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Characters / The Fast and the Furious: Cipher

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"Did you ever think you would betray your family the way you did today?"

Played By: Charlize Theron Other Languages 

Appearances: The Fate of the Furious | F9 | Fast X

"You know what I like about you Dom? You're a genuine outlaw. But your team is about to go up against the only thing they can't handle. You."

A female terrorist and master hacker who wants to corrupt Dom.

  • A God Am I: Shows shades of this during her "crocodile at the watering hole" monologue. She plans to steal the launch codes for Russia's nukes, along with a nuclear submarine. This would cement her as a new nuclear superpower, and make the nations of the world fear her judgement.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Dom and his family.
  • Ax-Crazy: She may not do it physically, (until Fast X that is), but she is definitely the epitome of this.
  • Badass Bookworm: It turns out that Cipher is skilled martial artist who can take down a dozen men twice her size with her bare hands if they do not have the advantage of firearms. Made worse by the fact that her sociopathy allows her to resort to savage and vicious tricks like biting, tearing and eye-gouging that actual human beings would wince and hesitate to use without hesitation.
  • Berserk Button: Being spoken down to. Not being in control.
  • Big Bad: Of The Fate and the Furious.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Ostensibly with Otto, after the latter betrays Jakob, in F9. However, since Otto is a Big Bad Wannabe, Cipher is clearly the dominant figure.
  • The Bully: She clearly gains a high from watching people emotionally crumble from being forced to sell out their family, principles and humanity on her command.
  • Brought Down to Badass: Even though Cipher loses her resources and subordinates to Dante, she still has her cunning and reveals herself be a very competent fighter who has taken out her former soldiers.
  • Captured Super-Entity: In a way. Upon capturing her from Mr. Nobody, Jakob forces her to work with a primitive computer inside a glass cage, because he knows full well that she will royally screw everyone if allowed to roam free and access a device with an internet. Proven right when Otto deliberately sets her free, as she immediately takes over the Project Aries operation.
  • Cold Ham: In F9. She manages to devour scenery by the truckload without ever raising her voice.
  • Control Freak: Revels in controlling others as shown when taking a sadistic glee in getting Dom to do her dirty work, with her ultimate endgame being to take control of a nuclear sub and pretty much hold the world hostage. When Dom is no longer under her sway, it's becomes major a Berserk Button when he talks down to her.
  • Cornered Rattlesnake: Cipher usually prefers to let others do her dirty work while she watches from afar, but if there is a situation that requires her to take action, like Dante taking away all of her resources and men, Cipher is more than capable of getting her own hands dirty, being an extremely capable combatant of her own right.
  • The Corrupter: She manipulates and drives heroes like Dom and both Shaw Brothers into villainy.
  • The Cracker: A Master Hackette who is described by Mr. Nobody as some sort of a computer goddess, who easily beats Ramsey at her own game twice, the first time when she fakes Dom's location when Ramsey uses the God's Eye to track him, and when Ramsey comes up with a countermeasure to that, she traces the signal back to Mr. Nobody's base and assaults it to take God's Eye herself. The second time when she battles Ramsey for the nuclear submarine's control and wins while also simultaneously locks down the submarine when Tej, Roman and Little Nobody attempts to remove the nuclear launch command chip directly from the submarine itself. She also has a team of master hackers who controls the digital world like nobody's business, as demonstrated when they take control of hundreds of cars in New York City and weaponize them to attack the Russian Ambassador's convoy.
  • Crazy-Prepared: In Fast X, when Dante turned most of her men against her with blackmail, she revealed that she had a jammer on her that would disable all their weapons long enough for her to take out most of them with her bare hands before the jammer was destroyed.
  • Dark Action Girl: A sultry Metallica shirt, leather jacket, black nail polish, and long twirled-hair wearing anarchist/terrorist.
  • Diabolical Mastermind: She is an absolute genius with a megalomaniac scheme to become a nuclear power all on her own. Unlike all the previous villains in the franchise, who had either money or revenge as their motivation, Cipher is the only one with ambitions on a global scale.
  • Enemy Mine: Cipher is forced to work with Dom and his crew when Dante takes all of her resources and men before trying to kill her.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Despite her many flaws, Cipher isn't without standards as she was disgusted with Dante's motives and saw him as far worse than her. Also, Cipher found the Agency a sick place because she was disturbed that they would fix things before breaking them.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Mocks Dom for refusing to humiliate the loser of a drag race by taking his prized car in spite of him conspiring to kill Dom to win the race, taking his respect instead. Cipher sneered that he had no "obligation" to be so noble; but it is precisely because of Dom's ability to turn the other cheek and let bygones be bygones that allows him to earn the friendships and/or respect of said drag racer and even the Shaw Brothers, who turned out to be the trump cards in stopping Cipher's genocidal plans in Furious 8.
  • Evil Is Petty: She may be a brilliant mastermind when it comes to recruiting mercenaries and utilizing nuclear weapons but she's a vindictive bitch to the core when she noticed Dom wouldn't kill Letty as part of her request for his mission working for her so as punishment: she has Elena killed right in front of Dom and his baby son to spite him for it.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Charlize Theron's breathy alto certainly fits this trope.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: An absolute heartless monster of a person, but played by Charlize Theron.
