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Pantheon / Godly Domains

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Gods come in all shapes and sizes, with different roles, portfolios and domains. This is the hall and home to the classics of divine roles. Where the God of Good, Evil, Light, the Dark, Order, Thunder and Death reside. This is the hall of a God's Domain.

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    Aesir, Loki, and Loptr 
Aesir*, God of Chaos (Aesir: God of Chaos, The Overseer, Lord Aesir | Loki: The Sovereign One, God, Little One | Loptr: The Prophetic One, Prophet)
Loki, Aesir's good half
Loptr, Aesir's evil half
Loptr's child form
  • Overdeity (Greater Gods as Loki and Loptr)
  • Symbol:
  • Theme Music:
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, erring to good (Aesir), Chaotic Good (Loki), Lawful Evil (Loptr)
  • Portfolio: God of Chaos, Literal Split Personality
  • Domains: Chaos, Balance, Nothingness, Light, Darkness
  • Allies:
  • Enemies:
  • Opposes: Eliphas (Aesir only)
  • Complicated Relationship: Jubileus and Queen Sheba
  • Good Counterpart to: Don Thousand
  • Aesir emerged from the cataclysmic events of the First Armageddon, which created the Trinity of Realities. He subsequently became the ruler of the World of Chaos, which eventually became known as the Human World. Watching over humanity, time, and space across infinite possibilities from the holy mountain Fimbulventr, he came to pity humanity for their naivety and lack of free will. Aesir would then choose to grant them free will and the power he wielded was split into two equal halves which he each entrusted to humanity's instincts: the Right Eye of Light and the Left Eye of Darkness. By dividing the power of the eyes of Aesir, humans gained free will and the ability to choose. With control of the Eyes of the World, the eyes that determine destiny, humans could choose their own paths. Because of this, Aesir's soul was split in two and created two embodiments of his personality and powers: Loki, his dark half, who was given the Sovereign Power, and Loptr, his light half, who was given the Prophetic Power. Eventually, humanity gave birth to the negative qualities and sins of the world, such as hatred, betrayal, jealousy, etc. This, in turn, gave rise to the evil within Loptr, who came to regret giving away the Eyes and sought to reclaim his former power.
  • Ultimately, Loptr succeeded in regaining Aesir's power without merging with Loki. However, he was defeated when Bayonetta and Balder, who Loptr himself had brought up from 500 years in the past, summoned Omne, who separated his soul from his body, and Jeanne summoned Gomorrah, who consumed his body. Loptr's soul survived and he attempted to escape to the spirit realm to be reborn in a different era, but Balder intervened and trapped his soul within his body. Afterwards, Balder was transported back into his time and, corrupted by Loptr's evil nature, came up with a plan to resurrect Jubileus. After his plot was foiled, Loptr attempted to escape from Balder's body, but Balder managed to stop him from doing so. As a result, Loptr, along with the Eyes of the World, permanently died along with Balder.
  • When it was discovered that Loptr was still possessing Balder within the Pantheon, Bayonetta went to the Main House to ask how it was possible for him to be present in the pantheon without anyone having noticed it earlier. It was then explained to her that Aesir had actually ascended into the pantheon in the distant past, thus allowing his halves to enter as well. Upon learning of this, Bayonetta asked for Loki to enter as well, which was allowed. Loki was rather surprised to discover that his ascension had restored the Sovereign Power to him. After adjusting to being in the pantheon, Loki and Bayonetta concocted a plan to free Balder and, to his reluctance, merge Loki and Loptr back together. Part of the plan required Loki to use his Sovereign Power to take the Left Eye from Bayonetta, which had similarly been restored to her upon her ascension. During a subsequent battle, Balder, under Loptr's influence, attempted to steal the Sovereign Power from Loki once again, but interference from Bayonetta and several other gods instead resulted in Loptr's soul being removed from Balder and subsequently merging, along with the Right Eye, with Loki, finally restoring Aesir once more.
  • Although he expressed his gratefulness towards Bayonetta and the others for stopping his evil half, Aesir explained that his continued existence in his true form would eventually result in humanity losing their free will once again. After consulting the gods of the Main House, it was decided that a spell would be put on Aesir that would periodically force his halves to fuse back into him, thus allowing him to split back into Loki and Loptr again and ensure humanity's free will.
  • Aesir, Loki and Loptr each have differing attitudes towards Jubileus and Queen Sheba. Aesir generally tends to remain neutral between the two, as he prefers to maintain balance. Loki is rather dismissive of both of them, preferring to generally just avoid them. Loptr, on the other hand, has actively allied himself with Jubileus and opposes Queen Sheba. However, his alliance with Jubileus is somewhat shaky due to her not fully trusting him, unsure as to whether or not he intends to give the Eyes of the World to her or keep them for himself.
  • Exclusive to Aesir:
    • As the God of Chaos, Aesir is incredibly powerful. Through his Sovereign Power, he can freely control the Eyes of the World. With the Eyes, he is capable of manipulation and control over all of reality. He can see the past, present, and future, the fate of any being, and see through "everything". Through the Remembrances of Time, Aesir can manipulate time by taking a "snapshot" of a given area or object. This allows him to later recreate an area/object and restore it to its past glory from any changes over time that happened to it since said "snapshot". It can also allow him to see the truth of events that had transpired. However, Aesir's true power is that of Nothingness: the power to erase anything and everything from existence, putting him directly on par with Grand Zeno.
    • Although he's benevolent, Aesir prefers to stay uninvolved in the various conflicts in the pantheon, as he wishes to preserve the balance between good and evil. When approached by Lucifer with an offer to join the GUAC, Aesir explained that, although he somewhat agrees with their end goal, he does not approve of their methods and, as such, rejected the offer.
    • Being a creator deity, Aesir gets along quite well with the other creator deities such Eru Ilúvatar, the Highest Joy, the Alpha and Omega, the God who talks to Bob, and Chuck Shurley, all of whom share his desire to preserve free will. All of them sympathize with the fact that he needs to split himself in order to ensure humanity's free will, allowing his evil half to run around free in the process. However, his interactions with Chuck have soured quite a bit after he learned about how Chuck treats the universe and humanity like his Cosmic Playthings and manipulated Sam and Dean for his own amusement.
    • Aesir is also on good terms with Amara, Raava and Ezalor. He was happy to hear of how Amara and Chuck had reconciled and chose to travel the universe together. However, although he gets along with Raava and Ezalor, he doesn't entirely approve of how they both wish to suppress and/or eliminate darkness, as he believes that it could cause an imbalance that could lead to more harm in the future.
    • In contrast to most chaos gods, Aesir serves as the overseer of the balance between good and evil, rather than as some kind of destructive force. As a result, he opposes the various other chaos gods in the pantheon. He regards Eliphas, Don Thousand, Galeem, Dharkon, Vaatu and the Chaos Knight as good examples of how order and chaos are both dangerous when not kept in balance. In particular, he regards Galeem and Dharkon as being especially dangerous due to how they nearly managed to wipe out all the Smash Fighters and how Dharkon managed to seize the puppet fighters from Galeem's control to his own, momentarily gaining a considerable advantage over his counterpart. Aesir is also especially wary of Amatsu-Mikaboshi and GOLB, both of whom represent the Primordial Chaos which predates the universe and wish to return all of existence back to that state.
    • Unsurprisingly, Aesir quickly came to oppose YHVH and the GUAL. Many have noted that Aesir is a good foil to gods such as YHVH and Kronika. Where YHVH is an evil God of Order and Kronika is a sadistic Keeper of Time, Aesir is a good God Of Chaos. Where YHVH and Kronika are huge believers in The Evils of Free Will, Aesir is the one that actually gave his world's humanity free will. Where YHVH and Kronika intentionally pit two factions against each other, Aesir oversees the Balance of Good and Evil.
    • "Where we only see reality and make it match our rules of the world, Aesir saw through reality, and those visions became our world. These observations became Aesir's power. Aesir's eyes were truly the eyes that created the world."
  • Exclusive to Loki:
    • Loki frequently spends time with Bayonetta, Jeanne and Father Balder. He's particularly happy that Balder has finally been freed from Loptr's influence. When not hanging out with them, he tends to play tricks on various deities throughout the pantheon.
    • He surprised to discover that there were other deities in the pantheon with whom he shared his name. He was once forced by Bayonetta to travel alongside her, Kratos and Atreus up a mountain. Although he disliked it at first, he eventually befriended Atreus, appreciating his kindness and compassion. He's also on good terms with the Archangel Gabriel, who similarly likes playing tricks on people and had passed himself off as the Asgardian Loki in the past. Speaking of which, however, Loki also became enemies with the Asgardian Loki, who strongly reminds him of Loptr.
