko's Surprisingly Sudden Death immediately afterwards affected him.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Pale skin, long black hair, and a curse user who can summon monstrous cursed spirits and wants to massacre all non-sorcerers.
  • Evil Former Friend: Gojo's. The two were best friends until Geto's loss of faith in the cycle of exorcism led him to decide to kill all non-sorcerers. Even when the two are waging war against each other, Geto and Gojo still clearly love each other, with Gojo calling him his best and only friend.
  • Evil Is Petty: He sprays air freshener all over himself after meetings with non-sorcerers because he doesn't want to catch their "monkey stink".
  • Face–Heel Turn: The Hidden Inventory arc shows that Geto used to be a hero and all-around Nice Guy. He may have had some Good Is Not Soft qualities that he shared with Gojo, but he always wanted to do the right thing, even if it meant defying his superiors. A series of cruel and unnecessary deaths, along with his own growing feelings of hopelessness and doubt drive him towards his heel turn.
  • Familiar: Control over these is Geto's signature brand of cursed technique. He can tame lower-level spirits by compacting them into a ball and ingesting them, gaining the ability to call upon them in battle.
  • Fantastic Racism: Hates all non-sorcerers due to accidentally perpetuating the rise of Curses, even calling them monkeys behind their back.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Though he remains laid-back and neutral at the absolute worst to his old friends and those he works with, Geto appears to mask a tranquil fury and spite when faced with people he wishes to manipulate or harm, sometimes brutally ending their lives.
  • Fighting from the Inside: Despite having been killed, he is revealed to still be alive deep down due to the nature of the second Geto using his body for possession. His body twitches and briefly reacts to Gojo speaking to him by grapping himself by the collar, and the second Geto mentions that this is a first. Word of God compares this to the post-mortem twitches of an animal or insect, implying this was a one-time thing.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: His Maximum: Uzumaki technique is essentially this. By converting any number of Cursed Spirits under his command into raw Cursed Energy, he can unleash the resulting projectile as a devastatingly destructive blast.
  • Irony: A sorcerer who consumed and exploited curses has been himself assimilated, with his body now a puppet for a villain using his identity and powers for their own ends. Furthermore, his use of "monkey" as a derogative term for Muggles only came about after Toji, who has no Cursed Energy, beat his ass in a Curb-Stomp Battle and then mocked him and Gojo for being defeated by a mere "Jujutsu-less monkey".
  • Mage Born of Muggles: Ironically, his parents were ordinary people from the countryside with no ties to the world of Curses, yet Geto had The Gift for both Jujutsu and martial arts. His parents ended up some of his first victims.
  • Meaningful Name: Suguru literally means "superior being".
  • Misanthrope Supreme: After a series of experiences pertaining to the loss of multiple innocent lives and the increasing feeling of a lack of purpose behind his occupation, Geto became so disillusioned with humanity that he slowly began to slip into this, culminating in him exterminating an entire village on his final mission. Notable is that his hatred is directed primarily towards non-Jujutsu sorcerers, rather than humanity as a whole.
  • Mythical Motifs: He's styled as an evil bodhisattva, a person on the path to Buddhahood. Geto has his "enlightenment" when he chooses to kill all non-sorcerer humans for being inferior and responsible for the existence of cursed spirits. Chapter 70's color page has him drawn as a bodhisattva with an inverted mudra, representing how he offers no salvation, and he amasses a group of loyal followers. Visually, he wears Buddhist monk robes and has large, pierced ear lobes. Chapter 0-3 has a woman compare him to the Buddha himself.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: If he wasn't from the same generation that produced Gojo, he would probably be the greatest Sorcerer of the modern day with a Technique that could change the world of Sorcerers entirely. Due to feeling overshadowed by Gojo's ascent to the true World's Strongest Man, and his own dwindling enthusiasm for the Jujutsu Sorcerer profession because of Muggles feeling ungrateful for the hard work of Sorcerers (if not outright unknowing), he ends up becoming one of the greatest calamities the Jujutsu world would ever see. Including post-mortem.
  • Parental Substitute: After saving Nanako and Mimiko when they were kids from the non-sorcerers who were torturing them, he took them in and essentially adopted them as his surrogate daughters with the two forming an undying love and devotion to him as a result.
  • Pet the Dog: Despite how ruthless he is, he actually took in and helped raise Nanako and Mimiko after utterly slaughtering the village that was persecuting them. Years later, the two are still deeply loyal to him because of it.
  • Please Kill Me if It Satisfies You: He acknowledges that he stands absolutely zero chances against Gojo, but having just delivered Gojo the reality check of a lifetime, Gojo doesn't go through with it.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Extremely bigoted towards non-Sorcerers, which outside of the obvious ugliness of it has rather uncomfortable implications with later revelations that most of the Sorcerers in the world are Japanese with parties like Miguel and his tribe being outliers.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: During his time as a Curse User, he posed as a kindly priest who liberated curses from civilians. Despite holding them in contempt, he treated the people who came to him for help with understanding and compassion, allowing them to leave unharmed after exorcising their curses so they could spread word about him. By cultivating his reputation in this way, he effectively ensures he'll have a steady stream of people to bring him curses to absorb and offer substantial financial donations to further fund his goals. It's also implied that he actively seeks out wealthy patrons and sics his curses on them so they'll come to him for aid and, once he's exhausted all their funds, allows his curses to devour them.
  • Self-Made Orphan: When confronted about his killing shortly after his betrayal, it's revealed that one of Geto's first victims were his parents. As he admits, if he's going to slaughter the majority of humanity, he can't make compromises on emotional attachments.
  • Sanity Slippage: He's much less in control of himself in 0 then he was during the Hidden Inventory arc. doing things like crying hysterical tears when he sees sorcerer youth risk themselves for Yuta.
