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Characters / Hunger Games Simulation: Bale's Base

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Bale is one of the main nominators of Convergence and Another Side Another Story. Though initially reserved, he began to be more outgoing later on, culminating in him becoming a major player during various arcs. Due to his more prominent roles in each new arc and the expansion of the cast of characters as his base hosts, he and his crew have been moved to his own page.

For rest of the nominators and their assistants, click here.

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Click here to see his original design (pre-Reboot Season 215)  

First CVG Appearance: Post 59
First ASAS appearance: Post 19
Headcanon Voice: Gael García Bernal
A nominator who secretly created the Legion of Doom, and a friend of 6K1, Dave and other nominators. He tends to be a little disassociated with the other Nominators' adventures but occasionally steps in to help them.
  • Academy of Evil: He made one to help villains across the Multiverse to become real threats. It's meant to teach them to be Genre Savvy and pragmatic enough to win their battles and avoid usual villain pratfalls. Though doesn't intend for it to be a legitimate threat at large.
  • Acknowledged Absolution:
    • Despite the harm his actions have brought, the other Nominators don't hold it much against him thanks to him making sure to make up for his actions after the fact. Though this is not the case with his tributes and other people in the Multiverse who have little more than disdain for his role in the Legion of Doom and other catastrophes.
    • Bale also had a problem with 6k1 forgiving Scipion for his crimes, especially when he nearly killed her again after promising to Tame His Anger. Bale threatened to end his friendship with her over this until Mr. Godzilla called him out for it.
  • Ambiguously Human: Looks humanoid enough but his origins as an offshoot of Dark Bale, transformation into a Skullcrawler via corruption and other unexplained parts of his nature all point to him being something much more monstruous than a mere metahuman.
  • Animal Motifs: He has an iguana as one of his closest companions and his Pokémon forms are a Krookodile and a Feraligatr, so it's no mistake that reptiles are his favorite animals.
  • The Atoner:
    • Worked towards fixing his mistake with the Legion. Training to be able to defeat them. After succeeding, he continues apologizing for his mistake.
    • Because of Pythor's betrayal leading to Meta Knight's disappearance, he becomes desperate to amend that mistake as well, even holding out hope that he could still be alive out there despite the Science Center's concerns.
  • Arch-Enemy: Dark Bale becomes this to him after he causes various tragedies to happen. He also gains this enmity with Zetsu, who deceived him for a long time then betrayed at a crucial point.
  • Ascended Fanboy: Starts out as a fan of Ultras, and can become one after merging with Darrgon.
  • Benevolent Boss: As long as his assistants do a good job, Bale will treat them nicely. He also tries to be as kind as he can to tributes he nominates.
  • Bio-Augmentation: He's a biologist who learned advanced techniques from a mysterious alien. Or so he believes.
  • Broken Pedestal: Loses all faith in his mentor, "Zoffy"/Zetsu, when the true motives and alignment of the alien are revealed. Going as far as breaking his own transformation device.
  • Brought Down to Badass: Alien Zetton Zoffy says this as much, while Bale lost his machines and gadgets that gave him power, his inner power is far stronger and all he needs is training to bring it out. This gets demonstrated in his fight against Captain Zahab, where his Z-Suit is easily destroyed but he is able to drive back and injure the Pirate Captain with his own natural powers.
  • Butt-Monkey: During the first Voidlands Arc, he turned a bit into this, suffering some Amusing Injuries during the trials. His base was also raided and trashed by ???, much to his frustration.
  • The Corruption: Mr. Mind stabbed him in the back with the dark crystal ???'s Legion buried in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon World, corrupting him into a Skullcrawler during his fight with Giorno Giovanna. This prompted Meta Knight to forfeit his match with Bow to help save Bale, and the other guests helped in removing the crystal from his body and turn him to back to normal.
  • Create Your Own Villain: It was invoked with the Legion of Doom as Bale thought they wouldn't be too dangerous under normal conditions. Until Valecor got to them and helped increase their threat level to a point where Bale and his friends were in actual trouble.
  • Curb Stomp Cushion: His fight against Dark Bale at the tail end of the first part of the Dark Nominator's arc has him get a few good hits in, but in the end he's no match for his counterpart who ends the fight once he beats Bale hard enough to leave him unconscious.
  • Dark Secret:
    • He's the same Bale that acted as the Big Bad in the original TvTropes Road Trip Universe and its destroyer, a fact only ??? and his followers know, though there is more to it than even that...
    • He was a part of ??? that somehow got split from him, meaning he's not even the original Bale. He is fully unaware of this.
  • Death Is Cheap: Like all nominators, Bale simply gets revived after dying in the Arena. For example, Scipion beheaded him in the 1st Reboot Nominator Games (Season 50), but he didn't really die and recovered quickly afterwards.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Didn't realize Valecor would gain an interest in the Legion he formed and help make them a true threat to the Multiverse.
  • Dimensional Traveler: Comes from a different Universe/dimension to the main one. And has a portal machine that allows him to travel to other dimensions and worlds.
