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Characters / Path To Nowhere Sloth

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The heart of the sloth stays where it is. Even if there are countless roads in front, they shall balk at moving forward.

Sinners who belong to the SLOTH Libram.

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Glad to see you again, Chief. Do you want me to trim your hair, or trim away your troubles?
Click to see Rank-Up appearance.
Click to see her inmate mugshot.
Danger Rating: S
Sinner Ability: Mental Severing
Tendency: Umbra
Skills: Trimming, Mad Hairdresser, Blade and Hair, Farewell Misgivings
Birthplace: Eastside
Birthday: June 24
Height: 165 cm
Voiced by: Chen Lingyou (CN), Yumi Hara (JP)

An Eastside hairdresser as well as the subject of the Fog Alley urban legend.
  • Amnesia Loop: Adela is unintentionally causing this when she makes people forget about their worries by "giving haircuts" to their memories. This is because without solving the fundamental problem of their worries, her victims end up doing what caused their worries in the first place because they don't remember. This is worsened by the fact that victims look increasingly mentally unsound because they keep forgetting and end up indulging themselves again.
  • Amnesiac Hero: Not only does Adela cause amnesia to her victims including the Chief during The Phantom of the Mist event, but also to herself in order to forget her painful past.
  • Amnesiac Resonance: This is what undoes Adela in The Phantom of the Mist event. While Adela may be able to cause partial amnesia to her victims, she is not able to completely get rid of every aspect of their memories.
  • Chatty Hairdresser: Despite how Adela looks eerie, she is able to get her customers to talk about their worries. She then proceeds to "cut" away their worries when she cuts their hair.
  • Déjà Vu: Despite how Adela's power as a Sinner makes people lose their memories by getting a haircut from her, it is possible for her victims to feel Déjà Vu.
  • Easy Amnesia: The fact that Adela can give Easy Amnesia just by "cutting" your hair is this.
  • Forgot About His Powers: Adela is able to briefly make the Chief forget about their Shackles and Potetas before they are able to remember who they are and what their powers are by the end of The Phantom of the Mist event.
  • Forgot the Call: Adela is able to briefly cause this to the Chief before they are able to remember who they are and what their duties are by the end of The Phantom of the Mist event.
  • Forgotten First Meeting: This is invoked given how Adela's power as a Sinner makes people forget their first meeting by getting a haircut from her.
  • Hammerspace: One of the supervision events has the Chief investigating a rumor about how Adela can seemingly produce anything from her counter. The Chief asked for a bottle of peach juice and a vinyl of the band Spaceship record as a test. Adela is able to give what the Chief asks for without delay. It turns out that all of these items are trimmed memories that her clients left behind after the haircut and Adela is able to physically manifest them in real life.
  • Identity Amnesia: Thanks to Adela's Sinner power to cause amnesia, her victims often suffer an identity crisis.
  • I Work Alone: Not storywise but rather gameplaywise. This is because Adela gains a 15 percent CRIT Rate increase when there are no other Sinners present within the cross-area range.
  • Shear Menace: Adela is the Shear Menace behind the Mad Shear myth. And while exact numbers aren't certain given how the amnesia-causing nature of her ability severely hinders the investigation, incomplete research shows that she has victimized close to a hundred people.
  • Tragic Keepsake: While Adela does not remember why she still has some of the items like the old key to the house where she and her mother once lived, she still keeps them around during her travels. One of the supervision events even explores how Adela wonders why she has this gem pendant that serves as a locket with a photo of a young woman hidden inside. The Chief recognizes that it is Adela's mother and they can either choose to say the woman in question is just an ordinary woman or implies that maybe the woman in question is someone important to Adela.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Adela is a Well-Intentioned Extremist who makes people forget about their worries by "giving haircuts" to their memories because she thinks that people are better off without those burdens.
  • Wistful Amnesia: Adela is able to cause this to her victims. This applies to the Chief as well as they only retain the sense that they haven't fully resolved the crisis by the end of The Phantom of the Mist event. It is not until Adela's interrogation that Chief is able to fully close the case.


Cabernet Franc
I'm so glad that you've brought me to this grand feast. Ah... I can smell an intoxicating sweet aroma in every corner!
Click to see Rank-Up appearance.
Click to see her inmate mugshot.
Danger Rating: S
Sinner Ability: Soul Extraction
Tendency: Catalyst
Skills: Savoring, Thirst and Hunger, Seize, Ingest
Birthplace: Eastside
Birthday: January 6
Height: 172 cm
Voiced by: Fan Churong (CN), Kei Shindo (JP)

