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Characters / JoJo New Universe: Battle Tendency

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    Joseph Joestar 

Joseph Joestar

Stand: Hermit Purple

The Second JoJo and grandson of Jonathan Joestar. A Hot-Blooded youth with a talent for Hamon, he later grows up to be the patriarch of the Joestar Clan following his grandfather's death.

His Stand, Hermit Purple (named after the Hermit tarot card), takes the form of thorny vines, and allows him to view precognitive images in photographs, televisions, and pretty much anywhere that an image can be made (such as sand).

  • Adaptational Badass: Since his grandfather Jonathan survived the first story, Joseph actually got some early Hamon training, making him much more proficient by the time of the story.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: He makes much more intelligent decisions at various key points, such as during the chariot race against Wamuu.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: He is much more mature, intelligent, and kinder than his canon counterpart thanks to the positive influence of his grandfather Jonathon, who helped temper his worst flaws. He also never became racist against the Japanese (particularly Holly Joestar's Japanese husband) like in canon thanks to Jonathon nipping that in the bud.
  • Adaptational Sympathy: Him cheating on Suzie Q with Tomoko seemingly happened just on a whim in canon. In this universe, it was a Moment of Weakness brought about by his Heroic BSoD after he found out about Dio's survival.
  • Affectionate Nickname: His friends and family call him "JoJo", which was passed down from his grandfather, Jonathon Joestar.
  • Awesome by Analysis: He's very capable of observation and has a keen eye for detail that helps with his trickery and later his more supernatural abilities.
  • Big "OMG!": Tends to belt these out in complete shock every now and then, especially in Stardust Crusaders. For example, he utters this once he realizes that Hol Horse is a son of his friends Caesar and Applejack (specifically, their youngest son).
  • Blatant Lies: Despite it being obvious that Smokey stole his wallet, he lies to two Dirty Cops that he gave Smokey his wallet as a "gift" in an attempt to get them to leave the boy alone. When it doesn't work, he resorts to force instead.
  • Classy Cane: As Joseph starts to regain his old strength following Diamond is Unbreakable, his walking cane starts to become this trope.
  • Famed In-Story: By the time he becomes an old man, he's so well-known among supernatural forces that he's on the list of people regularly invited to the Rail Zeppelin, and any recommendations he makes for other invites are answered swiftly.
  • Heroic BSoD: After his harrowing experiences fighting the Pillar Men and defeating Kars during Battle Tendency, learning that Dio's casket was found completely empty sent him into a depression, as he thought for sure that his family was safe from supernatural threats. During a trip to Japan, he had an affair with a young woman named Tomoko Higashikata as a way to cope with his depression, and he recovered... But because he still cheated on his wife, Suzi Q, he had to keep his affair a secret. Suzi Q was understandably furious when she found out, but eventually forgave him.
  • He's Back!: After spending Diamond is Unbreakable feeling his age, he manages to get back on his feet and become a badass again during Cruel Angel's Thesis.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: When the Joestar Collection gets stolen, he readily finances Phantom Thief Joker to steal them back, essentially becoming the master thief's patron without regret.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Jonathan's influence negated a lot of Joseph's more negative qualities, but Joseph still ends up getting into an affair with Tomoko and illegitimately fathering Josuke.
  • It Will Never Catch On: Inverted. When Applejack explains her experience at the first-ever Sadie Hawkins dance, Joseph actually likes the idea and expects it to become a regular thing.
