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Characters / Ginny Di

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Characters found in Ginny Di's Youtube videos. To be listed on this page, characters must (a) be named, and (b) appear in a video, appear in multiple sponsorship ad segments, or appear in one of her calendars.

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Click here  to see Winter Aisling.

"I would use the word tree hugger, but I'm not much of a hugger. Tree respecter, maybe?"
— "An interview with my D&D character, Aisling"

Race: Elf
Class: Warlock (The Archfey) / Druid

An elf warlock/druid that Ginny played in one of her home games and brought to life in various videos. Aisling has had an introductory video, an interview-style information video, and the opportunity to respond to both Elliwyn and Augury's POV roleplay videos.

Aisling's warlock patron is a fey named Uir, the Lady of the Soil. She was gifted Nightshade, a pseudodragon, as a familiar.

Pronounced "Ash-ling."

  • All of the Other Reindeer: Aisling grew up as an outcast due to her status as Roisin's daughter; the other elven children tended to avoid her.
  • Animorphism: As a druid, she can use wildshape to turn into various animals.
  • Anti-Hero: Exhibits few qualms about doing what she needs to do to survive, or to win. When describing her first kill to Augury, she reveals that she killed a human threatening her and feels little remorse about it, seeing it as doing what she had to do to survive. Additionally, when Augury asks if Aisling believes some people deserve to die and what circumstances would merit that, Aisling gives a rather long list without missing a beat.
    • "Being able to just turn into a direwolf? Quickly becoming my go-to combat move."
  • Big Eater: Is noted to enjoy food. When Elliwyn asks her to describe the last great meal she had, Aisling goes into great detail describing it. She also interprets Elli's "What's your favorite animal" question as what her favorite animal to eat was.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Raised as an outcast and mentions several times that she is no stranger to being hungry, cold, and desperate. When she accepted a warlock pact with Uir, she learned of the Rot, a prophecy about the inevitable end of the world. Thinking she could stop it, she gathered a party of adventurers to help her, but ended up leading them to their deaths.
  • Drink-Based Characterisation: Prefers tea over coffee. She definitely holds disdain for coffee, calling it "bitter bean sludge" and expressing disbelief that anyone would willingly drink it.
  • Elemental Hair Composition: She is a Druid and her hair grows flowers and changes color with the seasons.
  • Everyone Has Standards: She's rather morally gray and cavalier about killing people, but she doesn't see the point in harming someone who's innocent.
  • Familiar: Nightshade, her pseudodragon.
  • Fantastic Racism: In the world Aisling comes from, elves are looked down upon and mistrusted by humans. The first person she killed tried to kill her first, partially because she had accidentally been camping near their farm but mostly because she was an elf.
  • Fatal Flaw: Pride. Despite being told that the Rot was inevitable, Aisling still thought she would be able to scrap together a plan to stop it. She quickly realized she was in way over her head when her first party was killed. Aisling is aware of this, calling herself overzealous and specifically cites her attempt to stop the Rot as proof.
  • Flowers of Femininity: She has flowers growing out of her hair and presents as fairly feminine.
  • Friendless Background: Grew up shunned by the other elven children. Her current party doubles as her first group of real friends.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Admittedly not a people person, shown to be prideful and a little greedy, and has few qualms about killing her enemies. Despite this, it's clear that she cares for party and is passionate about doing things to positively impact the world.
  • Green Thumb: Even before she multiclassed into druid, Aisling had powers revolving around controlling plants. She even grew flowers out of her hair.
  • Hates Being Touched: Admits to not being much of a hugger.
  • I Work Alone: She considers herself a loner and tells Augury that she doesn't play well with others, and that her party is an exception.
  • In-Series Nickname: Discussed in her response to Elliwyn's POV video; she states that she doesn't have nicknames yet, but she thinks she'd like one, since she hears humans give them a lot.
  • Master of Illusion: Tells Augury that she has several spells that can influence peoples' perception. Presumably, some of these are illusion spells.
  • Mr. Vice Guy: Demonstrated to have a great love of money. In her interview, she reacts excitedly when asked what she'd do with 10,000 gold coins and states she'd mostly keep it for herself. In her response to Augury's video, she responds that she is able to be bought.
  • Mundane Utility: Aisling uses a fire spell to heat up her tea. She also uses the flowers growing out of her hair to make tea.
  • My Nayme Is: It's pronounced "Ashling." Justified, as it's the Irish spelling of the name.
  • Never Gets Drunk: At least when it comes to human alcohol. She's used to elvish alcohol, which is far stronger than human alcohol. She estimates that she would have to drink a gallon of human ale to even get tipsy.
  • No Sense of Humor: Downplayed, but she mentions having trouble understanding sarcasm and is only recently starting to get a grip on what dark humor is and what lines she can and can't cross.
  • No Social Skills: Aisling is very awkward and antisocial. She can use this to her advantage, telling Augury its difficult for people to tell when she's lying because she's so awkward all the time that it's hard to tell when it's because she's lying.
  • Parental Substitute: Sees her patron, Uir, this way. On her end, Uir sees Aisling as merely a pawn.
  • Playing with Fire: Her interview video implies she can cast at least one fire spell.
  • Squishy Wizard: Squishy warlock/druid, but still, she does not have a lot of hit points.
  • Theme Naming: Aisling, her adoptive mother Roisin, and her patron Uir all have Irish names. The one who breaks this pattern is Nightshade, her familiar.
  • Too Broken to Break: Considers this the reason that torture would not work on her.
  • Torture Is Ineffective: Describes it as such when questioned about it by Augury. She also notes that torture would not work on her, considering all that she's been through.


