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Characters / Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! - Empty SEKAI

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Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! Characters
Main Units: Leo/Need | More More Jump! | Vivid Bad Squad | Wonderlands X Showtime | Nightcord at 25:00 | Virtual Singers

SEKAI: School | Stage | Street | Wonderland | Empty | Seven Deadly Sins

Due to the heavy ties the Empty SEKAI has to N25's main story, all spoilers related to the main story will be unmarked. You Have Been Warned.

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A SEKAI born from the feelings of "that girl", where the Virtual Singers reside in an empty and uninhabited world.
  • Bad Mood Retreat: This SEKAI primarily serves as one to Mafuyu, who always comes to SEKAI whenever she feels upset or scared. What Lies Beyond Guiding a Lost Child shows that sometimes Mafuyu even sleeps in the Empty SEKAI (with Miku and Len by her side) when she can't fall asleep in her own room.
    • The other members of N25 have also used it for the same purpose, such as Ena going there when she wanted to quit art in Insatiable Pale Color, and Mizuki frequently going there alone to think about things.
  • Creepy Monotone: The Virtual Singers in this SEKAI tend to speak with a flatter, less expressive tone of voice.
  • Darker and Edgier: Like Nightcord at 25:00, the Virtual Singers are overall less happy here than they are in other SEKAI, with many of them having dour or mean aspects to their personalities.
  • Dreary Half-Lidded Eyes: The Virtual Singers in this SEKAI often sport these, emphasizing their less expressive personalities in comparison to the Virtual Singers in the other SEKAI.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: Miku has these. Downplayed for the other Virtual Singers, who have noticably fewer and smaller highlights in their eyes like Mafuyu, as opposed to them being completely dull like Miku's.
  • Dysfunction Junction: Like the unit they're supporting, the Virtual Singers in this SEKAI are the most dysfunctional versions of them, with most of them not really getting along with each other. For example, Luka and MEIKO, who are typically very close in other SEKAI, are outright opposed to each other in this one, Len is fearful of everyone that isn't Miku, and KAITO is dismissive and hostile toward everyone.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: All of the Virtual Singers in this SEKAI wear this style of clothing.
  • Fisher King: This SEKAI is solely tied to the mental and emotional state of Mafuyu Asahina, which explains why it started with only Miku and takes the longest to introduce new Virtual Singers.
    Miku: You no longer felt alone, and I stopped being alone as a result.
  • Gentle Touch vs. Firm Hand: The way most of the Virtual Singers choose to guide N25 falls into these two categories, with Miku, Rin, and Len representing the Gentle Touch, while Luka and KAITO represent the Firm Hand. MEIKO stands out among them because she chooses not to get involved in conflicts if she can help it.
  • Meaningful Appearance:
    • The Virtual Singers with more youthful personalities and innocence regarding Mafuyu (Miku, Rin, Len) primarily wear white and black, while the Virtual Singers with more mature personalities and realistic outlooks on Mafuyu's situation (MEIKO, Luka, KAITO) primarily wear gray and black. The amount of gray also seems to imply the degree of "corruption", as Rin has a bit of gray in her otherwise white and black outfit and has the harshest personality of the "younger" Virtual Singers, while KAITO wears the grayest outfit, and is the least sympathetic of all the Virtual Singers.
    • Counterpart Virtual Singers appear to have some design motifs in common:
      • MEIKO and Luka are at odds with each other regarding how they should guide the Nightcord group and both wear wrist ribbons on opposite wrists.
      • Rin and Len both wear bright red ribbons that are tied unevenly on opposite sides.
      • Both Miku and KAITO wear chest belts as an accessory and are representative of different extremes of Mafuyu's emotional state. They are also the first and last of the Virtual Singers to appear in Empty SEKAI, respectively.
  • Mirror Character: While they're all born from changes in Mafuyu's character, nearly every Virtual Singer in this SEKAI has a counterpart in one or more of the members of N25.
  • Nice, Mean, and In-Between:
  • Satellite Character: In stark contrast to the Virtual Singers from other SEKAI, the Virtual Singers in this SEKAI don't have roles beyond assisting the members of Nightcord at 25:00. When they're not around, the Virtual Singers play Cat's Cradle or some other activity left for them and wait for them to return. This is highlighted in the 2022 April Fools' Day Area Conversations, where the Virtual Singers from other SEKAI are surprised that they don't do anything aside from guiding their assigned unit.
  • The Stoic: The Virtual Singers of this SEKAI show little emotion aside from Len, KAITO and Luka, and even their range of expression is limited compared to their counterparts in other SEKAI.
  • Vague Age: As with every SEKAI, their ages are not explicitly stated, though Miku and especially Len have innocent and childlike personalities, and are treated like younger siblings, both by N25 and the other Virtual Singers.

    Hatsune Miku
Come quickly...
Debut Appearance

Miku as she appears in Nightcord at 25:00's Empty SEKAI, where she's initially the mysterious sole inhabitant of the SEKAI.

She is Empty SEKAI's primary Virtual Singer.