  • Disney Death: Briefly stabbed in the gut and left for death by Rouki when fighting over the Stone of Baradhi, he is saved by Darrgon on time.
  • Distressed Dude:
    • Ends up being captured by the Legion of Doom towards the end of Reboot Season 92.
    • He is "rescued" later on by Freyja, until the Fireblight Ganon who hired her to get him is satisfied with his rescue and lets him go.
  • Emergency Transformation: After being mortally stabbed by Rouki, Darrgon took him to his travel sphere and merged with Bale to save his life and grant him the power to transform into him.
  • Enemy Mine: With Scipion in order to kill Zorua, despite their past animosities. However, it goes nowhere after Bale witnesses Scipion almost attack 6K1 on a blind rage. Though Downplayed as they weren't enemies before the 6K1 incident, but even then he didn't have much of a positive opinion of Scipion.
  • Epic Fail: Turns out he only organized the Legions of Doom and Justice so that the latter will defeat the other in Season 41, only for it to backfire.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Even he was shaken by the experiences Tuxedo Meta Knight went through and vowed to never nominate him again, although he broke his vow when he nominated him for Seasons 232 and 278 by data cloning him. This event also eventually influenced him to nominate fewer heroes and innocent people for the Games.
    • He was angered by Zorua's plan to destroy everything just as much by everyone else, showing he won't be forgiving of any nominator in general that tries to cause true mischief.
    • Later, he ends his alliance with Scipion over the latter nearly killing 6K1 in the Arena forest. He may have founded the Legion of Doom, which has members who are morally worse than Scipion, but Bale draws the line at him nearly killing the kindest nominator he knows and is a friend of both, which MD points out.
  • Fatal Flaw: His tendency to overestimate his capacities and underestimate how dangerous tributes can be tends to bite him and his allies in the butt more than once. Most notably with the Legion of Doom's threat.
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: With Meta Knight during June's cheer-up party for Stanford.
  • Genius Ditz: He's pretty smart and all, but his eccentricities and tendency to not think things through catches up with him a lot.
  • Good Counterpart: To Dark Bale, whose cruelty and evil he contrasts with his nice behavior, desire to help and closeness to his friends. And to further him being the counterpart instead of Dark Bale is that the latter is the original Bale who this one is an offshoot from.
  • Homeless Hero: After the Legion is beaten, he winds up as this due to his base being previously raided and destroyed by them, though Dave is cordial enough to give him a temporary home while his base is repaired.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: He figured Pythor wouldn't cause much harm despite his clearly nefarious intentions and unhelpfulness, even allowing him to return to his base when he came back from his hiding during the Legion of Doom's assault. Bale's decision would lead to disaster as Pythor would help Dark Bale's forces in trying to kill him and his group, succeeding at making Meta Knight go missing before fully defecting and betraying him, and subsequently teach him a harsh lesson of not trusting people like Pythor ever gain, no matter if they're a tribute or not.
  • Foil: To Dark Bale, both are Nominators who lead relatively large groups but they differ greatly in how they work each:Bale is kind to his tributes, forgiving even of those he initially hates and rarely if ever gets overtly mad. Dark Bale is cruel to his minions, cares nothing about those close to him and is quick to outbursts of anger. Also Bale's allies are loyal to a degree and willing to truly cooperate withhim despite their frosty past with him, while Dark Bale's servants are not.
  • Hypocrite: Criticizes Scipion for almost killing 6K1 and showed contempt for him being a remorseless serial killer, yet his creation of the Legion shows that he's not much better than the bloodthirsty Nominator.
  • Irony: Dark Nominators are usually alternates to the main Nominators, however "Dark Bale" is the original one, with this Bale being a mere offshoot part, though he's instead the good one while Dark Bale is evil through and through.
  • It's All My Fault: Any actions of his that result in tragedy or suffering for himself or others he never forgives himself for, he shoulders a lot of the responsibility for the fallout of the Legion of Doom and Pythor's betrayal making it clear that he does not forgive himself for his own actions and their repercussions.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Does this to tributes he nominates, once the Season ends and he's revived them), in order to prevent them from being too traumatized by what they go through. Villains (Particularly vile ones) are excluded, however.
  • Moral Myopia: Averted. His creation of the Legion might make him out to look like a complete Hypocrite when criticizing Scipion, but he didn't intend to make them harm people and worked directly towards fixing his mistake.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After his actions result in Diny's death, he ends up remorseful over creating it and tries to exile himself to an unknown planet to die, only for Giegue and Mewtwo to encourage him to directly make up for his mistakes.
  • Mysterious Benefactor: To the Legion of Doom during its creation at least. Nobody knew that he was behind them until the Multiversal War.
