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Pantheon / Artifacts Library

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Taking the form of a massive library, this area of the Vault is one of the less secured as it is the beginning in the Treasury, and is more or less treated like a heavily-restricted version of the Houses of Narrative and Knowledge, though that has not stopped security from entering when necessary and still treats this section with utmost security. The artifacts listed here are only the ones brought into the Vault after its initial construction: many more forbidden tomes and dangerous repositories of knowledge exist here and many more have yet to be uncovered.

Assuming you've received a proper pass that actually works, a visitor can freely peruse the Class 6 books here, and with proper clearance can access higher class books. Dark sorcerers like Voldemort and Shinnok and deities obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge like Krona are banned or otherwise heavily monitored when in this area to ensure that secrets or knowledge found in these books are not used for evil.

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Class 1

    Grim's Scythe 
Grim's Scythe (Jodie)
A close-up of the blade
  • Appearance: A scythe with a sharp metal bade and wooden poll
  • Class Level: 0
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral, but has the potential for massive chaos
  • Museum Check: Granted
  • Portfolio: Sinister Scythe To Reap The Dead, Permanent Decapitations, Dimensional Cutter
  • Domains: Reaping, Dimensional Travel, Magic, Death, Decapitation
  • Owned by: Grim
  • When it comes to embodiments of Death, a scythe is the tool of choice to harvest souls. Grim is no exception, using his scythe for his job. He is rather fond of the weapon, and most of his powers require usage of it. He calls the weapon Jodie and can be seen kissing it.
  • The scythe's main skill is being a Dimensional Cutter, able to open rifts to the other side. It's a very convenient way to travel to other dimensions and so Grim doesn't have to walk that far to collect the dead. It can also cause some interdimensional mishaps, like the time it fell in Billy's pool and turned it into a Portal Pool. The House of Time and Temporality is studying it to see how much of The Multiverse they can access.
  • Capable of cutting through anything. As Jack O'Lantern can attest to, anything it slices through is permanent. He should know, given he suffered a permanent decapitation from the blade despite being immortal. Meaning it inflicts permanent damage DESPITE the Death Is Cheap nature of the pantheon if used with intent. Naturally this is only used for the most severe crimes against the pantheon.
  • Security of the scythe is notoriously lax, often getting stolen. Dracula, Mrs Claus, Abraham Lincoln are just some examples. This continues in the Trope Pantheon, by both the forces of good and evil, along with law, chaos, destruction and machines. Most of the time, it just gets taken for a Mundane Utility. Numbah 3 once held it.
  • Grim likes to compare his scythe to the ones from the other Deaths in Afterlife Entities. The Death from Final Destination considers Grim somewhat of a weakling for relying on a weapon. Death the Horseman agrees that it's more versatile, but his blade is better at killing. Dhuum doesn't respect the weapon or its user because of the poor security. While not a reaper, Merged Zamasu wants the weapon for its ability to cut through dimensions due to how useful his hatred-born scythe was as Goku Black.
  • Prone to causing numerous magical problems if handled incorrectly. The Delightful Reaper is just one example of this. Grim wants security to be tighter with his scythe, which is why he wanted it to be in the Treasury in the first place. But its track record has resulted in it being returned to his possession, and a replica it being sent to the Museum.

    The Universal Remote 

The Universal Remote
The Universal Remote being held (for scale)
The Universal Remote up-close
  • Appearance: An oddly-shaped blue remote with a circular screen, blue-green buttons and silver trim.
  • Class: 1
  • Alignment: Depends on how its owner uses it.
  • Museum Check: Granted
  • Portfolio: A Universal Remote Control, Able To Rewind, Replay, Repeat as well as Warp Reality, Diabolus ex Machina, Clingy MacGuffin, Power Perversion Potential, Deliverer of Space Whale Aesops
  • Domains: Remotes, Time, Sounds, Appearances, Aesops
  • Formerly Belongs To: Michael Newman
  • Also Guarded by: The Time Enforcers, The Teen Titans
  • Studied by: House of Time and Temporality, SCP Foundation
  • Of Interest To: Various Criminals
  • To Be Kept Away From: Vicky, Paul and Peter
  • Feared by: Glitchy & Glitchy's Mario, Bart & Lisa Simpson, Gumball Watterson
  • Immune Against: Classical Gods (especially Death Deities), Angels, Grim Reapers and Psychopomps
  • One day, a man named Michael Newman gets frustrated with having too many remotes in his house, so he goes to Bed Bath and Beyond to buy a universal remote. After he falls in a bed and then goes inside a room marked "Beyond", he meets a mysterious man named Morty (who is secretly the Angel of Death). Michael explains his personal dilemma to him: wanting a device that can do all things for him, making his life easier, quicker and less complicated. Morty then introduces him to the Universal Remote and gives some tips on its usage; just point and click, and the remote will program itself. He gives away the remote for free but warns that it can never be returned. After playing with the remote, Michael realizes it has the power to control reality much like a TV (like slowing down, fast-forwarding, pausing time, etc.) and starts to use it for selfish reasons. He then uses it to skip/fast-forward the boring and dull parts of his life. However, during these fast forwards, he has no control over his body and is going through "autopilot".
    • Despite this knowledge and a warning from Morty about using the remote this way, he continues to use it to get ahead of his job, but at the cost of his life spiraling downward. Because he used the remote a lot, it started to auto-skip based on his preferences, missing more valuable time with his family and later fast-forwarding to his death. Michael reawakens to the bed at the retail store, but despite thinking it was all a dream, he takes his dream to heart and chooses to spend more time with his family more. When the remote suddenly reappears in his kitchen (with a note from Morty saying he's given him a second chance 'cause he knows he's going to do the right thing). Without a second thought, Michael throws the remote in the trash, which doesn't reappear in his hand.
  • Right after Michael had thrown the remote in the trash bin, a random portal was briefly created, sending the remote falling from the sky and into the Pantheonic landfill. Somehow, a random quasideity had found the remote while digging through trash, played with it, discovered its abilities and used the remote for various petty crimes. This led to a wide-scale crime wave that officers struggled to understand. Several months later, the same deity went to the House of Time and Temporality as they had claims that the remote was causing them to fast-forward themselves in time uncontrollability, forcing them to confess to their crimes and seek help. The Time Enforcers had never seen such a device, and had to call the tech experts at the House of Machinery and Technology to help study it. Here is the list of abilities this device is observed to have:
    • Menu Mindscape and Viewing Past Memories: When pressing the menu button, the user of the remote gets access to a blue mindscape that resembles a DVD menu. From there, the user can select a variety of options to review their experiences. During Rewind, the mindscape turns into a recreation of the chosen memory but it does not affect the actual past. It can view any memory (from a third-person perspective) from the user's date of conception to the present, as long as the user is present or is there to witness it. It also has a Commentary mode, where a narrator, voiced by James Earl Jones, makes observations on what's happening around the user and what other people around him are thinking of.
    • Time Manipulation: Pointing and clicking the remote at someone can cause them to either freeze in place (Pause), slow down their movements (Slow-Mo) or speed them up. It not only affects the target but also literally everyone and everything else. In pause mode, the user remains unaffected and can freely move objects and people. You can also hurt people while in this state, with the damage inflicted by the user being felt by the target after the pausing has ended.
    • Sound and Appearance: It can increase the volume of the target's voice/sound (even from afar) or remove them entirely (like a Mute button). The Language function can either change the language of everyone in the vicinity, including the user, or make the user understand the foreign language of their choosing. (In the Pantheon, the Language function isn't that useful because people of all nationalities can understand each other. However, it can change a person's default speaking language to another one.) The remote can also change the size and width of a target, as well as their color. Interestingly, only the user can notice these aesthetic changes, and the remote can also make changes to the user as well.
    • Fast-Forward: This allows the user to skip to a certain point in the future. Between the present and the point they decide to skip to, their mind jumps ahead into the future while their body goes through "autopilot". During this, the user has no control over their body and its actions would default to their most prominent parts of their personality without any of their compassion. They are also unable to remember events that they have skipped. Use it enough times, and it will eventually be programmed to skip by itself based on how the user uses it (i.e. if a user frequently uses it to skip cold showers, it would eventually skip every time they take a cold shower). If given a set goal with a time period (like skipping to the time they get a promotion), the auto-piloted body would be driven to achieve said goal until their mind returns to their body in the future. The only proved way to stop the remote from skipping itself is if the user dies.
  • The criminal eventually fast-forwarded to the end of their life, which stopped skipping, and they were revived back to life shortly after. The Time Enforcers tried to investigate the origins of the remote, which world it came from, and who made it. Meanwhile, the device was placed in Artifacts Library section of The Great Treasury for safekeeping. It's publicly available for view, but not available to be used until further tests are made. Besides various timekeepers, The Teen Titans are often called to guard the remote or deal with any would-be thieves. While they are not exactly immune to the remote's effects, they were called in due to their experiences with a villain (a normal human) who used a similar universal remote control.
  • Having encountered and contained a number of time-altering objects, various researchers of the SCP Foundation are also interested in studying the remote and its effects. Despite the immense power of the remote, the Foundation would classify it as a Safe object as long as no one is using it or contains anyone who has been found using it (if the remote cannot be removed from their hands). Asides from any Reality Warper SCPs they have contained in their dimension, no ascended SCP so far has comparable powers to the remote. Suggestions to use the remote against other SCPs for testing are still pending approval from their higher-ups.
  • Based on testing so far in the Pantheon, besides the remote user, Classical Gods (and especially Death Deities), Angels, Grim Reapers and Psychopomps are the few beings not affected by the remote's effects. Those who are studying the remote suspected that the remote must be of divine or supernatural origin despite its technological appearance. It would also explain why its scope is very "universal" (it can affect everyone around the remote user). Due to this immunity, some good-aligned classical gods have volunteered to deal with a rogue remote user as a last line of defense should some remote shenanigans happen. The knowledge of this specific weakness of the remote is also being withheld from the public to prevent the classical gods being taken out first, since they would be the only ones able to move during its pause mode. Interestingly, Dio Brando and his stand The World, who can stop time for a limited number of seconds, would be affected by its pause function as both lack actual divine powers and also because they had trouble dealing with other time stops in the past.
  • Despite confirming its possible divine origins, some scientists are still convinced there must be a scientific explanation for the remote's power. Some of them are citing that they themselves have created similar time-altering devices or remotes before. Jimmy Neutron, for example, was one of those people, as he was able to create a remote that can rewind events and also time travel. Dexter and Stewie Griffin are on the boat, having created similar time-altering devices.
  • Being less restrictive compared to other places in the Treasury, other deities have managed to successfully "borrowed" and used the remote, with mixed results. Thankfully, these are easy to deal with, as the people who usually try to "borrowed" the remote are quasideities on a power trip. Pranks are one of the more common uses of the remote, as the would-be victim isn't aware of their surroundings during pause or fast-forward mode. More dubious uses of the remote include its Power Perversion Potential or its potential for crimes like stealing. Paul and Peter, who have used a remote to prevent one of their victims from killing one of the duo, have been banned from going near the remote. The same goes to Vicky, at the behest of Timmy Turner, knowing what she might do with the remote given the last time she had used it.
    • The Brain, the smart mouse, wanted to steal the remote to fulfill his plans for world domination. But after hearing about one of its effects, its skip function, he gave up on his plan entirely. You see, he once had a device where he could see into the future, only to realized he never fulfilled his goal in taking over the world, which left him depressed. He doesn't want to risk that again, so he instead tries to make his own universal remote, which still doesn't work out for him.
  • The presence of the remote caused fear for some who had encountered similar remotes before. Glitchy and his dimension's Mario fear the remote as it reminds them of The YouTube Remote, which controls everything on that website (and can also control time, similar to other universal remotes). Their rival got a hold of said remote and once succeeded in banishing them to the Internet Graveyard. Bart and Lisa Simpson also fear the remote as they had vague memories of being once banished to TVLand due to a similar reality-altering remote. While it has never been shown to banish anyone to anywhere, they are still wary about the other effects that the universal remote has.
  • The researchers had managed to track down the universe where the remote came from. With the help of the High Court, they summoned its originator, a warehouse worker in a blue coat who introduces himself as Morty. Despite his annoyance at being randomly summoned while in the middle of his job, he was polite and was very cooperative, able to answer the questions the researchers had told him. You see, Morty is not only a warehouse worker, but also an Angel of Death, which confirmed what the researchers already knew about its divine origins. He's even kind enough to demonstrate the features of the remote to the researchers. After hearing how the remote is being handled within its new realm, he decides it should remain in its realm rather than take it back. Maybe it has more of a use in this realm now that its original owner threw it away. When pressed further, he explained how this remote used to belong to a mortal named Michael Newman and told his adventures with the remote. This story inspired the mortal's ascension to the Pantheon.
  • Due to past incidents, it is currently only being used to view memories. It works even if one has memory lost, given that the recreated memories are filmed like a TV show, and can retrieve given memories even when the user is young or has no memories of the event, as long as the user is there for those events. Due to a high demand for its function (as it is very useful for those with memory loss and detectives who want to solve crime), loan requests are currently on a long queue list. Although, many are still hesitant to give a remote a try, given that if one person has the remote, the only way it can be removed from someone's possession is if someone dies. Some people don't want to take that risk, even in a realm where they can be revived again. That and the fact that its skip function also remains untouched.
  • Michael, shortly after ascending, visited its current location. He was holding the remote when a blue cat person smacked the remote out of his hands and tried to stomp it on the ground. The remote doesn't break, fortunately, and upon realizing his actions, the boy apologized to a confused Michael and said he didn't understand why he instinctively did that. The architect learned earlier that the cat's name is Gumball and learned that someone with a universal remote once tried to ruin his life (as retribution for perceiving that Gumball ruined his life first). Gumball put a stop to his plan and his nemesis undid all the changes (and made Gumball and his family forget) after his enemy had a change of heart. Michael tried to tell the cat what happened to help ease his mind, but the cat told him to just ignore everything. Michael has a feeling he's not supposed to know that info at all.