  • Fatal Flaw: Pride and Lack of Empathy, she knows full well how to use her skills and how to manipulate people to do her bidding through words or blackmail. But this blinds her heavily to not covering all her angles, allowing her to be countered once things start going sideways because she's not good at adjusting on the fly, especially when she rely on certain linchpins in her plan to keep it together (Dom in the eighth film, Jakob in the ninth). Likewise since she scoffs at family and friends thinking them a weakness to exploit, she'll readily throw anyone who works for her under the bus. This leaves her with virtually no one to cover her back if all her defenses are taken out, making her vulnerable once her enemies get face-to-face with her.
  • Faux Affably Evil: She seems calm, collected and approachable, but is quick to shed this mask whenever she can't have her way.
  • For the Evulz: While she likes to gives out pseudo-philosophical speeches to justify her actions, it's very clear she does most of the horrible stuff she does because she enjoys it. Best exemplified by her kissing Dom right in front of Letty simply for no other reason than to break Letty's heart.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Of the entire The Fast and the Furious series, especially the third, fourth, sixth, seventh, and ninth movies, as she was the one who employed Owen Shaw note (and by extension Arturo Braga) and Mose Jakande to steal the Nightshade device and acquire the God's Eye, respectively. F9 sees her begrudgingly provide Otto and Jakob with the resources they need to find and activate Project Aries, and after she manipulates Otto into betraying Jakob, Cipher partners up with Otto in a Big Bad Duumvirate.
  • Heel–Face Turn: If her story arc in Fast X is any indication, she appears to be heading toward redemption.
  • Hijacked by Ganon: F9 has Otto as the main villain with Jakob working under him. Then Otto reveals towards the end that he released Cipher from prison and turns on Jakob, and Cipher joins up with Otto in a short-lived Big Bad Duumvirate.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Her plans are ultimately foiled when, in her frustration to kill Dom in the climax, she shoots a heat seeking missile at him. Dom quickly uses it to his advantage by using his car to redirect it at the Russian sub she hacked, destroying it.
  • Hollywood Hacking: She does this in spades throughout the film. Special mention goes to the climax where she uses this to hijack a nuclear submarine!
  • Hypocrite: Constantly spouts her philosophy that life is about freedom to do whatever you want when you want, yet takes pleasure in robbing the freedom to choose from others.
  • It Amused Me: Her ultimate motivation; "Nothing is necessary, there is only choice." In other words, if it looks amusing, or even mildly interesting, she'll do it just to satisfy her curiosity and boredom, no matter how cruel or monstrous it may be; from causing city-wide car-crashes that potentially can kill thousands, murdering mothers in front of their babies, or randomly firing thermonuclear weapons just to prove her absolute power.
  • It's All About Me: In Fast X, when Dante shouts at her band to do exactly as he says if they value the person they love the most, Cipher almost yawns "The person I love the most? You're looking at her," bored by the seeming stupidity of him threatening a known sociopath who loves nobody. Unfortunately for her, Dante was addressing her men, actual human beings whose loved ones are now held at knife-point. Owing no loyalty to a monster who regards them as less than tools, the mercenaries turn on her in a heartbeat.
  • Joker Immunity: Holds the distinction of being the first Fast & Furious villain to escape justice. Twice!
  • Karma Houdini:
    • Escapes by parachute before Deckard can kill her, though at best her plan and organization are in shambles and another confrontation will be likely.
    • She once again leaves the ninth movie unscathed after Dom shoots down her plane.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: After escaping justice in Fate and F9, Fast X has her see her entire operation usurped by Dante, with a bullet to her gut on her way out and an incarceration to Antarctica after.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Easily the greatest threat Dom and his family has faced. As of Fast X, however, she later loses this status to Dante.
  • Lack of Empathy: Cheerfully refers to bonds of familial love as chemical responses for species preservation, and with smug pride candidly admits her lack of respect for such emotions allows her to play actual human beings like puppets. This comes back to haunt her in a big way during Fast X when Dante cheerfully waltzes into her headquarters and threatens her subordinates to work for him instead by holding all their loved ones hostage (killing the one man who "dosen't even have a cat"); having no actual respect or loyalty to a Bad Boss (who dosen't trust them either in return), they turned on her in a heartbeat.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: In F9, after Dom manages to capture Jakob alive, she tells a frustrated Otto that "if this was a movie right now, This Is the Part Where... the villain suffers a minor setback".
  • Mask of Sanity: She waxes on about her actions in pseudo-philosophical debates to try and excuse them and appears calm and controlled but it's glaringly obvious underneath it all she's an insane psychopath with a God-complex who wouldn't shy away from the mass murder of thousands or God forbid, likely put entire countries to the nuclear torch for a few cheap laughs and a good stroke of her ego.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain:
    • Allowing Rhodes to kill Elena to spite Dom cut the number of hostages she held over Dom's head right down in half. At no point did she ever consider this would backfire.
