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Although WandaVision is not what it appears to be on the surface, it definitely has more than enough moments to warrant a few laughs as we follow Wanda and Vision's married lives in this Affectionate Parody of sitcoms across the decades.

Moment subpages are Spoilers Off. You Have Been Warned.


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    Episode 1: "Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience" 
  • The first funny moment of the series occurs in the "sitcom's" opening when, as newlyweds with Wanda still in her wedding dress, Vision picks her up to carry her over the threshold to their new home. Except she forgets that he automatically phases through solid objects and accidentally drops her as he passes through the still-closed door. He realizes his mistake a second later and opens the door and Wanda, not bent up over this in the slightest, gives him an "Oh, you!" face and they pick up as if nothing happened. Vision still doesn't do doors.
  • As Wanda and Vision are getting ready for the day, the former is using her powers to move things around to her liking as she prepares breakfast. As she does this, Vision happens to walk by and break a floating plate by colliding with it.
    Vision: My wife and her flying saucers!
    Wanda: My husband and his indestructible head.
    • Wanda repairs the plate and asks Vision if he wants breakfast, going through an overly long list of what she has prepared... only for Vision to remind her that he physically can't eat since he's an android.
      Wanda: Well that explains the empty refrigerator.
  • When Agnes introduces herself, she says she is Wanda's "neighbor to the right," before saying she means her right, not Wanda's right. You could say Agnes is telling Wanda she's "on your left"!
  • When Agnes asks Wanda what a single gal like her is doing in such a big house, Wanda quickly corrects her.
    Wanda: Well, I assure you, I'm married. To a man. A human one and tall.
  • Vision's first day at work. He's processing computational forms at lightning fast speed while Norm plays "Yakety Yak" by the Coasters on his radio.
    Norm: Hey the music isn't bothering you, is it, pal?
    Vision: In terms of distraction from work, or the largely nonsensical nature of the lyrics?
    Norm: ...the first one.
    Vision: Ah. No. Thank you.
    • Something is off about Vision's job.
      Norm: Hey. Is there something I can help you with, buddy?
      Vision: Yes, as a matter of fact, there is. Would you be so good as to tell me, what it is we do here, exactly? Do we make something?
      Norm: No.
      Vision: Right. Do we buy or sell something?
      Norm: No and no.
      Vision: Then what is the purpose of this company?
      Norm: All I know is, since you've gotten here, productivity has gone up 300%.
      Vision: Yes, but what is it we're producing?
      Norm: Computational forms. And no one can process the data quite like you do, pal. You're like a walking computer!
      Vision: What? I most certainly am not! I'm a regular carbon-based employee made entirely of organic matter, much like yourself, Norm.
    • Mr. Hart leaves his office and approaches Vision to remind him of his earlier commitments:
      Mr. Hart: Vision. Wife and I are looking forward to this evening.
      Vision: [Oh, Crap! face]...Mr. Hart, of course! Dinner with Mr. Hart and his dear lady wife, Mrs. Hart.
      Mr. Hart: Yes that's what I just said. What's wrong with you, son? Have you got a screw loose?
      Vision: Oh no, sir. Screws all tightened, sir.
      Mr. Hart: Well I should hope so. Employee dinners are a rite of passage for the new hires. Jones over there failed miserably. Isn't that right, Jones?
      Phil Jones: [carrying a cardboard box out] The wife thought five courses would be sufficient.
      Mr. Hart: It was that paltry excuse for entertainment.
      Phil Jones: A string quartet?
      Mr. Hart: Then you had that embarrassing display of beatnik enthusiasm.
      Phil Jones: I wore a turtleneck. [exits]
      Mr. Hart: Yes, best of luck out there in the unemployment line, Jones. [to Vision] You know, I owe my success to being a keen judge of character. No skeletons in your closet, eh, Vision?
      Vision: ...I don't have a skeleton, sir.
  • Vision ushers Mr. and Mrs. Hart into his house. The lights are dimmed, there are candles on the table, and soft jazz is playing. This is because Wanda interpreted Vision's words when he called her from work earlier that day to mean "we need to have sex," when he was actually trying to inform her about Mr. Hart being over for dinner.
    Mrs. Hart: Oooh. How very atmospheric.
    Mr. Hart: What's going on here, Vision? You blow a fuse?
    Vision: Pardon me while I just go and fetch the lady of the house.
    • As soon as Vision leaves, Wanda tiptoes in from the bedroom, wearing a feather-trimmed nightgown, and creeps up on Mr. Hart, thinking he's Vision.
      Wanda: [covers Mr. Hart's eyes] Guess who!
      [Vision returns from the kitchen and turns on the lights]
      Vision: Wanda!
      Wanda: Vision?! [Wanda steps back from Mr. Hart and gasps in embarrassment at being caught in revealing clothing]
      Mr. Hart: What's the meaning of this?
      Vision: [stammering] What is—what is the meaning-oh, the meaning! You want to know the meaning of it, [gestures for Wanda to come over to him] and the meaning of it is that this is the...traditional Sokovian greeting of hospitality. [puts his hands over Wanda's eyes] "Uh, guess who!"
      Wanda: "Oh, is that my host behind me?"
      Vision: "It certainly is."
      Wanda: [shakes his hand] "Lovely to make your acquaintance!"
      Vision: See, I forgot to tell you my wife is from Europe.
      Mrs. Hart: Oh, how exotic.
      Mr. Hart: We don't break bread with Bolsheviks.
      Mrs. Hart: Oh, hush, Arthur! Have you no culture at all? And that dress [that Wanda is wearing]...
      Vision: [eyes the sleeves on Wanda's gown] Yes, it's-it's so-Sokovian, is what it is. Yes.
      Wanda: Can I just see you in the kitchen for a moment, sweetheart?
      [Vision hastily blows out the candles as Wanda drags him to the kitchen]
  • Wanda drags Vision to the kitchen so she can demand an explanation, given their differing interpretations of the heart on the calendar.
    Wanda: Who are those people?!
    Vision: What are you wearing?!
    Wanda: Why are they here?
    Vision: What are you wearing?