  • Momma's Boy: Like his canon counterpart, he is very close to his grandmother, Erina, due to losing his father and mother in quick succession at a young age.
    • According to Speedwagon, what caused his Hamon powers to awaken was an incident where he and Speedwagon were attacked by hijackers seeking to sabotage the Speedwagon Foundation — one of the hijackers struck him with the butt of a gun to keep him in line, which caused a nosebleed that dripped blood onto his jacket, which was a gift from Erina.
    • He also punches a mafia capo hard in the gut for suddenly and publicly delivering information on rumors about Speedwagon's death to both Erina and Twilight, upsetting both women. Fortunately, said rumors turned out to be false as Speedwagon survived Straizo's attack.
  • May–December Romance: During his Heroic BSoD, he traveled to Japan and entered an affair with Tomoko Higashikata, a college student in her twenties at the time, while he was already in his sixties. Some years after the affair's end, Tomoko is still deeply in love with him... While he became much older than even Tomoko's own father.
  • Nasal Trauma: During an attempt on his and Speedwagon's life by plane hijackers, one of said hijackers makes the mistake of hitting him with the butt of a gun, causing a nosebleed that got blood on his jacket, a gift from his grandmother Erina. According to Speedwagon, that was the moment his Hamon powers awakened, which saved both their lives as well as their pilot.
  • Old Master: He's still kicking even after Josuke has his own children and Jolyne is a young adult thanks in part to his use of Hamon.
  • Parental Abandonment: His father, George Joestar II, died during World War I, while his mother disappeared after avenging her husband's death. However, his father turned out to have been killed by a zombified superior officer under Dio's control, with his body stolen by Dio to use as his own. As for his mother, she's actually Lisa Lisa, having survived but living as a fugitive for years following her vengeful murder of said superior officer.
  • Point of Divergence: Jonathon Joestar surviving the events of Phantom Blood changed his personality for the better, as Jonathon was able to help Erina raise him and, in the process, temper his worst flaws. While still pragmatic and guile in contrast to his more honorable grandfather, he is much more mature and intelligent this time around, whereas his canon counterpart was an impulsive Jerk with a Heart of Gold with an attitude problem. He also never became racist against the Japanese (particularly Holly Joestar's Japanese husband) like in canon thanks to Jonathon nipping that in the bud.
  • Raised by Grandparents: Due to his father dying and his mother disappearing for years afterward, he was raised by his grandmother Erina like his canon counterpart, though this time Jonathon also helped raise him due to surviving the events of Phantom Blood here.
  • Related Differently in the Adaptation: In canon, Joseph was essentially Giorno's nephew and they never really interacted. Here, due to DIO using the body of Joseph's deceased father George Joestar II, instead of his grandfather Jonathon, Giorno is Joseph's half-brother, and the two do contact each other regularly.
  • Still Got It: Several times in his golden years he's able to bust out moves he hadn't used since his youth with the same level of skill, such as his auditory trick of getting people to unintentionally parrot him (then passing it off as mind reading), or his trademark Clacker Volley attack.
  • Sympathetic Adulterer: Deconstructed. Unlike canon Joseph, who seemingly had an affair with Tomoko on a whim, here it happened because he fell into a Heroic BSoD after learning of DIO's survival just when he was assured that his family was finally safe. However, his friends were still not happy with his adultery, with Caesar clutching him in a headlock and shouting at him, while Applejack held an enraged Suzi Q back from trying to castrate him with a melon baller. Suzi Q eventually forgave him, but it took a long time for her to do so.


