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Anos and His Demon King Army

    In General
  • All of the Other Reindeer: All of them suffered from some sort of discrimination in the past.
    • Anos is looked down upon by the royalists for his proclamation of being the Demon King due to being a hybrid.
    • Lay was disowned by his parents for failing to inherit their family's signature magic.
    • Misha was treated as if she didn't exist by other demons (except her sister Sasha and Anos, at least initially).
    • Sasha was forced into isolation to avoid losing control over her Magic Eyes of Destruction.
    • Misa was ignored by her demon father who is a royal due to the fact that revealing that he had sired a hybrid child could cost him his position.
  • Badass Crew: They are much smaller than most Demon King Armies but just Anos is enough to utterly destroy anyone in their path. His sharing his power through Gyze only makes them even more dangerous.
  • Bash Brothers: Anos and Lay have a very close friendship; it makes them an especially dangerous duo on the field as they can work so seamlessly together.
  • Character Class:
    • Anos - Demon King
    • Misha - Guardian
    • Sasha - Mage
    • Lay - Cavalier
  • Five-Man Band:
    • The Leader: Anos, the strongest member of the group and the one who usually takes the lead in battle.
    • The Lancer: Lay, the most skilled member of the group and Anos' friendly rival, who usually tag teams with him.
    • The Smart Guy: Misha, is the most perceptive of the group and very skilled in creating magic.
    • The Big Guy: Sasha, is the most headstrong of the group and very skilled in destruction magic.
    • The Heart: Misa, the most idealistic member of the group.
  • Friendly Rivalry: In the present age, Anos and Lay are the only ones who can match each other in swordsmanship. The two of them enjoy dueling each other to see who comes out on top and get along very well outside of combat.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Anos' current incarnation and his parents are half-demon hybrids.
  • Reincarnation: Most of them are reincarnated figures from the Mythical Age. Except for Anos who was simply reborn.
    • Misha - The Goddess of Creation, Militia
    • Sasha - The Goddesss of Destruction, Abernyu
    • Lay - The Hero of Legend, Kanon
  • Reincarnation Friendship: The Hero Kanon and the Demon King Anos hoped they could be friends if they both reincarnate two millennia hence. They get their wish, becoming Bash Brothers as Lay and Anos.

    Anos Voldigoad 

Anos Voldigoad

Demon King of Tyranny
Voiced by: Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Japanese, first season), Yuichiro Umehara (Japanese, second season onwards), Aleks Le (English)

"The Demon King of Tyranny" himself, Anos is a legendary demon who managed to bring the worlds of the humans, the spirits, and even the gods to their knees—until he decided he'd had enough of the bloodshed and sacrificed himself to attempt peace between the four races. Having just reincarnated after 2,000 years, he finds the world, history, and demon's treatment of him vastly different than he expected (chief of which is that no one believes he's the legendary Demon King) but he's not discouraged in the slightest.