    Wanda: Well, it's our anniversary!
    Vision: Our anniversary of what?!
    Wanda: Well, if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you!
    Vision: That… that man through there is my boss, Mr. Hart! And his dear lady wife, Mrs. Hart! The heart on the calendar was an abbreviation!
    Wanda: You move at the speed of sound and I can make a pen float through the air. Who needs to abbreviate?
    • Wanda summarizes the situation.
      Wanda: Your boss and his wife are expecting a homecooked meal.
      Vision: Exactly.
      Wanda: ...Any chance they'd settle for a single chocolate-covered strawberry split three ways?
      Vision: [grimaces: "No"]
      Wanda: I might have a better idea. [Wanda snaps her fingers and changes her gown to a party dress with a Stop Trick]
  • Mr. Hart's attempt to explain Vision's "job" isn't all that better than Norm's.
    Mr. Hart: ...So I say if we orient the forms horizontally, rather than vertically, we can use twice the paper. We can bill twice the cost.
    Vision: [laughs] You truly are a pioneer. But the...the larger purpose of the forms is?
    Mr. Hart: Well it's to analyze our input and our output.
    Vision: Huh.
    Mr. Hart: You're awfully dense, aren't you, Vision?*
  • Mrs. Hart is about to throw open the doors and see Wanda levitating kitchen items around. To distract her, Vision starts singing "Yakety Yak". He isn't half bad.
    • Even Wanda has to stop what she's doing to give Vision a "WTF?!" face.
  • Vision attempts to entertain Mr. and Mrs. Hart with a sing-along of "Old MacDonald" while he plays the ukulele. While Mr. Hart just looks annoyed, Mrs. Hart joins in on the song with surprisingly earnest enthusiasm.
    • At one point, Vision attempts to get Mr. Hart to join in by subtly asking him to suggest an animal. When Mr. Hart refuses to entertain this notion, Vision decides to settle for "pig".
  • Wanda tries to remember what the main course of her dinner was supposed to be (it's steak Diane) leads to this exchange:
    Wanda: Oooh, what was the main course again? [frantically looks for the recipe] It was steak... steak... steak... [cries out triumphantly] DIANE!!
    [In the living room, Vision, Mr. and Mrs. Hart hear the sudden cry.]
    Vision: [calling out] ... Yes!
    [Mr. and Mrs. Hart look at him, puzzled.]
    Vision: Oh! I think that must be my wife summoning me!
    Mr. Hart: She calls you "Diane"?
    Vision: ...Yeees. It's a pet name for me. [calling out] Just coming... [pause] ... Fred! [beat] Excuse me a moment.
    • Vision interrupts Wanda's psychically running every step of making a huge dinner, causing her to banish a pair of lobsters out the window. Later, it turns out she somehow sent one of them onto the front door as a doorknocker on the other side of the house (possibly meaning she threw it all the way around the Hex).
      Vision: How can I be of assistance?
      Wanda: Well the chicken is no longer a chicken and the lobsters just flew the coop, so the steak is the last man standing. [looks at the recipe] It says here I can cut down the prep time with the meat tenderizer.
      Vision: Excellent plan. Where's the tenderizer?
      Wanda: [picks it up] I'm looking at him.
    • With Mr. Hart getting suspicious, he tries to go into the kitchen, prompting Wanda to stumble into his arms like she's about to faint, recalling one of Agnes's suggested seduction techniques ("That you should stumble when you walk into a room so he can catch you!").
  • Early in the episode, Agnes suggests bringing up the fact that married men tend to live longer than single men while helping Wanda prepare for her "anniversary".
    • When the dinner with the Harts starts going wrong, Wanda, in a panic, tries to start a conversation by bringing up the fact, but mangles it in the process.
      Wanda: Were either of you aware that married men are killing single men at an alarming rate?

    Episode 2: "Don't Touch That Dial" 
  • Despite still being in black and white, there are bits of color sprinkled throughout the episode, until the ending, where EVERYTHING is now in color.
  • Wanda and Vision are awoken by a banging sound in the middle of the night. Vision goes to the window to check what it was.
    Wanda: What do you see?
    Vision: Only your lovely rose bushes.
    Wanda: That's all? Are you using your night vision, Vision?
    • Shortly afterward, the two lightly bicker over who should investigate the source of the noise, with Wanda growing increasingly annoyed with Vision's lack of interest in doing so. That's right, an all-powerful android who can phase in and out of things and shoot laser beams out of his forehead is terrified of... loud noises.
    • After Wanda uses her telekinesis to open the blinds and see that it's only the bushes rustling in the wind, we get this hilarious exchange.
      Wanda: Well, I think we handled that well!
      Vision: Yes, I must say I'm rather proud of myself! And look how you seized on the opportunity to redecorate.
    • And of course, Wanda uses this opportunity to be scandalous* and slide the twin beds together. She decides it's better this way, so she waves her hands, combining them into a single bed.
      Vision: Wanda, darling.
      Wanda: Yes, dear?
      Vision: Get the light.
  • Vision questions whether they're going too over the top with their magic act.
    Vision: [as Wanda wheels in a vanishing cabinet] Holy Toledo! Darling, do all the other acts in the talent show have such elaborate props?
    Wanda: Are you kidding? Fred and Linda are building a moat and a fully functioning portcullis and no one even knows why!
  • Vision is confident their act will be a hit, especially with Wanda as his Lovely Assistant in her costume. He holds it up, and it's the skimpiest one-piece that could possibly be allowed on the kind of show they're homaging. Wanda has a bewitchingly deadpan retort.
    Wanda: Oh, that's actually the rest of your costume.
  • While Wanda is trying to follow along with the talent show committee, she frequently misunderstands what Dottie is saying, causing her to repeatedly humiliate herself in front of her and the other women.
    Dottie: So, I want you all to give yourselves a big hand...
    [cue Wanda clapping rigorously with a cookie in her mouth]
    Dottie: ... at the appropriate time, of course.
    • While trying to sit through the insufferable committee meeting, Wanda and her new friend Geraldine (who's actually Monica Rambeau, who just entered the Hex) try to pass the time by conversing, much to Dottie's frustration.