Class 2

    The Wonder/Royal Seeds 
The Wonder/Royal Seeds
A Royal Seed
A Wonder Seed
  • Appearance: A large, glowing seed
  • Class Level: 2
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral by default (Chaotic Evil when under Bowser's control)
  • Museum Check: Granted
  • Portfolio: Can Warp Reality In Various Ways, Often In Very Weird Ways, Usually Takes The Form Of Transformations, Can Change The Game Itself, Can Cause Musical Numbers, Gravity Screw
  • Domains: Seeds, Randomness, Warping, Transformations
  • Protected By: Mario and Friends
  • Protected From: Bowser, Bowser Jr.
  • The Wonder and Royal Seeds are the flagship collectibles for the Flower Kingdom, a neighboring land of the Mushroom Kingdom and a more eccentric land than it, partially thanks to these seeds. Containing bundles of "Wonder Energy", when unleashed these seeds warp the surrounding area into a more wacky realm. Pipes coming alive, terrains tuning into boats, enemies bursting into song and dance, improv pop quizzes, anything is possible with these seeds. Meanwhile, the Royal seeds are much larger seeds that are capable of Wonder Effects of an even larger scale. For the most part, Prince Florian and the Poplins all took good care of these seeds, right up until they invited Mario and his friends to visit their kingdom. As soon as Florian showed off a Royal Seed, Bowser swooped in and used the seed to fuse with Florian's castle, becoming Castle Bowser while absorbing its Wonder Energy and imprisoning the Poplins in their home. Bowser planned on absorbing enough energy to create a rock concert so Wonderful, it'll hypnotize the universe, sending Junior to cause as much chaos as possible while he begins absorbing. This forced Mario and friends to locate the other Wonder and Royal Seeds so they can use their power to get to Bowser, with them having to deal with their powers in the process. Despite their, and sometimes because of, their strange powers Mario and pals were able to dispel Bowser's wonder and defeat him, saving the universe once again.
  • After that adventure, Mario and his friends (and Bowser) returned to the Pantheon with new stories to tell regarding these wonderful artifacts, causing many to be curious on their power and what they can do as Mario didn't bring any with him on behalf of Prince Florian. A few months later, the main house got a letter from Florian himself asking for their help: ever since Bowser attacked, they've been more wary of another villain stealing them again, and so he and his people have came to the decision to give some to The Pantheon for safekeeping as, from what Mario's been telling him, they're very good at keeping chaotic artifacts protected. The Main House agreed to the proposition, and sure enough a batch of Wonder Seeds and a Royal Seed got mailed to them the next week. Mario was naturally asked to take extra good care of the Seeds, seeing as he and his allies have the most experience with them, with Mario also offering to train others in learning how to deal with its affects. While the Royal Seed has yet to be stolen, the same cannot be said for the Wonder Seeds, which somehow keep finding themselves in various bizarre scenarios.
  • The way an average Wonder Seed works is this: when activated, the seed unleashes a bunch of Wonder Energy, warping the surrounding area/deities into something more bizarre, ranging from bringing objects and setpieces to life, speeding up or slowing down time, transforming the user into an enemy, ect. While its unpredictable, all one needs to do to stop it is find and touch the original seed, undoing all of its effects and rendering the seed harmless. Helps that the seed is usually located not far from its area and the effects only affect said area, thankfully limiting it more than your average reality warping artifact. As such, Wonder Effects tend to end shortly after they're activated, with whatever potential damage they can do reversed, so they're far from impossible to contain. Still, while a museum check is granted, the treasure makes sure nobody touches the thing out of fear that the entire house and its treasury could be affected. Security is especially tight on the Royal Seed, as its affects could happen on a much larger area, as shown with Bowser using one to infuse himself with its Wonder Energy, though his hypnotization scheme needed a lot more energy than what even the Royal Seed was capable of.
  • All of that has unfortunately not stopped the seeds from periodically getting out of the house one way or another. How they do tends to vary; sometimes they're stolen by another party, sometimes a worker at the Treasury misplaces it, sometimes they're lost during shipping, ect. When it does, it doesn't take long for it to be found, because something weird even by Pantheon standards would have happened somewhere shortly after they lost it. For instance, the first time had the Pantheon's hills come alive and start dancing to some sudden beat. Usually the victims of the seeds return it after they located and dealt with the seed, but some more sinister gods try to keep the seeds to themselves. At least one ended up weaponizing one in a bank robbery, activating it in the middle of a bank and then proceeding to rob them and escape while they're distracted trying to fin the seed while gravity becomes topsy turvy. More often than not, Mario's sent in to find and bring back the seed from anyone misusing it, as he's more or less an expert in handling their effects.
  • Another, fairly common effect from the Wonder Seeds is that the user is generally transformed into something, either a normally inanimate object or an enemy, complete with all the handicaps that entails with those, which make retrieving the Seed more difficult than usual. For instance, Goombas remove the ability to jump, bolders make one roll uncontrollably, slimes cause the user to stick to walls, ect. Many a deity have accidentally stumbled upon a seed and transformed into something like a thwomp, forcing them to have to navigate a maze just to find the original seed so they can turn back. Thankfully, some experimentation in The Pantheon shows that its limited to items found in Mario's world, but that's still no small amount of possibilities. It seems like deities like Kuzco, already prone to being transformed by accident, almost always get hit with this effect, much to their dismay.
  • On the topic of actually reaching the Wonder Seeds so one can turn it off, many deities noticed how it usually involves going through a platforming gauntlet to find the damn thing, generally of varying difficulty. Sometimes it even requires the user to find other coins so they can actually summon the seed. Considering what world these seeds came from, this perhaps isn't too surprising. Still, it came as a hassle for those not used to jumping around as now they need to generally think outside the box to find the seed. Those actually experienced with platforming generally have a more easy time reaching the seed, with some particularly skilled platformers being able to reach the seeds within seconds. Hell, a few, more thrill-seeking deities actually find the seeds fun and seek them out for a challenge. The treasury doesn't mind them coming across them as long as they return it afterwards, considering they're generally better at beating their challenges.
  • One day, some poor deity found a Wonder Seed and managed to conquer its effects, preparing to send it back to the treasury. That was, until an interesting though came through their head: "what if they were to plant it underground? Considering its a seed, wouldn't it sprout into a tree?" they initially just shrugged off the though and went to return the seed, but ultimately curiosity got the better of them and they went to the house of Nature to plant it, finding a nice, open spot in the middle of the house. After burying it, to their surprise it immediately sprouted a big tree... that proceeded to turn the entire house sideways. Multiple gardens were ruined, everyone was interrupted from their work, nearly every window was broken and overall it was a miserable time trying to find the seed. The deity responsible for the whole mess was given a firm scolding and it was advised not to pull the same stunt he did. Nobodies quite sure if what sprouted was an actual tree or just an effect of the Wonder Seed.
  • Another common effect of the Wonder Seeds are, of all things, causing musical numbers. Whenever this comes up, the user has to endure a musical number the seed creates on the spot, often involving enemies singing, before they can snag the seed. These tend to be a bit less perilous than the usual effects as said enemies tend to be more than happy to just sing their hearts out. Piranha Plants seem to be the most common choice for it, and its tune, Piranha Plants on Parade, has been stuck in the heads of many a deity. This actually made the seeds popular with people in the house of Music, since a fun jingle involving enemies sounds like fun to them, and actually asked the treasury if they can use some for some parties. The treasury ultimately agreed, but only if they set it up beforehand, warn the other housegoers that something was about to go down, and again return it afterwards.
  • While most deities see the seeds as a nuisance at best, there are a few that actually like them and use them whenever they find them, using it on either themselves or others. Some pranksters for instance find it hilarious to hide the seed somewhere and have someone come across it, turning everyone in the area into a Goomba and having a good laugh about it. Some more villainous deities found them excellent as a distraction, having one go off and distract everyone while they do something else, as the bank robbery mentioned earlier showed. And of course, there are some deities weird enough to actually enjoy their effects, such as the King of All Cosmos and the Wonderland deities, seeing them as the closest way to enjoy home again. As such, it takes them a while to actually return the seed, sometimes taking some bargaining to get it back from them. Naturally there are those who're more interested in what the Royal Seed can do, considering the amount of havoc Bowser was able to wreak with only one, and so many an evil deity tried to steal the Royal Seed just to try and harness their Wonder energy. Thankfully, the guards are usually competent enough to stop them before they can do anything with it.

Class 3

    Clow Cards/Sakura Cards 
Clow Cards/Sakura Cards (Star Cards)
Back of a Clow Card
Back of a Sakura Card
  • Appearance: A deck of fifty-three tarot cards contained within the Clow Book / Sakura Book.
  • Class Level: Between 5 to 4 (or even 3) for each card
  • Museum Check: Granted
  • Alignment: Lawful Good under the care of Sakura Kinomoto, but individually the cards have varying alignments (but never Evil) when free.
  • Portfolio: Sealed Evil in a Can (though they're not exactly that evil), Cards of Power, Tarot Motifs, Themed Tarot Deck, Gotta Catch 'Em All, Book Safe, Summon Magic, Canon Foreigner (all but nineteen), Magical Girl Warrior (most of them)
  • Domains: Magic, Spirits, Elements
  • Owner: Sakura Kinomoto -> Syaoran Li
  • The Cards were created by the half-English, half-Chinese top sorcerer Clow Reed, the result of the combination of Eastern and Western magic and they formed the basis for a new kind of magic unlike any other seen so far. To contain the incredible power of these cards, Clow had them sealed in a Clow Book after his death, only to be released when the "chosen one" appears. Keroberos was assigned to protect these cards until then.
    • Decades later, the Clow Book would find its way to Osaka, Japan, where one Fujitaka Kinomoto acquired it, and kept it in his basement library. His daughter Sakura would find it while investigating the basement after hearing a loud noise (snoring from Keroberos). Upon reading one of the cards (Windy), the rest of them awakened and escaped, scattering all over the city.
    • That's when the guardian Keroberos awakened, found the cards missing, and appointed Sakura as a Cardcaptor, given it was technically her fault they scattered in the first place. And the rest is history.
  • Consists of fifty-three cards, each with various effects, and will be listed in the order they were resealed by Sakura after she inadvertently released them.
    • Windy grants powers over wind, though her gentle demeanor means her power cannot be used offensively. However, she can bind others, and has been used against some of the errant Clow Cards for capture. If in an icy environment, she can make it colder there and freeze stuff faster. However, oxygen is a component of her winds, so using her to blow out fires is not advisable.
    • Fly grants wings to an object (Sakura's first wand) or an individual (Sakura herself) and enables flight with then. Until becoming a Pantheon goddess, she has not used this on other people.
    • The Shadow card can manipulate shadows, use those to move stuff, and track people's shadows. While it can make contact with objects, only those with strong magic can contact it back. Also, as a shadow entity, shining light in the area takes away its collected shadows, leaving only Shadow itself. Despite that, it's also capable of trapping gases, and even light-ish entities such as the Thunder card, and can extend the shadows of others.
    • The Watery card grants powers over water, such as making whirlpools and tidal waves, and has a violent demeanor before being tamed be Sakura. It can also absorb power from other water-based Clow Cards such as the Rain card. But as a water elemental, she's vulnerable to being frozen.
    • Wood has the power to grow and manipulate plants, which mainly consists of generating rampant vines, bushes, and branches to ensnare at the command of her master. And because of the elemental order in accordance to Chinese Magic, she can even defeat earth-Elemental beings theoretically stronger than her.
    • Rain can... well, generate and control rain, ranging from light drizzles to heavy showers, either from her own cloud, or the sky itself.
    • Jump grants the ability to leap to great heights or fall safely from said heights, and manifests in the form of wings around the ankles of whoever its power is used on. Prior to the Pantheon, this only counted Sakura.
    • Illusion can... well, conjure illusions, even multiple ones towards multiple subjects simultaneously. However, when it's shifting or unable to hold an illusion, it defaults to resembling a shifting, kaleidoscope-like pattern.
    • Silent can... well, silence any passerby in range, and if they get too close, she can teleport them away, though only in short distances.
    • Thunder has the power to summon a lot of lightning and electricity to strike any target.
    • Sword provides absurd cutting power (and turns Sakura's wand into a sword to better represent this power), able to cut through rock and metal with ease, break through most magical shields, pin supernatural shadows to the ground, and cut through time-space warps created by the Loop card. It can also make its wielder an Instant Expert in swordplay.
    • Flower manifests any flower desired by her master, and that's it. Not all of Clow's creations had combat applications in mind, though gifting something someone's allergic to is an option, but that isn't in Sakura's nature.
    • Shield conjures barriers to protect what- or whomever its master wishes, and can only be penetrated by powerful enough magical forces. It is not known if it can manifest as an actual shield to hold, since Sakura is not well-versed in martial combat.
    • Time is one of the more powerful cards in Clow Reed's collection, being able to stop time to a halt, speed it up, slow it down, or create a day-long time loop, though only the first power has been used by its users. He was the first card to fall under Syaroan Li's possession due to him forcing the card to return to its visible form, and it would be one of his most-used Clow Cards. He would eventually lose it during the Final Judgment, after which all Clow Cards become Sakura's.
    • Power grants Super-Strength to her master, either channeled through a "weapon" or applying it on the body, to which Sakura is very embarrassed in doing, at least when it comes to carrying things.
    • Mist is a corrosive entity, able to eat through almost any material, including metal bars and stone. It can also create a blanket of fog for cover.
    • Storm is capable of summoning huge rainstorms and tornadoes that can be used both to attack an opponent and to bind them. However, despite its power, Storm is vulnerable to attacks directed towards its center (the eye of the storm). She is the second Clow Card captured by Syaoran.
    • Float is able to make people and things float in the air, manifesting as a balloon below them/it. Its "advantage" over Fly is that it can do this with little sound when stealth is necessary.
    • Erase has the power to remove anything, even people, from existence. Anything that disappears by her power will be gone permanently if erased for too long, but if her power is cut off (by force or at the behest of her master), then whatever has disappeared will return. Erase also has the power to take away people's memories.
    • Glow can create tiny orbs of light and scatter them all over, emitting lights. It's another fairly gimmicky card made by Clow, though it certainly has its uses.
    • Move is... well, capable of moving small objects short distances either through floating them or teleporting them, and that's about it.
    • Fight grants her master enhanced skills in the martial arts. Given how little it's been used in the show, it's not known if the card can summon Fight herself to assist in battle.
    • Loop has the ability to manipulate space and connect and splice different locations, trapping those inside it unless one breaks it at its edge with a powerful magic attack.
    • Sleep has the ability to entrance anyone into a deep slumber, using the dust from her wand. Only those with exceptionally strong magical potential can resist her magic. Sakura has used her (in conjunction with Time once she's gained possession of him after the Final Judgment) to uphold The Masquerade in multiple occasions.
    • Song can copy voices, though prefers to mimic songs.
    • Little is able to shrink targets down to mouse size, and similarly reduce their ability to use magic if they possess any.
    • Mirror can perfectly imitate the appearance of whomever she or her master desires, though those with magic senses can tell her apart from the copied. Alternatively, her mirror can be summoned by itself to reflect ranged/projectile attacks.
    • Maze can distort the space around it and entrap people in a pocket dimension of its own design and making, and can reach M.C. Escher levels of physics-breaking absurdity. It can also counter potential cheaters by raising its walls or quickly sealing any damage made to them, though those with powerful enough magic can override this effect as demonstrated by Kaho Mizuki and her Moon Bell.
    • Return can send her user back in time and witness events that have already occurred as a ghostly observer. Return protects her user from detection (both magical and mundane), but exceptionally powerful or knowledgeable magicians, such as Kaho Mizuki and Clow Reed himself can pierce Return's protections. She is the third Clow Card captured by Syaoran.
    • Shot summons her to attack a target with magical shots until the target is destroyed or are forced to return to card form. Unlike others, it's the only card anybody could theoretically use, though as a Sakura card, she's inclined to follow her Mistress or act in accordance to her interests.
    • Sweet turns sweet foods (like cake) even sweeter or turns non-sweet objects like chairs and blackboards into sweets, though the latter return to normal when she's returned to card form. She's weakened when salt is thrown at her.
    • Dash is able to run at supernatural speeds for short distances, and can grant this ability to others as well. It's the fourth Clow Card captured by Syaoran.
    • Big does the opposite of what Little does; enlarge her targets to towering proportions, and because it's magic, the Square-Cube Law doesn't apply.
    • Create can bring to life any creature or object inscribed into its pages. Prior to her ascension, this was Sakura's primary method of combat training, where she conjures monsters to take down.
    • Change performs a "Freaky Friday" Flip on two subjects, and has a "use cooldown" of one day. This change becomes permanent (or at least in regards to the Change card) if the subjects aren't swapped back in time.
    • Freeze is able to freeze almost anything, emit ice as a weapon, and lower the temperature of a localized area to freezing point (and possibly beyond it). It is very crafty when using its abilities in combat, such as attacking with frozen glaciers or attacking targets from behind with pillars of ice. It's the fifth Clow Card captured by Syaoran. Due to how little it's used in the show, it's not known if Freeze can grant its power to its master or has to be summoned.
    • Firey (not Fiery) grants powers over fire, creating them or manipulating existing flames. He can also turn up the heat in an area, which is useful against cold-based entities.
    • Arrow fires a volley of arrows at her master's command. Unlike most cards, she has to be summoned as an entity, though since she's rarely been in use, it's not known if like Sword she can manifest her bow for her master to wield.
    • Bubbles was made by Clow for the sole purpose of giving Kero a bath. It can also be used for dishwashing.
    • Wave is just a less potent and less sentient version of Watery.
    • Through allows her user to pass through solid objects, such as walls, ceilings, and floors. The thickness of the object and the strength of the user's magical powers are factors for using the card successfully, but if this does not work, the summoner may get stuck in the wall permanently, making this Card highly impractical to use.
    • Libra is able to determine the authenticity of someone's statements.
    • Snow has the ability to drastically manipulate the weather to cause massive amounts of snowfall. She can also control existing sources of snow.
    • Voice is the cut-and-paste to Song's copy-paste in regards to voices, rendering her targets mute.
    • Lock is able to lock almost anything (doors, padlocks, etc.), also preventing their unlocking by conventional means. It can also seal off rooms by magically shielding any and all exits such that they cannot be penetrated or destroyed. It has a weakness in that it cannot simply merge with something in order to 'lock' it, but instead must find a lock or latch from which to inhabit and activate its abilities. It's not known if a Keyblade can penetrate its magic, though it's highly likely.
    • Cloud creates thick clouds all over the sky which it can move however it pleases. She's the fifth Clow Card captured by Syaoran, though he hands her over to Sakura.
    • Dream is able to make people dream their greatest desires or even tell them their fortune. She also provides prophetic visions for her master, showing them the future to come in their sleep. She's the sixth Clow Card captured by Syaoran.
    • Sand has the ability to control and manipulate sand and can even transform other types of dirt into sand for her to control. She's the seventh Clow Card captured by Syaoran (though in tandem with Sakura, who offers Sand to him).
    • Dark is able to warp space, creating a dark void that can isolate and nullify non-magical beings if given enough time. She can also manipulate time to an extent as she is able to bring forth the night.
    • Light is able to create and control light. She can also manipulate time to an extent as she is able to bring forth the day. She had been hiding in Sakura's heart ever since she let loose the Clow Cards, gauging her worthiness as Clow's successor.
      • Dark and Light are a pair, sealed together, and transformed together.
    • Twin can duplicate objects and people. When it was loose, it manifested as twin entities, and can only be taken out simultaneously. They're the eighth Clow Card captured by Syaoran (with help from his cousin Meiling and their synchronized combat).
    • Earthy grants powers over earth, capable of earthquakes, fissures, landslides, and other geological disturbances.
    • Nothing was made by Clow as the Yin to all the other cards' Yang. When she ended up left alone by Clow and after Sakura captured all his Cards, becoming their new Mistress, she went on a rampage, erasing things and people from existence and taking back Sakura's Cards. However, after she tried to take Syaroan's love for Sakura after being finally captured, a Nameless Card born from Sakura's tears took its place, it and the Nothing fused, became the Hope Card, and she restored everything to normal.
      • As for whether she can use her old powers, it's not likely, and Sakura already has the Erase for that.
  • While always within Sakura's possession, the Cards are technically considered part of the Treasury. There is no guarantee whether or not the Clow Cards will be placed within the Treasury, since Sakura has not decided if she will pass them on to a successor when she sheds her mortal coil. As such, it was decided that replicas be printed for Museum viewing, though the gift shop has more replicas for sale. And they're all checked so that the mishap with the Shot Card is not repeated.
  • The cards need a constant source of magical energy to feed off of, otherwise they will transform into regular, lifeless cards.
  • It was suggested that the other members of the Magical Girl Sisterhood could potentially wield the magic of the cards, though this turned out to be false when Madoka herself once attempted to summon the Windy Card. The magic alone can be controlled only by Sakura. It was pointed out that Syaoran Li could wield the cards prior to Sakura officially becoming their mistress, but Kero explained it was because of the rules of capturing the Clow Cards. And as stated above, the Shot is the only exception, though she's still inclined to follow what Sakura wants.
  • Several protective spells have been cast on the Clow Book and each individual card to protect them from being harnessed by members of the GUAE, even though the limitations of use explained above are in effect.
  • As of the Clear Card Arc, at least in the mortal realm, Sakura has lost access to these cards, but still has them in the Pantheon. As it was, the ownership of the Sakura Card was being slowly transferred to Syaoran, at the behest of the cards themselves for Sakura's safety. Time will tell when these changes will be reflected in the Pantheon proper.

