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Characters / Bravely Default Duchy Of Eternia

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The main antagonistic nation in Bravely Default as well as their allies. Otherwise known as the "Jobmasters", these people possess the Asterisks, mystical artifacts that grant a lifetimes worth of power and skill with minimal training. The vast majority of them reappear in Bravely Second.

WARNING: In case you didn't notice on the main page, this page contains spoilers for all games in the series. All spoilers on this page will be unmarked. Read at your own risk.

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    Jobmasters as a Whole 

  • Achilles' Heel: Reflect for any magic user (even healers if it is cast on them instead of the party). Enigma to anything reliant on elemental damage (physical or magical). Dispel for any that make use of buffs. You get the idea. The right setup can completely nullify almost any of them.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Few of the Jobmasters are genuinely sympathetic, but the ones that are usually have the party lamenting that it had to come to violence after the fight. Even some of the more deplorable Jobmasters in the first world get less and less unlikable as the "Groundhog Day" Loop continues, making the party comment how they feel horrible for slaying them.
  • Alternate Self: After killing most of them in the first loop, they are "refought" later in the game by virtue of them being alternate-universe versions that haven't been killed yet. As a result of the different timeline, however, these alternate selves have increasingly greater changes to them, like being more (or less) sympathetic and having their combat tactics changed.
  • Boss Rush: After defeating them for the final time in the fifth world, you can go back to fight all of them in their final teams.
  • The Cavalry: In the true ending, many of them back you up in the battle against Ouroboros.
  • Enemy Mine: While some of them clearly make a Heel–Face Turn, it's clear that some of them (Qada, Fiore, etc.) are still not the nicest of people and are only helping out because a) they've been ordered to and, b) because the world(s) will end if they don't help. As of Second, nearly all of them have made heel-face turns before the events of the game.
  • Evil Is Bigger: A majority of them are taller than your team or anybody else in the world, at least outside of the opening cutscene.
  • Evil Versus Evil: As you eventually learn, while the Duchy employs some rather questionable tactics in their opposition of Crystalism, the Crystal Orthodoxy is actually a Corrupt Church that has done some pretty nasty things over the course of history.
  • Flunky Boss: In Second, almost all of them battle you along with some personalized minions.
  • Heel–Face Turn: By the fourth world loop, none of them are truly villains anymore, and all of them back Braev's attempt to make you strong enough to battle the true Big Bad. And by the time of Bravely Second, most of them minus those already dead in Bravely Second canon had done this.
  • I Call It "Vera": In Second you can obtain most of the asterisk bearers' weapons at Chompshire. Many of these have unique names, and all of them have a small background story for their entry in Yew's Journal.
  • Jerkass: Half or a third of them are this, even after seemingly doing a Heel–Face Turn, they still despises you.
  • Killed Off for Real: While it appeared that they all, with very few exceptions, were killed in the first world, many of them subverted this and are still alive and well. The only ones to officially be dead by the time of the sequel are Qada, Victoria, Victor, and DeRosso.
  • Large and in Charge: Jobmasters tend to be huge, both in comparison to the party and other NPCs. While in the first game it was more noticeable due to the graphical style, most of them still tower over the more realistically proportioned PCs of the second game.
  • Leitmotif: "Visitor" for most of them; "Below the Duchy's Banner" for the Council of Six. All of them also have "That Person's Name Is" as a battle theme.
  • Motive Rant: Usually each Jobmaster gets a while to rant un-interrupted about who they are or why they do what they do, occasionally combined with a Breaking Speech. The party may or may not respond with a Kirk Summation.
  • No Cure for Evil: Averted for the Jobmasters who possess healing abilities.
  • Not Quite Dead: Most of them return in the second game.
  • Power Copying: These guys are the ones who possesses the jobs you get in the game, and defeating them for good grants you their asterisk so that you can use their jobs and the abilities that come with them. As they're all aligned with Eternia, or an Eternian group, fighting them comes naturally.
  • Puzzle Boss: Not all of them, but a good part of them are: The gimmicks of the job classes they represent means you have to come prepared into the fights, learn their pattern, and Brave/Default accordingly, and even some of the more basic ones are easier if you've prepared for their attacks. If you don't, they can all become rather difficult Damage Sponge Bosses.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: Each of the divisions qualify as they are all boss fights that are second only to the Crystal Guardians and in the words of Ringabell, "a motley crew".
  • Recurring Boss: Thanks to the "Groundhog Day" Loop going on, they can all be fought anew, multiple times. Some of them are also special cases within the story itself, and will be noted as such.
  • Right Hand Versus Left Hand: While Braev and many other Jobmasters are fairly honorable, the bad eggs among them have enough free reign to cause a lot of damage in the name of the Duchy, which severely hurts their cause. This comes to a head in the fourth world, where the party helps the Duchy imprison the worst three among them before they can attempt a coup. Downplayed in the fifth world, where all the Jobmasters get together to train your party, though there's no indication that the three from before gave up on their coup.
  • Sliding Scale of Antagonist Vileness:
    • These guys are really all over the map. Some are quite noble (Einheria, Kamiizumi); some are pitiable (The Jackal); some are Laughably Evil (Praline, Barras); some are obviously insane (Mephilia and Artemia); some are cunning and malicious (Profiteur, Holly); and some are horrific (Qada, DeRosa). At their best, they follow orders and try to reduce casualties, and they are polite to Edea, preferring to give her warnings rather than killing her outright. This especially holds true for their leader and, oddly enough, Khint. At their worst, they're charging people an arm and a leg for vital resources; drugging, kidnapping, and liquefying innocent women to make hallucinogens and pheromones; or ruthlessly using toxic mist to kill thousands (and planning to top that with a new toxin).
    • In Bravely Second, all of the ones that survived have evolved into Anti Heroes or Noble Demons in one way or another. Even Jerkasses like Crowe or Profiteur are trying to work for the greater good. Trouble is, they tend to have conflicting goals, forcing you to make a Sadistic Choice.
  • Sociopathic Soldier: A good portion of the jobmasters support Eternia's conquering just for the killing, fighting, and torturing.
  • Squad Nickname: The first 4 groups of Jobmasters form a squad of 4, each with official name. During the final loop, they can be fought together as squads too. As for the mandatory Boss Rush, the Jobmasters form NEW groups and make up names for themselves like Vanguard, Stone Wall, Powerhouses, Mega Magic...
  • Statuesque Stunner: Holly, Mephilia and Praline are noticeably taller than the PCs, and wear fairly fanservicy outfits.
  • Tactical Withdrawal: All the Jobmasters stationed in the various regions of Luxendarc are preparing for this in the fifth world, to varying degrees, in order to prepare for a final showdown in Eternia.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: You might be able to get away with brute-forcing your way through Holly and Barras, but trying to spam Braves against Ominas will likely lead to death by Fire and Poison. Best get used to using the Default command.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Jobmasters that are truly loyal to Eternia (and Braev Lee) fall under this.
  • Wolfpack Boss: In the latter worlds, you will begin to fight against most or all of the Jobmasters in every group at once. Their final battles have them fight in different groups, using different skills and strategies depending on the theme of the group as a whole.

The Sky Knights

The first Eternian military group encountered in the game. They were charged with conquering the Kingdom of Caldisia.
    The Knight 

Knight Argent Heinkel

Voiced By: Takaya Hashi (JP), Richard Epcar (EN)
The Captain of the Sky Knights and holder of the Knight asterisk.
  • 24-Hour Armor: He's always dressed in full knight armor, even when he's no longer a part of the Sky Knights in Bravely Second.
  • Achilles' Heel: Has a weakness to Lightning attacks, probably because of the armor he wears.
  • Actually a Doombot: If you choose for Sholmes to become a private investigator, it turns out that the Heinkel you fight is Sholmes's former partner Whitson, who was in on the murders in the first place. The real Heinkel is recovered safe and sound afterwards, having been locked in a room downstairs the whole time.
  • Batman Gambit: Lures the party onto the Eschalot airship by capturing the King of Caldisia. Even if they smell the trap, they can't just let the king be taken as a captive, so they must go after him.
  • Broken Pedestal: For Edea, who looked up to him as the paragon of the Sky Knights. A man who condones (and partakes in) unnecessary violence and cruelty in attempts to "capture" the Wind Vestal doesn't exactly fit the image.
  • Combat Pragmatist: For all his talk about honor and deciding things with the sword, he's not above having archers fire poisoned arrows with him when he fights.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Heinkel can automatically use Cover on both of his Sky Knight Archers, regardless of their HP. This is significantly better than your party's Knights, who only automatically Cover allies that are HP-critical and must to use Full Cover (an ability) if they want to protect one ally for one turn.
  • Da Chief: By Bravely Second, he's become the chief of police in Yunohana.
  • Exact Words: In the fifth world, when Alternis issues orders to the Sky Knights avoid bloodshed when capturing the vestal and treat her with utmost care, assures the Dark Knight that they'll give her "the royal our own fashion, of course". To his credit, he also points out that Alternis is not to be held accountable for the Sky Knights' actions; Dim was a messenger, he delivered his message, and it's hardly his fault if the recipients decided to misinterpret them.
  • Flunky Boss: Has two underlings during the boss fight. He can cover them when they get to critical HP.
  • Genius Bruiser: His prowess with the sword account for the bruiser part. He lures the party to the airship, knowing that they most likely do not have a way of controlling it should he fall is where the genius part comes from.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: Most certainly does not act like one, which infuriates Edea. Though that may not be the case depending on your views.
  • Large Ham: He tends to shout commandingly, even when talking normally would be perfectly acceptable.
  • Meaningful Name: Argent means "silver," while Heinkel can be traced back to a German aircraft company founded by Ernst Heinkel.
  • Mighty Glacier: The Knight job as a whole. Heinkel's defense and attacking power are top notch, but your characters should have little trouble outspeeding him. The Knight class can also use Super Charge, which does more damage with higher defense.
  • The Rival: He is this to Kamiizumi.
  • Taking You with Me: His Plan B is to doom the party and the Caldisian king if he falls, since none of them can pilot the airship they battle on (or so he thinks).
  • Tangled Family Tree: Somehow related to Kikyo.
  • Villainous Valour: Subtle, but it's there. It comes to the forefront in the third loop, where he intervenes in the battle between the party and the third loop's Ominas Crowe.
  • Violence is the Only Option: No matter what, Heinkel's response to a challenge or a perceived slight is to "show [them] a knight's valor". Which is, to say, attacking them.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: If you haven't learned to identify and exploit elemental weaknesses or can't figure out how to use group-casting to prevent Heinkel from protecting his archers, you will not have a fun time fighting Heinkel for the first time.

    The Monk 

Monk Barras Lehr/Bearing Out

Voiced By: Hōchū Ōtsuka (JP), Kirk Thornton (EN)

The Monk asterisk holder and airship pilot.

  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: His Establishing Character Moment is using up all the airship's ammo at once trying to kill Agnès and Tiz.
    "There are only two tactics a real warrior needs! Frontal assault, and death by frontal assault!"
  • Barefisted Monk: He is one and it's also his job asterisk.
  • Battle Couple: With Holly Whyte.
  • The Big Guy: The burly Barras towers over most of his fellow Jobmasters, whom already tower over Agnès's party.
  • Birds of a Feather: In a party chat, he's noted as this with Holly, as neither is afraid to express exactly what they're thinking to/about each other and anyone else.
  • Blood Knight: To a hilarious degree. He loves to fight, stating that even being defeated is a thrill.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: His hobbies include smashing, pounding, punching and squashing, and he enjoys reminding everyone what he's capable of all the time.
  • Brains and Brawn: The enormous brawn to Holly's brains.
  • Brutal Honesty: As the party notes, he and Holly get along well because neither are afraid to speak their minds at all times.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: He has access to the move Invigorate. When you use it, this move has a chance to fail, deal a portion of your health in damage, and make you lose your turn; when Barras uses it, it has no chance of failing until his health gets low at which point he will do nothing but explode, hitting everyone on the battlefield for heavy damage, and is by far his most dangerous move he can use during his "Groundhog Day" Loop fights.
  • Ditzy Genius: With his vast knowledge of martial arts and medicine, and his ability to pilot an airship, Barras is actually pretty smart. What makes him seem dumb is his lack of common sense.
  • Dual Boss: With Holly Whyte.
  • Dumb Muscle: His simple-mindedness and way of speaking leans him in this direction. In Second, he's on-board with a former subordinate's plans to form a coeducational school in Florem...even though he has no idea what he's supporting. That said, he has knowledge of every form of martial arts and teaching degrees in twenty-two medical disciplines, but chooses to open a clinic with Holly instead, should the player side with him.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: According to D's Journal, he hates being called "bear wrestler", which his name is a pun on.
  • Hidden Depths: As revealed in Bravely Second, not only is he an expert in all forms of martial arts, but he also has great knowledge of 22 fields of medicine. He'd rather use that medical expertise to open a clinic with Holly instead, though.
  • Large Ham: Manages to make quite the impression despite his fairly small role in the story. "MONK BARRAS LEHR ENTERS THE RING!"
  • Leeroy Jenkins: In his first appearance, he's itching to jump off his airship and deal with Agnès and Tiz himself. Holly has to restrain him, since he's the only one left who can fly the airship.
  • No Indoor Voice: If he opens his mouth, there's going to be shouting. When Holly demands that he keeps his voice down for an entire 5 minutes, he remarks that he's never actually tried to before.
  • Not Quite Dead: The second loop version of Holly Whyte casts reraise on both of them, and they manage to survive the fight.
  • Odd Couple: Initially it seems improbable that he and Holly would be together, but surprisingly they're actually quite devoted to each other.
  • Punny Name: His name could be read as "bare wrestler," or "bear wrestler."
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Holly's blue.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Barely remembers Swetti Tracsute.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: His pecs and arms are nearly twice the size of his small legs.
  • True Companions: Despite her attitude towards him, he sees Holly as one, and is heartbroken if she goes down before he does.

    The White Mage 

White Mage Holly Whyte

Voiced By: Chiaki Takahashi (JP), Rachel Robinson (EN)
The White Mage asterisk holder. She's a talented healer but is sadistic to the core.
  • Battle Couple: With Barras Lehr.
  • Beta Couple: Her past relationship with Victor is something of a Noodle Incident.
  • Big Eater: In Second, she tries to interfere with Profiteur's plans in the second loop by eating all the sausages and drinking all the beer in Hartschild, with the intention of leaving him with no product to export and thus no reason to develop a port. She is very very drunk when Edea makes her decision.
  • Birds of a Feather: In a party chat, she's noted as this with Barras, as neither is afraid to express exactly what they're thinking to/about each other and anyone else.
  • Blow You Away: Her class gives the wind-elemental Aero, Aerora, and Aeroga spells for offense.
  • Brains and Brawn: The brainy mage to Barras's brawn.
  • Brutal Honesty: As the party notes, she and Barras get along well because neither are afraid to speak their minds at all times.
  • Close to Home: Profiteur's desire to buy up the house at the Eisen inlet in Second from a grandfather and his child reminds her of her own childhood, and not in a good way.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Thinks that having Agnès tortured to near-death then healed (repeatedly) is an appropriate punishment for evading the Sky Knights for weeks and making her and Barras fly around looking for her.
  • Dual Boss: With Barras Lehr.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: While not "evil" per se in Second, she refuses to stay idle when a little girl goes to the Mythril Mines for work.
  • Exact Words: To get Agnès to come quietly, she assures Tiz that her life will be spared. She'll be subjected to Cold-Blooded Torture, healed, and tortured again until her mind snaps, but she'll be alive...
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: in the third world in chapter 6, she'll cast reraise on herself and Barras to fake their deaths and avoid being killed by the party. Reraise is Time Magic, not White Magic.
  • Good Powers, Bad People: A White Mage who's a haughty, sadistic Jerkass. She plans on using her healing magic to prevent Agnès from dying so she can torture her for much longer.
  • Healer Signs On Early: In a sense, you fight Holly and Barras first in order to get get the White Mage Asterisk first (along with Monk).
  • Light Is Not Good: She will even use Holy if she's the last one left standing in her final battle.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: After her parents died and grandfather ran his business into success, he never had time for her. Then, after he died, she had no one.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name is a pun on the words "holy white", fitting her role as the White Mage.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She has a sexy appearance and demeanor, and her speech is littered with double entendres.
  • Not Quite Dead: The second and third loop version of Holly Whyte casts Reraise on herself and Barras, and they manage to survive the fight.
  • Parental Abandonment: Her parents died, and her Grandfather became consumed by work, leaving her feeling alone as she grew up until he died.
  • Pet the Dog: She's sympathetic to Kikyo's fear of speaking out of disguise and helps her take steps to get over her phobia.
  • Punny Name:
    • Holly, a plant whose flowers bloom white, and her last name is, well, Whyte.
    • "Holly" is also "Holy" with an extra L, and Holy is a white magic spell that she can use.
  • Sadist: She speaks in great detail of her intention to torture Agnès, but keep her just barely alive with her white magic. Profiteur even calls her a "sentimental sadist".
  • Shoot the Medic First: Lest she heal herself and Barras. In the Groundhog Day Loops, she doesn't heal near enough to be considered more of a threat than Barras however.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: In Second she is much nicer when it comes to the plight of those in Eisenberg.
  • Torture Technician: Implied. Just before the fight with her, she expresses her intention to, upon capturing Agnès, beat her to the edge of death, heal her, then do it again, over and over. Light Is Not Good indeed.
  • True Companions: With Barras, despite generally looking down on him. During her time loop rematches, she will reveal she greatly cares for Barras, seeing him as a worthy partner.
  • Villain Ball: Agnes was essentially in the middle of surrendering when Holly states her intention to torture her into insanity - leading the party to fight after all. That aside, torture would not help the Eternian endgame.
  • White Mage: Her job asterisk and her specialty.

