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Western Animation / Team Umizoomi

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Geo, Bot, and Milli.

Team Umizoomi is a computer-animated superhero Edutainment Show, with a focus on teaching beginning math concepts to preschool children. The main characters — Milli, Geo, and Bot — are three miniature heroes who live in a statue in Umi City. They help (real) children with their dilemmas, all of which require solving various counting, addition, and geometric challenges to do so. The viewer is addressed as their "UmiFriend" and incorporated into their adventures.

As superheroes, each team member has their own unique powers: Geo can create any object by assembling the appropriate geometric shapes from his belt, Milli has prehensile ponytails and can project patterns, and Bot is a multipurpose Do-Anything Robot. They typically travel around town in their orange self-driving UmiCar.

The show premiered on Nickelodeon in 2010 and aired it's final episode in 2015.


  • 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: Half of the characters and props are made in CGI. Some of these characters blend in pretty well, some stick out like a sore thumb.
  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Squiddy the squid only wears glasses and a bowtie.
  • Animesque: While Team Umizoomi is influenced by Korean culture, the designs of the main three look a lot like typical cutesy Japanese characters. Season 4 also adds a "powerup" sequence in each episode that takes many visual cues from action-oriented anime.
  • Astral Finale: "Umi Space Heroes" involves Team Umizoomi going to space to repair the moon after the TroubleMakers have destroyed it by sending Trouble Bubbles.
  • Auto Doc: Downplayed, as it is only in this episode, but "Doctor Bot" reveals Bot to have doctor skills, tending to a child's scraped knee.
  • Badass Adorable: While the titular team itself starts out as just adorable, being a trio of tiny superheroes who are cute and friendly, overtime, as the show adds more action, they gradually become this, which is especially obvious by season 4, where the team does quite a lot of action and still look cute.
  • Beach Episode: Two of them, the first involving rescuing a Blue Mermaid, and the second involving returning a shark car to its owner.
  • Be the Ball: One of Bot's abilities is to turn into a ball at will when a situation calls for it.
  • Bicolor Cows, Solid Color Bulls: All the cows in "The Milk Out" are black-and-white, with the added twist of the black patches being shaped like diamonds, hearts, moons, or stars. "The Kitty Rescue" has a blue bull, a brown bull, and a red bull.
  • Black Bead Eyes: Milli, Geo and Bot have these.
  • Breather Episode: "Robo-Tools", "The Sunshine Fairy", and "Little Panda Joe" are the breather episodes of Season 4, which introduced the TroubleMakers into this season.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Subverted. The Shape Bandit only took Geo's shape belt, but not his powers.
  • Captain Colorbeard: Squarebeard The Pirate.
  • Cartoon Cheese: DoorMouse's usual lunch is a wheel of cheese. "CHEESY!"
  • Cats Are Mean: Downplayed. The Shape Bandit is very clever and tricky when stealing shapes, but not mean. In fact, the reason why he stole all those shapes in the first place is because he wanted to build a house to live in Umi City. When that was done, he inverts it altogether by never stealing shapes again.
  • Character Catchphrase:
    • Milli: "Pattern Power!" and "Milli Measure!"
    • Geo: "Super Shapes!"
    • Bot: Lots, including "Yoinks-A-Doinks!","Great Gigabytes!", and "Jumping JPEGs!"
    • The villians have catchprases as well:
      • "Bup-Be-Ah-Bah-Bah-Bah!" (Squiddy).
      • "Ha Ha Ha Ha!" (Zilch).
      • "Toodely-Doo" (Shape Bandit).
      • "Trouble you later!" and "Trouble-Dee, Trouble-Dee, Trouble Ray!" (The Troublemakers)
  • Chromatic Arrangement: Milli (Pink/Red), Geo (Blue), and Bot (Green).
  • City of Adventure: Umi City has its fair share of adventure with a Shape Bandit, a pair of TroubleMakers, a bunch of races, and, of course, the Team saving the day with math powers.
  • Compressed Hair: With her helmet on, Milli's ponytails are quite thin and ribbon-like (see Magic Hair for justification). With her helmet off, they are full and luscious without any signs of helmet hair.
  • Continuity Nod: In "The Great Umi Car Rescue", Milli mentions Umi Car winning the Umi City Race.
  • Counting Song: They have songs about counting by fives and tens.
  • Dance Party Ending: Every episode closes with the team dancing the Umi Shake dance along with its song. Since Season 2, every character who helped them in the episode dances with them.
  • A Day In The Lime Light: Milli is focused on in the episode "Milli Saves The Day".
  • Defeat Equals Friendship:
    • Somewhat. It's usually whenever the team faces a villain.