    Death Notes 
Death Notes
One such Death Note
  • Appearance: A black book with the words "Death Note" scratched on it
  • Class Level: 3
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil in the hands of Light and Mikami, leaning to Neutral Evil in the hands of Misa, otherwise True Neutral with great potential for Evil
  • Museum Check: Granted
  • Portfolio: Artifacts of Doom and Death, Murder Weapons, All Deaths Final (But Not In The Pantheon), Gift of Shinigami Eyes At A Cost, Which Shows True Names of People, Rendering Users Drunk on the Dark Side And Power, Strict Rules On How It Works, Sufficiently Analyzed Magic
  • Domains: Death, Hunt, Planning, The Abyss
  • Owners:
  • This notebook, when a name is written in it (the cover doesn't count), will cause that person to die. There are very strict rules that one must follow in order to properly use the note, but these rules are occasionally subverted by more cunning folks. One must take care not to overuse it, as excessive use of the Note can drive its user mad.
  • There are four known Death Notes so far: Sidoh's (which Ryuk stole and then dropped into the human world, and which is what Light used throughout the series), Gelus's (which was passed by Rem to Misa, and eventually Mikami, and then burned by Near), Rem's (which Light got after Rem died to protect Misa, and was temporarily given to the Task Force, and was later also burnt by Near), and Ryuk's (which stayed with him for the entire series, and which he used to kill Light in the end).
    • As for which Death Notes are in the Pantheon, Ryuk still has his own, Sidoh's was stolen back by him and "returned" to Light (before it was rendered useless by The Laughing Salesman), Rem is keeping her own, and Gelus's is with Misa. An unknown fifth one was requisitioned for Mikami's use by an unknown party, with Ryuk as the main suspect since he also got another spare for Light.
    • There was also yet another one that was given to Minoru Tanaka by Ryuk, who got it from another Shinigami, which then got purchased by their world's version of US President Donald Trump, after which—thanks to a new rule added by the Shinigami King—resulted in Minoru's death. As for Trump, he refused the Death Note, but decided to bluff the world into believing he has it, and Ryuk reclaimed it as a result.
  • Any writing material can be used to write a name on the Death Note, as long as it is applied directly, and is legible.
  • As for the exact rules on how to use the Death Note (apart from killing the person whose name is written on it), contact was established between the Shinigami King and the Court of the Gods, plus the other already-ascended Death Gods (at the time, these were the Discworld Death, and Death of the Endless; Final Destination!Death was not available). Due to how things operate in the Trope Pantheons, specifically how death works, and because of a certain incident, he decided to meet with the Court of the Gods.
    • First real contact occurred when one Shinigami noticed Ryuk writing certain names in his Death Note over and over again (among them Mysterion). He wanted answers from Ryuk, given that there shouldn't be that many humans who all share those names at once, and the mischievous Shinigami provided. After the exposition, the Shinigami King decided he wanted a word with the deities in charge.
    • Eventually, he got that meeting, and after a lengthy session (as well as the revelation that Rem is Back from the Dead so to speak), he decided that Death Notes in the Pantheon had to operate differently to avoid any more loopholes like what Minoru Tanaka did; the King had him killed for that. Despite not being a Pantheon deity himself, he keeps in touch with the court to help patch more rules whenever more loopholes he doesn't approve of occur. The Death Note in the Museum is just a replica for the sake of reference.
  • Now, here are the rules to using the Death Note in the Pantheon.
    • The User must have the Target's face in mind when writing his/her namenote  (and it must be on a single page) in order to keep other people who share the same name from being affected. Targets whose name has been misspelled four times will be safe from that particular Death Note (and if it was done on purpose, the User dies, and the Target is not rendered safe from that Death Note). Targets whose name has been written in two or more Death Notes within 0.06 seconds will be safe from those Death Notes, otherwise the first Death Note takes effect.
    • The Target will die of a heart attacknote  in 40 seconds after their name is written, unless the cause of death is written within that time (which can be written on a different page as long as the User has the Target in mind). However, that must meet any of the following conditions or else the heart attack will take place:
      • If successfully written down, the cause of death (COD) will occur no matter what and cannot be averted by other means either to forestall or even quicken it.
      • COD can be delayed for up to 23 days. However, this can be subverted by writing "dies from <insert disease here>", in which the Target will die at an appropriate time (even if it's more than 23 days) depending on the disease.
      • After writing the COD, details should be entered within the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
      • If the time of death (TOD) is specified within 40 seconds after writing the COD as a heart attack, the TOD can be manipulated and can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name.
      • The COD must be physically possible for that Target or could be reasonably assumed to be carried out by that Target. Suicide is a valid option for all Targets. Other lives must not be killed by the COD unless specifically made Targets as well.
      • COD can be written prior to naming the target (which must be written in front of the COD), but must be done within 19 days.
      • After the Target's name, COD, and TOD have been written in, the User may change it as many times as they like (by erasing what they wish to erase with two straight lines, since erasers and white markers will not count) as long as 6 minutes and 40 seconds (or the Target's death) haven't already passed since then. However, a Target's name cannot be "erased" and their death will still occur no matter what once it's been written.
      • If written COD is "dies of accident" for the cause of death, the Target will die from a natural accident 6 minutes and 40 seconds after the time of entry. As "Accident" is a condition of death, the User may write down additional details before that time passes.
      • If the COD and conditions of death are written in before the Target's name is, multiple names can be written as long as they are entered within 40 seconds and the cause and conditions are not impossible. In the event that the COD is possible but not the conditions, only the COD will take effect for that Target.
      • When the User writes multiple names in the Death Note and then write down one COD within 40 seconds of writing the first Target's name, the cause will take effect for all the written names. Also, after writing the COD, even if the conditions of death are written within 6 minutes and 40 seconds, the conditions will apply only to the Targets for whom they are possible, otherwise only dying from the specified cause.
    • All contents written in the Death Note will take effect even if the Death Note (or the parts used) is destroyed before the stated times pass. If the Death Note is destroyed before conditions can be written, a Target's cause of death will still take place. If it's destroyed before COD can be written, Targets will still suffer a fatal heart attack.
    • The following individuals cannot be affected by the Death Note:
  • In terms of ownership rules…
    • A person who touches the Death Note can recognize the image and voice of its Shinigami owner, even if the human is not the owner of the note. This only applies for non-ascended Shinigami; Ryuk and Rem are visible to all Pantheon deities.
    • Usually, if a Shinigami dies outside their world and leaves behind their Death Note, the note's finder would automatically become the owner, but the House of Life and Death makes it so that if Ryuk or Rem ever do (a second time in Rem's case), ownership does not transfer since they'd still be alive. As for non-ascended Shinigami, the King has banned them from the Pantheon to prevent confusion and extra Death Notes lying around.
    • If a User loses their Death Note or has it stolen, they will lose its ownership unless they retrieve it within 490 days, after which (or if they abandon ownership of it) they lose all memories involving the Death Note if they killed using it. Otherwise, losing the ability to see or hear its Shinigami is all that will happen.
    • When a User dies while their Death Note is on loan, ownership is transferred to the person holding it at that time. If a User has their Death Note stolen and is killed, the thief becomes its new User.
    • A User of two Death Notes may write down a Target's name in one of them and the COD in the other (even in the reverse order), and the death will still occur. This can also be accomplished by two Users working together, but they have to be touching each other's Death Notes.
    • Only six Death Notes are allowed to exist at a time in the "human world" (in this case, the Pantheon counts for all intents and purposes), but Death Notes owned by Shinigami don't count. Counting the Death Notes used by Light, Misa, and Mikami, this means only three non-Shinigami-owned Death Notes can work here; any Death Notes after that will work just like a regular notebook until one of the six is destroyed or a Shinigami takes one of them back to their realm. "Thankfully", all three current Users are on the same side for the most part, because six separate notes used by six different parties with differing agendas would've gotten extremely confusing.
    • One Shinigami is allowed to pass on Death Notes to only three Users at a time. However, it's possible for a single Shinigami to hand out up to six Death Notes - by handing three Users two Death Notes each, for example. In other words, one User could potentially own all six Death Notes.
  • In terms of Shinigami Eyes, which enables a User to see a person's name and remaining life span when looking at them (though the latter is a moot point)…
    • A person with Shinigami Eyes can see the name and lifespan of another person by looking at their face (as long as they're not a Death Note User, including themselves). More than half of that person's face must be seen from head to nose when looking from top to bottom. The power takes effect even on photos and digital images of a person, no matter how old they are, but not on drawings, however realistic they may be, but the person has to still be alive (and in the Pantheon, if they've died in their original world). Their eyesight also becomes grade 3.6, regardless of their original eyesight, but will self-correct if the User puts on glasses.
    • Due to the fact that most denizens in the Pantheon are essentially immortal, changes had to be made in regards to inheritng them. Only Misa, Mikami, and Soichiro possess this ability, and Ryuk is not giving Shinigami Eyes to Light under the Shinigami King's orders.
    • The names a User will see with the Shinigami Eyes are the names needed to kill that person. They will be able to see a name even if it isn't officially registered anywhere. For example, looking at Tarzan with Shinigami Eyes will show whatever name was given to him by his birth parents before they were killed by Sabor, and Rose Quartz will show "Pink Diamond", but since she's older than 124 years, it's a moot point, though Steven will still show "Steven Quartz Universe".
    • As for less-sapient life forms (like pets unless they were born into the household), their names don't appear since any name they get is technically a "nickname" given by sapient beings. This also applies for certain creatures such as Pokémon (unless Arceus gave the names Himself, or if they're manmade such as Mewtwo), or the monsters hunted by the Monster Hunters, but other creatures do have names such as Shin Megami Tensei demons and Digimon do count for some reason.
    • Names of the following cannot be seen by Shinigami Eyes.
  • Finally, any transactions involving the Death Note will result in instant death by heart attack to both parties. The seller dies if they receive money, and the buyer does if they take the Death Note. Of course, not taking the money/Death Note will spare them death from that.
  • Any more rules must be discovered by the users, but the nature of the Pantheon means that no more rules can be found. If there are any discrepancies with how the Death Note works, discuss it in this page.
  • With the nature of other kinds of life forms in the Pantheon, the Shinigami King had these in mind.
    • Undead: Undead which possess a level of sentience and individually and which can be classified as biologically separate and independent from a horde should not be immune to a Note's effects. However, given their undead nature, specific causes of death that have been proven to kill or disable them must be written, otherwise the Note will have no effect, since cardiac arrest isn't possible for them.
    • Synthetics: Synthetics, androids and cyborgs should fulfil the following conditions to be susceptible to the Death Note's effects. Firstly, a verifiable level of sentience and independence. Secondly, a living soul and biological tether to life. As such, mechanical organisms with no biological or sentient components to speak of are immune, as are sentient Computer Viruses and/or malignant digital beings.
    • Nameless: Beings which have no legal name or identity to speak of will not have a name present when viewed with the Shinigami Eyes and thus be immune to the Death Note. However, when such a being acquires a name or term of identification that they are recognizable by, that designation is what the Death Note considers the name and is thus able to take effect. A Super-Soldier with the designation "Alpha-001" and never had any other identity prior (abducted people converted into Super Soldiers will need to have their old name written) will not be immune to the Death Note on the basis of identification as the Death Note considers the codename as their name.
    • Immortals: Immortals, by definition, cannot be killed and the Death Note will only work on a case-by-case basis. In general, beings with Complete Immortality (unkillable by physical means) are near-completely immune to the Note's effects unless the COD written is a specific way to kill them. For such cases this can only be done a total of three times by the owner of the Death Note if the Target is resurrected as per their immortality. Targets that rely on an Immortality Inducer such as an Elixir of Life, Soul Jar or Fountain of Youth can only be killed if the COD involves said source of immortality being destroyed or rendered impotent. Especially for beings which have their Soul Jar in several different parts, all parts must be destroyed simultaneously (at least a 0.01 sec time delay between each component) before writing the Target's name for the Death Note's effects to work. Those with Resurrective Immortality are still subject to the Death Note.
    • Body-switchers: Body-switchers, by definition, are living violations of the Death Note's second rule: the Target's face must be clearly visualized while writing their name. Therefore, in keeping with that rule, both the body and soul of the Target are susceptible to the Note's effects, unless the COD is specifically written to affect one side only. However, this runs the risk of leaving the soul inhabiting the Target's body trapped if no way out is prepared for themnote , and said soul's original body left an Empty Shell, itself vulnerable to either the Note's (to the extent of which the empty body can function or be injured) or other effects if a sentient soul is not returned to it in due haste.
  • To illustrate, here are some examples:
    1. T-800: Immune. He has sentience but not a living, biological soul. Emotions and feelings are provided by its learning mode. However, Terminators like Marcus (an organic heart and brain installed in an endoskeleton) can be affected by the Death Note.
    2. Cybertronians: Not immune. A brain module provides a sense of self since life is provided to them by their living Spark, a non-mechanical source of life given that it is a life essence that was part of Primus. Further proof that they are not immune is that they can be killed by biological illnesses such as the Cosmic Rust. Cybertronians reanimated by Dark Energon are considered non-sentient zombies and are thus immune.
    3. The Fazbear animatronics: Not immune since their sentience and sense of self is provided by the soul energy of Remnant. This includes the Funtime Animatronics despite their sense of self being garblednote .
    4. Any sapient being infected by a technovirus: Should the virus or ailment not have directly impacted or mechanically altered the heart, sentience, or soul of the individual, not immune. If the opposite is true, immune until as and when the condition is reverted.
    5. Victor Stone/Cyborg and Androids 17 and 18: Not immune. Despite being partially mechanical, both have sentience, emotion and a living soul.
    6. Android 16: Immune by virtue of being a Mechanical-type Android whose friendliness while genuine was programmed into him by Dr. Gero, the same reason he wasn't sent to Heaven after being killed by Cell.
    7. Eleven: 'Eleven' will not register despite the nickname being created due to lack of information at the time, as her legal name Jane Ives still exists and is known in the Pantheon. However, both that and her second legal name upon acquiring Jim Hopper as a foster father, Jane Hopper will be accepted.
    8. Lord Voldemort: Not immune, but only after destroying his Horcruxes. As a dark wizard whose soul compenents reside in seven Horcruxes, his true name of Tom Marvolo Riddle has to be written as well as the COD being 'all Horcruxes comprising his soul destroyed at the same time as his remaining component'. However, seeing as the seventh of those Horcruxes is Harry Potter, Harry's name would need to be written first before manually destroying the remaining Horcruxes. Only then would Voldemort be fully susceptible to the Death Note's effects.
    9. Taki Tachibana and Mitsuha Miyamizu: Not immune. While their body-switching happens much less in the Pantheon than in their world, the Note can be used to kill them if both their names are written, regardless of whether their souls are in the right bodies or not.
    10. Similarly, Sauron would need to be wearing the One Ring on his finger for the Note's effects to work.
  • The following names have also been tested by Light and Mikami at the behest of their friends in the GUAL. Misa has also tested some of these per Light's suggestions and even a few by herself.
    • Black Orchid: Did not work, since it's a nickname and her birth name has yet to be revealed.
    • Mister Mxyzptlk: Did not work, as Overdeities are safe from the Death Note's effects.
    • Superman: "Clark Kent" doesn't work, but "Kal-El" doesnote .
    • Nightmare Moon: Not affected, as she's an alternate aspect of Princess Luna, who's older than 124 years anyway.
    • Springtrap: Works when "William Afton" was written, thus confirming that the undead count.
    • Jason Voorhees: Works, thus further confirming that zombies are affected.
    • Soul Calibur: Doesn't work when she's in sword form, even if the name Elysium is written with her goddess form in mind. She's also older than 124 anyway.
    • GLaDOS: Didn't work because Caroline's surname cannot be found.
    • Kyoko Kuremi: Works when "Alphamon" was written and their true form was in mind. Though that's murky now that there's another Alphamon.
    • Uka Uka: Works, proving even living inanimate objects can be subject to the Death Note.
    • Alex Mercer: Doesn't work since he's just a virus that took the form of the real Alex Mercer. "Blacklight Virus" doesn't work either unless a specific COD is written.
    • Reinforce: Doesn't work on Eins due to being a tome that must've had a history of prior names, but works for Zwei.
    • Indominus Rex: Works since she's a man-made creation.
    • Big Al: Doesn't work since he's a natural-born dinosaur, and his given name was provided by humans.
    • Captain Ginyu: Works, but only in the temporary hands of someone who knows what his original body looks like. It did kill his original body in compliance with the rules, but cannot otherwise be proven due to insufficient knowledge of what Ginyu's original body looks like, and where it is now.
  • There's also the matter of Sissel and Missile, whose abilities served as a massive problem. The entire deal is to travel four minutes before someone's death and using their ghost tricks to manipulate the world in such a way that it averts their fate. To the Shinigami King's frustration, they seem to be the only ones (aside from some of the other Death or Life gods in the Pantheon) capable of subverting the inevitability of the Death Notes' powers.
  • After hearing of two alternate worlds where one of them got the Death Note each, Twilight Sparkle and Spike have decided to stay away from the artifact at all costs, especially the latter when his tale showed just how deep he could've gone just to protect Rarity if he had that thing.
  • In response to this video, the TPPD is considering trying that "Life Note" idea to make resurrecting innocents killed by the Note quicker and easier.
  • Poland acquired a variation of the books which instead induces crippling and fatal debt aptly called the "Debt Note". He promptly went loony with it like Light.

