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Quotes / Vitriolic Best Buds

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    Anime & Manga 
Yamanaka: [Komori and I] just looked close because we're both kind people.
Ootoni: You're not kind to me.
Yamanaka: That's because you're my best friend.

Franky: Do you really think that you can trust me?
Iceberg: I'm giving [the Pluton blueprints] to you. Doesn't that answer your question? We never change, do we? Every time we meet face-to-face we yell and argue with each other. I won't forgive you, and you may feel the same way about me, too. Franky, I'm... (chokes up and sheds Tears of Joy) I'm really... I'm so glad that you're still alive.

    Comic Books 
Their relationship is a bit complicated. When they're together, they can't stop bickering each other, but when they're separated, they really get bored.
David Ramirez, about Victor and Frank's relationship, Mini Monsters

Gen: You can't kill me! I'm your best friend!
Usagi: Grrrr... So you keep telling me!

Kitty Pryde: Disappointed, Ms. Frost?
Emma Frost: Astonished, Ms. Pryde.

"The things I do for friends I can't stand."
Taskmaster referring to Deadpool

Lois Lane: Thara is with Kara right now?
Nightwing: Should be.
Lois: Is there a reason every time I turn on the news they're beating on each other?
Nightwing: Uhmm. I think it's because they're best friends?
Lois: Ah.

    Fan Works 
But Calvin and Hobbes were still best friends, and that would never change.
No matter how much one ticked the other off.

Hobbes, as we all know, is Calvin's closest friend, and not just because they have to share a bed. Despite a truckload of arguments and disagreements, Calvin and Hobbes are both dependent on each other. Calvin sometimes needs Hobbes to bring him back down to Earth when he gets too overconfident and Hobbes needs Calvin to keep his life interesting. Oh, and he also needs Calvin for tuna.

"You're a real bitch, you know that?" Luna said.
"An' yer a cunt," Applejack said smirking. The two of them looked at each other for a second, and then embraced one another, "Ah missed ya…"

Everyone has at least one dear old friend they generally just can't stand, and for Yuuno and Chrono, this was each other. There were Best Enemies Forever.
Infinity, Chapter 38

These two are way weirder as friends than they are as individuals.
Monika, regarding Yuri and Natsuki, Doki Doki Literature Club Loops

Mazikeen: [Slap] That's for sneaking up on me. [Slap] And that's for not paying me and Lucifer a visit.
Max: Look... [slap] Owww what was that one for!?
Mazikeen: I like slapping people in threes.

It took a slew of bruises and more than one emotional breakdown, but as the train rolled into the station of District 1, Luxe and Platinum forged something that Mags would later refer to as the most passive-aggressive friendship in the history of the nation.
The Victors Project, Chapter 6

    Film — Animation 
Even though I can't stand SpongeBob, but at the same time...well...I love him. I love him and I hate him! He's like ice cream with salt on it, because he's sweet and super-annoying! He's nice and nails-on-chalkboard annoying! Okay fine, he's mostly super freaking annoying. But, this little nattering my friend. And he doesn't deserve to die.

    Film — Live-Action 
Nebula: [to Gamora] All any of you do is yell at each other. You are not friends.
Drax: You're right... We're family.

Walt: How are you doing Martin, you crazy Italian prick?
Barber Martin: Walt, your cheap bastard. I should have know you should come in right now. I was having such a pleasant time.
Walt: What did you do, cheat some blind man out of his money, gave him the wrong change?
Barber Martin: Who's the nip?
Walt: Oh, he is a pussy kid from next door. I am just trying to Man him up a little bit.
Barber Martin: Hmm...
Walt: You see kid, that's how guys talk to one another.
Thao: ...they do?
Barber Martin: What, you got chip in your ears?
Walt: Go on out, and come back in and talk to him like a real man.
Thao: [Exits and re-enters the shop] Excuse me Sir, I need a haircut if you ain't too busy you old Italian son of a bitch prick barber. Boy, does my ass hurt from all of the guys at my construction job.
Barber Martin: [Picks up and point a rifle at Thao] Get out of my shop before I blow your head off, you goddamn dick sucker! Go!
Walt: What the hell are you doing?! You just don't go in and insult a man in his own shop!