I've earned the forest's trust and its blessing

"I told you the woodland is a living thing, and if you protect it, it'll protect you."
— "How to spice up your D&D games with a 3rd part book"

Race: Alseid
Class: Ranger (Grove Warden)

An alseid (a deer centaur) ranger raised by a treant. She first appeared in Ginny's video discussing 3rd party D&D content and promoting the "Tome of Heroes" by Kobold Press and later reappeared in the 2023 calendar.

  • Caring Gardener: It's mentioned that she would take up gardening magical plants.
  • Cast from Hit Points: Artemisia possessed a magical lantern that glows with life energy. According to her, if she sacrifices some of her own life energy, she can use it to detect undead or breathe underwater.
  • Forest Ranger: Her D&D class.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Artemisia has shades of this, though she leans more towards plants than animals.
  • Green Thumb: Has powers rooted in nature. She also know hedgecraft, allowing her to use magical plants to cast spells up to the 3rd level.
  • In-Series Nickname: Sometimes called "Misia."
  • Interspecies Adoption: Artemisia was raised by Oakshadow, a treant.
  • Irish Accents: Ginny gives her a consistent Irish accent.
  • Meaningful Name: Artemisia is also the name of a plant, tying her back to her background as a treant's adopted child and a Nature Hero. Lampshaded by Artemisia herself:
    • "It's a sort of plant, which makes sense if a tree named you."
  • Name Amnesia: Presumably had an alseid name, but cannot remember it, which is why she goes by the name Oakshadow gave her.
  • Nature Hero: And how. Artemisia is an alseid, and alseids are explicitly tied to forest habitats. She was raised by a treant and became a grove warden ranger, which, in her own wards, means that the earth itself will rise up to protect her.
  • Non-Human Humanoid Hybrid: Artemisia is an alseid, which is essentially a deer centaur, also described as half elf, half deer.
  • Only One Name: Has no surname.
  • Our Centaurs Are Different: Her lower half is that of a deer rather than a horse. She also has corresponding antlers.
  • Primal Fear: Is wary of fire, justified by her entire grove being wiped out by one.
  • Sole Survivor: Her entire grove of alseid was wiped out by a forest fire. She refers to herself as "the last of my people," but it's unclear whether she means she's the last of her grove, or the last alseid period.

Would you consider yourself a moral person?

"I understand that each living being has their own mind, their own beliefs. My goal is not to change those beliefs, but simply to identify the cost of overriding them."
— "POV Roleplay: The villain interviews you for a job"

Race: Tiefling
Class: Sorcerer

A tiefling sorcerer who runs an underground smuggling ring. She first appeared in "POV Roleplay: The villain interviews you for a job," and has appeared in the 2021, 2022, and 2023 calendars, as well as the "Bard Behind Bars" module. She is, so far, the only character to star in two POV Roleplay videos, having also appeared in "Roleplay practice: Captured by the villain."

In "Bard Behind Bars," Augury hires the party to retrieve a bard from jail.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Has red skin
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Augury plays into this trope, with her British accent, high-class demeanor, and penchant for lazily sipping wine.
  • Big Red Devil: She gives this impression with her red skin and big, brassy horns.
  • Cold Ham: She can get fairly hammy at times, like in her POV roleplay videos, but she never raises her voice, keeping it dangerously calm and level.
  • Confirmed Bachelor: In the Dating Show video she makes clear she does not want to be set up with anyone and even threatens to have Edith killed if she tries.
  • Contralto of Strength: Augury has a lower-pitched voice and is sufficiently intimidating and dangerous.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Quite snarky and dark.
    • "I made the mistake of thinking you had survival instincts."
  • Familiar: Augury's is Marrow, an undead skeletal bird through which she can cast sending 3 times a day.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Though she gives off the impression of an elegant businesswoman and prefers not to get her hands dirty, it's clear that she has no problem ordering others to get their hands dirty in her service.
  • Horned Humanoid: Naturally
  • I Gave My Word: One of Augury's only principles. She never goes back on a deal and despises when people double-cross her.
  • Meaningful Name: Named after the spell that sealed her fate. When she was born, her father considered abandoning her and cast the spell augury to ask for guidance on what to do. He ultimately chose to abandon her.
  • Odd Friendship: In the Dating Show video we see she has a close working relationship with Edith even though Augury is a Lawful Evil crime boss and an aversion to being set up on dates and Edith is a cleric for a Chaotic Good deity who focuses on creating couples.
  • Only One Name
  • Parental Abandonment: According to her backstory, which is no longer publicly available on World Anvil, Augury was abandoned by her father. He actually cast the spell augury when debating whether or not to leave, and the spell influenced his decision to leave.
  • Ship Tease: Potentially a very minor one. "Bard Behind Bars" implies that she may hold some feelings for Morelia. However, considering this information is given directly after referencing Morelia's love potion mishap, it is unknown if this is instead meant to imply that Augury partook in one of the contaminated love potions. The quote is provided below for context.
    • "With a Persuasion roll of 15 or higher, Augury will explain why no one in town will go near Morelia’s cottage: There was a recent mishap in which a batch of love potions was mixed up with more standard healing fare. Anyone who consumed a contaminated potion is still at risk of being overcome by love for Morelia on sight. On a roll of 25 or greater, she will wax sentimental before catching herself: “It is too easy to do. Those honey curls, her rustic manner… one might even entertain impractical dreams of running off into the woods…”
  • Tranquil Fury: Augury rarely gets angry. When she is annoyed at the viewer for being late, she is notably angry and annoyed, but keeps her cool.


"Prithee, thinks't thou this may serve as an impromptu cudgel shouldst we come to blows?"

Race: Human
Class: Paladin

The captain of Princess Kiliren's personal guard. She first appeared in the 2023 calendar.

    Clover Whitthorn
Some call me Clover Honeytongue. Not many, but still, some.