  • Achilles' Heel: He is vulnerable to Evansmana, the legendary holy sword forged to destroy him, as it is stated that he can be permanently killed should his source be destroyed by it. While Anos was able to regenerate his source after Lay accidentally stabbed him, it is noted that Lay didn't mean to kill him, hence allowing him the leeway to revive.
  • Accidental Proposal: Anos gives Misha a ring for her birthday and puts it on her left ring finger, not knowing that the traditions for getting engaged had changed two thousand years ago (beforehand, they were sealed under a Zecht contract to prevent betrayals). A scene omitted from the anime has Sasha explaining the implications behind the ring placement and Anos recalling how his mother was excited upon seeing the ring.
  • The Ace: Anos is good at just about everything. Partially justified in him having been the creator of many of the spells, techniques, and technology that the world currently uses, and both the production and the knowledge having deteriorated in the 2,000 years he was dead.
  • Anti-Hero: While Anos is not inherently evil, his chaotic and sometimes ruthless methods when dealing with his enemies, earned him his title. He never actually proclaimed himself the Demon King, but he openly embraced it since the rest of the world viewed him as such.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: While he's already ridiculously strong in terms of sheer strength and power, he's shown time and again that one of the reasons for his great power and amazing feats is his sheer awareness and skill of analysis. He repeatedly notices small yet important details of various things, whether it's magic or other people, and analyzes the reasoning and function behind them, which he puts to use by invoking and manipulating things based on that knowledge. Whether it's finding the minute inefficiencies in flawed magic and fixing them to amplify the power, figuring out the true feelings of people that feel trapped but can't say so and rescuing them from that metaphorical trap, or saving Lay's half-spirit mother by figuring out exactly what tradition supports her life, and arranging things so that said tradition gets spread to as many people as possible, allowing him to properly revive her.
  • Back from the Dead: He is able to easily revive anyone with the spell Ingall consequence-free, provided he does it within a 3-seconds time window. Anos muses on an old philosophical theory in his time that argues Ingall might not be a resurrection spell, but rather a hyper-accurate cloning spell and that the person it "resurrects" might just be a new copy altogether, all the while repeatedly killing and reviving Zepes to a terrified audience.
  • Badass Boast: He's quite fond of telling his enemies just how vastly his power outmatches their own and exactly how he's foiling their plans and will subsequently wipe the floor with them.
  • Badass Fingersnap: When showing off his power, he has a tendency to snap his fingers to cast spells rather than using the more efficient Magical Incantation method.
  • Baritone of Strength: The anime gives him a deep, booming voice to act as immediate representation of his immense strength and power, alongside representing Authority Sounds Deep through how his natural speaking in said baritone has a strongly commanding and authoritative presence.
  • Beware the Nice Ones:
    • He's sociable to those who don't antagonize him and he wants peace between the races. However, he's willing to kill those who do antagonize him, though he'll also revive them as long as they're not too big of a threat to him. Since Death Is Cheap to him, he considers this response to be merciful.
    • The absolute pinnacle of this is when his mother and fan club were nearly killed by the racist royalist Emilia, which is so far the only thing that genuinely brought out his rage. Consequently, the woman received his worst punishment to date: being killed and forcibly reincarnated as a commoner hybrid, something that any Royalist would consider a Fate Worse than Death. He further added to that by cursing her so that she would always be reborn as a hybrid for the rest of eternity.
      Anos: I consider myself a tolerant person. I can't even remember a single time I got angry in my past life. Fools used to buzz around me all the time back then too, but once they fixed their bad attitudes I forgave them all. So I honestly believed I wasn't narrow-minded enough to give in completely to my anger. My my though, who would've thought I was actually completely wrong? Emilia, I will never forgive you.
  • Born from a Dead Woman: Anos' mother in the Mythical Age was killed by humans when she was at term, and Anos was born crawling out of her corpse. The memory of it is a major factor in his decision to go down the path that would eventually result in him becoming the Demon King of Tyranny.
  • Brought Down to Badass: Reincarnators start with one-tenth of the power they had in their past life, and this applies to Anos too. Despite losing most of his power, he already starts far stronger than any of the demon emperors.
  • Chick Magnet: He's popular with the female students, to the point that they set up a fan club dedicated to him named the "Anos Fan Union".
  • Clueless Chick-Magnet: Despite all the girls fawning over him, Anos was never in an intimate relationship in his previous life due to constantly fighting for survival, and thus only really seems to understand love in familial terms.
  • Comically Invincible Hero: Anos is extremely overpowered. He easily trounces everyone he fights, and easily succeeds at everything he does, and nobody else can even scratch him. Anyone who can damage him will find that he knows how to recover from almost any "surefire" way to kill, including the destruction of his source. His methods are oftentimes so extreme and over-the-top that it becomes hilarious.
    Anos: Did you really think killing me would be enough to make me die?
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Given how utterly powerful he is compared to most of the characters of the series, he ends up mopping the floor with almost every enemy he fights. The most memorable one perhaps is the one he gives to Zepes Indu at the beginning of the series, where he violently kills and resurrects the poor bastard countless times until he finally can't take it anymore and surrenders in utter despair.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He is "The Demon Lord of Tyranny" and is said to have slain countless humans and even gods, but he's actually a pretty nice guy.
  • The Dreaded: During the Mythical Age, everyone feared Anos and his power as his very existence rallied the humans, spirits, and gods to oppose him.
  • Experienced Protagonist: Anos already knows pretty much everything about all magic, due to the fact that he was able to master all forms of magic and invent many spells himself.
  • Extremely Protective Child: Due to a combination of losing his parents before he was even born in his previous life, adoring the parents he has in his current life, and the fact that said parents are extremely weak compared to everybody that might oppose him, he places heavy priority on protecting their safety and happiness. In fact, anything that even slightly threatens his parents is one of the very few things that will genuinely break his mellow and forgiving demeanor, to the point he reserves his worst punishment to date for the one person who came close to actually killing them.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: As a result of reincarnating into a much more peaceful era than the one where he lived, Anos finds himself clashing with the culture of the modern-day demonkind constantly, expressing disbelief about how weak the magic from the era has become or why people would get so surprised to see someone revive or become a zombie. Perhaps the biggest cultural barrier he has to face is his sense of humor, as things that were considered jokes in his time (like making grandiose threats or beating people to near death) are considered horrifying by modern society.
  • Fountain of Youth: Anos can adjust his Crest spell to turn himself into a pre-teen child.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Anos may seem arrogant and cruel, but his personal creed is not to kill people needlessly and cares about the people close to him such as his parents, friends and subordinates.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: The protagonist, whose weapon is Venuzdonoa; the Reason Destroying Sword. In the Light Novel, its title is the Abolisher of Reason.
  • Home Field Advantage: His sword of destruction, Venuzdonoa, can only be used in his castle, Delsgade. He gets around this limitation by summoning his castle to his location.