    • Averted with the Troublemakers. They never reform.
  • Determinator: "Milli Saves the Day" reveals that Milli would go through anything to help her friends Geo and Bot whenever they're in danger; there's even an entire musical number about it.
  • Dick Dastardly Stops to Cheat:
    • Any episode that has a race.
    • "Umi Grand Prix" has the worst. The Shape Bandit, Dump Truck, Squiddy, and the TroubleMakers were probably better-off focusing on the race and only the race.
  • Disney Acid Sequence: Almost any song in this show will have certain elements of this that relate to the song.
  • Distressed Dudes:
    • Geo and Bot in "Milli Saves the Day".
    • Bot in "Crazy Skates".
    • DoorMouse in DoorMouse in Space
    • The Incredible Presto in both "The Incredible Presto" and "Presto's Magic House"
  • Do-Anything Robot: Bot has stretching limbs, a see-anything viewscreen, various Hammerspace compartments, and as much strength as the plot demands.
  • "Do It Yourself" Theme Tune: The theme song is performed by the three main characters.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness:
    • In "The Big Boat Race", the tones used for "Milli Measure" and "Pattern Power" are switched.
    • Throughout most of Season 1, UmiCar was an inanimate car, compared to him being sentient in later seasons.
  • Ears as Hair: Subverted. Milli is a non-animal girl, but what appear to be ponytails coming out of her helmet are actually tape measures.
  • Edutainment Show: Teaches various math concepts to viewers.
  • Evolving Credits:
    • In Season 1, the opening starts with Milli, Geo, and Bot poking out of the grass, jumping over some shoes, and then getting into UmiCar and driving towards the viewers. The Season 2, 3, and 4 opening removes the grass scene and replaces it with a new one that consists of Bot, Milli, and Geo popping into the screen with the middle and latter without their helmets, then Milli and Geo put on their helmets and the team jumps.
    • In the former opening, UmiCar is inanimate. In the latter opening, he becomes sentient.
  • Extendable Arms: Bot can stretch his arms and legs to long lengths. In fact, two of his catchphrases are "Arms, extendo!" and "Legs, extendo!"
  • Fake Interactivity: The team addresses the viewer as their "Umifriend," saying that they have mighty math powers too.
  • Fantasy Helmet Enforcement:
    • The titular characters always put on their seat-belts whenever they go inside Umi Car or any land vehicle. The seat-belts disappear at some points of time.
    • The Team also puts on life-jackets when they go on anything floating in water.
    • Milli and Geo wear helmets all the time, because you never know when you could go into a dangerous situation with Cool Helmets.
  • Fictional Currency: Umi City uses Umi Dollars/Umi Cents.
  • Fisher King: Averted. Even when the King of Numbers is trapped in Zilch's tower, Numberland is still a bright and number-y kingdom.
  • Fisher Kingdom: In "Movie Madness", whatever movie Team Umizoomi and/or a TroubleMaker enters, they end up dressed appropriately for the movie. (i.e. In the spy movie, Team Umizoomi is wearing spycatsuits, while Little Trouble is dressed entirely in white.)
  • For the Evulz: Pretty much the only reason the Troublemakers do what they do.
  • Four-Fingered Hands:
    • Milli and Geo have these. Ironic for Mighty Math Heroes. Geo does grow a 5th one on one occasion, however.
    • DoorMouse has the 5 proper fingers.
  • Free-Range Children:
    • Asides from Bot taking care of them, Milli and Geo play this straight.
    • Ditto to the children in Umi City.
  • Freudian Excuse: Almost every bad guy Team Umizoomi has ever encounter has one.
    • Squiddy captured the Blue Mermaid because he was afraid of the dark.
    • Zilch hated numbers because he never learned to count.
    • The Shape Bandit stole shapes just to build a house.
    • Grog stole Sunny's Sunshine Power because he didn't like his dark swamp.
  • Friendly Rival: Dump Truck to UmiCar.
  • Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal: DoorMouse wears a vest, shirt, pants, and shoes.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Milli has two red-colored pigtails sticking out of her helmet.
  • Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak: Milli is overall pretty girly, with stuff like the default pink dress, Girlish Pigtails, and her love of flowers, but at the same time, she is also a Girly Bruiser who can do Kung-Fu, and does share some interests with her little brother, Geo, like video games and dinosaurs.
  • Hammerspace:
    • In one episode, Geo pulls out a banana from behind his back to show what the Ice Lasers could do to the team if they weren't careful.
    • Similarly, Bot's various compartments always has whatever item the story needs.