  • Adorably Precocious Child: Downplayed in that she doesn't act like an adult, but Miku tries her best to take care of Mafuyu and help her find her true feelings, especially at the beginning where she's the sole inhabitant of the SEKAI, despite clearly being Everyone's Baby Sister.
    • Gets somewhat Deconstructed in KAITO's first side story, "Fury Incarnate". When KAITO started grilling her about Mafuyu's situation and asking tough questions, it's clear that Miku is out of her depth; she looks shocked at hearing the word "destroy", couldn't really answer any of his questions, and just looks so sad and lost throughout the whole thing. It really brings an image of a little sister who forced herself to grow up to take care of her older sister despite not really knowing how, and KAITO accusing Miku of coddling Mafuyu too much might be because she really doesn't know what to do except to provide some company and comfort for her.
  • Character Development: In the beginning, Miku is an Emotionless Girl who always prioritizes others' needs and well-being before herself; she's always there to listen and offer her company whenever Mafuyu or the other N25 members need her, but otherwise never seeks them out because she doesn't want to get in the way of their lives despite often feeling lonely and craving for company, reflecting Mafuyu's Extreme Doormat tendencies of always putting others before herself. As the story goes on and Mafuyu starts to regain her sense of self, Miku appropriately starts to slowly gain the ability to feel genuine emotions, which is reflected in her cards getting brighter and less dreary over time. She also starts to make requests for herself, such as asking Mafuyu if she could help her to see snow or asking Mafuyu to play cat's cradle with her.
  • Cool Big Sis: She becomes one to Len after he arrives in the SEKAI, despite the two not being related.
  • Costume Evolution: On the third anniversary of the game, she received a new outfit that is very similar in style and silhouette to her original outfit, but with some differences, such as her chest belt being replaced with a proper halter to hold up her skirt and her ribbon being replaced with what appears to be a red tie. Her white hair ribbons have also been replaced with properly tied, striped black and white ones, though her pigtails remain lopsidedly tied, and she now wears tights on both legs along with a pair of black shoes.
  • Commonality Connection:
    • Arguably a big part of why she's so close to Mafuyu. When Mafuyu first gave birth to the Empty SEKAI - and thus this version of Miku - both were emotionless girls who were alone in their respective worlds, and as such both derived comfort from the other's presence as they had nobody else but each other before the conclusion of N25's main story. This initial period was long enough that the two managed to forge the strongest bond between a human and a Virtual Singer among the cast.
    • She and Len both have a strong connection to Mafuyu, while the other Virtual Singers are more connected to the other members of N25. Because of this, they instantly bond when Len appears.
    • She also makes attempts to include and bond with KAITO despite his often repeated attempts to dismiss her, likely due in part to his strong emotional connection to Mafuyu.
  • The Confidant: Miku serves as one to Mafuyu, being practically the only person she could drop her mask and just be herself around at the beginning. Even after Mafuyu becomes more open and honest with the other N25 members after the events of the main story, Miku remains the only one she shares her more private thoughts and doubts with.
  • Devoted to You: While she cares for everyone in N25, more than anyone else Miku is absolutely devoted to Mafuyu, staying with her through thick and thin and always being there for Mafuyu to lean on. She admits as much in the "Under the First Snow" side story:
    Miku: I'm here to sing just for you, Mafuyu. I'll be happy as long as I'm able to do that.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: She has this in contrast with the other versions of Miku, reflecting Mafuyu, the creator of the Empty SEKAI. Her eyes do gain some shine on very rare occasions, likely reflecting that she's beginning to feel genuine emotions.
  • Emotionless Girl: She's not emotionless, but her emotional expression is so muted that she almost appears to be. Lampshaded in an Area Conversation that appears after buying the Mirror for Empty SEKAI, where Miku makes some faces in the mirror and doesn't see any difference in her expressions. As she begins to experience new feelings at the same pace that Mafuyu develops emotions, she gradually becomes more expressive.
  • Everyone's Baby Sister:
    • Serves as one to N25, and everyone dotes on her whenever they visit: Kanade brings her CDs to listen to, Mafuyu routinely visits her before 1 AM and sometimes has tea parties with her, Ena draws some exclusive illustrations for her and brings her coloring books, and Mizuki taught her how to play cat's cradle so she'd have something to do when they're not around, not to mention everyone giving her some clothes to help keep her warm in the winter. She is practically the one person in N25 that everyone (including the other Virtual Singers) gets along with, and even KAITO eventually warmed up to her.
    • She also played this role among Miku's SEKAI incarnations in the 2022 April Fools' Day event. When they all chat and tell each other about what they do in their respective SEKAI, she quietly laments that unlike them, she doesn't have anything to show them because her SEKAI is empty, so she usually just plays cat's cradle while waiting for N25 to show up. The others quickly show their support, telling her that it's a cute hobby and ask her to show them how to do it, much like how older siblings might try to make sure their younger sibling doesn't feel left out.
    • Once again happened in 2023 April Fools' Day, where she became this to the Pure Heart class, especially Shizuku, who brought her picture books to read and explicitly says that she feels like she now has another little sister to dote on.
  • First Snow: While she knew about it, Miku had never seen snow before. She finally managed to see a snowflake up close with Mafuyu's assistance in "Straightforward Lyrics", even if she couldn't touch it as a hologram, and fittingly enough the card's skill is named after this trope verbatim.
  • Foil: To KAITO.
  • Freaky Fashion, Mild Mind: Like the other Virtual Singers in this SEKAI, she's an Elegant Gothic Lolita with an unexpressive, almost soulless-looking face. However, unlike most of the other Virtual Singers in this SEKAI, she isn't cold or abrasive, and has a very gentle and caring, if quiet, personality.
  • Good Angel, Bad Angel: In Saying Goodbye to the Masked Me, she's the Good Angel to KAITO's Bad Angel when they accompany Mafuyu to face her mother, being gentle and protective in giving advice, but in a subversion of the trope it was only by having both Miku and KAITO did Mafuyu manage to resist her mother's manipulation and tell her her true feelings; in her case, Miku helps Mafuyu to remember the warmth that she felt with N25, and thus made her realize that her mother had long stopped giving her the same genuine love and care that she received from Kanade, Ena and Mizuki.
  • Hates Being Alone: She doesn't express it much, but her appreciation for being visited by N25 no matter the reason, and preferring to be around the other Virtual Singers when N25 isn't around implies this trope. She occasionally admitted to being bored and lonely before Rin showed up.