Class 4

    The Magic Bag of Tricks 
The Magic Bag of Tricks
  • Appearance: A yellow handbag with dots and crosses on it (default form).
  • Class Level: 4
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Portfolio: Bag of Holding, Imagination-Based Superpower, Loyal Phlebotinum, Made of Indestructium, Story-Breaker Power
  • Museum Check: Granted
  • Domains: Magic
  • Donated/Wielded By: Felix the Cat
  • Despite being owned by a Lesser God, the Magic Bag is considered one of the most powerful artifacts in the Pantheon, due in part to it having apparently limitless abilities and very few known weaknesses. The Bag can transform itself into anything Felix needs or desires on command, and is even capable of creating things Felix needs out of thin air, such as food, machinery, transportation, and even live animals, making the cat completely self sufficient.
  • The Magic Bag is desired by many in the Pantheon, most notably The Professor and Melkor. Fortunately, losing the bag is a minor inconvenience to Felix for one reason; the Bag, which appears of have a mind and personality of its own, is absolutely loyal to the cat and will refuse to operate for anyone elsenote , even going as far as attacking anyone who tries to force it to use its abilities. Melkor found this out the hard way after trying to steal the bag—hoping that capturing his bag of tricks would allow him to amass deadly weaponry for his army, he found out to his chagrin that he just couldn't produce anything useful with it. Melkor gave it back to Felix in frustration. It is seemingly immune to mind control tactics as well, as Count Dooku discovered when he tried to use The Force to make it obey his will. Ironically, it's only known weakness is that touching the Bag while Felix is holding it will reset it back to its default form.
  • The Magic Bag's origins and the nature of its power are shrouded in mystery, and Felix refuses to discuss how he acquired the bag. A rumor circulated that the Cat gave his infant self an identical bag, but Felix denies this ever happened, pointing out that he didn't acquire the bag until decades into his life. Attempts to identify the components that form it have been fruitless, as a large share of them consist of unusual and unidentifiable materials that simply don't exist in most of the Pantheon, and attempts to clone or create knockoffs of it have only resulted in heavily flawed imitations at best and catastrophic disasters at worst. Mother Brain once had her loyal science team attempt to reverse-engineer the Bag from whatever data could be gathered, but the result created a black hole that consumed the entire base and staff, and would have consumed Mother Brain herself had she not been able to teleport herself away just in time. Her new science team wisely decided to move on afterward.
  • As powerful as the Magic Bag is, it isn't quite at the top of the food chain in the context of powerful forces in the Pantheon. While the Bag is nearly impossible to damage or destroy by conventional means, abnormal phenomenons (such as other forms of magic) can affect it, and exceptionally powerful forces such as the Power Cosmic or Chaos Magic can easily match or outright surpass it's abilities, as Felix discovered in chance encounters with Galactus and Discord. Contact with other magical weapons, such as Samurai Jack's divinely crafted blade or Mjolnir, will reset its form without actually damaging it, slightly hampering its use in direct combat against beings armed with enchanted weaponry. Surrealistic abilities, such as the power that Popeye's brand of Spinach gives, are also able to counter the bag's abilities. Curiously, Ki Energy seems to be ineffective against it—in a chance encounter with Broly, while Felix was unable to overpower the Legendary Super Saiyan even with the Bag, he was at least able to defend himself and match his attacks blow for blow with it without any harm to himself or damage to the artifact.
  • Cayden Cailean offered a deluxe version of the Bag for Felix to keep. The cat placed it into his own bag... and ran in horror as the combination as a 10 ft tear in reality sucked everything in its path before dissipating. Turns out Cayden in his stupor gave him a Portable Hole instead, destroying the two items in the process. The God of Blackouts set out to repair Felix's temple as well as repair the bag for a crestfallen Felix, courtesy of some favors from Torag.
  • Mary Poppins owns a similar magic bag, but it's abilities, impressive as they are, are considered inferior to those of Felix's bag. Regardless, Mary was impressed with the artifact, and Felix has allowed her to study it in action in order to improve on her own bag.
  • Some members of the Pantheon have noticed similarities between the Magic Bag and Wander's magical hat, which apparently also has a mind of its own and can rebel against those who try to get what they want from it.
  • Similarities between the abilities of The Magic Bag and Maxwell's notebook have been noticed. It's been debated about which is the more powerful tool, but Felix's artifact has an advantage in that it's abilities aren't bound by the limits of copyright and trademark law like the notebook.
  • Some speculate that the bag's owner is a Time Lord and that the Bag is his T.A.R.D.I.S. due to it having vehicular functions and the ability to fold dimensional space inside of itself, in addition to the ability to time travel. Felix, while amused at the idea, denied it and claimed the similarities were purely coincidental.
  • The Bag briefly came into the possession of Count Dooku and the C.I.S. after scamming it off of Professor, believing he could use the power of The Force to coerce the Bag to his will and use it to expand his droid army (to no avail, as the bag transformed itself into a lightsaber and duelled Dooku one on one in retaliation when he tried to do this), but Professor formed a Power Trio with Dr. Eggman and Dr. Wily and managed to retrieve it with their help, only for Boba Fett (who had been hired by Felix to trail Professor) to steal it and return it back to its owner for an undisclosed fee.
  • The Green Lantern Corps, despite being wary of the Bag due to its color being their weakness while having the same level of power of their own rings, were pleased to discover how benevolent its owner was. Sinestro, upon getting word of the item, attempted to steal the Bag for his own ends, but as with Melkor, his attempts to exploit it were fruitless, and Felix eventually retrieved it.
  • At the present, the Magic Bag is property of the Dreamworks Pantheon, who sometimes leases it to the Treasury for safekeeping with the permission of its owner (what's here in the Museum is just a replica). However, only Felix is allowed to wield the artifact, and all of the Dreamworks deities (sans Professor) have entered a mutual pact to never try and claim the Bag for themselves. So far, Felix and Dreamworks have rejected all attempts by the SCP Foundation to contain or study the bag.

SCP-914 (The Clockworks)
One of the least complex sections of SCP-914 in a non-active state.
SCP-914 in full according to SCP: Secret Laboratory.
  • Appearance: A large clockwork device weighing several tons and covering an area of eighteen square meters, consisting of screw drives, belts, pulleys, gears, springs and other clockwork.
  • Class Level: 4 (Object Class: Safe)
  • Museum Check: Granted (requires authorization by the SCP Foundation first)
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Portfolio: Clock Punk, Black Box, Has Five Settings; Rough, Coarse, 1:1, Fine And Very Fine, Snarky Inanimate Object, Troll, can be a Wild Card, Very Fine Objects Can Be Unstable, Mundane Utility
  • Domains: The Anomalous, Clockworks, Machines, Conversion, Alterations
  • Under ownership of: The SCP Foundation
  • Source of interest: The Grand United Alliance of Machines, Sauron, deities in the Houses of Gaming, Machinery and Technology, Nature and Weapons
  • Restricted testing: Anything that could compromise SCP-914, explosive or biological materials (currently banned from testing under any circumstances), any artifact that ranks Class 3 or higher on the Treasure Classification System, non-organic deities (only permitted under express approval of the O5 Council)
  • SCP-914. Object Class: Safe. The Clockworks, as it's known, is a large clockwork device weighing several tons and covering an area of eighteen square meters, consisting of screw drives, belts, pulleys, gears, springs and other clockwork. It is incredibly complex, consisting of over eight million moving parts comprised mostly of tin and copper, with some wooden and cloth items observed. It has the anomalous ability to modify any material under five quality settings: "Rough", "Coarse", "1:1", "Fine" and "Very Fine". Though it still follows internal rules (eg: it cannot alter the atomic structure of items) the lack of energy lost in the process among other things makes it anomalous. SCP-914 is kept in research cell 109-B.
  • The SCP Foundation was reluctant at first to add any artifact in their custody to the Great Treasury, but they were persuaded following an argument with the Court of the Gods that the wide array of material at the Trope Pantheon's disposal could be used in SCP-914. If one wants to utilize the Clockworks, their request must be approved of by at least Dr Gears or someone with Level 4 clearance. Basic tests with mundane and pantheonic items were done to showcase the five settings.
    • Rough: Breaks apart an item into varying/different parts. For example, a steel ingot was cut via laser into a variety of steel chunks. A 1 kilogram ingot of adamantium was given from Charles Xavier for a test, and despite its near-indestructibility SCP-914 was able to break it into a variety of pieces. They were later returned to him and smelted back together after testing the pieces under an electron microscope.
    • Coarse: A more sophisticated deconstruction of items. The same type of steel ingot was cut into steel screws. Due to a freak accident involving Bender's shiny metal ass, said ass plate was put on coarse. The result was multiple ash trays useful for putting cigarette butts in. Recursive testing on one of the unused Bender-based ash trays resulted in different elemental lumps; 30% iron, 40% zinc, 40% titanium, 40% lead, and the remaining 40% material that makes up dolomite. No-one can figure out how they got more material than was present and the resulting material has been classified as SCP-914-A55.
    • 1:1: Swaps an item with something of equal value. Eugene Krabs was eventually convinced to give a photocopy of the Krabby Patty Secret Formula in exchange the SCP Foundation would never allow information of the formula to escape, and plenty of money. His reasoning? He wanted to make a back-up meal in case Plankton ever succeeds at stealing the formula. The result? A recipe for delicious crab meat. Mr Krabs proceeded to incinerate the crab meat formula and requests amnestics.
    • Fine: Improves the item. Professor X got permission to put in a copy of the instructions for how to make adamantium. The result was the instructions to make proto-adamantium, which for security reasons he's kept close to his chest. After seeing the 1:1 test Plankton decided to use a copy of the chum formula the Chum Bucket uses. The result? The chemical composition of cyanide. A second test was a bunch of expletives at Plankton's expense. Most people agreed they were both improvements to the Chum Bucket secret formula.
    • Very Fine: an improved Fine. However Very Fine can make the item unstable so unless you're willing to risk losing the item it's advised not to use this setting. When a spare Pokeball was put under the Very Fine setting the result was a Master Ball. When said Master Ball was put under the Very Fine setting it started shaking for ten seconds and captured the the D-Class made to test it. Attempts to open the Very Fine Master Ball have failed and anyone who touches it suffers from third degree burns. Research is in progress in hopes of using this anomalous item to capture SCP-682.
  • Anything that could compromise SCP-914, and explosives aren't even considered for test drive. Another ban on testing is biological material due to its inherently chaotic results. A D-Class that was tested on the Very Fine setting became a violent and unstable superhuman. As Death Is Cheap they're mortified at the idea of some of the stronger deities using it to upgrade themselves and using said rule to retain their upgrades; even suggesting an overdeity should be put on the Very Fine setting risks demotion to D-Class. Already homicidal and immortal gods like Voldemort are trying to put themselves in the Very Fine setting to become Keter class gods.
  • Other artifacts, both in the Treasury and outside of it, are a strict "NO" when it comes to experimenting. If someone is stupid enough to try and, say, request the Chaos Heart be tested they will be immediately thrown to SCP-682's containment chamber, forced to look at SCP-096's face in its cell, or both. Sauron believes the Clockworks will allow the One Ring to give him power equal to Morgoth. Surprisingly Darkseid doesn't want to test the Anti-Life Equation even if he gained private control of SCP-914. His reason was simple: it could become too unstable and dangerous for even him to wield. One of his avatars paid dearly for messing with the Equation.
  • Though not biological it is currently ruled no version of the Philosopher's Stone permitted. This is to avoid invoking the wrath of Truth and due to the stone being made of human souls. That said, it's possible the Coarse setting might be allowed one day as a means of freeing said souls from their torment. Any item that directly alters any biological organism like the Stone Mask or the Stand Arrow is currently banned from experimentation too. Diavolo has been trying to get the latter on Fine so he may gain a Requiem Arrow for himself, and the Pillar Men believe they can turn any Stone Mask into a Red Stone of Aja mask.
  • Despite what's been mentioned some artifacts in Maximum Security have been considered by the O5 Council for testing. They're currently stuck deciding whether SCP-914 can be trusted to improve the Pure Hearts, the Golden Throne or the Omnitrix. Big E calculates that if the Golden Throne was put in the Fine setting it could cure him of his pain, no longer malfunction and require far less psykers sacrificed to it. Since he still needs to be attached to not immediately die and is a biological organism, this hasn't materialized. Azmuth is more accepting of the idea of using the Fine setting on the Ultimatrix, itself basically the Fine setting of the Omnitrix.
  • Usage on artifacts, whether they are part of the Great Treasury or not, are permitted for testing so long as they have a Class Level of 4 or lower, and according to pantheonic rules there are multiple items available. The O5 Council alone decide if a Level 3 or higher artifact can be used, and while an agreement is very rare they have done this. Here are some artifacts approved for experimentation by the SCP Foundation
    Dr Bright: "For God's sake the joke is dead!"
  • It isn't advised that any non-organic deity should test themselves in SCP-914, but so long as the O5 Council approves of it they will carry through with it. The possibility of robots being updated by SCP-914 is why it's among the most attractive items towards the GUAM, who were inevitably banned from any in-person tests even with the SCP Foundation's members watching them. Sigma and Ultron wish to create an ultimate battle body through the Clockwork's Fine setting, and along with SKYNET they wish to infect it with a virus to take full control. If SCP-914 is compromised in any way by their ilk, its object class is to be updated to Keter and a yet undisclosed means of containment will be used to minimize the damage until it can be cured.
  • It should always be remembered that while the Clockworks are not considered sentient by human measures, it has an attitude. One example of this was when Dr Hertz put a recording of songs he'd sung and written, he got "Learn to Sing", "Teach Yourself to Play Guitar", and "Songwriting for Dummies". Squidward once put two spare clarinets on 1:1 and Fine; what he got back was an anomalous music box that only plays ear-piercing screams, and the same clarinet with a restraining order against him. Whenever they put a picture of the aforementioned Sigma, Ultron ect through SCP-914 on Fine they usually get a middle finger, a line of obscenities, a middle finger made out of obscenities.
  • Despite being somewhat unreliable, people still like to tests weapons, technology, raw minerals and weapons from different houses in it. The Angry Video Game Nerd has been promoting video game tests, in large part to find something in the shitty games that suck ass. Here's his test log
  • Has produced pornographic imagery and texts involving "Clockwork-chan" entirely without prompting. On 1:1 setting. Yes, it came up with an anthropomorphic female version of itself and wrote/drew lewd fanfiction and fanart of itself. Zone-Tan got ahold of these lewds as a basis for her own porn video of SCP-914, then put it through Very Fine. The result was an anomalous video that caused anyone to watch it to suffer a lethal overdose of dopamine. The video was immediately taken down, but not before Slaanesh managed to get a copy. Dr Clef is notably immune to the video's effect and he blames Dr Bright for letting ZONE have access to 914's self-lewds.
  • It's generally advised that any metafictional narrative like a Deadpool comic not be put on the Fine or Very Fine settings. They did allow a 1:1 on a Deadpool comic, and ended up getting an issue of Ambush Bug. Superman wanted to know what went wrong and used his X-ray vision to learn the exact process which 914 uses... only to learn that 914's exterior had enough lead in it to thwart his efforts.
  • The Mann Co. Mercenaries were given the opportunity to get more weapons through SCP-914, however they preferred using it to put hats on the Very Fine setting. While they were amazing hats, they often had anomalous properties like making even rounded people fight to the death over "the precious hat!!". Beatrix LeBeau was also permitted to put slime ports in SCP-914. She's noticed that SCP-999 gets irate when she puts them in Very Fine, and asked the Foundation what's the deal. Apparently they used a sample of its slime on the Very Fine setting, resulting in a hostile but ineffectual blue slime that made the Tickle Monster so mad it struck and consumed it.