  • It Amused Me: The reason why he never does anything to clear up his parents jumping to conclusions about him bringing home "brides", and in fact often outright encourages them to do so, is due to a combination of him finding their mindset very amusing and loving the sight of their sheer happiness.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While Anos may initially come off as arrogant and full of himself (for valid reasons, however) and can be very cruel when he wants to be, he's, for the most part, a laidback and reasonable guy, not deliberately antagonizing anyone unless he's provoked or see's the hurting of someone he loves or respects.
  • Mad Libs Catchphrase:
    • "Did you really think X would Y?" where X is whatever attack or ploy Anos' enemies have attempted to use against and Y is the intended result. The most famous example is "Did you really think killing me would be enough to make me die?" in his fight against Ivis Necron.
    • He occasionally uses a variant that goes like "Did you really think I couldn't X just because you Y?", where X is something he just did and Y is his enemy's efforts to prevent him from doing X. The most memorable example is him saying "Did you think I wouldn't resurrect just because you destroyed my source?" to Jerga when he brings himself back from being Deader than Dead by using special magic with very specific conditions.
  • Might Makes Right: His core philosophy is that the demon king has to be the most powerful demon of them all, and that is what makes him the demon king. The main reason why he clashes with the classist purebloods is due to him defying their norm that heritage makes you better than the rest, as Anos considers being pureblood or hybrid irrelevant if you are a weakling unable to prove your strength.
  • Mundane Utility: When the Unitarians/Anos Fan Union wants to make their devotion official with magical Zecht contracts, he decides to stop time and then sign them all at once, in order to prevent any potential arguments about who got theirs signed first.
  • Mr. Exposition: He has a habit of explaining what exactly he is doing, how it is happening, and why his enemies' countermeasures aren't working. Justified as he's a very proud and arrogant individual who can overpower his enemies so badly he can talk all he wants without fear of retribution. Though sometimes, he really is trying to educate people about the Lost Technology, twisted interpretations, and lost information since he was dead.
  • Neck Lift: Holds Emilia Ludowell up in the air by her neck as he warps with her to the arena.
  • Noble Demon: In spite of all his wanton cruelty and brutal methods, Anos is actually quite a compassionate and reasonable soul. He wants nothing more than to protect his followers and friends and actively tries to nurture familial bonds between demons, which he implies to be the true source of his power.
  • No Sense of Humor: Having grown up in a world war in his previous life, Anos' idea of humor is mostly just over-the-top threats.
    Anos: Starting today, I'll be taking over this class! And I'll massacre all who defy me! [...] What did you think of my joke?
    Misha: Joke?
  • Playing with Fire: Even his weakest fire spell is capable of plowing through Sasha and her team's strongest offense spell and shattering every barrier Sasha cast to try and stop it.
  • Protagonist Title: This is the titular character the story's title refers to.
  • Rapid Aging: Thanks to reincarnating with all his mental faculties and powers intact, Anos is able to use the growth spell Crest to rapidly age himself up from birth to late teenhood over the course of a month. The manga displays him in the in-between stages taking inventory of his powers and the world around him.
  • Sociopathic Hero: While Anos is a genuinely decent and moral person, his actions can lead him to be this at times, even if most of the time, the people on the receiving end deserve it. Examples include his casual murder and revival cycle done to his opponent Zepes, while he explains to him and a horrified audience the philosophy behind Ingall. Easily lifting, spinning, and then throwing Sasha and her team's base while they were still inside and the retribution he paid on Emilia before he cursed her with Resurrective Immortality.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Due to the complications with romanizing Japanese characters, his name has been translated in ways such as Arnos, Anoth, or Anos. His surname isn't any better, with translations such as Voldigod, Voltegourde, or Voldigoad popping frequently. The official website and subtitles of the anime finally refer to him as Anos Voldigoad, the one who is considered the official spelling of the character.
  • Strong and Skilled: While he usually overwhelms lesser opponents with brute force, he's also very knowledgeable and skilled in all fields of magic. This allows him to overcome opponents who use tricky tactics and/or come close to him at the power level. He later turns out to be relatively Weak, but Skilled compared to his past self, since he reincarnated with one-tenth of his original power. He becomes this again when he regains his full power upon his Destruction Source's awakening.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Despite Jerga's genocidal goals and attempted sacrifice of Azeshion, Anos reincarnates him in the hopes Jerga will meet his wife and daughter again.
  • Teacher's Unfavorite Student: Emilia Lud(o)well looked down on him for being a half-demon despite how powerful he had been and attempted several times to upstage him only for her to get humiliated which range from trying to get him expelled to stealing a staff he found. The last straw for her was him defeating her brother in a duel which leads to her trying to kill eight half-demon students when they intervene in an attempt at stealing Anos's sword from his mother Izabella. Suffice to say, Anos puts a stop to this by turning Emilia into a half-demon just like him and the same students she tried to kill which led to her losing her job.
  • Time Stands Still: His spell Rivide allows him to stop time within a given area and even select who it affects and who it doesn't.
  • Took a Level in Badass: He has to restrain his power in order to live among the much weaker modern demons, but this causes him to become more skilled at controlling it. At first, he could only use Abernyu's power to simply destroy, but now he can use it to keep Nousgalia from regenerating more than 10% of his Source.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Mushroom gratin. The anime doesn't make it clear but it is legitimately his favorite and he has been enthusiastically eating it almost every night in the month since he reincarnated.
  • Tranquil Fury: Anos is not a person who gets easily angry, but the few times he does, he expresses it calmly and coldly, which arguably makes him more terrifying.
  • Vocal Dissonance: When Anos was reincarnated, his baby form already had his incredibly deep adult voice.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Convinced Kanon and his allies to help him end the war in the mythical age by pointing out that humans are not the only race with loved ones, and that the demons he ruled over and he himself also desired to live in a world without war or strife.
  • Worthy Opponent: He considers Kanon a true hero for repeatedly enduring the destruction of his Sources and putting his people above himself. As such, he's not pleased when Diego and the Jerga Kanon class claim to be reincarnated from Kanon's Sources, yet displays unheroic behavior that the original Kanon would be ashamed of.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He may be quite the gentleman to the ladies who earn his respect, but if a woman does anything to earn his ire, he has zero qualms about using just as much force and brutality as he would on a man. Just ask Emilia.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Unlike skilled swordsmen like Lay, Anos has no sword technique as he openly admitted to swinging his sword around with brute strength. However, due to his sheer raw power, he can just bulldoze through most other swordsmen, as only an extremely skilled and talented swordsman like Lay can keep up with him in a swordfight.
  • You Killed My Mother: Deliberately invoked, but also subverted. He counters Jerga's reason for fighting is due to the grief of losing his family and comrades to demons by pointing out that humans were the ones that killed his parents. However, while the tragedy of being born from his mother's corpse was a massive influence towards him becoming the Demon King of Tyranny, he doesn't blame humanity for it, seeing the pointless war itself as the cause, and instead works to create a world where nobody of any race would have to experience the same thing he went through ever again.
  • Younger Than They Look: Despite looking like he's in his late teen's thanks to using the accelerated growth magic Kurst, Anos is actually only a month old when first admitted to the Academy.

