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Characters / Ninjago - The Serpentine

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The first antagonists of the show, the Serpentine are Snake People who initially plotted to unite the five tribes and release the Great Devourer in order to get revenge on the humans that locked them underground.
    In General 
  • Big Bad Ensemble: At first each tribe had their own separate goals to conquer Ninjago and had no intention of working alongside each other... But then after Skales ascends to the throne of Hypnobrai, he's able to form an alliance with the Fangpyre due to being friends with their own leader, later on Pythor unites all 5 tribes under his rule to unleash the Great Devourer.
  • Breakout Character: Out of all the series' groups, the Serpentine have been the longest lasting out of all of them due to their popularity, getting a lot of expansion in the lore, and being rare among the groups to have some of its ranks show up long after their major role in the toyline ended.
  • Heel–Race Turn: After Season 3, they're no longer intent on harming Ninjago, and even help its civilians in times of need. After the defeat of the Golden Master, they've integrated into Ninjago's society and are now no more evil than the average civilians in Ninjago.
  • Heroic Bystander: What they pretty much become from Season 3 onward. While they have made peace with Ninjago's citizens and occasionally lend their help, most often times they will opt to not get involved in human affairs if they can help it. An example being in the Oni Trilogy, where according to Turner the Serpentine decided to stay out of the conflict between the Ninja and Garmadon after witnessing the Time Twins' abuse of the Vermillion.
  • Mook Carryover: They serve Garmadon for the first half of Season 2, until Skales usurps his position.
  • Serpent Staff: The Serpentine Generals Skales, Slithraa, Fangtom, Acidicus, Skalidor and Pythor all have golden snake-shaped staffs as their symbols of authority.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: They are villainous snake people. Subverted after their Heel–Race Turn.
  • The Worf Effect: They're completely outmatched against the Stone Army, with the latter trapping them underground for the rest of Season 2.

    The Great Devourer
First Mentioned: "Can of Worms"
Debut: "Tick Tock"

According to a legend, once all five Serpentine tribes unite, they will be able to find the four Silver Fang Blades and unleash the "Great Devourer". The Fang Blades are said to enhance the Devourer's abilities and make it unstoppable, releasing a terrible evil that will turn day into night. According to Sensei Wu, she will keep growing as long as she consumes. Garmadon was nice until he got bit by the Devourer as a child, turning him into the villain he is today.

The Devourer slept under the Lost City of Ouroboros until Pythor put the Fang Blades into the statue of her and she rose out from underneath the city. She was destroyed by Lord Garmadon with the power of the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu.

