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Despite being perfectly capable of entertaining action or even the occasional tear-jerker (yes, really), Dragonball Gohanverse is still the self-proclaimed "weirdest Dragon Ball fan animated series" on the Internet, and with that weirdness— and its premise of a stoner Emo Teen, an agitated Control Freak and a self-righteous dimension cop all put in the same room— comes absolute batshit hilarity.

Warning: Spoilers Off applies to these pages. Proceed at your own risk.

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Season 1

    Episode 1 
  • Gohan Black is introduced holding a mug— obviously Emo Gohan's— with "Worst Dad's Son" written on it.

  • As Gohan Black (rhetorically) asks Emo Gohan how many men 7DT's Chi-Chi has slept with, we see a moving background showing off the mugshots of several different Dragon Ball characters with their eyes obscured by a censor bar… except for Yamcha, who looks absolutely proud to be included in the line-up.

  • After Emo gets curb-stomped by Black, Piccolo goes to check up on him.
    Piccolo: You alright?
    Emo: (giving Piccolo the bird) Bite me.
    Piccolo: Yeah, you’re alright.

    Episode 2 
  • Gohan Black's about to explain multiverse theory to a confused Chi-Chi, only for her to say she already understands the concept due to having gone through an entire arc about it.

  • When Black calls Chi-Chi the sluttiest version of her he's met (something she considered a compliment) and expresses concerns that she might get an STD like AIDS, she just says that AIDS are "so 1980s".
    Black: (Punches a wall) AIDS IS NOT A FAD!

  • Black then declares that he will reform Chi-Chi so that she doesn't look like someone from Casting Couch... only for her to reveal that she's banned from there. And Fake Taxi. And Bang Bros. And got a restraing order from Johnny Sins.

  • Piccolo tried to call the other Z-Fighters for help, only for them to understandably say no when they heard Chi-Chi was kidnapped in order to make her less of a slut, with Emo unable to contact "Deadbeat Dad" (Goku) and "Troll Doll" (Vegeta).
    Emo: (Stares at Piccolo completely dumbfounded)
    Piccolo: (Beat) Ooooooohhh!

  • Why does Emo want to get his mom back so badly? So she doesn't get a normal job and cause his source of income to get cut in half.

  • When Piccolo describes the elixir that could boost Emo's power as a "mysterious magical distilled liquid that's clear like water", Emo immediately figures that it has to be tequila.
    Emo: (Does the Pacha pose) Sweet.

  • The two proceed to go the home of "bitchin' tequila": Mexico.

    Episode 3 
  • After arriving to Mexico, Piccolo reveals that he got the info on the El Blanco tequila from a 4chan thread, much to Emo's annoyance.
    Piccolo: What?! They can be helpful.

  • When Slick refuses to give Emo the tequila after he called him a jerkoff, Piccolo asks what they should do now.
    Emo: Ever heard of Manifest Destiny? (Turns Super Saiyan 2)
    (Beat as Piccolo just looks confused)

  • When Slick reveals what he looks like, Piccolo says he "looks like Goku if he appeared on FurAffinity", much to Slick's ire.

  • This exchange:
    Slick: You showed me yours. How about I show you mine? NOOOOOOO HOOOOMOOOO!

  • After Emo gets punted like a football, Piccolo asks if he should break Dragon Ball tradition and actually help. Emo just simply flies back into the fight.
    Piccolo: Alrighty, sticking to tradition.

  • After learning that Emo wants to save his mom so that he could keep pimping her out, not only does Slick agree to give him the tequila, he even helps him with his business by suggesting that he pimp her out to Goku's villains and even offers up some of his villains.
    Slick: And the best part is, everyone wins!
    Piccolo: Except Goku.
    Slick: Who cares, man?
    Emo: That is an awesome idea!

    Episode 4 
  • While Slick and Emo bond over the latter's business, Piccolo tries to be the voice of reason and points out how obviously wrong it is to pimp out his mom. This just causes Slick to insult him for being an orphan and Piccolo to fly away in tears.