  • Slasher Smile: Sports a wide, crazed smile on his face throughout his battle with Yuta and his classmates.
  • Son of an Ape: Geto is fond of calling non-Jujutsu sorcerers "monkeys", indicative of how strongly he looks down on them.
  • Start of Darkness: Riko's tragic death and the cruel circumstances surrounding it are what make Geto lose his faith in humanity, starting him on the path to becoming a Misanthrope Supreme.
  • Starter Villain: For the series as a whole. He only shows up in the Volume 0 prequel and Gojo's Past flashback arc, but his debut happens in the former and he's the first antagonist the series ever introduces.
  • Stepford Smiler: Geto almost constantly sports a cheerful grin on his face during his days as a curse user to match his lighthearted and unhinged new persona. He admits to Gojo before his death that he's actually extremely depressed, stating that he "can't smile from the bottom of his heart in a world like this." It's implied that his last smile in response to Gojo's hidden words was a genuine one.
  • Superpower Lottery: Cursed Spirit Manipulation is an incredibly powerful and versatile technique that allows Geto access to a innumerable variety of cursed spirits (including at least two special-grade curses, and one more in 0) to deal with almost any situation imaginable, giving him practically unlimited varieties of Combo Platter Powers through their abilities. Weaker cursed spirits can be absorbed instantly without any other conditions, and any curse exorcised by Geto "drops" a little sphere he can then consume. Not only that, it's a technique with virtually limitless potential since, by all indications, there seems to be no limit to how many curses he can absorb. By the time of Volume 0, he had amassed up to 6,462 curses in his arsenal, and didn't seem too bothered that he had to use several thousand of those in a single Uzumaki shot against Yuta.
  • Super Supremacist: Despite starting out as more idealistic and principled than Gojo, years of sacrifice and loss in the name of protecting humanity embittered Geto towards what he perceived to be an ungrateful mass of idiots. Losing friends and colleagues to Curses while regular humans remained ignorant at best and dismissive at worst of their sacrifice eventually led Geto to begin despising non-sorcerers as a whole, derogatively referring to them as "monkeys". Struggling with these feelings at first, he eventually embraces them and removes the last obstacle he might have had in committing to his genocidal plans.
  • Tragic Bromance: With Gojo. The two were best friends as students until Riko Amanai's death and the countless cycle of exorcism all for non-sorcerers like the ones who applauded Riko's death led Geto to lose his faith, vowing to kill all non-sorcerers to create a world of only sorcerers without curses. Geto's betrayal greatly both angered and saddened Gojo. This eventually led to Gojo killing Geto during the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, with Gojo still calling him his one and only best friend after doing so. Geto's death allowed for Kenjaku to take over his body, a turn of events that lead to Gojo getting sealed in the Shibuya Incident.
  • Tragic Villain: Geto was once a morally upstanding sorcerer and Gojo's best friend. However, his faith in humanity was gradually worn down by the cruelty of non-sorcerers, Gojo's apparent growth and them being inadvertently responsible for many of the curses. It breaks upon seeing two innocent girls abused for having cursed techniques. Geto only truly wanted to ensure his fellow sorcerers didn't end up going down as he saw the marathon of jujutsu sorcery as being an endless affair that would eventually take away all of his comrades, and his defection ended up turning him firmly against the very friends he sought to protect. When's finally defeated he spends his last moments admitting that despite everything, he still cared his former friends.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Geto's Start of Darkness began with Riko's death. In the following year, Geto struggled to deal with his increasing lack of purpose and growing disdain for non-Sorcerers, while Gojo mastered his Limitless technique and definitively became stronger than Geto. Through Yuki Tsukumo he learned that it's non-sorcerers who produce Cursed Spirits simply by existing, exacerbating his ire. Soon after, fellow sorcerer Yu Haibara died due to a clerical error that mislabeled the grade of a Cursed Spirit. The last straw was finding out that a village was abusing two little girls and blamed them for the Curses that plagued them, at which point he snapped, murdered the entire village, and decided to solve the Cursed Spirits problem by starting a campaign to kill every non-Sorcerer in the world.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: His goal is to kill all regular humans due to them not being able to control their Cursed Energy, which would prevent Cursed Spirits from being created and consequently end the cycle all jujutsu sorcerers are trapped in. As he admits to Gojo, he simply doesn't want to see anyone's smile disappear.
  • We Used to Be Friends: He used to be best friends with Gojo, taking on many missions together during their time at the college. Gojo leaving Geto in the dust with his power, as well as Geto's own slipping sense of self lead to him eventually defecting as a sorcerer. Even after killing Geto following his defeat by Yuta, Gojo still calls him his one and only best friend.

    Tropes applying to Geto during "Jujutsu Kaisen" (MAJOR SPOILERS) 


Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai (Japanese), Lex Lang (English)

Age: 27 (Biologically)

Cursed Technique: Cursed Spirit Manipulation, Unnamed Brain Transplant Technique, Idle Transfiguration
Click here to see his true form
Click here to see him in Noritoshi Kamo's body

"Regret, huh? I've forgotten what that feels like."

A tremendously ancient and knowledgeable Curse User who used his Cursed Technique to transplant his brain into the body of the real Suguru Geto, who died during the events of Volume 0. He's been body surfing around for some time now; one of his previous bodies was the Evil Sorcerer Noritoshi Kamo*, responsible for the creation of the Death Paintings about 150 years ago, and going by the sorcerers he has gathered up as Cursed Objects, he's been around at least a thousand and some years.

Joining forces with the Disaster Curses at the beginning of the story, he uses them to accelerate his plan of bringing out humanity's potential in optimizing Cursed Energy and ushering in a new era of Jujutsu sorcery through arranging a twisted Culling Game... or so it seems...

