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South Blue Saga

Characters introduced in the campaign from episodes 1 to 8 by order of appearance.

     Rick (Warning: Massive Spoilers) 
Full name Rick D. Astley. He was the original captain of the player characters’ pirate crew, Rick was a super powerful pirate who brought the whole crew together. Tragically, he ended up dying due to the freak storm at the beginning of the campaign. The crew buried him before setting off on their adventure with Pearl.

In truth, they accidentally buried him alive. But Rick got a second chance due to Seraph’s Angel Angel Fruit in episode 57 after killing Chip in Limbo. And he is far from happy to see the crew again (especially since he hardly recognizes it anymore).

  • Back from the Dead: Because Chip’s experimental wave machine was responsible for Rick’s death, Chip is sent to fight Rick in Limbo by Seraph’s abilities. Rick took the opportunity to kill the Mink and return from the dead. It’s noticeable that time barely passed for him since his death despite it being many months since dying.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He’s this to the Devil’s Luck Pirates Player Characters. He was essentially their leader and they all looked up to him. But he only was in the pirate life just for the money.
    • The crew in less than a year without him accomplished their goals such as a finding Ragnar’s family, liberating Tarako Kingdom and getting revenge for Viridian’s death. Under Rick, the crew did none of that, making it appear as if Rick cared for none of their goals.
  • Broken Pedestal: The crew used to consider him amazing, super powerful and a reliable friend. Once he returns from the dead, he is just a greedy, whiny jerk who shows little respect for any of them. The Player Characters are also now each individually much stronger than he is. It turns out someone who seems all powerful at level 1 is actually not all that impressive at level 14.
  • Buried Alive: He tells the Players that they buried him alive, thinking he was dead. He is notably pissed about it.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Rather than battle against Chip to leave limbo, he offers him poisoned tea to calm him down. Once Chip is weakened, he shoots him dead.
  • Dirty Coward: When the odds seem against the crew during the Blueblood battle, Rick flees to save his own skin. Though Blueblood was a terrifying foe, it’s kind of pathetic when his puppet self did more to help the crew than he did that fight. William punches him for his cowardice soon after Blueblood dies.
    • This trope can also apply to his reign as captain/quartermaster before the campaign began. He surrounded himself with weak crewmates he could manipulate and push around without effort. Also despite his intelligence and powerful inventions, he chose to only stay in the South Blue where very few could fight back against him.
  • Famed In-Story: By the way the Players Characters talked of him, they made him sound like a god among men. The crew even believed that him pointing at someone and saying “die” instantly killed anyone. The truth is…less than stellar.
  • Foil: In a way to William. They both may be quite amoral and not the most empathetic people, but Rick lacks any of Williams redeeming qualities such as his love for his crew, bravery and devotion to those he sees as family. And with how calculating and level headed he is compared to the more emotionally mercurial William, it makes any callousness on his part seem much nastier.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Uses various gadgets to get the edge in battle.
    • His ice fun gun freezes foes with cold damage.
    • Has jet boots that allows him to fly upwards into the air.
    • Has a gadget that creates a cloud of poison to sicken his foes.
    • Wields a blunderbuss that he and his puppet self used against Blue Blood.
  • Greed: Already had a lot of money due to owning many bars across the sea, but still became a pirate for a chance to get fins more money. The Pirate’s Dream is secondary at best to getting more financial profits.
  • Insufferable Genius: He’s pretty in your face about how much smarter he is than most people.
  • Jerkass: He is a weaselly, manipulative jerk who cares only for getting more money, no matter who he hurts. Overall a waste of a holy miracle.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: When William brings up how they ended up hurting Cyril as well because of their actions, Rick implies that William hurting those he cares for multiple times might require William to do some self-reflecting. Rick is construing this to make William feel bad for him, but he’s not fully wrong about his observation.
    • He was also accidentally buried alive. Most people would be pretty pissed at their old comrades for that.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Was only a quartermaster for the old crew of the main cast, but handled everything behind the scenes and might as well have led the crew due to how much stronger he was than everyone else on the crew at the time.
  • Moral Myopia: He didn’t care who he hurt as a pirate. But once he is suffering misfortune, he tries to play the victim for pity points.
  • Never My Fault: When William calls him out for leaving the others to die to save his own skin, Rick only claims William now knows how it feels to be abandoned.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: He’s based on the “Rick Roll” guy himself.
  • Posthumous Character: Is occasionally mentioned in passing by the Players, with them being sad that he died during the shipwreck. He gets better.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Once Blue Blood’s reign is over he parts from the crew, considering them all crazy.
  • The Smart Guy: He is exceptionally smart and made a lot of inventions for himself. On the other hand, William was more charming than him so Rick allowed him to be captain while he controlled everything behind the scenes.
  • Walking Spoiler: it’s hard to talk about him without spoiling how he came back from the dead and how different he actually is than the Player’s memories of him.

A Marine of unknown rank that was caught up in a storm along with Rick D. Astley’s pirate crew at the very beginning of the campaign. Despite being one of the few survivors from the shipwreck, he still intends to capture Pearl and take her back to her kingdom.
  • Anti-Villain: Doesn’t seem like a bad man at all. He’s just a Marine and the Player Characters are pirates.
  • Dented Iron: He’s banged up from the shipwreck but he’s still a great shot with the gun.
  • Do Not Go Gentle: Duros might have critically hit him with his fist, but Lawrence went down critically hitting Duros with his gun.
  • A Father to His Men: He is quite angered when fellow Marine Lil Jenkins is knocked out by William.
  • Just Following Orders: His mission is to capture Pearl, regardless of why.
  • Nerves of Steel: A pirate clad in heavy armor coming at him does not prevent him from making a clean shot.
  • Starter Villain: Villain in a very loose sense, but he and Lil Jenkins are the very first people the Players skirmish with.
  • Uncertain Doom: Him and Lil Jenkins are knocked unconscious and left on the island. It’s not known whether they were ever found and rescued.

A shipwright from Gallows Island. He promises the crew a ship in exchange for helping to find his missing son Samillion.
  • Handy Man: He built the Yogi Pooh for the crew.
  • Genre Savvy: Is well aware that most pirates won’t pay for a ship upfront and would steal a ship once completed if given the chance.
  • Good Parents: Dearly loves his son Samillion and would not care at all if he gave away his beloved treasure map to the Angler Pirates for his freedom.
  • Nice Guy: Treats his son well and is true to his word to the Player Characters. The only thing that could be seen as wrong with him is his lack of criticism of Gallow’s Island’s harsh sentences, though that could just be because he grew up on the island and doesn’t know better.
  • Treasure Map: Has one that supposedly leads to a Devil Fruit. With the help of the map, the crew finds the Bear Bear Fruit, Model: Grizzly Bear.

     Rodney Poledark 
The captain of the Angler Pirates. He and his crew kidnapped Samillion in order to interrogate him about the whereabouts of a treasure map. He and his crew hide in the basement of the mayor of Gallows Island.
  • Affably Evil: Is quite polite when talking to Duros (who he thinks is a guard), lightly chiding him for not guarding the door. He also is willing to kill and torture with zero remorse.
  • Benevolent Boss: Seems to actually value the lives of his subordinates and is shocked when they are killed.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Hs kept Samillion hostage with a lure in his mouth and will not let him go until he gets the map he wants. He claims that he intended to return him home once he got the info though.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Thinks that wearing three fishing hats signifies that you are a pirate captain. He also seems to think that having a big hat means you are a captain.
  • Lower-Class Lout: Has a bit of a stereotypical cockney accent and though somewhat charming, is still a vicious pirate.
  • Meaningful Name: Rodney Poledark. Fitting name for a fisherman.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Though he is the first true antagonist of the campaign, he still manages to be pretty slippery, able to dodge many attacks. He even is able to knock out William before going down.
  • Poisoned Weapons: He has a poisoned dagger to put people to sleep. William endures the poison and stays up.
  • Rod And Reel Repurposed: His main weapon is his fishing rod with a big hook.
  • Starter Villain: The first major fight in the campaign is against him.
  • Tattooed Crook: Has a load of nautical-based tattoos on his body.
  • Verbal Tic: Says “Oi Mate” a lot. It’s even his final words.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Was torturing Samillion (who is 16-17) for information on the map’s whereabouts.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Thinks that if he kills the captain, the rest of the crew will retreat. He managed to almost kill William but is killed seconds after by his wrathful crewmates.

An old man living alone on a small island and the father of Captain Marrow and Jefferson. Extremely senile, his antics end up resulting in William doing something he never lives down.
  • Boom, Headshot!: How William kills him after being knocked out by Verona. It puts William on the top of both Marrow’s and Jefferson’s shit list.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: His fish paste is just him crushing a fish into a bowl to serve. It’s smells and looks awful and William throws it away when the old man’s not looking.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Though overall supportive of his two sons, even he admits what Marrow did to Viridian and the child Verona was “fucked up”.
  • Foregone Conclusion: Cranstin was a dead man the moment the crew entered his home. 2Spooky said that if William had not killed Cranstin, Verona would have to get back at Captain Marrow.
  • Go Mad from the Isolation: Has been on this small island all by himself for many, many years. He even says that if it weren’t for his son’s letters, he would have killed himself long ago.
  • Please, Don't Leave Me: He gets really clingy once William and Verona try to leave. It results in Verona butting his head with his rifle.
  • Scatterbrained Senior: He doesn’t really have everything going on upstairs, to the annoyance of William and Verona.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He only appears for half an episode but his death gives William a reputation for killing old men. His void police counterpart can attest to that.
  • Thoroughly Mistaken Identity: He believes that William is his son Arthur (Captain Marrow’s old name) for some odd reason.

A bomb throwing bounty hunter from Krendor who is trying to get enough money to pay for his little sister’s Molly’s medical bills.
  • Bounty Hunter: Hunts pirates and other outlaws in order to get money.
  • Demolitions Expert: Knows the ins and outs of how explosives work and knows precisely how much explosive power is required to destroy a prison wall.
  • Freudian Excuse: Was initially after Pearl’s bounty but only because he needs the bounty money to pay for his sister’s hospital bills.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Decides to help the crew against the Steam Punk Pirates after the DLP spared him.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Stays behind at the Tarako Prison to slow down Captain Marrow. He even does some damage to him, though most of his sticky bombs miss. He buys enough time for the crew to escape but is killed before he too could escape.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Is impaled through the heart by a large bone spike by Captain Marrow.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: When he sees Pearl turn into a dragon, he immediately runs away without looking back.
  • Mad Bomber: Averted. Though he primarily uses bombs as his weapon of choice, he is very much sane and down to earth. Atom also does not blow people and things up for fun, only as a means to an end to get money.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has two big ones involving the Devil’s Luck Pirates.
    • The first one is when his explosion caused Pearl to transform into an uncontrollable dragon. He ran for the hills first chance he got.
    • The second one was when the Devil’s Luck Pirates find him in a Krendor bar, knowing they would want to pay him back for causing Pearl to go full dragon and leaving the rest for dead. Luckily, they just let him off with four punches (Ragnar punched twice), a tiny slap (Gravy didn’t want to hit him), a kick (Pearl did a flying kick) and a a punch anytime in the future.
  • Only in It for the Money: He’s in desperate need of money and the best way to get it without compromising his ethics is hunting bounties. He could get into the slave trade and make a killing, but he finds the practice abhorrent.
  • Memorial Statue: King Jasper erected a statue in Atom’s honor for helping liberate Tarako at the cost of his life.
  • Nothing but Skin and Bones: His lack of personal funds and giving most of the berries he earns to the hospital means that he doesn’t eat all that much, leading to him being very skinny underneath his coat.
  • Perpetual Poverty: When William and Verona sneak onto Atom’s boat, they find barely anything inside and with so little money, they choose not to rob him out of pity. They do still piss in his bed though as payback.
  • Sacrificial Lion: Is the first ally killed in the campaign and his death is remembered by the players even years after. Verona even names his explosive bullets after him. #YEEHAW.
  • Smoking Is Cool: He is a smoker and is a cool and laid back man most of the time.
  • Theme Naming: He and his sister Molly are named after particles. With Atom being Atoms and Molly being named after Molecules respectively.
    • Meaningful Name: Atom’s name could also be based on the atomic bomb, fitting his use of explosives.
  • Throw Down the Bomblet: Has explosives of all kinds, from bombs to dynamite. He puts his bombs to good use by blowing up to Tarako Kingdom’s prison walls in order to help free Prince Jasper.
  • Trenchcoat Warfare: Wears a large purple coat to store all his explosives.

     Lieutenant Hubris 
An extremely loud and proud Marine lieutenant who serves under Captain Marrow. He thinks he can capture the crew easily. He could not.
  • Defiant to the End: Knowing he’s screwed, he takes his last moments to claim that Marrow will kill all of them before Verona blows his brains out.
  • Hated by All: Nobody really likes the guy and he’s considered super annoying. Bullet is super glad he’s dead.
  • Hidden Depths: Was once a professional clown according to a comment made in episode 16. But even now as a lieutenant, he’s still a joke.
  • No Indoor Voice: He is always yelling in a way as if his voice is cracking.
  • Smug Snake: He acts like he’s the best thing since sliced bread. Boy was he wrong.
  • Very Punchable Man: Really just exists to be an obnoxious Marine who gets his ass kicked.
  • Villainy-Free Villain: Technically not particularly malicious in any way. He’s just a Marine, making him an antagonist to the Player Characters by default. Though him being obnoxiously loud doesn’t really endear him to anyone.
  • Walking Armory: He keeps many throwing axes on his person to deal with his foes.

Atom’s younger sister who is suffering from an illness.
  • Cheerful Child: Once she’s feeling all better, she seems to in a much better mood. Especially now that she’s the princess of the Tarako Kingdom.
  • Happily Adopted: In honor of Atom, King Jasper adopts her as his heir to the throne.
  • Honorary Princess: Has no royal blood, but is now the next in line to the Tarako crown.
  • Practically Different Generations: She is around 7 or 8 years old while her older brother is 23.
  • Rags to Riches: Was born in poverty in Krendor but is now a member of the Tarako royal family.
  • Soap Opera Disease: Has an unknown illness that Atom was trying to get money to cure and was completely bedridden due to that. Thankfully Jasper had the resources to cure her.
  • Theme Naming: Molly as in molecule to go with Atom’s atom.

     Prince Jasper 
The prince of the Tarako Kingdom, Pearl’s older brother and a dear friend of Duros. After a failed rebellion against his father, King Malachite had him locked away in prison. He worried about his dear sister every night.
  • Artists Are Attractive: Is a talented artist and a good looking guy. He even drew the Devil’s Luck Pirates’ Jolly Roger in about two minutes with immaculate detail.
  • Gay Best Friend: Is canonically gay and is one of Duros’s dearest friends. Though Duros was his royal bodyguard serving under him, that makes no difference to their deep bond Jasper and Duros have. Jasper is just as relieved to see Duros still alive as he is to see his younger sister.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Is fiercely protective of his dear younger sister. In fact, Malachite’s abuse of Pearl was one of the primary reasons he attempted his failed coup. Every day in prison, he cried not knowing if she was alright.
    • According to Duro’s manifested flashback, when he was escaping from his father’s forces with Duros and the other knights under him his first thought was to find and rescue his baby sister.
  • Cool Sword: Jasper wields the Wazamono-grade sword Benevolence, which he himself forged. Though he does admit that Benevolence will be of more use with Duros after becoming king.
  • Distressed Dude: He has been locked up in the Tarako Kingdom’s prison for years, unable to do anything about his father’s corruption. The first step to liberating the kingdom was to free him.
  • GoodParent: He has happily adopted Atom’s younger sister Molly after treating her illness. It is seen that he treats her well and Princess Molly is now heir to the Tarako Kingdom.
  • Official Couple: Has gotten together with Trevor of all people in the epilogue. Noble was surprised about the prince’s “rizz”.
  • Non-Action Guy: Doesn’t stop him from trying though for the sake of his kingdom. Though he could have simply been rusty after being imprisoned for years. In fact, he taught Duros how to use a sword.
  • Nice Guy: Is pretty much the opposite of his father in terms of morality. He saw his bodyguards (including Duros) as friends rather than servants. He is polite to the crew even if they are pirates. He even takes the news that his sister is a pirate in stride, knowing that she is in good company with them.
  • Smart People Play Chess: Jasper is a politically savvy individual who taught Duros how to play chess.
  • Ultimate Blacksmith: Jasper somehow managed to forge a sword that is able to heal its wielder when striking down foes. He managed this by forging Benevolence with the purest love. With such smithing skills, he could have easily become one of the greatest blacksmiths in the South Blue.
  • The Wise Prince: Is better and wiser than his father Malachite in every way that mattered. If Tarako was ruled by him earlier, the kingdom would be much more prosperous.
    • The Good King: When William sees through Jasper’s eyes in episode 29, he and Molly are walking through a flourishing and much happier Tarako Kingdom as the new King of the nation.

     Captain Marrow
He’s bad to the Bone
Born Arthur Dogtooth, Marrow is a powerful and feared captain from the South Blue. He was once a close friend of Verona’s father Captain Viridian. Until one day, Viridian made a discovery he shouldn’t have and rushed home to get his son. Marrow greeted him soon after and murdered down his close friend in cold blood and burned his house down with Verona inside.

Captain Marrow ate the Bone Bone Fruit, a fruit that allows him to manipulate his own bones.

  • Arc Villain: Alongside Eustass Valve, he is the main antagonistic force of the Tarako Kingdom/South Blue saga.
  • Animal Motif: His skull headgear and fixation on milk gives him a cow motif.
  • Bad with the Bone: Ate the Bone Bone Fruit, which allows him to manipulate any bone in his body. Drinking Milk increases the strength of this fruit.
    • Ballistic Bone: Can shoot out bone bullets and skewer foes with bony spikes protruding from his arm.
    • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: By drinking strawberry milk, Marrow can grow two bony arms from his rib cage.
    • Skeletons in the Coat Closet: Though made from his own bones, drinking chocolate milk allows him to create bone armor for himself.
  • Berserk Button: Spilling milk makes him absolutely furious.
  • Spike Shooter: Drinking banana milk allows him to shoot out a huge barrage of sharp bones (he calls this attack Bone Bone Explosion).
  • Broken Pedestal: Verona used to see Marrow as an uncle of sorts. After Marrow ruined his life, now Verona just wants him dead.
  • Drink-Based Characterization: He enjoys milk a lot since milk makes bones stronger.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite being a violent bastard willing to kill an old friend of his along with Viridian’s young son, he is greatly angered by William murdering his father Cranstin and is fuming when Verona rubs it in that he’ll never send letters to his father again.
  • Evil Is Bigger: Is large size in DND terms and is an infamously vicious marine captain.
  • Hero Killer: He impales Atom through the heart, causing the first time an ally of the Party died.
  • Jerkass: What else do you call someone who kills an old friend in cold blood and then burns their house down with a child still inside?
  • Kick the Dog: More like try and incinerate the dog. He and his conspirators in killing Viridian supposedly joyously played violins as his old friend’s house burnt down with Verona inside.
    • He also murdered the innocent and nonviolent giant on the frozen island for possibly no reason.
  • Logical Weakness: He enhances himself with cartons of milk that he carries around himself at all times, and even needs to drink Banana Milk specifically to unleash his most powerful attack - however, this does mean that if you manage to break his cartons of milk, he'll be (temporarily, because he has a lot of them) unable to use any type of milk for one turn.
  • Meaningful Rename: Changed his name from Arthur to Marrow after eating the Bone Bone Fruit.
  • No Kill like Overkill: Ragnar kills him by crushing his bones with his overwhelming strength, rendering his corpse practically unrecognizable once he's done with it.
  • Signature Headgear: Is never seen without his cow skull on his head.
  • Signature Move: Bone-Bone Explosion, his most powerful attack which causes a gatling gun barrage of bone spikes to shot in a line. It has devastating damage potential, but Duros manages to nullify it by being in the right position at the right time, managing to block them all with his shield.
  • Token Motivational Nemesis: Destroyed Verona’s life a decade ago. Verona seeks to make him pay as painfully as possible.
  • Throne Room Throwdown: He's fought in the Tarako Kingdom's castle throne room, at the same time as Eustass Valve.
  • Treachery Is a Special Kind of Evil: Being such a close friend of Viridian made it all the more vile that Marrow chose to kill him in cold blood.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: The first truly dangerous foe the crew faces. He killed Atom and very nearly killed several of the Player and Non-Player Characters. He’s also the first foe the Devil’s Luck Pirates face who ate a Devil Fruit.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Tried to subject a young Verona to being burned alive in a house he lit on fire.

     King Malachite 
The King of the Tarako Kingdom. A cruel and greedy man, he is a big part of the slave trade in the South Blue. He locked up his own son Jasper for trying to end his rule and put a bounty on his daughter Pearl, who he sees as a weapon to increase his power.
  • Abusive Parent: Saw his daughter as a secret weapon to use against his enemies. He fed her a devil fruit as an infant, made her eat human flesh and overall treated her inhumanely. When his brother Jasper found out about this, it was the final straw and he incited a rebellion.
    • He was no better to his own son. He kept Jasper in prison for years after his failed rebellion.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Was king of the Tarako Kingdom and in his reign created a slave trade, made deals with pirates for more slaves and bribed the Marines to look the other way.
  • Dirty Coward: When the crew finds him, he’s hiding behind his throne. When Ragnar interrogates him on his family’s whereabouts, he begs him not to kill him after telling him that he sold his wife and child.
  • Greed: He turned his reign as king into a money making scheme.
  • Hate Sink: This guy got zero votes on the official popularity poll. It’s easy to see why.
  • Karmic Death: He is killed by Pearl, the daughter he tried turning into his secret weapon.
  • Lack of Empathy: Sees people as a resource and commodity to be bought, sold or exploited.
  • Manipulative Bastard: In One Piece D&D: Marines, he slandered the Royal Knights as rebels who kidnapped Prince Jasper to the Marines. This resulted in Damien in his Black Armor going out of control and committing a massacre against the royal knights, other rebels and even many civilians.
  • Non-Action Guy: Cannot fight at all and once a fight starts, he can be found hiding behind whatever he can find.
  • Pet the Dog: He has at least once tried to entertain Pearl with a clown. Though he’s also probably the reason why she hates clowns.
    • For some reason despite his crime of treason, Malachite kept Jasper in prison rather than execute him. Whether it was because he couldn’t bring himself to kill his own son or because he wanted his son to rot in jail is not known.
  • Slavery Is a Special Kind of Evil: His slave trade devastated the lives of many innocents.
  • Token Motivational Nemesis: Liberating Tarako and freeing Jasper is a big motivation for both Duros and Pearl. Malachite needed to be overthrown to do both of those things.

     The Steam Punk Pirates 

In General

A dangerous and chaotic pirate crew from the South Blue. They love raiding villages and taking as many slaves to sell as possible. Years ago, they ransacked Ragnar’s village of Atlas and took them as slaves, including Ragnar’s wife and son.
  • Anarchy Is Chaos: They all delight in bringing chaos to wherever they go.
  • Steampunk: The crew has this motif, their captain ate a steam-based Devil Fruit and their basic guns deal some additional steam-based damage.
  • Slavery Is a Special Kind of Evil: They practice and thrive on the slave trade and we’re the ones to raid Atlas and the Kuma Clan village for slaves.
  • Token Motivational Nemesis: After Ragnar’s wife and son were taken by them, he vowed revenge.
  • Wild Card: Though they have sold slaves to King Malachite in the past, they decide to invade and pillage Tarako just for kicks. It seems most of what the crew does is on a whim.

Eustass Valve
The Steam Punk Captain

The captain of the Steam Punk Pirates and an absolute chaotic maniac. He sails the South Blue to cause chaos and capture people for the slave. He is also Eustass’s Kid’s father of One Piece fame.

He ate the Steam Steam fruit, a Paramecia that allows him to generate hot steam from his body.

  • Arc Villain: Alongside Captain Marrow, he is the main antagonistic force of the Tarako Kingdom/South Blue saga.
  • Ax-Crazy: Feels completely alive when pillaging, killing and enslaving whole villages.
  • Butt-Monkey: The fandom calls him Useless Valve for a reason. His combat performance once the crew finally confronted him was very one sided in their favor. Ragnar rightfully mauls him the death. He takes it all in stride though.
  • Epic Fail: His rolls were something to behold. It made what should have been a very tough fight into what the fandom considers one of the biggest jobbers in the campaign.
  • Fan-Created Offspring: Inverted, he's the fan-created parent of One Piece's canonical Eustass Kid.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: He delights in being the hated bad guy who sows chaos and carnage For the Evulz.
  • Dub Name Change: His card is The Devil’s Luck card game is spelled “Eustace” instead of “Eustass” in order to avoid any connection to One Piece.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He adores his newborn son Eustass Kidd and his final thoughts are about how he hopes his son grows up into a great pirate.
  • Fearless Fool: Seems to not care when his life's at risk. When his memory self is being petrified by Hemlock, all he does is cheer
  • Go Out with a Smile: Despite not having the Will of D., he dies with a smile on his face with faith that his newborn son will succeed him as a great pirate.
  • Jobber: Didn’t really contribute much in his fights and was defeated quickly when fought. Both times.
  • Motor Mouth: He talks quickly enough it’s a bit hard to understand him when he gets excited.
  • Playing with Fire: Mixed a bit with Making a Splash. He seems to have eaten some sort of Steam Devil Fruit which allows him to generate hot steam from his body.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: He can throw a bunch of punches in quick succession. Up to four attacks once he really gets going.
  • Super-Speed: He’s pretty damn fast and can dash all around the area with the help of his Devil Fruit.


