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Funny / Animaniacs (2020)

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With Animaniacs being back on the air, you’ll be laughing till you collapse once again!

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  • The general premise of the Incredible Gnome in People's Mouths segment. It's a parody of The Incredible Hulk (1977), except instead of turning into a monster, the scientist turns into...a gnome. And he spends his days going inside of people's mouths and speaking for them when they cannot speak for themselves. It's utterly ridiculous you can't help but giggle.

    Season 1 
Jurassic Lark
  • The first scene shown at the virtual NYCC event, and also the Cold Opening to the very first episode of the series: a spot-on spoof of the iconic "Welcome to Jurassic Park" scene, complete with John Williams' score. Steven Spielberg replaces John Hammond, and the Warners replace the dinosaurs.
    • Also, Steven Spielberg says he 'reanimated' the Warners.
      Ian Malcolm: He— he did it. That, that, that, that crazy son of a gun actually did it.
    • A bit of Biting-the-Hand Humor: as Donald Gennaro realizes he'll make a fortune out of the Warners, he's dressed in clothes with the Hulu logo on them.
    • Right before the theme song starts, there's a brief but hilarious gag where Satler starts slapping Grant, who has fainted after learning that Spielberg also brought back Pinky and the Brain:
      Ellie Satler: (slapping) WAKE UP!!
  • During the verse, "A brand new cast who tested well in focus group research", a boy is seen being tested by executives while watching on a television. Said television then tips over and crushes him, catching the attention of Nora Rita Norita.
  • The first new variation of the theme song has Dot dressed in Animaniacs branded clothing, Warner Brothers sunglasses, pouring some Animaniacs branded cereal into a bowl, and carrying a bag filled with Animaniacs merch.

Suspended Animation Part 1

  • While the Warners are prepping their first lines, Yakko reminds everyone that they need to make them count. Jess Harnell and Rob Paulsen's impressions of each other are spot-on vocal imitations:
    Wakko: But you just wasted yours on, (imitating Yakko) "All right, guys, there's a lot of pressure on our first lines."
    Yakko: And YOU just wasted yours on, (mockingly imitates Wakko's accent) "But you just wasted yours on, 'All right, guys, there's a lot of pressure on our first lines.'"
    (Dot stares on at this in bewilderment)
  • Yakko constantly interrupts Dot before she can make a suggestion. She gets so mad that she pulls out a hammer and smashes her brothers — and thus is the ONLY one of the three to make good use of her first line:
    Dot: 22 years later and I'm still a knockout.
  • Nora Rita Norita, the new CEO, shows the siblings a tablet and explains that it contains all human knowledge. Clearly, the Warners are not caught up with today's technology; Yakko thinks that she means tablet = pill, so what does he do? Gets a glass of water and SWALLOWS it, and he proceeds to collapse from the information overload to his brain.
    Yakko: (in Wakko and Dot's arms) Quantum mechanics... quinoa wraps... Queen Bey... we've missed so much!
    • Then after he recovers:
      Yakko: But now... (leaps out of siblings' arms) I KNOW EVERYTHING! (flock of birds flap around him) ...About the last 22 years.
    • Wakko calls him out on this:
      Wakko: HEY! I'm the eatin' stuff guy!
    • In a Freeze-Frame Bonus, the tablet is on the in-universe Wikipedia, "Wiki-maniacs". It's even on the Animaniacs page!

Of Mice and Memes

  • Brain uploads his video in anticipation of high viewership. One like for it comes in, and he checks to see who was the first to enjoy it. It's only Pinky, much to Brain's chagrin.
  • The video that does get high viewership is also quite funny with Brain getting stuck in a globe he kicked and getting constantly hit by the marked mountains. And it all gets recorded by Pinky.
    Brain: No! Not the Himalayas!
  • This exchange. They haven't lost their touch.
    Brain: The Internet is the most powerful information sharing tool ever devised! And do you know what most humans use it for?
    Pinky: I do, but I don't think I can say it!
    Brain: Surprisingly, no, Pinky.
  • This bit:
    Brain: Genius, is it not? And all by manipulating the alpha waves of the human brain.
    Pinky: THERE'S A HUMAN YOU?!?!