Along with the technique he used to transplant his brain and being a powerful Barrier Technique user, he also has Geto's Cursed Technique "Cursed Spirit Manipulation", which allows him to absorb and control Curses and use them for combat. Cursed Spirit Manipulation's Maximum Technique, Uzumaki, also has a secondary effect that transfers the Innate Techniques of all the Curses used to fuel it for a single use if they are Semi-Grade 1 or higher. He also has an entirely third Technique that allows him to manipulate gravity.

  • Achilles' Heel: Since Kenjaku's true body is the brain-like cursed being he surgically implants into his host bodies, only a direct strike to the cranium will kill him. Getting his head cut off by Yuta's surprise attack effectively severs his control over Geto's body and leaves him helpless, but his head can still talk and issue commands for a few moments afterwards, which he uses to pass control over the Culling Game and his master plan to "Megumi Fushigoro" (read:Sukuna in Megumi's body) before Yuta stops him for good with a stab straight through the head.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: Against all odds Takaba does amuse him.
  • Ambiguous Gender: He's taken both male and female hosts throughout history, but the gender of his original body (or if gender even applies to his true form anymore) is unclear.
  • Ancient Evil: He qualifies as one himself, being at least a millenium old and having spent the better part of his existence scheming to see humanity achieve the next step in its evolution, consequences be damned. He also has a menagerie of abilities, in the form of ancient Cursed Spirits absorbed through Geto's Technique.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: In the wake of the Shibuya Incident, it becomes supremely clear that if every post-Heian Era Sorcerer are players in a casino, this guy might as well be the proverbial house that always wins, and the only reason he didn't unleash this power upon the world earlier was because he was stacking the deck, setting the table and considerably raising the stakes.
  • Animal Motifs:
    • Centipedes, which are seen as impure in Japanese folklore, and legends about them frequently involve them nesting in corpses to reanimate them as a corruption of immortality by making it come from the body, as opposed to the Buddhist immortality of the soul/Atman. Him and Mahito even have a brief discussion about how they think the soul and the body are the same thing, and that it is only in Cursed Techniques that worldviews can be dictated for the individual.
    • Centipedes are also frequently used as the symbol for Gu/Kodoku rituals which his Culling Game closely resembles in having the Players kill one another to survive in an inclosed space in hopes that the last player surviving will revolutionize Cursed Energy. His trademark head stitches looks like a centipede, and most of his Mook Familiars take the form of centipedes, either as swarms or a single gigantic one to be used as a ramming projectile.
  • Archnemesis Dad: Choso completely loathes him for the abuse he put the Death Paintings' mother through. He's later shown to also be Yuji's archnemesis mom, having birthed him in one of his previous bodies seemingly for the purpose of turning him into a host for Sukuna.
  • The Assimilator: His brain transplant lets him take other sorcerers's abilities, and in Geto's body, he can also do this with strong enough Curses and then extract their techniques through the use of Maximum: Uzumaki.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: After becoming ungodly powerful by stacking his deck with cards like Cursed Spirit Manipulation and a host of Ancient Evils at his beck and call, with even more Cursed Techniques than that at his disposal, he effortlessly upsets the power balance of the Jujutsu Association and takes over the entire thing in a matter of days after the Shibuya Incident, ensuring that Jujutsu High wouldn't be seeing any backup from Headquarters.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: He comes out of the The Shibuya Incident as the only true victor, which is saying a lot. Gojo gets locked up indefinitely in the Prison Realm, much of Tokyo is left oversaturated with Cursed Energy, allowing Cursed Spirits to run wild, and the Jujutsu council folds neatly into his grasp mere days after the Incident occured, allowing Kenjaku to focus his full attention on his next scheme – the Culling Game..
  • Barrier Warrior: He is noted to be the second-strongest sorcerer in the world when it comes to creating and utilizing barrier techniques, a claim made by the number one strongest himself, Master Tengen. He is able to bend Tengen's enourmous barrier to produce whatever scenario he wants, including a cinema playing out bits and pieces of his endgoal on screen while explaining his motives to Choso, and deploy his Domain without closing off the barrier. He also foregoes closing the barrier of his Domain not just because he's skilled enough to, but because it makes it harder for Tengen to dissassemble when there's no physical barrier to target.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Alongside Sukuna. Although Sukuna is the ultimate physical threat faced by the heroes and Yuji's Arch-Enemy, Kenjaku is the one who put the events of the story into motion and, moreover, his ambitions are on a far greater scale than Sukuna's capricious sadism.
  • Body Surf: Has been hijacking other sorcerer's bodies for at least the last thousand and some years by swapping out their brains with his own and then stitching the skullcap back on. It lets him use their Cursed Techniques, Cursed Energy reserves, innate physical traits of theirs and allows him to skirt out on any penalties from Binding Vows he takes in their names by just acquiring a new body.
  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: His fight with Takaba somehow culminates in the two of them performing this for a studio audience. Hilariously, despite usually being the one making off-the-wall jokes, Takaba winds up playing the tsukkomi to Kenjaku's boke.
  • Brain Transplant: His personal technique lets him access the bodies of others, including corpses, by putting his brain into their skull. How exactly this is done is not clear, but it's probably best left to the imagination. Kenjaku even weaponizes this quirk of anatomy, as it lets him roll headshots off course by letting it hit the strings and pop the skullcap off to kill the impact.
