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Funny / Critical Role The Bright Queen's Favor

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Critical Role's funny moments
Campaign 1 (Vox Machina): 1-23 | 24-38 | 39-83 | 84-99 | 100-115
Campaign 2 (Mighty Nein): 1-25 | 26-47 | 48-69 | 70-91 | 92-112 | 113-141
Campaign 3 (Bell's Hells): 1-22 | 23-38 | 39-51 | 52-64 | 65-80 | 81-
Critical Role One-Shots

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    Episode 48: Homeward Bound 
  • Matt misfires while playing two characters, Orly Skiffback and the Nicodranas wharf master, pulling the former's one-eyed face while speaking for the latter.
    Sam: Is he mocking Orly? Oh my god! That wharf master's a dick!
  • While Caleb is browsing the book store "Front to Back", Jester draws a dick and butt on the sign (Get it, front and back?). Matt has her clarify she used regular paint and not the magic paint that makes drawings real.
  • Nott accidentally assaults a seven-year-old.
    Nott: I thought we were playing! I THOUGHT WE WERE PLAYING!
    • Taliesin immediately snarks "I'm so excited for our next campaign. You've already created a backstory for your next character."
  • Nugget has grown into a big boy since the group was away, to the point that he almost knocks Jester over when he jumps into her arms. Marion's definitely had her hands full looking after him and puts noticeable emphasis on asking Jester if she plans to take him with her.
    Jester: Are you sure Mama?
    Marion: He is adorable but if it is meant to be it is destiny, kismet...(quietly) please take him.
  • When discussing the growing, shrinking tower in Nicodranas, Beau describes it as "like a dick!" The Nein's conversation gets derailed into discussing how the tower is and isn't like a dick... in front of Marion.
    Marion: (answering Caleb saying a building does not bend downward like a dick) As an expert, I would say yes.
  • Liam has Caleb make a Perception Check to see the title of the book Marion is reading. He succeeds, so Matt says "Hirelings". Because that's the first word he saw on the back of his DM Screen. The group then comments the book must be a DM guide.
  • Travis accidentally activates Siri during RP:
    Fjord: He's certainly your dog, Jester. It's your call.
    Jester: Let's leave him here—
    Travis's phone: I don't know how to respond to that.
    Matt: You beat me to it, Siri!
    Liam: What lazy roleplaying.
    Travis: "Yes, and," bitch!
  • While the rest of the group completes their errands, Caleb pet-sits Nugget. This mostly involves him reading while Nugget slobbers over his face. By the time the rest of the group comes back, he's got a visible cowlick.
  • Fjord, Beau, Caduceus and Nott go to investigate the tower. Nott suggests growing Caduceus's magic tree, using it to climb up to the balcony, and leaving someone at the bottom to chop the tree down. Beau points out they're going to get themselves arrested.
    Fjord: Well there's no rule that says don't ride up a tree and jump on a fucking balcony.
    Beau: No, there definitely is. It's called breaking and entering. There is a rule about that.
    • While the others examine the outside of the tower to no avail, Fjord goes to the nearby fish markets to ask around for clues. While he's away, the others try knocking, which causes a servant to open the door. After their conversation we cut to Fjord back at the market, getting nowhere. When he returns, the others tell him what happened, and he gets mad and throws the fish he bought at them.
  • As the Nein prepare to leave Nicodranas again:
    Marion: Jester, would you like any of the things from your room before you leave?
    Sam: (as Nott) The O-Town posters?
    Laura: (as Jester, dead serious) No no no, those can stay. I've moved on.
  • While it's also heartwarming, Marion telling the Nein that if Jester is ever harmed she has "an army of men, women and everything in between" who'll do anything she asks. The mental image of Marion calling all her past clients to kick the Nein's collective asses is incredible.
  • Caleb gives Jester the book he bought, "The Salty Sea", because he thinks she'll like it. After all, it's a romance about sailors.
  • While Jester giving Caduceus a mushroom cookbook is heartwarming, it wraps around to hilarious when Cad casually reveals he didn't know books on cooking existed.
  • On the road, Caleb memorizes the contents of a book on the history of Nicodranas. Sam jokes that it'll come in handy when they next meet a dragon who decides to quiz them on Nicodranas trivia.
    • ...which they proceed to act out. Matt included.
  • Beau and Caleb's conversation is mostly pretty sad, but Beau yelling after him is somehow comic gold.
  • After an extremely tense discussion in Felderwin, Caleb vomits from stress.
    Jester: Oh no. That's gonna be way harder to cover up.

    Episode 49: A Game of Names 
  • Sam's flask has a picture of a chair on it, with a X-Files-esque "The [chair] Files" across the top and a caption below, "the truth is out chair."
  • Fjord is encouraging the group to abduct and question one of the Cerburus Assembly mages, with largely Jester trying to convince him that they're above the group's weight class.
    Fjord: Well, what about the historian? I mean, have you ever met a really dangerous historian?
    Beau: (after a Beat and with a Thousand-Yard Stare) Yeah, I have.
  • Taliesin says that he wants to see if he can find a furniture shop in learn more about that chair.
  • Nott's backstory is heartbreaking, yet when she talks about her husband, Beau still somehow manages to get her mind stuck in the gutter.
    Nott: And time went on, and we did what people do, and... got married.
    Beau: Oh, that's not - I went somewhere else - yeah, married!
  • In an otherwise dramatic scene where the others are attempting to assure Caleb that they don't feel as though he was using them, Beau brings up the recent adventure that they just went through on Fjord's behalf.
  • After Nott and Caleb have discussed their backstories and both revealed that they changed their names, Caduceus is talking about his own history...
    Nott: What was your name before this?
    Caduceus: Those who knew me called me 'Jeff'.
    • Before that - during an otherwise quite tense and emotional scene between Nott and Caleb - Travis, Laura, Marisha and Taliesin react with sheer exasperation upon learning that Caleb also has been using a pseudonym.
  • Jester solemnly reflects that this is all overwhelming for her. She grew up in a sheltered but nice childhood in Nicodranas compared to the trauma everyone else has been through, and she's "really sorry" for them.
    Nott: Thank you. But I promise you if you stay with us, you will also go through some horrible, horrible things.
    Jester: Don't worry, Nott, I already have.
    Nott: Oh good.
    Jester: But I'm sure there is worse to come!
  • Matt nudges Laura into Polymorphing Jester into a dire honeybadger, burrowing through the collapsed rock for almost two hours (thanks to the level up giving her two uses of the spell).
    Matt: You push on for the next 40 or 50 or so minutes, getting an additional 70, 80 feet before eventually one of your paws goes through. You carve through, and you reach the other side of this collapsed tunnel.
    Travis: And we all instantly die.
    Laura: Yeah, right?
    Matt: As the molten la- No, I'm kidding.
    Travis: No!
    Matt: No.
    Taliesin: Minecraft! Minecraft!