The eldest daughter of the prominent Franc family and an extremely famous food critic that every chef in DisCity is dying to meet just to ask for her review on their food.
  • Adaptation Name Change: In Chinese, her name is "Carmenette".
  • Affably Evil: Cabernet is unfailingly polite and nice to people even to those rude to her, but she only aims to feed on your soul.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Zig-zagged. She was the one who controlled and planned the whole party from the start to securing ingredients and recovering Greg and Carley who are her stolen ingredients for herself. The trope comes in when she does manage to absorb the Chief's soul who she wanted to "taste" so badly but not the point of killing them as she leaves knowing the Chief will look for her. It's implied in the end she was captured pretty quickly after the Chief recovered.
    • During her interrogation, she succeeds in making Chief's soul shine so it can be tastier by manipulating his possessions. However, what she did not expect was finding Chief to be the one who understood her intentions and motives, which she at least finally abides to Chief's wish to not consume other souls than theirs.
  • The Chessmaster: It's major spoilers to reveal that the party she wanted the Chief, Macchiato, and Kelvin infiltrates are all Cabernet's doing to not only secure her stolen ingredients who are Carly and Greg, but to see which people were the tastiest souls in the party. While she wasn't part of McGarth's plot, she took advantage of the chef's wanting to please her to see which souls would end up being the best ingredient, that ended up being the Chief.
  • Deal with the Devil: While Cabernet is not actually a devil, the deal that the chief has to make in return for her being shackled is quite demonic. This is because she promised to never feed on any souls other than Chief's soul.
  • Disappointed in You: When McGarth says she did everything to please Cabernet and give her the best ingredients for her review, Cabernet disagrees and points out McGarth wouldn't even know what incredible ingredients would be. She remembers how she praised McGarth's cooking but she sees how the chef's heart is and bluntly tells her she's incredibly disgusting.
  • Entitled to Have You: She has a room of people that she wanted to cultivate albeit restricting their freedom. However, she immediately doesn't keep the Chief for herself as she wants to continue to savor the Chief's soul and not let them die or become a soulless husk.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Averted. Cabernet says during her interrogation that as much as she enjoys tasting, she is not into tasting human bodies. She is rather into tasting good foods and human souls.
  • Kick the Dog: In her interrogation, Chief finds out Cabernet lured Greg with the promise she would give up Carley but never did because she wanted to see the couple's souls to shine out. Then, she decides to extract Greg's soul to give to Carley so Chief can witness it and let their emotions come out so that their soul gets tastier for her, possibly not caring if one or both would die in the process. Chief is angered by this as she led to Carley and Greg's miserable states which she wanted to see their soul shine.
  • Lack of Empathy: Shows this with how she treated her "personal possessions" Greg and Carley. She shows no remorse or guilt for what she did to them as what only interested her from them was how tasty and special their souls were. Even as Chief lectures her on what she did and witnesses the event in which Greg gives his soul to Carley, she listens like a bored bystander. Chief, understandably, is truly disgusted by Cabernet's callous behavior in contrast to how she was first shown.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name Cabernet is related to Cabernet Sauvignon, a variety of red grape used in wine-making. This makes sense as her favorite food is grape. Her last name Franc relates to a former unit of currency of France, Belgium and Luxembourg, that were replaced by euro. Her family is Old Money and are very rich.
  • Non-Idle Rich: She is a food critic who clearly doesn't need money but she enjoys eating amazing food and critiquing them. Of course this is a front to hide her activities as Soul Eater to find the humans with the best souls.
  • Old Money: Heavily implied that her family is one and an especially rich one, considering Cabernet explains how every Franc child is born with a silver spoon in their mouth and it's very easy to get what they want.
  • Pet the Dog: She showed an unusual interest in Chief the first time they meet and during the events of the party and most people remark that it's rare for Cabernet to show an extreme amount of fondness for someone although some of the people who said that were jealous of Cabernet focusing on the Chief. It turns out because she saw the Chief had the most delicious soul of everyone at the party and Cabernet wanted to taste them so badly which she accomplishes at the end.
    • That said, she does oblige the Chief's deal that she will not eat anyone's soul but theirs. And she genuinely likes them to a somewhat creepy degree.
  • Picky Eater: She was raised in a rich family and had the best food served to her, resulting in her being extremely picky with her food. Her being picky with one chef resulted her in becoming a Sinner because of the realization the best food comes from the soul.
  • Rich Boredom: This is how she was even before turning into a Sinner, being born in the famous Franc family. Nothing could truly sate her, as she was bored, even the best stuff given to her because it was extremely easy to do so. Tasting souls was the only thing that made feel something significant. The only person who really stirs her heart is Chief, the only person who can understand her which makes her very doting on them.
  • Soul Eating: While Cabernet has a public image as a food critic who tastes food to evaluate, she is actually a Soul Eater who prefers to taste souls that have tasty emotions like a couple's love for each other. She especially likes the Chief's soul due to their sharp, perceptive, intelligent, honest, and kind natures tasting quite divine.
  • Spoiled Brat: She's actually extremely polite with scenes of her being rude being rare. This trope comes in as Chief states what she has that she considers normal is what other people want, like putting food on the table and just getting by in life. This also comes with her kidnapping people that she considers ingredients without a care in their health such as with Greg and Carly so she could see their souls shine.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Cabernet likes grapes enough that other chefs, who couldn't get high scores for their food, try to exploit this. It turns out that grape is not just Cabernet's Traditionally Favorite Food just for taste, however, as her Sinner power as a Soul Eater crystalized the soul as grapes.


"How was it? The song's not bad, eh?"
Click to see Rank-Up appearance.
Click to see her inmate mugshot.
Danger Rating: A
Sinner Ability: Song of Phoenix
Tendency: Catalyst
Skills: Musical Performance, Song of Phoenix, Come Home to Roost, Triumphant Silence
Birthplace: Outlands
Birthday: February 18
Height: 152 cm
Voiced by: Marissa Lenti (EN), Chen Xi Yue (CN), Rie Hikisaka (JP), Bang Si-u (KR)

Drifter Camp's lively musician and Oak Casket's friend. Might or might not ask the Chief to pay up.
  • Adaptation Name Change: In Japanese, her name is "Toto" instead.
  • Genki Girl: She's an energetic suona player who roams around Drifter Camp. Although she often bargains with DisCoins, she brings joy and entertainment to the residents with her music and never-ending enthusiasm.
  • Odd Friendship: With the death-loving Oak Casket.
    • When Oak Casket voluntarily gets arrested, Dudu's profile states she followed alongside with her to be with Oak. Also, she seems to be the only friend Oak can talk to quite normally and is one of the people to help her try and get used to being in the MBCC.
    • In Hecate's Picturebook arts, Dudu asked for K.K.'s help in getting items from other Sinners such as Kelvin's ice cream, Stargazer's predictions, Chelsea's jewelry, etc. to help Oak Casket get used to living in the bureau. She also covers some of Oak Casket's crimes too.
  • Signature Instrument: She takes her suona everywhere she goes and plays it all over Drifter Camp. Every time she plays it, she always try to make people pay for just listening to her songs — especially the Chief.
  • Will Talk for a Price: Is aware of the Chief and their association with The Legion, and she will reveal the rest... at the price of 200,000 Discoins.


Click to see Rank-Up appearance.
Click to see her inmate mugshot.
Danger Rating: S
Sinner Ability: Frequency Disturbance
Tendency: Arcane
Skills: Late Night Call, Frequency Modulation, FM30.0, Melodic Resonance
Affiliation: Call at 3 AM
Birthplace: Eastside
Birthday: June 27
Height: 165 cm
Voiced by: Yukana (JP)

A well-known radio host for a program called Call at 3 AM. She is the featured Sinner for the Velvety Susurration event.
  • Aroused by Their Voice: One of the reasons why Eleven's job as a radio host for a late-night radio show called Call at 3 AM is so popular is due to how audiences like the sound of her voice.
  • Exhausted Eye Bags: As Eleven's late-night radio show happens at nighttime, she is getting Sleep Deprivation as shown in the emotional check.
  • Go Mad from the Isolation: Averted. While Eleven is quite social given how she has to talk with people as a late-night radio host, she likes to have alone time as well. That is why one of the supervision events shows how Eleven is one of the few people who voluntarily asks to stay in the Confinement Cell for hours and always appears exceptionally refreshed after coming out.
  • Thousand-Yard Stare: Out of all Sinners, Eleven seems to have the most frequent Thousand-Yard Stare whenever she is stressed. This may be justified when she is getting Sleep Deprivation as a late-night radio host and thus has Exhausted Eye Bags as a result.