    The Tablet of Ahkmenrah 
The Tablet of Ahkmenrah
  • Appearance: A 3 x 3 tablet with flippable tiles
  • Class Level: 4
  • Museum Check: Granted
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Portfolio: Animating Artifact That Can Given Life To Inanimate Objects, Immortality Field, Powered By The Moon God Khonshu, Sliding Scale of Living Toys
  • Domains: Magic, Revival, Animating, Egypt, Museum Pieces, Moonlight
  • Owner: Ahkmenrah (and by extension, his mother and father)
  • Associated with: Larry Daley, the Egyptian deities (sans Apophis)
  • Source of interest: Any and all museum workers, the House of Undead and Phasmata, Yugi, Yami Yugi, Seto Kaiba, lunar deities, Linkara
  • Kept away from: Lord Voldemort's horcruxes, Maximum Security, SCP-1048, Nagash, The Lich, Dhuum (permanently), the Ice King's crown (for now)
  • The Tablet of Ahkmenrah is an Egyptian artifact created by pharaoh Merenkahre after the birth of his son and future pharaoh Ahkmenrah, in hopes not even death could separate the family. Crafted with the finest magic available and blessed by the moon god Khonshu, the Tablet was primarily designed to allow the family's mummies come back to life and it had the secondary purpose of being a key to a doorway to the Egyptian afterlife. However it could do more than that; it had the power to give life to artifacts who resemble life in any way, such as wax sculptures. Even pictures come to life. When moved to the New York Museum of Natural History in the fifties, it caused the exhibits to gain a life of their own. However the Tablet of Ahkmenrah only works during the night at when the tablet is organized in a specific way. And anything animated that's outside when the sun comes up will turn to dust.
  • The Tablet of Ahkmenrah is not a full-time exhibit at the Great Treasury, since it's required to be at or near the New York museum (or British museum which is the current main host of the tablet), and is instead on loan. Since most of the artifacts aren't based on some sort of life or intelligence its effects don't affect most of the treasury. However some might be affected in a way that could prove problematic. The SCP Foundation has determined what other artifacts should be kept away from the Tablet, some of which they've declared permanently off limits and others they are waiting on determining if it is safe for an interaction. That said, it's possible that the magic of certain artifacts is similar enough to the tablet's effects that they would be naturally immune. On another note, they ruled that SCP-1048 cannot be allowed to get close to the tablet and use it for their evil schemes. Granted they don't want any SCP close to the tablet without expressed permission, but 1048 is a teddy bear so it has the most interest in it.
    • Since they already have part of his soul, Voldemort's horcruxes are never allowed to be anyway near the Tablet of Ahkmenrah. With his diary in mind, it could potentially give all the pieces of his soul a way to manifest like his Diary self. Voldemort is more interested in the Tablet for its ability to transcend death, but rather than say make something that would be animated by it a horcrux he intends to make the tablet itself a horcrux to put whatever it reanimates under his influence.
    • Nothing in Maximum Security is allowed near the Tablet of Ahkmenrah for fear of the unintended consequences that could happen. Granted, many artifacts there are far more powerful than the tablet and wouldn't be able to be affected, but it's still better safe than sorry. Originally magical artifacts with some level of sentience like Li'l Cal would at best be unchanged, and at worst somehow grow stronger. It's theorized that if put in the presence of the Jumanji board it would become even more immersive, and if put in the presence of the Omnitrix the Omnitrix would gain a boost in its artificial intelligence and gain the ability to speak for itself.
    • For now, the Ice Crown is kept away from the tablet. This is mainly because it's uncertain what would happen due to its Magitek nature and original wish-granting purpose. Some theorize that it could allow the downloaded consciousnesses of the deceased wearers to take control of the crown, some think it could cause it to act in some completely unpredictable way. Given the volatility of the crown's intended purpose and the lives ruined by it, keeping it away from the tablet is considered the right decision.
  • In order to have it on loan the Court of the Gods decided it was only right to ask Larry Daley, having had the most experience with it. Seeing an advantage, he argued it was only right if the one the tablet was made for gets to come along with it; Ahkmenrah himself. The latter was shocked learning of so many Egyptian deities already being present in the Trope Pantheon, but with Khonshu, the one who the Tablet gets its power from, absent on his arrival. Anubis judged that if its fate belongs to anyone besides Ahkmenrah and his family it belongs to Khonshu and he promises he won't interfere with it, before giving words of advice; his brother is not the only Nepharious Pharaoh who may want the tablet for himself. Ramses seeks to take it for himself, not just to form an army to get back at the Jews and Moses but to resurrect his first-born son. Larry Daley was quick to point out that "you know Kahmunrah was passed over in the succession right", though Anubis retorted "you don't have to be a smart-ass".
  • Set had tried to help Kahmunrah get the Tablet in an ill-fated scheme, and he's not proud of the whole thing. That was one of his weaker forms though, as normally Set can use his own army. This time around he took the tablet for no other reason to sow chaos in seeing it interact with something else with Egyptian ties; Duel Monsters!. While dueling during night Yugi and Seto were distracted by the fact their Hard Light Monsters came to life and were able to leave the field and wander off on their own. The former feared that someone managed to start a Shadow Game without them realizing, but it soon became clear the magic was not dark. Sadly the day broke, causing both the holograms and the cards to turn to dust. Fortunately Osiris recognized this was his brother's work and he recreated the cards, before warning Seto not to consider trying to give his holograms life. The lesson Kaiba took instead was "find some way of overcoming the nighttime restriction".
  • Without a gate to Duat the Tablet of Ahkmenrah isn't able to serve its secondary purpose of opening the gateway, and most within the Hall of Afterlife Entities want to keep it that way. Anubis is already annoyed at Kahmunrah's shenanigans, having come back twice and not really learning anything from it. He talked to his uncle (or biological father) Osiris that there are those who'd be far more of a threat with the tablet than Kahmunrah. A pact was made with Osiris, Ereshkigal and Hades to craft a spell that would prevent Nagash and the Lich from ever having access to the tablet out of fear they will invade and plunder the Egyptian afterlife..
  • The Tablet of Ahkmenrah is essentially a method of immortality, with the museum pieces coming to life being a welcome side-effect. It's possible that SCP-914 could improve it even further like making stone sculptures flesh and blood during the night and giving the truly resurrected a Healing Factor, but there's been no clearance to test that. It's an object of interest for the Hall of Forms of Immortality, even if the members there have a better for of immortality than it. Qi Shi Huang muses that he could make his terracotta soldiers night warriors, but the fact they would turn to dust if exposed to the sunlight makes it Awesome, but Impractical in his eyes. Dhuum regards the whole tablet as a blasphemous spit in the face of the rules of mortality and the immortal(er?) gods have been making sure to keep him from it.
  • Anyone who is originally undead has the potential to be affected by the tablet, however they will still revert to their normal state at sunrise. It's guaranteed to rejuvenate any mummy like Anakaris, given the reason it was created. How effective it is on other undead varies, however it carries no risk of them turning to dust come the sunrise as they already have another force animating them, since Ahkmenrah without the tablet is ultimately just a corpse. Tests have been permitted on the residents of the House of Undead and Phasmata. A general rule of thumb is that if what makes them undead is stronger than the tablet they can refuse to be affected; it is not a way for someone to turn the Lich into another Sweet P. Also, if they are forced into status by a power greater than it, they remain fully undead; you cannot overcome the power the Night King uses to control his wights by using the Tablet of Ahkmenrah.
    • Ghosts: Unable to become living again by virtue of their body being more immaterial. One exception to this was Danny Fenton due to his halfa status, as it instead caused him to be unable to go ghost while affected by the tablet and he would go back to being human in his ghost form. Ghost type Pokemon won't lose their spectral status but the Tablet of Ahkmenrah acts like the Scrappy ability and allows Normal and Fighting-type attacks to hit them when it's active
    • Possessed corpses; the corpse will come alive and their original personality will try to take control of the body from the host. Foo Fighters felt Atroe's consciousness come back. After fighting for a bit they came to an agreement; while she was resurrected F.F would move her consciousness fully to her Stand, and assist her trying to get used to this new semi-life. Fortunately the Stand animating the body lets them bypass the "turn to dust come sunrise" and instead Atroe will simply die again. More powerful possessors could simply shut down their revived host and rendering them prisoners of their own body, so Foo Fighters and Atroe making this kind of arrangement was one of the better-case scenarios.
    • Bone-only undead like Leoric will find their flesh and blood restored to them under the effects of the tablet. This was a bit of a surprise considering Rexy remained a skeleton, however it makes some sense when you remember that fossils aren't actually the bones of the animal but rock in the shape of the animal's corpse. This only applies if they were a normal organic being though; Sans and Papyrus remains skeletons because that's their default and they're not undead.
    • Vampires: Depends on the vampire. Only ones that are technically dead are affected by the tablet, however it doesn't turn off their vampire abilities unless those vampiric traits require being undead. Instead, it will turn them into a sort of artificial Dhampyr where they're human and things that don't harm humans but would harm vampires like sunlight, silver or garlic won't be a weakness when the tablet's powers are active. They also get their reflection back.
    • Zombies: If someone is that way due to a Viral Transformation they will only briefly become living again before what made them a vampire reasserts itself. How fast depends on how strong that force that zombified them; the Green Flu Special Inflicted will only come back to normal for mere minutes, while the Plants vs. Zombies zombies will come back for about an hour. Otherwise they'll come back to life, such as with Rottytops and the Franchouchou zombies. William Afton felt the tablet restore him to life...until he started feeling a very sharp pain. The Springtrap suit is permanently stuck in an active mode so he felt the agony of being iron maiden'd again, and he's sworn never to get close to the tablet again.
  • Normally the Tablet of Ahkmenrah cannot give life during the day, however it was theorized that being near the presence of a God of the Moon would allow it to work no matter what given its power source. Lo and behold, when given to Princess Luna the statues came to life even during the day. Tyrande Whisperwind tried her own Lunacy powers, but it wasn't able to affect the tablet; you need to be a moon deity like Khonshu for the same effect. Selene was curious on what'd happen if you put the tablet on the Moon, and made a mannequin as a test. Given it was on the moon the tablet gained overwhelming power and allowed the mannequin to stay alive anywhere on the moon's surface, even on the exact opposite side of the satellite.
  • As a rule, if a non-biological but still animate form of life is in the presence of the tablet during the night, the affect is minimal and they merely return to their original state if changed during the day, instead of turning to dust, due to the fact that they already had some form of life behind them. Robots are completely unaffected if they have a decent artificial intelligence, though if they don't have true A.I but resemble an intelligent being they will be animated the same way as any museum exhibit. The Magic Carpet and Robbie approached it in hopes it would at least let them talk, but no dice. There wasn't any effect on the Skylanders either. Some interactions were more fruitful, though always with the reminder that during the day or too far from it the Tablet of Ahkmenrah has no magical powers.
    • The Nestene Consciousness managed to steal the tablet and test it with its creations. Autons that were already close to looking human but fell into the Uncanny Valley they would lose that uncanniness. If they were based on a person or character they'd start to think they were that person/character much like the Lancelot wax statue, until the Nestene Consciousness reasserted control since the Autons are its creations first and it is already pretty powerful. The tablet was recovered in part because the Nestene Consciousness doesn't think it's all that useful for its goals.
    • Cappy is immune the effects of the tablet, but he is able to take control of formerly inanimate objects if they are animated by the tablet. That said, it feels kind of weird for him and he can swear he heard a faint Egyptian hum while taking control of those animated by it. He suggested to Snap White that it might make him animated enough to resist water damage, though understandably he doesn't want to risk it doing nothing for him.
    • Chucky the Killer Doll tried to take the tablet for himself in the night. At first, he was somewhat interested by the fact his doll body started to become human, which was assisted by the voodoo magic that lets his soul inhabit the Chucky doll in the first place. However, he started hearing voices; as it turned out, it also brought the Chucky doll itself to life and started fighting with the persona. He managed to flip the tablet's power off and to date has never tried to get close to it.
    • The Toy Story toys weren't affected physically by the tablet, but mentally instead. Usually nothing short of a life-or-death situation can convince them to talk to humans, but the tablet lets them justify being alive in its presence during the night as a consequence of the magic. Well, that'd be the case if it wasn't for the fact the Trope Pantheon is The Unmasqued World. But it's the thought that counts.
  • The Tablet of Ahkmenrah serves as a partial cure for petrification, as much as how Ahkmenrah went from a mummy to getting his flesh and blood back the petrified will go from stone to fully alive. And since that is their natural state they won't drop dead or turn to dust during the day, but they will become petrified again during the day until an actual cure can be found. This was first discovered when Jadis managed to get her hands on the tablet which reanimated those who she turned to stone during the night, and to her horror they were immune to being petrified again in this state. This is applicable to anyone who Medusa turned to stone. Presumably this wouldn't work if the spellcaster is equal or stronger than Khonshu. No-one's taking their chances it and the nighttime will give them any defense against Ghatanothoa given unlike Medusa it appears to be a legitimate god.
  • During the night any picture within the Tablet of Ahkmenrah becomes a Portal Picture. It wasn't clear what would happen if someone who's "real" was in the picture when the sun came out until the SCP Foundation sent a D-Class in. When the sun came out while a D-Class was inside, the painting disintegrated. SCP-105 (or as she'd prefer to be known, Iris Thompson) took pictures during the night and found that there was no change to how her pictures worked since the magic was "too similar". Yoshihiro Kira somehow managed to get near the tablet and at first thought his Stand was too similar...until he found he was able to walk out of the picture he inhabited and essentially become a living being again. More morbidly, Dr Alfred Drevis found the animals he taxidermized reanimated. Fortunately (for most people) their first reaction was to attack him.
  • Linkara was at first rather suspicious about the Tablet of Ahkmenrah. Long story short, he consistently thinks Ancient Egypt is some big source of evilnote . However it was pointed out that the tablet's magic wasn't too different from the sympathetic magic he uses to make his toys be able to do the stuff they can in his reviews and storylines, with some theorizing his magic could've been Ancient Egyptian in origin. Realizing they had a point led to a despondency not seen since Spike Lee was the Kingpin. After some soul-searching he said he's made peace with it and wanting the museum exhibits to live trump whatever bias he has to Ancient Egypt.