    Episode 50: The Endless Burrows 
  • Nott trying to convince Fjord to go to Xhorhas with the promise of 'many eyeballs and gold for him to digest'.
  • in their first stop underground Jester creates a shrine to the Traveler. She uses her magical paint to create a statue of him and puts a circle of crystals around it but then writes THE TRAVELER IS THE TITS! WORSHIP HIM!
  • Travis' description of the ropers as "sadistic Japanese traffic cones."
  • Caleb getting bitten by a roper while casting Slow reacting by shouting "I'm getting molasses everywhere!"
  • One of the ropers grapples Caduceus to which Taliesin asks if he was even in range. Matt then reveals that the monsters have a range of fifty feet and the party has a collective 'Oh shit!" moment.
  • After the second roper returns from being banished, it slowly chases after them. This leads to Beau and Yasha moving rocks (and Fjord just only moving pebbles or a single rock at a time), and the rest of the Mighty Nein blasting it with every spell (and a gun!) they know in sheer panic. Matt even gives HDYWTDT to the entire group.
  • The Mighty Nein becoming increasingly bored during their long way in empty tunnels.
    • At one point they start singing 100 Bottles of Beer.
    • Beau suggests they use the drugs she bought with Molly, Caleb talks her out of it by having Frumpkin do a silly dance for her.
    • Caleb uses his Keen Mind feat, which lets him know how many hours there are to the next sunrise/sunset, to announce the time every hour. Eventually even Nott gets annoyed with him.
    Caleb: Oh! It's nine o'clock.
    Nott: Fuck you.
    • The crown jewel of the moment is Jester handing Beau a smutty novel and telling her to read it out loud, much to the group's mixed horror (Fjord) and joy (Jester and Nott). Eventually, Fjord is overcome by the awkwardness and has to cut in.
  • The group sends Frumpkin in to scout in one of the tunnels, but because he doesn't have Darkvision, Jester and Caduceus cast Light on a ribbon that they tie around his neck. Liam proceeds to act out Frumpkin's reaction to this — stumbling around in panicked confusion and trying to squirm out of his new collar.
  • Upon finding a group of kobolds and Caleb stepping into one of their traps, he manages to intimidate them by having Frumpkin do the same silly dance he did for Beau as lights float around him.
    • At the same time, Jester is claiming to be the kobold's deity and actually manages to convince two of them.
  • Chris Perkins makes a surprise guest appearance as a kobold named Spurt. He departs almost as soon as he appears, being the first guest on the history of the show to die. Splatted instantly by a Fire Giant.
    Spurt: I WIN!
  • Spurt offers to show the Mighty Nein his "centipult" to let him join their group, he promptly flings a ball of centipedes at Fjord who begins screaming and flailing around in fear, a feat that sent the other kobold spy running for his life.
  • As the party get ready to put their plan to cross the bridge into motion, Nott makes an attempt to motivate them that doesn't quite work.
    Nott: Mighty Nein, we have to do this for the memory of Spurt!
    Caduceus: ...who?

    Episode 51: Xhorhas 
  • The episode went up on Valentines Day, so Sam's DndD Beyond promo has him reciting a love poem to said sponsor in a Dashing Hispanic voice. With plenty of D&D spell name euphemisms.
  • After Beau asks Caleb for fresh arm-wraps and wonders how clean they'd be, Jester smells Caleb's hands. Matt joking has her make a Constitution Saving Throw.
  • After Jester casts two Sendings to Yeza in one day, Fjord asks if she'd want him to do it after complaining that she doesn't need to hit the word limit for the spell to work. Cue Fjord pretending to cast sending before saying 'no one's home'.
  • After finding out that Yeza was being watched by three people, the party speculates what they're up against. Fjord goes for the idea that the three are low paid guards who aren't trained well and would be easy pickings. Nott rebukes that by going on about how smart and instrumental the love of her life is but trying to stay on the positive side, comes to the conclusion that they are three moderate threats, not "insultingly easy".
  • Fjord asking Nott if she's sure about saving Yeza, and her answering that yes, she's completely sure she wants to save the love of her life. Bonus point for the episode airing on Valentine's Day.
  • While taking watch together, Jester tells Caleb that she doesn't think he's stinky any more, he says it's alright if she wants to keep the Running Gag going.
  • Nott continues the Running Gag of teasing Fjord for his Control Water ability, which Fjord spent the better part of an arc searching for only to find out that Caduceus and Jester both have the spell. In return, Fjord waits until Nott has secured a rope at the end of the river to part the river (using Control Water), rendering her rope totally useless.

    Episode 52: Feral Business 
  • Gluzzo the beleaguered bugbear guide.
    Caleb: If you escort us into the city safely and see us to the outskirts when our business is done, there will be another 20 [gold] for you.
    Gluzzo: How about this? When we get to the city, I just never see you again.
  • Both Beau and Caleb disguise themselves as tieflings in order to get into the Beast City without drawing attention. Beau, however, decides that she wants to be "a dude tiefling" which runs into a small issue when Matt reminds the Nein that Caleb, the one casting Polymorph, "has only seen one dude's tiefling."
    Matt: "Long may he reign" indeed!
    Beau: Why is just my dick purple?
    • Bonus points for Nott and Jester both asking to see the "tiefling" disappear when the polymorph wears off. Apparently the Nein are all comfortable showing each other their genitals.
  • Nott, on seeing Sunbreaker Olomon, a Minotaur, immediately starts Eating the Eye Candy despite the search for her husband.
    Olomon: I have had many names through many lives, but the one I take now is Sunbreaker Olomon.
    Nott: And there a...Mrs Sunbreaker~...?
    Fjord: (Whispering, in disbelief) Are you flirting with the fucking minotaur?
    Nott: He's fucking hot.
    (Everyone chuckles)
    Nott: And y'know, 50/50 my husband's dead, so-
    (Everyone bursts into laughter)
    Fjord: Wow. Wow. Wow.
  • Zorth, the old, armless goblin who the Nein try to buy beasts from, has to be one of the most absurdly voiced NPCs Matt's done so far. Much like with Viktor in the first campaign, the cast can barely contain their laughter. Travis, as usual, has the hardest time controlling himself. Most of the dialogue needs to be heard to be believed, but to give an idea:
    Fjord: Single saddles, or do you sell custom double saddles?
  • Jester advocating for using "fluffernutter" again in the most maniacal voice possible.
  • This exchange:
    Laura: Can Nugget fight?
    Matt: Nugget...can, but Nugget can also die.
  • As well as this:
    Travis: You ever killed half a party, Matt?
    Matt looks to Travis and smiles.
    Matt: Yeah.

    Episode 53: Cornered 
  • Sam's DND Beyond promo this time has him attempting ventriloquism with Yondi, the DND Beyond Alpaca. The cast is pretty much reduced to tears; all capped off wonderfully by Taliesin:
    Taliesin: There's a lot to alpaca there!
  • When Caduceus goes over to the butcher to ask if he's seen anything, the butcher — an ogre wearing a monocle — calls him skinny and tiny (ironic, since Caduceus is the tallest of the Nein) and tells him to eat more meat.
    Caduceus: I'm sadly of a monastic tradition that does not allow me to consume the flesh of animals, so...
    Butcher: ...What?
    Caduceus: I eat plants.
    • The butcher seems to find the idea of a vegetarian hilarious, and gives Caduceus a slice of meat for free. Caduceus thanks him sincerely, then immediately turns around and gives it to Nott.
  • Madame Musk full stop. The moment she speaks, the reactions from the entire party is magical due to her combination of creepy, homely, and cryptic nature. Fjord is instantly terrified, Beau is unnerved into a skittish state, Nott is instantly curious, and Jester is very excited.
    • Upon first meeting her:
      Marisha: Fuck this, let's go!
    • Made better when Jester, with a high perception check, finds out that she's really five kobolds in (the equivalent of) a Totem Pole Trench. Nott has a field day teasing Fjord about being scared of a bunch of kobolds.
    • Matt's thought process when he came up with the character, according to Talks Machina:
      Matt: What if she has a bunch of kobolds who work for her. Wait... what if it's a bunch of kobolds who are her!
    • This exchange:
      Fjord: *yelling in a very strained and stilted voice, eyes closed but looking up at the ceiling* What do you accept as payment?!
      Madam Musk: Gold or trade.
      Fjord: *still strained* Not souls or faces?
      Madam Musk: .... Are you offering?
      Fjord: *visibly even more disturbed*
      Beau: Don- *stammers* th- first off, she's lying.
      Fjord: W- uh- is she?
      Caduceus: Sadly, he has neither.
  • As the "arena" fight is about to begin, Travis mimes eating popcorn. He then starts rubbing Marisha's back and helping her loosen up, like a boxer's physical trainer right before the start of a match.
  • After the fight, the drow monk asks Beau to follow her. The rest of the Mighty Nein do the same, with Jester and Caleb following Beau out of the front door, and Fjord leading the others out of the back door to draw less attention. Fjord then proceeds to roll an 8 on his perception check and immediately loses sight of Beau, meaning that he, Caduceus, Yasha and Nott spend the remainder of the episode and the start of the next one wandering aimlessly around the city like lost tourists.

