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Characters / Reincarnation Colosseum

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Main Characters

    Kouji Mikagami
The main character, an extremely skilled gamer who ended up summoned to another world by Zayd, only to be discarded by her immediately for having the useless Copy skill and was sent to the Colosseum as a gladiator. He is 15 years old.
  • Blood Knight: He started to enjoy his fight against Finne... until she decided to cheat.
  • Broken Win/Loss Streak: Kouji defeats Mary, breaking her 20 consecutive wins in the Colosseum.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Since Kouji is an average human teenager with only a copy skill, he can't possibly win against the very experienced gladiators thrown at him, all of whom do have skills more powerful than his. So he has no choice but resort to tactics, trickery and fighting dirty to win.
  • Condemned Contestant: He's forced to participate as a slave in the Colosseum due to his lackluster Copy skill after he's summoned into another world.
  • Flipping the Bird: Kouji gives Mary the finger after taunting her.
  • Godlike Gamer: Kouji is so good that he has never lost a game.
  • Guile Hero: Has to be this, as he lacks any skills, and the only "blessing skill" he was given is a relatively weak skill that most regard as useless. He needs to rely on his wits in order to win.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: His "Copy" Skill allows him to copy the skills of whoever he's fighting. However, it's widely regarded as a useless skill. Kouji, however, is able to use it to devastating effects and rack up win after win.
  • Hiding Behind Your Bangs: His hair almost always covers his right eye, signaling his analytic and cunning personality.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: Knowing that the world functions as a game, and that even the worst case scenario of death is actually temporary and just leads to being raped as a woman instead, Kouji quickly takes to finding ways to exploit the "game". He specifically name drops FromSoftware for his instant mastery of Suzu's cloning skill by way of not fearing death in a death game, and while training Mary teaches her to use her skills in ways reminiscent of lag canceling and advanced movement techniques found in many games.
  • Last-Name Basis: His first name is Kouji, but everyone refers to him for his last name Mikagami.
  • Lethal Joke Character: Given that the world operates like a gacha game and he has what is considered one of the worst skills, Kouji quickly proves himself to be this as he takes down all of Zayd's Four Heavenly Kings.
  • Loophole Abuse: After realizing that the Coliseum is little different than the games he always played, he outright declares his intent to indulge in as much Trash Talk as he wants to get under his opponents' skin and exploit any "bugs" he can find.
    • Kouji takes advantage of the lack of rules governing the use of aphrodisiacs in the arena to win his fight against Marl, which prompts the judges to make sure that's forbidden going forward.
    • He later has Alice hide under the arena to make use of her ability to disable Finne's eventual actual cheating. While there is a barrier to prevent copying skills from the audience, it wasn't set to prevent him from copying anything from below nor was there actually a rule against copying the abilities of someone not involved in the match if way around the barrier was found.
    • The "Copy" skill can only be used on an enemy, not an ally. So he cannot copy the skills of his allies. It is immediately speculated that in order to bypass that restriction he needs an ally to hit him, though Musashi believes the slap is a misdirection for the real reason Kouji is able to do so.
  • Meaningful Name: Kouji's surname "Mikagami" can be translated to "The Mirror", one of the Three Sacred Treasures in Japanese mythology, which is in reference to his "Copy" skill and that he made himself a legend by singlehandedly defeating The Four Heavenly Kings with this seemingly weak ability.
  • Not Afraid to Die: He's perfectly willing to practice using Spatial Exchange on himself, despite the risk of killing himself in the process. This lack of fear comes up once more as his clones are perfectly willing to take every single fatal attack Suzu aims at him like a human shield despite the fact that they should have the same fear of death that the real individual would have, leaving her to wonder what kind of past he had to lack this fear.
    Kouji: "Dying in a death game is only natural! Thank you! FromSoftware!"
  • Ordinary High-School Student: What he was (extreme skill at games aside) before he was summoned to the new world.
  • Power Copying: Kouji's "Copy" skill, obviously.
  • Refuge in Audacity: His plan to defeat Alice hinges on the fact that nobody in their right mind would ever use Spatial Exchange on or near themselves, due to the risk of severing their own limbs or head in the process. He loses a hand and foot in the process of teleporting himself close enough to Alice to disable her through a combination of paralytic spores he brought to the fight and the sheer fear of fighting against someone willing to mutilate themselves as practice.
  • School Uniforms are the New Black: Wears his school uniform at all times, Justified, as he has no other clothes he can wear.
  • Sex God: In a few minutes after Kouji drinks the aphrodisiac, he becomes an uncontrollable sex beast with an intense desire to breed that cannot be suppressed, capable of pleasuring several women and bring them to orgasm.
  • Teleport Spam: Invoked. This is what Kouji did in his fight against Mary after using the Backstep skill and the Purgatory flames that are burning around the arena.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Despite only being able to copy abilities at half power at best, Kouji is able to cleverly and creatively combine them in ways their owners could never dream of or manage themselves, such as combining Purgatory Flame and Backstep to achieve Teleport Spam in order to blindside Mary or create a triple element ball to use against Finne who, while knowing it could theoretically be done, could never manage it herself and thus couldn't setup a counter to it.
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Kouji's only skill is "Copy," which is widely derided as useless, because it only copies the skill of your opponent, not an ally, at the half-strength, and does not confer mastery of the skill, so all it allows one to do is fight with an inferior version of a power your opponent can probably use way better than you can.