Suspended Animation Part 2

  • During the “Reboot It” song, there’s a Freeze-Frame Bonus of a billboard with the title of ‘Looney Tunes Again’ complete with Bugs Bunny looking completely jaded and annoyed.
  • The Warner Siblings shame people for trying to use a reboot as a means to get quick cash without being creative - right after doing a musical number promoting the practice - and trying to be serious about it... then the camera pans out to show the Warners all wearing green clothes with the Hulu logo stamped all over them. Then, they are handed a check for 100 billion dollars from Hulu.
    Yakko: Hello. I'm Yakko Warner. And all joking aside: reboots are symptomatic of a fundamental lack of originality in Hollywood. A creativity crisis fueled by terrified executives clinging to the past like... rats, to the debris of a sinking ship.
    (camera pans out to show the Warners' Hulu-themed outfits)
    Dot: Yeah! Have you no shame??
    (check from Hulu slides onto screen)
    Offscreen voice: Here's your check for the Animaniacs reboot, you sellouts!
    (Yakko grins and takes the check. cue loads of money suddenly falling and spelling the word "Hulu")
    Wakko: Yeah, but when we sell out, we KNOW we're selling out, so it's cool.

Warners Unbound

  • The Warners have carpal tunnel syndrome from smiting. Cue Dot setting up a vacation spot for them on an island, only for Odysseus to ruin it.
  • Their first attempt is to send a Sea Monster with Justin Bieber appendages to swallow the boat. Odysseus gets entranced by the music and would rather party. The Warners would rather torment him further than let him die happy.
  • Meanwhile when Odysseus ends up in Hades, he thinks it's Aegean Ninja Warrior and shoots for a new record. Yakko's taken aback and asks "Is he... trying to WIN Hades?!" Wakko points out with confusion that there is no record in Hades; you're tortured for eternity.
  • After the Warners' first two attempts to punish Odysseus for being a Jerk Jock fail as he just likes them, they finally get him to submit with a cycloptic Trumplica.
  • Finally, Yakko tries to convince Dot to get rid of Cyclops as well but Dot refuses because those pesky Roman gods made him a demigod – or was it a demagogue? Cue Yakko and Wakko giving Dot an affectionate Death Glare.

How to Brain Your Dragon

  • Pinky gleefully acting as Brain's mighty steed.
    Pinky: Are you sure you don't want a turn, Brain?
    Brain: Seeing you happy is all the fulfillment I need, Pinky.
  • Pinky actually shouts “LEEROY JENKINS!”
  • The dragon turns out to be an over-dramatic aspiring theater performer.
    Benedict: Step, step, turn, and... jazz claws! Those four centuries of tap are finally paying off.
  • Pinky talks about Brain’s negative opinion on the arts.
    Pinky: But you HATE the arts, Brain! You always say that The Renaissance is French for bull–-
    (Gets smacked and falls down)

Suffragette City

  • The fact that this started out as a song about woman’s rights to vote and then about a third into the song, it becomes about cartoons getting the right to vote.
  • Dot calling the Loonatics “Whatever these guys are.” Followed by them looking sad.
  • Dot's reaction to finding out that cartoons do NOT have the right to vote:

Gold Meddlers

  • The buff athlete Nils kisses his muscular body.
  • Before they compete in the Greek Games:
    Wakko: Looks like we're gonna have to become...Gold Meddlers!
    Dot: Title of the sketch?
    Wakko: Title of the sketch.
    (the title flashes above the Warners' heads as they smugly grin at the camera)
  • For the high dive, Wakko and Dot's exchange in the commentary booth:
    Dot: Yakko really depends on the support of his family. I recently spoke to his brother.
    Wakko: And I recently spoke to his sister. They both agree:
    Both: He can't swim! (shrug)
  • For the Equestrian round, Dot summons a Winged Unicorn straight out of a Lisa Frank artwork... which tries to warn her about a horrible war in the voice of Jon Bailey.
    Dot: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Less talky, more flappy.
  • Right before this, we get this gem from the commentator's booth:
    Yakko: Ah, Equestrian. The event where the horse does all the work, and the human takes all the credit.
    Wakko: You'd know a lot about "taking all the credit", Mister Countries-of-the-World Song.
    • This becomes doubly hilarious when you remember Dot's reaction to Yakko reciting her Overly Long Name perfectly in "Cutie and the Beast" from the original run of the show: "Oh thank you, Mister United-States-Canada-Mexico-Panama. Big whoop." That's right: BOTH his siblings are jealous that he got arguably the most iconic song in the franchise.
    • And a brief piece of the song plays as Wakko complains about it.
  • Bill Nye's random cameo at the end.
  • "High jump! Now legal in 12 US states!"
  • "Volleyball! The sport for tall people who can’t dunk."
  • The medals were so heavy, that Nils sank into hell, where three demon judges each give him a 6.