  • The Heart: As more and more Virtual Singers came into the Empty SEKAI, it's clear that Miku is the emotional center of the SEKAI; Rin is too much of a Tsundere, MEIKO is too aloof, Luka loves messing around too much, Len is too shy and nervous, and KAITO is too blunt and aggressive. As such, it's no wonder that she is the closest Virtual Singer to Mafuyu, with Mafuyu usually listening to what Miku has to say and rarely refusing any requests or suggestions that she makes.
    • This is perhaps best shown in Saying Goodbye to the Masked Me. When KAITO said that she has to snap and fight back against her mother with everything she has lest she truly lose everything, Mafuyu has trouble accepting it because of how aggressive and blunt he is despite him being correct in his assessment; Miku then proceeds to say it in a more gentle manner, focusing not on fighting back or hurting Mafuyu's mother, but on protecting Mafuyu's own heart and how she doesn't want to see it break. Similarly, Miku doesn't ask Mafuyu to snap or fight back; instead, she asks Mafuyu to talk with her mother and tell her how she really feels, and that she'd always be there to support Mafuyu. Both ultimately deliver the same message, but it's rather telling that Mafuyu only agreed to do it after listening to what Miku had to say.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: A downplayed example. Despite often feeling lonely and missing the N25 members when they're not around, Miku never goes out of her way to seek them out deliberately unless it's important, thinking that them not visiting the SEKAI means they're having a good time in the real world. Luka had to physically drag her to visit N25 in the real world so Miku could see them when they're happy and don't need their help for once in the Someday, From the Depths of Despair event.
    Miku: No one's come here lately... But... Maybe that's for the best... I hope they're all doing well...
  • Kiddie Kid: It's unknown whether she's supposed to be Miku's default age of 16, but she has a very innocent and childlike personality, and she's often treated like a young child by the others.
  • Literal-Minded: As shown in an Area Conversation with Kanade, she doesn't really get figures of speech and takes what people say literally.
    Kanade: (...) The sun shines in through the gaps in the curtains and if I'm not careful, I blind myself.
    Miku: Y-You blind yourself?!
    Kanade: Oh, that's just an expression. I don't actually go blind.
  • Living Emotional Crutch:
    • She's one to Mafuyu, especially before the events of N25's main story, as Miku was practically the only reason why Mafuyu managed to hold out for so long from "disappearing". It's lessened after the main story as Mafuyu now has the rest of N25 to lean on as well, but even as of Searching for a Reflection Beneath the Waters, Miku is still the first one Mafuyu seeks when she feels lonely or hurt.
    • She's also one to Len, who seeks her out at clings to her whenever he feels scared.
  • Messy Hair: Unlike the other versions of Miku, her pigtails are tied unevenly and her hair looks messier in general.
  • Mirror Character: To Mafuyu and Kanade.
    • Just like Mafuyu, Miku is an Emotionless Girl who nevertheless tries her best to make everyone around her happy, putting them first ahead of her own wants and needs; and like Mafuyu who is devoted to her mother, Miku is devoted to Mafuyu.
    • Her quiet and socially awkward, but deeply caring and innocently naive personality is reminiscent of Kanade's, as is her desire and dedication to saving Mafuyu.
  • Morality Pet: A Downplayed example. When not putting up her "good girl" front, Mafuyu can be rather indifferent and brutally honest to people, including the other N25 members, but she notably treats Miku nicely (or as nicely as someone like her can). For example, she tolerates Miku's presence in the main story despite otherwise wanting to be left alone, and her routine before logging in to Nightcord is visiting the SEKAI to check on Miku. In an early side story, she asks the other members of N25 to occasionally do the same, and it's revealed in "Protective Gaze" that she's worried that Miku and the SEKAI will disappear once she finds her true feelings or if she "disappears", showing relief when Miku reassures her that neither she nor the SEKAI will disappear. Miku serves to show that Mafuyu still has the capacity to care for other people despite everything.
    • She's also this to the other Virtual Singers, as while they may annoy each other, they treat Miku in a relatively gentle manner. The only exception to this is KAITO, and even he seems to have warmed up to her by the time of the 3rd anniversary, if their Area Conversations were anything to go by.
  • Mundane Object Amazement: Due to initially being alone in an empty world, she is easily fascinated by the mundane objects N25 brings into the SEKAI, such as becoming engrossed in watching plants in a tiny aquarium Mafuyu brought in, or using string for playing cat's cradle.
  • Nice Girl: Always thinking about Mafuyu and wants everyone to be happy, though her lack of social skills makes it harder for her to express herself. Through Character Development, her inability to express herself has lessened over time, making her kindness more obvious.
  • No Social Skills: As much as she wants to socialize with everyone, she doesn't know how to, and admits that she's not good at talking.
  • Only Friend: Serves as this to Mafuyu in N25's main story.
  • The Quiet One: She doesn't talk much, and when she's around characters like Kanade or Mafuyu, who also don't speak much, they can end up just sitting in silence for hours.
  • The Runt at the End: Of all the versions of Miku shown in SEKAI, she's the most unique. Her personality is the most childlike, her hair is gray instead of a shade of turquoise (though the gradient on her hair implies that her hair was turquoise and faded to gray), she has heterochromia, and she was the only Virtual Singer in this SEKAI until Rin showed up in Insatiable Pale Color, unlike her counterparts in the other SEKAI, who had one or two other Virtual Singers with them from launch.
  • Space Master: She can forcibly teleport people out of the Empty SEKAI by touching them, as shown when she teleported Kanade, Ena, and Mizuki out under Mafuyu's orders.
  • Still Believes in Santa: She wonders if Santa will visit her SEKAI in her Christmas home screen comments.
  • The Stoic: In one Area Conversation, she finds a mirror and tries to pull faces at it, only to wonder if her expression is even changing at all.
  • Super Gullible: Believes just about anything she's told, even if it comes from Luka.
  • Token Good Teammate: While all the Virtual Singers are good, in this SEKAI, Miku is the only one who isn't some level of Good Is Not Nice until Kagamine Len, who is easily intimidated by the others but otherwise shown to be very sweet, shows up in What Lies Beyond Guiding a Lost Child.
  • Undying Loyalty: Towards Mafuyu, to the point where she kicked the other members of N25 out of the SEKAI against her better judgment on Mafuyu's command.
  • Vocal Evolution: A unique example since, as a Virtual Singer, there's no voice actor involved, but as time goes on her voice gets noticeably higher and softer tuning, reflecting her Character Development.
  • What Is This Feeling?: She felt ticklish in her chest when Kanade and Mafuyu visited her in an early side story and wonders what the feeling is. Kanade guessed that it was happiness.
  • You Don't Look Like You: Save for her twintails, she looks the least like a variation of Hatsune Miku, owing to her turquoise and red heterochromatic eyes and gray hair that fades into a very pale and easy-to-miss turquoise.

