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Our heroes, ladies, gentleman and all in between! Beware unmarked spoilers for Seasons 1 and 2.

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The Party

    Amber Hawthorn 

Amber Hawthorn

Player: Lightning Bliss
Race: Gold Dragon
Class: Fighter
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown (human form)
Home: Gatless Town

Amber Hawthorne was raised around humans by a wizard and grew to enjoy their company. Her adoptive father passed away and she took his title as a surname (Hawthorne probably) to remember him, along with the amulet he created to keep her rapid growth and ravenous hunger in check. She typically likes to take the form of a young, beautiful elven woman so she can talk to people without them gawking at her, or a small rat in order to escape situations without revealing herself. She has a fiery temper and is very mischievous and childlike, likely due to her relatively young dragon age and lack of homely discipline. Also, she hates spiders. She REALLY hates spiders.


  • The Ace: Dragon
  • An Arm and a Leg: Gets her hand sliced off in Maladomini in exchange for information about Hana’s whereabouts. Her new green hand comes with a few perks though.
  • Badass Adorable: Probably one of the biggest sweethearts in the game. Please underestimate her, we have popcorn to sell.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: Forms the Brawn part of the trio with Faerthurin and Rime. Being the most direct bruiser.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: She starts to fall for Ivan after he comforts her when The Warden Mind Rapes her and continues to be kind and supporting to her throughout the series
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She may be one of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet, but there is a tentacled monstrosity at the bottom of the ocean that can give a compelling argument for why pissing off a dragon is a VERY bad idea.
  • Big Eater: Well, she IS a growing dragon.
    Inkeeper: "It's called "The King's Feast". It's enough food for a party of ten."
    Faethurin: "Okay, that'll feed Amber, but what about the rest of us?"
  • The Big Girl: As a dragon, and as a fighter, she's the best straight up damage dealer.
  • Black-and-White Insanity: A Downplayed case, but when she sees how ruthless Ravvas is, she declares his entire campaign a lie, because to her, a person willing to murder couldn't possibly care about others and when he refuses to abandon them after Lolth's death, she seems to forgive him for his past crimes. It's as if the idea of a person who commits evil actions for a noble goal is alien to her. Either you commit evil actions, therefore your goal must be evil. Or your goal is noble, thus so are your actions.
  • Blinded by Rage: When angered, it is wise to make yourself invisible to Amber. She will even attack her teammates when incensed enough.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Very energetic, and the most in your face brawler on the team.
  • Boxing Lessons for Superman: By the time of Season 2, she has refined her unarmed fighting to create the Stunning Fist technique. A more precise blow that she now uses as a frequent OHKO
  • Breath Weapon: Amber can breathe fire once a day.
  • Broken Ace: An inverted case. Despite being probably the most powerful of the heroes, she starts the series as very insecure about her own abilities which keeps her from her full potential. Growing to believe in herself more allows her to slowly become The Ace that she was always meant to be.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: She had to use her berserk form to fight The Kraken, and afterwards she is so exhausted she almost sinks to the bottom of the ocean.
  • Combat and Support: As a fighter she goes in and causes as much damage as she can.
  • Color Character: Amber. See Meaningful Name below
  • Cowardly Lion: Zig Zagged between this and Plucky Girl. As a dragon who wears her heart on her sleeve, she'll often be both the first into a fight, AND the first to show fear. This trope gets Deconstructed as her fear and insecurities lead to her freezing up in the face of a Balor and Jeminya having to pull a Heroic Sacrifice to save her. It almost cost the team their entire mission.
  • Cute Bruiser: Young, energetic, cheerful and a living battering ram.
  • Did Not Think This Through: Going berserk mode against The Kraken causes her to collapse from exhaustion after the fight and nearly sink to the bottom of the ocean.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: She does this no less than THREE times! First, by beating her God in an arm-wrestling match, granted, Tamara was holding back but this wasn’t a case of I Let You Win. Rather, Amber was stronger than Tamara expected. Then by KOing a Kraken who’s HEAD was bigger than her entire body, and finally by trouncing a dragon twice her size and with decades more experience.
  • Dislikes the New Guy: Amber did NOT like Ravvas for the majority of Season Three. Though this was hardly unjustified given his [attitude, not to mention she was still reeling from Kross’ betrayal and being denied any closure. While they both mellow out and she does accept him eventually, it takes a long time and she even threatens to kill him at several points before then.
    • By the time he is revealed as the Big Bad of season 4, her attitude has flipped around to trying to get him to see reason while Ivan is howling for his blood.
  • Doorstop Baby: Her egg was given to a wizard in Gatless Town.
  • Dragon Hoard: She considers her friends to be her hoard, and she cares for them with the same passion that any dragon cares for its hoard.
  • Emotional Bruiser: Amber wears her heart on her sleeve and is at home in a straight up slugfest.
  • Fatal Flaw: Her insecurites keep her from her true potential. Though Character Development is letting her overcome this, only for it to be replaced by her lack of emotional maturity, that leads her to act recklessly on many an occasion.
  • Fantastic Racism: She hates chromatic dragons. Especially Red ones. Somewhat justified since chromatic dragons in Dungeons & Dragons are Always Chaotic Evil.
  • Finishing Move: Stunning Fist has a tendency to be a One-Hit KO.
  • Gold-Colored Superiority: Gold Dragons are the most powerful of dragons.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: She has no weapons besides her fire and her own body. That’s all she needs.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Has little to no control over her temper.
  • Heroic RRoD: Her “Berserk Mode” is extremely powerful, but it is also a massive drain on her stamina and leaves her completely exhausted after. Not to mention she is unable to maintain it for very long.
  • Hot-Blooded: As mentioned above, Amber wears her heart on her sleeve and is energetic and enthusiastic.
  • Humans Are Special: She was taught to believe this by her adoptive father and expresses enthusiasm and excitement whenever she’s in a human town, often saying “Humans are fascinating!”
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Eliyora's artwork shows her wearing a very revealing dress. However, she shows absolutely no indication that she is aware of any kind of nudity taboo or even cares. Certainly, she's never flaunted her appearance.
  • Interspecies Romance: Has a developing relationship with Ivan, an Air Gnome.
  • The Klutz: Being a young dragon, she sometimes trips over herself and lands on her teammates.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Downplayed, but she has a tendency to use her breath attack even when her own teammates are standing in the blast zone.
  • Life-or-Limb Decision: Played With. It’s not her OWN life she’s trying to save.
  • Little Miss Badass: Of course, she IS still a dragon, so this doesn't stop her from kicking all kinds of ass.
  • Meaningful Name: Amber is a gold coloured stone made of fossilised tree-sap.
  • Mood-Swinger: Though kind-hearted, Amber's emotions can be rather unpredictable and pretty much always rule her decisions.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: She’s not depicted as being unusually brawny in her humanoid form. This doesn’t stop her from out-wrestling a God. This is actually more believable than it seems, as there are real life cases of seemingly weaker people defeating MUCH larger opponents at arm-wrestling.
  • My Greatest Failure: Jeminya dying because she froze up in fear motivates her to start facing her fears.
  • Natural Weapon: Deadly with her claws and fangs.
  • Nature vs. Nurture: Her upbringing allowed her to resist her more violent draconic urges.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline: She has an open shirt in Eliyora's artwork.
  • Neck Lift: Does one on Raavas after the latter callously killed Saint Suviel/Levistus.
  • Nice Girl: The only one friendlier than her is Ivan.
    • Beware the Nice Ones: A BALOR will seem less wrathful if you piss her off though. as both Kross and Ravvas found out.
  • No Sympathy: Her Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse attitude towards Ravvas can come across this way at times. Even after hearing about how His family died to save him, she expresses nothing but anger that he insulted her.
    • Punished for Sympathy: More than that, she seems repulsed by the idea of ANYONE expressing sympathy for Ravvas as she’s furious with even Ivan for trying to comfort him.
  • One-Winged Angel / Scaled Up: Her dragon form is a rare heroic version of this.
  • Pals with Jesus: She and Amarta have probably the closest relationship out of all the heroes and their Gods.
  • Plucky Girl: Again, she is childlike and enthusiastic.
  • Pointy Ears: Her humanoid form resembles an elf.
  • Raised by Humans: Was raised by the above mentioned wizard.
  • Signature Move: Stunning Fist, it’s been used in practically every fight she’s been in since the battle with The Kraken. “I suplex it!” is also regarded as her Signature Move. However see: Common Knowledge on the YMMV tab for more information on that regard.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Falls for the incredibly kind and supportive Ivan.
  • Staring Down Cthulhu: Amber stares down an enormous Nightmare Beast more than four times her size with nothing but a Death Glare. The Nightmare Beast backs down.
  • The Stoic: Following the deal with Asmodeus and the subsequent return to the real world from Baator, Amber has barely spoken outside of a few grunts and growls. When she does speak, though, it's usually out of anger.
  • Strong Girl, Smart Guy: Prefers to take the more direct approach, while her boyfriend is the team’s diplomat (mostly).
  • Super-Strength: Even in her humanoid form, she’s strong enough to arm wrestle a God.
  • Tail Slap: A common move of hers.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: She can assume her dragon form by removing her amulet.
  • Water Is Air: Her dragon form can easily breathe underwater.
  • Weredragon: See Voluntary Shapeshifting above.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She is absolutely terrified of spiders.
  • Wowing Cthulhu: Tamara is genuinely shocked when Amber beats her at arm-wrestling. Yes, she was holding back. But Amber still proved to be much stronger than she expected (Basically, Tamara used 1% of her strength, when she really should have been using 10%)
  • Wrestler in All of Us: Suplexes a dragon onto a ring of fire. You could say it was a “Dragon” suplex



Player: Eliyora
Race: Gray Elf
Class: Sorcerer
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Violet
Home: Lefethyr
An aloof and hostile Elf Wizard with a mysterious past. She has a love of books and knowledge, and an incredibly sharp tongue.