Jackie Applaine

Stand: To The Core

A girl from the South, Applejack traveled to New York to help her family expand their orchard business. However, she did not expect to find herself roped into the adventures of one Joseph Joestar, or becoming one of Joseph's closest allies.

Her Stand, To The Core (named after an Ashleigh Ball song), can increase her physical strength and pain tolerance.

  • Adaptation Name Change: Her canon counterpart is named Applejack, but here, she's named Jackie Applaine. "Applejack" is a nickname she got for her tendency to get drunk on apple juice if she drank too much of it.
  • Amazonian Beauty: Years of farm work and fighting experience have given her a muscular yet curvaceous body.
  • Been There, Shaped History: She attended the first-ever Sadie Hawkins dance, and still keeps the dress she wore as a memento.
  • Boxing Lessons for Superman: Since her Stand increases her natural strength, she figures the best way she can improve herself to fight the Pillar Men is to increase her normal strength through exercise so her Stand has more to enhance.
  • Commonality Connection: She bonds with Smokey quickly since they're both from Georgia. It helps that unlike most Southerners, Applejack and her family have no racist tendencies.
  • Crossover Relatives: In this setting, she not only marries Caesar Zeppeli, but their marriage results in three sons — two of which are Hol Horse and Gyro Zeppeli. This also makes her the granddaughter-in-law of Caesar's grandfather, William Zeppeli, and the granddmother-in-law of Giorno Giovanna when he marries her grannddaughter, Rarity.
  • The Dreaded: Unintentionally becomes this to Donovan after she curb-stomps him.
  • Drunk on Milk: She loves apples so much that just overindulging in the juice is enough to get her drunk.
  • Easily Forgiven: It's implied that she's the only member of Joseph's friend group who understands why he had an affair during a state of depression, since the only thing she did when she found out was try to keep Suzi from castrating Joseph.
  • Feel No Pain: One of the benefits of her Stand is that it removes her body's natural pain reaction, letting her use more of her natural strength.
  • Happily Married: She and Caesar marry each other at the end of the story.
  • Karmic Jackpot: Helping deal with the Pillar Man situation despite having little to no stake in it ultimately gets Applejack an amazing husband and the chance to birth several notable heroes down the line, including Hol Horse and Rarity.
  • Nasal Trauma: She delivers this to a Dirty Cop while he's picking his nose, causing his finger to puncture the nostril.
  • Nice Guy: She had no reason whatsoever to get involved with Joseph and the Joestar's troubles, but did so anyway because she felt it was the right thing to do.
  • No-Sell: Her Stand fuses her cells together to increase textile strength, which makes it impossible for Pillar Men to consume her. Stroheim even compares it to a piece of meat that's too tough to chew.
  • Not Even Bothering with the Accent: When she and Joseph disguise themselves as soldiers to infiltrate a Nazi base to save Speedwagon, Applejack keeps quiet until they reach him... Then just speaks normally. She points out to Joseph that her natural Southern accent would make it nearly impossible to mimic a German accent.
  • Related in the Adaptation: In My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, she and Rarity were only best friends with no familial ties. Here, she is Rarity's granddaughter through one of her sons.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Since not being able to feel pain could be a detriment when getting attacked, Applejack can still feel sensations other than pain when she's hit, letting her know when she needs to be on guard.
  • Southern-Fried Genius: Not only is she a Genius Bruiser, she can keep up with Twilight herself in a game of chess.
  • Super-Strength: Besides feeling no pain, her Stand increases her physical strength while activated.

    Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli 

Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli

The grandson of William Anthonio Zeppeli. After seeing his father being consumed by the Pillar Men, he takes up the power of Hamon to protect the world from them, eventually teaming up with Joseph and Applejack in the process.