    • Loki's use of Tarot cards drew the attention Madame Xanadu, who was initially annoyed by the youth's snarky attitude which, combined with his British accent, strongly reminded her of John Constantine. However, she came to respect Loki upon learning of his true identity.
    • Loki was quick to befriend Ryoji Mochizuki, who was similarly an amnesiac who was unaware of being a god. Loki sympathizes with how Ryoji was unwittingly the harbinger of the apocalypse in his own universe, and was glad to hear that things ultimately turned out well. Loki is similarly on friendly terms with Joshua, although Joshua's attitude typically results in Loki playing a prank on him.
    • Loki is also on good terms with Zen and Rei, a deity and human couple who were similarly amnesiacs. Loki particularly bonded with Zen over how they're both components of other gods. Loki also strongly sympathized with them over the circumstances that resulted in their amnesia as well as Rei finding out that she is a ghost and Dead All Along.
    • Loki gets along reasonably well with the Daedric Prince Sheogorath, who has a surprisingly decent grasp on Loki and Loptr's situation due to formerly having been Jyggalag, a deity of order, before being transformed into his diametric opposite and the two currently existing as separate beings.
    • "You don't need the Eyes of the World, love. I believe in your kind. You can create whatever future you desire."
  • Exclusive to Loptr:
    • Loptr is extremely annoyed by how he's forced to periodically merge back with Loki and, when not targeting Loki directly, spends extended periods of time looking for a way to once again regain his Aesir form without Loki. He's interested in the Fusion Program-enhanced tech of Mido, but is rather reluctant to try and use it due to how it tends to cause the resulting fusions to suffer from a severe case of violent madness and eventual breakdown of sanity. Similarly, Mao has expressed an interest in using Loptr and Loki as test subjects for his own fusion machine. However, Loptr declined the offer due to the fact that Mao has trouble building such a machine without it blowing up on him.
    • Despite his temporary betrayal of YHVH in order to ascend Jubileus, Loptr has continued to cooperate with him and the GUAL due to their shared goal. He's also on good terms with Chakravartin and Zanza, as he shares the former's manipulative nature and the latter's desire to recreate the world in his own image.
    • Surprisingly, he's willing to work with demons like Satan, Fortinbras and Mundus. Although Loptr himself tends to avoid directly answering why he works with them, it's generally accepted that he's just using them as a means to an end.
    • Due to his disdainful view of humanity, Loptr enjoys working with evil humans, especially those who forsook their humanity, as they reinforce his belief that humans don't deserve to have free will. As such, he occasionally works with the likes of Enrico Pucci, Sun Li, Ragyo Kiryuin and Relius Clover. However, his alliance with Ragyo resulted in him becoming enemies with her daughter Ryuko Matoi, although he generally doesn't view her as much of a threat to him.
    • Loptr strongly dislikes the GUAC and especially its leader Lucifer, as his desire to create a world with absolute freedom where all sentient beings are free to do as they please is something that Loptr finds abhorrent. Loptr has stated that when he fully regains the powers of Aesir, he intends his first action to be the elimination of Lucifer.
    • Aside from Bayonetta herself, Loptr has also become enemies with her various allies in the Pantheon, such as Gene and Akeno Himejima. Dante and Vergil Sparda also both oppose him, having been suspicious of him back when he was still controlling Balder. When Sparda himself ascended, his friendships with both the Umbra Witches and the liberated Balder would infuriate Loptr to no end, especially when Loki was quick to boast of it as a gain.
    • "Human free will is a joke; it is a worthless illusion. You need only obey me."

Ashera, Goddess of Order (Astarte, Order Incarnate)

Chakravartin, God of Prime Movers (The Creator, The Ideal Universal Ruler, The Golden Spider)
His Creator form
His Golden Spider form
  • Overdeity
  • Symbol: The Wheel of Samsara
  • Theme Music: Aurora Borealis, One Who Spins Samsara, One Who Spins Ideas (Golden Spider)
  • Alignment: Claims he's Neutral Good. In actuality, Neutral Evil
  • Portfolio: Walking Spoiler, Creator of the Universe, Maltheism, Gold and White Are Divine, Walking Spoiler, Deconstructed Omniscient Morality License, Reality Warper, Attack of the 50 Megaparsec Cosmic Entity, Lack of Empathy, Multi-Armed and Dangerous, Polite Exterior Hiding A Monstrous Interior, Embodiment of Samsara (in general), Mechanical Creature, Deadpan Snarker, Trickster Mentor (yeah...) (The Golden Spider), Complete Monster
  • Domains: Life, Mantra, Godhood, Creation
  • Followers: The Lifemaker, The Lord Ruler
  • Allies: Fortinbras, Father Balder, Zanza, Dartz, Lysandre, Apocalypse
  • Rivals: YHVH, Dio Brando, Virtuous
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork with: The Life Entity, The Anti-Spiral
  • Enemies: Asura, Augus, Mithra, Sun Wukong, Nekron, Melkor, Lucifer, Spawn, Ungoliant, Team Dai-Gurren, Arceus, Gaea, Aleph, Ezio Auditore
  • Chakravartin is the creator and god of the world of Gaea, and the true identity of the Golden Spider. The embodiment of Samsara, he comes off as a distant if loving god, but in truth is a cold-hearted sociopath who masterminds tragedy for his benefit. He would mastermind conflict in Gaea, all for his greater purposes. Learning of the Trope Pantheon, Asura now seeks to play his many, many hands.
    • He has earned Asura's great ire for kidnapping Mithra, but they must settle their score in their own world before settling it in the Pantheon. As far as the outcome, the Pantheon consulted The Fates: the last images seen were the Brahmastra falling to Earth, and Asura and Yasha fighting one another again. "This is going to be fun", was the one comment The Golden Spider made on this subject.
    • After his defeat at the hands of Asura, he has had very little to say due to coming down with a case of acute 'Missing half of your face' syndrome.
  • For a time, Chakravartin would serve as the the Embodiment of the Wheel of Life, going by his Golden Spider form. However it wasn't considered a specific enough trope for him, and enough time had passed that everyone knew the truth about him. Chakravartin has re-instated himself as the God of Prime Movers, likely to keep an eye on others in the House of Faith.
    • Considers YHVH to be his main rival in the god department. In his own house, he sits next to Aleph, the Flying Spaghetti Monster and God. With Aleph, he's concerned he may try to kill him as he did YHVH. With the Flying Spaghetti Monster, he regards him as horribly irresponsible and a mockery to the divine. He hasn't anything to say about God, but God thinks he's undeserving of his Creator status.
  • Chakravartin believes himself to be a wise and beneficent Creator, who only causes suffering to get an heir and be free to other worlds. He's not a good god. He really isn't. He may use an Omniscient Morality License, but Asura rightly told him to shove it up his ass. Team Dai-Gurren agrees, seeing him as another selfish, ruthless monster like the Anti-Spiral. For now, Chakravartin has teamed up with the Anti-Spiral in order to counter both Asura and Spiral Power.
    • Has sought to recreate the conflict with other gods. So far, he's gotten Dartz, Lysandre and Apocalypse on his side; Dartz and Lysandre to fulfill their dreams of a better world through destruction, and Apocalypse by fanning the flames of war.
    • Zanza can get behind Chakravartin's views, as they both agree the world exists for them and feel they're better off working together. Fellow creator deity Arceus doesn't get along, as Chakravartin hoped to ensnare the weaker Alpha Pokemon for his own purposes and Arceus thinks he's a terrible god.
  • He is virtually the only known individual in the Pantheon to talk down to Melkor of all people, and does it to his face, citing that as the spinner of life in Asura's universe, and with Melkor having been created by Eru, the "Lord of the Rings" universe's God, he is above him. To quote what he said: "I am the Creator of all life in my world; you are merely a creation of your God". Melkor has apparently vowed to squash him for this "insult".
    • Given his spider form and disdain for Melkor, it would seem that Ungoliant and he would get along. However, the Animalistic Abomination could not help but try and feast on the life force he emanated, resulting in Chakravartin swatting her away. He does permit Arachne to visit his webs, possibly as some sort of scheme against the Greek gods of the pantheon.
    • Tends to distance himself from Nekron, and has been seen making a spider's web in a tree near The Entity's residence, claiming that as fellow weavers of life, he's comfortable around the White Light Entity. Nekron and the GUAD seek to despoil the lifestreams they maintain, in hopes of making the annihilation of all life an easier feat.
  • Chakravartin is the master of Mantra, cosmic energies produced by the emotions from souls and prayers. Interestingly, the eight forms of Mantra are similar to the Seven Deadly Sins. Some suspect Chakravartin may be a devil, rather than a god. He reacted, dispassionate yet clearly furious; "I am no servant of a higher being, fallen or otherwise. I am a higher being, never claim otherwise."