  • Abusive Parents: Let's just say her father wasn't the nicest of parents.
  • Aggressive Categorism: Faethurin is quick to judge people. Usually negatively.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Played with. While held prisoner, Faerthurin is subjected to torture, including but not limited to having her limbs torn off repeatedly, only to be reattached thanks to her Regeneration ability.
    • Ironically, her Regeneration ability is the result of a different torture she endured willingly while in Baator.
  • Antagonist in Mourning: Expresses regret when she discovers that Aymer is dead, saying that even if he was a horrible person whom she loathed, he was still her father.
  • Arch-Enemy: Aymer.
  • The Archmage: Faerthurin declares herself to be archmage of Directian partway through season 4.
  • Badass Book Worm: This does help out on occasion, whether it be learning a new spell or the dangers of the Nine Hells (the latter of which she spent more than 2 months locked in a study reading up on)
  • Bad Liar: Absolutely cannot lie to save anyone's life.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: ”Crushing Despair” does not exactly come across as the kind of spell a hero would normally use.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: Forms the Brains part of the trio with Amber and Rime as the most scholarly of the three. Though she’s hardly lacking in looks either.
  • Bodyguard Crush: Starts to fall for Jalerom some time after his Declaration of Protection towards her.
  • Book Worm: Faerthurin loves spending her time reading.
  • The Big Damn Kiss: Delivers one to Jalerom after learning about her lawful good nature from a seer.
    • Why is this so important? Because Fae found a spell that could cleanse Simula's soul without having to kill her (since killing Simula meant killing Jeminya, and vice versa) and only one pure of heart (in other words, lawful good) could cast it.
  • Broken Bird: Her abusive upbringing left her insecure and mistrustful of others.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: During the fight against Aymer, naturally.
  • Character Tics: Faerthurin develops one in the form of trembling hands when stressed or afraid. It is made far more obvious after being tortured by Elvana, becoming a manifestation of PTSD.
  • Combat and Support: Faerthurin focuses on shooting spells at the enemy but also has some spells to help her teammates.
  • Combat Pragmatist: She uses some VERY brutal spells and tactics during her fights, including spells that are borderline Mind Rape.
  • Court Mage: Hopes to be this for Jeminya.
  • Curtains Match the Windows: Has purple hair and purple eyes.
  • Crush Blush: Does this several times at Jalerom.
  • The Cynic: Rude and distrustful of everyone she meets.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: Her father's behavior goes a long way towards explaining her distrustful attitude.
  • Daddy's Little Villain: Aymer tried to turn her into this. It didn’t take.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Growing up under Aymer’s control could NOT have been fun.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Usually at Kross's expense.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: She becomes kinder as the series goes on. By the time of Season Three, she's gone from Ice Queen to full on Team Mom.
  • Disintegrator Ray: By Season Three, her Disintegrate spell has become a signature weapon.
  • Do Not Call Me Sir: Hates it when people call her ‘Lady’
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: She does not take kindly to Jalerom's Declaration of Protection as her pride is hurt by the implication that she cannot protect herself.
  • Expy: Of Weiss Schnee.
  • Emotion Bomb: ’”Crushing Despair”
  • Etiquette Nazi: She is appalled at the table manners that Hana displays and practically makes it her mission to teach her better. Justified given her past.
  • First Love: Never even had friends before meeting the party, never mind the romantic partner she found in Jalerom.
  • Flaying Alive: Forced to endure this in Maladomini in exchange for Hana’s whereabouts.
  • Foreign-Language Tirade: Upon figuring out who Hana really was, Fae walks off a short ways and proceeds to let loose a long string of curses in elvish.
  • Freudian Excuse: Being raised by a sociopath like Aymer is what lead her to become such a mistrustful Jerkass to everyone.
  • Good Is Not Nice: She’s not the friendliest sort, and as mentioned under Combat Pragmatist, she’s not above using some VERY brutal tactics.
  • Hates Everyone Equally: At the start of the series.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: A downplayed case, but she is willing to give herself permanent brain damage in order to pass the Fire Elves test. Fortunately, the whole thing turns out to be a False Crucible.
  • Homing Lasers: Magic Missile’s ability to automatically hit any target is usually depicted this way.
  • Hot-Blooded: Whenever her Ice Queen facade slips away. See Sugar-and-Ice Personality below.
  • Ice Queen: Is cold to everyone.
  • I Didn't Mean to Turn You On: Partway through season 4, Faerthurin decides to change her look so she can better represent Queen Jeminya. Jalerom notices, and Fae is left very embarrassed when she realizes that he was aroused by her new appearance.
  • The Immodest Orgasm: As noted under Sex for Solace below, Faerthurin was rather... vocal about her enjoyment when alone with Jalerom.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Towards Jalerom. While she clearly has feelings for him, she feels that there is zero chance of them actually becoming a couple.
  • Intelligence Equals Isolation: While Faerthurin's intelligence gets the team out of trouble many times, she could use some work on her social interactions.
  • Jerkass: Her being stand offish and rude to everyone doesn't help.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She does have a kinder side to herself though, one that she is slowly learning to embrace.
  • Lawful Good: Her eventual alignment. She was so happy to learn that after finally defeating Aymer.
  • Loony Friends Improve Your Personality: Her exposure to the rest of the party has slowly made her less rude and abbrasive.
  • Longest Pregnancy Ever: As stated multiple times within the series, elves are pregnant for two years. Jalerom's in for a rather lengthy hell...
  • Luminescent Blush: Blushes with embarrassment after she very publicly glomps Jalerom.
  • Mama Bear: Threaten Hana. See how that goes.
  • Mind Rape: ”Crushing Despair” is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Making it a borderline case.
  • The Minion Master: Often uses Summon Magic to swarm the battlefield with monsters.
    Faethurin: ”You wanted an army? Here’s your army!”
  • Missing Mom: We know a lot about her father, but her mother barely gets a mention.
  • Ms. Fanservice: As shown in Eliyora's artwork, Faerthurin is a very attractive woman with a fit body, full hips, huge... tracts of land and rather revealing clothes.
    • Innocent Fanservice Girl: She has a lack of awareness regarding human modesty, so she sees no problem in wearing revealing clothing, walking around in a towel, or simply stripping out of her clothes with no hesitation.
  • The Nicknamer: Calls Kross "The buffoon".
  • Not Afraid of You Anymore: The crux of her Calling the Old Man Out speech to Aymer.
  • Older Than They Look: She looks like she’s in her mid-twenties. Of course, being an elf, she’s actually over a hundred years old.
  • Only One Name: Her father never gave her a last name. Just one more way for him to demean her.
  • Photographic Memory: Faerthurin is able to recall a vast library's worth of information at will, occasionally remembering details that she skated over in previous readings.
  • Please, I Will Do Anything!: Says this word for word when The Warden is threatening to crush Lucid in her nightmare.
  • Pregnant Badass: Faerthurin is revealed to be pregnant towards the end of season 4. Given when she must have become pregnant, she has helped take down a tarrasque, directly dealt with her own PTSD, and fought and shattered the dark elf who tortured her. That seems mildly impressive.
  • Prodigal Family: Her abusive father Aymer whom she had run away from shows up as Simula’s Evil Genius.
  • Proper Lady: Jalerom mentions in his journal that he suspects she was raised as one, though she herself is loathe to admit it.
  • Properly Paranoid: While she turned out to be mistaken, she had very good reasons for not trusting Jeminya.
  • Rage Breaking Point: After everything she has been through, including having just experienced losing her god, Faerthurin's last shreds of control fail and she turns her dagger on a pinned Elvana. She is infuriated to the point of nearly committing murder, and in fact comes so close that she winds up slicing Elvana's skin. The only reason she does not follow through is due to how strongly she has come to value the lives of others.
  • Rags to Royalty: Part of her backstory. At first her father (a powerful and wealthy noble) disowned her and forced her and her mother to live as servants. But when he learned of her magical talent, he brought them both to live in his manor so he could tutor her personally (read: mold her into his puppet.)
  • Relationship Upgrade: Faethurnin and Jalerom are now considered a couple.
    • Jalerom pops the question during the last leg of their journey through hell.
  • Sex for Solace: After the party finds Fae and relax in a tavern after a harsh and heavy battle, Jalerom and Faerthurin vanish for the evening. The sidebar reveals that Fae is suffering from the trauma of being tortured, and Jalerom pulls her into first an embrace, then a sensual kiss. Eliyora adamantly ends the scene there, but the next morning's conversation makes it clear that everyone knows what they were doing.
  • Signature Move: After it worked so well against Aymer, she began using “Crushing Despair” against all her opponents.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: She’s attracted to Jalerom for his kindness.
  • The Smart Guy: Faerthurin is the most knowledgeable person on the team.
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: See Broken Bird above.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: While she doesn’t completely lose her hostile attitude, she becomes more willing to show kindness and affection towards the people she cares about.
  • Tagalong Chronicler: Takes over this role from Jalerom in Season 3.
  • Tsundere: Pubically Glomps Jalerom after he wins his trial, then immediately feels embarrassed that she showed her feelings so openly.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Her learning to trust the party and embrace her nicer side is one of her main character arcs throughout the series.
  • Wacky Cravings: Fae decides to make a quip about wanting pickles and ice cream during breakfast, despite not being pregnant for any longer than a week, causing Jalerom and Amber a moment of pure shock before realizing the sarcasm.
  • Worka Holic: Literally spent two months working obsessively to first separate the fused dragons, then to figure out how to go directly after Jeminya in Baator.

    Ivan Windstrummer 

Ivan Windstrummer

Player: Finn The Pony
Race: Air Gnome
Class: Bard
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Silver-Blond
Ivan is a wandering Bard that joined up with the team when they were first captured by The Warden. He always jumps to diplomacy first as a solution to a problem. Though he IS willing to confront problems, he showcases little to no aggression. Overall, Ivan is incredibly helpful and polite; easy to get along with, skilled with the lute and an invaluable member of the team.


  • Accomplice by Inaction: This is the crux of Jeminya’s What the Hell, Hero? speech, pointing out that even though he may call himself a pacifist, the fact that he does nothing to stop the others from killing makes him just as guilty as they are.
  • Action Survivor: Despite not having any combat abilities, he still manages to survive and be useful to the team, even in the most violent of fights.
  • Actual Pacifist: He refuses to use any violent methods.
  • Aerith and Bob: Compared to the more exotic names in the series, “Ivan” is rather mundane.
  • All-Loving Hero: Calling someone a "meanie" is as angry as Ivan gets. This changes later on as he does start to experience emotions besides happy during their journey.
  • Amazon Chaser: Falls for the boisterous fighter Amber.
  • Badass Pacifist: Despite refusing to fight, his support powers make him a valuable member of the team. Many a Hopeless Boss Fight has been made winnable by Ivan’s music alone.
  • Big, Stupid Doodoo-Head: See above.
  • Blue Is Heroic: He wears vibrant blue robes and is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet.
  • Break the Cutie: While it's implied he has been fighting off breaking down since the death of Solonor, he unquestionably finally breaks after Ravvas kills him in battle.
    • Innocence Lost: Even before being killed, Ivan had grown so weary of always having to be the upbeat one that he attempted to leave. After being cut down and brought back to life, alll traces of his kindness seem to have vanished, leaving him broken, angry, and furiously calling for Ravvas's death.
  • Broken Tears: Has a bout of these when the dragons take over his old home and a fight nearly breaks out between Amber and another jerkass dragon. As he puts it, it's the first time he's ever felt emotion like that, since Ivan is usually all happy and smiles.
  • Champions on the Inside: Despite accidentally breaking his lute during the music battle with Imontillo, his humble and sincere speech to the crowd has them cheering his name.
  • Combat and Support: Ivan does not directly hurt anyone but does boost the team with his spells.
  • Cooldown Hug: Gives Amber the musical version of this following her nightmare.
  • Crowd Pleaser: As a bard, he loves to make his audience happy.
  • Cuddle Bug: Ivan is always willing to hug.
  • The Cutie: Ivan is a cinnamon roll. Protect him.
  • Dragon Rider: Played with. After he and Amber become a couple, Ivan can frequently be seen riding Amber's back. Typically, this is done at her behest so she can better protect him.
  • The Face: See The Social Expert below.
  • For Happiness: Seems to be his primary motivation.
  • Friendly Enemy: Ivan is nice to everyone. Even his enemies..
  • Good Feels Good: Gains obvious and genuine enjoyment from helping people.
  • Grew a Spine: Eventually reaches a point where he will call out people who are behaving poorly, and no longer hesitates to lecture others when necessary.
  • Guile Hero: Prefers to talk his way out of trouble than fight his way out.
  • The Heart: Ivan is the emotional centre of the group.
  • Hope Bringer: Has this as a special power thanks to “Song of the Sun”
  • Humble Hero: He just wants to help people and has no desire for fame or glory.
  • The Idealist: Believes in the best in people.
    • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Which can make him seem somewhat naive at times.
      • He grows out of this.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: Good lord is he ever.
  • Is This What Anger Feels Like?: Ivan finally genuinely loses his temper at Kross for his behavior towards Amber, and remains angry for quite a while before finally cooling off enough to cry.
    • Later, after the party returns from Baator and learns that 12 years have passed, during which time Directian and Sabaton have gone to war with each other, Ivan decides that hugs and smiles won't be enough and more or less drops his happy persona.
  • Luke Nounverber: Ivan Windstrummer
  • Magic Music: As a Bard, this is basically his thing.
  • Meaningful Name: An air gnome bard named “Windstrummer”
  • Mind-Control Music: One of his specialities, with spells like "fascinate".
  • Mundane Utility: Often uses his bardic skills to earn them money at the tavern.
  • Music for Courage: His other specialty.
  • Mystical White Hair: Has pure white hair and is a magical musician from an exotic race of gnomes.
  • Never My Fault: Jeminya accuses him of having this attitude.
  • Nice Guy: Ivan treats everyone with kindness.
  • Only the Pure of Heart: Ivan tells Amber the story of how his lute was carved from the wood of a tree that would only grant it’s limbs to those who wished to use it for a non-violent purpose.
  • Pacifist: Is nice to everyone, prefers to talk rather than fight and takes on a support role in battle to aid the party without directly harming anyone.
  • Pals with Jesus: Is on pretty friendly terms with Pelor
  • Perpetual Smiler:
    Jalerom: "Big smiles everyone. But not too big."
    Ivan: "Okay, I'll try to make mine smaller"
  • The Pollyanna: Maintains his cheerful optimism even during his nightmare at the hands of The Warden.
  • Purity Personified: Ivan doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.
  • Quest for the Rest: Ivan does want to eventually find the other air gnomes one day.
  • Quirky Bard: Completely Averted. "Ivan is OP" is practically a Running Gag at this point.
  • Rage Breaking Point: The skull in the caverns pushes Ivan to the point where he snaps. Even then though...
    • His real moment comes when Ravvas betrays the party, reveals he had been behind all their misfortunes in Hell and stabs Ivan. After that, Ivan drops his pacifism entirely and outright screams that he wants Ravvas dead.
  • The Runner-Up Takes It All: His speech to the crowd during the music battle is actually what allows him to pass the test, as the goal was to win the crowd, not merely to play the best music
  • Samaritan Syndrome: Ivan feels compelled to help the people in his nightmare, even knowing that it isn’t real. This baffles and infuriates Oin.
  • The Social Expert: Ivan does all the talking.
    • As shown in season 3 however, he sometimes struggles with manipulating social situations or any form of socialising that DOESN’T involve making friends instead of cold alliances. If you ask Ivan "Why should I?" He will say "Because it's a nice thing to do." Or "How would YOU like to be treated?" If that doesn't work, Ivan is lost. He appeals to everyone's better nature, but ironically such a generalist approach means he lacks insight into more selfish or pragmatic individual motivations.
  • Sunny Sunflower Disposition: Have we mentioned he's a cinnamon roll?
  • Support Party Member / Utility Party Member: He has no direct combat powers. But his buffs and social skills make him invaluable.
  • Talking Your Way Out: Basically his shtick.
  • Tranquil Fury: Eventually displays anger, going as far as to note that Amber is a better person than Ravvas will ever be.
    • After taking some time to reflect following the events with the Necronaut, Ivan seems to be in a perpetual state of this.
  • Worthy Opponent: How he views Peter and Imontillo.
  • Write Who You Know: Ivan is basically Finn playing himself (Yes, he really is that nice in Real Life).