A girl that Kouji meets in the Colosseum dungeons. She quickly takes an interest in him and agrees to give him the knowledge he needs in order to win his battles.
  • Covered with Scars: In her character design sheet, her body is riddled with scars that are hidden under her clothes.
  • Devious Daggers: Zulu's weapon is knife.
  • Idiot Hair: Has a prominent Ahoge sticking up from her head in the shape of a halo.
  • Indignant Slap: She delivers one of these to Mikagami when he slips and falls, winding up with one of his hands on one of her breasts and specifically tells him that sex is one of the few things she won't give him as support.
  • Information Broker: Her role in the story, essentially. She provides Kouji with information about his opponents in exchange for favors.
  • Ms. Exposition: Her main purpose is to explain to Kouji (and the readers) the ins and outs of the new world Kouji is trapped in.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Averted, surprisingly enough. In a Manga with wall-to-wall fanservice, she's rarely, if ever, drawn in a sexualized manner. Even in the bonus chapter, when Kouji gropes her, she smacks him away and says "That's not the job I'm meant to be doing."
  • Noodle Incident: She has a personal history with Zayd and wants to take her down. What is the reason? It hasn't been explained.
  • Team Mom: She backs Mikagami in just about every way, gathering intel, hiring mercenaries, providing the drugs and tools he needs to win, etc.



The chief priestess of the church who summoned Kouji. On the surface, she appears a refined and pious woman but her serene exterior masks a short, and exceedingly violent temper.
  • Assumed Win: Zayd always assume that the Four Heavenly Kings would win against Kouji. So when he wins, she completely loses her composure and throws temper tantrums.
  • Evil Is Petty: Zayd is furious at Kouji for defeating Mary, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, and takes it as an insult, despite him winning fair and square. This is why she wants him dead.
  • Evil Laugh: An extremely over-the-top one. It comes out whenever she's plotting to kill Kouji in the Colosseum.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: It takes almost nothing to set her off.
  • Majority-Share Dictator: She's one of the major share holders in the Colosseum and she's very unpleasant.
  • Mask of Sanity: She carries herself as a calm, refined, and serene priestess. However, this is just a front. Deep down she's a foul-mouthed, ill-tempered, borderline psychotic lunatic who wants Kouji crushed for making her look bad.
  • Nun Too Holy: Despite wearing a scantily clad outfit, Zayd is seen as a serene and pious priestess on the surface, but in reality, she's a foul-mouthed, ill-tempered, violent, petty, corrupt woman.
  • Secondary Color Nemesis: She has lavender hair and green eyes and she's the one who sent Kouji to the colosseum for not fulfilling her expectations.
  • Stripperiffic: Her outfit is ridiculously revealing for a priestess and even Kouji recognizes that during their first meeting.
  • Stupid Evil: When she learned her nephew had learned of a way to get more magical skills than the three-per-person limit, rather than train up Fine into a strategic weapon, just shoved the child into the role of being her enforcer, by blackmail.
  • Tantrum Throwing: She does this after Kouji wins a fight.
  • Villainous Breakdown: She goes into screaming fits whenever Kouji wins a match.

