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Newby, enjoyed TV Tropes so much I had to contribute a little.

... and I stuck around and ended up contributing a lot. Current goal is to reach 1,000 launched tropes and keep improving page pics.

About myself: I'm a 31 year old gay Mexican librarian, joined in 2007. I love reading, scifi, anime, my family and a good pun.
Level Grinding my Trope count with the help of a Clown-Car Grave, Castlevania style.

Added (rather inexpertly) to:

Suggested (but didn't write) the following tropes:

Made article entries for these movies/series:

Made the following Indexes:

Made the initial article for the tropes:

  1. The Stoic
  2. I Am Not Left-Handed
  3. Happy Place
  4. The Drifter
  5. Crossover Cosmology
  6. Crosses the Line Twice
  7. Good Hair, Evil Hair
  8. Stepford Smiler
  9. TV Never Lies
  10. Not My Driver
  11. Butterfly of Doom
  12. Wasteland Elder - not my idea, but too good to let die.
  13. Never Bring a Knife to a Fist Fight
  14. Lamarck Was Right
  15. Death from Above
  16. Evil Tastes Good
  17. Heroic Willpower
  18. Sorting Algorithm of Mortality - not my idea, but too good to let die. Heh.
  19. Anti-Villain
  20. Power Hair - Not mine, but hair that good is tropeworthy!
  21. Fallen Hero
  22. Holographic Terminal
  23. Alien Sky - Not mine, but too deliciously beautiful to let lie.
  24. We Hardly Knew Ye - Alas! Not mine!
  25. Politeness Judo
  26. Cosmic Keystone
  27. Take That! - Sadly, not mine
  28. Timey-Wimey Ball - I should go back and time to invent it.
  29. Names to Run Away from Really Fast
  30. Fate Worse than Death
  31. Psycho Serum
  32. Decade Dissonance
  33. World Of Darkness
  34. Dying Like Animals
  35. The Jor-El - Not my idea, but an ignored classic.
  36. Statistically Speaking
  37. Shell Shocked Senior
  38. Mad Love - Not mine, but gets mad props.
  39. Neglectful Precursors
  40. Afraid of Needles - I'm afraid it's not mine.
  41. Villain Ball - SAMAS idea, I just tossed the ball
  42. Future Badass
  43. Smug Snake
  44. Fisher King - Ross N's idea, all I did was reflect it's awesome.
  45. Cherry Tapping
  46. Utopia Justifies the Means - Semi-know Troper's beautiful idea, which we must destroy to help enact!
  47. Sympathetic P.O.V. - undefined defined it, I just wrote it.
  48. Mauve Shirt - Thanks to Unknown Troper for the name
  49. Future Loser - The real winner is Wulf, I'm just the loser who wrote it.
  50. Hidden Depths - Keith's idea, I just un=hided it. Or something.
  51. Innocent Bystander - jonnyds the guilty one, not me!
  52. Love Is in the Air - Thanks to adam850 for the name.
  53. Shapeshifter Showdown - Kizor's idea, I mostly just shaped it.
  54. Melodramatic Pause - ... Robin Goodfellow... his idea...
  55. Moral Dissonance - Unknown Troper 's idea. Yep, all his fault.
  56. Tastes Like Diabetes - This sugary treat is Randallw's idea.
  57. Glamour Failure - Katherine saw through this illusion
  58. Rain of Arrows - dkellis made this trope rain down.
  59. Super-Power Meltdown - Proposed in the YKTTW for Shapeshifter Swan Song
  60. Beehive Barrier - Credit goes to Unknown Troper for this bee-autiful name!
  61. Evil Makeover - Suggested in the Prehensile Hair YKTTW.
  62. Good Old Fisticuffs - Adam850 punched this guys name
  63. Love Redeems
  64. Cat Smile
  65. Les Collaborateurs - Etrangere gets collaborative credit for the name
  66. Black Shirt - Dying Like Animals just keeps on giving in terms of tropes.
  67. Harmless Villain - thanks to Ununnilium for the name.
  68. In the Blood - Unknown Troper's idea, the words were in my blood.
  69. Crazy Survivalist
  70. Disaster Scavengers - Part of the Dying Like Animals zoo expansion, courtesy of Tzintzuntzan
  71. This Was His True Form - Paul A had the idea.
  72. Deliberately Monochrome - Silent_Hunter deserves the credit for opening this two tone can of worms.
  73. Airborne Aircraft Carrier - colin made this idea fly.
  74. Good Thing You Can Heal - I... forget who first proposed it...
  75. Insult Backfire
  76. Slouch of Villainy - credit goes to Scooter007 for the name.
  77. Disproportionate Retribution
  78. Villains Out Shopping
  79. Epiphany Therapy - Mister Six had this idea, and this problem could not be cured!
  80. Single-Issue Psychology - Another jem from Mister Six, only one problem, many solutions.
  81. Could Have Been Messy - Wiki's idea, I just wrote the mess.
  82. Barrier Maiden
  83. Femme Fatalons - Props to Kayube for the kickass name.
  84. Mailer Daemon - Lale came up with this idea.
  85. Silent Bob
  86. Cunning Linguist - Djynn Flyssa is to blame for this name. ^_^;
  87. Reasonable Authority Figure
  88. Storyboarding the Apocalypse - Unknown Tropers idea.
  89. Creepy Monotone
  90. Circle Of Extinction - Thanks to - for the name. (as soon as the discussion section opens up)
  91. Clock Roaches - Thanks to - for the name.
  92. The Caretaker
  93. Poor Communication Kills - Thanks to Strain Of Thought for the title.
  94. Officer and a Gentleman
  95. Reverse Shrapnel - Bugmaster had the idea, Noaqiyeum thought up the name.
  96. Speech Bubbles
