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Characters / A Former Child Soldier Who Uses a Magic Sword

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Character sheet for A Former Child Soldier Who Uses a Magic Sword. Spoilers may be unmarked.

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Main Characters

    Applies to both Sato and Satis
Satis: Don't yell at him! It was my strategy!
Sato: Leave her be! She's no longer in the Demon King's army!
  • Age-Gap Romance: Sato's barely 12 and Satis is in her 20's yet they have great care for each other with the former clearly being in love with her and the latter liking to tease him.
  • Birds of a Feather: The two of them are their respective faction's crucial members yet they were both abandoned and left for dead, which causes them to join up with each other to find a new home upon coincidentally meeting each other.
  • Brains and Brawn: Sato is the Brawn due to spending his entire life as a Child Soldier, who only listened to orders, while Satis is the Brains due to once being the strategist of the Demon King's army.
  • Good Is Not Soft: They are exemplary at being morally upright, but they're also particularly brutal when provoked.
  • Humble Goal: Despite their strengths and talents, all they want is to find somewhere they can live peacefully together.
  • Security Cling: Whenever Sato sees Satis being troubled, he takes to holding and squeezing her hand to calm her down. She squeezes back, tenderly, to show that she appreciates it. In return, whenever he's troubled, or in trouble through no fault of his own, Satis has the tendency to grab him in a tight hug, not caring that their height difference puts his face right into her chest.
  • Seven Heavenly Virtues: Despite Sato's brutal and unflinching fighting style and Satis having once been a sadistic commander under the Demon King, they've got them all.
    • Charity: When Sato's hunting in the woods, with no options for his own survival and sees Satis collapse in front of him, he takes her to an abandoned cabin and tends to her physical and psychological needs until she recovers. She, in turn, shares her money, food, and other necessities with him.
    • Chastity: Sato and Satis are completely faithful to one another and keep things mostly innocent until things are safe enough to settle down.
    • Diligence: Neither of them is afraid of a little hard work, in fact, both come to the aid of the city of Ulane Donaugh without expecting a reward.
    • Humility: Neither Sato nor Satis cares that they're not going to wind up in the history books for their part in the city of Ulane Donaugh. They're just glad the people there are safe and sound.
    • Kindness: Off the battlefield, both of them are total sweethearts who wouldn't harm a fly without good reason. Give them a reason, though, and the response will be absolutely brutal.
    • Patience: They want to live a quiet life and aren't unwilling to wait however long it's going to take for that to come to pass.
    • Temperance: Sure, creature comforts are nice, Satis even set up a magic tool in their home in Benjamin Village so they can have a heated bath every day, but sufficient food, shelter, and clothing are all they really want and need.