The Necron Sisters

    Applies to Both 

Click here to see Aisha

The first students that Anos encounters at the academy. Misha and Sasha are twin sisters born to the Necron family, though strangely Sasha is treated as a pureblood demon while Misha is treated as a mixed blood. After they both join his team, Anos finds out that the circumstances surrounding their relationship and family are much more complicated than they seem, enticing him to intervene so both sisters can sort things out.

  • Amplifier Artifact: After their trip to Anos' personal treasure vault, both of them acquire magical items that complement and strengthen their elemental affinities:
    • Sasha gets the Phoenix Robe, granting her the power to wield its immortal flames.
    • Misha gets the Lily-pad Ice Ring, which holds a chill strong enough that rumors state it is able to fill the entire ocean with ice.
  • Break Her Heart to Save Her: Sasha's blatant, vicious, and cruel treatment of Misha, her sister, turns out to be a desperate ploy for Misha to hate her so much that when the time comes for one of them to absorb the other and complete their split souls, Misha will willingly kill Sasha and go on living. It doesn't work, thanks to Misha's seeing right through Sasha's plan and Anos stepping in to fuse them both through time-traveling shenanigans.
  • Bust-Contrast Duo: Misha is noted to be well endowed, while Sasha has smaller breasts than her.
  • Combination Attack: After they settle things between themselves, they start working together and combining their powers, first by using their Next Tier Powerup to perform Jio Graze with just the two of them, then by utilizing the Necron family's Fusion Magic to combine their personal magics and create stronger attacks.
  • Fire/Ice Duo: Sasha specializes in fire magic, while Misha specializes in ice magic.
  • Fusion Dance: They eventually learn to use the Separation and Fusion Reincarnation spell Dino Jixes to temporarily fuse into a single being: Aisha.
  • God in Human Form: Sasha and Misha are the former Goddesss of Destruction and Goddesss of Creation, reincarnated into mortal forms.
  • Literal Split Personality: Sasha and Misha Necron are not twin sisters, they used to be the same person split into two separate beings to try to control Sasha's Eyes of Destruction. Or so it seemed.
  • Magical Eye: Both of them possess the decently uncommon but not too rare power of unique Magic Eyes, which grants access to a plethora of magical effects that rely on direct eye contact to use:
    • Both of their magic eyes grants abilities such as sensing the power and skill of magic, detecting objects hidden by either disguises or magic, and enhancing general vision to see smaller or farther away things more clearly.
    • Misha possesses the Magic Eyes of Creation, which enhances her affinity with Creation Magic as well as allowing her to create anything she can imagine so long as she has a good mental image of it. She can also the power of Transmutation, as she can use them to freeze objects such as a person's anti-magic or turn them into ice sculptures.
    • Sasha possesses the Magic Eyes of Destruction, which cause any object she focuses on to crack and crumble, while usage on a living being will cut flesh and crush bone as well as being very effective Anti-Magic by using them to destroy magic spells. Unfortunately for her, she also has Power Incontinence, so she sometimes destroys things or hurts people accidentally if she gets extra emotional.
    • Their combined form: Aisha, has a unique set of magic eyes called the Magic Eyes of Creative Destruction, which combines the abilities of both sisters magic eyes.
  • Next Tier Powerup: While both of them were already quite strong and skilled when it came to their personal powersets, once they go through having their sources fused with each other's past source with the help of Anos, that power gains a massive boost, allowing them to pull off even greater feats than they could before, especially when combined with their individual Amplifier Artifacts.
  • Personality Powers: Sasha is very temperamental, emotional, and quick to anger. She specializes in fire magic and her Demon Eyes of Destruction frequently flare out of control alongside her emotions. Misha is very cool, withdrawn, and almost emotionless. She specializes in ice magic and is the resident creation magic user of the group.
  • Polar Opposite Twins: They are total opposites of each other. One is pure-blooded, and the other is mixed. One is an Emotionless Girl, the other is a violent and temperamental Tsundere. One is almost flat-chested, and the other is quite busty. This is because they used to be the same person until they were forcibly split apart, resulting in the body and personality traits of their original being getting split into the opposing but parallel qualities of the two.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Sasha and Misha respectively. It even reflects on their uniforms, with Misha wearing the red/black Pureblood uniform while Misha gets the blue/white Mixed-blood uniform.
  • Sibling Team: They usually fight together and are shown to be a very effective pair due to their synchronicity adn the fact that their powers complement each others.
  • Stock Light-Novel Calamity Princess: Sasha is a descendant of the prestigious Necron family of full-breed demons, called the Witch of Destruction for her extremely powerful eyes (although she has trouble controlling them). While blond, Sasha dresses in red and has a very haughty and fiery attitude. Misha, on the other hand, is a meek, demure white-haired girl who is looked down upon and bullied by everyone, including her own family and sister. Her hair is silver and she dresses in blue to contrast Misha. Despite being Sasha's twin, Misha isn't even considered a full-blooded demon. That's because Misha is actually a part of Sasha's soul that was split off when the two were extremely young, and is fated to die on her fifteenth birthday. The reason Sasha bullied her was part of a a plan to save Misha, that would require that Misha reject and hate Sasha, in order to die in her stead. When the protagonist Anos figures out their dilemma, he finds a way to split the girls into two fully separate people with their own "sources" so that neither girl has to die. After this, the two fully come to see each other as sisters (although the outsiders who bully Misha now also deride Sasha for defending her "half-breed" sister), and both fall completely in love with Anos.

    Misha Necron 

Misha Necron
Voiced by: Tomori Kusunoki (Japanese), Brianna Knickerbocker (English)

The first sister that Anos meets and befriends during the entrance exam. She is the more soft-spoken of the two and specializes in creation magic.

  • All-Loving Hero: She is a caring person, and in spite of Sasha's attempts to make her hate her, is very loving towards her twin.
  • Always Someone Better: Anos himself admits that when it comes to creating magic, Misha has the aptitude to surpass even him, the Demon King of Tyranny. Despite all his power and skill, Anos' only true specialty is destroying things.
  • An Ice Person: As befitting her emotionless and calm personality, she specializes in Ice magic.
  • Cuteness Proximity: If her reaction to seeing a cat café in Episode 6 is of any indication, she has this for cats.
  • Emotionless Girl: Misha is very reserved, quiet, and seems incapable of expressing much emotion. This is a consequence of her being the split half of the much more emotional Sasha.
  • Excellent Judge of Character: Misha is shown to be a great judge of character as she was able to see through her sister's Jerkass Façade and the fact that she loves her. In addition, her magic eyes allow her to detect the subtleties of people's feelings, as she was able to tell that Eleonore was a Stepford Smiler, and that something was eating her up. Her skill at reading people is so notable that Anos even asks her at times about how she thinks he feels.
  • First Friend: The first true friend Anos ever made, as in his last life as the Demon King he only had comrades and subordinates. Anos is similarly Misha's very first friend, as most demons just ignored her as the failure of the Necron family, and she develops a strong attachment to him as a result.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: She gets brutally and repeatedly stabbed by Diego during the Hero Academy arc, but thankfully she gets better thanks to Anos' quick intervention.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Despite specializing primarily in non-offensive creation magic, she is still incredibly powerful as a support mage. She can for instance build high-end magic fortresses in seconds to fully protect her allies. Or single-handedly construct complicated magic circles that can boost the power of other magic users severalfold. Also applies to her past life as the Goddess of Creation; Militia. Despite only having authority over creation, she was still a member of the Hero Kanon's party.
  • Mundane Utility: She sells scale models of places and scenes she has seen at a Magic Model Workshop in town using Iris to create them. This spell is usually used for the construction of grand, elaborate Demon Castles and the corresponding artillery, traps, and defensive measures, alongside magical circles for empowering its inhabitants.
  • Mystical White Hair: Her white hair is a visual indicator of her impressive magical abilities despite being a mixed-blood demon.
  • Nice Girl: Kind and caring, even towards her sister in spite of her shoddy treatment of Misha. Misha doesn't hold anything against her sister as she knew Sasha was only trying to give her a reason to live, instead of simply quietly waiting for the day she would be assimilated by her twin.
  • Person of Mass Construction: In contrast to her sister, Misha's mastery of the spell Iris allows her to create elaborate and sturdy fortresses in seconds.
  • Rei Ayanami Expy: Soft-spoken, pale skin, white hair, largely emotionless, deeply loyal to Anos, an artificially-created girl with an esoteric origin and a tragic backstory — Misha ticks nearly all the boxes.
  • Ridiculously Fast Construction: Though all Castle Lords specialize in the creation of Demon Castles, barriers, and reinforcement magic, Misha is notable for being able to produce multiple copies by herself in no time where most other armies need several of them working in unison.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: She admits that she likes Anos because of his kindness, as first displayed when he picks up a letter that she dropped when they first meet. It might not seem much at first, but when one considers that Misha didn't have many friends due to her hybrid status, it's no wonder that the simplest gesture was enough to draw her to him.
  • Status Quo Is God: Even after the ritual to merge her into Sasha fails, the only reason she was not considered a true Necron like her twin sister in the first place, she continues to be treated as a commoner rather than royalty in the Demon Lord Academy.
  • Support Party Member: Her primary role in Anos's team. While she can cast ice magic and create barriers to defend herself, leaving her by herself is generally not a good idea, as she and Anos realize when she is quickly subdued by Diego in Episode 11.
  • When She Smiles: Being the resident Emotionless Girl, her smiles are absolutely precious.