    The Black Mage 

Black Mage Ominas Crowe

Voiced By: Soichiro Hoshi (JP), Kyle Hebert (EN)
A lieutenant commander of the Sky Knights and holder of the Black Mage asterisk.
  • Ax-Crazy: He has an itchy magic finger, causing destruction and death with his magic without remorse.
  • Black Mage: His job asterisk and his specialty.
  • Casting a Shadow: Dark, a level 6 Black Magic spell. Ominas himself doesn't use this though, but fellow Black Magic user Victoria does.
  • Elemental Powers: A specialization of the Black Mage class.
  • Fire, Ice, Lightning: The Final Fantasy classic three spells each show up. Ominas tends to use Fire spells for group damage and Thunder spells for single-targeting.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Even his allies don't think highly of him. When Edea calls him "a little weasel" during the Boss Rush, the other Jobmasters just chuckle and agree. Even Artemia rags on him in Second, though it's not entirely unjustified.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: In Second, Ominas has apparently learned to use Firaja. Magic in the -ja tier was Vampirism in Default and is Diabolism in Second, not Black Magic.
  • Graceful Loser: In Second, Ominas ends up heating the baths even if you side against him and win.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: He makes some rather spiteful comments towards women.
  • Hero Killer: The second loop version of him is very heavily implied to have murdered Edea in a rage before she could completely defect.
  • Informed Ability: Claims in Second to have gained the ability to use Firaja, but never uses it in battle. Likely due to Firaja being transplanted from Vampire to Yōkai class and receiving a Deadly Sin animation in consequence.
  • Kick the Dog: Threatening to burn down one building in Caldisia for every day that the Wind Vestal refuses to give herself up. Edea mentions it as being needlessly cruel.
  • Loners Are Freaks: In the final loop. He mentions to hate having to work with others, styling himself a "lone wolf."
  • Meaningful Name: His name is a pun on the words "ominous" and "crow", a bird commonly associated with bad omens, fitting his role as the Black Mage.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: His full name and title should tell you everything you need to know.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: At first, even though he set a house on fire, his stuttering and temper tantrums make him look more ridiculous than threatening. Then comes the confrontation against him, which he starts by shooting a powerful fire spell at the heroes (without caring that his own guards are caught in the crossfire, killing them, which prompts Edea to have a Heel–Face Turn). Then comes the actual fight and, despite being alone against four people, he will Fire and Poison your party into oblivion if you try to bumrush him like a normal encounter.
  • Pet the Dog: Has a pet dragonnamed Bahamut whom he dotes on, and he is considerably nicer to it than he is towards the others. And he is genuinely happy when Heinkel and Barras come to his aid in the third loop. Likewise, in Second, he is willing to die if it means Bahamut can master Femto Flare for use against the Ba'al Diamante.
  • Playing with Fire: His main method of attack is the Fire spell. Come the second loop, and he upgrades to Fira. In the third loop, he is assisted by his pet dragon, Bahamut, which also primarily use fire. In later loops he starts using Firaga.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: To the point that Edea brings him to heel in his first appearance by counting backwards from five as a mother would to a bratty child: Ominas shrieks and capitulates, grumbling and stamping his feet the whole time.
  • Punny Name: Ominas sounds similar to "ominous." Crowe is one letter away from "crow," a black bird commonly associated with death and bad omens.
  • Pyromaniac: "Fire" is even listed as one of his likes in his profile.
  • Sequential Boss: In the third loop, you first fight him together with his pet: Bahamut. Once they're defeated, Barras and Heinkel come to his aid, and you have to fight all three together. And you don't get a chance to heal between fights.
  • Shock and Awe: He also uses Thunder in the second time loop.
  • The Sociopath: A very mentally unstable and fire-happy individual, his lack of regard for anyone's lives in favor of his own pyromania leads to Edea defecting from Eternia. In fact, his stuttering (which indicates a difficulty with communication) and the fact that he hates working with others makes him a very accurate depiction of a real sociopath.
  • Speech Impediment: Tends to stutter. It just makes it more apparent at how psychotic he is.
  • Status Effects: Poison and Blind. The Black Mage class itself has more, like Silence, Fear, and Death.
  • Stay in the Kitchen: He all but says this, though its implied that he's jealous that strong women might be able to match him.
  • Straw Misogynist: He often voices his distaste for "strong women" such as Holly and Edea.
  • Team Killer: At one point he snaps and kills a few of his own men.
  • Villainous BSoD:
    • Snaps as a result of his actions in the first loop, and Edea's "defection or illusion" with the Wind Vestal has him shocked and stuttering before he dies.
    • When the party meets him in the second loop, he becomes completely incoherent at the sight of Edea, after killing that loop's version of her.
  • We Have Reserves: Doesn't seem at all concerned that he roasts some of his own men as collateral damage in one of his firestorms, which disgusts Edea.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Emphasis on 'extreme'; he unfairly divvies up the food allotted to him in Second so that he can have Bahamut master Femto Flare.
  • Younger Than They Look: Ominas is only 32 in the first game but he looks and acts like a crazy, doddering old man and everybody treats him like one, even Heinkel who's ten years older than him.

Khamer & Profiteur Mechantry

A merchantry allied with Eternia, they took it upon themselves to spread anticrystalism and technological progress onto the desert land of Ancheim, though it is simultaneously making profits at the cost of its citizens' livelihood.
    The Time Mage 

King Eloch Quentis Khamer VIII/Malme Konta Matamatto VIII Time Mage Khamer/Matamatto

Voiced By: Tetsu Shiratori (JP), Terrence Stone (EN)

The king of Ancheim. Hating the vestal and Crystal Orthodoxy, he masterminds a plot to sow dissent in the people of Ancheim towards her, together with Erutus Profiteur. He actually turned his back to the kingdom a long time ago in favor of the duchy of Eternia, and is now a Time Mage, as well as the holder of the Time Mage Asterisk.

  • 0% Approval Rating: Khamer tries to push Ancheim towards Anticrystalism. His substitution for Crystal-generated wind, however, is nearly 24-hour hard labor for every citizen just to power their city for a fraction of its previous energy. The result is Khamer looking like a complete slave driver, his strategy being to build up the people's frustration and dump it all on Agnès, which actually works for a while.
  • Abdicate the Throne: He is willing to abdicate his throne in order to answer Eternia's request for aid in the fourth loop.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: He technically has this relationship with Profiteur. Khamer is the king of Ancheim and partner to Profiteur, which makes him a member of the K & P Merchantry. As a member, he can use his authority as a king to issue decrees favourable to the Merchantry. He has no actual say in how the business itself operates however as Profiteur is the real leader but he can use his authority as king to keep Profiteur in line as shown in the final loop.
  • The Caligula: City population already hard at work keeping the turbines up and going, but not getting enough power to put it back to how it was before the wind stopped? Take away all their free time by having them work for almost the whole day in order to put it slightly closer to the days of prosperity. Not to mention how he's the mastermind behind the water supply plot. He's actually trying to abuse his citizens on purpose, in the hopes that they'll take out their frustration on the Crystal Orthodoxy for failing to maintain the winds. If his desire to abolish the taxes, and through them the poor laws, in Second is of any indication, then truly, some things never change...
  • Clock King: Has a perfect, precise sense of time. He takes pride in the fact that people call him the "Timekeeper King" for this reason, not realizing that they're making fun of his royal vestments making him look like a clock.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: The Quara spell is his main means of magical offense. His class can learn the earth-elemental spells Quake, Quara, and Quaga.
  • Dual Boss: Alongside Khint. Unlike his companions, Khamer's emptying of Ancheim's coffers is enough to buy Khint's complete loyalty, so he sticks around until KO this time.
  • Exact Words: An unusual example in that Khamer uses them in his victim's favour. In the fifth world, Khamer threatens to decree Profiteur's assets frozen in order to secure his assistance in aiding the duchy for a 'final showdown against the vestal'. When Agnès walks in on the gathering and defeats the Merchantry members, however, Khamer quickly assures Profiteur that he didn't enact that decree, yet, so if he gets his ass on the airship he's fine.
  • Hidden Depths: Surprisingly, his loyalty to Eternia is genuine, and he's willing to abdicate the throne of Ancheim and his plans in order to help Eternia. When Profiteur proves unwilling to answer Eternia's call for aid, he threatens to freeze the assets of the Khamer & Profiteur Merchantry in order to make him obey.
  • Impractically Fancy Outfit: His outfit is a cross between a heavy, armor-looking robe, and a clock. "Impractical" doesn't do it justice.
  • Jerkass: If the above wasn't any indication, watch how he treats Agnès.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: In Second, he has a point about the excess taxes. The country does need those cut or the country will collapse under its own weight, but damning the poor still leaves a bitter taste in everyone's minds.
  • Leave No Witnesses: After his evil plan gets found out by Agnès, he basically says screw it and decides to murder the Wind Vestal and her friends.
  • Manchild: He has very childish behavior, particularly when accused of anything. He is even described as such by the party. Especially ironic since he is one of the oldest Jobmasters at 59 years old.
  • Meaningful Name: If you read his whole name in quick succession, you'll also be reading out loud "eloquent scammer".
  • Non-Elemental: During his last fight, he's capable of casting Meteor. As non-elemental magic damage is one of the few things that can't be resisted, this actually makes him the most dangerous member of his party, and should be the first one whom you should take down.
  • Punny Name: His name is a play on the words "eloquent scammer".
  • Rich in Dollars, Poor in Sense: Some things never change...
    • In Default, he had complete control of Ancheim's money, but sought to rejuvenate the dying city through slave labor. When Agnès thwarts that and discovers the full extent of his plans, he offers Khint the nation's coffers to permanently silence her.
    • In Second,he declares himself Grandship's Minister of Taxation and proposes the annulment of the local taxes in order to protect the nation's coffers. While he does have a point in that the poor laws will exhaust the nation's coffers, killing the poor laws along with the taxes could very well ruin Grandship anyway.
  • Skewed Priorities: If the party sides with him in Second, instead of reviving Grandship's economy, his first plan is to restore Grandship's ability to fly. Fortunately, Edea convinces him to focus on restoring the economy first.
  • Time Master: Is a Time Mage.
  • Time Stands Still: His Stop spell causes the target to temporarily be frozen in time.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Every accomplishment Agnès makes in spite of Khamer's efforts pushes him steadily closer to snapping. By the time you reawaken the Wind Crystal and defeat Jackal and Profiteur, he's making childish defenses for his actions and even claims he will pay Khint the entire treasury to dispose of the heroes.

    The Merchant 

Chairman Erutus Profiteur/Nikosguy Boritori

Chairman of the Khamer & Profiteur Merchantry, which is based in Ancheim.

  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: His profile in D's Journal lists his dislikes as "Justice, purity, long meetings".
  • Artificial Brilliance: Uses a very simple and very devastating strategem when battling alone or with Khint; Default one turn, then Brave and use Takeover twice for two Fixed Damage Attacks. In Second, he ups the ante if fought in Chapter 5 by instead using Large BP Drink, then using Takeover four times.
  • Berserk Button: In Second, Khamer's irresponsible spending forces him to default on a loan, convincing Profiteur to beat some financial sense into him.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: He technically has this relationship with Khamer. Profiteur is the true leader of the K & P Merchantry, while Khamer is only a partner, and is below Profiteur in terms of company rank. But Khamer can use his authority as king of Ancheim to issue decrees and orders favorable to the Merchantry and he's not above using his position to threaten Profiteur into compliance as seen in the final loop.
  • Cast from Money: Most of the Merchant class's abilities use pg, and Profiteur's Takeover attack has him throw his fortunes at the party to deal damage.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Although it's justified since Profiteur is apparently very rich, during battle, he will never run out of pg to power his attacks. Less justified in Second, where not only is he still rebuilding his fortune, but Khamer just defaulted on a loan in his name.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: As made apparent, he is a selfish merchant leeching off of the people of Ancheim.
  • Creepy Shadowed Undereyes: His eyes are highlighted by very unnatural, dark shadows.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: You wouldn't think a midget with a funny accent would be all that tough a fight...then he strikes a pose with Khint for battle, throws two Takeovers at you, each for some of the highest damage you can take in Chapter I - fixed damage, mind - and proves who the real threat is. That also makes him a Not-So-Harmless Villain.
  • Dastardly Whiplash: Has the signature look and attitude.
  • Death by Irony: He enacts a scheme to monopolize the water supply and responds to all complaints by basically saying, "It's not my problem if you can't pay." In the boss fight, he is abandoned by Khint because he can't pay the latter's ridiculous fees and even has the gall to complain about it.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: To Khamer. While Khamer is genuinely loyal to Eternia, Profiteur only cares about making more money. The two eventually come into conflict when Profiteur tries to refuse to return to Eternia, and Khamer threatens to freeze the assets of the merchantry to force him to do so.
  • Dual Boss: With Khint. Like Jackal before him, Khint abandons him and leaves him to die at the hands of the party. In the first and second loops, you can kill off Khamer and Khint first to leave him fighting solo.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: In Second, even he doesn't want a little girl going off and dying in the Mythril Mines.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Profiteur plays a convincing businessman. His smooth talk is enough to subdue the people enough to swindle them out of every cent.
  • Fixed Damage Attack: Takeover, which sacrifices money to deal fixed damage, unaffected by Default. This makes him rather dangerous to fight, especially since he likes to Default and then use it twice in one turn.
  • French Jerk: He's a huge jerk, and incidentally has a French accent.
  • Greed: A ruthless businessman only looking to get rich by any means. He even owns up to it in Second:
    Holly: [He's looking to] line his own pockets, no doubt. This little rat doesn't think about anything else.
    Profiteur: Indeed, I do not! Money, money, money, nothing could fill me with more joy!
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: Part of what gives Holly some amount of ethos in her argument against Profiteur's way of doing things in Eisen during Second is that, while Holly's idea is only helping one person rather than an entire country, the party can't entirely trust Profiteur given he, by his own admission, is still motivated entirely by greed, even if he has become more benevolent with his business practices. Whether or not this is enough to side against Profiteur is up to the player, though the party notably sees Profiteur's actions in a better light if they side against Holly since they recognize Profiteur's business policies are giving former criminals honest jobs in the Eisen region.
  • Honest John's Dealership: Sells water for a rather steep price, and the only other source is prowled by thieves who steal the belongings of anyone who tries to get water from there because Profiteur has contracted the thieves to do so in order to get a monopoly on water.
  • Jerkass: Seeks an absolute monopoly on water in a desert city and is completely uncaring that he's exploiting people for his own gain.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: In Second, he has a point that by setting up a port in Eisenberg they can help the entire country recover.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • See Death by Irony. Constantly extorting money from people and not caring if they can't pay really came back to bite him.
    • This apparently happened to him between the end of Bravely Default and Bravely Second that he left Ancheim to start a new port near Eisenberg. Whether he will use fair ways or still go for his old ways is debatable.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: He gets significantly more deadly if and when Khint leaves him to fend for himself, as Takeover starts hitting for even more damage.
  • Meaningful Name: A profiteer (profiteur in French) is someone who seeks to make profit through unethical means.
  • Not So Harmless: He's small, has a funny French accent and makes a bad water-related pun in his first scene. Then the heroes learn about his scheme to monopolize the water supply and he tries to kill them because they know too much. He proves to be a big threat, as his Takeover attack hits hard and outright ignores Default.
  • Obviously Evil: D's Journal notes that his likes include corruption, and his dislikes include justice and purity.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: While not as outright villainous as he was in Default, he has sick workers removed from the Mythril Mines in Second, even offering to do so himself. Dead men turn no profit, after all.
  • Red Baron: "Merchant of Death."
  • Reformed, but Not Tamed: In Second, he's still as money-loving, opportunist, and slimy as ever. However, this time he's conducting honest business, and his trade port project can genuinely bring prosperity to Hartschild.
  • Riches to Rags: Between Default and Second, he had fallen in the red, and now seeks Eisenberg as a site of economic recovery.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: His MO, to the point of it actually being his fighting style.
  • The Sociopath:
    • He loves money and doesn't care about anyone else as long as he gets it.
    • Chapter 5 reveals (provided you don't get the Thief Asterisk before speaking with him) that Profiteur drove Jackal's family into poverty which is why he was abandoned by them before manipulating him for his purposes.
    • Keep in mind that not getting the Thief Asterisk means that the party was unaware of Profiteur's scheme. He reveals all of his wickedness to the party before trying to kill them, simply because they kept asking innocent questions about his business.
  • The Starscream: One of three jobmasters (along with Qada and DeRosa) who were plotting to overthrow the duchy for their own gain.
  • Status Buff: Pay To Play expends money to drastically increase an ally's critical hit rate. In his final battle, he can use Large BP Drink, which basically gives himself or a teammate of his 3 BP, making him the crux of their strategy and that battle's most dangerous foe.
  • Unexplained Accent: Speaks with a very French accent, for no apparent reason. In Second, his Bestiary entry reveals that Magnolia (who's from the Moon and speaks actual French) hates his voice horribly.