A Commander of the Steam Punk Pirates, Volt guards the crew’s base in Krendor that the Players invade to get info on the whereabouts of Ragnar’s family.
  • Artificial Limb: Has a large robotic arm that the crew took with them after killing him. The crew takes his arm as a souvenir after Ragnar kills him.
    • Shock and Awe: His metal arm can emit electricity for some powerful lightning punches. Though the lightning also hurts himself.
  • The Brute: Was muscle for the Steam Punk Pirates and was in charge of guarding their hideout in Krendor. He was also strong enough to knock out Ragnar in Bear form.
  • Warm-Up Boss: The battle against him showed how powerful having two Player Characters with a Devil Fruit really was. It was also the first battle the Roulette Roulette Fruit was used in.


A member of the Steam Punk pirates who was one of the only survivors of a bloody battle against Marines (alongside Tako). He pretends to be a slave in order to be rescued.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Pretended to be a slave on a sinking ship but is actually a Steam Punk Pirate who survived a confrontation with the Marines.
  • Mook: Didn’t seem all that tough and probably wasn’t on the level of Volt or Piper.
  • Neck Snap: Tako snaps his neck with one of Yaki’s tentacles, killing him near instantly. His body is later eaten by Pearl.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Despite being a bloodthirsty, slaving pirate of near zero importance, he still fooled the DLP into believing he was a slave. It took Tako telling them the truth that they realized they were fooled.


Another commander working under Eustace Valve, she fights the Devil’s Luck Pirates in Tarako once they begin killing members of her crew.
  • A Mother to Her Men: When her crewmates were struggling against the Devil’s Luck Pirates, she was quick to step in to help them.
  • Attack on the Heart: Verona kills her with a shot to the heart.
  • Only Sane Woman: Compared to the other Steam Punk Pirates, she seems a bit more level headed and rational. Only by a bit though.
  • Pipe Pain: As her name suggests, she dual wields two pipes to clobber her foes with.
  • Undying Loyalty: Chooses to die rather than give away where her captain is.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Claims that Eustace took her as a child to force her to become a pirate. Everyone knew it was a lie and she didn’t even really expect them to buy it.

The L’Arbor Saga

Characters introduced in the campaign from episodes 9 to 14 by order of appearance.

     Commander Bait 
A commander of the Marines who was assigned by Commodore Trevor to hunt down the one known as Jason Locksworth. He is dedicated to this mission even if he must ignore other Marines duties such as pirate hunting.

He ate a Shark Zoan Devil Fruit, which allows him to transform into a big walking shark.

  • Acrophobic Bird: Sharks are aquatic creatures. Devil Fruit users cannot swim. Though he still can chomp on his enemies.
  • The Brute: He is muscle working under Commodore Trevor and follows his orders out of both duty and fear.
  • Blood Knight: Once engaged in a fight, he is a vicious and violent fighter.
  • The Bully: Delights on hurting those weaker than himself while at the same time fearing those who are stronger than him (such as Trevor).
  • Faux Affably Evil: Allows the crew to see their new bounties before he gets ready to kill them with pleasure.
  • Gag Nose: Not Usopp long, but his nose is noticeably long and sharp.
  • Man Bites Man: His main attack is biting down on his enemies with his sharp teeth.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Immediately sees through William and Ragnar’s disguises and the moment a fight starts, he plans to go straight for the kill.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Though already quite cruel, he initially just wanted to simply find Jason Locksworth for Trevor rather than confront the Devil’s Luck Pirates. Though Bait ignoring them then bluntly refusing when the crew asked for a log pose insulted the DLP enough that a fight occurred anyways.
  • Skewed Priorities: Rather than confront the Devil’s Luck Pirates, investigate what deforested the island or search for where all the civilians went, Commander Bait is searching for only one Jason Locksworth. Justified since he is under orders from Trevor and Trevor is not a man to be disobeyed.
  • Threatening Shark: He ate a shark Zoan and is very violent when provoked.

     Alpha Marine 
A random Marine who through the stress of battle awakened his Haki. Sadly, he never achieves his full potential.
  • Cowardly Lion: Is at first nervous of fighting. But once in a corner, turns out to be stronger willed than anybody imagined.
  • No Name Given: Only known as Alpha Marine out of universe. His true name is never given.
  • Took a Level in Badass: A simple seaman suddenly gains Haki out of nowhere.
  • Bullet Catch: Catches Verona’s bullet, much to everyone’s shock.
  • Too Powerful to Live: His sudden surge of Haki would have made him a dangerous foe in the future. So Duros had to kill him before he could master his newfound Haki.
  • We Will Meet Again: Orders a tactical retreat planning to kill the crew next time they meet. Duros doesn’t give him the opportunity and kills him. The rest of the Marines except for Florence manage to escape though.

Our Captain’s Big Brother
Full name Trevor D. Chapston; a Marine Commodere that the crew encounters soon after the end of the Tarako Kingdom arc in an obsessive search for a man called Jackson Locksworth. An incredibly powerful fighter despite his low rank, he's also William's lost older brother.

After the Aeons Saga, he is promoted to Vice Admiral.

  • Actually Pretty Funny: As no-nonsense as he is, he couldn’t help but laugh a bit seeing William blow up his own hand with a bomb inside his sword just before a duel between the two of them. A bomb William put in there himself.
  • Bad Boss: When one of the Marines under him misplaced the Devil Fruit that Boss stole from Tarako (with it somehow ending up in the G-4 cafeteria), Trevor cuts him down. He also is prone to yelling at his subordinates when he gets frustrated.
  • Badass Normal: Has no Devil Fruit of his own, but is a master swordsman with a mastery of both Observation and Armament Haki.
  • Big Brother Instinct: despite his denials, he is very protective of his younger brother William. He even did his damndest to try and free William from a mound of zombie corpses at the risk of his own life.
  • Cool Sword: Trevor as a Commodore wielded the Sword of Justice, an O Wazamono sword. He loses it to William, who combined it with another blade to form The Ace of Spades.
    • He later gets a replacement longsword in Staringrad covered in runes.
    • After Void Zoro is defeated, Trevor is given one of Zoro’s black blades. Trevor picks Jikan to amplify his swordsmanship even more.
  • Cops Need the Vigilante: Though a proud marine, Trevor is not above the idea of using either the DLP or Eight Flames to do missions that he is not able to do as a marine.
  • Determinator: Has has been laser-focused on hunting Boss for almost thirty years.
    • During the last battle of the campaign, he is knocked out multiple times. But each time he is healed, he just gets right back up to continue his assault.
  • Enemy Mine: Though a marine, he has worked with the Devil’s Luck Pirates willingly twice. Since William is captain, it means that their alliance gets quite tense at times.
    • He worked with them to defeat the Aeons cult and The All Mother.
    • He was also convinced to work with them to defeat the Void Police. Especially when the DLP mentioned that they have a weapon that can obliterate entire islands.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Even at the height of his douchebaggery, he still was utterly disgusted by Arzen’s experiments and only kept his mouth shut because he was his superior.
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: Downplayed since he is still very badass, but he took all the credits for taking down the Aeons. Which resulted in him getting a promotion to Vice Admiral.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: It takes very little to get him riled up and shouting at everyone around him.
  • Hidden Depths: He is a very talented artist and is famous enough to have fans of his work in the Oasis.
  • Humiliation Conga: After coming across as an invincible juggernaut since his introduction, the final part of the G-4 Arc is just one horrible event after another for him: to start, the Devil's Luck Pirates evade from jail right in front of him thanks to a lucky Roulette-Roulette roll from William, he's then mind-controlled by William through another lucky Devil Fruit roll, and is forced to fight the equally-matched Vice-Admiral Arzen, which very nearly kills him - when he finally snaps back to his senses and attempts to capture William, the latter blinds him with salt, steals his sword, and Cyril - a common Marine who only recently obtained his Devil Fruit - chokes him with water till he passes out. Easy to say, it was not a good day for Trevor.
  • Irony: Like his brother, he has inherited the Will of D., which makes him the natural enemy of the World Government he serves.
  • Jerkass: Is dour, mean to those around him, prone to shouting and quick to get violent.
    • Hidden Heart of Gold: But underneath it all, Trevor desires to make the world a better place and keep those he cares about safe. He’s just not very good at expressing it.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Is quick, strong and can make three attacks a turn that each deal considerable damage.
  • Master Swordsman: His swordsmanship is of great renown amongst the Marines. Give him a sword and he will be able to cut down even Sea Kings with ease.
  • Odd Friendship: Though the DLP mostly just drives him up the wall with their antics, he seems to hold Duros in higher regard. He even thinks that he would have made a great Marine.
  • Official Couple: During the epilogue roughly 4-6 years later, Trevor is now in a relationship with Prince Jasper. It is not known if they are just dating or married, but Trevor seems happy to be with him.
  • Sibling Rivalry: He and William are near opposites in ideals and always bicker with one another. Though he is still sees him as his little brother deep down.
  • Straight Gay: Canonically gay, but it hardly ever comes up in the story.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Get him pissed off enough (not difficult) and somebody is going to end up in a bodybag.
  • You Killed My Father: Hates Boss with all of his heart for killing his parents and taking his baby brother away from him.


In General

L’Arbor is the domain island of The Timber Lord and his commanders.
  • Eco-Terrorist: They terrorize Islands with their wood minions. Though it is subverted a bit as in they do not do what they do for the sake of nature, but in order to get more wood for their agenda.
  • Hungry Jungle: Their home island is a jungle full of dangerous wildlife such as giant snakes.
  • Privateer: Since Arrbor is a Warlord, the Marines do little if anything about him.
  • Slavery Is a Special Kind of Evil: Most of the labor on this island seemed to be built by slaves. Some slaves are even forced to become unwilling minions as wood people.
  • When Trees Attack: The Timber Lord has a force of wooden minions created mostly from lumber. Inside are slaves that are completely unaware of their surroundings.

Arrbor, The Timber Lord
The Wooden Warlord
Born Arrbor Le’Cloque, the Timber Lord is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. A religious fanatic, The Timber Lord seeks sacrifices for his mysterious god.

The Timber Lord has a Paramecia Devil Fruit that allows him to manipulate and even merge with wood.

  • Alas, Poor Villain: At least his brother Louis thinks so. His final moments are looking up exhausted as he watches Louis put him out of his misery.
  • Arc Villain: The main antagonist of The L’Arbor Saga.
  • The Atoner: In a twisted way. Feeling responsible for his brother’s presumed death, Arrbor began to build a colossal wooden effigy to be sacrificed as a way to atone to his god. Being that this effigy is filled with slaves, this just makes him look both worse and utterly insane.
  • Cain and Abel: Attempted to sacrifice Louis to his god, but his brother ran off. Though ironically, Louis ends up being the one who kills him.
  • Climax Boss: Arrbor is the first foe the crew defeats that is a big deal to the world at large. The fact that they killed one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is a very important achievement for them and his defeat is frequently brought up during the campaign.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: His fanaticism to his god began once his and Louis’s parents died.
  • Expy: As a maddened Warlord of the Sea with a Paramecia Devil Fruit that allows him to turn people into his slaves, he's essentially the campaign's version of Gecko Moria.
  • The Fundamentalist: Is obsessed with his god and creating rituals showing his devotion to his deity. Being that he was a Cousin in The Aeons, the god he referred to may have been Rain.
  • Human Sacrifice: It began with sacrifice small animals, but it quickly descended to sacrificing humans to appease his god. And now he plans to burn countless others within a effigy to his god
  • Sinister Minister: Is described as wearing religious garb and is the high priest of his faith.
  • Green Thumb: Ate a devil fruit that allows him to manipulate wood.
    • Slave Mooks: He can trap his victims in a wooden body that obey him.
    • Humongous Mecha: His colossal wooden effigy towers over pretty much every other enemy in the entire campaign (other than possibly Sea Kings) and Arrbor can enter it and control the effigy to attack.
  • Improvised Weapon: In his effigy, he can pick up a tree and use it like a club to clobber people.
  • I Reject Your Reality: No amount of persuasion can convince him that he is in the wrong or that his brother is alive and in front of him. He just sees it as a test of faith from his god.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Tricked Spruce into working under him by hiding the more dirty side of his work from him. To keep his father from blabbing the truth to him, he turned him into a wood being to secretly guard his own son with Spruce none the wiser (Spruce assuming that his father was just missing).
  • Mighty Glacier: During his boss fight, he’s pretty slow and doesn’t move much, but he had a lot of hit points for the current level the crew were on and hits like a truck.
  • Weak to Fire: His giant effigy takes double damage to fire. Unfortunately The Timber Lord has many slaves trapped within it, so the crew could not in good conscience exploit that weakness. But once he returns as a memory in the final battle, Pearl takes full advantage of his weakness.


Spruce is the weakest of The Timber Lord’s Commanders. That is because he is merely a young boy being manipulated by the Warlord in order to make use of his Devil Fruit.Spruce ate the Grow Grow Fruit, which allows him to accelerate the growth of plant life.
  • Best Friend: Seems to have become a close friend of Magnus once everyone settles down in Ragnarton. Ragnar brings up that Spruce grows the trees and Magnus chops them down.
  • Disappeared Dad: Be doesn’t know where his father Butters is. Little does he know, his father was with him all along as a wood puppet.
  • Green Thumb: Has eaten a fruit that allows him to grow plants quickly.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Was never evil in the first place but once he discovers that Arrbor turned his father into a wood puppet, he abandons The Timber Lord.
  • Morality Pet: Hemlock seemed to enjoy his company and he in turn called him “Auntie Hemlock”. Hemlock is relieved when the DLP mention that they didn’t kill him.
  • Nature Lover: Adores nature and plants and his devil allows him to grow plants quickly. He even keeps a greenhouse in his home.
  • Nice Guy: Is a very respectful and friendly young boy and invites the crew over for tea. His niceness is the initial reason why the crew chooses to spare him.
  • Non-Action Guy: Doesn’t really seem to know how to fight and though he sided with the crew, he has no way to help them fight Arrbor. Louis (who didn’t know much about him at the time) referred to him initially as the weakest of Arrbor’s three commanders.
  • Token Good Teammate: Was always good-hearted. The only reason he was even one of Arrbor’s commanders was because he needed his Devil Fruit power and manipulated him to do his bidding.


See Hemlock’s page here.


One of The Timber Lord’s commanders, Chuck loves more than anything to chop things down with his Greataxe the Mighty One.
  • Affably Evil: He willingly works for a man who willingly commits human sacrifice, but he has that stereotypical Canadian niceness.
  • Ax-Crazy: He seems to view chopping heads and chopping trees as I’m the same light. No big deal.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Weirdly enough bleeds maple syrup as well as blood.
  • The Brute: Is the muscle for The Timber Lord’s crew who doesn’t really think much for himself.
  • Hidden Depths: Had a harmonica on him, implying that he liked to play it when he wasn’t chopping things.
  • Mighty Lumberjack: Is based on a stereotypical lumberjack.He wields The Mighty One, a greataxe that deals double damage to wood and wood-based foes. The perfect tool for a lumberjack.
  • Villainous Friendship: He seems to get along fine with Buddy the Wood Puppet (who is actually Magnus).

Son of Ragnar III

Ragnar's second child who was captured alongside his mother. He idolizes his father and looks up to him.

  • Big Guy, Little Guy: He becomes good friends with Spruce, who he is much taller than.
  • Big Little Brother: He’s only 12 or so, but is already 10 feet tall and still has room to grow. Already he’s bigger than his older brother Ragnar IV.
  • Gentle Giant: Towers over most children but is gentle enough to play with kids his age without issue.
  • Mighty Lumberjack: Just like his father, he has great lumberjacking skills. Ragnar taught him everything he knows.
  • Nice Guy: Is a sweet young boy who seeks to make his father proud.
  • Reforged into a Minion: The Timber Lord placed him into a giant wood puppet named Buddy to fight alongside Chuck.
  • Person of Mass Construction: Can build two houses in just 10 minutes.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: The friendly and respectful Magnus is nothing like his jerkass older brother.
  • Small Parent, Huge Child: Is much bigger than his father, taking after his mother Hertha more in genetics.
  • Super-Strength: Is much stronger than kids his age thanks to being quarter giant.
  • Vocal Dissonance: Is big, tough and burly but still sounds like a regular 12-year old.
  • Walking the Earth: Post-Campaign, he left to journey the world on his own. According to Briggs after one of the Marines streams, anyone would be allowed to play as him in The Marines Campaign if anyone dies, implying that he may have also become a Marine during the 10 year time skip.

Ragnar’s beloved wife who was captured by the Steam Punk Pirates and made a slave. She’s the only woman for Ragnar.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Ragnar mentions that he is terrified of an upset Hertha.
  • Gentle Giant: Is half-giant and towers over Ragnar (an already big guy) but doesn’t seem to be too much of a fighter.
  • Happily Married: With Ragnar. She is just as relieved to see him as he is her. Ragnar only wants her and she only wants him.
  • High-School Sweethearts: Her and Ragnar knew each other since their school days. Judging by how old Ragnar IV seems to be, they probably married soon after graduating school.
  • Interspecies Romance: She half-giant but Ragnar is full human. Their marriage results in quarter-giants Ragnar IV and Magnus.
  • Long-Lived: Being half giant, she most likely would outlive most humans. Though she sadly does not outlive Ragnar.
  • Made a Slave: Eustace Valve sold her, Magnus and the rest of Atlas to King Malachite. Malachite later sells her and her son once again to The Timber Lord.
  • Morality Chain: It’s very apparent that Ragnar loves his wife with all his heart. Once she dies post-campaign, his mental state takes a nosedive.
  • Nice Girl: Is a very sweet woman who loves her family dearly.
  • Non Action Girl: Is less of a fighter and more of a city planner. This comes in handy when he becomes the first mayor of Ragnarton.
  • Only Sane Woman: Is much more level-headed and intelligent than her husband. Unlike Ragnar, she paid attention in class.
  • Our Giants Are Bigger: Is a half-giant and is bigger than most of the cast.
  • Soap Opera Disease: Dies of an unknown sickness post-campaign.

G-4 Saga

Characters introduced in the campaign from episodes 16 to 19 by order of appearance.


A blacksmith from Pyramid Island who runs an armory. He and his family have been working on the Za Wulfo armor for generations.

  • Magnum Opus: Za Wulfo has taken decades to make by his family, but is their most valued set of armor.
  • Nice Guy: Is true to his word and is grateful for the Devil’s Luck Pirates helping him and the island of their clown problem.
  • Retired Badass: Was once a soldier back in the day but now he focuses on his smithing job.
  • Shout-Out: A pretty obvious one to Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. He even poses like he’s from the series as well when in a good mood.
  • Ultimate Blacksmith: He somehow brought a guardian spirit of sorts into the Za Wulfo armor. This makes his and his family tree’s smithing skills one of a kind in The One Piece World.

     Big Bozo

A pirate clown or small stature and big attitude who operates on Pyramid Island. He and his clown robot minions terrorize the island residents, saving his worst torments for the circus tent to make a spectacle of his unlucky victims.

Big Bozo ate a Devil Fruit that vastly increases his size. With his lethal giant squeaky hammer, he crushes all those who challenge him.

  • Actually a Doombot: His minions are all robots created by Captain Verona. They also explode when destroyed.
  • Ax-Crazy: He and his robots dismember and mutilate those they terrorize and kill. He then sends their remains to Captain Verona to be shipped to G-4.
    • Also to show how nuts he is, entry into his circus tent costs either one human life or 100,000 berries.
  • Cigar Chomper: Keeps a cigar in his mouth, which makes him looked jaded and bitter unlike most clowns.
  • Circus of Fear: Runs a circus on pyramid island where people are forced to watch innocents get tortured and killed for his amusement and profit.
  • Evil Is Petty: Refers to William as Wizzo once he “joins” as an acrobat and tells him to get used to it.
  • Gonk: Even without the clown makeup, he probably wouldn’t be much of a looker.
  • Hypocrite: Despite constantly nicknaming people, he only likes being referred to as Boss Big Bozo.
  • Jerkass: Not only is he a homicidal clown, he’s also a grumpy dickhead.
  • Monster Clown: He and his clown robots are far from a fun time. They love to kill, torture and dismember people in front of an audience held against their will.
  • The Napoleon: Is usually a very small guy but can turn very big when angered.
  • The Nicknamer: Refer to most people as “Sunshine” and gives new names to anyone working under him such as “Wizzo” for William.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Usually has a frown on his face and only seems to smile when watching violence.
  • Repulsive Ringmaster: Big Bozo is essentially the ringmaster of his circus, directing his clown robots to perform and/or kill.
  • "Pop!" Goes the Human: Verona causes an explosive barrel to blow up on him, causing him to burst and his organs to fall out.
  • Sadist: He loves to watch as his robots kill and rob rich girls. He also has clowns juggling human eyeballs for his amusement as well.
  • Shark Pool: His circus stage opens up into a pool of water filled with hungry piranhas.
  • Temporary Bulk Change: He ate a Devil Fruit that allows him to grow to almost as tall as the circus tent as well as become much more powerful.


A noblewoman kidnapped by Big Bozo but saved from death by the Devil’s Luck Pirates. She seems to be a very religious woman, praying to be saved from Big Bozo.

  • Damsel in Distress: Is taken by Big Bozo’s clown robots, beaten and was going to be killed and robbed if it wasn’t for William saving her life.
  • Ojou: Is from a rich family on Pyramid Island, which made her a target for the clowns.
  • Nice Girl: Seems to be a sweet young woman. She also sees the DLP as angels from god despite their claims otherwise.
  • Whatever Happened to the Mouse??: After saving her and asking her a few questions, the crew mainly just ditch her afterwards in the tent. But with the clowns all defeated, she most likely returned home to her family safe and sound though.


A melancholy Marine who is the number two of Captain Verona. He has long fallen out of favor in her eyes and he knows it. His tough lot in life has led to him becoming quite depressed.

  • Bald of Authority: He is a high-ranking engineer under Captain Verona and has not a single hair on his head.
  • The Cynic: Is hardly a positive guy. It’s hard to blame him though when your superior thinks robots are better than you at everything.
  • The Eeyore: Working under a heartless woman like Captain Verona, making clown based tech and delivering body parts to G-4 really wore down Gregory’s spirits.
  • The Engineer: Gregory very good with technology and works directly under Captain Verona. Too bad he’s being ordered to make weapons that ultimately threaten civilians.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Wears an eyepatch. But unlike most uses of this trope, he’s not particularly tough and he’s not at all threatening once you talk to him.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: Later leaves the Marines and is last seen hanging out with Jojo. He seems happier for it.
  • Mr. Exposition: Provides info (though unknowingly) to the group about Captain Verona and the operation she was doing with Big Bozo. He just thought he was only venting to a robot.

     Vice Admiral Arzen (Warning: Spoilers)
Click here to see Bio-Arzen
A Vice Admiral of the Marines and commanding officer of the G-4 base, Arzen delights in running experiments to increase his power. To do this requires experimenting on many unfortunate pirates as well as anyone else he feels he can get away with strapping onto the operating table. Few survive this ordeal.

He is also secretly one of the founding members of The Aeons, a group dedicated to finding a way to achieve immortality at all costs. Arzen actually successfully achieves this after nearly dying at G-4, becoming Bio-Arzen.

  • Arc Villain: The main antagonist of the G-4 Saga. He is the biggest threat at the G-4 base and both Captain Verona and Commodore Trevor follow his orders.
  • Ax-Crazy: Unhinged is the gentlest way to describe him.
  • Bad Boss: He makes working under Akainu seem fun in comparison.
    • He kills a marine over simply not carrying boxes full of body parts fast enough, melting his insides with his tubes to make an example out of the rest of the Marines under his wing.
    • He tears Cyril’s arm off because he wouldn’t tell him how he created a living hand, despite Cyril repeatedly telling him he didn’t make it.
    • The troops in G-4 are overheard saying how much they hate G-4 and how miserable it is. Arzen runs G-4 so he is most likely to blame for the dreary atmosphere and low morale.
    • Arzen in Episode 18 claims that the only reason he doesn’t experiment on fellow marines is because he isn’t allowed to by his superiors.
    • He demotes Trevor for attacking him, even though he was forced to by William (which Arzen knew about).
    • As Bio-Arzen, when he attacks the Devil’s Luck Pirates with a goo explosion, he also hits Everest and Fayln as well. Everest was a Cousin of the Aeons and worked under him.
  • Beard of Evil: Big grey beard and very evil.
  • The Casanova: Supposedly in his younger years, he was quite the player according to Rustage.
  • Came Back Wrong: Was saved from an untimely death by his green goo. This also resulted in him being turned into a slimy abomination.
  • Combat Sadomasochist: Gets a kick out of hurting others and also doesn’t seem to mind getting injured as well. Though if the wounds have a chance of being fatal, he will take it very personally.
  • The Dreaded: Everyone at G-4 is terrified of crossing him.
  • Evilutionary Biologist: Messes with his and others genetics with his green ooze somehow.
    • Growing Wings: Can mess with his genes to grow avian wings on his back.
    • Temporary Bulk Change: Can make various body parts of his bigger to enhance his strength by injecting himself with his serum.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Was freaked out by V’s sentient armor and shot it into space. The armor eventually found itself on Planet Duros.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Poltely greets his foes/victims but shows nothing but contempt for them. If he hates somebody enough, he won’t even bother with fake pleasantries (like with Cyril during their second meeting).
  • For Science!: His experiments are partially to improve himself and to gain immortality. But it mostly seems like he does what he does out of sadism.
  • Hollywood Acid: The green fluid in his tank deals acid damage. Once he becomes Bio-Arzen, he is covered in the stuff.
    • Acid Attack: His main attack deals acid damage.
    • Cast from Hit Points: Bio-Arzen’s strongest attack Goo Explosion also reduces his Hit Points to one.
    • Mook Maker: Bio Arzen can create goo people to attack for him.
  • Human Resources: Arzen uses humans, fishmen, minks and who knows what other tribes in his experiments.
  • Immortality Seeker: His main motivation for helping found The Aeons. He succeeds once he becomes Bio-Arzen. Though he is killed soon after achieving immortality by the Devil’s Luck Pirates.
  • And Then What?: After gaining immortality, he claims that he might open a bakery now that he achieved his goal. He most likely was being facetious though.
  • Kick the Dog: Ripping Cyril’s arm off, experimenting on Boss, trying to cut off William’s hand. When isn’t he kicking the dog?
  • Mad Scientist: How a guy like him managed to qualify for the Marines is a mystery.
  • Lord British Postulate: When he showed up in G-4, he was meant to be an impossibly powerful foe that the DLP were meant to escape from - however, a lucky Roulette-Roulette roll gave William the ability to create a mind-control collar that he proceeded to attach to the nearly as powerful Trevor, forcing him to almost fight him to the death and weakened him enough that Cyril managed to “kill” him.
  • Not Quite Dead: Was presumed dead by the crew and the world at large once Cyril shot him through the heart with an Aqua Pump. But through his science, Arzen managed to return as the slimey (though immortal) Bio-Arzen.
  • Put Down Your Gun and Step Away: Realizing he’s been cornered and is about to die for good, Bio Arzen tries to barter for his life by holding Cyril hostage, threatening to kill him if they don’t let him leave. Though the moment he lets go of Cyril to fly away, he is attacked once again, making the attempt pointless.
  • Revenge: Bio-Arzen is still very sore about how the crew (especially Cyril) almost killed him the first time.
  • Sadist: He is always looking for an excuse to hurt someone. Being a Marine just makes finding an excuse easier.
  • The Sleepless: Bio-Arzen no longer sleeps, as William with the Sleep Sleep Fruit learned the hard way.
  • The Needless: If Bio-Arzen was accurate about being truly immortal and living forever, he might not have needed to even eat or drink anymore either.
  • Sibling Murder: Claimed he killed all of his brothers and sisters (and possibly many of his other relatives).
  • The Sociopath: Possesses many of the traits of a sociopath.
    • He doesn’t care about anyone but himself and his science.
    • Doesn’t care what anybody thinks of him. Characters calling him mad get his laughter as a reply.
    • Is willing to kill or maim people on a whim for the flimsiest of reasons. Just ask Boss or Cyril.
    • Uses superficial charm to get his way. He had multiple lovers in the past, but he probably truly cared for none of them.
  • The Starscream: Uses organizations like the Marines or the Aeons long enough to get what he wants then ditches them, consequences be damned.
  • Undignified Death: Thrice somehow! Triple the humiliation!
    • The first time was when Cyril (a private turned warrant officer whose arm he tore off earlier that day) shot him through the heart with a blast of water. He only survived thanks to his science.
    • He later officially died when The First Bullet (an animated Bullet of Verona’s) punched Bio-Arzen’s heart out after using his strongest attack. He had one hit point.
    • As a memory summoned by Myria, Arzen then died a third time when Heali (a small healing robot) punched him for his last hit point.
  • Walking Spoiler: Arzen returning in The Aeons Saga as a gooey abomination is hard to talk about without giving too much away. Especially when it’s discovered that he’s one of the four founding members of The Aeons.