  • Slick goes through a "Knows a Guy Who Knows a Guy" montage while telling Emo how he heard the rumors of El Blanco.
    Slick: I heard it from Bulma. Who heard it from Vegeta. Who heard it from Android 18. Who heard it from Krillin. Who heard it from Yamcha. Who heard it from his therapist (Dai). Who heard it from Trunks at his therapy session. Who heard it from Universe 5 Gohan (Absalon) who achieved the form.
  • Slick reveals that he can't join Emo on his journey due to him trying to get a restraining order on "some crazy pink hair buu chick".

  • While trying to find Black and Chi-Chi, Emo reveals that he put a doggy GPS on her. Why?
    Emo: She's a bitch. So why not?

  • It then cut back to Black as he learns, to his horror, that Chi-Chi's banned from every porn site known to man!
    Chi-Chi: (proudly) I'm pretty infamous, kid.
    Emo: Oh dear. I have my work cut out for me. And maybe I'll take you to a clinic while I'm at it. Actually, you might infect everyone there, so... nevermind.

  • When Black asks Emo how he found him, Piccolo brings up the doggy GPS in Chi-Chi.
    Black: (Beat) Are you sure I'm really the villain?
    Piccolo: That's what I'm saying!

  • When Absalon heads out to Black's location, one of the Gohans asks if they should stop Black from fighting Emo. Absalon just laughs at the idea.

  • When Emo declares he'll defeat Black with "the one person who comforted me throughout my entire life", Piccolo assumed he meant him. Emo then clarifies that he meant the tequila, though he does say he's a close second.

    Episode 5 
  • While explaining the rules of a Gohan duel to Emo, Absalon notes how two Gohans once fought over a Chick-Fil-A sandwich.

  • Absalon notes how Black had a point about Chi-Chi, saying that she's "too slutty to be mommy".

  • After explaining the rules, Absalon asks Emo if he agrees to the terms. Emo... just asks who the fuck he is.

  • While going through her Heel Realization, Chi-Chi notes how she's been called a slut so many times that she sees it as a compliment and admits to seeking out more "boy toys". She then starts looking at Absalon with bedroom eyes...
    Absalon: …I am literally your son from an alternate universe!
    Chi-Chi: Key word: alternate.
    Absalon: (visibly quivers in disgust and horror)

  • After Black tanks all of his attacks, Emo makes an... interesting analogy.
    Emo: Those attacks should have sent you limping like Mom when Broly smashed her!
    Chi-Chi: (wistfully) Good times. Good times.

    Episode 6 
  • After Black transforms into Super Saiyan Rosé, everyone is shocked at the form... except for Absalon, who simply rolls his eye.

  • At the start of the second round of their fight, Black sends Emo flying through several mountains until he ends up crashing into one, causing it turn into a Mount Rushmore of his face.
    Piccolo: He's screwed, isn't he?
    Absalon: Yup.

  • When Absalon refuses to intervene in the fight, Piccolo believes it's because he believes in Emo's potential. Absalon just laughs and admits that he just wants to see Black kick Emo's ass.

  • Absalon reveals that the Gohan Council is invested in the fight... as in they're placing bets on who wins.
    Adult Gohan #1: 350 on Black!
    Adult Gohan #3: 100 on Black!
    Adult Gohan #2: 1 on Emo!
    Adult Gohan #4: That's a waste of a dollar!
    (All the Gohans start laughing)

  • When Chi-Chi expresses her concerns for Emo's safety, Absalon just tells her she could make a new kid if Emo dies. Chi-Chi then takes that as Absalon volunteering to be the baby daddy.

  • While trying to convince Emo to surrender, Black points out how Emo complains about Chi-Chi being a "dick-guzzling trash can". Chi-Chi simply says that he isn't wrong.

  • Just as Emo says "Bite Me" while trying to punch Black, Black proceeds to take that request literally and bites his fist.