I can't understand complicated stuff. The adults make boy soldiers like it's normal. As soon as I could understand what's around me, the adults told me "FIGHT" and beat me when I wouldn't.
The titular Child Soldier. He was raised in the gladiatorial pits and conscripted into becoming a soldier, at age 5. Fighting and killing is all he knows. According to the original source, he would have been condemned for not also being proficient at camp-side chores, but because he's extremely capable of wielding a magic-sword (sword summoned by magic), he was given a certain amount of leeway. At the age of 12, he's drafted into the Hero party as part of the force to go after the Demon King. One day, while they were all in the wilderness, the so-called Hero just summarily and unilaterally went full-tilt Holier Than Thou and expelled him for his brutal, efficient, and uncompromising fighting style "for lacking justice", sneering that Sato would likely become a bandit because killing is all he does, at which point the party would happily and self-righteously hunt him down with everything they got. With no options, no idea where he is or how to get home, Sato walks into the forest to hunt and almost literally bumps into Satis, his Archenemy in the Demon King's army only to watch her collapse from exhaustion, covered in wounds, and scars, her iconic outfit in tatters. Curious about what's going on, he carries her to a nearby abandoned cabin and lays her down to rest while he eats. It takes a few days of touch-and-go communication before they're able to come to an understanding that they've both been expelled from their respective armies and realize they have to work together to survive.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: His scleras are black and he has a very ruthless and brutal fighting style, but this is subverted since he is a naive sweetheart as shown by his interactions with Satis.
  • Category Traitor: Because Reid has 100% support from the king for unstated reasons, the fact that Reid kicked him out of the party means that even if he knew how to get home, he'd be seen as a traitor and deserter and killed on the spot. Even after Satis, of all people, offers to go with him as a high-value POW, he stops and thinks for a second before going "nah, not worth it," believing that he'd probably still be killed, even in light of such a monumental accomplishment. As such, he offers his hand in friendship to Satis and asks her to join him in his journey to explore the world and maybe find a house for himself. Tickled pink, she agrees.
  • Child Soldier: He's been in the army since age 5 and he's been a gladiatorial slave before that.
  • Circular Reasoning: A repeated victim of it.
    • "The adults" broke their own laws and made not only him but many other children child soldiers, would beat him if he doesn't fight and kill, yet look on at him in contempt because fighting and killing is all he knows.
    • He would be beaten into silence if he tried to think for himself, and would then be held in contempt for not thinking for himself.
    • The so-called Hero expels him from the party in the middle of the wilderness without options, and no way to get back home, most likely resulting in turning to banditry to survive and then promises to go full bore to hunt him down and kill him like a rabid beast if he does.
  • Cool Sword: As a magic swordsman, he is able to summon a burning sword to fight with.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Thanks to being a child soldier since age 5 and a gladiatorial slave before that, he's seen a lot of people broken by torture and warfare, so when Satis has a breakdown as a result of being challenged by some monster commanders who found her and Sato at the cabin they were occupying, he was completely unfazed, took down the threat and then made sure she was alright. Satis, for her part, has difficulty understanding why he didn't gloat or taunt her, like she used to torment the Hero party.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: He is very possessive and protective in regards to Satis. When a random guy in the men's bath asked "so is that gorgeous woman with you?" he immediately tensed up for a fight. The guy, identifying himself as Holmes, had to declare that it was merely an idle curiosity and had no ill will to keep Sato from lashing out.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: A slave in the gladiatorial pits and then put in the army at age 5, and people wonder why fighting and killing is all he understands.
  • Endearingly Dorky: What Satis loves most about him, and why she enjoys teasing him, is that puberty has grabbed him with both hands and his body's going "wait. Pretty girls are a thing?! How the heck am I supposed to process that?!" leaving him jittery when the two are alone and having him ogle Satis's generous bosom in spite of himself.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: When he first meets Satis after both have been exiled by their respective commanders, he reassures her by telling her that trash-talking is an effective means to get your enemies off balance to wave off her guilt for insulting him in the past. She actually meant her insults, it wasn't a tactic. But due to his Nothing Personal stance, he still waves it off.
  • Experienced Protagonist: He lived his entire life as a Child Soldier, which gave him tons of experience on the battlefield. Somewhat lampshaded by Hydra, who realizes that amongst the hero party, he was the only member with actual experience instead of just combat ability.
  • Exotic Eye Designs: His scleras are solid black with icy-blue pupils, yet he's entirely human. Nobody ever comments on it.
  • Famed In-Story: He is well-known due to being a powerful magic swordsman at such a young age with another magic swordsman, Osiris, wanting a duel with him and other kids forced to become soldiers seeing him as their hero.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Off the battlefield, he's a total sweetheart who wouldn't harm a fly, not even Satis when she was fleeing from the Demon King's army and he thought she was still his enemy. Once he's in battle though, he kills enemies indiscriminately, not sparing even those who flee or surrender, as he was trained that if he lets the enemy live, they'll just come and kill him later. How Satis managed to escape him despite challenging him repeatedly is never made clear.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: Yeah, he can mow through enemies, humans, or monsters, without fear, but being around a pretty girl named Satis has him so nervous and jittery that she needs to use sedation magic to let him sleep comfortably. When Satis barges into the bath to bathe him properly (cause he clearly wasn't taught that), he runs out screaming, and when she suggests sleeping in the same bed, he borderline has a panic attack, but is still grateful.
  • Magic Knight: The fact that he can summon a sword by magic and make the sword turn to flames at will is why he's valued by the army until the Hero goes full-tilt Holier Than Thou, expels him in the middle of the wilderness and taunts him that he's both likely to turn to banditry and the party would happily hunt him down with everything they have.
  • Mundane Luxury: His life was so deprived that a meal in a restaurant and a bath where he doesn't have to jump in and jump out in 10 seconds or less is an unimagined luxury for him, and Satis thinks it wouldn't be weird if Sato wanted revenge for being trampled on.
  • Nothing Personal: Despite his superiors trying to drill into him that he needs to hate his enemy, he holds no grudges against anyone since he knows that it is just a waste of time with him instead focussing on whatever enemy is in front of him.
  • One-Note Cook: He's only good at grilling. Other forms of cooking completely elude him.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: When he's on the battlefield and his eyes turn red, that means he's not going to let you live. Flee, surrender, beg for your life, doesn't matter. You are dead.
  • Reluctant Warrior: He pointedly does not like fighting and wishes he had skills that would serve well off the battlefield, but he never gets a chance to learn them, dragged into one fight after another.
  • Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training: He is one of the best fighters in the human lands, but in exchange, his entire childhood was stolen from him. Even something so simple as table manners eludes him. He knows they exist, but hasn't a clue how to actually implement them.
  • Scars Are Forever: His back is riddled with scars from whipping, swords, torture, and all sorts of abuse, and even the same magic Satis used to heal up from her scars can't help, because they're all way too old.
  • Sensing You Are Outmatched: Satis doesn't need to tell him he's no match for Sebek, he can feel it, and when Satis tells him to run as Sebek is coming for him, he replies that he'd flee if he could, but he can't as Sebek can, and does, easily catch up to him.
  • Smarter Than You Look: He can be cunning and guile when the situation calls for it. When in town with Satis and a monster was being dismantled only for everyone to learn it was Only Mostly Dead and it went on a rampage, Sato had promised Satis not to draw his magic sword in town and give himself away, so he commandeers a mask and a battered normal sword to face the beast without revealing his identity. Satis, after she fought off her trauma, provided a smoke-screen so he could use his magic sword unnoticed.
  • Somebody Else's Problem: When he starts hearing rumors that the so-called hero party may have turned to banditry, especially after seeing Hydra being totally nuts, he comes to the conclusion that it's none of his business as there's really nothing he can do about it, even if he was certain. This is justified considering that not only was he kicked out of the Hero party, but trying to find Reid is essentially an Impossible Task due to how much the madman wanders around.
  • What Is This Feeling?: Knowing nothing but brutal fights to the death, hanging out with Satis has been a real eye-opener. Her making his heart race when she flirts with him, holding hands, or simply having fun are all alien to him, but he finds it all rather pleasant so he clings to her like white on rice, and she loves it.
  • What You Are in the Dark: When alone in the forest and seeing his enemy Satis wounded, he was weary at first, but upon seeing that his enemy is wounded. He decides to nurse her back to health instead thus showcasing how wrong Reid is about his assumptions of Sato.