  • Adaptational Angst Downgrade: Thanks to being aided by his grandfather William, Caesar gets over his father's death enough to not rush into revenge against the Pillar Men, avoiding his canon death.
  • Crossover Couple: He's a protagonist of Battle Tendecy, and by the end of the story, he marries fellow protagonist Applejack, who comes from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
  • Crossover Relatives: He becomes the father of Gyro Zeppeli from Steel Ball Run and Hol Horse from Stardust Crusaders, though it's downplayed as they're all part of the same franchise. His granddaughter, Rarity, plays this straight, however.
  • Generation Xerox: Like his youngest son Hol Horse from Stardust Crusaders, he initially starts off being antagonistic to one of the Joestars (Joseph, Jotaro) before warming up to them and becoming one of their staunchest allies. Though in his case, he was just a Jerk with a Heart of Gold who initially rubbed Joseph the wrong way, whereas Hol Horse was a villainous gunslinger working for DIO before making his Heel–Face Turn.
  • Happily Married: He and Applejack marry each other at the end of the part.
  • Old Master: He's confirmed to be alive as late as Cruel Angel's Thesis (which takes place in 2016, almost 70 years after Battle Tendecy), being one of Asuka's most prominent Hamon teachers.
  • Related in the Adaptation: Hol Horse turns out to be his youngest son. The two never had any sort of blood relation in canon (then again, Caesar never made it past Battle Tendecy in canon).
  • Sexual Karma: He ultimately proves himself a genuinely virtuous and brave individual, convincing Applejack to start a relationship with him. This later results in three children, two of which are Gyro Zeppeli and Hol Horse Zeppeli.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Thanks to Applejack and William Zeppeli both aiding him in his canonical fight against Wamuu and tempering his worst flaws, respectively, he manages to avoid his canon counterpart's fate of being torn to shreds and being crushed to death by rocks shortly after. Because of this, he lives to see the end of Battle Tendency and beyond, even starting a family with Applejack.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: He was not happy to find out Joseph cheated on Suzi Q, even if it was out of depression. Jotaro and Fluttershy walk in on him clutching Joseph in a headlock as a result.

    Lisa Lisa 

Lisa Lisa

Joseph and Caesar's Hamon master who is also secretly Joseph's biological mother.

  • Action Mom: She's actually Joseph's mother, and one of the stronger fighters in the series.
  • Alliterative Name: As in canon, Lisa Lisa.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: She had grown up alongside George II and eventually the two fell in love.
  • Mentor Archetype: Trains both Joseph and Caesar in Hamon, picking up where their previous masters (Jonathan and Zeppeli respectively) left off.
  • Parents as People: She spends the second half of her life making up for not being there as Joseph's mother, checking in on him from time to time while recognizing that he's a grown man now.
  • Supernaturally Young Parent: Just like in canon, she's smoking hot and sexy despite being fifty years old.
  • Surprise Incest: Downplayed. At one point, Joseph decides to peep on a smoking hot woman while she was taking a bath, just like in canon. Later, he is disturbed to find said woman was actually his own mother, due to her age being slowed by her mastery of Hamon.

    Rudol von Stroheim 

Rudol Von Stroheim

A commanding Major from Nazi Germany and a Nazi scientist experimenting on the Pillar Men and vampires in order to see if they could be of use in the army.

  • Adaptational Nice Guy: While he's still an unabashed Nazi who believes in Germany's superiority, he's much nobler compared to his canon counterpart. Notably, his canonical Kick the Dog moments were lessened here by him showing a greater capacity for kindness and mercy compared to canon Stroheim, who could be quite cruel at times due to being... Well, a Nazi.
  • Analogy Backfire: He at first doesn't fear Santana since he's safely locked in a special containment chamber, reasoning that one doesn't fear bears in a zoo. Speedwagon points out that his own son was terrified of the captive bears as a boy despite them being caged. Sure enough, Santana is more than capable of escaping his captivity...
  • Cyborg: Like canon Stroheim, he is converted into a cyborg using German science after he blows himself up to take out Santana. His cybernetic modifications were built based on information obtained from Santana, allowing him to put up a decent fight with Kars when he first attacks (though he also had Applejack helping him this time around).
  • Face Death with Dignity: Twice.
    • The first time he blows himself up with a grenade to expose Santana (who had dove inside his body) to the sun, even calling Joseph and Applejack a "Crazy British Bastard and Southern Belle Bitch" in an endearing tone.
    • The second is during the epilogue, where he bravely covers his unit's retreat during World War II at the Battle of Stalingrad, sacrificing his life for real this time to fend off the Russian soldiers.
  • Heel–Face Turn: As a Nazi, he naturally starts out as part of the bad guys, but he quickly becomes an ally to Joseph and his friends when it becomes clear the Pillar Men threaten the entire world, Nazi Germany included.
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: Like his canon counterpart, he is a Nazi Major who is loyal to Germany, and was willing to drop everything to help Joseph and co. defeat the Pillar Men once their threat to the world quickly becomes clear. However, he admits to the others that even he had reservations over his commanding the Fuhrer's desire to weaponize the Pillar Men and their powers, thinking him mad for doing so.
  • Pet the Dog: His two canonical Kick the Dog moments were turned into this due to changed settings and circumstances, making him more heroic compared to his canon counterpart.
    • While he still gets cut in the face by the woman who was shaving him in canon, he forgives the woman here, having recognized the cut as a complete accident. Canon Stroheim would have threatened to cut her tongue while laughing and taunting her.
    • While he still chooses a sacrifice among a group of prisoners to awaken the dormant Santana, here he spares the prisoners when they courageously offer themselves up to protect each other, and lets almost all of them leave alive; the only exception is an old man who was turned into a vampire using the Stone Mask and fed to Santana. Canon Stroheim would have spared one boy for courageously offering himself and had his soldiers fire upon the rest.
  • Wham Shot: He reveals to Speedwagon that Nazi Germany had the Stand arrow belonging to Nathaniel Twilight in their possession, since Adolf Hitler's father had been sold the arrow by the evil baron who stole it in the first place.