  • Nice Guy: Make no mistake, he may like villains and made a school for them, but he's also a pleasant and all-around friendly person, willing to help his friends in their time of need. When the Legion of Doom began to wreck havoc and even caused the death of Diny via destroying his Universe, he took actions to stop them.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero:
    • As the one who created the Legion of Doom he's entirely responsible for their current threat, despite him only organizing them for a sound defeat at Season 41, which backfired thanks to the Legion of Justice dying early and Valecor's efforts. He made sure to fix this mistake by assisting the heroes fighting them.
    • Recruiting Pythor led to Meta Knight eventually "dying" (actually being almost killed then taken over by Rouki) as Pythor betrayed his side when he made sure MK couldn't escape Zahab's fissure. Lucina does not forgive him for it and makes it clear that she wants nothing to do with him ever again, although she begrudgingly stays with him as an ally when needed.
  • The Nicknamer: Scips for Scipion, GC for Gamechanger, and Sixie for 6k1. For his crew, MD for Mini-Deadpool, MG for Mr. Godzilla, Daff for Daffy and Xochs for Xochi.
  • Only Sane Man: Pretty much the sanest member of his regular crew, sans Xochi. Though it's no longer the case in Another Side Another Story, when Mr. Godzilla is Dumbass No More.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The normally chill nominator who likes nominating villains ends up snapping a few times when things go seriously wrong.
    • The fact that he's willing to kill Zorua due to the latter trying to destroy the Multiverse is a sign of how seriously he took her threat.
    • Later, he furiously ends his alliance with Scipion, due to the latter nearly killing 6K1.
    • He destroys the tranformation device Zetsu gave him out of sheer disappointment and anger at his betrayal.
  • Out of the Frying Pan: Escapes his predictaments with the LOD and Freyja... Only to wind up having to hide from Red King with Pigmon's help in another World until the Ultraman of that world rescues him.
  • Powered Armor: Obtains one from Alien Zetton Zoffy to help control his powers when he fights the Legion. It's based on Z (Zetto) from the Ultra Series.
  • Put on a Bus: Temporarily went away to a different dimension alongside Mr. Godzilla after Reboot Season 87 to take a break from Nominating, leaving a few assistants in their steads. He came back near the end of Season 90.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Several of his costumes have included pink colors, he has long hair in a ponytail and has a passion for cooking. In addition to that, his personality is pretty soft and he is fond of cute, cuddly things.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Delivers a scathing one to Scipion during the fight with the Legion, after reluctantly letting him kill Tabby to free her from the Nightmare Fuel's influence.
  • Shadow Walker: Can turn into a shadowy mist to move around or appear in other places at will.
  • Shout-Out: Him being a good offshoot of Bale is similar to the Fat Buu/Kid Buu situation, as Dark Bale for reasons yet to be explained expunged his good side to rid himself of a moral anchor that held him back in his initial conquests.
  • Shapeshifter Default Form: He retains a humanoid form when not fighting. He lost this power during the LOD Arc, keeping him in his human form for good, but it's still his default form when he gains access to capsules that let him transform into various Kaiju.
  • Summon Magic: One of his abilities involves summoning copies of other beings to assist him in a fight. Like the majority of his initial set of powers, it was lost after the events of the LOD Arc. In the first Voidlands arc, he summons copies of all past Kamen Rider and Super Sentai teams to defeat an Eldritch Version of God. He lost this ability after the destruction of his base and his gadgets.
  • Supreme Chef: He's a well versed cook, going as far as cooking all the food at his first nominator party. He even opened his own cooking school in the Arena to counter Scipion's fake one.
  • Tempting Fate: He claimed that there would be no problem with his formation of the Legion of Doom, believing that the heroes would outlive them... Only for them to not do it.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Initially he's not much of a fighter, but as the plot progresses he gradually gets better at fighting evil forces even without any powers of his own to rely on.
  • Transplant: Originated from the original TvTropes Road Trip RP, and destroyed the Universe it took place in before the events.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Can morph his form voluntarily, such as changing into a dragon or modifying his body parts into weapons. After losing his natural shapeshifting, He uses capsules containing various Kaiju to transform into them.
  • Well-Trained, but Inexperienced: He trains a lot throughout the RP but also has issues keeping up with opponents who are just as well-prepared as him and have on-field experience on top of it, leading to many losses along the way of his growth.
  • The Worf Effect:
    • His Z-Armor was one of the keys to defeating the Legion of Doom in the climax of their arc, at the start of the Dark Bale Arc, the armor is destroyed by a darkness-empowered Captain Zahab rather quickly to establish Dark Bale's Legion's threat.
    • Despite his training for a year in the Ultraman Universe, he was no match for Dark Bale despite being able to put up a fight, showing the gap between the two is very much still big and motivating him to get even stronger in the future.
    • Anytime he's in a tough spot afterwards, it's to show a villain's strength, even if it's just a Monster of the Week of Dark Bale's.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Whenever 6K1 feels down or sad, he tends to try and help her out to pull through hardships unscathed.