  • Just as Emo's about to forfeit the fight, Chi-Chi ends up mishearing Black saying "Let me train your mom" as "Let me ride your mom" and tells him she doesn't do minors.

    Episode 7 
  • The Extended Cut introduces us to Black's master Gohana. Though when Black calls her "Master", she pouts, causing him to call her "Big Sis" instead.

  • After getting sent flying by Emo (who had just achieved El Blanco's true form), Black had this to say afterwards:

  • When Emo points out Black's plan of lobotomizing Chi-Chi could turn her into a vegetable, Black says that there's only a 98% chance of her becoming a vegetable... before forgetting the exact number he gave earlier.
    Black: There's only a 98% chance she'll become a vegetable. Or was it 99? Or 98.5? (Chuckles) I am off my game today.

  • At one point during the Curb-Stomp Battle, Emo checks Twitter for advice on what to do to Black.
    @GoBiteM3 (Emo): I'm getting bored. What should I do to him next?
    @Slick (Slick Goku): Throw that bitch into the ground hard...son.

  • When Black pulls out his Energy Blade, he makes it grow in size while saying that Bigger Is Better.
    Chi-Chi: Giggity.

  • When Black threatens to blow up the planet, Emo simply says that Black's throwing a hissy fit.

  • After Absalon leaves with the defeated Black after giving Emo an ominous warning, everyone's left standing in silence... until Slick shows up declaring that he got the restraining order.

  • When Gohana confronts Absalon on Black's sentencing, Absalon notes how the concil thought about sending Black to the Dead Zone. Gohana accurately guesses that the harsher punishment was less on Black's actions and more on the bet.
    Gohana: The fuckers betted on his fight, didn't they?
    Absalon: Yeah, yeah, they did. Hell, one member betted one dollar on Emo and now he's richer than Jeff Bezos. Whoever the fuck that is.

  • After a 3 day Time Skip, Vegeta arrives to sleep with Chi-Chi. When she refuses, he leaves... but not without noticing his stain's missing.

  • During The Stinger, Grand Priest Gohan arrives after learning about a new El Blanco user. Though when he learns from Absalon that said user is Emo, Grand Priest repeatedly slams his head against a wall.

    "History of Gohan Black" OVA 
  • When a confused Zamasu asks Whis why he rejected from becoming a Supreme Kai, the angel asks for his opinion on mortals. Zamasu doesn't help his case when it's shown to be like his canon counterpart and evens asks if that's bad.

  • While recalling his experience with other Gohans, El Hermano mentions one from Universe 420, with whom he smoked blunts with until midnight.

  • After getting merged with Zamasu, the newly made Gohan Black has a few questions about the transformation, mainly what happened to his hair and why he suddenly sounds British.

    "Absalon vs. El Hermano" OVA 

    "Android 21" Movie 
  • While El Hermano and the Saint Gohan Beasts make a Discord call, we see all their icons:
    • El Hermano's is a Roblox version of himself.
    • Baby Gohan's is him doing the DaBaby double finger gun pose.
    • 21's is her doing an ahegao face.
    • Great Saibaman's is a Saibaman latching onto Yamcha before blowing up.
    • Gohanic's is the shocked face of Movie Sonic's initial character design.

  • When Grand Priest introduces himself to Emo, Emo accused him of being a pedo, saying that he "look like someone that might ask me to enter your white van".
    Grand Priest: (laughs) Absalon said you were charming.

  • Grand Priest tries to be the Call to Adventure for Emo... only for the latter to shut the door on him and tell him to piss off.

  • Afterwards, Slick shows up, walks into Emo's house, and hides in his fridge.
    • Before that, believing it to be Grand Priest at the door, Emo threatens to call Chris Hansen on him.

  • Remember how Slick got a restraining order on 21 at the end of episode 7? Turns out 21 simply turned the paper into a Hershey's bar and shoved it into his mouth. When Emo asked why he didn't fight back, Slick says it's because he didn't want to end up in a Myne situation like Naofumi.