    Sasha Necron 

Sasha Necron

Witch of Destruction
Voiced by: Yuko Natsuyoshi (Japanese), Kayli Mills (English)

The second sister that Anos encounters. She is the more emotional of the two and specializes in fire magic, which is complemented by her unique Demon Eyes of Destruction that can harm anything she looks at.

  • Afraid of Their Own Strength: Due to her initial inability to control her Magic Eyes of Destruction, she would end up hurting others or destroying objects around her during her youth, thus being forced into isolation until she gained enough control over them. She gradually grew to resent her magic eyes, as she thought of them as cursed.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: When the magic Jerga insists Anos is Deader than Dead due to the destruction of his Source, Sasha asks if he thinks her king would die just from having his Source destroyed, mirroring how Anos taunts his enemies for applying common sense to him.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: Sasha is a poor drinker, as she can get intoxicated with just one glass of alcohol.
  • Covert Pervert: She's very easily distracted by the prospect of half-naked pictures of Anos. In the anime, she stumbles upon the collection herself and looks quite interested in the contents.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Joins Anos' team after he defeats her in a mock battle. In her previous life as the God of Destruction, Abernyu, she was also killed by Anos, only for her soul to eventually leave her transmuted corpse and reincarnate as Sasha, a demon who becomes Anos' friend.
  • The Dreaded: Among demons and humans both, Sasha is feared for her Magic Eyes of Destruction and the havoc and death they can cause.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Glowing sigils appear in Sasha's eyes when she uses her Demonic Eyes of Destruction; anything in her vision that isn't on Anos' level of power quickly starts cracking and crumbling to pieces or just outright dying.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: She despises her Magic Eyes of Destruction, which can harm anyone and anything she looks at if she loses control of them for even a second.
  • Not a Morning Person: She doesn't do well when it comes to her trying to wake up early in the morning, with her sometimes oversleeping. It doesn't help that she's a Heavy Sleeper, being nearly impossible for anybody else to wake her up early, with Anos most likely being the only person who could hope to try.
  • Playing with Fire: Aside from her Magic Eyes of Destruction, she specializes in Fire magic.
  • Power Incontinence: Sasha doesn't have full control over her Magic Eyes of Destruction, they flare up whenever she experiences intense emotions like anger.
  • Red Baron: "The Witch of Destruction" for her unparalleled offensive capability with her Demonic Eyes of Destruction.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: During the Demon Sword Tournament, she's given the position to hand over the prize to the winner, which has her dressed in a beautiful dress while Letting Her Hair Down.
  • Shipper on Deck: After seeing Lay and Misa's growing relationship, she is shown supportive of it, though she can get frustrated by them flirting too openly.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Like her sister, Sasha develops feelings towards Anos. In Sasha's case, it was because Anos was the only other person besides Misha to look her in the eyes, even calling her destructive eyes beautiful.
  • Tsundere: Sasha is very vicious and mean on a good day but has moments where she's openly affectionate and warm towards her friends and family. It's played straight in regards to Anos but deconstructed in regards to Misha. Namely, she had been trying to get Misha to hate her so that when the time comes for their split souls to fuse back together, Misha will absorb Sasha and keep on living than the other way around. She was forced to hide her true feelings for over a decade.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Anos, after seeing the lengths to which he went to save her and Misha's lives. Out of the core group, she is typically the first to follow Anos' orders and takes pride in calling him her master.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Lay. Mostly one-sided on her part, as she gets rather annoyed when Lay says something to try to get her flustered, usually about her feelings for Anos. Though the two still get along well most of the time.
  • What Beautiful Eyes!: This is Anos' personal opinion about her Magic Eyes of Destruction, as the level and quality of magic held within them are something he's never seen before.

Other Members

    Lay Grandsley 

Lay Grandsley

Demon Swordmaster
Voiced by: Takuma Terashima (Japanese), Griffin Puatu (English)

A transfer student who catches Anos' attention after he asks to join his team. He is an expert swordsman and is among the few who can match Anos in a one-on-one duel, but despite his incredible skill and charisma, he remains humble.