    Jalerom Tanlaial 

Jalerom Tanlaial

Player: Voice Of Reason
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Rogue
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown
Home: Gatless Town
Jalerom Tanlaial is the son of the human thief Ellinor Gilren and elven sorcerer Thedan Tanlaial. Wanting to strengthen the family line, Thedan chose Ellinor to gain human attributes to pass on for an offspring. Ellinor's sense of adventure and charisma combined with Thedan's natural traits, low light vision, light on feet, etc. were ideal in his eyes. Needless to say, he was mightily disappointed when Jalerom chose the city life over that of the jungle. Jalerom is very easygoing and calm, and is extremely cautious of traps, ambushes, and tricks. However, during combat, he can be highly aggressive and frequently goes for the throat.


  • Ancestral Weapon: He inherits his father's short sword “Quickstrike”.
  • And Then John Was a Zombie: Killed by Arkoth Wormwood, and brought back as an undead a moment later.
  • Bad Liar: One wonders what substances he was abusing to ever think that a lie like “I’m over there", while the guy is LOOKING AT HIM could EVER work. Granted, it does work. But only because the DM apparently has a deep seated grudge against all that is good.
  • Beautiful Dreamer: Jalerom does this once or twice with Fae after they begin sharing a bed.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Very patient and polite. And he will be equally calm when plunging a short sword through your lungs.
  • Blatant Lies: “Uhh, I’m over there”, said to a person looking at him. This actually works. There is no God.
  • The Big Damn Kiss: Winds up on the receiving end of one when Faerthurin learns of her shift to Lawful Good. He is quite pleased by it.
  • Brainy Brunette: Street smart, tactical, and his knowledge of the world rivals Rin’s.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Despite his frequent goofiness and clumsiness (especially where stairs are concerned), Jalerom is still a highly trained killer which he shows off during the Test of Guile. Even with the moments mentioned under Bad Liar, he still manages to ruthlessly kill of each and every troll one by one with brutal efficiency.
  • Combat and Support: Team Zombie Killer. Jalerom focuses on combat
  • Combat Pragmatist: He's a Rogue, it's the core of his fighting style.
  • Cool Sword: Quickstrike. The lightning empowered shortsword inherited from his father.
  • Covert Pervert: Jalerom does everything he can to be a respectful, considerate lover to Fae. This doesn't stop him from having a CLEAR reaction to Faerthurin's new look.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Has some moments.
  • Declaration of Protection: He makes one to Faethurin that he'll protect her from her father. She's not exactly happy with this.
  • Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?: Not exactly, but when he ends up dead thanks to Arkoth, he ends up playing a friendly game of chess with Asmodeus while he waits to either be resurrected or move on to heaven.
  • Ear Ache: Easily the most frequent victim of this. Oin is the most frequent offender, but Jal has found his ear being yanked by others as well. It's amazing his ears aren't longer by now.
  • Enmity with an Object: Or in this case, stairs.
  • Epic Fail: #TeamDisZachster Jalerom and Kross tend to get themselves into trouble to epic proportions.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: It would hardly be fair to call Jalerom a "bad" man per se, but one doesn't become a rogue without being at least a little bit unscrupulous. Doesn't stop him from openly loving his mother though.
  • Friendly Sniper: Much more of a close range fighter, but he still fits this trope as a Nice Guy with a shockingly lethal skill set. Fittingly, his player plays a Sniper in TF2 Analysis
  • Glass Cannon: Very high attack damage, but he doesn’t have the armor or hit points for a prolonged fight.
  • Good Is Not Dumb: He is one of the first people to notice that Jeminya is hiding something from the team.
  • Good Is Not Soft: He is one of the nicest characters on the team, and also the most lethal.
  • Guile Hero: Cunning and street smart.
  • Had to Be Sharp: Again, you don't become a rogue without learning to fend for yourself.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: He's a half elf.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Or in this case, short swords.
  • Heroic B So D: The combination of seeing his hometown destroyed, all his loved ones dead and/or missing, and learning of his mother's murder five years prior causes Jalerom to have a full breakdown in front of his mother's grave, crying in front of his friends for the first time.
  • Hit-and-Run Tactics: Uses this during his trial.
  • I Should Write a Book About This: Jalerom starts taking notes on the teams adventures.
  • Mathematician's Answer: He gives one to one of the councilors when the party presents the corpse of the glimmercloak as proof of it's death.
    Councillor: "What is that thing!?"
  • Motherhood Is Superior: Has a much better relationship with his mother than he ever did with his father.
  • Motor Mouth: Can talk quite fast, and has a bad habit of either talking too much or getting to technical.
  • Mr. Exposition: Whenever they visit a new location, it will be Jalerom more often than not giving the rundown on the culture.
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye: Implied to feel this way about his dead father.
    • Outright says this over the death of his mother.
  • Nice Guy: A pretty chill guy.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Jalerom won’t bother with fancy moves or long speeches, he’ll slit your throat and move onto his next target. Despite it’s goofier moments, Jalerom’s trial is a case study in exactly how dangerous he can be.
  • Parents in Distress: His mother is kidnapped while they're in Gatless Town.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Despite being a rogue, Jalerom is rarely seen actually stealing or breaking laws in any way. Sure, he has talked about how he used to in the past and has the skillset of one, but in the game itself he pretty much never has done anything illegal.
  • Pointy Ears: As a Half-Elf, naturally.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Is not above remorselessly killing his enemies. As shown when he slaughters the trolls one by one during his trial.
  • Properly Paranoid: Is understandably suspicious of Kross's new viper and makes plans with the Fae and Ivan to make sure it doesn't kill anyone in their sleep.
  • Open Mouth, Insert Foot: Due to his rambling habits, he sometimes says things he immediately regrets.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Kross's Red.
  • Relationship Upgrade: Faerthurnin and Jalerom are now considered a couple.
    • Jalerom pops the question during the last leg of their journey through hell.
  • Running Gag: See Staircase Tumble below.
  • Sex for Solace: After the party rescues Fae, she and Jalerom take a night for themselves. While it can be argued that their intimate night was mainly for her, given how stressed, anxious, and depressed Jalerom had been prior, it can easily be said he needed it just as much.
  • Shock and Awe: Quickstrike’s blade is wreathed in lightning.
  • The Sneaky Guy: Comes with the territory with being a rogue. Jalerom trap checks very often.
  • Staircase Tumble: If he is anywhere near a flight of stairs, this will happen. Guaranteed.
  • The Strategist: Is extremely clever and can come up with strategies on the fly. They tend to be very successful.
  • Street Smart: Knows his way around the streets of Gatless Town and has more than a few contacts.
  • Those Two Guys: With Kross.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Apparently, stairs.

     Oin Lightbringer 

Oin Lightbringer

Player: Dr Wolf
Race: Dwarf
Class: Cleric
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Home: Optimar
Oin doesn't like to talk about his personal life and keeps to himself. He is well-versed in healing magic and favors the gauntlet and shield style of melee combat. Oin is very stern, commanding, and no-nonsense. He shows this with his parent-like lectures (that frequently become physically forceful) on the rest of the party, mainly Jalerom and Kross. He is very cautious and likes to go in with a plan.