Pinko and the Brain

  • Senator Garp is introduced complaining "Why would they call it 'congressional recess' if I can't even play on the big kids' swings?" Later he's seen playing on a fire-truck with some kids, meaning he was being quite literal.
  • Pinky is introduced with a ridiculously made-up face, thanks to coming from a cosmetics-testing plant.
  • Brain blackmails Senator Smith with pictures of him picking his nose and wiping it off on the Lincoln Memorial.
    Smith: You win this time, Garp, but I'll have the last laugh! Hah!
    Brain: Hah-hah!
    Smith: Dang it!
  • While Brain is blackmailing politicians, Pinky passes the time "binge-watching" the TV test pattern.
    Pinky: The purple one is in love with the yellow one but the green one keeps getting in the way. Oh, it's so dramatic!
  • The Running Gag of Brie dramatically eating mayonnaise when she gets suspicious of Brain-as-Garp.
  • The episode has this response to Brain's usual line, with a hilariously unexpected reference:
    Brain: Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
    Pinky: I think so, Brain. But what does a steam-powered giraffe even eat?
  • Brain being able to inadvertently guess people’s names correctly, with one of them being named “No Name.”
  • Brain's dramatic escape at the end of the cartoon is interrupted by him crashing into the Washington Monument, causing it to split in half width-wise and fall over.

Math-terpiece Theater

  • The short has a simple but amusing conceit: Dot spinning simple mathematical word problems into brief melodramas.
    Conductor: Train A leaves the station at 2:45, traveling forty miles per hour... Heaven help us!

Bun Control


  • Brain and his robot son’s bonding montage which starts off like the usual father-son activities, but it ends with them stealing stuff.


Good Warner Hunting

  • Early on in the episode, a tour guide gives a delightful Bait-and-Switch to her group.
    Tour Guide: And if you look to your left, you'll see the sound stage where they filmed Batman!
    Tour Group: Ooo!
    Tour Guide: Versus Superman!
    Tour Group: Awww...
  • Dot sees that the hunter, Walter C. Grubb, has a wedding ring. After getting a look at him, she says that he must have a great personality, Wakko thinks it’s because he’s rich and Yakko says it could be a green card marriage.
    Walter C. Grubb: Là Señora Grubb loves me very much!
  • Grubb reads the Warners a book and it calls him “A poor man’s Elmer Fudd.”
  • After the Warners repeatedly mock Grubb's unusually small feet during his fake peace offering, he jumps up and down angrily shouting "Not!! Baby-sized!! Footsteps!!".
  • The entire lawyer call bit.
  • The short ends with the other Animaniacs characters chasing Chicken Boo after he hunted them down for revenge.

Equal Time

  • Wakko trying to sing his States and Capitals song, only to be disappointed that's it all the same, implying he's disappointed no new states and capitals have been added since the original show ended.
  • The entire Jonny Thanksgiving campaign.
    Russian 1: Do you think the American peoples will go for a drone president?
    Russian 2: Why not? He’s more human than the last guy!

No Brainer

Ralph Cam

The Cutening

  • Dot turns everything cutesy, even the usually no-nonsense Nora Rita Norita. Also, in a way, the Warners going insane from the excessive cuteness and singing for 28 days can count. Yakko even ends up having sugar in his eyes.
  • “I’m pretending to listen to the news like a adult!”
  • Dot becomes cuter after eating a really cute cupcake. She asks if it’s okay to eat it, but does it anyway before it can get a word in.
  • Everything gets turn back to normal after the Warners lick a gross pigeon, only for them to end up with pigeon bodies.