    • Chakravartin is in control of reincarnation in his world, however, cannot reincarnate himself and thanks to Asura killing his "mortal" body cannot survive outside the pantheon. He considers this to be... unfortunate. Has been also trying to usurp Virtuous' position as the goddess of reincarnation.
    • In his Golden Spider form, he rules Naraka; an afterlife realm with an endless number of pillars. Often will associate with the House of Life and Death because of this.
  • Like most Creator Deities, The Golden Spider remains silent on the subject of YHVH. While he claims his form is simply an efficient guise, the explanation is at odds with his requiring Mithra's body as a temporary vessel and the small fact that YHVH's upper-tier Angels have started carrying golden flyswatters.
    • Is amused by "The God of Light" Fortinbras and decided to work alongside this Creator God for the moment as a means to further his own plans.
    • Knows what lurks in Balder and through that connection has gained angels to work alongside The Golden Spider.
  • As one of the most powerful entities in the Pantheon, Chakravartin has interest in other Overdeities. Lucifer has nothing but disdain towards him, seeing the Creator as similar to YHVH. Gaea, in particular, has a personal vendetta towards him for being the mastermind behind Gohma Vlitra, whom she regards as a parasite trying to usurp her being.
    • May have picked his time-freezing powers from Dio Brando. Dio Brando considers him a possible rival in that field and may seek to usurp his power one day.
    • Though Chakravartin may best Beerus in combat, he prefers not to provoke him. His experiences with Asura has made him wary of destruction deities, and he doesn't have a reason to antagonize the Overdeity.

Cosmos, Goddess of Good (Goddess of Harmony, "Goddess of Death")
  • Overdeitynote 
  • Symbol: Her personal symbol
  • Theme Songs: Keeping the Peace, Cosmos, Lux Concordiae
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Portfolio: Big Good, God of Good, Original Generation, The Harmony to Chaos' Discord, Gold and White Are Divine, Physical God, Team Mom, Let Herself to be Killed To Let Her Warriors Have the Power to Defeat Chaos, Deity of Artificial Human Origin, Shinryu's pawn, Realizing The Weight of Her Actions And Seeking to End the Cycle For Good
  • Domains: Balance, Destiny, Good, Law, Hope, Peace, Protection
  • Superior (in name): Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson (the Progenitors)
  • Heralds: Materia (her reincarnation), Onion Knight, Professor Shantotto
  • Followers: Lord Shojo, the Man In The Moon, and many others
  • Allies:
  • Odd Friendship: Mr. Satan
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork (on their end): Any neutral-leaning or insincere heroes in the Pantheon, The Immortal God-Emperor of Mankind, Gaea, Darth Vader, the 501st Legion, Spawn, Lelouch vi Britannia
  • Enemies:
  • Respects: Mr. Rogers
  • Opposes: Darkseid, Sauron, Big Brother, Hero Killer Stain, Malekith
  • Opposed by: Frank Underwood, Ultraman Belial, Kreia
  • Pities: Jaime Lannister
  • Conflicting Opinion (on their end): Present and Future Zen'o, Dr. Manhattan
  • Worries about: Eren Yeager
  • The Goddess of Harmony, Cosmos is the opposite force to fight against the God of Discord, Chaos. Summoning warriors across time and space, the two of them have been fighting each other with their selective champions to one day finally defeat one another. When the Pantheon was in its earliest days and the Grand United Alliance of Good was being formed, her ability to unite multiple heroes together was the deciding factor for her to be the leader of such a grand order.
    • However, there is more to Cosmos than just a beautiful deity. She is in fact a Manikin who was designed after, and has the memories of, the wife of Cid of the Lufaine, in order to keep Chaos under control. Eventually she, Chaos and Cid escaped their world through the Interdimensional Rift into "World B". There the three of them as well as the warrior Garland made a deal with the dragon deity Shinryu. As part of the pact, Cosmos became a goddess thanks to Shinryu's powers to fight in an endless loop against Chaos, with them sending warriors to be sacrificed to make Shinryu stronger with their memories and powers, as well as make Chaos stronger until he is strong enough to open the Rift again to get everyone back to their homeworld.
    • Ultimately, though, the Warriors of Cosmos started to influence her and the once-pawn of the cycle wanted to make it stop. She believed that, by giving her warriors fragments of her power as Crystals, they would unlock their true potential, and after letting herself get killed in order to break the cycle, they could defeat Chaos once and for all so that everyone could return from whence they came. Needless to say, she was successful.
    • Even though she herself is gone, her will reincarnated as Materia and Chaos' own into Spiritus when a new cycle of war suddenly popped up. While the two started fighting without knowing much of anything about their past selves, they ultimately decided to keep on fighting in more of a good spirit in order to maintain balance in World B. Cosmos hopes Materia and Spiritus will do a good job in World B without her help.
    • There has been some speculation on Cosmos' origins. The deities of the ''Persona'' universe believe the Goddess of Harmony to be an Anthropomorphic Personification of goodness itself, born when virtue first crystalized as a philosophy somewhere in the multiverse. Some Christian deities believe Cosmos to be a former angel, based on her appearance, who was unhappy with their Lord's oversight of mortals and became a deity herself to advance her own virtuous ideals. Sailor Moon has a theory that Cosmos could be Sailor Cosmos, the greatest Sailor Guardian in history, or an alternate version of her. Some of the Jedi see Cosmos as an embodiment of the Light Side of the Force. For her part, Cosmos prefers to let people know that goodness comes from within, not without.
  • Cosmos was around during the Pantheon's early days and was given the title of the Goddess of Good. At first, Eru Iluvatar was leading the GUAG but as he was not used to front-lining leadership he needed an active replacement; Cosmos volunteered to replace him and as he reviews her previous experiences, Eru considers worthy and declared her the new Leader of the Grand United Alliance of Good. They both still maintain a cordial relationship to this day. Gygax & Arneson had also arrived to the Pantheons as early as Cosmos and Eru, only slightly later than them. Cosmos and Eru are thankful for their new position as leaders of the Pantheon and they hope the two will help maintain the balance further, given their experience as dungeon masters.
  • Even though she is the leader of the GUAG, she isn't really one to fight her own battles. While she can fight, her powers mainly focus on protecting her warriors than outright fighting herself. That being said, she can give anyone the right advice to give them the morale boost they need, and if she needs to, she can bestow fragments of her powers to other warriors to make them stronger.
    • She is rather accepting when it comes to who want to join the GUAG. As long as they want to do good, she is more than willing to accept them in. But please, if you want to do some sort of divisive gambit, make sure you talk to her first. She doesn't want the events of the 12th cycle of happening again where Kain and Warrior of Light kept on slaying the other warriors to protect them from the Manikins. She also recognises, like Philemon, that people cannot be forced into doing good because to truly do so, it must be voluntary. Forcing people to join her alignment would make the GUAG hypocritical and more like the GUAL or GUAE in nature.
    • She also does fair amount of counselling to the GUAG members, mentoring them to the best of her abilities if they need it. She has heard it all from every branch of the "Good" alignment, to the most stern pacifists to the most battle-hungry heroes. She even takes the time to listen to non-GUAG members requiring soul-searching from other alliances. Jaime Lannister is one of those examples, with her giving the former Kingslayer necessary advice to break free of Cersei's toxic influence and encourage him to train in other fighting arts to humble himself.
  • To bolster her forces, Cosmos resummoned the Warriors of Light again because to her, it's better to first bring in who you know into the fray. They in turn were glad to see her and once they are informed of the bigger Forever War going on far greater than the conflict of World B, the Warriors are ready to fight for her once again. Especially the Warrior of Light, who is greatly faithful and loyal to her and Cosmos in turn sees him as a valuable servant to care for. It doesn't surprise her that Lord Chaos had also ascended at around the same time as her, with the Warriors of Chaos coming in later and gradually. Chaos claims that he'll fight her once again just like before, but so far he hasn't made much strikes against her, probably due to Melkor opposing her more and being reminded of his own mother whenever he sees her again. Either way, Cosmos is going to be watching his next step along with his warriors, especially Kefka Palazzo who had threatened World B a few times on his own and proved to be more deadly.
  • As she is the big leader, Cosmos is automatically allies with the members of the GUAG Command who are big and important members of the organization. They definitely treat each other more as equals than with a chain of command but nonetheless still defer to Cosmos as her good morals provide a true final say in whatever matter they brought up. It's a very long list, but some specific allies there had some interesting relations...