  • Acrofatic: As stocky as any dwarf, yet able to pull of some stunningly agile evasions.
  • Aloof Ally: He isn’t particuarly close to anyone on the team and tends to treat them more like allies of conveniance than True Companions.
  • Badass Boast: After one-shotting the Nightmare Beast.
    ”Just in case any of you wanted to duel me, just remember that.”
  • Badass Preacher: He’s a cleric of Olidammara, according to his character sheet. (visible here at the 4:25 mark)
  • Bad Luck Charm: He IS one. Though only to the people he touches.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: He doesn’t talk unless he has too, but he has more than enough power to end anything that threatens him.
  • Blessed with Suck: He was born with a curse that grants bad luck to whoever he touches. Because of this, his mother died shortly after he was born. He spent much of his life avoiding contact with others because of this.
  • Book Dumb: Despite his observant and pragmatic personality, he's lacking in a lot of knowledge skills.
  • Bulletproof Human Shield: Uses Sazaan (An opponent at the time) as one during the “Test of Prowess”
  • Brutal Honesty: Oin is never one to shy away from harsh truths.
  • Chaotic Neutral: His official alignment, according to his character sheet.
  • Combat and Support: Oin is the main healer support of the group but also has a tendency to go on the offensive and "punch it".
  • Combat Medic: The primary healer of the party and also one of their best damage dealers.
  • The Comically Serious: Much of his humour comes from his deadpan reactions to whatever nonsense Jalerom & Kross have gotten up to.
  • Cool Old Guy: Is in the dwarven equivalent of his fifties.
  • The Cynic: Doesn’t really seem to trust anyone. In fact he seems to advise mistrust as a virtue.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Considering the how cynical he is and the fact that he grew up in the isolationist dwarven city of Optimar, it probably wasn’t very pleasant though. He's Vorgrin Vineblight.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Probably the most sarcastic member of the party. Which is saying something.
  • Ear Ache: Threatens to do this to Kross and Jalerom, and then follows through on it later.
  • Finishing Move: His Harm spell has been known to end fights just by itself.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Empasises the "tough" part of "tough but fair."
  • Hates Being Touched: He is visibly uncomfortable whenever someone hugs him.
    • This makes sense when you learn of his bad luck curse, which is passed along through physical contact.
  • Insufferable Genius: He is one of the smartest characters in the party, and quite condescending because of it. Something that Jalerom calls him out for.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: He’s not exactly wrong in regards to Rose, as sparing creatures like she wants to WOULD likely lead to more people dying.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Can be rather cold and aloof, but is still a valued ally.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He can tank damage, dish it right back out, and is surprisingly nimble.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: He carries a rather large shield.
  • Make My Monster Grow: His Righteous Might spell allows him to do this to HIMSELF.
  • Man Behind The Curtain:
    • He was the one who was making everyone have those nightmares, not The Warden. He claims to have done it so that they could be better prepared for the inevitable battle.
    • That string of bad luck that occasionally struck the party? All Oin; he was born with a curse that grants bad luck to whoever he touches.
  • The Medic: Oin has the most healing spells and uses them liberally.
  • My Nayme Is: “Oin” sounds like a fancier spelling of “Owen”.
  • Mysterious Past: Out of everyone in the party, we know the least about Oin's backstory. Until it’s revealed he was Vorgrin all along.
  • Nerves of Steel: Oin is almost completely unflappable no matter what the situation. Making the single tear he sheds at Suviel's death all the more shocking.
  • Older and Wiser: Zig-Zagged. At times he will act as the voice of both pragmatism and reason. Using his experience to guide the younger party members. At many other points however, he is almost childishly immature.
  • Papa Wolf: Subverted. While Papa Oin became a fandom nickname earlier on for how he scolded the others, it eventually becomes clear that he is not a good father figure at all as his selfish, abusive and hypocritical personality becomes more apparent. See, Smug Snake below.
  • Playing Against Type: Dr. Wolf is known more for playing Nice Guy's with the patience of Saints than the surly, sarcastic, and self-serving Oin.
  • Playing with Fire: His Flame Strike spell.
  • Power Fist: "Imma punch it!"
  • Pragmatic Hero: Probably more so than anyone in the party, Oin is the first to advocate for the most efficient option, even if it’s not the kindest. Like suggesting they kill helpless enemies so they don’t become a threat later, or threatening to abandon Kross and Jalerom if they become a liability.
  • Red Mage: Will heal his allies and them reduce his enemies to ash.
  • The Reveal:
    • Was really Vorgrin Vineblight, but dropped that name ages ago.
      Oin: Just remove the V's, swap the letters around, and you get Oin Lightbringer.
    • He is also the one plaguing the rest of the party with nightmares, not the warden as previously thought.
  • Running Gag: “I place my hands on them…” is pretty much code for “Incoming lecture.”
  • Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!: He is very critical of the more idealistic views of Ivan, Jeminya and Rose.
  • The Smart Guy: Shares this role with Faerthurin. While she is more knowledgeable, he is more practical.
  • Smug Snake: A rare heroic example, Oin is a supremely arrogant and condescending. Treating others like pawns and constantly looking down on the rest of his teammates while judging them for their mistakes without ever offering alternatives (ESPECIALLY Jalerom). And yet, he seems completely oblivious to the damage his own actions cause. Whether it be repeatedly and intentionally cursing his own teammates with bad luck on their adventures, almost permanently traumatising them with his nightmare spell, or almost splitting the team in half because he is too stubborn and arrogant to explain his concerns to them like an equal, his repeated blunders have arguably caused the most harm to the team out of any character. Rather than accept criticism, he dismisses it and continues to act on his own volition time and time again. Sulking when the team finally has enough. It takes Jalerom, Ravvas and even REYIN calling him out on his behaviour for him to finally begin to change.
    Reyin: ”You seem to want to do anything you wish without consequence. You don’t even give orders, you just do as you please. And the SECOND someone tells you no, you stop contributing entirely and force the party to drag you around like the ball on the proverbial chain. It’s almost appropriate that you’re talking to a child right now BECAUSE THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE.”
  • Status Buff: Many of his spells increase the power of his allies.
  • The Stoic: Calm and collected.
  • Stone Wall: Uses a very defensive fighting style.
  • Stroke the Beard: Often does this when thinking.
  • Super Mode: Righteous Might is treated like this.
  • Support Party Member: Oin is the main support of the group, especially in healing.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: The source of much of his snark. Especially where Jalerom and Kross are concerned.
  • Team Chef: His Hero’s Feast spell is a constant and reliable source of food for the party.
  • Team Dad: Oin is a "tough but fair" father figure of the group. Especially to Kross and Jalerom.
  • The Teetotaler: He doesn’t drink alcohol, notably, even when it would help his disguise, he only swishes it around in his mouth to get the taste on his breath and then spits it back out.
  • Tranquil Fury: He never once raises his voice, and yet when he’s royally ticked off, his irritation is palpable.
  • The Unapologetic: He refuses to apologise for his condescending attitude towards Jalerom and Kross, saying that they haven’t done anything to earn either his trust or respect.
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer…: Expect Dr Wolf’s answer to nearly any problem to be “Can I use auto-hypnosis?”
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Channels negative and positive energy in equal measure.

    Rime Bowerstone 

Rime Bowerstone

Player: Aramau
Race: Human
Class: Sorceress
Eyes: Ice blue
Hair: Black
Home: Directian
A spy for Zeadrial in Directian during the war between Directian and Sabaton. She's very no nonsense and is willing to do anything to keep her city safe. Expect more tropes to be added as Season 4 continues.


  • Action Girl: As Zeadrial's best spy, this is a given. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty to get her job done.
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: A mysterious, stoic and gorgeous young woman with raven black hair.
  • Angrish: When she learns that the party Helped Ravvas kill a God, she is so utterly flabbergasted, she can barely get her words straight.
  • Arch-Enemy: Simula. Although the two have never met, Simula is responsible for all of Rime’s trauma.
  • Assassins Are Always Betrayed: Is betrayed by a fellow spy ( actually a drow infiltrator in disguise) and framed as a traitor to Directian.
  • Baddie Flattery: Inverted. She expresses admiration towards Ravvas for his ability to deceive others.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: Has the creepiest and most lethal spell-list in the party, but is a firm ally of the heroes.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: Fits the Beauty part of the trio with Amber and Faerthurin, as the one most likely to use their looks to their advantage. Though she’s not at all lacking in brains either.
  • Because I'm Good At It: One of the reasons she chooses to take on the more… unsavory jobs.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Is incredibly loyal to Zeadrel, Sazaen and Miss Seria for looking out for her when she was an orphaned child.
  • Big "WHAT?!": When Asmodeus asks the party if Simula has spoken to them recently
  • Blackmail:
    ”Mind your business, sir. Or I shall tell your wife exactly what you’ve been doing with your harlots.”
  • Bodyguard Babes: A very attractive woman who sometimes serves as bodyguard to Stewardess Zeadrel.
  • Broken Bird: An aloof, hypercompetent assassin who’s cold persona is a result of childhood trauma.
  • Brutal Honesty: She is very direct in her statements, though interestingly her harshest criticisms are aimed at herself.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: She is not above taking advantage of her… “Tracts of land”, especially while disguised.
    ”Happy to help, mammaries! Er.. Madame.”
  • Campfire Character Exploration: She opens up to Oin about her philosophy during the downtime between missions and he reciprocates.
  • Celibate Hero: Word of the Player is that despite acting as a Femme Fatale, she’s actually still a virgin. Offing her targets before any “consumation” becomes necessary.
  • Childhood Friends: With her familiar Tantomile
  • Code of Honour: A very loose one that boils down to “If my superiors tell me to do it, then it is good.”
  • Combat Pragmatist: Her fighting style combines subversive tactics with plenty of “go for the jugular” spells.
  • Combat Tentacles: Thanks to the Black Tentacles spell.
  • Coy, Girlish Flirt Pose: Adopts this pose when disguised as Bernadette.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: Losing her parents to Simula’s wither spell didn’t just make Rime cynical, it almost completely stunted her morals and emotions.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Was attacked by demons when she was only seven years old, which caused her magic to awaken under very traumatic circumstances. Only to then learn that her parents had been murdered by a sorcerer just like her to summon the very demons that attacked her.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: Has very fond memories of her dead parents.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: It’s hinted at that her ultimate desire is to feel like her existence has value. That she’s worth something to someone, and isn’t just another abomination like Simula.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Inverted. She uses this to her advantage.
  • Does Not Like Magic: Or to be more specific, she does not like her OWN magic, because it is too similar to Simula’s
  • Doomed Hometown: Seeing Directian desolated by demons was what made her eventually want to use her magic to protect it.
  • Emotionless Girl: She presents herself that way, but cracks are forming in that image.
  • Everyone Loves Blondes: The thinking behind her “Lady Bernadette Elmhaven” disguise.
  • Femme Fatale: She has no issues with using her attractiveness and the perceived vulnerability that people assume in order to work her targets. Jalerom even calls her one outright. Though she draws the line at actually SLEEPING with anyone.
    • Femme Fatale Spy: She’s one to Sabaton as the top spy of Directian’s steward.
  • Friend to All Children: Despite her cold exterior, she is almost always kind, protective and even motherly towards children. Which makes her hatred of Hana all the more shocking.
  • Good Is Not Dumb: Sharp and calculating.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Blunt, cold and merciless though she may be. She’s still on the heroes side.
  • Greater Need Than Mine: She will insist on helping others before helping herself. However, this comes from a very unhealthy lack of self-worth.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Invoked with her “Lady Bernadette Elmhaven” disguise, who is blond haired and easily the friendliest of Rime’s personas.
  • Harmful to Minors: Getting attacked by a demon and then learning soon after that her parents had been horribly murdered in the very ritual that summoned said demons when she was only seven years old was NOT healthy for her long-term emotional development.
    • Innocence Lost: It goes without saying that this happened as a result.
  • Hates Everyone Equally: Played with. Rime does not truly care for anyone, but is more than able to express disdain for others.
  • Heroic Safe Mode: She’s basically in a permanent state of this at all times.
  • Heroic Seductress: A Femme Fatale who uses her… “talents”, for the benefit of her mission rather than personal gain.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: She has a terrible sense of self-worth despite all the good she has done.
  • Hero Secret Service: Works for one in Directian under Zeadrel.
  • Hero with an F in Good: She WANTS to be a good person, but relies on the guidance of others to know what “Good” means.
  • Hero Worship: Rime has admitted to having looked up to the Heroes of Directian since she was a child, and would look to her personal mental image of them as an example of what to do through her life as a spy.
  • High-Class Call Girl: Implied to disguise herself as one from time to time. Though if she invites you to her bedroom, don’t expect to get “laid”, so much as “laid six feet under”.
    • Honey Trap: So, this, except her targets are the ones who end up horizontal. Involuntarily.
  • Hot Witch: A very attractive young sorcerer. Between her and Faerthurin, her magic is the most “Witch-like”, making heavy use of curses and more subtle magics.
  • I Am a Monster: She views herself this way due to her stunted ability to feel emotions and empathise with others. Her Shoot the Dog moments throughout her life, and more directly, the fact that she is a sorcerer like Simula.
  • Ice Queen: Her demeanor is very standoffish and cold, as she seems all but incapable of comprehending emotion.
    • Jerkass: By that same token, she is blunt to the point of rudeness and unsympathetic to others.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Her eyes are a deep blue and he’s one of the coldest characters in the party.
  • Internalized Categorism: Sees herself as worthless because she’s a sorcerer like Simula was.
  • Iron Lady: She is cold, deciseful, well-spoken and completely dedicated to her job.
  • It's All My Fault: Played With. She seems to hold herself somehow responsible for her parents death. Since in her logic, she has the same magic as Simula, and so must be as monstrous as Simula. Effectively, she’s made herself a scapegoat for all the hate she can’t take out on the one truly responsible.
  • Jade-Coloured Glasses: She was apparently quite the Cheerful Child before the attack on Directian.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She comes off as cold and distant, but one gets the impression that's because she's seen a lot in the last 12 years, 6 of those years being at war. But despite that, she does love her city and her people and is willing to lay down her own life for their safety.
  • Just Following Orders: Every amoral thing she ever did, she did because it was her job.
  • Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: Wears a rather nice looking dress while decimating her enemies.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Despite how cold and distant she is, she seems to have an affinity for cats, if her familiar Tantomile is any indication.
  • The Knights Who Say "Squee!": Downplayed. She’s far too stoic to do any actual squeeing, but it’s pretty clear she’s idolized the party since she was a child.
  • Lack of Empathy: Downplayed. She’s not void of empathy, but her ability to feel it for others has been stunted due to her past trauma.
  • Lady of Black Magic: She is a powerful and sophisticated noble who wields magic designed to sabotage and slay her enemies as swiftly as possible.
  • Loser Daughter Of Loser Mother: She hates Hana for being Simula’s daughter.
  • Meaningful Name: “Rime” refers to the frost that forms on cold objects by water vapour, alluding to her cold nature.
  • Men Are Strong, Women Are Pretty: She purposefully takes advantage of this stereotype to lure targets into a false sense of security.
  • Moment of Weakness: See Skyward Scream and Not So Stoic below.
  • Morality Pet: Tantomile is about the only one she shows a soft side too.
  • Ms. Fanservice: A young, beautiful Femme Fatale woman with a large bust and a dress that shows it off, as well as several other, rather attractive disguises.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: She outright admits that she has no moral compass of her own and instead does whatever Zeadrel tells her. If Zeadrel says to do it, it is good. If Zeadrel says not to do it, it is bad. Later, with Zeadrel believing her and the party to be traitors, she adopts Oin as her new moral compass.
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye: To her parents, naturally.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: She instantly kills Varena when she’s revealed as a traitor. Unlike most cases of this trope however, it’s actually seen as a sign of recklessness as they could have used her for information.
  • Not Afraid to Die: Because she doesn’t think her life is worth anything.
  • Of Corsets Sexy: And she’s not above using how much of her… flesh, it reveals to her advantage.
  • Orphanage of Love: She was raised in one after her parents death and still keeps an eye out for it to this day.
  • Orphan's Ordeal: It was easily the most psychologically scarring moment of her life.
  • Parental Abandonment: As a result of being murdered by Simula.
    • Parent Never Came Back from the Store: Played with. Structurally, it follows the plot of the parents leaving on a casual errand while the child is at home and never coming back. But in this case, we and Rime know EXACTLY why they never returned.
  • The Pollyanna: An act she plays as part of her “Lady Bernadette Elmhaven” disguise.
  • Pragmatic Hero: She takes it upon herself to Shoot the Dog so that others don’t have to.
  • Psycho Supporter: Downplayed. While far from being Ax-Crazy, Rime is is still a clearly mentally unwell person who follows the hero's code, only because her childhood trauma left her unable to form a moral compass of her own.
  • Secret Police: The spy network she is a part of is effectively a heroic version of this for Directian. Rime in particular is an amoral agent tasked with cleaning up threats to the kingdom by any means necessary, and to the general public, she doesn’t even exist.
  • Shoot the Dog: This is how she views her job. She does evil on behalf of those who are good.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: She is one of Zeadrel’s best assassins and is not above using the appearence of being a weak little girl to further her aims.
  • Simple, yet Opulent: Her dress is fairly basic in it’s design, but it gives a clear sign of her being of the upper class.
  • Skyward Scream: Upon learning that the entire war she’d fought and killed for was a lie orchestrated by a third party however, she screams out in her rage, helplessness and regret.
  • Slut-Shaming: To Elvanna.
    Rime: ”You see, Faerthurin? THAT is a harlot.
  • The Stoic: Her voice rarely goes above a flat monotone.
    • Not So Stoic: There are several moments however where she finds herself emotionally overwhelmed by the situation and her responses are often quite dramatic..
  • The Sociopath: Subverted.She describes herself as a “High-functioning psychopath”, but she doesn’t quite meet the criteria.
  • Socialite: Can easily blend in with the rest of the upper-class.
  • Spirited Young Lady: Played With. She has all the grace and charm to easily blend in as a Proper Lady of high-society, but uses her skills and intellect for very UN-ladylike activities. Said activities involve being an absolutely ruthless spy and assassin.
  • Survivor's Guilt: Implied to feel some for surviving the battle of Directian, unlike her parents
  • Taken for Granite: Has apparently earned a reputation for doing this to targets, to the point where Sazaen nicknamed her “Gorgon”.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: Again, after her parents murder.
  • Token Evil Teammate: More amoral than outright evil, but she’s effectively taken Ravvas’ place as the cold-hearted pragmatist willing to do what the team will not.
  • Tranquil Fury: The moment Varena is shown to be a traitor, Rime does not show much outward emotion. But she immediately tries to kill her and acts more violently and recklessly than she ever has before. Despite outward appearence, it’s clear that the betrayal DID hurt her.
  • Unscrupulous Hero: Bordering on Sociopathic Hero. In her words, she’s the one who does the heartless, evil things so that others don’t have to.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: She gets this reaction from the party when she kills Varena. Not because it was undeserved, but because they needed her for information.
  • Witch with a Capital "B": Has called Simula a “witch” on more than one occasion.
  • Younger Than They Look: Her deep voice, stoic nature and weary cynicism bely the fact that she’s actually one of the youngest members of the entire party, with only Amber and Rose being younger than her.