  • Captain Ersatz: To Medusa from Soul Eater, both being a long-lived Mad Scientist and Evilutionary Biologist that utilized malevolent forces for their own ends (Madness and Insanity, Cursed Energy and Curses Spirits), are mainly responsible for a good chunk of the series (Medusa freeing the Kishin, Geto setting up and creating the Culling Games), were involved in the existence a major character whom they both gave birth to (Crona, Yuji and the Cursed Paintings, with Yuji having a foreign entity implanted into him that gives him his power and the Paintings having blood-themed abilities like the former) as part of an experiment on top of needing to possess someone's body for their continued plans.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: Being a Motor Mouth by nature he frequently ends up talking his jowels off while casually ducking his opponent's ineffective attacks. His reaction to barely surviving being at the epicenter of a Black Hole was an exasperated "Whew. Gave me quite the scare there, honestly."
  • The Chessmaster: Upon revealing the extent of his plans to Yuki Tsukumo, the insane amount of machinations required to pull it off becomes apparent, having been working on his schemes for over 1000 years. He has been making binding vows with hundreds of sorcerers over the years to trap them within Cursed Objects that he has fed to 500 people throughout Japan. Subsequently he sought out 500 people who possess latent Cursed Techniques but no Cursed Energy to use them, marking both groups with his energy. He then awakens the potential of all 1000 people, creating Cursed Vessels and Curse Users to create a sizeable enough pool for his grand sacrificial ritual, the Culling Game - an undertaking which requires taking over swaths of Japanese cities and creating multiple huge barriers to serve as arenas for the player. After the opening phase of the Game is finished, it is revealed as he has also been meeting with world leaders of superpower nations such as China and the United States, involving their governments within his plot by manipulating them into attempting to capture sorcerers for military or energy purposes and be potential cannon fodder Points for the Players. And that is merely the current extent of his overall plan.
  • Chekhov's Skill: His focus and interest in board games and other entertainment activities with the Disaster Curses comes in handy when facing Fumihiko Takaba, as his Comedian completely nullifies any attempts Kenjaku makes to harm Takaba through direct violence or Cursed techniques whilst accumulating damage himself from the funny scenarios they're both subjected to. However, his understanding of modern comedy routines allows him to play along with Takaba's desire for comedy and ultimately end the situation through a successful Boke and Tsukkomi Routine.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Has no qualms about playing mind games with his enemies, or only stepping in a battle once his opponents are exhausted after fighting someone else.
  • Combo Platter Powers: Kenjaku explains to Yuji that this is one of the biggest advantages of Cursed Spirit Manipulation; He has no lack of powerful Cursed Spirits at his disposal due to being a purveyor of Ancient Evils and can use them in tandem, but even low-grade ones with interesting Techniques can become menaces in his hands by enhancing them with his own vast Cursed Energy and swarming his opponent with them. The combo of Cursed Spirit techniques he hits Yuji with in Shibuya borders on You Cannot Grasp the True Form, getting covered in damaging blood and swarmed by carnivorous centipedes, while simultaneously falling down a repeating sinkhole until he's eventually slammed into the ground with great force.
  • Control Freak: Confesses that his manipulative tendencies were ultimately holding back the progress of his experiments. To remedy this, he creates a dangerous and unstable new paradigm so he can learn from "chaos".
  • Cruel Elephant: One of his most powerful Cursed Spirits at disposal is a Special Grade diabolical-looking four-armed elephant in monk's robes and prayer beads around its wrists, which possesses a Technique based off of the Hindu deity Ganesha's ability as a "Remover of obstacles".
  • Dead Person Impersonation: Kenjaku makes some effort to pretend being Suguru Geto after taking his body, even to his Curse allies. He only reveals his false nature to Gojo, and this is after Gojo correctly guesses it.
  • Delayed "Oh, Crap!": He raises one eyebrow in dull curiosity when Yuki Tsukumo prepares her Fastball Special, only to briefly panic when it smashes his Elephant God to pieces and the follow-up punch snaps his arms like twigs while sending him flying. He is similarly incredulous when she grabs his ankle after he splits her in half, only to freak out when he realizes she's in the process of turning into a black hole, forcing him to think very fast.
  • Devour the Dragon: He does this to Mahito at the end of the Shibuya Incident, showing up after he's severly weakened by his fight with Yuji and Todo and absorbing him with Cursed Spirit Manipulation to take Idle Transfiguration for himself. Kenjaku states he would've liked to take Jogo's Technique too, but brushes off the Earth Curse's death as "It is what it is".
  • Didn't See That Coming: He's lived for hundreds of years and spent most of that time learning and adapting alongside the times, but Fumihiko Takaba's Comedian is completely off-the-wall even for him. Kenjaku finds himself on the losing side of a "fight" that has him steadily racking up damage that is downplayed for Takaba himself, realising that he cannot actually defeat his opponent through violence or any of his accumulated Cursed Techniques. Ultimately, his lifetime of experience does allow him to escape his situation though a successful Boke and Tsukkomi Routine that satisfies Takaba's desire for comedy, but he's then blindsided and decapitated by Yuta the instant the technique ends, realising that Comedian ultimately distracted him from sensing the outside world, and Yuta's immense Cursed Energy approaching.
  • Dissonant Serenity: In stark contrast to the absolutely demonic Sukuna or incredibly twisted Mahito, Kenjaku is remarkably casual and a real chatterbox who always has a serene smile on his face. the Angel inside Kurusu calls him a "social butterfly with a forked tongue" for very good reason; he has compared the feeling of carrying out his plan to the feeling of being a toddler joyfully painting on a blank canvas despite it involving The End of the World as We Know It.
  • Domain Holder: Kenjaku's Domain depicts a ring of mutilated and stitched back together corpses of women hanging from a tree made of screaming faces, circled by a row of sitting entities covered in facial paint with a perfect cube cut out of the front of their heads for removing the brain, among other signs of mummification, an altogether horrifying affair by the name of "All-Encompassing Garbhadhatu". It seemingly allows Kenjaku to use his Gravity Master powers over anyone within range of its Sure-Hit Effect by just swinging his arm downwards, and like Sukuna, he can deploy it without closing off his barrier, allowing him to massively increase his Domain's effective range.