    • Cosmos kinda likes Alexander the Great's antics and believed in the "conquering by befriending together" philosophy he follows and she can hold her liquor against the finest wines, something that pleasantly surprises Alexander. She also believed in the Power of Bonds and keeps the line when Tokugawa Ieyasu is starting to stray off, and thus Ieyasu considers her a good friend. Rachel Alucard actually respects Cosmos and often decreases her snarking tendencies around her presence; although Cosmos was a little put off with her tendency of "doing things because she's bored" and wished Rachel would get serious, she still appreciates her knowledge and commands. Reed Richards is fine with her as long as she lets him do whatever he wants and Jean-Luc Picard likes her stance on morality and upholding the dignity of all beings, civilizations, and cultures, not to mention she opposes despotism and inflicting suffering on others; in fact, he was so moved, he gave a passionate speech in defense of her ideals. Lady Honor Harrington also respects her for her achievements and the fact that she was able to rally such a high number of good-aligned deities under a single banner, even plenty of anti-heroes and anti-villains.
    • Cosmos have also admired Makoto Yuki and Kotone Shiomi's tactical prowess in combat and counts on them to lead their allies old and new and in turn, the two are loyal to her as she proves to bring a breath of fresh air since Nyx and Erebus. Commander Samuel Vimes is loyal to enforcing the law and justice, not her (as he has a bit of contempt for serving any deity, even though he is one); however, he does realize the GUAE are threatening law and order, and is helping Cosmos because as a copper, it's what he supposed to do. The same goes for Captain Alex who is glad that Cosmos allows him to fight against the criminals of the Pantheons. Cosmos respects Josiah Bartlet's commitment to America, but has asked he extends his patriotism to helping all those who have been oppressed by evil which is more than fair in his opinion, and thus Bartlet has pledged his support for her. Tommy Oliver is more than willing to help Cosmos even if he wants to go back to teaching, Yoda share a close friendship with her which is maybe out of being old, Date Masamune have numerous reasons to join yet is still very loyal to her and Havelock Vetinari feels allying with her is necessary to his currently unclear plans.
  • Despite the quick assumption that Chaos is Cosmos' greatest adversary, he pales compared to Melkor. Like him, Cosmos have not met Melkor before being appointed as the leader of the GUAG and if he did, she would have one of his prime mortal enemies since Cosmos is able to juggle so many people from different backgrounds to fight primarily against him (initially). He has noticed some of the ridiculously strong deities that have sided with her, and he ups the security of his base of operations with each new addition. Melkor wants to keep and gain new members for himself in turn and while he was able to snag new ones, they pale in comparison to what Cosmos has. She surmised that his Bad Boss reputation within the GUAE has deterred new recruits from joining.
    • By virtue, Cosmos also opposes Melkor's fellow Horsemen Griffith, Majin Buu and Johan Liebert. Their depravity (Griffith and Johan especially) are deplorable and dangerous enough for Cosmos that she decided to build more morale and warnings against their terror. The other Horsemen do see her as a formidable foe after Melkor first briefed them about her, with Griffith being assured that destiny will be at his favour and not Cosmos, Majin Buu looks forward to killing her himself and Johan looks forward to demoralizing her subordinates just so he can make her despair. Other GUAE high-ranking members Cosmos are enemies with are Malebolgia and Damien Thorn, the latter of which is closer to Melkor as a honorary "son" of sorts; they too also see her as an enemy with Malebolgia finding her no better than the God he knows even though she is miles more virtuous than Him and Damien sees her as a hindrance to his mission of bringing hell on Earth.
  • Besides Melkor, Cosmos opposes the other GUA leaders YHVH, Lucifer, and Nekron because they have less-than-benevolent agendas to take over the Pantheons and for everyone involved. YHVH respects her to some degree as she has managed to unify so many heroes under one banner but the fact she oppose him still lies, which is disappointing as YHVH sees her potential on keeping Order throughout many realms. While Lucifer acknowledges her as an adversary and has no intention of losing the War of the Alliances to her, he also respects her quite a bit and has noted that if someone besides him absolutely had to be the winner of the War, he would much rather it be her than the others; because after all, she too acknowledges the dignity of sentient beings and respects their right to freedom while Melkor and YHVH are both, as he put it, "on a self-indulgent ego trip". As for Nekron, he also opposes her by virtue as she hinders their plans of omnicide.
    • Believe it or not, her biggest concern when it comes to one particular deity is not the other faction leaders, but Shinryu. She fears that with her being the head of GUAG would mean that the Forever War nature of the Pantheon could keep on making Shinryu stronger and stronger. Not only that, but she fears that Shinryu could easily depower her the moment he is bored with her. From this, it is questionable that Cosmos can even count as an Overdeity. When the Court reviewed her ascension, they determined that her power level makes her a borderline Greater Goddess, but her status as the greatest example of pure good in the Pantheon lets her keep her current rank. This makes her weaker than the other Alliance leaders, and her influence lower than theirs. When not battling, Melkor milks this power gap for all its worth.
      • Luckily, it turns out that even if he's more powerful than her and Chaos, Shinryu still doesn't stand a chance against other and more powerful deities. It's still not enough to quell her fears though, as he is allying with more villainous deities in order to stay alive and have a chance at her.
      • One could argue that Cosmos' true power comes from the GUAG, which is arguably the most powerful alliance in the Pantheon due to the power of its members (which includes several Overdeities and many Greater Gods), sheer numbers, and the loyalty many members have to Cosmos herself. Cosmos also has the favor of deities who preserve cosmic balance such as Alpheus the World-Forger, Uatu the Watcher, Eternity and several of the Endless. Despite her lack of personal power compared to the other alliance leaders, Cosmos is one of the most influential deities in the Pantheon, to a degree that even Overdeities would envy.
    • Other villains who Cosmos came to oppose are Frank Underwood and Ultraman Belial who are allied with the GUAE and the GUAD respectively. Both have seen her as a goody-two-shoes who shouldn't get in their way of their aims to conquer with Underwood privately stating that he "only prays to himself" and Belial having a sour reminder of the Ultras whenever he sees Cosmos.
  • Throughout the cycles in World B, Cosmos and Lord Chaos wage war that in some ways, preserve balance and more so when Materia and Spiritus carries on that later on with the two doing so in good spirit after defeating Shinryu together. It's why she has disdain for Kronika and her children Cetrion and Shinnok who established the conflict in their world so that it fits Kronika's idea of balance and order which she sees as a perversion to the usual good-versus-evil conflict. Not to mention that Cetrion would planned that if she were to take control of the Hourglass, it would be way too similar to the things Cosmos once tried to stop. Kronika scoffed at her as she had expected that Cosmos is too virtuous both for her own good and unfit for her ideal order, with Cetrion agreeing and called it a shame that they are not allies and Shinnok is reminded of Raiden at his most righteous when seeing her.
    • Another pair of seemingly opposite deities who are nonetheless no different than each other are the Daedric Princes Molag Bal and Meridia. Molag Bal is the closest being to a God of Evil in his world and he did numerous atrocites that disgusted Cosmos greatly, such as starting the first rape that gave rise to the first of The Undead and vampires just to spite the god of birth and death Arkay and enjoying corruption of the purest of heroes, making no better than worst of Chaos and/or Shinryu; Molag Bal likewise sees her as just like Meridia and made it very clear however grand or petty.
      • Speaking of Meridia, Cosmos and by extension many in the GUAG would rather not associate themselves with the Lady of Infinite Energies after hearing about her manipulations during Molag Bal's Planemeld and support of the Elven race called the Ayleids in the past and their resurfacing sometime around the Oblivion Crisis when one of them attempts to overthrow the Divines and as such frequently butt heads with eachother should the situation allow them to cross paths. Cosmos and the Alliance are firmly for prioritizing all life whereas Meridia would only look out for the select few, and the few are perfectly liable to be culled if she deems it necessary in some way, shape, or form. Both Cosmos and Meridia have since been common opponents of one another.
    • Cosmos then heard of the Ones, who have established the balance of the Force in their world and as expected, she got along with the Daughter for being women who championed for good. She was more than willing to let her join, while also being sympathetic towards The Daughter for having to oppose her brother. That said, The Daughter does not take direct action unless the The Son is involved. The reason is that she still wishes to fallow her father's orders, so she primarily takes a position in the GUAG Medical Division; there, she can user her Force Powers with great effect without disobeying her father. Seeing that, Cosmos is reminded of her situation with her father and creator Cid of the Lufaine and hopes to find a way to ascend him soon.
    • Kreia doesn't like Cosmos as she sees her, Melkor and their respective organizations to be either extremely naive or too temperamental for their own good, and believes that balance is the key, something that neither sides have ever accomplished throughout their yearsnote . For a time, she also considered this to be the case for good and evil and why the ideals for the heroes to be utilitarian made them inhuman (and weak for those who show mercy) and the villains to be extremely selfish. Cosmos is dismayed that the circumstances in Kreia's life caused her to view the Force very bleakly and became vigilant in case she tries to derail the entire war, but she has taken her view that the Force is dangerous with a grain of salt because who knows if the Force really does cause imbalances to all of the Pantheons.
