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M-95's Sandboxes
Main Sandbox
Pantheon: m-95: The Redundant Pantheon | m-95: The Church Triumphant | m-95: Misc. Pantheon Groupings
Others: m-95's Metal Album Covers | m-95: The Lily Orchard Writing Tips Commentary | M-95 Misc Dump

This is a place for me (m-95) to store whatever Trope Pantheons stuff I happen to be involved with. For things I've already finished see the "Pantheon Profiles I Worked On" folder on my troper page.

    For Reference 

Da Commandments

  1. "Edits to profile flavor texts are technically free edits, but if you are unsure about changing it it's better to ask here first so we can judge if the change is okay or not." [1]
  2. "Yes, you can add new interactions/flavor text to existing profiles if you want to." [2]
  3. "You can work on the profile when you get at least 1 [tup] without any dissenting opinion." [3]
  4. "You can post a barebones profile for feedback. Just make sure to make sure there are noticeable updates the next time you post it (Cannot not be on the same page, preferably wait two days before posting the profile again)." [4]
  5. "When it comes to suggestions, you're supposed to write them down in the profile." [5]
  6. "A suggestion would sometimes be phrased as a question, other times a statement. Either way, you should answer it by writing out the interaction in the profile." [6]
  7. "It is absolutely okay to write in your own interactions if you come up with them by yourself. There is no need to ask anyone here for permission to add them." [7]
  8. "A follower/high priest should share the trope with the deity." [8]
  9. "The GUA's are currently being reworked. As of now, there's no immediately obvious way to identify if a deity is a part of any GUA." [9]
  10. "You most certainly need permission to make any kind of faction in this project." [10]
  11. "Usually, a profile gets reworked if it's considered poor quality (short, lackluster flavor text and OOC character writing, for example)." [11]
  12. Q. "The "Rules" folder on Pantheon.Trope Pantheons says: — For new and reworked deities, 3 [tup] means the profile will have a one-week waiting period. / For new and reworked deities, 4 [tup] is a 3 day waiting period. — Does that mean 1 week/3 days after the deity was posted in the thread, or 1w/3d after it hit that number of tups?" A. "I am assuming it's the former, because the "getting 1 [tup] the first day and 2 [tup]s the next" is a very rare scenario (profiles usually get their [tup]s on the day they're posted)." [12]
  13. Q. "What does it mean if a character or trope is "Reserved"? Does that mean that the trope is off-limits for everyone else or what?" A. "Pretty much. Though there is a possibility they could let it go if you discussed it with them." [13]
  14. "When it comes to absent tropers, I believe that adopting their profiles is more of a free action, you can just snatch them from the sandbox and work on them. However, it is good to tell others in advance of what you want to adopt in case someone else is also interested in taking the same profile." [14]
  15. "Yes, reworks and dominions are included as profiles for the criteria." [15]

Misc. Bookmarks

Drafts I Wanna Watch

(No, I'm not looking to adopt. I just wanna watch them grow.)

