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Characters / The Dresden Files – Other Powerful People and Entities

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WARNING! Due to the books relying heavily on mystery and surprise, the pages would be virtually unreadable with excessive spoiler tags. Therefore, all spoilers except for the most recent novel (Battle Ground) are UNMARKED. Tread carefully.

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For the White Council, see The White Council.

For the Black Council, see The Outsiders

The Grey Council

    In General 
Formed by Ebenezar McCoy sometime during the events of Turn Coat as a counter to the Black Council, the Grey Council is a small group of wizards and other entities who are aware of the threat the Black Council represents and are united in opposing them. Known members and associates include Ebenezer McCoy (see The White Council), Donar Vadderung (see below under 'Monoc Securities'), and Harry Dresden himself (see Harry and Harry's Household).
  • Ambiguous Situation: Other than Harry, Ebenezar, and Vadderung, there are at least nine others, but nothing is known about their identities as of Peace Talks.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Show up at the end of Changes to beat some Red Court vampire asses.
  • Big Good: Though the White Council is supposed to be this role, the Grey Council is formed because the White Council's internal politics and corruption make it impossible for them to effectively counter the Circle's agents.
  • In the Hood: Most members of the Grey Council wear face-concealing hoods and cloaks of, appropriately, grey material.
  • Irony: Harry notes that if word of them spreads to the Black Council, members of them could out the Greys and claim them as the "dark wizard scapegoats" and the corruption in the White Council.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: The whole reason for their existence; doing things that need to be done, which the White Council can't do for whatever reason.


Aristedes' cult



A Fagin-type sorcerer who appears in Ghost Story. His main brand of magic is kinetomancy, or the magic of energy and movement. Using it on himself, it grants him greater strength and speeds than someone of his size should have. He leads a group of homeless children through fear and power, promising them protection from the Formor.

  • Bald of Evil: He has no hair on the top of his head, but does have tattoos for some reason.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: That is not to stay he's not skilled, because he is, he's just not the big shot he acts like.
  • Compelling Voice: One method by which he controls his boys. The fact that Fitz is now fighting it means he will likely kill Fitz to keep the others in line.
  • The Fagin: He's even referred to as such by Fitz when talking with Harry.
  • Just Ignore It: What happens to him in the end. He's a small-timer, but he's smart enough to know when to fold 'em.
  • Lean and Mean: He is described as practically skeletal.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He is a tough fighter with his kinetomancy giving him stronger offense and defensive buffs. His only drawback is that his power is still at low- to mid-tier practitioner level. And once the defenses are broken through, he is still very much mortal human.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: Aristedes correctly identifies Daniel and Butters as fake Wardens, but does so because they don't have swords. Technically, Luccio's Anti-Magic swords are not part of the Warden uniform, and at this point Luccio has not made any new ones for nearly a decade, but in the minds of most minor practicioners, the swords are intrinsic to the Wardens, and their absence a dead giveaway.
  • Tattooed Crook: With protective symbols from various traditions.
  • We Have Reserves: Harry tells Fitz that the whole gang will be killed because they have seen this man, who they thought was unstoppable, bleed and be injured by a normal man. His power to control them will severely diminish, so he will have to start fresh with new street kids.



A street kid whom Dresden meets during the events of Ghost Story, and acts as something of a right-hand-man to Aristedes. He has some natural magical ability as he can hear dead people, or at least hear Harry.

  • Badass Normal: While he has the supernatural ability to hear ghosts, he lacks any other empowerment. Harry still considers him this.
    Harry: When I faced my old master, I did it with newly made staff and blasting rod in hand, with the ancient forces of the universe at my call, and with words of power on my tongue.
    Fitz had more courage than I had as a child.
    He went to face his demons with no weapons at all.
  • Big Brother Instinct: He genuinely cares about the other kids to the point that Harry used the fact that Aristedes will now kill the other kids because they have seen him bleed and be hurt, thus breaking the illusion that he was some all powerful badass.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Harry notes that Fitz is very similar to him, especially when he was that age.
  • Not Afraid of You Anymore: His final confrontation with Aristedes is a great part this.
  • The Power of Love: Harry notes that Aristedes's control over the street kids was nothing compared to the loyalty they had to Fitz. After all, Fitz cared for them and protected them whatever way he could. That holds much more power than mere magical coercion.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Harry realizes this when Fitz is the one to call Aristedes "Fagin".
  • True Companions: He and his crew are this. He loves them and protects them. They in turn are deeply loyal to him. It is enough to break Aristedes's hold on them.
  • Villain Ball: Averted, for the minor villain he is for a short time, when he has his comrades not carry the bags of weapons out of the car after the car crashed. He knew the cops would be more likely to look closer if they were carrying heavy loads and not just their cold bodies.



Fitz's best friend, and another member of Aristedes's cult.

  • Barefoot Poverty: Fitz mentions that Zero has no shoes and goes arounds in socks and moccasins, even in winter.
  • Friend-or-Idol Decision: He's forced to choose between Fitz, his friend, and Aristedes, whom he serves, after Aristedes reveals his true colors. He chooses Fitz.

Gregor's cult

For Charity Carpenter, see her entry under Ordinary People and Badass Normals.



A charismatic warlock who ran a cult of runaways, including one Charity Carpenter. Enraged at the temerity of the Wardens for seeking to prohibit him from casting spells, he embarked on a dark path for power, eventually seeking out the patronage of the dragon Siriothrax. He went insane after Michael slew Siriothrax; his ultimate fate is unknown.

  • Manipulative Bastard: He manipulated his cult members into serving him, then ultimately sacrificed them.



A dragon with a cult. He accepted human sacrifices from the cult in exchange for power, but ultimately perished when Michael Carpenter interrupted one of the sacrifices.

Kravos' cult

    Leonid Kravos, aka "The Nightmare" 

Leonid Kravos

A small-time sorcerer who used his magic to make drugs. Harry and his crew defeated him shortly before the events of Grave Peril, and he was subsequently arrested. He committed suicide while in jail, and his ghost became known as the Nightmare as it pursued vengeance on his enemies.

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Cold Days reveals that Kravos was being manipulated by Nemesis.
  • Driven to Suicide: Kravos killed himself in prison before the events of Grave Peril. This is part of a Thanatos Gambit—his death created a Shade bent on taking revenge in his place.
  • The Dragon: The Nightmare is second in command to Bianca.
  • Evil Twin: The Nightmare turns into an evil Harry once it has consumed some of his magic.
  • Expy: Of Victor Sells. One's a sorcerer using his powers to make drugs, and the other has the help of a demon.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Literally, in this case. Kravos was a small time sorcerer running a Cult of Personality before being turned into the Nightmare.
  • The Heavy: Bianca is the Big Bad of Grave Peril, but the Nightmare does most of the work.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Harry realizes if the Nightmare is the spirit of some low-level demon, then the fact it went for Revenge by Proxy and knew it was the best way to hurt Michael means this is very far from some low-level grunt demon Kravos summoned. Demons of that level don't think in that way. A human, however, would.
  • Posthumous Character: Sort of. Kravos is dead before the Grave Peril case begins, but the Nightmare—his ghost—is very much active.
  • Resurrected Murderer: In life, Leonid Kravos was a drug dealer, cult leader and multiple murderer. He was arrested by Harry Dresden and Michael Carpenter and sent to prison where he committed suicide. Kravos' evil spirit returned as "Nightmare" which started to target anyone involved in arresting him, eventualy culminating in him torturing Michael's pregnant wife.
  • The Reveal: The Nightmare is the shade of Leonid Kravos.
  • Revenge: The Nightmare targets people involved in the whole Kravos affair for this reason.
  • Revenge by Proxy: When Michael would be too powerful to try attacking, the Nightmare went after the heavily pregnant Charity.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Leonid Kravos was kind of a wimp. The Nightmare is...most definitely not one.
  • Ye Olde Butchered English: The Nightmare talks this way. It's because he's trying to imitate the way he thinks a demon would speak. Harry knows enough grammar of English from that time to notice a grammatical error a demon shouldn't have made.

     Barbara, aka "Lydia" 

Barbara, aka "Lydia"

A member of Kravos' cult.

  • Bungled Suicide or Interrupted Suicide: It's not clear which, but she definitely has razor scars on her arms that could only come from a suicide attempt.
  • Demonic Possession: She's possessed, and Dresden thinks a demon is to blame, but as it turns out, the monster possessing her is actually the ghost of Kravos.
  • The Oldest Profession: Has bartered sex for things before.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted. She calls herself Lydia for most of the book, and later a reporter named Lydia Stern is introduced.
  • Seers: She claims to have Cassandra's Tears, a condition which lets her predict the future but prevents others from believing her. Whether this is true or not has not been determined, but it seems likely based on the predictions she has made.
  • The Woobie: She suffers a lot in Grave Peril. She's almost sacrificed by Bianca, then possessed by Kravos.

The Sleeper's Cult

     In General 
A group of fishermen and crabbers local to Unalaska, Alaska, who are infested and warped by a Great Old One named the Sleeper.
  • Apocalypse Cult: They want to wake the Sleeper and end the world.
  • Cthulhumanoid: To the extent that they can extend octopus-like tentacles from their heads (though they can also conceal said tentacles when trying to blend in with normal people).
  • Humanoid Abomination: Prolonged exposure to the Sleeper’s influence has twisted and mutated them to the point that they are no longer human. Discounting the fact that they can use potent dark magic and extend tentacles from their mouth when alert or in attack mode, their human disguises are flawed, as their skin is bulging out of place in some areas and there’s something wriggling within their eyes.
  • Religion of Evil: They run one in Alaska. Ramirez even notes that on their unholy ground they will have a significant boost of power. This boost puts them more on par with some sorcerers and warlocks.
  • Shout-Out: A very clear one to the cult of Cthulhu.
  • Was Once a Man: They were all regular humans before the Sleeper infested them. This allows Molly and Carlos free reign to kill them with magic or mundane means and no one from the White Council will mind.



Once a normal resident of Unalaska, Alaska, Clint was infested and warped by the Sleeper shortly before the beginning of the story "Cold Case".

  • Naïve Newcomer: His infestation is relatively new, and he doesn't yet know how things work in the mortal world (such as how, precisely, the Sleeper can be woken).
  • Feel No Pain: He walks on a broken leg with no issue.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Molly gets an 'angry sexual predator' vibe off of him, which foreshadows his corruption.

     The Captain 

The Captain

The leader of the Sleeper's cult.

  • The Captain: Of a fishing boat.
  • Mind Rape: Does this to a bartender in order to find out who Molly and Ramirez are.
  • No Name Given: Only ever identified as 'the captain' or 'Captain Fisherman.'
  • Oh, Crap!: He gets this when he realizes the one he captured is Winter Lady Molly right before she unleashes icy death upon them.

Other Organizations

The Alphas

    In General
Downtime with Dresden and the Alphas
Patrolling wolves
A pack of vigilante werewolves and allies of Harry's. The Alphas assemble in Fool Moon, where they are mostly college students under the mentorship of Tera West.
  • Canis Major: Most of the Alphas are described as something leftover from the ice-age and are all about the same size as Mouse.
  • Healing Factor: Although it takes a lot of energy, and leaves really ugly scars, they can use the wolf spell for healing some injuries.
  • Hit-and-Run Tactics: They specialize in them. When one hits the target and runs, the target generally focuses on that wolf, leaving the others an opening.
  • Internal Reveal: Harry finally gives them (some of them) a full layout of the supernatural in Turn Coat.
  • Noble Wolf: They defend their local neighborhood, and eventually much of Chicago after Harry's death as of Ghost Story. As Murphy revealed in Aftermath their neighbourhood found a 40% drop in mortal crime rate after they began patrolling it. Most of the supernatural community knows better than to mess with The Alphas on their turf.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: In this universe werewolf (as a technical term) is just a human who can transform into a normal wolf at will. They undergo no mental changes (and thus must learn how to live like a wolf), have no linkage to the Moon, and gain no special invulnerabilities. They're essentially wizards who are a Master of One Magic... although it is possible for them to learn others.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: While completely outclassed by the threats Dresden faces, the Alphas can kick serious ass when facing "normal" supernaturals; it's said that vampires avoid the U Chicago campus like the plague now.
  • Shapeshifting Excludes Clothing: Their clothing isn't included in their transformations. This doesn't bother them much, but they're shown to have much more modesty than Tera and they usually making a priority to get dressed.
  • Took a Level in Badass: They were weak newbie wolfs in Fool Moon just starting in their skill. Two years later in Summer Knight they become capable fighters. After Turn Coat and Kirby's death Will pushes them to be even stronger.
  • You Are Not Ready: Harry toed this line with them, trying to keep them in the dark about the worst of the things that go bump in the night. Will calls him out on this when keeping them in the dark didn't help save Kirby when the danger followed Harry to their door.

     William "Billy" Borden 

William "Billy" Borden
The leader of the Alphas, as a human...
...and as a wolf.

The Leader of the Alphas, and later the husband of Georgia.

  • Battle Couple: With Georgia.
  • The Big Guy: Of the Justice League Chicago.
  • Brief Accent Imitation: One of Will's character tics is imitating Georgia's voice. It has been thought by both Harry and Murphy that he probably does it without even realizing it.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Against Jenny Greenteeth in "Something Borrowed" and Madeline Raith in Turn Coat.
  • Genius Bruiser: Has an engineering degree from University of Chicago.
  • Gondor Calls for Aid: The group mostly split up after they all graduated college, but Billy has been trying to get back in touch with them since the fomor arrived.
  • Happily Married: With Georgia, as of the short story "Something Borrowed", set between Dead Beat and Proven Guilty.
  • Meaningful Rename: A re-nickname in this case. William Borden upgrades from "Billy" to "Will" as of Turn Coat, after he calls Harry out on trying keep him and the Alphas sheltered from the rest of the supernatural world despite the fact that they are now mature veterans of multiple battles rather than inexperienced college kids. The new, less childish nickname serves to indicate Harry's acceptance of Will as an adult and an ally.
  • True Love's Kiss: He uses this to wake Georgia from Jenny's sleeping curse. Had Will unknowingly wed Jenny and kissed her, the magic of his kiss would have been destroyed and rendered him unable to wake Georgia forever.

     Georgia McAlister Borden 

Georgia McAlister Borden
Wife. Mother. Defender of Chicago.

Second-in-command of the Alphas, and later the wife of Billy.

  • Battle Couple: With Will.
  • Bride and Switch: Jenny Greenteeth switched places with Georgia in an act of revenge for the Alpha's slaying a ghoul assassin Maeve liked. Harry stopped Billy from kissing the fae and binding himself to her.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Against Jenny Greenteeth in "Something Borrowed" and Madeline Raith in Turn Coat.
  • Damsel in Distress: Winds up captured by the fae and then the Fomor, necessitating rescue attempts. On the other hand, once she gets freed she's more than able to hold her own in a fight.
  • Happily Married: With Billy, as of the short story "Something Borrowed", set between Dead Beat and Proven Guilty.
  • Pregnant Badass: In "Aftermath". It's hinted to be the reason she's able to resist the Formor mind magic.
  • True Love's Kiss: Is saved from Jenny's sleeping curse with one.

     Andi Macklin 

Andi Macklin

A member of the Alphas. Dated Marcy in college and Kirby until he died, after which she began to date Butters.

  • Buxom Beauty Standard: The others often talk about her voluptuous figure, and she's even nicknamed "Furry Knockers".


A member of the Alphas who was killed fighting "Shagnasty", a powerful skinwalker.
  • Butt-Monkey: Kirby did not fare well in Dresden Files. The first time he's actually named is in the short story "Something Borrowed" where he's laid up in the hospital offscreen with a cracked spine and two broken legs after a fight with a ghoul went wrong due to drunken shenanigans during Billy's bachelor party. His first named appearence is in "Day Off" where he and Andi need Harry's help getting rid of magical fleas. His last appearance was in Turn Coat when his throat gets ripped out by Shagnasty.
  • Character Death: Died during Harry and the Alphas' first encounter with Shagnasty.
  • Mauve Shirt: Though not a hugely prominent character, he appeared often enough to make his death in Turn Coat a Tear Jerker and to demonstrate Shagnasty's strength.
  • Shapeshifting Squick: He and Andi come to Harry in the short story Day Off to ask for advice about magic fleas which made them more bestial. Harry, to his chagrin, correctly assumes the two attracted the fleas when they were experimenting with sex in their wolf forms.



A member of the Alphas who was disfigured during a battle with a Fomor lord.

  • An Arm and a Leg: While she doesn't quite lose the limb, her shoulder was half-melted during the Fomor fight in "Aftermath".
  • Mission Control: Works with Butters to radio information and instructions to a team infiltrating a svartalf facility during "Bombshells".
  • The Nose Knows: Has very powerful scent-tracking abilities in her wolf form that exceed even those of the other Alphas, such as Billy.

    Tera West 

Tera West
The mentor of the Alphas.

Fiancée of one Harley MacFinn. She was a mentor to the Alphas and taught them the change-into-wolf spell. She enlists Harry's help in Fool Moon after the magic circle MacFinn stays in during his bouts of Involuntary Shapeshifting rampages was damaged.

  • Action Girl: She is more than capable of handling herself in a fight, both in human and wolf forms.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: She almost seems like she has No Sense of Humor, but she's visibly amused and almost laughs when Harry expresses how much she frustrates him.
    Harry: Put some clothes on, you weird, yellow-eyed, table-dancing, werewolf-training, cryptic, stare-me-right-in-the-eyes-and-don't-even-blink wench.
    [There was a hissing sound from the back seat, and I flicked a scowl back over my shoulder. Tera was chewing on her meat. Her eyes were shining, her mouth was curved at the corners, and her breath was puffing out her nostrils in near-silent laughter]
  • Affectionate Nickname: Usually refers to Harry as "Wizard". At first it seems that it's because she doesn't like him and only sees him as a tool, but she keeps doing it with a friendlier tone after she warms up to him.
  • Amazonian Beauty: Her physique is described as being lean and solid with muscle, but still very beautiful.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Her skin color is described as "a uniform shade of brown". Given she's a timber wolf that can take human form it's ambiguous if her skin color is supposed to reflect her fur (which is not described as brown) or her taking the form of what a Native American woman would look like, since she lives in a native preserve.
  • Ambiguous Situation: We never get the details of how she met the Alphas other than it was via MacFinn's Northwest Passage Project. How she came to be involved be MacFinn is also never revealed.
  • Angst? What Angst?: Her feelings over MacFinn's death are never dwelled upon, other that she doesn't blame Harry about what he did.
  • Big Damn Heroes: She and the Alphas rescue Harry at the nick of time when he's captured by the Streetwolves.
  • Brutal Honesty: She doesn't mince her words for the sake of politeness, such as thinking Susan is stupid for asking obvious questions, like if Harry bullet wound hurt.
  • But Now I Must Go: At the end of Fool Moon she leaves town to go back to the mountains now that MacFinn is dead, telling Harry she will be with her family.
  • Canis Major: Her true form is a timber wolf the size of a human.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: When Harry inquiries on who she is, she simply says she's someone who has lost to many of her family in the past.
  • Death Glare: Gives these quite often to Harry, especially when he acts suspicious of her or is being aggressive towards MacFinn.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: She's naturally distrusting and has a cold and non-nonsense demeanor, and acts with hostility to Harry at first, but as they go on adventures together she eventually warms up to him.
  • Does Not Understand Sarcasm: She's often confused or disdainful of Harry's sarcastic remarks. This is due to her being a wolf, and wolves don't have sarcasm.
  • Fragile Speedster: She has immense speed and agility in wolf form, but doesn't have the brute strength of the loup-garou, making their fight a David Versus Goliath scenario where she has to dodge his blows to stand a chance.
  • Graceful in Their Element: Harry realizes she's a wolfwere upon watching her move in her wolf form, noticing she's much faster and graceful than any of the other Shapeshifters.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Played With, she's not tiny (in fact Harry describes her as tall) but next to the huge MacFinn she "looks like a slip of a girl".
  • Humanity Ensues: By turning into a human, she feels things she never knew as a wolf.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: She expresses the view that humans are more brutal than animals as humans kill for fun or sport, while animals only kill to live, which is why she acts so distrustful when dealing with humans.
  • Interspecies Romance: She's a wolfwere and the fiancée to MacFinn, a human.
  • Leg Focus: Harry seems to be often staring at her legs, with his narration often noting on how they're "long" or "lean".
  • The Mentor: For the Alphas, she mentors them in Voluntary Shapeshifting. We don't learn the details of how the arrangement started other than it was via the Northwest Passage Project.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She's described as being incredibly attractive with Harry taking notice of her "long lean legs" quite often. And while she wears practical clothes whenever she can, she does end up naked quite often due to Shapeshifting Excludes Clothing. Her comic book illustrations need to make heavy use of Censor Shadow and Godiva Hair to keep her covered.
  • Naked First Impression: Her first meeting with Susan has Tera only barely draped in Harry's trenchcoat. Susan just chalks it up to Harry's weird world.
  • Noble Wolf: She has most of the qualities associated with wolfs, being very intelligent, dignified, proud, and loyal.
  • Noodle Incident: She and Listens-to-Wind have met each other at least once, and she asks him to pass on her regards to Harry in Summer Knight.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: While fighting off the hexenwolves She refuses to abandon the Alphas even if it's to help her lover, and tries to stay behind to secure Harry and their's escape, but Harry's intervention makes her sacrifice unnecessary.
  • The Nose Knows: She's easily able to track down or notice people with her enhanced sense of smell, even in her human form.
  • No Social Skills: Learning about humanity is as hard for her as learning to be wolves is to the Alphas.
  • Nubile Savage: For a being that by all rights shouldn't really have a good conception of hygiene, she takes good care of herself. MacFinn's influence may have helped.
  • Our Souls Are Different: She doesn't have a soul to soulgaze, which shows Harry she's not a human.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: She's a wolfwere, a wolf that can take human form in the same way as werewolves whenever she pleases.
  • Put on a Bus: She appeared in only in Fool Moon, and the book ended with her departing the city, mentioning she would now return to her family in her native lands. She got a brief mention in Summer Knight, but never showed up again, despite the fact the Alphas are recurring characters. Word of God is she may show up again.
  • Red Herring: Her paranoid personality, not being forthcoming about information and the fact that Harry can't soul gaze with her makes her one of Harry's primary suspects for the events of Fool Moon, but he turns out to be wrong, and she ends up being one of his biggest allies in the book.
  • Scarily Competent Tracker: She's shown to be an expert tracker, mostly due to her enhanced sense of smell and wolf instincts.
  • Sexy Mentor: Though she's spoken for, she serves as the first instructor for the Alphas once they learn to shapeshift.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: She ends up naked often given all the shapeshifting she does and is quite unconcerned about it, even though she's fully aware of the effect her nudity can have on men. Although she's a bit disdainful once she does a naked dance to distract some cops. She also shows not to care for other's modesty, being nonplussed at Harry's discomfort when she informs him she undressed him so she could bandage his bullet wound while he was unconscious.
  • Show Some Leg: She does a Nude Nature Dance in the rain to distract some cops that are watching Harry's apartment, giving him the chance to get his tools.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Has a habit of suddenly sneaking up behind Harry, usually startling him.
  • The Stoic: She almost always holds herself with a relaxed composure, rarely showing much emotion and acting in a level-headed manner. Although she has her times of being Not So Stoic.
  • Supermodel Strut: Harry frequently mentions how she walks in a graceful and confident manner.
    She moved with a feral sort of grace that made me all too aware of her legs, and her hips.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: She has peculiar amber eyes, denoting her status as a Shapeshifter.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: She's extremely protective of MacFinn, to the point of attacking Harry when she thinks he may have killed him. Downplayed when Harry does end up killing him in the end, she manages to forgive him telling him he "did what was necessary".
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: She teaches the "Change-into-wolf" spell. For her, a better name is "Change-into-human" spell.
  • Weak, but Skilled: She doesn't have the raw power of the loup-garou, she's quick and skilled enough to fight him one-on-one by dodging his attacks.
  • We Need a Distraction: She serves as a distraction thrice.
    • Once in the forest when she charges past the police so they pursue her while Harry and MacFinn escape
    • Later when Harry needs to sneak into his apartment that is being under watch by the police she offers to be a distraction, but Harry pleads for her to not be violent. She acquiesces by dropping her coat, deciding to Show Some Leg to distract them instead.
    • In the Final Battle of Fool Moon, she takes on MacFinn in his berserk loup-garou form, evading his attacks and distracting it while Dresden takes care of Denton's hexenwolves.

