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Beating a Dead Player

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"Get up so I can kill you again!"
Marine, Halo

So your life bar is down to its last sliver, or maybe you're a One-Hit-Point Wonder. You're going along, trying to be careful, and BAM, something kills you. You fall down dead. It'll be a second or three before a mercifully-invincible replacement flickers into existence, or the screen fades out and you appear back at the last checkpoint, or, if that was your last life, anyway, the big Game Over. But, not content to celebrate over your fallen corpse, they just keep attacking it. What are these guys doing?

They're Beating a Dead Player. It can make you wonder if they're vainly trying to Make Sure He's Dead, perhaps they can somehow remember your cruelty towards them?

It's notable that there are multiple different versions of this. There's just lazily programmed games in which it's blatantly obvious that people keep on shooting at you even though, heh, you just exploded or something. Many older games do this, as there often wasn't enough room to program them to do anything else. Some games do it right and on purpose, with the enemies walking up to you and delivering a coup de grace or celebrating their victory with a few potshots.

Then there are games in which people can do this themselves. Like fighting games, in which before the end of a round or something, one guy will still be mid-air and you can land a couple of hits on them. Some multiplayer games reward you for this with a Surplus Damage Bonus.

Often combines with Ragdoll Physics in amusingly gory ways.

May also apply if you're in one of those outdrive-the-cops games, and they stop you... but that doesn't stop them from ramming you repeatedly for good measure.

Related and comparable to Pummeling the Corpse.

Examples in which games use a specific finishing animation:

    open/close all folders 

  • Devil May Cry: This is used to a limited degree, but it's responsible for why Dante has many death animations. If you get down to a sliver of health and then get hit by certain particular enemy attacks, instead of just fading to black, you're treated to a cutscene of the enemy tearing you apart in some creative fashion. This happens under normal combat circumstances as well, because enemies can still attack you just after you're already down.

    Fighting Games 
  • BlazBlue: Chronophantasma: One of Terumi's Victory Poses is delivering a 2-hit curb-stomp to his downed opponent, complete with combo counter. This goes up to a 10-hit curb-stomp against Ragna. This is mostly because Terumi is a dick.
  • Mortal Kombat 11: Kronika technically avoids doing this with her Fatality. She forcibly rips out her opponent's limbs, and then rewinds time to restore them to normal, and repeat. It's one of the few Fatalities that doesn't use a Hit Stop.
  • In Tekken, this is the most known victory pose for Bryan Fury. He sits on top of his already beaten opponent while pummeling repeatedly his/her face. A little known fact is that in Tekken games, the winning player can actually select the character's win pose by holding down a button right after the final KO, so a savvy Bryan player can always choose this win pose.
  • In X-Men: Children of the Atom (and later Marvel vs. Capcom 2) one of Juggernaut's win animations is stomping on his downed opponent.

    First-Person Shooters 
  • Carnivores: When you die, you're treated to a lovely scene of the dinosaur eating your corpse. Most of the dinosaurs use the same basic animation of knocking you over and eating you while you're on the ground, but some have unique animations, specifically the T-Rex, which picks you up in its mouth and thrashes you around. The third game, Ice Age, takes it further where now everything that isn't a pig or an archaeopteryx can kill you: most of the animals thrash you around instead of actually eating you (most of them are herbivores, but the carnivores do this too) but the brontoteriy jumps up and down on you and the diatryma really does eat you.
  • Doom (2016): Whenever an enemy lands a fatal melee attack on you, you are then treated to a Reverse Glory Kill in which the enemy will finish you off in an embarrassingly brutal manner. Zombies will chew chunks out of you, Imps and Revenants will rip your limbs off and beat you with them, and Hell Knights will pummel you before curbstomping you dead.
  • Gears of War: Done with weapon-specific, instant-kill executions.
    • Gears of War 3 has a somewhat steady example when it comes to multiplayer. In TDM if someone got killed and their body's still there, someone, usually the killer, will shotgun the body into tiny gibs. CTL (Capture the Flag, but a player is the flag) has this when someone caught the leader since the game lets you snap their neck after the round is won. The No-Holds-Barred Beatdown execution (or Beat Them With Their Own Arm if you're Locust) could be this since the player is already dead as soon as someone does it.
    • If a player is taken as a meatshield, they will usually have the respawn time countdown as soon as they are picked up. Besides that it's possible to have them shoot their own corpse.
  • Jurassic Park: Trespasser also has the "eat your corpse" variety of animations.
  • Killing Floor actually has an achievement based around killing specimens that are feeding on your dead teammates' corpses.
  • Quake:
    • According to the authors, the ogre enemies were supposed to pee and laugh after killing the player, but that never got introduced due to "time issues".
    • Quake II:
      • If you're killed by a Tank Commander, it will walk over and punch your dead corpse.
      • Bloodsuckers are also wont to do this. In fact, just about any mutant will gladly drag your battered corpse back home for supper.