      Monica: I actually don't know what I'm doing here.
      Wanda: I'm starting to feel that way myself. I'm Wanda.
      Monica: [possibly not expecting to get this far] I'm, uh... Geraldine!
      Wanda: Hi.
      Dottie: And I'm irritated!
    • Wanda later helps Dottie clean up:
      Wanda: Dottie, you're a whizz at all this committee stuff. Thank you for choosing me to help you clean up today, I feel so lucky.
      Dottie: You are.
      [Wanda makes a disgusted face to the camera as soon as she has her back turned away from Dottie]
  • Meanwhile, Vision goes to the town library to attend the neighborhood watch meeting. Sadly, the members there aren't exactly welcoming him with open arms, though that does little to stop Vision.
    Norm: This is... sort of a members-only type deal.
    Vision: Ah, certainly. Right. Well, I'll just stay here and be as quiet as a churchmouse until you open up the floor for new business.
    • "New business" is code for "another round of Danish." For the Neighborhood Watch isn't about neighborhood safety, it's just the men of Westview gossiping about little secrets they've seen or heard in their small little town, much to Vision's frustration.
      Herb: Now, you know how Johnson's been bragging about that treehouse he built for his kid?
      Phil Jones: Yeah?
      Herb: [scoffs] It was a pre-fab job.
      Phil Jones: That blockhead can't even swing a hammer.
      Norm: I can do you one better: you know those bowling trophies that Arthur's always polishing? He bought them all at a yard sale in Hackensack!
      Herb: I knew it! I never once seen him down at the lanes.
      Vision: [catching on] I too, have some top-secret gossip to share.
      [Everyone stares at Vision]
      Vision: Norm here's a communist!
      [Suspenseful music builds up...and all of the men break out laughing]
      Phil Jones: Vision, you're a real cutout!
      Norm: You know, I always thought you were kind of a square.
      Vision: Me? No. I'm as round as they come.
    • At one point during the watch meeting, Herb decides to offer Vision a piece of chewing gum.
      Herb: Care for a stick of Big Red?
      Norm: Hold on there a second! Did you hear the man? He doesn't eat food!
      Jones: Is gum food?
      Vision: Well, my understanding is that it's purely for mastication.
      Herb: [Beat] ... Oh, no—I don't do that.
      Vision: Um, well, when in Westview, cheers! [puts the gum in his mouth]
    • Vision accidentally swallows the gum when Herb pats him on the back. An animated cutaway shows that Vision's works are literally gummed up. Considering how complicated his body structure actually is, seeing Vision's insides consisting of comically large gears that you'd expect in a steampunk-like setting is pretty silly. It also parodies commercials from the era that featured cartoonish representations of headaches, indigestion, etc.
  • Vision's attempts at performing the talent show are hilariously inept due to the aforementioned chewing gum intoxicating him beyond relief.
    • One such moment is Vision doing the old "pick a card, any card" trick, but because he’s "drunk," he picks the wrong one. Not deterred, he proceeds to flip through the entire deck until he finds the right one.
    • He also takes to narrating himself.
      Vision: [emphatically] Flourish!
      Wanda: [sotto voice] You just do it, you don't say it out loud, honey.
    • Apparently Jimmy was watching WandaVision religiously, as he says "flourish" in the finale after picking his way out of a set of handcuffs.
  • After Wanda turns the piano into a cardboard cutout to hide Vision's super strength:
    Phil Jones: That was my grandmother's piano.
    • Bewitched fans get one from the shoulder shimmy that Wanda does as she removes the "piano" from the stage.
  • After the grand finale and receiving the prize for "inaugural comedy performance of the year", Monica is curious about Wanda and Vision's magical act.
    Monica: I have to ask. One second I'm backstage, and the next I'm in a dark cubbyhole! How'd you do it?
    Vision: Oh, a magician never reveals his secrets. He leaves that to his assistant!
    Wanda: And she's not talking.
    • Afterwards, Wanda is able to find and remove the gum from Vision's system.
      Vision: [groggily] Well, would you look at that! That really gummed up my works, didn't it?
      [Wanda glares at him]
      Vision: I'm not as funny without it, am I?
  • The Call-Back to the banging sound at the end of the episode has a rather uncharacteristic bit of dialogue from Vision:
    Vision: If it's that damn tree again... I'm going to rip it out by the roots!
    • Seeing as though Wanda had previously been disapproving of Vision's cowardice to discover the source of the banging at the beginning of the episode, it could be his way of trying to make up for her.

    Episode 3: "Now in Color" 
  • The episode's intro, when not spoofing The Brady Bunch, has some wacky hijinks.
    • Wanda uses her telekinesis to vacuum the floor while reading a magazine, looking a bit like Helen Parr while doing so.
    • Vision makes a number of hamburgers and attempts to construct a swing set. Which then promptly falls apart after a few seconds.
      • When you think about it— who's going to eat all those burgers? Wanda's not going to eat them all, and Vision doesn't eat at all....
      • Well, Wanda is pregnant...
  • Possibly due to the time period shift, Herb and Monica suddenly look and act way too stereotypical with afros and over-the-top black accents. It's an interesting shift from their behavior one episode ago.
  • The episode starts with Westview's local doctor checking up on Wanda. After a few seconds of inspection with a stethoscope, Dr. Nielsen comes to a dramatic conclusion.
    Dr. Nielsen: Yep! Definitely pregnant!
    Wanda: Well, that much we figured.
  • Vision is still thrown by Wanda's sudden pregnancy and asks how it could have happened. So Dr. Nielson starts to give Vision The Talk, before Wanda quickly changes the subject.
    • To help measure the rate of Wanda's pregnancy, Dr. Nielson suggests that Wanda use fruit to measure her pregnancy in months.
      Dr. Nielson: We let the little ladies keep tabs on their growing babies with fruit. Makes it simple for them. [Wanda grimaces at the sexism] At four months, the fetus is about as big as a pear. At five months, a papaya. Six, grapefruit. Seven, pineapple. Eight, honeydew!