The Evil Eye Franchise

For Lord Raith, see his entry under The Vampire Courts.

For He Who Walks Behind, see his entry on the Outsiders page.

     In General 
A collection of individuals with grievances against porn director Arturo Genosa who resorted to using dark magic to settle their scores.
  • A Rare Sentence: Harry later mentions tangling with "a cult of porn star sorceresses", prompting a Double Take from Molly.
  • Asshole Victim: Considering their actions over the course of the book, it's safe to say their horrible deaths all were well-deserved.
  • Death by Woman Scorned: They don't manage to kill Genosa, but they kill a lot of his potential lovers.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: They target the most beautiful women around Genosa first, but Genosa works in the porn industry and has three failed marriages with beautiful women behind him. He's actually dating his plain-looking, reliable producer rather than any of the talent, someone they never even consider targeting.
  • Greed: One of the motivations for the ex-wives is that, if Genosa remarries, their generous alimony payments will be reduced or eliminated. They therefore try to kill his new love interest to prevent that. However, with his sinking business ventures, it's less motivation than simply killing Genosa's current girlfriend.
  • Reality Warper: Part of the entropy curse is basically changing just the laws of probability with how bad things play out. From when a strong serious mind is in control and a randomly fired bullet will strike the target dead, or a brainless beauty launches it and a woman dies from a car hitting her while water skiing, the primary caster's intent and mind will change the outcome.note .
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Predictably given Woman Scorned over the same man is part of their motives, they apparently dislike each other, and are more than happy to kill each other if given the opportunity; Trixie and Madge use Lucille as a sacrifice the moment she displeased Lord Raith, and Madge gladly helps Raith get rid of Trixie once she no longer has any use.
  • 13 Is Unlucky: The curses they send must be launched at exactly thirteen minutes before, or after, either noon or midnight.
  • Villain Ball:
    • Their big problem is they don't actually know who, exactly, Genosa wants to marry next. They settle for just killing every beautiful woman he interacts with, one at a time. Unsurprisingly, their group falls apart before they reach their actual target. In addition, the deaths of these women will likely mean that the production will shut down and Genosa's business will fail, meaning they won't be able to get their generous alimony cheques any more.
    • They also screw up when they target Inari Raith—that is, the daughter of the guy giving them access to this magic. Lord Raith is not amused.
  • Woman Scorned: Except for the backers, the Evil Eye Franchise consists of Genosa's three ex-wives who want revenge on him for dumping them.

     Madge Shelly 

Madge Shelly

Genosa's first ex-wife. A highly regarded porn actress under the name of Elizabeth Gunns, Madge became rich thanks to Genosa's alimony. The leader of the Evil Eye casters.

  • Chekhov's Gun: Her carrying plates and dishes prevents her from shaking hands with Harry. As she is the strongest of the wives magically, Harry just touching her would have told him she is a practitioner of power.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Killed by her bones exploding out from within .
  • Death by Irony: Killed by the same dark magic/Outsider forces she used to target Genosa.
  • Only Sane Man: Not by much, but she is the only one who shows some degree of competence and intelligence out of the three, being actually skilled in magic, careful to avoid hand contact with Harry so he wouldn't realize this, and the only wife to not commit any blatantly stupid mistake.

     Lucille Delarossa 

Lucille Delarossa

Genosa's second ex-wife and porn actress who also participated in the Evil Eye group. Her stage name was Raven Velvet.

  • Amazonian Beauty: Described as this, more or less word for word.
  • Blow Gun: Her weapon of choice when not using entropy magic. Both Harry and Murphy realize that his attacker probably didn't have much practical experience, since a blowgun is too impractical, too "Hollywood" of a weapon.
  • The Ghost: Is never actually seen in person during the Blood Rites case, though Dresden does see her picture and she does once shoot at Harry from a concealed position.
  • Human Sacrifice: She is sacrificed to use as the catalyst on one of the final attempt on the curse.
  • Large Ham: A non-vocal variant; it's mentioned she had a tendency to be over-the-top and theatrical (as demonstrated by her attempt to kill Harry with a blowgun, of all things), and was responsible for the ridiculously elaborate nature of all the death caused by the Enthropy Curse; as soon as she is killed, the next death inflicted becomes noticably more practical and subdued.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: It's her overdramatic death scenarios that convince Genosa that there's something behind the accidents killing his actresses, and gets him to hire Harry to check it out.
  • Villain Ball: According to the other two wives (though admittedly they might have been Unreliable Narrators), she was the one who came up with the idea of targeting Inari Raith, with complete disregard for the fact she was Lord Raith's daughter. As a result, she suffers the consequences for it.

     Trixie Vixen 

Trixie Vixen

Genosa's third ex-wife. An unintelligent but beautiful actress, Trixie joined the Evil Eye group after Genosa divorced her.

  • Brainless Beauty: Incredibly gorgeous, but by far the dumbest of the three wives; to give an example, her attempt to frame Dresden fails because she didn't even bother to learn his name.
  • Bring My Brown Pants: When Harry gets the upper hand on her during the confrontation, she is mentioned to soil herself in fear.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Her inability to remember Harry's name comes back to bite her and help Harry when she cannot even recall his name properly to implicate him in the murder she commits.
  • Dirty Coward: Is quite willing to murder and belittle people, but the moment she faces retribution she begs and pleads while soiling herself.
  • Hate Sink: Obnoxious, egocentric, pretentious, shallow and hated or despised by practically every single character we get to see her interact with (heroes and villains), she comes out as being unlikable even before we learn she is part of a murder cult.
  • It's All About Me: The primary reason she is seen as obnoxious; Trixie is a prima donna convinced she is the center of the Universe.
  • The Load: Aside from her truly unpleasant personality, she causes several problems to the group; when confronting Harry, she gets relatively easily owned by him despite catching him unarmed while she is pointing a gun at him, her attempt to frame him to the police fails miserably because she didn't bother to learn his name and none of her coworkers liked her enough to correct her, and when they finally have Harry as their prisoner, she tries to kill him at the slightest provocation even though they need him for the Entropy Curse. Eventually, Lord Raith and Madge just end up getting rid of her.
  • Meaningful Rename: Unlike the other two ex-wives, who used "sexy" stage names but didn't change their real names, Trixie had her actual name changed to something suitable for porn work. Her original name was Tricia Scrump.
  • Smug Snake: Supremely confident to her ruin.
  • Spoiled Brat: A huge prima donna who threw fits whenever she didn't get her way.

The Fellowship of St. Giles

     In General
Who holds the line against the Reds
A group of supernatural individuals and their allies who fight against the Red Court. Many of them are people who have been infected by the Red Court but resist their vampiric urges to drink someone dry and turn all the way.
  • Badass Crew: Members inevitably become this with their training and facing against foes much stronger than them.
  • Interspecies Romance: The birth of Maggie Dresden shows while these half-vampires aren't wholly human anymore, they remain at the very least fully functional like White Court vampires in terms of making children with humans. It isn't known if there is anything supernatural about said children.
  • Hit-and-Run Tactics: Comments by Susan suggest that the organisation is one that very frequently moves around, to avoid it's own destruction and help where they can.
  • No Immortal Inertia: Which became a problem once the Red Court was destroyed.
  • La Résistance: Serve as this in South America since long before the war got wizards more involved, holding the line.
  • Older Than They Look: Several members.
  • Power Tattoo: Unlike typical versions, their tattoos are more restraining bolts meant to help the half-vampires hold back their urges and keep them from turning to full vampires.
  • Restraining Bolt: While the tattoos don't fully stop a wearer from fully acting on vampiric urges, they do help control and mitigate those urges to allow a person to last longer.
  • Vampire Refugee: Half-turned humans comprise a large percentage of the grou.
  • Token Heroic Orc: An organisation of them, vampiric individuals who help defend against those who would prey on others.

     Susan Rodriguez 

Susan Rodriguez
Nothing will stop her from finding that story.
Or taking down those Reds.

A reporter for the Midwestern Arcane, a trashy tabloid that doesn't deserve a journalist as good as she is. She will put herself at an extraordinary amount of risk to get the scoop on some genuine weirdness, and constantly pesters Harry for leads. Harry's girlfriend until the Red Court got their hands on her, at which point she joins the Fellowship and wages war on the vampires who ruined her and many others lives.

  • Action Girl: In the later books. In Changes, she takes a steel table leg as an improvised club and helps Harry fight in the Erlking's dual. Even without powers, she handled herself decently against vampires.
  • Action Mom: She was pregnant while a member of the Fellowship. In Changes, she joins Harry in their quest to retake their daughter, no matter the price they may have to pay.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Only on one occasion, where she is quite ticked off when Harry gets distracted by Tera's nude form. She has moved on though later on following Grave Peril's events and holds no begrudging in this regard.
  • Damsel in Distress: In the earlier books. Harry had to rescue her a few times early on. She gets better.
  • Determinator: Getting turned into a half-vampire has her early on resist feeding on Dresden or Justine, with no help from any restraining bolt. Following that she managess to find the Fellowship of Saint Giles all by herself - and push herself through a serious badass upgrade, determined right up to do what's right all the way to the end.
  • The Driver: She spends most of Fool Moon having to drive Harry and/or Tera around.
  • Friend in the Press: Whilst she was a journalist Susan had this sort of relationship with Harry, her first meeting him being out of her desire to expose the supernatural. Her pestering him for leads and stories, led to them eventually getting together.
  • Hero of Another Story: Her various alluded to missions with the Fellowship of St Giles.
  • Heroic Willpower: Exemplifies this, with resisting her infection.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Just about literally. She lets Harry sacrifice her on the altar that is being used to empower the bloodline curse, to target the Red Court. This is after her change into a full vampire, meaning what remains of her soul is powerful enough to allow Harry to kill her to save their baby girl.
  • Hypocrite: Keeps Maggie secret from Harry so that Harry's enemies won't gun for her... yet risks keeping in contact with her daughter herself. Somewhat justified, as she likely got attached to Magge as a baby and struggled to sever contact entirely. Fortunately she has enough sense to tell the truth when shit gets real.
  • Idiot Ball: Showing up at Bianca's party in Grave Peril with a fake invitation for the sake of a scoop despite Harry's warnings explaining why it was a bad idea. Then again, he himself realises he was at fault in how he gave very minimal information to her resulting in her really not having an idea of the actual scope of the danger there.
  • Intrepid Reporter: She pursues several investigating angles for the Midwestern Arcane. Determined to find out hidden truths wherever she can.
  • Latin Lover: She was a long-term girlfriend of Dresden and even had a child with him.
  • Missing Mom: She tried her best to avert this as she could before, giving Maggie up but attempting to visit her when she could with her adoptive family. But now with her death in Changes, she is this.
  • Marked Change: The Fellowship's normally invisible tattoos allow her to use the junior league version of the Red Court's abilities without letting her bloodthirst get out of control.
  • My Greatest Failure: How she views what happened with Maggie.
  • Pre-Climax Climax: She and Harry end up sleeping together just before the climactic battle in Fool Moon
  • Pregnant Badass: There's no indication that she stopped helping the Fellowship while she was pregnant.
  • Shoot the Dog: After she attacks Martin and starts to turn into a full vampire, Harry has to cut her throat to turn a bloodline curse intended for him on the Red Court.
  • Slashed Throat: Courtesy of Harry as part of the ritual to sacrifice her and destroy the entire Red Court.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: With Harry. He's a White Council member, she's turning into a vampire, and their nations are at war.
  • Took a Level in Badass: While never one to shy away from most danger, after becoming a half-vampire and joining the Fellowship, she became a skilled fighter, weapon's expert, and terrorist to the Red Court. She has enough combat skill to hold her own using just a metal table leg as an improvised club.
  • Vampire Refugee: Fought her transformation and the vampire courts with everything she had, even when it meant her life.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Picks up Harry's gun and shoots a demon attacking Harry. After she becomes a vampire, it becomes even more pronounced.



Martin was one of the Fellowship of St. Giles most dedicated members, and worked with them for well over a century. He is absolutely fanatical about bringing down the Red Court. At any cost. We learn a lot about him in Changes, so if you haven't read it, this will be a spoiler-heavy entry.

  • Becoming the Mask: Originally, he was an infiltrator to bring down the Fellowship of St. Giles, but while working for them, grew to despise the Red King
  • The Chessmaster: Martin plays everyone for fools in his ploy to wipe out the Red Court having planned ahead over perhaps years for the perfect opportunity to strike.
  • Double Reverse Quadruple Agent: The man runs gambits in gambits. It's nicely foreshadowed in Death Masks where Martin turned out to be using Susan in order to kill Ortega.
  • Hypocrite: In Changes, Martin blames Harry for endangering Susan which led to her becoming a proto-vampire — all the while using Susan, Harry, and their little daughter in his gambit against the Red Court.
  • The Nondescript: He is boring and unremarkable in every aspect of his appearance and personality. After he emerges from a vicious battle completely unscathed Harry notes that this ability serves him like armor. No one sees him as a threat.
  • Strike Me Down with All of Your Hatred!: A heroic, or at least Well-Intentioned Extremist version, he arranges for Susan to kill him to fully transform into a vampire. This made her the youngest Red Court vampire, allowing Harry to use her as the sacrifice for the bloodline curse in order to wipe out the entire Red Court (and cure the half-vampires who had yet to succumb to their blood lust, and possibly young Red Court vampires).
  • Survival Mantra: "Stay on mission". He regularly tells Susan this when he feels she is letting her emotions get the better of her.
  • The Unfettered: The Red Court is evil. The Red Court must be destroyed. What do you mean, further moral considerations?
    • In Death Masks Harry realizes, and Martin doesn't disagree with the claim, if it serves destroying the Red Court Martin would have put a bullet in Harry rather than Ortega.
    • In Changes he pushes Susan to the point she murders him to become a full vampire in the ritual room where the bloodline curse against Harry was about to be used just so Harry will kill her and annihilate the whole Court. All of it.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He'll do anything to destroy the Red Court. He'd interrupt a duel specifically to keep the hostilities between the White Council and Red Court active. He'd have shot Harry in the back to do so. He'd sell out Susan and Harry's daughter, Susan, the entire Fellowship of St. Giles, and himself.

Monoc Securities

For Sigrun Gard, see her entry under Chicago Mafia.

For Freydis Gard, see her entry under Vampire Courts.

For Karrin Murphy and Nathan Hendricks, see their entries under Chicago Police and Chicago Mafia, respectively.

     In General
A security organization with an absurd amount of stockpiled weaponry and many powerful fighters.
  • Badass Crew: No member of this institution is a weakling or a pushover in combat. From Gard with her battle axe, or her sister, to the Einherjar with their centuries of training, to the secretaries outside of Donar's office (who scare even Gard), to the top man himself.
  • Fantastic Racism: The Valkyries view all Forest People as monsters because Grendel was one of their kind ages ago.
  • Wall of Weapons: Although it's more like Multiple Floors of Weapons. Each floor from the lowest levels and up have pretty much every armament in human history, from ancient stone weapons used by the first humans, to the first guns, to fleets of modern tanks and who knows what else hidden in Monoc's main facility.

    Donar Vadderung 

Donar Vadderung/Odin/Kris Kringle
"I've been in this game for a long, long time, boy. How do you know I haven't given you exactly what you need?"

CEO of Monoc Securities and Miss Gard's ultimate employer. He's a very tall, big, strong man, with one eye... Mentioned in several books before he makes a brief appearance in Changes. If the Stealth Pun company name didn't tip you off, he's Odin. And also Kris Kringle, AKA Santa Claus, a King of Winter.

  • Amplifier Artifact: As revealed in the microfiction "Good People," his reindeer act as these in his Kringle form. Molly compares each of them to the power amplification of the Winter unicorn and muses that the thought of the sheer power he uses with them makes her uncomfortable.
  • Arch-Enemy: Apparently to Ferrovax.
  • Badass Santa: Well, come on. He's Santa and Odin.
  • Batman Gambit:
    • Ebenezer suspects Odin ran a gambit on Harry in Changes as part of helping Mab get vengeance for the Red Court's crimes against her nation. His knowledge and actions put the gun in Harry's hand and told him where to shoot. And Harry followed through.
    • Harry suspects that he and the Erlking pulled this during Cold Days, forcing Harry to defeat them in self-defense and allowing him to take command of the Wild Hunt to lead against the Outsiders on Demonreach. Harry notes that there are no way Harry should've been able to win this easily.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Makes an appearance with the rest of the Grey Council to back up Harry in the big ending battle of Changes.
  • Big Good: He's a member of the Grey Council, and one of the clearest defenders of humanity and Creation itself against the forces of the Outside.
  • Bystander Syndrome: In Cold Days of the Eldest Gruff, Erlking, and himself, he only stares blankly at Harry, giving no hint to Sarissa being taken away by The Red Cap.
  • The Cavalry:
    • As part of the Grey Council, he helped ride in to save Harry and his team in Changes.
    • In Cold Days, he co-leads another cavalry, which Harry must wrest control of if he wants to have them on his side.
  • Cool Old Guy:
    • He's the only other person in the entire setting aside from Harry who uses the word "juju" to refer to magic. Naturally, he's a pretty cool guy.
    • Infinite layers of this are added in Cold Days when it's revealed that on top of everything else, the old codger is Santa Claus. It makes perfect sense (as Odin as a gift-giver predates the Christian Santa), who saw that coming. This also takes into account Gods Need Prayer Badly. Human belief shapes some supernatural entities, including Odin. Belief in Odin waned, weakening his power, but Odin was one of many inspirations and influences on the composite character Santa. When people began to conflate Odin with Santa, Odin became Santa. He hints at this early in Cold Days, commenting that human belief has changed who he once was.
    • The Kringle persona itself is pretty cool, if scary. How do you feel about Santa being someone who's equivalent of "drinking with the guys" is a rousing game of the Wild Hunt
  • Crazy-Prepared: When Harry first enters the World Tree, he passes through a collection of just about every weapon in history, but gathered in such numbers that they could "win a minor war in a century of your choice". Then he gets on the elevator, which rises up past at least seven more floors similarly outfitted, before he just stops counting. When he asks Gard about how ridiculously well-armed Vadderung is, her only response is that "one can only have as much preparation as one has foresight." It's also implied that his belief in foresight is what allowed him to find out where Maggie was going to be taken for the sacrifice.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When Harry asks him what would happen if he went back and time and tried to kill his grandfather, Vadderung's response?
    "He beats you senseless, I expect."
  • Exact Words: Kringle explains that there is an important legal distinction between himself and Donar. They are two separate entities, with separate rules and responsibilities—the fact that they're both physically the same person is legally irrelevant. When Mab asks Kringle for aid, the Lord of Winter must oblige. Should she ask Donar for aid, he will tell her to get in line.
  • Foreshadowing: When Harry met Donar in Changes he noted, "[Donar] had a hearty laugh, like Santa Claus must have had when he was a young man and playing football."
  • Genius Bruiser: The man is one of the best information gatherers in the world, sharp as a blade, and the former chief Norse God. He is a dangerous and terrifying force in battle.
  • Good Counterpart:
    • To Mab and her court. While he is aligned with Winter, Donar is one of the kindest and most good-natured and jovial beings in the entire court. He is more than willing to give a person help if they have proved their worth and take that as payment and nothing more.
    • He is also more reserved and contained than the Elrking, who has been described as Jackie Chan meets Hannibal Lecter.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Downplayed. He can be pretty jolly, but his idea of a fun evening with the guys is participating in the Wild Hunt, doesn't get involved in Maeve's kidnapping in Cold Days, and he shows absolutely no compunction with humanity being described as a potential enemy in Battle Ground.
  • Good Is Not Soft: He's unambiguously on the side of good, but even Harry respects him enough to keep the sassing to a minimum. When he tells you to move out of his way, you move.
  • Honest Corporate Executive: Being both a generally heroic and good guy who is also the head of a private security company that employs valkyries and controls the World Tree. His appearance as Vadderung combines both elements of the corporate executive and roguish international criminal.
  • Hope Bringer: His role as Santa Claus. He represents the hope in the bleakest part of the year.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: While Mab is not tiny, standing over six feet, in his Kringle-mask, the man stands at around nine feet.
  • I Have Many Names: Vadderung, Odin, Kris Kringle, Santa Claus, and as Peace Talks reveals, Beowulf.
  • I Let You Win: In Cold Days when he and Erlking lead the Wild Hunt against Harry, Harry is able to shoot Erlking with an unenchanted gun and gets to fight Kringle in an old steel mill, defeating both of them. At the end of the book, Harry tells him he knows there is no way this could have happened unless the two of them wanted it to happen.
  • It Was a Gift: As a Fae, there is the danger of him applying a harsh or long measure of debt to any gift he brings a person, unless he uses his Kringle mask and claims it as a belated Christmas present.
  • Knowledge Broker: As Odin, he is this. If he doesn't know about it already, he will know it soon enough.
    • He surprises Harry by knowing Harry had a daughter before Harry told him (and well before Ebenezer McCoy).
    • He knew the relationship between Ebenezar and Harry.
    • He will also take payments in the form of information such as Harry setting up the White Court to tail Odin personally to make them reveal how they worked their spy network. This is to pay Odin for showing up at a meeting at all.
    • He tells Harry that Anduriel, who can look and listen through almost anyone's shadow, knows "very nearly as much as I do."
  • The Mentor: The fact that he tutored Merlin—the guy who built Demonreach—speaks volumes about his power and skill. Particularly since Odin's had over a millennium to practice and study magic since then.
  • Mysterious Backer: To Harry. He is always helping Harry in one form or another, but as Harry notes, doesn't always explain his reasons or the full consequences of Harry completing the mission.
  • Mythology Gag: Peace Talks shows him holding a cane whose shadow is surprisingly long — most likely because it's actually Gungnir.
  • Old Master: Odin is so old that he taught the original Merlin.
  • The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: He's a member of the Grey Council.
  • Physical God: Again, he is Odin. He is also the Winter King, and thus Mab's peer.
  • Right-Hand Hottie: Has two "raven-Haired" secretaries whose nails can scratch metal. Sigrun is terrified of them. Donnar refers to one as M.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: As Odin, King of the Norse Gods, and Kris Kringle, a Winter King, he is not one to shy away from battle.
  • Rules Lawyer: As expected for The Fair Folk. Due to the tangle of social niceties and obligations inherent to the fae, offering aid for free is generally frowned upon... but Kringle's not above giving Harry the occasional "belated Christmas gift."
  • Sacred Hospitality: As Odin, he takes this very seriously and borders on Secret Test of Character for the visitors. Accept his hospitality if offered and you will be rewarded. Refuse it and it is one of the things that will quickly make Odin angry with you.
  • Santa Claus: One of his masks, but in his view only a recent addition. When wearing the guise of Kringle, his build, appearance, and demeanor shift considerably, but his vast knowledge and skill are intact.
  • Secret-Keeper: On par with being a Knowledge Broker, he knows plenty of secrets.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: He knew Harry had a daughter before Harry tried telling him, and before any of Harry's living family. He also knew Ebenezer was Harry's grandfather before Harry did.
  • Secret Test of Character: He enjoys these. And from his perspective, as he has had his eye on Dresden for a while, everything Harry has chosen to do could be considered this. When all things are considered Odin likes and respects Harry enough to give him crucial information on his daughter's whereabouts, the exact nature of the curse the Reds' plan to use her for, and a taste of the power Harry will be facing when he arrives. The price he charges Harry is nothing.
  • Stealth Pun:
    • Monoc—>Mono-Ocular—>One-Eyed—>Odin One-Eye. And on top of that, their logo is a circle with a bar through it; Harry thinks it looks like an eye being cut out with a blade or the Greek character iota imposed on an omega. Thus, the blind eye that sees every last little detail.
    • His last name relates the word "father". His first name is another name for Thor. Therefore, his name is "Thor's Father".
  • Time Master: Kringle is skilled with temporal magic, able to recognize and counter it when Harry, Karrin, and the rest of the Wild Hunt are caught in a time-shifting field that threatens to keep them from reaching their destination in time to help. The Erlking even notes this is his specialty. As Santa Claus, this is presumably how he is able to deliver gifts around the world in one night.
  • The Wild Hunt: Every Halloween, he co-leads this hunt with Erlking.
  • The World Tree: Now masquerading as a high-rise office building.