  • World of Warcraft: Not a usual occurrence, but there are a handful of enemies who do this. Wolves will tear at your corpse, for instance. There was once a rare spawn, a vulture, who would feed on your corpse after killing you. When it did this, it would go from hostile to "passive".

  • Crash Twinsanity: Dying to a boss will make the boss do a little dance in victory before it reloads.
  • Freedom Planet: If you die while fighting Lord Brevon, he'll destroy your body with his knife and then laugh (unless you die in a way that already destroys your body).
  • Oddworld: Dying to Scrabs, Paramites, or Slogs in Abe's Oddysee will see them devour your corpse. Scrabs will stomp you a couple of times for good measure.
  • Tomba!: In the first game, dying in the jungle area before obtaining that area's Pig Bag will result in a swarm of insane tribals pop out of the bushes and start multilating Tomba's corpse. Judging from the sounds they make, we're probably lucky that the thick ground foliage serves as a sort of censor bar...

    Role-Playing Games 
  • Mass Effect 3 multiplayer mode, losing your health will usually put you in a "bleeding out" state, in which another player can revive you if they can get to you fast enough. However, if there are enemies nearby, one might walk over to your corpse and "execute" you, leaving you unable to revive until the end of the round.

    Survival Horror 
  • Clive Barker's Undying has a unique "kill-the-player" animation for every single enemy in the game (except for the Lesser Monto Shonoi: Word of God says there was no way the small ones could have looked right with the same animation as the large ones, so the developers had to block it from them).
  • Resident Evil 5: If you die during the first boss fight, a cutscene is shown of the Majini hacking up Chris and Sheva's bodies.
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:
    • Whenever a combat ends, the AI will walk around finishing off any wounded enemies with headshots.
    • If you get killed by one of the wild dogs, they'll drag your corpse away to their den and eat it.

    Non-Video Game Examples 
  • Press Your Luck had special Whammy animations for a player's fourth Whammy, since four Whammies knocked a player out of the game.

Examples in which the enemies just don't stop attacking as if the character were still alive:

  • ANNO: Mutationem: If Ann's Life Meter is fully depleted in the midst of battle against a group of enemies, they'll continue attacking the same area where Ann is after she collapses.
  • Metroid: Other M: Most enemies will still attack or walk over Samus after she is killed.

    Arcade Games 
  • NARC: If Max Force or Hit Man loses his last life to a dog, the dog will continue to drag his body around during the continue countdown.

    Beat 'em Ups 
  • Dead Rising: While zombies will perform a special animation in which they eat the player's corpse, this animation also applies to other dead humans and is thus not a specific animation. Additionally, enemies like Psychopaths will continue to attack the player (the convicts will still shoot at the player, for example).
  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Nintendo): The putties will continue stabbing at the air over the player's corpse. And here's one of the bosses flinging a bomb into Zack's face.