      Vision: Hypothetically speaking, what size fruit would it be at, say, hmm, twelve hours?
      Dr. Nielsen: [confused] Uh, pardon? Twelve hours?
      Wanda: [brightly] Well, I think this line of questioning is fruitless.
    • Vision gets in on the fruit puns later on by joking how he's excited to be a proud papa-ya, to which Wanda playfully rolls her eyes at him.
    • Dr. Nielson also tries to calm Vision down by saying that every father-to-be gets nervous. Vision doesn't agree with this, remarking that he quite literally has Nerves of Steel.
  • Later, when Vision comes back in after being outside for only a few minutes: "Whoa nelly! Have you gotten bigger?!" Which normally is not something you should say to your wife.
  • As Wanda uses her powers to fix everything up for the baby's new room, Vision is reading about the stages of pregnancy. Wanda seems convinced that Vision's already an Instant Expert, but Vision quickly gets nervous upon reading a few of the side effects that women go through when giving birth. Cue the baby giving Wanda a kick, and the overhead butterfly decoration coming to life.
    • Vision also tries to calculate when Wanda will give birth based on the accelerated rate of the pregnancy.
      Vision: Well, if that was the first kick, that puts you at about... six months! Boy, oh, boy, I thought I had superspeed. I can't keep up! [to Wanda's bump, in baby talk] Please don't misinterpret; I can't wait to meet you, little Billy.
      Wanda: "Billy"?
      Vision: Yeah.
      Wanda: Well, I was thinking "Tommy". Just a nice, classic, all-American name.
      Vision: Hmm, "Tommy". Hmm, yeah. Yeah. Then there's "Billy", isn't there? Named after William Shakespeare. "All the world's a stage. All the men and women merely players."
      Wanda: Well, I guess there's only one solution to this debate: hope for a girl.
      Vision: Well, we ought to decide soon. I estimate the baby's due... it's not a constant progression, assumingly logarithmic, but were I to graph the fetal development thus far...
      Wanda: He's gonna be here before you figure it out.
  • Later on, Vision practices a super-speed diaper change on Kitty Karry-all,note  giving it eye contact and establishing a "connection" before Wanda starts the clock. Shortly afterwards, Wanda starts going through a false labor, which results in the two of them running out of the kitchen and striking back-to-back kung-fu-esque poses as their house starts to go nuts.
    • Just before Wanda's false labor makes her powers go haywire, causing pipes to burst and the power to go out all over the neighborhood, Dottie asks her husband a question:
      Dottie: Phil, do these earrings make me look fat?
      [The power goes out.]
      Phil: Oh, thank God.
    • This is also the first time we see that Phil is actually married to the neighborhood bombshell Dottie, after two episodes of him being a sad sack Butt-Monkey.
      • This also means that the extravagant dinner that nevertheless displeased Mr. Hart so much was thrown by Dottie, whom the rest of Westview's homemakers look up to so much. Looks like she isn't so perfect after all.
  • When the real contractions start happening for Wanda, a rainstorm begins inside Wanda and Vision's home.
    Wanda: Vision?
    Vision: Yes, dear?
    Wanda: I think my water just broke.
    Vision: Yes, dear.
  • The heavily pregnant Wanda uses all kinds of increasingly unsubtle Hide Your Pregnancy techniques when Monica stops by, like wearing large unseasonable coats (which spontaneously transform from trenchcoat to poncho to fur coat) and holding up an undersized bowl of fruit in front of her. Even better when you remember this actually happened with Scarlett Johansson in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Monica, thanks to a case of sitcom brain, never catches on.
    Monica: [as Wanda answers the door in a trenchcoat] It's 75 degrees out. You making a fashion statement?
  • Wanda accidentally summons a stork into the house, which casually wanders around the living room as she tries to keep Monica from noticing it. Finally, Monica looks right at it... except it's perfectly posed in front of the stork painting in the nursery.
    • Wanda keeps trying to casually magic the stork away. But with the Hex acting like a 70s sitcom, her special effects are limited to red smoke, which the stork wafts away by flapping its wings. Silliest spell resistance ever.
  • Wanda realizes they're actually having twins as Vision is leaning in for a kiss. Her ensuing scream and accompanying goofy face startle the absolute hell out of the usually unflappable synthezoid.
  • In what might be the ultimate case of a Brick Joke in the MCU, Now in Color's commercial break for HYDRA Soak ("Find the Goddess within!") parodies the Calgon bath soap ads and calls back Phil Coulson's paranoia-fueled mind-controlling blue soap conspiracy theory, from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Agents of HYDRA arc.

    Episode 4: "We Interrupt This Program" 
  • Jimmy Woo introduces himself to Monica (and reintroduces himself to us) by showing that he finally figured out Scott Lang's card trick.
  • Jimmy Woo basically summarizes the whole show in one sentence:
    Jimmy Woo: So you're saying the universe created a sitcom starring two Avengers?
    Darcy Lewis: ...It's a working theory.
  • After working up close and personal with a living god and surviving two alien incursions, Darcy now has so much experience dealing with weird space bullshit that she is completely unimpressed by all the S.W.O.R.D. personnel trying to intimidate her, and she practically solves the mystery of Westview within minutes of arriving, something a whole team of scientists couldn't do in 24 hours.
  • Hayward coming in and growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of information he's getting, and also Jimmy Woo being Jimmy Woo. And then Darcy's new TV show interrupts...
    Tyler Hayward: Someone get me a useful visual, dammit!
    WandaVision: [canned laugh track and Wanda talking]
  • Darcy Lewis, despite now have her doctorate, is still, well, Darcy. When questioned by Hayward about Wanda's broadcast signal:
    Hayward: What am I looking at? [points at Darcy] You. What is this? Where is this coming from?
    Darcy: Out there.
    Hayward: Is it authentic?
    Darcy: I'm not sure how to answer that.
    Hayward: Is it happening in real time? Is it recorded, fabricated?
    Darcy: I don't know. I don't know. And I don't know.
    Hayward: What do you know?
    Darcy: My equipment registered an extremely high level of CMBR. That's...