What? I thought Child Soldiers were outlawed in your country and all the nearby human countries, yet here you are!
Former top commander and lead strategist of the Demon King's army. She is not only stripped of her post, but sentenced to execution when the Demon King decides she lost to the Hero party one time too often. She somehow manages to escape, battered and bloody, only to almost literally run into Sato, her Archenemy, collapsing at his feet, face first. Rather than kill her when he has the chance, she finds herself in bed in a nearby cabin being tended by Sato. After a few false starts, the two realize they've been expelled from their respective armies and have to work together to survive. Romance ensues.
  • The Baroness: Sex pot type. Back when she was the top commander and top strategist of the Demon King's army, she deployed the troops in the most efficient way possible and did not hesitate to employ any winnable strategy, even exploiting her own sex appeal.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: To indicate just how much of a Bad Boss the Demon King is, in addition to being stripped of her position as top commander of the army and being sentenced to execution, the Demon King had her beaten, whipped, tazed, and literally trampled, so she fled for her life the first chance she got. Naturally, she very, very much now wants the Demon King defeated and toppled from his throne.
  • Combat Stilettos: She sports high-heels both on and off the battlefield. Doesn't bother her a bit.
  • Easy Logistics: She has a pocket dimension where she carries around money, food, backup clothing, tools, and weapons, you name it.
  • Good Feels Good: She's much, much happier traveling with Sato and living among human civilians than she ever was being the top commander and lone female of the Demon King army. This is due in large part to people showing her kindness, respect, and gratitude when she does something nice for them, as opposed to the Demon King's Villainous Demotivator antics.
  • Honey Trap: Attempted and averted. This is one of the many tricks and gambits she used to try and defeat the Hero party. It never worked.
  • House Wife: While Sato is so clumsy at household chores that asking him to clean house would likely have him topple the place, (Not Hyperbole), she excels at them. She makes delicious sandwiches, pies, and cakes just from having the recipe told to her once.
  • Hostage Situation: Subverted. When she and Sato are enjoying their lunch of sushi in a sushi restaurant, a gang of thugs barges in, demands immediate service, and picks a fight with Sato when he clearly doesn't like their leader trying to pressure Satis into a "date" with him and his men, the answer "no" clearly not allowed. One of the thugs puts a knife to her throat when Sato starts winning. Said knife is rendered harmless by Satis's magic and the thug finds himself being slammed to the ground. Too late, the rest try to run only to literally crash into Osiris, the town lord, who sees that same restaurant as his favorite dining place. Oops.
  • Lap Pillow: She loves to put Sato's head on her lap to watch him sleep, and this is the only time Sato has no issue sleeping while Satis is in the same place.
  • Leotard of Power: Her outfit is a magically prepared and repaired leotard with a Navel-Deep Neckline.
  • Love Redeems: By her own admission, she was a cruel and sadistic commander of the demon armies, with a horrific superiority complex against humans, even embodying Evil Is Petty in that she wanted to level Clay Shut city so she could have the hot-springs all to herself. Sato inviting her to go wander the earth and try to find a place to call home has her mellow immensely and she becomes a genuine hero, saving helpless villagers from monster attacks and snuggling up to Sato like crazy, which he enjoys.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She's very aesthetically pleasing, wears a skin-tight suit with a v-line that reaches to her navel, and loves to flirt aggressively with Sato, even dragging him into the bath with her. Hard to categorize her as anything else.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline: The "V" in her outfit goes all the way to her navel, and she never falls out, no matter how she moves.
  • Rescue Romance: The primary reason she warms up to Sato is that he repeatedly comes to her rescue and treats her kindly, when he has no reason to.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: She knows the effect her body has on Sato, but she still has no issue walking in on him bathing wearing nothing but a towel, dragging him into her bed while she wears a leather bikini, and otherwise being quite sexually aggressive.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: She was the top strategist in the Demon King army and she wears glasses.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: When she does have to be in battle with Sato, she's the sorcerer to his sword, fighting with magic while he uses swords and daggers very effectively.
  • The Smurfette Principle: As the Demon King's top strategist and commander, she was also the only female commander in his army.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: The only thing that makes it evident she's a demon is her gold colored eyes.
  • The Tease: She knows Sato's got the hots for her and loves to make the most of it every chance she gets.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Any kind of fresh fruit.
  • Trauma Button: The torture and humiliation she was forced to endure as she was stripped of power and sentenced to execution deeply traumatized her and being approached by monsters from the demon army had her recoil into a Troubled Fetal Position. She also had a good and jolly Freak Out when she found herself in a bed and saw Sato was watching over her, but when he hid behind a table to show that he's not a threat, and then saved her from a monster army attack, even if it was Enlightened Self-Interest, she began warming up to him.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Sure, Sato can take care of himself just fine, but she treasures him, so she's quick to get violent when she thinks he's in danger.
  • When She Smiles: She is very cute when she's happy and Sato will do pretty much anything to see her smile at him.