    First Person Shooter 
  • Call of Duty: After you die, enemies will switch weapons and fire at your corpse with their sidearms. They also think throwing grenades at the dead player is good sport.
  • Deep Rock Galactic: Downed dwarves still register as perfectly serviceable targets to the bugs, meaning they'll likely be surrounded by chomping glyphids and the occasional Mactera shooting at them. In solo play, Bosco needs to clear the area with a discouraging electric blast that doubles as defibrillator, while in multiplayer it's just a plus because downed players are invincible; they can serve as a distraction while thinning the horde, or even as bait for a quick grenade or satchel charge.
  • GoldenEye (1997): After dying, you'd get to see James Bond fall over from three different angles, whilst enemies continue to fill you with bullets. Amusingly, however, these are not replays of the death; the game resets your character in order to depict him as falling over, though all other events in the area (enemies) continue as they were.
  • Halo: This happens a lot on both the enemy's side and your own NPC allies. The phrase that comes to mind is when a Marine shoots the corpse of an Elite, going "Get up so I can kill you again!", which generally seems to be more "Making sure it's dead and not just wounded". The Covenant are another story, though. They know you're dead, and shooting at your corpse and arguing about who gets to keep the helmet is the way they rub it in.
  • Left 4 Dead likes to do this, especially during the escape scenes. If you're the last survivor to fall, the camera usually zooms out to show the zombies still tearing your corpse to shreds.
  • PAYDAY: The Heist: Enemies may continue to shoot at you after you've been downed (but able to fire your pistol) even if you haven't gotten their attention by shooting at them. The Bulldozer is particularly notable for doing this unless someone else is already shooting at them. Firing off a shot or two at the cops in this state will invariably cause most of them to turn their attention to you. Cloakers are liable to do this to players they've already downed too, which leaves them wide open to getting shot by teammates.
  • Serious Sam, where you can watch all the melee enemies run frenziedly back and forth over the spot where you died.
  • Star Wars:
    • Rogue Squadron: In the first game, enemies would often continue firing lasers at the location where the player's fighter had just exploded.
    • Star Wars: Battlefront II: Enemy soldiers will switch to sidearms to shoot your corpse after you die and they close in. Strangely enough, only the Rebel faction is seen doing it.

  • City of Heroes: Enemies often just stand there right atop your body if you are defeated, forcing you to go to the hospital and return to the mission if you do not have a self-revive power that will make you invincible long enough to get your defensive powers back up, or another player to teleport your body away from the enemies.
  • Dungeons & Dragons Online: While enemies will stop attacking if you are actually dead, if you're knocked to the "dying-but-not-yet-dead" phase some enemies will deliberately keep attacking to finish you off. "Kobolds never forget!"

  • Hollow Knight: Oddly for a modern game with such polish, all the bosses behave this way, continuing their attack patterns and battle cries after your shade has left your body.
  • Mega Man (Classic): Played straight in all games: enemies continue shooting/divebombing/stomping the spot where Mega Man died (and exploded), even though he is no longer there. In Mega Man 3, this behavior lets the player have a little insight on the inner workings of the game: die by falling in a bottomless pit, and all "home in on Mega Man" enemies suddenly move towards the top of the screen, where you died.
  • Skuljagger Revolt Of The Westicans: Enemies continue to attack the location where Storm was standing when he died, even though he falls out of the level upon death (and the screen will scroll to follow him unless he's at the bottom of the map).
  • Wizards & Warriors: The bats would continue to swoop at a dead Kuros as if attempting to eat his iron-clad corpse.

    Racing Games 
  • In most Racing Games, the AI cars continue to circle the track after they've Rubber Banded past you and won the race, simply because they're not programmed to stop. The Mario Kart games take this to the next level by taking over the players' racers and forcing them to keep going as well until they dismiss the results board.

  • Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead asks you "Watch the last moments of your life? Y/N" when you die. Answering in the affirmative lets you look at whatever enemies killed you as they keep attacking your dead body. If you happened to have any explosives activated before dying, you can also look at them blowing up and rest in piece knowing whatever killed you is now also dead.
  • Death Road to Canada: Player characters and NPCs who were Devoured by the Horde will continue to be chomped for several seconds until they are reduced to a skeleton (including in the game over sequence, where the screen slowly turns red). This can serve as a handy distraction for other party members who are still alive and not attracting their attention by shooting or walking too close to them.
  • Spelunky: While shopkeepers, at least, are smart enough to stop shooting once they've killed you, most other enemies will continue to assault your corpse long after you're dead. This is particularly notable with the Yetis, who'll continue to fling your dead body against the walls until you explode into a cloud of blood. Your corpse will even continue being attacked in the picture in the book. Interestingly, if the ghost was active when you died, he'll turn right around and leave.