"Good Sir! I'll take another round. I've tried, but I have not yet drowned."
— "Quote from Clover's section in "3 NPCs for your Tabletop Game"

Race: Halfling
Class: Bard

A loud and braggadocious halfling bard with a love of epic poetry and a penchant for speaking in rhyme. She is a dirty coward who longs for fame. Clover first appeared in the "3 NPCs for your Tabletop Game" video, where she drinks away her anxieties over her impending duel with Lady Anneliese Rodolfo. She received her own POV roleplay video, "POV Roleplay: A bard writes a poem about you." She also appeared in the Natural 2022 calendar.

In "Bard Behind Bars," Clover is the titular bard, owing a debt to Augury and being freed by the players in return for providing her bardic services to Nymwen.

  • Awesome McCoolname: Discussed in her POV roleplay when she asks the viewer / their character if they have a more descriptive name, one that isn't "quite so bland."
  • Con Man: Clover has shades of this. She gets most of her money through performances and scams.
  • Continuity Nod: "Bard Behind Bars" references her duel with Lady Rodolfo. Though the original video leaves her fate open-ended, Bard Behind Bars shows that Clover actually ended up in jail in the aftermath.
  • Dirty Coward: Described by Ginny as a coward who is only out for herself when the chips are down.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: In her quest hook, players find Clover trying to drink away her anxieties about an impending duel she found herself challenged to.
  • Gender Flip: Seems to be invoked in her quest hook. In her quest hook, she is challenged to a duel by Lady Anneliese Rodolfo after Clover's overt flirting with Kellen Silvus, who is betrothed to Lady Rodolfo, offended her. This sort of plotline is more common with the genders reversed.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: Clover grew up as the daughter of general store owners and was intended to apprentice to the town weaver. This, combined with sneaking out to see traveling performers, is what led Clover to run away from home and pursue fame as a bard. Though she tries hard, it is often noted that her work is not very exceptional.
  • Meaningful Rename: Clover is attempting to do this, calling herself "Clover Honeytongue." By her own admission, not many people call her that.
  • Miles Gloriosus: Though she's not a warrior, Clover hits the spirit of this trope. She is a conceited braggart who turns tail as the first sign of trouble.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: She speaks almost entirely in rhyming couplets. This only breaks when she is truly frightened.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Despite her bragging, she is not noted to be a very skilled bard. She seems to be half-aware of this.

    Edith Helmyna Fairthimble
May Sune shine the light of her beauty upon you, sweetheart.

"What do you find attractive about a person? And don’t say redheads or I’ll think you’re flirting with me!"
— "POV Roleplay: A matchmaker tries to find you a soulmate"

Race: Gnome
Class: Cleric

A gnome cleric of Sune who works at the temple providing matchmaking services. She appeared in "POV Roleplay: A matchmaker tries to find you a soulmate" and was featured in the Natural 2022 calendar.

In "Bard Behind Bars," Edith appears as a potential ally to the players to deal with the warden.

  • Continuity Nod: At the end of her roleplay video, she mentioned interviewing "the sweetest healer" the other day. This was confirmed to be a reference to Elliwyn, and a video surrounding this interview was later released. In that video Elliwyn mentions her meeting with Na'krasha to Edith.
  • Lighter and Softer: Her roleplay video was this to contrast Elliwyn and Augury's, since the situations their videos centered on were fairly heavy (injury and crime respectively).
  • The Matchmaker: Helps people find love as a cleric of Sune.
  • Nice Girl: Very friendly and engaged. She encourages the POV viewer to be open and honest with her and passes no judgment about anything they may say.
  • Odd Friendship: She's a cleric for a Chaotic Good deity and her job is matchmaking, but she still has a pretty friendly attitude towards the Lawful Evil Augury who so dislikes matchmaking she threatens to have Edith killed if she tries to set Augury up with anyone. Which doesn't even ruffle Edith's feathers; she merely declares Augury a "grouch" and says she's going to need a match with thick skin.
  • The Pollyanna: Edith is light-hearted and optimistic. Even when a bit of self-pity bleeds into her words, she quickly dismisses it and returns to her cheery nature.
  • Something about a Rose: Edith wears a veritable bouquet of roses in her hair, and is naturally a matchmaker by trade and a priestess of the goddess of love.

It was nice to meet you, I hope we never have to do this again.

"You’re in good hands, I only lose half my patients. ...sorry, joke. My dark sense of humor can make for poor bedside manner."
— "POV Roleplay: You're treated by a healer"

Race: Half-Elf

A half-elf battlefield medic with a calming demeanor but a dark sense of humor. She first appeared in "POV Roleplay: You're treated by a healer" and has since appeared in several videos and visual media Ginny has produced. She has even been shown responding to Edith's POV video.

  • Did You Die?: This is one of the first questions she asks the viewer in her roleplay video. The casual way she brings this up implies that she's dealt with resurrected people before.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: By her own admission. In her "Steal This Sidequest" video, "Field Corpse," she fails to realize that a Lycegan necromancer had been impersonating Dormal, a medic trainee, for weeks and raising dead patients as zombies.
  • Improvised Weapon: According to a stat block of hers, she can make great use of her bone saw as a weapon.
  • In-Series Nickname: When Elliwyn usually introduces herself, she includes her nickname, "Elli." She does not mind if people call her by it.
  • Nice Girl: As to be expected from a battle medic. She is friendly to both her patients and people she is working with.
  • Official Couple: In a video recreating Ginny's characters in Baldur's Gate III she declares Elliwyn is Na'Krasha's girlfriend.
  • Only One Name: Has no known surname.
  • Really 700 Years Old: She is 90 years old.
  • Ship Tease: With Na'Krasha. Initially, this was just a minor reference in Elliwyn's response to Edith's POV video where she mentioned that her "one that got away" is a half-orc with a thick accent who insisted on finishing her own stitches. This reference was expanded into its own video that showed the event. Since then, there have been numerous references made to Na'Krasha and Elliwyn's relationship in subsequent videos.