No, Daffy always comes back. I just tell him how much I need him. We hug, we cry, I drop something heavy on him, I laugh.

A good friend helps you up when you trip. A best friend laughs at your ass and trips you again.
— An old joke

    Light Novels 
Chi: ...I just realized that I don't think of you as a friend at all.
Christopher: W-what?! Does that mean you think of me as a lover, then?!
Chi: You're someone I'd love to kill, but circumstances prevent me from doing so. For almost four decades now, come to think of it...

Levan smiled. "When I hear two people spar like that, I am certain that there is actually a profound affection between them."
"Oh, God," said Rubin, visibly revolted. His sparse beard bristled and his eyes, magnified through the thick lenses of his glasses, glared.
"You've hit it, Mr. Levan," said Gonzalo. "Manny would give me the shirt off his back if no one were looking. The only thing he wouldn't give me is a kind word."
Isaac Asimov, "The Wrong House"

"Toomin. What is it?"
I wasn't put off by his attitude. Neither of us had ever requested reassignment; that was proof of the fact that we got on well enough as neighbors.
—The Ellimist and Lackofa, Animorphs - The Ellimist Chronicles

Francis and Teddy are my two best friends — which might surprise you, considering how they're ragging on me about this baby picture. But that's just the way the three of us operate. They both know it's only a matter of time before I find something to bust THEIR chops about. It all evens out in the end.
Nate Wright, Big Nate Strikes Again

It was not an entirely inauspicious beginning, considering that a great many of the Woe's successes had been preceded by my so-called friends ragging on me. I supposed that, mathematically speaking, they would have to be.
Catherine Foundling, A Practical Guide to Evil

    Live-Action TV 
Justin Taylor: I hate you!
Eddie McDowd: Justin, hate is a very strong word.

Cowley: You've never told me about Bodie. I made you a team, what, two years ago?
Doyle: Two years and three months.
Cowley: That's long enough.
Doyle: Long enough for what?
Cowley: For him to get up your nose, irritate you.
Doyle: [smiling] Oh, he does that, all right. Every day, he does that.
Cowley: Chalk and cheese, eh?
Doyle: Yeah.
Cowley: Ah, it's worked well, though.
Doyle: Yeah, I've watched his back, he's watched mine. We're both still alive.
The Professionals, "Close Quarters"

"Eiji and I may have different objectives, and we may undermine each other... but at least we're honest about it."
Ankh, Kamen Rider OOO

Kel: I can't believe my best friend is a son of a bandit.
Kenan: I can't believe my best friend is a doofus.

Robert: I swear, if I wasn't your King, you would have hit me already.
Ned: The worst thing about your coronation is that I can never hit you again.
[Robert's squire struggles with his breastplate when Ned enters the tent.]
Squire: It was made too small, your grace. It won't go.
Robert: Your mother was a dumb whore with a fat arse, did you know that? [to Ned] Look at this idiot! One ball and no brains! He can't even put a man's armour on properly!
Ned: [matter-of-fact] You're too fat for your armour.
Robert: Fat? Fat, is it?! Is that how you speak to your king?!!
[Ned and Robert stare at one another. Ned smirks. Robert bursts out laughing. Ned follows, and then nervously, the Squire.]
Robert: [grimly] That's funny, is it?
Squire: No, your Grace.
Robert: No?! You don't like the Hand's joke?!
Squire: [dumb-founded]
Ned: You're torturing the poor boy.
Robert: You heard the Hand: the king is too fat for his armour! Go find the breast-plate-stretcher! Now!
[The squire flees]
Ned: 'The breast-plate-stretcher'?
Robert: How long before he figures it out?
Ned: Maybe I should invent it.

But I like him. Gilligan is a friend of mine...It's just that I'd like to kill him every now and then.
The Skipper, Gilligan's Island, "Allergy Time"

Jim: Seriously, you are gonna sit in the back?
Dwight: Uh, yeah. In the event of a crash, the driver always protects his side first.
(Jim screeches the back tire and smirks)

Flavius (about Spock and McCoy): Are they enemies?
Kirk: I'm not sure they're sure.
Star Trek: The Original Series, "Bread and Circuses."