Garofano Braun
Everything's fine now. You're still by my side.
Click to see Rank-Up appearance.
Click to see her inmate mugshot.
Danger Rating: A
Sinner Ability: Piercing Erosion
Tendency: Umbra
Skills: Hidden Needles, Pinpoint, Piercing Gaze, Piercing Erosion
Affiliation: The Garden
Birthplace: Eastside
Birthday: July 23
Height: 165 cm
Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (JP), Yang Yanli (CN), Tara Langella (EN)

A young widowed tailor who had been accused of poisoning her husband, Mr. Braun, for an inheritance dispute.
  • Age-Gap Romance: What could be seen on the surface with her as a young woman and deceased husband Braun, who was an elderly sick man.
  • At Least I Admit It: When Rahu brings up how awful Garofano's actions are when harming innocent civilians in her goals, she admits having dirtied her hands and having to do "dirty work" for Mania traffickers and immoral bastards, but she doesn't care since she sees them to be able to have info on Paradeisos.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Just like Sumire, she was planning to kill the Chief because of their position, the director of the MBCC, but seeing how they were genuinely nice and kind to Sinners, including herself, she changed her mind.
  • Believing Their Own Lies: What she believes are the best lies, alongside mixing some truth in it that even the liar themselves believe it. As a result of her flawless lies, the Chief's Shackles were unable to pick up her true intentions to eliminate Chief and they can't tell if she's telling the truth or not after they find out she's been deceiving them this whole time. Even then, Garofano admits what she said to them were maybe true showing even she can't tell if she was telling the truth or not.
  • Beneath the Mask: Behind her caring, kind side, she has a merciless side as an assassin from the Garden. Plus, she is able to play with her emotions well by injecting her true experiences to make the lie feel more believable. She also has unhinged, obsessive side with people she considers her possession that she hides, leading her to be very overprotective of them. As the Chief states, she's a "master of disguise".
  • Big Sister Instinct: She takes it upon herself to help Sinners, especially the younger Sinners. Even Hella allows her to fix her clothes and hat and says she is very kind and open to help others. She admits she enjoys being relied on since she's so used to taking care of others... and because it would make others stay with her forever. This also adds as she did have younger biological siblings whom she loved very much and cared for.
    • The reason for her attacks on Paradeisos people and Shalom was so she can stop them from extinguishing the Garden.
  • Black Widow: If her answer to Rahu's question on her dead husbands goes by, she had likely seduced and married some of her targets many times to kill them and Braun was her 'latest' husband to target.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: She lost her entire family to a Mania attack leading to Mr. Braun, an elderly, rich philanthropist, to give her help to get her life back on track. Despite her lies to the Chief, her story of losing her biological family to her Corruptor turned father is true. There is one mention of her mother who is presumed deceased, and the only guardian she and her younger siblings had was her father before his transformation as a Corruptor.
  • Cool Big Sis: She is considered this by many of the younger Sinners because of her motherly, dependent nature. Younger Garden members like Sumire, Thistle, and Gekkabijin see her as a big sister figure, helped that she's a senior member of The Garden.
  • Determinator: Having resolute willpower, there is absolutely no doubt she is not one especially when it came to avenging her family by killing all key people involved, protecting the Chief, and The Garden by murdering people in Paradeisos.
    • Best shown in Rain Burst where she uses the power given to her by Parma and being able to mentally control herself to an extent and not turning into a Corruptor.
  • Cop/Criminal Family: Downplayed, but more of the Cop side, her father was a transport member in the FAC who worked in the logistics department. And if her statements are true, her younger brother and sister wanted to be FAC members too. According to her, they were righteous and kind people.
    • Makes it a bit ironic as she became an Garden assassin to kill the higher FAC officials who were responsible for her family's demise and gained a hatred and distrust for said higher ups. She also doesn't have such a big view on the FAC's traditions of sacrificing themselves for others too.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Her constant attacks on the Erica Villa allows Shalom to set up a trap for her to which she was finally captured. Not to mention, she was used as a bait for Coquelic to come and rescue her which Shalom wanted.
  • Fake Relationship: It turns out she never had a real marriage with Mr. Braun, instead being an orphan he helped after her family's death and even accepted her as a Sinner. She states they were more like brother and sister. Garofano also states he had a wife who died earlier and she promised her she would take care of her elderly sick husband. As his new wife, she went to social events voluntarily in his place. How much of this is true is ambiguous considering she wanted to kill him and his brother. It's also unknown if she ever killed Braun's previous wife.
  • Family of Choice: She still loves her deceased biological family but she begins seeing the MBCC and Chief as this. She also sees the Garden as this after losing her whole biological family. She is violently protective of them as they helped her with avenging her family and some of the younger members sees her as a big sister figure.
  • Femme Fatale: Her last interrogation has her referred to as having the air of a femme fatale when she kills Younger Mr. Braun and his gang, with her long hair down, exposing a bit of cleavage, and having a cold smile. She was playing innocence to gain Chief's sympathy and deceive them so she could assassinate them. Her method is after all, gaining the target's trust and love before killing them at their weakest moment.
  • Flower Motifs: Her flower motif is a carnation. Makes sense when you discover she's an operative from the Garden where most members are named after flowers.
  • Friend to All Children: She has a soft side with children, shown with a flashback and going the extra mile for younger Sinners. Helped she was an elder sister to two siblings who she took care of.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Just like Anne, do not underestimate Garofano because of her gentle, kind nature. She's a Garden operative and considering she was this close to killing the Chief when she immobilized them with a poison but choose not to because she saw their caring, noble character. She was also able to deceive their Shackles with well-done lies to the point Chief becomes hesitant to trust her again since they can't tell now if she's lying or telling the truth anymore.
    • As an assassin from the Garden, she has killed people and it's implied like Sumire she's been doing this for a long time as she tells Chief her long-hunting habit.
  • Good Parents: While it's unknown to how she thinks of her mother, she saw her father to be a good parent as she claims he loved and cherished her and his children. It makes sense to why she hesitated to kill him when he became a Corruptor but this led to her siblings being slained by him leading her to never hesitating to use extreme methods now.
  • Heel–Face Turn: She decided to not kill the Chief after seeing what kind of person they really are and began to see them like her own family and possession.
  • Hidden Depths: Underneath her motherly figure side, she has a unhinged, somewhat possessive personality but only towards people she really cherishes like Chief. This is probably left by her Dark and Troubled Past, where she lost her entire family and being the only survivor she became extremely overprotective of people she loves and only calmed down due to Chief and being in the calm environment of the MBCC. Considering she's a Sinner, this is not surprising.
  • Hitman with a Heart: She does not have any hesitations to attack innocent people to get to her goals but she doesn't go out of her way to kill anyone for evil reasons. She does it so she can protect the people she loves, example being the Garden and Chief. Speaking of the latter, she wanted to kill them but luckily did not, seeing their selfless, caring character. Although she can be somewhat sadistic as seen with Braun's gang and Rahu, taking her sweet time jabbing her with poisoned needles in the latter instead of outright killing her. Plus, she has a soft side with children and never targets children.
  • I Owe You My Life: To the Garden. It was thanks to the assassination group who saved and helped her with her revenge that Garofano gives her life for the Garden.
    • A minor one to the Chief after they try to protect her from Braun and his goons. Although at this point, Garofano had already given up on assassinating the Chief, this is probably one of the scenes where it cements her desire to protect the Chief.
  • Liar Revealed: Turns out in her final interrogation Garofano has been deceiving Chief of who she was, especially being revealed as a member of the Garden. This leads to Chief being wary of her and being unable to tell if she's telling a truth or a lie anymore.
  • Love Makes You Evil: A significant reason to why she became a Garden assassin for her dead family. Her immediate killing of Braun's brother to protect Chief can count as this, as she sees them to be someone she cherishes, her possession to be exact. Another is her killing Paradeisos people to protect the Garden from being destroyed.
  • Luminescent Blush: She shows this when Chief tries to cheer her up by asking if they can be family with her, but this also showns up during her fight with Rahu and when she sees the Chief safe from harm in Interrogation 3. After she mercilessly kills Braun and his thugs. It kind of makes you think she's a sadist or a Yandere or both. Although it's best to say she's unhinged.
  • Meaningful Name: Given how the Mentor names her assassins based on flowers, Garofano's name is this as it is the Italian word for carnation. What her real name was, it's unknown for now.
  • Mirror Character: With her fellow Garden member, Sumire.
    • Both come from the same organization. Both had the mission to kill the Chief, the director of the MBCC. However, in Sumire's case she decided from the beginning to not kill the Chief after seeing how they acted and how being around them led some of her symptoms to disappear, while it's implied Garofano went on her own accord to assassinate Chief when she came to the MBCC. However, just like Sumire, seeing Chief's personality and how the MBCC was like changed her mind.