    Hayward: Relic radiation dating back to the Big Bang.
    Darcy: Yeah. Entwined was a broadcast frequency. So I had your goons pick me up a sweet vintage TV. And when I plug this bad boy in, voilà, sound and picture.
  • And Jimmy Woo is still... Jimmy Woo.
    Darcy: [watching the show with Jimmy while eating a bag of chips] 1950s, 1960s, and now the '70s. Why does it keep switching time periods? It can't be purely for my enjoyment, can it?
    Jimmy: I can't believe Wanda and Vision are having a baby.
    Darcy: [offering Jimmy chips] Want any?
    Jimmy: Heck, I thought about it for sure. A little Jimmy Woo. Get him a tiny little FBI badge. Oh, you— chip? Sure.
  • S.W.O.R.D., the FBI, and a whole bunch of elite agencies are overanalyzing a bunch of symbols, characters, and questions in what is effectively a TV show starring a pair of superheroes. Basically, they're doing what hardcore MCU fans are doing, with the added bonus of presumably spending millions of taxpayers' dollars doing so.
    • Jimmy and Darcy in particular are really invested in the storylines.
      Darcy: Twins… what a twist. [looks like she’s about to cry]
      Jimmy: [looks at her, looking both confused and concerned]
      Darcy: What? I’m invested!
  • There is something inherently hilarious in having Monica Rambeau, Jimmy Woo, and Darcy Lewis, three of the very few normal humans who have interacted with Avengers, working with each other on the same case involving another Avenger.
  • Darcy completely shuts down one of her new colleagues. Twice. The first person she speaks to refuses to answer her question about his field of expertise, saying they're not supposed to talk to each other, and she rejects him as a "Boy Scout". The others pipe up with their wildly diverse fields, whence Darcy (who has a political science major) immediately concludes that no one in authority knows what they're dealing with (so they just sent someone for every alphabet soup agency they could think of). Then the Boy Scout tries to share his field and she slaps him back with "no one cares". Damn. Clearly she didn't need a taser to knock Thor on his ass back in New Mexico.
    Darcy Lewis: FBI, Army. I saw the Air Force Office of Special Investigations out there. Research Lab. Space Command, too. A bona fide joint multi-service response. Really looking forward to the commemorative T-shirt.
  • The amount of rephrasing that goes on in this episode is pretty funny. The S.W.O.R.D. guys and the scientific experts they bring in have to be very careful with their language because this whole incident is so weird that they don't know how to talk about it.
    • What's happening in Westview? It's a chemical/radiation/astrophysical/television bubble...something. They don't know what the hell it is. That's why they give up and say "highly classified", as Darcy immediately determines.
    • Darcy spots Monica and asks Jimmy Woo if Monica is "okay". The best he can do is say that she doesn't "appear to be harmed" for someone trapped in a monochrome replica of the 1960s.

    Episode 5: "On a Very Special Episode..." 
  • The episode opens with Wanda and Vision respectively trying to get Tommy and Billy to sleep.
    Wanda: Please, sweet Tommy, don't you wanna sleep? Mommy wants to sleep. If you go to sleep, I promise, you will be my favorite twin!
    Vision: [coming down the stairs with a crying Billy] Oh, come on now, darling. You know we love them both equally.
    Wanda: Well, don't tell him that! [Vision chuckles] No luck with Billy?
    Vision: Tried reading to him, but for some reason, Charles Darwin's The Descent of Man made him cry even harder.
  • Vision's taken off-guard by Agnes's "coincidental" drop-in and has to grab a pillow from the couch to hide his face while he hastily phases into his human disguise.
    Vision: Agnes, I was just fluffing this pillow with my...face.
  • The opening credits for WandaVision start with real pictures of Elizabeth Olsen that have photoshopped Sokovian flags, then change to Vision's baby photos. The sight of what is obviously Vision's red skin and robotic detailing photoshopped onto photos of other infants is so unsettling that it loops back around to being funny.
    • In addition, the credits also feature photos of Vision dressed as a turkey, the Easter Bunny, and Santa while holding the infant twins, and of the twins celebrating five birthdays with one cake.
    • Near the end of the intro, the family is having a picnic in the town square a la the Tanners in Alamo Square Park. Vision picks up some food and then tosses it over his shoulder.
  • Darcy acts like a starstruck fan upon meeting Monica, after getting so wrapped up in the show.
  • The show directly acknowledges how Wanda has never once been referred to as the Scarlet Witch, with Hayward quite surprised and confused that she doesn't have a superhero name.
  • During the briefing, Darcy almost calls Hayward something naughty:
    Woo: [softly] I try not to speak ill of people…
    Darcy: Then allow me. Hayward's a di–
    Hayward: [unaware] ... terrorists.
  • Darcy reveals that she's been referring to the Anomaly as the "Hex"... because of its hexagonal shape, of course. She adds that it's "starting to catch on". Monica looks over at Jimmy, who immediately shakes his head with an expression that screams, "no, it's just her". A few scenes later, Monica uses the "Hex" term, to Jimmy's frustration and Darcy's delight.
  • Whilst discussing Wanda's growing power level, Monica, Darcy, and Jimmy mention how Wanda nearly defeated Thanos all by herself (and no one else came close), an observation that many MCU fans have made.
  • The plot of the episode has Billy and Tommy somehow aging rapidly, with the Cold Open making them become five-year-olds and then turning ten when Wanda tells them that they can't have a pet until they've reached that age... and then she and Vision realize the implications seconds later as the twins share a smug glance, and try frantically to make the boys stop.
    • And Agnes isn't fazed at this at all, while drinking whiskey in '80s workout clothes.
      Agnes: Kids these days. You can't control them, no matter how hard you try.
  • While the rest of the scene is drenched in Nightmare Fuel, the 80s style sitcom ending credits are still playing during Vision and Wanda's argument, with Vision even acknowledging them and gesturing to them. Mood Whiplash at its finest.
  • Darcy's reaction to seeing Pietro... as played by Evan Peters:
    • Some fans might have a different question in mind, though.
    • And other fans might be laughing their asses off because, as it's eventually revealed, Wanda technically didn't recast him.