    Episode 54: Well Beneath 
  • The start of the episode has all of the players acting strangely hyperactive, with Matt increasingly exasperated at their behavior. His annoyance with his players reaches an apex just after the intro, when Sam is revealed to once again be wearing a T-shirt printed with a close-up of Matt making a very constipated looking face.
    Taliesin: (to Sam) I, for one, am excited for your new character.
  • After Dairon tells Caleb to avoid using his Zemnian accent in Xhorhas as it could arouse suspicion, he lies to her that his accent is fake. Nott and Jester buy this and question him about it afterwards, and when he admits he was lying, they get him to try faking different accents. What follows is Caleb imitating the accents of everyone else in the party extremely badly. Fjord's in particular is a highlight.
    Caleb: El-tritch Blaaaeeeeessst.
    Nott: I think you put extra consonants that aren't even there!
    • After this whole debacle, Liam says out-of-character that, as someone who genuinely can do a lot of accents, it's a surreal experience playing a German-accented (well, Zemnian) man failing at imitating other accents.
    • Someone asked on Talks Machina whether Caleb's imitation of Fjord implies Fjord actually yells "Eldritch Blast!" in-universe when casting the spell. Travis confirmed that this is indeed canon, Fjord yells his attacks "like a Dragon Ball Z character".
  • As the party settles in for a long rest in what is best described as "a stable for people", Sam tells Matt he wants to try to make a tracer arrow. Matt refuses, saying that Nott wouldn't have a good enough space to work.
    Sam: (mock-offended) I can't do explosive chemistry in a stall with three other people right around me?
    Travis: With a fair amount of natural manure around as well?
    Sam: And dry hay?
    Matt: Yeah, that sounds like a great combination. "What'd you roll?" "One." "Well, that's the fastest TPK we've ever had."
  • When Beau asks to borrow Nott's glamour armor, the goblin undresses. Sam pantomimes taking out extremely large and saggy breasts, causing Travis to burst out laughing with "Get the fuck out of here!"
    • After the break Beau returns the armor and Sam methodically mimes Nott putting it back on and tucking her boobs inside, all while Travis just says "No" over and over.
  • During Beau and Dairon's talk, Beau asks if she names the messenger birds she uses, and Dairon replies that she doesn't, as she doesn't want to get attached. Beau counters that her friend has a ferret named Sprinkle who has miraculously survived multiple lethal situations. Jester yells through the door that he's a weasel. Dairon is thoroughly confused.
  • Matt mentions offhand a "Gnoll family" and Laura practically melts at the idea of little puppy gnoll children.
    Matt: Well... baby gnolls are not the most attractive looking creatures—
    Laura: [whimpering] Yes they are!
  • Poor Umadon utterly not getting the concept of "we never had this conversation," much to the consternation of Fjord.
  • Laura Bailey strikes once again, as Beau is finishing up her training session with her stern mentor, Dairon.
    Beau: I wanna give you something.
    [Dairon looks puzzled]
    Marisha: And I pull out... a written copy—
    Laura: —My vagina...
    Liam: Laura Bailey!
    Travis: She's a child.
    Taliesin: We were all there.
    Marisha: —of the cipher.
  • Sam once again busts out Tasha's Hideous Laughter, much to the cast's chagrin:
    Nott: What happens when a moorbounder enters a feline beauty contest? It's a cat-tastrophe!
    Entire Cast: [groans]
    Travis: Do we all take psychic damage?
    Matt: I think- all the viewers, us at the table- we ALL take psychic damage.
    Liam: And a Point of Exhaustion.
    • What's funnier is the creature he's casting at is out of range, so the spell has absolutely no effect.

    Episode 55: Duplicity 
  • For the blackest of comedy, Matt's rolls were on fire while Travis's and Marisha's rolls sucked - the nastiest enemy of the episode was Yasha's d20 that reliably failed her Wisdom saves... except for Caduceus's Command spell on her to try to make her flee. She was Charmed for almost the entire second half of the episode, living up to her name as a demon of battle.
    • Caleb was also rolling extremely well while charmed, much to everyone's frustration, except for Liam, who is positively gleeful about his chance to kill the party, having been waiting for this chance for years.
      Marisha: (after Caleb rolls a 19 on a Strength check that prevents him from being flung into his own Wall of Fire) You've dropped dead so easily, so many other times!
    • When Fjord lets loose the Control Water to throw Caleb into his own a Wall of Fire, while Caleb makes his strength save against all odds, Fjord, who it was coming toward, gets a Natural 1, meaning he throws himself away with his own twenty-foot wave.
  • Continuing from the previous episode are Sam's Beauregard puns, which somehow make her rolls increasingly worse.
    Sam: (It's Beau's turn.) It's your go-regard.
    Sam: (Beau attacks the succubus with her fists.) Stomp that ho-regard!
    Sam: (Matt describes Beau Naruto running.) Naruto-regard!
    Sam: (Beau takes her bonus action.) Flurry of Blow-regard!
    Sam: (Beau attacks the stunned creature.) You reap what you sow-regard!
    Sam: (Beau thinks about what to do.) Henry David Thoreau-regard.
    Sam: (Beau gets the HDYWTDT on the minotaur.) How do you want to do-regard?
  • The minotaur fiend is close to death and has just been slowed by Caleb. Marisha moves in for the kill and hits, the situation is tense, but then Laura distracts her...
    Marisha: So for 6... 26—
    Laura: Is that a goldfish in there?
    Marisha: —yeah a little goldfish. Isn't that cute?
    Travis: OH MY GOD!
  • More black comedy - the incubus's final defeat came at the hands of Nott, who shot it with an explosive arrow, and Sam grins widely as he rolls for damage... only for that grin to drop immediately when he realized that Caduceus, who was unconscious with two failed death saves, was also in the blast radius. Thankfully, Jester had recovered her diamond from Dairon, had Revivify prepared, and left her final spell slot at Level 3, so "Caddyshack" didn't go the way of Mollymauk.
    • Further black comedy, an asker on Talks Machina pointed out that since Nott's explosive arrows wouldn't exist if Percy hadn't invented gunpowder, Taliesin technically killed his own character by proxy. He replied that he's well aware of this and relishes in it.
    • The first sign the Nein get to tell them that the Revivify was a success is that Caduceus suddenly begins snoring loudly. Even when Jester shakes him awake, he tries to go right back to sleep.

    Episode 56: The Favor 
  • Jester and Beau meet Covak, an elderly gnoll and fellow worshiper of the Traveler. He has been quite active pulling pranks as he proudly claims he has shat down four wells in the city. Cue Fjord and Caduceus, near the nearby well, noticing skidmarks on the well they just climbed out of.
    • His scene ends with him pushing Jester and Beau out of his house... and putting Jester's cloak on fire in the process as another prank.
  • The Mighty Nein are escorted to Empress Leylas Kryn via a mystical gate. This causes two problems:
    • Firstly, they won't have the privacy needed to keep up the disguises which make Beau and Caleb appear nonhuman, so the party decides to pass them off as slaves. They get special harnesses for the two to complete the façade. However, the end result is that they look like they walked out of an S&M photo shoot.
    • Secondly, they do not wish to leave their Moorbounders behind, due to their cost and the bonds having been formed between them. Cue each Moorbounder being escorted one at a time through the corridors leading to the gate by very nervous servants, who are being snapped at by the beasts... which are also defecating. To top it off, Jester makes Caleb (still in his above-mentioned gimp suit) clean it up.
      • To say nothing of Matt saying the Moorbounders were doing so.
        Jester: And no shitting anywhere!
        Matt: [Completely deadpan] Too late, it’s already happened twice.
  • While humans are definitely treated as second-class citizens in the City of Beasts, the Mighty Nein have never encountered any actual slaves, let alone slaves wearing harnesses. Even Zorth, who sells them the harnesses, assumes it's fetish-related.
  • Taliesin is out sick, so in addition to Yasha, Matt has to perform Caduceus as well. The cast absolutely loves his take on the wise but humble firbolg.
    Marisha: Like a little Elvis. Like just a little.
    Matt: To be fair, yeah.
    Liam: Thank ya, Wildmother. Thank ya.
    Matt: The DM will remember that.
  • Fjord and Jester try to sell their cover to the drow by hazing Beau and Caleb - making Beau serve as Jester's footstool and having Caleb polish Fjord's boots while the drow watch.
    Liam: I've had this dream.
    • Explorer's Guide to Wildemount later revealed that slavery is illegal in the Dynasty, so the Nein were just making asses of themselves in front of the drow and proving that they were outsiders.
  • Just the fact that Caleb's passionate, game-changing "I am no friend of the Empire" speech... was performed in leather bondage gear.
  • Meta but last campaign, pre-stream, Vox Machina managed to get in royal favour and become nation wide heroes thanks to an incident involving fiends. Though in a very different manner, the Mighty Nein have managed to pull off a similar feat, drastically changing a lot of the way the story will now go, all thanks to them deciding to investigate the fiends intruding on this realm. Bonus points for both incidents involving demons and, very likely, they are a similar level as VM was when they gained royal favour (campaign 1 started streaming when they were level 9 ish).
  • Also meta: this episode's caption photo shows Liam trying to set Matt's book on fire, which is a good metaphor for what happens at the end of this episode.
  • Matt holds it together during the episode's climax, but just starts laughing after the session ended. He even admits that he didn't think they'd hand over the Dodecahedron. It's hard not to laugh with him.
    • And then Travis pulls out a map of the continent (which is at least 75% Empire), and points out all the areas that the Mighty Nein have just "declared war with".
      Travis: Let's just go back to the third temple and get Uk'otoa out here while we're at it.