    • Both end up loving the Chief and wanting to protect them from harm. Sumire is shown to be in love with the Chief with deep and sincere romantic love, while Garofano is more of the doting, seducing and possessive type for the Chief. Sumire stops assassins from the Garden and anyone else for the matter from killing the Chief and Garofano has no hesitation to kill almost anyone who try to take Chief away from her. When Chief goes into coma during the Rustfire events, both go on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge for them as they go back to the Garden. While Sumire is overlooking the targets with patience and waiting for the right moment to strike, Garofano ends up being used by Segal and Parma due to her impatience and anger.
    • The way Chief interacts with them. They were cautious against Sumire due to knowing she was an assassin but not to Garofano because she played the innocent woman who didn't kill her husband stereotype. Only towards the end of their interrogation, their view towards them is reversed: Chief ends up trusting Sumire after seeing her sincerity and how self-sacrificing she is for them, while they hesitate to trust Garofano again because of her deceptions and being unable to tell if she's telling the truth or not anymore.
    • Both have a motif of flowers. This makes sense when they both come from the Garden, where the Mentor names her assassins after flowers.
  • Motherly Side Plait: She has this as her default hairstyle and is a mother figure to young Sinners who look up to her. She was implied to be the mother figure to her younger siblings since she never mentions her mother aside one time. This ends up zig-zagged, as while she is genuinely kind and motherly towards others; when she allows her very long hair to come undone to bandage Chief's wounds, this ends up showing her ruthless, sadistic side as an assassin from the Garden as she kills Braun and his thugs easily showing she's definitely not a weak person.
  • Mugging the Monster: She thought Shalom was a weak, useless Paradeisos woman when she never realized Shalom was the Hush, a very powerful, calculating S-rank Sinner.
  • Multiple Identity IDs: Braun is one of her latest cover names, coming from a supervision event with Chief, she had build up multiple identities that've become bulletproof.
  • Murder, Inc.: Garofano is part of the Sinner assassin organization called the Garden.
  • Necessarily Evil: She knows she's dirtied her hands by killing innocent people in Paradeisos, but in her words, it's a necessary sacrifice so she can get to her goal. Not to mention, she doesn't find Paradeisos people innocent in the first place.
  • Never Be Hurt Again: One of the primary reasons for her extreme methods in protecting others since her hesitation to kill her father-turned-Corruptor resulted in him killing her siblings which she could have saved resulting her to use extreme methods without hesitation.
  • Obnoxious In-Laws: Her brother-in-law, Braun's younger brother who is a gambling addict and dislikes Garofano for taking his brother's heart, or rather his attention and giving him money to spend on gambling. He comes to attack her in her tailor shop for revenge on how he was supposed to inherit his brother's money but was foiled by Chief. Unforunately for him, Garofano easily kills him for trying to harm Chief and the fact he and her brother were her targets anyway, using him by leaking out the splitting assets and subtly giving him the poison to kill his older brother.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: She murders the people responsible for her family's deaths. She also targets people who want to destroy the Garden and who was responsible for Chief's coma, although Sumire was more in charge of the latter part.
  • Please, Don't Leave Me: She treasures the people she loves a lot since losing all her family members and doesn't want them gone or leave her which makes her do everything for them, example being Chief and the Garden. Even her ECB image has the caption of the trope.
  • Polite Villains, Rude Heroes: She's the Polite Villain to Rahu's Rude Hero during the fight in the Erica Villa. She still maintains a polite albeit sadistic personality while Rahu is impatient and rude to asking how she knows so much about the Eclipse Operation and why is she trying to kill Shalom.
  • Precision F-Strike: She drops this during the Rain Burst event, calling the Paradeisos' people "fucks" for being so secretive.
  • Professional Killer: As expected from an senior operative from the Garden.
  • Promotion to Parent: Heavily implied as she claims her siblings wanted her to baby them. While she had her father who loved and took care of his children, she doesn't mention much of her mother caring for them presumably showing she might be dead.
  • Revenge Before Reason: She does not let morals stop her from killing innocent people to get what she wants. Shown best by the Rain Burst event where she releases Corruptors in the Erica Villa and killed innocent Paradeisos people to get to Shalom and her Paradeisos targets. Although in Flora Unfurl, it turns out she was given false information from Segal who used her anger and impatience to do her bidding.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Seriously, don't mess with this woman. Hurt her possessions and she'll hurt you tenfold more.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Behind her maternal persona, she hides a lot of trauma, pain, and a lot of anger. She joined The Garden because she lost everything and wanted to find out why exactly her father became a Corruptor, leading her to murder the people responsible for her family's demise which she achieved.
    • She also wanted to eliminate Chief not because of personal reasons, but because she despised how Sinners were treated in the MBCC till she had a look of how it really functioned and who Chief was actually like changing her mind.
    • Also, the reason she escapes the MBCC and goes after Shalom was because the latter was responsible for Chief's coma during the Rustfire events and being in charge of the operation of trying to exterminate The Garden.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: She shows this throughout her fight with Rahu, but moreso after Rahu adamantly refuses her invitation to The Garden and especially when Rahu decides to use her and Coquelic to gain Paradeisos' attention. She retains her gentle, polite personality but she toys with Rahu with her poison before managing to enrage her enough that the FAC soldier's Mania rises to emergency level, making the soldiers try to stop Rahu. This leads to her laughing darkly with a Luminescent Blush and a dark smirk asking if the FAC will still take her back in her pathetic state and hopes they won't kill her.
  • Ship Tease: Garofano has shown a doting albeit somewhat possessive personality to the Chief. While she had planned to kill them in the beginning, the Chief changed her mind when she saw how selfless and caring they were to Sinners.
    • Heck, her 100% compliance line sounds almost like a marriage proposal from her to the Chief! In a creepy but passionate way by saying she wants to button Chief to her body and make them hers forever with the promise of cherishing and protecting them, and never letting them out of her sight. Quite ironic for a woman who has killed a lot of her spouses/partners as targets.
    • When she talks about her deceased FAC soldier husband to Rahu, it's heavily implied to be Chief she is talking about and not Braun. It's more ambiguous to when she states she would have truly fallen in love with them is true or not, the tone in her voice implies this to be perhaps true. In her 100% compliance, she crafted the shirt she promised Chief in Interro. 3 before escaping the MBCC, and left a carnation in the shirt, implying her symbolized love for Chief.
  • Smells Sexy: Implied but not explicit as the narration notes her unique fragrance.
  • Til Murder Do Us Part: She was a suspect for her husband's death because of an inheritance issue, to which she states she wasn't married to Mr. Braun and she states she wouldn't inherit anything from him, his estate inheritance was going to be sent to her husband's younger brother. However, according to Garofano later, Mr. Braun wanted to split assets because he gave up on his brother due to his severe gambling habits. However, while it's unknown to why she wanted Braun and his brother dead; she didn't kill Mr. Braun, but she was planning to and led his brother to do the killing so it made her job easier into killing both of them when his younger brother comes to attack Garofano in revenge.
  • The Lost Lenore: Her family was this to her. While not only becoming a Sinner in the process, she basically lost the family members she was closest too.
  • Tragic Keepsake: She wears her younger brother's button as a necklace since it reminds her of her deceased family. Her mother told her buttons were very special which implies to why she keeps several buttons on her shawl.
  • Vague Age: While she is very likely in her twenties (like with most Sinners whose ages are vague), she states she was helped by Mr. Braun as an orphan. It's ambiguous as if her story of Mr. Braun was ever true or not, considering his younger brother called her a hag, either as an insult or she's in fact older than Braun's brother.
  • Vengeance Feels Empty: Implied to how she felt after accomplishing her revenge against the people responsible for her biological family's demise but she found a new family in the Garden which gave her a new purpose to live.
  • Villain Has a Point: She does have a point when she counter-argues with Rahu on how the former didn't even think twice on sparing innocent people for her goals. She's completely well-aware of it but she points out how ordinary people like her and Rahu can obtain the truth they want so badly through normal methods. Seeing how it took Rahu 10 years to get even somewhat close with Paradeisos but only because of the opportunity came from Drifter's Camp situation, Garofano does kind of have a point.
  • Yandere: Downplayed, she doesn't try to kill the Chief but is rather possessive and obsessed with them. She will only show this if someone tries to take Chief or someone dear away from her. Her final interrogation shows her killing off younger Braun and his gang, revealing her true side and a Garden assassin; then she asks if Chief is happy with what she did to protect them with a Luminescent Blush smile and blood on her cheek. They obviously say no. Most of her voicelines gives this feeling too.