    Mr. Godzilla

First CVG Appearance: Post 485
First ASAS appearance: Post 19
Headcanon Voice: John Dimaggio

Once Bale's pet green iguana, he is nowadays one of his main assistants who lives with him in his base. He is in charge of nominating tributes whenever Bale is incapable of doing so.

  • Amplified Animal Aptitude: Due to being bio-augmented, he's a sapient iguana.
  • Can't Catch Up: By his own admission, he's been left behind in the power scale by Bale's other allies and decides to stop fighting in missions altogether to focus instead on keeping the base operational and running.
  • Characterization Marches On: Initially conceived as part of a duo of equally dumb/foolish sidekicks with MD, he became a smarter foil in Another Side Another Story.
  • Dumbass No More: By the time of ASAS he's evolved into the smarter foil to Mini-Deadpool.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Tends to tolerate most of Bale's actions, but even he is worried about the possibility of the Legion of Doom backfiring on him.
    • He also had his worries about the ethical ramifications of Bale's Laser-Guided Amnesia on tributes.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Nearly crosses it with Timewrecker, as he considers using The History Erasing Button to be rid of him, but he ends up thinking better of it.
  • Lovable Lizard: A green iguana who's friendly to people he's familiar with.
  • Making a Splash: After his training with Ultraseven, MG learned to use water attacks on his enemies, like when he fought Pythor at the AR Kirby World.
  • Mook Maker: Can create duplicates of beings with a special type of saliva from his body. They're not particularly durable and he rarely uses it for this reason.
  • Non-Action Guy: After figuring that he's stopped being of much help to Bale in battles, he opts out of participating anymore, choosing to help guard the Base and manage things from afar instead.
  • Number Two: Bale's closest personal assistant and his most loyal one.
  • Only Sane Man: Becomes this in ASAS being far more lucid than most of Bale's crew is.
  • Put on a Bus: Accompanied Bale on his temporary dimension trip after Season 87. He came back alongside him in Season 90.
  • Talking Animal: A green iguana capable of speech.
  • Tail Slap: He can smack his enemies with his tail.
  • Those Two Guys: With Mini-Deadpool whenever they watch seasons. They often laugh and snark at Bale's tributes' performances.