     Captain Verona 
Verona’s mother who she named after herself. She is a cold and unfeeling Marine Captain who values machines over humans. She is in command of the Marine base at Pyramid Island. She recently got information about where her father V is.
  • Archnemesis Mom: Never really acknowledged her own son Verona and never went to look for him after Viridian was killed. For that she’s dead to him and he doesn’t even acknowledge her when she herself is killed by Hemlock.
  • Asshole Victim: Though murdered by an assassin sent by her own father for finding out where he was, nobody shed any tears for when she was killed. Her death especially made Pyramid Island a much safer place. Though nobody knew that her own father turned her into the woman she was thanks to his experiments on her brain.
  • Awful Wedded Life: What her and Viridian saw in one another is a mystery. What is known is that she didn’t give a damn when he died.
    • It was later confirmed that the two used to deeply love one another but V tampered with her mind to make her a cold, unloving person. Her husband spent his last few years alive trying to find a way to return her to normal.
  • Cyborg: Was turned into a cyborg by her own father V. She also believes that robots are superior to humans.
  • Dirty Cop: Uses Big Bozo (a pirate) to terrorize the people of Pyramid Island and take their money to fund her experiments. In exchange, she supplies Big Bozo with equipment and robots while turning a blind eye to his crimes. Big Bozo also gives her the body parts of his victims for use at G-4.
  • Electronic Eyes: She possesses robotic eyes in place of organic ones. As an added bonus, she cannot be blinded now. She can shoot lasers from her eyes that are powerful enough to boost the speed of a marine ship when attached to them.
  • Lack of Empathy: Love and caring are alien to her. Her subordinates and her own son know this all too well.
  • Mad Scientist: Though much less hammy than Arzen, Captain Verona is a cruel scientist seeking to perfect the art of robotics while also seeking to harness Devil Fruit Powers into her work.
  • Robot Master: Created many clown robots that almost have minds of their own. She also thinks that robots make better soldiers as well. Judging by how she seemed to want to experiment on the crew (with Arzen offering her Pearl), she seems more than willing to make cyborgs out of people as well.
  • Parental Neglect: Cared little if at all for her own son. Waiting for her for weeks in the woods only for her to never show up was the point when the young Verona realized that she never loved him.
  • Shared Family Quirks: Her son takes after her with his fascination with gadgets, though not to her extreme extent. Likewise she inherited her fascination with robotics from her father V.
  • She Knows Too Much: She found where V and the Eight Flames were located. V sent Hemlock and Blake to kill her to keep her mouth shut.
  • Unwilling Roboticisation: Rustage has confirmed that her father V experimented with and “robofied” her mind over a decade before the campaign began. He did this in an attempt to do immortality experiments on the human brain.

Gravy Retrieval Saga

Characters introduced in the campaign from episodes 20 to 24 by order of appearance.

A Helpful Fella

Helper is an information broker working for Bog Top. He is a friendly guy and the first person the crew met in The Oasis.

  • The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes: Despite helping everyone all the time, nobody really has ever tried to help Helper.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Helper has never seen the sun since Big Top never allowed him to leave the Oasis. He also had to live a self reliant life.
  • Hidden Depths: Is just as good as William at card tricks, if not better.
  • Can't Believe I Said That: Is somewhat ashamed that he is sponsored by Spinkle, having to repeat his store jingle again and again.
    "Dr. Spinkle's Special Substances, what are in them? Who knows!"
  • Improbable Age: He seems younger than all of the Devil’s Luck Pirates, likely a teenager. He’s still one of the best information brokers in The Oasis.
  • Knowledge Broker: Other than the location of the Eight Flames base, he knows The Oasis like the back of his hand.
  • Knows a Guy Who Knows a Guy: Though he does know that the dons know the location of the base and tells the crew the location of the dons.
  • Mr. Exposition: If anybody needs info on something in the Oasis, he is the guy to talk to. And if he doesn’t know something, he knows somebody who does.
  • Will Talk for a Price: As payment for his services, he wants valuable information first. Ragnar having an Eight Flames candle is enough.
  • Meaningful Name: Helper helps and is very helpful.
  • Nerd Glasses: Wears a pair of glasses that makes him look a lot like Rustage himself.
  • Nice Guy: Is an honest enough fellow who tries his best to help those around him.
  • Non-Action Guy: Doesn’t seem to have any fighting ability. But since he works under Big Top and is an overall swell fella, nobody tries to harm or threaten him.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Is rarely seen without a presentable smile on his face
  • Stepford Smiler: Much of his smiling is forced in order to give a positive impression of The Oasis.

Queen of The Casino

Roulette runs the Queen’s Gambit Casino and is one of the three dons of The Oasis . The Player characters go to her to obtain information on the location of the Eight Flames base.

Roulette has eaten the Contract Contract Fruit, which allows her to control anyone who signs a contract with her (whether knowingly or not).

  • Badass in a Nice Suit: Wears a fancy suit and is one of the dons of The Oasis for a damn good reason.
  • Chess Motifs: Her casino is based around chess and those working under her that chess-themed names. Ironically, Chess is a game known less about luck and more about skill.
  • Has a Type: Has a thing for people with animal traits. She was once in a relationship with The Elephant, shows some attraction to Ragnar (who is a bear Zoan) and dated Boss (who had animal parts grafted onto him).
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: Stops trying to manipulate the crew after they stop her from controlling their captain but she is still a casino don and desires wealth above all else.
  • Magically-Binding Contract: She ate the Contract Contract Fruit, which allows those who signs a contract she makes to do what she pleases.
    • Leonine Contract: Those who sign her contracts must follow what was said on the contract, even if it’s against their will.
    • Read the Fine Print: Her contracts are vague enough that she could get people to do whatever she wants if necessary.
    • Tear Up the Contract: The only way to free someone under her control is to tear the contract up.
    • Tricked into Signing: Most people under her contract might not have known they were signing one (like William). It got bad enough that residents in The Oasis don’t even use contracts anymore for deals.
  • Ms. Robinson: Seems a bit older than most of the crew and is still a very lovely curvaceous woman.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Verona takes out the seastone handcuffs to force Roulette to free William, she tries to laugh it off as a joke but it’s obvious she knew she was cornered.
  • Old Flame: Her and The Elephant were and item once (try not to think too hard about it). But now they are bitter rival dons and frequently steal from one another.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: More like red eye but she has heterochromia and one of her eyes is bright red.
  • Smoking Is Cool: She is a smoker but it makes her look suave.
  • Smug Snake: A bit of a downplayed example, but she definitely was not expecting Verona to have seastone cuffs on him and thought she had the crew by the balls before that. Luckily, she was smart enough to surrender and the crew mostly forgave her.
  • Working with the Ex: Fights alongside The Elephant during the coup against Big Top.

     The Elephant
The Elephant

The Elephant is the don of The Elephant Casino. He is an Elephant Mink who tolerates no nonsense from anyone.

  • Badass in a Nice Suit: The Elephant is a powerful casino don and is never seen not wearing a suit not tailor made for his size.
  • Berserk Button: Being a herbivore Mink, he personally has a disdain for those who eat meat. To the point that Gravy needed to make a vegan turkey during the “Thanksgiving” with all the dons.
  • Childhood Friends: With Bullet. Bullet even notes how much he’s changed over the years.
  • Cruel Elephant: He’s an elephant Mink and is pretty bitter and aloof much of the time.
  • Elephants Never Forget: He holds a grudge against William and the rest of the crew for stealing “his” diamond and for blasting him in the face with a smoke bomb. It takes a lot of persuasion to get him to join the Oasis Thanksgiving.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: Joins in helping overthrow Big Top but like Roulette and The Prospector, they mostly just care about their bottom line.
  • Hot Skitty-on-Wailord Action: It’s better not to think how the relationship between him and Roulette worked.
  • Old Flame: Had a relationship with fellow don Roulette for a while but broke it off. Now the two casinos are enemies. Though it’s somewhat implied that he still cares about her deep down.
  • No Name Given: He is only known as The Elephant. If he has a real name or if his title is his actual name is not known.
  • Pet the Dog: Though he is generally unfriendly to the DLP, he adores Gravy. Because “everyone loves Gravy”.
  • Scars Are Forever: Has a scar over his eye after William launched a smoke bomb at his face.
  • Straw Vegetarian: Is explicitly a vegetarian, to join his casino you must become vegetarian and he looks down on meat eaters.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: Bullet mentioned that he’s changed over the years since she’s seen him last. Perhaps the politics of The Oasis wore down his more idealistic side.
  • Working with the Ex: Joins Roulette in battling Big Top’s forces during the coup.

The Schnobleglok owner of Spinkle’s Special Substances, a shop where he sells weird substances with all sorts of wacky effects.
  • Ambiguously Human: He is supposedly a Schnobleglok (whatever that is). His substance skills are almost magical in nature as well.
  • Berserk Button: He doesn’t like it when people don’t remember his name.
  • Clone Degeneration: The purple substance creates an exact clone of the drinker that lasts for a limited time.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Working on his substances drove him bonkers if he wasn’t already nuts before. He also accepts kisses as payment and all the clocks in his store are set to 4:20.
  • Forced Transformation: The blue substance turns those who drink it into a liquid who cannot move but are still alive.
  • Incredible Shrinking Man: The yellow substance turns the drinker tiny.
  • Love Potion: The red substances makes the drinker fall for the first person they see.
  • Mad Scientist: He’s wacky, but his potions work like a charm. He just doesn’t know what will happen until after somebody drinks them.
  • Magic Potion: His Special Substances are pretty much these.
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: His potions do not follow normal rules at all. But it is One Piece, where lots of things are nigh unexplainable.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: The green substance allows those who drink it to speak to animals.

The Space Empire Saga

Characters introduced in the campaign from episodes 25 to 30 by order of appearance.

Our favorite Edgelord

A Centurion who is secretly half-Sterran and the half-brother of Luna. He investigated the crashed ship the party was inside.

  • Boomerang Bigot: Is contemptuous of Sterrans despite being half-Sterran himself. This could be either to keep his heritage a secret and/or some sort of self loathing.
  • Celestial Body: Thanks to his Sterran heritage, his body has a similar starry pattern to them. He hides this as best as he can underneath clothing and wrappings.
  • Cosmic Plaything: BY GOD the universe is not kind to him. He’s looked down on by the other Centurions, his sister sees him as a burden, he is immediately taken down by the Devil’s Luck Pirates before even getting a chance to react, is interrogated by them about the planet, his trident is taken from him, kept in their abandoned ship with Bullet on guard and is defeated again by being trapped in a water bubble by Cyril.
    • Worse still is when he joins the DLP in their fight against his former Emperor (who would be disgusted by his existence). Dominius downs him early in the fight. Helios is then hit by Dominius’s destructive wave, meaning he failed a death save. And once Louis has a chance to reverse his damage, Ragnar asks to heal him instead, thinking they can use a med pack in a bit. Helios then rolls a natural 1 on his death save and bleeds out. The hand Helios was dealt with in life was god awful.
  • Determinator: Even when he is at his lowest, he still tries his best fighting foes way above his league.
  • The Eeyore: Has a sullen and negative attitude about life in general, especially about his heritage.
  • Emo: His disposition and pessimistic outlook, along with his hair style quickly made the Players refer to him as “emo”.
  • Eyepatch of Power: He has a cloth over his left eye. He has it not because of a missing eye, but to help cover his Sterran heritage.
  • Half-Breed Angst: The union of his parents caused him issues he had to suffer (and hide) his whole life.
    • Bastard Angst: His Sterran mother and Durosian father most definitely had him out of wedlock. Even still, he’s a pretty nice guy underneath all his angst and jumps at the chance to make a genuine change in the world.
  • Nepotism: It’s implied that Helios only got his Centurion position thanks to Luna’s influence as an Inquisitor.
  • Prongs of Poseidon: Is first seen wielding a Trident that emits purple flames somehow. He is defeated before he can even use it and the trident is given to Cyril.
    • Flaming Sword: He is later given a sword than emits purple flames by Luna. The sword deals additional psychic damage rather than fire.
  • Sacrificial Lion: His death resulted in Ragnar learning to prioritize having himself healed less. Helios also lives on as Lyssa’s robot Heali, a robot specializing in healing unconscious allies.
  • Stellar Name: Helios is the name of the Greek Sun God.
  • Surprisingly Sudden Death: Nobody could have predicted that nat 1 happening.

A Sterran rescued from slavery from Lyssa and one of her dear friends.
  • Best Friend: Has been Lyssa closest friend and helps her with her work on Duros.
  • Born into Slavery: Happy was born a slave but was freed by Lyssa and Aurelius.
  • Celestial Body: Like all Sterran, his body has the appearance of starry space.
  • Dark Horse Victory: When Luna created a parliament, Happy surprisingly ran and became a member of the house.
  • The Idealist: He does not speak the language of the DLP, but it’s apparent that he tries to see the best in others.
  • Meaningful Name: Happy is an overall friendly and positive Sterran.

     Inquisitor Cornelius
The Big C

One of Dominius’s four Inquisitors, he rules over Astakampos. He is keeping Lyssa’s grandfather prisoner.

  • Classy Cravat: Wears a cravat and gives extremely upper class vibes.
  • Cool Mask: He wears a Raven Mask during formal events. Though unlike the other Inquisitors, he is never seen without it.
  • Fantastic Racism: He looks down upon Sterrans like most other Durosians, though not to Maximus’s extent.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He is polite enough when in a good mood, but he makes it obvious that he looks down upon most people.
  • Giant Hands of Doom: He has giant metal hands floating around him that do the fighting for him and protect him from harm. These hands also make him vulnerable to electricity as well.
  • Gladiator Games: His city has a gladiator arena where people fight to the death. He also keeps The Beast there as his champion.
  • Kick the Dog: He arrested Aurelion and is more than happy to watch the old man get butchered by Ragnelius (Ragnar) with pretty much no way to defend himself.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Not only does he look down on Sterrans, he seems to look down on anyone who isn’t wealthy.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: He doesn’t like to torture his Sterran slaves. Not because he finds it repulsive, but because it is a waste of slave labor.
  • Sadist: He finds deep enjoyment in watching people die in his arena.
  • Squishy Wizard: His hands desks good damage and give him a high armor class but his hit points are quite low and if anyone can get past his defenses, he goes down quick.
  • Troll: Promised Ragnelius land if he survives his arena. But nobody survives his arena.
  • Upper-Class Twit: Is quite openly disdainful of the lower class and is very pompous.
  • Villainous Breakdown: When he realizes that Ragnar is the bear from legends, he immediately freaks out and tries to kill him.
  • Villainous Friendship: Gets along quite well with Maximus, though he thinks he is quite a brute.

     Inquisitor Maximus 
A violent and brutish Inquisitor who has a nasty temper.
  • Abhorrent Admirer: Has made advances to Luna in a past. Luna on her part finds him repulsive both on the inside and outside.
  • Berserk Button: Realizing he’s been tricked is sure to set him off.
  • The Brute: Is the physically strongest of the Inqusitors and is the only one with Armament Haki. He even takes half damage from all physical attacks.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: He likes to brutally torture his Sterran slaves for his own amusement.
  • Cool Mask: He wears a boar mask to Cornelius’s ball.
  • Dumb Muscle: Doesn’t know how to do much other than hurt people. He finds things like skill to be worthless in a fight.
  • Entitled to Have You: Feels like he deserves to have Luna for himself. During their battle, he threatens that after he beats her, she won’t have the option to refuse him anymore.
  • Fantastic Racism: Hates Sterrans and loves to torture them for fun. A miserable or dead Sterran is his favorite Sterran.
  • Jerkass: Is easily the cruelest of the Inqusitors. Aster said he even punches him for just rapping within earshot.
  • Ludicrous Gibs: Luna cuts him into many little clean pieces with her blade.
  • Megaton Punch: Has armament Haki and his sole attack is one big punch that overcomes even Ragnar’s damage resistance.
  • Might Makes Right: Seems to follow Dominius solely because he’s the only person on the planet stronger than him.
  • Nepotism: He became an Inquisitor because his father was one.
  • Oh, Crap!: Is frightened by Duros’s menacing attack and begins to realize that he is actually going to die. Which he does soon after by Luna’s blade.
  • Villainous Friendship: With Cornelius, though they have their disagreements and are competitive with one another.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: When ready for a fight, he goes bare-chested.

     Inquisitor Luna
La Luz

A member of Dominius’s four Inquisitors and later Empress, Luna is a no-nonsense woman who takes her position as Inquisitor extremely seriously. Upon battling the crew, Duros makes her see how corrupt the system she is a part of is. She is later summoned to the New World with William’s Devil Fruit.

Luna ate the Moonlight Moonlight Fruit, which allows her to move great speeds and fly as living moonlight, being most effective during the night.

  • The Atoner: After becoming Empress, Luna has been doing all she can to make Planet Duros a better place for the citizens to make up for being part of the previous oppressive system.
  • Berserk Button: She can be quite aloof, but she seems to loathe it when people try to force a conversation with her. Especially when there are other people to talk to and she obviously has no interest in talking.
  • Big Sister Instinct: When she heard that Helios was kept tied up in a spaceship, she immediately rushed off. She later goes into a furious rage against Dominius after he kills Helios. Her greatest regret was that she was never kinder to his half brother Helios.
  • Black-and-White Insanity: She sees Dominius as the rightful Emperor while all who disobey were the bad guys. She gets over it.
  • Blade Spam: She is extremely quick with her rapier and can slice her foes down within seconds.
  • Character Development: At first, she was a cold, standoffish and temperamental Inquisitor who devoted herself to the status quo of her Emperor. She later thanks to Duros begins questioning her Emperor’s ideals and the flaws of her Empire. Once Dominius is beaten, she devotes herself to becoming a fair and just ruler.
  • Cool Mask: Wears a Fox mask when attending fancy balls.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Once Duros helps her realize the cruelty of Emperor Dominius, she and her brother join the Devil’s Luck Pirates in overthrowing him.
  • The High Queen: Once Dominius is killed, Duros suggests Luna becomes the new Empress of Planet Duros. Under her rule, Sterrans have rights, there is now a governing parliament and slavery has been abolished.
  • Lady of War: She elegantly fights with her diamond rapier using swift stabs and cuts at speeds few can catch up with.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Not only can she move at crazy speeds, she can make up to five attacks per turn. All which ignore damage resistance.
  • Lunacy: She ate the Moonlight Moonlight Fruit.
    • Conditional Powers: She can only use her powers at her fullest when the moon is out.
    • Gale-Force Sound: Can generate sonic booms to hurt her foes as she dashes away too fast for them to retaliate.
    • Super-Speed: Easily one of the fastest characters in the campaign. She can even dash from a city to an abandoned ship in ancients ruins miles from civilization and back within mere minutes.
  • Male Sun, Female Moon: Luna represents the moon while her half-brother Helios has a sun-based name.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Once she learns about her half-brother’s Sterran heritage, she is quick to regret her mistreatment of Sterrans.
    • She has another one upon Helios’s death, regretting how aloof she was to him when he was alive.
  • Official Couple: Despite their initial rocky start, Luna and Duros eventually hit it off. They even spend the night together. Once they’re reunited, Duros and Luna act very much as if they are husband and wife despite not yet being officially married. Duros later leaves for Planet Duros with her in the epilogue to rule by her side.
  • Only Sane Woman: Frequently weirded out and exasperated by the silly antics of others. A lot of her more humorous moments come from her reacting to the weird situations and people around her. Especially with Duros.
  • Opposites Attract: With Duros. He’s a ditzy, fun loving yet honorable knight who focuses on defense at the expense of mobility. Luna is a no-nonsense and aloof woman who maintains an air of dignity around herself, focusing on precise strikes with her rapier.
  • Pregnant Badass: When summoned by William, it is discovered that she is 4-5 months pregnant with Duro’s child. This does not stop her from fighting when necessary.
  • Royal Rapier: Wields a powerful diamond rapier that she can use to attack up to five times. Her rapier is made of a material that pierces damage resistance.
  • Stellar Name: Luna means moon in Spanish.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Can be cold most of the time, but she deeply values those she cares for.
  • True Blue Femininity: Likes to wear a lot of blue and her hair is also a deep blue.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Get suddenly teleported in to see a Yonko has punched out the father of your child? Slice him up!

Lyssa’s grandfather who was arrested and enslaved by Inquisitor Cornelius for trying to build a space ship.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Is well aware that he only got one vote on the official NPC popularity poll.
  • Defiant to the End: Thinking that Ragnar/Ragnelius was going to kill him in the arena, he tries to put up a fight with what little gear he was given (to no success).
  • Distressed Dude: Was captured and arrested by Cornelius for making a space ship and was to be executed in the arena.
  • The Engineer: Was able to make a spaceship almost all by himself (albeit one without brakes).
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Seems to have taught Lyssa everything she knows.
  • Nice Guy: Is extremely helpful in helping the crew return to their planet and is supportive of Lyssa leaving with them.

     The Beast 
The most feared gladiator in Cornelius’s coliseum in Astakampos. He was enslaved and fed the Bear Bear Fruit, Model: Black Bear. His purpose is to emulate the demon of Durosian legend who is actually Ragnar from Dominius’s timeline.
  • Bears Are Bad News: Ate the Bear Bear Fruit, Model: Black Bear so he can be more like the “Demon” that is Ragnar.
  • Brutish Character, Brutish Weapon: Wields an Greataxe that looks very similar to Ragnar since he is meant to be an imitation of Ragnar.
  • The Dreaded: His moniker and origin as an imitation of a demonized interpretation of Ragnar means that most of the people on Planet Duros fears him. The populace doesn’t know what a bear is but when a civilian sees a picture of bear by William (who said Ragnar could turn into it), the civilian panics and recognizes the form as the form of The Beast.
  • Face of a Thug: Has a reputation as a violent monster but outside of the arena he is quite calm and composed compared to Ragnar.
  • Goal in Life: He simply wants to be an accountant.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Being a Black Bear Zoan, chances are he was pretty much Ragnar but inferior in all but a few ways.
  • Power Incontinence: He seems to have little control of his Zoan, being usually stuck in the hybrid form.
  • The Unfought: Ultimately, Ragnar does not fight The Beast in the arena. The closest the two have to a fight is an arm wrestle (which Ragnar handily wins).

A slave rescued by the crew in Astakampos. His name is Flinlon.
  • Flat Character: He introduces himself a lot and is panicky. Those are his two biggest qualities.
  • The Load: Was so panicky that Duros had to knock him out before being able to rescue him.
  • Nervous Wreck: He was a slave, so he’s usually fearful of punishment.
  • Verbal Tic: He habitually introduces himself a lot.
    "My name is Flinlon!"

     Inquisitor Aster
Mr. Universe

A laid-back member of Dominius’s Inquisitors sent by the God-Emperor to kill the Devil’s Luck Pirates. He surrenders and pursues his dream as a rapper. He is later teleported to the New World along with Luna thanks to William.

He ate the Pipe Pipe Fruit, which allows him to create creatures from the smoke he puffs from his pipe.

