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Characters / The Harmon Verse

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Main Characters

Jack Harmon (Created by Soulless Warlock)

The eponymous character in the universe and the protagonist of the See It My Way series, which covers the first three seasons of the show. He can best be described as Jesse St. James on steroids and wants nothing more than to become a star of stage and screen. He is talented, but arrogant as hell and is not afraid to tell the members of New Directions what he is thinking at all times.

  • The Ace: Taken to ridiculous extremes
  • Actually a Doombot: A Running Gag in The Harmon Verse. See below for more.
  • The Alcoholic: Is slowly turning into this. Played mostly for comedy.
  • Ambiguously Bi: See Really Gets Around for more details. This gains more merit when you realize that Jack has never stated why he wants to kiss everyone.
  • Ambiguously Human: There are moments that imply that Jack might not as human as he claims to be. All of the resets might have something to do with it.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Played with as Jack's ambitions and ends are not evil, merely a matter of how he achieves them that can be questioned.
  • Acquired Poison Immunity: Once stated that after all the chemicals he's been exposed to, Jack is incapable of either getting sick or being poisoned.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Jack has a tendency to become distracted by either the thoughts in his head or by whatever it is that is holding his interest, sometimes at the detriment of those around him.
  • Attention Whore
  • Badass Boast: Jack to Sue.
    Sue: How did you get in here?
    Jack: I am Jack Harmon.
    Sue: That doesn't answer my question.
    Jack: Yes, it does.
  • Badass Bookworm: Tends to decry his friends as illiterate whenever they don't understand his references to classical literature.
  • Badass Normal
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: His basic clothes in Seasons 1 and 2 were this, and he has some nice ones for Season 3.
  • The Blind Leading the Blind: While certainly smarter and more observant than most of his friends, Jack is insane, so his plans are usually not that great upon reflection.
  • Byronic Hero: Cynical, intelligent, passionate, moody and magnetic, Jack tends to show many of these traits across his appearances.
  • Camp Straight: He's called Rachel Berry with a Five O'clock shadow for a reason.
  • The Casanova: There's a reason he Really Gets Around.
  • Challenge Seeker: Tell him not to do something you deem impossible, and you can consider it done. This tends to be the best way to get him to do something he wouldn't normally do.
  • Comedic Sociopath
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Jack is incredibly blasé about the twisted things he has seen in his life, especially when describing things that happen at his family's company.
  • Covert Pervert
  • Crazy-Prepared: He calls himself the master of the elaborate setup for a reason.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Put Jack in the same space as an animal (any animal) and he instantly turns into a very docile and agreeable sort.
  • Cynical Mentor: To Ridley, the Successor Project and the brand-new members of New Directions
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • The Determinator: He once spent all day trying to shoot down a rainbow, that should say something about his determination.
  • The Dreaded: Most of the school board and staff are terrified of him to the point that they aren't sure what will happen if they expel him. Humorously, he's blissfully unaware of this fact.
  • Easily Forgiven: Jack tends to be a very bad compatriot, but his friends and acquittances are so used to him being a selfish jerk that they simply shrug their shoulders and get on with their lives every time he does something terrible. Alex is the member of the club that ever really hates him and is stunned when he realizes that everyone is simply indifferent to his behavior.
  • Enfant Terrible: Flashbacks and anecdotes about his early childhood paint him as a little brat and imply that he may have actually mellowed out since hitting puberty.
  • Ethical Slut: He may sleep around but he makes it a point not to sleep with people who are in relationships.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Makes it quite clear that he won't prank Quinn while she's pregnant.
  • Faceā€“Heel Turn and Heelā€“Face Turn: Does this little two-step at least once in a story.
  • Geek Reference Pool: Knows a ton of nerdy things and isn't shy about sharing it with people much to their surprise
  • Genius Ditz: He's remarkably intelligent, but his arrogance, paranoia and possible autism make him come off as an idiot.
  • Gun Nut: He has an entire room filled with guns. In the later seasons, he is regularly seen with a gun holstered in his jacket or is seen cleaning his firearms.
  • Hidden Depths: There are reasons why he acts certain ways, we just haven't seen them yet.
  • Inner Monologue: More like an inner dialogue, but you work with what you got.
  • I Call It "Vera": Named his car "McClaine" after Bruce Willis' character in Die Hard.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Jack has a very high opinion of himself...but an even higher of opinion of how he should be, and his fear of failing tend to manifest when he feels somebody has bested him, which leads to him making rash choices that usually blow up in his face.