    Episode 57: In Love and War 
  • In the D&D Beyond promotion at the start of the episode, special guest promoter Paulienote  mentions that he used to play D&D with Brody Slater until he ate him.
  • Jester injects a rare moment of levity into the party's conversation with the Bright Queen:
    Beau: (to the Bright Queen) I would urge you to consider: as a woman so adherent to cycles, I believe you also have the power to break them as well.
    Jester: (whispering) Did you just ask if she was on her period?
  • After their audience with the Bright Queen, Caleb remarks that, for the first time in a long while, he feels hopeful. Cue Jester:
  • In preparation for her meeting with Yeza, Nott starts drinking heavily to calm her nerves, but Fjord stops her. When she asserts that she needs it, he smacks her in the face, but thanks to his poor Strength score, Nott claims she barely felt it:
    Nott: You're so tall, but your slaps are so ineffectual! [...] It did almost nothing to me!
    Fjord: (slaps Nott again)
    Nott: Nothing at all! How do you even hold the falchion?!
    • This causes Fjord to burst into tears.
  • Jester greets Yeza, who has spent weeks in a prison being starved and interrogated, with a bright and cheery "Guess who it is?!? I don't have a word limit now, buddy!"
  • When Nott discusses dropping the illusion that makes her look like her old self with Yeza, she makes him promise not to react by throwing rocks at her or something:
    Nott: [Jester]'s really strong, so if you did, she might just like—.
    Jester: (intensely) I would cut you.
    Nott: Yeah... I was gonna say like restrain.
  • Before Nott drops the illusion there is a touching moment wherein she lets Yeza feel her hands and face so he can understand how she's changed before seeing her true form with his own eyes. Nearly everyone is in tears. Everyone except for Laura, who's busy making a boob-honking gesture.
  • The party, particularly Jester, is very, very excited that Nott and Yeza will get to bone, to the point of ordering them a private corner room.
  • Yeza is present at the time-honored D&D tradition of dividing the loot from the party's most recent contract. He is absolutely floored at how much money they make.
    Nott: Things are different now, babe. We... We ah...
    Beau: We risk our lives for ridiculous sums of gold.
    Nott: I...
    Beau: Also we're pirates.
    Nott: Yeah, these guys have gotten me into a new line of work. Chemistry's good, baby, but uh... killin's better.
    Yeza: ...killing?
    Nott: Ah! Only when- when it's a defense thing. We've only... in self-defense.
    Caduecus: That's- that's- that's... patently untrue.
    Caleb: [to Nott] You're being facetious. [to Yeza] Adventure, you mean, yes, there has been violence on the road. We've been attacked multiple times.
    Fjord: We are mass murderers.
  • While discussing Yeza's work with dunamancy and what happened at the house in Felderwin, Nott asks about the chair. Matt can barely get through Yeza's reply without Corpsing.
    Nott: What was the chair?
    Yeza: don't want to know about the chair.
  • Fjord dismissing any need to come up with an elaborate plan to move Yeza out of Xhorhas by saying he (or any of them) can just flash his medallion from the Empress and identify himself as a "Hero of the Dynasty." Repeatedly.
    Fjord: Hero of the Dynasty.
    Beau opens her mouth to speak
    Fjord: (Leaning in towards Beau and shoving the medallion in her face) Hero of the Dynasty!
    Beau: Yeah, no, it's convincing. ... I'm not saying lie-
  • Beau once again forgets during a casual conversation to conceal that they're from the Dwendalian Empire:
    Beau: We know that there are spies from the Empire here, like my boss!
    Jester: Shhhhh!
    Nott: Shut the fuck up!
    Jester: Why do you always shout this shit out?!
    Beau: Why is it always me that gets admonished and he just started because he screamed we're Heroes of the Empire earlier!
    Jester: You're the one shouting it, Beau!
    Beau: I'm sorry, my voice raises sometimes.
  • As the party goes to bed at the inn, Jester accidentally reveals to Beau that most, if not all of her knowledge on how relationships work comes from porn books. Beau is understandably floored by this and her reaction causes Jester to blurt out a string of remarks in embarassment before hiding under the covers of the bed:
    Jester: ItscoolwedonthavetotalkaboutitIknoweverythingalreadyitdoesn'tmatter!!
  • After a very heartfelt talk between Caduceus and Yasha, they bid eachother goodnight. Caduceus then begins to snore very loudly, and Matt describes the distinct sound of Yasha pressing a pillow over her ears.
  • On a meta level, Sam's flask has a picture of Matt with the captions "Please stop breaking my storyline".

    Episode 58: Wood and Steel 
  • Ashley Johnson returns, and Liam announces that she is his D&D Beyond running mate, much to Sam's horror. She proceeds to deliver a magnificent speech which roasts Sam to ash. You can see it here.
    • Taliesin immediately lampshades Ashley's return by saying that Yasha seems much more lively than she has in the past few weeks. They decide that it's because of the extra caffeine in the tea.
  • The moorbounders are delivered to the inn, and the innkeeper all but begs them to take them to the back because they are scaring the clientele with their snarling and their shitting.
    • Jester can identify Yarnball, her moorbounder, by the scent of its shit.
  • Nott goes very Concerned Mom on Caleb and Beau when the two humans make plans to visit the Marble Tomes by themselves and has them show the Bright Queen's medallions, which marks them as friends of the empire. Caleb produces his without a problem, but when Beau reaches inside her coat, she pulls out... a stick.
    Beau: Sorry, I haven't showered in a while...
    Fjord: What are you doing with a random-ass stick in your armpit?
  • Beau then, in an effort to cut short the conversation about her personal hygiene, calls for the group to split up to do their respective activities:
    Fjord: Readyyy... break.
    The Mighty Nein: (All clap very out-of-sync)
    Matt: Well-oiled machine.
  • Jester meets Wursh the Tapper, a very muscular half-orc blacksmith. She immediately starts Eating the Eye Candy.
  • Deciding to leave Yeza behind on their three-day journey for Professor Waccoh's errand, Caleb suggests that Yeza take care of Jester's pets while they're gone.
    Jester: Why are you offering up all of my awesome pets?!
    • She then immediately calls Sprinkle a ferret, prompting Jester to correct her. Nott snaps back that they're the same thing.
  • As Marisha is talking about rolling a 3 on a Persuasion check, Matt tells her, "It's okay, it happens," only for someone to quietly chime in, "A lot." She immediately breaks character, turns to Sam, and threatens to pimp slap him. Turns out it was actually Taliesin, and everyone immediately busts out laughing.
  • Before the Nein head off, Yeza quietly tells Nott "I love you," and she returns the sentiment, albeit while coughing. Outside the room, Jester questions why Nott felt the need to cough and insists she go back inside to clearly tell her husband how much she loves him. Cue Nott barging back inside and shouting "I LOVE YOU!!!" at Yeza, startling him and Jester's pets.
  • Caleb's attempt at shaving. Since nobody can find any soap to lather, Caleb mashes up beads of nourishment into his beard. Then, despite Yasha buying Caleb a proper razor the day before, he decides to let her shave his face with her greatsword one last time (as a Call-Back to episode 22). This time, it goes... poorly.
    Yasha: *softly* Uh oh.
    Caleb, an inch-long gash by his ear: ... Yep, maybe the straight razor's the way to go.