Former Members

     Kross Dalgo 

Kross Dalgo

Player: ToonKriticY2K
Race: Saurian Broadwing Shifter
Class: Ranger
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blonde
Home: Salania Forest
A former Captain of the Shifter tribe. He had his own team of hunters he led in the forest. He was respected amongst his peers but he is not the best among them. In fact, he wasn't chosen to be a leader. The position was given to him by the original leader who passed despite him being in the lowest standing amongst his peers. So he worked at his skills and decided "to hell with it, I'll get better and prove myself" and he did when he took down a troll to save another tribe member from being killed. Later however, there was a great battle that happened that resulted in him being the only one out of them that survived. He carries this baggage with him to this day. Kross has a compulsion to constantly prove himself and is somewhat of a braggart, but can back it up. While occasionally clumsy and ungraceful, he has a knack for succeeding with style if he is given an opportunity.
Was written out from episode 66 to go on a journey of redemption, due to real-life events surrounding his player.


  • Aesop Amnesia: Kross has a mind-blowingly egregious case of this in episode 18. Saying that "He's the only one who's dealt with the supernatural". Apparently forgetting that The entire party has spent the last few days since he met them, fighting nothing BUT the supernatural. Yes, Kross had just come out of a nightmare and probably wasn't thinking straight. But my God Kross! My God!
  • Attention Whore: Admits that he loves the spotlight. It's probably his Fatal Flaw.
  • The Atoner: For his past as "The Black Arrow"
  • Bad Liar:
    Blacksmith "Tell me: Is your butt jealous of the crap that comes out of your mouth?"
  • Beware the Silly Ones: You wouldn't think a loudmouth, self-aggrandising, perpetually unlucky buffoon like Kross could ever be intimidating. You would be wrong. You would be very wrong indeed.
  • Bow and Sword in Accord: Equips a short sword as a backup weapon in case he cannot use his bow.
  • Butt-Monkey: If something goes hilariously wrong, the odds are good that it's happening to Kross.
  • The Captain: Was a military leader at one point. Is trying to replicate that here, but without much success. See Leader Wannabe below.
  • Character Tics: Has a tendancy to stare off into the distance.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: He was the one pushing them to go into the labyrinth to clear Seolic’s father’s name, despite the fact that this was a massive detour from their mission.
  • Colossus Climb: How he defeats the giant in the “Test of Alacrity”
  • Combat and Support: Kross focuses on combat with his arrows.
  • Consummate Liar: Well... he certainly has the frequency down, as you can count the number of times he's been honest with the party on one hand. Ultimately Subverted however, as he is a terrible liar.
  • Creepy Monotone: When Kross stops trying to show off and actually gets serious, his voice becomes eerily flat. To the point where he almost feels like he's chanelling Simula.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: While he may have earned himself the nickname of "buffoon" for his antics, when Kross stops screwing around, he quickly shows people WHY he was once called The Black Arrow.
  • Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: Granted, we haven't been told exactly what those reasons ARE.
  • David vs. Goliath: His battle against the giant in the “Test of Alacrity”.
  • Disappeared Dad: Is one himself. It's been years since he last saw his son.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Starts acting this way during his nightmare. The contrast to his normal persona is terrifying.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: No matter what Kross does, he will always be "The Buffoon" in the party's eyes.
  • Epic Fail: #TeamDisZachster Kross and Jalerom get in trouble to epic proportions.
  • Failed a Spot Check: See Open Mouth, Insert Foot below.
  • Face–Heel Turn: He starts getting more distant to his friend and more cozy with Simula. to the point of getting in a fight with Oin and Amber damaging their relationship.
  • Good Is Not Soft: He can be as ruthless as Jalerom when need be.
  • Heads or Tails?: 50/50 luck Kross rolls many 1s and 20s and hardly anything in between.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Did this at some point before the story began.
  • Hidden Depths: Has some skill with the ocarina.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: This is how Kross justifies many of the things he did as the Black Arrow. No matter how bad they were, he did it for a good cause.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: He implies this when Rose finds the corpse of Simula's assassin lying in his fireplace. Needless to say, she's rather Squicked by this.
  • Indy Ploy: Kross says himself that he doesn't really make plans. Just improvises.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: A bit of a braggart, but also one of the most blatantly heroic members of the team.
  • Leader Wannabe: Kross tries to take control but is met with opposition from the group. Particularly Oin.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: When he stops trying to show off, he is a force to be reckoned with.
  • Multi Shot: Kross can shoot multiple arrows in one turn and does so often.
  • Mysterious Past: We still don’t know exactly what he did as The Black Arrow that was so terrible. perhaps we’re better off not knowing.
  • Nerves of Steel: He manages to keep his cool, even when Jeminya is butchered by the Balor, and is able to get the team to focus and move on despite the loss.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: During his nightmare, Kross completely drops the show off act, and starts ruthlessly and pitilessly slaughtering guards that are begging for their lives, all while conversing evenly in a casual monotone as if he's relaxing with a crossword puzzle. To say the effect is unsettling would be an understatement.
  • Open Mouth, Insert Foot:
    Kross: ”I got you this (garnet necklace), it reminded me of your eyes.”
    Jeminya: My eyes are blue, Kross.
    Kross: ...Oh.
  • Precision-Guided Boomerang: His “Black Arrow” has the power to return to him after it’s been fired.
  • Put on a Bus: Kross has gone on a journey of redemption, and thus left the party.*
  • Red Baron: The Black Arrow.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: Him being Put on the Bus is due to his player being kicked from the project due real-life events discovered after the filming of Episode 65
  • Redemption Quest: Choosing to go on one to atone for getting Solonor killed is how he is written out of the story once his player was banned from the group for being a sexual predator.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Jalerom's Blue.
  • Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Subverted currently. Played straight as The Black Arrow,
  • Smug Super: Kross can be a bit of a confident grandstander. This can lead to some epic encounters and some epic fails.
  • The Sneaky Guy: Not to the same extent as Jalerom, but being a Ranger, he is very skilled at tracking and stealth.
  • That Man Is Dead: Often speaks about The Black Arrow as if he is a separate person.
  • Thinking Out Loud: Tends to do this a lot when in dangerous situations.
  • Time to Step Up, Commander: He had to quickly prove himself to his old team after their first leader died.
  • Too Clever by Half: He is very talented, knows he is talented, and most of his blunders happen because he is trying to show off.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Resolves to be more honest and less secretive with the group.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: It's implied that he would LIKE to see his son more, but circumstances prevent it.
  • Xtreme Kool Letterz: Kross.
  • You Are in Command Now: In his original team, he was appointed to the role of Captain when the original Captain died. Despite the fact that he barely qualified for the role.
  • You Are Not Alone: Promises to be by Jeminya’s side no matter what. Even after she is revealed as a tiefling.