    Desmos Salamandis 
The current head of the colosseum's management. She's a giantess from the Giant race who was formerly known as the strongest gladiator. She is the owner of all the "free slaves", which includes Kouji.
  • Amazonian Beauty: Desmos is a sexy and muscular woman who is also a veteran gladiatrix.
  • BFS: She briefly wields a sword that's easily as long as Kouji is tall.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: Her breasts are utterly massive, even to scale. While sitting they nearly reach her thighs, and in fact rest there when leaning forward. Kouji can't help but be awed at her massive size, both in stature and breast size.
  • Chainmail Bikini: She wears this, but with a small cape and a loincloth.
  • Cool Crown: In her character design sheet, her horns is actually a horned circlet that she's wearing.
  • Cool Sword: Not sure if it counts as a sword as it looks more like a huge stone slab with what appears to be dragon bones in it.
  • Covered with Scars: Her face and body is riddled with scars.
  • Horned Humanoid: As a member of the giantess race, she has obsidian horns on her head.
  • Large and in Charge: She's massive and as head of the Colosseum's management, one of the most important people in the place.
  • Lecherous Licking: She licks her lips in anticipation of sexually violating Mikagami.
  • Our Giants Are Bigger: She's a Giant, easily more than twice Kouji's height and three to four times larger than him overall.
  • Plausible Deniability: When she's in a private meeting with Mikagami, she very convincingly acts as if she wasn't aware that Zayd's henchman, Fine, was cheating, even though she's the one who gave Fine the banned trinket to use.
  • Pet the Dog: She's genuinely fond of Luna and wants to ensure she gets Zayd's shares at the colosseum.
  • Red Baron: "The strongest gladiator."
  • Retired Badass: Prior to becoming the colosseum's manager, she was once the top gladiator.
  • Scarpia Ultimatum: She demands sexual slavery from Mikagami in exchange for his continued existence. Knowing he's still to hot a commodity for her to straight up kill him, he refuses, but if he loses, even once, he won't have the option to refuse.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Befitting as she's a female giant with a sexy body.
  • Villainous Friendship: Her fondness for Luna seems genuine, in contrast to the threatening or Faux Affably Evil demeanor she takes with other people.
  • Villain Takes an Interest: She becomes very, very interested in Mikagami after he defeats all four of Zayd's enforcers.
  • You Got Guts: She's actually impressed that Kouji, despite being shit-scared of upsetting her, boldly declares he will make her his slave one day. She then tells him to continue entertaining her until he dies.

A young girl who is the owner of Musashi and Suzu.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: She's a girl shorter than average and Desmos is easily four times her height.
  • Non-Idle Rich: She comes from a wealthy family but decided she wanted to obtain shares on the colosseum without her family's aid.
  • Older Than They Look: She's fifteen but looks ten at most.
  • The Starscream: Kouji and Mary's fight against Musashi and Suzu are part of a plan she and Desmos have to unseat Zayd from her position within the Colosseum's management and take it for herself.

The Four Heavenly Kings

    In General 
Four powerful gladiators directly working for Zayd who are sent to kill Kouji at the arena.
  • Break the Haughty: All of them thought themselves invincible in combat with their respective skills, only for Kouji to defeat them doing something they didn't expect, and then get demoted into his sex slaves.
  • Elite Four: They are four incredibly powerful fighters working for the corrupt bishop Zayd.
  • Fatal Flaw: Arrogance. Each one of the four Heavenly Kings downfall can be credited towards this. They underestimated Kouji mainly due to his seemingly lackluster skill, only for them to be defeated. Had they took him seriously (Especially after Mary's defeat) Kouji would likely have been defeated.
  • Karmic Rape: All of them enjoyed abusing their own slaves for their amusement, physically or sexually, so being turned into Kouji's slaves is seen as karma by most of the audience.
  • Misery Builds Character: Clearly getting defeated and forced to have sex against their (initial) will made wonders for their personalities, showing almost none of the arrogance they'd previously displayed.
  • Powerful, but Incompetent: As far as Kouji's concerned at the very least, leading him to spend his month before the fight with Musashi and Suzu training them to be "gamers". Finne aside, who's quick to note how not questioning the basics had been a restraint, none of them were in any way creative about the use of their abilities and instead relied entirely on their overwhelming power.
  • Sex–Face Turn: After being defeated and having had sex with him, they turn into his staunch allies, especially Mary and Marl.
  • A Threesome Is Hot: Kouji finds himself even more turned on when having sex with two or more of the girls.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: They all become far nicer after getting humiliated and turned into slaves, even if Alice takes much longer.