One of Lisa Lisa's bodyguards and a notable Hamon master, having taught Caesar and Rainbow Dash.

  • Abled in the Adaptation: In canon he lost his arm to Wamuu. Such a fate didn't occur here.
  • Bodyguarding a Badass: He's supposed to be Lisa Lisa's bodyguard, but she's a powerful Hamon user in her own right, so she doesn't need much protecting if at all.
  • Forgotten Fallen Friend: He doesn't seem to give much thought to the loss of his partner Loggins (who was killed by Esidisi just as Joseph was about to take his final test).
  • Old Master: He's not seen after Battle Tendency, but is confirmed to be alive as late as Stone Ocean since Rainbow is noted to have learned Hamon from him. And of course by that point in time he'd be close to a century old, if not older.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: It's implied that his personal Hamon style makes use of wrestling moves, as he uses a spinning lariat charged with Hamon to take out a horde of vampires during the final battle.




The leader of the Pillar Men and the main antagonist of Part 2.

  • Awesome by Analysis: While he's not a supernatural being even after being empowered by the Red Stone of Aja, he is able to determine Applejack's Stand power after his light blade fails to cut through her.
  • Benevolent Boss: He readily allows Wamuu the chance to spare Joseph should he prove himself during their chariot race.
  • Broken Pedestal: Wamuu turns against him after Kars betrays his promise to have an honorable duel with Lisa Lisa, realizing that his master is not the noble warrior he thought he was but an underhanded schemer willing to do anything to accomplish his goals.
  • Big Bad: He's this for Battle Tendency, as per canon.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He's a Well-Intentioned Extremist trying to help his people have the day and night equally, so it enrages him that they won't accept his gift just because it could cause a global catastrophe.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: All of the evil acts done by Dio/DIO and his followers can be traced back to Kars' creation of the stone mask.
  • Nature Lover: Much like in canon, Kars changed his course as he was falling down a chasm in order to avoid a flower growing from the rocks.
  • Sorry I Fell on Your Fist: When Wamuu begs forgiveness for instinctively attacking Kars when he stepped in his shadow, Kars assures him the fault was his for forgetting that battle instinct in the first place.



A member of the Pillar Men. He is undyingly loyal to Kars but is also an honorable warrior.

