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WMG / One Piece (2023)

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Future casting possibilities

Chopper and Brook will be puppets or prosthetics over CG to save money

Luffy and Robin are gonna team-up during the final fight with Crocodile, or Robin gonna deal with some random BW agents, and make sure, they'll not attack Luffy from behind, when he'll be busy with Crocodile

Certain characters and arcs could be cut to save time (and budget)
Likely elements to be dropped are:
  • Gaimon’s Island
    • Confirmed.
  • Karoo will be Adapted Out, Demoted to Extra, or at least will stay on the ship (and out of frame) as much as possible.
  • Chaka will be Adapted Out, as his role as Zoan-using second in command can easily be filled by Pell.
  • Skypiea is likely to be cut, as it requires heavy special effects for an arc that doesn't have very many ties with the rest of the story, and the world building elements can be folded in to different arcs
  • Long Ring Long Land
  • The Slip-Slip Fruit will be Adapted Out, or at least its power to cause any excess fat to slip away, since Alvida won't need such powers on account of being nowhere near as morbidly obese in the live action series as she was in the manga.
  • They will combine elements from Whiskey Peak and Little Garden arcs in one storyline (two episodes, most likely) but not gonna show dinosaurs (they wasn't important for the plot, only Dorry and Broggy are)
Certain story elements such as Haki and Sanji’s family will receive foreshadowing.
  • Confirmed for the Haki part. Besides Shanks scaring off the Sea Emperor that nearly ate Luffy, Garp is implied to be using Haki during his fight with Luffy at Arlong Park.

Sanji's smoking will be reduced or cut entirely.
  • Somewhat confirmed, in that he's shown doing it occasionally instead of nearly every time he's on screen.

Koby will be transgender in this version, like Morgan Davies.
  • Does Koby need to be transgender just because his actor is? There are plenty of LGBTQ+ characters in One Piece as it is. And besides, Koby can always be Real Men Wear Pink with his pink hair.

Some of the fanservice will be toned down
This is a live action series, so it would be hard to emulate such scenes without Oda's signature art-style.

The Japanese cast would reprise their roles in the Japanese dub
  • Confirmed.

The first season will end with a stinger showing Sir Crocodile.
What better way to build up hype for one of the most beloved One Piece arcs, Alabasta Kingdom, than giving the primary villain a quick showcasing?
  • Jossed. Smoker is the one who gets a cameo at the end of Season 1. Although, Baroque Works was directly referenced in the first episode.

Or The Stinger is a recreation of the first anime season OP in live action
  • Jossed, "We Are!" is heard as an instrumental version after the Straw Hats' ceremony by the end of "Worst of the East".

The First Season will cover the East Blue Saga, saving Baroque Works Saga for season 2
  • Confirmed, though it does stop just shy of the Loguetown Arc.

Don Krieg is no longer attacking Baratie
Basically, instead of Krieg showing up and Nami sneaking away while that fight's happening, Arlong shows up and takes Nami himself, saying that she's late returning or something. Krieg has been cast, so he'll show up elsewhere, but Arlong has replaced him during the Baratie episode.
  • Or alternatively, Krieg is ordered by Arlong to bring Nami to him.
  • Confirmed. Don Krieg is killed by Mihawk during their encounter, and the Baratie arc is more focused on Zoro's duel with the latter followed up by a surprise attack from Arlong.

The Sogeking mask will be a modified Tengu mask
  • Naturally, Usopp's nose was a design that couldn't translate well into live-action. So, as a Mythology Gag, when he becomes Sogeking, he will wear a Tengu mask.
    • The Sniper King mask was just a random mask Usopp grabbed from Water 7, why wouldn't they have him wear the same mask?
  • Alternatively, the mask could still have a long nose, but it will be more accurate to the manga, which is inspired by Venetian Carnival masks.