     Hugin and Munin 

Hugin and Munin
A pair of raven-haired secretaries working for Vadderung who look perfectly identical. Their names are left unsaid at first (although Vadderung calls one by the initial "M"), but Dresden works out who they are and asks about them by name to Vadderung in Cold Days.
  • Absurdly Sharp Claws: which can cut steel like fruit peel.
  • Bit Character: Only appear briefly in a couple of chapters (of course, knowing their role, it's entirely possible they've been involved in Harry's life much more than he realizes).
  • Clever Crows: Strongly implied to be the ravens Hugin and Munin of Norse mythology.
  • The Dreaded: Subtly, but Gard is afraid of them and warns Harry not to antagonize them.
  • Hate at First Sight: They despise Dresden about two seconds after meeting him. It might have something to do with Dresden seeing one of them peel up shards of a stainless-steel desk with her nails and immediately start joking about if she peels oranges or sharpens dull blades too.
  • Photographic Memory: Gard says they "never forget", which fits with the mythology that Hugin and Munin are Odin's information-gatherers. Their names also mean "Thought and Memory."
  • Super-Senses: Can see in the dark.
  • Speed Blitz: Does this when a Fomor mook tries to stab Harry in the back. One pins Harry to the ground while the other slaughters the mook.

     The Einherjar 

The Einherjar

Some of the soldiers that Monoc Securities hires out. They have no magic powers while alive, but they reincarnate when they die in battle, and most of them have lived for centuries. As a result, they have far more fighting experience than most opponents are likely to be able to match.

  • Blood Knight: When Jotun turn up in Chicago, the likes of Harry and Ebenezar are scared. The Einherjar scream with joy, grab some explosives and charge.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: How one becomes an Einherjar. Murphy and Hendricks ended up in Valhalla because of this.
  • In Love with Your Carnage: Murphy causes a few crushes among their number by being able to keep up with them as a vanilla mortal, even after she's battered around and only has about 50% mobility left.
    In refenece to Murph pulling the pins out of two grenades and holding them at head height when she's pinned in a fight: Gods that's hot.
  • Really 700 Years Old: As a result of their power.
  • Resurrective Immortality: Their only power, but it's a doozy.

     Skaldi Skjeldson 

Skaldi Skjeldson

One of the Einherjar. He spars with Murphy and jokingly offers to train a reluctant Butters.

  • Boisterous Bruiser: One minute he's battling Murphy, and the next he's joking with Butters.
  • Old Master: He may not look his true age, but he qualifies. Murphy, for all her skills, never once beats him. He always pulls out another move or exploits a tiny opening to win.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Murphy comments he has been fighting for roughly 2,000 years and has massive levels of experience in combat.

Monster LLC

    Goodman Grey 

Goodman Grey
A mysterious shapeshifting mercenary hired to assist Nicodemus in Skin Game.

Narrates the short story "Monsters".

  • Affably Evil: Subverted. Grey is a self-described "professional monster" and mercenary but is polite, courteous and fairly friendly. By 'Peace Talks', Harry has learned that he isn't actually evil at all, despite being a Humanoid Abomination. "Professional monster" is more of a literal description: he's a monster, or at least the son of one, and indeed professional.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Much like Kincaid, Grey toes the line of ruthless pragmatism. Unlike Kincaid, it turns out that money is no object, and he only works for good causes.
  • Anti-Hero: He's a ruthless, cold-blooded mercenary who only works for good causes at a rate of one dollar per case.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Because Grey is a naagloshii, even though he rejects his father's evil ways he refuses to chance this by entering into the Carpenter's yard with its angelic protections. Uriel doesn't say what might have happened if Grey had, but he's thankful that nothing had to happen. Understandable, as naagloshii are basically fallen angels of Native American mythology, so Grey hits pretty close to the description of The Antichrist in Christianity.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He has disguised himself as a weak mortal some ghouls were targetting in order to get a drop on them when they attacked Harry first thinking him to be the greater threat. Later, when fighting a monster in Hades' vault, he went straight for the beast's eyes.
  • Comically Small Bribe: Harry hires him for one dollar, and it later turns out that this is his standard fee. Naagloshii are too self-sufficient to worry about living expenses, and he works for the job satisfaction.
  • Consummate Professional: Played With. It doesn't matter what the job is or if a better offer comes along. Once he's hired, he will see the job through to the end, no matter what. It's not actually about the money for him, and he wants to work for good causes, which is why Harry, rather than Nicodemus, ended up as his employer.
  • Creepy Good: Naagloshii are strong contenders for the scariest entities in the franchise (particularly thanks to Shagnasty the Skinwalker's terrifying debut), and Grey compounds this with his ruthless, callous mercenary persona. He's still a reliable (and extremely affordable) force for good, though.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Enough to keep up with Harry in Snark-to-Snark Combat.
  • Dead Person Impersonation: After his target in Skin Game dies because Harry and he fail to protect him, Grey assumes his identity for the remainder of the day so as not to alert anyone of something being amiss. However, this has its risks, according to Word of God. Apparently, if he "takes in" too much of someone else, he runs the risk of overwriting his entire personality with that of the person he takes in, since he is not a true immortal like his full-skinwalker parent.
  • Doppelgänger: Name dropped by Harry, and his part in the plan involves turning into someone who can access the vault, though Harry's not sure what kind of doppelganger he is. Probably a good thing he learns after the job's done, all things considered.
  • Exact Words: He is a "professional monster," which seems to imply he is a horrible creature who will work for anyone... but rather, he is a Humanoid Abomination (i.e., a "monster") who has a strict code of who he works with and will not go back on a contract (i.e., a professional). In effect, rather than being a "professional monster," he is instead a "professional monster."
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Maybe. He mentions that his father was "a piece of work," which, in conjunction with describing Harry's mom in the same way, implies that he was a skinwalker too. But details are scarce, and even less is known of his mother.
  • Healing Factor: Not one of the strongest in the series, given that physical injuries still "rattle" him, but his body can restore itself from gory injuries in minutes and hours rather than days and weeks.
  • Humanoid Abomination: He's a half-Skinwalker that prefers human form, so it comes with the package.
  • I Gave My Word: Like most supernatural entities, he takes contracts incredibly seriously. The fact that he offers his services so freely despite this is an important insight into his character.
  • Meaningful Name: It's a statement of intent. He's a Native American demon trying not to be totally evil, which is why he hires himself out for good causes for a very small fee.
  • The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: When he transforms into Harvey, he acts like Harvey, getting nervous and twitchy even when everyone else in the room is fully aware he's not the real thing. He mentions that "going this deep's not for amateurs."
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: He's a naagloshii cultural rebel.
  • Only in It for the Money: Subverted. At first glance, he's only interested in getting paid and isn't particular about whom he gets paid by...then we learn that his fee is one dollar, and he only works for good causes.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: Grey is a self-described "professional monster." But he has a genuine moral code, so kills criminals and monsters who are far eviler. It later turns out that he deliberately enforced this by only hiring himself out to good causes for a Comically Small Bribe.
  • Pop-Cultured Badass: One of the few non-normals able to match Harry reference for reference. Which is foreshadowing that he's not actually evil. Butcher's Author Appeal usually makes the complete villains mystified by the banter.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: He claims that Justine is obviously a Femme Fatale when Harry assigns him to keep an eye on her. Normally he would be wrong, since Justine isn't even close to this. But when she's possessed by Nemesis, that changes quickly...
  • Snark-to-Snark Combat: Grey and Harry spend the entirety of Skin Game making quips and friendly snarky backchat to each other. Grey is one of the few characters who can keep up with Harry in their back and forth.
  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else!: Grey is described by Harry as being very bland looking and seemingly normal in his default disguise form but Grey in truth is a very powerful shapeshifter with a very intelligent mind.
  • True Sight: He has some measure of this power as he is able to take note of the positions of two Guardian Angels positioned around the Carpenter House.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting:
    • To an extremely impressive degree — Harry notes that he's able to pull additional mass from ectoplasm, and even uses it to take on the Genoskwa in a fight and score a quick tactical advantage that lets others finish it off. This comes with his being at the very least part-naagloshii.
    • Given a proper genetic sample of the target, he has the focus and talent to make changes as minute and detailed as a person's iris, to fool a biometric security system. Harry is understandably creeped out by this.
  • We Help the Helpless: By 'Peace Talks', Harry has learned that this is the true nature of his mercenary operation, and he was never going to work with the Denarians.
  • You Are Who You Eat: A danger he faces. If he consumes too much of a person, he runs the risk of becoming the person entirely, memories and all. He could potentially change so deeply that he chances losing/forgetting the Goodman Grey personality.

Grey's secretary and assistant. Little is known about her.
  • The Cracker: One of her jobs is breaking into and dealing with electronic security systems.
  • Deadly Graduation: Grey mentions that she killed over a hundred of her classmates during her graduation.
  • The Paranoiac: She sees just about everyone as potential targets, including children that she is helping to save from a gang.

Ordo Lebes/The Paranet

For Helen Beckitt, see her entry under Chicago Mafia.

For Priscilla, see "her" entry under the Vampire Courts.

     In General 
The Ordo Lebes was a Chicago-area group of women with minor magical talents who aren't quite strong enough to join the White Council. Unfortunately, when the Skavis started killing off minor practitioners, the group made a convenient target. After that problem was dealt with, Elaine Mallory rebuilt the group and expanded it into a worldwide network of minor practitioners. This new network was called the Paranet.

    Elaine Lilian Mallory 

Elaine Lilian Mallory
A powerful witch with a very dark past.

Harry's fellow adoptee under Justin DuMorne, and his fellow apprentice and first love who was (supposedly) enthralled by their mentor Justin. Ran away and was thought dead by Harry, but was discovered to be living with the Summer Court. After that fell apart, she started a magical investigation service in Los Angeles, and was eventually hired by the Ordo Lebes to investigate the mysterious deaths of several of its members. After the leader of Ordo Lebes died, Elaine rebuilt the group and expanded it into the Paranet, a worldwide organization of minor talents and practitioners.

  • Action Girl: As a White Court despair vampire finds out to its chagrin. *BZAAAP*
  • Amicable Exes: Gets along fine with Harry, they have a somewhat friendly working relationship. There's even a little bit of Ship Tease between the two, but they both seem to accept that how their history went down pretty much makes a relationship in the present impossible.
  • Bluffing the Authorities: Elaine is presenting herself as a low-level sorcerer and deliberately failing the White Council's aptitude tests. She may be open to joining them one day, but her experiences with DuMorne has left her with issues with trusting authority figures.
  • Blow You Away: Is capable of whipping up a baby twister to toss around dozens of ghouls.
  • Broken Bird: Coming from an orphanage, her already-abusive father figure brainwashed her and tried killing her adopted-brother/lover, and her lover killed Justin. After getting out on her own, she tries acting like Harry, helping people, but still loses some close friends.
    • She also mentions how she suffered from multiple phobias through the years (claustrophobia, agoraphobia, xenophobia, autophobia and vertigo). Some of which she still endures. Harry guesses those are side effects of the mental magic Justin used on her.
  • Chain Pain: Her magical focus is a heavy chain threaded with copper and inscribed with magical runes. She uses it like a whip, and has the added benefit of being easily concealable, in contrast to Harry's staff.
  • The Chosen One: Like Harry, Elaine is a "starborn", someone born under a confluence of events that is supposed to give her influence over Outsiders. It's why Justin chose to adopt her and Harry.
  • First Love: She and Harry.
  • Foil: To Harry. Both were raised by the same person, both have the same Significant Birth Date, and both are incredibly powerful. However, Elaine tends to be more precise and comes off as Weak, but Skilled, but has far more raw power than most realise. Harry is a magical brute who initially comes off as Unskilled, but Strong, but has far more subtlety than most expect. They also serve opposing Fae courts during the events of Summer Knight.
  • Healing Hands: She's developed a version of Reiki which combined with her magical talents can heal minor injuries, scrapes, bruises and headaches. It can't deal with serious trauma or infections.
  • Hero of Another Story: She eventually sets up a similar P.I. service in Southern California and becomes a key fighter against the Formor. She also shares Harry's Starborn status, making her an effective weapon against the Outsiders.
  • Hyper-Awareness: Has a series of bracelets that allow her this ability.
  • Mind Control: Her betrayal of Harry was due to Justin mucking around with her brain, although it isn't until Ghost Story that her story is confirmed via flashback.
  • New Old Flame: While mentioned in the first book, her appearance was a surprise. Mostly because Harry and the readers thought she was dead.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: She rarely whips out the heavyweight magic, but as the Skavis heir finds out the hard way, Harry really isn't kidding when he says that she's nearly as strong as he is - and more precise with it. And that incident is while she's shaking off the after-effects of a serious psychic attack and blood loss that promptly hospitalises her.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: She was thought to be dead by Harry till Summer Knight.
  • Shock and Awe: Electricity appears to be her forte, as she can blow apart ghouls' skulls with lightning bolts, has an electrically-charged chain as one of her foci, and uses lightning to inflict some impressive property damage. She also appears to be able to draw upon electricity as a power source; her chain is charged by thunderstorms or wall sockets, and she can draw the ambient electricity from her environment to power her spells.
  • Significant Birth Date: Like Harry, she was born on Halloween, making her a Starborn. As was mentioned above, this is one of the reasons Justin adopted her.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Technically, but only 'weak' when compared to Harry - and he casts considerable doubt on any serious power gap. She's easily strong enough to get into the White Council if she wanted to, with Harry stating when he hears she's bluffed the tests that she's almost as strong as he is, and makes up for it with grace. Specifically, her level of magical control is phenomenal for somebody her age, with Harry being utterly gobsmacked that she can casually whip up a shield that's specifically permeable to the living - and being almost as strong as Harry means that she's still probably kicking around the top 100 practitioners in the world for raw power.
  • Willfully Weak: She deliberately failed the White Council's aptitude tests so she could avoid their attention.
  • Working with the Ex: While there's still some trust issues to work through they get along fine.
  • You Didn't Ask: Uses this to save Harry's life while she's working for Aurora. Elaine magically binds Harry and leaves him to drown per Aurora's instructions, but doesn't bother to mention that the binding spell she used has a critical weakness she and Harry discovered as students together, allowing Harry to break free.

     Anna Ash 

Anna Ash

The founder of the Ordo Lebes.

  • Death by Despair: As a result of the Skavis.
  • Driven to Suicide: After the Skavis blasts her with his depression magic, Anna hangs herself.
  • Magical Native American: Downplayed. Anna was part Cherokee, but past her initial description, it's never really brought up, and she has no stereotypical Native American magical abilities/gear.
  • True Companions: She still accepts and consoles Helen when learning the latter is both a felon of the mortal world and once a user of black magic to kill people.

     Abby (and Toto) 

Abby (and Toto)

Abby is another member of the Ordo Lebes, and one of the few to survive the Skavis' attack on the group. Her minor talent is precognition. She also suffers from epilepsy (or is assumed to do so thanks to her talent), and she has a Yorkshire terrier, Toto, who may help her manage that condition.

  • Big Beautiful Woman: Abby is described as pretty and plump.
  • Canine Companion: Abby is virtually never seen without Toto. The doctors prescribed him because they think she has epilepsy and he is an alert dog.
  • The Ditz: Averted. Abby seems scatterbrained, but Dresden works out that this is just her trying to keep track of the present as well as the futures that she sees.
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Well, a ghost-detecting dog, anyways. Toto can sense Dresden's presence after he dies and returns to haunt Chicago.
  • Seers: Abby's power. Harry notes one way to bother her is if you readjust what she has foreseen, such as when she meets Harry and Karrin, Abby identifies as her police rank and last name, Murphy could have changed things slightly by saying instead, "I am Ms. Murphy."
  • True Companions: She still accepts and consoles Helen when learning is both a felon of the mortal world and once a user of black magic to kill people.
  • Uncertain Doom: The last time she's seen in Ghost Story, she's badly wounded from a gut shot. Word of Jim is that both she and Toto survived.
  • You Are in Command Now: Takes over the Ordo Lebes after Anna Ash's death.



A member of the Paranet who goes missing during the White Night case.

  • Dainty Little Ballet Dancers: Is explicitly mentioned to be wearing a "dancer's leotard" in all her appearances.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: Dresden and the Ordo Lebes find footage of Thomas taking Olivia away with him and conclude that he's the murderer and has killed her. Turns out he was bringing her to safety, along with as many other Ordo Lebes members as he could find. She turns up later alive and well.



A member of the extended Paranet organization. Provides a mixture of useful information and conspiracy garbage to the rest of the Paranet.

  • Awesomeness by Analysis: When he's useful, it's because of this. In Cold Days he notes that boat rentals are up about 400% since the last year, realizes this could be relevant, and passes this information on; it turns out to be a key clue in Dresden's investigation.
  • Basement-Dweller: Butters says that he lives in his mother's basement.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: He's an oddball who is not always correct, but he does get some things correct.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: Sums him up. As an example, he mapped out a huge group of subjects that he thinks are behind the Billy Goat Curse on the Chicago Cubs.
  • Hero Stole My Bike: Averted, he lets them take his bicycle.
  • Knowledge Broker: He gets Harry and co. a lot of information, like a Denarian attack on a hidden nuclear power plant, via email (to Butters, given that Harry can't use a computer).
  • Playful Hacker: He can hack into almost anything.
  • Spammer: Butters treats him like this at first, but Gary is able to get around Butters' various attempts at spam-filtering and banning him. Butters eventually stops once Gary proves his utility.
  • The Ghost: He never appeared in person till Battle Ground (2020)

     Other victims of the White Court "culling" 

Victims of the White Court "culling"

Members of the Ordo Lebes that were killed by White Court vampires in an effort to extinguish the next generation of wizards and witches. These include:

  • Pauline Moskowitz. Killed by the Skavis.
  • Maria Casselli. Killed by the Skavis.
  • Janine. Driven to suicide by Vitto Malvora in an attempt to frame the Skavis.

  • Death by Despair: How they all died, as a result of how vampires of House Skavis feed on their victims by inducing supernatural despair.
  • The Ghost: Paula and Maria are never shown in person.
  • Goodbye, Cruel World!: Janine leaves a suicide note.
  • Never Suicide: All three victims were killed, but their deaths were made to look like suicides to the mortal authorities.
  • Posthumous Character: Janine is only depicted after her death.

     Victims of the Fomor 

Victims of the Fomor

Members of the Paranet that were killed after the Fomor began trying to take over Chicago. These include:

  • Nathan Simpson. Killed by a ghoul.
  • Sunbeam Monroe. Abducted after getting on an El train and never heard from again.

  • The Ghost: Neither are shown in person.
  • Never Found the Body: Monroe was accompanied to an El train, and someone was waiting to pick her up at the other end, but she mysteriously vanished en route.

The Streetwolves

     In General 
A gang which channelled spirits of rage when they fought.
  • The Berserker: Their power was to channel spirits to make them this.
  • Healing Factor: When channelling spirits, they can heal from a great deal.
  • Klingon Promotion: The only way to lead the gang was to beat its current leader in a fight.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Of both the FBI hexenwolves, who tricked Dresden into thinking the gang was responsible for the Lobo Killings, and Marcone, who used the gang to get to Dresden.


The leader of the Streetwolves goes to war.

The Leader of the Streetwolves, though he began to lose his grip on them as he aged. Nonetheless, he was still able to hold his own against the other members of his gang.

  • Feeling Their Age: Still tough in a fight but it's more of an effort these days. Dresden needles at him for this.
  • Old Soldier: Despite his age he can still hold his own against younger streetwolves.


One of Parker's rage-possessed minions.

One of the Streetwolves under Parker's command.

  • The Starscream: She seems to be building up to this as she tells other members of the Streetwolves that Parker is weak. However, the FBI agents kill both her and Parker before anything can come of this.


"I say we off this skinny son of a bitch right now."

Another of the Streetwolves who served Parker.

  • The Starscream: Challenges Parker for leadership of the Streetwolves. It doesn't end well for him.

Stygian Sisterhood

    In General 
A group of women who worship an ancient demon-god and want to bring it back into power. They oppose the Venatori, who are pushing to destroy all memory and utterance of the demon-god.
  • Batman Gambit: As just knowing the name of their demon-god is enough to give it a foothold, they planned on leaving a book of dark rituals where Harry could find it. This is because the White Council's policies with such tomes is to publish them en masse to defuse their power, which normally works just fine.note . Here, it would have the opposite effect.
  • Deal with the Devil: As part of their pact with the Old One, they tear out parts of their psyche and gain demonic bits instead.
  • The Force Is Strong with This One: A variation. Knowledge of the Oblivion War (the war against Old Ones), the aforementioned push, leaves a mental mark on a mortal. The Sisterhood can use mind magic enough to spot when a person has such a mark.
  • Humanoid Abomination: As stated, their human psyche is ripped out in parts and the essence of their god is put in but nothing happens to the body proper. Because of this, they are still 100% genetically human, with the same flawed body, and susceptible to being eaten on by a White Court vampire.

Talvi Inverno, Esq.
     "Talvi Inverno" 

"Talvi Inverno" (no real name, but Dresden calls him "Nameless Son")

The nameless tenth son of Loviatarm, a Finnish goddess. The nameless son became a demigod of strife and diversion, and after being cast out by his mother (and helping Kemmler start multiple World Wars), he eventually sought sanctuary in Mab's court. He took the alias of "Talvi Inverno," which is just two foreign words that mean "Winter."

  • Amoral Attorney: His current job, and typically for someone who thrives in Winter, he's very good at it. Dresden eventually gets around him in The Law by making it a contest of professional legal skill between him and the one lawyer who'd ever beaten him.
  • Never Given a Name: He has no real name, which means spells requiring a True Name don't work on him.


Ms. Lapland

The odd, aggressive "secretary" working at "Talvi's" legal practice.

  • Laser-Guided Karma: Bob theorizes that Lapland was a hag who tried to capture Talvi with a lust spell but was caught when Talvi turned it back around on her, thus trapping her as his servant.
  • Woman Scorned: She's supposed to be Talvi's obedient servant, but Tripp is so obnoxious that she breaks the rules and tries to have him assassinated.