     Queen Jeminya Malum 

Jeminya Malum

Race: Tiefling disguised as a Human
Class: Paladin
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Home: Directian
Age: 25
The deposed Queen of Directian and sister of Princess Simula. The Party promised to help her regain her throne and bring peace to Alatastica.


  • Absent-Minded Professor: She's not a professor, but while she’s normally a very intelligent and responsible leader, she does have the occasional tendency to let her mind wander and forget important details.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Has bright red skin as a tiefling.
  • The Atoner: See Heel Realization below
  • Badass in Distress: She was dragged off to hell after defeating her sister and liberating her kingdom. So now the party has to go and rescue her.
  • Back from the Dead: Thanks to the wishing well.
  • Bring Help Back: After escaping the arena with the help of her party, her goal becomes to travel Alatastica in the hopes of forming a coalition with the other kingdoms to take her throne back.
  • Cain and Abel: Jeminya has a strained relationship her twin sister to say the least.
  • Came Back Wrong: Jalerom suspects this may have happened to her after he sees her tiefling form. He’s wrong though.
  • The Chains of Commanding: While she hates to think about it, Oin does make her realise that as queen, sometimes she will have to let others die in her stead. As much as she hates the idea, Heroic Sacrifices don’t run countries.
  • Combat and Support: Jeminya is talented with a sword and also helps heal the party with lay on hands.
  • Combat Medic: As mentioned above, she can heal with lay on hands.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: She may be a werewolf, actually a Tiefling. But she is absolutely one of the good guys.
  • Deadpan Snarker: While not normally known for this, she does get in some good ones from time to time.
    (To a random guard): "Excuse me sir, could you please help me, since I am apparently helpless and unable to take care of myself."
  • Dragged Off to Hell: She worries that this will be her fate, being a Tiefling and all, and performs as many good deeds as possible to prevent it. It still happens after defeating Simula, so now the rest of the party are on a mission to save her soul.
  • Eating the Eye Candy:
    ”That elf is rather gorgeous. I would very much like for him to ride me into the sunset.”
  • Fatal Flaw: Her inability and unwillingness to fully trust the team leads to Simula framing them for the death of Optimar’s queen, ensuring that they’ll be unable to secure Optimar’s aid in the coming battle.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The responsible sibling, who takes her role as queen very seriously.
  • Friendly Neighbourhood Vampire: Or in this case, friendly neighbourhood tiefling
  • Friend to All Children: She likes to read stories to them.
  • Gentle Touch vs. Firm Hand: She calls out the Galgari queen for being needlessly rude. Pointing out that being diplomatic would still get the same results.
  • Girly Bruiser: Downplayed. See Tomboy with a Girly Streak below.
  • Gladiator Revolt: Frees the party members that were also imprisoned in the Directian Arena like her and recruits them to help her take her throne back.
  • Good Is Not Soft: She’s not above delivering a blistering "The Reason You Suck" Speech when she has to.
  • Healing Hands: Her Lay on Hands ability.
  • Heaven Seeker: As a tiefling, she is doomed to Hell no matter what she does. Naturally, she wants to avoid this fate.
  • Heel Realization: Downplayed, since she never truly became a villain. However, dying and realising that despite her good deeds, she was going to Hell, made her realise just how selfish her Heaven Seeker attitude had been. That she’d essentially been treating “good deeds” like some cosmic blank check she could cash in for a favour. Upon this realisation, she resolves to do good for it’s own sake instead of expecting some reward.
  • Heroic BSoD: The experience of dying, going to Hell and being resurrected was so traumatising that it left her in a near catatonic shock. It took her days to fully recover, and even now, the experience has been shown to have had a profound affect on her psyche
  • Hero Looking for Group: Jeminya recruits the group to help her take back her throne right on sight.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Jeminya sacrifices herself to save Amber in "The Labyrinth".
  • The High Queen: The rightful and benevolent ruler of Directian.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: Has the power to "Smite Evil" as a paladin.
  • Horseback Heroism: When riding Starjay
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: Her battle against The party made it clear just how much she’d been holding back during their travels.
  • Inconvenient Attraction: Not so much the attraction itself as having to blurt it out in the middle of a meeting thanks to a truth spell.
  • Lady of War: A regal and queenly woman who has no qualms fighting on the frontlines.
  • Lawful Good: She’s a paladin, so she’s this alignment by necessity.
  • The Leader: Jeminya is the party leader, combining aspects of all four types.
  • Light Is Good: Combines this with Dark Is Not Evil as a paladin of Heironeous.
  • Meaningful Name: "Jeminya". As in "Gemini", the constellation of the twins.
  • Monochromatic Eyes: As a tiefling, her eyes are a monochromatic blue
  • Not So Stoic: There are times when the stress of her situation get to her.
  • Our Demons Are Different: is a tiefling.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: She can actually control herself when transformed. As it turns out, she’s not a werewolf at all.
  • The Paladin: Her class is the Trope Namer
  • Pure Is Not Good: While she may be a paladin, she has also been shown to be selfish, mistrustful, surly, judgemental and as Eating the Eye Candy shows, her thoughts aren’t always the most pure either, not to mention the whole tiefling thing. None of this stops her from being a noble and heroic character, and a worthy paladin.
  • Recruitment by Rescue: She recruits the party to her cause after busting them out of the Directian Arena
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Brings together a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits in order to take back her throne.
  • Secret Diary: She has one. Though it’s Played for Laughs rather than being a major plot point.
  • Sliding Scale of Leadership Responsibility: She’s “The Superman”, though Oin persuades her to start acting more like “The Theodan”
  • Summon Magic: She uses it to call forth her mount Starjay and two storm elementals.
  • Supporting Leader: Is the leader of the party, despite not being a PC.
  • Support Party Member: Jeminya's lay on hands saves the party in dire situations.
  • Tomboy with a Girly Streak: While mostly an adventurous lady of action, she also has several feminine qualities such as a love of children and horses, keeping a diary, enthusiasm for “girl talk”, and she’s somewhat of a romantic.
  • Warrior Princess: Warrior “Queen”, actually. But the spirit of the trope still applies.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gives a vicious speech of this sort during the Season 1 Finale.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: A tiefling paladin.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Jeminya gives a speech of this nature to the party when they first escape from the arena.

     Ravvas Arkanen 

Ravvas Arkanen

Player: Lunacorva
Race: Drow
Class: Warblade/Crusader
Eyes: Gold
Hair: White
Home: The Underdark
An emissary of the Drow, Ravvas met the group during a chance encounter on their initial adventure. He's now joined the party on their mission to save Jeminya's soul from the Nine Hells. He's been down there once before, so he's considered an expert on the matter.