  • All Your Powers Combined: All of the Great Devourer's abilities, attacks, and traits appear to be beefed-up versions of the main five Serpentine tribe's abilities. She can burrow across vast distances like the Constrictai, can swallow entire buildings whole à la the near-extinct Anacondrai, even a single drop of her venom can turn people evil or bring inanimate objects to life (similar to the Hypobrai's mind control and the Fangpyre's ability to infect and zombify others into fellow Fangpyre or various Snake/X chimeras), and her skin color and venom greatly resemble that of the Venomari.
  • Animalistic Abomination: A giant snake that causes destruction wherever she goes.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: Has one on the top of her head. Garmadon kills her by diving off the top of a building with all four Golden Weapons and attacking this weak point.
  • The Corruption: The Devourer's venom causes anyone bitten by her to gradually become corrupted over time. Turns out she herself is a victim of this trope, as the penultimate episode of the series reveals that The Overlord had corrupted her with darkness.
  • The Dreaded: Even her worshipers are terrified of her.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Her entire existence essentially serves as one for the Overlord, given that she was brainwashed and corrupted into becoming his pet/daughter. When one takes the Overlord out of the equation, she's just a normal garden snake.
  • Extreme Omnivore: She basically just wants to eat everything, including her own Serpentine Worshippers.
  • Fangs Are Evil: She's got fangs and she's a dangerous villainess.
  • Female Monster Surprise: In Season 7, it's revealed that the Great Devourer is female, because Krux uses her eggs to make the Vermillion army.
  • Final Boss: The final enemy the Ninjas face in the first season. As an Arc Villainess, however, this is inverted. She is the first of the many Arc Villains of the series.
  • Foreshadowing: The Great Devourer having been corrupted by the Overlord is foreshadowed by the fact that her venom actually benefits the Overlord's plan. Namely, corrupting Garmadon and making him a suitable vessel for the Overlord to possess (as well as being purged from Garmadon's body when Lloyd first defeats the Overlord) and also bringing the Stone Army to life.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: The Great Devourer started out as just a normal snake before being corrupted into the monster she's feared as by the Overlord.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Although the Devourer is killed at the end of the first season, her influence remains in Ninjago for many story arcs to come.
    • Pythor's goal in Season 1 was to release her from her prison in order to wreak havoc on Ninjago.
    • The Devourer was responsible for biting Garmadon and triggering his Start of Darkness, making her the Greater-Scope Villain of the 4 part pilot and a large portion of Season 9 as well.
    • Her venom revived the Stone Army, giving Lord Garmadon and the Overlord an army.
    • Her eggs were used by Acronix and Krux to create the Vermillion, giving them an army.
    • Her rampage in Ninjago City caused her to kill Harumi's biological parents, thus driving her to become the Quiet One.
  • Green and Mean: She's primarily colored green and she threatens to eat all of Ninjago.
  • Hoist by Her Own Petard: She bit Garmadon and turned him evil in the first place. It's ultimately Garmadon who destroys her. Also: if Lord Garmadon hadn't become evil, he never would have sought the power to wield all four golden weapons. The only way to kill the Devourer? Strike her weak spot with all four golden weapons simultaneously.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Nothing about her is remotely funny and she was always treated as a serious threat by everyone during her time alive. Long after her death she still manages to be this with the reveal that people died in her rampage, horrifyingly averting No Endor Holocaust, as well as being indirectly responsible for Harumi's Start of Darkness.
  • Make My Monster Grow: The more she eats the bigger she gets.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Her goal is basically to eat everything, even her Serpentine worshippers.
  • Psycho Pink: Her eyes are hot pink, she seemingly eats and kills Pythor upon awakening, and becomes the main villain for the last episode of season one who's threatening to devour all of Ninjago in her feeding frenzy.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Downplayed. Her eyes are hot pink (a lighter shade of red), and she ends up being the Final Boss in Season 1.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Was sleeping and inactive under the lost city of Ouroboros until Pythor placed the Fang Blades back in their proper place, releasing her.
  • Start of Darkness:
    • Described in the fourth graphic novel:
    "Once, when the world of Ninjago was new, all things were bright and peaceful. Farmers toiled in their fields, in harmony with all the creatures of land, sea, and air. But in all things, there must be a balance. And so darkness crept upon the land, and came upon a lone snake in the grass."
    • What's especially ironic is that the Devourer herself is responsible for Lord Garmadon's Start of Darkness. Note also that the "darkness" responsible for the Great Devourer's transformation seems to be an incarnation of the Overlord.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: While the Great Devourer is a Beast of the Apocalypse, keep in mind that prior to her run-in with the Overlord, she was in every sense, a wild animal acting out on instinct rather than evil, something she still mostly does after being corrupted. It was only after the Overlord indoctrinated her into his cause that she turned into a monstrous superpredator.


    In General
Debut "Rise of the Snakes"

The Hypnobrai are a blue-colored faction of the Serpentine. As their name implies, they use hypnosis. They are the first tribe to be released.

  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: Generally colored blue and off-white.
  • Hypnotic Creature: They use hypnosis as their main form of attack.
  • Hypnotic Eyes: They have dark red spirals on their eyes, which they use to hypnotize people.
  • Logical Weakness: Their hypnotism only works if they make eye contact with their targets. Kai has undergone training to fight them while blindfolded.
  • Pink Means Feminine: The only pink Hypnobrai seen, Selma, is naturally one of the two female Hypnobrai identified.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: All of them have red eyes. Whenever they take control of anyone their eyes become red as well.
  • Seeing Through Another's Eyes: If a person who is hypnotized by them is out of their range, they can spy on wherever that person is.

Debut: "Rise of the Snakes"
Voiced by: Ian James Corlett

Snake General of Ice, commander of the Hypnobrai Tribe, and current Snake King. Formerly Slithraa's second-in-command, He took his place as General after defeating him in the Slither Pit.