The Thule Society

For Kemmler and Grevane, see their entries under The Kemmlerites

    Alexander Page 

Alexander Page

A necromancer who finds himself pursued by Luccio after murdering his girlfriend and her family, then using their bodies in a necromantic ritual.

  • Necromancer: A very skilled one who is able to control more than 40 zombies at once.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Calls Luccio a 'bitch' as he tries to kill her.
  • Taking You with Me: After Luccio mortally wounds him, he wounds her back and tries to kill her so he at least won't go to Hell alone.

The Venatori

For Thomas and Lara Raith, see The Vampire Courts.

     In General 
The Venatori is organized into two sects or orders. The first and most well-known are the Venatori Umbrorum, or "Shadows of Hunters". They were allies of the White Council in the war against the Red Court, and focused most of their attention on destroying the Court's mortal resources, supply lines and finances. The second sect is completely secret. They use the first group as feelers, information gatherers and observers to develop leads on those who know of the Oblivion War and those who worship the Old Ones, whom the Venatori are sworn to destroy.
  • Badass Bookworm: The open group was able to gain enough intelligence and wreak havoc on the Red Court's mortal side that the White Council was able to recover quickly from the massive loses in Dead Beat.
  • The Force Is Strong with This One: A variation. Knowledge of the Oblivion War (the war against Old Ones), the aforementioned push, leaves a mental mark on a mortal. The Venatori can use mind magic enough to spot when a person has such a mark.
  • Killed to Uphold the Masquerade: Any mortal marked by the knowledge of the War might be given a choice to join up. Or they could just be killed for the sake of reality.
  • Loophole Abuse: Any mortal who gains knowledge of the War is marked and could be a tether to an Old One. A being of spirit, like Bob, doesn't have that problem.
  • The Man Behind the Man:
    • The secret sect runs and uses the openly known group for gathering information.
    • The Archive is the true leader of the group, with the final job of purging the knowledge forever. No one knows she holds this position.
  • Pragmatic Hero: None of the secret group can allow for the worshipers of the Old Ones to live their encounters. They will take measures to eliminate any who know about the war too.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Lara Raith fights for the Venatori because if the Old Ones came back, she and her kind couldn't feed on humans anymore.
  • Secret War: Secret beyond Secret. Fewer than 200 known members fight this war against the Old Ones. If knowledge gets out, then all the demon-gods gain a boost of strength.
  • Unperson: The secret group's purpose is to make sure ancient demon-gods become this. The musing point is they don't know how many they have succeeded at banishing because even knowing that number is enough to give the things they banished a tiny foothold.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist:
    • They will kill any who have knowledge of the Old Ones or the War. If a non-involved mortal learns they might have a chance to be pressed into service of the Venatori.
    • They once tried to banish the Fae from reality, not knowing Winter's role in also keeping the Outsiders (who worked for the Old Ones) back. They were kind enough to not kill the Venatori in turn, instead gaining a strong foothold thanks to the G-Men: The Brothers Grimm and Gutenbergs.
  • With Us or Against Us: If a mortal is offered a choice to join them and the mortal refuses, this comes into effect. Shortly thereafter, Killed to Uphold the Masquerade is likely to follow.

    The Archive, aka "Ivy" 

Ivy, the Archive

"If you like, I could draw you a cost-benefit analysis of your training versus your earnings in your first year at the temple, before Nicodemus came. I could use charts to make it easier for you to understand. And color them in with crayons. I enjoy crayons."

The Archive is the repository of all human knowledge. Anything that has been written down, anywhere, she knows. She also happens to be a young girl. When we first see her, she's seven — and unconcernedly tells Harry that if she has to, she'll kill him. We've seen her blasting vampires into oblivion and (at twelve) keeping almost 10 Denarians entertained without much effort. But she's still a kid, and will render official documents in crayon and Squee over a cat.

  • Accidental Hero: Possibly. The Goodbye short story involved her confronting Kincaid before he set out to Chicago. She let Kincaid do the deed, but coerced him into promising to shoot Harry in the chest rather than in the head. Whether purposeful or sentimental, Ivy gave Mab, Daemonreach, and Bonnie enough leeway to resurrect Harry rather than letting Kincaid permakill him.
  • Blessed with Suck: The Archive is passed from mother to daughter, normally when the daughter is in her 30s, has her own child, and the mother passes away, meaning that the inheritor was able to live a life and gain emotional maturity before having to bear the responsibility. The current Archive (Ivy) had none of those opportunities because her grandmother was unexpectedly killed and her mother, just a teenager, committed suicide out of spite, meaning that Ivy's never had the chance to simply be a child.
  • Break the Cutie:
    • Small Favor. The Denarian plot was to make her so broken she would accept a Fallen and become their weapon.
    • Word of God says learning of Harry's death would be enough to break her. Ironically, she knew of when Dresden called the hit on himself immediately, and became quite upset with Kincaid. The implication was that it did a number on Ivy for a time, and she quite possibly still hasn't forgiven Harry.
  • Creepy Child: It’s subtle, but there's a distinction between the very-human Ivy and the much more creepy Archive. Specifically, whenever she's referred to in the narration as "the Archive" she's generally in her inhuman-database mode.
  • Cute Bruiser: A young girl who likes cute and fuzzy animals and crayons who can also take on a dozen supernatural heavyweights without much effort (with her power limited to boot - Harry explicitly states that if she hadn't been limited, she would have eaten them alive).
  • Cuteness Proximity:
    • She can be distracted by things that are cute and fuzzy like Mister ("KITTY!"), otters, and Mouse.
    • The fact that she's a young girl means that Harry and Kincaid are extremely protective of her as a person and not just as the repository of all human knowledge.
  • Damsel in Distress: Yes, but it takes the collective effort of over a dozen superhumans and their lackeys to put her in that position. Not to mention the direct intervention of Lucifer.
  • Emotionless Girl: Ivy's apparent lack of emotion is a defense mechanism of the Archive; the girl, on the other hand, is very attached to the few people who treat her like an actual human being.
  • Heroic Willpower: When Harry threatens to sell his soul Ivy manages to overpower the Archive persona just enough to give Harry a small scrap of information that may or may not help him (fortunately it does).
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Her bodyguard is the big and scary Kincaid. But he's nowhere near as dangerous as Ivy.
  • I Have Your Wife: As she has been the Archive since birth, she was never close to anyone, save Kincaid and eventually Harry. Threatening them is an effective strategy, but beware Bullying the Dragon because this Dragon is Power with a capital "P".
  • Knowledge Broker: Averted. The Archive will not be bought or give information out to those who come calling. She has greater needs than that. Even Harry is treated like this and it strains her to just give him a suggestion of some help. That is only because he implies he will use a certain book with certain names in it, which could have disastrous results for Harry.
  • Little Miss Badass: When seen in Death Masks, aged about 7, she kills vampires wielding mordite effortlessly. Five years later, in Small Favor with barely any magic available, she holds off a gang of Denarians, including vaporizing one of them, and Dresden is absolutely certain that without the restrictions she would have crushed them.
  • Little Miss Snarker: She tries and mostly succeeds in her taunts against a Denarian, mainly by offering to show the Denarian a cost-worth graph of her previous education as a prostitute to her life before becoming a Denarian. She'll do it in crayons too.
  • Long Game: The Archive plays this as part of being a Hero of Another Story. When an Old One is consigned to her custody, the Archive waits patiently for a thousand years or so, to ensure she&s the last human alive who’s aware of the name of an Old One and then deletes the name from the database. Then, bye-bye Old One.
  • Morality Pet: For Kincaid.
  • Neutral No Longer: This is what the Wardens and Senior Council fear her becoming. Even if she was just as weak as either the Winter Lady or Summer Lady (and Harry is of the opinion that this is a considerable underestimate), with her knowledge and abilities, she could cause massive levels of devastation note . For this reason and because Ivy is more the Archive than any previous incarnation as she has no base personality to hold onto, the Archive deciding to become personally involved and focusing her hatred and power on one target is not welcomed. To an extent when she was able to overpower the Archive persona just long enough to give Harry info.
  • The Omniscient: She automatically knows anything that's written down, physically or (per Word of God) electronically. So while she's not quite omniscient, she's surprisingly close. She also has perfect recall for all that knowledge and even powerful bindings that she cannot break free from didn't prevent Harry's note from getting to her.
  • One-Man Army: Ten fallen angels, versus one little girl. It took the Fallen some seriously dirty tactics to bring her down.
  • Only Friend: Harry was the only person to treat her as a real child and not a Physical God to be feared. She is thankful to him for that.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: She is ranked by the Wardens as being on par with the Winter Lady and Summer Lady. Harry suspects she is actually considerably stronger. And since knowledge is power in the Dresden-verse, every day more information is written or typed, which increases her power.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: Even while stuck in a circle (thus crippling her significantly) she still managed to literally dust several Denarians. At once. By herself.
  • Raised as a Host: Her lineage has been specifically tasked with producing women who can host The Archive, but they typically wait until the woman is old enough to have enough life experience to keep her own personality. Ivy had to become The Archive after her mother committed suicide when she was a baby specifically to avoid carrying the Archive, as her own mother had died unexpectedly in an accident. For further context, Ivy's mother was young - 17 - and in love, and bitter about how she'd lost her chance to have a normal life, while Ivy would have one. The horrific nature of this - that Ivy would have not only grown up with the Archive practically from birth, but have grown up knowing exactly what her mother thought of her - is discussed.
  • Spanner in the Works: Her overpowering the Archive persona to give Harry information was one of the things that contributed to Harry finding out about Chichen Itza in time to stop the sacrifice.
  • We Used to Be Friends: It's subtle, but Ivy hasn't forgiven Harry for his attenpted suicide at the hands of Kincaid. She largely ignores him during Marcone's peace summit, despite having been her only friend beside Kincaid and not seeing one another in several years.

     Wyatt Earp 

Wyatt Earp

The Deputy in charge of keeping the peace in Dodge City. Earp is a skilled gunman and a knowledgeable Venator, which serves him well when several necromancers set up shop in his town.

  • The Bet:
    • All but outright stated to have lost the necklace proving that he's a Venator to his friend Doc Holliday (also a Venator) in a card game.
    • Moments after they meet, he challenges Luccio to go out to have a shooting competition after her business is done. They never get around to it, but Luccio ends up paying him anyways, conceding that he most definitely would have won.
  • The Cavalry: Rescues Luccio from the psychotic Page at the last minute.
  • Guest Fighter: He crosses paths with a young Warden Luccio as she's chasing down a Warlock in the American West. They team up briefly as they catch up to a whole coven's worth of necromancers, including a young Grevane and Kemmler himself. Their teamup lasts approximately 18 hours before her duty to find a fleeing Kemmler drags her away.
  • Historical Domain Character: Earp was a real person, and is famous for his exploits in the Wild West.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: He can pull of several headshots at a move in seconds. Not impossible, but the mark of a very skilled gunman.
  • The Not-Love Interest: When they meet, he and Luccio are clearly quite interested in one another, but they don't even spend a full day together, and their respective interests take cause them to depart amiably in different directions. (Luccio's duty as a Warden taking to hunt down Warlocks further into the West, and Earp staying to enforce the law and his involvement in local "politics.")
  • Weird West: In what would be an otherwise mundane Western setting, he and Doc Holliday are actually members of a secret society, and necromancers stir up the local dead as a weapon against him.

    Catherine Taylor 

Catherine Taylor
Leader of the besieged Venatori.

The leader of a group of Venatori holed up in a farmhouse in Montezuma, Iowa. When the farmhouse is attacked, she works with a Warden group to defend the house.

  • Apocalyptic Gag Order: Helps to hide the Shoggoth, which is an existential threat to the world. She even tries to stop Dresden and the other Wardens from learning about it.
  • Badass Bookworm: She and her group are decent, well-armed fighters and provide the wardens vital aid.
  • Barrier Maiden: The spell keeping the Shoggoth dormant is linked to her.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Subtle, but in the flashback where she was linked to the shoggoth she showed apprehension at the prospect.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: When Dresden proposes they all just run for it, she says that McGuckin is too injured to be moved and her team won't abandon him.
  • Security Cling: After telling Dresden about the Shoggoth and how it's bound to her, she lets him hold her.
  • Skewed Priorities: Prioritizes her orders to keep the secret of what the farmhouse is hiding over the fact that Dresden might be able to use that knowledge to save all their lives and stop the vampires from seizing the Shoggoth.

    Anna Ischenko 

Anna Ischenko
Nothing gets past her line of fire.

One of the Venatori under Taylor's command.


Her ferocity scared even the other Venatori. Too bad the Red Court were unaffected.

One of the Venatori under Taylor's command.

  • Cool Old Lady: An older woman who ably fights the vampires and even intimidates other members of the Venatori with her fervor.


Another of the Venatori warriors.

One of the Venatori under Taylor's command.

  • Bulletproof Fashion Plate: Maintains his dapper outfit even as vampires attack and the shoggoth threatens to destroy half the country.
  • Nervous Wreck: Downplayed, it shows on his face but he never lets it control his actions.
  • Out of Focus: The least developed of the Venatori in War Cry.


Nobody dies if he can help it.

One of the Venatori under Taylor's command.

  • The Medic: Introduced tending to the injured McGuckin.
  • Skewed Priorities: When the Wardens begin shoving bookshelves around to barricade the house, he frets that the books are being damaged.


He's old. He's badly injured. But he refuses to lie down and die.

One of the Venatori under Taylor's command.

  • Cool Old Guy: McGuckin is balding and what hair he has left has gone grey from age, but he still battles the vampires with vigor.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He knew the mercenary, who had been bragging about his Green Beret training, would kill him in a fight, but he attacked the mercenary anyways in order to save Ischenko.

    Dr. Fabio 

Dr. Fabio
He sold his soul for better Rogaine.

The Dean at St. Mark's Academy for the Gifted and Talented, and also a former Venator.

  • Bald of Evil: He didn't even go all the way bald before this kicked in. As soon as he started losing hair and found other treatments weren't helping, he resorted to dark magic.
  • Dean Bitterman: To the point where he risks the life of one of his students for his own selfish gain - even though he didn't seem to know that it was actually killing Irwin, he did know that it was making him ill.
  • Evil Is Petty: He used an energy-draining spell which could have killed Irwin... to regrow his hair. Harry is left completely non-plussed.
  • It's All About Me: One of the most self-absorbed villains Dresden has met yet.
  • Life Energy: What he takes from Irwin to regrow his hair. He implies Irwin isn't the first, just the strongest one he has ever met.
  • Jerk Justifications: Tries to argue to Dresden that his hair was a sufficient reason to use dark magic on Irwin.
  • Prematurely Bald: His big fear. When he started to go bald, he resorted to dark magic to regrow his hair.
  • Scylla and Charybdis: Harry explains his situation as thus: The man can either accept his balding hairline, embrace it by shaving it all now, or deal with the Wardens for his dabbling in Black Magic which results in a child nearly dying.note 

Unaffiliated Wizards, Witches, Warlocks, and Minor Talents

    Victor Sells, aka "The Shadowman" 

Victor Sells
Drug dealer. Murderer. Warlock.

Primary antagonist of the first novel; a powerful but relatively inexperienced sorcerer who heads up a drug ring in rivalry with Marcone. In the course of said rivalry he commits a series of murders that bring him to Murphy's, and by extension Harry's, attention. Needless to say, he goes down. Hard.

  • Big Bad: He's the main villain of the first book Storm Front being behind the murders that have taken place.
  • The Corruptible: As a normal man who just discovered magic, he had little defenses against the Black Council and Nemesis.
  • The Dark Side Will Make You Forget: Possibly. It's hinted that he was a genuinely good man before Nemesis got its claws into him, but as the other entries make clear, it's somewhat ambiguous. However, it is suggested that he was an ordinary man trying to do the best by his family, and then started looking at his children at magical resources.
  • Domestic Abuse: He became one after meddling with Black Magic, or so his wife says. As it's common with victims of Domestic Abuse, it's possible that he was one before and she's just trying to justify his behaviour with his later involvement with the supernatural. It's hinted in Cold Days that she is telling the truth - Lily says that Victor was a good man before Nemesis got to him. However, as is separately noted, Lily isn't exactly the most brilliant character in the series, and was getting her information about Nemesis from a decidedly Unreliable Narrator, so it's still ambiguous.
  • Enemy Mine: Suggests one with Harry after Harry sets the demon free. Harry was not in a forgiving mood after his crimes, so he fed him to the demon instead.
  • Evil Sorceror: The guy uses his talents to summon demons, violently murder his foes and run a drug business with an extremely addictive drug that forcibly opens up The Sight.
  • Karmic Death: Killed by the demon he enslaved after Harry broke his control.
  • The Man Behind the Man: It's implied from as early as Fool Moon that the Black Council was pulling his strings the whole time. In Changes this is confirmed; the heart-destroying spell he uses was just a far weaker version of the bloodline curse being prepared by the Red Court.
  • Mind over Matter: Used to summon his staff.
  • Playing with Fire: Threw fire at Harry
  • Power Incontinence: When coming into his powers, he would lose control of them during emotional times, setting curtains on fire or telekinetically pulling cutlery from shelves by accident.
  • Smug Snake: He's good, but not nearly as good as he thinks he is, which gets him in trouble at the end.
  • Starter Villain: He is the first villain Dresden faces in the series, and he while he does have real power - suggested to be about on par with Dresden at the time - and posed a decent challenge, he's completely self-taught and lacks the skill to make use of it to its fullest extent like the Kemmlerites, other evil wizards, and Denarian magic users. He's a normal human with no ability that increases his physical strength and durability like the Denarians and the werewolves. He's also isolated and has no connections to the greater supernatural world to make use of like Bianca and the Red Court, and makes some serious beginner mistakes that no other villain would fall prey to. His power is also largely dependent on something independent of his own will (the storms) that severely hinders his ability to act.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: He's got tons of raw power, especially when drawing on the storms, but his lack of experience and formal training means he has little subtlety with that power and makes some sloppy mistakes, meaning that when he finally throws down with Harry, he doesn't stand a chance.
  • Unwitting Pawn: It's hinted in Cold Days that he's just another minor piece Nemesis played to make the world just a little bit more unstable and susceptible to Outsider invasion.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: He seems to have been a fairly normal, if unpleasant, guy before getting in deep with Black Magic drove him off the deep end. His wife actually hints that he was a well meaning man who wanted to help his family. Though considering that she sounds like a classic Domestic Abuse victim defending their spouse, she may not be the most reliable source. That said, Cold Days reveals that he was infected by Nemesis, so she may have actually been telling the truth - though, again, that came from Lily, who was being informed by an Unreliable Narrator of her own.
  • Would Hurt a Child: His wife finally turns against him when he started looking at his own children as resources to increase his magical powers.

    Kim Delaney 

Kim Delaney
She thought she could contain a loup-garou. She was wrong.

Harry's first sort-of-apprentice, and appeared in Fool's Moon. She was hired by Harley MacFinn as a magical consultant, and Kim tried to assist Terra West in binding the Loup-garou by repairing his containment Magic Circle, but she is unable to and is killed when he escapes.

  • The Apprentice: Downplayed. Harry explicitly says that he didn't have a formal master-apprentice relationship with her, but he did teach her a little about magic and how it works. Unfortunately, she knew just enough to get into trouble and not quite enough to get her out of it.
  • Forgotten Fallen Friend: Subverted. Harry mentions her whenever he lists his failures. She was important enough to be a part of his spiritual daughter's appearance.
  • Poor Communication Kills: On both giving and receiving end. She asked Harry for help with a three-layered containment magic circle, supposedly for simply academic reasons, but she promised Harley MacFinn not to reveal what it was really for. Harry helped her with the outer two, but he refused to talk about the innermost layer because he thought she wasn't ready for the sorts of nasties that needed that kind of containment. Harry advised her to leave the matter alone, but Kim left, offended at him making decisions for her. Later, she was killed by the loup-garou after trying to contain it with just partial knowledge. So in her case it was literal.
  • Pride: She took Harry refusing to tell her as a personal insult and refused to listen MacFinn telling her the circle she made was non-functional. It got her killed.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: She is killed to show the consequences of Harry keeping secrets about the supernatural world as well as to show how dangerous the loup-garou is.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Anyone with some common sense would know trying to magically restrain an out of control super werewolf with incomplete knowledge and lack of experience is an extremely stupid and potentially fatal move. She didn't.

    Ernest Armand "Binder" Tinwhistle 

Ernest Armand "Binder" Tinwhistle

A British-born spellcaster whose speciality is in gathering and binding spirits into his service. Binder serves mostly as a mercenary who uses his gangs of spiritual goons to takle care of business. Appears in Turn Coat as a hireling of Madeline Raith. He makes a return in Skin Game.

  • Affably Evil: Skin Game shows much more of his affable side. He is willing to listen and play fair and clearly holds personal respect for the word of those who wield a Sword of the Cross.
  • Badass Longcoat: The generic minions he summons take on the form of men in trench coats.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Binder notes one efficient way to get Harry to bring Morgan into the open if he has him stored at his home is just to light the place on fire and watch as Harry flees with whomever he has in there.
  • Consummate Professional: A bit more affable than most, but he's a mercenary and takes his job very seriously.
  • Cool Old Guy: He looks somewhere in his forties/fifties, but his second appearance reveals that he's somewhere in the region of 140 years old, at least, and reveals much more of Affably Evil side. He's friendly, funny (enough that one of his stories, complete with Orphaned Punchline, cracks up Charity Carpenter of all people), and a Punch-Clock Villain at worst. His evil (such as it is) is Nothing Personal, with his expressing a great deal of disapproval for sadism and unnecessary collateral damage on the grounds that they're 'unprofessional'.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • As noted with his pragmatism, when it comes to payments, he won't accept political favours or offerings of the Fae, on the entirely accurate grounds that they're usually far more trouble than they're worth. This includes refusing a Denarian Coin as payment from Nicodemus.
    • In Skin Game Binder shows a great level of respect for a Knight of the Cross when Michael comes out of retirement to help Harry out, and will trust the word of Michael when Binder is unsure if Harry or Nicodemus are being straight with him.
  • Evil Brit: Subverted: Skin Game sheds more light on him. He has none of the upper-class affectations normally associated with the trope (if anything, he comes across as a Nouveau Riche London Gangster), and is a Consummate Professional who ends up working for the villains more often than not because Evil Pays Better, but doesn't hesitate to call out his employers for being needlessly cruel or causing unnecessary collateral damage when he finds it necessary.
  • Evil Counterpart: For Harry, to a small extent. They're both magical practitioners for hire and neither of them likes the White Council. Harry even mentions that Binder is under close scrutiny from the Council, but that he knows the Laws of Magic well enough to avoid directly breaking them.
  • Genre Savvy: Why he refuses offers of stuff like favours from the White Council or the Fae - he knows perfectly well how nebulous those are and how they invariably come with strings attached.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Binder's a mercenary, so when his employer is taken out, or the going gets too dangerous for him, he'll fold.
  • Logical Weakness: Like all summoners, cut him off from his minions and they will vanish. A simple magic circle or entering Nevernever will cut him off of the creatures in the human world he has called there.
  • Loophole Abuse: Harry notes that Binder skirts very close, but is always careful to avoid out and out violating any of the Laws of Magic, which keeps him from being made a priority target by the Wardens and instead a guy that they would love to off if they ever get the chance, but never have the impetus to actually hunt down.
  • Older Than They Look: Hinted at in Turn Coat when Harry threatens him with removing his magic via a Death Curse, stating that he has enough talent to live what is implied to be a supernaturally long life (in this case, as a nobody), and confirmed in Skin Game, when he mentions that he's at least a century older than non-Denarian humans of the heist team. This makes him both a Cool Old Guy and at least 140 years old.
  • Only in It for the Money: He refuses to consider switching to help Harry when all Harry has is the good will of the White Council and favors from a fae queen. While both have perks, they can get tangled and messy and open for interpretation. Binder prefers the simplicity of cash or other things of monetary value.
  • Orphaned Punchline: In Skin Game, where Harry only arrives to hear the last part of his stories and everyone else - including Charity - cracking up. They appear to be rather raunchy too.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: He will get the job done in as efficient a manner as possible, and disdains things like sadism and excessive collateral damage because he thinks that it's unnecessary and complicates things too much.
  • Professional Killer: Binder may be a pretty affable guy, but he also kills people for money by summoning his minions on them.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: He works for the bad guys, sure, but when things are clearly going downhill in Turn Coat, he not only agrees to leave Chicago for good, but also gives Harry some equipment and advice before leaving. He also agrees to team up with Harry at the end of Skin Game.
  • Rule #1: Binder has at least two:
    • Rule One: Money or nothing. In Skin Game he makes it clear that the favor of Mab or the White Council isn't going to sway him, because those always have strings attached. Binder prefers the simplicity of cash or other things of monetary value. He will also refuse Denarian Coins.
    • Rule Two: No personal attachments. He won't, for example, have sex with his lovely and willing friend and assistant Hannah, because that kind of entanglement could be messy down the line. But, in the same way, he holds no grudges against people. He will make friends with both villain and good guy as long as the job gets done.
  • Signature Headgear: Binder very rarely appears without his trademark bowler hat.
  • Summon Magic: Just as before, his only real reason for being part of his bosses plans is his ability to pull dozens of mooks out of thin air. That said, he is skilled enough to be able to called out like a dozen or so in just as many seconds. If one needs a small army quickly, he can provide.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Magically, he is a one trick pony (possibly two - he implies in Skin Game that he can hex lights if he actually wants to, though that's not saying much). Physically, he isn't in the best shape of his life. However, that one trick is one that he can do really well. Once he starts summoning his humanoid demons, he can summon hundreds in as many seconds, and each one is a dangerous fighter and hunter.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: In Turn Coat he knows Murphy pulled some of his hair when he was being detained. He knows, as any smart magic user, this can and will be used to track him. When he leaves, he shaves his head, showers, and jumps into the river near his motel to fully throw off any tracking spell. He never once considers Harry would outsource his tracking once Binder did that to a mundane private investigator.
  • Zerg Rush: In addition to pure numbers the minions in this case have supernatural strength, speed, and toughness, and in Skin Game are capable of wielding Uzi's pretty efficiently. It's also revealed he has an entire clan of demons under his control, though no one's yet figured out how.