Someone else will point Luffy in the direction of Zoro's swords.
During the Shells Town arc in the manga and anime Zoro pointed Luffy in the right direction. Which doesn't make sense with his sense of direction.
  • Alternatively, Luffy gets lost taking Zoro's directions and just forces Helmeppo to tell him.
  • Jossed, Luffy just unties Zoro and he finds his swords on his own. Also, the live action Zoro's lack of sense of direction is downplayed in the adaptation, and he's even mentioned as being able to track people.

There will be a Mythology Gag to the 4Kids dub
  • When Sanji is first introduced, he is seen sucking on a lollipop, since it appears his smoking habit has been downplayed, if not omitted.
    • Jossed.
  • The rap will be sung, except as a sea shanty. The lyrics might also get altered too.
  • Zoro will be accidentally called "Zolo".
  • The introduction of Smoker's devil-fruit powers is preceded by his iconic cigars getting knocked out of his mouth, only to show that there is still smoke coming out of it.
  • Sanji will talk in a Brooklyn accent in a scene where he has to go in disguise.
  • When sneaking into a military base, Nami or Usopp replace their guns with Super Soakers.
    • Alternatively, one of the Marines will suggest (jokingly or not) that they use water guns on Ace.

Sanji trims his eyebrows
People have noticed Sanji lacks his distinct curly eyebrows. Considering curly eyebrows are a notable trait of the Vinsmoke family, it would make sense for Sanji to distance himself from them.
  • Indirectly Jossed - his eyebrows stay the same during the entire 70 days he's marooned with Zeff as a child, without access to food, shelter or basic grooming necessities.

A book of Devil Fruit will be shown and we'll get Early Bird Cameos of abilities that don't show up until much later.

Arcs that will be adapted into potential future seasons, depending on how long the series goes
  • Season 2: Loguetown, Reverse Mountain, Whisky Peak, Little Garden, Drum Island, Alabasta
  • Season 3: Jaya, Skypiea, Long Ring Long Land, Water 7, Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark
  • Season 4: Sabaody Archipelago, Amazon Lily, Impel Down, Marineford, Post-War
  • Season 5: Return to Sabaody, Fishman Island, Punk Hazard, Dressrosa
  • Season 6: Zou, Whole Cake Island, Reverie, Wano Country

  • Given how long the later arcs can get, especially Post-Timeskip, I doubt the show will be able to adapt all that in only six seasons. (Seven if Egghead and the remainder of One Piece gets its own season.)

Another possible arc arrangement, given the producers' current aim to go 12 seasons:
  • Season 2: Loguetown, Reverse Mountain, Whisky Peak, Little Garden, Drum Island, Alabasta
  • Season 3: Jaya, Skypiea, Long Ring Long Land
  • Season 4: Water 7, Enies Lobby
  • Season 5: Thriller Bark, Sabaody Archipelago
  • Season 6: Amazon Lily, Impel Down, Marineford, Post-War
  • Season 7: Return to Sabaody, Fishman Island
  • Season 8: Punk Hazard
  • Season 9: Dressrosa
  • Season 10: Zou, Whole Cake Island, Reverie
  • Season 11: Wano Country, Egghead
  • Season 12: Elbaf, Final Saga

The Clima-Tact will be given an Adaptational Badass
More specifically the party functions will be altered to be used for distractions and evasion

Hatchan will still play a role later on despite being Demoted to Extra in Season 1
The lack of focus on him during the battles at Coco Village, with his appearance limited to a card game with Nami early on, makes his canon escape from the Marines all the more plausible. He could still play a very similar later role if the series makes it to Sabaody Archapelago and the time skip.