Close Encounters of the Worst Kind

Warner She Wrote

  • The train conductor and his tic of mixing up "M" words.
    • "A mop that mummified merrily missed Mississippi on the black mamba!"note 
  • Then the one time he got an "M" word right, the Warners "congratulated" him and tricked him into untying the dog, which attacks him.
  • This culminates in an incredible joke near the end of the skit:
    Conductor: Somebody get this little monster trucker off of me!
    Wakko: Ooh! I think he meant mo–
    Yakko: (covering his brother’s mouth) No no no. Not in front of the kids.
  • This exchange:
    Dot: I feel like we’ve been here before.
    Yakko: Yeah, well that’s how we make television in 2020. (Does the Charleston and Yakko, Wakko, and Dot pose) REBOOT!
  • The entirety of Hercule Yakko’s interrogations in this episode also qualify, especially when Yakko starts interrogating himself.
  • Yakko’s irritation with the yappy dog:
    Yakko: Can you tell your dog to put a sock in it, please? Some of us are trying to lie quietly in bed, contemplating the brief nature of our existence!
  • This exchange when the trio are looking for clues:
    Dot: Let's do some police work! You know, tear the room apart and put nothing back where we found it!
    Yakko: Agreed!
  • Yakko forgets what his name was in the segment, so he goes with "The Great Yakkini".
  • This.
    Conductor: There's been a murder!
    Wakko: On a kid’s show?
  • When Yakko find a chloroform handkerchief with Dot's name on it, he starts to suspect Dot kidnapped Gigi, but she tells him she lost the handkerchief showing a magic trick involving putting it over salt and pepper shakers to a moose. She removes the handkerchief, and the shakers are still there, then she quizzes "but where is the handkerchief?" prompting the moose to have an instant Freak Out.
  • Wakko becomes the next suspect, but he counters that he was taking a bath... in the punch bowl.
    Passenger: Ahem. This punch-line is taking far too long.

France France Revolution

  • After Marie-Antoinette catches the Warners gorging themselves on her cakes:
    Marie Antoinette: Ugh, zhis is ze problem with being rich!
    Yakko: Your only other nickname is Dick?
  • After getting fed up with the Warners, Marie makes a slow-motion "exit dramatique".
  • Yakko’s dramatic way he was put in the pillory: upside down, while yelling "CROQUE MONSIEUR!" at the top of his lungs.
  • The episode ends with the Warners giving Marie Antoinette her "prize" for finally saying "Let them eat cake", a la, "Wheel of Fortune", which is sentencing her to house arrest until the monarchy is abolished. Long story short, they confronted Marie Antoinette, in a dramatic fashion and in the form of a game show, and won.
    Yakko: [triumphantly as Wakko and Dot stand with him, victorious] And good luck at that Revolutionary tribunal, huh? I hear they can be a real... pain in the neck! [laughs and slaps his knee] Goodnight, everybody!
    [The Warners wink at the camera]
    • And to top it off, as soon as the screen cuts to black, nothing is visible except for Yakko's head as it falls off, foreshadowing that Marie Antoinette is eventually executed by guillotine.

Gift Rapper

  • “Yeah, hi. Yakko Warner, first-time listener, short-time hater.”
  • When Jay-Pac le East disses Shakespeare, Yakko takes grave offence at "Big Willy Shakes" being insulted.
  • The escalating mic drops that Yakko did at the end of his rap.
  • A cheering fan gets so excited that he explodes out of nowhere. Everyone then appears surprised, only to turn away like nothing happened.
  • Some of the disses are pretty funny, like Jay-Pac calling the Warners (accurately) a reboot of a reboot of the Marx Brothers.