    Kagamine Rin
So there are places that display art other than paintings.
Debut Appearance
Rin as she appears in Nightcord at 25:00's Empty SEKAI, where she spends a lot of her free time singing and exploring the Sekai, or spending time with Miku.

She first appears in the Insatiable Pale Color event.
  • Adorably Precocious Child: Denies some of her more childlike and fun-loving desires because she wants to seem serious and mature.
  • Aloof Ally: Subverted. She tries to act like one, but she can't quite hide her Hidden Heart of Gold and the fact that she really wants to be involved in the group's activities.
  • Ambiguously Related: Even more so than usual, as in this SEKAI, Rin's relationship with Len seems largely one-sided and lacks the familial dynamic or general closeness the two have in other SEKAI. While Rin seems interested in becoming closer to Len, he regards her in the same way he does every character that isn't Miku, keeping her at arm's length due to finding her intimidating. He also pairs up with Miku instead of Rin after appearing in this SEKAI, being the first instance in the game in which the two aren't treated as a set.
  • Attention Whore: Luka calls her an attention-seeker when Rin becomes petulant after Luka rejects her offer to show her around the SEKAI when she first arrived. It's implied that this trait comes from Ena.
  • Big Sister Instinct: She feels this towards Len, but it falls flat due to him finding her just as intimidating as the other inhabitants of the SEKAI aside from Miku.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She doesn't take too kindly to the revelation that Len finds her just as intimidating as everyone that isn't Miku or Mafuyu. She also gets jealous whenever Len hides behind Miku, as she wants him to use her as a shield when he's afraid instead.
  • Cool Big Sis: She wants to be this to Len, and is frustrated when she realizes that she's among the people he finds intimidating.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Luka fuels a conflict between her and KAITO by suggesting that he'd eavesdropped on a conversation between her and Kanade after initially refusing to go with her because he was trying to lift the burden of Kanade's complicated feelings from her, making her feel like he was looking down on her and treating her like a child.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: Her red ribbon is unevenly tied, causing the right side to be higher than the left. This mirrors Len's character design, which has his ribbon higher on the left side.
  • Hates Being Alone: Gets lonely easily, especially when the members of N25 don't visit, though she won't admit it outright.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: As much as she likes to pretend that she doesn't care about anyone and that she finds them annoying, she enjoys their company and wants to help N25 as much as the others.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: The cold Masculine Girl to Len's meek Feminine Boy.
  • Irony: In the 2022 April Fools' Day Area Conversation, Rin looks forward to meeting her SEKAI's version of KAITO because of the kindness Wonderland SEKAI's KAITO had shown her during their brief interaction. When KAITO finally appears in Empty SEKAI, he has the exact opposite personality of Wonderland SEKAI's KAITO and is openly hostile to everyone. To say that Rin doesn't like him would be an understatement.
  • Mirror Character: To Ena, both being moody Tsunderes who are easy to irritate, but are secretly sensitive and deeply caring, though they don't like to admit it.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: As the only version of Rin that doesn't have a Genki Girl personality, she's shown to be a little put off by how cheerful her other SEKAI counterparts are in the April Fools' Day event Area Conversations. She does agree to perform with them in the end since she doesn't dislike singing.
  • Perpetual Frowner: While she is capable of smiling, as shown in her profile image, she's rarely shown doing so.
  • Polar Opposite Twins: While her connection with Len in this SEKAI is even more vague than usual, they still look alike while having very different personalities. Rin is a cold and moody Tsundere who isn't honest about her feelings, while Len is sweet, timid, and innocently naive.
  • The Runt at the End: While every other version of Rin has quirks to differentiate themselves from each other, they all share a friendly, excitable Genki Girl personality. This version of Rin stands out among them as being quiet, distant, and unfriendly, or at least pretending to be.
  • Shrinking Violet: A colder example that most, but she tends to have a hard time interacting with more energetic and friendly personalities due to this, and she reluctantly admits to Len that she was too nervous to talk to the original Virtual Singer Rin in Your Song Resounding in SEKAI!
  • Sour Supporter: She's often moody and denies her softer emotions, but she wants to support N25 as much as the other Virtual Singers.
  • Tsundere: She's never outwardly honest with her feelings, as she prefers to maintain an air of coolness and indifference, but her actions often defy this behavior. This even extends to her other SEKAI counterparts and Wonderland SEKAI's KAITO and MEIKO when she first meets them, initially acting cold and distant towards them, only to show that she doesn't actually mind their company.
  • Unexpected Character: In-Universe. In Insatiable Pale Color, the members of N25 are surprised to see Rin, having believed that Miku is the lone resident of the SEKAI. Miku explains that due to the SEKAI being influenced by Mafuyu's mental state, the SEKAI expanded and this allowed Rin to appear, responding to Ena's turmoil.

...I told you already, I said I'd go, right?
Debut Appearance
MEIKO as she appears in Nightcord at 25:00's Empty SEKAI, where she spends most of her time alone, observing things from afar.