  • As she was created in the image of Cid of the Lufaine's wife, Cosmos was redirected to Trish, a demon who is made to look like Dante's mother and Sparda's wife Eva in order to lure Dante. Unexpectedly finding a kindred spirit in a goddess who started out as a Manikin, Trish appreciates her company though she would like her more if she wasn't getting lectures in the way she's dressing. Sparda himself is also reminded of his wife when seeing her, and since Eva is currently his Herald the women do meet from time to time, which is something Sparda is very welcome to. It also helps that he has mutual respect towards the House of Heroism and he's partnered with the Sacred Knights.
  • In terms of really close friends, they tend to be other high-end gods who are God of Good, at least in their setting. Aside from Eru, The Monitor and Ahura Mazda have provided big help towards the GUAG with the former being more willing to bring in villains and other morally grey beings should Cosmos is unable to call them in. Like Eru, Gan takes a hands-off approach in helping the GUAG and counts on Cosmos in doing the rest; the same goes for Dream of the Endless and he'll intervene to help her should the forces of evil become to powerful to handle like the aforementioned Barbatos. Mata Nui and Philemon are also strong allies of Cosmos in the Pantheons, with Mata Nui preferring her presence over YHVH's and Philemon was initially distrusted by her until Tatsuya Suou's intervention forced him to better himself which Cosmos hopes he'll stay on the right track.
  • Cosmos had recently helped Captain America in re-establishing the House of Defense as a non-partisan force dedicated to rescuing innocent civilians and minimizing property damage. The first among them are chaos, the Protectors of the Plot Continuum, Aang, Amaterasu and Athena. chaos respects those who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity or all of creation and she is an example of that though he did have some initial confusion over her name which are somewhat similarnote  that he managed to quickly cleared up. Cosmos also has a diplomatic alliance with the PPC and supports their endeavors in their mission to maintain the continuum and that they'll make it in spite of their dysfunctional work environment, her relations with Aang go back to the Pantheonic Rebellion and has strengthen since because of their shared desire to protect all of the living and the same goes with Amaterasu and Athena though the latter is a little harder to work with considering some of her questionable actions.
    • Related to her alliance with the PPC, Cosmos started to oppose Barbatos, the Anti-Monitor and the Nothing for being threats to all of fiction and its inhabitants once they warn her of their threats. Barbatos taunts her and vows to pull the Pantheons into the Dark Multiverse with her helpless, the Anti-Monitor also vowing to destroy everything even fiction that it took Cosmos and the other GUA Leaders to beat him together the first time round and the Nothing also poses a similar threat which is why she asks her allies to survey the Gmork (the Nothing's Herald) to look out for potential dangerous moves.
  • She's also grateful to Haruhi Suzumiya and Ugo for helping maintaining balance in the Pantheon and help sorting the ranks respectively. At least until Whis then came along, but Cosmos knows Haruhi ultimately wants to have fun even if it costs a bad day for everyone around her. Ugo was at first intimidated by Cosmos' noticeable physique which she initially found amusing but as time and time went on, he got used to it to the point that he's surprised that he managed to overlook his one fear and see Cosmos for the person she is.
  • The two most powerful heroes ever, Superman and Son Goku are ecstatic to see a leader of good running the alliance and praises her virtue which she is flattered by. Once they hear her backstory, they gave her full support for her and decided to fight alongside her against future threats. This also extends to the Dragon Team, Goku's allies who noticed that she's more proactive than Shenron and while Shenron is a big help, Cosmos gives them help way more often instead. Other champions of good like the dragon Bahamut and the paladin Artix von Krieger also pledge to fight alongside Cosmos, with the former's bond with her strengthen during the Pantheonic Rebellion like what Aang also did and the latter asking her for approval to form the GUAG Sacred Knights; she did and he's forever grateful for that, not to also mention that she praises his triumph of moving past his origin of being the Champion of Darkness.
  • As she is involved in cycles of time loops, Cosmos has given help to the Pantheonic Time Police and their endeavours even if she hasn't traveled through time yet. She has however praised Clank and the Doctor for their actions in preserving time, even if for the latter his companions mostly make the messes; the Doctor in turn often helps Cosmos on occasion should she needs his help. She has also been critical of the Dahaka for being relentless against enemies of time with extreme prejudice and Homura Akemi not for the loops but for taking away Madoka Kaname's powers, but she's more sympathetic towards the latter as she can understand wanting to save Madoka who is very dear to her heart.
  • Oddly enough, Cosmos managed to strike up a friendship with Mr. Satan, who faked his powerful appearance for a good show but is nevertheless a good person. She does help keep up his facade to those who are not aware of his true nature which is a sentiment that Mr. Satan is very grateful for. Like everybody else, Cosmos deeply respects Mr. Fred Rogers as his boundless kindness and gentle nature has touched the hearts of many; Mr. Rogers is at first weirded out by her existence but later on welcomes her presence as she is only a powerful being dedicated to championing good morals and benevolence.
  • Gandalf met with Cosmos to discuss his entry into the Grand United Alliance Of Good, and believes her a fine lady deserving of every ounce of respect she gets, even comparing her to the Lady of Lórien, Galadriel; they parted on good terms and maintain a close professional relationship in their war against Melkor. Madoka also managed to befriend Cosmos, who felt very bad for her after Homura took away her strongest powers; Madoka tells her that Homura should not be blamed any further, which she agrees and they both continue to discuss methods on how to get Homura to open up more about her honest feelings, not just to get Madoka her powers back but to prevent another Pantheon-wide event by her hands.
    • The young Illyasviel and Asia Argento also befriended Cosmos and see her as a very reliable adult with Cosmos understanding her Darkand Troubled Past and holds a Big Sister Instinct towards her, similar to Issei and will go Mama Bear if she gets hurt though not to the extent of Issei going berserk. After inviting little Illya for ice cream (who initially hesitated), Cosmos heard out Illya's story, shocked that there's little to none parental supervision in her world so she asks Illya to come to her whenever there's any big trouble ahead which Illya takes to heart though she herself is also concerned of Cosmos' safety as well.
  • A lot of the neutral-leaning or insincere heroes distrust Cosmos, as she is easily seen as a "goody-two-shoes" who shouldn't be questioning their morality when she hadn't made any harder decisions during her time in the cycles herself, ignoring the fact that sacrificing herself to defeat Lord Chaos is already a hard decision. Lelouch vi Britannia, while still maintaining a strictly professional relationship with Cosmos is of the opinion that she should have made more heart-breaking decisions and while she wants to agree, she can't because there are some lines she wouldn't cross too far. The Hero Killer Stain actually have high praises for Cosmos as he sees her as much of a virtuous paragon as All Might and wishes all other heroes who disagreed with her would follow her example; Cosmos can't agree with that, because even if she disagrees with the same neutral-leaning heroes she wouldn't go out of their way to change their mind by force and plus, Stain killed just to prove his point which earns bad points in her eyes.
    • As Eren Yeager slowly makes harsher decisions to the point that he's willing to turn against humanity in order to keep his loved ones safe, Cosmos can only hope that he'll come to see that it can't be the only way. The Anti-Hero Spawn is very jaded towards Cosmos as he has sour memories towards his world's own God who was a bit of a jerk that only tried to help him way later and thinks Cosmos is the same as him; of course, that's not true and Cosmos sympathizes his state as he has no way to properly redeem his sins of slaughtering various people while serving a monstrous devil like Malebolgia.
  • Cosmos may be nice enough to give most villains a chance, but not the Nyarlathotep from the world of order versus chaos and Professor Hojo. Nyarlathotep is the embodiment of humanity's evil a seeks to drag humans down to their destruction to prove the point of his existence and Hojo came from Cloud and Tifa's world, causing so many problems that shape them and Sephiroth to this day. The bad guys themselves scoff at Cosmos' righteousness with Nyarlathotep even taunting her that it's pointless to fight for humans and their innate goodness since they will ultimately be selfish again and Hojo vows to revive Jenova yet again just so he can hope to even beat her and carry on with his experiments.
  • The Daughter warns Cosmos the threats of Emperor Sheev Palpatine and the Siths, the former having a galaxy-wide agenda of ruling the entire galaxy under his tyrannical fist and the latter individuals having their own agendas to pose problems to innocents; Cosmos accepts these precautions as their potential imbalance to the Force might affect everyone else badly. Palpatine himself scoffs at the goddess but he's intrigued at the abundance amount of champions she rallied, and considered coaxing a few of them to turn evil just to rub it in her face. Darth Vader, and by extension the 501st Legion of Stormtroopers are a little contentious with Cosmos; the Stormtroopers are more okay with working for her but Vader is in hot water for his previous actions both in the name of his loved ones and the Empire. Cosmos is willing to give him another chance but so far Anakin isn't really too interested in getting her approval as long as he keeps atoning for his past sins.