Future Wanted Poster intro gags
  • Luffy: Gleefully takes it and throws it in the air in celebration
  • Ace: He burns his poster.
  • Crocodile: He pierces it with his hook.
    • Alternatively, he shreds it to nothing with his sand powers.
  • Daz Bone/Mr. 1: Karate Chops it with a blade hand.
  • Nico Robin: Uses a fleur hand to smack it.
    • Unlike the other wanted posters, which have been presented in ways that hype up their subjects, Robin's will have more dramatic weight, as both the reveal of her real name and how young she was when the bounty was issued.
  • Wapol: chomps down on it.
  • Jimbei: He punches it away.
  • Foxy: He punches a hole through it.
  • Bege: Hatch opens up on his chest and blasts it away.
  • Koala: Kicks it away in the middle of a fight.
  • Doflamingo: Makes his poster dance around with a string he attached to it.
  • Shiki: He taps the poster, and it flies away above him.
  • Big Mom: She eats her poster.
  • Koby: The poster flies into his face, surprising him, and he throws it to the side.
  • Kizaru: He fires a light beam through the poster.
  • Akainu: He immolates his poster with magma.
  • Blackbeard: Slashes at it with his sword with a sadistic grin.
  • Sanji: Takes it and is shocked by the bad drawing of him it has in place of a photo.
  • Franky: Grabs his poster before doing his super pose.
  • Brook: His wanted poster from back when he was human sticks onto his face.
  • Aokiji: Turns his poster to ice with a touch before it melts away.
  • Enel: Electrocutes it.
  • Kaido: Rips it in two.
  • Law: Warps it away with Room.
  • Bon Clay: They use their shapeshifting power to turn into their poster before reverting back.
  • Sogeking: He crumples the poster and shoots it with his slingshot.
  • Gecko Moria: One of his zombies grabs the poster.
  • Chopper: He bulks up and tears it up after seeing how low his bounty is.

Usopp will have a Hidden Disdain Reveal towards Luffy in the Water seven arc
The Straw Hats having to depart from Going Merry due to her being too heavily damaged and Usopp fighting with Luffy was one of the most tearjerking moments in the anime. Combine that with the 2023 show's Adaptational Angst Upgrade for Usopp, he will reveal that he resents Luffy for being close to Yasopp.
  • Let's not forget that Merry straight up died in this adaptation, so in effect, losing the Going Merry might very well feel like letting Kaya's friend die a second time to Usopp. That would take one hell of an emotional toll on him and might cause him to say things he'd normally keep bottled up.

Kaya will play a role in the Water 7 arc
Since her family owns a shipyard in this incarnation, she'll go there seeking somebody who could run it while she's studying to be a doctor. She'll be how the Straw Hats learn about Franky. She'll also be the one to convince Usopp to let the Merry go near the end.

Pell will be killed by the Alabasta bomb
I mean, if they’re going to kill Merry...

Numerous other characters will suffer Death by Adaptation
Pell has already been mentioned, but others could bite the bullet along with him. Some potential victims:
  • Any and all Baroque Works agents not named Vivi, Robin, or Messrs. 2 and 3.
  • Igaram.
  • Some of the Bellamy Pirates (following their encounters with Blackbeard and Doflamingo)
  • Doctor Hogback.
  • Spandam, definitely.
  • Koby, Helmeppo, or Garp during Marineford; maybe Luffy if the producers are feeling especially ballsy
  • Gecko Moria during the timeskip
  • Jaguar D. Saul
  • Dorry and/or Brogy
  • Enel, if they do adapt Skypeia somehow
  • Charlotte Pound
  • Saint Charloss. And nothing of value would be lost.
  • Hody Jones, who was pretty much doomed to die by the end of his arc anyways

Possible Call-Forwards
  • When they cross Reverse Mountain and meet Laboon for the first time, there will be a shot inside Crocus' lighthouse home, showing wanted posters for Brook (When he was still alive), Gold Roger, and possibly other members of the Roger Pirates.
  • Maybe in a flashback, they will show us Brook for a couple of seconds (but without showing his face). I can easily imagine such a scene: Yorki, or someone else from the crew shouts Brook's name, requesting a song, and we are shown the silhouette of a tall violinist and his trademark laughter is heard.
  • When the Straw Hats meet Ace, Luffy and him will get nostalgic for their childhood adventures, but then Ace stops himself before he could mention Sabo.
  • Speaking of which, Dragon will be shown talking to somebody offscreen who is all but confirmed to be Sabo.
  • A news article will show the increase of toys populating Dressrosa.
  • Robin will mention that she once had a home that's now wiped off the face of the earth.
  • When asked about his family, Sanji will visibly cringe for a moment before brushing the question off or giving a Non-Answer.
  • Luffy announces his intentions to find a musician for the crew and says he'll take any kind of musician, even if they're dead.
  • Someone will ask Luffy what the D in his name stands for, to which Luffy replies by saying he never asked what it meant.
  • More wanted posters of future characters will appear in the background.
  • Movie-only characters like Shiki or Uta will be mentioned.