  • A God Am I: After casting Karsus Avatar, Ravvas briefly dies, only to come back as a pseudo-god called God-King Ravvas.
  • Aloof Ally: Being a Drow, he can come off as rather aloof and standoffish, but he does mean well. Well for the drow, that is.
  • Ambition Is Evil: After taking over the country, he then wishes to challenge the Gods.
  • Awesome Aussie: Badass Chessmaster with an Australian accent, courtesy of his player.
  • Badass Cape: Depicted with one in his artwork
  • Batman Gambit: On LOLTH of all people. Playing on her arrogance and vanity to trick her into getting herself killed.
  • Becoming the Mask: Only acted as an ally to the party to benefit his own goals, at first. To his genuine surprise (and discomfort) however, he grew to genuinely care for them.
    • Zig-zagged in that he still turns against them in spite of those feelings however.
  • Bearer of Bad News: General Urdusk was executed between season's two and three, and it was Ravvas's job to relay that information to the party and the rest of the council.
  • Beat Them at Their Own Game: He ultimately defeats the Spider Queen by betraying her and manipulating her into a trap.
  • Big Bad: Of Season 4.
    • The Man Behind the Man: Season 4 also reveals that he told Asmodeus about the Sanctify the Wicked spell, knowing Asmodeus would drag Jemninya into Hell and force the players to follow. Thereby making him responsible for every horrible thing that happens to them in that season.
  • Black-and-White Insanity: He beleives so firmly in absolute loyalty, that the idea of the party NOT wanting to kill a guard to make it easier to get to Jeminya enrages him as he sees it as them betraying their queen by choosing the guard. Even feeling bad about it is offensive to him.
    :Treachery in the heart is next to treachery in your deeds."
    • He slowly starts to relax this attitude when he realizes it's driving a wedge between himself and the party and thus jeopardising the one chance he has of killing Lolth.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: While it's clear he does have a strong moral framework, it comes from a position that is so alien to the party's own that it seems almost sociopathic and insane.
  • Boring, but Practical: His fighting style. He is NOT the most flashy combatant, but he’s one of the most effective.
  • Brutal Honesty: He does not care at all about hiding the truth to spare one's feelings. As shown when he Calmly tells Hana that her mother tried to kill her. According to Word Of The Player this was him trying to be NICE, since he figured it would be better she know the truth than believe a lie.
  • The Captain: He has this rank, and according to Arkoth, he has become this for the party in Season 3.
  • The Chessmaster: He proves himself to be this with his plan in Season 3. Step 1, convince Lolth that him recruiting the party to kill her is just him leading them into her trap as a sacrifice to her. Step 2, switch places with someone. Step 3, That person pretends to be him and goes on a Bond Villainesque rant about how he fooled everyone. Step 4, "He", "accidentally" makes mention of how Lolth is incapable of hurting the party herself, while he, a lesser being can. Step 5, Not Ravvas continues to "dig himself deeper" until Lolth attacks him in a vain rage, thus attacking a non-drow, and breaking the Primeval Pact. The plan worked to perfection.
    • In Season 4, it is revealed that upon learning from Valil (Who had infiltrated Jeminya's council under a disguise) about Jeminya's plan to use the sanctify the wicked spell, he tells Asmodeus about the spell, knowing that Asmodeus will drag her into Hell before the spell is completed and thus motivating the party to follow him down into Hell where he could not only use them as bait for the plan outlined above, but also use the fact that they are out of the material plane to have his agents start a war between Sabaton and Directian to cull their numbers for a Drow takeover. When the party returns from Hell and he realises they're onto him, he uses a mass produced anti-magic amulet that he tricked the party into giving him to almost wipe them out, while also confessing his crimes. Knowing that they'll focus their attention on stopping him if they manage to escape (which they do). This attention focused on him makes their actions predictable, and lets his agents frame the party as traitors while they're licking their wounds. While the party is reeling from psychological warfare, he allies the Drow with Sabaton to further discredit the party(using Simula's memory spell to trick the fire of truth) and uses this alliance, and his mole in Directian to convince both armies to attack each other in one, final confrontation that will devastate both kingdoms.
  • Chessmaster Sidekick: To General Urdusk
  • Combat and Support: Can hold his own in battle, but uses maneuvers and battle tactics that aid and support his allies.
  • Commuting on a Bus: According to his player, Lunacorva was unable to stick around for more than a Season and thus wrote Ravvas’s arc to be concluded by Season’s end. Allowing him to leave the main story without needing to be Put on a Bus.
    • Subverted. Turns out he’s actually Season 4’s Big Bad
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: His time in the underdark makes him blase about many things that horrify the rest of the party.
  • Creepy Monotone: He normally speaks in a calm, even and deadpan voice.
    • Suddenly Shouting: Which makes these moments all the more jarring. Good lord, Lunacorva has lungs!
  • Dare to Be Badass: Ravvas tries to use this to convince the party to help him slay Lolth. Kill a God, and no devil will ever threaten them again.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: It's clear that he did NOT have a pleasant life before meeting the party. He was born the only son of an influential Drow Soldier and assassin, the former of which preached ideals of camaraderie and quickly gained the loyalty of many like-minded Drow, with the group acting as Ravvis' mentors in combat and strategy, with him coming to view them as his family. However, the group were branded criminals by the Drow High Priestesses due to their ideas of camaraderie and teamwork conflicting with Lolth's principals of betrayal, marking them as traitors. Ravvas, being Locked Out of the Loop about the how the rest of the Drow operated and believing that it worked the way it did in their group everywhere else, traveled to the Drow capital in hopes of convincing the High Priestesses and Matriarch's of his family's innocence. Instead, he was manipulated by a Matriarch into revealing everything he knew about them, and then thrown into the dungeon to serve as bait for his parents and family. Pleading them to leave him and save themselves, he's instead forced to watch as they're murdered and skinned in front of them, causing him to mutter how it was all his fault. He's subsequently made into the priestesses' slave and plaything until being taken in by Urdusk due to noticing his potential.
  • Deadpan Snarker: At this point it's kind of a prerequisite that whoever joins this game is going to be a little sarcastic, but Lunacorva's delivery is already deadpan so it can be hard to tell when he's being serious, and at times that's very concerning.
  • Do Wrong, Right: Ravvas is furious with Oin for putting him under the sleep spell. However, he's not angry at Oin for the action itself, in-fact he outright says he's proud at the initiative and impressed that Oin managed to nullify him so completely. Rather, he calls Oin an idiot for when he chooses to do this. Leaving the party without their guide at the moment he was most vital, instead of waiting until after Lolth was dead and Ravvas had outlived his usefulness.
  • Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: He Out Gambits The trickster Godddess Lolth.
  • Dissonant Serenity: He is eerily calm after killing Suviel.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: Zig-Zagged in his backstory. When he first met Krull, he was quick to take him in despite his mutations since he saw him, at heart, as a true Drow. However, upon learning that Sorn was the son of a Drow Matriarch and a human, he's quick to try and kill him out of disgust, only being stopped when Krull stands in his ways and repeats his own words at him, prompting Ravvas to stand down for the time being. Soon after, when he and Urdusk are sent to Lolth's domain to meet with her and Asmodeus over an escaped concubine, Ravvas returns to the capital to find that 10 years have passed and that Sorn took control of Venom, and was even more shocked when instead of trying to kill him and seize total control, Sorn bowed to Ravvas, relinquished control of Venom back to him, and offered his head for his supposed arrogance. This show of Undying Loyalty, along with the vouching of the other members, convinced Ravvas to let go of his hatred for Sorn's heritage and truly embrace him as a comrade. Despite this however, he's still hates the humans and other races, treating Sorn as A Credit To His Race.
  • Every Scar Has a Story: Due to Lolth's games, he has three metal spiders that have been permanently burned into his skin.
  • Evil All Along: He was manipulating the party from the very start of Season 3.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: When the Party and the Directian army have the Drow army cornered, he's utterly baffled when they call a ceasefire and make a deal to have a final battle between their respective groups, the Party and Venom, to determine the winner, not understanding why they'd want to gamble their victory and that they don't actually want to wipe out the Drow.
  • Evil Versus Evil: With the new context provided by Season 4, his conflicts with Lolth, Simula and The Archdevil's can be seen in this light. Along with some seasoning of Eviler than Thou.
  • Expy: Subverted. according to Word Of The Player, Ravvas was created with the express purpose of making a PC Drow who WASN'T another Drizzt clone. Being a Stoic, regimented soldier who wants to rebuild Drow society into prosperity and order instead of a sensitive, free-spirited loner who wants to escape the Drow and be accepted by the surface races.
  • The Face: He takes this role in Season 3, as his Manipulative Bastard, Realpolitik attitude is better suited to dealing with devils than Ivan’s more empathetic, Nice Guy persona. Though he does step back and let Ivan handle things when he feels Ivan’s approach would be more suited.
  • Foil: To the party as a whole, while they are a Ragtag Bunch Of Technical Pacifists, he is a ruthless and highly disciplined solider. And while they are all rather close to their Gods, he wants to KILL his.
  • Freudian Excuse: His parents being killed for what was effectively showing mercy goes a long way to explaining his ruthless nature.
  • The Face: He takes this role in Season 3, as his Manipulative Bastard, Realpolitik attitude is better suited to dealing with devils than Ivan’s more empathetic, Nice Guy persona. Though he does step back and let Ivan handle things when he feels Ivan’s approach would be more suited.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: From the perspective of the Drow Matriarchs and High Priestesses he is this. From some naive boy living with heretics, and then another slave for their amusement, to the man who brought about the death of their God and the destruction of their entire power base.
    • He’s also this from a meta perspective. From a bit part NPC, to a Player Character and finally, The Big Bad of the final season.
  • Good Is Not Nice: "Good" might be stretch, but his goal is ultimately noble, even if he is a complete Jerkass.
    • Falls into Anti-Villain in season 4. His goal to liberate his race would be noble... if it didn't also involve the attempted genocide of every OTHER race.
  • Hates Being Touched: He point-blank refuses a hug from Ivan.
  • Hero Killer: Depends on your definition of the work "hero", since that's what Saint Suviel thinks of himself as, but upon discovering that he may really be Levistus, Raavas kills him without a second thought and shows absolutely no remorse for it.
    • DEFINITELY becomes this in Season 4 as he stabs Ivan. to death and very nearly causes a TPK.
  • Had to Be Sharp: He learned most of his combat skills, manipulation ability and ruthlessness growing up in the harsh underdark.
  • He's Back!: The moment he wakes up from his Oin induced coma, he immediately takes charge of the situation. Rallying the still fractured party together and laying out a strategy to take down Lolth. Subverted as it turns out this was actually Simula in disguise. Though his return to outline how he had successfully Out-Gambitted the mad Goddess may be an even MORE triumphant example.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Wields a long sword and shield.
  • Hero Looking for Group: Like Jeminya before him, he brings the party together once more to help him topple a tyrant queen.
  • Honorary True Companion: He was only able to join the party for their journey through Hell before he had to return to help his people. But by journey’s end he’s very much considered part of the family.
    • Upon his return and ascendance to Season 4’s Big Bad, it’s safe to say he’s no longer considered one.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: Was the real brains behind the military operations that Urdusk took credit for. Though Ravvas admits that Urdusk was a better politician than he.
  • Imminent Danger Clue: The tired look he gives the party when they see him again is the first sign that something is very wrong.
  • I Would Have Told You, But…: He keeps quiet about his plan because he didn’t want any risk of Lolth catching onto what he was doing.
  • It's All My Fault: It's implied that he feels some measure of survivors guilt for the death of his family. Though downplayed in that he ALSO blames his parents for not leaving him to die.
  • Lack of Empathy: Struggles to and often fails to understand the feelings of the party and why they do things the way they do.
  • Large and in Charge: Played with. He's slim and short by human standards, but rather large for a Drow. As well as having a position of authority.
  • Loophole Abuse: As per his word, he does surrender when the Party bests him and Venom in the final battle. After surrendering however, he destroys the diamond helping keep Cumelles afloat, which would cause the city to crash into Directian with the force of a nuke. When Jeminya calls him out on this, he states that he is still keeping his end of the bargain; she won the war with his surrender like they agreed, but they didn't say either side couldn't perform acts of terrorism after.
  • Lonely at the Top: When he first met Zelniss, his group's Druid, he grew an appreciation of him for the fact that he was willing to speak to Ravvas as an equal, whereas the rest of Venom treated him as a Messiah and put him on a high pedestal.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: In conjunction with his sword, he uses a shield.
  • Made a Slave: Spent decades as the slave of the Drow matriarchs after his family was killed
  • Manipulative Bastard: Demonstrated numerous times throughout the journey as he is able to keep up with and even outwit many of the equally manipulative devils they come across. He even manages to counter Simula's own attempts at manipulating the party.
    • This apparently extends to his player as well.
    Eliyora (To Lunacorva): "Dude, when I see you, I'm going to check to see if your tongue isn't literally coated in silver."
  • Mr. Exposition: Since he' has been to the Nine Hells before and is very studied on them he knows much if not all there is to know and acts as a guide to the rest of the party in their journey.
  • Nerves of Steel: Remains calm even while being neck-lifted by Amber. While he has had moments of Not So Stoic, they're rarely due to fear.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Ravvas may well be the most ruthlessly efficient character in the entire series. He has none of the mercy the other heroes do, and unlike the villains who all enjoy playing with their food, Ravvas will kill you with hardly a word. Just ask Suviel.
  • No-Sell: His response to Quentil Paracs fear aura? “Oin. Harm him.”
  • Officer and a Gentleman: A military captain, a diplomat, and can be very polite when he needs to be (See his conversation with the Devil bureaucrat in Phlegathos for an example)
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Hinted at through Aymer’s journal, where he has a minor freakout over the fact that Theodan Tanlial told “The Drow general’s bodyguard” of his plans. Thing is, at the time, Ravvas was acting as a mere grunt, and was supposed to be on Simula’s side. So what did Ravvas do to make AYMER of all people genuinely afraid of him knowing their plans?
  • Opportunistic Bastard: Combines this with The Chessmaster, While he has a long running plan, he's perfectly willing to pick up on new opportunities that present themselves. In a way, he could be seen as a collector of sorts. Picking up small bits of resources, information and allies, and saving them until they can be used later.
  • Parental Abandonment: They died trying to save him.
  • Pointy Ears: He's a dark elf. What do you expect?
  • Practical Taunt: His choice of disciplines gives him several maneuvers that function in this manner.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: His ultimate goal is to kill Lolth for all she has done to the Drow. In the end, he tricks her into getting herself killed.
  • Smart People Speak the Queen's English: Played with. He's certainly intelligent, being the "party lawyer" as well as being The Strategist for General Urdusk (And sharing this role for the party alongside Jalerom), and speaks in what sounds like a posh british accent. However, his player is actually Australian, and uses his natural accent. It's just his deadpan tone makes it sound British.
  • Smug Smiler: On occasion. Usually when being particuarly condescending or exasperated.
  • The So-Called Coward: Inverted. He frequently accuses the PARTY of being cowards for not being as ruthless as he is, ignoring their numerous acts of badassery.
  • The Social Expert: Played With. He’s an expert at social politics, but struggles with empathising with and befriending people on a personal level.
  • The Stoic: He competes with Oin in the category of most unflinchingly calm character.
    • Not So Stoic: However, when he does show emotion, it is noticable and dramatic.
  • The Strategist: Demonstrated during the battle of Directian where he lays out a plan of attack for the good guy's armies. In Season Three, he shares this role with Jalerom during their fights, Jalerom often looking for an out of the box solution, while Ravvas focus' on co-ordinating the "troops" as it were. Many of his class abilities involve directing others according to his strategies.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: In Season 1, the party was guided through Alatastica by a crusading soldier with a mysterious past who wanted to free her people from a tyranical ruler. In season 3, they are guided through Hell by... a crusading soldier with a mysterious past who wants to free his people from a tyranical ruler.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Played with. Allthough he did it on Simula's orders, it was HIS team that captured the party for her arena. So basically, the party was associated with Ravvas before they even knew who he was, and they weren't even aware of it.
  • The Team Benefactor: He provides the spell scroll and expertise necessary to get the party through Hell.
  • The Team Normal: During the fight against the Demon Army, he’s the only one who doesn’t have a Demigod form.
  • Token Evil Teammate: He was by FAR the most ruthless member of the party in Season 3. Willing to casually kill to advance their cause.
    • Deconstructed as this attitude very nearly gets him ostracised and killed before he realises he needs to change his approach.
  • Token Religious Teammate: Inverted. He’s the only one who DOESN’T worship any God. Being a Nay-Theist in a party whose members are all Pals with Jesus
  • The Unfettered: Is single-mindedly devoted to saving his people, no matter the cost and is baffled and repulsed by the party's unwillingness to be as ruthless as he is.
  • Verbal Tic: Ravvas has a tendency to say, "If I may," incessantly, to the point of annoying the party.
  • Xanatos Gambit: He orchestrates the war between Directian and Sabaton, saying that if the surface dwellers destroy each other, it will make the effort of conquering them that much easier for the drow.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Has the least amount of overt powers of the entire party and cannot go Demi-God. But he’s probably the most well-trained and experienced fighter out of all of them, and was the only one who was having any success against Quentil Paracs until Rose arrived.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: He modifies his plan throughout season three to take advantage of new opportunities or counter obstacles as they appear.