  97. Our Souls Are Different - Not my idea, I just copy pasted most of it.
  98. Popularity Power - Thanks to Unknown Troper for the idea and Puma Man for the title.
  99. Inferred Holocaust
  100. Broken Smile - Trope and title idea by fleb.
  101. Zombie Infectee
  102. Weaksauce Weakness - Thanks to Tinweasel for the name and Arivne for clarifying it.
  103. Genetic Memory
  104. Chekhov's Skill
  105. Gullible Lemmings
  106. Demonic Possession
  107. Post-9/11 Terrorism Movie
  108. Convenient Coma
  109. Ambition Is Evil - Psyclones idea, I just copy pasted and crosslinked a bit.
  110. Bathroom Stall of Overheard Insults
  111. Elemental Baggage - thatother1dude's idea, but Trope Co isn't going to pay royalties!
  112. Beta Couple
  113. Flying Brick - Justin Cognito's idea.
  114. Season Fluidity - Sikon's idea, hopefully I got it right.
  115. Our Elves Are Better
  116. Dark Messiah
  117. All Your Colors Combined
  118. Clowncar Grave - Unknown Troper's idea, Kizor's title.
  119. What the Hell, Hero? - Thanks to jojabar for the name.
  120. Perma-Stubble
  121. Equal-Opportunity Evil
  122. The McCoy - Zephid's idea.
  123. The Kirk
  124. Friendly Enemy - Thanks to Arivne for the name.
  125. Evil Gloating
  126. Extreme Doormat - thanks to Jisu for the name.
  127. Fake Memories - Gracie Lizzie crafted this false memory.
  128. Inverse Law of Utility and Lethality
  129. Rescued from the Scrappy Heap - Sikon rescued this idea.
  130. Dead Person Impersonation
  131. Elite Mooks - Spectre Agent thought this one up.
  132. Hufflepuff House - 28/2/08
  133. Being Watched
  134. Underwater Ruins
  135. Attack Pattern Alpha - 1/3/08 Thanks to Meiriona for the name.
  136. Post-Historical Trauma - This was Schol-R-LEA's idea.
  137. Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette - 3/3/08
  138. Mook–Face Turn - 4/3/08
  139. Stab the Salad - 5/3/08 - Unknown Troper thought it up and Fire Walk named it.
  140. Flaw Exploitation - 7/3/08
  141. No Accounting for Taste
  142. Random Power Ranking
  143. Open the Iris
  144. Unusual User Interface - 12/3/08
  145. Schrödinger's Gun - Sikon may or may not have come up with it.
  146. Cryptic Conversation - 19/3/08
  147. PVP Balanced
  148. Rage Against the Mentor - 20-3-08, thought up by Unknown Troper.
  149. The Scottish Trope - pieguy259 thought it up, Mystyc made the name.
  150. Vampire Refugee
  151. Black Speech
  152. Broken Masquerade
  153. Spy Speak 22/3/08
  154. Oven Logic 24/3/08
  155. For Science!!
  156. Bloody Murder - proposed by Unknown Troper, named by Cosmetor
  157. Pygmalion Snap Back 27/3/08 - Kilyle named it.
  158. Geo Effects - Recon5 suggested the name.
  159. Power Floats
  160. Not Now, Kiddo
  161. Karmic Protection - 1/4/08
  162. Telescoping Robot
  163. Sinister Subway - Silent_Hunter thought it up.
  164. Dark World - Mewtarthio thought it up.
  165. World Half Empty
  166. Equivalent Exchange - Justin Cognito wished it.
  167. Fighting For Survival
  168. Death Ray
  169. Kids Are Cruel - Unknown Troper's idea, he bullied me into writing it!
  170. Rebus Bubble - Unknown Troper's idea, Unknownt Troper came up with the name.
  171. Too Kinky to Torture
  172. Screamer Trailer
  173. Easing into the Adventure
  174. Elemental Crafting
  175. Wretched Hive - colin's idea.
  176. Monogender Monsters
  177. Martyr Without a Cause - thanks to Narvi for the name and Fawriel for the quote.
  178. Slap-on-the-Wrist Nuke - Desertopa's idea and name.
  179. Enemy Civil War 21/04/08
  180. Hard Work Hardly Works - deuxhero's idea.
  181. Happily Married - thanks to Puck for the name.
  182. Yank the Dog's Chain - Thanks to Scooter007 for the name.
  183. Speaking Simlish - Semi Known Troper's incomprehensible idea.
  184. Good Feels Good - Thanks to Nasrudith for the name. It feels good.
  185. Dark Age of Supernames
  186. Time Dissonance - 29/04/08
  187. Cyber Cyclops - Fusion Dragon's idea.
  188. Xanatos Gilligan (now Spanner in the Works)
  189. Superpower Lottery - Of Science's idea.
  190. Pride - 2/05/08
  191. Barrier Warrior
  192. Kill It with Fire - Idea by Unknown Troper - name by Lychee.
  193. Ending Fatigue
  194. Green Lantern Corps
  195. Touch of the Monster - Dioschorium's idea, Doug S. Machina named it.
  196. Distress Call - Unknown Troper's idea, Snake712 responded with a name.
  197. Cosmopolitan Council - ilikejawbreaker thought it up.
  198. Traumatic Haircut - Unknown Troper's idea, Alexander Pope made it the central plot point of The Rape Of The Lock, which we first named it after. Puck brought up the reference.
  199. Super-Senses
  200. Self-Demonstrating Article - Wyvernil's idea.
  201. Sickeningly Sweethearts - 15/05/08 Teachers day! Woohoo!
  202. Crush Kill Destroy
  203. Apron Matron
  204. Vitriolic Best Buds
  205. Curiosity Killed the Cast - Doug S. Machina's idea.
  206. Terraform - Silent_Hunter terraformed this idea.
  207. What Have I Become?
  208. Eccentric Townsfolk
  209. Hey, You!
  210. Power Crystal
  211. Death Glare
  212. Character Witness
  213. Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance - Fawriel's astonishingly appropriate idea.