  • How the episode ends:
    "Pietro": [after he and Wanda hug, staring at Vision] Who's the popsicle?
    • All of this with a strong Joisey accent, mind you.
    • The audio description bluntly calls Quicksilver "the version of Pietro from the X-Men films."
    • The accent, leather jacket, and attitude seems to be channeling John Stamos' Uncle Jesse from Full House.
  • Wanda finds Billy and Tommy hiding Sparky in the sink.
    Wanda: You know, I don't miss the crying, but jeez Louise, did you have to learn to walk? You two never stay put. [Wanda narrows her eyes at Billy and Tommy, noticing that they're standing suspiciously still] ...Unless you're "innocently" forming a human wall in front of the kitchen sink.
    [Sparky sneezes]
    Wanda: Bless you!
    Billy and Tommy: Thank you.
    [Sparky barks]
    Wanda: Now tell me, which one of you just barked? [neither answers] Scoot!
    [The boys step aside, and Wanda sees Sparky in a makeshift bubble bath]
    Wanda: Oh, boy! Waiter, what's this canine doing in my kitchen sink?
    Tommy: The doggy paddle.
    Billy: Can we keep him, Mommy?
    Wanda: Well, I'm sure his owners miss him very much. Come on. [She lifts Sparky out of the sink] Huh, there really is no collar.
    Billy: Can we keep him? He was outside, crying, alone.
    Wanda: Now boys, taking care of a living thing is a big responsibility. Dogs need food, exercise, training... [slipping into baby talk] belly rubs, and cuddles, and kisses between his little ears!

    Episode 6: "All-New Halloween Spooktacular!" 
  • The show's intro consists of Billy and Tommy running around the house and pranking their various family members:
    • Tommy barging in on his mother brushing her teeth, who telekinetically slams the door in annoyance after realizing what's happening.
    • Later, he steals Vision's newspaper from him, and attempts to run around the couch he's sitting on to evade it, only for Vision to phase through the couch and snatch it back from Tommy, clearly frustrated.
    • The focus on Agnes and her butt bedazzled with the word "Naughty" on it.
      • This gets a great Call-Back the following episode, where a certain theme song also uses "naughty".
    • "Pietro" is played "As Himself", as he happily messes around with his nephews.
  • In the opening monologue, Billy says that part of the fun of Halloween is getting to be someone else for a day. Except, who is he dressed as? His comic book counterpart.
  • Billy asks Tommy where his costume is. Tommy's response?
    Tommy: This is my costume. I'm the cool twin.
    • A flashback to the twins playing DanceDance Revolution (particularly the "Butterfly" song) that ends with Billy tripping.
  • "Pietro" is asleep on the couch at four o'clock in the afternoon, causing the boys to think he's a vampire. He decides to play along and starts chasing them, hungry for blood. Billy notes that their uncle is like a Manchild, while Tommy is awed and says that he even "snores cool".
  • The fake flashback to Wanda and Pietro going trick-or-treating in Sokovia, including a brown-toothed old babushka giving them a single dead fish "to share", all while two thieves strip a car for parts in the background, and gunfire is heard in the distance.
    Wanda: ...That's not exactly how I remember it.
    "Pietro": You probably suppressed a lot of the trauma.
  • Vision, Wanda, and "Pietro" essentially wearing costumes of their Silver Age counterparts.
    • "Pietro" refers to Wanda's powers as "shooting red wiggly-woos from your hands", which is what Elizabeth Olsen actually called Wanda’s hex powers from the comics.
    • Wanda's costume is called "Old Red Riding Hood" by her sons. Tommy at first thinks the costume is "rad", but quickly changes his mind and agrees with his Cool Uncle "Pietro" when he says that it's lame. Wanda's look of betrayal makes the scene even funnier.
    • Vision's costume is called "a booger" by "Pietro", to which Vision just rolls his eyes and says "Yes". It's actually supposed to be a luchador costume (because Wanda has a secret fetish for Mexican wrestlers). Cue Vision and Wanda flirting with each other with their very limited knowledge of Spanish, and the music changing accordingly.
      Wanda: Mi gusta mucho.
      Vision: Chili con carne.
    • Also, while Wanda looks stunning in her costume (even if "Pietro" doesn't agree), Vision comes down the stairs looking absolutely ridiculous.
  • "Pietro" has the boys shotgunningnote  cola while playing on a PlayStation with them.
  • "Pietro" asking by Jump Scare where Wanda kept the water balloons, and when she tells him they don't have any, he asks where else are they gonna put the shaving cream.
    "Pietro": It was Billy's idea.
    Tommy: I'm Tommy.
    "Pietro": And don't you forget it!
  • Wanda asks "Pietro" that they remain a "respectable family", but reminds "Pietro" that she has the power to turn him into a pickled fish if she catches any funny business. "Pietro" drops his smile and seems to nudge Tommy away.
  • Pietro playing pranks with his nephews with his super speed by stealing all the candy, squashing jack-o-lanterns, and covering everyone with silly strings, all of which are announced in advance by Herb.
    • "Unleash hell, demon spawn!"
  • While the Yo-Magic! ad takes a sharp turn at the end, the Totally Radical shark is almost perfect in capturing the Radical 90s.
  • Hayward's now a laughingstock after Wanda possessed his men and compelled them to hold him at gunpoint.
    Darcy Lewis: Hey, there he is. The guy who almost got murdered by his own murder squad.
    Tyler Hayward: [beat] ...You work for me?
    Darcy Lewis: I actually don't know.
    Monica Rambeau: She's with me.
    Tyler Hayward: I see. And which one of you is the sassy best friend?
  • After Jimmy and Monica's kickass escape from the S.W.O.R.D. agents, Darcy is quite miffed they didn't let her know they were planning anything.
    • A close observer will notice Monica throws her punch a second slower than Jimmy, meaning that she also had no idea what he was up to either, but she decided to just roll with it.
  • Wanda questions "Pietro" about his missing accent; his response is to ask about HER missing accent.
  • Wanda's face when she sees Tommy has super speed. Pietro seems excited, but you can just TELL she's wishing they were babies who couldn't walk again.