    Mary Landorott
The first opponent Kouji faces in the Colosseum. She's known as "Torture Mary". Her skills are "Purgatory Flame", which allows her to shoot fireballs that burn until she extinguishes their flames, and "Backstep", which allows her to evade attacks and damage. She also wears armor that nullifies flame damage, allowing her to avoid being damaged by her own attacks. She's 26 years old.
  • Berserk Button: Her Age. The fact that she's 26 and still unmarried is a huge sore spot for her.
  • Best Her to Bed Her: After three unsuccessful marriage interviews, Mary wants a man stronger than her to take her virginity. Fortunately, Kouji defeated her and took her virginity after drinking the aphrodisiac.
  • Broken Win/Loss Streak: Her 20 consecutives wins is broken by Kouji.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Color pages show she has red hair and eyes of the same color.
  • Flash Step: Backstep allows her to dodge attacks this way. Kouji defeats her by attacking her from behind.
  • Good Costume Switch: For her first official match alongiside Kouji, she trades her dark bodysuit for a revealing armored wedding dress, signifying her devotion to her master and her improvement on the personality department.
  • Hellfire: The fire of her Purgatory Flame Skill cannot be extinguished unless she does it.
  • I Lied: In her fights before she went up against Kouji, she loved to promise mercy to her opponents if they stripped naked and begged. She would sadistically torch them anyway.
  • Immune to Fire: The armor that she's wearing makes her immune to fire, which includes her own.
  • Magic Knight: Mary is a former knight and can use magic.
  • Old Maid: She's 26 years old and still unmarried, Kouji taunts her with this by calling her a "spinster" during their fight.
  • Playing with Fire: Can shoot fireballs with Purgatory Flame.
  • Pose of Supplication: She is forced to perform a naked dogeza and forfeit her fight by Kouji.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Her Purgatory Flame Skill doesn't grant her immunity to fire, so she instead wears armor that makes her immune to fire. Her Backstep ability would have given her immunity to fire that she is aware of while also enabling her to combine them for teleportation, something she realizes in the fight against Kouji after he makes use of them in such a way, but her armor ends up disabling that combo due to the fire no longer being a threat that could trigger it.
  • Riches to Rags: As a result of her loss to Mikagami, she lost everything, her fancy fire-proof spandex-looking armor, her collection of slaves, her sword, everything, leaving her nothing but manacles, collar, chains, and thread-bare rags that just barely cover her modesty.
  • Sadist: She deeply enjoys verbally humiliating her slaves, frequently insulting or belittling them. She also plans on making Kouji bow down on his hands and knees after she defeats him.
  • Sensual Spandex: Her armor more closely resembles a skintight bodysuit with some small bits of metal and cloth.
  • Shameful Strip: She loved to make her opponents strip and beg for mercy before torching them. Kouji turns this on her after she promises to do anything if he would spare her life. Unlike her, Kouji didn't go and kill her.
  • Tsundere: Mellows out into one after Kouji defeats and breeds her.
  • Unconventional Wedding Dress: While the audience believes Kouji forced her to wear such a thing, she chose a Stripperiffic armored wedding dress as her outfit for a tagteam match with Kouji. She's quite pleased that the audience took to calling her his wife for it. The change in outfit also allows her to make use of the combo between Purgatory Flame and Backstep.

    Marl Barrock
The second opponent Kouji faces. She's a purely physical fighter whose skills are all buffs that serve to enhance her already top-notch strength, speed, and durability. She's 18 years old.
  • Amazonian Beauty: She has visible abs under her outfit and is considered quite beautiful, especially after her personality improves.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: Marl is the youngest of the Four Heavenly Kings.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Her fighting style. All three of her skills are buffs that enhance her physical attributes, so she just pumps herself up and lays into her opponents with her fists.
  • Genki Girl: After Kouji defeats her, she becomes this.
  • Going Commando: It's quite clear that she's not wearing underwear.
  • Just Toying with Them: Deconstructed. She deliberately holds back to keep from punching Mikagami to death so she can relish making him suffer, one bone at a time. This causes her to pass up the opportunity to win and have Mikagami launch an upset with a nice Spiteful Spit, right in her mouth.
  • Kinky Spanking: How Kagami tames Marl, by slapping her luscious bare ass repeatedly. First Kagami defeats her in this way during their fight, then in the resulting victory sex.
  • Martial Artists Are Always Barefoot: She only has foot wraps.
  • Might Makes Right: She respects people as strong as herself or stronger, weaklings are only toys for her to break, literally. She is even shown to horribly break the arms and legs of one of her slaves just before the fight with Mikagami as a warm-up.
  • Playful Cat Smile: She's prone to smiling in this manner after Kouji defeats her.
  • Sadist: She's a more physical kind of this than Mary. She enjoys inflicting physical harm on her slaves. At one point, we see the aftermath of one of her "breeding sessions" with a slave of hers, and her limbs had every single joint dislocated.
  • Status Buff: All three of Marl's skills are this.
  • Stripperiffic Wears one of the skimpiest outfits ever put to page in any manga. It's basically just a strip of fabric running down the front of her body, leaving her backside totally exposed.
  • Super-Strength: She is strong enough to send people flying with one punch.
  • Vapor Wear: It is made extremely clear that she is not wearing any underwear of any kind under her "outfit".