  • 11th-Hour Ranger: He's a last-minute addition to the Joestar team, helping against the vampire horde Kars created after Kars reveals his true character.
  • Brick Joke: During the confrontation with Santana, Joseph voiced curiosity as to how Gigans reproduce. Years later, he gets his answer thanks to Wamuu. Turns out Gigan reproduction isn't any different from human reproduction, it just doesn't happen as often due to Gigans having longer lifespans.
  • Crossover Relatives: He becomes the father of Rei, making her a Gigan-Human hybrid.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Wamuu eventually sides with Joseph and his friends when Kars betrays his word by backstabbing Lisa Lisa with a body double to secure the Red Stone of Aja instead of engaging her in a fair fight as he promised, making it clear that Kars is not the benevolent master he thought he was.
  • Interspecies Relationship: He later winds up with a human woman, Naoko Akagi, as a lover.
  • Last of His Kind: Surprisingly averted. He finds out near the end of the story that Kars and Esidisi only wiped out all the Gigans in the Americas. Europe and Asia still have several communities of Gigans, which he decides to join to reconnect with his people in a more peaceful manner.
  • Second Love: He ends up becoming this to Naoko Akagi, who was previously married and had lost her first husband to an accident. Naoko had gone on a trip to recover from her grief, only to end up meeting him and falling in love. Their hybrid daughter, Rei Akagi, was the result.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: He winds up living WAY past Battle Tendency.



Kars' best friend and right-hand man of the Pillar Men.

  • Been There, Shaped History: He's old enough to have met Sun Tzu personally, and as such can quote The Art of War despite having never read it.
  • Determinator: Even reduced to his brain and circulatory system, he'll continue trying to accomplish his goals.
  • Genius Bruiser: He's quite the tactician, much like Joseph, and is incredibly strong.
  • Undying Loyalty: Unlike Wamuu, who betrays Kars after witnessing him go back on his word during his intended fight with Lisa Lisa, Eisidisi believes in Kars doing whatever it takes to succeed and strives to do the same.



The youngest of the Pillar Men, found first by the Speedwagon Foundation then woken up by the Nazis.

  • The Baby of the Bunch: He's so young compared to the rest of Pillar Men that they didn't even give him a name before going into slumber. It was Stroheim who named him and the others just went along with it.
  • Death by Adaptation: In canon he was still barely alive in spite of being broken into pieces due to his brain being intact, prompting the Speedwagon Foundation to keep him under constant UV exposure. Here Applejack crushes his head while he's petrified by the sun, ending him for good.
  • Didn't See That Coming: His attempts to devour Applejack prove useless since her Stand hardens her cells together, making digestion impossible.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: Compared to the other Pillar Men, or Gigans in general, he's practically a toddler at only 10,000 years old (according to the official JoJo timeline). Yet he's still far more intelligent than the average human, to the point he can master English after hearing only snippets of it, and can quickly disassemble a military grade firearm in seconds just from casual observation.

Supporting Characters

    Smokey Brown 

Smokey Brown

An African-American boy who befriends Joseph and Applejack after they help him out against racist cops.

  • Big Brother Instinct: On the receiving end from literally the entire Joestar clan and their extended allies, especially when it comes to racist jerks.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He participated in the final battle with Kars by arriving with the combined forces of the Speedwagon Foundation and the Nazis, whose members came equipped with UV lights to help repel Kars' vampiric minions.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He used to be from Georgia, which at the time was extremely racist towards African Americans. His family moved to get away from the racism, but their efforts were for naught as New York turned out to be just as racist, which forced him to become a thief to survive.
  • Karmic Jackpot: Invoked; when asked by Speedwagon why he chose to help Joseph in the final battle with Kars, he responds that he wanted to repay Joseph for his kindness in helping "a simple thief" despite the rampant racism in New York.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Inverted. The gang makes sure he's read in so he doesn't get confused by all the crazy stuff going on around him.
  • Only Sane Man: Like in canon, he reacts to all the weird happenings that surround the Joestar family and their allies, as well as their extremely blasé reactions to said happenings, like a normal person would. It's justified as he's just a kid completely out of his depth, whereas the people he's with are mostly seasoned adults and/or fighters.
  • Rags to Riches: Like his canon counterpart, he was introduced in the beginning as a poor African-American youth who resorted to thievery in response to New York's harsh, racist environment. Thanks to Joseph and co., he eventually gave up thievery, worked honestly to pay for his college studies, and became the first successful black mayor of Georgia in 1970.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: According to him, he and his family moved away from Georgia to get away from the rampant prejudice against African Americans there. Unfortunately, New York proved to be just as racist, forcing him to resort to thievery to survive by the time he met Joseph and Applejack. At the end of Battle Tendency, he eventually moves back to Georgia and successfully becomes its first black mayor in 1970.
  • What You Are in the Dark: Despite being a completely normal human with not even the most basic combat training, he still chose to help Joseph and his allies in the final battle with Kars anyway because he wanted to repay Joseph for his earlier kindness.