Class 5

    A Behelit 
A Behelit (Beherit, "primed droplets connecting to the beyond")
An unactivated behelit
Click here for what an active Behelit looks like
  • Appearance: An ovoid tailsmen with mismatched facial features
  • Class Level: 5
  • Museum Check: Granted
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Portfolio: Artifact of Doom, Clingy McGuffin, Lets Someone Become An Apostle...At The Cost Of Someone They're Close To, requires a Despair Event Horizon
  • Domains: Spirituality, Evil, Deals, Despair, Demons, Fate
  • Creator: The Idea of Evil
  • Sacred to: The Godhand (that includes Griffith)
  • Associated with: Any and all Apostles
  • Source of interest for: Guts, the Skull Knight Those who embrace Chaos, the Hall of Demons, Pinhead, Junko Enoshima,
  • Similar artifacts: The Lament Configuration
  • The Behelit is a highly spiritual stone link that acts as keys that link a deep layer of the Astral World to the Physical World. It is said that they govern the fate of humanity. They are primarily used to allow humans to become Apostles, however only under specific conditions; one must reach their emotional nadir for it to activate, where they are offered a choice by the Godhand-either do nothing, or "overcome" their ennui for a cost; sacrifice someone they care about, the sacrifice being "akin to tearing off your own arm". If the user still has loved ones left as an Apostle, they can use it again to save their life. But if they aren't willing to sacrifice said love one, they will die and be sent to the Vortex of Souls.
    • Much less common is the Crimson Behelit, which is reserved for future Godhand members. They show up once every 216 years and require a far bigger sacrifice in an event known as the Eclipse. It's most well-known usage was by Griffith, who ascended to become Femto, fifth member of the Godhand.
  • Among the ascended and asides from the Godhand, Nosferatu Zodd, Wyald, Grunbeld Ahlqvist, Rosine and Emperor Ganishka have utilized a Godhand. There has also been talk of non-Berserk deities who might have become Apostles had they have access to a Behelit. One scenario predicted Tyrion Lannister, if he had a Behelit, would've become an Apostle by sacrificing Jaime and slaughtered his family, Mace Tyrell and Oberyn Martell afterwards. Naturally the idea scares the hell out of Tyrion.
  • The Great Treasury was hoping to get the Crimson Behelit, but given its very special status they failed to find it... the Godhand certainly wasn't going to let that escape their watching eye. A regular Behelit, however, wasn't something they cared about. Because of the nature of fate in the Berserk universe if the pantheon's Behelit isn't disposed of it seems destined to end up with someone, and no-one knows who. It is advised that no member of the House of Despondency should visit the Behelit without some security detail, since they are the house most vulnerable to being potential choices for the artifact. The Skull Knight was the one who delivered the Behelit to the Great Treasury, but he's not explained why that is.
  • The Behelit is similar in some respects to the Lament Configuration, as they are both cursed artifacts that require some sort of desperation to activate and has the potential to turn the user into something non-human and powerful. That said, what that desperation entails and the likelihood this will be anything you want is quite different between the two artifacts. One of the Cenobites who's story might be akin to an Apostle is Captain Elliot Spencer, who's fall into hedonism to escape the trauma of WWI led him to become Pinhead. As the Godhand take a fair amount of inspiration from him and his cohorts, he's quite interested in the Behelit. Naturally a lot of people are suspicious he has something bigger planned.
  • There is also some comparison behind becoming an Apostle via the Behelit, and Lucavi possession. The Behelit and Zodiac Stones offer someone a Deal with the Devil when at their lowest points. The Behelit's mechanics were deemed similar by the Octopath Travelers to Odio; he prays on people who give in to strong negative emotions. Odio was killed by Hashe and Uranus and needs a human host to manifest his full power; Oersted just happened to be his most desired target. However there is absolutely no question one who activates the Behelit is fully in charge of themselves, even if they claim to no longer have human emotions.
  • Some have wondered what would happen if the Behelit was put in SCP-914. The SCP Foundation quickly vetoed this, smartly pointing out Evil Is Not a Toy and they would rather research it in order to find some way to counter-acting and containing the influence of the Godhand... and the Idea of Evil especially. Others have wondered if it could potentially react to the Philosopher's Stone, seeing as how it is made of screaming human souls. So far, nothing. A test with a second behelit was made thanks to Skull Knight's donation seeing how Samurai Jack's katana would affect it. Unsurprisingly it made a clean cut, then the two halves became dust. It's possible a different result would happen if it had activated but no-one's dumb enough to set that up.
  • Given the nature of the sacrifice one requires to become an Apostle, behelits are considered profane artifacts by both the House of Family and Relatives, and the House of Friendship and Camaraderie. The fact they require the user to be at an emotional low to work, and thus making it easier to make the decision, is seen as all the more insidious. Naturally this exploitation of ennui fascinates Junko Enoshima, however the Godhand are ambivalent to her for a number of reasons. One of which is that she's incapable of the genuine emotional nadir needed to become an Apostle, since her enjoyment of her own despondency stops her from reaching that point.
  • Another reason Junko is considered invalid for using a behelit to become an Apostle is because you obviously need to have a loved one to sacrifice. As such, even the absolute worst Apostles like Wyald had to at some point had someone they cared about, even if in a narcissistic way like Griffith. True sociopaths from the start like Patrick Bateman could never activate the Behelit, even if they can feel despair or seek the power. A good demonstration of this is Tom Riddle. Voldemort has more than proven his willingness to throw his humanity away by splitting his soul to create horcruxes, and he would desire additional power as an Apostle. But as he cannot even grasp the idea of love or friendship, he could never perform a sacrifice. Though if he was viable, one wonders if his death would lead to him being stuck in Limbo or going to the Vortex of Souls. Randall Flagg is also invalid for Apostle-hood due to his nature... but he doesn't care, as he would rather create demons and he gets a kick out of the idea of using the Behelit on other, broken souls.
  • Despite these conditions, there is an outlier in the question "what if someone can care, but circumstance meant they never had someone to care about them". That being a nameless outcast who became the Egg of the Perfect World. He had nothing tangible to sacrifice, instead sacrificing "the world in its current state". Otherwise even those capable of empathy still need living loved ones for any sacrifice to take place. This again puts Junko Enoshima in an interesting theoretical spot in that she specifically killed her sister Mukuro because she loved her, as Junko wanted to experience the despair of losing her sister and she wanted to give her sister the despair of being betrayed by a loved one. Basically there was a point in her life where she was really close to being viable, but her... unique outlook. However, there's nothing saying that she couldn't try to break someone else so they could and would activate their own behelit... and she really wants to.
  • While not explicitly stated, it is presumed that the behelit can't be used by non-humans no matter what. After all, they're related to human fate and desire, and their creator was born from human desire. Sure the Hall of Demons is intrigued by them as a means of creating more demons, with Malebolgia noticing some similarities between Hellspawn and Apostles. He definitely approves of their existence, but knows even if he had loved ones or a capacity for emotional ennui he couldn't use it to "magnify my own demonhood". Eventually Void confirmed that non-humans aren't applicable for using it as it doesn't relate to them.
  • Void has also mentioned that if one was human but became non-human they are still able to use the behelit under the right conditions. No words on partial humans, though. On the flip side, non-humans that become human still aren't eligible. Rumor has it he remarked the Doctor could've made a fine Apostle. Given the Time Lord has had many a low point and a dark side, particularly following the Last Great Time War, had the Godhand capitalized on the right opportunity (ie: Time Lord Victorious) he would've made a very dangerous Apostle, especially given his time travel and sci-fi technology.
  • There isn't anything stopping an Apostle from transforming further due to another demonic or demon-adjacent power. One of the more interesting speculations is what would happen if the behelit gets taken by the forces of Chaos. Unless its a potential future member the Godhand don't particularly care if the Ruinous Powers choose to "experiment". And theoretically if an agent of Chaos has the right state of mind and relationships to qualify for Apostle-hood, a Chaos Apostle could result. It's far easier for "Chaos Apostles" to become so by an Apostle making deals with the Ruinous Powers, though. The Imperium of Mankind has declared behelits to be yet another form of Chaos corruption and destroy them whenever given the chance.
  • While it's primarily meant to transform humans into Apostles, Guts has a behelit in his possession to serve as a way to make contact with the Godhand and guess why. Heroic deities want to use the behelit to get at the Godhand, and Skull Knight has forged a bunch of behelits into a weapon. Most prefer to just leave it alone. The Great Treasury is neutral and refuses to state any agenda it has in having a behelit in storage.

Applied Cryogenics Cryo-Tube
Applied Cryogenics on New Year's Eve, 1999
  • Appearance: An easy to open tube with a transparent view on its occupant.
  • Class Level: 5
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Museum Check: Denied
  • Portfolio: The Constant, Human Popsicle, Ragnarök Proofing, Timey-Wimey Ball
  • Domains: Freezing, Preservation, Time Travel(sort of), Narrative
  • Located in both Old and New New York is Applied Cryogenics, a state of the art cryogenics lab. Ever since its last power failure in 1997, the facility's cryo-tubes are able to instantly suspend anyone for five minutes to a million years; it has allowed one-way time travel to Philip J Fry among others up to the 31st century and possibly beyond. They won't ask questions, as per their motto "You can solve all your problems by freezing them".
  • Serves as one of the most effective cryo-presentation out there. For over a millennium there hasn't been a single Cryonics Failure, and the building has survived the destruction of the city it was in twice. They can fit at least two people, and can be used as a fridge or to have a nap. Some gods freeze themselves out of impatience.
  • Has been utilized by the House of Health and Diseases in order to help preserve some of their patients. So far nothing's gone wrong. Ice wielders have helped to keep the cryo-tube in pristine condition. It is suspected that Nibbler may have had an involvement with how long they lasted as part of The Plan to freeze Fry.
  • The cyro-tubes pose a major significance to the space-time continuum, due to being the only way Fry was able to reach the 31st century and achieve his destiny of defeating the Brainspawn. There's also the fact that as his existence is a Stable Time Loop involving the Planet Express ship, it's a sort of nexus point to causality. Bad things happen when that causality is broken.
  • In recent times, Applied Cryogenics has seen a lot of time travel, and the facility has been very useful to overcome The Slow Path. The House of Time and Temporality has tried to keep this under control to avoid paradoxes, and has been investigating the security videos on the turn of the millennium.

    The Ice King's Crown 
The Ice King's Crown
  • Class Level: 5
  • Appearance: A golden crown with three red gems embedded in it
  • Alignment: Supposed to be Lawful Good, instead Chaotic Neutral leaning towards Evil
  • Museum Check: Granted
  • Portfolio: Artifact of Doom, With Great Power Comes Great Insanity, Turns People Into Ice Wizards That Are Practically Immortal, Magitek, The Fog of Ages, Converts Wearers To An Imitation Of Evergreen, Time Abyss, Be Careful What You Wish For
  • Domains: Ice, Wish Magic, Corruption, Imitation, Madness, Immortality
  • Similar artifacts: The One Ring, The Helm of Dominance
  • Current owner: Gunther/Orgalorg/The Ice Thing
  • Millions of years ago, the ice elemental Urgence Evergreen hoped to create a magic crown to stop a deadly comet. Powered by the ruby eyes of Magwood, this item of wish magic is meant to grant the user's deepest wish. But when it came to testing the item it ended up in the hands of Evergreen's apprentice Gunther, whose deepest wish was to be just like his idol. Due to his skewed perception of the Jerkass, it drove him and future wearers insane.
  • Anyone who puts it on is transformed into an immortal ice wizard like Evergreen, but with a skewed and crazy personality. The stronger someone's will is the longer it takes, and in Simon's case, he's more a pathetic crazy as the Ice King. Usually, it makes people dangerously crazy and want to freeze the world. The reason why it's in Magical Artifacts instead of Maximum Security is it doesn't make people crazy so long as it already has an owner. Plus it's usually in the Ice King's possession.
  • As it is naturally tied to the Ice King, its position in the treasury is due to convincing him to put it aside for some time. However, without the Ice Crown's influence, he reverts back to Simon and suffers No Immortal Inertia. Initially desiring this, he was convinced otherwise. The Ice King remains oblivious to the effect it has on him, claiming he made the crown with magic that he stole.
  • Similar to the One Ring, another ancient Artifact of Doom that turns who wields it into a shade of what they once were. However while the One Ring is an extension of Sauron's will, the Ice Crown isn't inherently evil. It merely wants to fill its original owner's wish. Unfortunately, this comes from the owner's distorted view of his master.
  • Arthas and Bolvar recognize the Ice Crown as being similar to the Helm of Dominance which also drives people mad, and with the soul of the original Lich King converts them into another Lich King (no relation to Adventure Time's Lich). Add in Arthas' ice powers, he has a morbid sense of curiosity about the Ice Crown and some pity for Simon's situation.
  • It is not clear what might happen if it was used or owned by someone who already has ice powers, or is already some form of insane. It's considered a wise idea not to try this lest things go From Bad to Worse. How it interacts with other artifacts of doom, those transformed by them or those who Was Once a Man is also unknown, but again very few want this to happen.
  • A Magitek device, there are intricate matrices within this device and it possesses some primitive kind of sentience. The Houses of Magic and Sorcery and Machinery and Technology have researched into the Ice Crown in hopes of unravelling the mysteries lost since the death of Urgence Evergreen. This has been difficult as all but the most extreme caution can mess things up. It has revealed to contain programs with the personalities of all who wear it. One is the first Santa Claus, which Nicholas St. North is curious about.
  • Due to the crown fusing with Gunter, it is no longer available for view in the Pantheon's Treasury. What's here is a replica for the Museum.