    Episode 59: Perspective 
  • In the previous episode the group planned out a stealthy approach around the giants, but Yasha's Critical Failure of a stealth check led to a giant chucking a boulder over the fence. Since everyone hid again, in this episode the group discussed continuing with the original stealth plan. Instead, Yasha runs directly towards the fence, Fjord also breaking cover and running to attack.
    Caleb: Guys, that's not what we planned at all!
    Beau: (exasperatedly mimicking Dairon's advice) "Be patient", "Listen", "Find shit out", all that shit that Dairon said...
    Beau: *takes off running as well*
  • Fjord casts Charm Monster on two of the stone giants and despite them having advantage on the saving throw, neither succeed. Cue excitement from the cast:
    Taliesin: You made friends!
    Travis: (excitedly) I did spells real good!
  • Jester casts Polymorph on one of the giants and turns it into a killer whale, which flails about incredibly confused. Caduceus later steps in, wanting to negotiate an end to the fighting. He asks two of them who's in charge of their group, and they turn and look towards the killer whale.
  • Jester sees Yasha eating cooked spider meat and asks the giants if she could try some. She misses catching the piece they toss her, knocking her down with a splat to the face. She enjoys it, but fails a constitution save and spends the next hour with the "spins". Afterwards, every time Jester has to break wind, she uses Thaumaturgy to make it sound like chirping birds instead.
  • Caleb compliments Caduceus's parlaying that stopped the giants' attacking them, and Nott says he could've told the giants anything in their language (including dick jokes) as long as it worked. Beau chimes in:
    Beau: Unless he's planning some weird elaborate trap, and he's developed some sort of scheme with the giants and he's leading us astray, and he's planning to corner us and kill us in those caves where no one would ever find our bodies again... I don't think he's doing that though.
    Sam: I'm gonna look over at Caduceus, what's he doing?
    Taliesin: Matt? Now.
  • Upon finding Foreman Bodo's embarrassing love letter from "V", the players are enraptured by Matt's teasing of a torrid love affair:
    Matt: It goes into a lengthy description-
    Travis: NO, NO! Keep going, don't you "lengthy description" my ass!
  • In a bit of meta humour, this is the second time Travis's character at 9th level needs a Greater Restoration after getting hit by the effects of an enemy's special attack. Unfortunately, this time no one is capable of using it.
  • Matt accidentally says that Ashley closes the Rift instead of Yasha, and everyone takes a moment to indulge in the fantastic mental image.
  • A Funny Background Event occurs when Henry briefly wanders the perimeter of the set in "good boi Stealth" mode.

    Episode 60: A Turtle By Any Other Name 
  • In a moment of pure Black Comedy, Caleb uses the last remaining seconds of his Flaming Sphere spell to throw it into the bone pit in an attempt to burn any demonic creatures in there... and ends up incinerating a lone goblin who happened to be hiding there for unknown reasons. Matt then tears up a page of his notes, meaning he was either trolling or that goblin was going to be an important NPC. Oops. (Though Caduceus takes its skull so they can attempt Speak With Dead later.)
  • The session briefly gets derailed when Jester's in-character craving for donuts quickly morphs into Laura's out-of-character craving for donuts. Everyone quickly starts talking about Postmatesing some Krispy Kremes, except for Liam, who valiantly tries to soldier on in-character and get the game back on track.
    • This gets followed up on later, when Laura asks Travis if he ordered donuts.
      Travis: What kind of husband do you think I am? I ordered like sixty. One for every dice that's in that fucking bag.
      Laura: You think there's only sixty dice in my bag?
    • And then, when the donuts finally arrive, Liam and Travis have to scramble to hide the Krispy Kreme logo on the box.
  • When a second mosquito-demon emerges, Travis wails out a Big "NO!"... and holds it for 11 seconds. Understandable, given how close the last one came close to perma-killing Fjord!
  • During the second fight of the episode, Caleb Polymorphs a Dybbuk-possessed Giant corpse into a giant tortoise. This leads to a hilarious string of events.
    • Fjord and Beau had previously fallen victim to the creature's fear effect. Matt rules that the effect is tied to the entity itself and not the body it's inhabiting, so they're still considered Frightened... though they get advantage on their saves against it because it's now a tortoise. Fjord fails his, so he spends the majority of the fight terrified of a tortoise.
      • Fjord's terror quickly beomes a Funny Background Event as everyone is not interested in fighting the tortoise and reverting it back to an undead giant zombie.
      Nott: We're still not attacking the tortoise, right?
      Fjord: *shrieks in terror from the corner*
    • The closest stat block to a giant tortoise Matt can find is a Giant Snapping Turtle from the Tomb of Annihilation adventure, which proves to be much more threatening in combat than Caleb (and Liam) hoped, almost knocking him unconscious with an attack of opportunity.
      Liam: For the record, when I said "giant tortoise" I imagined the big turtle that I swam with in Hawaii, it was so nice! I didn't mean an eight-foot T-Rex!
      Taliesin: It's the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, Liam, it's the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. "Choose the form of your destroyer."
    • Nott tries to "secret service" tackle Fjord away...and being Nott, she naturally fails, leaving herself behind Fjord's shield while Fjord continues to panic.
    • The only figure available to represent the giant tortoise is a horse miniature. Sam says it makes terrifying sounds like nickering and whinnying, pantomiming pawing the ground. Laura tells him to stop being an asshole.
    • After dealing with the Chasme, Yasha and Jester try to flip the tortoise on its back (presumably to get around its shell), and it beats their strength checks. This forces Caleb to burn another Polymorph spell to turn it into "a regular fucking turtle". Which gets unceremoniously thrown through the rift.
    • Soorna is thoroughly confused by this turn of events.
  • At random points during the fight, Jester holds up scoring signs to rate her teammates' battle tactics, rating Beau's lightning punches a 7 and the aformentioned turtle toss through the rift an 8.
  • Believing her friends have a handle on the group's third fight with a reanimated stone giant, Beau, having been going over all of her notes the last few hours, instead rambles about her theories to Caleb, who doesn't respond at all and just slings spells at the giant.
  • While Yasha's dream and attempt to talk to the Stormlord are mostly played for drama, inspired by Jester drawing dicks for the Traveler, Yasha draws a dick for the Stormlord in the mud outside.

    Episode 61: Agreements 
  • Sam finally makes his retort to Ashley's vicious verbal beatdown. While he makes a few self-deprecating jokes, Sam proves that he gives as good as he gets. Until...
    Matt: So what about DND Beyond?
  • Caduceus mentions there's something to be said for not starting a fire in an enclosed cave. Fjord immediately retorts "Well, we didn't start the fire."
    Sam: Was it always burning?
    Marisha: Since the world's been turning.
    Matt slowly sinks into a double facepalm
  • The Mighty Nein follow through on their original mission to humiliate Foreman Bodo, which they do thanks to a Seeming spell from Caleb that makes everyone but Beau look like Bodo or the mistress. Beau reads out the illicit letter, and the party acts it out. The workers love it. Bodo passes out from embarrassment.
    • Amusingly, Beau is actually not reading out the letter- she's completely made up a reply from Bodo to "Lorna" based on the contents of the letter they found. The letter they found with the locket was from the woman to Bodo, and did not contain her name. Beau is completely making the contents of what she's reading aloud up, most likely thinking about it on the way over from the mines, based on the contents of the letter "Lorna" wrote to Bodo.
  • As everyone heads off to bed, Caduceus, Beau and Caleb have some fairly serious and solemn scenes. Sam then provides some incredible Mood Whiplash as he points out that Nott still has the "rhino sex potions."
    Talisien: We are not getting our deposit back.
  • While buying clothes for Caleb, Yasha lets slip that he's a little curvier than the average scraggly male wizard.
    Yasha: And here are his exact measurements: thirty-six, twenty-four, thirty-six.
  • Jester peeks down to confirm that Essek's feet don't touch the floor when he moves, and they offhandedly joke that he could be wearing wheels or riding a Segway. Jester later persuades him into accepting her awkwardly long hug after he presents the group with their new house, and he glides away incredibly perturbed.