My Proposal Drafts

Original Ideas & Drafts


Adopted Ideas But Original Drafts

    The Draka 
The Domination of the DrakaMembers , Ascended Overpowered Alternate-History Faction (The Draka, The Drakas, Crown Colony of Drakia, The Domination, "Super South Africa")
The symbol of the Draka
Map of the Domination (coloured orange) in 1948 
  • Possible Hall(s): Conquest and Conquerors
  • Lesser Gods (as individuals)
    Greater Gods (collectively)
  • Symbol: a Draka (fictional animal)
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Portfolio: The Empire, World Domination, Successful, Invincible Villains, Proud Warrior Race, Utterly Alien Ethics, Straw Nihilists, Evilutionary Biologists, The Spartan Way, Humble Beginnings As A Bunch of Expats, Repressive, but Efficient, Evil Reactionaries, Colonialists, Nazis By Any Other Name (Yet Also Eviler than Thou To The Actual Nazis), Amoral Sorta-Afrikaners, Master Race, Politically Incorrect Villains, Everyone Is Bi (And Depraved) For Reasons Unknown, Hedonism, Bio-Augmentation, Would Hurt a Child, Villain World
  • Domains: Conquest, Victory, Evil, Slavery, Domination
  • Herald: Friedrich Nietzsche note 
  • Allies:
  • Enemies:
  • In an Alternate History's 1783, the Crown Colony of Drakia was founded as a British colony in southern Africa, settled by exiled American Crown Loyalists and Hessian mercenaries. It was later populated by exiled French royalists, Hatian slaveowners, American Confederates, and more, intermarrying with each other and Dutch Afrikaner settlers. Over the span of the next few decades, the colony took over large swathes of the African continent, creating a racial caste system where the settlers enslaved all conquered nations. In 1919, in the aftermath of World War I, the colony - at this point ruling over virtually all of Africa and occupying the Middle East & Central Asia - declared independence from Britain as the Domination of the Draka.
    Having formed an ideology based on conquest for conquest's sake, the Draka would spend the 20th century Taking Over The World bit by bit. They backstabbed the Axis Powers in World War II, taking over all of Europe and most of Asia in the process of what was dubbed the Eurasian War. By the year 1948, the world was split between the Domination of the Draka on one side and the Alliance for Democracy, consisting of all other remaining states, on the opposite side of an alternate Cold War. The end result of this Cold War would be the Draka declaring proper war on the Alliance in the 1970s, winning, and ruling their lands along with the entire planet. The Drakas managed to breed humanity into two subgroups: Homo drakensis (the superhuman ruling class) and Homo servus (bred to be a Slave Race incapable of resistance). From that point on, they looked to outer space and alternate worlds for more to claim for themselves . . .
  • The Draka came to the Pantheon for one simple reason: to conquer it. They want to conquer it for two simple reasons: they can and they must, or so they believe. They used their dimension-traveling technology to enter the Pantheon, and upon entering, they announced their intention to subjugate and enslave everyone there. Though after ascending, they've soon discovered that several other resident bad guys are also planning to Take Over the World. [Expand]
  • For the sake of clarification: the word "Draka" is a demonym for the people (both singular and plural — so "one Draka" and "a bunch of Draka" are both grammatically correct), as well as an adjective for the state (so "a Draka person" is also grammatically correct). The name of the state itself is actually "the Domination", and that's what you'll see it labeled as on maps. Sometimes "Drakas" is used in plural as well because screw consistency.
  • Service to the State. Glory to the Race.

Adopted Drafts


Rework Drafts

My Reworks

    Agatha Heterodyne 
Lady Agatha Heterodyne, Goddess of the Science-Related Memetic Disorder (Agatha Clay, Lady Heterodyne, Mistress Heterodyne, the Heterodyne, Lady of Mechanicsburg, the Holy Child)

  • It is a world ruled by Mad Science, and the source of the madness is a hereditary mental phenomenon called "the Spark." For eight hundred years, the House of Heterodyne manifested this inheritable legacy to an extent not seen by their peers. However, the Heterodyne family was snuffed out by a rival mad scientist known as "the Other," disappearing from the annals of history.
    ... Or so everybody thought. In truth, William Heterodyne (the family's last patriarch and a legendary hero) and Lucrezia Mongfish (his villainous wife who would later become the aforementioned "Other") had one last child kept hidden by the family's servants; a daughter named Agatha. Raised with the surname "Clay," the young girl didn't know she was a Heterodyne or even a Spark until she was eighteen years old, when she suddenly "broke through" as a Spark. Agatha Heterodyne, choosing to channel her superhuman madness for good rather than evil, went on a journey to reclaim her ancestral estate and avoid being used as a pawn by the other mad scientists of the world. This journey is ongoing, and there have been plenty of twists and turns in the many adventures of...
    Agatha Heterodyne,
    Girl Genius!

  • "People keep giving me rings — but I think a small death ray might be more practical."

Old bullets (to reuse or to scrap)