  • Dream Weaver: He is capable of entering people's dreams and interacting with them, doing so by creating a barrier within the space between reality and dream. He does this when he escorts civilians out of the Culling Game battlegrounds, having them sleepwalk out of the barriers and then wake up thinking their interaction with Kenjaku was All Just a Dream.
  • Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Against almost anyone else Yuki's last resort of turning herself into a black hole would have been certain death, however Kenjaku's third technique is Antigravity System, which allows him to create fields that nullify the effects of gravity, by using his own body as a domain for the technique he is able to just barely survive.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Downplayed. While he considers the Death Paintings nothing but failed experiments and will stomp out Choso with a smile on his face while rubbing in how much the Death Paintings disappointed him, he's implied to hold some genuine affection for Yuji, telling the boy that he "expects great things" from him, and at one point genuinely thanking Sasaki for being friends with his son.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: As one accustomed to playing it safe over a long period of time, Kenjaku assumes that Yuki will take a moment to use Reverse Curse Technique to heal from the injuries he gave her which will give him time to reconstitute his domain. He is left genuinely shocked when she, severely wounded, chooses to attack him further instead for a chance at victory.
  • Evil Former Friend: Kenjaku refers to Tengen as an old friend until the two had a falling out. In the present day, he has no problem using her ascended form to forcibly merge everyone in Japan just to see what will happen.
  • Eviler than Thou: It's quickly made clear during the Shibuya Incident that he's far more dangerous than his Disaster Curse minions, something Mahito finds out the hard way after the Disaster Curses manage to help him seal Gojo. Word of God also stated in the Databook that Kenjaku was confident that he and his army of Curses could have taken on all of the Disaster Curses at once if it became necessary, and going by the stunts he's pulled off since then and Geto's Technique making him an impossible opponent for Cursed Spirits, that probably isn't an overstatement.
  • Evil Knockoff: His plan involves creating hundreds of lesser versions of the Sukuna/Yuji composite by forcing dozens of test subjects to ingest Cursed Objects, although he's also revealed to have been the one who purposefully "bred" Yuji to become Sukuna's vessel in the first place.
  • Evil Matriarch: A very interesting variation; it is revealed that Kaori Itadori, Yuji's mother, was a previous vessel of his, giving him a very twisted relation to the main protagonist.
  • Evil Sorcerer: The evil sorcerer, if his reputation during his life as Noritoshi Kamo is anything to go by, and a much more straightforward example than Sukuna. Ancient and malevolent? Check. A prolific manipulator and schemer? Check. Vastly knowledgeable about and skilled in the local variety of Functional Magic? Check. Interested primarily in obtaining forbidden knowledge and conducting twisted experiments? Oh-so-very-much check...
  • Evilutionary Biologist: Kenjaku wants to optimize Cursed Energy and bring forth the peak of its potential, which he believes can't be found in humans as they are as he has already pushed that limit as far as it can go through viscious experimentation and allying with several cases of World's Best Warrior throughout the ages. To fix this, he's willing to commit abhorrent acts and has already been doing so in the shadows for centuries, and by the time of the main series, he's not above plunging the whole world into chaos in the name of discovering the next stage of humanity.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Kenjaku is seemingly killed when Yuta stabs Geto's skull with Kenjaku's true form inside it. He takes his defeat well, admitting he was glad he got to have fun fighting Takaba at the end, expresses confidence Tengen's merger will be initiated by Sukuna, and tells Yuta he hopes the merger proves to be amusing for the surviving heroes.
  • Familiar: He's gained this technique thanks to using the original Suguru's body. He has a greater handicap with it than Suguru in his prime, however, thanks to the original Geto losing all his curses in his battle with Yuta. On the other hand, Kenjaku is considerably more wizened and willing to experiment with the technique, meaning he's even more effective then the original, not to mention his age and experience has seen him gather a number of Curses of equal if not greater power than Geto's elite.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Kenjaku is rarely ever angry, spiteful or cold, and keeps up a relaxed persona around allies and enemies alike. He expresses admiration for enemy sorcerers during combat, and even rambles at Yuji about the specifics of his technique, giving the impression of a playful Mad Scientist finally able to put all his wildest theories to the test. Despite having manipulated the Disaster Curses for his goals and planning to dispose of them in the end, he's nothing but courteous, patient, and amicable around them, even relaxing and playing games with them from time to time. Then it's revealed that he wants to merge all non-Sorcerers into eternal agony for his own amusement, revealing his true colors.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • He has strange markings on his forehead that were noticeably absent from Geto's appearance in 0 and Hidden Inventory. These are stitches, indicating the brain transplant that was used to hijack Geto's body. A somewhat recursive example occurs after and before this is revealed, as his previous identity of Noritoshi Kamo was initially shown with his forehead heavily obscured by shadows, only for Choso to remember a clearer image of him with the same tell-tale stitches across his forehead when he meets his current host, showing that they're the same person. Anybody else with such markings is all but certainly a previous host of his, including Yuji's mother.
    • Once it becomes clear he also has control over gravity, the fact that the Prison Realm suddenly became heavy in his hands (with Kenjaku passing it off as the seal on Gojo not being completely finished yet) seems to have been an easy way for Kenjaku to get Mahito to run off so he could focus on his real plans.