    The Spell Fencer 

Spell Fencer Ciggma Khint/Ikuma Naerik

Voiced By: Keiji Fujiwara (JP), Dave B. Mitchell (EN)

A wandering swordsman who hires himself out as a bodyguard, and who acts as the messenger to other members of the K&P Merchantry. He is a Spell Fencer, and the holder of the asterisk of the same name.

  • Anti-Magic: He has a rather annoying tendency to imbue his blade with Silence, leaving any party member he attacks incapable of using abilities.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Not that this is a bad thing, but even when you kill him, he did fulfill his goals...Sending the mass amounts of money he needed to afford his daughter's medical care in Eternia, which he made acting as a mercenary.
  • Baritone of Strength: He's respected as an extremely powerful swordsman, and his voice is deep and intimidating to match.
  • Catchphrase: "We have a contract. You'll get your money's worth."
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: He doesn't appear in Second. Japanese-only material reveals that he is hiding from the Duchy/world for his own means. The mechanics of his class is replaced by Aimee's Hawkeye class; while Khint's skills can apply statuses, Aimee's specialize in heavy damage.
  • Dirty Coward: His tendency to leave his clients high and dry when it becomes apparent they might face defeat is repeatedly Lampshaded, but also downplayed.
  • Dual Boss: With Jackal, until he leaves him to die against the party. Also with Erutus (and yes, he also leaves him too). He is fought for the last time alongside Khamer. He does not run off this time, as Khamer's pockets are enough to make him stay and fight to the end.
  • Greed: He's probably even worse than Profiteur when it comes to motivation for money. Khamer's promise of giving him the entire kingdom's coffers makes him stand and fight to the end. Justified, however. He needs the money to pay for his daughter's treatment, at least in the second world. This is implied to be true for the first world too if you talk to one of the nurses in the Central Healing Tower.
  • Health Care Motivation: The illegal kind, since he's an assassin. All his earnings go to paying for his ill daughter's treatments.
  • Hitman with a Heart: A Professional Killer, but his profits go towards his ill daughter who he never got to know.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: He'll withdraw from battle during your first two encounters once either his, or his partner's health reaches 50%.
  • Magic Knight: Specializes in enchanting his blade with spells.
  • Meaningful Name: His full name is an anagram for "magic knight," which stands true for both languages.
  • Moving the Goalposts: He assesses each contract based on the risk to himself and his client (he can't get paid if they die, after all). As a result, he jacks up his price to exorbitant amounts when things go badly. It's considered very unprofessional to back out on a client when you agreed on a price, Khint...
  • Nothing Personal: As expected for an emotionless Professional Killer.
  • Only in It for the Money: He makes no personal ties with anyone. They are all clients and targets to him.
  • Perpetual Frowner: D's Journal notes that he never smiles.
  • Professional Killer: A mercenary who will perform any deed if the price is right. He even mentions that he would join Agnès's side if she bid high enough.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Invoked as he outright states it's not usually in his nature to stay and fight, but because he's earned so much money under Khamer, Khint is willing to stay and fight to the death in his paired fight with him.
  • Recurring Boss: Fought once with Jackal, and once with Erutus. The last time he fights, he fights with Khamer.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: He withdraws from the fight with the Thief or the Merchant if he or his partner is in mortal danger.
  • Significant Anagram: His name is an anagram of "Magic Knight".
  • Spell Blade: His main skill is enchanting his blade with fire magic to strike the party for high damage or inflict status effects like Silence. The Spell Fencer class uses this as its Modus Operandi.
  • Status Effects: He's capable of enchanting his blade to inflict Silence. During his last boss fight he's also capable of inflicting Poison and Death.
  • The Stoic: Whether he's agreeing to slay someone for money or leaving a former client to die, his voice stays emotionless, since it's all business to him.

    The Thief 

Jackal the Thief

Voiced By: Nobuyuki Hiyama (JP), Michael Sinterniklaas (EN)

The leader of a group of thieves who call Harena Ruins home, and who also holds the Thief asterisk. No one knows his real name.

  • Bandit Mook: Boss variant. Thankfully all he robs you of are Potions, but he immediately uses them to heal mid-battle.
  • The Berserker: After Khint abandons him, he completely loses it. For the rest of the battle, Jackal will repeatedly spam Brave until he is in the negatives.
  • The Ditz: The latter 2 loops feature a very dense, foolish Jackal compared to the first 3's more serious incarnations. He mistakes Kamiizumi for Khint despite several descriptors that could of tipped him off, and spouts off at the mouth about the Khamer and Profiteur Merchantry's scheme in a chamber anyone could wander into. The last you see of him in the 2nd to last loop is his asking the meaning of (and partially singing) a suggestive song he heard Praline performing, even.
  • Dual Boss: With Khint, up until Khint withdraws and leaves him to die. In the first and second loops, killing Khint and Khamer before Jackal makes him fight solo instead. Also, when you kill of Pralíne's mooks in the third loop, Jackal will arrive to assist her, though they end the battle when one of them gets their health depleted.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • Have a gander at official art of the Khamer and Profiteur Merchantry jobmasters. The slightly sympathetic Jackal is visibly uncomfortable with his utter bastard bosses. Come the sequel and you'll see that he had made a Heel–Face Turn sometime after Bravely Default, taking vigilante work.
    • Though not really evil by this point, there's also his sidequest in Bravely Second where he refused to let people die for the sake of the somnial energy project DeRosa is working for due to the possible death toll it brings.
  • Fragile Speedster: His health is one of the lowest of the Jobmasters, but he's extremely fast. The Thief class itself can make use of Godspeed Strike, an Armor-Piercing Attack that inflicts damage based on speed.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: His parents were so poor that they eventually left him to fend for himself. He was taken in by another family, but they eventually ditched him too. The Journal notes that Tiz sympathizes with him, as he also lost his home, but he can't stand the fact that the Jackal uses it as an excuse to justify his misdeeds. If the party confronts him for the first time, Tiz does sympathize with the Jackal for growing up without his parents to raise him, but points that rather than sulking and fester about his problems, he should have tracked down his parents, make them answer for their choices, and perhaps work on forgiving them.
  • Hot-Blooded: Once something ticks him off he becomes extremely hotheaded and aggressive. At the beginning of battle, he backflips into the fray.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: He justifies that in this world, it's rob or be robbed, and he just wants to be ahead of the curve.
  • In the Hood: He wears a hooded vest. Your characters will also wear one as a Thief, though only Tiz and Edea wear the hood up.
  • Jerkass: He mercilessly robs for his own profit and sneers at any attempt to stop him. Subverted in Bravely Second where he made a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Just Like Robin Hood: Although he's gone through his Heel–Face Turn by Second, a scene shows him drilling a younger thief with this mindset.
    Rule number 1: Don't steal from anyone weaker than you.
    Rule number 2: Don't steal from anyone poorer than you.
    Rule number 3: No stealing from people who are crying.
    Rule number 4: Steal people's stuff, but not their dignity.
  • Meaningful Name: A jackal is a synonymous for preying on the weak.
  • Mistaken Identity: The third loop version of him, when told that Kamiizumi is a swordsman in a green robe, mistakes him for Khint.
  • My Rules Are Not Your Rules: Somehow, your stolen Potions (which heal you for 150 HP) heal him for 500 HP.
  • The Nicknamer: Calls Khint "Chief" (Sensei in the Japanese version) and Khamer "Old man Tick-Tock". He's so used to the nicknames that he does not know Khint's real name and the third loop version mistakes Kamiizumi for his real name. In the fourth loop, he calls Einheria "Frills".
  • Not Quite Dead: The second loop version of the Jackal is brought back from the brink of death by the screams of the two orphans he adopted.
  • Only Known By His Nickname: He only goes by "Jackal".
  • Parental Abandonment: His parents left him to die and he wasn't much better off with his second "family". If Khint abandons him mid-fight, he sneers "Go then! They all leave me in the end!"
  • Parental Substitute: The boss of the thieves who took him in. When the Jackal of the first loop dies, his last words are that he wants to see his boss one last time. He's one for a couple of orphans in the second loop.
  • Pet the Dog: The second loop version adopted two orphans.
  • Redemption Rejection: Tiz offers him a chance to get over his past and make a Heel–Face Turn, but he refuses. He seems to have taken the offer by Bravely Second.
  • Video Game Stealing: Is the asterisk holder of the Thief class, which you get when you beat him. Jackal himself will steal Potions of your party which he uses to heal himself (and others).
  • Villainous Breakdown: Did not take Khint's betrayal very well.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In Bravely Second, if you side with DeRosa during their Side-Quest, Jackal will call you out for leaving the people of the desert to die.
  • Younger Than They Look: You probably wouldn't guess, before reading his Journal entry, that he's only 16. In Second, even Yew is surprised to learn that Jackal is in his and Tiz's age range.

The Bloodrose Legion

An Eternian military force charged with converting the city of Florem from its devout worship of the Crystals; they have taken it upon themselves to turn the once-beautiful city into a Wretched Hive of sex and materialism.
    The Red Mage 

Red Mage Fiore DeRosa

Voiced By: Joji Nakata (JP), Steve Staley (EN)
A dandy who picks up women in Florem with the help of a certain technique...which turns out to be a cologné designed to intoxicate them with desire. He then takes them underground to extract from them the ingredients needed to make more of the drug. When he's cornered, he reveals his identity as the leader of the Blood Rose Legion, and the holder of the Red Mage asterisk.
  • Added Alliterative Appeal: In one occasion he says he'll send "man and woman alike fleeing from all manner of malicious magical molestation".
  • Alliterative Name: When he's called "Dandy DeRosa".
  • Artificial Brilliance: In Second, he is accompanied by two Mage Apprentices who know Love Tap, a weak physical attack with a staff. They use Love Tap on DeRosa, thus providing the chance of triggering his Revenge ability for Bonus BP without dealing too much damage.
  • Bad Boss: Making Artemia and Mephilia gather ingredients for his cologne cause the both of them to go insane in the first couple of loops.
  • Broken Pedestal: Ringabel is fascinated with the stylish gentleman he sees with a different woman each night and vows to learn his techniques. Needless to say, he discards the idea of being like DeRosa when he finds out the truth.
  • Butt-Monkey: Despite being the leader of the Blood Rose unit, the fourth loop shows none of the Venus sisters have any respect for him. With good reason, really.
  • The Casanova: He appears to be one on the surface, but he's really using a chemical cologne to hypnotize women.
  • Charm Person: Not through his looks, though, through his intoxicating aerosol drug. He also uses it to inflict Charm status debuff in fights.
  • Combos: His fighting style (and the Red Mage class) revolves around gathering enough BP to frequently move multiple times, and multitask their way through with their versatile abilities. It actually makes him a very dangerous foe.
  • The Dandy: He's a very well-dressed and stylish bastard, which makes it clear to him that Ringabel is one too. The text indicators even call him "Dandy DeRosa" before his full name is revealed.
  • Dirty Old Man: What the heroes think of him. Even though he's "only" 37. Tiz and Edea invoke this.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: During the fight with him, he can use his cologne to cast Charm on anyone in your party, regardless of gender. Justifed by the fact that it's a chemical concotion hazing the mind rather than any traditional attractiveness.
  • Evil Redhead
  • Fantastic Drug: His whole scheme revolves around a love potion type of cologne.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He continues to act like a soft-spoken playboy after the party catches him red-handed in the middle of his repulsive experiments.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Implied to happen with him in between the end of Bravely Default and Bravely Second. His sidequest along with Jackal in Bravely Second involves him with using the somnial energy project he worked on which could help solve problems and conflicts in the world.
  • Jack of All Stats: As a traditional Red Mage. He possesses Cura, Thundara, other status debuffs, and swings a mean sword too.
  • Jerkass: He is utterly remorseless.
  • In-Universe Nickname: He is known as "Red" in Florem, and the party calls him by it before learning his real name.
  • Latin Lover: Has the aesthetics of one, styling himself a Casanova, having olive skin, and an Italian name.
  • Magic Knight: Equally proficient with the sword and an array of magic.
  • Meaningful Name: His name contains the words "Fiore" and "Rosa", which are Italian for flower and rose, respectively. His shirt is shaped in a rose motif, as are the Red Mage outfits.
  • The One Guy: The only male officer in the Bloodrose Legion.
  • Rape as Drama: It is very heavily implied that he sexually abuses the women he hypnotizes. This earns him the revulsion of the entire party.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Notably treated less sympathetically than the other Jobmasters, especially in later loops. Though his plans to usurp the duchy might also have been a factor.
    • Notably, DeRosa is the only Eternian asterisk holder who Edea outright refuses to believe to have turned over a new leaf in Second.
  • The Red Mage: Possesses Cura and Thundara, along with some really annoying status effect magic. The Red Mage class itself can use both White and Black Magic up to level 4, and the spells he uses are from levels 2, 3, and 4.
  • Shock and Awe: He specializes in Thunder magic.
  • Smug Snake: Even when he's dying, his unbearable smugness doesn't falter.
  • The Sociopath: Utterly remorseless and without any inhibitions, he doesn't particularly care either about the women he uses as playthings or with being a subordinate of Eternia. His only goal is to gain as much power for himself, even scheming to take over Eternia.
  • Something about a Rose: His entire motif. Carries over to the Red Mage costume for your party.
  • The Starscream: Seems to have been this to Eternia. After defeating him you find his plans to plunder the orthodoxy treasury in Eternia. It seems that Khint didn't agree with him, while Profiteur and Qada were his collaborators. In addition, notes from Heinkel found in the Earth Temple gives further background on his insubordination and friendship with Profiteur and Qada. In the first loop, defeating him updates his reports, which shows that his plunder of the treasury succeeded. Eventually, during the third loop he stages a Coup D'Etat, which is foiled by the party. In the final loop, he initially refuses to return to Eternia, but he relents after being forced by Einheria, spoiling his plans.
  • Status Effects: Can inflict Charm and Dread on foes. In his last battle, he also knows Poison and Sleep.
  • Straw Misogynist: Believes that women only think with their emotions and is genuinely shocked that Ringabel and Tiz saw Edea and Agnes as anything but tools.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Quite mild but in Bravely Second, he is much nicer than he was during the course of Bravely Default. For a Character Development bonus, if you side with him, you will find him in Gathelatio after the side quest is over, trying to promote the somnial energy project and saying he owes a lot to the people of the desert whose water source he had robbed for the project to come true. There's also him cheering up the disheartened student who was working on the somnial energy project together with him during the sidequest. In addition, if you side against him, a few mage students will come to his aid. Female students. Dialogue in the enemy manual for them has Edea and Tiz come to the realization that Fiore did not brainwash them in any way; they were simply loyal to the idea of somnial energy, and trusted their adjunct Professor. That may seem small, but the fact women were willing to work with him and Fiore wasn't trying to exploit them goes a long way to showing how Fiore's changed for the better.
  • Villain Team-Up: He leads fellow corrupt Duchy members, Qada and Profiteur, in a plot to cause global panic and secure power for themselves.