  • As for more conflicting alliances, Cosmos is off-put by both Zen'os' childishness mixed with absolute power and she, Aslan and occasionally Q are trying to teach them to use their power more responsibly. Even if once she heard that Zen'o only wanted to teach mortals about the importance of agency, Cosmos thinks it was still reckless regardless. For Dr. Manhattan, Cosmos hopes that he once again fight for good even if he nearly extinguished the existences of the JLA and LSH as he had been a big help for the GUAG and the Superhero Division; so far, no luck and it seems less likely that he'll ever consider rejoining.
  • Cosmos is taking the threat Perpetua poses very seriously and is holding discussions with the leaders of the GUAG Superhero Division, the Pantheonic Time Police and other advisors in the GUAG Command such as Ghaleon and Robin to formulate strategies and possible alliances to counter this threat. The Goddess of Harmony sees Perpetua as something like a horrific combination of Darkseid, Shinryu and Kronika, able to grow in power through constant conflict with the goal of twisting all of time and existence into a nightmarish parody serving her hideous goals alone. Cosmos knows that beings from the Dark Multiverse could be one possible solution to fight Perpetua, but considers this to be a last resort.
  • About once a month, Cosmos arranges a modest tea party at her palace with several select deities she counts as friends. Regular guests at these parties include Asia Argento, Illyasviel von Einzbern (PRISMA ILLYA), Madoka Kaname, Rachel Alucard, Belldandy and Amaterasu. For the Goddess of Harmony, the tea parties are casual affairs where the guests can relax, talk freely and hear the latest news within the Pantheon.
  • Few realize that Cosmos is possibly the most influential deity in the Pantheon, which allows her control over roughly a third of the Pantheon itself. Here's why...
    • She is the patron deity of every heroic deity from the Final Fantasy franchise, a highly diverse universe of knowledge, magic, power and technology.
    • She is Eru Ilúvatar's chosen successor as leader of the GUAG. As a result of this connection, Cosmos is also an honorary member of the Valar, a very powerful Council of Angels. This is actually one reason why Melkor has grown to hate Cosmos with a passion. As Melkor's diametric opposite, Cosmos also has the allegiance of the heroic deities of Tolkien's Legendarium.
    • Amaterasu is one of her closest allies. Through her, many heroic deities from Japan (anime, manga, tokusatsu, etc.) have befriended Cosmos.
    • Through Square Enix's partnership with Disney, Cosmos added heroic deities from Disney's franchises to her long list of allies, including Mickey Mouse, Luke Skywalker, Captain America and many, many others.
    • Her allies control the Houses of Childhood and Adolescence, Communities and Solitude, Magic and Sorcery, Power and Abilities, Royalty and School, giving Cosmos a great deal of quiet influence over the Pantheon as a whole.
    • As the most trusted deity residing in the Main House, Cosmos is usually chosen to personally welcome new deities into the Pantheon, allowing her to give a good first impression to potential new allies.
    • In the aftermath of the Pantheonic Rebellion, the GUAG has reorganized itself to become more focused and cohesive as an organization. Because of this and the fact that the GUAG has numerous members throughout the Pantheon, Cosmos currently leads a multiversal N.G.O. Superpower.
    • She is the leader of the Pantheon's most trustworthy faction, which has received requests to guard or watch over persons and objects of interest in the Pantheon. Among such charges are SCP-239, an all-powerful child, and the Super Dimensional Fortress One. Because of this, the GUAG has access to resources their many enemies can only dream of having.
    • She is a Magnetic Hero with the entire GUAG as her Character-Magnetic Team. Across countless universes, from superheroes to knights, from aliens to robots, from nations of the past to futuristic civilizations, Cosmos has gathered all of them under a single banner and most of them are very loyal to her cause and each other. Ironically, Cosmos may be in a better position to conquer the Pantheon than her enemies!
  • "It is all an endless dream. Yet still... the fantasy must come to an end..."

Melkor, God of Evil (Morgoth, Bauglir, Belegurth, Belegûr, Arun, Mbelekor, The First Dark Lord, The Great Enemy, The Black Foe of the World, The Corrupter, Dark Enemy of the World, Lord of Angband and Utumno, King of the World, Elder King, Master of the Fates of Arda, Black King, Master of Lies, Dark Hunter, Lord of All and Giver of Freedom, Lord of the Dark, Melko, Belcha, Ulban(d), Melegor, Meleko, Alkar, Mardello, Manfréa Bolgen)

Shelyn, the Love Goddess (The Eternal Rose)
  • Overdeity
  • Symbol: A Multicolored songbird
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Domains: Air, Charm, Good, Luck, Protection
  • Portfolio: All-Loving Heroine, Even the Girls Want Her, Friend to All Living Things, Incorruptible Pure Pureness, Believes in Love Redeeming All, The Power of Love
  • Herald: Spirit of Adoration
  • Allies: Honestly, it's easier to find deities who aren't allied with her. Special mention goes to Cayden Calien, Erastil, Steven Universe, Flonne
  • Rivals: Aphrodite, Calistria
  • Enemies: Felix (Red vs Blue), Penelope Mouse, Akasha the Queen of Pain, Dr. Frank-n-Furter, Ato-ko Shirogane, The Child Abuse Supporters
  • Opposed by: the GUAD, Flowey, House of Hatred and Rancor
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Asmodeus
  • Pities: Vincent Brooks
  • Just as Calistria filled the role as the Goddess of Lust, the House of Love felt that they needed an equivalent for the more innocent version of such love. Aphrodite long considered herself to be the leading candidate for the roll, but she proved to be too petty to give away her Worlds Most Beautiful Goddess title, and her other title just didn't agree with the nature of the title. It ultimately went to the fifth Golarian deity to enter the Pantheon. That did not sit well with the Greek Goddess and the two have been rivals ever since. It's a one-sided affair, as Sheyln would rather have them work together.
    • While she doesn't mind the type of love formed between couples, she prefers relationships not fueled solely on lust. She's more than content to hand those responsibilities to Calistra, her long-time rival, and the rest of the subhouse of Lust.
    • Cayden has noted how much of a sight for sore eyes she is to him. Sheyln accepts his constant flirting, though she reminds him he would have to settle down for any long-term relationship to form.
    • Is more willing than any other Golarian deity to work with Asmodeus. Asshole aside, the archdevil does have a way of keeping things under wraps. She only hopes that she can convince him to be more generous with his contracts.
  • Her most supported friend is by far Flonne, Goddess of Love Freaks. Together, they hope to spread the wonders of love throughout the Pantheon. Sheyln plays the role of rolling back some of Flonne's more eccentric schemes. Nevertheless, she is thankful for her unconditional devotion to love.
  • It's hard to find a deity that is more tolerated in the Pantheon. Even the GUAE tolerate her, as many have romances of their own. The only group that truly want her destroyed is the GUAD. They fear that her domain convinces many to have a will to live.
    • If there is one group of adoration that she doesn't reciprocate, it's her non-ascended core god Rovagug. The Rough Beast's definition of affection would be to trap her within its eye as she becomes the witness to the end of all realities. To say she fears its possible arrival into the Pantheon would be an Understatement.
  • As seen as the opposite of love, the House of Hatred oppose her on principle. The two factions battle over passionate followers to choose one over the other. Kefka gets special mention for specifically awaiting her destruction.
  • Is seen as a bringer of hope to those who had to deal with Abusive Parents as her dedication to love extends more than just romantic love. This has put her at odds with The Child Abuse Supporters in the House of Family.
  • Flowey sees her antics as a complete waste of time, goading her to see if she can get him to change his ways. Sheyln may be all-loving, but was not dumb enough to fall for that trap. She does hope that the Pantheon can find a way; there is hope with his true form... if only it can be maintained longer.
  • There have been many heated arguments between her and the Queen of Pain. Much of that comes from the fact that Sheyln's brother has all but embraced the demon's philosophy. The Eternal Rose hopes that she can break through and redeem him, but Akasha has sworn to carry on manipulating Zon-Kuthon and his followers.
  • Gains the approval of virtually all in the House of Friendship. Her philosophy resonates especially well with Steven Universe. The Love Goddess was impressed with Steven's determination to see the good in all.
    • There are a few exception to this case. Felix has proven to be a horrible 'friend' to all he's met and is likely to continue. Penelope Mouse isn't liked either among Sheyln's followers.
  • Can only shake her head over the utter insanity of Vincent's love life. She has taken up to the challenge, trying to help him mend his relationship with his girlfriend Katherine Mc-Bride.