"My Sails Are Set" will play again during the Going Merry's funeral.
If one examines the lyrics, they seem to match the Going Merry's actions during the Enies Lobby arc.

G-8 Arc
G-8 Arc will get adapted, as it is a fan favorite, despite being filler.
  • We could at least see Jonathan as a cameo or a supporting character. In the event the whole arc does get adapted, it might take elements from other arcs, seeing as how the show's been changing things up a lot already.

The Straw Hats will go to a different island than Whiskey Peak once they reach the Grand Line.
Given how many routes Paradise has that lead to Sabaody, this could make for some good potential to diverge the story ala Final Fantasy VII Remake.

The LGBT characters will be heavily altered to avoid the Values Dissonance and Fair for Its Day minefields from the original
At the very least there's no way the Kamabakka Queendom will be adapted in its current form, let alone Sanji's timeskip subplot

Brook's Netflix portrayal
Since Sanji's lecherous tendencies were toned down, Brook could be portrayed as someone with No Sense of Personal Space after spending years in the Florian Triangle alone

Marines will get their own bit like the wanted posters
To introduce new marines, some kind of interactive item will appear on or over them. Either their rank insignia or a military ID.

  • I mean, Cross Guild is a thing post-Wano…

Live action Brook's soul will find his body quicker than the original
Thus he will be a Zombie instead of a skeleton - meaning (relatively) cheap zombie makeup and prosthetics, rather than costly skeleton CGI or puppetry.

If Foxy still shows up, Usopp will make fun of his nose
It would be too ironic to avoid.

Zoro will call out his attack, most likely Onigiri, next season
It's understandable he cannot fully say it since his mouth is muffled with Wado Ichimonji but it's to show his unity with the crew as well as to some comedy given that he might clarify what his attack name is. Sanji will most likely make fun of it, saying he named it after rice balls.

If the series ever reaches Sabaody Park and Fishman Island, Arlong will take Hachi's place in the storyline
Considering the series seems to be taking an Economy Cast approach when it comes to the Arlong Pirates and cut out Hachi because it would be too hard to portray him with CGI, it would make sense for Arlong to come back into the story. Might be interesting to see how his dynamic with Nami has evolved a few seasons from now.
  • Alternatively, Chu or Kuroobi will take Hatchin's place.

Chopper will be played by a muppet
With CGI transformation edits to replace one muppet with another.

Kuro disabled the security system
As part of his plan to kill Kaya, he disables the security lock in Kaya's parent's room. This is to prevent her from escaping to unlock the house after he has Buchi lock it up. As Kaya will move towards the room in the event of her fearing something is "wrong" with Klahadore and avoids him, it allows him to corner her in a small, confined room.

Season 2 logo predictions
  • Episode 1- Loguetown: The "O" will be Alvida's Jolly Roger, and the "I" will be her mace.
  • Episode 2- Laboon and Whiskey Peak: The "O" will be the Rumbar Pirates Jolly Roger, and the "P" in "Piece" will be Soul Solid.
  • Episode 3- Little Garden: The "O" will be the Giant Warrior Jolly Roger, and one of the "Es" in "Piece" will be Mr. 3's 3-shaped hairdo.
  • Episode 4- Drum Island Arrival: The "O" will be the Tin Tyrants Jolly Roger, and the "P" in "Piece" will have a bite taken out of it.
  • Episode 5- Drum Island Climax: The "O" will be Chopper's Jolly Roger, and the "I" will be Dr. Kureha's liquor bottle.
  • Episode 6- Nanohana and Yuba: The "O" will be the White Beard Jolly Roger, and all of "Piece" will be in flames.
  • Episode 7- Rainbase: The "O" will be the crocodile on top of the Rain Dinners building, and the "I" will be one of Robin's arms.
  • Episode 8- Alubarna: The "O" will be the Baroque Works Jolly Roger, and the "P" will be Crocodile's hook.