    Role-Playing Games 
  • The Alliance Alive: Player characters who reach 0 HP lose the ability to fight, but they can still be attacked by enemies. Reaching 0 HP or being attacked while unconscious decreases the character's max HP. If a character's max HP reaches 0, you instantly lose even if your other characters can still fight.
  • Bloodborne: Monsters and non-player characters even do this to each other. One NPC you can summon as an ally early on, Father Gascoigne, will keep it up for noticeably longer than everything else does. Justified in that nearly everyone in the setting is literally addicted to blood and often violently insane as well. Because spilled blood has healing effects, the player will likely return the favor to the monsters in spades.
  • Dark Souls:
    • Enemies will keep attacking you as if you are still alive until your body completely fades out of existence, then instantly stop. Notably, you can still be inflicted with Status Effects at this time. Usually this is no big deal, since you're already dead anyway and you'll be cured upon respawning, but then there's Curse. Getting Cursed instantly kills you and permanently cuts your health bar in half until you manually cure it, and the second part still happens even if the Curse wasn't what actually killed you. It can be very frustrating to be subject to a source of Curse after you die, watching that Curse progress bar slowly fill up but be powerless to move out of the way since you're currently in the middle of falling over dead, and praying that you finish dying before the bar fills up all the way. Fortunately, the only way this can happen is while fighting Seath the Scaleless, since the only normal enemies that can Curse you have it as their sole method of attack and can't actually deal damage themselves. Unless you deliberately lead one of those enemies over to some other enemies that can damage you, but at that point you frankly deserve whatever happens to you.
    • You can also use this trope to your advantage while fighting the Four Kings. The Kings spawn one by one about a minute apart, and though they all share one boss health bar, they each have their own individual health bars and can be killed. The ideal strategy, of course, is to kill them quickly so that you are never fighting more than one at a time. If you keep attacking a dead King before his body disappears, even though he has no health left himself, you'll still do damage to the main boss health bar, meaning you'll be able to win the fight without even seeing a fourth or potentially even a third King spawn in.
  • Mega Man Battle Network: Whenever Mega Man loses all his health, enemies would still commit an attack move before the Game Over screen appears.
  • Nioh: This can actually make a difference for ninjustu specialists, positive or negative. The Ninjutsu skill tree includes a buff called Quick-Change which, once per casting, allows the player to instantly recover with a small amount of health from any fatal blow. They still go through the death animation, but then reappear in a puff of smoke several feet above their body, which also places them above any enemy that is still trying to pummel their corpse. For smaller enemies, this gives the player the chance to stagger or even kill them outright with a descending strike. However, for larger enemies resistant to stagger, it's more likely that the player will simply be caught in the enemy's still ongoing attacks and killed all over again.
  • Dirge of Cerberus does this. Soldiers even run up to the little dead stuffed-robot-cat and began blasting it with assault rifles.
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Inverted. When the PC is killed by an NPC, the killer will instantly and casually move on with their business. Sometimes you may even be greeted.
  • Fallout 3: If an enemy shoots you to death then they will continue to pop rounds into your body even though you are clearly dead and have already fallen to the ground. It can be quite hilarious to see a guy shoot your lifeless body in the crotch even though you are already dead.
  • Monster Hunter: Both large and small monsters will attack you where you fell - regardless of whether it was a Non-Lethal K.O., you failed the quest (either by being KO'd for the third time or killing a monster you were supposed to capture) or you abandoned the quest to save your items and money.
  • Oracle of Tao has this, though only on certain circumstances. The game itself is programmed to switch targets as normal for spells and attacks, but a specially-coded spell (designed not to be reduced by armor, or be reflected) will possibly kill the character and then keep attacking because there isn't the proper targeting code (it's a flaw of the system, there's no Condition "if Hero is targeted"), so it has to be done using random numbers. In theory, the code is supposed to retry if the character is dead, but in some cases this is not what happens and the dead character is a valid target despite programming to the contrary. For that matter, the Stone condition and others that should disable party members from battle, don't actually count as dead. The character will be petrified only to continue being targeted by petrification attacks, and then get killed by a magical attack.
  • Ultima VIII: It's not uncommon to see the Avatar's corpse being kicked around by the same enemies/traps/obstacles even after his death but before loading a save.

    Shoot 'em Ups 
  • Smash TV: Enemy mobs continue to swarm over the player's dead body where it lied until the player respawns (unless there's a second one still alive). Those with weapons continue attacking thin air until then.
  • Total Carnage: Enemy mobs continue to swarm over the player's dead body where it lied until the player respawns (unless there's a second one still alive). Those with weapons continue attacking thin air until then.

    Stealth Games 
  • Mark of the Ninja: If The Ninja is killed by gunfire, enemies will continue firing at him as if he was still alive.
  • Metal Gear:
    • Whenever you die, the enemies just keep shooting at you, as if they couldn't tell that you're already dead. In later games, though, better AI meant they'd stop shooting to check you out. This behavior is the main reason MGS3's Fake Death Pill works. The Boss, however, will not buy it. Instead she will keep slashing on Snake's corpse. Eventually, she will kick him out of the Fake Death state.
  • Thief: The first and second games have this. The AI DO eventually stop attacking a fallen foe, but it takes a few seconds to register. Once in a great while, you'll catch them going back into an earlier alert stage, wondering where you are, even though, hello, you're dead at their feet!