  • Accidental Proposal: Zig-zagged. He gives Misa a pair of single-shell necklaces, and it isn't until later that the two are told that each of them owning a necklace is the equivalent of a marriage proposal in the human world. Eventually, Lay does take one of the necklaces for himself despite the implications. The reveal that he knew about the legend behind the necklaces beforehand and still gave them to Misa implies that it may not have been accidental at all.
  • The Ace: Lay is handsome, talented, powerful, and popular with both royal students (due to being a powerful royal student) and hybrid students (due to his friendly and easy-going personality).
  • Adaptational Wimp: In the anime, Anos manages to easily overwhelm him during their final fight, as his spells manage to destroy 6 of Lay's sources in quick succession. In the novels, Lay manages to nullify all of Anos' ranged spells and stab him with Evansmana; thus wounding him with stigmas, as Anos internally comments that unless he uses Vebdoz, he wouldn't be able to inflict any damage to Lay's sources.
  • Ascended Demon: He possesses the ability to wield both spirit and holy swords in addition to his ability to wield demon swords. Anos states that while a demon can force a holy sword to obey them, Lay didn't force the holy swords he took from Heine to obey him as they willingly stayed with him despite him not being their original owner. Which makes sense as he is actually Kanon reincarnated, with him retaining his ability to wield any holy sword despite reincarnating as a demon. In addition, he can use holy magic despite his demon body, but if he did that, his identity as Kanon would be revealed.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: While he isn't as ruthless as Anos, he can be scary when pushed. He inflicts multiple Stigmas on Heine as punishment for using his swords for his sadistic impulses. When Diego tries to detonate 10000 Zeshias and attacks his own soldiers for disagreeing with him, Lay states that he realized not everyone can be saved. Lay then goads Diego into wielding Evansmana, humiliating the false hero in front of his troops when the sword rejects him.
  • Big Eater: Lay loves to eat food, as he joked that his body had a bad sufficiency rate.
  • Blood Knight: Ever since he was little he absolutely loved fighting, but for most of his life nobody ever gave him the challenge he wanted. When he met Anos, however, the fact that not only did Anos not get beaten instantly, he outright crushed Lay even after he started getting serious. Since then they look for every opportunity to fight each other in order to feel the thrilling excitement of fighting a near-equal that can push themselves further and further.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: He's absolutely awful at using magic, instead only having the talent for wielding any sword imaginable, demonic, spirit, or even holy. Unfortunately, since his family were magicians, they had no way to find out he had this talent and disowned him for being a failure. Subverted in that Anos states he can use magic, but if he did, his demonic body would emanate holy power, which would put him as Kanon.
  • Custom Uniform: He wears a custom version of the Demon King Academy uniform, which consists of a long-coat, pants and shoes. Due to him being a high-ranking student, he was likely given more freedom in choosing his apparel.
  • Dating Catwoman: He's the reincarnation of the hero Kanon, yet he ends up dating Misa / Avos Dilhevia, the demon king born from the legend of a fictional version of Anos he created in his previous life.
  • Dual Wielding: He demonstrated the ability to dual-wield a holy sword and a demon sword at the same time. This is a particularly notable feat as it requires the user to manage both sword's requirements at the same time and control their power. Anos even praised him after witnessing him pull it off.
  • Extremely Protective Child: He went to great lengths in order to help his sick mother, including even submitting to the royalist faction in exchange for a cure for her condition.
  • Faking Amnesia: He lies about not remembering his past life, as shown by his knowledge of the tradition behind the seashell necklaces, which isn't common knowledge for a demon. This indicates that he was a human in one of his past lives, specifically Kanon.
  • False Flag Operation: Dresses up like the masked demon behind the events of the tournament arc and pretends to be the fake demon king Avos Dilhevia in an attempt to serve as The Scapegoat for Jerga's hatred of demons, sacrificing himself so no one else has to suffer. The plan, unfortunately, fails due to Jerga's hatred being at Final Solution levels.
  • Good Cannot Comprehend Evil: He believes he can satisfy the hatred in Jerga's Source by staging the ultimate demise of the Demon King, resulting in Aske being turned back to normal so that it doesn't brainwash people into hating demons. Unfortunately, even when Anos allows Lay to destroy his Source to convince everyone, Diego still orders all demons to be wiped out and Jerga's grudge still isn't satisfied. Fortunately, Anos already prepared a way to restore his Source, allowing him to help Lay defeat Jerga.
  • Happily Adopted: Following being kicked out by his biological family, he was adopted by the demon-spirit hybrid Sheila. Despite him being a pureblood and her a hybrid, both of them love each other dearly. After she fell ill to a rare disease, he did everything he could to heal her, to the point of working for the Royalists to beat Anos in exchange for the possibility of her getting cured.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: He tells Misa that she has courage, unlike him. This is elaborated on later, as he states he was originally happy to swing his sword everyday, but that he was wrong, as he was neither kind nor strong, though Misa disagreed. This is a subtle foreshadowing to Lay's identity as Kanon and that he was having doubts in regards to going through with his Self-Sacrifice Scheme due to the bonds that he forged.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: The student at the demon academy who's the Master Swordsman turns out to be the reincarnation of the hero Kanon.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: He develops a very fraternal relationship with Anos, who considers him his best friend. Though the Fan Union mistakenly believes that their relationship is more than just a deep friendship.
  • Master Swordsman: He has the distinction of being one of the few people able to match Anos' skill in the blade, even if the latter will ultimately be the winner.
  • Muggle Born of Mages: He was born into a bloodline of prominent spellcasters, but he couldn't inherit the magic of their ancestors which was a type of source magic which involved family members sharing a piece of their source to obtain the magic, as he was bad with spellcasting. This caused his family to disown him and cast him out. However, the reason why he couldn't inherit their magic was the fact that his source was already influenced by Syrica, and he could use magic very well, but if he did, his magic power would emanate holy power, which would out him as Kanon.
  • Mystical White Hair: His white hair serves as a visual indicator of his unique ability to wield any kind of sword, demonic and holy alike. It also gives him a resemblance to Shin, Anos' right-hand man from two thousand years ago. This makes it all the more surprising when it is revealed that his past self was someone else entirely.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Downplayed. As Avos, he told the demons that the Demon King would reincarnate into a pureblood family. However, the pureblood demons took this as proof of their own superiority and restructured demon society with themselves on top, while hybrids became discriminated against.
  • No Challenge Equals No Satisfaction: This is his view of his immense strength. From the moment he could wield a sword, he soundly beat everybody that ever fought him. But as somebody who relishes having genuine competition, the fact he never lost bored and frustrated him. So when he got absolutely trounced by Anos during their first duel, it excited him and made him happy, since it was the first time he actually felt the heart-racing thrill of a genuine fight.
  • Not Me This Time: At the end of the sword tournament, Anos notices a masked person who he assumed is Avos Dilhevia. When Lay is encountered as "Avos," he has a different mask and states this is his only one, which indicates the Avos at the end of the tournament is a different person.
  • Parental Abandonment: His family kicked him out and left him on the streets once they found out he had no magical aptitude, and he would've been forced to live on his own if he wasn't found by Sheila.
  • Pretty Boy: Have slender features and Mystical White Hair that makes him the target of affection of many of his classmates.
  • Red Baron: "The Demon Swordmaster" for his ability to wield any sword, as well as his immense talent and skill at swordsmanship.
  • Right Under Their Noses: It never occurs to Anos that his friend Lay would be the reincarnation of Kanon, since he never thought the human Kanon would reincarnate as a demon.
  • Samaritan Relationship Starter: While he was on good terms with Misa prior, he fell in love with her after witnessing her go to great lengths to help his mother and her kindhearted nature.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Due to the complications with romanizing Japanese characters, his name has been translated in ways such as Lay, Ray, or even Lei. His surname isn't any better, with translations such as Grandsley or Grandori popping up frequently. The official website and subtitles of the anime finally refer to him as Lay Glanzdulli, while the Light Novel translations refer to him as Lay Grandsley.
  • Thanatos Gambit: After getting killed by his allies and realizing the humans don't seek peace with the demons, Kanon creates the fictional Avos Dilhevia to act as a scapegoat. He plans to let the humans kill him as "Avos" in order to satisfy Jerga's hatred and put an end to the cycle of revenge.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: His creation of the identity of the fake Demon King, Avos Dilhevia, allowed Nousgalia to make Misa the spirit that embodies that tradition, thus transforming her into Avos when her true form awakened.
  • Walking Spoiler: Let's just say that there is a reason why his section has many blanks in it.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: He's Kanon reincarnated as a demon, which means he can use both demon and holy swords.