  • Big Bad Wannabe: After becoming the Snake King, he leads the other Serpentine in an attempt to bury Ninjago City underground. However, he ends up releasing the Stone Army, and his forces are easily defeated by them.
  • The Dragon: First to Slithraa, before betraying and usurping him and later to Pythor during the latter's tenure as the King of all Serpentine.
  • Dragon Ascendant: He planned on becoming the new leader of the Serpentine after Pythor was eaten by the Great Devourer, but Lord Garmadon wins their trust before he does and leaves him with only the other Generals.
  • Heel–Face Turn: In the later episodes, after getting a wife and a kid. He cements this by helping the people of Ninjago take shelter during the attack of the Golden Master and later by assisting them in fighting against the Fake Anacondrai army.
  • Monster Is a Mommy: Has a son in the time between the Overlord's defeat and his return in digital form.
  • Sour Supporter: Formerly one of Lord Garmadon's, but with a heavy emphasis on the sour part. Nowadays he serves as the Ninja's, being willing to help but showing some reluctance to help.
  • Sssssnake Talk: More so than all the other Serpentine.
  • The Starscream: He often tried to be this to whomever he served. With Slithraa and later Garmadon, he managed to pull it off though in the latter case his victory was short-lived; against Pythor he never got to do so directly, and ultimately just took the reins once Pythor was defeated. To further the similarities, when he betrays Garmadon and seizes control of the Serpentine he even holds a crowning ceremony to announce the start of his reign, shortly before he is upstaged by the bigger villains.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: Non-fatal example but this is what ultimately got him and the Serpentine trapped underground for the rest of the Green Ninja arc and would indirectly lead to him and his kind's eventual Heel–Race Turn offscreen.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Often ends up as the Only Sane Man with the other Serpentine Generals and troops.

Debut "Rise of the Snakes"
Voiced by: John Novak

Snake of Ice and Warrior for the Hypnobrai Tribe. When Lloyd stumbled upon the Hypnobrai, Slithraa attempted to mind control him but ended up controlling himself, thus allowing Lloyd to take over the Hypnobrai tribe, much to the dismay of the others. He was formerly general of the tribe before Skales took his place after defeating him in the Slither Pit.

  • Brought Down to Normal: His fate after losing the Slither Pit duel with Skales.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Hasn't physically appeared since the Season 3 finale.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: To Lloyd when he had control of the Hypnobrai, as the only reason he had any authority among them was because Slithraa was the General. When Skales defeats him and takes his place as leader, Slithraa loses all authority over the Hypnobrai and Lloyd is banished.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He attempts to hypnotize Lloyd, but due to the latter's clumsiness, he falls over and causes Slithraa to hypnotize himself after staring at his reflection on an ice wall.
    Lloyd: No. I will control you from now on.
  • Out of Focus: After Skales takes his place as leader, Slithraa begins appearing less frequently. "The Titanium Ninja" is the last episode he appears in before disappearing entirely.
  • Pet the Dog: During the battle with the Overlord, he leads all of Ninjago citizens to safety despite having no reason to help them yet as the Serpentine's relationships with the people of Ninjago were still heavily strained.


    In General
Debut: "Snakebit"

The Fangpyre are a red-colored faction of the Serpentine. Their poisonous fangs can convert machines into living biomechanical snake-themed vehicles or mutate organic lifeforms into snakes. They are the second tribe to be released.

  • Evil Versus Evil: Lloyd releases them in the hopes they will defeat the Hypnobrai. Unfortunately, it turns out Skales and Fangtom (their generals) are actually friends.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Why Lloyd's plan to defeat the Hypnobrai with the Fangpyres backfired.
  • Minor Major Character: While the Fangpyre at least get one episode to serve as the main antagonists, they mostly seem to exist just to build up the lore of the Serpentine and take part in the Arc Villain's plans.
  • Multiple Head Case: Can happen to them when bitten by another Fangpyre or themselves.
  • Organic Technology: See The Virus below.
  • Punny Name: Their name is somewhat of a mix between Vampire and Fang, referencing their bite which can turn objects into Fangpyre objects and people into Fangpyres.
  • The Virus: Their poisonous bite can turn objects into snake-themed weapons and people into snakes. There are two ways to reverse the bite: the antidote in their stuff or by raising people's heart rate.


    In General
Debut: "Never Trust a Snake"

The Anacondrai are a purple-colored faction of the Serpentine. They have the power to turn invisible. When they were locked away there was a lack of food so they turned cannibal until only Pythor was left. According to Skales, they are the most feared tribe. They were the third tribe to be released.
  • The Dreaded: Are the most feared Serpentine tribe, which is precisely why Chen wanted to imitate their abilities.
  • Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: While they did fight in a war that implicitly killed a lot of people, they had been duped by Master Chen, and just wanted peace the same as the humans.
  • Purple Is Powerful: The Anacondrai were so powerful they nearly overwhelmed the original Elemental Masters and took over Ninjago before the masters found a way to seal them.

    Pythor P. Chumsworth
Click here to see his appearance as of Season 3
Click here to see his Crystalized appearance.
Debut: "Never Trust a Snake"
Voiced by: Michael Dobson

The last of the Anacondrai Tribe. Sensei Wu reveals Pythor is their most dangerous enemy yet. He plans to unite the five Serpentine tribes to find the four Silver Fang Blades and unleash the Great Devourer. He's ultimately eaten by the Great Devourer, later returns to free the Overlord from his digital prison, then gets shrunk and stuck in an alliance with the Ninja to fight Master Chen. He disappears afterwards before resurfacing as part of the villain group in Day of the Departed before leaving the scene again, still on the loose to this day.