She first appears in the Secret Distance event.
  • Aloof Ally: Prefers to stand and watch over the group from the sidelines than to actively participate in aiding the group with their issues, believing that if she gets too close to them, she won't be able to see what they're truly hiding. She outright tells N25 to ignore her existence.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Despite usually not getting along with her, MEIKO still helps Luka without hesitation when she accidentally ties her hands together while trying to play cat's cradle in one Area Conversation.
  • Butt-Monkey: Not usually, but she becomes one during the game's third April Fools' Day event, where she ends up with a group of highly energetic and affectionate characters. Throughout the event, she gets used as Wonderland SEKAI Luka's Lap Pillow, and otherwise ends up getting dragged around by her group.
  • Classy Cravat: Gains one after the game's third anniversary.
  • Commonality Connection: Luka playfully suggests that she's facilitated this between her and KAITO over their shared annoyance of her antics.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: It's slow, but she starts to occasionally engage with the members of N25 more in What lies behind. What lies ahead., though she retains the philosophy that saying too much can make things worse.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: Unlike the other Virtual Singers, she has no idea why she's there or what she's supposed to be doing, which is implied to be due to Mafuyu not being clued into Mizuki's situation yet. She often wanders the SEKAI, searching for something.
  • Dismissing a Compliment: Whenever the members of N25 try to thank her for what she does for them, she dismisses it and states that she doesn't do anything but observe them.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Upon introducing herself to N25, she bluntly tells them to pretend she isn't there and that she has no intention of getting involved with them, establishing her as an Aloof Ally and Ice Queen.
  • Foil:
    • She's strongly connected to Mizuki, but while they both keep their distance from others, Mizuki is friendly, playful and enjoys helping others despite not sharing their own problems, whereas MEIKO is cold, aloof and prefers not to get involved.
    • She's also one to Luka, which is largely what fuels their ongoing conflict. MEIKO believes in observing things from a distance and not influencing things too much so as to see how things play out naturally, while Luka believes in instigating change when things get stagnant. MEIKO is very cold and straight-laced, while Luka is playful and provocative.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Like the other Virtual Singers, she's there to help the members of N25. However, due to her belief that she won't be able to see what they really need if she gets too personal with them, she generally stays away from them and tends to be curt when she does interact with them.
  • Hates Small Talk: She gets irritated by Luka trying to strike up a conversation with her purely out of boredom, and she's similarly irritated by the other versions of herself and Street SEKAI's KAITO for their idle chatter in the April Fools' Day event. She does attempt to make small talk with Mizuki at one point, but flatly tells them that they can just ignore her if they don't want to talk.
  • Hidden Depths: As aloof as she is, she's interested in learning about the human condition.
  • Instant Expert: She's never shown practicing or playing cat's cradle like Miku, but she's by far the most skilled at it, and managed to teach Miku how to do some of the more complicated steps.
  • Mirror Character: While it's not as obvious due to their differing outward personalities, MEIKO appeared in response to Mizuki's conflict, and her detached personality and belief that talking to others can lead to bad things happening mirrors Mizuki's feelings regarding sharing their secret with the rest of N25.
  • Not So Stoic: She's usually unemotive and straight-faced, but she occasionally does show some emotion, such as when she blushes after the original Virtual Singer MEIKO praises her and asserts that she's a source of strength for N25.
  • Out of Focus: In the 4komas. She's the only N25 Virtual Singer to not receive an introductory 4koma and has yet to receive one that depicts her properly. The closest she's gotten thus far is a silhouetted cameo in the 4koma that introduces Luka.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Unlike the other versions of MEIKO, she rarely smiles.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: She has a habit of walking away mid-conversation once she's said her piece.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: She and Luka both immediately acknowledge that they disagree with each other's methods and are incompatible. According to Rin in one Area Conversation, they argue a lot, although Luka sees it all as a game, to MEIKO's annoyance.
  • Vague Age: As always, it's unclear how old she is supposed to be. The 2022 April Fools' Day Area Conversation with her other SEKAI counterparts further brings this into question when she's asked to explain her role, to which she responds that she simply watches over N25. Wonderland SEKAI's MEIKO alikens her role to a mother living away from their child that moved into a new city before School SEKAI's MEIKO argues that they should at least describe her as a "big sister". She doesn't agree with either description.
  • When She Smiles: She's very distant, and as such, doesn't smile most of the time, which is what makes the time she gave a genuine smile at the end of Mizuki's chapter in Searching for a Reflection Beneath the Waters all the more notable.

    Megurine Luka
Promise to save her, okay...?
Luka as she appears in Nightcord at 25:00's Empty SEKAI, where she likes to shake things up.

She first appears in the Carnation Recollection event.
  • Brutal Honesty: Carnation Recollection has her telling Kanade that her song won't save Mafuyu while wearing a smile.
  • Composite Character: Mafuyu compares her both to Ena for her tendency to point out things Mafuyu says or does that she doesn't realize herself, and to Kanade for her tendency to ask a lot of questions about her feelings. She also has Mizuki's Gadfly tendencies when it comes to her interactions with the other Virtual Singers.
  • Dissonant Serenity: When there's conflict or drama, she's often found enjoying the show.
    Luka: (smiling) Oh my, this has turned into quite the ordeal.
    MEIKO: Could you not act like you're enjoying this...?
  • Foil: To MEIKO, which is largely what fuels their ongoing conflict. Luka believes in instigating change when things get stagnant, while MEIKO believes in observing things from a distance and not influencing things too much so as to see how things play out naturally. Luka is very playful and provocative, while MEIKO is cold and straight-laced.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: The other Virtual Singers don't trust her, with even Miku and Len having their reservations about her. In the official fan book, Len, who believes the other Virtual Singers are nice, including Rin and MEIKO despite also being intimidated by them, admits that he doesn't know how to feel about her, and Miku says she says scary things sometimes.
  • The Gadfly:
    • She enjoys getting on MEIKO, Rin, and KAITO's nerves, and isn't above messing with the more naive Miku and Len, either.
    • She even attempts to be this towards the other SEKAI incarnations of herself in the 2022 April Fools' Day event. She laments that it's not as fun to mess with herself when Stage SEKAI's Luka is completely immune to her tactics.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Like the other Virtual Singers, she's there to help the members of N25. However, she takes a different approach and comes off as a smug snarker who isn't afraid to give them some harsh truths if she thinks that's what it will take to move things along.
  • Guile Heroine: She primarily uses manipulation to get things moving for N25.
  • It Amused Me: The primary motivation behind her actions when she isn't helping N25.
  • Passive-Aggressive Kombat: Employs this during her arguments with MEIKO, usually in the form of making snide remarks that imply her more proactive approach to things is superior to MEIKO's belief in observing from a distance.
  • Pet the Dog: She has a moment in her April Fools' Day Area Conversation with Stage SEKAI's Miku and Len. While she thinks things like grand stages and sparkly idols wouldn't be effective in her SEKAI, she humors them when they offer to take to her try on idol outfits, dropping her usual Gadfly tendencies.
  • Rose-Haired Sweetie: It's downplayed compared to the other SEKAI Lukas because while she does have the pink hair down, she is The Gadfly with a sharp tongue, but she still ultimately does care for N25 despite this.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: She and MEIKO both immediately acknowledge that they don't agree with each other's methods and that they are incompatible with each other. According to Rin in one Area Conversation, they argue a lot, although Luka sees it all as a game, to MEIKO's annoyance.
  • Smug Smiler: She stands out among the members of the Empty SEKAI in that she usually has a smile on her face, often with a smug and mischievous air.
  • Sugary Malice: Often says things that sound kind on the surface, while she's actually being playfully passive-aggressive, or otherwise intending to mess with others.
  • Talks Like a Simile: Tends to talk in analogies when giving advice to the members of N25.
  • Trickster Mentor: While she messes with the other Virtual Singers for fun, she messes with the members of N25 in order to push them forward when they don't know how to proceed.