  • When Slick tells Emo that he plans to hide 21 out, Emo points out the very glaring problem with that plan: she could just track his Ki, making any attempt at hiding useless.
    Slick: (with an Oh, Crap! look on his face) Ah...

  • When 21 calls Emo Slick's son, Emo of all people actually giggles, causing 21 to point out how he sounds like an old man.

  • After 21 says she plans on eating Slick so that he'll always be a part of her, Slick asks her if she's into vore.
    Slick: Sounds an awful lot like vore to me. I mean, I always took you for a kinky bitch, but damn!
    21: (starts twitching before sighing) This is why... (charges at Slick) I shouldn't talk to my food!

  • When 21 grabs Emo and attemps to turn him into candy, he tries to dissuade her by pointing out how much he smokes. She just simply says that she likes trying new things.

  • Emo then tries taking a page out of Goku's book and bites 21's tail... but it only results in her telling him to bite her more.
    Emo: Ah shit, that's her kink!

  • After saving Emo, Grand Priest then goes to help Slick (he had been turned into a chocolate bar by 21 earlier). Slick actually tries some of his chocolate self and says that he tastes delicious.

  • After Grand Priest notes how strong he's gotten, Emo asks if he's impressed by his moves. Grand Priest could barely keep in his laughter before bluntly telling Emo that he sucks.

  • Grand Priest then agrees to give the two Poltara Earrings (even calling them Deus ex Machinas) in exchange for Emo, leading to this interaction:
    Emo: (to Slick) I knew he was a pedo.
    Grand Priest: To train with me! To train with me for one day! God, why is everything so sexual with you people?!

  • While flying back, 21 (who had sent flying by Grand Priest all the way to Disneyland) sings "When You Wish Upon A Star" so badly, it causes both Emo and Slick's ears to ring.

  • This moment:
    21: (to Slick) You might as well surrender and let me suck you dry.
    (DAU!Zarbon can be heard moaning in the distance)

  • After Emo and Slick beat 21, Grand Priest takes the former to train for the day... in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Good news is that there's at least some games to help pass the time. The bad news is that Grand Priest only has a Google Stadia.

  • It's then revealed by Absalon that Slick could've easily beaten 21 using "Ultra Slickstinct", but purposely held back. Why? So that he could spend time with Emo.

  • Absalon then calls Slick out for him and Emo killing off the girlfriend of the Saint Gohan Beasts' leader. What does Slick have to say about it?

  • During The Stinger, Dai has the recently deceased 21 move a Gohanverse poster... only for it to end up in the same spot it was originally in, causing her to bang her head against the wall.
    21: I hate my life.
    Dai: Afterlife. You hate your afterlife.

Season 2

    Episode 8 
  • The episode starts with 21 refusing to promote Dai's merch... only to realize that she had unintentionally did just that during her rant after seeing Dai evil laughing.

  • When Grand Priest notes his surprise over Emo willingly coming back to train, Emo says that he figured that someone was going to come along to make him realize he's weak and cause him to come back to Grand Priest to train anyways, so he's just cutting out the middle man.

  • Gohanic here can best be described as "an Ax-Crazy Gohan dressed like Sonic quoting Filthy Frank". Case in point during his first confrontation with Emo:
    Gohanic: Ey boss.
    Gohanic: Nah, fam. I'm looking to send someone to the rice fields!

  • During their fight, Gohanic decides to play a little game with Emo.
    Gohanic: Ey boss. I got a pop quiz for ya. Ravioli Ravioli, guess what's in my pocket-oli!
    Emo: ...Your dignity?

  • When Gohanic turns Super, Emo calls him a copyright strike waiting to happen.

  • After freezing time (using Filthy Frank's "It's Time To Stop" meme, of course), Gohanic doodles on Emo's face and drops a random nearby steamroller on him.