    The Valkyrie 

Valkyrie Einheria Venus

Voiced By: Yuko Kaida (JP), Cindy Robinson (EN)

The holder of the Valkyrie asterisk, and the eldest of the Venus sisters. She is a serious warrior and a devout follower of anticrystalism. She and Edea trained under the same master.

  • Action Girl: She is a stubborn, proud, and powerful fighter, drawing some parallels with Edea.
  • Anti-Villain: Of the My Master, Right or Wrong variety.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Though it takes a while for it to come to the fore, in the fourth loop she threatens to take DeRosa's hand off if he touches her sisters, commanding officer or not.
  • Contralto O Strength: The English version gives her a deeper voice than the other females. This is a sign that she is indeed a force to be reckoned with.
  • Death from Above: Jump is this in a nutshell. Better Default before she lands spear-first!
  • Does Not Like Men: Downplayed in Second.
    • She has no overt issues with men, but she supports a former subordinate's plans to make a girls-only school in Florem. To be fair, the last man she worked under was Old Red...
    • When the party sides in her favor and repels Barras, she gets a letter from the matriarch about lessons in womanly behavior. Hilarity ensues as she jumps away screaming, her face red in embarrassment.
  • Goomba Stomp: One of her attacks, and a focal point of the Valkyrie job.
  • Graceful Loser: Upon her defeat, she compliments Edea for growing stronger and besting her.
  • Hidden Depths: She's quite knowledgeable about physics, ballistics, and aerodynamics, since they all help her execute her jumping attacks.
  • Honor Before Reason: Does not agree with her superior's orders, but follows them anyway. This ends up driving Mephilia and Artemia to insanity and bloodlust, respectively, in several worlds. Averted in some other dimensions, where she pulls back, unwilling to let harm come to her sisters because she was following Fiore's orders.
  • Impossibly Cool Weapon: Her Valkyrie armor features spears attached to her hips aimed downwards. This maximizes impaling potential when using her Jump attacks. Although, as Jackal points out, just wearing spears makes you a hazard to everyone, including allies.
  • In a Single Bound: The Valkyrie's main ability is to make massive jumps during battle before crashing down on the enemy.
  • Just Following Orders: Why she obeys DeRosa while still despising him. Since this trope is a berserk button for Edea, her respect for Einheria crumbles fast.
  • Lawful Stupid: She insists on following orders even though said orders are extremely cruel and following them is turning her sisters into sociopaths. It's not until "Groundhog Day" Loop begins that she wises up. Though on the other hand, she recognizes the folly in seeing the world in black and white and chides Edea for it.
  • Meaningful Name: Einherjar were warriors taken to Valhalla by valkyries. Her name's Einheria, and she's the Valkyrie asterisk holder. Her surname is Venus, Roman goddess of beauty.
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: Serves the will of the Duchy, even after she no longer agrees with its methods.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: A ghost on the SS Funky Fransisca implies that she didn't approve of her sister Mephilia's relationship with Suleiman. This is confirmed in "The Sister's Tale" obtained after defeating the "Eternian Board of Girl Power" in the fourth loop.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: While not a hero, per se her disapproval of Suleiman and Mephilia's relationship is what led Suleiman to hunt for Susano-o to gain her blessings. His search ended in his death, which cemented Mephilia's mental breakdown in most of the worlds.
  • Punny Name: Her name is a play on "Einherjar", warriors who were taken to Valhalla by valkyries in Norse Mythology.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Does not remember her fellow Bloodrose Legion troop Rhea Veeling, much to the latter's sadness. It's worse when she forgets her name later on in her side story.
  • Sibling Team: She's part of the same unit as her sisters, Artemia and Mephilia. The sisters fight together against you in the second and fourth loops.
  • Token Good Teammate: Her sisters have been driven insane while her immediate superior is a remorseless, power-hungry sociopath; Einheria is the only officer of the Bloodrose Legion that is actually honorable.
  • Tomboy: Artemia tells the Eternian Board of Girl Power that Einheria "have no girl power. Sister have more man power than man!" She's such a tomboy that she secretly took lessons on how to be more feminine, in the hopes of finding a husband.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Her profile states she dislikes snakes. She also sent her sister Artemia to slay Orochi, which are enormous snakes.

    The Summoner 

Summoner Mephilia Venus

Voiced By: Satomi Arai (JP), Karen Strassman (EN)

The holder of the Summoner asterisk and the middle sister of the Venus sisters. Her mind is broken and she delights in seeing the destruction of beauty. A man named Suleiman (who she is fond of) is searching for Susano-o for her.

  • Ax-Crazy: She finds the thought of children killing each other amusing. Except her third loop version, thanks to Barbarossa and her sister, and even in the loops before and after, she's more lucid than her first two appearances. By Second, she's far more stable but is still prone to acting like a sadist heavily.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Somewhat, the first time you defeat her. She falls to your blade, sure, but she got her fair share of laughs out of the damage she caused to Florem, and she caused the two little girls' death, so she got the last laugh in the end.
  • Benevolent Boss: Second reveals she's actually the most popular leader in the Bloodrose Legion because she treats the grunts better than everyone else, so much that most of Einheria and Artemia's troops decided to join her after the legion was disbanded. Oddly enough, her personal troops, the Legion Mages, actually like it better when Mephilia is cruel and abusive to them.
  • Blow You Away: Her main summon in Second is Hresvelgr, an eagle crossed with a jet.
  • Break the Cutie: Brutally slaughtering flower spirits did not do wonders for her sanity. Neither did the news that Suleiman was dead.
  • Casting a Shadow: Susano-o was changed to inflict dark damage in Bravely Second.
  • Combat Medic: Second adds Amaterasu, which fully restores the party's HP when used. It's also Mephilia's main focus in her side story.
  • Composite Character: As the Conjurer isn't present in Second, her class now has its ability to use summons to raise the user's stats as a level 11 job ability.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Her main summon in Default, Girtablulu, and her most dangerous attack.
  • Driven to Madness: The death of her lover Suleiman turned her into the crazy sadist she is now.
  • Enemy Summoner: She can call both members of the Blood Rose Legion as well as Girtablulu.
  • Flunky Boss: Can summon underlings to help her.
  • For Happiness: She pulls Gho Gettar into her work in discovering Amaterasu because she feels his talent for summoning and his happiness are wasted on menial labor.
  • Foreshadowing: Her notes foreshadow (and clues you in on) the locations of the game's summons, as well as foreshadowing Suleiman and Sage Yulyana's involvement with the Duchy. She also hints at Tiz being reanimated by a Celestial before dying.
  • Jerkass: That woman is a sadist if there ever was one.
  • Laughing Mad: She giggles insanely just before battling her.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name is a combination of the Hebrew word, "mephitz" (to give), and "philia" (lover of). As a whole, her name can mean "loves to give," which may refer to her enjoyment of causing suffering. Her surname is Venus, Roman goddess of beauty.
    • Keeping with the mythological theme among her sisters, her name is also similar to "Mephistopheles," from the story of Faust making a pact with a Demon, as Summoners do.
  • Non-Elemental: Susano-o in Default.
  • Of Corsets Sexy: Her outfit features a black corset.
  • Only the Chosen May Wield: Summons work on this principle; one comes with the asterisk (Girtablulu in Default and Hresvelgr in Second), while the others must be obtained from the anchorites who guard them. The anchorites won't even talk to someone who lacks the appropriate "qualifications" (the ability to use summon magic, i.e. the asterisk), and in order to actually claim the summon, the summoner must endure the summon's attack (with a couple exceptions in Second for non-offensive summons).
  • The Ophelia: A beautiful, insane young woman with occasional oracular insights.
  • Playing with Fire: Promethean Fire, a dragon that looks like a train.
  • Sanity Slippage: She was ordered to repeatedly pluck off wings from fairies while also killing them, driving her to deep end. It was actually a severe case of Mushroom Samba due to the fairies' spores having the power of driving people mad. By Second, she regained her sanity, albeit she enjoys being a sadist.
  • Sibling Team: She is part of the same unit as her sisters, Artemia and Einheria. The sisters fight together against you in the second and fourth loops.
  • Summon Magic: Girtablulu. Her class specializes in this to do area-of-effect damage to enemies. Can also summon underlings. In the third loop, she can summon Susano-o as well. In the last fight she can use Promethean Fire. In Second, her primary summon is Hresvelgr instead.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Implied to have been much nicer in the past. See her Break the Cutie section for more details.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Really, with her lover dying in the search for a new summon, can you really blame her for going off the deep end?
  • Would Hurt a Child: Would Mind Rape a pair of children into killing each other, at least.

    The Ranger 

Ranger Artemia Venus

Voiced By: Hiroka Nishizawa (JP), Kira Buckland (EN)

The holder of the Ranger asterisk and the youngest of the Venus sisters. She's gone completely feral and does not listen to anyone but her oldest sister.

  • All There in the Manual: Side material outside the game depict her without her wolf mask on.
  • Arrowgram: Sends one of these to Edea on Einheria's behalf. Edea gets miffed because she aimed for the head.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: The Ranger is specialized at doing this against various monster families, although ironically, Artemia herself cannot do it due to the player party being entirely human.
  • Ax-Crazy: During her first few encounters, she goes into psycho hunter mode before engaging the heroes.
  • Bad with the Bone: Her bow is made out of bones.
  • Blood Knight: Artmeia lives for the hunt. She also enjoys strong targets, and doesn't waste her time with easy prey.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Has fair skin, and the few locks of hair visible from under her hood are black. As for the eerie part, she hunted a species of giant snakes to near-extinction and then sat on one of the skulls when Edea showed up.
  • Egomaniac Hunter: As stated above, she considers hunting to be her entire purpose in life.
  • Expressive Ears: The ears of her wolf mask constantly twitch while in battle.
  • Flunky Boss: Starts the fight with two minions at her side. Fortunately, unlike her sister and Praline, she does not summon more.
  • Fur and Loathing: Artemia's outfit is mostly composed of fur and other animal hides. She is also batshit insane. She seeps out of it in later worlds, and in Second.
  • Graceful Loser: If Artemia is defeated in Second, she remains bound until the group escapes, but uses her newfound freedom afterwards to hunt monsters for food in order to encourage Edea to get stronger for a rematch.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • At least in the 4th loop, she seems fairly business savvy. Selling her Frosti charms is apparently something she does on the side to make money, and she's quite good at it.
    • By the time Second rolls around, she's much more sane, and she holds a greater value for life in general. Ominas's plans (seen as obsession) for Bahamut place her at odds with him.
  • Hulk Speak: She speaks in third person, and her syntax is passable at best.
  • Killing Intent: She radiates a Battle Aura of pure bloodlust before engaging the party for the first time in Default.
  • Kill It with Fire: Is weak against Fire-elemental attacks. Presumably her fur is flammable.
  • Little Miss Badass: In the Japanese version, where she is 14 years old. In both versions, she's actually shorter than the main cast.
  • Meaningful Name: Artemis was the Ancient Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt. Artemia is holder of the Ranger (hunter) asterisk and fights with a bow, Artemis's signature weapon. Her surname is Venus, Roman goddess of beauty.
  • Multishot: Her most dangerous attack, and her most BP costly skill. She can use it all she wants in her last battle, thanks to Khamer's Hasten World ability.
  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: In Second, Artemia can sense earthquakes before they happen, but she isn't sure how.
  • The Promise: Makes one with the Yunohana parents who helped her to keep their children safe in Second.
  • Punny Name: Her name is a play on "Artemis", the name of the Greek goddess of the hunt.
  • Raised by Wolves: She was raised by Frosti (ice monsters) due to a complicated series of events that led to both of her sisters thinking the other was watching over her while they left to do their own thing. She was found a year later by Edea and her family, half-starved in the woods. She's surprisingly cheerful about it, all things considered. She even carves extremely detailed Frosti charm bracelets, which are pretty popular.
  • Revive Kills Zombie: Not her, but in Second she is accompanied by Bone Archers. Halfsies a Phoenix Down and watch the bones topple.
  • Sanity Slippage: Her constant hunting and killing of orochi leads her to become feral. As you may know, she was Raised by Wolves, so killing other animals greatly stressed her. By Second, she completely regained her sanity and greatly favors all life being equal.
  • Sibling Team: She's part of the same unit as her sisters, Mephilia and Einheria. The sisters fight together against you in the second and fourth loops. The sisters break up and go their separate ways in Second.
  • Super-Deformed: Unlike the other Jobmasters, Artemia's battle model is chibi-fied, and she appears even smaller than the heroes. This is justified by her very young age in the Japanese version.
  • Third-Person Person: She does not use pronouns, always referring to herself as Artemia.
  • Wild Child: She was raised by Frosti and thus has a very feral nature.

The Black Blades

The highest military division of Eternia, they were charged with helping Eternia's Swordbearer allies in their civil war against the Shieldbearers in the region of Eisen.
    The Swordmaster 

Swordmaster Nobutsuna Kamiizumi

Voiced By: Hikaru Midorikawa (JP), Liam O'Brien (EN)

The holder of the Swordmaster asterisk and leader of the Black Blades, as well as a founding member of the Eternian regime under Braev. He is Edea's teacher.

  • Anti-Villain: Though he advocates a horrible war, Kamiizumi is ultimately an honorable man and leader.
  • Ascended Extra: He shares the role of Big Good with Braev as of Second, as well as having a more prominent role.
  • Black-and-White Morality: He defies this and aims to instill a more sensible point of view in his students.
    Kamiizumi: If you try to see the world as merely black or white, you'll lose sight of its true nature.
  • Blood Knight: He admits that the prospect of a being badly outnumbered in a fight is exhilarating for him.
  • Bond One-Liner: Delivers one to Qada after executing him. Qada has just declared he will rule the world...
    Kamiizumi: Not the world of the living.
  • Counter-Attack: Specializes heavily in these, given that he's a Swordmaster.
  • Co-Dragons: He and Alternis seem to be Braev's two most trusted subordinates, though Alternis tends to play the role more conventionally due to proximity. Braev also considers both of them family.
  • Determinator: Instills this in his pupils, to the point where he will actually fight you in Second if you choose to advise Gho Gettar to abandon his factory job to go into summoning research.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Kills Qada himself, both out of disgust at his cowardice (he had just faked his death and was trying to sneak off at the time) and because the idiot proclaims, aloud, his aim to return with new weapons of mass destruction and conquer the whole world.
  • A Father to His Men: He's an excellent battle commander and prioritizes the well-being of his troops.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Swordmasters specialize in these, and Kamiizumi certainly looks the part. He gives Edea one of his treasured ones as a gift before she sets out with the Sky Knights.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: He develops an affinity for cats in Second, having adopted a cat he named Tsubaki and later adopting Catmancer Minette.
  • Large Ham: Kamiizumi is a quiet and composed man, except during the third loop boss fight where he basically yells: "Swordmaster Kamiizumi STANDS BEFORE YOU!"
  • The Leader: The level-headed commander of the Black Blades.
  • Master Swordsman: Edea's teacher and is repeatedly described as a ridiculously powerful fighter.
  • Meaningful Name: Named after a famous samurai. The sword he gifts Edea, Ise-no-Kami, is part of the real samurai's full name.
  • Mentor Archetype: To Edea.
  • Misery Builds Character: He wants Gho Gettar to stay with his job in Ancheim, no matter how grueling or miserable it may be, believing that his hard work could lead to a more promising future for him.
  • Mis-blamed: In-Universe. Kamiizumi is mis-blamed by Edea for the Toxic Mist Incident that Qada created against Kamiizumi's orders when giving him "The Reason You Suck" Speech just before his boss fight in the first loop.
  • One-Man Army: He's famous for routing 5000 soldiers with just a force of 100. According to the survivors' stories he can face groups of over 100 enemies by himself.
  • The One That Got Away: Rumor has it that in his youth, he once had feelings for Edea's mother, and even fought Braev in a duel over her. Whether it was a case of Defeat Means Friendship isn't clear, though the two men did bury the hatchet and become trusted friends afterwards. The rumor is false. The duel was for Kamiizumi's approval, not over her hand; Kamiizumi actually went to Mahzer and emphatically endorsed their marriage.
  • Only Sane Man: Among the Black Blades, Kamiizumi acts as this. He doesn't have a Motor Mouth like Kikyo does, nor is he obsessed with fame like Praline. He also doesn't run a ghost ship, unlike Barbarossa, and is completely against Qada's methods of mass destruction.
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: While the story tries to present him as a man of honor, he was still completely complicit in Braev Lee's violent conquest of Luxendarc, assisting the Swordbearers in their war against Shieldbearers which devastated the area and took many innocent lives even without Qada's toxic mist. He also turned a blind eye against the Swordbearers enslaving war orphans and making them mine mythril.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech:
    • Kamiizumi gives one to Qada in Bravely Default during the first loop, as well as to Edea during that same loop for betraying the Duchy. Ironically, Edea gives Kamiizumi one as well during Kamiizumi's boss fight for all the crap the Black Blades and Swordbearers did, even the Toxic Mist Incident which Kamiizumi ordered Qada NOT to do in the first place.
    • Kamiizumi also gives one to Edea AGAIN during his sidequest in Bravely Second if she happens to side with Mephilia.]]
  • The Rival: He is this to Heinkel.
  • Samurai: Swordmasters are these in all but name, including Nobutsuna Kamiizumi (if his name and clothes didn't convince you).
  • Tranquil Fury: His voice is very calm-sounding when he berates Qada, but there are undercurrents of tension Ringabel can pick up in his speech. Edea can also tell from experience training under him that he is furious. If you side with Mephilia in Second, you can tell by his voice that he is unhappy. "You...ignorant...fool!"]]
  • Villainous Friendship: He and Braev are total bros.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gets to give one to Edea in his dying cutscene if you defeat Braev Lee BEFORE defeating Kamiizumi in his boss battle.