    Kagamine Len
Wow... There are so many paintings.
[[caption-width-right:350Debut Appearance]]Len as he appears in Nightcord at 25:00's. He first appears in the What Lies Beyond Guiding a Lost Child event.
  • Ambiguously Related: Even more so than usual. In this SEKAI, Rin's relationship with Len seems largely one-sided and lacks the familial dynamic or general closeness the two have in other SEKAI. While Rin seems interested in becoming closer to Len, he regards her in the same way he does every character that isn't Miku, keeping her at arm's length due to finding her intimidating. He also pairs up with Miku instead of Rin after appearing in this SEKAI, being the first instance in the game in which the two aren't treated as a set.
  • Apologizes a Lot: His caring and sensitive nature often has him apologizing, even when it's not warranted.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: He's one of the last Virtual Singers to manifest in the SEKAI and he has a very childlike, innocent personality. So much so that Miku, who had been treated like Everyone's Baby Sister until this point, acts like a Cool Big Sis to him, looking out for him and letting him hide behind her when he feels intimidated.
  • Character Development: He warms up to the other Virtual Singers and members of N25 after his debut and becomes a lot more comfortable interacting with them, though he retains a relatively meek demeanor.
  • Commonality Connection: He and Miku instantly bond with each other after he arrives because of their close connection to Mafuyu and their gentler and more innocent personalities compared to the other Virtual Singers.
  • Cowardly Lion: As meek and timid as he is, he's willing to stand up to KAITO, the most intimidating member of the SEKAI, to try and stop him from saying anything that might hurt Mafuyu.
  • The Cutie: Timid, sweet-natured, and brimming with childlike innocence.
  • Establishing Character Moment: He hides behind Miku when being introduced both to N25 and the other Virtual Singers, establishing him as a childlike Shrinking Violet.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: His red ribbon is unevenly tied, causing the left side to be higher than the right. This mirrors Rin's design, which has her ribbon higher on the right side.
  • Fragile Flower: He's extremely timid and sensitive.
  • Gendered Outfit: His outfit takes visual cues from Rin's, incorporating a button-down ruffled shirt with a black high collar and an unevenly tied red neck ribbon.
  • Hates Being Alone: He was terrified when he first arrived at the SEKAI and found himself lost and alone. He worries that Mafuyu might be similarly scared when she ends up separated from the rest of N25 at Phoenix Wonderland and that MEIKO must be sad and lonely distancing herself from everyone.
  • Holding Hands: In his "Shyly Greeting While Hiding" side story, Miku holds his hands to welcome him to the SEKAI and to reassure him that he isn't alone anymore. This mirrors what Kanade does with Mafuyu in the event, as well as what Ena does with Mafuyu in her "The Best Angle for a Perfect Pic" side story.
  • Kiddie Kid: While presumably the same age that he's usually depicted as (14), he acts more like a young child.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: The shy Feminine Boy to Rin's moody Masculine Girl.
  • Mirror Character: Len appears in response to Mafuyu's struggle of wanting to keep composing music while facing opposition from her mother in the What Lies Beyond Guiding a Lost Child event, making Len a representation of Mafuyu's feelings regarding her dilemma of having to decide whether to follow what her parents expect of her, or following what she wants for herself.
    • Len also mirrors Mafuyu's feelings of being lost and alone during the event, as his side story shows that he became lost in Empty SEKAI after appearing with no one around to greet or guide him, eventually beginning to feel hopeless until Miku finds him. He and Mafuyu realize that they aren't alone in separate instances, as Len finds out through Miku, who holds his hands, introducing a sense of welcoming warmth to him in the same way Kanade and Ena did for Mafuyu.
  • Nice Guy: He's shy and easily frightened by the others, but otherwise very sweet and kind-hearted.
  • Polar Opposite Twins: While his connection to Rin is even more vague than usual in this SEKAI, they still look alike and have very different personalities. Len is meek and easily frightened when confronted, while Rin comes off as an aloof and moody Tsundere.
  • Security Cling: He clings to Miku whenever he's scared or meets people he's not comfortable around.
  • Shrinking Violet: He's incredibly shy, so much so that his first instinct upon meeting the Virtual Singers after Miku is to hide behind her to avoid having to face them directly. He starts to shed this over time as he becomes more comfortable around the other characters, though he still remains meek.
  • Super Gullible: Believes just about anything he's told, even if it comes from Luka.
  • Those Two Guys: In a rare instance where he isn't paired up with Rin, Len and Miku become attached at the hip after his appearance in the SEKAI due to their strong connection to Mafuyu. He's shown to rely on her, since she's initially the only Virtual Singer that he isn't intimidated by.
  • Token Mini-Moe: Small, meek, and exhibits very childlike behavior compared to the other inhabitants of Empty SEKAI, even more so than Miku herself.
  • Vague Age: The fact that he in part represents Mafuyu's lost childhood innocence could either mean that he's intended to literally be a child, or that he is simply younger mentally.