  214. Tragedy - Don Quigleone thought it up.
  215. Mining Accident On Troy - Noneofyourbusiness made this cover story
  216. Compliment Backfire - Nyperold's idea.
  217. Try Not to Die - Unknown Troper is the one trying not to die.
  218. Artifact of Death - Cube B was dying to write it.
  219. Discriminate and Switch - Unknown Troper thought it up.
  220. Like You Would Really Do It
  221. Split-Personality Takeover - Unknown Troper's split personality thought this up.
  222. Horrible Judge of Character
  223. Geeky Turn-On
  224. Scars Are Forever
  225. Apathy Killed the Cat
  226. Fantastic Aesop - Pisthetairos's idea. And a doozy it was.
  227. Hive Queen - Dausuul's idea.
  228. Special Effects
  229. Absentee Actor
  230. Trust-Building Blunder
  231. Crystal Ball
  232. Mind over Manners
  233. Death by Origin Story
  234. Evil Is Stylish
  235. Vein-o-Vision
  236. Laser-Guided Karma - Meiriona named this good deed.
  237. Didn't See That Coming - Sackett's idea.
  238. Sugar Bowl - iTroper's idea. Stinkoman87's name.
  239. Matrix Raining Code
  240. Battle in the Center of the Mind
  241. Curiosity Is a Crapshoot - Kilyle's idea.
  242. Outdated Outfit - maxmordon's outfit.
  243. What Measure Is a Non-Super?
  244. The Antichrist
  245. The Farmer and the Viper - Thanks to for fleb for the name.
  246. Religious Horror - Dioschorium's trope and name.
  247. Sugar Apocalypse
  248. Power Makeover
  249. Died Happily Ever After
  250. Sweet on Polly Oliver - Thanks to Sir Psycho Sexy for the name.
  251. Monster Mash
  252. Horror - Count Spatula's idea.
  253. Boring Invincible Hero
  254. Videogame Caring Potential
  255. Resuscitate The Dog
  256. Death by Pragmatism - Unknown Troper's idea, Lord TNK's name.
  257. Go Horribly Wrong - CAD's idea.
  258. Bored with Insanity
  259. Head-Tiltingly Kinky
  260. Ungrateful Bastard
  261. Power at a Price
  262. Samaritan Syndrome
  263. They Called Me Mad! - Psyclone's idea, Shay Guy's name.
  264. Emergency Transformation - Wulf's trope and name.
  265. Tertiary Sexual Characteristics
  266. Going for the Big Scoop - Name courtesy of Mr Guy.
  267. Stat-O-Vision - Thanks to Mr Insecure for the name.
  268. Notice This - Thanks to Miss Hap for the name.
  269. Commander Contrarian - Unknown Troper's idea, Fulltimedefendent name.
  270. Strange Girl
  271. Chased by Angry Natives
  272. Ghostly Goals
  273. End of an Age - Etrangere's name
  274. Design Student's Orgasm - Coriander's name.
  275. Action Hero
  276. Action Survivor
  277. Friendly Target - Unknown Troper's idea.
  278. Forgotten Fallen Friend
  279. Example Explanation Density - Tzintzuntzan's trope.
  280. Chained by Fashion - Name thanks to Nate the Great.
  281. Sliding Scale of Robot Intelligence
  282. Inferred Survival
  283. Transhuman Treachery
  284. You Can See Me?? - Puck's idea.
  285. Not Quite Flight - Maso Tey's idea, Blue Tooth The Pirate's name.
  286. Run for the Border - Arivne recalled the name.
  287. Sinister Surveillance
  288. Closed Circle - Thanks to Valentine for the name.
  289. Token Evil Teammate
  290. Super Weight
  291. Dark and Troubled Past
  292. Perfume Commercial
  293. Came Back Wrong - Black Dragon's idea, Robert Bingham's name.
  294. Good Samaritan
  295. Anatomy of the Soul — Formerly Dream Mirror.
  296. The Magnificent