    Alice Cotton
The third opponent Kouji fights. Her Skill is "Spatial Exchange" a skill that allows her to teleport anything she wishes, with any material outside of the boundary field being cut away from the object being teleported. It is considered the "strongest skill due to it being virtually impossible to defend against". She's 19 years old.
  • Armor-Piercing Attack: Her Spatial Exchange attacks will always cut through any defense, including armor.
  • Bring My Brown Pants: Alice pees herself after she faints in shock for almost being killed by Kouji. He uses this fact to taunt her later.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Alice's Spatial Exchange skill is the most powerful skill in the story. She can kill anyone in half a second, can bypass defenses, making it impossible to defend against and has a long range that can reach in the audience stands while she's at the other end of the arena. However, it's her only skill, meaning that if someone were to evade her attack and disable her, she pretty much lost the fight because there's nothing else she can do.
  • Defiled Forever: This is what she feels after Kouji had his way with her. She got over it later on.
  • Defrosting the Ice Queen: While she loathes men in general, she softens her view on Kouji after he defeats her and sees how much the other girls have changed.
  • Dimensional Cutter: Any object outside of the boundary of the Spatial Exchange skill is cut away after being teleported. It can be used to cut anything as a bonus.
  • Does Not Like Men: She absolutely loathes men. When a man in the audience speaks to her in the Colosseum, she responds by using her Skill to slice off his legs without a second thought.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: Her style of dress.
  • Faint in Shock: After Kouji missed stabbing her face by a few inches, Alice promptly faints with foam coming out of her mouth.
  • Glass Cannon: She has an immense offensive skill, but by looking at her body, she's not very physically strong or durable.
  • I Fight for the Strongest Side!: Even though she lost to Kouji and made into his slave, she's fine with it knowing that she's on the winning side. The fact that she'll still be getting new girls to have sex with as he wins is a plus, and not one she's shy about letting people know.
  • Indignant Slap: Before Kouji heads out to fight against Finne, Alice slaps him for defiling her. She also hopes for him to die quickly and calls him a trash bastard.
  • Original Position Fallacy: She was looking forward to going into the fight with Mikagami because she was expecting to beat him, have him gender-bent, and then she could sexually exploit him to her heart's content. When Mikagami wins the bout, she has the gall to be enraged and see him as "defiling" her.
  • Older Than She Looks: She looks like a young child, Kouji outright calling her a "beautiful loli", and yet she's 19 years old.
  • One-Hit Kill: Alice kills her opponents with only one attack thanks to her Spatial Exchange skill.
  • Psycho Lesbian: Gives off these vibes. She promises to turn Kouji into a girl and "dote on [her] for the rest of [her] days.
  • Single-Stroke Battle: Alice finishes her fights in half a second after it started, thanks to her powerful Spatial Exchange skill.
  • Sore Loser: Alice didn't take her loss towards Kouji very well and she refuses to admit she lost at all as she acts like a spiteful brat.
  • Squishy Wizard: She fights like a mage and is physically small and weak.
  • Tiny Tyrannical Girl: She looks like she's barely in the double digits and acts like the stereotypical spoiled brat; throwing tantrums when things don't go her way, using her spatial magic abilities to attack people on a whim, just barely respects Zayd, who is another woman that's also apparently way more powerful, and after losing a bout in the arena, that she willingly attended, utterly refuses to admit her loss and tries to throw her weight around in Mikagami's cell, and after he screws her silly, because he's both legally required to do so, and he's sealed in the cell with her until he does, attacks him for "daring to defile her." She is extremely unsympathetic as a result.
  • Troll: She loves to rile up people into an impotent rage for her own amusement. When she spots Zayd under the arena, where it's illegal for Zayd to be, she posits "well, if you become a slave, I'll happily welcome you with open arms, otherwise, it would be best for you to leave before you get arrested." just to watch Zayd fly into an incoherent fury and then snickers at her departing back.
  • Weaponized Teleportation: Her Skill, Spatial Exchange, creates a two-meter cube, and teleports whatever is in the cube to a location of the user's choosing. Anything that intersects with the boundaries of the cube is sliced off. She frequently weaponizes this in her fights to slice her opponents to bits.