    Mortimer Lindquist 

Mortimer "Mort" Lindquist

Professional medium and ghost-talker, otherwise known as an "ectomancer". Though a very potent wielder of power in regards to the dead and other spirits, Lindquist's powers have a very narrow focus and thus he tries to stay out of way of anything supernatural and/or violent. However, when the situation calls for it, he can be very dangerous within his area of expertise, and has a will of iron.

  • Big Damn Heroes: Molly, while going toe to toe with the Corpsetaker in a fierce mental battle, calls for help and Mort answers. He arrives, having gained control of the wraiths the Corpsetaker used to torture him, and proceeds to unleash hell.
  • Cowardly Lion: Mortimer doesn't like to get involved, but when it comes to protecting the dead of Chicago (who he feels a personal responsibility for), he'll even stand up to Harry - who scares him witless in the early books - and when backed into a corner/guilted into it, he'll face down the likes of Corpsetaker, demonstrating just how serious his powers of controlling and communicating with the undead really are.
  • Dead Person Conversation: He has them frequently. He tries to help console the shades to help them move onto What-Comes-Next. Those he cannot help are either ones who have a fierce determination and sense of duty that makes them excellent sentries, or so insane and dangerous he takes them into his protection to keep mortals safe from them.
  • Defiant to the End: Holding out against Corpsetaker's Cold-Blooded Torture to protect the spirits in his care.
  • Expy: Though it's not initially obvious, and given the fact that the particular film came out a decade later, he's actually surprisingly similar to Professor X, particularly during X-Men: Days of Future Past. Generally speaking, both are courageous, empathetic (though in Mort's case, primarily to the dead), and in a specialised field, wield significant skill and raw power - enough to take down more nominally powerful opponents. Both function as therapists - in Xavier's case, to mutants having trouble with their powers, in Mort's, to the dead, trying to figure out why they're stuck and how to send them on. Oh, and both end up bald, signifying a jump in their abilities. Specific to X-Men: Days of Future Past, when Mort first appears, he's something of a wreck who really does not want to get involved and ignores the Call to Adventure, like DOFP!Xavier. Yet under the initial depression (plus cowardliness in Mort's case) and implied alcoholism, there's a significant amount of courage, empathy, and strength. And both become stronger once they are persuaded to stop self-medicating with booze (among other things), and stop being afraid to properly open up and use their powers again.
  • Hero of Another Story: Harry ponders in Ghost Story how many spiritual troubles were stopped without him noticing by Mort's efforts.
  • Hidden Depths: Despite being a drunken wreck when we first meet him, and shy of any involvement thereafter, Harry suggests at more than one point that in the very specific field of ectomancy, Mort's talents are on par with his own, and Mort is vastly more skilled. In Ghost Story we see just how true that is, when he curbstomps Corpsetaker - one of Kemmler's apprentices, and hinted to be a former high ranking member of the Council.
  • I See Dead People: Can communicate with spirits.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Subverted, actually. He initially comes off like this, but his second appearance makes it clear the heart's ghost and the jerk was a mirage. Pointedly, he was losing his magic because he didn't believe in the sleazy fake-medium stuff he was up to at the time. If he had been a jerk that wouldn't have happened.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: Ghost Story reveals he can summon the shades who are his allies into him and Mega Man their powers or skills.
    "I don't have a gun. Never thought I needed one."
  • Lovable Coward: Mort the ectomancer is another self-admitted coward. And, in another subversion, while he stays out of the way of violence as much as possible, he'll go all Big Brother Instinct when ghosts are threatened and doesn't break down even after over a day of physical and mental torture from Corpsetaker.
    • Though Mort does have a very good reason for self-preservation: He's the only thing preventing hundreds of ghosts from bugging out and going on a killing spree in the mortal world.
  • Meaningful Name: Anyone think it's a coincidence that the guy whose magic is focused on the spirits of the dead goes by the nickname "Mort"?
  • Phony Psychic: For a while, until Harry convinces him that this is a large part of what's hurting his overall abilities, since belief is key to magic. Once he took a break, had a kind of detox, and started using his powers honestly, they returned and became even stronger.
  • Powers via Possession: Sort of. Mortimer can draw ghosts into his body to take advantage of their skills—even with wizards' spirits to access their magic, like Harry.
  • Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: His line to his tormentor The Corpsetaker in Ghost Story. Following it, he unleashes all the wraiths, crazy ghosts, she had against her in a single powerful attack.
    But it seems to me, you half-wit, that you probably shouldn't have left a freaking ectomancer a pit full of wraiths to play with.
  • The Shrink: Ghost Story reveals much of how he handles various ghosts is to be exactly this. He needs to find the root of what is holding the ghost here and try to correct it.
  • Tempting Fate: In Ghost Story he finally agreed to help Harry for one hour and asks what could happen in one hour?
    Harry: Heroes know better than to hand the universe lines like that.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In Grave Peril, Mort is a self-proclaimed coward with a bad comb-over and almost completely atrophied abilities. By Death Masks, he's turned his business around, and by Ghost Story, he's enlisted the aid of some of the most dangerous ghosts in Chicago and gained a level of raw power rivalling Harry's within his narrowly specialised field. He also kills the Corpsetaker for good, and this is after enduring a day of torment by thousands of wraiths at her hands. And he's shaved off the comb-over, opting for what Harry describes as "the full Charles Xavier."

     The Korean warlock 

The Korean warlock

A teenager with a talent for mind control who was executed in the beginning of Proven Guilty.

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Even though Harry accepts that he's too far gone and has to be killed, he thinks that the warlock was Just a Kid who came into his magic while he had all the hormones and poor judgement of a teenager, and without any proper instruction quickly fell prey to the addictive nature of black magic.
  • Just a Kid: Around sixteen years old.
  • Mind Rape: His crime. He forcibly turned a group of people, including many from his family, into his thralls.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Killed many members of his own family and enthralled many more. While we don't know for sure if his parents were among them, given the damage he dealt out, it's very likely.
  • Shadow Archetype: To Molly; he's executed for breaking the same law that she did and represents what she could've become if Harry hadn't stepped in.

     Etienne the Enchanter 

Etienne the Enchanter

A French wizard from the Middle Ages.

  • Small Role, Big Impact: He's referenced once, in a single historical anecdote in Fool Moon, but Word of Jim is that he was the one who bound Bob to a skull, creating one of Dresden's most reliable and important resources.


"I moved far beyond the First Law. First Law's for amateurs."

An insane sorcerer living in Chicago's sewers. He seeks to use his magic powers to bring forth his own brand of order in which he would rule Chicago like a tyrant. Insists on being referred to by honorifics such as 'master' or 'sire.'



A young warlock who recently came into his talent.

  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Harry and Mouse make quick work of his summoned demons.
  • Power Incontinence: Does not have full control over them, and is mostly scared for other people's sake.
  • The Runaway: He had ran away from home.
  • Summon Magic: He's able to wield this intuitively.
  • Teens Are Monsters: He's hostile and quick to attack with his magic, even to summon a creature to attack Harry, who just wants to help him.
    • Downplayed, as he is afraid for Harry when demons actually show up.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Of Mouse's Shadow, who was using More than Mind Control on him to summon demons to distract Harry and Mouse.

Magical Creatures


     In General 

A collection of monsters which only children are aware of.

  • Child Eater: Multiple types of them are this.
  • Helping Would Be Killstealing: According to Mouse, these creatures exist to train up children, to teach them courage and prepare them for the more serious monsters they'll encounter in their adult lives. For this reason, Mouse cannot use his powers against them (unless they first break one of the rules, of course).
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: They're all known by the nicknames that Maggie and the Carpenter children came up with for them; their 'real' names have not yet been revealed.


Monsters which feed off of the psychic discord generated by intense arguments, and which influence people to argue more so that they (the baglers) can feed more.

  • Strawman Political: They latch onto people and turn them into this, forcing them to argue intensely about politics and other sensitive subjects in order to stir up bad emotions and feelings.


Monsters which use fear-based attack to mentally break children. They can then possess the broken children, feed off of their fear, and use those children to torment others in the same way.

  • Kids Are Cruel: They corrupt children and make the kids bully each other.


For the Denarians, see here.


Lucifer, aka Satan

The Prince of Darkness. Father of Lies. The First Fallen. He once was an Archangel on high, but too much pride led him to rebel. He hasn't appeared in the series proper, but his influence and actions have influenced several plots, most notably giving Nicodemus and Anduriel access to Super-Hellfire in Small Favor.

  • Balance Between Good and Evil:
    • He's in a treaty with God which obligates him to not act directly in the mortal world, since his actions or their downstream effects could influence human free will (which is implied where the majority of the battle for humanity is taking place). However...
    • He gives his people access to Archangel-tier Hellfire to help on their mission. This break is considered a showy two-time use of the power. In response, this gives Uriel the chance to grant Harry Dresden an equal blessing.
    • Another, unspecified Fallen whispered to Harry in his darkest moment, influencing him into effectively selling his soul to Mab, but arranging his own suicide beforehand. The seven words it whispered gave Uriel the leeway necessary to whisper another seven words to make sure Harry doesn't give in to despair in his second darkest moment.
  • The Ghost:
    • Though his influence has been felt, he has yet to appear in person.
    • That said, he may have made a minor appearance at the end of Ghost Story. Uriel, out of shame or disappointment, refused to identify the unnamed Fallen that influenced Harry in Changes during a flashback. While it technically could have been one we're unfamiliar with, the odds are that it was Anduriel or Lucifer himself.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: On top of being the Devil, his actions in both the rebellion against Him and the implanting his top thirty fallen have caused a lot of strife for humans in their brief existence.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain:
    • His giving Nicodemus Super Hellfire allows Uriel to give Harry Soulfire. With Hellfire, Nicodemus enacted a plan to capture and break the Archive that ultimately didn't work and set him up to get screwed over epically by Marcone's vengeance for using him as a test subject and Mab's ire for breaking her Accords. With Soulfire, Harry has become Warden of Demonreach, destroyed the Red Court, destroyed the body Sharkface was using, taken out Lasciel and left her Coin in Hades' vault among other things. None of which would have happened if Lucifer hadn't given his gift to Nicodemus.
    • Similarly, him talking Harry into committing suicide allowed for Uriel to talk Harry into not giving into despair once he became Mab's Knight.
  • Out-Gambitted: Basically, his entire presence in the series is an extended case of this, courtesy of Uriel and to a lesser extent, Mab, Demonreach, and Bonnie. His paving the way for Harry to get Soulfire saved Harry's bacon and allowed him to defeat several evils that he otherwise couldn't have, and allowed him to become Warden of Demonreach, who helped Mab keep him alive after Lucifer (or one of his agents) drove Harry to suicide. The intervention allowed Uriel to intervene to keep him from losing his will to Mab, leading to Harry retaining his sense of morality and retaining the powers of the Winter Knight.



A demon that Leonid Kravos tried to summon, though Harry and his allies stopped him. When Kravos' ghost returned, Dresden's misidentification of the ghost for Azorthragal caused him several problems.

  • The Ghost: We never actually meet Azorthragal.


For a demon that wants to drag you to Hell, he's very refined.

"Chauncy" is a demon Harry summons to bargain for information in Fool Moon. He mentions in passing that Harry summoned him at about a half-dozen times in the past.

  • Deal with the Devil: Harry cuts one to trade in a third part of his name for information. He tries to tempt Harry into a second deal when the deal they agreed upon limited the amount of useful information Harry could get out of Chauncy. He tries to tempt Harry again during their conversation, but it becomes clear that this was a more calculated attempt.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He plays the Affably Evil it's Nothing Personal Punch-Clock Villain card to the hilt, and it's only when Harry finally refuses him that he drops the act.
  • Full-Name Basis: He refers to Harry as "Harry Dresden", and later "Harry Blackstone Dresden" when he gets his end of the deal.
  • I Know Your True Name: He knows part of Harry's True Name as part of three deals with Harry in which he got one of Harry's names in each bargain. Because Chauncy is a source of information for other wizards, not all of them benevolent, and the fact that he's a demon, Harry knows better than to give him his whole name since that can have dire consequences for him. He was still desperate enough to give Chauncy three-quarters of his name over several periods of the course of their professional relationship.
  • Knowledge Broker: Demons keep a close record of humans' sins, giving them an unparalleled knowledge of certain goings on and associated information. Harry summons Chauncy up to strike a bargain for information on the werewolves behind the Lupus murders when his other leads started to dry up. Chauncy's also noted to be a source of information for other wizards.
  • Legions of Hell: He's a demon with scales, pincers, and a beak. Also an Oxford accent and glasses.
  • Odd Name, Normal Nickname: Harry nicknames Chaunzaggoroth "Chauncy", which matches its incongruous Oxford accent. It also distracts him from the fact that Chauncy is still an unholy Faux Affably Evil monster, which nearly leads him to make a deadly misstep.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: When summoned up, Chauncy thrashes about his barrier to try to get at Harry as he's contractually obliged to try to escape and kill Harry. When he's satisfied that the barrier is sound, he turns out to be quite civilized and polite with Harry. Ultimately subverted, as at the end of their conversation turns out he's just as spiteful and malicious as advertised for a demon.
  • Starter Villain: He is low-rank compared to the Fallen Angels, the Walkers, and Shagnasty. However, Word of Jim says his information on Harry ends up being passed up the chain of command to higher forces of Hell to better fight against him.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: He doesn't appear again, though Harry does at one point tell Michael that he'll whistle him up for information if he has to - though the situation doesn't pan out that way.
  • Wicked Cultured: He speaks with an Oxford accent and has wire frame glasses. It's one of the ways he disguises his threat.
  • Xanatos Gambit: At the end of their encounter, he gives Harry a teasing bit of information that hints that his mother was a reformed dark mage, and that Chauncy knows much more about Harry's mom than Harry did. That was just bait to sucker Harry in, though it doesn't work and only makes Harry pretty pissed, ending the civil discussion and getting Chauncy banished.


To this toad, everyone's a fly.

A humanoid demon with a toad-like face, Kalshazzak was summoned by Victor Sells.

     Shen demons 

Shen demons

Chinese monkey-like demons. Dresden encounters them early in the Blood Rites case.

  • Killer Gorilla: With wings, no less.
  • Fusion Dance: Capable of fusing into more powerful forms.
  • One to Million to One: The shen can combine into larger, more powerful forms. A pack of twenty can form a King Kong-like monster if they all merge together.

Divine and Semi-Divine Beings

For Odin, see the entry for Donar Vadderung under Monoc Securities on this page.

For Siriothrax, see his entry under Gregor's Cult on this page.


The Greek god whose vault is the target of Nicodemus' machinations in Skin Game.
  • All Myths Are True: Add Greek myths to the setting's already long list (although the one about Persephone isn't exactly true).
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: By his own admission, not a "people person," and doesn't talk much. He's also a Physical God and ruler of the land of Death. You do not want to mess with him.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: Harry describes his eyes as pure black, adding to Hades' dread. And while not evil, he's often thought of as such.
  • Cool Crown: He wears one that is made out of tiny spheres of mordite orbiting his head.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He's the god of wealth and the underworld and keeps an armory of supernatural artifacts. But he's not a bad guy.
  • Don't Fear the Reaper: He's a very benevolent Lord of Death. He is a warden of the realm of the dead, a punisher when need be, but he is always fair.
  • The Dreaded: One of the few beings Harry's too scared to mouth off to. Most of the time.
  • Everyone Hates Hades: Pointedly averted; see Historical Villain Upgrade below. Hades actually tries to feign playing into the trope, and is pleased when Harry doesn't fall for it.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: Why he named his three-headed dog Cerberus. Really, Cerberus is a really good, loyal dog who just happens to be terrifying to outsiders (and a very good guard dog, but that's beside the point).
    "Do you know my dog's name?"
    "Cerberus," I said promptly. "But everyone knows that."
    "Do you know what it means?"
    I opened my mouth and closed it again. I shook my head.
    "It is from an ancient word, kerberos. It means 'spotted.'"
    I blinked. "You're a genuine Greek god. You're the Lord of the Underworld. And... you named your dog Spot?"
    "Who's a good dog?" Hades said, scratching the third head behind the ears, and making the beast's mouth drop open in a doggy grin. "Spot is. Yes, he is."
  • Happily Married: Apparently, with Persephone. In this version, she came willingly to the underworld and the whole myth about the abduction stemmed from her mother, Demeter, going through a very bad case of empty nest syndrome.
  • Historical Villain Upgrade: Pointed out In-Universe by Harry, who notes that while movies and TV have painted him as the equivalent of the devil, he's actually among the most honorable of the Greek major gods and the only one who never neglected his duties. Additionally, according to him his marriage to Persephone was completely consensual and the pomegranate thing was made up later to calm down Demeter.
  • Ironic Hell: He's the one who gets to decide what counts as ironic. For Socrates, that means people ask him questions all day. Deirdre's fate is implied to be much more inventive and unpleasant.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: Befitting the god of wealth, he has a large collection of priceless things. Harry describes his horde as what you'd get if Smaug suffered from crippling obsessive-compulsive disorder and relentless good taste.
  • Nice Guy: His duty often forces him to be harsh, but in person, Hades is a great guy as long as you don't fuck with him.
  • No Social Skills: Self admitted. He isn't all that good at interacting with people, which is one of the things that contributed to his bad reputation.
  • Obnoxious In-Laws: How he views Demeter. When Persephone married him of her own free will, Hecate led Demeter around looking for Persephone. And around and around. It was her wedding present: a honeymoon free of the mother-in-law. Hades was very appreciative.
  • One Degree of Separation: It's implied that Mab recruited him into her plot with Marcone against Nicodemus by dint of an old friendship - there's a series of statues in Hades' vault depicting Hecate... and the Queens of Faerie. Harry is left wondering at the connection. Because of the nature of supernaturals, she may have been Hecate (an ally who allowed Hades a brief time free of his mother in law) or even Persephone herself (Hades's wife).
  • Physical God: The first Greek God to show up in person - though given that Mab could well double as either Hecate or Persephone, he might not technically be the first.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He honestly doesn't particularly care that his vault is being broken into — as far as he's concerned, its contents are there as an "In case of reality-threatening emergency, break glass" safety, and the ludicrously deadly deathtraps leading up to it just make sure that the only people who can get to them are competent enough to use them.
    Harry: But why lock them away where anyone with enough resources can get them?
    Hades: To prevent anyone without the skill or the commitment to use them well from having them. It is not my task to keep them from all of mortal kind—only from the incompetents.
    • Hades was also extremely impartial when it came to the judgement of the dead. The few Greeks who offered him worship and sacrifice in the hopes of getting a more lenient deal couldn't stop him from being impartial and fair. He's not pleased when Harry implies that Deirdre is skirting her justly earned punishment, his tone making Harry shut up and reconsider - and realise, as he mockingly explains to Nicodemus, who'd also apparently missed this, that all he's done is secure a personalised punishment for his daughter.
  • The Reliable One: How Harry describes him. While the other Gods were often unnecessarily cruel and negligent in their assigned duties, Hades never was.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: He appears to Harry in an all-black suit, as befitting his status as a Man of Wealth and Taste.
  • Thicker Than Water: When Harry points out Hades' morality compared to the myths talking about his siblings' negative actions (like Zeus' serial infidelities), Hades politely but firmly asks him to stop. He admits that they're far from perfect, but they're still his family and he won't tolerate insults directed at them. Harry backpedals fast.
  • Tranquil Fury: Downplayed, but when Harry insults his brothers (above), Hades "very, very gently" asks him firmly to stop. Later, when Harry thinks that Deirdre will be able to skirt justice, Hades doesn't get mad, exactly, but his tone is enough to make even the Snark Knight think twice about his next words.
  • Unusual Halo: His head is orbited by motes of mordite — pure anti-life made manifest, which usually disintegrates any living thing nearby. The effect contributes to Harry's Sarcasm Failure at the sight of him.



An honest-to-goodness Dragon. He appears at Bianca's party in Grave Peril, where he demonstrates that he is a being of immense power, able to bring Harry to his knees with just a portion of Harry's true name. He appears in Peace Talks. Word of God states that Ferrovax will have a part to play in the apocalyptic trilogy that will serve as the capstone to the Dresden Files series.