    Episode 62: Domestic Respite 
  • Laura immediately claims a room for herself.
    Talisien: Matt, Laura's in my room! Laura's in my room! That's my— Matt, Laura's in my room!
    Matt: Both of you roll Wisdom saving throws.
  • Due to the house's layout, the group decides one of the bedrooms should function as a common room, with Jester promptly christening it the "Happy Room", which puzzles Caduceus a little:
    Caduceus: Do you have to be happy before you go in, or is it the room that you get happy in?
    • Amusingly, the "Happy Room" ends up being right next to the planning or meeting room, which Nott dubs the "War Room", making for an interesting contrast.
    • Jester proclaiming that whoever is in the room next to hers, "I definitely won't spy on them ever."
  • Taliesin gets a little stuck while describing what he wants to do with the tower, which leads to some prime Accidental Innuendo:
    Taliesin: I'm gonna seed it with my- with my uhh...
    Laura: *makes a face*
    Sam: Spread your seed all over?
  • Caduceus decides he's going to literally set down roots in Xhorhas now that they have established themselves, and after preparing a garden at the top of the Xhorhaus tower, he plants the feather token tree he has been carrying since the venture Uk'otoa's second temple. After an awkward Beat, a sixty foot tree shoots out of the dirt and rapidly sprouts branches, leaves, and digs roots into the structure of tower, all to the mass confusion of the Rosohna locals.
    • The locals are both confused and mistrustful of the green leafed tree that spontaneously grew in the middle of their city, but when the tree is finally lit up by the string of Daylight Jars like a Christmas Tree, the confusion and mistrust turns into awe and jealousy.
  • While Beau and Caleb are talking, Jester and Cad decide to build a spa with Stone Shape and Create or Destroy Water. Matt is so baffled all he can do is say "okay" over and over again. He goes to explain how long it would take them and he stops and just says "okay" again.
  • When Caduceus goes out to buy some copper tubing to make wind chimes, Matt asks "how big and how long," they would be. Naturally, perpetual 13-year-old Laura Bailey turns it into a dick joke.
  • Fjord's first meeting with one of the new neighbors, Lord Bilan, perfectly illustrates how out of their depth both individuals are when it comes to the others' cultures/practices:
    Bilan: (about the giant tree growing from the Mighty Nein's house) Will it be like that all the time?
    Fjord: I think that's how trees work.
  • Jester proposes painting a hole in the wall between her and Fjord's bedrooms for if he gets lonely, but he shoots the idea down, claiming Beau snores really loudly when she sleeps:
    Travis/Fjord: It's canon.
    Marisha: I'll allow it.
  • This interaction between Beau and Caleb:
    Caleb: We are not traitors yet.
    Beau: We did hand over their super awesome relic that can change time or make babies or whatever that the Empire definitely stole and now we have a house that was just kinda gifted to us in the enemies' capital city, but you're right, we're not traitors yet.
  • Everyone is kind of blindsided when Beau switches tracks during her and Caleb's conversation and asks him if he's in love with Nott. He denies this (hilariously, Sam can be seen taking offense to this), and the conversation kind of just comes to an end soon after. Cue Beau:
    Beau: [To herself after Caleb leaves] I knew that would get him out of my fucking room.
  • The intensity of Fjord and Caleb's discussion is briefly interrupted when Caleb remarks that he knows more about Yasha than Fjord and "she never fucking says anything", prompting Sam to immediately reassure Ashley that he loves her (followed by Liam briefly breaking character to also tell Ashley he loves her).
  • The Nein offer Essek a drink that Caduceus made with turmeric, and Beau (Marisha, ad libbing for the sake of a reference) says that Caduceus calls it a "White Xhorhasian." Marisha belatedly realizes the problem with this drink name when Essek (who, like the majority of Xhorhasians, is a drow) dryly responds, "Hm, mildly racist." Sealing the deal is how Matt notes that in the time everyone in the cast is cracking up, in-universe there is an awkward silence as they realize what they just said.
  • Some brief asides before and after the break:
    • Caduceus realizes that whatever Beau put in Essek's drink, it was not turmeric. Apparently he ran out a while ago.
    • Caduceus also tries to piece the sword back together, just for the hell of it. Matt starts to dramatically describe Caduceus laying out the blade and hilt when Talisien stops him, fully aware that Matt is just messing with him and nothing actually happens.
    • Caleb abruptly realizes that while Frumpkin can climb up trees, he can't climb down, and has been stuck in the giant tree for four days now. The other players immediately start imitating distressed meows.
      Liam: The den next door hates us.
  • Jester tests out her dubious "hair oil" on herself and Sprinkle, with Matt commenting that her weasel has been through a lot on their adventures and definitely looks more "world-weary" when compared to the happy creature she first purchased. Jester tries to make it up to Sprinkle by constructing a home for it in Caduceus's tree, but thanks to some bad skill checks, she ended up forcing a haggard and screeching weasel into a shoddy recreation of what she imagined a "weasel nest" would look like. Caduceus tells Sprinkle that it has every right to be mad at her for that.
  • The Nein decide to sneak into the Overcrow at night... before Nott points out that it's Always Night in Rosohna.
  • Returning to the Overcrow is solid gold, as Fjord pretends to be madly lusting for the owner to distract her from what's going on in the back with Beau and Nott.
    • For her part, Nott taking three tries to open the window. First, a natural 1 with her thieves' tools, so she drops her hook inside. Second, a low roll with Beau's tools. Third, Mage Hand with disadvantage is over 20.
  • Trying to distract Maruo, the goblin shopkeeper with an unrequited crush on Fjord, Fjord eventually resorts to serenading her: "Maruo, light of my life! I need youuuu, to be my... *cringing visibly* uhh, sweet thing!"
  • At one point, Matt asks the group if they want to have a name for their house, and Marisha answers 'Xhorhouse' reflexively. As good a pun as that is, Ashley seals the deal when she start singing it to the tune of "Our House":
    Ashley: Xhorhouse...
    Travis, Marisha, Sam & Taliesin: the middle of our street!