  • Have a Gay Old Time: In "Umi Knights", the bard sings that "the Umi Knights are gay for saving the day". Given that the episode takes place in a medieval time period, when "gay" meant happy and not homosexual, this is justified, though this episode aired in 2014 and probably prompted some funny looks from parents watching with their kids.
  • "I Am" Song: The first song, Mighty Math Powers, has the team introducing themselves and their powers.
  • Improbable Age:
    • In "Job Well Done", Milli was able to get a job at a sandwich stand and Geo was able to become the newspaper boy.
    • Milli and Geo sit in the front of UmiCar at 6 and/or 5! Probably justified as UmiCar drives itself and avoids dangers appropriately.
  • Inconsistent Spelling:
    • "Milli" is sometimes spelled as "Millie".
    • DoorMouse has his name spelled as "Door Mouse" and "Dormouse".
  • Interspecies Friendship: Milli and Geo are friendly to Bot and DoorMouse. See Robot Buddy.
  • Large Ham: There are people who had at least a few large ham moments.
    • "Super Shaaaaaaaaapes, you-know-what-I'm-talking-about. Super, Duper Shapes!" (Cue Air Guitar)
    • "Cheese! Come back, cheese! Coming through! CHEESY!"
    • "TROUBLE RAY!"
  • Lilliputians: Milli and Geo. Bot is a non-human version of this.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Taken a few steps further, they even dive underwater with their clothes on (abet with faceplates and/or flippers). For spacesuit, they still have the faceplates, but their clothes turn white with few hints of color and gloves are added. A possible justification is that their clothes are waterproof Magic Pants.
  • Magic Hair: Milli's hair can grow longer and measure!
  • Magic Skirt: Played straight and literally with Milli's dress! No matter witch way Milli flips, turns or moves, Mill's dress is always in place. Her dress also changes colors.
  • Magnetic Plot Device: Bot's Umi Alarm goes off whenever someone needs help.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Milli is a Latin prefix for "Thousand", and is often used for measurements. It's also short for "millimeter" or "millisecond".
    • Geo's powers related to geometry.
    • Bot is short for "Robot".
  • Medium Blending: The main characters are flash animated, but live actors also regularly appear and interact with the characters.
  • Mouse World: Tend to be a subversion since the humans will often interact with the team.
  • Mundane Utility:
    • In one episode, Geo uses his shape powers to make snacks.
    • Bot is a living version of this trope when not problem solving.
  • New Job as the Plot Demands: DoorMouse can go from guarding doors in one episode to lowering bridges in another. He was also a shark catcher and a cowboy.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Door Mouse at first averts this, guarding only doors. But then he starts guarding anything but doors, putting the name in question. He still does guard doors, but only in a few occasions.
  • The Noseless: Milli and Geo both lack noses.
  • No Song for the Wicked: Zig-zagged. While some villains got their own songs, Squiddy never did.
  • Not Wearing Tights: Milli and Geo wear the basic dress/shirt and pants (respectively) and, along with Bot, use their own names.
  • Odd Name Out: Think about it.
    • "Milli" and "Geo" are math-related names. (millipede, millimeter, millisecond, geometry, geometric)
      • Bonus points for being prefixes.
    • "Bot" is the only non-math related name and non-prefix name.
    • In another way, Milli's name has five letters instead of three (with Geo and Bot), further emphasizing her status as a leader.
  • Ode to Food:
    • "Snack Patterns" from "Ready for Take-Off" has the team sing about various foods put in different patterns, initiated after seeing a pattern of juice and pretzels on the plane's snack cart.
    • "We Like Milk" from "The Milk Out", where the team sings about milk and its healthiness.
  • Offscreen Inertia: The Troublemakers always ended each episode in a demeaning position, even staying that way for the "Crazy Shake". Their final appearance in particular had them trapped in a forcefield that was spiraling through space.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: The Blue Mermaid from "Legend of the Blue Mermaid."
    The Blue Mermaid: I love my home, I love my friends and all my friends love me.
  • Parental Abandonment: Milli and Geo's parents are nowhere to be seen. Bot seems to be the closest thing to a parental figure.
  • Parental Bonus: The title of "Gizmos Gone Wild" is a reference to Girls Gone Wild, a porn/adult entertainment franchise.
  • Poke the Poodle: Most of the crimes the Troublemakers commit tend to be this, from breaking a skateboard to stealing lunch boxes. Their most heinous crime however, was splitting the moon into four pieces.
  • Pokémon Speak: The only word Umicar ever says is his own name, though it will change accordingly if he transforms into something else (e.g. "Umicopter" in the "Rescue" episodes).