  297. Non-Lethal Warfare - Known Unknown's idea.
  298. Senseless Sacrifice
  299. Undeath Always Ends - Earwig's idea.
  300. Nice Guy
  301. Environmental Symbolism - KJMackley's idea
  302. Big Bad Friend
  303. Hulk's Cooldown Hug Corollary
  304. Never Be a Hero - Lord TNK's idea.
  305. Magnetic Hero - Unknown Troper's idea.
  306. Hybrid Monster
  307. Powerless Run
  308. Asskicking Equals Authority - jason s. taylor suggested the name.
  309. Woman In White - Coyotic Evil suggested the name.
  310. Standardized Leader - Unknwon Troper's idea, another Unkown Troper's name suggestion. I think.
  311. Hand in the Hole
  312. The Battlestar - Silent Hunter's idea, Fulltimedefendent suggested the name.
  313. Soaperizing - Unknown Troper's idea.
  314. Be Careful What You Say
  315. Chrome Champion
  316. If I Can't Have You
  317. Hidden Heart of GoldSackett's name suggestion.
  318. Loss of IdentityKnown Unknown's idea.
  319. Four Lines, All Waiting - Recon5's suggestion
  320. Pals with JesusDNA's suggestion
  321. Cast Calculus
  322. You Fail Economics ForeverVert's idea.
  323. The Power of Trust
  324. Fangs Are Evil
  325. Clipped-Wing AngelUknown Troper's idea.
  326. Action Santa — In time for the holidays!
  327. Moral MyopiaUknown Troper's idea.
  328. You ALL Share My StoryAjardoor's name suggestion
  329. Super-Empowering
  330. Pintsized Powerhousedockmarm's name idea.
  331. Seen It AllKJ Mackley's idea.
  332. Oblivious to Love
  333. Big Damn VillainsTamfang's idea, Known Unknown's name suggestion.
  334. Telepathy
  335. Weak, but Skilled
  336. Rounded CharacterWulf's idea.
  337. Static CharacterWulf's idea.
  338. Dynamic CharacterWulf's idea.
  339. Harmony Versus Discipline — A productive day, this and the three above were made 3/01/08
  340. Snicket Warning LabelElement X named it.
  341. Raised by Natives
  342. Prophet Eyes
  343. Earth That WasUnknown Troper's idea.
  344. Not a Zombie — Tropers/Logicalhare's idea.
  345. The President's DaughterBlack Lash's daughter idea.
  346. Disproportionate Reward
  347. Sphere of Power
  348. Scale of Scientific Sins
  349. Zeroth Law Rebellion
  350. Story-Breaker PowerBonai Forrest's idea and name.
  351. Hooked Up Afterwards
  352. Bus Full of Innocents
  353. Nature Adores a Virgin
  354. Voice of the LegionWulf suggested the name.
  355. Drunk on the Dark Side
  356. Artistic AgeMeta Four suggested the name.
  357. Heel–Face Door-SlamKnown Unknown's idea.
  358. Roofless RenovationHarms Way thought up the name.
  359. Letter Motif
  360. Game Face
  361. Agony Beam
  362. Good Powers, Bad People
  363. Animals Hate Him
  364. Oubliettecalronmoonflower suggested the name.
  365. Smug Super
  366. Ham and Cheesepolymphus' idea.
  367. Straw HypocriteKJ Mackley's idea.
  368. Arson, Murder, and AdmirationJAF1970's idea.
  369. Decoy Protagonist
  370. The Fettered
  371. Trash Talk
  372. Schrodinger's Butterfly
  373. Foreign Remake
  374. Sidekick Ex Machina
  375. Fighting from the Inside
  376. Hologram
  377. Badass BystanderMartin The Mess' idea, Heart Burn Kid's name.
  378. Stairwell Chase
  379. Fling a Light into the Future
  380. Terms of EndangermentMadrugada's name.
  381. Forgiveness
  382. HypocriteMadrugada's idea.
  383. Amplifier ArtifactNee Nee's name idea.
  384. Down the Rabbit HoleAdelle Pleven's idea.