     Reyin Dalgo 

Reiyn Dalgo

Player: Aramau
Race: Half-Elf (maybe Saurian?)
Class: Appears to be a Ranger in training
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Kross's young son who was living with his uncle in Salania Forest. He had been hearing about his father's adventures through the letters Kross was sending. He was finally reunited with his father after the party returned to Salania Forest. He's a kind and polite kid, treating everyone with respect and admiration.
  • The Cameo: Through a construct in Faerthurin's mansion, Reyin has made a few appearances in season 3.
  • Cuddle Bug: Like Ivan, he loves handing out hugs, but he also loves handing out cookies.
  • The Cutie: Just look at all the comments of his debut episode; they're filled to the brim with squees thanks to this kid's adorableness.
  • Disappeared Dad: He finally met up with his dad after presumably years of not seeing him.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Seems like cookies are quickly becoming this, as much as he loves talking about them and handing them out.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: Even though he regularly received his father's letters, that doesn't change the fact that he missed his dad and wanted to see him again.

     Rose Emeraldsong 

Rose Emeraldsong

Player: Sweetie Bloom
Race: Human
Class: Druid
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Home: Salania Forest
Rose "lives" on the Sabaton side of the Salania Forest with the elves of Shendalin. The sisterhood of the druid clan took her in at a young age. In her adolescence, she thought to see the world, discover new life, and learn about the vast world beyond the reaches of her forest home. These trips became less frequent as she entered early adulthood and she contented herself with continuing to learn the mysteries of her forest. Rose doesn't favor combat and tends to stay back as a result. She's quite protective of her dog; perhaps more so than necessary. She isn't aware of many customs of civilized folk and doesn't really trust them but she's is quick to pick up on social cues.


  • Agree to Disagree: Basically her attitude towards the group killing animals. She doesn’t like it, but she will keep her peace for the sake of group unity.
  • An Odd Place to Sleep: She prefers to sleep outside or in barns. Both to save money, and to be closer to her animal companions.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: At fifteen (Later 16) years old, she’s the youngest member of the party in both chronology and maturity.
  • Balance Between Good and Evil: This is (along with nature itself), is what she’s fighting to protect.
  • The Beastmaster: Can control and command animals.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Her What the Hell, Hero? speech leads to Jeminya appointing her as the teams moral authority. A role that she is quite uncomfortable in.
  • Beneath the Mask: A mulitlayered example. Beneath Rose's kindly exterior is a misanthrope who hates humanoids. But beneath THAT, is a genuinely good person who will still fight to protect humanoids despite her disdain for them.
  • Berserker Tears: She’s so angry during it, you can actually hear her crying.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Let's see here, the party is in battle with a monster blocking their way to the portal that leads to the Nine Hells. A few bangs on the door later, and what comes through? How about Rose WILDSHAPED AS A T-REX WITH "RULES OF NATURE" PLAYING AND SHE ONE-SHOTS THE THING!
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Comes across as kindly and patient. But just see the other tropes on this list.
  • Boomerang Bigot: And no, being a humanoid herself doesn't lessen this in the slightest.
  • Combat and Support: While Rose mostly summons creatures, she is also a secondary healer for the group.
  • The Conscience: Appointed this role by Jeminya, despite Rose’s own protests. As she feels she's completely unsuited to the role.
  • Dare to Be Badass: When she decides to stay behind because she doesn't want to go to hell (even if it IS to rescue Jeminya), she gets a stern talking-to from her god telling her to buck up.
  • Dirty Business: How she views killing animals along with the party.
  • Druid: As should be obvious.
  • Elemental Powers: By way of summoning elemental creatures to fight for her.
  • Fantastic Racism: Towards "humanoids"
  • Friend to All Living Things: "Animal talker" Basically the St. Francis of the group.
  • Good Is Not Dumb: Rose can be incredibly observant and was, in fact, the first member of the party to realize that The people they’d been meeting were actually their Gods.
  • Green Thumb: She can manipulate plant life and growth.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: When forced to choose between killing Shiloh to pass the Test of Resolve, and losing the support of the fire elves for Jeminya’s coalition, she instead decides to Take a Third Option, and shoot herself. Fortunately, the gun wasn’t actually loaded.
  • In Harmony with Nature: She's a druid.
  • Involuntary Shapeshifting: Forcibly transforms Aymer into a small and cute puppy.
  • It's All About Me: When it's revealed that Glasya created the "Sanctify the Wicked" spell, Rose expresses zero gratitude at having a way to save her friend, but instead just bitter and resentment over feeling used.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Despite her hypocrisy, Rose is correct that the group has a tendancy to kill when there is no need to.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Zig-Zagged. See Beneath the Mask above.
  • Kid Hero: She’s actually even younger than Amber at only fifteen years of age. This explains a lot, actually.
  • Mercy Kill: Outright says that she views killing the miinotaur this way.
  • The Minion Master: Not as often as Rin, but she will spam Summon Nature’s Ally if the need arises.
  • Moral Myopia: A Kraken potentially slaughters hundreds of water elves? Meh, it’s just trying to survive. The party theoretically kills the kraken in self-defence? Gasp! How COULD they?!
  • Naïve Animal Lover: Lana calls her out as one for refusing to let Shiloh fight, which Lana clearly sees as coddling.
  • Nature Hero: She's a druid!
  • Nature Lover: She's a druid.
  • Nice Girl: How she acts.
  • Put on a Bus: Gets turned to stone in Episode 97 and is put in Fae's mansion until they can fix her.
    • Real Life Writes the Plot: Though this is because Sweetie Bloom's job makes it next to impossible for her to join in for the foreseeable future.
    • Bus Crash: Asmodeus tells the party that she suffered brain death while unconscious.
  • Signature Move: Entangle and Summon Nature’s Ally
  • Something about a Rose: Well, it is her name after all.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Can communicate with animals.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: "Summon Nature's Ally" is practically her signature spell.
  • Support Party Member: Has a few healing spells in her arsenal. Not as many as Oin.
  • Take a Third Option: Her solution to the Test of Resolve.
  • Technical Pacifist: She doesn’t like to kill unless she absolutely needs to.
  • Trial by Friendly Fire: A common dillemna with her entangle spell is that she often risks getting her friends caught in the area of effect.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Can use Wild Shape to transform into various animals.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Calls out the heroes on their constant animal killing.
  • What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: Is oblivious to the romance happening around her, which is ironic as her player is a notorious shipper.


Arkoth Wormwood

Player: Joshscorcher
Race: Spirit
Class: Cleric
Hair: None
Eyes: None
Home: Minauros, formerly Directian
Having been betrayed and horrifically murdered by the woman he loved, Arkoth finally knows first hand the horrors he had been inflicting upon his own people. Having been given a second chance by the Gods and the life of his daughter to care for, Arkoth now roams the Nine Hells, seeking redemption by slaying an Arch-devil.

See Arkoth Wormwood on Brony Dand D Villains for more information.


Hana Wormwood

Player: Aramau
Race: Tiefling
Class: Sorceress
Hair: Black
Eyes: Yellow
Home: Minauros
The daughter of Simula Malum and Arkoth Wormwood. Though her mother attempted to abort her, she was given to her father by the Gods when he wished for a way to make right his wrongs. The time disparity between the mortal realm and Baator means that in the span of two mortal months, she has become a thirteen year old preteen.


  • Abusive Parents: Her mother tried to MURDER her. It doesn't get much more abusive than that.
  • Adorably Precocious Child: When it's not crossing the line into Troubling Unchildlike Behaviour, Hana's advanced maturity for her age is actually rather cute.
  • Accents Aren't Hereditary: Inexplicably has a British accent, despite no one on Minauros having such an accent.
  • Action Survivor: Manages to survive following the party through literal Hell.
  • Badass Boast: Gives one to Asmodeus.
    'Hana: ”Let my aunt go, and you will have someone (draws both swords) who can make a dent against your enemies!”
  • Big Eater: Growing up in Minauros means she grew up as a scavenger, often having little to eat. When introduced to Oin's Hero's Feast, she indulges quite happily.
  • Captain Oblivious: Played with. Due to growing up in Baator, she has little to no understanding to how mortals work.
  • Children Are Innocent: While she can be rude, it's out of ignorance, not malice and she is never cruel.
  • Child Mage: She inherited her mother's magic.
  • Child of Forbidden Love: Born from the union between not only Season 2's Big Bad and her dragon, but also the princess of Directian and the captain of the guard, AND the best friend of her grandfather and his GODDAUGHTER. Oh, and did I mention she was conceived out of wedlock? It's almost a MERCY she was raised in Hell instead of the Directian court.
  • Coming of Age Story: Her arc throughout Season 3.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: She grew up in literal HELL!
    • Everyone Has Standards: And yet, even SHE finds Ravvas' cold blooded murder of Suviel and subsequent lack of remorse to be disturbing. And she has a complete freakout when she realises just how evil her mother is.
  • Constantly Curious: She is full of questions upon meeting the party, Justified given they are unlike anything she has seen before.
  • Creepy Child: Her upbringing means that she can occasionally be a little unsettling. In her first appearence, the party initially thought she was a new monster.
  • Damsel in Distress: She is kidnapped by Baalzebul when she runs from the party. Justified given she’s only a thirteen year old girl and he’s an archdevil.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She is thirteen years old. Of course this is a thing.
  • Harmful to Minors: Arkoth has tried to keep her safe from the worst of Hell, but even then...
  • Hates Baths: Much to Faerthurin's dismay.
    • The Pig-Pen: Would only bathe twice a month, if that, if she had her way.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Defied. She tries to offer herself in exchange for Jeminya, but the party is having NONE of it.
  • Improbable Age: Hana is a magical prodigy who is capable of spells that people two years older than her cannot do. Justified given who her mother is and the hereditry nature of her power.
  • Improbable Infant Survival: She survived being aborted. Granted, it's justified since it was a God who saved her, but even so, there's a reason the party was shocked to find her alive.
  • Jabba Table Manners: She quite eagerly crawled over and under the table to get at different foods.
  • Little Miss Badass: By Season Three’s end, she’s cutting down devils alongside the party.
  • Missing Child: She runs away from the party when she thinks they've been lying to her and is kidnapped by Baazebul in episode 94.
  • Mouthy Kid: Utterly unafraid to say what's on her mind, regardless of her audience.
  • Mysterious Waif: Was introduced as this at first before both her identity was revealed and her character received significant development.
  • Negated Moment of Awesome: She attempted to pull a Heroic Sacrifice to save Jeminya, but the party prevented it.
  • No Social Skills: Grew up alone in Baator with only Arkoth and a teddy bear to talk to. She didn't have much chance to learn.
  • Parental Substitute: Forms a mother-daughter bond with Faerthurin.
  • Sneaky Departure: She sneaks away from the mansion in the middle of the night on Malbolge to disastrous results
  • Street Urchin: Has the appearence of one, due to having to scrounge for survival in Minauros.
  • Tagalong Kid: a young child who travels with the party.
  • Took a Level in Badass: After being empowered by Simula, she is able to hold her own in battle during the final layer.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Having to grow up in Hell has made her a lot more mature than most 13 year olds. Though she IS still a child.