First CVG Appearance: Post 1435
First ASAS appearance: Post 19
Headcanon Voice: Billy Crystal
A small plushie version of the eponymous comic book character, he assists Bale with managing things outside of his base. He also assists Mr. Godzilla in nominating tributes when Bale's unavailable.
  • Demoted to Extra: Becomes a lot less prominent by the latter parts of Another Side Another Story, up to not showing up or talking much except in situations where Bale's whole group is involved.
  • Expy: Begins developing into one of Daffy Duck (Under the personality given to him by Bob Clampett).
  • Idiot Savant: He's incompetent and idiotic except when delivering messages.
  • In Name Only: Doesn't shares much of Deadpool's personality traits, which is Justified as he's just a plushie of the latter brought to life.
  • Kindhearted Simpleton: Despite being written off as a helpless idiot most of the time, he is capable of showing surprising emotional intelligence, such as being able to understand Bale's reasoning for not wanting to forgive Scipion.
  • Me's a Crowd: Xochi eventually upgraded him to be able to create clones of himself to make his messenger job easier.
  • Noodle Incident: One time, he destroyed a Solar System simply because he tried to cook something. It's not brought up again.
  • Non-Action Guy: He never once truly fights, and his role is mostly provide comedy and support to the team when not in action.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: He's mostly there to provide comedic moments for the story, otherwise he doesn't does much for Bale's team or the base as a whole.
  • Those Two Guys: With Mr. Godzilla whenever they watch seasons. They often laugh and snark at Bale's tributes' performances.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Nearly gets the brilliant idea of using the History Erasing Button to be rid of Timewrecker, which Bale thinks is a bad idea in and of itself, no matter the threat, as the button could end existence.

    Bale's Pokemon 
Bale's Pokemon; Diny the Hydreigon, Olive the Lilligant, Ace the Sceptile, Alcyone the Gengar, Araceli the Staraptor, Torsten the Aggron, Denki the Jolteon, Paanee the Feraligatr and Lewa the Salazzle. Ocassionally make appearances in Bale's base, spending the rest of their time either in their world of origin or inside their Pokeballs.

In General

  • Meaningful Name: Most of their names have a basis in a real-life object or another phenomenon.
    • Olive's named after the real-life plants.
    • Ace is Bale's second most reliable Pokemon, making him an ace of the team besides Diny.
    • Torsten has his name derived from tungsten, a real-life metal known for its robustness and high melting point, befitting the Aggron's tough image.
    • Denki is the Japanese word for "electricity".
    • Paanee's name is derived from "pani", Hindi for "water".
  • Remember the New Guy?: The later three additions aren't treated much as newcomers.

"Hello there, how's your day going?"

First ASAS Apperance: Post 142
Headcanon Voice: Jaime Camil

An Hydreigon belonging to Bale and his ace Pokemon. Unlike what it's usually expected from his kind, he is peaceful and passive, only fighting when needs to.

  • The Ace: Of Bale's Pokémon Team. Ironically, he's not named "Ace" since that belongs to Bale's second most reliable Pokémon instead.
  • Disney Death: Dies midway through the LOD arc among many other characters, but is brought back by the end when they are defeated.
  • Face of a Thug: Looks every bit as scary as any Hydreigon but he is a Nice Guy.
  • Foil: To Cerberus. Cerberus is a near-mindless savage Pokemon that follows Clyde's orders without hesitation, whereas Diny is kind, nice and knows how to talk.
  • Interspecies Romance: With Olive, a Lilligant.
  • Mistaken for Cheating: Olive suspected that Diny cheated on her with a robot, but she got over it quickly after he clarified it wasn't the case.
  • Talking Animal: Learned to speak at some point before Bale caught him.