  • For Science!: With a dash of For the Evulz. At least on the surface level, as he has consistently kept his cards very close to his chest, but Kenjaku espouses the wish to see Cursed Energy evolve to the next level, whatever form that might take, comparing the feeling of seeking out that unknown stage to that of a toddler drawing on a blank canvas. When Choso asks him what Kenjaku stands to gain from all the things he's doing, this is his response.
  • Gender Bender: Kenjaku's current body is male but one of the more recent ones was female. Specifically, Yuji's mother.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Uses his current body's strengths to hide his true abilities so as to use them to advantage if what he's stolen fails him. Choso manages to force him to briefly use them to block an inescapable lethal attack, which greatly displeases Kenjaku.
  • Grand Theft Me: His Innate Technique allows him to control the bodies of others by swapping brains with them, giving him access to their Techniques and Cursed Energy as well.
  • Gravity Master: He possesses an Innate Technique known as Antigravity System that he stole from Yuji's mother Kaori, that lets him erect fields that negate gravity around for six seconds at a time, and can also create fields of increased gravity through Cursed Technique Reversal, Kenjaku furthers its use by combining this with his Elephant God (seemingly modelled on the Hindu deity Ganesha) Cursed Spirit's ability to "remove obstacles" to target large groups of people, first levitating them high up into the air before slamming them back into the ground. The first grim use of this makes fourty-five members of U.S Special Forces float into the air before slamming them into the ground at lethal speed while demonstrating the threat of Jujutsu to the White House cabinet.
  • Hidden Depths: Kenjaku is surprisingly well-versed in stand-up comedy, even being able to hold a conversation about it with Takaba.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Kenjaku's ultimately defeated and decapitated thanks to the efforts of Fumihiko Takaba, a newly-awakened sorcerer that never would have gained his powers if not for the Culling Game. His own curiosity also plays a part, as he gets so caught up in the novel experience of Takaba's technique that he lets his guard down at the fight's conclusion, allowing Yuta to land the final blow.
  • Horrifying the Horror: During his and Mahito's final meeting when the former absorbs the latter, the Curse is utterly terrified of the sheer Dissonant Serenity Kenjaku possesses, and tried to flee.
  • Humanoid Abomination: As the second picture in his profile here shows, Kenjaku is really an ancient horrific brain with a mouth with fanged teeth that has somehow learned to nestle itself in other skulls and then stitch the skullcap back in place with surgical precision to pilot the body as if it were its own; Even to Gojo's Six Eyes, Kenjaku's Cursed Energy registers as Geto's.
  • Human Resources: He views humans as nothing more than sources of Cursed Energy, and is willing to perform all sorts of inhumane and vile acts against innocent people due to this view.
  • Human Shield: He’s quick enough on the draw to partially summon Curses to act as crude shields for his vital areas.
  • I Have Many Names: Took the identity of Suguru Geto and the ancestor Noritoshi Kamo in the past, and says that these are only a few of his names.
  • Image Song: FAITH.
  • Immortal Genius: He's thousands of years old thanks to his Innate Technique, and his understanding of the nature of Cursed Energy and its applications dwarfs all of modern Jujutsu Society: He's accomplished things like creating hybrids of humans and Cursed Spirits and transplanting souls into different bodies.
  • Kung-Fu Wizard: Certainly looks the part in Geto's monk robes, and even among a cast of such he sticks out with vast prowess in both Jujutsu and Jujutsu. As described below, he's the premier bad guy when it comes to pure barehanded prowess.
  • Lack of Empathy:
    • Doesn't seem to care in the slightest who gets hurt or killed for his goals. Unlike Mahito or Sukuna however, he's not an outright Sadist and rarely makes people suffer directly or kill them unless it's to further his plans. Those he does take an interest in should be very worried for their fate, as the woman bred upon for Cursed Spirit hybrids by "Noritoshi Kamo" can attest to.
    • Chapter 160 however, shows him personally escorting civilians out of the radius of the chosen sites for his Culling Game, giving them the choice to leave the site of what will soon become a killing field. Despite it being hinted that he's doing it primarily for Pragmatic Villainy, it still shows a marked contrast against both Sukuna and Mahito, the prior antagonists of the story, both of whom would have gleefully committed mass slaughter of human life for little to no reasoning, showing that whilst he might not care much for the lives lost during his plans, he won't go out of his way to cause unnecessary deaths either. As it turns out, this Pragmatic Villainy is actually just because he plans to merge these humans into a massive abomination of Cursed Energy— it simply doesn't serve a purpose for them to die there rather than later.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: The guy who espoused his entire motivation for his actions to be a case of immense curiosity and wanted his companions to "not be boring" suffers an apparently-fatal injury thanks to being distracted by the funny and comedic scenarios conjured by Fumihiko Takaba's Comedian, distracting and entertaining him enough from the outside world that he cannot sense Yuta Okkotsu's approach, despite his immense Cursed Energy making him the easiest Sorcerer to track. Bonus points for Yuta technically finishing the job he started fighting against the original Geto, before Gojo delivered the Coup De grace.
  • Laughably Evil: Kenjaku may be planning to kill a hundred million people and fuse them together to create a giant curse, but his relaxed and sociable persona frequently has him cracking jokes and making attempts at comedy. He actually weaponizes this in his fight against Takaba, making him laugh with a goofy facial expression (Paired with a very mean-spirited "Reason You Suck" Speech) in order to destroy the man's self-confidence.
  • Lightning Bruiser:
    • Another perk of acquiring Geto's body, since Geto could take out anyone short of a Special-Grade sorcerer or Toji with his bare hands. In Shibuya he snaps Miwa's katana in half with his palm after catching her surprise attack and walks Choso like a dog when they brawl. It's a testament to his abilities that he managed to reverse one of the series' infamous depictions of someone getting jumped two-on-one back onto Yuki and Choso without resorting to a last-minute power-up or yet another new ability up his sleeve.