  • Has a rather unorthodox stance on cheating on one's partners. She isn't truly opposed to them, as long as said relationship is out of true love. She hopes that said partners would eventually make it official. That doesn't mean she would let you cheat on others just for the sake up it. Those actions tend to ruin love for everyone. It's with that reason that the likes of Ato-ko and Dr. Frank-n-Furter are among the least liked among her followers.
  • When it comes to harems, she is nonchalant towards the concept as well, just as long as you have a loving relationship with all of them. She worries more about their consent than anything else.

Greater Gods

Ares, The God Of War (Mars, God of Ponies, True God of War, The First Son of Heaven)
  • Greater God
  • Symbol: Spear and Helmet
  • Theme Music: Mars, Bringer of War, the Greek/Roman theme of Smite (shared with other Classical Mythological figures who fight on the Battlefield of the Gods)
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Portfolio: Fathering the Amazons, Blood Knight, Good to His Children, Momma's Boy, Hated By Greeks, The Unfavorite of Zeus, Boasting About His Abilities But Getting Defeated Anyway, The Brute, Character Development (as Mars), Adaptational Personality Change for the better (as Mars)
  • Domains: War, Weapons, Blood
  • Allies: Hera, Melkor, Roman Torchwick, Ali Al-Saachez, Megatron, Kogane, Leonidas, Sundowner, Millennium, Apocalypse, Flynn, Pantheon, Edge
    • He does not consider the Evil-aligned deities in that list allies as Mars.
  • Rival: Hercules
  • Teeth Clenched Team Work: Xena, Zeus (full-blown ally as Mars)
  • Enemies: Athena and her Saints, Kratos, Iskander, Vulcan, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Archer, Kouta Kazuraba, Kaito Kumon, Both Hades, Optimus Prime, Raiden, Tony Stark, Kiritsugu Emiya, Klaus Wulfenbach, Martin Walker, Valvatorez, Batman the Merciless, Altera
    • He does not consider most of them enemies (with the obvious exception of Kratos and Merciless) as Mars.
  • Obsess with: Aphrodite
  • Opposes: Koko Hekmatyar, Gabrielle
  • Opposed by: The Guy, Ventari
  • Was livid once he ascended. Not just for not being ascended with the War God trope, which his brother Kratos has, but having such a low rank. The Court's reason for the low rank was because of his constant worfing from Kratos, Hercules, Wonder Woman, Hercules, Superman, and Hercules. Ares was not pleased.
    • However, he can have a greater rank during times of war. It's for this sole reason why he has joined Melkor and his GUAE for a chance of an all-out war between the other Alliances.
    • After having his title change and moving to the House of War, Ares was given a rank increase.
  • Ares also wasn't happy when he found out that he wasn't made replacement for The Triumvirate of War but instead Alexander the Great was given that honor. He also didn't like the fact that Kratos was part of it. He was, however, ok with Apocalypse being in. It might be the fact that his world view would lead to war.
  • Despite his blood lust for battle, he does have a soft spot for his children and his mother Hera. In fact, he killed Poseidon's own son when he raped his daughter. Even Kratos, who thoroughly despises him for being the source of all of his suffering, grudgingly admits that this is the one quality of his that he can respect.
    • He, however, hates his father Zeus because he considers Ares his unfavorite compare to Athena and Hercules. He still would help him, but Ares wouldn't like it.
  • When Ares met with Aphrodite again, he thought they would go back to their old routine. Unfortunately for him, Aphrodite rebuked his advances. Ares didn't take it very well and thought she had eyes for someone else in the pantheon. Or, her refusal line hits a sensitive spot for him: "The only thing endowed is your sword!", which caused Ares to retort with, "What!? What's wrong with my 'sword' anyway these days!?"
  • Funnily enough, despite being the father of the Amazon race, he has clashed on multiple occasion with Wonder Woman, Princess of the Amazons. In fact, one of Ares' daughter is Hippolyta herself who is Diana's mother.
  • When questioning about Ares and whether or not he was the God of Ponies, the Equestrian Deities could only stare in confusion.
  • Since his power is directly link to war and conflict, Ares has been known to pose as a War merchant back in the mortal realm and has sold weapons to both sides of a battling country. This makes him allies with both Torchwick and Sundowner, fellow war merchants. This also made him enemy with Tony Stark who was a former weapons dealer.
  • Once had a big laugh when he heard of Koko's plan of ending war by disabling fighter planes. He remarks that war has been fought long before planes ever existed and humans will always find a way to fight one another. Because that's human instincts.
  • So far, the only other deity to truly worship Ares is the Spartan King, Leonidas. Ares likes him enough that he declares that Leonidas' house is his favorite (next to his own house), and he could afford being less Jerkass when being around him and his people.
  • Has re-enacted his rivalry with his younger brother, Hercules. The two have a battle against each other most days. So far, Ares has lost in every match they fought.
    • The same rivalry for Athena on who is the better War God was also renewed. He also made enemies with her Saints.
  • Because he is the True God of War, Ares has a large arsenal of weapons from swords, maces, bows, axes and spears and can summon them out of nowhere.
  • Has lent his support to Millenium's effort to create one of the greatest war ever. Ares says they really need it since their last attempt at a war was disappointing and it was nothing more than an ok terrorist attack.
  • Ares once did battle with both Kouta and Kaito. The Riders remark how much he reminds them of the Inves Overlord Demushu.
    • This also made Ares acquainted with Kogane who was one of the causes of the Overlords extinction by causing them more blood thirsting. Ares was really impress with that.
  • Is opposed by Archer since he is a Counter-Guardian whose job is to stop conflict that that threaten history. The two have clashed on multiple occasions.
  • Heard about the endless war between two Ancients that his father is a part of. He is trying to find a way to enter into that world, not only to increase his power but to make sure it continues to be endless. Rumors has it that he has succeeded.
  • He's NOT pleased when they heard someone who looked like Jin Kisaragi took up his name and copied Jin while using lightning. Ares just took offense that this copycat dares take up his name, especially when he didn't bother to exude the qualities of a bloodthirsty War God like him even on looks. He's still not friends with Jin and being the guy he is, probably won't ever be.
  • Had a duel with Flynn at one point; it ended with the Samurai the victor and Ares thoroughly impressed.
  • He made contact with Pantheon and drafted him for a personal war project that was said to be 'to fight against unknown threats to the Pantheon', giving him greater boons of power and also making him a bit more distant with his former friends. But for his deal and after learning not to make silly deals since the incident with Kratos, Ares personally had it that a new baking room is added to Pantheon's house so he can literally pursue his dream as a baker. Of course, Ares still managed to get one last message in that room: "P.S: Bake your enemies!"
  • Is currently in the process of turning Xena into a weapon of war once more. It's a position Xena has fought against for years and she has no intention of going back to her evil ways. Still, Ares is one of the few Greek deities she is in good favor with, and the two do sometimes team up. Still, Gabrielle is usually not far behind to give her support. That has put her in his crosshair as he plots to remove her from the Pantheon.
  • He actually has two personas, his Greek persona Ares and his Roman persona Mars. The two of them, despite both being War Gods, are drastically different in terms of personality. As Mars, he is much more mature, dignified, and does not believe in endless and meaningless bloodshed. As a result, he is a much more respectable figure who actually averts the trope for which he has been deified, and is disgusted by many of the bloodthirsty and savage allies that he supports as Ares. Unfortunately, the malevolent Ares persona is the predominant one in the Pantheon.
  • Has it in for Batman the Merciless for doing the exact same thing Kratos did.
  • Has nothing but hatred towards Altera who not only defeated him and the other Olympian Gods in one universe, but also taking his sword as a prize. He also hates that she is able to trick him into using his power everytime she uses her "Teardrop Photon Ray".
  • Has found himself amused at the Rated-R Superstar, enough that he's asked Edge to be a vessel for his power.
  • "No mercy!"

    Demeter and Persephone 
Demeter and Persephone, Mother-Daughter Representatives Of Fertility Deities (Demeter: Ceres, Deo, Sitonote , Thesmophorosnote , Lady of the Golden Blade, Interstellar Voyage Supply and Production Ship , Persephone: Proserpina, Kore or Koranote , Persephassa, Persephatta, Dread Persephone)
Depictions of Demeter clockwise from Top Left: Marvel Comics, Hercules, DC Comics, Hades, Fate/Grand Order, Shin Megami Tensei V, Lore Olympus and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. Center: A statue of Demeter
Depictions of Persephone clockwise from Top Left: Marvel Comics, Smite, DC Future State, Hades, God of War: Chains of Olympus, Shin Megami Tensei NINE, Lore Olympus and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. Center: A statue of Persephone

    Loki Laufeyson 
Loki Laufeyson, God of Trickery and Deceit (The God of Mischief and Lies, Puny God, Serrure, Ikol, Agent of Asgard, The God of Stories, King Loki, God of Outcasts, The Trickster God, Loki Odinson, D.B. Cooper, Variant L1130, God Loki)
Click here for Loki as portrayed in Battlefield of the Gods.