Who Donut

  • When standing in the middle of the crime scene in the tower, Dot asks Yakko to turn on the black light. He does, and then dozens of party-goers and a rave appear out of nowhere, then vanish again once the normal lights are back on.
  • Literally the whole scene with the "pun gun".
  • The scene where the Warners interrogate Ralph.
    Dot: Don't get smart with me!
    Ralph: I couldn't if I wanted! (bursts into tears)
    • Then Dot presses a button which opens Ralph's booth to inexplicably reveal that they're in the sky. The Warners, now in sky diving gear, tie an anvil to Ralph, causing him to plummet at rapid speed. A blink-and-you-miss-it moment of Black Comedy/Surprisingly Realistic Outcome follows: as the three prepare to land in Norita's office? You can see Ralph on the ground, surrounded by concerned onlookers, along with an ambulance. Which is later seen speeding past.
  • When the Warners accuse Ms. Norita of eating Wakko's donuts, she goes into a burst of incredulous laughter that lasts so long that even the Warners start to get creeped out.
  • Yakko suggests solving the mystery by "going back to the beginning", then they go back to the beginning of the theme song.
    Warners: 🎵It's time for Animaniacs! 🎵
    Yakko: No, stop! STOP! (theme song comes screeching to a halt) I meant the hipster neighborhood where Wakko bought his donuts, you DUMB whoever-you-are!
    Director: Okay, fine! And I'm not dumb!

Mousechurian Candidate

  • Brain's ingredients for the perfect First Lady include Nancy Reagan's pearls, Hillary Clinton's pantsuit, Jackie Onassis Kennedy's hat, and a copy of Barbara Bush's memories "written from her dog's perspective".
    Brain: J-37, from the moment I set eyes on you — (checks watch) twenty minutes ago — I wanted to edit your DNA against your will and ask you one question. (gets down on one knee and offers up a ring) Will you be my First Lady?
    Julia: Hmmm... Fine! (takes the ring) But I'm changing my name to Julia, keeping my own bank account, and I already told my parents we'd go to their place for Thanksgiving! (laughs a short haughty laugh as she admires the ring)
    Brain: (aside) Hmm. Perhaps a tad too much Hillary Clinton...
  • Julia somehow manages to win the Senate race as a write-in candidate. The second-place winner was a write-in for Updog.
  • Pinky complains about how he's always getting catfished and has no idea if any potential dates of his are real. It turns out this particular prospect is an actual catfish. Brain can only ignore him and turn around.

Starbox and Cindy

  • Starbox suffers all sorts of Amusing Injuries during his escape attempts, from being man-handled like a rubber toy to being used to line a bird's nest.
  • Cindy's rambling child-like stories are pretty amusing, like the one about finding a one-horned triceratops in a blind-bag dinosaur egg or her monologue about tigers.

Here Comes Treble

  • The many Warner clones getting rid of the actual orchestra people.
  • Right before playing playing "Turkey In The Straw" once more at the end of the short, the Warner clones toss roses at the real Warners, giving Yakko an impromptu baton to torture the conductor once more. Since when have we seen the Warners cheering themselves on?

That’s Not The Issue

  • The Warners constantly getting Tuck Buckerson’s name wrong.
  • The Warners messing with Tuck's teleprompter at the end.
    Tuck Buckerson: I'm Dump Truckerson, and I'm a giant baby who wears ladybug diapers... Wait, that's not the line!

Future Brain

  • One of the nominees for the movie award was a laptop.
  • This variant of the Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering? bit is worth noting:
    Future Brain: Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
    Pinky: I think so, Future Brain. But if you really are from the future, don’t you already know that I’m not?

The Incredible Gnome That Lives In People’s Mouths

  • Just the title alone should give you an idea of how hilariously absurd this one is...


  • A Russian bootleg version of the original show made as Putin propaganda. The short is basically one long Take That! to Russian media and the whole thing is just hysterical.
    • They even manage to slam both the Russian government and Trump near the end of the episode:
      Russian guide: I apologize for my countrymen. Russians are good people. We just have egotistical idiot in power.
      Yakko: We know the feeling, comrade.
  • Then there's Yakko's reaction to his Russian knockoff calling himself an "ignorant plebeian":
    Yakko: (outraged) Hey! I am NOT an ignorant plebeian! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!
  • Before their musical number on the Russian Anima-nyet set, it cuts to the person who will be playing the piano (As Himself!):
    Wakko: Original Animaniacs composer, Randy Rogel?
    Randy (whispering): Help me... (motions to the ball & chain on his ankle)
    • Then during the song, he's using a saw on the chain to try and cut himself free while simultaneously playing the piano.
  • The Warners when they found out how the Russians know everything about them.
    Yakko: HEY! This is America! Only the NSA is allowed to do that!
  • The Warners watch a Venezuelan version of The Price is Right where they're bidding on a kilogram of maize (corn), with the retail price being 400 million bolivars. But as the winner celebrates, the host gets an update that maize is now 10 billion bolivars. The contestants chase him.