    Lady Pearl 

Lady Pearl
Don't just stare at me. Enjoy the show!
Click to see Rank-Up appearance.
Click to see her inmate mugshot.
Danger Rating: S
Sinner Ability: The Choice of Destiny
Tendency: Reticle
Skills: Rehearsal, Opportune Choice, Intermission, Star-Making Technique
Affiliation: Fortuna
Birthplace: Eastside
Birthday: December 25
Height: 170 cm
Voiced by: Ariana Rosario (EN), Lu Yanting (CN), Mie Sonozaki (JP), Lee-Myung Hee (KR)

The manager of the mysterious Fortuna theater and a high-end entertainment business owner.


"Sigh... If only if there was no battles."
Click to see Rank-Up appearance.
Click to see her inmate mugshot.
Danger Rating: A
Sinner Ability: Blast Voidgaze
Tendency: Umbra
Skills: Stay Back!, Don't Look At Me!, You'll Get Hurt!, Get Away!
Birthplace: Eastside
Birthday: October 31
Height: 155 cm
Voiced by: Noah (CN), Sayumi Suzushiro (JP)

A shy female photographer who wears a bunny-themed helmet to keep her mania power in check.
  • Animal Motif: Bunny. Her helmet's ears looks and acts similar to a bunny, as well with carrying small bunny trinkets in her bag.
  • Bully Brutality: Not Lynn, of course, but her bullies jump from elitistic pricks that discriminate her for her family's syndican past straight into this as they beat her with inch of her life for attempting to save the photos they were tearing apart in front of her before one of the bullies pulled out a knife and slashed her across the eye.
  • Cowardly Lion: While she may not able to confidently say or do most of the time, she can take action when necessary like helping OwO with reuniting Stella with her family or giving "The Reason You Suck" Speech to her family when she tells them how their advice to endure bullying stressed her so much that she became a Sinner.
  • Expressive Accessory: Her bunny-themed helmet changes based on her emotion. Her helmet's ears will also react depending on her mood; ears droop down when she's feeling down, and go up when she is surprised.
  • Eye Beams: Her energy beams are extremely powerful and destructive, making a continuous beam that she herself can't control. This can be prevented by wearing the bunny helmet that is made with special material.
  • Good Parents: Lynn is a rare example where her parents care about her despite stigmas regarding Sinners. Of course, her parents had their flaws at first as they initially blamed her because surely she was not doing enough if she was being bullied. But after hearing Lynn's "The Reason You Suck" Speech and her willingness to live for herself, both of her parents became determined to change themselves for the better.
  • Reluctant Warrior: Expresses a complete disinterest in conflict and voices it constantly in her lines - not that this stops her from kicking ass once actually deployed during missions.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Her Eye Beams notably do not come with a in-built off switch and fire continuously against her will - which means she has to wear her bunny helmet if she hopes to not hurt others with them.
  • Shrinking Violet: Her weak character, along with her Syndicate origin, made her a target of bullying and ridicule from her classmates. With encouragement from OwO and her crew, she puts in the effort to stand up for herself one step at a time.