    Survival Horror 
  • Galerians does this. Funny thing is that Rion falls on the ground and Birdman/Rita/Rainheart/Whoever keeps attacking as if you're still standing.
  • Manhunt: In the first game, after you die, the hunters will continue to punch an kick your bloody corpse while you get to watch.
  • Resident Evil: Used in all of the games — dying usually means that you got to watch the zombies chew on your corpse for a while.

    Third-Person Shooters 
  • Grand Theft Auto: The cops will occasionally continue to pump you full of lead even after you're dead (it even happens in the newer ones). The weird part is that they'll do this even if you only have a 2-star wanted level, the equivalent of a low level felony or high level misdemeanor, not really anything the cops should be blasting holes into you for. This actually becomes a lampshaded reference in Grand Theft Auto IV to the supposed brutality of the Liberty City police. Only the police will continue to shoot your corpse after you die — Gang members and armed civilians won't.
  • Jet Force Gemini: Not only can you watch your killers shoot your corpse, but you can press A to make your body twitch slightly.
  • Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy: If you die to Meat Puppets, they will usually run up and kick your corpse if they can.
  • Syphon Filter: When you drop dead, enemies will continue to make mincemeat out of your corpse with their bullets. If they run out of ammo, they'll even pause to reload before continuing to shoot you!

    Wide-Open Sandbox 
  • Minecraft lingers on the "You died!" screen indefinitely until you manually press the "Respawn" button, and even though you don't leave a visible corpse, monsters will keep attacking the spot where you died until you've awakened elsewhere. This can have serious implications, given that one of the monsters that will do this is the creeper—if it explodes, not only will it leave a crater, it will likely destroy most of the items you dropped. Provided there are no creepers around, however, this can also be exploited in multiplayer — while the monsters that killed you are attacking your body, another player can slip by mostly undetected, allowing them to collect your stuff and get out of there, or proceed onward in your stead.
  • Terraria the monsters will hover around the point in which your character died until you respawn. Since only a few monsters attack with ranged weapons (Like Gastropod's Pink Laser attack) and even those do damage by touching the player all monsters are basically "attacking the dead player". Odd since you don't actually leave a corpse; you do however drop a tombstone upon death but it will bounce around until it settles on a stable piece of land and the monsters still only hover the point where you died.

    Non-Video Game Examples 

Live-Action TV

Tabletop Games

  • GURPS: The third edition rulebook includes a demonstration of the game's damage mechanics that involves a bunch of orcs hacking at the adventurer Fiendish Friedrick until all that's left of him is "a Friedrickburger".


Examples in which another player character can do this, regardless of whether or not it's widely done:

  • Paper Mario: Color Splash: Defeating an enemy with a fire weapon will reduce it to a pile of ash which blows away in the wind.