    • In F9, convincing Otto to turn on Jakob utterly backfires as not only do the Crew save him, but he proves instrumental in flipping the transport to allow them to get inside and stop the upload. Plus robbed her of a useful subordinate in Jakob and cost her another in Otto when she tried to kill Dom directly via a drone, only to hit Otto instead.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Cipher usually has people to handle all the fighting for her while she focuses on coming up with diabolical plans. Subverted in X, where she’s more than capable of fighting people on her own, though by then she loses her Big Bad status to Dante.
  • Offscreen Karma: In F9, it's revealed that sometime between the events of the eighth and ninth movie, she was captured by Mr. Nobody. Obviously, it doesn't stick, and she was immediately broken out by the time the events of the ninth movie occur.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Once it's made known that Deckard has saved Dom's son, she quickly realizes that she no longer as any hold on Dom, meaning he, his family, and the Shaw Brothers are now all free to come gunning for her for all the crap she's put them through. As Dom put best: "You just took your foot off the tiger's neck."
    • This is followed shortly after when Dom uses a heat seeking missile she shot at him to redirect it into the Russian sub she took control of. She quickly realizes her folly but by then it far too late to try and counter it.
    • In F9, she takes over Otto's drone and flies it to the transport which Dom is on, firing missiles on it. At first she thinks she's got him, only to realize he steered it in a way that the truck will flip right into her drone's path. She lets out a ''Shit!" right before it hits.
  • Pet the Dog: In Fast X, despite their well justified rivalry, she willingly helps Letty escape from prison in Antartica, going as far as offering her a jacket before they head out into the cold.
  • Power Hair: Her hair is drastically short in F9.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: In F9, she wears a red, leather jumpsuit with matching high heels and a black tanktop.
  • The Sociopath: Coldly charming on a superficial level, Cipher confesses a complete detachment from human feeling, refusing to acknowledge love itself above the level of evolutionary function and hormonal responses and uses said emotion to drive heroes into villainy. She is perfectly indifferent to threatening children with murder to force obedience from their parents, justifying her monstrosity with pretenses of Utopian aspirations. Her impulse control is nonexistent as her ego is huge. The only emotions she is capable of feeling are cold satisfaction from watching decent people crumble under her tyranny, and animalistic rage when things do not go her way.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Speaks in a constantly breathy voice even when threatening somebody's life.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Zigged-zagged. She knows Dom is formidable due to him taking down Owen and Jakande, two men that were in her employ. So rather then try and confront him, she manipulates him into working for her via holding his former lover and son hostage. It does nearly work for the most part, but as she got closer to her goal, Cipher got too cocky near the endgame that she didn't realize Dom had set a plan in motion to have his son saved by Deckard and Owen while his team handled her plan. Once that leverage was taken away, she was forced to fight Dom directly. Predictably, her plan gets shot to Hell in a matter of seconds and she's left running with her tail between her legs.
  • The Unfought:
    • In Fate, she only appears to the team in person once, but they don’t face her. The team only ends up battling her submarine in the climax while Owen and Deckard storm her plane. When her submarine is destroyed and her plans are ruined, she escapes when Deckard has her cornered.
    • And again in the ninth movie. She attacks the team piloting a plane, though she’s not really inside it. After the plane is destroyed, she once again escapes.
  • Unknown Rival: Dom has been inadvertently foiling Cipher's plans for at least two movies, by stopping Owen Shaw and Mose Jakande. She hasn't taken it well. Then she directly tries to manipulate him into fulfilling her plans in their stead, only for that encounter to go south. He mocks her for underestimating him.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left:
    • After her plans are foiled and the Shaw brothers kill all her men and capture her plane, Cipher escapes from it by jumping with a parachute, remaining at large as the movie ends.
    • Pulls this off again in F9 after Dom manages to shoot down her plane.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • She loses it during the climax of Fate beginning with Ramsey setting her back one time too many. It continues even more when Deckard and Owen attack her plane, allowing Dom to kill Rhodes as well as save his son. Then she becomes increasingly irate as her attempts to kill Team Toretto repeatedly fails. She finally reaches her breaking point when Dom uses the heat-seeking missile that she launched against the submarine she hijacked in order to destroy it. To be fair to her, she manages to keep herself composed enough to escape Deckard but she clearly doesn't take the tables being turned against her well.
      Cipher: Put a heat seeker on him now. Now!
    • She gets a brief one in F9 too after Dom uses the transport to take out her drone. She just barely manages to keep her cool and regains her composure, but it's obvious this second defeat at Dom's hands nearly puts her over the line.
  • Wicked Cultured: She is knowledgeable in not just computer hacking but also history and pop culture. In F9, she compares Jakob to Qasar (a younger brother of Genghis Khan, who is far less well-known despite serving as one of his best generals), and Otto to Yoda (because he's a puppet, A.K.A. someone who is always controlled by others).
  • The Woman Behind the Man: She was the employer of both Owen Shaw and Mose Jakande in their respective movies.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Does not even blink, much less hesitate to force Dominic to obey each and every one of her commands by holding the life of his infant son in her hands, and calmly orders the execution of the boy's mother right in front of him and Dominic for the simple act of refusing to shoot Letty.
  • You Have Failed Me: In retaliation for Dom not being able to kill Letty during the mission in New York, Cipher has Elena executed by Rhodes.