Matilda Cavendish
Keep shooting, cover Chief's retreat!
Click to see Rank-Up appearance.
Click to see her inmate mugshot.
Danger Rating: A
Sinner Ability: Absolute Firearms Mastery
Tendency: Reticle
Skills: Shoot, Chariot Hunter, Pre-aiming, Tactical Reload
Affiliation: Rustfire, Executive Committee, Donald
Birthplace: Eastside
Birthday: September 8
Height: 162 cm
Voiced by:

A person from the Cavendish family in Eastside, she once served on the Executive Committee as Donald's adjutant.

    Oak Casket 

Oak Casket
"Pray? I don't do such... useless things."
Click to see Rank-Up appearance.
Click to see her inmate mugshot.
Danger Rating: S
Sinner Ability: Abyssal Whispers
Tendency: Reticle
Skills: Ebony/Ivory, Funeral Elegy, Psionic Lament, Secret Language
Birthplace: Syndicate
Birthday: November 9
Height: 172 cm
Voiced by: Marissa Lenti (EN), Du Qing Qing (CN), Saori Onishi (JP), Kim Ha-yeong (KR)

The serene yet somewhat creepy hall manager of Romanesque Hall in the Drifter's Camp.
  • Adaptation Name Change: In Japanese, her name is "Coffin".
  • A Day in the Limelight: She's the main "featured" Sinner in the Chapter 9 and 10 of the Main Story. Her gacha feature came alongside the chapter's release.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Born in one of the most chaotic periods in Syndicate, she was taken in to a rescue center being given the name Nona because she came there on the ninth of that month. She awakened as a Sinner in a mass grave in Syndicate when she was just a teenager. To add, she was badly injured which led to her benefactors to abandon her because they thought she was going to die, but miraculously survived as she reawakened as a Sinner. Hearing the dead, she also has the ability to heal her body to a certain degree without any external help which probably helped her survive. Upon being diagnosed with information input disruption syndrome, it does imply she has had to survive in Syndicate for a long time all by herself.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She sometimes quips these, occassionally relating to the dead and living.
    • When she states she uses vetiver fragarance not just for the smell but to hide a certain smell (decay), and when the Chief quickly realizes it, she quips on how she sees they are the MBCC Chief for a reason.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Not like a typical ice queen but she sounds and acts more mournful coming into the bureau, she is cold and indifferent in contrast to how we see her in Drifter's Camp. A doctor diagnoses her with a disorder called "information input disruption syndrome" (implied to be a sensory disorder) which is one of the negative manifestations of being unable to adapt to normal conditions after leaving the abnormal state of long-term survival. It takes towards 100% compliance for Oak to return to her normal state that we saw her as, but showing more care, trust, and having a less obsession in the dead with the Chief.
  • Given Name Reveal: In her interrogations, her real name is Nona as she was adopted by the priest on the ninth day of that month.
  • Handy Man: Surprisingly, for a hall manager of a funeral home, she is skilled in crafting caskets instead of buying them. In one of her emotion checks, she makes a small box for a deceased parrot while detailing what wood to use.
    • In a video with the DeadLover Radio hosts, she is shown to be proud of her creations when showcasing them to the hosts.
  • Irony: For a person belonging to the SLOTH libram, she surprisingly has an impressive fighting spirit to satisfy her need of extracting information from the newly dead.
  • I See Dead People: Specifically, she can hear Maniacs (not normal humans who don't have mania) since this is her Sinner ability. According to her mutation assessment on her ability, the bureau writes that she can: "capture and decode the information that is carried in the electric field and magnetic field created by a newly-dead Maniac's brain and body. How much information she can attain is inversely proportionate to how long the person has been dead." This is how she already knows who the Chief is and how Dudu and the Drifter's Camp got the information on them.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name as Oak Casket is this. This is because the type of wood that is typically used for funeral caskets is oak. So as a hall manager of a funeral home who prepares an oak casket for the deceased, Oak Casket is quite a fitting name. Her biological name, Nona, also signifies how she came to the rescue center who took her in on the ninth of that month.
  • Naughty Nuns: She's beautiful but looking at her naked center, you could see a bit of her boobs and stomach, and how her outfit is so thin to the point you can see the outlines of her thighs definitely ups this trope.
  • Nun Too Holy: She's an S-sinner for several reasons. She's an underground broker using Romanesque Hall as a front to hide her secret activities. She sells classified information to violent gangs using her Sinner ability. You also wouldn't expect the serene Oak to commit brutal murders and do some illegal trafficking too.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When the Chief proposes for her help by giving her a more interesting death, she is narrated by having greedy and hysterical eyes. She tells the Chief she'll accept while sounding thrilled and highly ecstatic in contrast to her usual tranquil self. It does go to show she's heard enough of pain and regrets and wants something more interesting to hear showing she is indeed a Sinner with an obsession with something: death.
  • Only Friend: Dudu. Julien states how Oak is actually quite taciturn with the Drifter's Camp, and it's possible the only way they get outside information from her is from Dudu. Their friendship is close enough that Oak is visibly more emotional in her presence and when Oak voluntarily turns herself to the MBCC, Dudu followed along to accompany her with her trying her best to get Oak used to the MBCC.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: Back in her past, it was implied she was a somewhat idealistic person but after the rescue center she lived at was attacked and she was severely injured to the point her benefactors reluctantly left her behind since they thought she was going to die and there was no point in saving her. That moment and becoming a Sinner cemented her cynical views on the living world.


Click to see Rank-Up appearance.
Click to see her inmate mugshot.
Danger Rating: S
Sinner Ability: Lion Blessing
Tendency: Endura
Skills: Lion Dance, Star of Fortune, Lion Guardian, Lion Godspeed
Birthplace: Outlands
Birthday: August 2
Height: 115 cm
Voiced by: Hua Ling (CN), Kaori Maeda (JP), Suzie Yeung (EN)