    • This is further reinforced in a Q&A with Akutami, where he names Kenjaku as the physically strongest character measuring by grip strengthnote  and the most skilled hand-to-hand fighter in a battle without Cursed Energy or Techniques tied with Gojonote .
  • Locked Out of the Loop: He scoffs when Gojo insinuates that Yuta Okkotsu is as much of a threat to his plans as he is, stating that only he's been able to accomplish so much because he had Rika to fight his battles for him. Implying that he's unaware of where Yuta's power really comes from.
  • Logical Weakness:
    • Unlike Megumi who can de-summon his damaged Familiars to save them for another day and receiving benefits for his remaining ones when a Shikigami is permanently lost, Kenjaku's Cursed Spirits can be exorcised like any other Curse. Against a Sorcerer of Yuki Tsukumo's caliber, who can effortlessly destroy his Elephant God in one blow and has Anti-Magic-like properties while using her Technique that protect her from their powers, bringing out any further Cursed Spirits would just be giving up potentially valuable aces up his sleeves as Cannon Fodder, forcing him to fight using his Gravity Master powers and Domain instead.
    • Kenjaku might be immensely powerful, but he's still a parasitic brain in the very human Geto's cranium. If the brain can't send signals to the body then it doesn't matter how powerful you are anymore—Yuta exploits this by cutting off Kenjaku's head.
  • Loophole Abuse: He is masterful at finding clever workarounds to bypass the restrictions within the practice of Jujutsu, such as his circumvention of the Prison Realm's conditions to capture Gojo or the hundreds of Binding Vows created for the Culling Game that could be voided by hopping between vessels. This includes having set up the Game so that he himself doesn't have to be the Game Master, ensuring it will go on even if something was to happen to him. He ends up using Master Tengen to threaten his Kogane into accepting rules that would be self-destructive for the Culling Game by telling it he will simply use Tengen to just destroy the ancient barriers the Culling Game piggybacks off of if it doesn't comply.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Is actually in a way Yuji's mother, as Kaori Itadori was a prior host of his.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: He takes Yuta Okkotsu chopping his head off remarkably well, even managing to get out a few last words that even without him, his work will continue.
  • Man of Kryptonite: Kenjaku is this for Master Tengen, as Tengen is now more Curse than man because he failed to fuse with a Star Plasma Vessel in time, it’s become possible for him to be seized by Cursed Spirit Manipulation. Tengen fears that Kenjaku might absorb him the moment they meet one another.
  • Master of One Magic: Tengen states that, not including himself, Kenjaku is the single most skilled user of Barrier Techniques in the world.
  • Meaningful Name: "Kenjaku" is the name of a mystical rope in Buddhist mythology used by the goddess of mercy Kannon to drag the souls of men onto the path of enlightenment, just as Kenjaku himself pulls sorcerers into conflict in the hopes of forcing them to grow stronger and “evolve”. It's also phonetically identical to a portmandeau for "Evil Sage".
  • Manipulative Bastard: Sorcerers, humans, Curses, pregnant women, corpses, and even people who absolutely despise him and would try to kill him if they found out his real identity. Everything and everyone is a potential pawn to Kenjaku.
  • Nonchalant Dodge: Frequently, and exemplified when he avoids getting point-blank shot in the head with Choso's Piercing Blood by rolling his head with the impact like a boxer to let it snag his stitched-on skullcap, making it spin like a cork.
  • Off with His Head!: He is decapitated by Yuta Okkotsu in chapter 243.
  • Older Is Better: He has a number of ancient curses who are still rather potent in spite of scientific progress curbing the fears that spawned them. These include the Smallpox Curse, which despite the disease associated with it being all but eradicated by modern medicine still has immense amounts of power to see it through battles, or the Catfish Curse spawned from the old-timey belief that a giant underground catfish was the cause of earthquakes, which grants him the power to confuse and warp the perceptions of his enemies. His reveal of the Elephant God implies he might have several curses based on actual deities up his sleeve.
  • One-Man Army: Can slaughter soldiers en masse with his Gravity Master powers, and takes over Jujutsu society in a short timespan singlehandedly.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The only time he drops his constant smile is when Yuki Tsukumo appears at the climax of the Shibuya Incident.
  • Opportunistic Bastard: Overlaps with The Chessmaster. Although Kenjaku is extremely intelligent and his machinations have been going on since the Heian era, the story goes out of its way to highlight that his plans rely on certain factors that were entirely out of his control. Kenjaku himself outright admits that he never foresaw Riko Amanai being killed by Toji Fushiguro nor did he have any way to know that Satoru Gojo would refuse to destroy Suguru Geto's body—two conditions that proved to be vital for Kenjaku's ambitions. Overall, it can be said that although Kenjaku isn't omniscient, he's extremely good at taking advantage of every opportunity he has access to.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: He acts nothing like the actual Suguru Geto, and only manages to maintain his disguise for so long because he was smart enough to keep his distance from everyone who knew the real Geto personally. Internationally and within the Jujutsu Headquarters' archaic ways of thinking, it and his previously mentioned identity as "Noritoshi Kamo" allows him to act as if Hidden in Plain Sight and a genuine international Ambadassador of Jujutsu.