  • Insufferable Genius: He has an IQ of 160 and does not shut up whenever the situation calls him to explain something in his normal self-aggrandizing manner. He does, however, internally state that he could've worded his statements differently, but he prefers not to do so.
  • It Amused Me: One of the reasons he didn't say anything about Terri and the Vitamin D fiasco.
  • It's All About Me
  • Jerkass: Guilty as charged.
  • Knight in Sour Armour: He complains about anything that isn't good for him but is always the first person to react in a crisis.
  • Large Ham: When he's not The Stoic
    • The expression JACK HARMON UNDERSTUDIES FOR NO MAN comes to mind.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: Subverted. His pride keeps him from interacting with others despite the fact that he has friends.
  • Massive Numbered Siblings: He has two stepsiblings, Puck and Sarah, as well as a younger half-brother, Jamie, and is heavily implied to be a half-brother to both Mason and Madison McCarthy
  • Loves Secrecy: Tends to keep his cards close to his chest. Mostly because he loves seeing the surprised reactions on people's faces whenever he does something impressive, shocking or snatches victory from the jaws of defeat.
  • Missing Mom: A major arc in Season Two
  • Nay-Theist: Jack does believe in God, but just doesn't prioritize a relationship with Him, nor does he really feel that God would want one with him.
  • Never Gets Drunk: He is rarely ever inebriated and that can be attributed to his genetics. His mother is April Rhodes and his father and paternal line are notorious for their tolerance for alcohol.
  • Never My Fault: Played with as Jack will admit to situations being his fault to himself and Rachel but will never admit to the situation to anyone else. It's part of his character arc for him to admit to such transgressions to his other friends.
  • The Nicknamer: Was one of his original trademarks before he became more and more eccentric
  • No Social Skills: Is this trope in spades. He doesn't pick up on social cues, is, for the most part, amazed when he offends people and doesn't seem to think that people find some of his behavior off-putting.
  • Non-Idle Rich: Could become a star based on his family's bankbook alone but chooses not to.
  • Not So Stoic: Happens during Seasons Three a lot
  • Original Character
  • Photographic Memory: Can easily remember things everyone else forgets and had no trouble remembering the faces of a group of homophobes who attacked his friends even when no one else could remember what they looked like.
  • Politically Incorrect Hero
  • Practically Different Generations: Jack is 20 years older than his younger half-brother, Jamie.
  • Really Gets Around: To the point that one of his goals is to kiss every member of the Glee Club before he graduates. Regardless of gender. He's been with more people offscreen then Brittany and Santana combined.
  • Renaissance Man: Jack has a habit of learning things quickly and learning them well. He is skilled in acting, singing, dancing, playing three instruments, hand-to-hand combat, breaking and entering, is well-read, has a passing knowledge of multiple sciences, can speak Greek and understands many other languages (though he cannot speak them) and is a decent poker play. All things being equal, his devotion to these pursuits may be one of the many reasons he is as socially inept as he is.
  • Running Gag: Several. This includes:
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: Basically, the street where he lives
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!
  • Sex God: He is heavily implied to be one
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: He wears a suit at almost all the time
  • Sophisticated as Hell: He has a great command of the English language but sometimes he rubs his victory over people in the most immature ways.
  • The Stoic: Sam has said he had "mad Vulcan skills."
  • Third-Person Person: Slips into this on occasion.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: Implied. Jack's usual reaction to someone threatening him is stare at the person with a curious look, as if he's wondering if he may enjoy what they're suggesting.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Despite his blunt demeanor never changing, he becomes kinder because of his choice to join the glee club to the point that he's far more approachable in season six than he was in season one.
  • Troll: Seems to get a kick out of pointing out everyone's character flaws while glossing over his own
  • Uptight Loves Wild: Tends to vacillate in this role, depending on who is acting opposite him. He is the wild to Rachel's uptight, the uptight to Santana and Jenn's wild, the wild to Mr. Schue's uptight, et cetera, et cetera and so forth.
  • Undying Loyalty: His relationships with Rachel, Kurt and his father exemplify this trope.
    • Best stated by Soulless Warlock in conversation with a friend. "Once Jack is your friend, he's your friend."
  • Villain Protagonist: Could be considered this on some level
  • Vitriolic Best Buds
  • What Is This Feeling?: Is not sure if he's going insane or developing a conscience.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Frequently guilty of these sorts of actions
  • You Need to Get Laid: Played with as not getting laid is not the reason he's a pain in the ass nor is the fact that he has gotten laid makes him such, he's just that way naturally.
  • You're Insane!: Is told this repeatedly to the point that he doesn't care when someone calls him this.