An energetic girl who wishes to make the greatest movie ever in order to win DisCars Awards.
  • Animal Motif: Lion. Not only does she have the lion head that she carries around to do her lion dance, but also how she basically acts like a lion cub.
  • Big Brother Is Watching: It is more benevolent example than usual as the Chief has MBCC and more specifically Wynn to moniter how OwO has attracted the attention of Stella (the clone of the Stardust Apostle from Tide of Ashes).
  • Children Are Innocent: OwO is just the most pure-hearted girl who idealistically believes that she can make a movie in ten days to win DisCars Awards through her efforts. This is in contrast to the Dean of DisCity Film Academy who believes that anyone can win DisCars Awards in ten days as long as resources are there. The Chief even noted how despite how both of them spoke the same phrase, OwO's statement is more innocent and romantic fantasies of a child while Dean's statement just sounds unrealistic. OwO also believes that reuniting Stella with the rest of her family will solve the crisis rather than getting rid of Stella.
  • Expressive Accessory: Her lion head change according to her mood.
  • First-Episode Spoiler: The fact that OwO's "pet" and friend, Stella, is the Apostle of Ashes, is spelled out to the player right in the second vlog of the DisCars event. The real mystery comes from understanding why it is so interested in her, why is it stuck in a Sleep-Mode Size form and why a bunch of talking ducks seem to want to "return it back to its family".
  • Foil: She serves as a foil to Dean of DisCity Film Academy and the rest of the Film industry. While the Dean and the rest of the Film industry are superficial people who only care about the success and fame of a film, OwO really cares about how the movie feels genuine. In fact, she kept contemplating about how one of her films called "Star Lion Fantasy" did not feel right because she feels that the ending feels fake.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name OwO sounds like Awoooo, an onomatopoeia of a lion's roar.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: With her lion head, she can block two enemies, deal core damage and gives out buffs to herself and the Sinners around her — all this while being a small child.
  • Weak, but Skilled: The Chief is confused by why Stella — the clone of the Stardust Apostle from Tide of Ashes — hangs out with OwO, an ordinary child who dreams of making a DisCars awarding film in ten days. Only notable trait that OwO has is her lion-dancing skill. This is best demonstrated when while the Chief and other Sinners: Lynn, Love, Daisy, and Deren are able to defeat their enemies during battle, OwO pose no threat to enemies except cheerleading and distraction with her lion dance. This, however, become averted when OwO became Strong and Skilled during final battle when her determination to reunite Stella with her family power up OwO to be an S-Rank Sinner.

    Shalom (Major Spoilers) 

Click to see Rank-Up appearance.
Click to see her inmate mugshot.
Danger Rating: S
Sinner Ability: [Data deleted]
Tendency: Reticle
Skills: Anchor, Reticence, Onyx Refraction, Error Correction
Affiliation: Paradeisos
Birthplace: Unknown
Birthday: September 19
Height: 167 cm
Voiced by: Chiwa Saitō (JP), Suzie Yeung (EN)