Quark: I hear you're taking a little trip to the Gamma Quadrant.
Odo: (dying on his feet) Care to come along?
Quark: Are you kidding? I expect to own this station by the time you get back. With you gone profits from smuggling alone should go up sixty percent.
Odo: Well, don't get used to it, I'll be back before you know it, making your life miserable.
Quark: Then you are coming back.
Odo: Count on it.
Quark: I will.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Broken Link"

He's a good buddy, though we sometimes have punch-ups.
Rick Dagless on Lucien Sanchez, Garth Marenghis Darkplace

Mick: If anyone's gonna kill Haircut, it's me, lady.
Ray: Aw, thanks, Mick.
Mick: Pleasure.

He's gone. He's really gone. The asshole sacrificed his life to save us. I can't believe he's gone. OK, I didn't like him. But I liked not liking him. Who am I going to not like now?
Cat on Rimmer, Red Dwarf: The Promised Land

She’s a flighty good time buddy in the corner of the bar
But she’d fight the Devil for ya just for being who you are
And she’s the last to cast a stone though she’d love to leave you mad
Aw she’s every friend I’ve ever had
— "Every Girl" by Turnpike Troubadours

All band members who have been together for more than ten years hate each other. I think that's written in the Bible somewhere.
— David Lee Roth

So don't be fooled if you see 'em fight
When tempers fray on a summer's night
If you pick on one, you pick on two
The kiwi and the emu
John Williamson, "The Kiwi and the Emu"

    Newspaper Comics 
Hobbes: You know, maybe we don't need enemies.
Calvin: Yeah, best friends are about all I can take.

    Video Games 
Carver: Varric.
Varric: Carver.
Carver: Still think you're helping while burying us in debt to your brother?
Varric: Still riding side-saddle while bitching at your betters?
Carver: Drinks later?
Varric: Never miss 'em.

"Danse may have a stick up his backside, but he's our pal."

Felix: Sylvain. I want to apologize for the other day.
Sylvain: The other day? What are you talking about, Felix? Is this a trap?
Felix: You know...when I called you "insatiable."
Sylvain: Oh, that? Can't say it didn't hurt, but you have nothing to apologize for. I mean, you've said worse, Felix. Considerably worse. Come on, we've known each other since we were kids. We're not going to let your constant verbal abuse get in the way of our friendship, are we?
Felix: No, I suppose not.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Felix and Sylvain's B support.

Trevor: So now what?
Michael: Now we keep a low profile and get on with our lives.
Trevor: As friends.
Michael: What? Do I have a choice?
Trevor: Nah. Not really.
Michael: Alright then, as uh... flawed, awful, totally uncomfortable and poorly matched friends.
Grand Theft Auto V, ending C

Wrex: Garrus...I have to make friends with the one turian in the galaxy who thinks he's funny.
Garrus: Imagine how I feel. I'm supposed to hate krogan, but you came along and warmed my heart with your winning personality.
Wrex: I could throw a few salarians off a cliff if it'll make you feel better.

Sonic: What's up, Shadow!
Shadow: Not you again.
Sonic: Nice to see you, too.

V: You're a dick, y'know.
Johnny: And you're a cunt. Maybe we'll fit together after all.

Strong Bad: I thought we were bros!
Homestar Runner: Wait, I thought I thought we were bros, and you're always beating various stuffings out of me.
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, "Episode 2: Strong Badia The Free"

"Snake, in China they say, 'Though brothers may quarrel at home, outside they defend each other from slight.'"

Genis: Um, what exactly is the relationship between you two, anyway?
Sheena: Insufferable!
Zelos: Insufferable yet inseparable!
Tales of Symphonia OVA Tethe'alla Chapter

"I can't tell if those two are friends or enemies. It's like they love to 'ate each other..."

"Everything around you turns into a disaster. So, obviously, I'm coming with you."
Razmi, Indivisible

"I know we talk a lot of smack on the show and all, but I just wanted to say thanks. For everything."
Marina to Pearl, Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion

"I can’t tell if they’re about to hug or throttle each other, those two…"
Sena, when referring to Eunie and Ashera, Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Rod: We live together...
Nicky: ...we're close as people can get!
Rod: We've been the best of buddies...
Nicky: ...ever since the day we met!
Rod: So he knows lots of ways to make me really upset...oh, every day is an aggravation!
Nicky: Come on, that's an exaggeration!
"It Sucks To Be Me", Avenue Q

    Visual Novels 
Min: I hate you.
Noelle: I hate you too.
Min: Good, none of that Disney shit.