Thor, God of Thunder (Thor Odinson, Donald Blake, The Mighty Thor, Hammer-Thrower, Lightning-Caller, Storm-God, The Thunderer, Point Break, Lord of Thunder, Pirate Angel, Bro Thor, Prince of Asgard)
Thor's Marvel Comics depiction
Click here for Thor's depiction in Battlefield of the Gods
Click here for Rune King Thor

Intermediate Gods

Skaði, Patron Goddess of Deities with Weird Jobs (Goddess of Winter, Goddess of Skiing, Skiing Huntress)
Skaði as she appears in SMITE
  • Intermediate Goddess
  • Symbol: A pair of skiis
  • Theme Music: the Norse theme of Smite (shared with other Norse folkloric figures who fight on the Battlefield of the Gods)
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Portfolio: Is the Goddess of Skiing, Also associated with archery, winter, and mountains, Avenging the Villain, Awful Wedded Life, Wants to marry Baldr, Didn't get the man she wanted to marry, Love Triangle
  • Domains: Odd Jobs, Mountains, Winter, Archery
  • Allies: Her fellow deities in Norse Mythology, the House of Ice and Cold, Scathach, Ritsuka Fujimaru, Chiron, Makoto Yuki, Aigis, Yu Narukami, Ren Amamiya
  • Rivals: Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Katniss Everdeen
  • Friendly Rivalry: Artemis
  • Enemies: Loki's children, Surtr, the evil deities of the House of Law and Justice
  • Special Relations: Freya (her step-daughter)
  • Annoyed by: The House of Love and Affection
  • Pities: Hanzo Shimada
  • A jotunn who is the goddess of winter, bowhunting, mountains, and skiing. Enraged by the death of her father, Thiazi, she planned to take down all of the Aesir as they are all responsible of his father. She and the Aesir instead reach a compromise and to reconcile. The first one is to make her laugh, which Loki managed to succeed in doing so, which lets Odin's take Thiazi's eyes to the sky to turn into stars, which pleases her. The second is letting her choose a husband among them, but only by looking at her feet. Wanting to marry Baldr, she failed as she accidentally choose Njord, which also makes her the step-mother of Freya and Freyr. Their living conditions eventually led them to lie an awful wedded life, which causes them to separate and return to their lives.
  • The reason why she ascended is because of this. Her domains like winter, bowhunting, and mountains are very understandable, but skiing? It is one of the weirdest things thst you think would inhabit by a deity since not a lot of deities inhabit that and there isn't anything important to skiing in a mythological setting if you really think about it, which is why she ascended.
  • She's very happy to see her fellow gods again the Pantheon and celebrated. She's shocked to see that the Thor is different from the one she knew, being that he is much more noble, less of an asshole and more kindhearted, and has different requirements of using Mjolnir, because of this, they get along pretty quickly. She's very happy to hear of Loki's redemption, and because of that, they become friends again, although it did take a while for it to happen, but Loki still doesn't forgive her for placing a venomous snake around his face. She's not exactly happy seeing Loki's children and Surtr as they pretty much one of the reasons why Ragnarok happened, killing most of the gods with only a handful of them and two humans survived to rebuild civilization.
    • From her fellow gods, she heard a different counterpart of Hel existed and she's not pleased upon hearing the details. Considering she's the Goddess of Death and using that position to caused greater death than what is imagined, destroyed Thor's hammer, and slaughtered the Asgardians in that universe, she is not exactly pleased.
  • Due to being the goddess of winter, she met the House of Ice And Cold. She befriended all of the deities due to her association with it and although they're weirded out with one of associations is skiing, they didn't spat her out of it since it's a winter sport. It also helps that she knows how to fight, which managed her to get some bonus points with Olaf and Ymir. The only god in that House she didn't get along with is Kaldr. This is because he is the personification of heat death in his universe, uses his powers for evil, and the fact he doesn't mind it really sets her off.
  • She got to meet a living snowman in the Pantheon, who is Olaf. Olaf feels bad hearing the story of her father's death, and attempted to console her for it. The fact she managed to reconcile with the people that are responsible for her father's death pretty much astounded him. She is warmed by his loyalty to his friends and is happy to see that he could live in summer without melting. It also helps that he is created by one of her new friends in the Pantheon, Elsa.
  • Hearing about a Lostbelt where a Celtic figure became an avatar of her instead of being a warrior queen and goldslayer, she decided to go off to meet that person, who is Scathach. The goddess of winter is not impressed with what happened in that world and wanted to knock some sense into her....that is until she was stopped by the Master of Chaldea. Hearing about the story from them, she apologized to Scathach from confronting her mercilessly. She admires the Master from saving humanity as a whole even if the situation requires to destroy other Lostbelts to survives and that Scathach is one of the Servants he summoned. She became good friends with them after that and hearing about her other self, she wonders if she could be summoned as a Servant someday. Although for the moment, she has been having extra fatigue because she received a lot of summons for 'farming problems'.
  • Seeing that one of her domains as a goddess is archery and is an actual goddess, she was approached by Artemis and became rivals because of this. Artemis feels bad for her awful marriage, ststing that she didn't deserve any of this and wanted to kill the Aesirs for this, but Skaði calmed her down, as she already reconciled with them. Hearing about her association with the mountains, Artemis is happy to hear that there is someone share the same positions with her, even though Skaði is much more associated with winter. Because of this, the two established more of a Friendly Rivalry.
    • Through Artemis, she met other archers as a result, including her student, Chiron. She admires the centaur for his good wisdom and his good nature compared to the other centaurs and his family members, with Chiron admiring her sense of justice and judgement (though he does feel uneasy with some of her punishments), which is why they got along and passed more as friends rather than rivals. She also met other human archers, such as Hawkeye, Green Arrow, and Katniss. She is impressed with how keen sense of eyesight and their mastery of archery, and most of all, they're able to do it without having any superpowers to contribute it and are just mortals. With that, they're more like rivalry because she doesn't see them as the type she could hang out with and they're much more likely to have other archers as their own rivals, though she does admire the first two for their jobs as superheroes and the latter for volunteering as tribute in the Hunger Games, seeing it as a selfless act.
    • Hearing about an another archer named Hanzo Shimada, she feels bad for him. She thinks it sucks that he is in a redemption quest that is entirely pointless and thinks that he is irredeemable. He is also a bit of Death Seeker, but it also infuriates her that he couldn't find a way to forgive himself and also accepting Genji's forgiveness, which really sets her off. But she seems that he suffered too much that she calmed down a bit, but she hopes that he'll find a way to forgive himself and also accepting Genji's forgiveness and to become true brothers again. As someone who pursues justice and judgement, she forgives him for his actions, knowing that he has so much regret in his heart that she could feel sympathy for him, and seeing that she forgive the Aesirs for killing her father, it would be hypocritical of her to spite him if it wasn't for his desire of atonement.
  • Passionate in the pursuit of justice and judgement with some sources saying she is also the goddess of justice and judgement, she got along with the good side of the House of Justice. She is horrified to learn that there are evil deities of the House of Justice, wondering why they have a position there in the first place. She wanted to say that they should be disband from that House, but she knew she couldn't do anything and decided to leave them be.
  • She can be summoned as an SMT demon and as a Persona. She was contracted by Nanashi, Makoto Yuki, Aigis, Yu Narukami, and Ren Amamiya. Hearing that they are already in the Pantheon, she's very happy to see them again, congratulated them in their efforts to save humanity (though Nanashi's situation is different), and is willing to be contracted with them again if they ever need her help.
    • The Demi-Fiend is a special case. In his universe, she was one of the guardians of the flow of Magatsuhi and she represents the red temple. The Demi-Fiend was requested to liberate the three temples and in order to safeguard the place, they have to battle. After their battle, she joined him as one of his demons coincidentally by evolving Scathach. Seeing that he is not as different as the one she knew, she's willing to join him again.
  • She used to be one of Mem Aleph's enthralled Mothers until being defeated by Tadano Hitonari. Seeing that Skaði is different from the one Mem Aleph knew and that she truly doesn't care about humanity and wants to eradicate them, the goddess doesn't want to serve under her anytime soon, even though she understands her reasons of doing so.
  • Some sources say that after she and Njord have a divorce, she remarried Ullr, others said it's Odin. When a lot of deities ask her about it, she gives no comment about it. She doesn't want it to spill around the Pantheon any longer, especially in the House of Love, which really annoys her, as that House is known for it's Ship-to-Ship Combat, so she doesn't say anything about the issue, which disappointed some of the deities.