The Warners' Press Conference

  • Pretty much ALL the "breaking news" scrolling across the bottom of the screen:
    "Taco Cat spelled the same forwards and backwards"
    “If you can read this, scientists say you might be a dog that has learned to read”
    “Trolls online speculating reboot not as good as original before it has aired”
    “Meat sweats is now #3 cause of sweats in the US”
    “Generic ear buds just as good as name brand ones, says deceitful mom.”
    “Basketball will now be played with this volleyball, says babysitter who can’t find basketball”
    Wakko's Wish now the highest grossing Animaniacs movie of 1999"
    “United States, Canada, Mexico, Peru”
    “Sports are an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment”
    “Help, I’m trapped in news scroll factory and I can’t get out”
    “Steven Spielberg’s home phone number is”
    (Episode ends)
  • Yakko changing costumes eight times throughout the conference, with nobody commenting on it.

Bride of Pinky

  • This gem of dialogue:
    Villager: "Get out your pitchforks!"
    Other Villager: "I brought my pitch-spork!"
    * Beat*
    First Villager: *Face Palm*"...Stop trying to make pitch-sporks happen, Dave."
  • The monster ate the wedding planners and then hugged Pinky so tight, that he ends up in her rib cage, squeezed right in the middle of the planners.

Manny Manspreader

  • The Warner Siblings basically trying to get both sides of the theater against each other in ordered to deal with the manspreader.
  • “I don’t need a mansplaining song about manspreading.”

Hindenburg Cola

  • This gem:
    Yakko: Aw... This isn't any fun if he doesn't fight back...
    Wakko: Like the end of Rocky V!
    Dot: It just feels sad, and empty...
    Wakko: Like the end of Rocky V!
  • The dramatic way that Dr. Scratchansniff says, "Hindenburg Cola." Thrice.
  • Nils brags that no one tried to stop him when he escaped from Hell, but the Reveal Shot of his backside smoldering and with a pitchfork sticking out of it says otherwise.
  • Wakko's nonchalant delivery of "I thought you were in Hell" with a big, earnest smile on his face.
  • The little old lady whom Nils vaulted over to get at the soda scowls angrily and lets the Warners borrow her mobility scooter to chase Nils down.
  • Yakko interrupting a slo-mo bit to spit out this gem:
    Yakko: Hey! Zack Snyder! It’s a seven-minute segment! Move it along!
  • Nils falls into hell once more, where the same demon judges from before give him two 6s and a 5 since the last judge deducted a point for meta-humor. Followed by the judge dramatically saying “Meta-Humor” thrice.

Roadent Trip

  • When Brain goes hysterical after being in the car for so long, he eats an air freshener.
  • Brain's backstory was quite tragic, but then we enter Mood Whiplash territory when Pinky revealed his (which was tasting the difference between cheeses). As you can imagine, Brain is furious.

    Season 2 
Rome Sweet Rome
  • When Nero gets attacked by tigers:
    Yakko: (very quickly) Goodnight, everybody!
    Nero: —CATS!!
  • Nils Niedhart make a return as a barbarian. How do the Warners deal with him this time? By contacting Universal to get a DMCA takedown filed to ban references to Conan the Barbarian (1982) in the episode.

Backwards Pinky

  • When they fuse together, Brain starts to think like Pinky.
  • The Backwards Gary videos.

Rug of War

  • The minute Yakko starts up another musical number for the episode, Dot, hearing the music cue, says "Oh, God", hinting that she knows when the musical number is about to start.
    • This is practically the first time "Oh, God" or "Oh my God" is heard on the Animaniacs franchise.
    • It was also ad-libbed by Tress MacNeille herself.
  • Dot takes off her glove to reveal a green-glowing monkey’s paw.

The Flawed Couple

  • Brain’s constant meltdowns whenever they do a sitcom.
  • Brain doing a parody of The Carlton. Nuff said.
  • The cameo by Larry, who was Remember the New Guy? personified.