    Episode 63: Intervention 
  • The Mighty Nein is stopped on their way to the Lucid Bastion by a squadron of guards and asked about their business. When the guard is not immediately convinced, the entire Mighty Nein pulls out the medallions given to them by the Bright Queen (the same medallions they had originally vowed not to wave around willy-nilly).
    Travis: Multipass!
  • As Yasha and Jester are somewhat chaotically explaining to the Bright Queen what information they've discovered, Nott interjects:
    Jester: (frantically explaining)
    Nott: Maybe we should back up a little bit... So, we met at like a circus.
  • While the group are trying to figure out what to do with Dairon, the Dynasty, the Empire and the war, this interaction happens:
    Jester: Let's form our own country!
    Nott: (in a slightly put out mom-voice) Hold on.
    (cast loses it)
  • Nott and Jester's wonderfully in sync "How much?" when Matt describes a chest full of gold coins that they were just given by the Bright Queen.
  • As part of their plan to scope out the Overcrow, Jester is polymorphed into a "goth moth" so she can get inside. All good and well... until Matt reminds the group that moths have an Intelligence of 1 (the group is used to Keyleth's Wild Shape from the last campaign, which lets you keep your mental stats, unlike Polymorph). Cue Laura having to roll Intelligence checks (with a modifier of -5) just to remember what she was supposed to do.
    Marisha: She's gonna fly into a torch.
    • It takes Jester all of 40 minutes to fly across the road and to the window. When she finally gets there, she can't actually get into the room due to a bad Dexterity roll, and spends the rest of her Polymorph time chewing on the curtain. When the spell finally ends and she reverts to her tiefling self, she immediately remembers what she was supposed to be doing... then drops like a brick.
  • Later on, Jester thinks of using Polymorph again and tries to think of a smarter animal, deciding on a rat. Matt tells her that rats have an Intelligence of 2, which is double what she had as a moth! She ultimately (probably wisely) decides to just disguise herself.
  • Jester's disguise is basically drow-Vex, down to the haggling (which allows Jester to get back the 5 gold she spent on hair tonic). Taliesin's expression at hearing his "graph paper wife" turn up is especially hilarious.
  • When passing on Nott's directive to Fjord and Yasha via Message, Caleb ends with Nott's usual "You can reply to this message".
  • Nott, while charmed by the drow, shoots Yasha in the shoulder with a crossbow bolt. In retaliation, Yasha grabs Nott by the head, holding her there as she screeches that she never liked Yasha anyway. When Jester's Dispel Magic gets rid of the charm on Nott, this exchange happens.
    Nott: (dazed) Yasha...
    Yasha: (still holding onto Nott's head) Stop. Fucking. Hitting me.
    Nott: Eep!
  • Slightly Meta, but they have a lot more trouble than expected...because, for once, they are trying to be cautious. If they had charged in as soon as the meeting began they likely wouldn't be chasing after the guy in charge who escaped at the end.

    Episode 64: A Dangerous Chase 
  • Sam's D&D Beyond promo has him attempting an Australian accent. As he goes on, it gets progressively worse, resulting in the rest of the group in stitches and Liam offering some advice:
    Liam: I hear accents get better if you do them louder.
  • Jester mentions that she has no idea why she has the nickname "sapphire." When Nott points out it's likely due to her blue coloration, she's surprised by how much sense that totally makes.
  • Caleb comes out of his Frumpkin-vision, asks what's going on, then is immediately knocked to the ground as Jester slides down the chute from upstairs and lands on top of him.
  • The Mighty Nein "invented" several things this episode, according to the cast, including ravioli, golf, and the phrase "don't shoot the messenger."
    Liam: Just invented golf. Canon.
    Travis: The Masters course is out here on the Barbed Fields!
  • Travis's horrified reactions to Matt's creatures are as entertaining as ever.
    Matt: (Makes creepy wailing sound)
    Travis: Fuck! You don't need to make the noise every time!
  • As the last of the bat swarm is cleaned up, Caduceus is on the ground with his staff swiping at them half-heartedly like batting away cobwebs.
    Caduceus: Scoot... Scoot... Go on...
  • Caleb describes Eodwulf, one of the other students he trained with, as "muscular, as well as talented". Beau immediately declares it unfair that he's buff and can cast spells.
    Beau: Multiclassing piece of shit.
    Matt: ...Or he just lifts.

    Episode 65: Chases and Trees 
  • The Marisha-ller Report. The entire thing. Especially the fact that Sam is dressed and made-up like a tiger the whole time.
  • During the recap, Matt describes the party being assaulted by Sorrowsworn in the previous episode as them encountering some creatures that "seemed a little lonely, and just wanted a hug."
  • Caleb tries to comfort Nott by giving her Frumpkin for the night. This would be adorable if it weren't for the fact that Frumpkin is currently in the form of a vulture, which spooks Nott even more.
    Nott: It's as big as me!
  • The morning after both Caduceus and Fjord have vivid dreams moving their character arcs forward...
    Nott: You guys, I had the craziest, most intense, visceral dream...
    [Matt and Liam double over in laughter. Liam shoots Sam with silly string]
  • While climbing the tree, Beau, as a level 9 monk, parkours up the side with zero issue. Fjord and Jester, on the other hand, have a bit more trouble, only catching up to Beau after Fjord uses Thunder Step to get him and Jester to the canopy.
    Fjord: (panting, both impressed and annoyed) Just ran up the side of the fuckin' thing? Shit. Fuck.
    Beau: (high on adrenaline) WHOO! YEAH!
    Jester: That was... really fast, Beau...
    Beau: Aw, that was awesome!
  • Beau went one whole fight without using a single ki point because the flying gloomstalkers the party was fighting were generally keeping their distance, her maximum range is only 15 feet, and when they finally got in closer, she was paralyzed from one of their attacks - the best she could do against them was flip them off.
  • Sam distributes Silly String to everyone mid game - "in honor of the twins' birthday," he says. The cast restrains themselves until the end of the game, mostly due to Matt's dire threats, but after the game ends Matt can't close down the stream fast enough and gets stringed on camera. (Also, just off camera, a producer is about to pop a blood vessel at the potential set damage until Liam sprays him.)

    Episode 66: Beneath Bazzoxan 
  • Liam's counter to the Marisha-ller Report, with Travis as his expert witness. There are several things noted:
    • The photo of Liam with the British pound note? Photoshopped.
    • The audio of Liam making the phone call? It was public knowledge Sam does an Excellent Liam impression.
      Sam: I mean sure..? 'I am Liam O'Brien, my voice sounds like sad sandpaper'.
    • The footage of "Liam" making the deal with Mark Hulmes? That was actually SAM, wearing glasses, doing Liam's voice.
    • What sends Sam into a Villainous Breakdown? That Liam HACKED into Sam's laptop and from His Desktop, got UNUSED FOOTAGE that was more condemning than the previous counters to the Report. Complete with Recorded Sam having an Evil Laugh. And cut to Real Sam going into full-blown panic.
    • After Sam runs away from the table Laura and Liam realise that he's left his unlocked phone on the table. Liam picks it up and uses Sam's Twitter account to post #liamforpresident.
    • Sadly it seems we'll never hear the DND Beyond rap that Sam had prepared for that week.
  • As they are Feather Falling down the tree, everyone does their best to avoid an attack from the roc. Jester turns herself into a leaf. Except Disguise Self doesn't really work that way, so she instead makes up a leaf costume. She's in that costume for the rest of the encounter. And later brings it back.
    • Matt's reaction to this strategy:
    Matt: You're a leaf on the wind. Nothing bad ever happens to somebody who's a leaf on the wind.
    Taliesin: Too soon.
  • Fjord uses his abilities to ride the roc... and a few seconds later, Jester turns the speeding roc into a bat. Cue the flight of the Fjord.
    Matt: It's a new experience for you! For a moment, it's beautiful, this view and the wind in your hair... [...] Then... white hot pain... dirt-dirt-dirt-dirt... dirt... dirt... (beat) ...soreness.
  • Beau and Caleb — who Polymorphed himself into a giant eagle — fly up to the roc's nest to find a baby roc in there. What follows is mostly Matt and Liam making bird sounds back and forth.
    Sam: This is going to be the rest of the episode, guys.
  • Jester spends a lot of time keeping the bat trapped in her cloak - every time it frees itself by making a hole in her cloak, Caduceus casts Bane on it and Jester easily nabs it back.
  • Caleb discovers that the ring Beau found in the roc's nest is a Ring of Protection. He gives it to Beau so she can choose who can have it, while staring very longingly at it.
    Beau: Wait, really?
    Caleb: (looks at her incredulously) Have we met? Hallo, I am Caleb Widogast.
    Beau: A new Caleb is here, everybody...
    Fjord: A new Caleb?
    Beau: Sharing his loot.
    Fjord: Oh yeah, that is true, you should take a moment.
    Caleb: Actually I've been giving loot out for months.
    • Marisha then gets a little too enthusiastic in her roleplay and hits Liam in the shoulder that was still recovering from surgery. Liam's deadpan "ow" gets translated into the game as Beau forgetting about her lightning gloves while playfully punching Caleb.
  • One of the soldiers in Bazzoxan gets suspicious of the Nein as Fjord is trying to get information. He tries to reassure the soldier that they're good people, only to turn around and see Jester in her leaf costume doing the Cabbage Patch dance.
    Fjord: They might not look like much, but we're here to help.
    (turns to see Caduceus joining in on the dance)
    Fjord: Most of us are here to help.
    (turns to see Caleb has joined in too)
    Fjord: Some of us are here to help.
  • Jester casts Sending to Oban, but planned her words out so well that she only uses 9 of them. The rest are filled with singing, earning her a compliment from her target.
    • It's Laura losing it that sells the moment.
      Laura: The Orphanmaker has arrived! Where can we find you? ... Doo doo doo doodoot doo!
      Travis: (One fist still clenched.)
      Laura: Doo doo doo doo doot!
      Travis: (Still has five fingers to go, eyebrows raised.)
      Laura: (Loses it) Doot doot doot do doo! (Collapses while the whole group dies of laughter.)
      Taliesin: (Shaking his head) And thus was our fate sealed... We're going to die...
    • This is so funny in-universe that Caleb of all people laughed!
    • While the whole party are giving Jester suggestions for what to include in her message to Oban, Nott tells her she should ask if he's seen her missing flask.
    • Another gem from brainstorming the message:
      Laura: She comes alone...but she comes more with another person.
      (Entire table corpses)
      Marisha: Truer words.
      Sam: It's different.
      Liam: Is it though?
      Sam: It's just different. It's still good. It's just different.
      Travis: Fucking— wife, mother of my son.
      Liam: Nobody does it like yourself.
  • Jester palms Nott's flask during the first half of the episode while the party are distracted splitting up loot. When Nott discovers the theft many hours later, her Freak Out is golden. She insists Yasha stole it, going so far as to search Yasha's pockets later (with a Natural 20), then turns her attention to Fjord.
  • Yasha also shuts down Nott's suspicions with pure intimidation instead of an argument or appeal to logic.
    Jester: Well, maybe, though it's nice if you—
    Nott: Yasha, if you stole it, I will fucking kill you!
    Yasha: I didn't fucking steal it, NOTT!
    Nott: Okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to speak out of turn!
  • When Caleb and Caduceus ask to purchase a large amount of incense and ivory and get a positive response, Nott asks to buy a barrel of peanut butter, 400 meters of wire and a pound of dove feathers, just to see if they could do it.
  • As soon as Jester saw the sign for the shop called the Ready Room, she immediately changes it to say Ruddy Poon.
  • The Ready Room/Ruddy Poon twins are savvy price gougers. Caleb buys a bottle of booze for 15 gold, then Fjord gets charged 25! The players note that those prices go far above modest cost-of-living expenses according to the PHB.