  • Berserk Button: Downplayed, but he Is a bit indignant at William when he gives him the crew position of weed dealer rather than musician. Especially since their was an opening.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Is a rapper who likes to get high and managed to become an Inquisitor for Dominius.
  • Cool Mask: We never see it, but it has been stated that his animal mask is a frog.
  • The Ditherer: Luna states that he lacks conviction. She isn’t exactly wrong as he watched the DLP, Hemlock, Blake, Luna and Helios fight Dominius from afar. Had he helped, perhaps Helios would still be alive.
  • Dreadlock Rasta: He has long, green dreadlocks he keeps out of his eyes with a headband.
  • Dreary Half-Lidded Eyes: He doesn’t seem to keep his eyes fully open, whether it be because he’s relaxed or stoned. Usually both.
  • Fantastically Indifferent: It takes a lot to phase him. He even casually mentions how Maximus punches him in the face when he tries to show his rapping skills to him as if it’s a normal thing.
  • Gratuitous Rap: Is pretty damn good at rapping on the fly. It’s also his greatest passion (though none of his fellow Inquisitors care). He also seemed to have made a name for himself in the All Blue (what Durosians call the One Piece world) ten years after the campaign. His raps are even considered valuable enough to be sold at an underground auction in One Piece Marines.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Not exactly evil to begin with but he has no issues with Dominius dying and temporarily becomes part of the Devil’s Luck Pirates when Williams summons him and Luna. He even replaces Louis as crew musician for a little bit.
  • I Choose to Stay: Seeing that his music and his identity of Mr. Universe is known in the One Piece world ten years later, it’s possible that Aster never left the planet with Duros and Luna.
  • In-Series Nickname: Mr. Universe. Though most people just call him Aster. The nickname seemed to have stuck ten years later though.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Once Maximus is killed, he is quick to surrender and allow the party to continue forward towards Dominius.
  • Lazy Bum: Luna remarks that he lacks ambition and usually just sits around getting high and rapping.
  • Mellow Fellow: Rarely raises his voice and tends to go with the flow.
  • Smokingis Cool: He thinks so at least. And his Devil Fruit allows him to create beasts out of the smoke he produces.
  • The Stoner: Is never seen not at least a little high.
    • Erudite Stoner: He is no genius but despite being perpetually high, he is still an Inquisitor and has an appreciation for the musical arts.
  • Summon Magic: His devil fruit allows him to summon creatures made of smoke. The creatures he has been seen making are bears, giant birds, big apes and mammoths.
    • Intangibility: Seems to be able to make his smoke summons unable to be hurt, with attacks going through them as if they were pure smoke. His summoned creatures can still hurt people though.
    • Logical Weakness: Louis’s time-based fruit turns out to be the perfect counter to Aster’s fruit as Louis can just rewind the smoke creatures away, causing Aster to choke in the process.

     Emperor Dominius (Warning: Spoilers)
Duros Black

The God Emperor of planet Duros. He seems to build a super weapon in order to annihilate the All Blue (what the Durosians refer to the One Piece World as).

He is also Duros from an alternate timeline that was corrupted by V’s armor. He slaughtered his crewmates but was sent many, many years into the past by his timeline’s Louis. Conquering the planet he was now trapped on, he spent the centuries ruling the planet he named after himself with an iron fist.

  • A God Am I: Views himself as a deity to his Durosians and for centuries was worshipped as their god-emperor.
  • Alternate Self: Is Duros from a timeline where he was corrupted by V’s armor and Shield. The corruption drove him to kill his crewmates before Louis sent him back in time.
  • Arc Villain: The ruler of planet Duros, the final foe of the saga and the most dangerous person on the planet.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: Has pretty much no idea who Lyssa is despite killing her parents.
  • Dying as Yourself: Once the armor shatters, Dominius (Duros) returns to his senses before rapidly aging and rotting away.
  • Artifact of Doom: V’s armor is extremely powerful but corrupts their wielder utterly.
  • Evil Overlord: Is the undisputed ruler of Planet Duros and ruled it with an iron fist.
  • Fantastic Racism: Turned the Sterrans (the original inhabitants of Duros) into slaves and fully encourages their discrimination.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Was sent back almost a thousand years into the past by Louis as a last resort.
  • Hero Killer: He struck down Helios, who dies of his injuries. Luna pays him back for killing her half-brother.
  • It's Personal: He hates all of the Devil’s Luck Pirates, but he hates Louis the most for sending him back in time in the first place.
  • Kick the Dog: Many dogs have been kicked over the centuries by him.
  • King of Beasts: His Cool Mask is that of a Lion.
  • Large Ham: Once he starts to speak, he is just as hammy as his uncorrupted counterpart.
  • Narcissist: The currency and even most of the games and holidays on Duros are named after himself.
  • Not So Above It All: He personally banned all miming as punishable by death despite nobody on Duros knowing what a mime is.
    • Since Duros had no sexual knowledge, Dominius created a planet-wide mediocre sex-education.
  • Pride: His will is absolute. Those who defy it are to die.
  • Purple Is Powerful: His aura and armor have a distinct purple color and he is much more powerful than Duros.
  • Shockwave Stomp: He can emit his Conquerer’s Haki as a powerful shockwave that affects everyone around him. Those flying or in the air can avoid it.
  • Superweapon: He also plans to create a superweapon to destroy the All-Blue (One Piece planet).
  • Walking Spoiler: It’s hard to talk about Dominius without revealing that he’s the Duros of another timeline corrupted by V’s armor.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: His hair is white and he is utterly heartless.
  • Would Hit a Girl: In his timeline, the first person on the crew Dominius murdered was Pearl due to not wanting to risk fighting her dragon form.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Was more than willing to sacrifice Lyssa if her parents didn’t volunteer in her stead.

The Aeon Saga

Characters introduced in the campaign from episodes 31 to 40 by order of appearance.

     Long John Magnum 

Long John Magnum is the deranged captain of the Trojan Pirates obsessed with Davy Back Fights. Losers who he finds useful are forced into his crew and those who aren’t he allows his brother Stoner to turn to stone.

Crazily enough, this guy ate the Gum Gum Fruit, the iconic devil fruit that will eventually be eaten by Monkey D. Luffy. Long John is not nearly as good at using the fruit though.

  • Ax-Crazy: Gleefully enjoys watching Stoner turn people into statues.
  • Bad Boss: Other than Stoner, he is quick to berate anyone else in his crew. It’s also plainly obvious that Humphrey, Malaise and Taurus hate working under him.
    • The second event also has cannons shooting at both mine carts, which nearly kill Taurus and Humphrey.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Initially acts friendly (if a little weird) but once he and his crew offer to shake hands with his visitors, Stoner turns Cyril to stone. He then claims they will turn him back once they play a Davy Back Fight with him.
  • Bring My Brown Pants: Shits himself when he sees Ragnar jump over a volcano hole and land right in front of him.
  • Cheaters Never Prosper: Tries to cheat every single contest. He still loses each time.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: His fight against Duros and Ragnar is insanely one sided in their favor.
  • Dirty Coward: Cries and begs for his life once he realizes he is utterly outmatched.
  • Doomed by Canon: He ate the Gum Gum Fruit. It’s inevitable that he will die so that Monkey D. Luffy will get his Devil Fruit.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Is terrified and reduced to begging once he finds out Stoner intends to petrify him.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Tries to put up a friendly act but the facade quickly fades the moment things don’t go his way.
  • Fingore: Duros cuts off most of his fingers on one hand as he was hanging over a volcano.
  • Foil: To Monkey D. Luffy in a way. Unlike the main character of the One Piece manga, Magnum has poor fighting abilities, treats his “crew” like garbage, is far from brave and has no ambitions other than to help his brother make human statues for fun. Magnum honestly makes Foxy seem badass in comparison.
  • Meaningful Name: His name and the name of the Trojan Pirates are based on condoms. Being a rubber man adds more to the joke.
  • The Mentally Disturbed: Is frankly a barely functional human being obsessed with human statues and adding to his “crew”. He also is so deranged that his Wisdom score is around 4 or 5 and has a -3 on Wisdom saving throws.
  • The Pig-Pen: Rustage describes him as a “nasty boy” and he noticeably smells. His thumbnail art also has him looking filthy.
  • Rubber Man: Ate the Gum Gum Fruit but only seems to use it to reach things and increase the length of his punches and kicks. He honestly made the fruit seem so lame that William has vowed to reroll it if he ever got it on his roulette wheel.
  • Sore Loser: Is quick to berate his crew whenever they lose an event (which are rigged in their favor).
  • Spoiled Brat: When he was young, his parents gave him everything he wanted. He still has this attitude judging by how poorly he takes it when things don’t go his way.
  • Taken for Granite: Is turned to stone by Stoner. Eventually he dies of thirst.


Long John Magnum’s brother supposedly (though they look nothing alike). He has a Paramecia Devil Fruit that allows him to turn people he touches into stone.

  • Berserk Button: Undoing his stone statues gets him to feel genuine anger. The moment Louis turns Cyril back from stone, he then petrifies Louis.
  • Cain and Abel: He petrified Magnum for his artistic purposes, having pictured him as stone for a while now.
  • The Collector: He enjoys having statues of people all around the island.
  • The Dragon: Is Long John Magnum’s number two of the Trojan Pirates and the only one his captain doesn’t berate.
  • Mad Artist: Is obsessed with creating statues out of his petrified victims. He believes that those closest to him make the finest works of art.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Killed his own parents by turning them to stone.
  • Serial Killer: The Trojan Pirates ran around 232 Davy Back Fights, with at least most of the losers turned to stone and dying of thirst. Plus he turned entire villages to stone plus his own parents. Stoner definitely qualifies for this.
  • The Stoic: Rarely ever seems to emote and has a near perpetually blank expression.
  • Squishy Wizard: Despite his dangerous power, it only took one shot to the chest to leave him bleeding out.
  • Taken for Granite: Ate a Devil Fruit that allows him to turn people to stone with just a touch.


A jolly Viking looking man from Staringrad who likes ale.

  • An Arm and a Leg: His hand is cut off by William to save his life from the wristband draining his fluids.
  • The Chew Toy: Almost died to Na’nuut’s silver bracelet, got his hand chopped off, most of his island is now dead and the DLP took his ship. Not a very lucky day for him.
  • Cool Ship: Has a very nice Viking-like ship. The crew take it afterwards since they hated the Mime Pirate’s Ship (other than Louis).
  • Horny Vikings: Has the appearance of a stereotypical viking.

     The Aeons (Spoilers Ahead) 

In General

The Aeons are a cult-like organization which has their base of operations on the island of Chronograd. They all seek a path to immortality and worship a woman with mysterious power known as The All Mother.

The Aeons were founded by four men who are referred to as brothers. Arzen, V, Jefferson and a mysterious fourth brother. The All Mother is the figurehead leader of the organization, The Brothers are the actual ones pulling the strings and The Cousins are high ranking members of the group.

  • Corrupt Church: They worship the All-Mother in the hopes of achieving immortality. The Brothers of the Aeons are just using her for her unknown mystical abilities. The Cousins and those lower in the church genuinely worship her though, though are willing to do so terrible things to get closer to immortality.
  • Greater Scope Villains: Many of the previous villains are or were connected to the Aeons in some way.
    • The Timber Lord was a Cousin who may have worshipped The All Mother. He also bought Ragnar’s family from Tarako.
    • Arzen and V were two of the four Brothers who founded the Aeons.
    • Viridian was also offered a position in a Aeons but refused. For that the Aeons sent Marrow to kill him, ruining Verona’s life.
    • V invented the armor worn by Dominius after it was launched into space.
    • Rain’s death resolves many of the issues of Verona, allowing him to open a new chapter in his life.
  • Immortality Seeker: The Aeons seek to find a way to live forever, through various means.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Whatever the initial goals of the Aeons were, it has long been corrupted for selfish means. It was the reason the Fourth Aeon left the group.
  • Kraken and Leviathan: The All Mother allows them to be able to control Sea Kings for their own use.
  • Renegade Splinter Faction: Many of its members are Marines who seek to live forever, supposedly to preserve justice for all time. Three of the four founders of the religion are Marines or connected to Marines. The All Mother herself was also a Marine Lieutenant once.
  • Science Is Bad: Has technology much more advanced than most of the world. They can even create a robot that can transform into people a viewer cares about, somehow reading their mind. The Aeons also can bring somebody near death back to life and immortal with just slime. They also can build armor that grants great power and allows one to live forever.

Click here to see her as a young girl

Born with the name of Rain, the All Mother is a woman who has a mysterious power that grants her control over life. She is the figurehead leader of The Aeons.

  • Absolute Cleavage: Her outfits reveals quite a lot of her chest.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: One of the few foes the Devil’s Luck Pirates felt bad for killing. But they had no choice.
  • Ambiguous Situation: The man Skendor who attacked and killed Captain Hastings and was about to kill her was a member of the Eight Flames. V (a former Aeon) was a former Aeon. It’s possible Skendor was sent by V to specifically kill Rain in order to spite the Aeons for ruining his chance to live forever.
  • Arc Villain: Though she is being manipulated by those around her, she is the final opponent of The Aeons Saga.
  • The Beastmaster: She can control all life with her powers. Her most common use of this is through Sea Kings.
  • Blindfolded Vision: Wears a blindfold across her eyes. It doesn’t hamper her fighting in the least.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: She lost her parents to pirates, nearly drowned, lost her father figure Captain Hastings to an assassin and an entire cult uses her for her mysterious power.
  • Dual Wielding: Wields two swords, just like her former Captain and father figure Hastings.
  • High Priestess: She’s the highest ranked member of the Aeons (at least supposedly). There is even a special key to her sanctum only few possess.
  • Holy Halo: She wears a ceremonial metal halo mixed with a clock behind her head.
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: She possesses an innate control over life and can control living beings (though she has can easier time controlling sea life). It was proven that this power was not from a Devil Fruit and it does not seem to be some sort of Haki controlling the sea life. Her power was stated by Rustage to be some lost power from the ancient world that neither V or Arzen could fully understand.
  • Messianic Archetype: Her more naive underlings worship her. Her smarter ones use and manipulate others in her name.
  • Necromancer: Her control of life even extends to being able to control the dead. When she is having a mental breakdown, all the corpses on the island animate, creating a wave of zombies that kills all in their way, whether friend or foe.
  • Older Than They Look: It’s hard to believe she is actually 45 based on her artwork. Though being a leader of the Aeons (who search for ways to become immortal), it is possible the organization found a way to slow her aging.
  • Orcus On Her Throne: A somewhat enforced case as those who worship her do not want her in danger and those who manipulate her do not want her to see the truth of what the Aeons do. So she usually stays in her sanctum.
  • Power Incontinence: Her mysterious power is far from stable. When she was having a breakdown, she caused all the corpses in the area to reanimate and kill everything in their path.
  • Tragic Villain: She dies realizing she has been a pawn for years, the ones supposedly worshipping her only using her for her unique power. The only reason Verona killed her is because the crew would have died otherwise.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Was manipulated by the likes of Arzen, V and Jefferson all her life. The Aeons committed atrocities all in her name.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Was once an innocent young girl before she lost her family. Once people discovered her mysterious powers, that innocence gradually died.
  • Villainous Breakdown: She does not take realizing that she was being used for most of her life well at all. The meltdown caused her to create a wave of undead that rampaged through the Aeon base, killing all in its way.
  • Visual Pun: She always wears a blindfold. This can easily be seen as a metaphor for how unaware she is of all the evil around her.

Rear Admiral Jefferson
God bless the USA!

The brother of Captain Marrow and one of the four founders of The Aeons, Jefferson is a gun-loving Rear Admiral of the Marines who seeks to live forever.

  • Almighty Janitor: Is a Rear Afmiral in the Marines, but is more than strong enough to be a Vice Admiral.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Was mentioned by Cranstin all the way back in episode 2.
  • Dread Zeppelin: Flies around in a zeppelin, a very rare vehicle in the One Piece World.
  • Eagleland: Is the MOST American Marine in all the seas. He’s even named after The United States’s third President.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Downplayed. Unlike Marrow, he didn’t seem to send letters to his father Cranstin. But he still chooses to fight to avenge his dead father and brother out of a sense of honor and principle.
  • Gun Nut: Can rival Bullet in loving guns. The Second Ammendment is his one true love. He even supposedly has nipple piercings that look like guns.
    • Armor-Piercing Attack: He is able to use armament Haki with his bullets, allowing him to bypass damage resistance.
    • BFG: His Rifle of Justice, which is so big Verona cannot even fire it in his hands without having disadvantage.
    • Bubble Gun: He has guns on his ship that shoot out bubbles to ensnare his foes. Their purpose is to trap someone, allow them to float away, then once the bubble pops, the victim drowns in the ocean. Very effective against Devil Fruit users.
    • Gatling Good: Has Gatling guns mounted onto his shoulders.
    • More Dakka: He likes to overwhelm his foes with as many shots as possible.
    • Fantasy Gun Control: Has artillery far more advanced than most of the One Piece World. Justified since the Aeons are experts in technology.
  • Humiliation Conga: His guns are jammed with honey, a several ton William lands on him, he gets a beatdown from Trevor (a man he tried to kill), is slapped around for days (even by Cyril) and he’s finally tried and executed by the World Government for his role in the Aeons.
  • Immortality Seeker: Like his fellow brothers Arzen and V, he seeks to live forever too. Though he is much more subdued about that ambition and never has been seen resorting to their levels of scientific depravity to do it.
  • Join or Die: Gives this kind of offer to Trevor. Trevor refused so he shot him and threw him off his zeppelin.
  • Judicial Wig: His hair has this sort of look not unlike the Founding Fathers.
  • Killed Offscreen: The reason we know he was executed is due to the crew reading it in the paper during the Blue Blood Saga.
  • Large Ham: Is prone to bombastic speeches as if he’s doing a political rally.
  • Nerves of Steel: Claims that no amount of torture will make him talk.
  • Smug Snake: Though strong and troublesome in his own right, he doesn’t live up to his boasting. At least compared to the fights against V and Arzen (both times).
  • You Killed My Father: Knows that William killed his father and is not happy about it.

Captain Everest
Cyril’s big bro

The older brother of Cyril, Everest is a Captain in the Marines who also doubles as a Cousin in the Aeons. He joined in order to find a cure for his girlfriend Fayln’s sickness.

Everest ate the Dupe Dupe Fruit, a Paramecia that allows him to make copies of himself.

  • Aloof Big Brother: Always seemed quite distant to Cyril and sees his younger brother as a disappointment for leaving the Marines to be a pirate.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: Has a very powerful Devil Fruit and is dressed immaculately.
  • Battle Couple: He and his girlfriend Fayln are able to fight together quite well. Though not well enough to beat the Devil’s Luck Pirates.
  • Blue Is Calm: Has blue hair like his younger brother and is much calmer and more rational than Trevor.
  • Broken Pedestal: Cyril used to want to be just like his older brother. Not so much anymore.
  • Enemy Mine: Though they fought before, Everest asks the DLP for help with dealing with Blue Blood’s forces. The crew complies since they were going to do that anyways and the more help the merrier.
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: To cover up the Devil’s Luck Pirates’ involvement in battling at The Throne, Barry credits Everest with killing Blueblood. Though Everest no doubt contributed as much as he could during the battle at The Throne, he played no part in actually killing Blueblood.
  • Find the Cure!: Is looking to find a doctor that can treat or cure his girlfriend Fayln’s illness.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Has blue eyes and is difficult to emotionally compromise.
  • Me's a Crowd: Ate a Devil Fruit that allows himself to make copies of himself. The copies are also immune to any damage.
  • The Needs of the Many: Believes that the sacrifice of a few is necessary in order for the majority to prosper.
  • Nerves of Steel: Does not fear the Devil’s Luck Pirates at all, even if he knows that they can kill him quite easily. He has mentioned about the crew hypothetically killing him multiple times without even changing his tone.
  • Official Couple: With his girlfriend, The Fantastical Fayln. He even joined the Aeons in hopes of finding a cure for her illness.
  • Only Sane Man: Finds the Devil’s Luck Pirates disturbingly odd and questions why Cyril would even want to be associated with them.
  • Pretty Boy: He looks like he could be part of a boy band.
  • The Stoic: Not even the threat of death is enough to get him to change expression.


A Cousin in The Aeons who poses as a friendly if mysterious innkeeper in Staringrad. He ate the Locust Locust Fruit, a Paramecia that allows him to turn into a swarm of locusts.

  • Bishōnen: He is a very pretty man to say the least.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Plays the role of a bartender who offers free ale to anyone who has a certain wristband. Little did his customers know that these wristbands suck the fluids out of anyone wearing them with the activation of a switch, reducing them to a withered husk.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: It was debated whether it was spelled Na’nuun or Na’nuut on the wiki for a while, but eventually it was cleared up to be Na’nuun by Rustage.
  • Lack of Empathy: Barely even emotes after killing most of Staringrad’s adult population with his wristbands.
  • The Stoic: Hardly ever so much as makes a smile and never raises his voice.
  • The Worm That Walks: He has a Devil Fruit that allows him to turn into a swarm of locusts. The locust bites have various effects.
    • Chemically-Induced Insanity: Can force his enemies to attack the nearest person to them.
    • Forced Sleep: Can make an enemy instantly fall asleep.
    • Go for the Eye: Can blind an enemy for an indeterminate amount of time.
    • The Plague: Can summon a bunch of locust around himself to affect multiple foes at once.
    • Scratch Damage: One locust doesn’t really do all that much damage. Almost a laughable amount. The danger is from the various effects they cause.
  • Yellow Eyes of Sneakiness: Has yellow eyes and is revealed to be a thoroughly untrustworthy person.

The Fantastical Fayln
Someone truly magical

Everest’s girlfriend who fancies herself as a stage magician. And she actually is a magician thanks to her Trick Trick Fruit, which makes her magic tricks real.

  • Badass Adorable: Cute as a button and can use real magic thanks to her devil fruit.
  • Battle Couple: Is in a relationship with Everest and they fight well together.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Everest isn’t particularly tall, but Fayln is quite short compared to to him.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Is bright and bubbly and somehow brings the best out of a cold, logical man like Everest.
  • Magicians Are Wizards: Is a magician and thanks to her Trick Trick Fruit, she can do real magic.
    • Stage Magician: Her abilities have this sort of style. From spraying flowers to boxes that harmlessly split people up to even fireworks.
    • Magic Wand: Wields a wand that actually possesses real magic thanks to her fruit.
    • Pull a Rabbit out of My Hat: She can summon rabbits out of her big wizard hat. They can also explode and become “bunny bombs”.
  • Morality Pet: Everest is much nicer to her than anyone else, even to his younger brother.
  • Official Couple: With Everest. He is dedicated enough to her that he will go to any end to find a cure for her sickness.
  • Opposites Attract: An adorable and showy young lady with a stern, no-nonsense man like Everest.
  • Robe and Wizard Hat: She wears a wizard-like hat with bunny ears and her outfit looks a bit like a magus’s robes.
  • Soap Opera Disease: Is suffering from an unknown sickness and there seems to be few treatments for it. Everest joined the Aeons for a chance to cure her.
  • Troll: Harmlessly separated Trevor into many pieces as a trick and would only put him back together if he asked nicely.
  • Villainy-Free Villain: Battles the Devil’s Luck Pirates but is only doing it because Everest told her they were bad people. William even offered her to join the crew at one point and she politely declined because she was dating a Marine. Her lack of maliciousness results in Gravy releasing her and her boyfriend from captivity once the Aeons are defeated.

V Jr.

V’s son and Verona’s uncle, he is a Cousin in The Aeons and helps defend the home base with his mechanical creations.

  • Affably Evil: Compared to his father, he’s downright swell, being polite enough to the disguised party (who would be of lower rank to him) and conversing with them without any sense of irritation.
  • Ambiguously Gay: It’s not outright told to us, but he does become so enamored with Ragnar’s burly chest it’s all but stated that he is.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Is seen crawling without his lower body after the tsunami of zombies. Verona finishes the job by slicing his throat soon after.
  • Hidden Disdain Reveal: Admits that he never liked Arzen. Whether for being the reason his father left the Aeons or out of a sense of morals is unclear.
  • Mad Scientist: Though still a bit on the deranged side, he is still less cruel than his father. Though he still sees his father as a genius. He also put regular water in syringes for some odd reason.
  • Never My Fault: Claims that the crew fighting rain caused the zombie massacre. This is despite the fact that the zombies were the bodies of the various people the cult has sacrificed and killed over the years.
  • Non-Action Guy: Doesn’t seem to be able to fight himself but is a wiz at making robots for battle.
  • Robot Master: He seems to have been the one to design most (if not all) of The Aeons’ robots.
    • Giant Robot: Created a giant robot whose head appears like Captain Hastings.
    • Shapeshifter Guilt Trip: He created another robot that can transform into an attacker’s loved ones to mess with them psychologically. Even those who have been dead for years like Captain Viridian.
    • Spider Tank: Most of his robots have spider legs and crawl.
  • Undying Loyalty: Unlike his father, V Jr. Never left The Aeons.

The Return to the Oasis Saga

Characters introduced in the campaign from episodes 41 to 48 as well as Movie 1: Lost in the Crystal Lagoon (which takes place after the Aeons Saga) by order of appearance.

     Monkey D. Chip

A monkey Mink who runs the Crystal Lagoon Resort. He was also a former member of the Seven Warlords of the Seas. But his true loyalty is money. Lots of money.

Rustage plays him during the Lost in The Crystal Lagoon Movie Special that Tekking 101 DM’d. He loses his fortune soon after the Movie and then the DLP find him in the New World as a waiter for the Ragbek Steakhouse.