  • Billy and Tommy ask if they can go up the block where they apparently have larger sized candy bars. Wanda reluctantly lets them go, but not before gently suggesting to Tommy to take it slow. He does anything but, as he runs around the street whooping excitedly, before Wanda waits and then snags him by the arm.
    Wanda: If you're going to break the sound barrier, please just take your brother with you.
  • As Darcy warns Monica of the dangers of going back into the Hex, Monica actually doesn't seem that bothered.
    Monica: Worst case scenario? Wanda removes my free will and puts me in ultra-low-rise jeans.
  • Some Black Comedy at the climax of the episode as Darcy is forcibly assimilated by the Hex:

    Episode 7: "Breaking the Fourth Wall" 
  • At the beginning of the episode, Billy and Tommy's mortified and confused reactions to Agnes talking to Wanda.
  • In a moment of pitch-black comedy, Wanda tries to relate to the audience.
    Wanda Maximoff: Look, we've all been there, right? Letting our fear and anger get the best of us, intentionally expanding the borders of the false world we created...
    [Cuts to the SWORD agents running away from the expanding Hex, filmed in the mockumentary style, with the cinematic aspect ratio, and lighthearted percussive music playing over it]
    • When she takes the covers off her bed, she's still in her Scarlet Witch outfit with her chest heaved up, and she looks down at them with more What Did I Do Last Night? than "I'm going through a complete nervous breakdown".
  • Wanda ranting to her sons about how she has no answers regarding where their father has gone, and she's beginning to think everything is meaningless, while they look on in stunned silence. And the crowner?
    Wanda: Okay, so maybe I went a little too dark there. But they'll be fine. Vision is made of vibranium. They literally inherited tough skin!
  • Wanda not looking at the door as she telekinetically opens it and tells Agnes to come in. Complete with Agnes stumbling upon Wanda still in the middle of her mental breakdown.
    Wanda: I'd get up, but I just- [laughing] I just don't want to!
    "Agnes": [looks at camera before getting to her Confession Cam] I think I got there in the nick of time. 'Cause she was one split end away from chopping off her own bangs.
  • Quite a few of the Confession Cam moments are examples of this.
    "Agnes": [hugging Tommy] I promise, I won't bite! [cut to Confession Cam] I actually did bite a kid once.
  • Billy and Tommy ask Agnes if their mom was going to be okay, with Agnes not entirely sure how to directly address the boy's concerns outside of assuring them that Wanda is "super mom" while she worriedly glances at the camera.
    "Agnes": Ralph says I sugarcoat things too much... but you try telling a ten-year old his mom's coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs.
  • As Agatha is leading Wanda away from a desperate Monica, the latter calls out to Wanda to get rid of the Hex in an attempt to pull through to her. Many fans were quick to compare Wanda's reaction to that suggestion to the infamous internet meme of a hysterical woman pointing at a cat.
  • Vision wakes up after the trauma of going through the Hex barrier— to find himself in the middle of a circus, completely bewildered.
  • The Nexus commercial flat out saying that one of its side effects is "possibly more depression".
  • Vision gets tired of being interviewed on the confession cam and just leaves to go find his wife. And he bangs his head on the boom mic and his cape gets caught on the chair as he tries to leave the interview!
    Vision: What am I doing here? Sitting, talking to you!? When I should—[stammers] This is absurd! I need to get to my wife.
    • Speaking of the boom mic, Vision already has a visible lapel mic (which is hilarious in its innocuousness), which just goes to show how incompetent this production is that it mics its subjects twice.
    • The image alone of Vision sitting casually cross-legged in a folding chair, as if he really is on a television production set, is hilarious.
    • At one point, the invincible synthezoid Vision scratches one of his ears, complete with a small sound effect of his fingernails scratching his metal “ears”.
    • The best part about this scene is that Vision's confusion is completely warranted! Shows like The Office (US) and Modern Family have often used the Confession Cam setup with little explanation as to how or why the characters are explaining their actions and feelings in a random place inside their homes, despite being in the middle of what's going on.
  • When Vision and Darcy are trying to leave the circus, they hijack a funnel cake van. When the Strongman starts shouting for them to get out of there, Vision (in a panic) actually brings up that he has no ears:
    Vision: [gesturing to his head] Sorry, can't hear you! [to Darcy] Drive!
  • Darcy and Vision reach an intersection, and then the show basically starts acting like The Truman Show. First, a bunch of utility workers appear out of nowhere to fix the traffic light in front of them. When they finally leave, a crossing guard arrives to let a bunch of schoolchildren start crossing in front of them, much to Darcy's annoyance.
    Darcy: Ugh, kids?! What's next, puppies?
    • Plus the sheer fact that they're in what amounts to open farmland with no barriers on any of the roads; there's literally nothing to stop Darcy from going off-road and driving around all the obstacles.
      • A close observer will also notice that the children aren't visible at all through the driver's side window where they should be lining up, meaning that the kids are literally appearing out of thin air.
    • While they're killing time waiting for the traffic to pass, Darcy explains Vision's past to him. This version of Vision is far less blasé about certain facts, such as: "So if I understand correctly, my original code dates back to an AI called J.A.R.V.I.S. But my corporeal form was born of Ultron's plan for global genocide?"
    • Then during the above Confession Cam moment, Vision remembers he can fly, and promptly phases out of the truck and speeds off.
  • And yes, on separate occasions Vision and Agatha stare into the camera like they're on The Office.
  • Hell, the entirety of Vision's Not So Stoic comedic scenes will leave you in stitches. It helps that Kat Dennings and Paul Bettany have some marvelous timing in their scenes together.
  • Billy and Tommy demonstrating that they are very much real ten-year-old children by leaving behind the crusts on their PB&J sandwiches in "Agnes"'s living room.
  • As Wanda wanders down to Agatha's basement, Agatha then appears, stroking Señor Scratchy in her arms like he was Ernst Stavro Blofeld's cat.

     Episode 8: "Previously On" 
  • Agatha kicks off what's otherwise a gut-wrenching episode by making fun of Wanda's inconsistent accent.