    Episode 67: Beyond the Eyes of Angels 
  • Sam didn't write a DND Beyond promo this week... so he shows a stock one recorded for this eventuality, which doubles as a video will. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Travis absolutely hates the giant spider encounter, squirming and screaming the whole time. When the fight begins to die down, Caleb goes to investigate the "sacs" that are tied up in the ceiling...
    Travis: Oh, please, don't do that. Don't. No, look, I saw that happen one summer. It's fucking terrible.
    Laura: There was one time-
    Travis: Don't pop egg sacs.
    Laura: There was one time there was a spider-
    Travis: -Don't tell this story.
    Laura: On the ground. [to Travis] I have to. [to Matt] There was a spider on the ground and I stepped— I was wearing flip flops, and I stepped on it, and out from underneath it, came a thousand little teeny baby spiders and they all went (squish) and over my foot because I was in flip flops!
  • Caleb Polymorphs into a giant spider, resulting in him trying to communicate with the rest of the party by gurgling unintelligibly.
  • Nott dealing 68 damage in a single hit to the giant spider? Certified awesome. Ashley lamenting that it was one damage short of 69? Certified hilarious.
  • While descending the Radiant Stair, Fjord dives down the center. Jester follows, polymorphing herself into a giant eagle.
    Fjord: It's a roc!

    Episode 68: Reflections 
  • The cast instantly become suspicious at Matt narrating that the Nein "attempt to sleep" in his intro. Nott and Yasha take the first watch.
    Sam: Do we die?
    Matt: Roll a D20. (He just meant for a perception check)
  • Nott and Yasha's watch takes a turn for the insane when Nott, while discussing which of the others are suspicious and my have taken her flask, accidentally tells Yasha that Caleb killed his family. (Forgetting she didn't know) She tries to pass "I killed my whole family" off as "a figure of speech", with hilarious results.
    Nott: They're all so shifty ... I mean Caleb has killed his own family members, he could do anything.
    (Liam is incredulous. The group cracks up.)
    Yasha: What do you mean Caleb killed his whole family?
    Nott: ... You know ... it's a figure of speech where I'm from.
    Yasha: Like what does the figure of speech mean? Like how would you use it in a sentence?
    Nott: It's like ... It's like ... 'Do you have that money I owe you?' 'No, I don't have it yet. I killed my whole family! I'll have it for you next week!' It's sort of like a general ... like ...
    Yasha: Oh, so for you it's like 'I don't have my flask, I've killed my whole family!'
    Nott: Yeah, yeah, it's the equivalent to like 'Oh snap!'
    Yasha: Wait, where are you from again?
    Nott: It's ... it's a halfling thing. It's half— Listen I didn't mean to tell you that!
    Yasha: Yeah, I know I'll just make sure to use it in the group around everyone.
    Nott: Do not ever say that in front of the group at all, ever, please!
    Liam: [After the conversation is over] That was like a flaming dumpster rolling down a hill.
  • Travis is playing Jester due to Laura being absent. His attempt at her accent ends up sounding more like Borat, according to the rest of the cast.
  • Speaking of Travis playing Jester, he has her cast Pass Without Trace as the party crosses the bridge. When Caleb's Stealth checks are still going poorly, he attempts to cast Blessing of the Trickster to give him advantage on them. Except that Travis, having never played a cleric before, mixes up Blessing of the Trickster with the Bless spell, which he casts instead and which does nothing to help Stealth rolls. To make it worse, both Bless and Pass Without Trace are concentration spells, so the entire group lost their +10 Stealth bonus to give Caleb a buff that didn't help. Laura actually calls Travis' phone to yell at him for making this mistake.
    Liam: This is a one-of-a-kind marriage.
  • While on the middle of the bridge, Fjord wants Nott to use her Mage Hand and check one of the nearby cages over the chasm for loot. Problem is that they can't talk loudly...
    Sam: So you have to whisper that to Beau, who has to whisper it to Jester, who has to whisper it to Yasha, so by the time it gets to me, it sounds like...
    Nott: Fjord wants to stop and take a dump right now?!
    Fjord: (From the back of the line) *smiling, nodding, making grabbing motions with his hands*
    Liam as Nott: Catch it in my hand?
  • In one instance of the group being forced to make wisdom saves against the whispers, Fjord manages to roll a -1.
  • After Jester dives into the river of flesh and successfully saves Nott with Dimension Door... Nott fails her Wisdom save against the whispers and has to make a melee attack against Jester right after she saved her.
    • Travis is initially reluctant to follow Laura's orders and have Jester jump off the bridge, not wanting to be responsible if Jester dies when Laura's not present. Cue the rest of the table joking about him "disobeying orders".
      Sam: You're ignoring the launch command?
      Travis: I will not turn the key!

    Episode 69: The King's Cage 
  • Sam's D&D Beyond ad is about how he's a master debater. When the camera flashes to Matt a couple times, he's in an unmoving Face Palm during the whole spot.
    • Even better, later in the episode Caleb deadpans that he was a debater. The cast don't hesitate to ask him if he was a master at it.
  • During Fjord's turn, Marisha and Liam are having a quiet conversation between the two of them. When Travis finishes his turn and tunes in, he hears something that sounds... questionable out of context.
    Marisha: Yeah, the magical flying dick is the problem.
    Travis: (wheeze) I came in for the last sentence and it was a winner!
  • It's Black Comedy, but Yasha's rolls greatly improved once she was dominated by Obann's parting words. Normally it's a Natural 1 that causes the player to stop and stare, but Ashley had that reaction on a Natural 20.
  • Caleb critically punches himself. It Makes Sense in Context.