  • Arc Villain: While the five tribe leaders were on even footing at first, he eventually manipulated his way into this role in Season 1.
  • Asshole Victim: After he's eaten by the Great Devourer and presumed dead, none, not even Skales, mourns him, which is fitting considering he was the one who released it without thinking of the consequences.
  • Back for the Finale: He returns after 6 years of absence in Season 15, Crystallized as part of the Council of the Crystal King.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: An interesting case. He succeeds in unsealing the Great Devourer and causing mayhem as he had intended, but gets eaten by it soon after, though survives this fate. He still technically succeeded in his goal, even if the Devourer was ultimately killed in the end.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He pretends to be Lloyd's friend while in truth he only used him so he can get the map.
  • Black Sheep: Dialogue from both Arcturus and Pythor in Season 4 implies that Pythor was an outcast to the rest of the Anacondrai due to his lack of noble traits and it's only after he helps save Ninjago that the generals finally give him approval.
  • Breakout Villain: While the Serpentine as a whole are extremely popular, Pythor all on his own is the most enduring of the group, having appearances in both the show and toy sets all on his own and frequently having major roles in the Seasons and storylines he shows up in. Along with Garmadon, he is one of the only individual villains of the first two Seasons who has made more than one reappearance and received several redesigns. He's also one of only four villains from Masters of Spinjitzu, the others being the Mechanic, Harumi, and the Overlord to not only carry over into the Soft Reboot, but make it to the ending of the series in Crystallized.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Slightly, he doesn't exactly say he is evil but its obvious he knows what he is doing to other people is wrong and cruel and is shamelessly proud of the repercussions of his actions.
  • Colonel Badass: Serves as the General of the Anacondrai (and Sole Survivor of their sealing) and leader of the serpentine. But it only lasts up until The Great Devourer shows up and eats him, though he returns later on and keeps being a competent threat to the Ninja either alone or as a high ranking general.
  • Companion Cube: Had one in the form of a ball he painted a face on and named "Rodrigo" while in prison.
  • Connected All Along: Pythor implies that he personally knew Samukai, and also somehow got word of his death at some point in addition to Garmadon's betrayal of the Skulkin.
  • The Chessmaster: He played Lloyd like a fiddle, stole three of the fangs easily, and waited for the Ninja to arrive with the fourth. He is able to pull off his plan of unleashing the Devourer without much of a hitch and only really fails because the Devourer isn't one to be controlled.
  • Demoted to Dragon: In Rebooted he serves as The Overlord's Dragon, though he's initially much more active than his boss.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: He's the Arc Villain for most of Season 1, but at the climax of the penultimate episode of the Season gets seemingly killed by the Great Devourer but actually survived.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: Becomes this to the Digital Overlord, given how it was trapped on a hard drive. He steps out of this role once the Overlord sucks out Lloyd's energy and becomes the Golden Master, gaining a physical body.
  • Enemy Mine: Forms one with the heroes to stop Master Chen's plans, once it's over he returns to being a villain.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Dislikes Chen's plan of creating fake Anacondrai, saying that it dishonors his kind.
  • Evil Brit: Has a semi-British accent, for whatever reason.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: Finds out too late that the Great Devourer will eat the Serpentine along with everything else, and becomes its first victim along with Wu.
  • Evil Sounds Raspy: Has an almost wheezy voice for Season 3 while hooded, no doubt a result of his recovering from being in the Devourer's stomach, and he's also a treacherous villain. Pythor's voice does recover however following the events of "The Curse of the Golden Master".
  • Fatal Flaw: REALLY poor planning. He tried to resurrect the Great Devourer not realizing it would eat him too. He teamed up with the Digital Overlord, and while what would have happened was never stated, Word of God says it would have ended horribly for him. When he and some resurrected villains each went after individual ninja, he took on Lloyd (the most powerful) and unlike the others did not bring an army or any resemblance of a plan.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Speaks politely and has some outwardly polite manners, but is ultimately a treacherous jerk with limited loyalty.
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: Helps the Ninja in Season 4, mainly because he hates Chen more than the Ninja and can't stand Chen's plan to make Fake Androcandai. He goes back to his evil ways in "Day of the Departed" and has stayed that way to this day.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: When he awakens the Great Devourer he's one of its first victims. He does survive albeit bleached.
  • Humiliation Conga: Shrunk by the Ninja, and then arrested and kept in a doll's house in prison. Then he's subject to numerous size jokes, before being captured by Chen and used as fuel for the man's spell while being chased by a swamp rat. It'd be cruel if it were happening to anyone else other than Pythor.
  • I Am a Humanitarian: Ate one of the judges at a dancing so he could replace him as part of a plan to get one of the Fangblades. He also attempts to swallow Wu during their fight.
  • Invisible Jerkass: Uses his invisibility powers in evil schemes or to spy on his enemies. The Word of God even states that he may've gone to the Dark Island and back with them!