    Thomas Speedwagon 

Thomas Speedwagon

Stand: Eyes Wide Open

Thomas is the son of Robert E.O. Speedwagon and Lydia Twilight, and a researcher working for the Speedwagon Foundation. He is also the father of Sarah Speedwagon, a fellow researcher in the same organization.

His Stand, Eyes Wide Open (named after a Sabrina Carpenter song), gives him enhanced vision.

  • Fan-Created Offspring: He is an Original Character who is the son of Robert E. O. Speedwagon and his wife, Lydia "Twilight Sparkle" Twilight.
  • Goggles Do Something Unusual: His Stand, Eyes Wide Open, manifests as a pair of goggles that not only provides various forms of vision like telescopic and microscopic vision, but also servs as an exceptionally durable form of protection for his eyes.
  • One-Shot Character: He's mainly there to establish that Twilight and Speedwagon have started a family and to inform Joseph that the ring Esidisi planted inside him does contain a deadly poison.
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form: Subverted. Thomas can grasp how and why Esidisi's wedding ring works. He just can't do anything about it.

    Sarah Speedwagon 

Sarah Speedwagon

Stand: Fireflies

Sarah is Robert Speedwagon and Lydia Twilight's granddaughter, and a researcher working for the Speedwagon Foundation.

Her Stand, Fireflies (named after an Owl City song), can transmit visual information to any medium.

  • Alliterative Name: Sarah Speedwagon.
  • Fan-Created Offspring: She is an Original Character who is the granddaughter of Robert E. O. Speedwagon and his wife, Lydia "Twilight Sparkle" Twilight, and the daughter of fellow Original Character Thomas Speedwagon.
  • Foreshadowing: She was conceptualized as a woman deliberately to leave open the possibility of future Speedwagon descendants who don't bear the Speedwagon name, much in the same way as the Joestar family.
  • Oh, Crap!: Based on the analysis she garnered with her Stand, Fireflies, she was able to discern that the Pillar Men would wake up in the year 2852 in the Mayan calendar... Which, in the Gregorian calendar, translates to the present year of 1938, when Santana woke up. This motivates her grandfather, Speedwagon, to honor Stroheim's (then-)dying request to kill the other Pillar Men.

    Donovan Fuchs 

Donovan Fuchs

Stand: Whispers in the Dark

An intelligence agent for the Waffen SS and a member of Stroheim's unit, originally tasked with interrogating Joseph Joestar regarding the Pillar Men.

His Stand, Whispers in the Dark (named after a Skillet song), lets him move through shadows without leaving a trail.

  • Adaptational Expansion: He was apparently retrieved from being tied to a cactus in Mexico at some point, then shows up in later scenes when Stroheim gets reintroduced to the plot.
  • Adaptational Origin Connection: Him having a Stand might explain why he's part of the SS despite not appearing to fit with the Nazis' Aryan ideal, as Hitler is noted to be very interested in using supernatural powers, especially Stands, for his world domination schemes.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Given Donovan's odd abilities in canon, it could be argued he always had a Stand, but given Araki hadn't yet conceptualized those during Battle Tendency, it's hard to say for sure.
  • Awesome by Analysis: As befitting his job as an intelligence agent, he's able to give an accurate scouting report of the castle Kars and Esidisi are holed up in just from looking around the first floor.
  • Explaining Your Powers to the Enemy: He likely did this to intimidate Joseph and Applejack, but explaining just what Whispers in the Dark is capable of was a bad move since he only got his Stand recently while Applejack was born with hers and has way more experience as a result.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Twice over. On a personal level, he soon joins the heroes in an effort to stop the Pillar Men. On a more political level, he defects from the SS after World War II and becomes an intelligence agent for Interpol.