    Francis Summerpike 

Race: Gnome

A gnomish mapmaker mostly relegated to sponsorship ad segments. She has appeared in the Natural 2022 calendar.


Race: High Elf
Class: Sorcerer

A princess regent who is ruling the kingdom of Solstice Vale in the absence of her parents and older brother. She first appears in the 2023 calendar.

  • Ambiguous Situation: As of now, no explanation has been given to what happened to Kiliren's parents and brother. While her people think that she caused their disappearance, her character bios imply that she didn't (her description in the 2023 calendar tells us that if her family returns, they "clear her name").
  • Childhood Friends: With Bryndis, the captain of her guard.
  • God Save Us from the Queen!: Apparently, her people have this perception of her, given that they believe she got rid of her parents and brother to seize power for herself.
  • Informed Ability: Is apparently a sorcerer, but none of her character bios ever mention what kind of magic she uses, or what way she uses it in. This doesn't stop her people from calling her the "Witch of the Solstice Vale."
  • Lady and Knight: The Lady to Bryndis' Knight.
  • Pimped-Out Dress: Wears one in all the pictures we see her in.
  • Princesses Rule: Is the ruler of Solstice Vale, yet is referred to as a princess rather than a queen. Justified, since it's believed that her parents, who ruled before her, and her older brother, the true heir to the throne, are still alive somewhere and will someday return. Therefore, she is a regent.
  • True Blue Femininity: Wears a blue dress.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Played by Ginny while wearing a white wig.

"If you're looking for cursed items, you've come to the right place."

"For cutting me off in your carriage so grand,
Each time that you drink, you'll taste mouthfuls of sand.
And for one whole year, by my arcane command,
No lover will have you but your own right hand!"
— Knick casting a curse, "Eccentric shopkeep, but it's a playable D&D class"

Race: Changeling
Class: Merchant

A changeling merchant. In addition to being a shopkeeper, "Merchant" is also Knick's D&D class. Knick first appeared in the "Eccentric shopkeep, but it's a playable D&D class," the video that explained the homebrew class.

  • Curse: Knick is an esoteric merchant, which is stated to be a purveyor of cursed items. Esoteric merchants also get the spell "hex," a simple D&D curse. Knick also has the "Eye for Curses" ability, which lets her easily identify cursed items. At higher levels, if Knick attunes to a cursed item, she can simply choose not to be cursed by it.
  • Meaningful Name: Presumably derived from the word knickknacks.
  • Monochromatic Eyes: The entirety of her eyes are white.
  • Mystical White Hair: Knick usually appears in the changeling's true form, and as such, this trope applies to her.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Has shades of this. One of the transitions in her debut video has her examining a bird skeleton. Ginny indirectly calls her a spooky weirdo.
  • Punny Name: Their shop is called Knick's Knacks.
  • Support Party Member: Ginny describes the merchant subclass as the ultimate support class. Most of the spells Knick can cast support party members rather than deal damage, and she can even give her spell slots to other casters.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial:
    • "I got all kinds of stuff in my mobile emporium, all ready to sell to you on the go. And of course, I acquired all of them perfectly legally and I don't know why you'd even ask that."

I am my parents' greatest artifice yet.

"The story of how my parents met is like a fairy tale, but not the happily ever after kind. I mean the scary kind that you tell children to keep them in line."
— "How to create mixed-race D&D characters"

Race: Tiefling-Centaur

A tiefling-centaur. She was created for the video "How to create mixed-race D&D characters," which promoted the supplementary D&D handbook, "An Elf and an Orc Had a Little Baby."

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Her skin seems to be a gradient from red to pink to white.
  • In-Series Nickname: Lilix is apparently short for Malixus. It's a family name.
  • Horned Humanoid: Denoting her infernal parentage
  • Hustler: Assumed, Lilix refers to herself as "the perfect swindler."
  • Non-Human Humanoid Hybrid: Lilix is half tiefling, half centaur.
  • Only One Name: It's a family name.
  • Satellite Character: Not much is known about her aside from the story of how her Infernal father and centaur mother met and her background being raised in the Feywild, then attending school in the seventh layer of Hell. We are not even given a class for her.

Perhaps my Lady is smiling upon you as well.

"Ho there! Fancy a round of liar's dice? It's only one silver, and if today's bad luck holds for me, you'll double it in a blink."
— "Domestic D&D — How to get married, run a business, make a home, and more!"

Race: Sea Elf
Class: Warlock (Lady Luck)

A sea elf warlock raised by a sea hag who made a pact with Lady Luck to ensure a fortune for herself and her three sisters. She appeared in Ginny's video on The Adventurer's Domestic Handbook as an example of the kind of character that book could create. Mariska has since appeared in the 2022 calendar.

  • Abusive Parents: Mariska was raised by a sea hag named Brinemaw Kate. She described the life as hard, and sea hags are not known to be particularly kind creatures. Mariska and her sisters escaped the hag as soon as they could. It may also extend to her biological parents, she isn't sure if she was kidnapped or if her parents gave her to Brinemaw.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Has teal skin.
  • Hustler: Mariska runs a gambling cart and her pact with Lady Luck ensures that she always wins in the end.
  • Lady Luck: Mariska's warlock patron is called Lady Luck.
  • Marriage of Convenience: She'd gotten engaged in large part from hoping that her fiance's wealth would be enough to protect her family. His secret poverty is why it didn't even last to the altar.
  • Mysterious Past: To an extent. She herself doesn't know whether Brinemaw kidnapped her or if Mariska was given to the sea hag, and also no idea if any of her sisters are actually related to her.
  • Nice Guy: Despite working as a hustler and a backstory of becoming engaged to a man for his wealth, she does it to take care of her family and is friendly with the listener after they decline a game, even casting a spell to grant them good luck for free.
  • Only One Name: So far as anyone knows.
  • Runaway Bride: Her background. She became engaged to a rich human in the hopes he'd be able to protect her from Brinemaw. When she found out he'd actually gambled his fortune away the four sisters promptly fled.