  • Agatha ascended to the Pantheon as a result of her accomplishments throughout her story and being the best well-known and expansive example among all others. She prefers to be called "Goddess of Gaslamp Machinery", though.
  • Upon ascension, the first thing Agatha did (after getting her temple ready) was finally get the time to marvel at the advances of science humanity can make without the need of Sparks (and was told that it was precisely the fact that they had no Sparks that these advances can be made in the first place). Without Sparks, theoretical study was developed, which eventually led to atomic energy, computers, and decent aircraft (like airplanes, helicopters, and up to spacecraft). Also, without Sparks running rampant, societal progress was able to advance (more than just getting past the role of women and racism), leading to things like democracy and a working-class consumer society.
  • Agatha's temple is the Castle Heterodyne, and it has an Artificial Sentience inside it, which can be very murderous, and its various defensive measures make infiltrating it…difficult, to say the least. It can even function when time has stopped around itself. With help from allies she's made in the Pantheon, Agatha has ensured that the castle won't attack or torment her followers (or her mortal companions) inside it. Everyone else has to wait outside for Agatha, be escorted by the Spark herself, or be acquainted enough with the castle and be regarded as trustworthy by it (which is difficult to do) to explore the castle safely.
    • Some even swear the castle's voice is reminiscent of BRIAN BLESSED for whatever reason.
    • And don't think you're safe from the Castle just because you're not near or in it; Agatha carries with her a portable clank version of it.
    • Upon visiting the Addams Family mansion once, she noted it's quite like the Castle, but without the weapons and considerably less quirky.
  • As of late, her town of Mechanicsburg has been stuck in a time bubble that has rendered everything in it in stasis. Before, all she wanted was to not be regarded as a theat to Klaus. Now, her opposition to him is personal.
  • Aside from the various clanks she creates, be they large ones for specific purposes or little watch-sized dingbots that Zerg Rush whatever problem is at hand with tools and can self-replicate to an extent, Agatha has the following protecting her:
  • Among her guards in the Pantheon, there is of course Violetta Mondarev. Violetta is a Smoke Knight with amazing stealth skills, and can swipe and swap objects straight from a person's hands without them noticing, even though she claims she's not that good. Of course, when she ascended, Agatha greeted her warmly.
  • Agatha used to have the Other inside her head, and for several years this was a problem that the Pantheon had to use a substitute locket to remedy. A substitute locket was specifically made for the Pantheon and it was immune to being shut off. Fortunately the problem has at last been cast out of her head for good. Related to The Other, this is also why she is Not Distracted by the Sexy; she can't afford to, as most of her focus is spent on keeping her from taking over. Now that Lucrezia is gone however, perhaps she can.
    • She's also got a case of an alchemical "touch of the king" leash, which ensures she will die if she doesn't make physical contact with a certain something, which in this case is her wasp eater. The House of Health and Diseases was able to remedy this, but for mysterious reasons, this also only applies in the Pantheon.
  • On the topic of Lucrezia, she was absolutely not pleased when she learned her mother ascended to the Pantheon. Fortunately this time, Lucrezia Mongfish can't get into her head so at least she's safe in that regard. Though the Other has since then changed her motive from "possess" to "kill" in regards to her daughter. Since then, Agatha and the friends she made in the Pantheon have gone on adventures to destroy the Other's tech and to sabatoge her attempts at world domination. While Lucrezia's multiple copies and GUAE backing make it hard, Agatha and the GUAG are macking progress.
  • Comments have been made on Agatha's cowlick, which is…rather difficult to comb down, much to the confusion of any hairstylist that has tried to push it down.
  • Agatha was once asked by Godot to repair his coffee maker. Just like she did once in Mechanicsburg, she improved it along the way. He was pleased, to say the very least - given that it's quite literally the best coffee ever brewed. People are also aware that she can get very hyper if given any stimulants (e.g. coffee). And when someone like her gets hyper, it usually means something gets made, and it's gonna be great (or terrible).
  • When it comes to Sparks, Complexity Addiction is something they all have, and Agatha is no exception, requiring her friends to rein her in on the ideas and point out the simple solution.
  • Thinks Dr. Wily gives Mad Science a bad name. May have plans to do something about it.
  • Despite sharing an aesthetic, she and Lord Nemesis are sworn enemies, mainly thanks to a few ill-thought-out comments.
  • Given that her inventions are of the Steampunk variety, while not generally as good (defensively) or accessible as modern or futuristic tech, by their nature they're (usually) immune to digital hacking, giving her an edge against those kinds of people.

    Klaus Wulfenbach 
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach, God of Validated Extremism (Baron Wulfenbach, the Baron, Lord of Europa, Chump, Lord of the Pax Transylvania)

  • "I was away for a few years and I came back to a world in ruins. Death, destruction, chaos, the endless fighting—it was like the Heterodyne Boys had never existed. Things were worse than ever. So I stopped it. And I did it my way this time. No more negotiating. No more promises. No more second chances. And I did it alone. Because I had to."
    "And it worked."

Old bullets (to reuse or to scrap)