Hero Party

Having you in the party was a mistake. Your "evil" power can't possibly be of use to Humanity. Sato, you are expelled from the party!
The "Hero" of the party.
  • Bad Boss: As the leader of the party, he gave Sato very little to eat and always made him stand the majority of the watch. Although he seems to get along with the other party members at first, he's quick to insult them when they die or speak out of turn, showing that he ultimately views everyone else as a tool for his own glory.
  • Became Their Own Antithesis: He booted out Sato because he saw himself as the epitome of human virtue, out to stop all evil. By turning to banditry, he's become the very evil he was questing to defeat. The realization causes him to have a complete and total meltdown, grasping his head and trying to convince himself he's the good guy.
  • Beyond Redemption: The moment his own conscience disappears is when he kills a mayor's innocent daughter by accident. However, instead of owning up to his mistake, he tries to hide it and flees the village before he is caught, all under the continued delusion that he is the hero.
  • Can't Take Criticism: Due to his belief that the hero must be perfect, he is unable to take even the slightest hint of criticism with him going ballistic on Hydra for simply wondering what Sato would do in their situation.
  • Did Not Think This Through: Which Angelica calls him out on. He decides, in the middle of the wilderness, to boot out Sato from the party just because he finds the kid's fighting style barbaric when he and his party are right up against Demon King HQ and they're all expecting a hard fight with swarms upon swarms of monsters?
  • Fallen Hero: After booting out Sato, it's just one setback after another until the only two members of the party, himself and Angelica, are so desperate for supplies that they turn to banditry. When he whines about how Angelica pressured him into it, he winds up killing her in the struggle with her, completing his fall from heroism to villainy.
  • Good Is Dumb: Before his party started dropping like flies, he had a very rigid and foolish ideal of "justice" that mandated applying the absolute minimum amount of force and saw Sato being a whirlwind of death as utterly abhorrent. He completely failed to comprehend that humanity and the demon king's forces are in a state of war, of annihilation, his own country broke its laws to field child soldiers and an enemy spared is a threat ignored, and showing mercy carelessly only serves to prolong the conflict and increase the casualties. As it begins to slap him in the face, he slowly slips into evil, eventually leaving him with nobody to blame for his descent into villainy but himself.
  • Hate Sink: There is absolutely nothing likable or redeemable about this character. He condemns a 12-year-old boy to near-certain death for the "crime" of being a brutal Child Soldier, despite knowing full well (or should have known) that his own country made him that way. He mocks McLean's death as a weakling who is destined to fall by the wayside or be booted out eventually. He flips his lid and literally jumps on his biggest fan, Hydra, the instant he thinks she has second thoughts about his self-proclaimed vaulted leadership skills, siding with Angelica in threatening her to go hunt down Sato and drag him back, without any leads, expecting her to fail. He then goes with Angelica's plot to raid merchant caravans for supplies, getting into a fight with her when he sees her looting jewelry and other valuables, rather than the supplies they need, resulting in a fight to the death. Despite all his acts of villainy and eagerness to boot people from his party, knowing full well they'd be seen as traitors to humanity for it, he still twists himself into pretzels to make himself believe he can do no wrong and is the story's paragon of virtue.
  • Heroic Wannabe: Upon completely losing his mind, he continues to delude himself that he is the hero despite not having saved a single life and only committing several atrocities.
  • Holier Than Thou: His Fatal Flaw. He boots Sato from the party, telling himself and anyone who will listen to him that Sato is just a rampaging brute whose fighting style "lacks justice", which cannot be used to save mankind, completely overlooking the fact that humanity is in a war of survival against the Demon King's armies of monsters. Even after kicking Sato out, he firmly insists that as the "hero", he is more noble, righteous, and morally upright than everyone else. When it's just him and Angelica left, she gets fed up with it and tries to kill him for it.
  • Hypocrite: He gives a rather oxymoronic statement bordering on Insane Troll Logic when expelling Sato from the party. He kicks the boy out due to not liking his merciless fighting style and lack of hesitation when killing enemies yet after expelling him he also tells him that he won't hesitate to cut him down if he were to turn to banditry. So essentially he tells Sato he is banished for his lack of mercy to enemies and then tells the boy he will show no mercy to him if he were to become his enemy.
  • Ignored Epiphany: When his conscience takes the form of McLean and tries to get him to admit his crimes and atone for them, he completely blows it off and continues to delude himself into believing he is the hero.
  • Irony: He fully expected Sato would wind up turning to banditry because he abandoned the kid in the wilderness with no options and "[Sato] only knows how to kill." Sato winds up meeting Satis and the two of them wind up becoming authentic heroes, beating off Demon King army attacks at several villages, towns, and cities. Reid goes through his party in a hurry because he's a terrible leader and is the one who turns to banditry along with Angelica, the only one left, and in the middle of going through the loot, fights and kills the last party member, leaving him nobody to blame for his villainy but himself.
  • Kick the Dog: It wasn't enough for him to boot the clearly emotionally stunted and long, long traumatized Child Soldier Sato from the party, just because he found the latter's fighting style loathsome, no. He went and threatened the kid with being hunted down like a rabid beast when he turned to banditry, which he himself stated was the most likely outcome of leaving him alone in the wilderness with no options.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: We quickly learn from Sato that this self-righteous, self-proclaimed Hero treated Sato like absolute shit. Because the "hero" found Sato unpleasant, he would force the kid to stay up all night standing watch, starve him, forcing him to ration his meals and eat out of sight of the rest of the party, never sharing the good food, but only allowing him the preserved, and badly tasting emergency rations, if that, and sent him out to fight when he was barely able to stand. So the very night after he kicks Sato out of the party with nowhere to go and no options, he loses most of their supplies to a monster attack, is forced to eat terrible rations, loses team-mates left and right, and at the end of his rope, turns to banditry and then winds up fighting what remains of his party to the death. Only at that point does he even have the tiniest inkling of what Sato's life was like.
  • Mirror Character: Sato is a Child Soldier with experience on the battlefield and is quite mature with a sense of realism due to his experiences on the battlefield. Reid is an immature manchild with a naive childish belief in justice, who lacks any kind of experience on the battlefield.
  • Never My Fault: He twists himself into pretzels so he can believe he did nothing wrong when the consequences of his actions catch up to him.
    • The very evening after booting Sato out, nobody stood watch, because Sato was the one forced to stand watch, sometimes all night long. This results in the party being taken by surprise by a large swarm of monsters, forcing them to flee, and leaving behind the bulk of their supplies. When he has to stand watch himself, all night, because the rest of the party refuses to even take shifts, he cries out "Why is this happening?! I've done nothing wrong!"
    • When McLean, the monk, falls due to overexertion because Sato wasn't there to scout for them, Reid mocks the guy's corpse, saying he deserved it for being a weakling.
    • When the party's pace slows to a crawl, he blames Hydra, the martial artist, and condemns her to either find Sato and bring him back, or return home in disgrace, knowing it's extremely unlikely that she'd even find Sato, let alone succeed at convincing him to return.
    • When he turns to banditry, he puts the blame entirely on Angelica for forcing him to do it even though there is nothing to suggest that he could have refused her ultimatum. Angelica doesn't take kindly to that and tries to kill him, which ends with her being thrown off a cliff in the struggle.
    • The cumulation of everything is him believing that he is unable to make mistakes or crimes, he continues to believe that he is the hero and that all the crimes he committed are justified regardless of what he did.
  • No Sympathy: He does not sympathize with Sato's circumstances as a Child Soldier forced to kill to survive and only labels the boy as a violent killer. This eventually becomes a complete Lack of Empathy with him unable to sympathize with any of his victims and deluding himself that their deaths at his hands are for the (non-existant) greater good.
  • Obliviously Evil: Because he's obsessed with deluding himself that he can do no wrong and can't possibly be at fault for the consequences of his thoughtless and cruel actions, he is one of the evilest characters in the story, completely unaware. When he can't deny it, no matter how much he twists himself into pretzels to try and ignore reality, he goes into mental and emotional breakdowns, driving himself insane.
  • The Poorly Chosen One: It's never mentioned why the king has given him 100% authority to champion humanity's interests, to the point when he boots a party member out, it's treated as if the expelled member is a full-blown traitor, but he has to be among, if not the, worst possible choice for such a level of authority. He has to see himself as the noblest and virtuous person around, bar none, can't handle criticism, refuses to ever admit when he's wrong, or learn from his mistakes, and holds aloft as "justice" entirely unfeasibly strict rules of engagement that nobody can possibly survive if their enemies do not hold the same insane standards and are even marginally competent. He gets his party's monk (cleric) and top healer needlessly killed by holding back on the lethal force when outnumbered and outgunned by a sizable group of goblins until the martial artist was laid low by a blow to the head and retreat was impossible. He ships Hydra off on an impossible quest just for the mere suggestion that they're in over their heads. To top it all off, allows himself to be led into banditry, killing an entire caravan full of merchants, only to wind up killing the last member of his party in a struggle, making him a clear villain with nobody left to blame but himself.
  • Principles Zealot: The reason Sato's fighting style repulses him is that he sees "war" and "murder" as interchangeable terms, so he is convinced that "justice" mandates using the absolute minimum amount of force possible, always sparing enemies when he can, and trying to avoid casualties on both sides. It's not until his party's monk Mc Lean is dead as a result of attacking a troop of goblins head-on, only using lethal force at the last moment when Hydra is taken out with a blow to the head that he begins to think differently, but by that point, it's only himself and Angelica in the party and she convinces him to use lethal force on civilians, merchants, that they intended to rob, to Leave No Witnesses. He has a complete and total meltdown when his own principles come back to haunt him after he kills Angelica by pushing her off a cliff to her death.
  • Proof by Examples: He professes Sato is "rotten to the core" because of the boy's ruthless fighting style. He later meets Sebek, who just happens to be a magic swordsman and unlike Sato, happily works with the Demon King and relishes war. With two magic swordsmen being repulsive to him, Reid unilaterally decrees that all magic swordsmen are rotten to the core. Sebek calls him a "justice idiot" in response and happily proclaims that it's idiots like Reid that keep the war going, and going, and going, far longer than necessary, which is why he likes them so much.
  • Psychotic Manchild: He is essentially an adult man with the sense of justice a young child possesses who is incapable of growing up and would rather avoid problems and issues he can't deal with rather than adapt to them. Perfectly summed up by his conscious/"McLean":
    That “righteousness” you’ve been fostering so far, was it truly mature and lawful enough to be considered just? Well? You rejected your environment and the people you couldn’t deal with… And because you never got your way, you deluded yourself into thinking you were just. Am I right!?』(“
  • Removing the Crucial Teammate: Giving Sato the boot in the middle of the wilderness was the worst idea this self-righteous clod could have ever had. Not only was the party entirely reliant on Sato's unflinching loyalty, which was beaten into him since he was five years old, but Sato is the only one in the party who knew how to hunt and forage for food, and nobody else in the party was even remotely willing to stand watch during the night. Not to mention Sato's not only their best fighter, but also the only one with experience on the battlefield. Naturally, things unravel in a hurry when the Demon King's armies start coming for them. They even have the misfortune of clashing with Sebek at one point, and the guy doesn't even have to fight them seriously to stomp them, yawning and wandering off, bored, letting them live because it's not worth his time, breaking their fragile egos even more.
  • Sanity Slippage: After banishing Sato, he faces hardships and setbacks that only worsen his mental state, which is not helped by Angelica encouraging his worse traits and his inability to accept his wrongdoings. Once he is left by himself, he already killed many innocent people till the point he considers his consciousness (who took on the form of McLean) to be an evil spirit.
  • Slowly Slipping Into Evil: As the reality that humanity is in a war of annihilation with the demon king, and his own naivete has grievously harmed his party's prospects, as well as his own, dawns on him, he starts making compromises with his moral compass. He insults a party member who has died, sends his martial artist to find Sato, knowing it's an impossible task, and finally, when it's just himself and Angelica, turns to banditry to make up for their lack of supplies, which ends with the latter dying in a struggle and completes his descent into villainy upon killing a mayor's innocent daughter with his conscience fully disappearing.
  • Speak Ill of the Dead: After McLean died, he digs a grave and holds a funeral, but the instant Hydra is sent off to find Sato and tries to drag him back, he and Angelica sneer and mock his death, saying he was a weakling that was due to be booted out from the party next.
  • Too Dumb to Live: He's very foolish even by the standards of light/web novel antagonists who remove crucial party members. While most of these antagonists do so because the party member appears to be weak on the surface while having more esoteric or support-focused abilities, Reid exiles Sato for being too good at being a frontline fighter and being a ruthlessly efficient Combat Pragmatist, which is suicidal considering how strong some of the enemy aces like Sebek can be. As a result, the party can no longer handle large groups of regular foes due to the increased burden on the frontlines.