  • Premiseville: Umi City. Take a wild guess.
  • Remember the New Guy?:
    • Bot immediately recognizes The TroubleMakers in the season four premiere "The Boy with the Dragon Skateboard", despite said premiere being the debut of the latter.
    • Likewise, inverted. Any character/villain recently introduced in certain episodes/specials, if Team Umizoomi doesn't introduce themselves beforehand, will address Team Umizoomi by their actual name, even if it's never given it out to said character/villain.
      • One example of this inversion is "Umi Cops!", where the Team is called upon by the Police General as The Umi Cops, despite only becoming cops recently.
  • Ridiculously Human Robot: Bot is able to eat food, swim in the water and cry without being electrocuted (even when he says "Don't get my circuits wet"), and be friendly to people.
  • Robot Buddy: Bot, if his name didn't clue you in, is a robot who is best friends with Milli and Geo.
  • Roger Rabbit Effect: The animated characters often appear alongside and interact with live-action actors.
  • Sentient Vehicle: UmiCar past the first half of season 1 is capable of speaking and moving around on its own.
  • Serial Escalation: Season 1 had mundane, slice-of-life problems that the team had to solve. Season 2 added a Rogues Gallery for the team to deal with, and by the time of the final season, the show has become much more action-oriented, with the team chopping, kicking, and ponytail whipping their way through obstacles ("Umi Ninjas," "Movie Madness," etc), though it never gets violent.
  • Shout-Out:
  • The Smurfette Principle: Milli is the only regular female in the team with a ratio of 1:3. But she is the leader of the team, making her prominent.
  • Spy Catsuit: Subverted in "Movie Madness". The catsuits Milli, Geo, and Bot wear have a design that's no different from what they usually wear. It still carries the black part of the spy catsuit.
  • Starring Smurfette: Zig-Zagged, Milli is the only female member and the leader, though the show gives equal focus between her, Geo, and Bot, most of the time. That said, this is especially obvious on episodes focusing on her like "Milli Saves the Day", where the premise is that Geo and Bot got stuck in honey and need Milli's help.
  • Theme Music Power-Up:
  • Theme Tune Roll Call: At the end of the theme song.
    Milli: Milli!
    Geo: Geo!
    Bot: Bot!
    Everyone: And you!
  • Threatening Shark: Inverted with the episode Shark Car, including the character. Both follow the cutesy aesthetic of the show and the latter wouldn't even scare a fly.
  • Three Plus Two: The show maily focuses on Milli, Geo, and Bot, but Umi Car sometimes jumps into the action.
  • Unconventional Food Usage:
    • In a licensed game, the villain causes "silly" things to happen around town, such as a window being made of cheese and a car's wheel being swapped with a pizza.
    • In one episode, since Geo at the time still doesn't have his Shape Belt, he decides to make a helicopter out of food to be able to chase the Shape Bandit. They are able to go after him and go to his secret hideout, but not without consequences as their helicopter suffered two bites from birds, leading to them having to avoid four-bump clouds.
  • Utility Belt: Geo has a shape belt that only carries you know what, but with his powers he can still make whatever a utility belt carries with the shapes he has.
  • Villain Song:
    • The Shape Bandit's theme song.
      The Shape Bandit: "I'm a Shape Bandit. Please understand it. Shape Collecting is what I do."
    • The TroubleMakers' theme song:
      The TroubleMakers: Trouble-Dee, Trouble-Dee, Trouble-Dee, Trouble-Dee, Trouble-Dee, Trouble-Dee, Trouble-Dee, Trouble-Dee, Trouble-Dee, Trouble-Dee, Trouble-Dee, Trouble-Dee, Double the trouble for you!
    • Come to think of it, pretty much every villain has one.
  • Where The Hell Is Umi City?:
    • Umi City might be in America, but with concepts like the Statue of Geometry and Umi Dollars, it's hard to tell.
    • In "DoorMouse in Space", the rocket made by Geo leaves California, and later the two rocket ships head somewhere towards Florida or Georgia.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Milli is only 6, and Geo is no older than her. Yet they can handle responsibility, speak perfect English, and don't go into temper tantrums that often. They can also solve problems easily.
  • Wrap-Up Song: Every episode ends with a "Crazy Shake" song and dance. The lyrics were shortened and changed since Season 2, and every character who appeared in the episode joins as well.
  • You Mean "Xmas": Valentine's Day is called "Just Because I Love You Day".


The 100 Song

A Team Umizoomi song about counting by tens to 100.

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Main / CountingSong

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