  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: He is as arrogant as he is powerful.
  • Barrier Maiden: His main role in Battle Ground and the main reason he was The Ghost in the whole book? Holding the Nevernever shut around Chicago so the Fomor couldn't bring in reinforcements, and using his immense power to stabilize reality itself so it would not shatter during The Accord's fight against Ethinu and The Fomor, something that Bob outright states could happen due to the power being thrown around in the battle. Basically, Ferrovax's role was to be the linchpin that held reality together during the battle and it's strongly implied the casualties would have been much higher if Ferrovax did not act as he did while the others defeated The Titan.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The mysterious gift that he received at Bianca's party, which had apparently impressed him. Whether it actually has any actual importance to the plot remains to be seen. Seeing as the athame gifted to Lea and the tombstone/burial plot gifted to Harry have both had pretty big appearances (the latter much more so), this seems pretty likely.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Is slated to appear in the apocalyptic trilogy, and possibly play an important role.
  • Destructive Savior: He notes that any attempt to go all out on Ethniu would result in more of Chicago being destroyed than he would save.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Mr. Ferro implies that the sight of his true form might do this to Harry.
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Played with, he was seen at Bianca's ball puffing on a cigarette throughout, though Michael noted that the cigarette was unlit. He was later seen at Marcone's peace summit puffing on a pipe, also unlit. Since he isn't afraid of drawing attention to himself, he isn't doing it for camoflague, so it indicates that he might have a subdued sense of theatrics.
  • Green Rooming: He's carefully introduced in book 3 and stated by Word of God to have a role to play eventually, but has only been briefly mentioned once as of book 15. He pops up as a member of the Accords in attendance to the peace talks in Peace Talks, and acts as a Barrier Maiden in Battle Ground.
  • Jerkass to One: He doesn't like Harry very much. In book 3, he almost flattens Harry for relatively little reason before Michael threatens to stop him. Despite Michael being much harsher to him, Ferrovax is significantly more respectful to the Knight of the Cross. On the other hand, Michael's dragon-slaying experience might mean he's considered worthy of respect, as opposed to a snarky snot-nosed punk of a wizardling.
  • My Instincts Are Showing: Smoke comes from his nose and will billow out when he is pissed.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: He's identified as a dragon early in the series and to be very old and very powerful, although not a whole lot of details drive otherwise. The author has given more information outside of the work, such as that there are two types of dragons, Dragons (with a capital D), that are god-like beings, more in common with the Asian perception of dragons and dragons (with a lowercase d), which have more in common with the dragons represented in western mythology that work as messengers and agents for Dragons. Given that Ferrovax refers to himself as the "oldest and most powerful" of his kind, it might be presumed that he belongs to the former category.

    "Shagnasty" the Skinwalker 


"I will come for you. I will kill you. I will kill your blood, your friends, your beasts. I will kill the flowers in your home and the trees in your tiny fields. I will visit such death upon whatever is yours that your very name will be remembered only in curses and tales of terror."

One of the main antagonists in Turn Coat, the Skinwalker is an ally or member of the Black Council, and comes in on their behalf. When viewed through a wizard's Sight, the pure evil that the spirit embodies is enough to drive Harry almost mad with terror that such a creature could even exist. The Skinwalker proves to be a frighteningly powerful foe, easily able to defeat the White Court in the heart of their headquarters.

  • Always Chaotic Evil: The Skinwalkers, at least the original ones.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Whether he's Black Council or just a Psycho for Hire is unclear. Word of Jim is that Nagloshii don't "minion" for anyone and that he hunted Morgan mostly for the opportunity to do it, but whether he has any investment in the Black Council's endgame is unknown.
  • And Your Little Dog, Too!: When he threatens to kill Harry, he makes sure to include the flowers in Harry's house as recipients of the death threat.
  • Ax-Crazy: He's gleeful and joyful about inflicting pain and death on people.
  • Bad Powers, Bad People: He has the power to instinctively sense what would cause the most pain to others, physical or emotional, which is why he captured and brutally tortured Thomas. He also gains the strength of those he kills, and gains power (albeit much less) from the fear others feel for him.
  • Bears Are Bad News: And one of the forms the Skinwalker in Turn Coat takes is a biological mash-up of a bear, a cougar, and some sort of lizard.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: One of the main antagonists of Turn Coat, alonside Black Council spy Peabody.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: "Crippling" is very relative here, but it's far better at hurting people in a fight than killing them outright. This is due to its intellectus for suffering: it instinctively knows how to hurt people most, physically or emotionally, and uses this to incapacitate opponents. So while it could cheat to break Lucio's collarbone perfectly with one strike, it couldn't cheat the same way to take her head off.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: To Thomas, just because it knows breaking him will hurt Harry more than anything else. Heck, this is one of its powers.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Utterly thrashes Harry, Luccio, Lara and her sisters and Raith Manor's mercenaries with no effort.
  • David vs. Goliath:
    • When it faces Harry on Demonreach, Harry comes close to defeating it by using Demonreach's awareness to track it and Soulfire to attack. Only Harry collapsing from fatigue saved the creature.
    • To buy Harry some time, Toot-toot unleashed his mighty box cutter on the ancient evil's back. He is able to avoid the swings of the Skinwalker's strikes and only fell to a blast of wind magic.
  • The Dreaded: As much as Dresden is this for most beings the Skinwalker is this for him and everyone else. The moment three members of the Senior Council and five Wardens hear one is coming their first idea is to run. This group included McCoy and Listen-To-Wind, a wizard who knew directly how to fight one.
  • Eldritch Abomination: A creature so alien to human consciousness that looking at it through his Sight almost drives Harry mad.
  • Emotion Eater: Skinwalkers are said to be able to draw power from people's fear so potently that even so much as talking about them can strengthen them. Subsequently, the Navajo tribespeople who know of them tend to not discuss them with outsiders, meaning that those who encounter them will probably not recognise them, which also leads to fear of them. It's also an example of genre-savviness on the Navajo's part. Apparently, Skinwalkers are fans of irony to the point that they'll shapeshift into human form and ask people about themselves before killing them.
  • Fallen Angel: What he basically is, being a former divine messenger and all who chose evil.
  • For the Evulz: Pointless and meaningless malevolence is a part of its nature. Harry mentions the holy men who know of them don't talk to strangers about them because a stranger just might be a Skinwalker wanting to hear and taste the fear of hearing its own tales.
  • The Heavy: While he's technically working for Peabody, he's far more powerful and is able to actively fight Dresden. Peabody, for his part, is Crazy-Prepared but ultimately not as much of a threat to Harry, and is easily killed by Morgan soon after he's exposed.
  • Hero Killer: Shagnasty utterly demolishes Harry in every confrontation, nearly crippled Andi, and it did kill Kirby.
  • Holy Burns Evil:
    • The Blessing Way of the Dine (the Navajo) can either banish or bind the ancient evil.
    • Attacks, both magical and physical, augmented by Soulfire can do serious harm to the creature.
  • Invisibility: One of its greatest advantages. It can semi-consciously put up a veil, which means it can silently track down and follow enemies, or as Invisible Means Undodgeable lay wallop on then in a fight or simply assassinate them.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: It shrugs off everything you can throw at it, and only a no-holds-barred throwdown with "Injun Joe" Listens-To-Wind manages to really hurt it, and those hurts aren't lasting by any means. Or even really serious, it ran away before they got to that point - and Listens-To-Wind notes that any further fight would have been drawn out and more brutal as it got desperate. Morgan mentions that he managed to kill a skinwalker by tricking it onto a nuclear test site in New Mexico and jumping into the Nevernever at the last second to escape the subsequent blast.
  • Otherworldly and Sexually Ambiguous: It gives Harry some Pronoun Trouble in figuring out how to refer to it. It's genderless, according to Bob. Semi-divine demonic entities can procreate (and as proven by Goodman Grey, do), but they have no need to.
  • Sadist: Like no other. Its can instinctively know what can emotionally rip apart others, like eating the fingers of Lara Raith's sister in front of Lara and Harry.
  • Shapeshifter Showdown: With Listens-To-Winds, who manages to beat it into fleeing. Harry asked Joseph why he didn't chase down such a monster, and Joseph answers that it might still be capable of killing him if it turned at bay and it would hurt people along the way to slow him down, so letting it go was the lesser evil.
  • Skinwalker: There are human-ish skinwalkers and there are Skinwalkers, and Shagnasty is one of the latter: a semi-divine former messenger of a holy people who refused the order to return home. It now lives on Earth being a walking nightmare.
  • Speak of the Devil: Referring to it by name generates fear that can strengthen it, which is why Harry nicknames it Shagnasty.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Uriel feels sorry for Skinwalkers (though much more for their victims), because in their rampages, he believes they find some measure of peace in bringing down everything else to their level, to prove everyone else is as flawed as they are.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Boy does he ever. Being an unstoppable force of wanton pain, death and destruction, he does not think much of opponents:
    • He jumped right to attacking the Alphas, but their Super-Senses could detect him right through his veil. He manages to do serious damage when fighting one solo, but increased numbers forced him to flee (briefly).
    • He didn't think much of charging into Demonreach island to fight Harry, not expecting how much Harry would have prepared for him, let alone the power of the guardian entity of the island.
    • He made the demon within Thomas take control of his body and let him loose on Molly. It didn't work since Molly was much more strong-willed and resourceful than he expected.
    • Finally, he didn't think of Listens To Wind as much of a threat, since he did not have the holy powers of a Navajo priest. Listens To Wind takes him on in a straight up fight and nearly kills him, forcing him to flee.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Morgan mentions that he fought a Skinwalker once before. He lured it to a nuclear testing facility, and stepped through to the Nevernever as the bomb went off. It's also implied that this method of killing it was NOT overkill, but just enough kill.
  • Villain Ball: Though the thing being stupidly powerful enough didn't quite mean that it was its downfall, Shagnasty will often choose to pursue its goals in a way to cause pain and harm than to achieve his goals efficiently, giving enemies the opportunity to fight back when they aren't downed.


Airavata as she truly is...
... and as she appears to be.

A naga who is overseeing a contest between two supernatural creatures, Ambre (a ghoul) and Griswald (a goblin). Appears in the Ghoul Goblin case.

     Meditrina Bassarid 

Meditrina Bassarid

A demigoddess and maenad who serves Dionysus. She infected several cases of Mac's beer with a contagion focus that would connect the drinker's minds to Dionysius himself. Dionysius would then use those people to create a violent orgy at a Bull's game.

  • Attempted Rape: Dresden walks in on Bassarid making out with a brainwashed Murphy, and confirms she intends to eventually have sex with her.
  • Berserk Button: Dresden refusing to drink her beer sends her into a screaming rage and results in her siccing Murphy after him as well as attacking him herself.
  • Church Militant: She wants to restore Dionysus's name and glory among humans, and she's willing to start as many riots as she needs to in order to make that happen. She also proves she's willing to throw down herself when Dresden doesn't play along.
  • Gaia's Vengeance: Of the "Gaia's Avenger" type. When Dresden says that mortals have moved beyond the Greek gods, Meditrina snaps that in doing so they despoiled the Earth. She wants to return the world to the stewardship of the Greek gods, where it was better maintained.
  • Tap on the Head: Dresden drops a sign on her head to knock her out.

     Mouse's "Shadow" / Ash 

Mouse's "Shadow" / Ash

The largest male member of Mouse's litter of Foo Dog pups. He was abducted by villains (implied to be Cowl and Kumori) with the rest of the litter, but while Dresden was able to save most of the pups, this one (as well as the largest female member of the litter) had already been secured by the villains and were eventually corrupted. Mouse refers to him as his "Shadow" when they clash; Cowl, by contrast, calls him 'Ash.'

  • The Chessmaster: He manipulates Austin and several "creeps" in order to separate Harry and Mouse from Maggie, whom he wants to take control of.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He and his entire litter were kidnapped by a pair of Warlocks back in Blood Rites with himself and his sister kept separate from the rest. Thus when Harry rescued the litter, he and later the monastery hadn't realized that there were two missing along with Mouse. The various scars peeking through his fur indicate that his new masters weren't as loving as Dresden had been.
  • Dark Is Evil: His fur is streaked with broad bands of nearly black coloring, and his mane is was vast and dark, and scars that make him look like one mean pup.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He legitimately doesn't understand why Mouse is so loyal to the Dresdens and believes him naïve for believing they love him.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Mouse to the point that the dog refers to him as his "shadow".
  • Graceful Loser: Somewhat begrudgingly, but he acknowledges Mouse's victory and departs without incident.
  • Lean and Mean: He's clearly had a harder life than Mouse, and can run a fair bit faster than him. It's not Mouse's fault — he's a Good Dog, and that means treats.
  • Mirror Match: Because the two are dogs, Mouse and his brother look similar enough to be twins, making their fight in "Zoo Day" this.
  • No Name Given: He's only ever called "Brother" or as Mouse's "Shadow" and its not made clear if he has one
  • Servant Race: He sees himself as rebelling against the idea that, as a dog, it's his job to serve humans.
  • Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!: He considers Mouse, as well as anyone who prioritizes personal happiness, spoiled and naive.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: A literal example. He used his powers to draw both Austin the Warlock and the Creeps into conflict with the Dresdens, with his primary target being Maggie because of her future potential.
  • Villain Respect: He's grudgingly impressed by Mouse having chosen a different path from the rest of their littermates, and more so by Mouse figuring out his next move and his willingness to — if it comes to an all-out fight — go for a suicidal attack to end things in his favour.
  • We Can Rule Together: Tries to pull this on Mouse, saying there "was great work" to be done and their powers combined would make them easier to achieve. Mouse, like a certain wizard we know and love, manages to turn down and make fun of the way he said at the same time.
  • Would Hurt a Child: In 'Fugitive,' he helps Cowl try to sacrifice children to resurrect the Nemean Lion.

Forest People
For Blood on his Soul/the Genoskwa, see his entry under The Denarians.

     In General 
A race of tall, strong creatures who live in the forests. Seem to be the primary inspiration for the story of the Bigfoot.
  • Badass Pacifist: Mighty and powerful, yet their main approach is to avoid problems by sticking to the forests and not interacting with humanity. When forced into a confrontation to protect their own, their main approach is to demonstrate a show of strength and give the offending party a chance to back off. The exemption was the Genoskwa, and he appeared to be of a similar, but distinct species.
  • Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: What they are, but they're basically people with strongly isolationist views and a mildly alien mindset. They also interact only with the Native Americans even into the present, and they get some perks of the modern world, such as phones and financial managers. They're also quite wealthy, measuring their fortunes in gold ore. And later on, River Shoulders explains that there have 3 subspecies.
  • Human Subspecies: Possibly. It's never stated or speculated, but the Genoskwa was the host of Ursiel in Skin Game, something that is normally only open to mortal humans. This suggests that at the very least, they're related and have mortal souls like humans do.
  • Ideal Illness Immunity: According to Strength of a River in his Shoulders, all Forest People have this.
  • Made of Iron: They have tremendous magical power, and the way it interacts with their physiology gives them enormous vitality and strength. Harry speculates it also influences their growth patterns, explaining why they get so big and also why they're so hairy.
  • Mage Species: They all have an innate talent for nature magic, but only the Sky Path (around 10% of their population) actively cultivate the ability and try to use it to its full extent.
  • Our Cryptids Are More Mysterious: They're basically an entire race of Bigfoot wizards.
  • Wrong Context Magic: They view magic differently than humans, and hence practice it in different ways that Harry simply thought was impossible in other contexts. Add on to the fact that they're very powerful spellcasters in their own right, and the only thing holding back their inhuman magical potential is their own reluctance to use it.

     River Shoulders 

Strength of a River in His Shoulders

A Bigfoot-like creature who hires Dresden when his son Irwin needs help.

  • Big Entrance: He enters the climax of Bigfoot On Campus by throwing a car through a window and enters the dorm room where his son is. The room is on the fourth floor.
  • Counterspell: He was able to shut down a White Court vampire in the middle of a major psychic assault with little difficulty.
  • Cultured Badass: Said to enjoy good food and Gilbert and Sullivan music.
  • Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: He thinks it's better for his son not to know him in order that his son have a normal life. Add in if he acknowledges him, River would have to take him from his mother. While he didn't exactly have goods grounds for doing so, Dresden disagrees, and eventually gets him to meet his son.
  • Disappeared Dad: He was largely absent from Irwin's life, occaisionally communicating with him by phone, but otherwise being largely absent.
  • Don't Make Me Destroy You: River holds his attack after the Big Entrance in Bigfoot on Campus because he is giving Connie's father and his ghouls a chance to leave peacefully. They were not smart enough to listen... at first.
  • Gentle Giant: A very literal case. Unless you make him angry.
    • Even then, he is more than willing to let enemies walk away unharmed even after trying to kill him, if they surrender with promise of no more mischief.
  • Give Him a Normal Life: He wanted to do this for Irwin by staying out of his life. The Forest People are very traditional and isolationist, and acknowledging Irwin as his son would put obligations on Irwin in following the same way of life, and River wanted Irwin to have a better life and bigger world without such restrictions. Unfortunately for them both, Irwin's life keeps getting complicated even without his heritage being an initial factor.
  • Interspecies Romance: He is a Bigfoot and he falls for a very human woman.
  • Nice Guy: Unless you're stupid enough to threaten his son, he's usually very kind-hearted and mild.
    • He responds to Fantastic Racism with understanding, as the one discriminating against him had harrowing experiences from the Black Sheep of his species.
  • Old Master: When he appears in Peace Talks he mentions off hand he helped train Senior Council Listens-to-Wind when the wizard was younger.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When the threat of the Fomor and Ethnui is hinted to be a problem to not just Chicago but his people, he quickly wishes to join the Alliance against them. Harry notes that this swift action is rare on River's part for a being who will take a while to meditate and consider his options before acting.
  • Papa Wolf: He's generally a very mild, pacifistic, and friendly guy, but make no mistake, the man will get very protective of his son - either personally, or by proxy, hiring one of the most dangerous wizards on the planet.
    • Harry lampshades this to Dr. Fabio when he calls Dr. Pounder the second scariest of Irwin's parents.
    • Learning Irwin's girlfriend is, in his words, a "parasite" makes him very angry and protective of his son, though he gets over it quickly, when Harry points out that it's more like Irwin's dating Connie and the parasite just came along for the ride (it helps that she's completely ignorant of it).
    • When a White Court noble is trying to kill Irwin by forcing his daughter to give Irwin Out with a Bang, River throws the man's town car into the fourth floor of the dormitory where Irwin is trapped. He then soundly defeats all of the ghouls the noble had on payroll without any serious effort.
    • He ensures that his people won't interfere in his son's life by threatening to crack the skulls of those who tried.
  • Really 700 Years Old: In Peace Talks Harry ball parks River's age to be somewhere around a thousand years old if his speaking of Beowolf fighting Grendel like he does is any indication. But Rivers notes that among his people he is close to middle age.
  • Reluctant Warrior: Absolutely loathes getting into any kind of conflict. But when he's set upon by twenty ghouls at's not River who's on the wrong end of the Curb-Stomp Battle.
    • In Battle Ground, he pulls out wrestling moves against Fomor mooks when he cuts loose. Then lets loose shapeshifting against Drakul.
  • Rescue Romance: With Dr. Helena Pounder, whose life he saves by bringing her food when she's stranded on a barren archaeological dig site for months.
  • Sacred Hospitality: When he meets Harry, they enter into this pact: Harry provides the fire, food, and smokes, and River doesn't hurt Harry. Of course, River wouldn't actually hurt Harry anyway (since he wants to hire him) but invoking Sacred Hospitality still makes them both more comfortable.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: He attempts to invoke this trope in Peace Talks to mixed success. The suit is supposed to make him less strange and more relatable to humans, but he mostly just ends up looking like a big foot who put on a suit and spectacles.
  • Strong and Skilled: In terms of magical power. As Harry notes, dispelling spells require skill. River Shoulders shows incredible precision by releasing a massive amount of magical energy to counter the lust spell entrapping his son's dorm, with zero collateral damage that usually results from it. Combine that skill with the collossal magical reserves of the Forest People, River is an uber magical heavyweight.
    • Then it turns out he has shapeshifting and wrestling in his resume.
  • Super-Strength: Throws a car from ground level through two outer walls of a fourth floor dorm, jumps through that hole, and reduces ghoul minions to paste.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Amazingly, this applies to him, but ONLY among his own people. He describes himself as particularly 'small' by the standards of the Forest People. He attributes this to food shortages in his youth.



Yes. That Grendel fron Beowulf. River Shoulders reveals that he was one of the Forest People.

Ghosts and Zombies

     Agatha Hagglethorn 

Agatha Hagglethorn

While alive, Agatha accidentally smothered her daughter trying to stop her from crying and provoking her abusive husband Benton. She lost her mind, brutally murdered her husband, and then killed herself by chopping off her hand. She proceeded to haunt Cook County Hospital until Harry and Michael managed to deal with her.

  • Accidental Murder: She didn't mean to kill her baby. She just wanted to stop the crying so Benton wouldn't beat her. But she held her hand over her baby's face a little too long, suffocating her.
  • An Arm and a Leg: She chopped off her own hand after killing her husband.
  • Domestic Abuse: Her husband Benton beat her.
  • Insane Equals Violent: She's mad with grief, she kills babies in the hospital, and when Dresden and Michael try to stop her, she attacks them with all her power.
  • Tragic Monster: Even Harry feels awful for her and sympathizes with her miserable life when he and Michael are forced to effectively exorcise her.



A ghost in Graceland Cemetery.

  • Creepy Child: Cheerfully talks about how Harry will become a monster and how awesome monsters are.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When Dresden comments that her existence has been debunked by 'experts', she makes a dry comment about how experts would never say something inaccurate about events that happened centuries before they were around to monitor them.
  • Undead Child: Known as the ghost of a dead little girl, though Dresden doubts this after she gives a few too many creepy responses. It's eventually heavily implied that she's Mab in disguise.



A security guard at the Chicago Forensic Institute who is turned into a zombie by Grevane.

  • The Guards Must Be Crazy: Doesn't seem to be a very good security guard. He lets Dresden enter without signing in after Dresden gives him a few bottles of beer... one of which he immediately starts drinking.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: In Phil's case, undeath gives him strength and power. He can catch up to a car and dish out massive amounts of physical damage before going down.

    Sir Stuart 

Sir Stuart

The leader of the spirits gathered around Mortimer's house.

  • Abnormal Ammo: He makes anti-wraith bullets out of particularly powerful memories.
  • And the Adventure Continues: He is repaired by Uriel and the Archangel offers him a job helping fight what is beyond the mortal realm. Stuart, seeing how much Mort has grown and no longer needs him, goes with Uriel.
  • Authority Equals Ass Kicking: Kept the shades of all the serial killers under control.
  • Determinator: He endures who knows how long inside a ring of fire, keeping him trapped and, as fire can hurt spirits, eroding his spiritual body. He does so to give Harry one final message and cuts off a piece of his own power and authority over the ghosts, to be able to give it to Harry so the insane shades don't run free.
  • Hand Cannon: His main weapon of choice against wraiths.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: He gives Harry the basic lessons of being a ghost and how to use his power, and the danger of losing one's memories. He ends up burned by a ring of fire, being reformed into a lobotomized shade who has a sense of duty keeping him from going insane but not enough to really be what he was.
  • Mr. Exposition: Previous books have taught us snippets of how ghosts work in the Dresdenverse, but this is where it becomes important in earnest.
  • Noodle Incident: Not much mention is made, but Sir Stuart (a knight and therefore a servant to the Crown) was also a member of the Colonial Marines (i.e. a rebel). Even Dresden raises an eyebrow at that.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: A mix of type 2 and 6.
  • Semper Fi: A member of the Colonial Marines back in his day.

    Sue the Tyrannosaur 

Sue the Tyrannosaur

The most intact T. rex skeleton ever recovered, prominently displayed in the Chicago Field Museum.

  • Brick Joke: In Small Favor, when Luccio and Harry are discussing leylines, she mentions a leyline of dark energy that runs under the Field Museum.
    Luccio: I believe you are familiar with that one.
    Harry: I was going to put the dinosaur back.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Sue is first encountered early in Dead Beat, when Harry is investigating black magic at the Field Museum.
  • Raising the Steaks: She is a dinosaur which Harry raises from the dead to fight three other powerful necromancers terrorizing his city.
  • Stronger with Age: The longer a corpse has been dead, the more powerful it is. Sue is 65 million years dead. Even with the detriment to power being an animal corpse brings to the table, her power still surpasses anything the enemy necromancers had called up.