I don't think having a fight is anything unusual for those two. It's just what they always do. Also, it might look like they're fighting, but it's not as if they hate each other.
Riki, on the relationship of Masato and Kengo, Little Busters!

Shiki: Do you have to be so loud this early in the morning? I'm depressed about all sorts of stuff, so stay away from me today, okay?
Arihiko: Depressed? What's wrong man? Is it "that" time of the month?
Shiki: Wait, I take that back. Rather than just for today, stay away from me for the rest of my life. My depression will only get worse with you around.
Arihiko: Hey, you can't just ignore other people like that, Tohno. You're gonna hurt people with that careless attitude of yours.
Shiki: Oh, that's news to me. Isn't there some way I can kill them instead? If you can tell me how, I'll repay you by trying it out on you.
Arihiko: That is cold, man. Aren't you just a little nastier than usual this morning?
Shiki: Didn't I tell you I'm depressed? Other people aside, I'm certainly not showing any kindness to you.
Arihiko: Why are you only mean to me, Tohno? You're like a saint to everyone else. It's not fair.
Shiki: What, you just figured that out? The world's unfair.
Arihiko: You are only mean to me.
Shiki (narrating): I didn't try particularly hard to be cold to Arihiko. That is just the kind of relationship we have.

Hahaha! You're giving us too much credit. Tohno an I are best friends and bitter enemies, so just call us pals!
Arihiko, Tsukihime

I give you a lot of shit, but I really do love you. And I'm so sorry all this happened because I was too much of a screwup to remember that.
Tara, to her best friend Madison, Heart of the Woods

    Web Animation 
Church: O'Malley, from now on, if anyone's going to make [Tex] cranky in the morning, it's gonna be me.
Tex: Aww, how sweet.
Church: Shut up, bitch.
Tex: Asshole.

Swagmaster: Sponge Cake...
Chris: Huh?
Swagmaster: Sponge Cake. I remember this one New Year's Eve, I invited everyone I possibly knew to a big party at my house, but no one came... not even my family... but you, Chris... you came and you brought along this tiny-ass box of Sponge Cake, all the shops were closed.
Chris: So I tried making my own but burned most of it.
Swagmaster: That's right, but you know what Chris? It was one of the best damn cakes of my life and one of the craziest nights I had.
Chris: Christ Swag, that was so many years ago.
Swagmaster: You may not have any good memories with me Chris... but I do.

"Me and Carlo have a unique partnership in a good way. We are not traditional friends. If we did not have this company, or these shows, we would not hang out with each other. We would most likely hate each other. We kinda do hate each other."

Town Guard: Is this your friend?
Rodriguez ElCazorro: That title is hanging on by only the thinnest of threads.
—"Another Fable II Experience"

    Web Comics 
Black Mage: I have a friend.
White Mage: What you have is a highly dysfunctional relationship based exclusively on abuse
Black Mage: Right. A friend.
White Mage: See that, that right there, that's what's wrong with you.
Black Mage: Damnit, Fighter. White Mage doesn't like me because you're a rotten friend.

Edward: So ... what do I do when I run into Reggie again? I mean, I came this close to reorganizing his landscape.
Thomas: Suck it up. Apologize. Be the bigger man. Heh. Metaphorically.
Edward: Right. How are you my friend again?
Thomas: My abuse is playful and originates from genuine caring.


"whereas i will offer dave a tender bro embrace, and shove karkat down a flight of friendship stairs."
John Egbert, Homestuck, discussing his plans for meeting up with his friends

    Web Original 
My Ally advantage and Archenemy flaw can't both represent the same person.

Jon: Oh my god, why am I not throwing this controller at your head right now?
Emile: Because you love me.
Jon: No, because you're out of reach.

    Web Video 
Dorothy: I can't believe I'm about to say this, but listen to Rochefort. He's our only hope right not and...feels so gross coming out of my mouth.
Owen: Aw, thanks Castlemore. You make me sick too.
Dorothy: I try.

Goku: Hey Vegeta, we're friends now, right?
Vegeta: F**k off.
Goku: The best!