Major Operatives

    Owen Shaw 

Owen Shaw
"Well, at least you have a code. Most men don't. So, I'm going to give you a chance. Take your crew and walk away. That's the only way you're going to keep your family safe."

Played By: Luke Evans Other Languages 

Appearances: Fast & Furious 6 | Furious 7 | The Fate of the Furious

"You know, when I was young, my brother always used to say, "Every man has to have a code." Mine: Precision. A team is nothing but pieces you switch out until you get the job done. It's efficient. It works."

An ex-SAS soldier who is the Big Bad of Fast and Furious 6.

  • And I Must Scream: In 7, he's now in a coma after he survived being thrown out of the plane in the last film.
  • Ax-Crazy: Took blood-chilling pleasure in using his car to crush civilians in his rampage across the Spanish freeway.
  • Bad Boss: Sees his crew in terms of interchangeable parts.
  • Big Bad: Of 6.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Early on in the eighth film, Mr. Nobody mentions that he is currently locked up at a government black site. During the climax, it's revealed that Dom enacted a plan to allow Deckard and Magdalene Shaw to find and break Owen out of prison. Owen subsequently assists Deckard when they assault Cipher's plane during the climax.
  • The Chessmaster: Always one step ahead of everyone.
  • Disney Villain Death: The SUV he is in hits a barrier at the back of the cargo plane that the climax of the sixth film takes place in as the aircraft is taking off. Since he doesn't have a seat-belt on, he goes flying through the front window and out the back of the plane, falling several hundred feet onto the runway. Retconned as having survived but been put in a coma in the next film, however.
  • Evil Brit: Yes he is British and yes he is evil.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Shown in Furious 8 to be this, just like his brother Deckard.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Despite being a cold and cruel ex-soldier with a penchant for bloodlust, he still retains enough humanity to not hurt children.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Dom.
  • Evil Virtues: Resourcefulness and efficiency.
  • Fallen Hero: From the various conversations that refer to his past in Furious 8, Owen is implied to have once been a hero, or maybe even a good man, until Cipher drove him into villainy and madness.
  • Fate Worse than Death: The opening of 7 reveals he survived the fall from the cargo plane, but he falls into a years-long coma.
  • Good All Along: Downplayed. The combination of Deckard and Cipher's revelations shows that in retrospect, while callous, manipulative, and ruthless enough to give off the appearance of sociopathic evil, Owen was never entirely heartless to begin with nor The Sociopath he looked. He has a genuine familial bond with his brother and mother and seemed to have had a real affectionate relationship with Riley. His relationship with his team was simply professional and his apathetic disregard for their deaths or failures was mostly in accordance with his code of brutal efficiency — as was his insistence on always paying them well for successful jobs. Also, Owen respects a man with a code, whereas Cipher sneered at Dom for his constant offering of companionship to those he can best. Lastly, Owen and Cipher are not above shooting hostages when they are no longer of use to them, but Owen certainly has never demonstrated being willing to kill a child, much less an infant. Even if it's the son of the man who threw him out of a plane.
  • Heel–Face Turn: He recovers and back in action for the climax of The Fate of the Furious to defeat Cipher, his former contractor.
  • Jerkass: And that's the nicest way to describe him. He eventually gets better as he comes back in Fate Of The Furious to help save Dom's baby son and take down Cipher.
  • Kick the Dog: While driving a tank he runs over some cars with civilians inside them.
  • Lack of Empathy: Cares only for himself and states to Dom that his family is his weakness since he thinks that makes Dom predictable and easy to handle. Oh how wrong he was and he no longer views it as his weakness in Fate.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Revealed to be the one behind Arturo Braga, the drug lord from 4 which explains how Letty ended up in his employ.