For Li Xian, see his entry under The Kemmlerites.

     Standard ghouls 


A race of creatures from the Nevernever. Tough and strong, they often serve as muscle for other supernatural factions.

  • The Clan: At least some ghouls live in clan environments, according to Summer Knight.
  • Glamour: They can make themselves look human, and effectively enough that they're extremely hard to distinguish from ordinary humans unless you're looking for them.
  • Healing Factor: Ghouls have an impressive regenerative ability. They can die from decapitation or taking catastrophic damage, but otherwise, they can heal very quickly.
  • Horror Hunger: They eat forty to fifty pounds of meat a day. One ghoul, Ambre, even says that no matter how much she eats, she knows she'll never be sated.
  • Super-Strength: They have this too.

     "Ice Age" ghouls 

"Ice Age" ghouls

A group of ghouls that Dresden and his allies fought in the Raith Deeps. Even bigger and stronger than standard ghouls, Dresden thinks they look like something out of the Ice Age.

  • Healing Factor: They can heal from dismemberment, decapitation, and being torn to shreds by sustained assault rifle fire.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Of the 'regenerative' type.

     "Super" ghouls 
A group of ghouls employer by Tessa in Skin Game. Identical to other ghouls expect one thing. They are intelligent enough to form strategy and know martial arts.

  • Boring, but Practical: Martial arts and strategy may not sound much, but combining it wity their abilities and team work allowed them to work around Harry's abilities and overwhelm him.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Almost literally, in the case of Goodman Grey.
  • I Know Kung Fu: Unfortunately for Harry, they do.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Nope. They peg Harry exactly for what he is. Harry, expecting the usual arrogance of ghouls, is mollified.
     Carter LaChaise 


Leader of the powerful LaChaise ghoul family, an Unseelie Accords signatory.

  • Death Glare: He and his entourage give one to Harry, as he is responsible for the death of several dozens from their clan. Harry gives one right back.
  • Dirty Coward: He tries to flee after Ethniu shows up and issues her threats. He is eventually convinced to help fight the Fomor, albeit begrudgingly.

     The Tigress 

The Tigress

A ghoul assassin of the LaChaise clan. Appears in Summer Knight, where she is recruited by Ace to take down Harry.

  • Blood Knight: Her enthusiasm with her kills would suggest her to be this.
  • Combat Pragmatist: As befitting of an assassin.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: She is ripped apart by the Alphas until nothing remains but a disgusting unrecognizable pile of flesh.
  • Master of Disguise: Noted to be one of her many talents. She successfully disguises as an old lady at the beginning of the book.
  • Plain Jane: Her regular human form is described as looking like this. Completely average, with nothing sticking out.
  • Professional Killer: Suspected of a score of murders on three different continents.
  • Underestimating Badassery: When Murphy tries arresting her, she reveals her true form and mocks her, taunting her about planning to devour her. Murphy ends up successfully forcing her into retreat.

     Ambre LaChaise 

A demure and gentle girl...
... until you get to know her.

A ghoul engaged in a territorial dispute with Griswald, a goblin. Dated Deputy Sheriff Prescott Tremaine as part of her cover while she competed with Griswald for the territory. Appears in Ghoul Goblin.

  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Acts sweet, kind, and demure, right up until she reveals she's a flesh-eating monster and she'll happily rip her ostensible boyfriend to shreds and feast on him as soon as she's done slaughtering the Talbot family.
  • Badass Bookworm: With the fact mentioned below with all the books at her secret-house (and thus not just there as a deception), coupled with her inherent nature as a very formidable ghoul makes her place firmly as this.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Her view of the world including matters such as predator and prey, simply don't align with that of any regular human morality.
  • Bookworm: Her secret home being filled with many books would suggest this.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Has shades of this with her resenting her horror hunger, as well as attending university and having her own secret home which looks incredibly normal and well-kept - none of which, was inherently part of or a necessity of a cover.
  • Mugging the Monster: The goblin trying to attack her, it not being clear at this point whether they knew she was the ghoul at this point. While limited by trying to maintain her cover in front of her fiancée and Dresden, she still manages to get him off of her.
  • Starving Student: Albeit not for the usual type of food.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Dresden feels pity for her when she describes her never-ending, omnipresent hunger.
  • The Social Darwinist: Has beliefs that people are either "predators" or "prey".

     Carolyn LaChaise 

Carolyn LaChaise
Carolyn LaChaise (center) with her minions

Leader of a trio of ghouls hunting in Taylor, Mississippi.

  • Goth: Carolyn and her friends dress as this while pretending to be humans.
  • The Schlub Pub Seduction Deduction: Carolyn and her friends flirt with men in a pub and offer to take them up to their rooms, but they have an ulterior motive—they want to kill and eat their targets.

     Rudy LaChaise 


Another member of the LaChaise ghoul family which has set up shop in Taylor, Mississippi.

  • Almighty Janitor: Pretends to be a mere janitor, but is actually a monstrous killer who can easily defeat most human combatants.

Hecatean Hags

     In general 
An ancient circle of inhuman Hecate worshippers.

     Dana Watson 

Dana Watson
Dana Watson dressed for work.
Dana Watson dressed for apotheosis.

Supposedly a researcher on loan from London to the Lincoln Park Zoo, Watson is actually a Hecatean Hag who wants to use the blood of several powerful animals at the zoo to ascend into divinity.




A loa spirit. She is like Bob the Skull, but focuses on‘’faith’’-based areas. She will broker her wisdom for a fair price and is generally good-aligned. That said, don’t think her weak or insult her.

  • Armor-Piercing Question: Her price for helping Harry is a honest answer to the question: “Who are you?”
  • Detect Evil: She can sense the trace amounts of evil magic within Harry.
  • Foil: Bob describes her as such to him. He will work on the scientific, the analytical aspects of magic, but won’t dare touch on the Faith aspects. She is very much about the Faith areas and questions of morality.
  • Food as Bribe: She requires some good scotch and chewing tobacco present upon summoning to hear the request at all.
  • Knowledge Broker: She will give people fair and reasonable prices for her knowledge.
  • Our Homunculi Are Different: When summoned, she prefers a fresh human corpse to possess to speak with the mortal. Harry, lacking one, uses a Cabbage Patch doll.
  • Prophetic Fallacy: She seeks to correct one that the Denarians and their backer created. The Knights of the Cross only received that if Harry Dresden pursues the Shroud of Turin, he will assuredly perish. What was blocked was, if Harry doesn’t, the Knights will die. And Chicago with them.
  • Speak of the Devil: She averts this by using titles of other beings, such as calling Him the “White God” and Lucifer simply the “Adversary.”

Nature spirits

     Nature Spirit from Ghoul, Goblin 

Ghoul, Goblin Nature Spirit
"Why should I care if, for once, humans have taken on the role of prey?"

A nature spirit whom Dresden asks for information during the Ghoul Goblin case.

  • Demonic Possession: Not a demon, but possesses the cat Dresden brings for it in the same way.
  • The Social Darwinist: She's reluctant to help Dresden save the Talbots because, in her view, the strong killing the weak is just how the world works—even if the weak are human now.

     Nature Spirit from Down Town 

Down Town Nature Spirit
Doesn't like people very much.

A nature spirit whom Dresden asks for information during the Down Town case.


For the Grendelkin, see his entry under the Fae.

    Jared Kincaid, aka "The Hellhound" 

Jared Kinkaid, "The Hellhound"
Blow up the building. That works good for vampires. Then soak what's left in gasoline. Set it on fire. Then blow it up again.

Mercenary, assassin, and all-around gun-for-hire. His most common client is The Archive, with whom he's developed a pseudo-fatherly relationship; he's also worked in Harry's employ once, grumbling the entire way. Has an on-off relationship with Murphy, and apparently he and Ebenezer McCoy have reason to hate one another's guts. Also has an adversarial connection with Nicodemus, though what that involves is not made clear.

Narrates the microfiction "Goodbye".

  • Always Save the Girl: Brought up in Small Favor, regarding what he made Dresden promise to do near the end of the book.
  • Been There, Shaped History: Purportedly got his start working for Drakul (ie. the father of the more famous Dracula), possibly back when he was mortal.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Kills two Denarians with one of this from a single shot.
  • Cold Sniper: One of his biggest advantages is he won't let his ego or other emotions rule many of his actions. He even killed Harry because Harry asked him to.
  • Combat Pragmatist:
    • His idea for dealing with a nest of Black Court vampires? Level the place with explosives, and then set the rubble on fire, hostages be damned. Word of Jim states had Harry done this, Mavra would have really died.
      Harry: Ah, yes. The "Bolshevik muppet" solution.
    • Also, his plan for avoiding a wizard's death curse?
      Kincaid: So I'd use a rifle at a thousand yards. The bullet outruns its own sonic boom, and you'd never even hear the shot. You'd be dead before you realized what happened.
    • At the end of Changes, he did exactly that to kill Harry. At Harry's request.
  • Comforting the Widow: Harry speculates on how he would have showed up to "support" Murphy, after Changes.
  • Consummate Professional: Uncannily talented? Check. Adheres to a strict but amoral code of conduct? Check. Avoids close personal relationships? Check. Doesn't get emotionally involved in his work? Check... unless Ivy is involved.
  • Crazy-Prepared:
    • Regularly goes into operations with a massive arsenal, and always packs just the right weapons to kill what he needs to kill, whether it be disposable shotguns loaded with Dragonsbreath rounds for Red Court, spears loaded with an incendiary round launcher for fighting Black Court, or a high-powered sniper rifle that can one-shot Denarians.
    • Also, duct tape. He has a attachment clip on his combat belt just for a large roll of it, and at one point uses it to bind up some fairly nasty wounds.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: While he's more amoral than truly evil, it's pretty clear that Ivy is the closest thing he has to a family.
  • Firing Day: When he took Dresden's contract on himself, Ivy knew pretty much instantly and confronted Kincaid. She all but outright threatened him and coerced him to promise to shoot Harry in the chest, rather than the head, and let Kincaid go, both to pull off the hit and dismissing him from her service.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Kincaid is a Scion — half-mortal, half-supernatural entity. What entity exactly isn't known, but... well, he has a nickname...
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: To Ivy. (Also to Murphy.)
  • Humanoid Abomination: Seen through the Sight, he appears as a gigantic, demonic-looking shadow.
  • I Gave My Word: Once you've bought Kincaid, he stays bought, and it is a well-known fact that Kincaid never defaults on a contract, consequences be damned.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Harry's first clue that Kincaid is more than human is that he never misses.
  • Mercy Kill: He killed Harry to keep him from becoming the Winter Knight... at Harry's request. More of an attempted kill really, it doesn't stick thanks to Mab, the Parasite, and Demonreach.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: "The Hellhound".
  • Noodle Incident:
    • Just what the hell happened between him and Ebenezar McCoy in Istanbul a century ago?
    • In Small Favor, Tessa mentions that "[Kincaid] has fought us before."
    • He and Murphy had some sort of adventure during their Hawaiian vacation.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: He was genuinely worried when Ivy was kidnapped by the Denarians.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Ebenezar doesn't recognize the name "Jared Kincaid" despite having worked with him before (and "Jared" is a fairly odd name for medieval Eastern Europe), so it's probable that this is just an alias he's adopted sometime in the last century. However, no hint of this is given in the text, nor is his real name ever given.
  • Out-Gambitted:
    • Word of God says that had Harry gone with his suggestion to blow up Mavra's HQ, hostages and all, in Blood Rites her entire gambit would have gone up in flames, and Mavra too.
    • When Harry threatens him with his Death Curse, Kincaid points out that he can kill a wizard before they even know they've been attacked, thus rendering the threat null.
  • Papa Wolf: Do not even think about hurting Ivy. She may be more powerful than him, but he's still ferociously protective of her.
  • Pet the Dog: As mentioned elsewhere, he's very protective of Ivy.
    • He also has a fair amount of respect for Harry, especially after the events of Small Favor.
  • Professional Killer: Of the "assassin" variety.
  • Promotion to Parent: This for Ivy. He is paid to act as a single father for her, and he tries to get her involved in normal childhood activities, like Girl Scouts, but she is resistant.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Kincaid started working as an assassin sometime in the 1200's, for Drakul, who is explicitly not "baby Vlad", who was Drakul's son and born a couple of centuries later, founding the Black Court as what is described as a form of teenage rebellion.
  • Red Baron: The Hellhound is a name used by a few people.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: He nearly pulls this in Blood Rites when he sees McCoy as the heavy Dresden calls in. Considering McCoy swore to kill him the next time they meet, and McCoy would have if not for Harry, it is a good thing Harry bought his services first.
  • Sociopathic Hero: Sometimes.
  • Special Person, Normal Name: The Hellhound's first name is...Jared. However, given that McCoy didn't recognize the name in Blood Rites, it's heavily implied that this was an alias he adopted sometime in the last century rather than his true name.
  • Super-Senses: His nose is sharp enough that he can smell the explosive charges of antipersonnel mines (and can even tell their country of origin!). He can also see into the infrared range.
  • You Owe Me: Fully acknowledges in he owes Harry one for saving Ivy in Small Favor. Harry calls in the marker to organize his own suicide.

     Irwin Pounder 

Irwin Pounder

The son of Strength Of a River in his Shoulders, a Forest Person, and Dr. Helena Pounder, a human, Irwin is a scion and initially knows nothing of his supernatural heritage. Dresden is hired by River Shoulders to bail Irwin out of various problems.

Narrates the microfiction "Job Placement", which details some of where his and Connie's lives have gone since the events of "Bigfoot on Campus".

  • Butt-Monkey: He gets bullied by literal monsters, gets energy-drained by a guy who wants to use his vitality for a hair-regrowth spell, and his girlfriend turns out to be a White Court Vampire, whose dad tries to have him killed.
  • Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: His dad abandoned him because he didn't want Irwin to deal with the complications that would come from having a gigantic magical creature for a father. He still wants to see his father, though, and Dresden makes it happen.
  • Genius Bruiser: In the short story "Job Placement" Irwin is north of 7ft tall, powerfully built, and is working on his doctoral thesis in Literature.
  • Give Him a Normal Life: His father tried to get this for him by staying out of contact. It didn't work; he wound up beset by magical problems anyways.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: His dad is one of the Forest People. His mother is a human archeologist.
  • Hunk: Described as being very tall and muscular (and somewhat more attractive) in the later books thanks to his Forest People ancestry.
  • Ideal Illness Immunity: According to his father, Irwin has this. When he falls ill anyways, that's a sign powerful magic is being used against him.
  • Interspecies Romance: He is the half-human son of a Bigfoot and is in love with a White Court vampire.
  • Relationship Upgrade: By the end of "Job Placement" Connie has accepted his proposal of marriage.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: With Connie Barrowill, a White Court virgin who is expected to feed on him until he dies so she can become a full vampire. Unusually, it actually ends pretty happily - he's got the energy to survive a sexual relationship with her, and even the White Court isn't going to pick a fight with the Forest People.
  • Super-Toughness: The sheer amount of latent magical power he possesses combined with his Forest Person ancestry means that he’s extremely robust to both physical and metaphysical harm. He never falls ill unless it’s through outside means (even then bouncing back quickly after the responsible party is dealt with), and he’s able to withstand Connie feeding on him uninhibited without any lasting effects, something which would have easily killed any normal person.
  • Super-Strength: He's got a lot of physical power to call on. At one point, he goes into a berserk rage and nearly kills a (presumably well-fed) White Court vampire.
  • Voluntary Vampire Victim: After he learns what Connie is, he stays with her and is fed on her regularly. This is in spite of their genuine love for each other. Irwin postulates that what Connie feeds on isn't his human side, but his Forest Person side, allowing him to love her, touch her, and not hurt her.

Svartalves and their Wards
     Svartalves In General
Svartalves hard at work.
A race of elves from Northern Europe known for their exceptional craftsmanship, their love of beauty... and their savagery when revenging themselves on those who wronged them.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Svartalves are not incomprehensible, but they do have a set of priorities that is quite offset from most people. They are known to be both fanatical and merciless in protecting their own, and protecting their honour.
  • The Fair Folk/The Greys: They are explicitly described as looking like Roswell aliens, especially the males, who are bald, but can still have beards. It's been hinted that they may be a species of Fae, considering they don't like working with iron, but they may be another species altogether.
  • Noodle Incident: Lea notes she has some history with them and they would neither welcome her as guest nor believe her warnings about the Fomor.
  • Our Dwarves Are All the Same: They're basically a blending of The Greys and Tolkienesque dwarves. Makes sense as they're based on the Dark Elves/Dwarves of Norse Mythology.
  • Revenge: They are noted to be fanatical in punishing any who would threaten one of their own or stain their honor. "Froggy" of the Fomor found out about the latter from first-hand experience.
  • Riddle for the Ages: Despite being a race of elves (and so potentially being faeries), they seem to have souls and can lie, both of which not even Mab or Titania have or can accomplish. It's never made clear why the Svartalves have these facets to their race.
  • Sacred Hospitality: They will honor the ancient rules of Sacred Hospitality to any who are invited into their domain. While Molly, Andi, and Justine are not on the list for a party, they did receive a proper invitation from Etri to be inside. This also means that when the Fomor agents plan to kill all who are present save the Fomor, their agents, and a few supernatural beings to exact revenge on others, the Svartalves are duty-bound to protect those who would abuse their hospitality until they break the same protections against other guests.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful!: Frequent and voluntary victims of this. The svartalves are fanatical lovers of beauty, and can be swayed by a display of beauty (or exploitation thereof) to give up certain assets or extend an invitation (and thus Sacred Hospitality) to otherwise uninvited guests.
  • Sexual Extortion:
    • They're loath to give up the things they obtain, but they have a custom where they will do so—in exchange for a night of sex with a beautiful person. It doesn't always end up as extortion, but some circumstances will mean an uneven exchange.
    • Lea says one example of this was when Freya had to barter for precious jewelry Loki pawned to them. Molly notes the legend that she kissed each and every one of them to get the it back, but Lea explains those legends were Bowdlerized by prudish monks, and in fact the svartalves insisted she have sex with them for the gem. All of them. As she snarks, they weren't going to give up something that valuable "for a society-wide trip to first base."
    • When the Svartalves capture Thomas, Lea tells Molly she can get him back by offering her body to all the Svartalves. Molly prudently declines.
    • Thomas, on the other hand, being an incubus, is more than happy to obey the custom and bargain for his freedom with the female Svartalves.
  • This Means War!: When the Fomor plan to use the peace treaty ceremony with the Svartalves to kill off dozens of people present, and then try to force the Svartalves to keep their side when the magical community would make war against the Fomor because of this treaty, the Svartalves are pissed at this manipulation and dispatch the Fomor responsible.
  • Ultimate Blacksmith: The Svartalves crafted weapons for the Norse gods, so they must be pretty good. Harry hired one to make a stronger magic circle in his old lab before the place burned down.
  • What Measure Is a Mook?: To the Svartalves, the corrupted human agents of the Fomor, the turtle-necks, are simply tools of the Fomor. When their master is killed, those taken alive will be returned to the other Fomor. In their mind, one doesn't punish the hammer for what the owner hits with it.

     Mr. Etri 

Mr. Etri

The leader of the Svartalves.

  • An Arm and a Leg: When he catches Froggy trying to set off a bomb of sorts at a treaty signing, he starts off his revenge by chopping off Froggy's hand and nose.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He teleports in from the floor with sword in hand to help Molly deal with "Froggy".
  • Noble Demon: Molly described him as being one. He isn't her friend. He is, however, her ally, and he is good at it. If they ever ended up as enemies, he won't be underhand or manipulative, but up front and direct. He also was impressed with her combat tricks against the powerful Fomor agent.
  • Somebody Else's Problem: His reaction to learning that Froggy strangled three young women while on his property. The women were not his guests, so while he regrets their deaths, it's not his responsibility to avenge or provide recompense for them.
  • Tranquil Fury: He is not visibly upset when he catches up to "Froggy" after Molly warns him, but Molly (who's a powerful empath) notes in her narration that he's so angry she thought the falling water would turn into steam when it hit him after "Froggy" tries to say that he has harmed none of their people.

     Lady Evanna 

Lady Evanna

The second-in-command of the Svartalves, and an occasional girlfriend of Thomas.

  • The Ghost: Never appears onscreen, possibly except as one of the Svatalf women Thomas was having an orgy with at the end of "Bombshells".
  • Foreshadowing: Early in "Bombshells", Molly is tasked by Lea to return Thomas from the Svartalf imprisonment. They discuss possible methodology, Lea rather lewdly mentions that Svartalves will, from a highly Bowdlerise point of view, will likely agree to a release if Molly is willing to "kiss" each and every male Svartalf (they are a relatively small community; but that still translates to dozens, if not hundreds, or even thousands of men). Molly declines, saying that would be plan Z, or rather plan X, or rather plan XXX. At the end of the short story, we discover Thomas was in the middle of his own negotiations for release, doing the same thing but gender inverted. Evanna was presumably one of the Svartalf women he was holding negotiations with, since he became a repeated lover afterwards.
  • Revenge: Obtaining revenge for her murdered servitor becomes one of her overriding concerns during the peace talks.



A security guard at the Svartalf embassy. Friendly as far the Svartalves go, though still very serious and stern when on duty.

  • Taking the Bullet: Dies offscreen protecting his king Etri from an assassin early on.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He's briefly described as being a good security guard, letting his daughter play with Maggie and Mouse, and playing cards with Dresden. Then he's abruptly killed off.



Another Svartalf security guard.

  • Jerkass: Dresden finds him to be obnoxious and unpleasant.

     "Coach Pete" 

"Coach Pete"
Coach Pete as he is... and as he appears to be.

A Svartalf in disguise as a gym teacher at Madison Academy, an elite private elementary and middle school. Pete's job was to watch out for a pair of Svartalf scion brothers while they attended the school and learned to sharpen their predatory instincts.

  • Bullying a Dragon: While he is not this to Harry, Coach understands the concept and accepts Harry's indirect interference, because it results in Irwin standing up to Pete's wards and teaches them that some "prey" can be very dangerous and the wards should not see refusal to fight back as weakness.
  • Jerkass: The role he played. He allowed the svartalf brothers to bully Irwin Pounder so that they could learn how to hunt and hurt prey in a safe, controlled environment.
  • Papa Wolf: The guardian of the brothers, not their father, but he still looks out for them with remarkable ferocity. He's even willing to throw down with Dresden in order to stop him from interfering in the boys' bullying. However, this could have more to do with the Svartalf dedication to keeping to their deals.
  • Sadist Teacher: Again, he played this role. He allowed Irwin to be tormented. He arranged for Irwin to get detentions where he'd be all alone so the svartalf brothers could beat him up. And he confiscated Irwin's copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  • Villain Respect: Develops this towards Dresden, agreeing with his rationale for how his involvement will help his wards as well as Irwin - it teaches them not to underestimate "prey" - remarking that it is "a lesson better learned early than late."

     The Twins 

The Twins

Two young scions attending Madison Academy. A pair of thuggish bullies who are protected by Coach Pete and the generous donations their parents made to the school.

  • The Bully: Sums them up.
  • Kids Are Cruel: And even more so when they're from a (so far unspecified) species that eulogises hunting and combat.
  • Mugging the Monster: Once Dresden talks Irwin into standing up for himself, the twins are very quickly shown just how badly outclassed they are.