    Mark Neumann 

Mark Neumann

Stand: Abbey Road

A former private in the SS, Mark Neumann was transferred to Stroheim's unit shortly after a successful experiment using the Stand arrow.

His Stand, Abbey Road (named after an album by The Beatles), creates a barrier that blocks all senses.

  • Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Abbey Road's physical form is a robotic Nazi wearing a white uniform, much like how Paul McCartney is shown wearing white on the cover of the album "Abbey Road".
  • Happily Married: The next time we see Mark following his first appearance, he's sporting a wedding ring, showing in this universe he was able to marry his sweetheart.
  • Meaningful Name: It's rather appropriate that a German has a Stand named after a Beatles album, since The Beatles got their start in Hamburg, Germany.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Anyone inside his barrier can use their senses normally, making it possible to use his Stand to covertly move entire military units if necessary.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: And the first instance of doing so through his own power, as his Stand's main ability keeps the Pillar Men from even seeing him.

    Suzi Q 

Suzi Q

Lisa Lisa's personal maid. She starts to crush on Joseph shortly after meeting him, which eventually culminates in the two of them marrying.

  • Affluent Ascetic: Despite how rich the Joestar family is, she finds herself most comfortable eating at working class restaurants. Much like Speedwagon, she never forgot where she came from.
  • Crossover Relatives: In this series she gave Joseph two children. Holly of course was the first, but she then gave birth to George Joestar III, this world's version of Johnny Joestar.
  • Good Parents: Not only was she an excellent mother to both Holly and George, but when Joseph explained about his adoption of Shizuka, Suzi immediately took to the newborn as a second daughter.
  • Groin Attack: When she found out her husband had a drunken one-night stand with a Japanese college girl, she tried to castrate him with a melon baller. No word on if she succeeded or not, though given Applejack was restraining her from trying it's likely she didn't.
  • Woman Scorned: She was not happy to learn Joseph cheated on her. While she did eventually forgive him, Joseph makes it a point to avoid Tomoko at all costs just in case.

    George Joestar II 

George Joestar II

The son of Jonathan and Erina Joestar, first husband of Lisa Lisa, and father of Joseph Joestar. An ace pilot of the RFC during World War I.

  • Badass Normal: Unlike his father, he had no supernatural abilities, but was a skilled pilot in the Royal Flying Corps who downed many enemy aircraft.
  • Electronic Eyes: Phantom Thief Joker reveals that George at one point lost one of his eyes and had it replaced with a Speedwagon Foundation cybernetic called the Mechanical Eye (which became part of the Joestar Collection after his death). Luckily for DIO, he didn't need George's eyes anyway.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Despite the changed circumstances, he still dies to one of DIO's minions, a Revenant Zombie disguised as a superior officer, kicking off a series of events that leaves Joseph Joestar growing up without both parents for much of his life.
  • Happily Married: He was Lisa Lisa's First Love, and she loved him to the point that his death sent her on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
  • Off with His Head!: The zombie who killed him removed his head and brought the body to Dio for his own use.
  • Point of Divergence: While he still dies the same way as his canon counterpart, here he takes Jonathon Joestar's place as DIO's unwilling body donor, as it was his body that was stolen for DIO to use instead.
  • Posthumous Character: He's long dead by the time the story starts, having been killed by a remnant of Dio's undead legion.