Kirito: Hey Thunder-Lion. Hows' it hanging?
Tiffany: Kirito? Well if it isn't my least favorite customer.
Kirito: (Fist-Bump) You're just saying that because I'm not dumb enough to buy any of your crap.
Tiffany: Well if there's one upside to being trapped with these idiots: it's that they'll buy pretty much anything.

Yamcha: Hey Tien, since this is the end—
Tien: If you're about to say "I love you" I swear to god...
Yamcha: Actually, I was gonna say you're the biggest asshole I know.
Tien: ...Oh.
Yamcha: ...You're also my best friend.
Tien: So are you, man.

Yugi: No, I was talking about the time I saved you from that bully!
Joey: Oh... eh, no, no I don't remember that.
Yugi: But I was all heroic and stuff...
Joey: ...Hey, remember the time me and Tristan took your millennium puzzle?
Tristan and Joey from flashback: Tooooormeeeeeent!
Yugi: ...Remind me why we're friends again?

Spider-Man: Wow, Supes must mean a lot for you to go to all this trouble to find him.
Batman: 'Supes' is a headstrong, naive idiot without the least bit of common sense in these situations.
Spider-Man: [laughs]
Batman: But only I'm allowed to say that.
Spider-Man: [meekly] Yes, sir.

Matt and Tai: because nothing says "friendship" like a solid punch to the face.
Robyn of Anime America, "Top 10 Best Friends in Anime"

Natalie... well, she's a whore. But she's my whore.
Lindsay Ellis on the subject of her friends, "Mask Off"

    Western Animation 
"Stupid best friend Flanders!"
Homer Simpson, The Simpsons

Scott: How did you know that?
Kyle: Because we're his friends.
Scott: Then why are you telling me?
Kyle: Because we hate him.

Wonder Woman: What about us? Are we good?
Hawkgirl: Like oil and vinegar. We go together, but we don't mix.
Wonder Woman: Works for me.

Skwisgaar Skwigelf: I will sees you in Vallhalska...
Toki Wartooth: I've always hated you Skwisgaar.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: I knows Toki... I knows.

Look how we get along together. (You are incredibly annoying)
I think it's great the way we blend. (You're like a bone stuck in my throat)
You've tried to be as tough as leather. (This isn't something I'm enjoying).
But now I see that's just pretend. (I shoulda left you on that boat!)
We'll find our way through stormy weather. (You want a friend? Go find a snail!)
Just you and me right to the end. (Or better yet, Killer Whale!)
Hey buddy, looks like we're two birds of a feather. (Don't call me buddy!)
And, gee, it looks like I got me a friend!

Steven Universe, "What's Your Problem"

Cause we're frenemies
We like disliking one another
Cause we're frenemies
He's like my least favorite brother!
Buford and Baljeet, Phineas and Ferb, "Lotsa Latkes"

Alucard: Fortunate indeed, then, that I chose not to kill you and eat you, Belmont.
Trevor: And that I decided against gutting you, flaying you, and turning you into shoes, Alucard.
Sypha: Such a merry band we are. I will find us a covered wagon and horses, if you two can manage not to kill each other while I'm gone.
Alucard: Oh, please, we're not children.
[Sypha walks away]
Trevor: ...Eat shit and die.
Alucard: Yes, fuck you.
[both laugh]

Arnold: Are you still upset because your old friend Jimmy Kafka's coming to visit?
Grandpa Phil: Yes, I am.
Arnold: But why?
Grandpa Phil: I told you, because I hate him.
Arnold: But, Grandpa, he's your best friend.
Grandpa Phil: That doesn't mean I can't hate him.
Hey Arnold!, "Old Iron Man"

    Real Life 
Just because I give you crap doesn't mean I hate you. If I hated you, I wouldn't talk to you at all.

"A very good measure of how good your friends are is how much you can insult them without them taking offense."

If I’m not being emotionally abused then how do I know it’s friendship?
Jonasson, creator of Two Guys and Guy commenting on strip 084

If I can't have a fight with my best friend, I don't know who I can have a fight with.
John Lennon on his relationship with Paul McCartney in 1972

"If you can burn a fella's clothes and remain friends, that's the sign of a tight group."
— Irish rugby player Conor Murray discussing his relationship with teammate Jonathan Sexton