Pell will be undercover with Vivi
In order to sell Pell’s sacrifice in the more compressed live-action format, his relationship with Vivi will be established earlier.

If Buggy and Alvida team up in season 2...
There'll be a scene where Alvida sees Buggy using his Chop-Chop abilities, and this exchange will occur:

Ace will accompany the Straw Hats part of the way into Alabasta
Ace gets comparatively little screentime in the manga, and him following the Straw Hats to Yuba in the anime helped audiences connect with him; Ace could also potentially fill in exposition on Logia Devil Fruit as a way to set up Crocodile's defeat.

Sanji's wanted poster will be a picture of his manga version
Because, much like the Foxy/Usopp theory above, it would be a joke too perfect to pass up.

Koby will play a part in the Loguetown Arc
Mainly so he'll finally get the opportunity to stand up to Alvida, which he didn't get a chance to in season 1. During their confrontation, she'll hit him with her mace, which will be how he gets his forehead scar.

Vivi will appear in Loguetown
Similar to how Nami featured in Shells Town due to being the focal character of Arlong Park, Vivi will be introduced at the beginning of season 2 due to being the driving force of the Alabasta Saga.

Skypeia will be less cloudy
In order to save on the effects budget, Angel Island and the Shandian Village will be on vearth/land, and the characters will spend less time traveling on the White Sea.

Sanji's Wouldn't Hit a Girl belief will be toned down.
Sanji lechery and his outright refusal to hit a woman even if that woman is threatening his or his crew's lives are two of his most controversial character flaws for fans of the anime and manga. Sanji's lecherous nature has been toned down to mild flirting, so it would be reasonable that the live action will make Sanji extremely reluctant to fight girls, but will resort to violence if that's the only option. The adaptation could also change how Sanji got this philosophy as well to foreshadow Sanji's past. Instead of being taught never to hurt a woman by Zeff, it's something Sanji's mother or sister told him.

Skypiea will be adapted out, Thriller Bark will take its spot in the story
Skypiea infamously does very little for the overarching story of One piece. A one or two episode Jaya arc could easily substitute it. Simply moving the poneglyph from the sky to the ground would allow the arc to continue mostly intact. Perhaps the Jaya arc could act as an introduction to Robin’s skills with archaeology by having her decode and piece together the history of Jaya and the truth behind Nolan.

Conversely, moving Thriller Bark up in the episode order would allow Brook to be involved much earlier in the plot and be involved in events like Water 7 and the Davy Back Fight. Brook infamously was a bit of a background character in his introduction, so giving him more time to shine would be a good way to alleviate that. I could even see him having a rather interesting heart-to-heart with Robin, as we know how Brook feels about people throwing their life away blindly.

Finally, assuming Netflix wants to end the penultimate season of the proposed six with the straw hats separating. This would allow them to roll comfortably into Sabaody from the end of Enies Lobby, perhaps even discussing it as a sort of victory lap for the crew before letting the other shoe drop for new viewers.

Alternatively, Skypiea will be adapted as a direct-to-streaming movie
It'll allow season 3 (the most likely season to where we'll get to that) to squeeze in more material, but still be around on the off chance events from the arc return in the manga.

If Minks show up, they will be Little Bit Beastly like Merry instead of full Funny Animal people
They wouldn't look good as Netflix-tier CGI, leaving the only options for faithful adaptation either costumes with animatronic heads or full makeup, both options of which are expensive and uncomfortable. Sulong form might show them as fully anthropomorphic.