  • Karma Houdini: Downplayed. His latest appearances up until Season 14 had him defeated and forced to flee by Lloyd, but other than that he's currently still on the loose and has kept out of the Ninja's radar for a while, avoiding further consequences.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: His luck ran out offscreen before the events of Crystallized with the New Ninja capturing and imprisoning him offscreen. Though he gets broken out soon after by Kabuki Mask.
  • Kneel Before Zod: His first act after defeating the other Generals to become the Serpentine King is order all the Serpentine to bow before him.
  • Last of His Kind: Is the last of the Anacondrai. He's implied to have eaten the others to avoid starving.
  • Light Is Not Good: His skin bleached into a pale white with faint purple highlights after being freed from Great Devourer and most of the time wears white clothes, but is still on the side of evil besides a brief team-up with the Ninja against Chen.
  • Logical Weakness: His invisibility allows him to hide from enemies as well as evade direct attacks with ease, but since he's still physically present he remains vulnerable to area-of-effect attacks. Jay defeats him during their one-on-one duel in Season 15 by electrocuting the roof they're fighting on, knocking Pythor out instantly despite Jay not being able to see him.
  • Long Bus Trip: After having made his last appearance in "Day of the Departed" (which takes place between Seasons 6 and 7) and the canon book "Pythor's Revenge" (which canonically takes place the day after "Day of the Departed", while the book was published in one real life year after the special), Pythor would finally make his return in "Season 15: Crystalized" as a member of the Council of the Crystal King.
  • Long Neck: Even among the Anacondrai, he has a rather long neck.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Pretended to be Lloyd's friend so he could steal his map leading to the other Serpentine tombs.
  • Mysterious Middle Initial: What his name's middle initial, "P.", stands for is unknown.
  • Never My Fault: In "The Greatest Fear of All", Pythor blames the Ninja, Wu, and Garmadon for feeding him to the Great Devourer and shrinking him, while ignoring the fact he unleashed the Devourer in the first place without considering that the beast would eat him too, as well as the fact that the shrinking pill was meant for the Overlord and it was Pythor who made the choice to jump and swallow the pill in his master's place.
  • No Party Like a Donner Party: It's implied he ate the rest of his kind to survive while locked in the tomb.
  • One-Man Army: Defeated all the Serpentine generals at once, and by himself, though he did need the special flute to prevent them from overwhelming him.
  • Psycho Pink: He originally had pink eyes. Not so much after Season 3; while he's still evil, he also has red eyes. When he is given powers by the Overlord in Season 15, his eyes turn pink once again.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: He has a lot of respect for his species, and Chen's treatment of their memory pisses him off to the point that he willingly sides with the Ninja.
  • The Quisling: Up until Crystalized, he is the only Serpentine (or person in Ninjago in general) to willingly serve the Overlord, since the Stone Army was created to do so, the Nindroids are merely carrying out their programming to do so, and Garmadon was both corrupted and manipulated by the entity.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Downplayed. His eyes, much like the Great Devourer, are hot pink (which is a lighter shade of red), and he's the Big Bad of Season 1. Played straight after Season 3, where his eyes are genuinely red.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: He survived being eaten by the Devourer while everyone else (the audience included) thought he was dead, though ended up bleached afterwards and for the rest of the series.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Is very polite in his speech, but it's rather clear he's a monster who relishes the suffering he inflicts.
  • Taking the Bullet: Eats the shrinking pill meant for Overlord in the Season 3 finale which leads to his defeat.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: The already evil Anacondrai has done a lot of bad deeds. Like unleashing the Great Devourer, kidnapping Lloyd twice, and betraying Lloyd in "Day of the Departed" even though the two ended up having a truce in Season 4. But by Season 15, he's an even bigger jerk where he is more prone to mocking the ninja for such things like being inferior towards the New Ninja and taunts Nya for losing her powers.
  • Undying Loyalty: Surprisingly, Pythor's loyalty to Overlord is genuine and knows no bounds: from eating and vomiting his master without killing him to hide the fact that he is weakened from his troops to intercepting a shrinking pill for him, there is nothing that Pythor wouldn't do for the Golden Master. Funnily enough, he rejoins the Overlord's side in Season 15 without a second guess, even if Harumi is now replacing him as Overlord's right hand and he himself isn't quite aware of who the Crystal King is.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He freaks out when he discovers that the Great Devourer isn't under his control and tries to flee before Wu prevents him from doing so.
  • Villain Has a Point: Makes a good point on the humans of Ninjago turning against the Serpentine over rumors during times of peace, and how horrible it was to be sealed underground for years, given that he had to implicitly eat the other members of his kind to survive.
  • Villain Team-Up: Steals the Overlord's hard drive and allies with him.
    • Averted with Chen's cult in Season 4, they may be anacondrai cultists but at the end of the day, Chen was the one person responsible for the extinction of the Anacondrai and the Human/Serpentine war, the latter's cult's transformations into Anacondrai knockoffs didn't help any matters as while Pythor was an outcast, he still respected his tribe's legacy and culture.
    • And in "Day of the Departed", he sides with the revived villains and Yang.
    • He joins the Crystal King's Council in Crystalized too at Kabuki Mask's request.