  • Momma's Boy: Much like his big brother Deckard, as he readily obeys her command to help him save Toretto's baby son.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Owen is a volatile man who causes trouble for his aims, Deckard thinks before he acts and sees through deception. Owen's primary code is ruthless efficiency to the point that he can come off on the surface as a sociopath, while Deckard very openly operates by a familial warrior's code of honor similar to Dom's. Despite this, they have each other's backs, both dote on their mother's commands, and neither Shaw brother has any interest in harming a child for a senseless goal of destruction.
  • Smug Snake: Subverted. While he's certainly not lacking in the confidence department he can back it up with his skills.
  • The Sociopath: Has every hallmark of one. People who aren't useful to him aren't even human, and only interesting resources at best if they are somehow useful. He emotionlessly admits an utter lack of respect, much less sadness for comrades who fall in battle, as they're clearly too incompetent to be useful; and that's if you're loyal to him. Most disturbing of all, he takes a practically boyish glee in running over and crushing innocent civilians when in command of a tank. Shaw's perhaps the single most evil character in the franchise up to 6... until he is thoroughly dethroned by the thoroughly inhuman Cipher in Fate.
  • Squishy Wizard: Downplayed. An excellent planner and manipulator if he has the resources, and does contain a respectable amount of finesse and military combat prowess to the point of delivering a Curb-Stomp Battle to Brian. However, put in a straight brawl against someone who can also throw hands and completely outclasses him in brute strength, he struggles much more. After his team is taken out except by Klaus, Dom defeats him while Hobbs does the same to his brute.
  • Tempting Fate: He manages to pull off a gambit near the end of the film that got him released after he was caught. But then he has to state that Dom's team "were never part of the game". Not a few minutes after he says this, said team come bearing down on him as he's trying to make his getaway. Resulting in his team being dismantled in the ensuing fight and he himself getting ejected out of a car and out the back end of a plane onto a speeding runway.
  • Underestimating Badassery: You know even if you do have a backup plan to get the MacGuffin, it's probably not wise to underestimate people who can stop a tank or nearly go flying off a bridge to save a love one you yourself nearly tried to kill. And especially kidnapping and threatening the wife and sister of two of your enemies' leaders. Note that he specifically chided one of his men for deriding them as common criminals. Someone needs to listen to their own advice. This is lampshaded in 7, when Deckard admonishes him for always picking fights out of his league when they were children, which Deckard would have to finish.
  • Unexplained Recovery: By the end of The Fate of the Furious has fully recovered from being thrown off a plane with nothing more than a few scars.
  • Villainous Valor: Owen may be mortal foes with Dom, but he does respect the fact that Dom has a code by which he lives, which is why he offers Dom a chance to leave no strings attached. Of course, he's also seems not to realize that Dom's code is exactly why he won't leave under any circumstance.
  • Worthy Opponent: When told that Dom's crew was just a bunch of "common criminals", he replies with this:
    Shaw: Tonight, these common criminals were seconds away from taking us down. Show them the respect they deserve or it weakens us.
  • You Have Failed Me: Doesn't even care for his teammates who have fallen in battle by justifying that they failed because they were careless, which disgusts Letty. He himself is also on the receiving end of this when his employer, Cipher, left him for dead as revealed in the eighth film, which prompts him to team up with his brother Deckard in assaulting her plane.