  • Ambiguously Related: Supposedly related to the Monkey D. family line. This brings up oh so many questions.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Talks a big game about how powerful his Monkey Fu is. It doesn’t actually seem any better than any other fighting style.
  • Bad Boss: Though he doesn’t physically harm his employees, the working conditions of his business are supposedly so bad that the Marines cracked down on his business for both health code and labor violations. This being the One Piece world where corruption is rampant, these violations must have seriously stood out.
  • Berserk Button: Threatening his business is a good way for him to open a can of whoopass on you.
  • Butt-Monkey: Pun intended. Even at his best he gets little to no respect from anyone around him. This is especially apparent once he becomes a Non-Player Character.
    • He sold his resort business to Ragnar IV under the promise that he would return it once the Marines ended their investigation. Naturally Ragnar IV lied and to rub salt in the wound, hired bandits to rob Chip of all his money.
    • Chip gets a shitty job at the Ragbek Steakhouse where he has to serve the Devil’s Luck Pirates, the ones he blames for his resort going under.
    • Falls flat on his face during the fight against Ragnar IV, even when he had the jump on him.
    • William throws Chip at Seraph, who beats the shit out of him. Worse still is that it was totally unnecessary as Seraph was behind the crew and paying no attention to them at the time.
    • Is found in Seraph’s dungeon being threatened to convert by jailer Jelly. When rescued, he joins the DLP to fight Seraph only because he has no other choice.
    • Is downed by Seraph very quickly, his body is possessed by William, is affected by Beam of Justice, sent to a weird Limbo area with only Rick D. Astley around. Rick kills Chip soon after by poisoning his drink and shooting him in the head.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: The conditions of the work environment of his resort was awful and he has a lot of shady dealing. He also is willing to do business with pirates as long as they pay triple the amount as bribe money.
  • Greed: Will do anything for berries, even if he has to trample over other people.
  • Guest-Star Party Member: Is the player character Rustage uses during the “Lost in the Crystal Lagoon” movie.
  • Humiliation Conga: His experiences after the movie were…unfortunate for him. Not that he didn’t deserve it.
  • It's All About Me: Chip will always be priority #1 in his books.
  • Jerkass: Though very silly, Chip is also quite a selfish prick who treats others poorly if it benefits him.
  • Killed Off for Real: Rick D. Astley kills him when they were both in Seraph’s Limbo.
  • The Load: Didn’t exactly contribute all that much in both the Ragnar IV and Seraph fights.
  • Never My Fault: Refuses to ever blame himself for any of his misfortunes. His philosophy in life is even to “live and not learn”.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Despite supposedly being a Warlord, by the time he reappears in Episode 50, his Monkey Fu means very little.
  • Privateer: Was once a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Though he is no longer one when he gets introduced.
  • Serial Spouse: Was divorced three times. Supposedly according to Chip they were “lying, stealing whores”. But given who Chip is, they were probably right to leave him.
  • Silly Simian: He’s a monkey Mink and is a silly weirdo a lot of the time. Though granted, he also qualifies as a…
    • Maniac Monkey: Despite his goofy exterior, he is still a greedy, capitalistic monkey who can get very violent with his Monkey Fu.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Chip actually caused Rick's ship along with a Marine ship to crash due to an experimental wave machine for one of his resorts in the South Blue going out of control. In a way, if it wasn’t for Chip cutting corners in his resort business, the crew would never have met Pearl and begin their adventure.
  • Verbal Tic: He prone to making monkey sounds when talking.
  • The Worf Effect: After a good showing during the “Lost at the Crystal Lagoon” movie and despite claiming to be a former Warlord, Chip does quite poorly during his fights against Ragnar IV and Seraph.

     Reginald Von Alfred Belvedere V 
An antagonist of the Movie Lost in the Crystal Lagoon. He is a loyal butler of Avalo Pizarro who ate the Snip Snip Fruit.

  • Battle Butler: Is Avalo Pizarro’s butler and fights for him with his life.
  • The Dragon: Is the number two person of Avalo and helps set his plans within the Crystal Lagoon in motion.
  • Oh, Crap!: Realizes that it’s the end for him once Duros riding Ragnar strikes him down.
  • Overly Long Name: Might have the longest name in the campaign.
  • Shear Menace: He ate the Snip Snip Fruit and uses his scissor hands to attack.
  • Shout-Out: He is named after three famous butlers. Reginald Jeeves of the Jeeves and Wooster from the book series written by P.G Wodehouse, Alfred Pennyworth who is Batman’s butler/assistant, as well as Mr. Belvedere of the sitcom of the same name.
  • The Stoic: Retains his calm composure even when the odds are stacked against him.
  • Undying Loyalty: Is unfailingly loyal to King Avalo Pizarro, even if he thinks much of what he does is nuts.

     Dane Goodman
CEO of Goodman Industries

The wealthy and influential CEO of Goodman Industries. He made a deal with Big Top to have his Blood Bowl Tournament at The Oasis on his floating arena. He likes the Devil’s Luck Pirates a lot and sees them as likely champions.

  • Can't Take Criticism: He gets very defensive about his “Trivia” part of the tournament, which are actually riddles. Pointing this out to him gets him pretty upset.
  • Cool Shades: Always seen wearing a pair of sunglasses and he is a confident guy.
  • Distressed Dude: Is replaced with a puppet version of him by Jester for a good while. The DLP with Paige’s help rescue him.
  • Eccentric Millionaire: Is filthy rich and a bit off an oddball who needs his secretary to do a lot of his work for him.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: Went from a guy who has connections with both Pirates and Marines to just joining the Marine cause.
  • Insistent Terminology: He is very stubborn about riddles being a type of trivia.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Has a bit of shady business practices and is pretty demanding to his secretary, but he is a pleasant enough guy overall.
  • Large Ham: He makes sure he is heard with his booming voice.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: He claims he was completely unaware that Paige was working with/for Ragnar IV (as well as Blueblood). All signs point to him telling the truth.
  • Oh, Crap!: When he realizes he was teleported into the New World without any of his resources, he immediately asks to join the Marines for the sake of his safety.
  • Manchild: He finds great entertainment in thumb wrestling, riddles and king of the hill despite being a full grown man. His tournament is partly inspired by these games.
  • Non-Action Guy: Is not a fighter and relies entirely on his silver tongue.
  • Now, Buy the Merchandise: Is the one who created The Devil’s Luck Card Game. Which exists in real life (and he’s one of the cards). The characters in Marines play the game quite frequently.
  • Promotion to Parent: He adopted Paige’s daughter Bailey and raised her as if she was his own daughter.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: He is a man who can have connections to pirates without consequence. This is probably in play. Though now that he joined the Marines, he might have had to give up his pirate connections.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Always seen in a business suit and necktie.
  • The Social Expert: He is very good at talking to others. He even managed to make a deal with Big Top (even if Big Top didn’t like him much at all). He is noted as having expertise in rolls related to making deals, such as insight and persuasion.
  • Twinkle Smile: His smile on his thumbnail has this.

     Paige Turner
Dane’s reliable secretary

The secretary of Dane Goodman. She dutifully maintains his schedules and keeps accompanies him wherever he goes. Though in actuality, her true boss is Ragnar IV and her duty is to bring victims to his meat packing industry. But she also actually truly works for Blue Blood to keep tabs on Ragnar IV since he has her daughter hostage.

She ate the Swap Swap Fruit, which allows her to switch objects or people with one another with a touch (no matter the distance). The winners of Dane Goodman’s tournament get sent to the New World with this power.

  • An Arm and a Leg: Verona shot both of her hands off as he gunned her down.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: Is often exasperated by Dane Goodman’s silly antics and Dane piles a lot of work onto her.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Seems like a nice enough person but turns out she secretly works for Ragnar IV and is in contact with Blue Blood.
  • The Comically Serious: Doesn’t emote much even with all the wacky antics around him.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: The reason she works for Blueblood is because he is keeping her daughter Bailey hostage.
  • Only Sane Woman: Especially when compared to her boss Dane, her other boss Ragnar IV and her third boss Blueblood.
  • Nothing Personal: Has nothing really against the Devil’s Luck Pirates, but sends them to be slaughtered all the same. Though she does seem a bit excited to fight them.
  • Prim and Proper Bun: Usually keeps her hair like this befitting her tidy appearance.
  • Punny Name: Paige Turner as in turning the pages of a book.
  • Sexy Secretary: Even William thought so, briefly considering asking her out.
  • Swap Teleportation: Her Swap Swap Fruit allows her to switch two objects or people with one another. This even allows people and objects to teleport to the other side of the world.
  • Underestimating Badassery: She thought teleporting the Devil’s Luck Pirates into the human meat factory’s cages would keep them locked up and ready for slaughter. It didn’t. It was actually pretty easy to escape.
  • Would Hurt a Child: She slaps Doxie across the face to knock her out. It was the last thing she ever did.

A mouse Mink who once starred in a children’s show. After the show was canceled, he became a hit man. He was hired by The Elephant to kill the Devil’s Luck Pirates.

     Big Top 
The guy who runs The Oasis with an iron fist. Big Top is the owner of the Oasis and the closest the place has to a mayor. He was also the adoptive father of Bullet and Pellet.

He ate some kind of Devil Fruit that is like the Roulette Roulette Fruit but based around dice. Depending on what he rolls, he will get various powers. We never get to see him use it.

  • Archnemesis Dad: Adopted both Bullet and Pellet but their childhoods seemed far from happy. He also arranged Pellet to be assassinated by Gravy.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Is hyped up as the villain of the Return to The Oasis Saga, but is killed by Jester before the DLP can fight him.
  • Boom Stick: His cane has a concealed gun in it.
  • Combo Platter Powers: Has eaten the Dice Dice Fruit, which supposedly works a lot like the Roulette Roulette Fruit. Too bad we never get to see it in action.
  • Conspicuous Consumption: Has a lot of lavish and unnecessary stuff in his place. This is especially garish many Oasis citizens are struggling to make ends meet in a gang war.
  • The Don: Is a mix of both the mayor and head Don of The Oasis and rules it with an iron fist and a lot of connections.
  • The Gambler: His city, his house and his minions are all based on gambling and chance. Even his methods of execution involves gambling.
  • I Have Your Wife: Takes Lyssa hostage to keep the Devil’s Luck Pirates in line and coerce them to kill the Dons.
  • Jerkass: It’s obvious he only cares for himself and sees other people and either tools or toys.
  • Killed Offscreen: Before the crew can get to his main room to fight him, he has already been killed by puppet copies of the player characters.
  • Leprechaun: He has the appearance of one and has a lot of gold at his living quarters.
  • The Napoleon: Seems to really enjoy bossing around those bigger than him (which is most people).
  • Oireland: Has an Irish accent fitting for his leprechaun-like design.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: Has enough connections that no marines can touch The Oasis and he is pretty much untouchable in his city.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: If he cannot subdue an obstacle, he’ll bribe them. If that doesn’t work, he’ll resort to blackmail.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Doesn’t have all that much “screen time” in the campaign, but if it wasn’t for Bullet stealing the Roulette Roulette Fruit from under his nose we’d never see the crazy abilities and feats Williams pulled off.
  • The Unfought: The Devil’s Luck Pirates, the Eight Flames and the Dons were all prepared to battle him. Too bad Jester beat them to it.

     The Prospector
Golden Nugget Casino Don

The Prospector is the don of the Gold Nugget Casino. Despite his oddities, he is still one of the most powerful individuals in The Oasis.

  • Affably Evil: Is a powerful don but is a fun-loving swell enough guy. He also didn’t kill Jimmy and Jommy when they were accused of stealing from him and merely imprisoned them.
  • An Arm and a Leg: He has pickaxes instead of hands. Whether he lost his hands in a skirmish/accident or he deliberately replaced them with picks is unknown.
  • Big Eater: Is quick to gobble down the meat during the thanksgiving turkey.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: He eats rocks. He could afford food easily being a don. But he eats rocks anyways.
  • Happily Married: He had a wife who he loved who died of a heart attack fifteen years ago. He still dearly misses her. Thinking about her gets him quite emotional.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: Joins in helping overthrow Big Top but like Roulette and The Elephant, he mostly just care about obtaining more wealth without having to deal with Big Top.
  • Gold Fever: Loves gold, ore, diamonds and other precious metals and gems.
  • Gonk: Is scraggly, short and stocky. Almost like a silly looking fantasy dwarf of sorts.
  • Never Learned to Read: He is illiterate. Verona needed to send a recording along with his invitation to the Thanksgiving banquet.
  • Playing Both Sides: He openly admits to stealing from both Roulette and The Elephant. His feud with them is less personal than between the Roulette and The Elephant and he just enjoys messing with both of them.
  • Powerful Pick: He has picks for hands and during the battle against Big Top uses them in combat.
  • Prospector: His domain in the underground tunnels and mines of the Oasis where he digs for riches. It’s also the title he goes by.
  • Real Men Eat Meat: Unlike The Elephant, he loves munching on meat.
  • Smarter Than You Look: He may be unable to read, but he somehow became of the three dons of The Oasis. He’s also very much aware that he is past his prime and makes no effort to hide it. He also knows what voter fraud is and thinks it’s bad.
  • Wild West: His gang has this motif. He’s even introduced with a classic western tune and a tumbleweed passes by before we are introduced to him.

     Stumblebeard Pirates 
The last place crew of Dane Goodman’s previous Blood Bowl. Now Captain Stumblebeard is back with a lame new crew he managed to form. His crewmates consist of First Mate Cardboard Carl, a man made of cardboard. Trash Boy, a boy who likes trash. Balloon Man, a man who is just a man-shaped balloon. And finally…a random old man.
  • Ambiguously Human: It’s not known whether Balloon Man and Cardboard Carl are even human. Their biology could have been chalked up to Devil Fruit but Cardboard Carl’s kids are also cardboard.
  • Bad Boss: Ragnar calls Stumblebeard this since he brought a group of obviously unqualified individuals into a tournament where they could die. Stumblebeard tries to claim everyone deserves a chance at glory but Ragnar rebukes him that people need to train first. The fact that Stumblebeard couldn’t realize this made him a bad captain.
  • Balloonacy: Balloon Man is made of balloon and can float. Floating above Pearl’s wall of fire results in him floating high into the sky and out of the arena.
  • Born Unlucky: Stumblebeard’s luck is atrocious and he does nothing but fall over during the battle. He also seems to give the Players and Pearl unnaturally bad luck since he causes the crew to fail several rolls (including having three nat 1’s during the battle).
  • Captain Colorbeard: His name is Stumblebeard and he stumbles.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Downplayed with Trash Boy. He is the only member of his crew to actually damage the DLP.
  • Death Seeker: Cardboard Carl would rather die than continue to be the butt of jokes. And he does.
  • Filthy Fun: Trash Boy seems to be having the time of his life, despite being utterly filthy. And dying.
  • The Fool: The crew as a whole and far from smart but Stumblebeard takes the cake.
  • Killed Off for Real: Everyone is confirmed dead by the time the battle is over. Except for possibly Balloon Man (though he probably died too).
  • The Klutz: Stumblebeard cannot go one round without falling over, damaging himself.
  • Molotov Cocktail: Trash Boy creates one with some trash and Pearl’s flames to throw at Verona and Pearl.
  • Non-Action Guy: All of them should be this. But they decided to fight. it doesn't end well.
  • No Name Given: The Old Man is very much aware that he lacks even a name.
  • No-Respect Guy: None of the crew are respected at all. Ragnar and Duros especially dislike Stumblebeard for throwing so many lives away for a futile attempt at glory.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Unless of course Balloon Man and Trash Boy are their real names.
  • The Pig-Pen: Trash Boy reeks and is covered in garbage.
  • Sole Survivor: Balloon Man was the only survivor of his last year tournament’s pirate crew. he also might be the only survivor of the Stumblebeard Pirates since he floated away. He’s likely dead though.
  • Straw Loser: Hands down the worst crew in the campaign. Even if they were level 1, the Player characters could kick their ass.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Pretty much the whole crew for even signing up for the Blood Bowl. Especially Stumblebeard who actually genuinely believed he could win.
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Being a balloon and being made of cardboard is shown to be pretty worthless. At least to these guys.

     Bumblebeard Pirates
Captain Bumblebeard

A pirate crew participating in Dane Goodman’s Blood Bowl. The crew have a bee theme. Bumblebeard is the Captain with a beard of bees he can control. The Nectarmancer (real name Julian) has a Devil Fruit that allows her to produce honey. Dirge Mc Stab is a guy with daggers that likes to stab. Bee Boy is a boy who ate the Bug Bug Fruit, Model: Bee. And Hurtie is a robot that likes to hurt things with his gun.

  • A Father to His Men: Bumblebeard seems to genuinely value his crew and gets quite mad when Bee Boy is killed.
  • Animal Gender-Bender: Bee Boy is a boy (it’s in his name) but only female bees have stingers.
  • Animal Motif: Bees. Lots of bees.
  • Bee Afraid: Bumblebeard’s beard is actually just bees. They can be very aggressive if orders them to be.
  • Bee-Bee Gun: Bumblebeard can shape his bees into fists and use them as projectiles.
  • Bee People: Bee Boy ate a Bee Zoan that allows him to zip around and sting people.
  • Berserk Button: Bumblebeard hates beekeepers. So much so that he killed all the Beekeeper Pirates during the first round of the tournament (even when he didn’t have to).
  • BFG: Hurtie has a big gun called The Gun That Really Hurts A Lot.
  • Captain Colorbeard: Bumblebeard though rather than a color, he just has bees.
  • Friendly Rival: The Bumblebeard pirates are relatively friendly to the Devil’s Luck Pirates. Though they do get upset when Bee Boy is killed.
  • Glass Cannon: Hurtie can really dish out the damage with his big gun but can’t take it and goes down quickly when attacked.
  • Killer Robot: Hurtie is a robot just like Heali but is much more aggressive and enjoys shooting people.
  • Killed Off for Real: Bee Boy is the only member of the crew to die. Hurtie is destroyed but he may have the chance to be repaired at least.
  • Meaningful Name: Bumblebeard has a beard of bees. Hurtie hurts. Dirge Mc Stab stabs. The Nectarmancer controls honey. And Bee Boy is a boy who’s a bee.
  • Ms. Fanservice: What we know of Julian/Nectarmancer’s design is that she is dressed in a “sultry” bee outfit.
  • Psycho Knife Nut: Dirge Mc Stab loves to stab and can try to stab up to five times on his turn. He hits with none of his attacks during the fight against the Devil’s Luck Pirates.
  • Ship Sinking: The Nectarmancer completely shoots down the idea of her and Bumblebeard ever being an item. It’s not even confirmed whether Bumblebeard even has feelings for her, but the rejection still hurts.
  • Sticky Situation: Julian the Nectarmancer ate a Honey-based Devil Fruit that can ensnare foes. It’s not known whether it is a Paramecia or Logia (though likely the former).

     The Fruit Salad Pirates 
A group of hyper-violent pirates dressed in silly fruit costumes. The crew is led by Pineapple Man who leads Apple Man, Banana Man, Strawberry Man and Grape Man. They face the Devil’s Luck Pirates in the Dane Goodman Blood Bowl finals.
  • Ax-Crazy: All of them are batshit crazy violent and will kill anyone for little to no reason (even one another) in extremely violent ways.
  • Bad Boss: Pineapple Man will kill anyone on his crew for the flimsiest of reasons. He and the rest of the crew gun Apple Man down for being unnecessary for the final four on four match. He also shanks Strawberry Man when he loses a thumb wrestle with Ragnar.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: All of the crew are dressed in ridiculous fruit suits and are all insanely violent and homicidal.
  • Dissonant Serenity: At first you will laugh at how silly they look. Then you see Banana Man rip out someone’s spine.
  • Gratuitous Rap: Grape Man (AKA Gangsta Grape) is actually a damn good rapper. He would have won the rap battle against William easily if it wasn’t for William killing him by dropping him down from high up and winning by default.
  • Goofy Suit: It seems like it’s mandatory to wear both a silly fruit suit and be bloodthirsty to join this crew.
  • The Leader: Pineapple Man is the captain of the crew and is the final opponent in Dane’s tournament against Duros in a smiling contest.
  • Shout-Out: To The Wiggles song “Fruit Salad”. Pineapple Man even says “yummy yummy” one time after he and the crew violently massacred their opponents.
  • The Smart Guy: Banana man claims to be the best at trivia to where even his middle name is Trivia. He beats Verona at trivia (which were actually riddles and Verona didn’t understand the rules).
  • Sore Loser: Pineapple Man swear revenge on the DLP after losing the tournament to them.
  • Super-Strength: Apple Man was strong enough to punch somebody flying and Strawberry Man was strong enough to feel confident in thumb wrestling Ragnar.
  • The Un-Smile: Due to Pineapple Man’s low Charisma, his smiles in the smiling contest scares and unnerves the audience.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Any crew mate who fails him or is deemed unnecessary dies by Pineapple’s and/or the crew’s hands.

The Blue Blood Saga

Characters introduced in the campaign from episodes 49 to 60 by order of appearance.

     Conductor Mophie 
A train conductor on who carries products and passengers all across Ragnar Island. He constantly listens to a catchy train tune on his tiny Den Den Mushi “airpods”.
  • Anti-Villain: Is only trying to capture the DLP once Clay orders him to because they will kill his wife otherwise. The crew are aware of this and choose to not hurt or threaten him because of this and only knock him out so it will look like he put up a fight and not just let them go or anything.
  • Cuckold: Blue Blood keeps Mophie’s wife as one of his “wives”. He would rather not think about the horrible situation.
  • Ghost Train: Is assimilated into a demonic/ghostly train in the OVA (which was just Jimmy’s dream).
  • Non-Action Guy: Barely knows how to use a gun. But to keep his wife safe, he’s willing to use it.
  • Super Gullible: Thought the crew were Ragnar Inc. employees because William said so, failed to realize that Ragnar Island was being invaded by pirates and thought the DLP were simply going to turn themselves over to Blue Blood while being persuaded to not even tie them up.
  • Train Escape: Is pretty much the main transport for Ragnar Island and gets the crew out of the town when Blue Blood’s Pirates attack the town.


The father of Atom and Molly and a bandit in the New World who robs the local trains to steal and destroy the human meat. The crew join up with him to plot the Demise of Ragnar IV and later Blue Blood.

Gunner ate the Push Push Fruit, which allows him to push himself and objects.

  • Cool Old Guy: Though rough around the edges, he is a pretty chill guy once you get to know him. Though William not seeming to know how gambling even works leaves him utterly flabbergasted.
  • Cowboy: Had an outlaw aesthetic to him, with his hat, train robbing and having a Texan accent.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Has a gold coin in the place of one of his eyes. It is not a Berry coin but some other coin.
  • The Gunslinger: Is a quickdraw with his gun, with his push fruit allowing him to push the bullets faster.
  • Kill the Creditor: Owes money to Blue Blood. Once Blue Blood is killed, debt is gone.
  • Mage Marksman: Focuses on gunplay, but uses his devil fruit to increase the power of his bullets.
  • Meaningful Name: Gunner Goldeneye has a golden coin covering a right eye.
  • Mind over Matter: He has a devil fruit that allows him to push himself, others and objects forward. It’s similar to but inferior to Bartholomew Kuma’s Paw Paw Fruit.
  • Nerves of Steel: Shows little to no fear at all, being more than willing to end Blue Blood’s reign for good without fear of death. He also was willing to stand his ground against Soldi, even though he knew he had no chance to win against him.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: He is the father of Atom and Molly. He is saddened to hear of Atom’s death and is happy to hear Molly is doing much better as a princess.
  • So Unfunny, It's Funny: His stand-up routine leaves much to be desired. He seems to have written a joke book full of corny jokes within the ten year time skip of One Piece D&D: Marines.
  • Train Job: Is introduced in the story doing this to Ragnar Inc.’s human meat train to destroy the meat there.
  • Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters: He is considered a menace by Ragnar IV, but the downtrodden of Ragnar Island sees him as a hero of the people.

     Ragnar Inc. 

In General

The organization of Ragnar IV. The company runs a lucrative meat packing industry. Human meat to be precise, which is successful enough to have many wealthy clients. They also bought most of the property on Ragnar Island and charge ludicrous rent. To Ragnar Inc., you’re either successful or worthless.

  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: They’re a company that traffics in human flesh for people to eat and has screwed the real estate and economy of Ragbek.
  • Egopolis: The company obviously named after Ragnar IV. Even the island is named Ragnar Island.
  • Greed: Money and power is the end all be all in Ragnar Inc. They were also greedy enough that they didn’t make their Blue Blood payments, despite definitely having the money to. It results in Ragnar Island getting ransacked.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Most of the residents of Ragnar Island practice cannibalism. The poor do this because it is the cheapest food around. The rich do it just because they can (even eating specific people if they order it).
  • Human Resources: They capture people, cut them up and serve them as food. They even cater to people who want to eat a specific person.
  • Jerkass: To make it in such a work environment, you have to be quite shitty.
  • Kill the Poor: If the homeless starves, they don’t care. They were weak anyways.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: The main board are utterly classist and sees the poor as either parasites or people to be exploited.
  • The Social Darwinist: On Ragnar Island, you’re either a member of the elite or utterly destitute. Ragnar IV enforces this mindset.

Ragnar IV
Head of Ragnar Inc.

The firstborn son of Ragnar III and Hertha. Ragnar IV was obsessed with power and being the toughest around and believed that if you weren’t tough, you were worthless. After killing one of his own friends in a bar fight, Ragnar III tried to stop his rampage and lost his eye during the brawl. Ragnar IV then left Atlas and built up a human meat trade within the New World.