    In General
Debut: "Can of Worms"

The Constrictai are a black and orange-colored fraction of the Serpentine. They can dig underground to ambush their enemies and have a fierce grip. They are the fourth tribe to be released.

  • Dumb Muscle: Seems to be a trait with the Constrictai, most notably with their leader Skalidor. His new evil plan was to release the Great Devourer, the very same being that was already destroyed and would have killed them.
  • Minor Major Character: The most noticeable example among the Serpentine. They only exist to support Pythor and Garmadon's plans and build up the Serpentine lore, and they get the least amount of characterization among the Serpentine tribes.
  • Tunnel King: They are very efficient borrowers who do most of the digging for the Serpentine.


    In General
Debut: "Can of Worms"

The Venomari are a green-colored cobra/viper-themed faction of the Serpentine. Their toxic venom can make anyone hallucinate. They are the fifth and final tribe to be released.

Debut: "Can of Worms"
Voiced by: Paul Dobson, John Novak ("All of Nothing")

The general of the Venomari. After his Heel–Face Turn he serves as a Serpentine Elder and historian.

  • All There in the Manual: Acidicus's name was not mentioned during season one to season ten, only appearing in other media such as the toys. This only gets averted at last when in season eleven Acidicus' name is finally mentioned by Skales.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • Season 3 shows that he has an extensive knowledge of Serpentine legends and acts as a sort of knowledge keeper who can be relied on for informing others of the fact.
    • Season 11 reveals that Acidicus likes books and even became a librarian offscreen.
  • Mr. Exposition: He told the Ninja about the Legend of the Golden Master, later telling the Ninja about the history of Aspheera.
  • The Storyteller: Has this role among the Serpentine, telling legends of their race to outsiders.
  • Wise Serpent: As both the storyteller and the librarian of the Serpentine, Acidicus becomes a source of knowledge regarding Serpentine legends to outsiders. The Ninja hear the Tale of the Golden Master and the backstory of Aspheera from him.

Vermillion Warriors

    In General
Debut: "The Hatching"

The Mooks of Season 7 serving as Krux and Acronix's main forces, composed of various snakes born from the Great Devourer's eggs.

  • Meaningful Name: As pointed out by Zane, the color vermillion is a shade of red with a slight orange tint and is said to symbolize life and eternity.
  • Organic Technology: Vermillion vehicles and mechs are made up of the same Hive Mind colonies of snakes that the commanders and footsoldiers are made of, meaning that they are just Vermillion in another form entirely. The Iron Doom is a Humongous Mecha made up of all the Vermillion serpents combined.
  • Weaponized Offspring: They are the offspring of the Great Devourer, turned into an army of indestructible soldiers by the Time Twins.
  • The Worm That Walks: In contrast to the Serpentine, they're masses of regular snakes shaped into humanoid forms by their metal armor.

    Supreme Commander Machia
Debut: "A Time of Traitors"
Voiced by: Kathleen Barr

The Supreme Commander of the Vermillion warriors.

  • Co-Dragons: She shares the position of second in command of the Vermillion warriors with the other two Vermillion commanders Raggmunk and Blunck. Until Krux and Acronix promote her to Supreme Commander, giving her command over the other commanders.
  • Creepy Cute: Acronix sure thinks so.
  • The Dragon: Since she's the most competent out of the three commanders, she's essentially this to Krux and Acronix.
  • Hive Mind: Like the other Vermillion commanders, she can control the other warriors with this.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Threatens Raggmunk and Blunck into doing what she says by threatening to just eat them.
  • More Deadly Than the Male: She is one of three Vermillion commanders specially bred for aggressive fighting style and strategic thinking. It's what gets her promoted to Supreme Commander (If one pays close attention, she somewhat freaks Acronix out).
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Ugly Cute: Acronix mentions that he thinks she's cute.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Acronix and Krux pull this on her so they can use the snakes she's made up of as part of the Iron Doom.