    Lasso of Truth 
The Lasso of Truth (Magic Lasso, Lasso of Hestia, The Golden Perfect)
  • Appearance: A golden lasso, shining when in use.
  • Class Level: 5
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Museum Check: Granted
  • Portfolio: Magical Lie Detector, Forged by the Gods, undoing mind-control, Impossibly Cool Weapon
  • Domains: Truth, Peace, Justice, Magic, Freedom
  • The Lasso of Truth was forged by Hephaestus from the Golden Girdle of Gaea, worn by Hippolyta's sister Antiope. Completely unbreakable and capable of having its size changed, the lasso chooses to be wielded only by those it has judged are purest of heart, and is one of Wonder Woman's signature items along with her Amazonium bracelets and her Invisible Jet. Most useful is its ability to compel others to tell the truth, fitting for its owner being the Spirit of Truth.
  • Empowered by the fires of Hestia, it forces anyone to tell the absolute truth. This can vary from acting like a truth serum to revealing someone's true nature and reverting to their core person. As such, it's also a good means of overcoming brainwashing or undoing the effects of contagions. It's worth noting that Wonder Woman's Real Life creator, William Moulton Marston, invented the lie detector and as such the Lasso of Truth could be considered DC's embodiment of his invention.
    • When the Lasso binds a lesser demon, they explode, as they are by nature "made of lies," and their body rejects the truth.
  • The more optimistic members of the Grand United Alliance of Good likes the Lasso of Truth, due to the fact that by exposing the truth it can give people a Heel Realization. This is useful for giving Well Intentioned Extremists and Knight Templars a wake-up call, though some already know the truth. By holding it at the same time, the lasso can also create mental and emotional tethers between individuals, allowing them to comprehend the same language and share memories telepathically for greater understanding between them. The Grand United Alliance of Evil is trying to find a counter for this.
    • The Perfect is also capable of locating those that are missing, although this requires an emotional connection to the user.
  • As Marston was a polygamist and bondage enthusiast, tongues have wagged in the Lustful sub-houses of the Power Perversion Potential the lasso has. This is especially the case when learning he meant it as an allegory for feminine charm and the compliant effect on people. Diana refuses to comment about this and states she's never used the lasso in a recreational way.
  • It is only known to break when the truth itself is challenged, such as when Bizarro broke out of it due to being the antithesis of logic and reasoning, or when the Queen of Fables was blurring the lines of fiction and reality. Seems to have some issues with Reality Warpers and Eldritch Abominations, so it's advised not to be used against Overdeities.
  • Doctor Doom claims that his willpower is stronger than the Lasso of Truth, which is quite possible given his prior experience. Diana wants to put that to the test. It's said that even Littlefinger, Varys and Rhaegar Targaryen will tell the truth, with the latter being vindicated.
    • While Batman was able to claim himself as Batman rather than Bruce Wayne while holding the Lasso, this doesn't mean his will is stronger than it; it's just that what he told her is the truth in his mind. This is also why the Lasso wouldn't work on someone insane like the Joker (whose truth would be whatever ur wants to believe), or those who don't understand the concept of truth.
  • Bizzaro's version of Wonder Woman, Bizarra, has a lasso that makes people tell lies. He's tried to get it in the Pantheon alongside Superwoman's lasso, which releases people's inhibitions. It hasn't gone anywhere.

    Ninjas of the Ice: The Art of Fridjitzu 
Ninjas of the Ice: The Art of Fridjitzu, 1st Edition
  • Appearance: A white book with its title and the Japanese kanji for "ice ninja" on it.
  • Class Level: 5
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Museum Check: Denied
  • Portfolio: Teaches Ice-Style Ninjutsu, Elemental Weapon, Hand Seals, Smoke Out, Me's a Crowd, Blow You Away
  • Domains: Books, Ice, Ninja
  • Owner: Ice King
  • Granted Permission: Greninja
  • Temporary Users: Finn, Jake
  • Object of Interest To: every Ninja fan, most actual ninjas (Japanese or not), the sub-House of Ice and Cold
  • After Ice King found an intruder in the Chamber of Frozen Blades and this book in hand, and summarily froze them (fortunately for him, it wasn't one of the greater ninjas of the Pantheon), he decided it might be better if the book was stored in the Treasury. It took a few days for it to be authorized, and during that time, Ice King jacked up security (even asked for Finn and Jake's assistance) to protect the entrance to the chamber.
    • Of course, word soon spread, and during that interim before the The Art of Fridjitzu would officially be transferred, every god who had the slightest interest in the book made attempts to sneak in (some of them successful), and of course some of them employed distractions. Some just wanted to memorize the contents, some wanted to copy them down, and some even tried to steal the book itself.
    • Naturally, it became a chaotic mess when some other deities who wanted the book decided not to bother with stealth and straight up stormed Ice King's temple. Finn, Jake, what few of the 501st could be spared, and other friends and hired help the Ice King could find began to fight off the infiltrators while Ice King himself, already close to the book, whipped up a storm in the area, hid the book beneath his robes, and used his Fridjitzu to try and hide until the infiltrators were forced to retreat and the besiegers were thwarted by other security forces who arrived to quell the mayhem that was going on.
    • This continued for at least two more days despite security jacking up further, and Ice King even lost sight of the book a few times before getting it back. Finally though, the request was approved. Finally done with this nonsense, Ice King decided that he would ask for another condition to protect it; only he is allowed to open it, and should be otherwise closed.
    • The only individual who's exempt from this restriction is Greninja.
  • Unfortunately for Ice King, there have been a few who have successfully gleaned the book's secrets (without stealing it) during this interim.
    • Among those are the Marked Ninja, Violetta Mondarev, and Agent 47, three of the stealthiest deities in the Pantheon who don't have powers that would make the book's contents superficial. The first sees the merit in ice weaponry that would eventually melt away into water and leave little trace (besides possibly implicating Ice King for it), as well as some of the other hiding techniques Fridjitzu provides, the Smoke Knight finds it neat to have an instant (if temporary) supply of weapons on hand to better protect Agatha against threats to her life, and the Hitman had similar reasonings as the Marked Ninja. They had been among the first to learn what they can (47 having disguised himself as a 501st Stormtrooper), and were already out before the other infiltrators got in.
      • As a matter of fact, the Marked Ninja had already learned what he could from the book long before Ice King started having the book moved.
    • It's true that she can already summon a ridiculous amount of weapons with her own jutsus, but being able to create weapons (even if they're made of ice) out of nowhere had its appeal to Tenten, and she managed to glean enough information before the whole mess forced her to back off.
    • The Tenno have managed to snatch up intel from the book as well and have shared what they could to each other. Though thematically it would be most fitting to Tenno who use the Frost Warframe, the ability to use whatever ice abilities at ones own disposal outside of their own usual powerset can be handy.
    • While not necessarily stealthy, Tenjian had participated in the race to grab the book with the assistance of his sister, Zonda, using her power of crafting illusions to help navigate through the defenses. He was motivated to learn whatever he can from the book to go with his already powerful Septima, Permafrost. However, while he has successfully managed to grab the book a few times, other competing thieves (and Ice King's defense forces) never gave him enough time to learn much from it before it gets taken away.
  • Given what it can teach (most ninjutsu books are mostly involved with the actual martial arts), and without any prerequisite ice powers, the House of Ice and Cold hold an interest in this book.
  • Naruto has noted that the techniques in the book is reminiscent of Haku's Ice Style Ninjutsu.
  • Hermaeus Mora has long since delved into the secrets behind the book before the pre-Treasure status heists even took place, befitting his title of the Inevitable Knower. The Daedric Prince however has not revealed that he has known such secrets to the public, opting to instead to use it as a bargaining chip when someone who wanted to learn the book's contents but failed, such as Tenjian, catches his attention.

    Quillgin's Box 
Quillgin's Box
  • Appearance: A red present box. It's empty inside save for a brilliant, yellow glow.
  • Class Level: 5
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Museum Check: Denied
  • Domains: Christmas, Dark Magic, Conflict
  • Portfolio: Apple of Discord, Black Magic, Hollywood Giftwrap, Made of Indestructium, Open the Iris
  • Interests: Eris, Hades, The Eliksni
  • Bane of: Christmas, Mordecai and Rigby, Pops Maellard, Benson Dunwoody, Skips, Nicholas Saint North, Aphrodite, Athena, Pit, Palutena
  • Though it may look like an unassuming Christmas present, this box actually far more magical and dangerous than it appears. Created by the eponymous Head Toy Designer working for Santa the basic idea is that, when opened, it could grant whatever the person desired most. It's fully capable of doing so, but accomplishes it through the use of Black Magic and instills conflict and greed to whoever gazes inside. After testing it out, Santa ordered the box to be locked up and alongside any research relating to it be burned to the ground. Little did Santa know Quillgin would hold a grudge having his life's work be scattered to the wind just as quickly and attempted to steal it in order to destroy Christmas forever.
    • Santa was quick to catch on to Quillgin's plans, though he had to leave it in the hands of Mordecai and Rigby after being shot at and falling from his own sleigh to the Park's garage. Ultimately though they succeeded in disposing of the box and saving Christmas in the end. They, along with the other Park workers, weren't too happy to see it again after so long but rest easy knowing that such a stunt is far less likely to happen again with people like the SCP Foundation looking over the Treasury. Nicholas Saint North has also taken it upon himself to overseeing this box's existence.
  • As it's capable of granting anything, even as something as large-scale as the permanent termination of Christmas, this also raises the possibility of other things that could be wished for. At best, though, people expect world-wide changes to be within its range of power and it's unlikely it's going to be forked over to test such limits. On the Alliance side of things, while it raises many interests ultimately it is overshadowed by various other powerful artifacts and various deity's powers. Now having said that, it has by no means stopped people from going after it anyways. Bitter and hateful regular Eliksni, for instance, want to wish back their Great Machine, zealous Splicers want to become the machines they worship and convert anyone else to their definition of divinity, and the nihilistic Scorn want to use it to wipe away the former two as the Whirlwind should done.
    • To the surprise of no one, Eris took an interest in the box seeing it not quite different from her Apple of Discord with the only important differences is that while it doesn't hold enough influence over people quite as much as it's fairly easy to snap out of, it still holds potent enough power to wish for theoretically anything which enough to sow even more conflict. After all, if they're not totally blinded by their greatest desire they could just simply wish something to divert or even destroy their foes. Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena on the other hand aren't as thrilled given that they themselves fell to the influence of Eris' Apple.
    • Pit and Palutena also don't take kindly to this box being the Pantheon due to their own experiences with the rumors of the Wish Seed causing humanity to go kill each other for it. That is, except that the wishing capabilities this time around are legitimate and are definitely worth killing someone over. It wasn't long before Hades caught wind of it which may lead to a similar stunt he pulled with the aforementioned Wish Seed.
  • Thanks to the Black Magic powering it, the box is nigh-indestructible and must be cast into molten lava from deep beneath the earth. Most other attempts would just have it deflect off the attacker and break whatever hit it. Basically, think of the method to dispose of it something similar to the One Ring and the Park Workers had to go through something akin to The Goonies through a rival park's convenient underground system.

    Philosopher's Stone 
Philosopher's Stone (Red Stone, Sanguine Star, Grand Elixir, The Fifth Element, Sorcerer's Stone)
  • Appearance:
  • Class Level: 5
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Museum Check: Denied
  • Portfolio: Powered by a Forsaken Child, The Philosopher's Stone, Alchemy Is Magic, Immortality Inducer
  • Domains: Alchemy, Immortality, Energy, Souls
  • Sacred to: Father Homunculus, Envy, Lust, Ling Yao, Dante, King Bradley, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Pride, The Gold Toothed Doctor, Solf J. Kimblee
  • The Philosopher's Stone is an object of great power and it is created from alchemy. The stone is a red colour stone that can be wielded be alchemists or people that express interest in them.
  • Some of the most important abilities the stone has is being able to grant immortality to the bearer and also use alchemy without a transmutation circle as long as someone has the stone near them.
  • The secret ingredient in the creation of the stone is sacrificing human lives during a transmutation to form the Philosopher's Stone.
  • The Philosopher's Stone can be considered to be neutral because it has the capacity to be potentially used for good or bad depending on how the users choose to use the stone for.
  • Some interesting facts is that there are two different worlds that each have their own versions of the Philosopher's Stone but the differences is that they are created differently and some things in common with the other is that they both have the capability to turn lead into gold, give immortality and other alchemical skills.
  • The Elric Brother's initially sought out the Philosopher's Stone in order to use it to get their bodies back, but when they did some research they realized with horror that the main ingredient is human lives or souls. This made the brothers be reluctant in using the stone since it was made using immoral methods.
  • Harry Potter did not know what to expect from the stone and that he only knows about his version of the stone is red stone created by the famous alchemist Nicholas Flamel to use it to grant immortality to the bearer. Harry was also horrified about the stone in the Fullmetal Alchemist world is much different than the one in Harry's world since the stone is created using human lives through a process using a alchemy transmutation circle.
  • There was an alternate timeline where Alphonse Elric became a philosopher's Stone while in his armour form due to Scar activating a transmutation circle in Liore and any humans caught in the crossfire died. The reason why Alphonse became that way was to save Alphonse from being blown up by a much eviler version of Solf J. Kimblee. After Scar's sacrifice, Alphonse was told by Edward not to use alchemy because of what it could do to him with the stone inside Alphonse's armour and if he could disappear because of it.
  • In the Pantheon, there were other good aligned deities that protest in putting the stone in the Treasury and that they wanted the souls to be released. There may be a third option that could mean the stone does not have to be destroyed but at the same time allow it to keep its power and find some way to free the souls trapped within. Because having human souls trapped in the stone forever is something the good aligned deities do not want them to suffer. The Court of the Gods made a compromise by using magic to keep the power that the stone emits by having the energy that the human souls have to be left behind in the stone while having some of the afterlife entities help free the souls for them to go in peace. Currently, the Philosopher's Stone in the Pantheon still has its powerful alchemy abilities without the souls occupying it.
  • The Philosopher's stone's other powers is that it can enable an alchemist to jump from one body to another in order to live for a long time. One of the alchemists known to have used the stone to jump to other bodies is Dante and the second is another version of Hohenheim.
    • It turns out that the consequences of constantly switching to one body to another causes their new body to rot and in Dante's case the more her soul can't sustain her new body the more the body rots. It was because of the problem Dante resorted to using perfume to hide the stench.
    • Hohenheim of Light had long stopped changing new bodies due to meeting his worlds Trisha and they both fell in love and had two children.
  • The Philosopher's Stone is also capable of great healing. In the Homunculi's case, the stone acts as their heart and the source of their powers so their healing powers is more active. For example, when a Homunculus loses a limb they would immediately regenerate that missing limb as a result of the Stone's power.
    • It was also known that the Philosopher's Stone is capable of restoring someone's eyesight like in the situation where Roy Mustang lost his eyesight as a result of being forced by the Homunculi into performing a human transmutation despite Roy being against doing it. In comparison to other alchemist that willingly did human transmutation, Roy sort of got off easy and that the Truth knew about Roy's circumstances and that is why he only took his sight and not taken an actual body part like the eyes.
    • The Stone can heal someone's paralysis to make them walk again. An example of this, is that near the end of the series, Jean Havoc who was paralyzed from the waist down during the battle with Lust was given a chance by Roy Mustang in being able to walk again by using the Stone to heal the damaged nerves.
    • One of the deities who was paralyzed in their life was Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) the daughter of Commissioner Jim Gordon. Barbara became paralyzed from the waist down because Joker had in the past shot her and it hit part of her nervous system that lets her move her legs and in being shot she lost her mobility of them. Fortunately, Batgirl was able to find a way to walk again since she was involved in a special surgery that would enable her to move again but with some conditions to it like the chip that helped her walk should not be damaged. When Barbara was told that the Philosopher's Stone can heal paralysis, she was shocked that a magical object has the ability to do that and that she declined using it since she is still able to walk at the moment. She did not want to sacrifice any human lives to make the stone even if the humans being sacrificed were some criminals awaiting death row.
  • However other people do not have any qualms in using the stone if it already exists because the stone if its left by itself does not cause any harm to people unless an alchemist were to use the stone to utilize their alchemical abilities.
  • Two deities that show interest in the Philosopher's Stone are Saira and Kaira who were also talented in the art of alchemy. The two witches also practice a special magic ritual called Salt Alkymancy. This process involves using salt in creating artificial lifeforms similar to homunculi an artificial being. This craft is considered to be apart of the dark arts and immoral. The two siblings did not have any problems for the Philosopher's Stone and that they are willing to create it from lowly human's in order to get that powerful stone to enhance their own alchemy or powers.
  • One of the ways on how the Philosopher's Stone could be destroyed is by using a alchemy power such as flames or try to take up more of the souls in the stone. The Stone disappears in ashes once the stone has been destroyed or if the souls in the stone have been used up.
  • Despite being the most powerful alchemy product, the Philosopher's Stone has limitations that it can't go over. One of them being is that the Stone is unable to resurrect the dead. While it may have the power to heal someone that is near death it can't bring back someone that is totally gone.
  • In Amestris, there was a law in place that alchemists are not allowed to turn lead into gold the reason being it would cause problems to the economy if gold happens to be brought out of nowhere simultaneously and the consequences of doing such an action. So using the stone as a quick way to be rich by transmuting objects to gold can be seen by the public to be immoral and that it is wrong thing to do so it was forbidden to use alchemy or the stone for that method.
  • The Law of Equivalent Exchange is still in effect even with the Philosopher's Stone. There was rumours that if someone acquired the Philosopher's Stone, they do not need to pay a toll in equivalent exchange. In reality, this is only an illusion since the toll has already been paid because the philosopher's stone contain alchemical energy in it that is enough for the payment and the fact it has energy from human souls.