Who will stand guard? Thanks to a certain someone, the plebian is gone, remember?
The magician of the party.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: She's the daughter of a noble and is particularly vain, arrogant, petty, and spiteful as a result. It is her idea to turn to banditry after Reid, the "hero," kicked Sato out of the party.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: Attempted and averted. When she and the party have to flee from a horde of wild beasts, because Sato isn't there anymore, what she asks differs between mediums, but it's basically "Did it never occur to you that we'd need someone like Sato to deal with swarms of monsters like what we faced just now?" Most people would have a Jerkass Realization at that point. Reid, however, is so deluded and self-righteous, incapable of seeing himself ever being wrong, that he just shrugs it off and wonders why the hell things are going badly as he should clearly have been in the right.
  • Backstab Backfire: Sick and tired of Reid trying to deny reality and tell himself that he's still a genuine "hero" despite multiple acts of banditry and slaying innocents, she pulls the carriage she's driving over to a cliffside to have a "chat" with him. When his back is turned, she pushes him off the edge and stomps on his hands to try and shake him off. He grabs her leg in a rage and throws her down to her death instead. This completes his emotional and mental breakdown, but he still tries to tell himself he did nothing wrong and that he had no choice in his actions.
  • The Corrupter: It's slow and subtle, but she's the reason Reid begins the slow slide to evil. She destroys his self-confidence by mocking his idiotic decision to boot out Sato. She mocks Mc Lean's death. When Hydra rightly wonders what a trained warrior who spent his whole life on the battle-field like Sato might have to say about their prospects, Angelica feeds Reid's principle zealotry that war and murder are interchangeable then proclaims that Hydra is a burden and needs to redeem herself by bringing Sato back to the party, or else. When it's just the two of them Angelica convinces Reid that stealing supplies from merchants is their only option, and of course, they have to leave no witnesses, which officially makes them bandits. When Reid sees Angelica steal jewelry and other valuables, rather than the supplies they need, the two get into a fight and she winds up dead, completing his descent to villainy, with no way back.
  • Evil Feels Good: When she and Reid raid a merchant caravan, killing all the merchants, and she starts going through the loot, she is utterly ecstatic and starts preening with the jewelry she swiped. When Reid starts moaning and whining about it, she gets fed up and tries to kill him.
  • Evil Gloating: Which costs her her life. After she pushes Reid off a cliff, she stops and gloats about how useless a "hero" he is and how she could do better without him. This trips his inability to handle criticism which enrages him to the point he grabs her leg and throws her off, to her death instead.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: From a distance, she holds an aura of innocence and purity, even introduced with a Vomit Discretion Shot as she witnessed Sato's brutal fighting style, but up close and it's quickly apparent that she's vain, arrogant, petty, and cruel, thinks nothing of her quest nor teammates, whom she happily sacrifices for her own profit, and when the opportunity for banditry comes along, grabs it with both hands and with relish. She'd be the villain of the story if she hadn't stopped to gloat when she pushed Reid off a cliff, giving him the chance to recover.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Coming from a pampered and haughty noble upbringing, she flies into rages with disturbing ease the moment things don't go her way. The very first setback after Sato is booted from the party, she and Hydra nearly get into a fight to the death just because the party was forced to leave their luggage behind during a monster attack.
  • Hypocrite Has a Point: As pointed out by Hydra, Angelica was just as gung-ho about getting Sato out of the party as everyone else, but Angelica was right in taking Reid to task for booting him the way he did, and for Reid's naive and foolish thinking that "[Sato's] power is not one that serves and helps humanity" when the party is in the middle of the wilderness and needs all the help it can get in dealing with swarms of monsters belonging to the Demon King's army, or just swarms of random wild beasts. It's even more poignant with Sato being the one who was most often tasked with standing guard at night and now the rest of them are left without a watchman.
  • Ironic Name: Her name is Angelica, and she's one of the most evil characters in the series. Even Sebek, the battle junkie, is more sympathetic than her.
  • Irony: She insulted Hydra several times by questioning her abilities, which she used to convince Reid that they don't need her and forced her on a quest to find Sato. After finding Sato, Hydra wound up in Benjamin Village where she went through tons of training with its folk with Gendar stating that with her newfound strength, she can defeat any monster and possibly even the Demon King by herself.
  • It's All About Me: The quest to subjugate the demon king is a distant second priority in her eyes. All she really cares about is her own creature comforts, which is why she convinced Reid to turn to banditry in the first place, to secure food, valuables, carriages to ride in, etc.
  • Karmic Death: She convinced Reid to turn to banditry and then tried to kill him when he started whining and moaning about it. She's the one who wound up pushed off a cliff to her death during the struggle.
  • Lady Of Blackmagic: She specializes in offensive magic, although she can supposedly also use healing magic when necessary.
  • Snobs Versus Slobs: She's the haughty and arrogant snob to everyone else's slob. She sees other people as "plebeians" who aren't worth her time unless she can make immediate use of them. When she manages to convince and coerce Reid into banditry, she does not give even a single thought to her innocent victims, just the loot she gets her hands on. When she gets tired of Reid trying to deny reality and convince himself that he's still a good person, if he can do enough "good deeds" to make up for what he's done, she comes to the conclusion that he's outlived his usefulness and is nothing more than a piece of refuse that needs to be disposed of and replaced.
  • What Were You Thinking?: She rakes Reid over the coals for booting Sato out of the party when they were all in the wilderness and within spitting distance of their goal to take down the Demon King, putting all their efforts to waste when they had to flee an overwhelming horde of monsters, leaving most of their possessions behind.