  • When Gohanic start bragging about seemingly killing Emo, Grand Priest (who had arrived with Absalon and Piccolo) tells him not to count his chickens before they hatch, leading to this:
    Gohanic: Why count 'em... when I can screw 'em? (starts dancing while "Me So Horny" plays)
    Grand Priest: Uh... ew, what the fuck?
    Emo: (bursts out of the ground) Your cringe woke me up.
    • While Grand Priest was talking, Gohanic starts picking his ear and actually eats the earwax!

  • After Gohanic dies, his phone starts ringing. When everyone looks at Emo to answer it, he refuses due to learning that he screws chickens.

  • The episode ends with El Hermano suggesting an Enemy Mine with the group... and Emo just asks who the dickhead is.

    Episode 9 
  • When El Hermano reveals how Baby plans wipe out all Gohans in the multiverse and how it's partially caused by 21's death, Absalon is seen turning red with rage at Emo.

  • Near the end of the call, El Hermano decides to troll his former master.
    Grand Priest: You lost the right to call me [Master] years ago! As far as I'm concerned, you're dead to me.
    El Hermano: Wow. Don't have a cow, bro.
    (Cut to Grand Priest as he's close to snapping)
    El Hermano: Moo. (Evil Laughs as Grand Priest smashes Gohanic's phone)

  • It's revealed that Emo had apparently memorized the entire Gohan Accords during his time training with Grand Priest, admitting that he'd rather do that than play on the Google Stadia.
    Emo: It was.

  • While Emo and Absalon recruit members for their four-man team, Piccolo keeps volunteering to join, only to keep getting ignored.

  • While on a Gohan Council prison ship, Emo notes that he hears British music. Sure enough, he finds Black drinking tea in a cell with pictures of Chi-Chi.

  • After learning of the threat against all Gohans from Absalon, Black is shocked by the revelation and says "Holy shi..itate mushrooms!", causing Emo to yell at him to say "shit" like a normal person.

  • When Black and Emo start bickering with each other (the former even calling the latter an "alcoholic butthole"), Absalon gets them to cut it out by threatening to send them to the DAU, causing Black to beg him not to take him back there again.

  • Absalon suggests bringing Slick with them, but Emo says they can't due to Slick getting a refund on his restraining order.

  • When Emo suggest bringing Piccolo, Absalon starts laughing before realizing that Emo's being serious.

  • After Absalon pulls Emo aside to talk, Emo accuses him of being gay for Piccolo, saying that his jacket gave it away. Though considering this is Emo, he may well be saying that to mess with him.

  • When Absalon says that Piccolos are only for being a Gohan's initial master and their daughter's nannies (implying that Gohan having Pan is a universal constant), Emo accuses him of being racist towards Piccolos.
    Emo: Dude, that's still being racist.

  • Just as the group's about to teleport to the Cell Lands, Black "accidentally" bumps into Emo, causing Emo to Flip the Bird.

    Episode 10 

    "Hit vs. Gohana" OVA 

    Episode 11 
  • When Piccolo accurately guess the true nature of Black's Ki construct of Zamasu, Absalon does some petty Copycat Mockery.

  • After beating Gohan A, Black tries reluctantly to thank Emo for the "pep talk"... only for Emo to rub it in by getting him to say it to his Twitch chat.
    Absalon: Ugh...
    Emo: Kakyoin says you're a bitch.
    Black: Well, tell him he's a cuckold!
    Emo: Oh, so you have no problem saying that.
    Black: Calling someone a cuckold is Shakespearian. Look it up!

  • When Piccolo asks Absalon what their next plan is, he admits he doesn't know and expresses his fears of Baby completing his mission of wiping out all Gohans... and of missing Gura's livestream. The former fear gets Gohan A's attention.
    Gohan A: Say that again!
    Absalon: I'm going to miss Gawr Gura's livestream?

  • While Gohan A calls El Hermano to confirm the group's claim, Piccolo points out how weird it is that the Dead Zone has an area code.

  • In the Dead Zone, we see El Hermano treating his Nintendo Switch like a Companion Cube and goes to kiss it before Gohan A calls him.