    Misa Iliorogue 

Misa Iliorogue

Avos Dilhevia, the Fake/Fictional Demon King of Tyranny
Voiced by: Nene Hieda (Japanese), Jackie Lastra (English)

The president of the Unitarians and, by extension, the Anos Fan Club. She is a hybrid with a demon father and a spirit mother, both of whom are absent from her life. Despite facing constant prejudice, however, she keeps a smile on her face and hopes that Anos can lead the demons to true equality.

She's revealed to be a Great Spirit that is the embodiment of Avos Dilhevia, the false Demon King who tarnishes Anos' reputation. For those tropes, see Avos Dilhevia.

  • All-Loving Hero: Misa is very kindhearted as she is shown to desire to change demon society so that both pureblood and hybrids devils can live in harmony.
  • Battle Couple: She becomes this with Lay after they become a couple, as seen during the Azesion/Dilhade war, where Misa aided Lay with her spirit magic. This gets even more notable after Misa gains control over her Avos Dilhevia powers, allowing her and Lay to fight side-by-side.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: She starts falling in love with Lay after seeing his non-discriminatory nature despite being a royal and him treating her like an equal.
  • Crush Blush: She gets these whenever Lay flirts with her.
  • Curtains Match the Window: She has brown hair and brown eyes.
  • Damsel in Distress: In a interesting twist, she becomes this to herself, as her friends have to save her before her evil alter ego: Avos Dihevia, destroys all that Misa stands for by enslaving all hybrid demons. Avos also exploits the fact that they are the same being in order to stop Lay from killing her in their fight and even tried to tempt and seduce him by telling him that she and Misa are the same, so he would become hers.
  • Determinator: She willing to endure having the essence of her Source drained, which could have risked her being permanently destroyed, if it meant helping to heal Lay's mom. It was this act that cemented Lay's undying respect and love for her.
  • Generation Xerox
    • Like her mother Reno, she fell in love with a powerful swordsman who has a connection with the Demon King of Tyranny.
    • Like her father Shin, she also became a direct subordinate of the Demon King of Tyranny.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Misa's hair is styled like this to emphasize her optimistic and idealistic view of the world, not yet tainted with cynicism and cruelty like many of the more weathered and experienced characters are.
  • I Am Who?: She is the biological daughter of the Great Spirit Reno and Shin Reglia, the right hand of the Demon King of Tyranny. She is also the embodiment of Avos Dilhevia, the Fictional Demon King of Tyranny.
  • Irony:
    • During Anos' group self-studies, Anos criticizes Misa's overreliance on her Fuska spell, as he told her that she was weak and that she should come up with her own way of fighting. This makes it more ironic when it is revealed that she is actually Avos Dilhevia, the False Demon King of Tyranny, who has magic power nearly comparable to his own.
    • She joins the fight against Avos Dilhevia, due to perceiving him as the Fake Demon King, whose ideology would put hybrid demons in danger. Not only was that Avos Dilhevia actually her lover Lay, who was Good All Along, but she herself is also Avos Dilhevia, as after her awakening as Avos, she becomes the greatest threat to hybrid demons as she orders them to be rounded up and used as fuel to nourish her and her followers.
  • Fighting from the Inside: During the battle between her evil self Avos Dilhevia and Lay, she aids Lay despite being her consciousness being submerged within her mind by using her love for him to fuel his Teo Aske.
  • Jack of All Stats: After her reincarnation, despite having less magic power then Anos, she is capable of using many of his own abilities in addition to her spirit powers allowing her to use various abilities of other spirits, which gives her more versatility then Anos himself.
  • Nice Girl: An idealist who believes in equality and peace and who won't show resentment towards others even if they are hostile towards her.
  • Parental Abandonment: Her mother died from childbirth while her father abandoned her, leaving her with only one half of a sword. Misa suspects that her father is a royal who had no choice but to leave her behind due to the intense classism that comes with having a hybrid child.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Notably towards someone who isn't the main protagonist. While Misa greatly admires Anos for being a shining example of the Unitarians' beliefs, Lay is the person she ultimately starts falling for due to him treating her as an equal despite their difference in social classes.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Due to the complications with romanizing Japanese characters, her surname has been translated in ways such as Misa Iliorogue or Misa Iriologue. The official website and subtitles of the anime finally refer to her as Misa Ilioroagu, while the Light Novel translations refer to her as Misa Iliorogue.
  • Super Mode: When Misa changes into her Avos form, she gains the power of not just a great spirit, but also many of Anos' own abilities as the Demon King of Tyranny, including the ability to summon and wield Anos's ultimate weapon, the magic sword of destruction Venuzdonoa.
  • Super Smoke: Through her mother's side, she has control over mist and fog, including the ability to temporarily turn herself into the mist to sneak up on enemies.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Misa is this compared to her mother Reno in terms of spirit magic. While Misa possesses far more magic power than Reno because of Avos powers as well as the ability to use all spirit magic like Reno does, her mother is noted to be more proficient in using spirit magic.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: In her Avos form, Misa is shown to be very protective of Lay and will ruthlessly deal with anyone that endangers him, as seen she crushes the source of a human princess-turned dragonewt that tried to kill him.
  • Weak, but Skilled:
    • Unlike Anos' other companions such as the Necron sisters, she is shown to have weak magic power. However, her usage of spirit magic, which she accesses on the account of her spiritual heritage, makes her a very versatile Support Party Member.
    • Even as the Fictional Demon King, Avos Dilhevia, she is still towards Anos, as it is stated that his magic power surpasses hers in addition to possessing some high-end destruction abilities that she lacks. However, Misa is shown to possess far more versatility than Anos due to her ability to use all kinds of magic (demonic, holy and spirit magic).

    The Unitarians 

Ellen voiced by: Kaori Ishihara (Japanese), Lizzie Freeman (English)

Jessica voiced by: Madoka Asahina (Japanese), Dawn M. Bennett (English)

Shelia voiced by: Yuuka Amemiya (Japanese), Laura Stahl (English)

Xia voiced by: Yume Miyamoto (Japanese), Lisa Reimold (English)

Himka voiced by: Sayumi Suzushiro

Maia voiced by: Yuuko Oono (Japanese), Kimberly Woods (English)

Carsa voiced by: Tomomi Mineuchi (Japanese), Lauren Landa (English)

Nono voiced by: Haruka Shiraishi (Japanese), Deneen Melody (English)

A political party made of mixed-blood demons disgraced from Royal Houses of which Misa is the president. They are aiming to bring about systemic change in the demon's extreme classism based on heredity and turn it into a meritocracy. They also serve as Anos' personal fan club, completely devoted to and smitten with him to the point of throwing their lives on the line if necessary.