    Harley MacFinn 

Harley MacFinn
Harley when it's not the full moon.
Harley when it is the full moon.

A prominent businessman and environmentalist who was also secretly a loup-garou. Though he hated the thought of harming others, he was unable to stop himself from rampaging through Chicago in his wolf form after Agent Denton's hexenwolves destroyed the circle that restrained him.

  • Absurdly Sharp Claws: His wolf-form's claws can cutbe through reinforced concrete and steel.
  • Accidental Murder: When he transforms into the loup-garou he turns into a berserk monster that goes into violent rampages unless he's contained in a summoning circle. Of note, he ended up killing Kim Delaney while she attempted to draw a circle to keep him contained while in his loup-garou form. but as she didn't know how to empower the circle properly, it had been unable to hold in the beast and he ended killing her. He feels incredibly guilty about it.
  • Adaptational Ugliness: In the book version of Fool Moon, he's described as being a Hunk. In the comic version of Fool Moon, his human form is so heavily muscled that his body looks deformed and hideous.
  • Carpet of Virility: He's chest is very hairy, with Harry describes making him look "overwhelmingly masculine".
  • Character Death: Killed by Harry via the magically-accelerated silver amulet he inherited from his mother at the end of Fool Moon.
  • Go Out with a Smile: He gives Harry a small, quiet smile before dying, feeling relief upon having his cursed finally lifted.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Played With, his Love Interest Tera isn't tiny (in fact Harry describes her as tall) but next to him she "looks like a slip of a girl".
  • Hunk: Described as being a tall, muscular and handsome guy.
  • I Am a Monster: What he feels about his curse.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: He wishes he wasn't cursed.
  • In the Blood: His curse is a bloodline curse; it came to him through his parents, and would have infected his children too if he had any.
  • Interspecies Romance: With Tera West. He's a human who transforms into a wolf-like monster every full moon, and she's a wolf who can transform into a human more or less at will.
  • Involuntary Shapeshifter: He shapeshifts, but he cannot control when and how this happens and he certainly doesn't want to transform into what he becomes.
  • Magic Pants: His transformation seems to destroy all his clothes save for his pants. Noticeably his female Love Interest does not and always ends up completely naked after shifting.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: While in loup-garou form, his only weakness is inherited silver — nothing else can even scratch him. Getting blasted through two buildings only rocks him momentarily.
  • Super-Strength: In wolf form he is strong enough rend prison bars, knock reinforced steel doors off hinges, and smash through concrete walls. Even in human form he is strong enough to Neck Lift adults.
  • Tragic Monster: The poor man turns into a vicious monster that kills anything in his path through no fault of his own, leading to an understandable amount of guilt.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Of the FBI hexenwolves, who used him as a cover for their own murders to throw supernatural investigators off their trail.
  • The Vietnam Vet: He served in that conflict, and one of his most spectacular transformations took place during it, when he killed everyone within several miles.
  • Wealthy Philanthropist: One of the 10 richest men in America, and also a passionate devotee of environmentalist causes... albeit with the caveat that his drive to create a super-sized wildlife park is so he'll have somewhere safe to go on full moons.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: He is a loup-garou, a kind of very rare and very powerful werewolf created by an inherited bloodline curse. He transforms every full moon, turning into a massive, incredibly aggressive wolf-like monsters, at which point he can no longer control himself and tries to kill whatever he encounters. His wolf form is immensely strong and incredibly hard to kill, as it can only be hurt by silver — specifically, silver that has been inherited.

     The Qarin 

The Qarin
Threatening his girlfriend is ill-advised.

An Egyptian guardian spirit tasked to protect a tour guide that had been hired by a young Cynthia Cedar. However, he fell in love with Cedar, and when mummies attacked both Cedar and the guide, he chose to save Cedar instead of the guide. He then fled Egypt with Cedar before his superiors could catch and punish him, and tried to live a quiet life with her before being drawn into the tragedy of the Talbot family. Appears in the Ghoul Goblin case.

  • Benevolent Genie: Loyally aids Cedar in defending her citizens from the supernatural predators Ambre and Griswald.
  • Cavalry Refusal: Was this to the guide.
  • Fallen Angel: Technically counts as one, if only in the sense that he's "fallen" from the respect of his bosses.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He allowed Dresden to use all of his power, killing him, in order to stop Ambre and Griswald from slaying the Talbots, Tremaine, Dresden, and Cedar.
  • Holding Back the Phlebotinum: As powerful as he is, he can't really use his power for much without potentially sparking the interest of his rightfully pissed-off former bosses.
  • Interspecies Romance: With Cedar.
  • Love Makes You Evil: From the perspective of his bosses. He was supposed to protect the guide, but he allowed the guide to die because he fell in love with Cedar and decided to protect her instead.
  • Our Genies Are Different: The qarin is basically a genie with the duties of a guardian angel.
  • Undying Loyalty: Was supposed to have this for Cedar's tour guide, but he instead has it for Cedar herself.

     The Golem 

The Golem
If you're thinking of going up against him, don't.

A golem who appears in Down Town.

  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: Is unable to hurt Halligan because Halligan has ingested some of the golem substance and the golem feels a strong enough bond with him to think that Halligan, in some way, is also part of the golem and thus should not be attacked.
  • Muck Monster: Made of some kind of magical slime or mud.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: Proves to be very hard to kill. Even dousing it with running water, which destroys most constructs, doesn't work.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: How it fights.

     The "Dog Men" 

"Dog Men"

Monster who were thought to have murdered several members of the Martineaux family in Taylor, Mississippi. They were actually framed by the LaChaise clan of ghouls, and Harry enlists them to help stop the ghouls from slaughtering the entire town.

  • Big Damn Heroes: Harry enlists their help, and they quite literally tear the LaChaise ghoul clan to shreds with the assistance of Harry, Listens-To-Wind, and the Special Collections Division.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: They appear to be a different type of werewolf than the four Dresden previously encountered in Fool Moon, being more of their own individual species of supernatural predators. Notably, Listens-To-Wind claims that they can't even shapeshift, suggesting that they might be more of their own mortal subspecies like the Forest People and Svartalves. The closest cryptids that match them are probably Michigan Dogmen.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: It takes a lot of talking for them to realize that trying to retaliate against the US government for blaming them for the ghoul clan's murders would be a monumentally stupid idea.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: They're not presented as being happy at all with working together with the Special Collections Division's forces against the ghouls of Taylor.



One of the baka baku, stuffed animals created by a Japanese toy company which either attained sentience through the belief of the children that played with them or were possessed by creatures from the NeverNever through said belief. As the baka baku were sold to children as 'nightmare eaters', the ascended toys continued to eat bad dreams, but Miyamune was corrupted by the dreams and forced hapless victims into fear-driven comas in order to feed on their fear. The villain of the short story Day One.

  • Combat Pragmatist: Takes away Butters' glasses to demoralize him. Unfortunately for her, a Knight of Cross is literally guided by divine power.
  • Emotion Eater: How she, and her species, eats.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Was originally a benevolent entity which protected people from nightmares by feeding on negative emotions. Years later, those negative emotions pooled up corrupted her.
  • Starter Villain: For Butters. While she is not the first villain he met or countered, she is the first villain he fought as a Knight of The Cross.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Did not think much of Butters. Once he got over his lack of confidence, it was a Curb-Stomp Battle.

     Scar Eye 

Scar Eye

Leader of a squad of gremlins that attempt to blow up Harry's home. The villain of the short story Little Things.

  • Smug Snake: Is very arrogant when talking about how he thinks Toot-Toot is stupid or how Harry is doomed.



Hades's three-headed guard dog.

  • Hellhound: A friendly version of this. Cerberus cares deeply about justice and being a Good Dog, though he's wiling to be somewhat ruthless in his pursuit of those goals.

    The Nemean Lion 

The Nemean Lion

A powerful lion with virtually indestructible fur.

  • Generic Doomsday Villain: It mostly just wants to kill things and doesn't have any further plans, or at least none that it gets involved with before Mouse and Cerberus take it down.



One of Hades's minions.

  • Bodyguarding a Badass: She winds up assigned to watch over Maggie Dresden while Mouse helps Cerberus find the Nemean Lion. Given that Maggie has already slain multiple magical monsters, she definitely qualifies.

    "Mac" McAnally 

The longest sentence he's spoken in months.


Owner and bartender of McAnally's Pub. There have been hints that there's more going on than meets the eye with him.

  • The Bartender: His job. Mac even fills the role of giver of advice or confidant without actually saying a word or violating his neutrality. When he does speak Harry pays particular attention.
  • Beergasm: Mac's microbrewed ale is good enough to win prizes and impress maenads, as in the worshipers of Dionysus, the Greek god of winemaking and wine and ritual madness.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Mac may prefer to avoid conflict within his bar, but one should remember his bar wasn't always The Neutral Zone, and he has kept his establishment running through Chicago's mob wars. Push him enough, he will pull out knives, baseball bats, pistols and even shotguns will pop up from behind the bar.
  • The Confidant: Despite his usual silence and neutrality. He's often used by Harry as a sounding board or someone he can just talk at to sort his thoughts.
  • Truce Zone/Bad Guy Bar/Good-Guy Bar: McAnally's. As accorded neutral ground, any supernatural who's signed onto the Unseelie Accords is expected to behave him, her, or itself. Granted, that doesn't mean things are any less tense, but it at least gives those same supernatural types somewhere they can hang out without having to worry too much about their personal safety.
  • Healing Factor: As seen in Cold Days he can heal from a bullet wound, once it is removed, in seconds. He doesn't demonstrate this in the maenad incident, which Harry and Murphy speculate is because he has control over it when awake, so he doesn't heal too quickly in front of others.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • We don't know much about Mac's past, but his position as the unofficial Bartender to the Weird in Chicago and his bar's status as Accorded Neutral Ground indicate that there's some interesting stuff going on in there.
    • This is somewhat explored in Cold Days: He claims to be "out" (whatever that means), and has some sort of connection to the Outsiders. Not only this, but it's pretty heavily implied that he is some sort of supernatural being, as when he isn't consciously suppressing his Healing Factor he heals in moments from a bullet wound, where the bullet had just been forcibly ripped out of him literally by hand.
    • In Battle Ground Dresden finally decides to finally look at Mac through his Sight, but Mac stops him, stating that Dresden would "hurt himself" - and the only other entity to have ever done this was the Angel of Death. This causes Harry to figure that Mac is an ex-angel. If so, it's quite likely that he gave away his Grace at some point and transubstatiated to human(ish) form, much the same way Uriel did towards the end of Skin Game.
  • The Mentor: In "Heorot" it’s revealed he’s helping a young aspiring brewer Roger Braddock in the craft of making ale.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • He's usually very quiet, speaking in grunts or monosyllabic answers. So when he uses more than one worded-sentences, like in "Heorot", or in Changes where he gives a small monologue, Harry is completely floored.
    • Walking into Mac's and smelling burned food is so out of the ordinary that Harry immediately whips out his shield bracelet and blasting rod, before he even notices what's going on.
  • The Quiet One: To the point where one-word replies from him are the equivalent to screaming rants from other people, and when he starts to speak in complete sentences...
    Harry: I looked at him, shocked. He'd used... grammar.
  • Terse Talker: Rare is the day that he will speak a complete sentence.
  • 13 Is Unlucky: McAnally's bar invokes this with its thirteen carved columns in an asymmetrical pattern, thirteen tables scattered around, and thirteen ceiling fans in various locations. The randomness and number act as a magical break wall to the emotionally-induced magical outputs by patrons. The lights and fans rarely stop working.
  • The Watcher: Referred to as this by an Outsider no less.

    Alfred Demonreach, aka Eternal Silence 

The spirit of an unmapped island on Lake Michigan, and the source of a massive ley line of dark magical energy. The island itself was used by the Denarians as a base in Small Favor, and Harry sought out the island's spirit and claimed it as a sanctum in Turn Coat. It later appeared as the Eternal Silence statue in Graceland during Ghost Story. The spirit is malicious and dangerous in the extreme to anyone who isn't Harry, but can show discretion in dealing with threats.
  • All-Powerful Bystander: Demonreach is unbelievably powerful, to such a degree that when Mab appears to be threatening Harry, Harry orders him to "Take her down below and keep here there" should she follow through. Mab's surprise makes it clear that Demonreach could follow through on the request. Equally, it is just as capable of shrugging off a sustained attack from both the Summer and Winter Lady and their respective inner circles.
  • Benevolent A.I.: In the most literal sense. It's an intelligent Genius Loci created by Merlin to protect the world from countless nameless horrors, and the way it describes how its systems work sounds broadly similar to that of computer mainframes.
  • Big Good: The place is the Genius Loci containing enough Ancient Evils to be compared to that of Tartarus from Classical Mythology.
  • Bizarrchitecture: The true form of the broken lighthouse (which repelled the Naagloshii like it was nothing) is a compendium of the most complex runes in existence whose very nature seems to defy all the laws of magic, physics and Nevernever in existence. The basics are later revealed to be relatively simple, but the truth is still pretty mindboggling and a supreme case of Wrong Context Magic: its creator, Merlin, built it in multiple places in time, simultaneously. And that's only the tip of the iceberg.
  • Capital Letters Are Magic: It speaks in these.
  • The Comically Serious: It doesn't get sarcasm, so usually functions as this in interactions with Harry, and later, Bob (which draws a hilariously childish complaint of, "ONCE, LESSER SPIRITS KNEW TO RESPECT THEIR ELDERS.").
  • Creepy Good: To put it bluntly, even if Demonreach is ultimately on the side of the heroes, it's still absolutely terrifying and virtually everyone but Harry is intensely scared of both the place and Genius Loci itself.
  • Crippling Overspecialization:
    • Demonreach is a sentient prison with the sole purpose of containing very dangerous supernatural nasties. It understands matters only in relation to its to purpose. When faced with something new, Demonreach can only care if it helps or hinders its purpose. It cannot conceive of a matter in which he fails in his duty, since doing that would mean its likely destruction.
    • When it manifests as Eternal Silence in Ghost Story (its only appearance off the island, explained by Bob as it having bullied Mab into helping), Demonreach's spoken vocabulary is so very limited that after a few sentences it has to resort to either mind-wracking blasts of mental communication or nodding.
  • Dark Is Not Evil:
    • Demonreach as a whole is dark and dangerous, but the entity is certainly not evil. Just surly and antisocial to the extreme. Notably, it finds the presence of the skinwalker and the Black Council agents to be an affront. The spirit of Demonreach acts as a prison, keeping an unspecified, but very large number of very dangerous beings. To put in perspective how dangerous these things are, there are half a dozen naagloshii (nearly indestructible very powerful demigods that exist to spread pain and suffering. It takes a nuke to be sure of killing one, and the likes of a member of the Senior Council to fight one on even footing) imprisoned among them, and they're held within the minimum security wing. Its every effort is dedicated to keeping those things in their cage. The reason it is so antisocial is that it's trying to drive away unwanted visitors.
    • In Skin Game, Murphy points out that it drove an entire village crazy, horribly enough for the city to wipe the island from the history books, and in the same book, Michael notes that despite all the horrors he's seen as a knight, and what he experienced on the island in Small Favor (being riddled with bullets, crippling him and leading to a grinding, painful, and humiliating few months of physical therapy), it's the island itself that he has nightmares about, just down to its sheer psychic presence. However, as Harry counters to Murphy, it could have done much, much worse.
  • Death Glare: Despite that its eyes are almost never really seen, this is still its default expression.
  • Eldritch Location: The island itself sits on a nexus of several dark magic ley lines, and the prison of Eldritch Abominations certainly doesn't help. Normal people can't stand to be on the island for more than a few hours at a time, at most; even Michael, one of the bravest human beings in existence, claims he's not sure he could go back after he nearly died there. Harry didn't really notice, since he has training to resist influences like that and became immune after claiming the island as his sanctum.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Peace Talks reveals that each of its cells constitutes a Physical Hell, confronting its prisoner with all of the suffering and pain they've inflicted on others. This perpetual torment is stated to have three purposes - Revenge against the villainous entities in question, keeping the prisoners sufficiently distracted so they can't consider escaping, and potentially forcing the entities to confront their wrongdoings and genuinely desire to atone.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: While "Demonreach" is an appropriate and fine name for the island, when Harry jokingly calls the spirit of the island "Alfred," it inquires if this will be the spirit's new designation. When he tries to brush it off, it somewhat insistently notes that while it is part of the island, it itself is also distinct in a way. Harry accepts this and gives the spirit the name of Alfred.
  • Genius Loci: An artificial one created by Merlin in the instant span of eons (time travel was involved). It also transfers an intellectus based on this knowledge to whomever claims it as a sanctum, allowing its Warden perfect knowledge of everything on the island.
  • Geometric Magic: Its very essence, which in its most simplistic form (that of the broken lighthouse) is still so extraordinary as to leave Bob stumped.
  • Godzilla Threshold: If the prison is breached, or the inmates escape their cages, then a colossal explosion is triggered to kill all the inmates, an explosion that would destroy most of North America. This is considered acceptable due to the great danger that the beings present to the world. To give some context to how dangerous the inmates are, Demonreach seems mildly confused about why they are bothering to imprison a White Court vampire, Nagloshii are kept in minimum secrurity, a Titan like Ethniu only rates a "standard binding", and there are over six thousand entities imprisoned there.
  • Humanoid Abomination: The island tends to manifest into a human form for people to converse with.
  • I Know Your True Name: Harry names the island Demonreach, for which it seems grateful. As of Skin Game, it has a first name as well — Alfred. It started as a joke, but the entity took it seriously. This is because while the spirit is connected to the island, it is still distinct from the island and doesn't understand sarcasm.
  • In the Hood: Its manifestation always appears wearing a large hood and cloak.
  • Leaking Can of Evil: While a formidable prison holding multiple physical gods, it does not and cannot fully contain them. Their dark auras combine to create and act as the source for one of the greatest leylines in the Chicago area.
  • Magitek: Or at least according to Bob in an allegory to explain how absurdly advanced and complex Demonreach's outer runes are compared to modern (i.e., from humans to fae since the golden age of Greece) magic is.
  • Noodle Incident: It bears a grudge against Rashid, though it's unknown why exactly.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Demonreach showing genuine apprehension and concern over Harry needing to take some of the Relics of the Cruxifiction to Chicago in Peace Talks to prepare against Ethniu's coming attack seriously unnerves Harry.
  • Painting the Medium: As a representation of its sheer arcane power, it only speaks in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • Physical God: Either is this or something even greater since it is a prison maintaining from fallen demi-gods to... somethings worse whose mere existence creates one of the largest ley lines in the planet.
  • Place of Power: On top of being quite powerful in its own right, the place is covered in a current of dark magic, described as the body heat of all the creatures it keeps down there, making the island seem spooky and unnerving. Once Harry claims Demonreach as a sanctum, his power is supported and boosted by the island's own, actual power. This, coupled with Soulfire, is the only way he is able to survive the brawl with the skinwalker.
    • Technically, Demonreach is its own place of power. The spirit's (considerable) power is only of use when the person it's being used against is actually on the island. It can only extend its influence to the shores of the lake.
  • The Quiet One: Not really big on speaking unless needed. It will, instead, emote intentions at first, signifying it doesn't want a person on the island. When it speaks, it speaks with curt simple language because Harry's head is just too puny to fully comprehend everything. When it speaks with a single full and grammatically correct sentence, Harry knows it is worried. However, Demonreach should not be mistaken as either simple or stupid - when it comes to explaining the island's defenses, it has to significantly dumb things down for Bob, the super-intelligent perverted spirit of knowledge, to understand. And even that is well beyond human comprehension, so Bob has to dumb it down further (ultimately, to throwing a rock - which he complains about to Demonreach).
  • Regenerating Mana: Among other neat perks, Demonreach will supplement Harry's magic on the island. So the moment he casts a spell, he gets that energy recovered (excepting Soulfire).
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Demonreach is the can. The original Merlin constructed a massive multidimensional, transtemporal prison on the island for over six thousand evil spirits, dark gods, and demonic entities. The spirit acts as a sentient prison, keeping them in place. It is such a strong prison, Mab is likely unable to escape. However, Harry can release any or all of the prisoners if he so desires. Not that he ever would so desire, but just the fact that he technically could do it has the potential to really complicate his life if it gets out.
    Harry: I'd just been handed what amounted to a great big ugly weapon of mass destruction and potential havoc. To the various powers of the supernatural world, it wouldn't matter that I would never use it. All that would matter was that I had it to use. Really, Officer, I know that's a rocket launcher in my trunk, but I'm only holding it so that someone bad won't use it. Really. Honest. [...] And hey, the very best part? I didn't actually have a real, usable superweapon. I just had the key to a great big box full of pain and trouble for a whole lot of people.
  • Shout-Out:
    • It being an incredibly powerful spirit of nature (as in, it's almost certainly above Physical Godhood) that speaks in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS but also being a major example of Dark Is Not Evil is likely an allusion to the incarnation of The Grim Reaper seen in Discworld.
    • As of Skin Game, the spirit's new nickname is Alfred, named so after the butler of Batman fame.
  • Spanner in the Works: Harry's failure to account for the island's reaction to his death was the biggest reason his Thanatos Gambit against Mab failed. She wouldn't have been able to maintain his body without its help.
  • Stone Wall: Demonreach is this, as he was designed primarily to endure oncoming assaults. It is implied he could be a Mighty Glacier, but refrained from killing Maeve and Lily right away, theorized by Harry because it might destroy the island.
  • Terse Talker: It isn't used to verbal communication, so it usually speaks in short, emphatic sentences when it does have to rely on vocabulary. This changed briefly in Peace Talks, though whether this was because it was getting a new inmate, or if Harry accidentally giving it a Name changed things is uncertain...
  • Time Abyss: According to Word of God, the limp of Demonreach happened around the last Ice Age and hints in later books suggest that the island has been around for millennia.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: If the prison's security is ever in danger of failing, the island will detonate in a massive explosion that would take out most of North America to keep its inmates from escaping. The scary thing... for some of those entities, that might still have not been enough.
  • Walking Spoiler: No one was expecting the huge twist involving Demonreach in Cold Days.
  • The Worf Effect: The fact that half a dozen naagloshii are in minimum security says a lot about just how powerful it is.

    The British Prisoner 

The British Prisoner

A British-accented prisoner at Demonreach.

  • The Aloner: Unlike the other prisoners, he's not asking Harry to commit evil deeds or pledge his soul to them, just mentioning that he's in stasis. When Harry asked him about it, he simply told Harry to "piss off."
  • Ambiguously Evil: Unlike the other prisoners, he's lucid and not chanting for blood or attempting to trick Harry into setting them free. In fact, he states quite sadly that he has to be there. He also insists he's "in stasis" rather than imprisoned. So it's unclear why, exactly, he's in Demonreach to begin with.
  • Crystal Prison: Is held inside one.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He's quite sarcastic for someone trapped in crystal, including telling Harry to "piss off".
  • Evil Brit: The Dresden Files normally plays this straight, but this guy averts it. He's actually one of the least evil of the beings held in Demonreach, and may not even be an inmate per se.
  • Insistent Terminology: He specifically tells Harry that he's "in stasis", rather than being imprisoned.
  • Riddle for the Ages: So far. Harry was briefly in contact with him in Skin Game, setting up a plot element for down the road, but he hasn't been seen again, and yet was the inspiration for how to save Thomas's life until appropriate aid can be given to him. With WoJ ruling out several folks including the original Merlin (also pointing out that the Prisoner uses modern English), we little we know of the British Prisoner, and what we do know is mostly about who he isn't.