Mitchell Mason (Created by Zero Ben)

Dylan Armstrong (Created by Cola Flavoured Sherbet)

Daniel Lawson (Created by Gone Rampant; adopted by Soulless Warlock)

Jennifer "Jenn" McGraw (Created by Cola Flavoured Sherbet)

Alex Hawthorne (Created by Cola Flavoured Sherbet)

Michelle Grayson (Created by Zero Ben)

Trevor Rayburn (Created by Soulless Warlock)

Ridley Mayhew (Created by 100YardDash)

  • Affectionate Pickpocket: Though she's only done it once on screen, her mother has indicated that this is Ridley's favorite way to steal from people.
  • Badass Bookworm: Despite how she appears, Ridley is extremely well-read and has a brown belt in judo.
  • Berserk Button: God help you if you make a blonde joke or say anything nasty about her loved ones in her presence.
  • Disappeared Dad: A major plot arc for her in Season Five.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: When she pickpockets, Ridley almost exclusively targets who are clearly wealthy or are insufferably rude. She also refuses to target anyone who might be down on their luck.
  • Excessive Evil Eye Shadow
  • Geek Reference Pool
  • Gun Nut: If her reaction to Jack's gun room is any indication, she's as enthusiastic about firearms as he is.
  • Original Character
  • Perky Goth
  • Running Gag: There are a handful of them, which include...
    • Many people seem to think that her name is Ripley or Rigby. One person even thought her name was Rugby.
    • She's not allowed to leave any of her friends' apartments without emptying her pockets first.
  • Shipper on Deck: She started shipping Jack and Rachel almost as soon as she met them.
  • Shout-Out: Ridley has stated at least once that she couldn't sew if her life depended on it, unlike a certain character that Momsen used to play.
  • Sticky Fingers: When she's stressed, Ridley will steal useless objects from people (mostly shiny things like keys but she's also been known to swipe pens or paper clips).

Minor Characters

Kristopher Harmon (Created by Soulless Warlock)

  • Absent-Minded Professor
  • Affably Evil: Implied. He is charming to everyone of Jack's friends, but no sane or decent human being would allow for half of Harm Co's experiments.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Jack gets it from him
  • Mad Scientist
  • Massive Numbered Siblings: He is the oldest of six siblings (Kristopher, Edward, Juliet, Karen, Roger and Shane) and is the father of several children himself (Jack and Jamie, the stepfather of Puck and Puck's younger sister and it is heavily implied that he is the father of the twins, Madison and Mason McCarthy).
  • Non-Idle Rich
  • Open-Minded Parent
  • Original Character
  • Parental Substitute: He is this to both Puck and Sarah, and to his younger second cousin, Katie, after her grandmother (Kristopher's aunt, who had raised her since she was abandoned by both of her parents) passes away.
  • Practically Different Generations: Much like his oldest and youngest, Kristopher is 20 years older than his youngest brother, Shane.
  • Really Gets Around: It is heavily implied that Jack inherited his libido from his father, though Kristopher was far more subtle about it. He gave it up after falling in love with Lisa Puckerman.
  • Second Love: He and Lisa are each other's second attempt at marriage...and the one that sticks.

Dr. Latham

Ethan Pressman

Diane Harmon

Harrison Rayburn

Elizabeth Carey


Joshua Lawson

Elise Mayhew (Created by 100YardDash)

  • Evil Matriarch: The fact that she's a highly-respected criminal notwithstanding, Elise has no problem using the people in her life (including her daughter) if the ends justify the means.
  • My Beloved Smother: She desperately wants Ridley to follow in her footsteps and become a thief worthy of the history books. She's also in complete denial over the fact that her daughter is trying to reform and become legitimate.
  • Mrs. Robinson: Ever since her first appearance, she unabashedly flirted with Jack and later slept with him during The Back-Up Plan.
  • Original Character
  • Really Gets Around: Her sexual history is surprisingly extensive. Really, it's no wonder that her daughter had three possible fathers.