All water will affect Crocodile
To avoid an Adaptation-Induced Plot Hole with Devil Fruit users only being affected by sea water, Crocodile will still get defeated by Luffy soaking him with his blood because it'll turn his sand into mud.
  • This would actually be in line with various other Devil Fruit weaknesses that have been shown in the source material. Aside from all fruit-users being unable to swim, some have weaknesses unique to their fruits (Robin's duplicated limbs can still take damage that her main body feels, Enel's lightning powers don't work on rubber, Cracker's biscuit army can be defeated by simply eating them or making them wet, Ace and Smoker have been shown to cancel each other's powers out, Perona's ghosts can't depress someone who already has low self-esteem, Hancock's Love-Love ability doesn't have any effect if the target isn't attracted to her, etc.).

Usopp or Sanji will turn in Pirates to get the bounty.
After they captured Buggy, Luffy points out they can't give him to the marines, because he, Zoro and Nami are also wanted. Usopp and Sanji don't necessarily have that problem and the crew can earn Berries by collecting bounty.

Spandam will discover Luffy’s heritage
  • In addition to wanting to capture Nico Robin and Franky for Pluton he would also want to capture Luffy for being the son of Dragon in order to get more fame and recognition.

Spandam will get Adaptational Villainy
  • While Rob Lucci will be seen as the main obstacle for the arc Spandam will somehow be even more loathsome than he was in the show, being less stupid and more sadistic. Such as gloating how Tom died to Franky possibly overseeing his execution, and intentionally pressing the button for the Golden Transponder Snail both in a last ditch effort to kill the Straw Hats not caring that everyone will die as well and to hurt Robin over Ohara.

Spandam will be a shadow archetype for Helmeppo
  • If Koby and Helmeppo are assigned at Enies Lobby and meet with Spandam they will see Spandam as somehow more sadistic and immature than Helmeppo was at the beginning and only got his position thanks to his father.

Zoro's horrid sense of direction is intact, just in a different way.
Zoro could still get North confused with up because that's how he's always read maps, but know to go forward when tracking someone he's chasing, because tracking a person or object doesn't always rely on accurate knowledge of the Compass Rose, especially if the person you're looking for is wounded. All you need then is to look at the surroundings and see what's been damaged or blood-smeared and go that way.

Luffy will activate GEAR 2nd for the first time during the final fight against Crocodile
Considering the first season included a bunch of elements that wouldn't be introduced or elaborated on until much later in the story (such as Garp's presence) Who's to say the second season won't follow suit? Maybe when Luffy realizes he can use his blood to harm Crocodile, he uses his devil fruit power to start pumping blood throughout his body, doping him out and activating GEAR 2nd.
  • As a bonus, Overtaken and/or the Drums of Liberation would play as this happens, foreshadowing the true nature of the Gum-Gum fruit

Robin's backstory will be shown much earlier than usual
Supporting the above theory of elements being introduced early on, Robin's backstory will be shown after Crocodile leaves her for dead and Cobra questions her on why the Poneglyphs are so important to her

Sanji's disdain for oregano will be tied in to his backstory
If you're up to date on the source material, you'll know that Sanji's biological relatives (barring his mother and sister) were brutal to him. Maybe in this adaptation, they liked oregano, so in his mind he associates the spice with them.

Zoro will have a Got Me Doing It momment
While fighting a tough opponent, Zoro will suddenly shout "JELLY DOUGNUT!" (or whatever transliteration the writers use for "Onigiri") just before striking the finishing blow. Then he will freeze and check to make sure no one heard that. The fallen opponent will then mutter, "You're a great fighter", and they will mean this in the sense of Worthy Opponent. Zoro, however, will think that Luffy and Sanji are rubbing off on him and so he will kick the opponent in pure irritation.

Season 2's Image Song
  • If Season 2 gets an Image Song like "My Sails are Set", it's going to be a song dedicated to either Chopper or Robin, the former as a cute yet somber telling of time spent with Hiriluk, and the latter highlighting acting as foreshadowing to her backstory and ties to Ohara.

Chopper will be played by a human actor to save on money
  • He will occasionally transform into a cgi reindeer, to remind us that he's supposed to be Chopper