    Commander Raggmunk and Commander Blunck
Commanders Raggmunk (left) and Blunck (right)
Debut: "A Time of Traitors"
Voiced by: Michael Adamthwaite (Raggmunk) and Brian Dobson (Blunck)

The Commanders of the Vermillion warriors.

  • Co-Dragons: They share the position of second in command of the Vermillion Warriors with Machia until Machia is promoted to Supreme Commander.
  • Hive Mind: Can control the other Vermillion Warriors in this way.
  • My Instincts Are Showing: They hiss at each other after getting into an argument.
  • Number Two for Brains: They hold the position of commander, but neither of them are exactly the sharpest tools in the shed.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Acronix and Krux eventually get tired of their idiocy and take away their armor, using the masses of snakes which form them as part of the Iron Doom.

Pyro Vipers

    In General
Debut: "Wasted True Potential" (dream)

An ancient tribe of Hypnobrai Serpentine sealed inside the Ancient Pyramid by a "Treacherous Deceiver".

  • All There in the Manual: Their status as Hypnobrai serpentine was only mentioned in the 2021 companion book The Book of Elemental Powers.
  • Evil Is Burning Hot: They're all depicted as being on or made of fire.
  • Night of the Living Mooks: A lot of their foot soldiers, including Char, are mummies reanimated by Aspheera using magic fire and lava. According to Word of God, they all returned to death after Aspheera was stripped of her fire powers.
  • No Name Given: It is unknown what the name of the tribe was before they were called the Pyro Vipers, assuming they actually had a name to begin with.
  • Playing with Fire: Courtesy of Kai's stolen fire powers.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: They were all locked away inside a pyramid for ages until they were accidentally released by the Ninja and Clutch Powers.

Aspheera's normal form
Aspheera after absorbing Kai's powers
Aspheera in her youth
Crystalized Aspheera
Debut: "Wasted True Potential"
Voiced by: Pauline Newstone (Season 11), Ashleigh Ball (young), Kathleen Barr (Crystalized)

"Revenge… Revenge!"

Leader of the Pyro Vipers, a Hypnobrai sorceress. The first Serpentine that knows Spinjitzu.