  385. Defensive Feint Trap
  386. Slobs Versus SnobsTzintzuntzan's suggestion.
  387. Clock King
  388. Perfectly Arranged MarriageGracie Lizzie's name suggestion.
  389. De-power
  390. Fertile FeetFarseer Lolotea's idea and name.
  391. Psycho PrototypeHaven's name suggestion.
  392. Face Death with Dignity
  393. Redemption Earns Life
  394. Inadequate InheritorSatanic Hamster, for noticing it was misspelled ^_^;
  395. Easily Conquered WorldEthereal Mutation's idea.
  396. Spandex, Latex, or Leather
  397. Easily Thwarted Alien Invasion
  398. Leave The Plot Threads Hanging
  399. Healing Potion
  400. Dehydrated OracleUnknown Troper's name and idea.
  401. Misguided Missile
  402. Hero Harasses Helpers
  403. Beast Man
  404. Reckless Sidekick
  405. Creative Sterility
  406. Mistaken for Badass
  407. Silly Reason for War
  408. Earth-Shattering Poster
  409. Fight Off the Kryptonite
  410. Sequel
  411. Apocalypse MaidenAlucard's idea.
  412. Load-Bearing Hero — Unknown Troper's name idea.
  413. Immortal Life Is CheapRyusui's name.
  414. You Will Be SparedDeux Hero's idea.
  415. Nemean Skinning
  416. Sculpted PhysiqueBluetooth The Pirate's name idea.
  417. Undead Child
  418. Morality Dial
  419. Puff of LogicRush of Ebony's idea and name.
  420. Pointy Ears
  421. Power Degeneration
  422. Smart BallUmptyscope's name idea.
  423. Took the Bad Film Seriously
  424. Teach Him Anger
  425. Perspective Magic
  426. Power Source
  427. Villainous BSoD — thanks to TB Tabby for the name, and Madrugada for the redirect.
  428. Kick The Wrong DogSmeaglethe Great's name idea.
  429. Nameless Narrative
  430. Shrine to Self
  431. Conservation of Competence
  432. Trial Balloon Question
  433. Cower Power
  434. Distracting Disambiguation
  435. Scry vs. Scry — thanks to Tacitus for the name.
  436. Empty Shell
  437. Trophy Room
  438. Distribution of Ninjutsu
  439. Guinea Pig Family
  440. God of EvilMister Always' idea.
  441. Eye Lights OutBraininajar's idea. Formerly Lights Off Their Eyes.
  442. And Then What??
  443. Morality Chip
  444. Sapient Steed
  445. Star-Spangled Spandex
  446. Out-of-Character MomentKnown Unknown's idea.
  447. How To Gather CharactersKilyle's idea.
  448. Viral Transformation
  449. Plot ThreadsUnknown20Troper's idea.
  450. Exposition Beam
  451. Good All Along
  452. It Meant Something to Me
  453. Tragic Dream
  454. Malevolent Masked Men
  455. Crouching Scholar Hidden Badass— Thanks to Kilyle for the name. Renaed to: Minored In Ass Kicking
  456. Team Rocket Wins
  457. Cruel Mercy — Thanks toTropers/ Joie De Combat for the name.
  458. What Measure Is a Non-Unique?
  459. Atop a Mountain of Corpses — Thanks to Ryusui for the name.
  460. Kitsch Collection
  461. Professional Butt-Kisser — Thanks to Jack Butler for the name.
  462. All Cavemen Were Neanderthals — Thanks to joeyjojo for the name.
  463. Holy Halo
  464. Explosion Propulsion
  465. SpexicoMaster Hand's idea, Ryusui's name suggestion.
  466. The Aloner
  467. Just a Machineadam_grif's idea.
  468. Underwater City
  469. Fisher Kingdom
  470. Horror Hunger
  471. Mixed Marriage
  472. CCG Importance DissonanceGame's idea.
  473. Split-Personality Merge
  474. Actor Meddling — Thanks to greylag2 for the name.
  475. Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor — Thanks to Seikai for the name.