    May Bell

Race: Pixie

A pixie trapped in a jar who may grant fey boons to people who free her. She first appeared in the 2023 calendar.

That smells… mostly right. I suppose we’ll know when you take it.

"I think Cremini may have peed in this bottle. I don’t think this is a potion."
— "POV Roleplay: A witch makes you a potion"

Race: Elf

A rather absent-minded wood elf witch who brews potions for the local population. She first appeared in the "3 Elf NPCs for your Tabletop Game" video, where her quest hook involves brewing a love potion antidote in bulk after her last batch went wrong and caused the entire town to fall in love with her. She received her own POV roleplay video, "POV: A witch makes you a potion." She also appears in the Natural 2022 calendar.

In "Bard Behind Bars," Morelia appears as a potential ally to the players to deal with Na'Krasha.

  • Continuity Nod: Her POV roleplay video references her quest hook in her first video. "Bard Behind Bars" also references the love potion fiasco.
  • Ditzy Genius: She's generally a reliable potion-maker, but is rather disorganized, which sometimes causes her to make mistakes, which can range from as minor as to accidentally keeping a vial of cat pee with other potions to messing up an entire batch of potions.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: In her first appearance, her love potion mishap is the result of her making a mistake while brewing love potions, causing her to become the target of all the love potions. In "Bard Behind Bars," the event is instead recounted as Morelia messing up a batch of healing potions.
  • Love Potion: Morelia's quest hook involves her messing up a batch of love potions, which leads to all the townsfolk falling under its influence, with her as the target. The next time we see her, in her POV roleplay video, she states that she has learned her lesson and sworn off making love potions.
  • Only One Name: "Morelia" is the only name provided.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Morelia is 216 years old.

If you cannot find saw, I have great axe. Perfect for remove leg.

"I make crimes. I’m not ashamed to say it. I do what I must do. Even I once killed someone... but don’t worry, he deserved it."
— "POV Roleplay: Your prison guard is bored"

Race: Half-Orc
Class: Barbarian

A half-orc barbarian currently working a boring job as a jailer. Na'Krasha first appeared as an unnamed barbarian in the Natural 2021 calendar before receiving a redesign and her own video, "POV Roleplay: Your prison guard is bored." She also properly features in the Natural 2022 calendar.

In "Bard Behind Bars," Na'Krasha appears as the jailer that players must bypass to free the bard, either by tricking her or defeating her in combat.

Na'Krasha was played by Ginny as a proper player character in a Fool's Gold D&D One-Shot. She was also played by Ginny in a solo campaign alongside Nymwen in a video on Ginny's channel.

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: When played by Ginny Di, she has her creator's natural good looks. Di says the Na'Krasha she imagines is closer to a Brawn Hilda, and makes a more accurate half-orc barbarian with the Baldur's Gate III character creator.
  • Affably Evil: Despite being officially described as chaotic neutral and usually portrayed positively, Ginny sometimes considers Na'Krasha more of a bad guy (supported by the fact that she is a potential enemy for player characters in Bard Behind Bars."
    • Na'Krasha: Captives would like this. They are sending letters to family which I am burning in fire.
    • Ginny: Man, I keep forgetting you're a bad guy. You just look so cool.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Has green skin.
  • Animal Motifs: Bears. In her response to Elliwyn, she reveals that her favorite animal is a bear. In "Bard Behind Bars," her rage mechanic is called "Angry Like Bear."
  • Ascended Extra: Originally the unnamed half-orc barbarian in the Natural 2021 calendar.
  • Braids of Barbarism: Na'Krasha sports several braids in her hair.
  • Brawn Hilda: When Di has the opportunity, she makes Na'Krasha's appearance err closer to this trope, like in her Baldur's Gate III character creator video or when she made a mini of Na'Krasha. According to Di, she imagines Na'Krasha with a more accurate and ferocious appearance, with larger tusks and a more muscular frame.
  • Brutish Character, Brutish Weapon: Is a barbarian with a greataxe to match.
  • The Cameo: Appears as the party barbarian in "A TPK Carol."
  • Chaotic Neutral: Her World Anvil page states that this is her alignment. This is supported by her view of laws. The way she delivers "But also, lots of things are against law" when talking about crimes she commits implies that she doesn't see the need for some of them. This might connect to her background in a mountain clan, which presumably had looser laws than the more urban city she works in.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Invoked in the solo adventure. Ginny asks the oracle if Trina is good-looking and decides that it would influence Na'Krasha to trust her.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Na'Krasha was created for an appeared in the Natural 2021 calendar before Ginny gave her a slight redesign and released "POV Roleplay: Your prison guard is bored"
  • Fastball Special: In "Bard Behind Bars," Na'Krasha has an action called the "Knuckleball Deluxe" where she can grab a nearby character and throw them at her target to cause them both damage.
  • Mother Russia Makes You Strong: Invoked, as Na'Krasha, a barbarian and physically the strongest and toughest of Ginny Di's characters, has a thick Russian accent.
  • Mundane Utility: Ginny calls Na'Krasha to handle mundane tasks like opening jars, changing the batteries in smoke detectors, and catching spiders.
  • Official Couple: In a video recreating Ginny's characters in Baldur's Gate III she declares Elliwyn is Na'Krasha's girlfriend.
  • Only One Name: Has no name besides "Na'Krasha".
  • Punctuation Shaker: While her name is clearly based off the name Natasha, Na'Krasha spells her name with an apostrophe for some reason.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: When she is defeated in "Bard Behind Bars," Na'Krasha abandons her post and lets the players take Clover.
  • Ship Tease: With Elliwyn. What was initially a small reference to her in Elliwyn's response to Edith ballooned into a full video where, essentially, Ginny dressed up as a half-orc to flirt with Ginny dressed up as a half-elf.