    The Pirate 

Captain Hayreddin Barbarossa, the Pirate

Voiced By: Kosei Hirota (JP), Michael Sorich (EN)

The Captain of the ghost ship SS Funky Francisca, and First Mate of the Black Blades. He has fought with Kamiizumi for years, and his freespirited personality makes him well-liked. The reason he commandeers the Funky Francisca is because the ship's former captain, Suleiman, was a friend of his, and he is trying to fulfill Suleiman's last wish, which is to find Susano-o.

  • Achilles' Heel: Is weak against Lightning attacks, most likely because of his profession. Barbarossa himself can also deal massive damage through the use of his debuff skills and Double Damage. In his final battle, he uses Amped Strike which deals four times as much damage as a conventional physical attack.
  • Anti-Villain: Type IV. The closest thing to villainy he engages in his fighting your party to the death, and even than he's awfully jolly about it.
  • Artificial Limbs: He has a wooden peg leg. He also goes above and beyond the pirate stereotype of having a hook hand by using what seems to be a harpoon or a small anchor for his missing hand instead.
  • Berserk Button: The only time he's ever gotten angry was when Praline planned to remix "The Grand Ship", a song that was meant to honor the people of the sea, into her super girly, peppy version.
  • Blood Knight: He treats deadly combat like it's a fun game.
  • Bodyguarding a Badass: Offered his giant axe to Mephilia whilst she was enduring the trial to obtain Susano-O, and does the same both to her and Yulyanna in the 3rd loop for a boss fight against your party, characters who are both at least as powerful as he is, easily.
  • Captain Colorbeard: His name is a reference to the corsair Barbarossa.
  • Carpet of Virility: Barbarossa is a manly type I with a very thick patch of seafoam-colored hair on his chest since he wears no shirt.
  • Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch: In-Universe, it turns out Barbarossa was furious about Praline making her own version of "The Grand Ship" without even bothering to hear it first. When he does, he ends up enjoying it.
  • Dressed to Plunder: Tricorne, eyepatch, longcoat, hook hand, peg-leg.
  • Eyepatch of Power: For extra pirate points, it has a skull on it.
  • Graceful Loser: He accepts defeat as evenhandedly as the deadly combat that precipitates it.
  • Hidden Depths: Shallower than you think, but he has taken up interest in singing due to the fabled bard Arca Pellar's last song, The Grand Ship, being a song about sea life.
  • The Lancer: Of the Black Blades. In contrast to Kamiizumi who relies on patient countering, Barbarossa's fighting style involves aggressively dishing out big damage.
  • Large Ham: He does everything in a loud fashion. He even stomps around so hard his feet accidentally break through his ship's floor.
  • Let's Fight Like Gentlemen: Insists that the fight be fair between your party and himself.
  • Meaningful Name: Hayreddin is Arabic for "goodness", fitting for one of the least villainous Asterisk users in the game, while his surname is likely both a Shout-Out to captain Barbossa of the Pirates of the Caribbean fame and the Ottomoan Empire fleet admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa.
  • My Rules Are Not Your Rules: The MP cost for his abilities aren't fractional the way they are when the player uses the Pirate Job. Of particular note are Double Damage and Amped Strike, which can only be used without MP restoration of some sort four times and twice, respectively. He can use both with borderline impunity.
  • Noble Demon: As far as pirates go, he's not a bad sort of guy. In fact, he's one of the few jobmasters without some big atrocity tied to them.
  • No Sense of Direction: One of his ghostly crew describes Barbarossa as having horrible direction despite being the helmsman and acting captain of the ship.
    • He apparently got lost thrice on his way to finally finding Susano-O properly.
  • Not Quite Dead: In the third and fourth loop. Bravely Second shows that he's alive and well.
  • Number Two: To Kamiizumi.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Once he dies, his ghost can be found on the SS Funky Fransisca, continuing to seek out Susano-o.
  • Pirate: Barbarossa patrols Eisenberg's eastern shores and even commands his own ghostly pirate ship. The spawn points for the Funky Fransisca are between Harena and the Shieldbearer half of Eisen, indicating that he's positioned to interfere with any possible supply lines to the Shieldbearers. Which the Black Blades would consider "privateering" more than "piracy", but it's not like he doesn't look the part of the latter.
  • The Runaway: In Second, it's revealed he ran away from home to become a pirate.
  • Sorry That I'm Dying: When he is killed, he apologizes to his old friend, Suleiman.
  • Status Effects: Barbarossa and the Pirate class are able to use skills that deal damage AND inflict various status debuffs to the enemy.
  • Suckiness Is Painful: Barbarossa's loud voice extends to his out-of-tune singing, and the protagonists and Rocca Pellar are as physically hurt as they are appalled.

    The Ninja 

Konoe Kikyo, the Ninja

Voiced By: Eri Saitou (JP), Valerie Arem (EN)

The leader of the Black Blades' covert forces, Konoe specializes in assassination and infiltration. She holds the Ninja asterisk.

  • Actually a Doombot: If you choose for Sholmes to become a inspector, Kikyo will fight the party and turn out to be Whitson in disguise, who knocked out the real ninja earlier.
  • The Butler Did It: Disguises as a maid in her attempt to assassinate Commander Goodman. However, the reason she's Beneath Suspicion is not because of her position, but because she made it look like she was the first victim.
  • Character Tic: She is completely silent, and only likes talking when she's disguised, at which point she will talk very quickly. Only during the final loop in the first game does that version of hers is able to speak normally. Her tic persists in Second, whereupon she occasionally throws kunai with tied notes in place of, say, speaking to someone to cancel a meeting.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Earlier in the Fire Crystal arc, Ringabel mentions spying a pretty lady scoping out Commander Goodman's manor and disappearing very effectively when he seeks her out. Easy enough to dismiss as one of his failed romantic pursuits, until she's revealed to be Kikyo.
  • Counter-Attack: Will counter with Transience if she manages to evade an attack. Guaranteed to happen if she uses Utsusemi, which ensures she will dodge the next physical attack sent her way.
  • Cute Mute: While she isn't outright mute, she's a very quiet lady, and happens to be quite beautiful as well.
  • Cuteness Overload: She gushes quite exuberantly over the Frosti charm bracelet Artemia gives her.
  • Dark Action Girl: A capable and extremely dangerous assassin.
  • Dragon Their Feet: Her asterisk event will only trigger after the rest of the Black Blades, including Kamiizumi, were felled by the heroes.
  • Dual Wielding: Two knives. This is also a specialization of the Ninja class; while party members can already wield two weapons by themselves, they can only deal half damage of each weapon unless they have this trademark ability equipped.
  • Faux Death: As a result of her ninja training she's able to convincingly pose as a dead body, even masking her pulse.
  • Fragile Speedster: Not very beefy for a Jobmaster, but has high evasion and speed to reduce your number of attacks. The Ninja class is built around dodging attacks then countering with fast Dual Wielding hits.
  • Freudian Excuse: Her inability to speak while undisguised and her rushed speech when she does talk is due to being bullied for being a slow talker in the past.
  • Hidden Depths: She seems like a remorseless assassin at first, but she shows guilt over the Fire Vestal's death in her last moments.
  • Highly-Visible Ninja: Actually averted. Kikyo makes frequent use of proper disguises, including (but probably not limited to) a Florem girl, an Eternian Nurse, and the servant Nastassja. Rather, the tight-fitting black garments are her battle wear (though she also uses it during situations in which disguise is not necessary). She only uses disguises to talk in Second, having taken up life as a PI after the conflict in Default, and she's just as chatty as ever.
  • Kill and Replace: When she tries to assassinate Commander Goodman, she poses as his servant, Nastassja. She claims to have killed the real servant and thrown her body into the lava to cover her traces. In Chapter 5 and in subsequent loops, or in the first loop with foreknowledge of the events that transpired, Nastassja is found tied up in the cellar instead, since the heroes unmask Kyikyo before she could dispose of the maid.
  • Lights Off, Somebody Dies: She kills Neuer this way.
  • Malevolent Masked Men: She partially conceals her face with a fox mask.
  • Master of Disguise: Her disguises are very convincing, and she actually needs to be disguised in order to talk at all.
  • Motor Mouth: Shespeaksveryquicklylikethiswhileindisguise. She does this because she was picked on for always talking very slowly in the past. She finally manages to speak normally and undisguised during the final loop, but has lapsed back to disguised Motor-Mouthing in Second.
  • Mythology Gag: Kikyo only uses a Highly-Visible Ninja Outfit when in battle, or in a situation where disguises are unnecessary. The Fuma Garb was the highest-ranking piece of armor a Ninja could equip in Final Fantasy III; the artwork shows the expected kabuki stagehand gear.
  • Ninja: Her asterisk. Konoe fittingly displays plenty of classic ninja tricks such as disguises, high speed and knife play.
  • Professional Killer: She uses these exact words while introducing herself, and sure enough, she is encountered in the process of an attempted assassination.
  • The Quiet One: Konoe rarely speaks normally, though she can go to the opposite extreme when disguised.
  • Shrinking Violet: She is actually a rather shy person, which is why she enjoys using disguises and staying hidden.
  • Smoke Out: Pops a smoke bomb before disguising or un-disguising. Apparently she just changes her appearance before the smoke fades.
  • Speed Blitz: Shippujinrai, which allows her to attack immediately at the start of the turn. One of her favorite tactics is to brave and use it twice in a row, often resulting in an instant KO.
  • Stop Poking Me!: If the player continues to interact with "Nastassja's corpse", Kikyo ends up breaking her cover with an "Ow", causing the party to confront her then and there.
  • Super-Reflexes: Utsusemi allows her to dodge one physical attack, which triggers Transience for an immediate counter. The Ninja class, besides Dual Wielding, specializes in skills that increase Evasion and Hit Rate.
  • Tangled Family Tree: Somehow related to Heinkel.
  • Unreadably Fast Text: Subtitles for Kikyo's Motor Mouth read like this. Fortunately there is the option to turn off autoplay on the touch screen.

    The Salve-Maker 

Dr. Qada, the Salve-Maker

Voiced By: Chafurin (JP), Kaiji Tang (EN)

One of the Black Blades, and the holder of the Salve-Maker asterisk. Despite his skill in medicine, he prefers making toxins and destructive substances. One of those substances eradicated a major part of the Shieldbearers, and turned a good chunk of the east of Eisenberg into a wasteland. He was charged by Kamiizumi to tend to those affected by the toxin he made, but he's unruly and only wants to make more toxins.

  • Ax-Crazy: Qada delights in the idea of being known as the man who brought fear to humanity with his toxins.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: His eyes are empty black voids with strange, black star-like patterns over each.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: He doesn't appear in Second. Japanese-only material reveals that he survived and caused chaos in Eternia before being thrown in jail by the military.
  • Damage-Increasing Debuff: If you know the right recipes, you can inflict this on enemies. During his last fight, Qada himself is capable of inflicting Weakness to Fire. Since his party is full of casters which are more than happy to exploit this weakness, Qada becomes the most dangerous enemy and should be nuked down...unless you manage to nuke his other teammates instead, in which case he becomes a sitting duck as he himself has no fire attacks.
  • Evil Genius: His knowledge of toxins and medicine is without peer. He is also a psychopath.
  • Evil Feels Good: He definitely thinks so. When given a choice between being going down in history as either a great hero or a diabolical villain, he has a lot of trouble deciding, and seems to lean towards the latter.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Midway through his boasting after faking his own death, a voice asks him if he truly intends to run away. It's Kamiizumi.
  • Faking the Dead: He does this courtesy of a special pulse-stopping concoction at the end of his battle in the first three worlds...if you defeat him and then leave Starkfort without defeating Kamiizumi, in which case the swordmaster finishes the job for you.
  • Fat Bastard: The most rotund of the antagonists, and without a doubt one of the least sympathetic.
  • For Science!: Qada couldn't care less whether his actions are detrimental to the Black Blades' war effort or not, he just cares about the results of his "experiments".
  • Hate Sink: Most of the Black Blades aren't completely unlikable due to their sympathetic qualities, but when it comes to despicable, Qada makes up for them in spades.
  • Item Caddy: Dr. Qada's entire skillset is based around use of items to heal, buff, debilitate, and attack. As is the Salve-Maker class, with a couple of exceptions.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: In the second world where he is known to faithfully heal everyone, even captured enemies! Well, he's actually just healing them so that they're healthy when he experiments on them.
  • Mad Scientist: He has quite the unhinged ego, and takes pride in engineering super weapons that can wipe out hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the most sadistic way possible.
  • Meaningful Name: Qada means "carrying out" or "fulfilling", referencing to his profession.
  • The Medic: Dr. Qada has been charged with overseeing the troops recovery. The Salve-Maker class can also be an item-based version of this.
    • Combat Medic: That said, the class can also function as a fine combatant in its own right.
  • Monster Clown: His star-like facial markings, outfit, and over-the-top way of speaking evoke a clownish appearance.
  • Not Quite Dead: Thanks to a concoction he made, he survives his fight with the heroes. Unfortunately for him, Kamiizumi makes sure he's dead shortly after, when he reveals he plans to hightail it out of there and make more toxins. Carries over to gameplay as one of the compounds available allows you to apply Reraise to yourself.
  • Obviously Evil: What did you expect, really?
  • Omnicidal Maniac: If defeated at the right time, he reveals that he wants to leave the Black Blades, sell his weapons to make a fortune, then use that fortune to kill everyone in the world.
  • Percent Damage Attack: His main attack compound that he'll use against you is Dark Breath, which does damage equal to the HP that Qada has taken. This makes him rather dangerous once his HP has been knocked down a bit. The Salve-Maker class can use this with the right compounds, but can also use Dragon Breath which does the opposite.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: An odd example. He's capable of developing poison-gas cocktails that can kill tens of thousands of people in the space of a single day, as well as render the surrounding area uninhabitable for years at a time. He also greatly enjoys doing this, and has absolutely no regard for human life. This is partly why Kamiizumi ultimately kills him, as his sociopathy and megalomania, combined with his immense talent for making weapons of mass destruction, make him too dangerous to be left alive.
  • Plaguemaster: Responsible for the deaths of thousands, including his own allies.
  • Poisonous Person: Loves brewing poisonous substances. In battle, he also converts Hi-Potions into an attack that can cause Poison, which is also a thing that the Salve-Maker can do.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: In the second loop, it's mentioned that he heals up any wounded who are sent his way, whether they are allies or enemies of the Black Blades. The allies he heals because that's his job. The enemies he heals because that way he has test subjects. After all, if you want to test the results of a poison, you need to see how it works on a healthy target.
  • Put the "Laughter" in "Slaughter": Giggles at the thought of killing thousands of people, no matter the faction.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Attempts to do so after your party has seemingly killed him and left the area. Too bad Kamiizumi was around at the time.
  • Shoot the Medic First: Subverted. During the last fight Qada is the only one capable of curing (thanks to his ability to cast Regen) but that's not why you should focus on him; you should focus on him because he's capable of inflicting Weakness to Fire and is backed by a party full of spellcasters.
  • Smug Snake: Qada is extremely arrogant due to his toxin creating expertise, and is clearly drunk on his power.
  • The Sociopath: He loves to test out his toxic weapons on anyone, and he plotted with Fiore to overthrow the Council of Six and take over Eternia.
  • Status Buff: Capable of buffing himself with regen. The Salve-Maker itself has access to this and countless others with the right compounds.
  • Status Effects: Qada can Poison you by converting healing items into poisonous substances. The Salve-Maker class can do this as well as making you immune to them or inflict debilitating effects to the enemy.
  • Token Evil Teammate: In spite of the Affably Evil nature of the Black Blades as a whole (Kamiizumi wishes to save the world with Braev, Barbarossa wants to fulfill Suleiman's last wish, Kikyo is actually quite a nice lady when she isn't out on a mission, and Praline just wants an audience for her singing), Qada is the only member of the Black Blades who has completely wicked and selfish intentions for his actions. It's to the point where he's the only Eternian jobmaster to have been given absolutely no redeeming qualities, even in Second.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Sure Qada, claim out loud that you will use your weapons of mass destruction to destroy even Eternia and take over the world for yourself after you heard someone talking to you from behind. Surely, there's no way it could come back to bite you...
  • Torture Technician: For research, interrogation (of children) or retribution.
  • We Have Reserves: Feels exactly zero remorse for slaughtering soldiers by the thousands, regardless of faction, as long as it helps him through his experiments.