  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: After all he did to Ragnar, the town of Atlas and to Ragnar Island, he begs his father to not cut him down. He doesn’t get any mercy.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Though he thoroughly deserved getting chopped down, him begging his father not to kill him is somewhat sad. Ragnar is in despair over killing his firstborn son and proceeds to give him a proper burial.
  • Blood Knight: Something he gets from his father but he enjoys the violence just as much if not more than showing his strength.
  • The Bully: In the end, he enjoys hurting others he deems beneath him (whether physically or financially).
  • Cool Shades: Wears a swanky pair of shades that obscures his eyes.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: He is the ruthless CEO of Ragnar Inc.’s human meat company and drove Ragnar Island into extreme economic inequality by buying up all the buildings.
  • Dirty Coward: Is smug and sure of himself when ready to kill his father. But once Ragnar and Duros get the upper hand and his drugs start wearing off, he tries to hastily move away. When that doesn’t work, he frantically demands that somebody get him another dose of blue blood. His final moments are also him begging his father not to kill him after trying his damndest to kill Ragnar and his crew.
  • Does Not Like Spam: He hates pineapple juice unlike pretty much the rest of the cast.
  • Drugs Are Bad: He blue blood to enhance his strength greatly as a shortcut to getting stronger. It wears off quickly on him though.
  • Evil Is Petty: Used to hate his name and always gave himself nicknames. But once he left Atlas and started his business empire, he started using his name all the time in order to spite the Ragnar name.
  • Foreshadowing: The fact that at the start of the campaign, Ragnar III is looking for his son who didn’t inherit his name hints that Ragnar and Hertha had another child before Magnus.
  • Functional Addict: Despite being a drug addict, he can run his business effectively enough. Though to fight at all, he needs his drugs or his muscles will weaken quickly.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: He eats other humans, believing eating them gives him their strength.
  • High-Class Cannibal: Is a corrupt, cannibalistic CEO who sells meat to other cannibals. Those who pay more can get meat from a specific person.
  • It's All About Me: Twisted all of his father’s lessons in the most selfish way possible so they appeal to his self interest.
  • Jerkass: He’s a covetous, cannibalistic capitalist who punches down on the proletariat for profit.
  • Kick the Dog: Killed his best friend in a bar fight and gouged out (and possibly ate) his father’s eye for trying to stop him.
  • Large and in Charge: As a quarter giant, he towers over most people. Though Magnus has potential to grow taller than his older brother.
  • Megaton Punch: Thanks to the blue blood in his veins, his punches pack a wallop. Without his crew-mates to help him, Ragnar would not have survived.
  • The Quisling: Ragnar guesses that his son was the one who sold out Atlas to the Steam Punk Pirates.
  • The Rich Want to Be Richer: He also enjoys seeing the poor get poorer.
  • Self-Made Man: From resident of a lumberjack village to CEO of Ragnar Inc. And he’s still only in his 20’s
  • Smarter Than You Look: Looks like a simple (if high class) brute but knows how to efficiently run a human meat packing industry. Ragnar III also pointed out that his son was also much more observant than him as a child.
  • The Social Darwinist: To him being the strongest is all that matters and those who cannot help themselves deserve to suffer.
  • The Sociopath: Doesn’t give a shit about anyone else but himself behind any superficial charm he possesses.
  • Super-Strength: Thanks to his blue blood, he is much stronger than your average human. Even years ago, he was much stronger than his father, though now he relies on the drugs.
  • Too Dumb to Live: He definitely had more than enough money to pay for Blue Blood’s drugs but for some idiotic or arrogant reason didn’t. It results in his town being destroyed.
  • Tyrannical Town Tycoon: Drove the income inequality of Ragnar Island through the roof by buying up almost all the properties. If you can’t pay, you live on the streets. If you’re rich, you get to be richer.
  • Younger Than They Look: He has white hair but he is in his mid 20’s at most. This is a side effect of blue blood and when the drugs fully wear off, he looks even older and more withered.

The Butcher

The man who runs Ragnar IV’s meat factory on Ragnar Island. When the Devil’s Luck Pirates escape their cell and break out of the factory, he’s the first big threat the crew deals with in The New World.

He ate the Meat Meat Fruit which allows him to control meat however he wants.

  • The Butcher: It’s even on his name tag.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: William rolling the Quake Quake Fruit spelt his quick doom.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: He runs the human meat packing plant, he probably has eaten his product.
  • Human Resources: He’s in charge of making sure the human meat goes where it needs to go. Being a butcher, he probably does a lot of the dirty work himself.
  • Necromancer: He ate the Meat Meat fruit, which allows him to control meat. Which is dead flesh. Which is everywhere in a meat factory. He can also combine meat to make a meat monster.
  • Pet the Dog: Some guy is actually employee of the month, meaning that The Butcher seems to value his workers in some twisted way. The employee of the month threw away his morals to get the title though.
  • Sickening Slaughterhouse: The meat factory he runs smells of death, human parts are everywhere and most people who work there are sickos.
  • Starter Villain: The first actual fight in the New World and is a pretty easy fight for the crew.
  • Your Head Asplode: William blows his head up with a Quake Quake Fruit blade to the face.


A skinny, bookish man who is part of Ragnar IV’s board of directors. He ate the Pencil Pencil Fruit, which gives his body the properties of a pencil. This does little for him and actually makes him weaker.

  • Boisterous Weakling: Is really ready to scrap with Duros. Even after taking blue blood, Duros kills him easily
  • Lean and Mean: Is super skinny but still a prick.
  • The Pen Is Mightier: No it isn’t. It actually made him weaker. Plus he never hit anyone during the fight.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: He thinks being a pencil is the best thing since sliced bread. It really isn’t and he dies super quickly making no impact in the overall brawl.


A buff, bald man who is also part of Ragnar Inc. He is dedicated to his “grindset mindset”, even if it requires walloping people with his fists.

  • Bald of Evil: Is bald and super mean.
  • The Brute: Other than Ragnar IV himself, he’s the muscle of Ragnar Inc.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Is willing to converse with his foes but he bluntly admits that Ledger wasn’t his friend and he’s glad he’s dead.
  • Kick the Dog: He throws tons of money around the area and mocks how the civilians will never get any of this money and they’ll always be poor.
  • Meaningful Name: Wonga is British Slang for money. It also sounds pretty brutish fitting his role as muscle.
  • Megaton Punch: Has one attack that is a big punch.
  • Uncertain Doom: When Blueblood’s knights attack Ragnar, he gives some info about why they are here then makes a break for it. It’s unlikely he escaped.


Another member of Ragnar IV’s board, Richie fancies himself a charismatic and charming guy even if he’s just a sleazebag. He shoots people with his Love Gun, a gun that charms those it shoots.

  • Casanova Wannabe: This guy seems like a walking HR nightmare.
  • Charm Person: His Love Gun makes anyone he shoots fall for him and fight for him. Verona charms him with a beguiling bullet and later takes the Love Gun for himself.
  • The Dandy: Fancies himself as a suave and slick guy but Ragnar III thinks he’s a “fucking loser”.
  • Jerkass: Targets those he deems weaker like Louis and Cyril because he’s an asshole.
  • Support Party Member: Doesn’t have much fighting ability but his Love Gun helps to turn the tides.
  • Uncertain Doom: As with Wonga, he is last seen running for the hills when Blue Blood’s armada invades the town.

     The Throne (Warning: Spoilers) 

In General

The Throne is the home base of the Yonko Blue Blood. They are feared within the New World as strong and violent pirates who see themselves as knights to their king and lord. Their main operation is the blue blood trade, which is a drug that briefly greatly enhances the strength of those who seek power (if they can handle it).
  • Corrupt Church: Many under Blueblood worship him as a god of sorts. Many of his minions have also been indoctrinated from birth or forcibly indoctrinated on pain of death.
  • Death Seeker: Many of his minions do not care if they die. Some even welcome it.
  • The Dreaded: All those who know of Blueblood despise and/or fear him. This does work against him in a way as he is mentioned to be not obtaining as much territory compared to the other Yonko, which could be chalked up to his poor reputation.
  • Drugs Are Bad: Their main trade is the strength enhancing drug blue blood, which is made from Blueblood’s children born from his “wives”. It’s extremely expensive and those too weak die immediately in a slushy mess. Even a few of his elite warriors such as The Executioner and The Black Knight are addicted to his drug.
  • Elite Mooks: Jester, Percival, Clay, The Executioner and Fredrick are not nearly as strong as the Commanders but they are much more powerful than the average Mook.
  • Knight Templar: Are fiendishly devoted to a Yonko who cares little if at all for them. They would even die in his name.
  • The Middle Ages: Blue Blood’s archipelago gives this vibe with knights and churches. They even have a Dragon-like member with Soldi.
    • The Dung Ages: The islands are in pretty poor condition filled with graveyards and mist. The one peasant mentioned is shown to be withered, establishing that Blueblood takes little care of his people. There is also no healthcare at all as Blue Blood sees even first aid kits as a sign of weakness.
  • More than Mind Control: Many of his men are indoctrinated to worship him from birth.
  • Rape, Pillage, and Burn: Blue Blood commands his forces to destroy anything in his way to obtain money, supplies, territory and “wives”.
  • Smug Super: All of his crew are very confident in their abilities and do not seem to have faced many foes equal in power. Once they deal with forces who can fight back, the empire collapses in one day.
  • Vestigial Empire: Blue Blood is having trouble expanding his territory. His best trades are his drug empire (which only the strongest can even use) and human trafficking (which is abhorrent to most people).

Blue Blood
King of The Throne

Blue Blood is one of the Four Emperors of the Sea (Yonko) who believes in strength at any cost. Born a prince to the extraterrestrial Blue Blood Tribe, his people was destroyed by a great explosion centuries ago. He was later found and recruited by Gold Roger during his earlier pirating days but fled once he murdered one of his fellow crew-mates.

Over the years he has kept a low profile by Yonko standards trying to amass an army devoted to him and siring countless children over the years to harvest for their blue blood.

  • A Dog Named "Dog": Naming yourself after your tribe is not exactly clever, despite nobody alive even knowing about his former tribe.
  • Abusive Parent: His children born with blue blood are juiced for their blood until they expire. His children born with red blood are sold as either human meat or to slavery.
  • A God Am I: Sees that having blue blood and being strong makes him better than everybody around him. He even created a religion dedicated to himself.
  • Alien Blood: The trademark blue blood in his veins that he goes on and on about.
  • Arc Villain: Is the main and final antagonist of the Blue Blood Saga and rules the New World territory the group finds themselves in with an iron fist.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: With his might alone, he became a Yonko with an army of followers who worship him.
  • Ax-Crazy: Takes delight in massacring other people and is most alive when taking another person’s life. When he starts fighting he won’t stop until those threatening him are completely obliterated.
  • Bad Boss: Supposedly only tolerated one failure from his minions.
    • He also has no medical facilities in his territory, not even considering that most of the people under him are not nearly as powerful as him or his commanders.
  • Berserk Button: Has more than his fair share.
    • Failure: His minions failing him pisses him off. One failure is all he will tolerate.
    • Healthcare: He sees people needing medical treatment as a sign of weakness. And he hates weakness.
    • Insolence: Those who dare attack or insult him will be shown no mercy, even when they have no chance against him.
  • Breeding Slave: Keeps many “wives” that give birth to his children against their will.
  • The Caligula: His empire is shown to be in awful condition from what we see as he stays in his castle while doing nothing to help his populace.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He’s torn apart by Ragnar so thoroughly that he is reduced to nothing but a dug up pool of blue blood.
  • Depraved Bisexual: Forces women to sire his children but his younger self is shown to be attracted to William.
  • Domestic Abuser: From what is known, he treats his “wives” horribly. He also doesn’t even seem to notice or care that Seraph is dead as well by the time the crew see him in person.
  • The Dreaded: Anybody who knows his name fears and/or reviles him. Though this also seems to work to his detriment. Blueblood’s cruel disposition, horrid treatment of women and children and overall poor treatment of those under him also drives most possible allies away. This forces him to indoctrinate people into becoming loyal to him (which takes quite a lot of time). These issues overall weaken his empire. Not that he’d ever blame himself for it.
  • Evil Old Folks: Is centuries old and is rotten to the core.
  • Evil Overlord: What he fancies himself as. Those in his territory bow to him of suffer the consequences.
  • Hate Sink: Rustage himself has said Blue Blood is the evilest character in the campaign. Even his younger self Arthur is pretty useless to the group too despite being a less shitty person (for now).
  • Hero Killer: Blue Blood kills Louis Le’Cloque by crushing him into paste. He was the last man he ever killed.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Ragnar ingesting blue blood turns him into his incredibly powerful Big Blue Bear form and turns the tide against him.
    • This applies even more so the second time they fight Blue Blood’s memory. Ragnar just biting him and ingesting his blood brings him into Blue Bear form and depletes his hit points quickly. This means anybody who can bite into him and endure his drug has the potential to turn the tables on him. It’s almost a Weaksauce Weakness for him.
  • Human Alien: Is from another world but other than having blue blood, is completely human like. To the point that he can breed with human women with no issues.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Is known to engage in cannibalism and is a customer of Ragnar Inc.
  • Jerkass: It’s being nice describing him as this.
  • Large and in Charge: He is large size and is a Yonko. Though compared to other Yonko of the era, he is actually quite small.
  • Life Drain: Killing people seems to restore his health as their blood is absorbed into him. As shown when he kills Louis. It’s also somewhat implied that this is how he healed himself after defeating Barry.
  • Meaningful Name: Blue Blood has blue blood and his people pride themselves in it so much that they are called The Blue Blood Tribe.
  • Megaton Punch: His blue blood bash deals a ton of damage. He has one punch on his turn and legendary actions for additional punches. As a summoned memory, he loses his legendary actions but gets two punches instead.
  • Offing the Offspring: Is more than willing to kill his daughter Doxie, even punching her puppet self to smithereens thinking it was her. And that’s not even getting into his other countless children who he is responsible for killing.
  • Orcus on His Throne: He stays in his castle and makes his minions do all the work for him. He doesn’t even try to defend his own kingdom until his castle is breached.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: He has so many people he hates that he probably thinks political correctness is a weakness too.
    • While he lives in a luxurious castle, those under him get the bare minimum of provisions or nothing at all. The withered appearance of one of the villagers shows the sheer income inequality there is between him and those under him.
    • He seems to view women as nothing more than baby factories to be used and tossed aside when they cannot produce more offspring. The only woman shown in his crew is Seraph and even she has sired a child with him.
    • Views anyone not of the Blue Blood Tribe as hardly even people. Only as tools, toys or somebody to annihilate. Even his younger self had no qualms about attacking a city full of civilians.
    • His rhetoric about despising weakness comes across as extremely ableist when even needing basic medical care causes him to sneer.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Nobody says the “r” word in the campaign, but that is what he is doing to many of the poor women who he forces to bear his children.
  • Shoot the Medic First: Whether out of pragmatism and/or his hatred of medical care, he prioritizes those who heal others when it comes to attacking.
    • When he saw that Louis reversed the wounds inflicted upon Duros, he immediately attacks and knocks out Louis. The moment he sees Louis try and get up, he prioritizes killing him.
    • Later in the fight, seeing Verona try to heal up William immediately causes him to attack him over Blue Bear Ragnar.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Extremely downplayed but compared to his fellow Yonko, he isn’t really all that special.
    • His empire is much smaller than any of the other Yonko, being able to be conquered in one day.
    • He seems to lack the vast resources of other Yonko. Only truly having the human meat industry and the blue blood drug trade under his thumb (as well as failing to take over The Aeons and The Oasis).
    • Whitebeard is currently commonly considered the strongest man alive rather than him.
    • Blue Blood also seems to lack Observation or Conquerer’s Haki unlike Whitebeard, Kaido and Big Mom.
    • Most of the world never even seemed to know who he was. Even the marines pointed out that they knew little about him. And Tempest had to be reminded what his name was during the final battle.
    • Even a borderline civilian like Jimmy was able to damage him despite claiming to be invincible.
  • Stupid Evil: His belligerence, nasty reputation, horrid treatment of his men, even worse treatment of women, taking little to no care of his own kingdom, denying his civilians basic needs and staying in his own castle as his empire is being destroyed cements this as this.
  • Super-Speed: Is fast enough that him running is almost like a blur. He can cross the battlemap with pretty much no issues.
  • Temporary Bulk Change: Is physically introduced looking extremely frail but upon getting ready to battle, he bulks up tremendously.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: For a Yonko, he lacks much technique. He only seems to use Armament Haki and only uses his Blue Blood Bash attack. For most people, it’s all he needs. But compared to fellow Yonko Big Mom, Kaido and Whitebeard, it’s not very impressive.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Downplayed, but his younger self Arthur from the past is a good bit friendlier. Though he still is more than willing to attack an entire city full of civilians. He’s even compared to having the temperament of a school shooter at one point.
  • Villainous Breakdown: His final moments are manically thanking the crew for proving how strong his blood is while flailing his fists to hit anyone possible, trying to kill as many people as he can before he too dies.
  • While Rome Burns: It takes over half of his empire being destroyed and three of his four commanders being killed for him to actually fight. And even then that’s because Admiral Barry came right to him.
  • World's Strongest Man: He claims to be this due to the blue blood in his veins. Though discounting even the other Yonko of the world, he is proven wrong by being beaten by a pirate crew who barely even had Haki (though one of the crew mates still needed to take his drug to kill him). He is still the physically strongest foe the crew fought.

The Steward

The Steward of The Throne and one of Blue Blood’s four commanders, Soldi is the first of the commanders seen. He destroys the crew’s hot air ballon and causes the entire squad to separate into three groups.

Soldi ate the Dragon Dragon Fruit, Model: Wyvern Mythical Zoan. This allows him to become a fire breathing draconic wyvern that has similar abilities to Pearl’s devil fruit.

  • Breath Weapon: Like Pearl, he can breath fire.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Immediately destroys the crew’s hot air balloon with his fire breath to cause all the DLP to jump off. As the crew parachutes down, he takes the chance to destroy Cyril’s parachute (luckily he had a second one). Since the crew were forced to retreat from him, Soldi is technically one of the only characters to actually defeat them. And he didn’t even get a scratch.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Jimmy, Louis, Boss and Gunner stand no chance against him (and they know it). But fortunately, Soldi stood no chance against Barry D. Brick.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Though he talks quite politely at first, it’s clear it’s an act and he looks at most people with utter contempt.
  • Killed Offscreen: Barry kills him after the episode 55 end story, as claimed by Jester in episode 59. Though Everest says in episode 57 that he is in custody, though he could just be meaning Soldi’s corpse.
  • Meaningful Name: Soldi is the plural for soldo, a type of medieval Italian coin. Fitting for the steward of King Blue Blood.
  • Morally Bankrupt Banker: Handles the finances of The Throne as steward for Blue Blood. Which is amusing since dragons (which Wyverns are a type of) tend to collect hoards or treasure.
  • Our Wyverns Are Different: Ate the Dragon Dragon Fruit, Model: Wyvern, giving him draconic traits. Though what differences his fruit has compared to Pearl’s fruit is something of a mystery.
  • Sadist: Sees the crew as mere insects and enjoys their fear. He destroys Cyril’s parachute for fun without hurting him so he can watch him fall into the water and takes his time attacking Team B when the group is separated.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He shows up only around the end of episode 53 and shows up during the episode 55 end story. But he is the one to take William’s sword (causing him to temporarily become reckless and angry), destroy Cyril’s first parachute (causing him and Pearl to be separated), and causes the crew to split up as they parachuted down the island. This all made the arc much more difficult.
  • Smug Snake: Is very full of himself and even feels the need to monologue to Jimmy rather than kill him outright. Because of his egotistical and sadistic need to extend fights longer than needed, Admiral Barry has time to show up and defeat him.
  • Tracking Device: Before landing on the island, Soldi stole William’s Eight of Spades, which had a tracking device that would have been able to pinpoint Gravy, Ragnar and Duros. Luckily, he never gets a chance to take advantage of it.
  • The Unfought: Despite William really wanting to kill him for stealing his sword and separating the crew, he never gets the chance to as Soldi is killed by Barry D. Brick.

The Chancellor

The Chancellor of The Throne, Kasparov is one of Blue Blood’s four commanders. When the player characters land in Yonko territory, they end up on his island.

Kasparov ate the Chess Chess Fruit, which allows him to create chess piece soldiers and manipulate the landscape into a chess board, which his foes as chess pieces. He makes his enemies play by his rules.

  • Beam Spam: His Bishop Blast shoots four lasers in the four diagonal directions.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: He is a bit of an oddball and is not above engaging in the group’s silly banter. He’s even content with being the weakest of Blueblood’s commanders.
  • Chess Motifs: He ate the Chess Chess Fruit, which grants his various chess-like abilities. Funnily enough, he claims to have a brother who is all about Checkers.
  • Dash Attack: His Rook Rush charges horizontally or vertically straight into a foe, possibly knocking them prone.
  • Evil Chancellor: Is the Chancellor for Blueblood’s army and despite being a bit more personable than the other commanders, is still not a good man.
  • Evil Old Folks: He’s a pretty old man, is evil and likes chess. He’s almost an anti-William.
  • Fair-Play Villain: He greatly values the rules of chess. When Ragnar points out that two Bishops of the same color cannot be on the same color square, he apologizes and moves his minion. Though as the fight goes on, he stops caring much about the rules of chess and focuses on just trying to kill the crew.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Frequently converses and banters with the crew as they fight in an almost jovial manner, tells them about how Blue Blood’s empire is structured and even gives a bit of his backstory. Though he does this because he thinks the crew is screwed against him. This banter stops once he realizes he is getting outmatched.
  • Husky Russkie: He speaks in a heavy Russian accent fitting of his namesake.
  • Keystone Army: When Kasparov dies, all of his chess minions turn into stone and crumble. Due to the fact that his chess minions made up of a good chunk of Blue Blood’s army, this is a big hit on Blue Blood’s manpower.
  • Master of Illusion: His ultimate move 4-D chess allows him to make his foes see the world in four dimensions, disorienting them and obscuring where he is. One can get past this ability by using Observation Haki.
  • Mook Maker: Can create minions based on chess pieces. He is seen summoning pawns, rooks and bishops but probably also can summon knights and queens. They even have minds of their own.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: He is named after Garry Kasparov, the chess world champion for over twenty years. His old master (and the former Chess Chess Fruit eater) was named Carlsen after Magnus Carlsen, the current chess champion.
  • Nasal Trauma: Verona fatally shoots him straight through the nose.
  • Smart People Play Chess: Has the Chess Chess Fruit and is very strategic with his fruit. And despite being somewhat goofy, he comes across as one of the smarter members of Blue Blood’s army.
  • Space Master: Can turn the battle arena into a smooth chessboard where nobody can escape without his permission. Also anyone on the board except for him can only move in a way fitting their assigned chess piece.
  • Tactical Withdrawal: His Knight Form allows him to Disengage in an L formation like the knight chess piece.
  • Unexpected Gameplay Change: Rather than play on a standard dnd board, Kasparov turns the area into a chess board. All of the Devil’s Luck Pirates also are forced to become chess pieces, their movements depending on which piece they become.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: Was said by Rustage to be possibly the strongest foe they faced up to that point. He gives the crew a very tough fight and shows how difficult the upcoming fights will be. And he still claims to the weakest of Blueblood’s four commanders.
  • Walking the Earth: When his mentor Carlsen died and the Chess Chess Fruit was released into the world, Kasparov scoured the earth to find and eat it.

The Archbishop

Blue Blood’s Archbishop and the closest of his four commanders to him, to the point that they had a child together. She proteolyses the faith of her leader as a god to the masses and converts people to the Blue Blood faith. Blue Blood even trusts her enough that she is the one in charge of the gate leading to his domain.

She ate the Angel Angel Fruit, a Mythical Zoan that grants her various celestial abilities.

  • Abusive Parent: She is the mother of Doxie (whom she named Doxian) and is more than willing to “discipline” her daughter.
  • Angelic Beauty: She is considered very beautiful, is named after a type of Angel and ate the Angel Angel Fruit.
  • BFG: Possesses a big cannon shaped like a cross called the Cross Cannon of Judgements. The cannon was big enough that Verona would be unable to actually animate it.
  • Born Unlucky: Her rolls were bad enough that they were something to behold. It didn’t make her battle easy per se, but it did make her battle easier than Kasparov (supposedly the weakest commander). It didn’t help that William created a Clay dome to prevent her from flying and Ragnar was in front of her with Sentinel ready.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: The higher levels of her Tower has “sinners” getting tortured in various ways.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Defeated Chip easily when William threw him at her and defeated Pearl (even as a dragon) when she was looking for Cyril without taking any lasting damage.
  • The Dragon: Being the one to guard the bridge to Blue Blood’s main island, she seems to be the commander Blue Blood trusts most to guard his domain. Seraph does her duties with great fervor.
  • The Dreaded: Being effectively Blue Blood’s right hand woman, her appearing brings fear to those all around her.
  • Epic Flail: She wields two heavy barbed crosses chained together for melee attacks.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Doesn’t seem to understand that her treatment of Doxie was completely wrong and that her daughter is being “misguided” for not wanting to worship a monster like Blue Blood.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: Is a cruel and spiteful woman who razed Ragnar Island.
  • Female Misogynist: She sees nothing wrong with her master’s abhorrent treatment of women, despite being a woman herself. She even had a child with her tyrannical master. Worse still, it is obvious Blue Blood cares little for her other than for her power and her womb.
  • The Fundamentalist: Is obsessed with preaching her king’s holy dogma and is willing to kill those who do not follow his teachings.
  • Healing Hands: She is able to heal herself with a touch.
  • High Priest: Is Blue Blood’s archbishop and is in charge of indoctrinating his followers and converting those who do not believe.
  • Holy Is Not Safe: Her holy power is extremely dangerous to those who are not even sinners.
  • Light Is Not Good: Is an angelic being with light powers and she is far from a good person.
  • Meaningful Name: A Seraph is a type of Angel with six wings that covers their radiant body.
  • More than Mind Control: It’s implied by Doxie that Seraph was indoctrinated like so many others and was raised to view Blue Blood as a deity to worship and bear a child for.
  • Naughty Nuns: Is a nun wearing an outfit that Rustage said if Oda designed people would have issues with it. Though she insists that she’s just a lady of faith.
  • One-Winged Angel: Fitting for her, after taking enough damage, she becomes a Biblically Accurate Angel. In this case a Throne (otherwise known as an Ophanim). It is a being made from rings with wings on fire with more eyes than can be counted. It is considered very freaky looking by everyone in the crew. This new form is also implied to not even be Seraph anymore, just her remains trying to take down her killers with her.
  • Our Angels Are Different: Ate the Angel Angel Fruit, a mythical Zoan which gives her a ton of abilities. She has Angel Wings for flight and possesses and Holy Halo.
  • Purgatory and Limbo: Those caught within her light are sent to Limbo, where they have to fight a person they have killed (or responsible for their death) before. The victor is sent to the mortal plane good as new.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Is very formal and serene when speaking but deeply enjoys smiting down non-believers in painful ways.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Is 6”7 and is considered very attractive.
  • Undying Loyalty: Is loyal enough to Blue Blood that she is in charge of making sure others are undyingly loyal to him. She even sees him as a true god and bore him a child.