    Wanda: Where are my children?
    Agatha: [in a bad Russian accent] "Where are my children?" [in her own accent] Whooooo! That accent REALLY comes and goes, doesn't it?
  • At one point, Agatha refers to Fake Pietro as "Fietro". She offers this nickname with no prompting, implying she's just been thinking of him that way this entire time.
  • Young Pietro tends to yell everything he says. Agatha comments on this:
    Young Pietro: IN ENGLISH, PAPA!
    Agatha: He's loud, isn't he?
    [later in the flashback]
    Pietro: WANDA!
    Agatha: I mean, we're right here.
  • Midway through revisiting Wanda's past, Agatha theorizes that Wanda's prior powers got cranked up by contact with the Mind Stone. However, she thinks there's more to it than just that, and states "I have a theory, but I need more" — a line that's pretty consistent with the fans' train-of-thought regarding every episode.
  • In a moment of Black Comedy, one of the HYDRA scientists voices his concerns to the other about the fact that no one has yet to survive contact with Loki's scepter...and doesn't mute the mic, meaning Wanda heard everything. The other scientist turns the mic off with very visible irritation.
  • In the flashback set between Age of Ultron and Civil War, as Wanda and Vision watch Malcolm in the Middle, Vision is confused by the scene in the season 7 episode "Health Insurance" where a porch collapses on Hal, and wonders out loud about why that's supposed to be amusing.
    Vision: It is funny because of the grievous injuries that man just suffered?
    Wanda: No—he's not really injured.
    Vision: Ah. How can you be certain?
    Wanda: It's not that kind of show.
  • Agatha's reactions and commentary to all the memories are pretty amusing. She sardonically comments on the Cold War aesthetic of Wanda's childhood home, lampshades Wanda and Pietro deciding to volunteer for such an Obviously Evil organization as HYDRA ("Quick question: your reaction to the bombing of your civilian apartment building and the murder of your parents was to join an anti-freedom terrorist organization?"), and even sarcastically slow claps after seeing the memory where Wanda started the Hex.
  • Agatha is pissed that Wanda has tremendous, untold power that greatly outstrips even Agatha's, and she's not making very judicious use of it.
    Agatha: You have no idea how dangerous you are. You're supposed to be a myth. A being capable of spontaneous creation, and here you are, using it to make breakfast for dinner.
  • In the middle of an otherwise incredibly creepy and tense scene, Agatha transforms a cicada into a bird to demonstrate her magical abilities to Wanda. The bird flits over to Señor Scratchy, who promptly eats it.

     Episode 9: "The Series Finale" 
  • Jimmy tells Hayward that he's already called in the FBI and they'll be arriving within an hour. Hayward calls his bluff... and Jimmy panics, because it turns out he really hadn't done it yet, and has to frantically steal a phone and call the Bureau, hoping against hope that they actually can get there within the hour.
    • Not long before the call, Hayward says that Jimmy could get in on his plan "-if only you had more... vision." Jimmy smiles and maintains a cheerful tone, but you can just feel the sarcasm he's radiating beneath.
      Jimmy Woo: Heh. Good one, Hayward... alright...
  • With Monica captured, Fake Pietro begins playing the guitar. When she thinks she sees a way out, he briefly plays a Sting before using his super speed to rush in and stop her.
  • We finally learn who Fake Pietro really is. He's... a completely normal resident who goes by the name of Ralph Bohner. Yes, really. We see documents with the name on it.
    • The sheer disbelief in Monica's voice when she learns this bit of information.
    • And of course, Bohner just sniggers. "Boner."
  • Doubling as an awesome moment: Darcy stops Hayward from driving out of the Hex by T-boning his military van with the circus food truck that both she and Vision stole.
    Darcy: [cheerfully] Have fun in prison!
  • When Wanda seemingly kills Agatha by smashing a car on her, she goes to investigate and sees Agatha's boots sticking out from underneath it, a la The Wizard of Oz. Bonus points when you realize that Agatha is the "Wicked Witch of Westview".
  • Agatha solemnly reads out the Darkhold's prophecy that the Scarlet Witch is "not born, she is forged; she has no coven or need for incantation." Wanda replies: "I'm not a witch! I don't cast spells! No one taught me magic!" Her petulant, raspy-voiced delivery of the line is funny enough, but it becomes funnier when you realize that none of her rebuttals even contradict the prophecy.
  • Along with taking the S.W.O.R.D. agents' guns, Tommy takes the time to snatch the hat and glasses from one of them, following in the footsteps of his uncle from another universe.
  • Wanda's oddly casual line as she leaves two ten-year-olds in the middle of a standoff with the SWORD agents before flying off to face Agatha:
    Wanda Maximoff: Boys, handle the military. Mommy will be right back.
    • Her tone makes it sounds like compared to the all-powerful Salem witch and White Vision, the SWORD agents will just be a nuisance at worst. Of course, she's completely right.
  • While the Mirror Match between White Vision and Westview Vision is decidedly dramatic, it's pretty humorous to see their intense fight grind to a halt and ultimately be won through a Ship of Theseus discussion while everyone else is engaging in an all-out battle outside; because how else would two Visions settle a fight if not with a very scholarly and polite Logic Bomb?
  • After Wanda seemingly surrenders her powers to Agatha, the witch engages in some Evil Gloating, prepares one last spell, and gestures forward... and nothing happens. She tries it again and again, but nothing happens. The look of confusion on her face as she realizes Wanda created runes on the Hex barriers to neutralize her magic is almost comparable to Thanos' failed "I am inevitable" snap in execution.
    • Agatha's expression when Wanda tells her about the lesson. It's pretty clear she was thinking, "I clearly made a mistake explaining to her what the runes can do."
  • Darcy apparently skipped out on the debriefing because "debriefings are for the weak".
  • Wanda tries to incapacitate Agatha by making her relive memories of her coven trying to execute her. She resurrects the witches... and they proceed to tie Wanda to the stake, all the while saying "burn the witch" in a somewhat apathetic manner. Wanda promptly books it in favor of a standard witch brawl.