A Lilligant and Diny's girlfriend.

    X0-K 1
His second body post-Season 255

First CVG Appearance: Post 2161
A small robot that serves as one of Bale's assistants, he is mostly occupied with handling the technological functions and systems of the base. He is also known as Xochi.
  • Cute Machines: His latest body has a pair of adorable big blue eyes and a spherical form making him look much cuter than ever before.
  • Disney Death: Gets shut down by the Legion of Doom during their raid on Bale's base but is repaired by Ichigo.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Derives his nickname from "Xochitl", a feminine Nahuatl name.
  • Haunted Technology: Has occasionally had to get rid of residual negative energy from Bale's battles he's documented that somehow wound up in his databanks through tributes.
  • Non-Action Guy: Fights the least out of all of Bale's tribute besides MD who has never fought even once to begin with. Xochi simply helps from afar and ocasionally directly aids in the battlefield if need to be.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: His actual name is rarely ever brought up, everyone just calls him Xochi the whole time.
  • Out of Focus: Due to his job, he rarely comes out of his station save to check on possible threats or on co-worker's problems.
  • Robot Buddy: Is Bale's robot assistant who mans the base and nominates his tributes on his behalf while he's out. His second design better reflects this, being much cuter than his one-eyed bot design.
  • The Smart Guy: As the operator of most of Bale's base's gadgets, systems and an analyst of various situations, Xochi fulfills this role within the dynamic of Bale's group; more often than not he can serve as a voice of reason in the room to the others, especially if its MD who he's dealing with.

"The future is not written!"
First CVG Appearance: Post 140
First ASAS Appearance: Post 115

The warrior princess from Ylisse and one of Bale's friends.

  • Alternate Self: She's not to be confused with the Lucina affiliated with Dave because that one is married to Robin while this one has Robin as her mother. And there is also her present timeline version that's shown up a few times.
  • Arch-Enemy: Gains Captain Zahab and Pythor as this for what they did to Meta Knight.
  • Berserker Tears: Losing Meta Knight puts her in grief but also gives her a reason to go all out despite her injuries and wound Pythor in retaliation.
  • Cutting Off the Branches: This Lucina is the daughter of Robin and Chrom and her backstory involved is where she went to after her unpaired ending where she left Ylisse after dealing with Grima. She also only wields a sword.
  • Heroic BSoD: Went through one of these after losing Meta Knight, she snaps out of it in order to prevent Pythor from taking Galaxia.
  • I Choose to Stay: She stayed in Dreamland with Meta Knight prior to his disapperance because of her having not much else to go besides there. Though Meta did at least convince her to reconnect with the present version of her family.
  • Interspecies Romance: With Meta Knight, obviously, as she's a human while he's a round Kirby-like being.
  • Nightmare Sequence: Suffers one where it's shown that she still has trauma over Grima's devastation of her world.
  • Official Couple: With Meta Knight.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Not that she wasn't badass beforehand, but after regaining her spirits and mastering her use of Galaxia, she becomes even stronger than before.