    Finne Catastrophe
Kouji's fourth opponent. She's known as the "Library of Wisdom". Her Skills are a complete mystery, with no one, not even her former comrades, knowing exactly what she's capable of. She's 24 years old.
  • Ability Mixing: She can mix her Attribute Bullets skills for strong combination attacks.
  • Beam Spam: In her fight against Kouji, she spammed lots of Attribute Bullets to test him at first, but then she started overpowering him.
  • Beneath the Mask: As it turns out, the image she projected as a haughty and sadistic person was nothing but a facade to hide her geeky and insecure true personality.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Most people have only two or three Skills. Prodigies can have as many as five Skills. But according to herself, Finne has a staggering one hundred and eight Skills, and has won every match she has participated in with a different Skill.
  • Elemental Powers: Her Attribute Bullets Skills are this. She can shoot balls of fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, light and darkness.
  • Enraged by Idiocy: She says that nothing gets more on her nerves than "incompetent and annoying meatheads."
  • Evil Counterpart: She may well be what Mikagami became if he was welcomed and doted on by Zayd rather than unjustly thrown into the arena to be humiliated and violated unjustly, as she's also a hard-core gamer who gained 108 special skills through trial, error, and a lot of hard work
  • For Science!: According to herself, all she really cares about is experimenting with Skills.
  • Geeky Turn-On: Finne can be seen excitedly panting and drooling over Kouji's lesson for Mary about how to combine her skills in ways that essentially defy physics, only twice briefly switching to a more serious expression while processing the lessons herself before getting right back to her excitement.
  • Gender Bender: She is actually a man whom Zayd illegally used the gender swap spell on to hide her identity.
    • First Law of Gender Bending: Given that the use of the Gender Change skill is illegal outside of use in punishment to the losers in the Coliseum, and Zayd's threat of death for revealing that it was used in the first place, Finne has little to no hope of ever turning into a man again. Even victory wouldn't be enough, given that they just temporarily turn women into hermaphrodites to rape the loser instead of a full change to male.
    • Second Law of Gender-Bending: Despite repeatedly insisting that she's a man, she can't help but succumb to the pleasure of sex while a woman.
    • Third Law of Gender-Bending: Her outfit is just about the furthest thing from what you could call masculine, and given every other aspect of the "Finne" character was forced on her it's likely this was done to make her fit in among the other Heavenly Kings rather than a choice made willingly.
  • Glass Cannon: She has great offensive capabilities but lacks any defense or durability. In fact, Kouji took her down in one hit of a combined skill.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline: The middle of her shirt is completely open.
  • Nepotism: She got her position from being Zayd's nephew.
  • Smoke Out: She can use the Smokescreen Skill, which blankets the arena in a cloud of smoke.
  • Squishy Wizard: She fights like a mage and is physically thin and weak.
  • Stage Names: Finne Catastrophe isn't her real name but rather one given to her to help obscure her origins, which successfully kept Zulu from being able to provide any background information on her. Her real name is shown to be "Phile" in a flashback.
  • Technician Versus Performer: The fight between her and Mikagami can easily be boiled down to the fight between a "Free to Play" gamer who struggled to learn all the ins and outs of the game and succeeds via hard work versus the "Pay to Win" gamer who is a complete amateur at the game but succeeds at gameplay via the power of the wallet, just throwing cash at the game in micro-transactions to get the intended result. Mikagami wins via superior gaming tactics, experience, and abusing loopholes in the rules rather than straight-up cheating.
  • Thong of Shielding: Her bottoms consist of a skimpy thong and thigh straps.
  • Trade Your Passion for Glory: Unless it's an act, she traded her love for being a gamer in return for being Zayd's paid enforcer, ending the fight early and going in for the kill, after negating Mikagami's ability to copy her skills by using a smoke-screen in chapter 11. Chapter 12 proves it's no act, she used the smokescreen to straight up cheat.
  • Trapped in Villainy: She'd much rather just spend all day experimenting with and learning new skills over doing anything else, leading Kouji to directly compare her to a NEET. Zayd blackmailed her into making use of that hobby to torment people for her instead.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Chapter 13 reveals that as far as the gladiator arena's concerned, she's a complete neophyte, never having to battle before, coasting along on her reputation, being the top of Zayd's enforcers, which any opponents would have to get past, and generally not getting into fights she can actually lose, so her understanding of her 108 skills is almost purely theoretical. This is why she struggled so much in the fight with Mikagami when the fight was fair, and lost when she resorted to cheating.