    The Performer 

Praline/Purin a la Mode, Diva of the Battlefield

Voiced By: Fumie Mizusawa (JP), Stephanie Sheh (EN)

One of the Black Blades, a song idol, and holder of the Performer asterisk. Her songs bolster her fan club, giving the Shieldbearers stationed at the bridge a lot of trouble. As the bolstered fan club is too much for even the party to handle, they have to fall back, but travelling the world, they come upon the students of a Bard who was said to be able to dispel the effects of such a song. Learning the bard's secrets, they drowned out her song and defeated her in battle, causing her to renounce her status as an idol and leave Eisenberg to go back to being a normal girl.

  • Anti-Villain: She seems to just want a musical career rather than cause outright destruction.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: A ditzy celebrity diva who literally wears bunny-ears doesn't seem like Black Blades material, but she remains a top member because of how effective her Magic Music is.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Her version of My Hero (an ability that adds 1 BP to each member of the user's team, including the user) costs her no BP. It's not hard to see why that would be a hideous Game-Breaker in a player's hand.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: In much the same vein as Profiteur. Like Profiteur, the skimpily dressed girl doesn't seem that tough- and really, she isn't. But behind the voice that makes her sound like a stereotypical 'dumb blonde', she shows just how powerful a support character can be when it's supporting strong combatants.
  • Cute, but Cacophonic: In Second, the party thinks that her singing is grating.
  • The Ditz: She's not really aware of the damage that her inspired legion causes; she just cares that she has an adoring fanbase. She is also utterly oblivious to the wishes of the late Arca Pellar in Second.
  • Dual Boss: In the third loop, Jackal will sweep in to assist her, though they end the battle if either of them get their HP depleted.
  • Flunky Boss: She summons two henchmen to assist her in battle, buffs them with her songs (spells), and will replace them if they fall. After all, what's a performance without an audience? Her groupies in Second have the "Dancing Machine" ability to amplify the effect of her songs on themselves.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Being a celebrity vocalist doesn't seem like it would mean much in a war, but her Magic Music empowers the Swordbearers to hold Eisen Bridge against everyone from larger numbers of Shieldbearers to the Warriors of Light themselves.
  • Idol Singer: Her class is based on this.
  • It's All About Me: In Second, it's mentioned that she stormed around claiming she did all the work in the Black Blades. Edea calls her out on this later on, stating she only cares about herself.
  • Loud of War: The pre-battle scene boils down to Praline and the party (leading the Shieldbearer Army in a rousing anthem) trying to drown each other out. One voice against an army isn't much of a matchup, so she finally gets fed up enough to fight directly.
  • Magic Music: Song and dance are the Performer class's tools.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Magnolia believes her bubbleheaded personality is a "naive act."
  • One-Hit Wonder: In-universe, Praline fears she'll become this trope during Second. While Love in the Crossfire is an amazingly popular song (and a devilish ear worm), Praline is concerned she'll fall off the charts if she doesn't get something new going. And then news spreads that a lost song from the great Arca Pellar has been found, and Praline sees a prime opportunity
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: Not her, but when she sings for her fans, "THEY! GO! WILD!"
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here:
    • She does this when you beat her, which makes her one of the few asterisk holders not to die in the first couple of worlds.
    • In the first and second loops, she can be found performing in those world's versions of Grandship's pub, the Sea Slug, once she retires from the battlefield.
  • Status Buff: Her entire skillset and the class you get from her are based around these. She can buff her teammates' attacks and give them one free BP. In her final battle, since she is the only buffer among a party of 3 physical powerhouses, her buffs make her the most dangerous member, and the prime target to defeat first.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: In Bravely Second, Praline went from being a carefree ditz to an egocentric diva. Especially notable since some of the more villainous jobmasters like DeRosa and Profiteur were made less evil.
  • Younger Than They Look: While it is certainly believable that Praline is one of the younger jobmasters, seventeen is pushing it. This trope is mocked in Second where Edea is convinced Praline is making up her age.

The Council of Six

The ruling council of the Duchy of Eternia. Founded as leadership of the Anticrystalism movement, they are dedicated to the spread of Anticrystalism all over the world, essential conquering Luxendarc to spread their ideologies.
    The Templar 

Braev/Brave Lee, the Templar

Voiced By: Takehito Koyasu (JP), David Sobolov (EN, Default), John Eric Bentley (EN, Second)
Edea's father, the Grand Marshal of the Duchy of Eternia, leader of the Council of Six, and holder of the Templar asterisk. He is the leading force behind Eternia's "anticrystallism" ideals. He may know more about the crystals than he lets on.

  • 24-Hour Armor: His wife Mahzer Lee lampshades this after Edea and friends fight Braev in Bravely Second, complaining that because Braev is retired and no longer Grand Marshall he should stop wearing his full armor all the time. Braev quickly declares that he needs to wear it, much to Mahzer's dismay.
  • Achilles' Heel: Is weak against Dark attacks.
  • Anti-Villain: His ideals are noble, but it is by his orders that a world consuming war is ignited, resulting in the death and suffering of countless.
  • Badass Cape: A red one that flows freely during battle.
  • Barrier Warrior: The Templar class knows Rampart, which puts up a barrier that nullifies the damage of one physical attack per ally. In the last battle with him, Braev knows this skill.
    • The Templar class also has a support skill boosting the Default Damage reduction to 75%, something Braev makes good use of.
  • Big Bad: As leader of the Eternian Forces, who advocates Anti-Crystalism. Ultimately subverted; he was right all along.
  • Big Good:
    • Implied to be so in an alternate universe. Rather than trying to stamp out Crystalism and impose a secular empire under his rule by force upon the world, this other version of him actually ends up sending out his soldiers to help the Vestal and her party in their journey. He even gathers his forces together to put the group through a Boss Rush in order to ensure that they're strong enough to take on the actual villains.
    • He attains this role again by Bravely Second.
  • BFS: The blade he wields is easily bigger than any of the heroes.
  • Career-Ending Injury: After he is defeated, Lester DeRosso states that he may never wield a sword again. That did not stop him from fighting once more as a final sidequest boss for Bravely Second, however. He does retire afterwards.
  • Defend Command: He often Defaults in order to quarter your attacks and save up BP for his techniques.
  • Despair Event Horizon: The plague that happened 20 years before the game and the actions of the Orthodoxy during the crisis was probably one for him.
  • Determinator: Won't give up his ideals, regardless of who questions them. This even comes into play during the first fight against him in Default and the boss fight against him in Second, where he refuses to stay down the first two times you empty his HP.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: As the leader of the Council of Six and of the Eternian Forces, he's your main source of trouble for the first half of the game. He's fought late in Chapter 4, which brings some plot elements to a close and opens up others. However even after he's beaten Alternis ambushes the party in the final minutes of Chapter 4, making this more or less a title they share together.
  • Easily Forgiven: Well-Intentioned Extremist or not, a lot of innocent people die because of this guy. Averted in the other worlds, where his alternate universe counterparts actually turn out to be far nicer.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He disapproves of the fact that about half his officers are psychos, sadists, Blood Knights, or otherwise jerks. In fact, the reason he sent Edea to the Sky Knights was to bring them in line, which unfortunately backfired.
  • The Extremist Was Right: As cruel as his methods are, he is ultimately more correct about Crystalism than it may initially seem.
  • Faith–Heel Turn: The reason behind his Start of Darkness effectively boils down being unable to take the corruption he witnessed within the Crystal Orthodoxy.
  • Genius Bruiser: In addition to being a powerful fighter and a competent head of state, he's stated to have worked on the white magic cables and other technologies to benefit the Eternian people.
  • Good All Along: His intentions are for the betterment of the world, however...
  • Good Is Not Nice: The first few versions of him are very much The Unfettered. The later ones, however, are much less so.
  • The Good King: Though he started a war that is killing innocent lives, he is an effective and well-loved ruler in Eternia.
  • Happily Married: He's a loving, devoted husband towards his wife, Mazher. He even helps establish the White Magic healing system in part to make sure his wife lives a comfortable life despite her illness.
  • Hero Antagonist: While his methods are less than pleasant (not to mention those of his more creative subordinates), he truly believes that he's doing the right thing by trying to prevent the crystals from being reawakened. He's more or less correct, too.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: He's considered a hero in Eternia for his benevolence and the white magic healing system, but the rest of Luxendarc sees him as a monster thanks to him instigating a war that is costing many innocent lives.
  • I Have No Son!: Says to his subordinates that his plan must not be put under jeopardy by familial attachment to Edea, and that they should show no mercy against her. Averted: In a dimension where Edea died he's utterly devastated and is found crying with his wife.
  • Large and in Charge: He's huge.
  • Light Is Not Good: Wields light-based attacks and dresses like a paladin. Responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. Averted in the other worlds.
  • Light The Way/Holy Hand Grenade: He and the Templar class are skilled in a variety of light-based attacks like the defense-piercing Radiant Blast or the more-hits-per-BP attack Heaven's Gate.
  • Like a Son to Me: In the third loop, Braev calls Alternis his son, which deeply moves Alternis and Ringabel. He also calls Ringabel his "son from another world".
  • The Paladin: The Templar class has shades of this, using holy arts to utilize light attacks and defend against physical attacks. Averted for Braev, himself, who does not undertake such pure ideals, ubt he does fight for what he believes to be a just cause.
  • Pet the Dog: He once saved an ill orphan from death by bringing her back to Eternia in his own arms for treatment and healing. Said orphan would go on to become everyone's favorite Ax-Crazy floating midget, Victoria.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Much of the game would not have happened had he chosen to explain to his daughter and Agnès his motivations. When you confront him, he refuses and basically flat out attacks them. Thankfully, he's much better about this by Bravely Second.
  • Punny Name: His name is Braev Lee and he has a tendency to Default a lot in battle.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He retires to live at the Sage's place and take up Needlework.
  • So Proud of You: The second loop version of him says this to Edea when she defeats him during the Conjurer sidequest. The third loop version also says this to Edea and Ringabel upon defeat.
  • Stone Wall: Braev's damage output can be high, but not as ridiculous as previous Jobmasters'. However, he is the most beefy Jobmaster (in terms of HP) and protects it well with souped-up Default commands.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In the past. Looking at him now, it's hard to believe that he used to be a Crystalist cleric who got fed up with their ideals and became a war machine.
  • The Unfettered: Nothing is too great of a sacrifice to Braev Lee, not even his own daughter if she stands with the wind vestal, though to his credit he at least attempts to apprehend/reason with Edea before he realizes that her mind is made up. Yet he was quite distraught in the second loop when that world's Edea died. So that version of his may just be a subversion.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: Braev Lee will carry out his vision of a unified, scientifically progressive, and Corrupt Church-free world, no matter how many people have to die for that to happen.
  • Villainous Friendship: With Kamiizumi, Type I.
  • Villainous Valor: Since he sent Alternis Dim away, he sees himself as the last line of defense between the party and the awakening of the last crystal. When you strike him down the first time, he uses Recover then calmly states "You shall not pass." Knock him down again, and he'll Recover then roar "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Is a well-loved ruler and considered a hero in Eternia.
  • Violence is the Only Option: When his daughter tries to reason with him, Braev states that when two people have clashing ideals and neither is willing to submit, then only a duel can properly decide who will prevail.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: His army is essentially dominating the world in order to save it.
  • The Worf Effect: Despite being a monster truck that walks like a man in Default, he gets bitchslapped by Kaiser Oblivion in Second, alongside Alternis and Agnès.
  • Worf Had the Flu: He was expected to never wield a sword again after tanking three rounds with the Warriors of Light in Default; he himself is surprised that he tanks another three rounds with Yew's party for the Templar asterisk and his daughter's succession.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: He intended for Edea to be an Internal Reformist and fix the behavior of the Eternian Sky Knights. Sadly, this plan ignores the fact that as a newbie Freelancer, she lacks the power to stop highly trained Jobmasters when they go too far. This gets her killed in worlds where she doesn't team up with Agnes.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: A rare villainous version. During his boss fight, when you take him down the first time, he simply declares the trope name. The second time you take him down, he declares the trope name again and has to be brought down a third time in order for him to finally go down for good.