  • Klaus first ascended upon uniting a war-ridden Europa by crushing all opposition with an iron fist. Some say that was excessive, but with the rampant Sparks with their crazy inventions, he was the nation's only hope at that time. In all fairness, he has his empire is not a Byzantine clusterfuck like most; the only demand he makes of the nations he conquers is "Don't Make Me Come Over There", Which covers only two things: starting wars, and possessing the Lost Technology left behind by The Other. Otherwise, his empire is mostly peaceful. At least before his…removal, after which war has resumed in his empire, showing that dictatorships, regardless of intent, only last as long as they have a strong leader to keep everyone in line.
  • Upon ascension, the first thing Klaus did (after getting his empire set up) was finally get the time to look at the advances of science humanity can make without the need of Sparks (and was told that it was precisely the fact that they had no Sparks that these advances can be made in the first place). Without Sparks, theoretical study was developed, which eventually led to atomic energy, computers, and decent aircraft (like airplanes, helicopters, and up to spacecraft).
    • Also, without Sparks running rampant, societal progress was able to advance (more than just getting past the role of women and racism), leading to things like democracy and a working-class consumer society. Due to his cynicism as a result of ruling, he has difficulty comprehending the former and altruistic actions in general.
  • You won't find his temple on the ground like most. You'll have to look to the skies just above the House of Personality instead, because Castle Wulfenbach is a fleet of airships.
  • Don't make him come over to the battlefield. If you do, you'll regret it. Unfortunately, given all the other powerful deities in the Pantheon, this threat is mostly hollow here, at least to the Greater Gods and stronger.
  • Klaus's Spark manifests in his analytical prowess, like dismantling and improve the designs of other Sparks, "finding the right monster for the right job" (i.e. making good use out of horrific monsters), and figuring out secrets his people try to hide from him in an attempt to undermine him or break his rules.
  • Has an ambiguous amount of respect for Steven Armstrong. Reasons for this are unknown.
  • His respect for Kiritsugu, Raiden, and Martin Walker is more certain, citing their mutual hatred of war as his reason. He agrees entirely.
    • For Walker in particular, he also expresses pity for the versions that didn't make it out of Dubai.
  • Used to respect Charles zi Britannia, but then he discovered what he was really going for. The fact that Charles promotes war to create social progress also goes against what Klaus had to do (rule ruthlessly to stop and discourage war).
    • As for Lelouch's final Genghis Gambit, he thinks the kid's too reckless and overly reliant on how people will behave in a future without Lelouch.
  • Regarding Homura's actions to protect Madoka by depowering her, he believes the Puella Magi is being unreasonably selfish, even though it protected her from Kyubey's machinations (and he hates them just as much as anybody else). However, upon discovering that there may have been severe communication issues on top of Kyubey's manipulations behind her decision, he's at a loss on what he should think of her.
  • Valvatorez hates warmongers, and sympathizes with Klaus on what he had to do to stop the war on his world.
  • Because of the threat of "the Other", Klaus has been trying time and again to get the GUAG to surrender Agatha over to him due to the threat she can pose in the Pantheon. Even after "the Other" was removed from her he still doesn't fully trust her. That said, with all the other threats that make her comparatively small beans, Agatha's presently a medium priority.
  • When he heard news that slaver wasps had been found in the Pantheon, he figured Lucrezia Mongfish had ascended and promptly sent as many frantic letters as he could to whoever would listen. Turns out he was correct in his worry, and when the GUAL (his own alliance) found Klaus, he was in such a fuming rage they had to tranquillize him. From that point on fighting Lucrezia has become such an obsession he almost stopped caring about Agatha. He detected almsot a million slaver wasps in his own army, he claims to have killed 3 of Lucrezia's copies with his bare hands, and whenever giving a speech at a GUAL meeting, he ends every speech by saying "furthermore, I consider that Lucrezia must be destroyed".
    • One morning, Klaus woke up to a karaoke cover "Lucretia MacEvil" sung by his archenemy. Someone (he's 99.9% sure it's Lucrezia herself) messed with his morning alarm to play the cover. Klaus was so furious at this that the GUAL had to tranquillize him ... again. He also recieved an invitation letter from the Angry Marines a few days latter for being just that pissed off, which he is yet to respond to.
  • Ever since his meddling with time by sealing away Mechanicsburg in a temporal stasis field with himself inside it, something not even the Heterodynes of old were willing to (let anyone) do, Klaus got the Dahaka's attention (and not the positive kind), especially in revelation of what's coming to his world. And it's only recently that Agatha's come to realize the ramifications of his actions.
  • Has joined the GUAL after the Pantheonic Rebellion to prevent whatever chaos Lucifer and his minions are causing.
    • The arrival of Eliphas the Radiant has made him question his loyalty to YHVH due to the large number of atrocities the latter has committed against His own followers. He is considering taking Eiki Shiki's side in the GUAL Reformation, realizing he might have to "come over there". He has thanked Eliphas for helping him see the truth.
  • While not really allies with the GUAG, after an attempt was made on Sora's life by Lucifer, Klaus and his men were tasked in sending the Keyblade bearer and his friends to Alola to hide there for the time being. Thanks to him, they're back in their own world to get stronger and prepare for the clash with Xehanort.
  • He can also be found in the Hall of Personality Misc..

    Gotta have an index 