The Black Knight

See Blake’s page here.

The Puppeteer

A member of Blue Blood’s court who was tasked with placing both The Aeons and The Oasis under his king’s thumb. But thanks to the Devil’s Luck Pirates, failed both times.

Jester ate the Puppet Puppet Fruit, which allows him to make copies of people out of puppets. These puppets possess the abilities of those they copy (even Devil Fruit Powers).

  • Action Survivor: Survived the wave of zombies that The All Mother summoned. He also survived Barry’s siege, if only barely.
  • Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: He killed Big Top, something the crew were planning to do anyways. Nobody is upset with him for doing this.
  • The Corrupter: He persuaded a grieving and vulnerable Blake into joining Blue Blood’s ranks.
  • Court Jester: As a member of King Blue Blood’s court, he has this sort of motif. It’s even his name.
  • Dirty Coward: He will not get into a direct confrontation with somebody unless he absolutely has to, preferring to use his puppets as proxies. Like when he killed Big Top with puppets copies of the Devil’s Luck Pirates.
    • Rather than dare target any of the Player Characters, Jester tries to target Cyril. Seeing as Cyril was having an emotional crisis at the moment and was all alone, hunting him specifically comes across as him wanting to target somebody who he thought couldn’t (or wouldn’t) fight back. And he still doesn’t attack him in person, using a Cyril puppet to attack him rather than risk himself.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Appears at the end of the Aeons arc hiding away surrounded by corpses.
  • Enemy Mine: After Duros helps him up, Jester decides to create puppet copies of several people to aid them to kill Blue Blood.
  • Evil Knockoff: The copies possess all the abilities of the person they are impersonating. Though can only make one copy of somebody ever. If that copy is destroyed, it’s gone for good.
  • Evil Puppeteer: Ate the Puppet Puppet Fruit and can create puppet copies of anyone he has a DNA sample of and is still alive. He can give them any personality he wants.
  • The Mole: Was this for the Aeons as a Cousin in the hopes of taking it over for Blue Blood. The Devil’s Luck Pirates destroying the base and killing Rain foiled his plans.
  • Smug Snake: For all his attempts and planning and scheming, none of his plans actually ever succeeded.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Knowing that Blue Blood would probably kill him after failing him again, Jester decides to help the crew kill Blue Blood by making as many puppets for them as he can to help them fight him.
  • Villain Forgot to Level Grind: The puppet copies only know the abilities that the person they are impersonating has used before.
  • Villains Want Mercy: On death’s door, he begs the group for help despite the fact that he wouldn’t do the same for them. Duros does help him because it’s both the right thing and his puppets would come in handy.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Though copies of Devil Fruit users seem immune to the debilitating effects of water immersion, the puppet Clones are vulnerable to attacks that deal extra damage to wood such as Fire and The Mighty One axe.


A Wolf Mink who serves as a knight under Archbishop Seraph. He was supposedly raised under Blue Blood since he was a puppy.
  • BFS: Wields a large greatsword that the crew takes (but never uses). Upon being disarmed, he resorts to using two shorter blades to fight.
  • Clothing Damage: Verona animated his armor to unclasp, lowering his Armor Class by a lot.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Even if he was willing to massacre an entire town for Ragnar IV not making his payments, he is appalled by Ragnar killing his own son, spitting at him.
  • Furry Reminder: Like many dogs, he enjoys getting his belly scratched.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Brings up that he was only sent to attack the DLP because William attacked Seraph by throwing Chip at them. As bad as he is, he’s not wrong for stating that they started the fight (in a stupid way at that).
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: He killed in the middle of while talking about being raised under Blueblood’s domain.
  • The Nose Knows: Can somehow smell out Bastards (those who possess blue blood).
  • Off with His Head!: Ragnar chops his head off while he is speaking, believing that if he’s spared, he’ll just come back and try and kill them again.
  • Undignified Death: Is beheaded while captured, bound, with a clown wig/nose and while speaking. Duros tries his hardest to stop it and Cyril is appalled with what Ragnar did. Even if Percival did deserve to die for his actions, it’s still a pitiful way to go.
  • Undying Loyalty: Is utterly devoted to his king, serving under him since he was a mere pup. And was a loyal dog until the end.
  • Verbal Tic: Frequently goes “ruff” when speaking.
  • Wolf Man: He is a Wolf Mink knight of Blue Blood.


A member of Blue Blood’s crew whose terrifying wife cut off his arms. So now he replaced his arms with cannons because that’s what made sense to do.
  • An Arm and a Leg: His wife supposedly cut off both of his arms.
  • Arm Cannon: Now he replaced his arms with cannons.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: How he reloads these cannons without hands is a mystery. Also how does he use the bathroom? Or do anything else he needs hands for?
  • Awful Wedded Life: Any marriage that has the wife cutting off the husband’s arms is utterly dysfunctional beyond repair to say the least.
  • Bad Boss: Blasts all of his minions with a cannon blast, claiming he has no use for weaklings. It seriously angers Cyril.
  • The Comically Serious: Claims that his ass cannot be kicked with a straight face. He also seems to believe in a marshmallow god.
  • The Dreaded: Not him per se, but his wife is so scary that he is immune to the frightened condition. Because nothing is scarier to him than his wife. The idea that Clay’s wife is on the island sends one of Blue Blood’s knights into a panic.
  • The Ghost: Not him but we never see his wife in person and know what she is truly like. We just know that she is terrifying.
  • Large Ham: Doesn’t seem to have an indoor voice.
  • Nerves of Steel: Less nerves of steel and more that he has a wife so frightening that he fears nothing else. This says a lot for somebody who works under Blue Blood.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Clay is killed by William, Duros and Ragnar doing the Devil’s Luck Totem Pole attack. He is sent flying and then explodes for some reason as well.

The Executioner
The Deathsman

His name not known, The Executioner is…The Executioner within The Throne. He is not much of a talker (if he is even able to).

He ate a Devil Fruit that allows him to become many ropes to bind and strangle people. He also wields a pitch black scythe-like ax when he needs to take a life.

  • Addled Addict: Is addicted to blue blood as seen by his deep blue eyes and can’t even seem to talk.
  • Brutish Character, Brutish Weapon: Wields a curved black ax specifically made to kill prisoners. It is a +2 ax and Ragnar takes it after he is killed.
  • The Executioner: He is ordered by Seraph to execute Pearl and is about to raise his ax before being shot by Verona.
  • Humanoid Abomination: With his body made from ropes, his bright blue eyes and his inability to speak, he barely even seems human anymore.
  • In the Hood: Wears a cloak with a hood that obscures his face.
  • Knows the Ropes: Seems to have eaten a Rope-based Devil Fruit that allows him to control and become rope. He’s even able to create nooses to strangle and suffocate people.
  • Logical Weakness: Being made of rope, fire attacks deal double damage to him as Pearl’s flames demonstrates.
  • No Name Given: His name was unknown during the campaign and perhaps he was either never given one or it was stripped from him by his King.
  • Noose Necktie: Wears a noose around his neck. For maximum creepiness of course.
  • The Speechless: Doesn’t utter a single clear word when confronted. Might not even be able to speak or his addiction to blue blood turned him near mindless.


The Black Knight’s Steed, Frederick is a human knight who ate the Horse Horse Fruit.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Verona shoots him straight through the face.
  • The Comically Serious: Takes having the Zoan power of being a horse way too seriously. He also doesn’t seem to appreciate being the butt of a “long face” joke as well
  • Hellish Horse: When running and attacking, he can create flames to burn his foes.
  • Large Ham: He’s hammy enough that just saying “horse” conveys how he is feeling.
  • Only the Chosen May Ride: He is the Black Knight’s horse and for no other person.
  • Pokémon Speak: As a horse Zoan, he only says “horse” rather than neigh or anything.
  • Sapient Steed: He’s a human who can turn into a horse.
  • Undying Loyalty: Like the rest of the people on The Black Knight’s island, he is utterly devoted to the Lord Marshall.

     Barry D. Brick 
Barry D. Brick is one of the three Marine Admirals. When word comes that the DLP have invaded Blue Blood’s territory and causing chaos, Barry personally takes it on himself to round up an army of Marines to use this opportunity to take down Blue Blood once and for all.

Barry possesses a Devil Fruit that allows him to become and manipulate bricks. And these bricks hit really hard.

  • Big Damn Heroes: He rescues Louis, Gravy, Boss, Jimmy, Little Ricky, Boss and Gunner from Yonko Commander Soldi.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Soldi stood no chance against Admiral Barry and was easily killed by him. Jester was also defeated handily by him.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Fittingly, Barry D. Brick has a brick-based Devil Fruit. Whether it’s a Paramecia or Logia is unknown though.
  • Megaton Punch: Can turn his entire hand into a giant brick to pulverize his opponents.
  • Mighty Glacier: Is tough and strong enough to give Blue Blood (a Yonko) a prolonged fight though he only has one attack per turn and is not fast enough to reach Blue Blood to hit him in melee during the Blue Blood vs. Devil’s Luck Pirates fight.
  • Oh, Crap!: Is shocked to see Blueblood almost at full energy, claiming he should have been nearly dead before he got knocked out.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: Is a powerful admiral with the power of bricks who fought against the Yonko Blueblood by himself for one whole hour. He even lives to tell the tale.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Barry is a good man who seeks to protect those weaker than himself. He also keeps the Devil’s Luck’s Pirates separated from the PCs safe and unharmed and gives the crew amnesty to leave The Throne without chasing them off or arresting them (which he had ample opportunity to).
  • The Stoic: Is relatively calm and composed though it’s apparent he is a man who feels a lot for those ranked below him underneath his tough exterior.
  • The Worf Effect: Is an Admiral but is beaten by Blue Blood offscreen. Though this is downplayed in that Barry D. Brick fought the Yonko for around an hour before being defeated and Blue Blood seems to get hit points back from killing people. So Blue Blood probably massacred the rest of the marines in the castle after beating Barry to get his HP back.

     Apollo 13
Apollo: Leader of Apollo 13

Apollo 13 is a group of 12 Marines led by Lieutenant Apollo. The other members are Seanen First Class Mercury, Ensign Venus, Seamen Recruit Earth, Petty Officer Mars, Seamen Recruit Jupiter, Seamen Recruit Saturn, Seamen First Class Uranus, Seamen Recruit Pluto, Petty Officer Sunny, Petty Officer Moony and Ensign Star.

Apollo ate the Moon Moon Fruit, which allows his to move as if he was on the moon.

  • Ambiguously Human: Star is a walking star with a face. He claims that humans cannot comprehend what he truly is. It’s enough to make William flat out ask what is he completely weirded out.
  • Band of Brothers: The crew (minus Apollo) might just be run-of-the-mill marines, but they’re all good friends and work well as a group.
  • Big Fun: Jupiter is noticeably rotund and seems to be quite a cheery fellow. William and Doxie use him as both a springboard and a place to hide behind.
  • Cold Ham: Star has quite the flowery vocabulary but is quite calm and stoic.
  • Cosmic Motifs: The squad is based on and named after planets and other celestial bodies. Apollo (and by extension the squad) are based on the Apollo 13 Mission.
  • The Dandy: Saturn, who is a stylish man adorned with various rings and earrings.
  • The Dividual: The group (other than Apollo) all share the same turn and have similar attacks with only their hit points being different. This makes it much less of a nightmare for Rustage to use them all in one battle.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Pluto returns as a more prominent character in the follow-up campaign taking place ten years later One Piece DND Marines, and has become a lieutenant during the time skip.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Uranus dies with a smile on his face upon hearing William say his name correctly.
  • Heavyworlder: Apollo ate the Moon Moon Fruit, which allows him to move and treat gravity as if he was on the moon. He can also jump extremely high, being able to hop onto the top of a castle in one jump.
  • Ironic Death: Earth’s death to fire was compared to global warming/climate change by the players.
  • Man on Fire: All but Pluto are burnt to a crisp by The Black Knight’s flames. There is nothing left of any of them after being burnt alive.
  • Nice Guy: If all Marines shared this crew’s ideals, the world would be a much better place.
  • Orphaned Etymology: It’s never said in One Piece what the planet’s name the setting takes place on is or especially if the setting takes place in even the same Solar system as ours. So a squad of marines named after planets from our solar system could be seen as pretty odd. Especially Earth (which the main setting may or may not actually take place on).
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: They are a squad with excellent teamwork that is led by a Devil Fruit user. This would be impressive in early episodes. But this group is facing off against a Yonko Commander. Only one member makes it out alive.
  • The Pollyanna: Sunny is very energetic and excited to be a hero, contrasting his friend Moony. He’s even super chipper to the very end.
  • Redshirt: What the DLP initially intended them to be, but they got attached to them. Though they all survived in the battle against Fredrick, The Black Night kills all of them but Pluto.
  • The Smart Guy: Uranus claims to be the smartest of the crew rather than just the butt of a joke. He never gets a chance to prove it.
  • Sole Survivor: [[spoilers: Pluto is the only member of the squad to survive the battle against The Black Knight. It still affects ten years later.]]
  • Sour Supporter: Moony is apathetic about fighting pirates but still is a loyal member of the squad.
  • Space Navy: Played With. The squad had a space theme (with Apollo even dressed as an astronaut) but the crew definitely never actually went to space before.
  • "Super Sentai" Stance: The squad poses and declares their names upon scaling the castle walls to confront The Black Knight.
  • Two Girls to a Team: Venus and Earth are the only two women on the squad.
  • Uranus Is Showing: The crew are quick to joke about Seamen First Class Uranus’s name. Uranus’s name being mispronounced infuriates him to no end.
  • Warrior Poet: Star is a soldier who waxes poetically about human limitations.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Oddly enough, no marine named Neptune is in the group, despite being a planet. This means Apollo 13 is technically Apollo 12 unless Neptune either died earlier or just didn’t participate in the battle.

The Void Police Saga

Characters introduced in the campaign from episodes 61 to The Finale as well as Movie 2: Muppet Madness by order of appearance.

     Kermit D. Frog  

The main antagonist of Movie 2: Muppet Madness, Kermit D. Frog was once just a tree frog who accidentally ate a devil fruit when trying to eat a fly. Now he wants to find the One Piece so frogs will be considered the greatest animals on the planet. Even if it requires the Necronomicon.

He ate the Muppet Muppet Fruit, which not only granted him greater intelligence and a plushy body, but allows him to transform those he touches into plushy puppets that he can fully control.

  • Affably Evil: Is very much polite to his foes even after kidnapping Verona. He insists on explaining his origins and plans to find the One Piece. In fact if it wasn’t for the fact that his plans would unleash utter horrors, the Players were considering having just let him win.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Is dissected by Ragnar like an 8th grade science project as he begs for his life. He’s also eaten by the big bear.
  • Dare to Be Badass: His goal is to find the One Piece by getting Muppetfied Verona to read in the Necronomicon about where it is. He does this so he can have frogs go down in history as being the best animals on this planet.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: The Necronomicon actually didn’t say where the One Piece was. Only that it to find the One Piece you need to find and decipher poneglyphs.
  • Forced Transformation: His Muppet Muppet Fruit allows him to turn anyone he touches into a fluffy puppet. Muppets can still talk and move if he chooses to.
  • Green and Mean: Is green and can be quite passive-aggressive when he wants to be.
  • Internalized Categorism: He thinks frogs are worthless creatures who have done nothing for the world. He wants to change that by finding the One Piece.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: He looks and acts pretty silly but he has a very powerful Devil Fruit and was shockingly close to unleashing Hell on Earth.
  • Shout-Out: To The Muppets and Kermit of course. His name is Kermit the Frog but with the Will of D.
  • Uplifted Animal: He was once an average tree frog until he accidentally ate the Muppet Muppet Fruit, which vastly increased his intelligence.

     Muppet Minions 
Muppetfied minions of Kermit D. Frog who listen to his beck and call. The minions consist of Jason, Fred D. Krueger, Pinhead and his Cenobite minions Elbows, Slither and Gills and Michael Myers. A horror movie bonanza. Jason also ate the Human Human Fruit, Model: Zombie.
  • And I Must Scream: These muppets are forced to do Kermit’s bidding and they’re the lucky ones. The unlucky ones cannot even move.
  • Body Horror: The Cenobites have grisly appearances only mitigated by them being muppets.
    • Pinhead has their trademark pins covering their whole skull.
    • Elbows is a member of the Longarm Tribe whose arms and elbows all have compound fractures.
    • Slither is part of the Snake Neck Tribe whose throat is out in the open.
    • Gills is an Anglerfish Fish Man whose gills have been torn open.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: All Muppets have no choice but to listen to Kermit.
  • The Brute: Jason serves as muscle for Kermit and causes trouble for the Players twice.
  • Chain Pain: Pinhead attacks with his long hooked chains.
  • The Dragon: Though under Kermit’s complete control, Fred D. Krueger is integral to Kermit’s plan.
  • Dream Weaver: Fred D. Krueger can place people in nightmares and weave dreams.
  • The Heavy: This movie begins by Fred D. Krueger dragging the Player Characters into the nightmare world on orders of Kermit D. Frog.
  • Immortality: Jason thanks to his Devil Fruit seems to be near impossible to kill.
  • Karma Houdini: By the end of the Movie, Fred D. Krueger and Jason are still on the loose.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Once Kermit is beaten, [[spoiler Fred D. Krueger surrenders and lets all the characters leave his realm.]]
  • Made a Slave: All of them are forced to work under Kermit D. Frog whether they want to or not due to them being turned into muppets.
  • Our Demons Are Different: The Cenobites are some sort of demons perhaps. They go down like any other foe though.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: Jason ate the Mythical Zoan Human Human Fruit, Model: Zombie. So even if he is killed, he will come back.
  • Sense Freak: Pinhead and the other Cenobites revel in sensations of the flesh.
  • The Stoic: The Cenobites are very emotionally collected even when Tempest ruins their entrance.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Michael Myers is The Team Normal and has no innate supernatural abilities. He usually stalks and kills regular civilians. Against a pirate crew who killed a Yonko, obviously he’ll fall over like a house of cards. Thus, he doesn’t even get a turn before he’s killed.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Fred D. Krueger admits that he kills children.


A man with a chainsaw arm and a shotgun the crew find in Fred D. Krueger’s nightmare realm in Movie 2: Muppet Maddness. He’s trying to stop Kermit D. Frog from reading the Necronomicon.

     The Fourth Brother (Warning: Massive Unmarked Spoilers)
Blue Louis

The Fourth Brother of The Aeons is an older Louis Le’Cloque from a different timeline. He helped found the Aeons alongside V, Arzen and Jefferson but left once he saw how corrupted the organization became. He went into hiding in The New World under the destroyed island of Inaris. There he is planning on creating a Time Machine to allow all of his timeline selves to become immortal.

This Louis possesses the same Devil Fruit as the Louis from the Devil’s Luck Pirates.

  • The Atoner: He eventually turns himself in to atone for what the Aeons have done to so many people.
  • Born Unlucky: Just like his other selves. The organization he founded was corrupted, his time machine plan was fruitless and he became a target of a nebulous Time-Space organization.
  • Cool Sword: He also possesses a Bonaparte. It is even the key to his hidden underground base.
  • Defector from Decadence: Left the Aeons once it became bastardized, going into hiding.
  • Foreshadowing: The fact that Chronograd has a time-based name and had a clock motif did hint at his connection in hindsight. That and Fayln (a resident) had clocks on her clothing as well.
  • The Ghost: Nobody for the longest time knew anything about who the Fourth Aeon was. Just that they were missing. They eventually see him in episode 62.
  • Gratuitous French: Just like the Louse Le’Cloque from the DLP.
  • Immortality Seeker: His goal like most of The Aeons was to seek immortality. But for him, he seeks to make himself in all timelines immortal. It is why he seeks to go back in time to find his infant self to implant the immortality device on him.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Is initially disinterested in healing Boss, prioritizing his mission and not getting anything from doing it. Though once his mission fails, he willingly reversed him by one year, removing all of Arzen’s grafts.
  • Mr. Exposition: Gives info about the existence of time and space and how to enter different timelines.
  • Non-Action Guy: Though better with his time powers than DLP Louis, he is not much of a fighter at all.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: He can create a time machine, an immortality device and can create a clockwork dragon that can shoot out lightning and steam. Though the clockwork dragon could have been a Great City weapon that Louis rewinded to pristine condition.
  • Only Sane Man: Is exasperated by the DLP’s attempts at negotiating and finds their methods unorthodox.
  • Time Machine: Created one to grant his infant self immortality. It malfunctions and creates a time loop. Though the time machine powered by his Devil Fruit forces them all into a time loop after a malfunction.
  • Time Master: Moreso than even regular Louis.
    • Alternate Universe: Can somehow jump timelines with his powers.
    • Time Rewind Mechanic: Can rewind people even more effectively than DLP Louis. Even restoring Boss’s body and healing Hemlock from near death.
  • Walking Spoiler: Who the Fourth Aeon is gives a lot away about one of the final arcs.

     The Void Police (Warning: Unmarked Spoilers) 

In General

The Void Police is a mysterious organization who claim to keep an eye on space/time anomalies. In actuality, their higher ups are seeking The First Devil Fruit for their own ends.

Void Police is ranked from 01 to 09 led by The Director, who in turn takes orders from her boss.

  • Alternate Self: Four of the Void Agents are alternate counterparts of characters from the campaign or from canon One Piece.
    • From the campaign there is Void Agents Verona and Louis.
    • From canon there is Void Agents Blueno and Zoro.
    • Cranstin seems to be able to take these people from other timelines; past, present or future. He later summons Void Gold Roger to fight as well.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Sonata claims that everyone’s a victim in their own special way. He could just be waxing poetically or much of the Void Police have dark backstories that resulted in them becoming Void Agents.
  • Just Following Orders: Unlike the enemies at The Throne, many of the lower numbered Void Agents don’t seem particularly malicious. Though the higher ranked members definitely are
  • Kill Sat: They have a powerful weapon on their space station that can vaporize entire islands. Inaris island is obliterated and as long as it remains functional, the DLP cannot stay stationary.
  • No Hugging, No Kissing: The Void Agency do not allow its members to get into romantic relationships with anybody according to Blueno.
  • Not Afraid to Die: Most Void Agents seem to care little about dying, believing that The Director finding the First Devil Fruit will will bring them all back.
  • Oddly Small Organization: There are only eleven members of this highly-advanced organization. Justified since Cranstin can summon anybody from another timeline whenever he pleases to replace the fallen.
  • Outside-Genre Foe: After beating a Yonko, nobody could really predict the next foes would be an organization that has access to technology and abilities that would allow them to cross time and space.
  • Space Station: Has a space station that orbits the One Piece world as their main base of operations.
  • Time Police: One of their duties is to prevent anybody from messing with time and space. Especially those who try to get the First Devil Fruit.
  • Weak, but Skilled: At least compared to the enemies at The Throne. The Void Agents are on average much smarter and with more tricky Devil Fruits than Blueblood’s forces, but overall have less hit points than them. Even the group's expert fighter Zoro still has less hit points than Kasparov. They are still not to be underestimated though.

Void Director Myria
The Director

Void Director Myria oversees and directs much of the Void Police’s actions. She appears as a regal old lady. She especially hates William who killed the her in this timeline when he was a child.

She ate a Paramecia Devil Fruit that allows her to summon memory versions of people the targets know. In all cases she used this ability, the memories are hostile.

  • Arc Villain: The central antagonist for much of the final saga.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: In at least this timeline (and possibly her timeline as well), she was/is a Celestial Dragon. That says more than enough.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Though she cannot really fight much herself, her power more than makes up for her weaknesses and grants her the position of Director of the Void Police.
  • The Corruptor: Brought Clementine into the Void Police by promising her revenge on Ragnar and a chance at power.
  • Dirty Coward: Finds great delight in watching her enemies get clobbered by their own memories. But the moment memories of past foes are not enough for victory, she begins to panic.
  • Evil Old Folks: Is in her 80’s and is quite a rotten person.
  • Evil Is Petty: Much of her reasoning for wanting the First Devil Fruit is because she was incensed that in an alternate timeline she was killed by a young boy. So she wants to gain godly power in order to make sure she never gets killed ever again.
  • It's Personal: Hates William for killing her in this timeline. Being that it is implied William killed her in self-defense, it’s hard to sympathize with her.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a large scar going down her eye and mouth. From her official picture, it’s likely she is blind in one eye.
  • Humans Are Insects: Like most Celestial Dragons, she is dismissive of most human beings. Hemlock even compared it to being treated like a mere bug to be swatted away by her.
  • Hypocrite: Though she disallows Void Agents to have romantic connections, Myria herself is married to the Boss of the Void Police Cranstin.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Recruited a Clementine when she was at her lowest. She also seems to have given the impression to Aria that Myria would bring everyone back to life when she gets The First Fruit (which may or may not be a lie).
  • Non Action Girl: Never so much as throws a punch during the final battle, relying on her summoned memories to fight. She is able to dodge Hemlock’s attack, ensure a ray of light from William and take a few shots from Verona, but that is pretty much all the finesse she has shown. Probably justified due to her advanced age.
  • Oh, Crap!: She did not take into account that the DLP, Eight Flames and Trevor would beat all her memory minions without a single death.
  • Pass the Popcorn: She is feasting on popcorn, Turkey etc. as she watches the crew battle through her summons.
  • Pet the Dog: Was teaching Crystal Pete how to talk in the first person in her spare time.
  • Smug Snake: As the final battle continued in the DLP’s favor, Myria’s smile was quick to be wiped off her face.
  • Summon Magic: Ate a Devil Fruit that allows her to summon the memories of past people of anyone she chooses. In this case past enemies.
    • It Only Works Once: She can only summon one memory of an individual at a time and seems to need time to make a memory copy of that person again if the first one dies.
    • Living Memory: The memory beings seem to have a degree of autonomy and can speak, use Haki etc. without issue. Though they still seem inclined to be loyal to Myria even when they in life probably wouldn’t care for her.
  • Uncertain Doom: Is last seen getting knocked out by Duros’s Conquerer’s Haki. It’s not known if she was killed afterwards but with Hemlock (who was nearly killed by her) there, she was likely finished off.
  • Unholy Matrimony: Her husband is Cranstin, Boss of the Void Police. They hold one another in fear as the crew battle their final obstacle.