An agent of Paradeisos, a shadowy organization that is rumored to be the true power behind the Dis-City. Shalom is tasked with the eradication of the Garden as well as the BR-002 operation in the Drifter Camp.
  • The Ace: The best Hush Paradeisos ever produced, as well as the one to last the longest. When it is evaluated, Paradeisos found her record to be near spotless.
  • Adaptation Name Change: In Chinese, her name is "Celine".
  • Affably Evil: Unfailingly polite in all her interactions, whether they are with friends or foes.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Her interactions with Rahu have a clear romantic undertone to their content and framing, and Shalom constantly refers to her as a "knight." Of course, how much of these interactions are sincere is ambiguous in itself.
  • Attack Drone: The schorl diamond that constantly accompanies Shalom is her main method of attack, capable of firing lasers that can sear through flesh.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: Basically her job. She goes to a crisis, calculates the most ideal course of actions, and carries out the plan. When reviewing her entire history as their latest Hush, Paradeisos finds nearly all her actions and plans faultless.
  • Batman Gambit: A master of it.
    • Nearly pulls it off with Rahu, though things play out in her favour in the end anyway. Shalom expects Rahu to make an attempt on her life given Rahu's quest to unravel the identity of the person who led to her squad's death by giving her incomplete information to trick her into thinking Shalom is responsible. However, Rahu's perceptiveness and loyalty causes her to jump to Shalom's defense instead in the heat of the moment.
    • Coquelic plays into her hand multiple times, but especially in the climax of Floral Unfurl, where her blind rage after Shalom's (fake) attack on the Garden causes her to miss many clues that would have revealed the deception and played into Shalom's hand, nearly allowing Shalom full control of the Garden if not for Christina's intervention.
    • She has an intimate understanding of Paradeisos after over a decade of working under them, and they behave exactly as she expects much of the time, such as when she counts on Paradeisos to be paranoid of the slightest deviation in their tool from expected behavior that they would take their time analyzing the source of the error, allowing Shalom to delay the next Hush from going operational, essentially crippling a valuable asset of Paradeisos for a time.
  • Big Brother Is Watching: It's she who is most subject to this. Her own schorl scrutinizes and records her every action, and its brief absence is cause for alarm in Paradeisos, to the point where it contributes to the need to decommission and replace her.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Shalom presents herself as a demure, frail, and caring woman, but it quickly becomes apparent that she is cold and unfeeling, with every action she takes having an ulterior motive that benefits her own plans.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: Despite it being her mission to eradicate the Garden, Shalom keeps the members of the group alive in order to goad Coquelic into confronting her, with this exact same goal in mind: using her for her own purposes despite the kill order in effect.
    • This is also the position she orchestrates for herself at the conclusion of the Flora Unfurl event. Despite being slated for decommissioning, and her "defective" nature having been revealed to the higher-ups, none of them feel confident in disposing of her until they can figure out what allowed her to go rogue in the first place and make sure it can never happen again. To that end, her decommissioning is postponed indefinitely, and she is returned to Paradeisos to be healed.
  • The Charmer: She rather effortlessly charms people who are not otherwise feeling disinclined to trust her (and even many people who do). During her brief stay in the MBCC, Shalom manages to become rather popular with the staff and the sinners there, to the point where it seems like many favour her over their own boss.
    • Wynn was skeptical of her at first because she came from Paradeisos but she instantly came to like Shalom for her caring side and teaching her flower arrangement. It also did not take her long enough to make Hella like her as she praises her contributions to DisCity, even though it took a long while for Chief to make Hella open up to them.
  • The Chessmaster: A chessmaster who stands out even in an organization of chessmasters. She manages to manipulate every factor present in the Rain Burst event: Rahu, the Garden, and even Paradeisos themselves, setting up everything exactly how she wanted, and leaving her in the most advantageous position. Her performance in the very next event, Floral Unfurl, is even more impressive. Paradeisos, the Garden and the Underground all play into her hand, again, all the while she remains Paradeisos's best agent. Even after they start suspecting her and re-evaluate her records, Paradeisos still found it to be near spotless, and even their suspicion serves her agenda perfectly.
  • Coat Cape: Wears both the heavy, black jacket in her normal art/sprite, and her inmate attire, like this.
  • Cold Equation: More or less her job. When Coquelic sends a car with a mania bomb inside accompanied by multiple hostages and Shalom's own subordinate, even when told the bomb is disarmed, Shalom elects to blow up the car entirely (knowing the two people she want alive would not be killed in the explosion) before the car reaches a populated area rather than risk there being other, unknown threats inside. Interestingly, she quietly feels contempt for Paradeisos itself, believing they used this very trope to mask their own cowardice, and their own "cold calculation" really does not hold up to scrutiny.
  • The Corruptor: Not just through giving out a Breaking Speech or three, this is also how her Sinner ability works: she is able to enter the mind of someone infected with Mania, manipulating and shaping said force to her whims. This also connects the targets brain to her own, giving her a loyal follower in the process.
  • Deal with the Devil: She is capable of putting someone under her control if they accept healing from her. The more she heals them, the stronger her control. She makes the offer to Rahu and Coquelic, the former accepted, the latter did not, though Coquelic received some minor healing anyway and had a more minor mark imposed on her as a result.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Shalom's expression hardly ever changes from the smile shown in her artwork, being almost ever-present in any art of her that shows up, from her sprites, to CG's, to her Exclusive Crime Brand. One could be forgiven thinking that she lacks in sprites compared to other Sinners, but she does have multiple different "smiling" sprites, each with miniscule differences. Rahu even compares her to a wax statue, and altogether it gives the feeling that something is off about her.
    • Even as The Voice she displays this. What is the first thing she says after trapping Taran in a cell, giving him An Offer You Can't Refuse, and forcing him to listen to his comrades being slaughtered? "What a nice young man."
    • Revealed why at the end of Floral Unfurl. Her Emotions and Rationality have been separated. What remains of Shalom is only the rational side, allowing her to calculate the most optimal plans for Paradeisos without sentiments or morals getting in the way, all the while having not a shred of malice toward anyone who happens to be in her way.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She appears in Chapters 11 and 12 as "X," the Paradeisos agent who makes contact with Taran and overseas the attempt on the Chief's life.
  • Exotic Eye Designs: Her right eye is almost completely red, with a glowing triangle present over it.
  • Foil: To the Chief.
    • Both are members of government organizations that deal with Mania presence, but while the Chief attempts to diffuse any possible violent situation, always preferring to talk and work things out, Shalom's methods are unconcerned with loss or collateral damage.
    • The Chief views their Sinners as humans, and is receptive to their needs, wants, and trauma, doing their best to help them out and make their stay in the MBCC as good as it can be, given the circumstances. Shalom sees everyone, including herself, as "tools" to be used to their fullest extent before being tossed aside.
    • Their powers are fundamentally similar (with Shalom's Mark being an artificial copy of the Shackles), allowing them to connect to individuals with Mania, but while the Chief uses it to calm and monitor their Sinners, only taking control when necessary but otherwise allowing them to live how they see fit, Shalom uses her ability to exert her will fully onto those she touches, turning them into subservient "tools" for her own benefit.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: There are three discrepancies in how Shalom works in the game and story.
    • It is noted in the story that Shalom is capable of putting someone under her control if they get healing from her, but Shalom is not able to heal anyone in the game; let alone gain control over someone.
    • It is noted in the story that Shalom "attacks" by using a laser beam that shoots straight from Schorl, but an attack from Shalom's Schorl hits up to 3 enemies with refracting in the game.
    • It is noted during Shalom's interrogation that enhancement materials designed for Sinners don't really work on her, but they work fine in the game. Shalom does, however, mention that if she shares enhancement materials with Schorl, it can optimize its combat efficiency through analysis, thereby better safeguarding everyone. So it could be that enhancement materials get "consumed" by Schorl rather than Shalom the Sinner herself.
  • Healing Factor: She displays the ability to heal her own wounds through application of her ability, but the process leaves her tired and weakened depending on the severity of the injuries.
  • Legacy Character: The seventh individual to hold the position of Hush, as well as the longest to do so.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name Shalom means peace in Hebrew. It could also be used idiomatically to mean hello. Her name in the Chinese server "Celine" is a French female first name of Latin origin, coming from Caelīna, the feminine form of the Roman cognomen Caelīnus, meaning heavenly.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Is known as "The Hush of Paradeisos."
  • Not Afraid to Die: Despite the nature of her work, and finding herself in numerous dangerous situations, Shalom never once shows signs of indecision or fear regarding her inevitable end. It only serves to make her more unsettling.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: One of the only times she drops her Dissonant Serenity smile in a normal situation with people is when she sees Hecate the first time, looking at her with a mix-of-emotions expression. It's unknown to what her relationship with Hecate (as the latter doesn't know her) is for her to do that, but she does protect Hecate, gaining a serious injury in the process. It's implied Shalom feels familiar to Hecate and that they both likely came from the same research lab. It's also implied Hecate was supposed to be Shalom's replacement but was seen as a likely defective and so was sent to the MBCC.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Always. See Dissonant Serenity.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • What initially looked like a callous Kick the Dog moment turns out to be a kind of mercy: Shalom abandoning Christina to the MBCC once the latter starts questioning her. It is later revealed that she was in the process of applying her shackle, which would have easily brainwashed Christina, but seemingly changed her mind for no reason other than to let Chris be free of control. Later, it is also revealed that Christina was never fully under her control in the first place.
    • During her interrogation, Shalom sustains a serious injury to protect Hecate for as yet undisclosed reason.
  • Power at a Price: It eventually is revealed that the reason the Hush is able to predict, plan for, and oversee so many events and operations is because they are tasked with reading the movement and thoughts of Mania itself, as well as combing it for anything that Paradeisos can use to its advantage. Of course, interacting directly with the will of Mania exposes one to massive amounts of corruption and mental pollution, meaning that every person who takes the mantle of Hush is immediately signing their own death warrant.
  • Rogue Agent: Despite her spotless records, when she is finally unobserved by Paradeisos, she reveals to have planted the seed that would hurt her own organization, with her goal seemingly to break free from the struggle between Paradeisos and the underground, banking it on the Chief instead.
  • The Unfettered: Shalom's job is to complete the task given to her in a manner that is least costly, without caring about pesky things like collateral or individual lives.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Before she was subjected to the surgery that took away her emotions and led to the woman we know now she used to be this as a child. In fact she always hurt the researchers who tried to go near her to the point they thought about taking her out instead of becoming the next Hush. Rebel's main emotion is implied to be rage since every time we see it, it never calms down.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Even taking the most favourable interpretation of her goals, with the assumption that she is secretly working against both Paradeisos and the Underground for the Chief's benefit instead, Shalom has still done a lot of evils, either by Paradeisos's orders, to maintain her cover or in pursuit of nobler goals.
  • What Is This Feeling?: Meeting the previous Chief elicited emotion in her for the first time, which eventually cascades into Shalom regaining more and more of the emotions Paradeisos separated from her. This culminates in Shalom's newfound contempt for Paradeisos, resulting in her carrying out a labyrinthine scheme to subvert Paradeisos's wishes and return the current Chief's freedom and power to them.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: This is how she was supposed to draw out the Garden, serving as the bait in the trap. It is made clear by both her and the Paradeisos liaison that her safety is a non-factor.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: Manages to use every new bit of information, and new factor, that appears during the Rain Burst event to stack the outcome in her favor.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Due to the true nature of the Hush's work, she will eventually succumb to complete corruption and become unstable. It is noted that she would be executed before that becomes a possibility, and her replacement is apparently already determined by the time of the Rain Burst event.