    Arturo Braga 

Arturo Braga
"Good drivers are a dime a dozen. Man, every corner got a chingadera tuner racing for pinks."

Played By: John Ortiz Other Languages 

Appearances: Fast & Furious | Fast & Furious 6

The head of the drug running operation, later revealed to have been working under Owen.

  • The Heavy: He the guy whose responsible for the plot in Fast & Furious especially since we don't find out he was working for Owen until 6.
  • The Man in Front of the Man: The front man for the drug running ring appears to be working for an unseen boss. The boss turns out to be a decoy and the front man is the actual boss and Big Bad.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Good at planning and scheming, not so much on the action side.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Subverted. The fact that Braga, a man who supposedly clawed his way up from "barrio enforcer" to "ruthless drug kingpin", came to a drug deal wearing a salmon pink silk tie is immediately taken by Dom and Brian as evidence that the man is not the real Braga, even if he looks senior enough to look the part.
  • Smug Snake: In the climax in the fourth movie, he constantly keeps mocking Brian as Dom and he are trying to outrun Braga's men, so much so Brian finally gets fed up and punches him to shut him up. And again In the sixth movie, since he has muscle by his side, he thinks he can take Brian while he's in prison. Brian easily handles them and get the information needed out of him.

    Mose Jakande 

Mose Jakande

Played By: Djimon Hounsou Other Languages 

Appearances: Furious 7 | The Fate of the Furious note 

A private military terrorist who is being tracked by Mr. Nobody.

    Connor Rhodes 

Connor Rhodes

Played By: Kristofer Hivju Other Languages 

Appearances: The Fate of the Furious

One of Cipher's henchmen.

  • Asshole Victim: Considering he was directly responsible for the murder of Elena, it's hard to feel sorry for him when Dom breaks his neck.
  • Ax-Crazy: Relishes in every chance he can get to murder human beings, especially woman and innocent children.
  • Beard of Evil: A long, shaggy one at that.
  • Cold Sniper: He is last seen trying to take out the Furious family with a sniper rifle.
  • Dirty Coward: In his last bit with Dom, the latter states he's this since Rhodes never tries to fight someone directly despite all his posturing since most of the time Cipher is one holding the leash and preventing her targets from attacking back. Directly telling Rhodes that when [Dom] kills someone, he looks them dead in the eye. Once the Shaw Brothers manage to save Dom's son. Dom repeats this to Rhodes right before he kills him.
  • The Dragon: To Cipher.
  • Evil Is Petty: Even worse than Cipher - he relishes in throwing his weight around and hurting innocents.
  • Evil Redhead: He has red hair, and is an Ax-Crazy psychopath who likes to kill just for the fun of it.
  • Hero Killer: He killed Elena under Cipher's orders, and would have killed Letty twice and the rest of Dom's family had Dom not put a stop to it.
  • Jerkass: In case you haven't noticed all of the above tropes.
  • Karmic Death: Killed Elena right in front of Dom and nearly kills Letty twice just to spite him. However once Deckard saves Dom's son and gives him the all clear. Dom wastes no time unleashing fury on him and ultimately his death.
  • Neck Snap: How he is taken out, by a vengeful Dom.
  • Oh, Crap!: He has just enough time to realize he's screwed before Dom promptly beats and then kills him.
  • The Sociopath: Cipher casually states that the men under her command have no compunctions whatsoever about murdering innocent babies with gunfire; Rhodes certainly showed nothing but grinning-joy in slaying Elena right in front of her baby son.