  • Personality Powers: The Chessmaster incarnate has three distinct abilities, and all of them revolve around an element of control; His Brain Transplant lets him control humans, both literally and figuratively, Geto's Cursed Spirit Manipulation lets him control Curses as he pleases, and his Antigravity System gives him control over a fundamental part of the universe to the point where he can ward off a black hole with it.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Downplayed, as he normally acts very mature and composed and genuinely has an approach to the world and Jujutsu in particular like that of a seasoned doctorate researcher, but he entertains himself with games and comedy and he explicitly compares his curiosity to that of a toddler. He's still planning to merge all of humanity into a single Cursed Spirit, all because of that childish curiosity.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: One of Kenjaku's worst atrocities was forcibly impregnating a woman with Cursed Spirits to get the result he wanted, causing Choso and the Death Paintings to develop a grudge against him and tainting the name of Noritoshi Kamo forever. What's worse is that, with his view of people as Human Resources, he honestly couldn't care less about the whole affair and merely sees his horrific violation as part of experimentation; He finds Choso's obsession over the event that created the Death Paintings funny.
  • Red Right Hand: Stitches appear on the forehead of any body Kenjaku inhabits. Only those who can use Cursed Energy or see Curses can see the stitches however; to anyone else they just look like stigmata-like forehead scars.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Jujutsu society is already messed up on several levels, but this guy is by far the worst of the lot. After his plans start unfolding, no one not already on his side speak of him with nothing less than absolute revulsion. Cruel mindgames, wicked rituals, repeatedly raping a woman who sought Sacred Hospitality because she could produce Cursed Spirit-human hybrids For Science!, exploiting Jin Itadori's regret over not having a child with his first wife to breed the Designer Baby Yuji... There is seemingly no taboo Kenjaku won't deliberately violate while skirting the consequences of in his quest for seeing how far Cursed Energy truly can go.
  • Revival Loophole: His unique ability to switch bodies allows him to make scores of Binding Vows, only to void them and their payments when he takes over a new corpse.
  • Running Both Sides: As he explains to Noritoshi, with his Body Surf and heaps of connections gathered over the centuries it should come as no surprise to the heroes that Kenjaku already had a vice grip on Jujutsu Headquarters, to the point where he could waltz in, eliminate the higherups that voted for "Suguru Geto's" execution order and made Yuta take Yuji's executioner order up again, then plonk himself in as Head of the Kamo Household through his old identity as Noritoshi Kamo to grasp power over the most powerful of the Conservative factions in the Association. Meaning the entire Association has been dancing in the palm of their greatest enemy's hand for centuries.
  • Simple, yet Awesome: Appears to see Maximum: Uzumaki as this. Uzumaki combines any number of Cursed Spirits he has absorbed into a ball of Cursed Energy and throws the result at the opponent. It's devastatingly powerful, but Kenjaku says he initially found it unexciting, due to how it gets rid of the main advantage of Cursed Spirit Manipulation giving him functionally infinite varieties of attacks. He reveals, however, that using it on any curses that are Semi-Grade 1 or higher allows the user to steal that Curse's technique for a single use, allowing him to access Mahito's Idle Transfiguration to complete the preparations for the Culling Game. Against Yuki Tsukumo he also demonstrates that even a tiny Uzumaki can be deadly, and fired in rapid succession and prepared in secret by body-blocking his opponents with Cursed Spirits.
  • Superpower Lottery: His Body Surf Innate Technique is already useful by itself, but its greatest advantage is that it gives Kenjaku the entirely unique ability to break Binding Vows without suffering a single negative repercussion, which is thought to be impossible by most sorcerers and has made it very easy for him to manipulate people. He specifically sought out Geto's body to acquire Cursed Spirit Manipulation, a Cursed Technique with the same level of potential as Gojo's Infinity, and then he reveals that he can use the Techniques of the Curses he eats for a single use on top of having a Gravity Master Technique up his sleeve.
  • Tell Me How You Fight: Kenjaku's fighting style is remarkably different than the original Geto's. This is especially visible in the Anime-expanded spar with Choso: whereas the original Geto fought hand-to-hand using weapons like nunchaku to chase the enemy agressively, Kenjaku mostly fights defensively, avoiding enemy attacks and using their strength. Furthermore, Kenjaku's use of Spirit Manipulation is also different, being more strategic and calculated.
  • Tempting Fate: Near the end of the Culling Game, Kenjaku remarks that nearly all of the new-generation sorcerers awakened by the game's influence are worthless compared to the reincarnated veterans. Enter Fumihiko Takaba.
  • Time Abyss: Very likely the oldest being alive. One of the sorcerers he resurrected for the Culling Game came from the Yayoi period, suggesting the possibility that Kenjaku was active as far back as 300 BC..
  • Unconventional Learning Experience: Word of God says that him playing boardgames and sports and similarly innocuous activities with the Disaster Curses is meant to be this; It's an easy and reliable way to introduce them to rules and concepts like having to think up a solution on the fly to complex Techniques or the rules of a battle changing on the fly due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Kenjaku prides himself on his knowledge but even he has his blind spots: specifically Yuta Okkotsu, due to the fact that his knowledge comes from Geto he genuinely believes that Rika is the one responsible for the young sorcerer's power. In a fine bit of Dramatic Irony Yuta ends up being the one to kill him.
  • Viler New Villain: Zig-zagged. He freely admits that he lacks Geto's Well-Intentioned Extremist motivations, but he's much less malicious than the sadistic Disaster Curses or Sukuna. It's played straight when his master plan is revealed to be using Tengen to assimilate everyone in Japan just out of scientific curiosity and amusement.
  • Villain Respect: He forms a sincere and surprising respect for Takaba, admitting that he seriously considers him hilarious and their battle being some of the most fun he's had in a long time. Even after Yuta seemingly kills Kenjaku, his final words are admitting that while it was not a thousand years worth of fun, he was glad he got mess around with Takaba at the end.
  • Walking Spoiler: He's difficult to talk about without revealing that he's actually a disembodied brain with teeth wearing Geto's corpse like a suit.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: He had his eye on at least two of the Disaster Curses he was working with, and given how Dagon and Hanami were friends with his targets, he was probably planning to get rid of them, too.