     Daffy Duck 
First ASAS Appearance: Post 2542 (Mentioned and non-speaking appearance)
The crazy, darn fool duck. While he didn't become a Podium Finisher when he was first nominated in Reboot Seasoon 103, he impressed Bale with his performance in the Season, and therefore was able to become one of his regulars.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Didn't take a Super Smash Bros. game session seriously yet was handily superior to the more competitive Scipion, even quitting halfway through out of boredom.
  • Composite Character: Is mostly based on the "Screwball" persona of Bob Clampett's run, but has some shades of his Chuck Jones personality such as his greed and ego, better demonstrated when he showcased cartoons staring him at Bale's Base Party, and entered a game solely to win money.
  • Jerkass: Don't be mistaken. He's NOT a nice person at all. Even if he's rather subdued.
  • The Load: During his time at Bale's base, he was not much help at anything except keeping watch over things and never took part in any single battle the Nominators had, opting to just hide until the trouble was gone.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Even the normally cheery and screwy Daffy can't find it in himself to act like a loon when he notices Bale's grief after the Space Pirates fight, the betrayals of both Pythor and "Zoffy"/Zetsu and Meta Knight's apparent death.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Explains to Bale that his murderous streak in Reboot Season 103 was a result of him being nominated into the Games and ultimately having to adapt to the death games to try and survive. Ultimately, he calms down considerably once he is revived and becomes one of Bale's crew members.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: Leaves the RP and is sent back to his home dimension once Bale starts getting ready to face Dark Bale, removing one of the comedic elements of Bale's side.
  • Victory Is Boring: Quits midway through the Smash Duel he had with Scipion, which he was winning, due to growing bored of it being a game where you solely fight to win and nothing else due to viewing it as "too easy".

"My Friend"

First ASAS appearance: Post 9101 (mentioned as a data clone for Reboot Season 219)

A formerly evil Dark Giant who was nominated by Bale in Season 219 but went on to merge with him to save his life. He becomes Bale's trump card against foes.

See Ultraman Trigger New Generation Tiga The Dark Giants for tropes pertaining to the original portrayal of Darrgon
  • Adaptational Heroism: Is an outright heroic figure here, continuing off his development in his home series.
  • Alternate Self: To the original Darrgon who as of Ultraman Decker has his spirit under Carmeara's possession and is implicitly going to be revived soon. While here he is back in one piece after merging with Bale.
  • Back from the Dead: Is back in one piece after his death near the finale of Ultraman Trigger: New Generation Tiga and even gets a host in Bale to further this.
  • Good Counterpart: The outright heroic one to Rouki's anti-villainous one. Unlike him, he isn't forcing his host to do anything he wouldn't do and is quick to aid Bale's problems without question.
  • Sixth Ranger: The latest and most significant addition to Bale's group as bonding with the Nominator gives the group more of an edge against Dark Bale and his forces.
  • Symbiotic Possession: Per tradition for Ultras he merges with Bale to save his life, this is the first time Darrgon himself has done it, however.

    The Crystal Gems (AR World)
The main team
An alternate world version of the Crystal Gems of Steven Universe. They first appeared joining the fight against Dark Bale in Convergence as part of the forces of good, before returning in ASAS as full-time allies.

In General

  • Alternate Self: To the Crystal Gems associated with 6K1, to the point that "her" Peridot wore a purple ace scarf to tell herself apart from this one.
  • Ascended Extra: They were just one of many secondary heroic forces in the Convergence arcs, but in Another Side Another Story they're major heroic characters instead as they join Bale's group directly.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: More of a case of "We want Steven to be normal" as they fight not only to protect their world but also to keep Steven from being involved as they wish for him to live the normal life he chose for himself and not go through more trauma after the events of the Steven Universe: Future miniseries passed.
  • In Spite of a Nail: The events of Future played out despite the AR World being altered by the events of Convergence, with the Gems going through their tribulations and Steven having left Beach City (and the team) offscreen before the Gems' return in ASAS.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Made one with an Alien Barossa bounty hunter that they befriended. He was killed by Dark Bale's group, motivating them in order to stop him from harming their other friends.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Start out just like in their show, being strong but Overshadowed by Awesome at all turns. Thanks to some training, they've started to surpass their previous limits and have more opportunities to fight bad guys of higher levels than their previous Rogues Gallery. They're also able to keep up at all turns with the powerhouses of Bale's side especially after being empowered by light from the Land of Light while training in Ultraman Zero's pocket dimension. By the later chapters, Xochi states they've surpassed the Diamonds in power, making them even stronger than Steven.
  • Villains Act, Heroes React: The Gems get involved in all conflicts due to the bad guys starting the fight and taking it to their home universe. Most notably is their involvement against Dark Bale, as due to various circumstances they join Bale's side to fight against the new threat, whereas otherwise they had no interest in aiding Bale anymore due to his role in the previous catastrophe.