  • After El Hermano confirms the group's claims about Baby, Gohan A is understandably pissed off about not being told about this sooner.
    El Hermano: Because... I tried calling Gohanic first.
    Gohan A: You tried to call the Chicken Fucker before me?
    El Hermano: In hindsight, yeah that was a stupid thing to do.

  • While talking about Grand Priest, Emo once again refers to him as a pedo, much to El Hermano's confusion. When Gohan A clarifies who Emo's talking about, El Hermano reveals that apparently Emo isn't the first Gohan to call Grand Priest a pedo as he mentions an Ultra Ego Gohan saying the same thing.

    Episode 12: Piccolo Is (Not) Alright 
  • When Baby and Great Saibaman try to recruit a brainwashed Slick Gohan, they're instead met by Slick Tien and Slick Chiaotzu who give them a note from Slick Gohan... which is just a censored drawing of a dick.

  • Absalon tries to get Emo to download a teleportor app on his phone, but Emo reveals that he can't because his phone is having a spotty connection due to Chi-Chi no longer sleeping with the people at Verizon.

  • When Gohan A reveals that Imperfect Village is best known for having the best weed in the multiverse, Emo quickly makes himself at home.

  • We then see Perfect Cell and Kermit visiting Imperfect Village, causing Black to start panicking from his last interaction with the duo and dig himself in a hole.

  • While arguing with Kermit over how one of the Imperfect Cells is smoking a banana of all things, Cell notes that he senses something... British.
    Black: (muffled) I'm not British!
    Kermit: You think it's that British kid from a few days ago?
    Cell: (pulls out a gun) Let's find out!

  • The DAU duo than reconnect with Emo.
    Emo: Yo, try this blunt. It's... perfect.

  • While sitting on a cliff, Gohan A is met with a weird fusion of Imperfect Cell and Ugandan Knuckles called Imperfect Knuckles who clicks at them. They then threaten to kick him into space.

  • After having a talk with Black, Gohan A is left sitting in silence... until Imperfect Knuckles clicks in their ear again, causing them to keep their word and send him flying.

  • Back at Imperfect Village, Cell calls for Kermit (who currently has Android 18 and Bulma twerking in front of him) and shows it's time to leave by pointing to his watch and showing that it's literally time to duel.

  • As he leads Piccolo away from the group, Great Saibaman remarks on how well his plan's working. He then notices something in the night sky...
    Imperfect Knuckles: DO YOU KNOW DA WAAAAAEEE?!

    Episode 13: "YOU ARE WEAK, PICCOLO!" 
  • When Great Saibaman tells Baby his plan with Piccolo, he asks if this has more to do with his obsession with Piccolos, which he tries to deny.
    Great Saibaman: What? No! I-it's not like... I take great pleasure in humiliating them as I SNUFF the LIFE from their bodies.
    (Cut to Baby looking at Great Saibaman suspiciously)
    Great Saibaman: Uh... Figuratively speaking, of course.

  • While walking with Great Saibaman, Piccolo keeps asking him "Are We There Yet?" until Great Saibaman threatens to blow up... in excitement!

  • As Great Saibaman and Piccolo start their fight, the former decides to tell the latter about when he killed his first Piccolo.
    Great Saibaman: When I killed my Universe's Piccolo... I don't know how to put it. Uh, this is a bit dirty, but... (grabs onto Piccolo) I got... an erection.

  • Noticing the explosion, the group go to check it out... except for Gohan A, who hangs back to eat some pot brownies.

  • This bit:
    Piccolo: That's the last time I let someone with an erection grab me. (Beat) I seriously hope no one was around to hear that.
    Great Saibaman: I did~.

  • How did Great Saibaman survive blowing himself up? Nanomachimes, son!

  • While doing a "The Reason You Suck" Speech, Great Saibaman tells Piccolo that he isn't special and that there's no Queen of England.