    Nymwen Aranathar
It would be nice, I think, to have your soul truly seen.

"You understand, some of these books are very old. They must be handled with extreme care. They contain the knowledge of the games, painstakingly transcribed, then lovingly passed on to the unknown minds of the future. Minds like ours. Well, minds like mine."
— "POV: You're a mage's assistant (and you're bad at it)"

Race: High Elf
Class: Cleric

A high elf cleric and researcher with a haughty attitude and an obsession with a long-dead poet. She first appeared in the "3 Elf NPCs for your Tabletop Game." She received her own POV roleplay video, "POV: You're a mage's assistant (and you're bad at it).

Nymwen was played by Ginny in Halloween Haunt, a game streamed by Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms.

  • The Cameo: At the end of the "Bard Behind Bars" module, Nymwen is revealed to be Augury's client who needs Clover's skills to contact Ayanna.
  • Conspicuous Gloves: In all her appearances, Nymwen is wearing a pair of white gloves.
  • Continuity Nod: Her POV video and her appearance in "Bard Behind Bars" reference her established motivation to raise the dead poet Ayanna from the dead.
  • Creepy High-Pitched Voice: Most of Nymwen's appearances portray her with a high-pitched and whiny. Downplayed in that it's less creepy and more grating.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Dark-haired, pale-skinned, and a necromancer obsessed with a long-dead poet.
  • Flanderization: Combined with Early Installment Weirdness. In Nymwen's first appearance, her voice is much less high and whiny. She is also more cordial and less haughty. By the time she appears again in her own POV roleplay video, her voice cadence has been exaggerated and her snootiness is evident. Also, in her first appearance, Nymwen was merely a scholar, with Ginny suggesting that she be a cleric if the party in question has no cleric. In her next appearance, Nymwen was confirmed to be a spellcaster and her World Anvil page listed her as a cleric.
  • Have You Seen My God? Despite being a cleric, Nymwen does not have a god that she worships mentioned anywhere. This is presumably to make it easier for DMs to slot her into their world by accounting for the fact that all DMs don't use the same pantheons.
    • In Halloween Haunt, Ginny chooses the Raven Queen as the god that Nymwen serves. However, Ginny has yet to officially confirm it in one of her own videos or on Nymwen's World Anvil page.
  • Loony Fan: Nymwen, the high elf necromancer. She read the romantic poetry Ayana, who's been dead for over a century, and fell in love with her. She now obsessively studies necromancy in the hopes of reviving her "soulmate."
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Has shades of this in her POV roleplay video, where she wistfully imagines how a resurrected person would look and feels and hopes that they are not cold to the touch. This is likely due to her goal of raising a dead poet she is obsessed with.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Nymwen wears a look of perpetual distaste, save for when she speaks of poetry or the poet she believes she loves.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Averted. Though she is an elf, she is actually only 35.
  • Villain Protagonist: Though Nymwen is closer to lawful neutral, she is frequently also portrayed as villainous. Ginny uses her as an example big bad in her video on how to adjust the difficulty of big bad encounters. She has also demonstrated that she has little problem breaking the law to get what she wants, seeing as how she hires crime boss Augury to help her acquire a bard she needs for her work. Her POV video also establishes that she thinks little of laws that, in her view, hinder the progress of society. However, this has not stopped her from still being played more heroically. Ginny has used her as a player character in Halloween Haunt and had her casually adventuring with Na'Krasha in her solo adventure video.

    Penelope Mushruckus Blisterblood Murkspore
I went berserk!

"Something inside of me bent or snapped... They told me later that they had trouble separating me from its body. Apparently, my arms were struck in its ribcage up to the shoulders."
— "Meet my feral little gnome barbarian"

Race: Deep Gnome
Class: Barbarian (Path of the Beast)

A deep gnome barbarian played by Ginny in her home games and brought to life in YouTube videos.