She just...Tried to suppress her own feelings.
Debut Appearance
The final Virtual Singer to arrive at Empty SEKAI.

He was first alluded to in an Area Conversation between Empty SEKAI's Rin and Wonderland SEKAI's versions of KAITO and MEIKO. KAITO would later make a proper introduction in the event Immiscible Discord.
  • Aloof Ally: Like MEIKO, he's not interested in interacting with the group any more than he needs to, and bluntly dismisses them when they try to engage with him.
  • Ambiguous Situation: While his delayed arrival to Empty SEKAI is alluded to in the April Fools Day Area Conversation, it does not explain why he hasn't shown up despite the Virtual Singers' reactions implying that he should have been there by that point. When he finally does appear in the event Immiscible Discord, it's implied that part of the reason he is born is that Mafuyu's growth has been stagnating due to her situation with her mother, and he's finally needed to spur change in the SEKAI.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: He is explicitly stated to be the manifestation of the rage Mafuyu has been suppressing regarding her mother's treatment of her.
  • Brutal Honesty: The bluntest of any of the Virtual Singers in Empty SEKAI, surpassing even MEIKO and Luka before him. He does not mince words about anything he says to anyone, nor does he care about hurting people's feelings.
  • Commonality Connection: Luka playfully suggests that she's facilitated this between him and MEIKO over their shared annoyance of her antics.
  • Composite Character: Could be interpreted as a reflection of Mafuyu and Ena's relationship. While he's a manifestation of Mafuyu's suppressed rage regarding her mother's treatment of her, his Hair-Trigger Temper and the Tough Love he gives Mafuyu parallels how Ena treats Mafuyu and views her situation. Ironically, Ena doesn't appear to like him after their first meeting because of his attitude.
  • Defrosting Ice King: He's still very cold and blunt, but he starts to mellow out after the events of Saying Goodbye to the Masked Me, likely due to Mafuyu confronting her mother placating his anger. He starts to be a little less abrasive, and sometimes shows a softer side, though he prefers not to let the others see it.
  • Determinator: When nobody's able to get in contact with Mafuyu in Saying Goodbye to the Masked Me and Miku's unable to get through to her phone, he decides to join her to try again, claiming they'll find Mafuyu no matter what... and he succeeds, managing to find a way to get through to her phone despite it being broken after falling into her aquarium.
  • The Dreaded: Quickly becomes this to Mafuyu, who took to avoiding him after their initial meeting and confrontation. In the Immiscible Discord after show, Mafuyu is shown avoiding making eye contact with him, even when she stops to try and talk to him at the end of the show. This stops being the case after the events of Saying Goodbye to the Masked Me.
    • Nene is intimidated by his attitude when they meet during an April Fools' Day event, and is extremely nervous to interact with him afterwards.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: While he does have highlights in his eyes, they're much smaller and easier to miss than the previously introduced Virtual Singers (aside from Miku), giving the impression that his eyes are completely blank.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Upon arriving in the Empty SEKAI, he speaks to Miku very curtly, interrogating her for information, swiftly coming to the conclusion that Mafuyu's search for her "true self" is stagnating because the other Virtual Singers are too busy coddling her to give her the Wake-Up Call she needs, and deciding that if no one else is going to tell her what she needs to hear, then he will. He then proceeds to bluntly lay the situation out to Mafuyu, which spirals into an argument until Mafuyu runs away in tears.
  • Expository Pronoun: KAITO's pronouns set him apart from his other variants:
    • Unlike his counterparts from most of the other SEKAI, who use the polite and humble "boku", he uses the informal and masculine pronoun "ore", a distinction only shared with his School SEKAI counterpart. In the School SEKAI, this pronoun emphasizes that he's a high schooler, but for this KAITO, it showcases his gruffer and more brusque personality.
    • He also refers to others with "omae", the informal and somewhat rude form of "you." This immediately sets him apart from his other counterparts, who all refer to others with the politer "kimi". He also refers to Mafuyu as "aitsu", or "that person", when she isn't around, which is considered a more disrespectful way to refer to someone. Ena calls him out on it.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: Both of KAITO's shirts are torn higher on the right side. His neck ribbon is also unevenly tied so that the left string is higher.
  • Foil: To Miku.
  • Foreshadowing: His eventual inclusion in the SEKAI was foreshadowed in the game's 2022 April Fools' Day event, in which Rin was surprised to see KAITO's Wonderland SEKAI counterpart, leading to a conversation between them and Wonderland SEKAI's MEIKO. MEIKO reassures Rin that he'll show up sooner or later, and by the end of the conversation, Rin starts to wonder what he'll be like.
  • Good Angel, Bad Angel: In Saying Goodbye to the Masked Me, he's the Bad Angel to Miku's Good Angel when they accompany Mafuyu to face her mother, being aggressive and very blunt in giving advice, but in a subversion of the trope he does care for Mafuyu and is only looking out for her well-being, and it was only by having both Miku and KAITO with her did Mafuyu manage to resist her mother's manipulation and tell her her true feelings; in his case, KAITO helps to remind Mafuyu that her feelings weren't wrong and not to fall into her mother's sweet-talking, thus preventing Mafuyu from fully falling into her mother's manipulation.
  • Good Is Not Nice: He's blunt and ill-tempered, but he was summoned into Empty SEKAI with the purpose of saving Mafuyu, a role he takes seriously.
  • Guilty Pleasure: He's disgrunted when Mafuyu tells the rest of N25 that he likes ice cream.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He's the manifestation of Mafuyu's rage, and is summoned into her SEKAI incredibly pissed off about her situation and the lack of progress the SEKAI has made in the time he's been absent. This also translates into his general personality. He's very irritable and doesn't mince words with anyone.
    Miku: I need to ask... What is it that makes you so angry...?
    KAITO: Everything...
  • Hidden Depths:
    • A conversation between him, Luka, and MEIKO shows that despite his attitude, even he's not immune to Luka's trolling tendencies.