The monk of the party.
  • The Conscience: Reid's conscience takes on McLean's form in an attempt to make him realize his mistakes. Sadly Reid has already gone off into a deep end and is unwilling to admit any of his wrongdoings. In Chapter 29 of the manga, Reid completely rejects his mental image of McLean, causing the latter to glitch out and essentially get deleted from Reid's mind.
  • Jerkass Ball: Despite Reid remembering him as the most grounded member of the team, McLean apparently voted with the others to expel Sato.
  • Morality Pet: Implied; Considering the fact Reid's conscience took on his form, he most likely was a positive influence towards Reid and the rest of the party with them fully breaking apart the moment he dies.
  • Team Dad: Whenever fights break out between the members after Sato's banishment, he steps in to stop it from escalating further. The moment he dies their next argument causes Angelica and Reid to give Hydra the Impossible Task of finding Sato due to Reid not being able to handle her slight criticism.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He died pretty soon after Sato left due to overexerting himself with his healing spells with his last appearance being Reid's conscience taking on his form.
  • White Mage: His role in the party is to heal its members with magic.

Don't criticize Reid. We were all disgusted with Sato and wanted him gone!
The martial artist of the party.
  • The Atoner: After recovering from her mental state, one of the things she wants to do upon leaving Benjamin Village is apologize to Sato for the way she treated him.
  • Driven to Madness: She is sent on the Impossible Task to bring Sato back to the party, with no idea of where he is, what he's up to, or any authority on the party's behalf to negotiate his return, just "get him back or you're next to be expelled, sent home in disgrace." By the time she finds him through sheer dumb luck, she's totally bonkers and tries to beat him into submission or kill him when he refuses to go back. When she sees Satis, she deludes herself that Sato's brainwashed and then eats a pill to temporarily boost her strength. She is stopped when she's arrested by Kilim and thrown into the village stockade as a "peace-hating lunatic."
  • Drugs Are Bad: She used a drug she looted from a bandit cave to temporarily boost her strength. In exchange, it made her even crazier and more violent. She could not be reasoned with and had to be knocked out and locked up in Benjamin Village's jail.
  • Easily Forgiven: The folks of Benjamin Village have no problem letting her out of jail after a few days despite her having attacked Sato and Satis since they see her as another "eccentric" like them. She is likewise also forgiven by Sato and Satis upon meeting up with them again since the former is not someone that holds grudges and the latter due to having done worse stuff than her when working under the Demon King.
  • Hero Worship: Deconstructed. She idolized Reid. All it got her was an incompetent commander who booted their best fighter out for foolish and petty reasons, undue humiliation on a repeated basis, and getting herself sent on an Impossible Task to bring back a guy who is way, way stronger and more skilled than herself and who has good reason to not want to return if he can even be found.
  • Mirror Character: Towards Reid since they are both persons with an immature sense of justice that went through Sanity Slippage. However, while Reid is unable to admit his wrongdoings and crosses the point of no return being reduced to an insane murdering bandit, Hydra manages to admit her mistakes, allowing her to regain her sanity and truly grow as a person. This is especially emphasized in chapters 59-62 with the chapters on Reid focussing on his descent into madness in contrast to Hydra's chapters focussing on her mental recovery.
  • Misery Builds Character: Going from a member of the hero party to falling down all the way to the jail of Benjamin Village allowed her to grow and mature away from her childish and naive belief in justice.
  • Multimelee Master: She's skilled in either her bare hands or a huge array of melee weapons including daggers, fans, spears, and swords.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: She has this reaction upon reflecting on her poor behavior towards Sato instead of trying to bond or sympathize with him when they were party members.
  • Sanity Strengthening: In her cell, she was eventually able to recover from her maddened state thanks the the villagers care and looks back at her actions with shame and regret. This along with the teachings from the villagers, especially Gendar, allowed her to mature with her last self-imposed test being the forbidden trial of the Wendigo.
  • Serious Business: The reason she's on the quest is to master and spread the fame of her family's martial arts, honed over generations. Any insult against them is to be met with force, and returning home as a failure, shaming the arts, is a Fate Worse than Death.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In Benjamin Village, she became much stronger both physically and mentally thanks to training and guidance she received from its folk, many of them being former heroes, sages, or soldiers that settled down there, with her last test before leaving being succeeding in the forbidden trial of the Wendigo that has never been cleared before.
  • The Victim Must Be Confused: The only way she can rationalize in her own mind Sato's refusal to return to the Hero party to be used as a horribly abused murder machine is that Satis has brainwashed him with magic. She has to be beaten unconscious and locked away in Benjamin Village's jail, thus Satis and Sato have to leave the village they found peace in.