  • Arc Villain: She's the primary villain of the Fire Chapter of Season 11.
  • Arch-Enemy: A mutual example with Sensei Wu. Aspheera seeks revenge on Wu for supposedly betraying her to the point it becomes her primary motivation. Wu, in turn, detests her for using him and Spinjitzu in her bid for power, which leads him to distrust the Serpentine for many years and gave rise to his motto to "Never trust a Snake". Aspheera is to date the one enemy that Wu shows the most animosity to, even after the Serpentine had a Heel–Race Turn and made peace with Ninjago, being the most reluctant to seek her help to save Nya and being completely distrustful of her when she arrives at the temple.
  • Back for the Finale: Returns in Season 15, Crystalized as part of the Council of the Crystal King.
  • Character Catchphrase: "Revenge! Revenge!"
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: To pretty much every villain in the past Seasons, all past villains wanted to either conquer Ninjago or destroy it. Aspheera's original goal was to conquer Ninjago but since her defeat at the hands of Wu and Garmadon, Aspheera's sole goal is to get her revenge on "The Treacherous Deceiver", Wu with the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu, only attacking Ninjago in order to find the tools and forces for her revenge.
  • Demoted to Comic Relief: In her first appearance, Aspheera was a revenge-driven villain and a threat to the entire city. After her return in Crystalized, her fixation on revenge becomes more of a joke, and most characters treat her as a major annoyance at best rather than a formidable enemy.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: She's defeated midway through Season 11 at the end of the Fire Chapter. she isn't the last enemy of the Chapter either. The last foe of this Chapter is Master Wu.
  • Elemental Absorption: She is able to use her staff to absorb a person's elemental powers. She uses this to obtain Kai's fire powers.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Aspheera's grandeur speeches of vengeance, temper tantrums and constantly blurting out "Revenge/Treacherous Deceiver" makes her one of the hammiest villains in Ninjago to date. The hamminess seemingly coming from her imprisonment at a pyramid.
  • Evil Is Petty: In the end her only real motivation is to prove she's better than Wu, even if it's just a bunch of mundane contests like Bicep Curling, Pool, and Pancake Flipping.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: She's directly responsible for the events of the Ice Chapter, despite not actually appearing in it.
  • Hypocrite: She hates the idea of being betrayed, despite being a prime candidate for Chronic Backstabbing Disorder.
    • She calls Wu a "treacherous deceiver" who "betrayed" her, in spite of the fact that she manipulated them into teaching her Spinjitzu, and made a false promise that she would not use it for evil.
    • In "A Painful Promise" she accuses the Ninja of betraying her when the New Ninja showed up even though it wasn't the Ninja's intention. A mere minute before this she'd used her staff to attack the Ninja, and the first thing she does after escaping is join the Crystal King's council.
  • I Know Kung Fu: She is the first Serpentine able to do Spinjitzu. She learned it from Wu.
  • Light Is Not Good: In contrast to most antagonists, her powers are not darkness-related in any way and she's colored gold/bright bronze once she steals Kai's power. It doesn't make her any less villainous in nature.
  • Moral Myopia: Despite promising Wu that she would not use the Spinjitzu skills taught to her for evil, she used them to overthrow the benevolent Serpentine king. When called out for it, she claimed it wasn't an act of evil, in the sense that the strong (her) should lead.
  • Naginatas Are Feminine: Aspheera always wields a naginata, which she attaches the first Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu to.
  • Never My Fault: Accuses Wu of betraying her, when she broke her promise to not use Spinjitzu for evil.
  • Non-Mammal Mammaries: Despite snakes being reptiles, she has a visible bust printed on her torso. Strangely, the only female Serpentine we saw before her had nothing of the kind.
  • Punched Across the Room: During her and Kai's one-on-one fight in Season 15, the two go back and forth for a brief while before Kai defeats her with a single punch, sending her flying.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: In "Crystallized". The ninja make a deal with her to set her free in exchange for her draining Nya's water powers, thus restoring Nya's humanity. Aspheera carries out her end of the bargain and is allowed to go free. But with no army or purpose, she's left sitting in the pyramid she was once imprisoned in, utterly alone. Until the Crystal King comes calling...
  • Really 700 Years Old: She's at least the same age as Wu, if not a little older, making her the confirmed oldest Serpentine in the series. How she managed to live for so long in her pyramid is never revealed.
  • Revenge: Her main motivation is to find the "treacherous deceiver" and make them pay for imprisoning her. It's revealed that Wu is the target of her revenge and she planned to hurt him by banishing him to the Never-Realm, ultimately settling down with her accidental banishment of Zane as it hurt Wu. It actually becomes a central character trait of hers, as in her whole role in Crystalized, she's constantly going on and on about revenge, to the annoyance of other characters. She even has a large amount of "-venge" based words as she's performing the ritual to bring the Crystal King to a physical form.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: As a Hypnobrai, her eyes are naturally red with the added spirals in the past, and she's a deadly Serpentine with a great desire for revenge.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: While Aspheera was already a big asshole from her first appearance, from betraying Wu, attempting to turn the serpentine against humanity, stealing Kai's fire powers, and mocking Wu for Zane's disappearance, she got even worse as of Season 15. In "A Painful Promise", she resorts to cheating against Wu in various games for fun, betrays the ninja when they got her staff back and released her, and in "The Fall of the Monastery" she even tries to straight up kill Wu, whereas in Season 11, she just wanted to make him suffer big time.
  • Vague Age: It's never specified whether she was a teenager or a child when Wu met her.
  • Vile Villain, Laughable Lackey: Aspheera is a dead-serious and ruthless revenge-driven antagonist, while her servant Char in comparison is merely a butt-kissing lackey who isn't much of a threat on his own and is generally prone to misfortune. Once she gets Demoted to Comic Relief in Season 15, she becomes this to the returning, and still incredibly serious, Overlord.
  • Villainous Rescue: While that was the only way for her to avoid arrest, she does save Nya from the fate of staying merged with the sea and eventually losing her physical form.

Char in the present (powered by the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu)
Char in his youth
Debut: "Powerless"
Voiced by: Brian Drummond

Aspheera's servant.

  • Ambiguously Related: He has some similarities to the Constrictai, with his black scales. Whether he is one is not stated.
  • The Dragon: Serves this role to Aspheera.
  • Professional Butt-Kisser: Pretty much everything he says and does is him trying to win Aspheera's favor.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: A villain with both red and black.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The last time we saw him he was fleeing the battlefield. Whatever happened to him after Aspheera's defeat is anyone's guess. According to Word of God, Char ended up returning to death alongside the rest of the reanimated Pyro Vipers after Aspheera was stripped of her fire powers.