While the Unitarians as a whole comprise countless hybrids and purebloods, this entry specifically refers to the eight recurring hybrid members that make up the "Anos Fan Union": Ellen Miheis (light-purple hair with an Idiot Hair), Jessica Arnet (light-brown hair wearing glasses), Shelia Mijem (short and chubby with silver hair), Xia Minsheng (puffy dark-brown hair with an Idiot Hair), Himka Houra (messy black hair with slightly tan skin), Maia Zemt (curly black hair wearing a cross hairclip), Carsa Kurnoah (brown hair with a massive ponytail wearing an eyepatch with a cross), and Nono Inota (curly gray hair with a prominent middle bang).
  • Big Beautiful Woman: Shelia is the only member of the notable major cast that has any fat on them, her being decently chubby, but she is drawn to be just as cute as the rest of the girls.
  • Given Name Reveal: Despite being prominent characters since their introduction, and having a notable variety to their appearances, they spend a while afterward never being named, simply being called the Unitarians or Anos' "Fan Union". It's not until they risk their lives protecting Izabella that Anos finally decides to ask them their names, which they give.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: When Anos asks them to accompany him, their main role is to sing their theme song in conjunction with the spell Asc to boost Anos' power. The result? Eight fangirls singing a song they composed for their hero is somehow enough to overpower the same support gained by 10 million other humans.
  • Hero-Worshipper: Their primary purpose is to act as this to Anos, though they will also directly lend their aid to his cause should he need it.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: They get very excited by Anos' mere presence and wonder if breathing the same air as he counts as an indirect kiss.
  • Instant Fan Club: Though they are a legitimate political organization whose motives have existed long before Anos, they now mostly act like this especially because his current mixed-blood vessel serves as an excellent symbol for their meritocratic ideals.
  • Teacher's Unfavorite Student: As Emilia was already xenophobic towards hybrids, she had no issue trying to mass murder them when they defend Anos's mother when she refuses to surrender his sword, she even has he gall to call hybrids like them knowledge thieves who eavesdrop on her classes.
  • The Power of Love: Their genuine devotion and love for Anos was able to provide him with far more power than the, admittedly shallow, support of 10 million people for the Hero class.
  • Theme Music Power-Up: In-universe example. They composed a theme song for Anos that they often sing in support of him. Not very exciting on its own...until it is combined with the spell Asc, in which case the Unitarians' song literally gives Anos more power in situations where he would otherwise be deprived of his magic.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: When Emilia tries to steal Anos' sword from Izabella, the fan union tries to hold off Emilia long enough for Izabella to escape. They're nearly killed in the process, but Anos shows up in time to save them.

Friends and Family

    Gusta and Izabella Voldigoad 

Gusta voiced by: Shinobu Matsumoto (Japanese), Mick Lauer (English)

Izabella voiced by: Aki Toyosaki (Japanese), Erika Harlacher (English)
Anos' parents are in his current incarnation. They are incredibly kind, compassionate, and friendly if ditzy and eccentric half-demons who unfailingly support their beloved son.
  • The Blacksmith: Gusta has a workshop where he forges various weapons, armor, and tools. He's also a borderline Ultimate Blacksmith, as while he can't create swords like those from the Age of Chaos, he's still capable of taking adamantine, the strongest known metal, and forging it into a sword that has no equal when it comes to non-Unique non-Holy swords.
  • Good Parents: They are incredibly kind humans, openly and frequently showering their son with affection and support for everything he does, no matter how strange. Anos does love them back though they can go overboard.
  • Hidden Depths: While not shown much in the anime, in the web novel is mentioned Izabella works as an appraiser, and Anos describes her as a very skilled one who's very good at judging the price of precious metals.
  • I Want Grand Kids: Part of their reason for constantly shipping Anos with almost every woman he interacts with, besides hoping for him to experience the joy of romantic love, is because they really want him to give them grandkids and make their happy little family a happy big family. Which means they're both shocked and overjoyed when Anos taking Eleonore as one of his "brides" results in them technically now having around 10,000 kids together.
  • Mum Looks Like a Sister: Even taking into account the fact both parents are quite youthful for having a physically teenaged son due to him artificially aging himself, Izabella does not appear her actual age, looking similar to the teenaged school-going cast while acting even younger.
  • Open-Minded Parent: They will wholeheartedly and enthusiastically accept whatever it is that their son does, from rapidly aging to declaring himself the reincarnated Demon King, to what they think is him bringing home a wife and then a second wife in the form of Misha and Sasha, respectively.
  • Reincarnation Romance: They are the reincarnations of two lovers from the Mythical Age, who lost their lives in the wars between the realms. In fact, they were Anos' parents in his last life as well. This time around, they finally get to live a happy life together and see their child grow up, something that they never achieved in the Mythical Age.
  • Save the Villain: Although Emilia tried to kill her before when Izabella finds the former teacher being assaulted by several imperial students thanks to her transformation into a half-demon, she steps in to help her with her husband's aid. When Emilia gets her back scorched protecting Izabella from being hit by a fireball, she rushes her into the family home to treat her wounds while her husband holds the line. This pretty much becomes a factor in Emilia's redemption.
  • Shipper on Deck: They both instantly consider almost any female friend Anos brings home one of his lovers and future wives, despite Anos himself being completely clueless about how much various girls are into him.
  • Smarter Than You Look: They comically try to ship him with every girl (and the guy in Lay's case) he brings home, making them seem like ditzes. However, they're both a lot smarter than they appear.
    • Gusta is a skilled blacksmith who knows how to process one of the strongest metals, adamantine, into a sword for Anos.
    • When Emilia claims that the tournament committee has to keep Anos' sword right before the finals, Izabella doesn't give the sword to Emilia, since she remembers the tournament rules don't actually specify that.
  • Supernaturally Young Parent: Both of them are in their 20s, while Anos is physically a teenager, which is thanks to Anos artificially aging himself into his teens within a month using his powers. This gets elevated to Supernaturally Young Grandparents after Anos makes Eleonore into his own magic, technically making her clone children his as well, meaning Gusta and Izabella are the grandparents to 10,000 physically teenaged girls and boys despite being nowhere near old enough for that to be chronologically possible.