Demon King's Army

     Demon King
Where is Satis?!
The leader of all the demon and monster armies. By sheer coincidence, he goes full-tilt You Have Failed Me on Satis at the same time the Nominal Hero Reid goes full-tilt Good Is Dumb, both parties sentencing their best people to death, more or less. Thanks to his own foolish decision, the demon armies begin to suffer devastating losses, even where the Hero party is not concerned. He unleashes the half-demon Sebek to make up for their lines being stretched too thin thanks to prioritizing the hunt for Satis over any chance at victory.
  • Authority in Name Only: What he eventually becomes after booting Satis since all demons don't even want to interact with him, which just leaves him alone in his castle ranting about Satis' "deception".
  • Bad Boss: He orders Satis stripped of her position, tortured, humiliated, and executed, because she suffered defeat after defeat facing the Hero party, touted as the elites of humanity.
  • Did Not Think This Through: Exiling Satis and sentencing her to death may have been a short-term fix to the demon army's morale, but she was the top strategist and their leader. Without her as the backbone, the armed forces quickly fell apart, and prioritizing finding her to lay the blame at her feet for daring to escape her execution has his forces stretched too thin. Furthermore, now that the sub-commanders know execution is in play for failure, the armies either smash themselves into fortified human positions until none are left standing or retreat from easily winnable fights because they don't want to run the risk of fighting and losing, only to be killed.
  • Hate Sink: He's a sadistic Bad Boss who has any subordinates who fail him tortured and executed, resulting in Satis being traumatized at the start of the series. He can also rival Reid in terms of incompetence and unwillingness to accept responsibility for his failures, resulting in his army fearing and hating him more than they respect him.
  • Make an Example of Them: Deconstructed. He has Satis stripped of her position, tortured, literally trampled by her former subordinates, and marched off to her execution. She somehow escapes and runs into her former enemy Sato who protects her, killing off the very monsters sent to capture her and take her back. This causes his armies' morale to utterly collapse, the troops to be thrown into disarray, battles that were previously easily winnable are either lost horribly, or not fought at all, and those sub-commanders who are marginally competent just throw themselves and their troops into unwinnable fights until they're utterly annihilated because they'd rather go out in a blaze of glory than torture and abject humiliation. Then, to double down on his idiocy, the Demon King sends Sebek at the fiercely neutral Wendigo tribes that wanted nothing to do with the war to make an example of them, perhaps hoping to pressure them into providing reinforcements. This results in having to fight on multiple fronts as his decision results in them being Neutral No Longer and now being actively hostile to his cause of monster hegemony.
  • Mirror Character: Just like Reid he caused his own downfalls and descent into madness by Removing the Crucial Teammate to his cause. However, while Reid becomes a wandering murdering bandit, the Demon King remains in his castle wallowing in his madness alone.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Despite his army's losses, he does not leave his castle at all and only wallows in his own madness there.
  • Removing the Crucial Teammate: Satis was the top commander of his armies and his top strategist. Stripping her rank and post left his armies leaderless and disorganized. Battles that could have been easy victories are now either horribly lost or not fought at all.
  • Self-Disposing Villain: He caused his own downfall by ordering Satis' execution since now without their strategist and leader. His army is left unorganized and ripe for humanity to defeat even without the help of the hero or their strongest fighters. This caused him to be Driven to Madness and become an Authority in Name Only.
  • Villainous Demotivator: After suffering defeat after defeat at the hands of the Hero party, he has Satis stripped of her position, tortured, publicly humiliated, and literally trampled, on her way to execution. She flees. While this does initially give the armies a momentary boost because they just vented all the rage for their losses on their commander, these armies quickly fall apart when the demon king continues to apply this standard to commanders that lose the fight, regardless of the reason. Commanders soon start fleeing the battle-field, retreating from easily winnable fights, or just summarily throwing themselves at heavily fortified positions without restraint, thinking it would be better to die nobly in a hopeless battle than to come home, defeated, only to face death after being horribly tortured and humiliated first. Naturally, the demon and monster armies start losing the war campaign in a hurry and the demon king has no idea how to recover.

Hello, kid. Oh you're a strong one! You must enjoy fighting and killing, same as me? How about we join forces under the Demon King together, eh?
Formerly a human, he's been transformed into a majin while working for the Demon King's armies. The only thing he enjoys is killing strong enemies in battles to death.
  • Affably Evil: He's always pleasant and jovial, especially when he's hunting down and killing strong opponents.
  • Blood Knight: His one and only pleasure is battling to the death with strong enemies. The rest of the time, he's listless and bored.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: He's so much stronger than even Sato that he has no problem taking a break and having a friendly chat right in the middle of a fight, without leaving any openings whatsoever.
  • Demon of Human Origin: He used to be 100% human but became a "half-demon" Majin at some point in the past.
  • Evil Counterpart: Just like Sato, he used to be a Child Soldier with the ability to use a magic sword, but unlike Sato, who has no personal enjoyment in it, he completely loves all the carnage on the battlefield and turned himself into a Majin to continue fighting in his prime.
  • Healing Factor: Thanks to his demonic powers as a Majin, he can regenerate his wounds.
  • Not Worth Killing: While initially ordered to assist the goblins in defeating the "Hero" party. He is then suddenly sent away to another mission with him not even trying to fight them due to considering them too weak.
  • Psychological Projection: He presumes that since he's a powerful fighter who enjoys battles to the death, other strong fighters are the same. He even offers Sato the chance to fight by his side so they can seek the thrill of dangerous battles together. While he does recognize that Sato has self-worth issues, his mindset causes him to believe that becoming a Blood Knight is the best way to solve those issues.
  • Tattooed Crook: He's got tattoos all over his body and turned on humanity to serve the demon king, purely for the sake of finding tough battles to the death to fight.
  • Villain Has a Point: When facing the "Hero" party, he points out that self-righteous people like Reid are often the cause of wars. What keeps this from being Even Evil Has Standards is that he wants more war for the sake of his lust for combat.
  • We Can Rule Together: He offers Sato the chance to join him and together eliminate the Demon King and then go looking for tougher enemies to fight. Sato doesn't even bother with a response other than trying to defeat him and escape.
  • We Will Meet Again: Facing down Satis, Sato, and Osiris, the Magic Swordsman lord of the city his army's besieging, he calls off the fight and promises to fight Sato again in the future, leaving and taking Goburoku with him.
  • Worthy Opponent: He considers Sato one and lets him live under the hope that he can become stronger. In turn, Sato acknowledges that Sebek would have won if their duel continued and that he needs the Wendigos' help if he wants to surpass the Majin.

Sebek, you are the Demon King's last hope. You can't die, no matter what.
A commander in the goblin branch of the Demon King's army and Sebek's nominal trainer.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: He happily follows Sebek around because the guy treats him with kindness and respect when even his own goblin army won't.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He thinks the Demon King goes way too far in punishing subordinates who fail their mission.
  • Hero Worship: He borderline idolizes Sebek, seeing him as the Demon King's hero, for saving the army from certain defeat at several points. Sebek, in return, never fails to treat him kindly and with respect.
  • Honor Before Reason: He's a warrior first, goblin second, which is why he hesitates to kill women and children, even if they're armed and coming for him.
  • Morality Pet: Sebek, despite being a blood-thirsty battle junkie who rarely cares about his fellow soldiers or even orders from the Demon King, aside from the opportunity to have fun in fights to the death, never, ever fails to treat this guy kindly and with respect.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: If it wasn't for the fact that the Demon King's armies and humanity are in a brutal war of annihilation, he'd probably be a pretty decent guy. It's only because of said war that he's an antagonist.