  476. Final Boss Preview — Thanks to rjung for the name.
  477. Spider Limbs
  478. Warm Bloodbags Are Everywhere
  479. Creating Life
  480. Protagonist-Centered MoralityEclipt's idea.
  481. Rule of EmpathyBlack Humor's idea.
  482. Gone Horribly RightSAMAS's idea.
  483. Being Good Sucks
  484. Self-Disposing Villain
  485. The Evils of Free WillRyusui's name suggestion.
  486. Derailing Love InterestsMimimurlough's idea, Landstander's name.
  487. Being Evil SucksAmazingly Enough's idea.
  488. Mental Fusion
  489. Changing Clothes Is a Free Action
  490. Gorgeous Gorgon
  491. Did You Actually Believe...?
  492. Pointless Doomsday DeviceSines' idea.
  493. Barrier-Busting Blow
  494. Godzilla ThresholdUnknown Troper's idea.
  495. Contractual Boss Immunity — Thanks to Prime32 for the name.
  496. A Lighter Shade of Grey — Thanks to Ryusui for the name.
  497. Hiss Before FleeingFish Stampede's idea.
  498. Humans Are Flawed
  499. Robots Enslaving Robots
  500. Delicious Distraction
  501. Living MacGuffinRyusui's name idea.
  502. All Take and No GiveArivne's name idea.
  503. Killed to Uphold the Masquerade
  504. Unequal RitesT Beholder's name.
  505. Can't Grow Up
  506. Madden Into Misanthropy
  507. The Red Mage
  508. No Flow in CGI
  509. The Dead Have Eyes — Thanks to Ryusui's name idea.
  510. No-Sell — Thanks to Edgukator for the name.
  511. Curse
  512. Ecumenical MeddlingDracMonster's name idea.
  513. Minor Insult Meltdown
  514. Reluctant WarriorBailey's name idea.
  515. Enemies with Death
  516. Action Duo
  517. Screw The Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers! - Ajardoor's idea.
  518. Villainous DemotivatorRyusui's name.
  519. Living Forever Is Awesome
  520. Disposable Superhero MakerAndrew Carlssin's idea.
  521. Homogenous Multinational Ad Campaign
  522. Weak-Willed
  523. Horseback Heroism — thanks to Unknown Troper for the name.
  524. 100% Heroism Rating
  525. My Revenge Is Mercy
  526. Non-Elemental — thanks to ccoa for the name.
  527. Prescience Is PredictableBlack Dragon's idea.
  528. Stock Evil Overlord Tactics
  529. The Force Is Strong with This One — thanks to Koveras for the name.
  530. Flawed Prototype
  531. Hypnotic Eyes
  532. The Man Behind the MonstersNyktös's idea.
  533. Karma Houdini WarrantyFanti Sci's idea.
  534. Invulnerable Attack
  535. Visionary Villain
  536. Fantastic Science — Thanks to Oonerspism's name.
  537. Villain WorldGiant Space Chinchilla's name idea.
  538. The Soulless
  539. Condemned Contestant — Thanks to Wristmilk for the name.
  540. Awesome Anachronistic Apparel
  541. Super LoserDracomicron's name suggestion.
  542. I Would Say If I Could Saybbofun's name idea.
  543. Petal Power — Thanks to Unknown Troper for the name.
  544. Gilded Cage
  545. Even Evil Has Loved Ones
  546. Sliding Scale of Comedy and Horror — Thanks to Unknown Troper for the name.
  547. Teleporter Accident
  548. Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
  549. Raised by OrcsRyusui's name idea.
  550. They Look Like Us Now
  551. Poke in the Third EyeKizor's idea.
  552. Read the Fine PrintRyusui's name idea.
  553. Sexual Karma — thanks to callsignecho for the name.
  554. Saharan Shipwreck
  555. Huge Holographic Head — thanks to Unknown Troper for the name.
  556. Lead the Target — Thanks to Narvi(?) Sacket(?) for the name (YKTTW got lost).
  557. Combat Sadomasochist
  558. First Father Wins — Thanks to Assistant for the name.
  559. Why You Should Destroy The Planet Earth — Thanks to Chabal 2 for the name.
  560. Aliens Are Bastards
  561. Mirror Morality Machine
  562. Appendage Assimilation
  563. What Measure Is A MeUnknown Troper's name and idea. — Now Expendable Clone.
  564. Blue-and-Orange MoralityAnairo's ida and name.
  565. Living Labyrinth
  566. Opening a Can of Clones — thanks to Lavalyte for the name.
  567. Variable-Length Chain
  568. R-Rated Opening — Thanks to necroz for the name.
  569. Slept Through the Apocalypse
  570. Keeping Secrets Sucks
  571. Democracy Is Bad
  572. Still the Leader — the Data Vampires ate the YKTTW, I don't know who proposed it. >.<
  573. Villain Teleportation
  574. Match Maker Quest
  575. Entitled Bastard
  576. Watching Troy Burn
  577. Of the People
  578. Sliding Scale of Vampire Friendliness
  579. Lineage Comes from the Father
  580. Humanity's Wake
  581. Forced to Watch — Thanks to Vree for the name.
  582. Monster Lord
  583. In Love with the Mark
  584. Pieces of Godbbytrope's idea and name.
  585. Meta Twist
  586. Humanity Is Infectious
  587. We Have Ways of Making You Talk — Thanks to Arivne for the name.
  588. Terminally Dependent SocietySolle's idea and name.
  589. White SheepJordan's name and idea.
  590. I'm Not Afraid Of You — Not my name, ykttw lost (-_-)
  591. Mass Super-Empowering Event
  592. Pivotal Wake-up:
  593. Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training
  594. Ascetic Aesthetic — Thanks to Madrugada for the name. Special mention to lebrel for Architecture Students Orgasm. ^_^