    Musashi Sasaki 
A samurai from the Far East hired by Desmos alongside his partner Suzu to fight and kill Kouji and his slaves during a gladiatorial match. He is Luna's slave.
  • Flash Step: He goes from one end of the arena to the other to slash at Kouji in the blink of an eye, however, it was done with his physical prowess, not a skill.
  • Iaijutsu Practitioner: His Iai skill makes him this.
  • Interclass Romance: He's in love with Rin(Suzu), a mere kunoichi at the service of his family, while Musashi is the second son of a prominent noble family.
  • Ladykiller in Love: He was well-known as a womanizer in his youth, but he fell in love with Rin and he intends to marry her.
  • Legacy Character: It's noted that Musashi Sasaki and Suzu were names of a samurai and ninja in a book of old heroes "100 Memoires", and are likely just using the names as aliases instead of actually being those people.
  • Master Swordsman: He's more than a match for Mary when it comes to swordsmanship.
  • Samurai: The arena spectators are actually incredulous that he really is a samurai, even if he's using a fake name.

A ninja woman who serves Musashi as his gladiatorial partner. She is Luna's slave. Her real name is Rin.
  • Animal Motif: Suzu wears a fox mask.
  • Cool Mask: She wears a kitsune-themed mask that hides the lower half of her face.
  • Flash Step: Her Instant Sprint skill is this.
  • Going Commando: She's not wearing a bra or underwear underneath her clothes based on the sides of her outfit.
  • Immune to Fire: Similar to Mary, her outfit lets her ignore Fire attacks. It's taken a step further as she actually makes use of it to extinguish Purgatory Flame scattered about the field, unlike Mary who only used it to extinguish flames that directly hit her, leaving Kouji and Mary lacking in both evasion and offense for the match. Kouji learns her clones do not inherit this immunity and can be harmed by flames.
  • Legacy Character: It's noted that Musashi Sasaki and Suzu were names of a samurai and ninja in a book of old heroes "100 Memoires", and are likely just using the names as aliases instead of actually being those people. Chapter 18 reveals her name is actually Rin and she took the name Suzu at the suggestion of Musashi.
  • Self-Duplication: She has a Clone skill to multiply herself.
  • Vapor Wear: The sides of her outfit shows she's not wearing any underwear.

Other Characters

    Tia Clover
A mercenary Zulu hired on Kouji's behalf before the fight with Marl, in anticipation of having to fight Alice at some point. She has the same "Spatial Exchange" skill as Alice, which is the reason why she was hired in the first place so that Kouji could copy her skill to test it's capabilities and find weak points. In addition to that, she serves as Kouji's instructor.
  • Brutal Honesty: She outright tells Kouji that there's no way to beat Spatial Exchange with a Copy and has him attempt to use it on her to prove why, which is that part of the power is its range as well as the sheer difficulty in controlling where the ability goes.
  • Loophole Abuse: In the warmup to the fight with Alice, Zayd detains all the spatial ability users in the city so Mikagami can't practice and devise counter-measures. Zulu, at Mikagami's request, hires Clover and has her hide outside the city before the match with Marl, and then sends a messanger to find her, to meet in secret, in the prelude to facing off against Alice.
  • Only in It for the Money: Initially her only reason for going along with Kouji's plan and letting him copy her ability was for the money, and just leaving town for a little bit before coming back and pointing out the futility of the whole thing is a pretty easy paycheck. His tenacity, rapid improvement, and completely audacious plan ultimately wins her over and she even ends up coming to watch him attempt to beat Alice.
  • Weaponized Teleportation: Has the same skill as Alice's, though weaker. This is the reason why Zulu sought and hired her.