Played By: Thue Ersted Rasmussen Other Languages 

Appearances: F9

The son of an Eastern European dictator who intends to move out of his father's shadow by becoming a cyberterrorist.

  • Big Bad: Of F9. He is the mastermind behind the plan to steal and activate Project Ares, with Jakob as his main muscle. Later turns against Jakob and joins up with Cipher in a Big Bad Duumvirate.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: While still a credible threat, Jakob is basically the one doing all the legwork as Dragon-in-Chief or partner in a Big Bad Duumvirate, and while Otto has the manpower and resources, he accomplishes next-to-nothing without Jakob's skills, and when he partners up with Cipher instead, she is clearly using him either to succeed in their plan and allow her to control the global computer network, or to aid her in defeating the crew and killing Dom. Tellingly, he is unceremoniously killed when Cipher callously bombs his truck to kill Dom, not even caring if he dies in the bombing.
  • Dark Is Evil: Favors dark suits over appropriate military outfits.
  • Fan Boy: Of Star Wars, to the point he identifies with Luke and Han, somehow.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He greets Dom when he shows up at his mansion party, encourages him to have fun even, but it's made clear he's a slimey Smug Snake.
  • Foil: To Jakob Toretto. Both are sons who feel overshadowed by another relative in their life (father for Otto, older brother for Jakob), causing their determination to act out by working together. But Otto is a privileged, spoiled kid, while Jakob came from the rough neighborhood of East Los Angeles and had to work his way to the top. All Jakob wants deep down is to be loved, and he still cares for his family to a degree, whereas Otto has declared his father to be a lost cause and wants to bring him down.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He is ultimately killed when he's blown up inside his truck by his own drone.
  • Obliviously Evil: Bizarrely, he views himself as the good guy. Bare in mind he's trying to Take Over the World with a super-virus that will control all technology and doesn't seem to be motivated by anything more than ambition (while he seems to have a bad relationship with his dictator father, he's not seemingly appalled at his dictatorship, and actually gloats about being "Dictator's son rich") and throws hedonistic parties full of half-naked women he "owns", but he compares himself to Luke Skywalker and balks at being called "The Bad Guy". His understanding of "the good guy" seems to be based on a bizarre Might Makes Right philosophy, since his reasoning for identifying with Luke and later Han Solo is based on them being "awesome" rather than noble and heroic, and accepts being called Yoda because "he's a powerful force user", which to him is what makes him a good guy. In a sense, to Otto, the "good guy" isn't that because they're noble, but because they're awesome/badass/powerful, and as he views himself as those things, that makes him the good guy.
  • Overlord Jr.: He is the son of a dictator and aspires to become the true superpower.
  • Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters: He claims at least, but he's definitely not motivated by degree of "freedom fighting." He just doesn't see himself as anything but the hero.

Other Members

Braga's Operatives

    Fenix Calderon 

Fenix Calderon
"That's what I call a real driver."

Played By: Laz Alonso Other Languages 

Appearances: Fast & Furious | Fast & Furious 6 note 

Braga's lead henchman and enforcer.

  • Boom, Headshot!: How he kills the drug runners after they're finished doing the job.
  • The Dragon: To Braga.
  • Hero Killer: Supposedly to Letty, subverted since he didn't quite finish the job.
  • Near-Villain Victory: He manages to catch up to Brian's car and overturn it, allowing him to recover Braga. Just as he's about to finish him off, Dom comes busting out of the tunnels and guns straight for him. Fenix tries to shoot him but Brian grabs his leg, distracting him long enough for Dom to crush him against Brian's totaled car.
  • Smug Snake: Taunts Dom about killing Letty, and instead of killing Brian outright at the end, kicks him around a few times before pointing his gun at him. This eventually became his undoing.

Owen Shaw's Team

    Shaw's Mole (SPOILERS) 

Agent Riley Hicks

See here.



Played By: Joe Taslim Other Languages 

Appearances: Fast & Furious 6

Shaw's team assassin, an Asian martial artist.