    Fighting Games 
  • BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger awards you a trophy/achievement for scoring a 20-hit combo after the rounds is over: "It's The Only Way To Be Sure."
  • Injustice: Gods Among Us: Several characters do this for their victory pose. The Joker lights his opponent on fire, Ares skewers them with a flurry of swords, Black Adam electrocutes them, Harley Quinn kicks them off screen, Solomon Grundy chucks them away, and Scorpion impales them and throws them down a portal to Hell.
  • Marvel vs. Capcom (and its successor Tatsunoko vs. Capcom) allow the player to press Start after the battle was over to give him a few more seconds to beat up the unconscious opponent. A few of them even gave the player bonus points if he ended in a sufficiently amusing animation.
    • This ability is removed in the Ultimate All-Stars version of TvC and both editions of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, most likely because the Japanese people you might end up playing the game with don't take too kindly to it.
    • Marvel vs. Capcom has Jin pulling out a katana and posing with it, but just before the screen pauses, he suddenly leaps at the fallen opponent.
    • Marvel vs. Capcom 2 allows you to continue comboing a character even after they are knocked out, albeit with some difficulties. This prevents the second or third character from coming out until the combo ends, meaning that it is theoretically possible to time out someone by knocking out their first character and just continue beating them up to run down the clock.
    • In some instances, computers would do this to the player just like other players could. Apocalypse in Marvel Superheroes Vs. Street Fighter particularly liked to trap already-dead players in triple-digit combos.
    • X-Men: Children of the Atom:
      • One of The Juggernaut's win poses had him stomping on the loser's body. A milder one has him pick them up and laugh in their face.
      • When Sentinel defeats one of the X-Men he will lock him/her in some sort of bubble before flying away with it.
  • Mortal Kombat:
    • Mortal Kombat 4: One of Quan Chi's Fatalities involves ripping off your leg and beating you to death with it. He's still hitting you with the leg as the scene fades out. The 2011 release has him revisit this Fatality. But instead of the camera fading out, he'll still be doing it until you hit continue or quit.
    • Stryker's standard winpose in the game is him walking away from his opponent and throwing a grenade at them. All we see of the aftermath of the offscreen explosion is blood splatters flying on Stryker's face, implying that... well... he pulled off a Fatality without pulling off a Fatality.
    • Kollector in eleven has a victory pose where he stuffs the defeated opponent in his Bag of Holding and walks off with them. Considering that some of his intros involve slavery, up to and including breeding, the fate of the defeated won't be pleasant.
  • Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe: Joker's win pose usually ends in him tip-toeing his way over to his opponent's corpse and curb-stomping it while laughing maniacally.
  • Soul Series: The games allow you to do this. In SC IV's Arcade Mode, you even get a small bonus for each hit you land after the KO. To add insult to injury, you can jump off the stage once you've made a KO or Ring Out, but it doesn't count. Especially in an ice stage this can turn what should be a mutual kill into a victory or loss simply because one person is six inches further down than their opponent.
  • Street Fighter:
    • Street Fighter Alpha 2: One of Rolento's victory poses consists of him tossing a grenade at his downed opponent, which then blasts them into the air.
    • Street Fighter III: In Third Strike, one of Q's victory poses consists of him walking up and grinding his shoe against his fallen oppponent's face.
    • Street Fighter IV: In Arcade Edition, Oni's victory pose has him grab the downed opponent by their head and lift them up before the camera cuts away from their unfortunate fate.
  • Tekken: The games still allow this. Later versions would let you use ground grapples on a downed, KO'd opponent. Would this count as anti-teabagging, since instead of the winner tapping the loser's head with his groin, the winner smashes his head into the loser's groin? One of Bryan Fury's win poses is to leap atop the finished opponent and punch them silly while laughing like a maniac. Heihachi, meanwhile, will grab the opponent by the hair, badmouth them, then slam their face to the ground in disgust. Hwoarang, in turn, sits upon his fallen opponent as they try to stand up.
  • Virtua Fighter: The player may beat on the downed enemy for a few seconds. The computer will generally stand still once the KO is registered... unless it's playing as Shun Di, in which case it will repeatedly swig alcohol. (Shun Di is a Drunken Master, and the more drinks under his belt, the more moves he can use.)

    First-Person Shooters 
  • Aliens vs. Predator 2: The different factions have different reasons for attacking a corpse. Aliens eat bodies for health, especially heads. Predators remove heads for trophies (which doesn't really do anything). Humans... are just being dicks.
  • Gears of War 2: In the multiplayer games, besides the classic "teabagging", many players near the end of a round will unload their power weapons repeatedly on an already dead enemies corpse for the lulz.
    • A favourite is to pick up a downed player for a meatshield (which will have you grab them for a Bullet Proof Human Shield), walk into a wall, walk back a bit, walk into it again... the fact characters hold their shield with the left hand over the enemy's mouth only seems to make it work better. Note that the players most likely to do this are also the ones to react most poorly if you point out the obvious Ho Yay.
    • Just make it fast on Execution mode. Some players have died or even lost rounds because they wanted to bask in the glory of their glory a bit too long while their opponent was downed. In Execution, they may get better.
  • Half-Life:
    • Half-Life: You can club your fallen foes with the crowbar until they splat into mush.
    • For deathmatches, players would usually tag those they killed with a spray paint image. Since it was also possible to use custom images, it was sort of a signature mark that you killed that player.
  • Halo: "Teabagging" shows up a lot in multiplayer play. People aren't content to just kill you, they have to violate your corpse. Meleeing a corpse is intended to be more offensive than the teabag. Halo 4 adds a new dimension to "teabagging", where the hologram power-up introduced in Halo: Reach teabags any corpse it encounters, including one's own...
  • Left 4 Dead (and its sequel) allow you to keep attacking the enemy players after their team have all been incapacitated or killed.
  • Perfect Dark: In multiplayer mode, if you are struck with poisoned knives while dead, the poison will take effect as soon as you respawn. Probably a bug, but it has the effect of encouraging this sort of behaviour.
  • Shadowrun: Eviscerating your opponent's corpses is actually a tactical decision. The magic present in the universe of Shadowrun means that if you have the right spell in your loadout, you can resurrect your teammates. But if you beat up a corpse enough, that player will stay dead for the rest of the round. Odd example in that overkill is actually a productive use of your time if you're not in immediate danger.
  • Team Fortress 2: Very few people do this out of spite, but there are professional players who (In an example that would justify this trope) would do this with Spies, due to the ever-prevalent Dead Ringer item for that specific class. Even more justified in its predecessor Team Fortress Classic, where a spy can disguise as a dead body.