    Voldemort's Horcruxes 
Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes (Horcruxes: Tom Marvolo Riddle's Diary, Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, Salazar Slytherin's Locket, Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem, Harry Potter, and Nagini)
The Horcruxes in left-right order of their creation, except Harry Potter.
  • Appearance: Varies depending on the item
  • Class Level: 5
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Museum Check: Denied
  • Portfolio: Soul Jar of Multiple Soul Fractions, Giving Immortality Through Murder, Blood Magic and a Nauseating Ritual, Sealed Evil in a Six Pack, Evil Makes You Ugly (all of them), Deadly Book, Has a Copy of a Young Voldemort (Tom Riddle's Diary), Snakes Are Sinister, Familiar, Right Hand Attack Snake (Nagini)
  • Domains: Immortality, Souls, Dark Magic, Murder
  • Similar artifacts: The One Ring
  • Soul Jars of: Tom Riddle/Voldemort
  • Opposed by: The heroic Harry Potter deities
  • The darkest of dark magics in the world of Harry Potter is a path to immortality. The horcrux, through murder and a undisclosed ritual, prevents one's soul from moving on. So long as it remains intact, which is easy thanks to protection spells, the one who owns it can always return. It was Harry Potter and his friend's quest to destroy each so putting an end to He Who Shall Not Be Named could be accomplished.
  • The first horcrux was invented by an Ancient Greek dark wizard called Herpo the Foul, and it was Voldemort who made multiple for himself. Each contains a fragment of his soul, though how the percentages work is unknown. Most assume it was in a series of halves. This diminishing of one's soul makes those attune to their own soul all the more disgusted at him for mutilating his very being for physical immortality. Especially The Love That Moves the Stars for the act of sacrilege.
  • Having been destroyed in the mortal plane, Voldemort wanted them to be under Maximum Security. However the Court of the Gods saw through this and denied his request. He tried to stuff his diary into the House of Knowledge, and considering it has a copy of his younger self they immediately sought and removed it. Because of the horrible nature of the Horcrux, any description on making it is banned from the House of Knowledge.
  • Requires a murder as part of the ritual, however to complete it a horrific ritual. According to J.K Rowling, it'd make you want to vomit. The House of Slaughter can only imagine what kind of morbid act is required, and there's a good chance they already know it but haven't determined which evil act.
  • Some have noticed that they are similar to the One Ring. Voldemort denies any claims of plagiarism, pointing out the One Ring wasn't meant to be a Soul Jar, but the Horcruxes were and thinks he's smarter for making more than one. Also they aren't an Amplifier Artifact, though someone thoroughly evil like Dolores Umbridge might have their magic strengthened if holding one, like Salazar Slytherin's locket.
  • Capable of being applied to living beings, as Voldemort's final Horcrux is also his pet snake Nagini. It's the only being he has any sort of fondness for, and that's almost certainly because Nagini is Voldemort. Unknown to him, Harry Potter is an unintentional Horcrux. Since the horrific ritual wasn't performed, it may just be there for a protection spell/keeping the Horcrux secure and stable.
  • Criticized by many for being such obvious items, and not something much harder to find like pebbles. Voldemort has defended himself by saying he put most of them under a lot of security, and if they weren't auspicious he couldn't find them either. Others have stated he could've tried harder, like targeting the Declaration of Independence, the Pioneer Plaque or a Nokia phone. It's currently unclear what are the limits to what can and can't be made into a Horcrux either, and all of them besides Harry seem to be of some significance to Voldemort.
  • Has some severe side effects due to the mutilation of the soul. It's heavily implied to be why Voldemort looks as Obviously Evil as he is, and renders the user progressively unstable. Guilt and genuine repentance seem to be the only solution to undoing the effects and re-uniting the soul. The House of Ghosts can't understand why you'd cut up your soul for that kind of physical immortality. And without reconciliation, once they're all destroyed the user will be a maimed soul in Limbo forever.

Class 6

    The Iron Throne 
The Iron Throne
Top: officially illustration of the Iron Throne, bottom: live-action version of the Iron Throne.
  • Appearance: A big, unwieldly throne made out of swords welded together. How unwieldly depends on the continuity
  • Class Level: 6 (3 if ranked by its geopolitical influence)
  • Museum Check: Granted
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Portfolio: "A King Should Never Sit Easy", Made From The Blades Of Those Who Surrendered To The Conqueror, Cool Chair yet Awesome, but Impractical, Throne Made Of Swords, Has Dealt With Many Challengers To The Throne
  • Domains: Royalty, Swords, Conquest, Hardship, Authority, Dragons, Conflict
  • Creator: Aegon I "The Conqueror" Targaryen
  • Claimants
  • Source of interest: Most, if not all of Westeros to some extent
  • When Aegon Targaryen conquered Westeros, he wished to make the perfect throne as a representation of power and responsibility. Crafted with the fire of Balerion the Black Dread with the swords of his defeated enemies, it is an intimidating and intentionally uncomfortable throne so as to remind the king "a king must never sit easy". Some leaders took that to heart, and some did not. Viserys I dealt with some infections from cuts. The seat of power in the Seven Kingdoms, eventually including Dorne, it has naturally also been the focus on civil wars and succession crises. Though unwieldly and sharp, as this symbol of authority it holds a sway on Westeros like few other items.
  • The Iron Throne had initially been part of the treasury, but following its reconstruction was lost. Having being melted down by Drogon, Bender Bending Rodriguez was hired to pull a time heist given his experience with some exquisite booze as payment, wish he managed to sneak it back from when King Robert was still alive in the mortal plane, but avoided changing history because the time-code corrected paradoxes and he knew not to interact with a past Bender. Unfortunately he also went back to steal the booze and take the throne for himself, and found himself on the end of Sir Ilyn Payne's chopping block. However he was able to put his head back on easily, and didn't bother fighting because he was feeling lazy. Robert found the whole thing funny and since he has a double of the Iron Throne it doesn't really matter.
  • There are two Iron Thrones. One is the aforementioned time copy that Bender stole from the Game of Thrones show, and the other is the more impressive and far more unwieldly book version. It's "on loan" because so many claimants were busy fighting over it and responded with "fine, get it over with" so they can get back to squabbling. Both incarnations of the Iron Throne have a new problem in the Trope Pantheon; the Halls of Swords And Sabres and Thieves. Some the former Hall consider it a waste of swords and want to try and reclaim it with the latter's help. Fighter McWarrior was perhaps the most vocal about it, and had to be distracted with the premise of an Iron Sword-Chuck Throne before he could convince Thief to steal it.
  • When people refer to the Game of Thrones, they mean the political game revolving around the Iron Throne. While that seems obvious, there was some confusion brought about by Grover since he thought it was a literal game of thrones akin to musical chairs. While they toned it down for obvious reasons the cast of Sesame Street did a skit parodying Game of Thrones, including Elmo playing the part of Joffrey. Cersei would rather he not look further into it; even she doesn't want his innocence ruined.
  • If any deity rightfully deserves to sit on the Iron Throne, it is Aegon the Conqueror. Not that he wants to; part of why he permitted its loan to the Great Treasury is for people to get the point of the throne again. Ironically, the only two other ascended deities with unambiguous legitimacynote  are Aegon the Unworthy and Aerys the Mad...and if we want to consider right of conquest, Robert. Robert's best friend Ned Stark recognizes the gravity of the Iron Throne and felt that making it more of a museum exhibit might get people to rethink their priorities on the most uncomfy yet important seat in the land. As his "bastard"/adoptive son Jon Snow is likely the rightful claimant since infancy, there's a fair amount of personal reasons for this. Given his more practical perspective, the idea he would've sat on it if Robert succumbed to his injuries after battling Rhaegar is something he's not sure whether to softly laugh at or groan.
  • Some comparisons could be made between the Iron Throne and the Empty Throne. The latter is more of a traditional throne, but is just as thematic in its purposes; it is the Empty Throne because it symbolizes that no single individual has complete power over the world. The Five Elders were mildly amused at how the Iron Throne is also designed in a way to enforce a symbolic importance, and consider how so many people miss the point of it foolish. They're immense hypocrites since they bow to the one who actually sits on the throne, but can never be known by the public. Malekith the Accursed was also amused by the Iron Throne, but in a more smug manner since he thinks his Ebony Throne is cooler, but admits making it from he swords of fallen enemies was a great power move. Trazyn the Infinite didn't think he had his priorities straight as instead of "throne-boasting" he'd rather just steal the Iron Throne for himself. When pressed he said "it's not robbery, it's preservation so Drogon can't burn it a second time. But I am keeping the destroyed version to complete the set."
  • In order to make it more comfy upholsteries and pillows were put on the Iron Throne, only to be thrown off by Spider-Man. He did this to remind people Aegon I made it very clear that it's uncomfortable status is meant to be symbolic of how kingship is a burden, not a privilege. He's sick to death of people thinking it's a prize to be won. The rest of the House of Royalty either agrees with him, fell into the same trap much of Westeros has, or are cheeky and bring up their own throne. Settra is one deity who has a fourth opinion; it is a demonstration of the Conqueror's domination and as much as force of it symbolically as the dragons were physically. When asked if he thinks that more so than the burden, his response was harsh but on point.
    Settra: "The history of the Iron Throne is louder than Aegon's words, wise as they were".'
  • Some think that the Iron Throne is a valid enough concept for other swords and weapons to be made into a throne inspired by the appearance of the Iron Throne. When asked if he considers this "plagiarism", Aegon the Conqueror calmly replied "not at all. In fact, I encourage your attempt at making a pastiche". Rhaenys decided to make it a contest, in that whoever wins the contest will get a sword of Valyrian steel. The majority of the contest was done from the House of Weapons. Unfortunately the contest was soured when Palpatine fused a bunch of Jedi lightsabers into a throne as a means of humiliating the fallen Jedi. However it wasn't canceled.
    • The ultimate winner of the contest wasn't surprising; it was the Hall of Swords And Sabres. They wanted to make an Iron Throne out of the different types of swords they had to spare on this project. These include a black sword by Dracula Mihawk, a katana by Samuel Rodriguez, a Sword Cane by Kisuke Urahara, a scimitar by Xiahou Dun, machete by, well Machete, a rapier by Orie and a bunch of uniquely shaped swords by Proyhas and Vambre Warrior. Given all the money they spent making their Iron Throne pastiche, the Valyrian Sword might not have been worth it.
    • Plenty of Khorne idolizers tried to make "skulls for the skull throne!", which immediately got a "nope!" from Aegon and his queens. They're conquerors, but ones with a vision and a government in mind. They look poorly on those who conquer for the sake of it, or just as a means to fight and die. That's not to say they won't consider a macabre, bone-based throne if it's done in a way that respects the dead, at least by the culture that made it. The Dancing Skeletons tried turning themselves into a Walking Ossuary in the form of a throne, but collapsed from exhaustion before they could finish "the Iron Bone" for the contest.
    • The Hall of Firearms collaborated with the Hall of Ranged Weapons to make an Iron Throne parody using guns, bows and other firearms. The Heavy wasn't content with it merely being ornamental, and acted as mechanic to ensure that it can still be used to shoot people. There was an attempt to get a flamethrower added, but someone made the mistake of reaching out to the Pyro. Their firearm copy of the Iron Throne is already even more impractical than the original, so not adding a flamethrower was probably for the best.
    • Bill Cipher made an Iron Throne, but the swords on closer inspection had screaming faces. And the blades seemed...sort of organic. And kind of alive. Immediately he was disqualified, though Joffrey and Maegor went "wait, let's see what else they can do". Zone-Tan was also instantly disqualified for making the swords of her "Iron Thrust" dildos...only for Littlefinger to buy it off her. Not that he's into it, he just thinks it'd be a good centerpiece for the brothel he owns. Robert thought the whole thing was hilarious, by the way, and wants to give it to his brother Renly as a prank/gift.
  • Some are of the opinion that it should go to Maximum Security instead, seeing it as the source of devastating civil wars for it a means of which deranged tyrants like Maegor and Joffrey, or selfish gits like Aegon the Unworthy can abuse power. It's even been compared by naysayers as Westeros' answer to Sauron's One Ring, which he, surprisingly enough, thinks is BS. Maybe he just sees the comparison as a slight to his ego, but points out the Iron Throne's corruptive influence is metaphorical at most; it's more the authority it embodies, which inevitably encourages greed and envy. Varys probably said it best; power resides where men believe it to reside. The One Ring is a magical force of evil, but at the end of the day the Iron Throne is merely a mess of smelted together swords for the king to sit. That said, the idea of it being a symbol for the pull of avarice and pitfalls of power is still a talking point in the House of Philosophy.
  • Princess Bean has grown enough to realize the responsibility the harsh blades of the throne is meant to convey. She still thinks it's more trouble than it works, and she knows that from experience after seeing some poor sod unceremoniously impale himself on a similar throne. A common superstition amongst the Iron Throne is that being susceptible to being cut is an indicator of an unworthy ruler, but she scoffs at as the nickname of "King Scab" for a certain Mad King can easily be explained by "stcience"note . She's also exasperated by the rumors that Maegor was killed by the throne itself, as it'd make way more sense if either someone used the throne's blades to off him or he used it as a form of suicide to avoid capture.
  • Though he understands the sentiment behind its design, the Emperor of Mankind still finds the Iron Throne a gauche monstrosity, readily flexing his Golden Throne was far better. Given it actually has vast powers he has a point, but he mainly seems to go on about how gold is a way cooler color and material for a throne. The Conqueror's response? "I can still get out of the Iron Throne". The Emperor lost interest on talking about the Iron Throne afterwards. So why did he even bring it up? Mainly annoyance at Joffrey boasting that he has the best throne in the whole Trope Pantheon. Even putting aside it doesn't really belong to him in the first place anyone with a shred of responsibility thinks he's the complete inverse of the kind of person the throne was built in mind. He tends to have anyone that says that to him executed, sometimes getting cut on the throne slamming his fist in rage.