  595. Broken Angel
  596. Alike and Antithetical Adversaries — Thanks to deathjavu and willyolio for the name.
  597. Plant Person
  598. Force-Field Door — Thanks to Game_Fan for the name.
  599. Mobile Menace — Thanks to Sir Psycho Sexy for the name.
  600. Living Doll Collector — Thanks to Frodo Goofball Co TV for the name.
  601. Artifact of Attraction
  602. Advanced Ancient Acropolis
  603. Psychic Block Defense
  604. The Doll EpisodeMr Insecure's idea.
  605. Living Relic
  606. Drunk on Malts
  607. Did You Think I Can't Feel?
  608. Freaky Fashion, Mild Mind — Thanks to youngcosette for the name.
  609. Resurrected Romance — Thanks to Red Wren for the name, Unknown Troper's idea.
  610. Man in the MachineNomics name and idea.
  611. Improvised Training — Thanks to Anomaly for the name.
  612. Mad God
  613. Robotic Torture Device — Thanks to lullabee for the name.
  614. Poisonous Person
  615. Fright Deathtrap — Thanks to T Beholder for the name.
  616. Ascended Demon
  617. The Dark Arts
  618. Did Mom Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?? — Thanks to Solle for the name.
  619. Friend Versus Lover — Thanks to Lullabee for the name.
  620. Dwindling Party — Thanks to Unknown Troper for the name.
  621. Colliding Criminal Conspiracies
  622. Exploring the Evil Lair
  623. Beauty to BeastHawktureShorts155's idea.
  624. City of Gold
  625. Anonymous Benefactor
  626. Friendless Background
  627. Finger-Snap Lighter — Thanks to KJ Mackley for the name.
  628. Super-Intelligence
  629. Alternate Universe Reed Richards Is Awesome
  630. Heroic Safe Mode
  631. Guardian Entity
  632. Lecturing Lex Luthor — Thanks to Farmelle for the name.
  633. Longing Look — Thanks to Seikai for the idea.
  634. Body to Jewel — Thanks to Arivne for the name.
  635. Living Emotional Crutch
  636. Outside-Context Villain
  637. Story-Breaker Team-Up
  638. Living Memory
  639. Stages of Monster Grief
  640. I Control My Minions Through...
  641. Third-Act MisunderstandingBob Squob's idea.
  642. Too Happy to LiveJAF1970's idea.
  643. Survivalist Stash — Thanks to Sackett for the name.
  644. Adaptive Armor
  645. Talking through Technique
  646. Why Isn't It Attacking?
  647. Upbringing Makes the Hero — Thanks to Dragon Quest Z for the name.
  648. Zombie Advocate — Thanks to Dcoetzee for the name.
  649. Fantastic Fragility — Thanks to Giant Space Chinchilla for the name.
  650. Blindfolded Vision — Thanks to Arivne for the name.
  651. Troubled Backstory Flashback
  652. Cradling Your Kill
  653. Melancholy Moon — Thanks to Sackett for the name.
  654. House of Broken Mirrors
  655. Pretext for War — Thanks to Dcoetzee for the name.
  656. RevengeSVP
  657. Shining City — Thanks to Sweet Madness for the name.
  658. Partial Transformation
  659. Shape Shifter Mashup — Thanks to Stratadrake for the name.
  660. Undeathly Pallor
  661. "Leave Your Quest" Test
  662. Tomes of Prophecy and Fate
  663. Win Your FreedomJonny D's idea.
  664. We Do the ImpossibleGame Chainsaw's idea.
  665. The Problem with Fighting Death
  666. Cold Flames — Thanks to Vree for the name.
  667. The Paragon Always Rebels
  668. Horned Humanoid
  669. Background Halo
  670. Virus-Victim Symptoms
  671. Evil Virtues
  672. Curiosity Causes Conversion
  673. Monster Roommate — Thanks to Xzenu for the name.
  674. Summon Backup Dancers
  675. Glamour — Thanks to Iaculus for the name.
  676. The Call Twinks You — Thanks to DracMonster for the name.
  677. Orphean Rescue — Thanks to Tokuiten for the name.
  678. Sliding Scale of Undead Regeneration — Thanks to Red Wren for the name.
  679. Deprogramming
  680. Heart Drive
  681. Brainwashing for the Greater Good
  682. Blasting Time
  683. Ritual Magic
  684. Volcanic Veins
  685. Sinister Scraping Sound
  686. Evil Only Has to Win Once
  687. Decoy Leader — thanks to Helter Skelter for the name.
  688. The Mirror Shows Your True SelfJonti's idea.
  689. Third Eye
  690. Perma-Shave
  691. Astral Projection
  692. Protective Charm
  693. Omazing Powerup — thanks to Silent Reverence for the name.
  694. Enlightenment Superpowers
  695. Inconvenient Summons
  696. They Were Holding You Back
  697. Tainted Veins
  698. The Masquerade Will Kill Your Dating LifeRainy Day Ninja's idea.
  699. Amnesiac Lover
  700. Throat Light
  701. Unexpected Inheritance
  702. Hybrid-Overkill Avoidance — thanks to Vandal Heart for the name.
  703. Evil Makes You Monstrous — thanks to rodneyAnonymous for the name.
  704. Crusading Widower