    "How Android 21 Absorbed Her Gohan" Short 
  • The short starts with 21 choking her world's Gohan with her tail as Piccolo tries to assure Videl that he's got this. That is until Gohan pleads for 21 to choke him harder, which causes Piccolo to immediately take back his words.

  • Turns out that 21's Gohan is a MASSIVE masochist as he even admits that he's always wanted to be dominated by a strong woman as it cuts to a disappointed Videl doing the Prowler Goku meme.

  • When 21 remarks how she hates perverts, Gohan points out that she's the last person to say that.
    21: (Grips her tail around his neck tighter)note 
    Gohan: YES! Oh GOD...YES~!

  • When 21 points out how Gohan has a girlfriend, he reveals that the two broke up a couple of months ago. Why? Because Videl couldn't rock the pixie-cut look. This causes Videl to tell 21 to eat him, much to Piccolo's shock.

  • Even when he's turned to chocolate and about to be eaten, Gohan is still amped up about what's about to happen to him.
    Gohan: SWEET! I'm going to be vored! LET'S FUCKING GOOO-!

  • While Piccolo laments how everyone's going to die, Videl just has a face that screams "Worth It".

  • The ad block:
    • It starts with El Hermano starting to worry about if he starting to Go Mad from the Isolation. His Nintendo Switch (which suddenly has a woman's body) tells him that he's totally not going crazy.

    • When he mentions a Dakimakura pillow as part of the deal, Daki makes a brief cameo as the ad suddenly comes to an "Everybody Laughs" Ending.
      El Hermano's Sponsor Segment
      "El Hermano Has A Mental Breakdown"

    • El Hermano snaps out of his delusion as he sees his Switch is no longer his hot girlfriend, causing him to realize that he really is going insane.

    Episode 14: "Return of the Demon King" 
  • After Piccolo obtains his Oni King form, Black questions how he suddenly has hair and Absalon notes how it's a little much.

  • When Great Saibaman goes into his Overdrive Form and explains how it will blow everyone up with him, Piccolo has a few questions.
    Piccolo: Wait, so after you explode, that's it for you?
    Great Saibaman: That's right! *Maniacal Laughter*
    Piccolo: As in, you won't be able to regenerate again?
    Great Saibaman: Yes! I can't regenerate in my Overdrive form.
    Piccolo: And you can be moved a tiny bit?
    Great Saibaman: Yes! Yes! Yes! To all your insipid questions! Now, will you let me continue my- ?!
    Piccolo: *Sinister laughter*

    "Baby Gohan vs. Kefla" OVA 
  • It turns out Caulifla and Kale have been using Goku as a bed to make out on for days after their fight as he pleads for them to let him go, saying how misses his family... before realizing what he just said.

  • When Goku asks why the two prefer making out on his body specifically, they admit it's because they like how he squeaks when they bounce on him.

  • When Baby and Great Saibaman arrive to take the Multi-Dimensional Dragon Ball, Caulifla and Kale insist that it's a regular rock that they plan on crushing and turning into beads.
    Great Saibaman: To wear, right?
    (Cut to Caulifla and Kale looking at each other VERY suggestively)
    Great Saibaman: TO WEAR, RIGHT?!


    Caulifla: Let's go after [Baby]! We need that rock to make those awesome beads!
    Great Saibaman: Again! TO WEAR, RIGHT?!

  • Baby then says that he needs the Dragon Ball in order to revive his girlfriend, who had been blasted by another man.
    Caulifla: Well, she sounds like a thot.
    Great Saibaman: I mean, she kinda is... (gets Dope Slapped by Baby) NOT! Is definitely not!

  • Before the fight starts, Great Saibaman arrives to watch while using Goku as a chair.

  • As Kefla charges her Gigantic Burst, she says "It's pizza time!", causing Goku to chime in and say it's actually One. This earns him a Knockout Punch from Great Saibaman.

  • During the fight, Baby and Kefla end up in the mansion of Elon Musk, who's clutching the Twitter / X logo while pleading for them to leave. Baby complies by literally kicking Kefla out of the house.
    • While in the mansion, the two end up in kitchen when Baby tells her to give up and Stay in the Kitchen.