Run Pinky Run

  • When Brain says his usual closer catchphrase, they loop several times before Brain takes the device causing the loop and smashes it.

My Super Sour 16

  • The Warners stuck Ralph to their wall with wallpaper. He has a rather non-sequitur comment.
    "Uuuh, I'm Ralph and you're glue. Whatever wallpaper you stuck to me, it's now stuck to me too."
  • Nora realizes that the Warners are present after her daughter's meltdown.
    Dot: Is that your daughter?
    Wakko: Why is she so angry?
    Yakko: Did she find out she's related to you?
  • One member of the Band, Boystorm says that they went to community college to learn plumbing. When Yakko points out that they're supposed to be sixteen, another band member says that they ARE sixteen, only for his wig to fall off to reveal a balding head.

How To: Brain Takes Over the World.

  • The general idea that this is a parody of social media, specifically YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat, and Pinky's essentially posting Brain's plan on these platforms.
  • Pinky putting filters on Brain's face while he's explaining his plan.
  • The bingo announcer getting a heatstroke and going insane as a side effect of Brain’s plan.
  • Brain's plan ends up failing because Pinky ended up livestreaming it, and his 3 million followers ended up getting the lottery money.

The Warners are Present

  • While looking at the paintings, Wakko sees one and says “I don’t get it.” and the painting is a mountain and in the sky it reads in big letters: "I DON'T GET IT."
  • The painting they do get is a painting of Daffy Duck in a surprise cameo, being painted by a caricature of Friz Freleng.

The Pinktator

  • Brain's attempt at doing an Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering? with Pinky doesn't work when there's an audience and he wants an off-the-wall answer.
    Brain: Say, Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
    Pinky: No.
  • The Submarine has a self-destruct button that Pinky immediately press once they enter.

Yakko's Big Idea

  • The Dragons' Den parody, "Pitch Me, I'm Dreaming". Instead of merely being rejected by the people being pitched to, the contestants are dropped through a trap door into a pit of fire.
    • After Yakko reveals that he made Yakktopia WB-1 up, Wakko and Dot threaten to do the same to him — leading him to desperately come up with more and more ridiculous pitch ideas as he dodges the increasing trap doors, which include pants made from the hair of balding men, a collapsable pitch fork (for the rioter on the go!), and pork yogurt.

Mouse Congeniality

  • The man at the sign up desk always starts his sentences with “You and me both, pal.” He does this because he was cursed by a witch he cut off in traffic.
  • Putin was playing a game of FMK, and when he said he’d kill Chris Pine, his bodyguards arm themselves but Putin tells them to not actually do that.

Rejected Animaniacs Characters

  • While "Mime and Meme" is a hilariously ridiculous premise in itself, one scene in particular is a smartphone getting a text from someone telling them that they're pregnant. What meme do they respond with? "I HATE MONDAYS".
  • "Aqua Claus" was done in an art style similar to Clutch Cargo, complete with Synchro-Vox.
    Aqua Claus: Ho, Ho, HOPE YOU CAN SWIM!

Yakko Amakko

  • This full-on Duck Amuck parody finds an unnamed artist tormenting Yakko, messing with him in various ways. Yakko even lampshades that this 'animator tormenting the character' schtick had been done already, even as Yakko is being erased by the tablet pen.
    • When he’s redrawn, he looks like his original 1993 appearance, which freaks him out.
  • At one point, Yakko tries to sing a swinging version of his Signature Song, "Nations of the World", only for the animator to change his voice to Ralph's, then to Dot's, and then to Wakko's. Yakko actually stops for a moment to use Wakko's voice to imitate Ringo Starr before the animator changes his voice back to normal.
    Yakko: (normal voice) You know, I was always more of a George guy anyway.
  • Pepé Le Pew's cameo. Look up any clip of that and most comments will claim that's why he wasn't in Space Jam: A New Legacy.

Happy Narfday

  • Pinky’s birthday montage.

Wakiver Twist Part 1

  • It takes the Warners about a ten second, nineteen frame montage to get to London.
  • Apparently, not wearing pants is in Wakko’s contract.