    • Like all other KAITOs, he is an ice cream lover who temporarily softens his exterior when ice cream or the promise of ice cream is involved.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: When he finds Miku and Rin sleeping on the ground, he looks around to make sure nobody's watching before placing cushions underneath them, then walks away before anyone notices.
  • Jerkass: KAITO takes the crown from MEIKO for being the least outwardly friendly Virtual Singer in Empty SEKAI due to how openly hostile and dismissive he is to the other residents of the SEKAI and to the members of Nightcord. His desire to help Mafuyu by any means does redeem him from being a completely antagonistic figure, though he doesn't treat her any better than he does the others.
  • Jerkass Has a Point:
    • Although KAITO's method to get through to Mafuyu is harsh, their confrontation reveals that he's clearly correct in that Mafuyu needs a Wake-Up Call without sugarcoating to help her realize the severity of her situation, since she's shown to be deeply in denial about her mother's intent to "destroy who she really is."
    • KAITO's assessment that the other Virtual Singers baby Mafuyu is further proven correct in a post-event Area Conversation with Rin, Len, and Mafuyu in which they advise her to ignore his wake-up call and treat her SEKAI as a place of comfort, despite the fact that Mafuyu using SEKAI to escape her problems instead of confronting them is part of the issue and counterproductive to her overall growth.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Blunt and irritable as he is, he'll still do anything he can to help Mafuyu.
    • In one Area Conversation, he agrees to help Kanade with her new song by acting as her critic and advisor, knowing that she's trying to save Mafuyu with her music, showing that underneath all of the anger lies a kind-hearted soul and Determinator who will do anything to help Mafuyu with her issues. Justified, as he was literally born into the SEKAI with the purpose of helping Mafuyu.
    • Shown more prominently in Saying Goodbye to the Masked Me, where after hearing that Miku couldn't enter Mafuyu's phone, he volunteers to go with Miku to try again, and along with her, he not only convinces Mafuyu to finally confront her mother, he also helps to remind Mafuyu not to get swayed by her mother's manipulative tactics, and notifies Kanade that Mafuyu needs her after she ran away from home.
    • He may have more of a soft spot for the Virtual Singers than he's willing to let on, as in an Area Conversation, he finds Miku and Rin sleeping together and places a cushion beneath them for them to sleep on before leaving.
  • Morality Pet: Downplayed. He cares about Mafuyu and manifested in the SEKAI in order to help her make progress, but it doesn't spare her from his attitude.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Outside of his default blank expression, he's most often seen scowling. The first time he's seen with what appears to be an attempt at a smile in an Area Conversation with MEIKO and Luka, it comes off as The Unsmile.
    • When Miku shares some ice cream with him, he genuinely smiles... Then catches himself and reverts to his usual expression before walking off with it.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Much like MEIKO, he has a habit of walking away mid-conversation as soon as he gets whatever information he wanted to get from the interaction.
  • Sour Supporter: Towards Mafuyu. Justified, as he was born into the SEKAI with the explicit goal of helping her.
  • Tough Love: After being summoned into the SEKAI by her, his method of trying to force Mafuyu to acknowledge her situation and grow is by bluntly telling it like it is about her mother's intentions, which Mafuyu has been in denial about. He sees the previous methods the other Virtual Singers have been employing as "coddling" and is upset by it. Despite his good intentions, Mafuyu is shown to be wary of him after their initial encounter and actively checks to make sure he isn't around in an Area Conversation with Rin and Len. Mafuyu only accepted his tough love when Miku was there to counterbalance his bluntness in Saying Goodbye to the Masked Me.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Ice cream, as with most versions of KAITO. Miku sharing some with him actually makes him smile for a moment.
  • The Unapologetic: When he upsets Rin by eavesdropping on her conversation with Kanade after having refused to go with her, he initially has no intention of apologizing or talking to her about it. Even after Luka fuels the flames as a means of forcing him to apologize, he only talks to Rin to dispel Luka's lies.
    Luka: So, what are you going to do?
    KAITO: About what?
    Luka: About Rin. Are you just going to let things go on like this?
    KAITO: It's too late to take it back now.
    Luka: Still, wouldn't the mature thing be for you to apologize?
    KAITO: You look like you're enjoying this...
    Luka: You didn't answer my question.
    KAITO: I'm not here to entertain you.
  • Unseen No More: After a long absence of almost 2 and a half years, KAITO made his introduction in the event story Immiscible Discord.
  • Useless Accessory: Similarly to Miku, he wears a belt accessory around his chest. Unlike Miku, only one side is fastened while the other side loosely hangs off of him, with the accessory itself not serving to hold anything up.
  • Walking the Earth: "Brand New Empty" reveals that he disappeared for a while after the events of Saying Goodbye to the Masked Me to walk around the SEKAI and see if anything had changed after Mafuyu confronted her mother.
  • Was Too Hard on Him: Defied. After his confrontation with Mafuyu goes awry and leads her to run away in Immiscible Discord, KAITO shows no remorse for how this interaction went and is more irritated that she left before he could finish speaking. It is Rin and Len who confront him about it, telling him that he went too far and upset her, only for him to respond that he is not there to baby her as they do. He does, however, seem to have taken this into consideration come Saying Goodbye to the Masked Me, as he outright says that his method may not have been as effective as he thought it would be, leading him to make sure that Miku is there with him when he confronts her again and even gives them some time to reunite before he once again bluntly tells Mafuyu that she'll truly lose everything if she doesn't fight back. This time, Mafuyu does listen because Miku's gentleness counterbalances his bluntness enough for her to actually consider taking his advice.
  • When He Smiles: He's usually rather aggressive and doesn't smile most of the time, but when Miku gave him some ice cream to share, he gave a small, but sincere, smile for a bit.
    • He also shows a sincere smile after listening to Kanade's new song in The Tone Played on That Day, indicating he is proud of her.