    The Dark Knight 

Dark Knight Alternis Dim/Anazel D

Voiced by: Ryota Takeuchi (JP), Spike Spencer (EN)
A Dark Knight who has ties to Edea and her father. He's one of the Council of Six.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: It's painfully clear he has feelings for Edea. However Edea seems to be oblivious to it, or just does not feel the same. Bravely Second reveals that Edea liked Ringabel, Alternis' counterpart, which makes this rather painful.
  • Anti-Villain: Alternis, unlike his fellow Eternian allies, is a decent and honorable man. He still obeys the Grand Marshall's orders, but always questions their ethics.
  • Artificial Brilliance: In Second, he is accompanied by two Dark Squires, which are a pair of Ducal Guard repaints that know Minus Strike. During the second loop, Alternis will use Dark Nebula, which hits both sides of the field. This will deal some 1000 damage to each of his Squires, who will then start spamming Minus Strike, dishing out a fixed 2000-something damage alongside whatever Alternis decides to pull.
  • The Berserker: While he is usually valiant and strong, if he is pushed or is in a fragile state of mind, Alternis can slip into violent rages.
  • Black Knight: The holder of the Dark Knight asterisk.
  • Boss Banter: Alternis talks a lot mid-fight compared to the other Jobmasters. He's not taunting the party though, he's trying desperately to reason with Edea, since he has an especially personal connection to her.
  • Cast from Hit Points: His most powerful attacks require sacrificing HP to activate.
  • Casting a Shadow: His main attacks are dark type.
  • The Cavalry: Shows up to defend the party from Airy and do battle with Ouroboros in other dimensions' versions of the final battle.
  • The Champion: He is Braev's champion. Alternis dedicates himself to the Templar's cause and obeys every command, even if he may disagree with certain decisions.
  • Climax Boss: For the end of Chapter 4, as well as the end of the first loop. Both times brings major revelations to light and sets up the beginning of the next chapter.
  • Compressed Hair: When he has his Dramatic Unmask, his hair doesn't seem to be at all affected by helmet-hair. Likely because it needs to be clear that his Anime Hair is identical to Ringabel's.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: He is loyal to Braev and sees him as a father, but sees Edea as a friend and he has romantic feelings for her. This puts him in a brief spot where he can't bring himself to harm her but has to carry out his orders. However, he's forced to fight her after it becomes clear Edea is a threat.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He was abandoned by his mother in Florem and forced to fight for whatever scraps of food and shelter he could find and never felt comfort or affection and instead got in touch with his Dark Side. Was finally saved by Braev, who gave him both a "just purpose" and something worthwhile to protect (the Lee family).
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He's the Dark Knight Asterisk holder, wears black armor, and has a somewhat menacing voice, yet is not a bad guy at all compared to his allies.
  • Death Seeker: When one version of Alternis is pushed through the Despair Event Horizon, he cares nothing for his own life and just wants his suffering to end.
  • Despair Event Horizon: The Alternis from the second loop experiences this, as Edea is dead in that world, and he wishes he could have died instead.
  • Determinator: After being hospitalized for a month, he is told that it will take at least a week for him to recover his strength. He does it in six days out of spite.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Gameplay-wise, Alternis is arguably an even more fitting example than Braev, as you fight him after awakening the crystals and he's the last boss you fight before completing chapter 4.
  • The Dragon: To Braev, whom he sees as a father figure. He's Braev's most direct and loyal subordinate and the one the Templar places the most trust in.
  • Dragon Their Feet: In the first world loop, Braev sends him away before the battle with the party, entrusting him with a contingency plan should Braev himself fail to stop them. Sure enough, Braev falls, and it falls to Alternis to ambush the party on Grandship.
  • Dramatic Unmask: When he's defeated, his helmet flies off, and the audience finally gets to see what his face looks like. It looks an awful lot like Ringabel!
  • Fixed Damage Attack: Minus Strike, the only Dark Knight offensive skill that doesn't do dark damage, which does damage equal to the HP he's lost and will begin spamming it once he's low on HP. With low enough HP, it will become a One-Hit Kill.
  • Friend to All Children: The kids of the Grandship love him in Second, where he helps pass around materials offered on donation. He's even willing to fight Edea if she sides with the Time Mage on getting rid of the poor laws.
  • Gameplay and Story Integration: His A.I. script is designed so that immediately after Alternis' Villainous Breakdown, it's the first time he uses Minus Strike. The job descriptions heavily urge you to make Edea your main physical attacker, which will put her on the receiving end of a lot of enmity - it is highly possible that he will aim this first Minus Strike (highly likely to be a One-Hit Kill) at Edea.
  • Glass Cannon: In direct contrast to his superior Braev, Alternis hits hard, tends to spam Brave commands when angry, and uses his HP to fuel his non-Minus Strike abilities. Even though he has a lot of HP to begin with, odds are you'll have an easier time wearing it down than with Braev.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: While the party is on their way to awaken the Earth Crystal, Alternis learns from Braev the truth behind the crystals that Lord DeRosso and Sage Yulyana told him, and that becomes the reason why Alternis must stop the party from entering the Holy Pillar. He becomes more drastic during his boss battle in Chapter 5, stating outright that Airy is deceiving the party and she needs to be slain. Both times the party does not believe him, and fight because he is their opposition.
  • Happily Adopted: By Braev. Before being taken in by the Templar, Alternis was abandoned by his mother in the slums of Florem where he lived a miserable childhood.
  • Hidden Depths: In Second, Alternis has a decent understanding of economy and the foundation of a nation.
  • Honor Before Reason: In his sidequest in Second, Alternis refuses to abolish Grandship's ridiculously expensive poor laws because the poor and the orphans need them to survive, even though keeping them will eventually cause Grandship to go bankrupt, meaning there won't even be enough money to support them.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: Played rather cleverly in Second. Ringabel returns in his full Dark Knight armor to prevent Agnès' Avengers from cottoning on to his plan, but gets bandaged with one of Edea's ribbons early on. The real Alternis only appears at Grandship before the New Game Plus connect, but this takes place long enough after the injury that one could mistake it for the wound having simply healed...until after the New Game Plus connect, where "Alternis" shows up in Caldisla with the bandage, vanishes, and Alternis appears without the bandage.
  • If I Wanted You Dead...: The first time Alternis confronts the party, he makes it clear that he's looking the other way just this one time instead of capturing the wind vestal by any means necessary. Given how much time passes between then and the point where you can actually stand a chance against him, this threat seems credible.
  • Killed Off for Real: He apparently falls to a Disney Villain Death after you finally face him. It is heavily implied that Alternis dies in the first and second loop as well. However, Second subverts this and Alternis is alive and well.
  • Last-Second Chance: He repeatedly attempts to persuade Edea to rejoin the Eternian Forces, even while they're locked in combat.
  • Loves My Alter Ego: It's hinted that Edea is in love with Ringabel, his Alternate Self from another universe. Less hinted and more outright confirmed in Second. Admittedly, Ringabel's amnesia made him a somewhat different person from his original self.
  • Manly Tears: When 2nd loop Alternis loses that world's version of Edea, he doesn't just cry, he bawls with grief and rage.
  • Must Have Caffeine: Coffee is listed as one of his likes, and it gets brought up in several of his journal entries.
  • My Rules Are Not Your Rules: While he does still use Hit Points to cast his Dark Knight abilities, the cost is not based on a percentage of his maximum HP; the player party's Dark Knights pay 20% for Dark Bane and Dark Nebula, and 30% for Black Bane.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: It was Alternis who saved Tiz at the start of the game, resulting in Tiz joining with Agnés and effectively helping her restore the crystals. He lampshades this in his Journal at one point.
  • Number Two: He's Braev's second-in-command and most trusted subordinate. Alternis is entrusted to go to the Holy Pillar so that, if Braev himself fails, the party gets stopped at all costs.
  • Poor Communication Kills: He's as bad as Braev in this regard, preferring to hinder and harass the party away from their goals rather than give anything resembling a clear explanation as to his own motives. Edea outright calls him out on this at the end of the first loop. Thankfully, he drops this by Bravely Second.
  • Punny Name: His first name is a play on the word "alternus," which means "equivalent" or "interchangeable," though technically Ringabel is the "equivalent" in this case. Dim is a reference to the Dark Knight job. "Alternis Dim" and "Anazel D" could also be read as part of "alternate dimension" and "another dimension" respectively.
  • Real Men Hate Sugar: In direct contrast to Edea, he prefers his coffee black and dislikes desserts.
  • Rush Boss: Once he gets below a certain percentage of HP, finish him off quickly before his Minus Strike's One-Hit Kill capacity gets out of hand.
  • Sanity Slippage: He's prone to this as the thought of Edea getting hurt tends to be his Berserk Button. When she actually dies he loses his memory in one scenario and his will to keep living in another.
  • Survivor Guilt: He wishes that he died instead of second loop Edea and loses all hope as a result.
  • Turns Red: Once he reaches a certain HP threshold (either by your attacks, or by his own), he starts spamming Minus Strike which is almost certainly a 1-hit KO for you when his HP is that low. This basically turns him into a Rush Boss, as you will want to deal with him quickly once he does, lest you get caught in a cycle of reviving party members, only to have him attack and down another.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Braev. This puts him in an awkward position as he also wants to keep Edea safe, which isn't really possible when she's actively opposing her father.
  • Unrequited Love:
    • He's in love with Edea and even intended to marry her; and while she seems aware of his feelings, it's unclear if she reciprocates at all. Made more complicated by the fact there's a fair bit of ship tease between Edea and Ringabel...pre- and post-reveal. At the very least, Edea does care about Alternis but it's not entirely clear if she reciprocates his feelings.
    • Even worse for Alternis, Second make it clear that Edea liked Ringabel more than Alternis himself. So he became quiet a Dogged Nice Guy to some fans.
  • Villainous Breakdown: As his fight with you on Grandship goes on, he'll talk to your party. His final talk is with Edea, where he outright admits he wanted to take Edea as his wife, to serve her as her second once she ascended after Braev...and then Edea replies by essentially telling him to stuff it, and that it isn't the time to say such things. Alternis takes this very well.
  • Wacky Marriage Proposal: Of a sort; he states that he intended to have Edea as his bride in the middle of the fight on the Grandship in Default. He does it again in Second, in the same place no less, and lets out a Big "NO!" when Edea lampshades it.
    Edea: This isn't the time for proposals, you ninny!
  • Walking Spoiler: His very presence marks the turning point for the game's second half. Both for Ringabel's true identity and the existence of multiple worlds.
  • The Worf Effect: Like Braev, he gets his ass kicked in short order by Kaiser Oblivion in the opening fight of Second.

    The Spiritmaster 

Dr. Victor S. Court, the Spiritmaster

Voiced By: Daisuke Ono (JP), Lucien Dodge (EN)
One of the Council of Six and the holder of the Spiritmaster asterisk. A doctor whose keen knowledge of white magic has stood out since his youth, and his work made Eternia known as a land of everlasting life. He is in charge of treating Victoria, and he's seldom seen without her.
  • Achilles' Heel: Is weak against Dark attacks.
  • Affably Evil: Subverted. He's a genuinely kind and loyal man. The problem is that this attitude applies almost only towards Victoria, who happens to be evil. He can be very condescending and smug towards anyone who isn't Victoria or his boss Braev, including his own allies like Alternis.
  • Berserk Button: People being rude to Victoria and people threatening Victoria. Alternis gets on his bad side several times because he can't hide his disdain for the girl, causing Victor to lose his cool pretty quickly. Edea calling Victoria a "stumpy little brat" is enough for him to fly into a rage.
  • Child Prodigy: Called this by Lord DeRosso.
  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Averted. He's a gifted healer and scientist, but he doesn't just use his powers personally, he helped Braev develop the white magic cables that benefit the nation of Eternia as well as other groundbreaking advances in medicine.
  • Death Seeker: Kill Victoria first, and he'll become this. He'll even thank you for killing him, saying he can join Victoria in the afterlife.
  • Dual Boss: With Victoria. In the third loop, he fights with Lord DeRosso instead.
  • Extreme Doormat: He has zero ambition of his own save keeping Victoria alive and well. No matter what harsh words she throws at him, or what monstrous actions she performs, Victor will always take Victoria's side.
  • For Science!: Has hints of this, since he describes his work on Victoria as his pride and joy. However, he genuinely seems to care for Victoria's welfare and doesn't seem to regard her as a lab-rat.
  • Half-Truth: Edea accuses him of using his monologue about Victoria to stall for time before they fight. He insists that he just wants Victoria to recover from her latest seizure and goes on to explain why. While true, as soon as Victoria wakes up she attacks the party, and Victor just goes with it.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: Possesses the White Magic Holy spell.
  • I Let You Win: Their first battle is a rather justified example, as before they actually get to the part where they finish you off, Victoria suffers a seizure, prompting Victor to abandon the battle to get her to safety, and it's very obvious that they'd kick your ass in all manners from Monday to Sunday at that point in time otherwise.
  • Killed Off for Real: Both he and Victoria are killed in their battle and do not reappear in Second.
  • Labcoat of Science and Medicine: He has a background as a medical specialist, so naturally it's part of the Spiritmaster outfit.
  • Laughing Mad: If you kill Victoria first, he will have bouts of hysterical laughter in his dying speech (first loop), or freak out and burst into crazed laughter then and there before continuing the battle (all subsequent loops where the boss fight happens). This might imply that he is insane.
  • Love Makes You Evil: He pretty much gives her free reign to appease her, no matter what she does, and won't let her die, no matter how much she suffers.
  • Mad Scientist: Implied. See Laughing Mad above.
  • The Medic: He is a master of medicine and helped establish the White Magic healing system, saving countless lives throughout Eternia.
  • Power Floats: In combat, Victor's staff floats around by itself, displaying how powerful he is.
  • Punny Name: His middle initial and surname sounds like "escort," referencing how he is caretaker to Victoria and follows her everywhere.
  • Recurring Boss: Once in an I Let You Win scenario in Chapter 2, and once in Chapter 4 where they fight you for real.
  • Satellite Character: By the events of the game, everything begins and ends with Victoria for Victor.
  • Say My Name: Screams Victoria's name if she falls before he does.
  • Shoot the Medic First: Averted. Despite his buff, his Holy spell, and possessing Curada to heal his and Victoria's wounds, his spells are relatively easy to handle compared to Victoria's, so you want to go for Victoria first. This trope however is fully applicable in his battle alongside Lord DeRosso, as his Curada heals quite a lot there. Again averted in his final fight, as despite packing Curaga and several support spells, Khamer and his Meteor + Hasten World ability combo is the most dangerous of his group.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Not only does Victor himself wear glasses, but the party members will also slip on a pair for no apparent reason when using the Spiritmaster job.
  • Status Buff: Has one that amplifies all elemental attacks by the one buffed. The Spiritmaster class itself specializes in this, mostly in elemental buffs, and mostly for defense.
  • Taking You with Me: Invokes this if Victoria dies before him; with his sole reason for living gone, he resolves to end his life along with the heroes'.
  • Talking Is a Free Action: The party even realizes that he's stalling for time so Victoria can heal up, but for some reason lets him finish anyways.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Victoria, who he even calls "Victoria-sama" in Japanese.
  • White Mage: His specialty, like Holly Whyte, though his White Magic (Curada, Holy, and Curaga among them) is simply a compliment to his Spiritism. The class in general has the distinction of outdoing even White Mages when it comes to healing, though obviously needing White Magic as the second command for it.
  • Yes-Man: For Victoria, no matter how crazed and illogical she gets. As her enabler, all of the death and destruction she causes can be placed at his feet as well.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: Subverted. He and Victoria appear at the gate of the Eternian High Command to prevent the party from entering, but Victoria's seizure cripples her and forces them to retreat. You still have to track them down and fight them to progress, however.

    The Arcanist 

Victoria F. Stein, the Arcanist

Voiced By: Kanon Tani (JP), Carrie Savage (EN)
One of the Council of Six and the holder of the Arcanist asterisk. Despite her infantile looks, she has a cruel personality, and despises the Orthodoxy and the vestals. Is seldom seen without Victor.
  • Achilles' Heel: As an offensive mage with weak physical attacks, Victoria can't do anything (save putting you in the Doom status) if you use Reflect on your party when you fight her. She's also weak against Light attacks.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: In-Universe. After Victoria's defeat, Agnès looks somber as she reflects on Victoria's last words, as if to realize that while a monster, Victoria was a Tragic Monster that just wanted the pain to end.
  • Ambiguously Brown: She's a shade or two darker than any other character in the game.
  • Ax-Crazy: Enjoys making others suffer just because she couldn't enjoy normal luxuries like everyone else can.
  • Black Mage: Her specialty, like Ominas Crowe, though she amplifies her Black Magic with her Ritualism.
  • Bullying a Dragon: When Alternis accuses her of being unable to do anything but destroy, she proves him hitting him with a spell that deals him significant damage, but doesn't kill him. This is the Dark Knight, whose job class' greatest strength is the ability to turn pain into power; had Braev not demanded that they cease, she would have ended up on the bad end of a Minus Strike.
  • Can't Grow Up: Her disease stunted her growth so that she'll look like a little girl for the rest of her life, and she hates it.
  • Casting a Shadow: Besides Exterminate, she also possesses the Black Magic Dark spell. The Arcanist class specializes in this, capable of inflicting large amounts of shadow damage for little MP so long as conditions are met.
  • Death Seeker: On some level. If you manage to finish off Victor and Victoria simultaneously during their battle, she will say that she's glad she's finally being allowed to die, after being kept alive and in pain for so long by Victor. She's happy to finally have a way out.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Victoria kills a woman in Florem just for mistaking her for a young girl based on her appearance.
    • All Victor had done for her is take care of her and try to help keep her alive even though he had nothing to gain from it. He's repaid with a very cruel and hateful Dying Declaration of Hate from Victoria for that.
  • Dual Boss: With Victor.
  • Dying Declaration of Hate: If you manage to finish the two off at the same time during their battle, Victoria will use her dying breath to tell Victor she hates him, for keeping her alive when she wanted to die.
  • Enemy Mine: She admits she couldn't care less for Braev Lee's visions and only sides with him because of their common enemy: the Crystal Orthodoxy.
  • Freudian Excuse: Hates the Crystal Orthodoxy because they abandoned her after they learned she had an incurable illness.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: From sick little girl dying of the plague to a powerful mage on the Council of Six with a disturbing penchant for bloodshed.
  • Gone Horribly Wrong: The Groundhog Day Loops reveal that her condition is the result of Vincent S. Court, Victor's father, using alchemical genesis in an attempt to heal her illness. Instead of healing her outright, it stunted her growth and resulted in the periodic fits that plague her.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Victoria holds a bitter resentment for those who can live freely without worrying about a terminal illness to hold them back.
  • I Let You Win: Their first battle is a rather justified example, as before they actually get to the part where they finish you off, Victoria suffers a seizure, prompting Victor to abandon the battle to get her to safety, and it's very obvious that they'd kick your ass in all manners from Monday to Sunday at that point in time otherwise.
  • Insane Equals Violent: Her constant suffering in her current form slowly destroyed her mind, turning her into a psychopath who casually murders.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Keep in mind, she's literally insane and has no self-control.
    • Thinks it's perfectly alright to torment and kill people with magic because she's taking "revenge" against the notion that they can grow up and live without a terminal illness and she can't. Seriously. This even extends to Edea, who she hates for throwing her life away and helping Agnes.
    • They only need one vestal for their plans, therefore she decides it's alright to kill Agnes immediately after mortally wounding Olivia. Really, Victor? You're going to go along with that kind of risk?
    • Victoria loves causing pain and misery for petty reasons, but she's only alive because of Victor. Since it's Victor who is keeping her alive, she finds it perfectly okay to hate him because despite everything he's done for her and sacrificed for her, she didn't like it that she couldn't die...even though this means no revenge for her, which is something she really wants to have.
  • Irrational Hatred: She despises Edea for being healthy and strong and having every advantage, but choosing to give them up for a cause. She even admits it doesn't make much sense, but still loathes her regardless.
  • It's Personal: Victoria drops some dialogue in the second battle with her which indicate that the conflict with the Crystal Orthodoxy is personal for her. The Groundhog Day Loops finally give the whole story regarding this.
  • Killed Off for Real: Both she and Victor are killed in their battle and do not reappear in Bravely Second. Given the nature of her condition, she wouldn't have lived that long.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: For Victor. Victoria is everything to him, and if she dies before her partner, he will completely break.
  • Mask of Sanity: When attending the Council of Six, she seems mentally stable enough, if a bit demanding. It's not until she arrives in Florem that her insanity really shows itself.
  • More Deadly Than the Male: Victor is the healer and supporter: Victoria is the main damage dealer and status afflicter. In fact, between her Corpse spell and her Poison/Exterminate combo, you will want to go for her first, as Victor doesn't nearly heal enough to make you want to Shoot the Medic First.
  • Older Than She Looks: The treatment for Victoria's illness actually stunts her growth, and as a result she still appears as a tiny child.
  • Power Floats: A reference to how powerful she is, Victoria inexplicably floats at all times.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Definitely. She (age-wise) should be a young woman by the time of the story's events, but her appearance and attitude is that of a heavily disturbed child with far more power than maturity or stability.
  • Punny Name: Her full name is a reference to Frankenstein, the story of a scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who unlocks the secret of creating life, but only succeeds in creating a monstrosity.
  • Recurring Boss: Once in an I Let You Win scenario in Chapter 2, and once in Chapter 4 where they fight you for real.
  • Smug Super: She's one of the strongest Jobmasters of Eternia. A fact that she likes to remind to those around her.
  • Status Effects: Can cause Poison...which she usually combos with Exterminate to deal heavy damage against everyone hit. Can also hit a party member with the Doom status. In fact, this is basically the modus operandi for her and the Arcanist class.
  • Super-Deformed: More than any other character in the game, her body is extremely infantile. A jarring appearance to contrast with the destruction she is capable of.
  • Sweet Tooth: Lollipops and strawberries are listed among her likes.
  • Taking You with Me: Invokes this if Victor dies before her; without his treatments she has not long left to live, so she vows to use her last moments to destroy your party.
  • Tragic Monster: She has a truly pitiable backstory, but the fact remains that Victoria is a remorseless psychopath.
  • Ungrateful Bitch: She's rude and dismissive to almost every character she interacts with, but seeing this extend to Victor (who rededicated his entire life to keeping her alive and curing her illness) is particularly jarring. This is because the extension of her life, and the seizures that came with it, have literally driven her insane.
    • She actually calls the party out on listening to him while she was recovering rather than finishing her off, rather than appreciating that they didn't kill her when they had the chance and she was helpless.
  • Villains Out Shopping: On a whim, she decides to enter Florem's flower festival and wins despite her childish and inhuman appearance after killing and/or scarring three of her competitors beforehand. In the second loop, she forms an all-girls club with Konoe and Artemia.
    • Note that she joined the Flower Festival because she and Victor went to Florem to pursue the wind vestal and kill her. (The "Shopping" part comes from the fact that she insisted to take part in the beauty contest and to win, while just being part of the audience would have been enough to spot the vestal.) Their plan succeeded, because Agnès' participation in the festival resulted in Olivia, the water vestal, revealing her hiding location and inadvertently putting herself in danger.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: She was initially saved from her disease, but the physical effects on her body get worse by the day, making it clear that she traded a young death for a slow one. If you kill Victor before you kill Victoria, she'll invoke Taking You with Me because she knows she doesn't have long without Victor's treatments.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: Subverted. She and Victor at the gate of the Eternian High Command to prevent the party from entering, but Victoria's seizure cripples her and forces them to retreat. You still have to track them down and fight them to progress, however.