Penelope Mushruckus Blisterblood Murkspore (but please, don't call her Penny) lived a humble life as a fungus farmer underground until a fight to save a friend from a displacer beast left her prone to animalistic rages. She left to keep her friends and family safe and to find out what had happened to her.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Has pale purple/gray skin.
  • Appropriated Appellation: Penelope includes Blisterblood in her name when introducing herself. Blisterblood was a nickname that many people in her town scornfully and fearfully called her, presumably behind her back, because of her new and sudden rage-outs.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: Penelope is quite a sweet girl despite her rage-outs.
  • Body Horror: Downplayed with her transformation. She mentions growing claws at least once and states that she thinks her arms have grown longer because of her power before changing the subject. Clearly, this is a subject of discomfort for her.
  • Blatant Lies: "Hey Olie! If you're watching this, I'm being safe. Well, not really, but don't worry about me."
  • Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: She eventually learns her mother was going to be sacrificed to the Demogorgon and he instead volunteered to be its servant.
  • Disappeared Dad: Her father left when she was very young.
  • Exact Words: The vow binding her father to the Demogorgon specifies it's "until his final breath", leading the party to kill him with the intention of later reviving him. Unfortunately she has a dream afterwards indicating this wasn't enough of an out.
  • Generation Xerox: Downplayed. Pointed out by the interviewer that Penelope left her home and family, just like her father before her. She's even the same class as him.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Apparently developed one after her fight with the displacer beast as a consequence of awakening a power inside of herself. This is what lead to her gaining the nickname "Blisterblood."
  • I Call It "Vera": Her main weapon was a hoe she called Agnes until it was dissolved in acid.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Uses a hoe as her main weapon. Ginny mentions that her dungeon master reskinned it for her so it could mechanically be a useful weapon.
  • In-Series Nickname: Averted, Penelope requests that most people refrain from calling her Penny. That nickname is reserved for her mother.
  • Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe: Cited as the reason her father left; Penelope's mother spent a lot of time with another man around her birth, and her father was never really sure if she was his.
  • Meaningful Name: As customary for gnomes, Penelope's middle names are nicknames she was given based on her traits and habits. She was called "Mushruckus" because she was too reckless to properly harvest the mushrooms and always ended up destroying some. She began to be called "Blisterblood" after her short temper developed.
  • Monochromatic Eyes: In her raging form, her eyes turn completely blue.
  • More Teeth than the Osmond Family: Official art of Penelope's beastly form reveals that her teeth grow and sharpen.
  • Nightmare Face: Penelope's raged-out form has her eyes turn completely blue and reveals that her jaw can unhinge and her teeth grow sharp and monstrous.
  • Overly Long Name: It's a mouthful by even her own admission. Also notable that her name is much longer than other gnomes in her backstory (her mother, Whitkin Bluebobbin, her father Finch Ramblegig Murkspore, and the mailcarrier Chug Taletoter Nickleplenty) or even Ginny's previous gnome characters (Edith Helmyna Fairthimble and Wisteria Skitterquick Appledack). In Dungeons and Dragons lore, this is not uncommon, as gnomes tend to give each other multiple nicknames, and when introducing themselves to others who are not gnomes, they typically use their favorite nickname as a middle name. It's unknown if a) this is true in the world that Ginny plays Penelope in, and b) why Penelope chose to use both Murkspore and Blisterblood as middle names, especially since she was called "Blisterblood" behind her back as a reference to her new rage outs, which seem to frighten her.
  • Parental Abandonment: Penelope's father left when she was a few months old when he went to deliver a fungus harvest and never came back. She thinks that this is because he wasn't sure if she was really his child, or the child of Chug Nickleplenty.
  • Power Stereotype Flip: A sweet and friendly gnome girl who is also a barbarian with impressive strength and the ability to animalistically rage out.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Purple is one of her color motifs; her skin is a pale gray/purple color and she wears a bright purple hood.
  • Red Baron: After her fight with the displacer beast and subsequent development of a short temper, Penelope gained the nickname "Blisterblood."
  • Square Race, Round Class: You aren't likely to encounter many Barbarian Gnomes.
  • Single Tear: In official art of her monstrous form.
  • Squick: The description Penelope gives of fighting the displacer beast is rather gory and disturbing. According to her, the other gnomes had trouble separating her from its corpse since her arms had been stuck into its ribcage up to her shoulders.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Implied. Penelope describes her rages as if someone else takes over her.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Naturally, as a barbarian. Unlike most barbarians, who can usually rage on command, Penelope's seems to possess her and even scare her.

    Pyriel of Tarave
Excellent, you're here. You look like exactly the kind of people I need.
"I can picture him now, probably meeting with his tailor for final alterations on the doublet I picked for him, and my own gown a perfect match. I should burn it."
— "3 Elf NPCs for your Tabletop Game"

Race: Drow

A drow noblewoman who appears in "3 Elf NPCs for your Tabletop Game," hiring an adventuring party to humiliate the man who dumped her.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Her skin is a purplish-grey hue.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Is sure to inform the party that she does not want Veldren hurt, only humiliated. She also notably targets most of her rage at Veldren himself and does not request that the party humiliate his new date as well.
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple: Is shown wearing purple in her only appearance.
  • Satellite Character: Not much is known about her other than the fact that she's a well-connected drow noble who does not take break ups well. She is the only elf from the original video not to receive a POV video or a spot on one of the calendars.
  • Woman Scorned: Her central trait. She is furious over being dumped by the earl Veldren and hires an adventuring party to humiliate him.


Race: Fire Genasi

A fire genasi blacksmith with a side hustle as a storyteller. She first appeared in a sponsorship segment before appearing in the 2023 calendar.

  • Cargo Ship: In-Universe example. Once wrote a story about an adventurer falling in love with his own sword.


Race: Dryathrall

A curious dryad. She first appeared in the sponsorship segment of "The underused DM tip that will make players obsessed with your game" and made a second appearance in the 2023 calendar.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
"You just don't understand. He's not like the others of his kind. I've raised him since he was just a wee thing. And sure, he hurts me sometimes, but he doesn't mean to. There's good in him. And when I find it, I can let him out."
— "3 NPCs for your Tabletop Game"

Race: Human

A human barmaid who is raising an ettercap in the stables of her inn, the Spinner's Rest.

  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
  • Foreshadowing: The name of the inn, the Spinner's Rest, and the cobwebs covering the stable windows indicate that something spider related is going on there.
  • Meaningful Name: Not Tilly herself, but her inn, the Spinner's Rest. The word "spinner" connects to spiders.
  • Satellite Character: Nothing is known about her aside from her quest hook with the ettercap. The video leaves that hook open ended and Tilly never appears in another video.

Good sir, I warned you once that you could never return
Click here  to see Human Undertow.

"Beware the wave soaked maiden
To whom the depths belong
If you sail upon their waters
Then you won't sail for long."
— Lyrics from "The Wave-Soaked Maiden"

Race: Mermaid

A beautiful and deadly mermaid with a penchant for drowning sailors. She first appeared as the subject and implied singer of "The Wave-Soaked Maiden," Ginny's original sea shanty. She made a second appearance in the 2023 calendar.