Void Agent Sonata

Void Agent 01, Sonata is a a calm and suave member of the Void Police. He specializes in making the enemies of his organization dance against their will with his entrancing music. It’s not known whether this is from a Devil Fruit or not.

  • Attack on the Heart: Cyril shoots him through the heart. If Arzen isn’t counted, it would be Cyril's first time taking a life.
  • Determinator: Even when riddled by bullets with his piano on fire, he keeps on playing.
  • Musical Assassin: Has the ability to make people dance with his Devil Fruit.
  • Musical Theme Naming: A Sonata is a type of instrumental music. Fitting for his name.
  • The Piano Player: Is more of a background player in the fight and supports his fellow Void Agents by making their foes dance uncontrollably.
  • Sexy Sax Man: Is a suave man in slick clothes with a saxophone to his side. He never gets a chance to use it.
  • The Stoic: Not much can get this guy to emote. He even plays a final tune before dying.
  • Support Party Member: Doesn’t seem to have much offensive abilities himself but he seems to be able to debilitate his foes with his music so the other Void Agents can lay the beatdown.

Void Agent Blueno

Void Agent 02, Blueno is a composed member of Void Police. Like his canon counterpart, he possesses the Door Door Fruit, which allows him to make doors to various locations.

  • Age Lift: Is noted to be older than canon Blueno.
  • Anime Hair: Has canon Blueno’s trademark horn-like hair.
  • Everyone Has Standards: States that whoever eats the first fruit needs to be a good person at heart and dreads seeing someone he sees as cruel eating it.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Once Void Agents Verona and Louis are killed, Blueno gives up and tries to just leave. William stops him with quicksand.
  • Mr. Exposition: After being shot by the Love Gun, he gives info to the group about the Void Police’s mission involving the First Devil Fruit.
  • Nerves of Steel: Even at the DLP’s mercy, he still refuses to talk even if they torture him. Verona has to shoot him with the Love Gun to get him to talk.
  • Open and Shut: Has the Door Door Fruit like in canon and uses it to transport his allies around the city.
  • The Stoic: Doesn’t really emote. It takes getting charmed to make him more talkative.
  • Uncertain Doom: The last he’s seen is when the the First Devil Fruit is eaten and the time loop ends in an explosion. It’s not known if Blueno died in the explosion or if he was brought back to his original timeline as well.

Void Agent Aria

Void Agent 03, Aria is a bubbly young woman with a parasol who is very much unwell in the head. She ate the Jellyfish Jellyfish Fruit, which allows herself to turn into a poisonous, electric jellyfish that can self replicate.

  • Acrophobic Bird: Ate an aquatic Zoan but cannot swim.
  • Affably Evil: is friendly to the crew even though she’s meant to arrest/kill them and happily converses with them.
  • Asteroids Monster: If somebody inflicts at least 50 damage to her in a turn, she splits into two of her with the same abilities.
  • Ax-Crazy: Commits violence with a smile on her face. Though she comes across as more mentally ill rather than brutish and cruel, not seeming to know any better.
  • Badass Adorable: Is a pretty young woman with a lovely parasol who has a Devil Fruit that can make her a near one-woman army.
  • Coat Cape: She wears her coat like this, not unlike most high-ranking Marines.
  • Combat Sadomasochist: She stated that she hurts herself willingly to make copies as well. Duros is rightfully disturbed.
  • Combat Tentacles: She can create jellyfish tentacles to sting people.
  • Death Seeker: Doesn’t seem to care if she dies due to having copies. She seems to believe that even if she dies, The Director will bring her back once she gets The First Devil Fruit anyways.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Happy and bubbly as she seems to be, she talks about dark topics like death and self-harm with that same smile.
  • Electric Jellyfish: Ate a jellyfish Zoan, granting her a surprising amount of abilities for a basic animal Zoan.
  • Elmuh Fudd Syndwome: Sometimes speaks this way. Though unlike Cyril’s speech impediment, she seems to do it just to seem cutesy.
  • Genki Girl: Is full of pep in her step and is almost always in a good mood.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Most if not all of her copies seemed to have died with a smile.
  • Hydra Problem: As long as she has health, she can hypothetically multiply infinitely. All these copies also get legendary actions as well.
  • Kid from the Future: William (and Tekking) initially thinks that she’s Pearl and Cyril’s daughter from the future. Luckily she isn't.
  • Me's a Crowd: All of her copies can do what the original can.
  • Mini Dress Of Power: Her dress reveals a lot of her legs and she wears no shoes. The only thing covering her legs are bubble-like anklets.
  • Musical Theme Naming: Named after the Aria music, which is an extended solo song.
  • Oh, Crap!: When William asks if she can transform them into weaker versions of themselves (like Void Louis) she can only meekly reply with a no before he attacks her.
  • Parasol of Prettiness: Is a lovely lady with a parasol that can emit Chain Lightning. All the Aria copies can do this, which can easily overwhelm most foes.
  • Perpetual Smiler: It seems to take a lot to even make her smile fade even a bit.
  • Poisonous Person: Her jellyfish poison has three steps. First it inflicts the poisoned condition, then the paralyzed condition and then finally cardiac arrest (leading to instant death).
  • Psycho Electro: Many of her attacks also have electrical energy like stereotypical cartoon jellyfish and is not exactly the most stable member of the Void Police to put it lightly.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Seems to not fully comprehend the severity of her actions to others and herself and doesn’t seem all that emotionally mature.
  • Uncertain Doom: The last Aria killed by Duros also exploded into jelly just like her copies. Whether the real Aria actually died or it was just another copy is unknown. Though her last words made it seem like she might be dead for good, she could have just been referring to another copy being defeated and dying.
  • Walking Swimsuit Scene: Her one piece dress looks quite a bit like a swimsuit.
  • We Need a Distraction: She’s sent to Inaris Island to stall the Devil’s Luck Pirates as the other Void Agents prepare their satellite’s laser to obliterate the island. She doesn’t mind being used like this, especially since she has a copy at the base.

Void Agent Verona
Agent V

Void Agent 04, Verona (also known as Agent V) is a Verona from the future of an alternate timeline. He is even more emotionally distant than our Verona and also much better with his Animate Animate Fruit.

  • Age Lift: He is significantly older than Player Character Verona.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: Possesses the Ani Ani Fruit as well, but better than the Verona. His Devil Fruit might be awakened.
    • He can bring people from paintings to life, something Verona has never done.
    • He can use his ability from a distance without touching.
    • He can create more than one animation at a time.
  • Cold Sniper: He’s just as good of a sharpshooter than Verona and also seems to have his own special bullets as well. It’s also mentioned that all of his attacks are done with the Sharpshooter feat.
  • Death Glare: When Duros kills Agent Louis, he takes off his goggles, revealing the fury in his eyes.
  • Evil Counterpart: He’s not nearly as bad as V, but he is still a Verona who plans to kill the Devil’s Luck Pirates to get The First Devil Fruit.
  • Killing Your Alternate Self: He claims he doesn’t really enjoy going on missions where he has to fight other versions of himself, despite killing so many other Veronas. He still does it when ordered though.
  • Off with His Head!: Olaf cuts his head right off.
  • Silver Fox: Since he never suffered any burn scars, he is noticeably quite handsome for his age.
  • The Stoic: Just like our Verona but seemingly much more jaded after being a Void Agent for many years.
  • This Cannot Be!: He shows disbelief when our Verona proves to be much more powerful than other Veronas he faced.

Void Agent Crystal Pete

Originally from Movie 1: Lost in the Crystal Lagoon, Crystal Pete is a man utterly obsessed with crystals. He was beaten up by Chip and was then found by the Void Police and recruited. Now he’s Agent 05.

  • The Bus Came Back: Showed up in the first movie and then returned as a member of the Void Police. Rustage confirms that this is the same Crystal Pete.
  • Crazy Homeless Person: Has no home and lurks around the Crystal Lagoon for crystals, disrupting tourists. He also has a shotgun and is willing to get violent.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Chip beats him badly enough that he doesn’t even get a turn before going down. And though he does do marginally better as a Void Agent, he only manages to do one Eye Lazor attack before dying.
  • Drugs Are Bad: Not only is his crystal obsession very similar to a drug addiction, he also mentions taking “booger sugar” in the Movie.
  • Eye Scream: In place of his right eye, he has a crystal embedded into his skull, which shoots lasers.
  • The Pig-Pen: He is unkempt, his hair looks greasy and gross and his teeth are crooked.
  • Power Crystal: The crystals give him enhanced strength and durability and lets him shoot lasers. He later gets armor made from crystals as well.
  • Shotguns Are Just Better: He carries a shotgun around with him. This later gets replaced with the Void Shotgun. He never gets to use either shotgun but Verona takes the Void Shotgun for himself.
  • Shout-Out: Is partially based on the titular character from the 2011 film Hobo with a Shotgun.
  • Taken for Granite: Is turned into stone/crystal when he dies for some reason. Blame the crystals.
  • Third-Person Person: Speaks in the third person. As a Void Agent, The Director has taught him how to speak in third person. But he reverts back to talking in the third person as he gets clobbered and dies.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: His crystals give him great power. Too bad he has little no actual combat training to help him fight people who are actually skilled.

Void Agent Clementine
The Coffee Wizard

Once a simple part-time barista, Clementine was born many centuries ago in the great city. During an incident with a coffee-crazed Ragnar that result in her being arrested, Myria recruits her to become Void Agent 06. Clementine are the Coffee Coffee Fruit, which is a logia that allows her to control and become coffee.

  • Butt-Monkey: Life does not go well for Clementine.
    • She is terrorized by Ragnar in multiple time loops.
    • She is arrested by the police after calling them when Ragnar fixes the damage he did and transforms back into a human. They thought she made a prank call.
    • Myria recruits her into the Void Police, though she never sees her aunt and boyfriend Phillip ever again.
    • After only doing one attack on Ragnar, she is then frightened by Duros for the rest of the final battle then later faints from pure fear.
    • Even with her one attack, she still barely hits Ragnar (who has low AC).
  • Cassandra Truth: She claims to the police that an upright bear cut a table in two with an ax then threatened her for a Frappuccino before quickly fixing the table good as new (if not better) turning human and then leaving. Nobody believes her.
  • Hidden Depths: She was studying for a literature degree, likes poetry and enjoys musicals. Too bad none of the DLP ever learned this and The Director cared so little about it that she gave her a Devil Fruit based around a part-time job.
  • Hot Drink Cure: Ragnar quickly gets obsessed with her coffee and tries to get some every chance he gets. It also seemed to help ease his blue blood pains.
    • When she eats the Coffee Logia, she tries to attack Ragnar with a Scalding Coffee Lash. Ragnar welcomes the coffee and tries to drink it.
  • Muggle: Before eating her Logia, she was just an ordinary civilian in the Great City living with her boyfriend Phillip. And like all the people of that era, Devil Fruits are completely alien to them.
  • Nervous Wreck: It wasn’t difficult for Ragnar to scare her at all. She also has no bonus on Wisdom saving throws, which Duros exploits to keep her out of the final battle for the most part.
  • Potty Failure: She pisses herself in the final battle during her panic.
  • Revenge: Tries to get revenge on Ragnar for ruining her life (despite the fact that she would have died if Myria didn’t recruit her). She doesn’t get it and Ragnar doesn’t even seem to understand that she hates him (she’s like a daughter to him).
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Once Duros uses a Menacing Attack on her, her wisdom save is bad enough that she is pretty much out of the fight for the rest of the final battle before fainting.
  • Soul-Sucking Retail Job: She was definitely not being paid enough to deal with a customer like Ragnar as a barista.
  • Time Skip: Was introduced as a college aged woman at first but once she comes back as a Void Agent, she is middle aged.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Insanely downplayed despite having a Logia. Thanks to training for many years, she is now a “Coffee Wizard”. She stills does very little in her one battle before panicking and fainting.
  • Weak-Willed: Her Wisdom save is so awful it was pretty much impossible to make the save against Duros’s menacing attack.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Though she wasn’t killed once the battle was over, we do not know what happened to her.

Void Agent Zoro
Agent Moss Head

An alternate universe Roronoa Zoro. Void Agent 07 Agent Z is an expert swordsman who guards the Void Police Space Station. This Zoro possesses three named Black Blade Katanas. Each sword’s name seems to relate to the Void Police’s capabilities of travel between time and space. Jikan means “time”, Genjitsu means “reality” and Uchu means “The Universe/Outer Space”.

  • Age Lift: Void Agent Zoro seems to be at least twice the age of canon Zoro.
  • Badass Normal: Unlike most of the rest of the Void Police, he lacks any Devil Fruit or other fancy abilities. All he uses (and needs) is his Haki and his swords.
  • Blade Spam: All of his attacks come out as lightning quick and can quickly cut down though who cannot defend themselves.
  • The Brute: Unlike his role as the First Mate to the Straw Hat Pirates, his role in the Void Police is as muscle to keep guard of the space station. He is still damn good at his job.
  • Cool Sword: Wouldn’t be Zoro without cool swords. This version of Zoro wields the three Black Blades Jikan, Genjitsu and Uchu.
    • Absurdly Sharp Blade: They are all sharp enough to easily cut a rocket.
    • Black Swords Are Better: All three swords are high quality Black Blades.
    • Infinity +1 Sword: In the hands of the crew, the swords are an amazing damage upgrade. Trevor with Jikan and Pearl with Uchu greatly increased their damage potential when using these swords.
  • Cutlass Between the Teeth: Just as in canon, Zoro keeps a sword in his teeth.
  • Dual Wielding: And with a sword in each hand, he masterfully fights in the Three-Sword Style.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Unlike his canon counterpart, this Zoro wears an eyepatch.
  • Flash Step: He can move so fast that Verona loses track of where he is.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: After an angered William rolls the Wind Wind Fruit, he critically hits a Steel Wind Strike and cuts Zoro clean in half.
  • Iaijutsu Practitioner: The moment the fight begins, he already dealt a big chunk of damage to most of the invading crew.
  • Implausible Fencing Powers: His Void Onigiri can hit everybody in a cone so fast, not even Friend can eat the attack.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Is fast enough that the naked eye can barely see his movements. He also is fast enough to have two reactions per round.
  • Master Swordsman: Wouldn't be Zoro if he wasn’t.
  • Oh, Crap!: An out of universe one for the players and the viewers. Knowing the feats Roronoa Zoro can do and has done made everyone tremble when Void Agent Zoro was introduced.
  • Sword/Shield Contrast: Duros’s shield proves to be very useful against Zoro’s blades and thanks to Friend, Duros is able to block many of his attacks.
  • Tornado Move: His Void Tatsumaki has his spin around so fast, he creates a tornado to slice and blow people away.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Though he intended to target everyone with his Void Onigiri, 14-year old Doxie is sliced down by the attack with her blue blood spraying all over the room. He doesn’t comment on it, though he also takes no particular delight in the act, seeming to see her as just another foe.

Void Agent Louis Le’Cloque
Red Louis

Void Agent 08, Agent Louis is an alternate version of Louis Le’Cloque who has mastered his devil fruit power. His mission during the time loop was to kill the Fourth Aeon.

  • Clocks of Control: Like the other Louis’s he keeps a clock on his wardrobe, but is a merciless figure who tries to maintain time. BUT unlike other Louis’s, his clock is digital rather than analog.
  • Cool Sword: Wields the Waterloo, a rapier which looks a lot like the Bonaparte but seems to be a good bit more powerful.
  • Epic Fail: In their first fight, he ends up accidentally shooting himself in the head with his own weapon on a roll of a natural 1.
  • Evil Counterpart: The Louis of the Devil’s Luck Pirates was a benevolent (of a bit eccentric) young man. Void Agent Louis is an arrogant jackass who seems to be in his 50’s.
  • French Jerk: Is just as French as any Louis and never has a nice thing to say to anybody.
  • Hero Killer: Don’t let him being a Louis fool you. This guy is responsible for the death of more crew members than Blueblood, and both of them were Player Characters. The only reasons new characters didn’t need to be rerolled is because they were in a time loop and came back one time looped back again.
  • Jerkass: Is disdainful of pretty much everyone, especially other Louis’s.
  • Killing Your Alternate Self: Unlike Agent V, Louis takes pride in killing alternates of himself.
  • Nerf: Can force an individual to make a Wisdom saving throw or revert to “level 1” stats. When that happens they are easy prey for Louis. Though fortunately, those who make the save cannot be affected again for at least a little while.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: When William was trying to escape from him, Agent V and Agent Blueno, he rolled the Kilo Kilo Fruit (a fruit very situational at that moment). Agent Louis rewinded William back, which also rewound his fruit. Rolling again, William got a quicksand-based fruit (which was integral for the DLP’s victory). So because Louis prevented William from escaping, he ended up causing William to roll a fruit that allowed him to disable all three Void Agents, resulting in their defeat/death.
  • Smug Super: Claims to be the strongest of all Louis’s. With the abilities he has shown, he can live up to the claim. Though his arrogance is also his undoing as he doesn’t really prioritize healing himself with his powers, leading to his downfall twice.
  • Time Master: He’s even better at this than Devil’s Luck Pirate Louis and knows it.
  • Time Rewind Mechanic: He can heal his own wounds and move people and objects back to where they were.

Mr. Hat/The Man In The Void
Your Worst Night Terror

Void Agent 09 is an enigma but seems to have the power to send people to sleep and into a nightmarish realm consisting of their past traumas. Whether this is a Devil Fruit ability or a natural power he has is unknown.

  • Ambiguously Human: It’s not known whether Mr. Hat is a human or something else entirely. It’s also not certain whether he even is real or the product of some sort of advanced tech to distract the DLP. Or if he is the nightmarish projection of the real Devil Fruit user.
  • Evil Sounds Raspy: His voice sounds almost as if he has been strangled to near death.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: The moment the Players open a big door, he suddenly brings them to his realm. Since he lacks the proper Void Police attire, it’s not even known if he is even an actual Void Agent or just some being that was sent to haunt the crew.
  • Hat of Authority: Mr. Hat wears a top hat and seems to be one of the highest ranked Void Agents.
  • Humanoid Abomination: He looks like something out of a [[Creepypasta Creepypasta]].
  • More Teeth than the Osmond Family: Has long, razor sharp teeth.
  • Nightmare Weaver: He seems to have the ability to recall and recreate the traumas/nightmares of others.
    • All Your Powers Combined: He can somehow become the memories of people and use their abilities.
    • Fountain of Youth: As well as Rapid Aging. Depending on the memory he traps somebody in, they might appear either older or younger.
    • Nightmare Sequence: As he places his victims in distressing situations, he is hunting his victims down.
    • Reality Warper: In his nightmare realm, he is essentially unbeatable.
    • Self-Damaging Attack Backfire: Anyone trying to damage him just ends up damaging their own sleeping bodies.
    • Shared Dream: Everyone affected by Mr. Hat’s abilities seem to share the same dream. Though he can split up the groups within the dream as he places the player characters in one dream sequence and the non-player characters in another.
  • No Name Given: His name is never given in the Campaign. He is referred to as Mr. Hat in his official art and as The Man in the Void on the Wiki.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Has bright reddish eyes with hypnotic swirls within.
  • Slasher Smile: His sharp toothed smile is far from welcoming in his thumbnail.
  • The Spook: His identity, backstory, abilities and whether he is or isn’t even an actual person is essentially unknown. The fact that he doesn’t wear the Void Agent Jacket makes his existence even more vague.
  • Things That Go "Bump" in the Night: His powers essentially makes him a bogeyman.
  • What Happened to the Mouse??: Once everybody wakes up from Mr. Hat’s nightmare realm, he isn’t seen again. He also isn’t killed, nobody finds him on the ship later and he doesn’t attack anyone again. He had a perfect opportunity to attack Lyssa alone (since she stayed on the space station), but didn't. He doesn’t even seem to antagonize Team B once they reach the space station as none of them mention him. Where he went is truly a mystery (if he even was real and on the space station).
  • Would Hurt a Child: He is able to revert his victim into weak children (or even into babies). He is more than willing to try and kill them in this state if he chooses.

Void Boss Cranstin

The true boss of the Void Police and the one who formed the organization in the first place. He seeks the power of The First Devil Fruit for his own purposes. He also hates William a lot for killing this timeline’s Cranstin and for his hatred of old people.

This Cranstin ate the Timeline Timeline Fruit, which allows him to enter different timelines, send others to different timelines and bring people from other timelines to his current timeline.

  • Brick Joke: Remember that old man William killed in episode 2? Well he’s back as an alternate self leading the Void Police. William ends up killing him once again.
  • Evil Old Folks: Is an octogenarian (at the minimum) and formed the Void Police for his own ends. He also talks about old people quite a bit during the final battle.
  • Father Time: Being an old man with power over timelines, he can invoke this image.
  • Grumpy Old Man: Is in a very bad mood when he shows up. Though with the Devil’s Luck Pirates foiling his plans, it’s hard to blame him for being in a foul mood.
  • Hidden Villain: We’re led to believe Myria was the big bad of the final arc until he shows up.
  • It's Personal: He is aware of William’s reputation for killing old people and doesn’t like it one bit, including this timeline’s Cranstin. He’s also probably aware that William also killed this timeline’s Myria.
  • Last Episode, New Character: Shows up in the final episode of the campaign.
  • Oh, Crap!: Once the crew killed the Gold Roger he summoned from another timeline, he knows for sure he and his wife were screwed.
  • Off with His Head!: Williams kicks his head right off. No attack roll or anything.
  • Non-Action Guy: Never made a single attack himself and is defenseless once he realizes his Devil Fruit is not enough to stop his foes.
  • Squishy Wizard: Can cross time and space and even summon the King of the Pirates but is defenseless if his powers are of no help.
  • Story-Breaker Power: The ability to cross timelines and summon anybody from any timeline is an insane devil fruit power to say the least. William even sarcastically remarks that being able to summon Gold Roger is a ridiculously powerful ability (even if once per day).
    • He also can supposedly shunt his enemies into a different timeline. Luckily, the animated Benevolence who ate The First Devil Fruit prevents Cranstin from doing this.
  • This Cannot Be!: Is horrified once he sees William cut Gold Roger in half and even more so when his attempts to shunt them away to different timelines won’t work.
  • Time Master: He ate the Timeline Timeline Fruit, which allows him to travel timelines. It also allows him to bring people and objects from other timelines to his current timeline. He can also banish people of his choice to a different timeline as well.
  • Unholy Matrimony: Is married to Myria and they seem to genuinely care for one another.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Once Gold Roger dies he desperately tries to send everyone to a different reality again and again (which doesn’t work thanks to Benevolence). He then resigns himself to death, remarking that the old people lose.

     The Final Foe (Warning: Massive Spoilers) 
The King of The Pirates Gold Roger himself from another timeline summoned by Void Boss Cranstin. In his timeline, he wasn’t executed, did not die from his sickness and was evil.
  • Area of Effect: Can plant his sword into the ground to create a powerful shockwave of Haki. This attack is called God’s Reckoning.
  • Badass Normal: No Devil Fruit, no fancy technology and no racial abilities. He still is one of the strongest individuals in the campaign. His damage output is even on par of not higher than Blue Blood.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: He remarks to Tempest that the One Piece fandom used to think he had to Weather Weather Fruit before trying to attack her.
  • Cool Sword: Wields Ace, which he uses to make his powerful Divine Departure attack.
  • Evil Counterpart: While Gol D. Roger was never a saint per se, this Gold Roger is explicitly referred to as evil.
  • Final Boss: The final fight in the campaign and killing him leads to the epilogue.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Void Cranstin summons him out of desperation, using up most of his energy to bring him to fight the Devil’s Luck Pirates and their allies.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: He is sliced clean in two by William’s Tempest Kick. Fitting considered what he did to Bullet.
  • Hero Killer: Slices Bullet clean in half after she shot him.
  • King of Thieves: Everybody knows him as the infamous King of the Pirates. The crew immediately recognize who he is and know how tough it will be to kill him.
  • Nonchalant Dodge: He can use his Observation Haki to automatically succeed a Dexterity saving throw once per round.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Since nobody in-universe knows he has the Will of D., he is referred to as his more widely known name of Gold Roger.
  • The Sociopath: According to Rustage, this version of Roger feels no love.
  • Worf Had the Flu: He is insanely strong, but his rolls were far from lucky. He could also still be potentially suffering from his unknown sickness, which weakened him.
    • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: He appeared alone without his crew. He may be the greatest pirate captain of all time, but a pirate captain is great because of their crew not despite it. Him facing around sixteen highly skilled foes (to various degrees) with various abilities was not going to end well.
  • Walking Spoiler: Wouldn’t really be fair to just give away who the Devil’s Luck Pirates’ last opponent is.