  • World of Warcraft battlegrounds include the feature of looting an enemies corpse for money and commemorative items while also preventing them from respawning at their corpse. The reward and inconvenience are relatively minimal, which just makes the message that a player took the time to do so even more insulting.
    • The Flag of Ownership is a rare item which allows the user to place a flag on player corpses; said flag bears a thumbs down to drive the insult home. Due to its scarcity, players now use other in-game flags and banners for the same insult.
    • Two items introduced in Pandaria allow corpses to be desecrated. A set of knives renders the corpse down to a pile of meat and bones while a torch sets it ablaze.
    • The Death Knight ability "Corpse Explosion" was originally an offensive ability which also destroyed a corpse. The damage component was removed, but the ability can still be used to reduce a corpse to a small pile of meat and bone.

    Platform Fighters 
  • Soldat: You get to watch your corpse — and whatever indignities are done to it — while you are waiting to respawn.
  • Super Smash Bros.:
    • In the Stamina modes, you can do this to opponents who have run out of "stamina", as they just fall down and lay on the stage until the match is over. Some people even go as far as to purposely knock the characters off the stage entirely just to add insult to injury.
    • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: One of Ridley's victory animations has him rip apart a dead enemy... apparently, because a Team Battle victory reveals that he is merely scratching the ground.

    Sports Games 
  • NFL Blitz: You obviously can't kill anyone on the opposing team, but when you knock the ball carrier to the ground, you can spend the time in between the end of the play and the appearance of the play book to mercilessly pound on the ball carrier as many times as you can fit into the small period. Typically with leg drops and suplexes. It doesn't result in injuries or lack of ability on the part of the victim afterward; it's just for fun. NHL games usually let you bodycheck opponents mercilessly after the whistle, including the legendary "check over the boards and into the bench\penalty box" animation found in some older games. In at least NHL 11, the whistle often signals the computer-controlled players to start checking each other (and player-controlled skaters) endlessly.

    Third-Person Shooters 
  • Grand Theft Auto V parodied this with the in-game FPS Righteous Slaughter 7, which Michael's Dumbass Teenage Son Jimmy is a fan of. In reference to the aforementioned "teabagging" phenomenon, what we see of the game reveals that you can literally rape your enemies' corpses, complete with the announcer telling the victim that "you're takin' it in the can from al-Qaeda now!". During the mission "Meltdown", Jimmy, taking after what he does in his games, takes down the last mercenary threatening his family and proceeds to squat up and down over his face, telling him "yeah, you like that, don't you? Take it all!" — only to realize that, because he's cut the power and it's dark inside, he's actually teabagging Michael, forcing him to quickly explain to his horrified dad what teabagging is.

    Turn-Based Strategy 
  • Super Robot Wars: Some attacks have what's called a Dynamic Kill, where the animation changes if the attack successfully blows up the enemy. These are usually the robot's Finishing Move, but sometimes lesser weapons have them too. On rare occasions enemies will have Dynamic Kills, but they're far more common on the player's side. Two famous examples are Banjou Haran of Daitarn 3 delivering a flying kick when using the Sun Attack, and Domon Kasshu of G Gundam lifting his opponent into the air when using the Erupting God Finger.

    Wrestling Games 

    Non-Video Game Examples 
  • Fist of the North Star: Several characters interact with their defeated opponents in their victory poses. Souther, most notably, will walk up, plant his foot on them and then don his Emperor gear as if calling his army to battle.

Alternative Title(s): Beating A Dead Protagonist