  • Ambiguously Evil: Feels no remorse about drowning and eating sailors. Though it's notable that in the Wave-Soaked Maiden, she allows the sailor to leave after freeing her as long as he never returned and made the consequences of breaking this agreement clear.
  • Conspicuous Gloves: Wears a pair of black leather gloves when singing in the bar, presumably to hide her claws.
  • Foreshadowing: If you look closely in the bar scenes of the music video, you can spot Undertow's fangs before the reveal. Additionally, the singer's hair has a half-wet look to it and Ginny's natural bangs are braided away, further foreshadowing her identity as Undertow.
  • Meaningful Name: An undertow is a current of water moving in a different direction than the surface current. Also meaningful in the context of Ginny's song "I Am the Undertow," which is sung from the perspective of a mermaid or siren luring her victim to her so she can drown them.
  • The Reveal: During the final notes of "The Wave-Soaked Maiden," the singer smiles at the camera, revealing the same fangs that the mermaids who devoured the sailor had, implying that the singer is Undertow disguised as a human.
    • The actresses that play the other two mermaids are also present in the bar, but neither wear gloves and neither appear to have fangs. This implies that Undertow is the only disguised human in the bar.

    Valra the Sibylline
You must help me!
"Thank you, I would clasp your hand, but you appear soiled by your travels. These are imported silks."
— "3 NPCs for your Tabletop Game"

Race: Elf

A princess whose mother ruled their kingdom with the help of her prophetic powers, whose footsteps the princess is expected to follow.

  • I Just Want to Be Special: While being a princess means she's already not the most common kind of person in the world, she's been pressured to have some kind of prophetic power like her mother's and is trying to find a way to gain that power.
  • Muggle Born of Mages: Unlike her mother, she doesn't have any prophetic powers. No mention of her class has been made, so it's possible that she has no spellcasting ability at all.
  • Phony Psychic: Though she's known to have visions like her mother before her, this is a lie. Her quest hook involves her hiring the party to find a more permanent solution.
  • Plagued by Nightmares: Valra claims that her visions of the future can be nightmarish. Given that she is a Phony Psychic, this is most likely a lie as well.
  • Satellite Character: Nothing is known about Valra aside from the fact that she cannot see the future, even though she pretends she can. No explanation for it is given, whether she was cursed or simply never intended to gave the gift of second sight remains up to individual dungeon masters slotting her into their games.
  • Upper-Class Twit: Valra's only other visible personality trait is this. She speaks haughtily whenever she's not worrying over her status as a Phony Psychic and refuses to touch the party members, fearing she would soil her silks.

    Wisteria Skitterquick Appledack
Oh, god, I'm gonna get expelled!

"I call it “The Ring of Thundersnap”! Once a day, you can snap your fingers and cast Thunderwave! Pretty amazing, right? Maybe I should major in Evocation, since Conjuration isn’t working out so great…"
— "Steal This Side Quest: Fiend terrorizes magic school [Wisteria]"

Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard

A bumbling gnome wizard student at the Krumbridge Academy. Originally the unnamed gnome wizard in the "Roll Up Your Attributes" music video, she also appeared in a sponsorship segment and the Natural 2021 calendar. Wisteria was finally given a name, a "Steal This Sidequest" video, and a spot in the Natural 2022 calendar.

Wisteria comes from the rich Appledack family and is the heir to the "Appledack's All-Nighter Cider" fortune.

  • Ascended Extra: Originally the unnamed gnome wizard in the "Roll Up Your Attributes" music video.
  • Bespectacled Cutie: Wisteria is a bumbling but sweet girl who wears a pair of large, round glasses.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: She has high Intelligence, but doesn't want to do boring things like study, so she spends her time thinking of other ways to get what she wants.
  • The Cameo: Cameos as the party wizard in "A TPK Carol."
  • Inept Mage: The crux of her character. While she's intelligent, she isn't actually very interested in being a wizard or skilled at it and mostly started learning because it's expected of her of members of her family.
    • Her sidequest, "Making Fiends at School," has her trying to summon a minor elemental and somehow messing up the summoning circle to summon a fiend instead. Depending on how the Dungeon Master scales this encounter, she could have summoned anything from a low-level imp to high-level chain devil.
    • It's mentioned that when used as a player character, she was thrown out of the academy for causing 50,000 gold in damages after messing up a spell.
  • Money Dumb: Coming from a rich family who solved her problems with money, she doesn't understand just how deep her debt really is.
  • Mundane Utility: Uses fire magic to heat up coffee in the Many Worlds Tavern-sponsored short.
  • Nepotism: Her wealthy family made generous donations to the Krumbridge Academy for Magic. But it's a complete coincidence that they let her in!
  • Noodle Incident: Has apparently has two other summoning mishap incidents.
  • Phlebotinum Breakdown: Using the magic ring that she gives to players as a reward for completing her sidequest will cause one's hand to become numb and useless for 10 minutes.
  • Riches to Rags: To some extent. After her parents cut her off she has to find a way to repay her debt herself. The "D&D Wizard" video ends with her asking Ginny if she can borrow ten gold to bribe a teacher.
  • Robe and Wizard Hat: Wisteria exchanges the robe in favor of a blouse and skirt, but she wears a pointy blue hat with a wide brim. In fact, Ginny first made and used this hat for her Tasha of Tasha's Cauldron of Everything cosplay.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: She failed the entrance exam to Krumbridge and only got in because her parents made a large donation, not that she'd admit it. She also prefers to just bribe her teachers into excusing her absences.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Downplayed. Her wealth is not brought up much aside from explaining how she can afford Krumbridge Academy and takes a backseat to the more prominent side of her character, that is, how bumbling of a wizard student she is. She is also quite friendly and helpful.
  • Working Off the Debt: Her reason for adventuring. After her spell caused massive damage she was thrown out of the academy and not allowed to return until she repays it all. This normally would just be handled by her parents, but they decided she needed to learn about responsibility and refused.