  • When Baby makes Kefla bark like a dog via Brainwashing, Goku notes how Chi-Chi did the same thing during their wedding night.

  • Baby explains how he can control anyone that comes in contact with any of his bodily fluids, earning him a moan from Zarbon.

  • During The Stinger, Chi-Chi comes home to her house trashed from Emo and Slick's fight with 21 and her husband dropped into her arms by Baby.
    Goku: Wanna have another kid?
    Chi-Chi: Throw in a year's worth of marriage counseling and you got yourself a deal.
    Goku: Bitchin'!

    Episode 15: "Emo Gohan vs The Cell Air Force" 
  • After Piccolo arrives to the Saint Gohan Beasts' lair, Baby understandably attacks him for killing his best friend.
    Piccolo: Your friend was a racist.
    Baby: Does this look like Twitter to you?!

  • When the Cell Dorado Force Leader accuses the group of buying illegal pot brownies, Absalon denies the claims... until one of the Air Force members finds some pot brownies on Gohan A.
    Cell Dorado Air Force Leader: Wow. We didn't even need to plant evidence this time. I MEAN... Well, well, well.
    • The Cell that reported it (the one who has Fish Eyes) even points out how Gohan A is "strangely effeminate".

  • When Black expresses concern over Emo when he gets chased by the Cell Air Force, a confused Gohan A says they thought the two hated each other, causing Black to go full Tsundere.
    Black: I mean, it's not like I wanted to help him or anything. Idiot!
    Gohan A: Riiiiight.

  • When Black asks if Emo will be okay fighting alone, Absalon just wonders how long will Emo take to catch up with them.
    Absalon: 5 minutes? 10 minutes?
    Gohan A: Ugh! You council members have serious betting problems. Let's just go!

  • When the Cell Air Force Leader asks what Emo's doing in the Cell Lands, Emo does a Your Mom joke. The Air Force Leader responds by revealing that he and his men are yet more people who've slept with Chi-Chi.
    Fish Eyes Cell Dorado Air Force Extra: I didn't even know we had dicks 'til she sucked mine. Good times. Goood tiiimes.

  • When the nerdy looking Cell Dorado points out how it's a bad idea to fight Emo, the leader just tells him to break a leg and pushes him towards Emo. He's then thrown the recruit's leg after Emo kills him.

  • It turns out that Emo's on the Cell Council's Most Wanted list. Why? Because Chi-Chi gave them all gonorrhea, which Emo refuses to apologize for.
    Emo: Hey, I didn't know...
    (Cut to Cell Dorado Air Force Leader looking pissed)

  • When the Cell Air Force Leader sarcastically says that Emo isn't selfish, a Shmebulock-like Cell fails to recognize the sarcasm, resulting in him getting thrown at Emo by his leader and Emo kicking him right into the camera.

  • While the Cell Air Force Leader waits to fully regenerate after his fight with Emo, he decides to pass the time by checking out Daki on his phone.
    Cell Dorado Air Force Leader: Is it me, or did Daki's boobs get bigger?

  • The ad block:
    • El Hermano starts suffering from more hallucinations as he sees his grandfather who he skips to with Big Anime Eyes before trying to turn him into ashes for his Gamer Supps Cup.
      Gamer Supps Cup: Do it, El Hermano! Do it! Burn him and shove his ashes deep inside me! Mmmmmm~

    • During the ad, Dai makes a brief appearance. When El Hermano asks how he's in the Dead Zone, Dai casually says it's because he's a god before teleporting away.

    • The ad ends with El Hermano remembering that he doesn't even know who his grandfather is due to him being an orphan, leading him to burning the "grandpa", much to his Gamer Supps Cup's glee.
      Gamer Supps Cup: (to the audience) Buy some Gamer Supps tubs using the link below. Don't kill your grandpa to get one! Aha! (Beat) No, but seriously, you totally should.