    The Vampire (Spoiler Character

Lord Lester DeRosso, the Vampire

Voiced By: Hiroki Tochi (JP), Michael Vogelsang (EN)

One of the Council of Six. One of the two "unseen" ones of the Council of Six, as well as the Archduke of Eternia. He's many centuries old as a result of his accepting immortality from an unknown voice, when he was stripped of his Cardinal title, his land and household burned, and his parents murdered by corrupt members of the Crystal Orthodoxy. He fought many times with Sage Yulyana, up until both of them witnessed an angel descending upon earth, and speaking of ominous things to come. They have since become partners and are fighting to combat the doom that the angel prophesied would befall upon Luxendarc. He is the holder of the Vampire asterisk, though he's not really a vampire, despite his immortality.

  • Achilles' Heel: Is weak against Light attacks.
  • Actually Not a Vampire: He's keeper of the Vampire asterisk, and in his introduction, we learn he has a bat form, has been immortal for over a thousand years, and that he recalls a day fifteen years ago when he returned to his Big Fancy Castle to partake in a goblet of wine...When the protagonists learn of his backstory in the Vampire Castle sidequest, they learn Lord DeRosso is immortal, but not actually a vampire. He explains that he copied the appearance and abilities of one to further terrify his enemies, rather than deny the accusations the Orthodoxy pinned on him and his family.
  • The Ageless: He's some 2400 years old, but doesn't look a day past 30.
  • Authority in Name Only: He is Archduke of Eternia and senior to Braev the Templar, but the latter is mostly the one in charge of running the nation, as Lord DeRosso remains unseen and is more concerned about a wide-scale plot involving the fate of the world.
  • Cultured Badass: He's a well dressed man, and his castle is full of paintings that he made himself.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: One that spans two millennia.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Fancies himself a being of darkness, encouraged rumors about his being a terrific Vampire and spent years learning the skills necessary to enforce that image. He's still one of the heroes of the game.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Regarding his castle, he says this:
    "Surely not the architecture. This castle was built in a fit of boredom and looks every bit the part." (To Victor in Ch.7, asking why he's come to see him)
    "Sage...I trust you to contain yourself...Dreary as it is, I prefer my castle standing." (To Yulyana in Ch.8, when the Sage suddenly joins him in battle)
  • Deal with the Devil: Made a pact with a dark voice to gain Power at a Price when he and his house burned down. He himself doesn't know who gave him this deal. The fight with the True Final Boss implies that the dark voice was himself from the future, setting things up so that he (or at least one version of him) would be able to help seal Ouroboros's power at the cost of his life.
    Accept me and I shall grant life everlasting. Though it shall be filled with grief, thou shalt have all eternity to wreak havoc upon thine enemies.
  • Dual Boss: With Victor S. Court in the third loop, and with Yulyana in his first battle in the last loop.
  • Faking the Dead: Did this after his long-standing war against Yulyana, so that the Orthodoxy would believe that Yulyana had slain their greatest enemy. However, Lord DeRosso had gone into hiding while Yulyana focused on further taking control of the Orthodoxy from within.
  • Friendly Enemy: The only hostile thing he does to the team is capture them once. From that point on he is a mentor to both Braev Lee and the heroes.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: In the true ending, he sacrifices himself to seal Ouroboros's regenerative powers. Lester and Yulyana planned this move centuries before the event in the game took place.
  • Infodump: Gives these about his origins and the history of Luxendarc when the party goes through Vampire Castle. In-Universe, Ringabel recounts in his journal how his three comrades were getting quite confused at all this exposition.
  • Ironic Echo: He recites the Power at a Price deal he had quoted to the party earlier shortly before battling the Big Bad.
    Accept me and I shall grant life everlasting. Though it shall be filled with grief, thou shalt have all eternity to wreak havoc upon thine enemies.
  • Killed Off for Real: Though his mansion still existed and becomes a boss battle ground to battle Yokai Asterisk holder Yoko in Bravely Second, he is never seen. And given that Bravely Second followed the true ending, it's possible that he died from the Heroic Sacrifice he had done during the true end. Made somewhat ambiguous, though, given that the DeRosso that may have perished is the one who was from the world the party visited before fighting Ouroboros. The entry for Magnus Bat in Bravely Second implies that DeRosso has simply left Luxendarc on some manner of business, much like Yulyana.
  • Last-Name Basis: He is regularly addressed as "Lord DeRosso", as he told the protagonists to when he introduced himself. Inverted in the Japanese version, where he is called "Lord Lester" (レスター卿, "Resuta Kyo") instead.
  • Life Drain: Besides the monster skills, the Vampire class specializes around draining things like HP, MP, BP, and even stats. Lester himself only drains BP from you, but that's all he needs.
  • Mr. Exposition: Through the paintings in his castle, he tells the heroes of the history of the Orthodoxy and his backstory.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: Over the course of his immortal life, he rebuilt his razed down castle and recreated its destroyed paintings close to the original, because he was bored.
  • No Body Left Behind: With his newly obtained immortality, a young DeRosso was able to escape the destruction of his home. The Orthodoxy freaked when they couldn't find his body, and branded him and his clan as vampires as the reason for that.
  • Noble Fugitive: House DeRosso was on good relations with the King of Eternia, which was how young Lester was recommended for service as a cardinal in the new Orthodoxy. However, the Orthodoxy turned against the King and any who were still loyal to him, and Lester was only able to survive because he was made immortal. He proceeds to lead war against the Orthodoxy when he is branded as a vampire, and he isn't restored to his title of archduke until several ages later, when all of his and Yulyana's enemies are long vanquished and Braev the Templar establishes Anticrystalism.
  • Opposite-Sex Clone: Likely. Victor asked for a sample of DeRosso's hair to attempt to make a life-form in his research in alchemy. Lord DeRosso didn't think Victor could do it, since DeRosso's body was made from magic, but he did request that if Victor succeeded, he would name the child Lilia. (His mother's name.) In Praying Brage, there is an Earth Vestal named "Lilia DeRosso Oblige."
  • Our Vampires Are Different: He's technically not a vampire, but he's immortal and has spent years learning how to be like one, to the point that he basically is, though he doesn't drink blood; indeed, he doesn't even like the smell of it. This technically justifies why "Vampire" is a changeable job in this game, as it's really just the result of his intense training to become like one. The class also serves as the game's version of the Blue Mage.
  • Pointy Ears: A hint at his supernatural abiities.
  • Power Copying: What DeRosso's true abilities boil down to. The Vampire class learns and uses attacks from monsters, and he himself possesses powerful monster attacks like Energy Burst or Bone Crush. In his last fight, he possesses several status-afflicting monster skills like Toxic Whirl, Lullaby, and Paralyzing Pollen.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Looks like a man in his 30s, and is actually 2400 years old.
  • Revive Kills Zombie: Inverted; he's not actually a Vampire, and thus not undead. This means trying to use white magic to beat him will just heal him.
  • Rivals Team Up: Lord DeRosso and Sage Yulyana were originally sworn enemies due to the latter being High Inquisitor of the Crystal Orthodoxy and the former being the leading force against said church. Their rivalry was ended after they both discovered the dying angel that gave them prophesies regarding the ominous future of Luxendarc, leaving them as the only ones with such knowledge to prevent it.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Went on a particularly epic one of these against the Crystal Orthodoxy right after he was made immortal. It spanned most of the world and lasted five hundred years.
  • Stable Time Loop: Was given his powers by Ouroboros from the future. Why? Because in the future in the good ending, he takes control of enough of Ouroboros's power to stop Ouroboros's regeneration....and to empower his past self with the power to do so in the first place.
  • Status Effects: Many learnable monster skills have these, usually as an additional effect to their damage dealing properties. His final battle has him demonstrate some of these moves.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: After he became immortal, the Crystal Orthodoxy sought to discredit him by spreading rumors that he and his family were terrible vampires, justifying the murder of his parents to the public. Rather than protest against these claims, he made use of them, doing everything in his power to become as vampire-like in appearance and skillset as possible, in order to better fit the role his enemies had given him and terrorize them more efficiently.
  • The Voice: Frequently speaks as a voice coming from nowhere before appearing in front of the protagonists.
    • His ambush attack at Eternian Central Command.
    • His instruction to the party to find the six keystones needed to enter his castle.
    • When the party examines his paintings, he will comment on their initial observations and then appear behind them to tell the real story.
  • Walking Spoiler: As one of the two unseen members of the Council of Six, this is inevitable, and even after he is revealed, his role is much bigger than it seems.
  • Would You Like to Hear How They Died?: In a non-antagonistic example, Lord DeRosso asks Agnès how the Orthodoxy has officially recorded the death of the first Grand Patriarch. He reveals that said Patriarch did not, in fact, die peacefully in his sleep, but was assassinated along with his Archbishop. He can vouch for this, because he was the assassin.
  • Written by the Winners: Said this about Luxendarc history.

    The Conjurer (Spoiler Character

Sage Yulyana, the Conjurer

Voiced By: Hiroshi Masuoka (JP), Cam Clarke (EN)

A perverted old tailor who lives in Yulyana Woods. The party seeks him out to make a new vestal garb, as he's the go-to-guy for his craft. He is actually a member of the Council of Six, but helps the party for reasons unknown. Lord DeRosso reveals that he and Yulyana were once bitter enemies, but that Yulyana came to see the Crystal Orthodoxy's corruption, and when an angel intervened in their final confrontation, they became partners in order to avert a great doom falling upon Luxendarc. To undermine the corrupt Crystal Orthodoxy's power and influence, he created the Job Asterisks. He himself is the Jobmaster for the Conjurer class.

  • Bait-and-Switch Boss: His appearance in the Chapter 8 boss battle with Lord DeRosso is not announced beforehand; he shows up right at the start of battle!
  • Boring Yet Practical: His fighting style. All he does is buff his attributes (by invoking summons) to increase the power of his Amped Strike and Meteor abilities. Said Amped Strike and Meteor will hurt like hell if you're hit with them in their buffed up state.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: There are hardly any mention of his whereabouts during the course of Bravely Second. Mephilia speculates he may have gone to the heavens, or more likely the Moon.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: He can use abilities from three different jobs, while the player characters are limited to two each.
    • Justified if you recall that he is creator of the asterisk system.
  • Colony Drop: Knows Meteor. Pray he hasn't invoked Deus Ex Machina.
  • Cool Old Guy: Aside from his perversions, he is rather pleasant.
  • Cryptic Conversation: "Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey."
  • Dirty Old Man: Naturally, he and Ringabel get along like a house on fire.
  • Don't Think, Feel: Said this to Mephilia during her training.
  • Eccentric Mentor: Yulyana is undoubtably wise, but he also makes no effort to hide his ogling of girls.
  • Elderly Immortal: It's not known if Yulyana is actually immortal, but he has lived almost two millennia so he probably can't die of natural causes. Lord DeRosso eventually reveals that he used a forbidden art to become immortal, all so he could bide his time and guide the world. On top of this, he was already a full hundred years old when he did so, and hasn't aged a day since.
  • Magic Staff: His walking staff helps facilitate his conjuring. He can also use it as a staff to beat the heroes with.
  • Miniature Senior Citizens: He's even smaller than the chibi-rific heroes.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: "Yulyana" is actually the name of the forest where he lives. He has lived for such a long time that he has forgotten his real name, and adopted Yulyana as his new one, which stuck. Lord DeRosso reveals that the forest was named after Archbishop other words, he got his name from the forest that got its name from him.
  • Playing with Fire: In his last fight, he knows Firaga. He also has Reflect so he can bounce it upon your party. And he still knows Deus Ex Machina.
  • Power Floats: He hovers in midair during battle, his staff floating beside him.
  • Rivals Team Up: Lord DeRosso and Sage Yulyana were originally sworn enemies due to the latter being High Inquisitor of the Crystal Orthodoxy and the former being the leading force against said church. Their rivalry was ended after they both discovered the dying angel that gave them prophesies regarding the ominous future of Luxendarc, leaving them as the only ones with such knowledge to prevent it.
  • Status Buff: His fighting style, and the Conjurer class, is based upon invoking summons, not for direct damage, but to boost one's own attributes to take on anyone with conventional attacks. In his last fight, he also knows Reflect so that he and Ominas can bounce their Firagas upon your party.
  • Summon Magic: He and the Conjurer class specialize in invoking summons to buff their own stats in order to kill anyone with conventional attacks. Yulyana especially likes using Promethean Fire and Deus Ex Machina to boost his physical and magical attack stat respectively.
  • Walking Spoiler: That he is a member of the Council of Six and the keeper of the Conjurer asterisk are surprising in itself, but his true role in the game is bigger than you'd think.
  • Wizard Beard: Obviously a good portion of his long life was spent growing out that magnificent beard.