Human Territories

Say, is that hottie with you?
A mercenary of unknown affiliation that Sato meets in the hot-springs of Clay Shut City. He shares a few key insights and is only in the city to escort the corpses of subjugated monsters brought in for dismantling and processing into weapons, armors, etc.
  • Bit Character: His appearances are few, and far between, and he doesn't really do much on-screen.
  • Consummate Professional: He's a mercenary, yes, but he's jovial and polite off the job. On the job, he is strictly professional.
  • Everyone Can See It: He loves to poke fun at Sato by pointing out that the boy's infatuation with Satis is glaringly obvious.
  • Mr. Exposition: He's only in the story to explain and expand upon certain background elements.

A female knight Sato and Satis find passed out on the road between villages. She accosts them for food and water because she was lost for three solid days. After being tended to, she escorts them into town to meet the mayor of Benjamin Village.
  • Growling Gut: How Sato and Satis learn that her claims of having gone without food or water aren't faked. Her stomach growls as Sato has her pinned to the ground when she jumped him.
  • No Sense of Direction: Despite being less than a day's walk from her village, in a flat meadow, out in the open, she got totally lost for over three days.
  • One Degree of Separation: She's Holmes's ex. Sato finds that out when she's sitting on the roadside with him, ranting about her woes.
  • Recognition Failure: Even though Sato and Satis identified themselves by their proper names, she failed to recognize them. She thought their names sounded familiar but couldn't quite place them.

     Ryoudou Anacondell
Sato, how can you be so good caring for your bow, setting traps, and hunting and still be so terrible at household chores?
A retired army sniper who settled down in Benjamin Village.
  • Famed In-Story: In the world setting, nobody doesn't know the name Ryoudou Anacondell. Even Sato grew up admiring him.
  • I'm Not a Hero, I'm...: He shrugs off all forms of praise, insisting that he's no role model, and that his time as a sniper was just "murder, stealing lives while hiding in the shadows."
  • Living Legend: He's known as a legendary sniper and hates it, so he retired to Benjamin Village where people go to forget their pasts and have said pasts forgotten.
  • Retired Badass: He's gone from a legendary sniper to a simple hunter who lives in a back-water village, to spend the rest of his days in peace.

A man Sato is sent to speak with after falling into an ancient ruin and seeing a cave painting of Ahas Patel, which Satis did not see even though she was there with him. He speaks of the ancient creation myths of the Yeller tribe.
  • Magical Native American: He dresses like a Native American chief, with a head-dress of feathers, his house is surrounded by totems, he has a skin tone that matches those of the Native Americans, and he shares prophetic visions.
  • Prophecy Twist: He warns Sato to beware an unexpected visitor, an awfully exhausted woman with eyes full of madness who is roaming the land alone like a ghost. Along comes Hydra, looking for Sato, and she's indeed weary to the bone and mad as a hatter.

     The Thugs
Oi! Pretty lady. How about spending some time with me and the boys? Of course, "no" isn't an answer you should be saying!
A group of self-admitted lowlifes who stormed the sushi restaurant that Sato and Satis were perusing, interrupting their lunch, and start throwing their weight around. Their leader makes the twin mistakes of making unwelcome passes at Satis and then attacking Sato upon seeing that the former Child Soldier is not thrilled about it. When Sato stomps him, he gets the "brilliant" idea to have one of his men threaten Satis with a knife. It does not end well for him or his gang.
  • Curbstomp Battle: The thug leader and his men pick a fight with Sato and Satis, threatening both with blades. The leader winds up head to the ground with Sato's own magic sword at his neck, and the guy who threatens Satis has his blade rendered harmless and winds up punched to the ground by her. The rest flee, only to literally crash into Osiris, who doesn't take their antics kindly and beats them to the ground without trying.
  • Miles Gloriosus: They love to cow people by proclaiming themselves the best swordsmen in the world and having a history of impaling cocky brats on the end of their blades. In truth, they are total chumps with more ego than sense.
  • Mugging the Monster: They pick a fight with what they presume to be a cocky teen and a helpless babe. They were lucky to walk away with their lives and limbs intact as they were attacking the renowned Sato "Storm of Destruction" and Satis, (former) commander of the demon king's army and top strategist, a Kung-Fu Wizard of some renown.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: By harassing the sushi restaurant where Sato and Satis were eating their lunch, and then foolishly attacking Sato and Satis themselves, they put Sato and Satis in Osiris's good books, which goes a long way towards defending the city when the Demon King's armies come knocking, led by Sebek.
  • No Name Given: None of these yahoos is named, and there's no need to, as they're all just throw away characters.
  • Recognition Failure: Sato and Satis are both well-known and notorious for their brutality in a fight, yet these clowns didn't recognize either of them, their leader threatening to impale Sato for looking at him funny, and then threatening Satis when Sato cleaned his clock.
  • Slobs Versus Snobs: The self-proclaimed slobs. By their own admission, they are lowlifes and thugs who sneer at honest citizens with abject disdain and love to make themselves feel important by throwing their weight around and demanding superior service because they're lowlifes.
  • Tempting Fate: They all knew, in advance, that the sushi restaurant they decided to harass is the favorite restaurant of Osiris, the town lord and a powerful Magic Swordsman in his own right. Their barging in during Sato's and Satis's lunch wasn't the first time they've done it, but they've managed to get away with it by being gone long before Osiris could make it to the scene. This time, they decided to pick a fight with what they considered a cocky teen and a beautiful but apparently helpless woman, since she was unarmed. Not only do a couple of them get taken down with ease in the restaurant itself, but the rest run right smack into Orisis himself, who is not amused and smacks them to the ground when they try to run.

The lord of Ulane Donaugh. The most recent city Sato and Satis visit on their journey, as of manga chapter 22.
  • Good Counterpart: He likes to boast a lot about justice, but unlike Reid, his sense of justice is tempered with maturity. He allows Sato and Satis to tour his city peacefully, despite Satis being a former commander for the Demon King, since it's clear they mean no harm.
  • Instant Armor: His magic sword has the power to armor him from head to toe at will.
  • Large Ham: He is very loud and flamboyant.
  • Shout-Out: Fully armored, he looks like RoboCop
  • Spirited Competitor: He loves to fight purely for the thrill of the challenge, win or lose. He decrees that a man's true character can only be gleaned from seeing them in battle. He naturally challenges Sato to a "friendly match" when the two meet and is a Graceful Loser when Sato comes out on top.

A species of demons unaffiliated with the Demon King. They are mystical beings of legends that guide certain individuals.
  • Neutral No Longer: During the war, they were fiercely neutral, refusing to partake in the fight. When the Demon King foolishly sent Sebek at them to Make an Example of Them, they shrugged off their neutral stance and declared total enmity towards the Demon King's cause.
  • Shrouded in Myth: Their powers and creations are a huge mystery with Satis being very excited at finding ruins of their creations.