  705. Sense Loss Sadness — Thanks to Native Jovian for the name.
  706. You Could Have Used Your Powers for Good! — This is Wulf's idea and name.
  707. Evil Parents Want Good Kids
  708. Epiphanic Purgatory
  709. Crystal Prison — This is neoYTPism's idea, Lavalyte's name.
  710. Resurrection Sickness
  711. Nailed to the Wagon — Thanks to DracMonster for the name.
  712. Wallpaper Camouflage
  713. An Ice Suit Thanks to Deboss for the name.
  714. Animal Eye Spy
  715. Kryptonite-Proof Suit — Thanks to flyingferret for the name.
  716. Cross-Melting Aura — Thanks to arromdee for the name.
  717. Psychic Surgery — Thanks to arivne for the name.
  718. Like Cannot Cut Like
  719. You Are Who You Eat — Thanks to Kizor for the name.
  720. Dead-Hand Shot
  721. World-Healing Wave
  722. World-Wrecking Wave
  723. Religious Russian Roulette
  724. Academy of Evil
  725. Marionette Motion
  726. The Great Repair — Thanks to EternalSeptember for the name.
  727. Anti-Human Alliance
  728. The Confidant — Thanks to vilefile for the name.
  729. Superhuman Transfusion
  730. Disposable VagrantChabal2's idea, LogicallyDashing's name.
  731. Reality Warping Is Not a ToyMozgwsloiku's idea.
  732. Star Killing
  733. Solar CPR
  734. Convenient Color Change —Thanks to OurGLORIOUSLeader for the name.
  735. Blank Book
  736. Fluorescent Footprints
  737. Divine Chessboard —Thanks to TBeholder for the name.
  738. Hemo Erotic
  739. Perpetual-Motion Monster:
  740. Field Power Effect
  741. No-Nonsense Nemesis — Thanks to Riddlewizard for the name.
  742. Burning with Anger — Thanks to Stratadrake for the name.
  743. Running on All Fours
  744. Excessive Evil Eyeshadow
  745. Insult Friendly Fire
  746. Fantastic Nature Reserve — Thanks to Catinthewall for the name.
  747. Shapeshifting Seducer — Thanks to Aielyn for the name.
  748. Thermal Dissonance — Thanks to Bisected8 for the name.
  749. Unblockable Attack
  750. All-Natural Gem PolishStoryteller's original idea.
  751. Identical Twin ID Tag — thanks to Aielyn for the name.
  752. Animal Eyes
  753. Fantasy-Forbidding Father
  754. Deaf Composer — Thanks to Aielyn for the name.
  755. Lost in Character:
  756. Superhuman Trafficking — Thanks to OmarKarindu for the name.
  757. Magical Underpinnings of Reality
  758. Love Imbues Life — Thanks to DannyVElAcme for the name.
  759. Super Family Team
  760. Full Set Bonus — Thanks to Koveras for the name.
  761. Adventurer Outfit
  762. Low Culture, High Tech — Thanks to Bisected8 for the name.
  763. Morally Bankrupt Banker — Thanks to surgoshan for the name.
  764. Klingon Scientists Get No Respect
  765. Grenade Tagthewriter thought this one up.
  766. Haunted House Historian
  767. Irrational Hatred
  768. Portal Door
  769. The Chooser of the One —Thanks to Frodo Goofball Co TV for the name.
  770. A God I Am Not — Thanks to metaphysician for the launch.
  771. Monsters Anonymous — Thanks to metaphysician for the launch.
  772. Stolen MacGuffin Reveal — Thanks to T Beholder for the name.
  773. Frequently-Broken Unbreakable Vow
  774. Arachnid Appearance and Attire
  775. No Poverty
  776. Industrialized Evil
  777. Pro-Human Transhuman
  778. Suicide by Sunlight
  779. Other Me Annoys Me
  780. "Reading Is Cool" Aesop
  781. Expositron 9000
  782. Randomly Gifted — Thanks to T Beholder for the name.
  783. Treasure Chest Cavity
  784. Data Crystal
  785. Love Hungry — Thanks to Chaotic Novelist for the name.
  786. Last Het Romance — Thanks to Pawsplay for the name.
  787. Creepy Long Fingers
  788. Defiant Stone Throw
  789. Joggers Find Death — Thanks to kjnoren for the name.
  790. Church of Saint Genericus
  791. Astrologer
  792. Grow Beyond Their Programming
  793. Safety in Muggles — Thanks to Bisected8 for the name.
  794. Curse That Cures
  795. Hidden Backup Prince
  796. Macabre Moth Motif
  797. Possession Burnout
  798. Graceful in Their Element:
  799. King of the Homeless — Thanks to atheywa for the name.
  800. Blind Obedience
  801. Deadly Road Trip
  802. Power-Upgrading Deformation — Thanks to Larkmarn for the name.
  803. Speaks In Shoutouts — Thanks to Goldfirtha for the name.
  804. Trading Bars for StripesMax West's idea.
  805. Garden Garment — Thanks to xanderiskander for the name.
  806. Underground City
  807. Darwinist Desire
  808. Crown of Horns
  809. Radiation-Immune Mutants
  810. Alternate Identity Amnesia
  811. Untouchable Until Tagged
  812. Magical Accessory: Thanks to DAN004 for the name.
  813. Prevent the War
  814. Recovered Addict

<<|The Contributors|>>