Plight of Hands

  • Pinky gets arrested but manages to escape with the help from his evil hands.
    Pinky: They tried to take me into the station for questioning. And then, remember that scene from Silence of the Lambs? It was kind of like that except I didn’t need to steal anyone’s face! (Ominously and visibly horrified) My hands… just did it for fun…

Wakiver Twist Part 2

  • Yakko singing a 19th century version of Yakko's World.
  • Yakko abruptly cuts off Scratchensniff’s song before he could say the next line.
    Scrachensniff: If it should chance to be that you have made a small mistake, or need a bathroom break, tough luck! So, go out and sing and dance, and if you pee your pants, then I don't give a--
    Yakko: Goodnight everybody!
  • The episode ends with Pinky and the Brain piloting a steampunk elephant out to destroy London and Yakko points out that they should have followed that plot instead of being a thinly veiled commentary on worker mistreatment.

Mouse Madness

Christopher Columbusted

  • The Pun Counter during the episode as Yakko, Wakko and Dot decide on having it due to the many nautical and sailing puns in the episode. After the fourth pun, the others start to get sick of it, with Yakko unintentionally giving off more puns, and Wakko accidentally contributing another one in when they're in a dire situation. It eventually comes to a point where Yakko tries to say a sentence that isn't a pun to sailing, only to find it difficult, especially when the pun counter tries to roll up between numbers.
  • When Wakko explains how Hispaniola is modern day Haiti and the Republic Dominican, Dot shuts Wakko's mouth, shushing him, worried that just saying those countries would make Yakko sing his Signature Song again, with Yakko (already wearing his teacher's cap and holding his teaching stick) walking up eagerly, hoping to sing the song.
  • The Warners are visibly shocked when they learn about the true history of Christopher Columbus.
  • When the Warners are sailing, a shark leaps out of the ocean over them, and Yakko announces they are so meta the shark jumped them.

Reichenbrain Falls

  • Pinky eats a sponge that he thinks is astronaut ice cream. Of course, this is actually Julia disguised as Pinky, but the fact that this is something the real Pinky would actually do — and the thought of JULIA eating a kitchen sponge — is hilarious in itself.

A Brief History of History

Exercise Minute

  • The Warners exercise video features a mayfly who has a short life span and she gets older as the segment progresses until it ends with the Warners at her funeral.

Warner’s Ark

  • The animals on the Warner’s Ark are all the mythical creatures and cryptids from history.
  • The whole episode, the Warners tried to find out who a giant purple egg belonged to and by the end it turns out the egg was Chicken Boo.

The Apology

  • The entire video is a YouTuber Apology Parody.
  • Why are the Warners apologizing? They called Ralph a "silly goose", which apparently offended a lot of geese. They then realized what they did was completely fine and start relaxing in the pool.
    • The dislikes start rapidly increasing as they stop apologizing.

The Warner's Vault

  • Dot's rant at the very end. Including the Death Glare she gives to Yakko and Wakko.
    • It is also Hilarious in Hindsight, when fans thought they're gonna get a sentimental moment with the Warners watching home movies from when they were little, and have a sentimental sibling moment. Nope. We still get a sibling moment, but it's the opposite of sentimental...

80’s Cats

23 and WB

  • When the Warners invade her office, Nora asks Ralph to do something and he dances like a ballerina.
  • When Ralph tries to capture the Warners, they trick him into fall out the window where he lands in a coffin that gets hauled away in a truck. Later, Nora asks him to retrieve a ball weight that she threw out, only for Ralph to end up in the same exact situation as before.
  • Ralph’s movie pitches, which are just DC superhero movies, but with food.

    Season 3 
  • Earlier, while Wakko is explaining the concept of Easter Eggs, Slappy Squirrel passes by dragging Chicken Boo...for some reason.
  • When the Warners are sucked into a video game, Wakko is disappointed over getting a "lame spin, just like that orange marsupial guy!"
    • Worthy of note is that Jess Harnell voices both Crash and Wakko.
    Wakko: I guess I do kind of sound like him.

Slappy's Return

  • Slappy Squirrel makes her first appearance since 1999...only, in true Slappy fashion, to yell at a crowd of fans for not letting her retire in peace.
    Slappy: (dumping giant sack of letters) And here's your fanmail back! Who actually writes letters anymore?!