  • Ascended Extra: She's the most prominent member of the AR Crystal Gems, showing up even outside of battle to party with the other noms.
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: During June's cheer-up party for Stanford, Wanda-in-Cleo's-body accidentally transferred AR Amethyst's soul to Mr. Godzilla's body.


    Kirby (AR World)
An AR World version of Kirby who joined Bale's forces to save Meta Knight and stop Dark Bale.
  • Alternate Self:
    • To the Kirby associated with Mr. Star. They're primarily differentiated by their capacity to speak normally rather than like a baby.
    • They're also not the same Kirby 6k1 nominated in OT Season 14, who has yet to make an appearance.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: The youngest of Bale's team, acting as the child-like figure to Lucina and Meta Knight.
  • Interspecies Adoption: Lucina is a completely different species to them, being a human, and still acts as Kirby's mother-like figure. They're more than fine with it.
  • Otherworldly and Sexually Ambiguous: In full reference to their Ambiguous Gender in the original Japanese dub, AR Kirby is referred to with both "he" and "they" pronouns, unlike Mr. Star's Kirby, who's only referred to with "he/him" pronouns.

    Godzilla (AR World)
An AR World version of Godzilla that eventually joins Bale's side as another ally, following a team-up against Dark Bale's Golgolem.
  • Ascended Extra: Like the Crystal Gems before him, he was a tertiary player in the Convergence storyline but is now a more prominent figure since he joins Bale's team, alongside the Mothra and Rodan of his world.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Often comes in to save the day against giant threats
    • First by saving the AR Heroes from Mina Loveberry and her army.
    • Then when he's summoned by Kamen Rider Diend to fight Machinedramon after the heroes were too exhausted to keep going themselves.
    • He does so a third time when he comes in to defeat an enlarged Sambash and aid the AR Ylissean heroes against a stronger foe.
  • Composite Character: He's primarily modeled after the MonsterVerse version of Godzilla but has the more heroically proactive personality and role of the Showa Godzilla.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Easily defeats the enlarged Sambash.
  • The Rival: To Duke Org Rouki's Golza, who he previously kept watch over in his imprisonment in his world before the Duke Org freed the kaiju and then starts a direct rivalry over in regard to his similar role as a physically strong kaiju of two different sides.
  • Summon Magic: Xochi's systems allow him to turn this Godzilla into a summonably ally in a pinch. Beforehand, he was summoned by Kamen Rider Decade to help whenever needed.
  • Villains Act, Heroes React: Both Rouki unleashing Golza from its prison in his world and Dark Bale's forces attacking it later on and giving him a challenge end up motivating Godzilla to join Bale's forces so he can get back at both offenders.
  • The Worf Effect: Him almost suffering a loss against the Golgolem sent by Bluebird on Dark Bale's orders goes to show him and the audience that Dark Bale means business with his threats.

    The Soldier (Team Fortress 2
"Screaming Eagles!"
A moronic, patriotic and deadly mercenary who believes he's a real soldier. Regardless he becomes one of Bale's favored tributes after becoming a Podium Finisher with the other Mann Co. Mercs in Reboot Season 149.
  • Air-Vent Passageway: Any time he isn't onscreen, he's roaming the vents of Bale's base or any other underground part he can.
  • The Knights Who Say "Squee!": Is positively elated when he gets turned into a Braviary when visiting the PMD World.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Often charges into battle without thinking, getting easily beaten back as a result of it.
  • Resurrective Immortality: Because he previously ate Merasmus' whole package of "Kill-Me-Come-Back-Stronger" pills he can be killed a good amount of times and he'll return from any death stronger than before. He eventually shares a few more of these pills with Bale, just in case.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Within the RP his role is to provide a comic relief for the story, using Soldier's natural predisposition for insane ideas and thoughts as the backbone of his comedic antics. What little help he truly gives is often not big enough to make him a major player.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Essentially fills in the comic relief role Daffy Duck had. Unlike his predecessor, however, he actually is willing to fight threats that show up with his bare hands.