  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Non-verbally, as told by his smug expression and martial body language.
  • Ax-Crazy: He beats down anyone trying to block his way, even if it's cops. He also screams his head off during the shootout in Shaw’s garage:
  • Bilingual Dialogue: At some points talks in Bahasa Indonesia to his partners, who in turn speak only English.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Roman, Han, and two cops vs Jah. Two minutes later Jah walks off without a scratch on him after wiping the floor with them.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Although Jah ultimately shares Shaw's ruthless pragmatism, he is visibly affected by Ivory's death.
  • Inscrutable Oriental: He is focused and serene most of the time. Only when he is fighting he goes a bit louder.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Incredibly fast over his feet and then incredibly hard to take down in a fight.
  • Le Parkour: Uses some to run through the Waterloo station.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: A relatively small guy, yet he can beat both Roman and Han, who are both bigger than him, with ease.
  • Porn Stache: Combined with a goatee.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: Finishes Roman and Han with a Super Nova-style dropkick/elbow drop combo.



Played By: Kim Kold Other Languages 

Appearances: Fast & Furious 6

The huge bruiser of the Shaw team.

  • The Brute
  • Dumb Muscle: Although a guy like him could probably break a neck with one hand, the guy resorts mostly to simpler tactics like throwing and punching around. Not that it isn't effective, however.
  • Giant Mook: So much it takes two heroes to (literally) take him down.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Very fast, big and strong.
  • Shout-Out: A hulking guy who wears in purple. Subtle.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Letty threatens to beat him down in the beginning of the movie. Considering he was handing Dom and Hobbs their asses one-on-one in the climax, and needed them to team up and the element and surprise to beat him, its very obvious that Letty has no idea how tough he really is
  • Wrestler in All of Us: Gives Hobbs a spinebuster against a car's roof.



Played By: Clara Paget Other Languages 

Appearances: Fast & Furious 6

The right-hand woman of Shaw.

  • Dark Action Girl: Isn't afraid to get her hands dirty and is a member of Shaw's team.
  • The Dragon: Not the traditional one, but she seems to be Shaw's right-hand and assistant. She's also the leader of missions at times.
  • Foil: To Brian. Every time they are involved in a battle, Vegh always goes after Brian. And the one time she doesn't, she's chasing Mia.
  • Girl with Psycho Weapon: She is an attractive blonde woman who drives scary vehicles designed to ram and crush.



Played By: Benjamin Davies

Appearances: Fast & Furious 6

Shaw's sharpshooter and infiltrator.

  • Bald of Evil: Sports a shaven cut.
  • Cold Sniper: He is the best marksman in Shaw's team and a scarily professional guy.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Gets back body dropped into a jet engine by Han.
  • Hero Killer: He effectively kills Gisele when he throws her off the cargo plane during their scuffle.
  • Punny Name: Has a bald head like a skinhead and his name means "Adolf's son." Coincidence?



Played By: Samuel M. Stewart Other Languages 

Appearances: Fast & Furious 6

A gunman for Shaw.

  • Never Bareheaded: Always wearing a Beanie.
  • Scary Black Man: Not as much as Ivory, as he is more malevolent than hieratic, but still a dangerous guy.
  • Trap Master: He is in charge of setting the road block in the Spanish NATO base by using wires.



Played By: David Ajala Other Languages 

Appearances: Fast & Furious 6

Another gunman for Shaw.

  • Badass Biker: Subverted - he tres to escape in a motorcycle and shoot Gisele at once, but he is shot back and killed.
  • Non-Indicative Name: The thing named ivory is white, but the man named Ivory is black.
  • Scary Black Man: A tall, dark, inscrutable man overall.

Jakande's Operatives

    Louis Kiet 

Louis Kiet

Played By: Tony Jaa Other Languages 

Appearances: Furious 7

A mercenary and martial artist who works for Jakande.

  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: He is supremely confident that he can kick Brian's ass. For the most part, he backs it up. Only for the most part.
  • Badass Boast: He shouts "Too slow!" at Brian after he manages to trap Brian in the bus sliding towards the cliff. The same phrase is later used by Brian against him as Brian hooks him to a large weight and rolls him down the elevator shaft to his death.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Eschews a lot of Tony Jaa's martial arts in favor of crushing Brian's skull with a massive thing. He's stopped in time, of course.
  • Disney Villain Death
  • The Dragon: To Jakande.
  • Hero Killer: Almost. He manages to both send Brian down over a cliff and later guns down Mr. Nobody, although both of them survive.
  • Le Parkour: He does this while attacking Mr. Nobody's team, and later when chasing down Brian through a building.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: He has no problem handling Brian during their fights, even though he is 8 inches shorter than him.

Otto's Operatives



Played By: Martyn Ford

Appearances: F9

Otto's top enforcer.
