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Characters / Diary Of An Analog Antagonists

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A character page for the antagonists of Diary of an Analog.

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  • Adaptation Expansion: While some specific villains are just as evil as they already were, a good chunk of the antagonists of the original Adventure series were given altruistic motives from which the 1999 DigiDestined were blind to because of their young age giving them a severe case of Black-and-White Morality on viewing the situation.

    Antagonists (Canon) 

The Imperial Land

Ichijouji Ken, the Digimon Emperor

  • Adaptational Villainy: He's a lot more vile in this incarnation, especially because the whole plot point from the canon being the Dark Spore does not apply to this universe. As a result of this, Ken still developed into the Digimon Emperor identity even without the Dark Spore influencing him like in the canon series. In fact, it actually says something that directly because of this alteration, it's no wonder he's not Easily Forgiven and basically is given the role of Token Evil Teammate as opposed to being a genuine Sixth Ranger. However, there is an unusual tradeoff for this.
    • Adaptational Nice Guy: In the real world when we saw him for the first time in the canon 02 series, he displayed a lot of characteristics of being Obviously Evil. In Diary of an Analog, he instead acts... significantly more mundane and trivial in his real world behavior to the point he's borderline impossible to distinguish him from virtually any other student in Odaiba Elementary. It actually gets to the point he actually is able to become a sort of Friendly Enemy by complete accident with the other cast members, as Yolei introduces Ken into her group relatively early on, even while he's still the Digimon Emperor, and his secret identity isn't in jeopardy because of how genuinely average Ken naturally plays the part of a relatively ordinary Child Prodigy.
  • Adaptational Wimp: A major twist in the reality of Ken's run as the Digimon Emperor all focuses on a Fatal Flaw of his regarding his own personal insecurities, his denial of his genuine kindness for others, Wormmon, Yolei, and a fluffle of rabbits, and also his own parents and late older brother. Ken talks out of his ass virtually all of the time when he claims that his kindness he shows is all meant to be an act, and that in reality a majority of the time his so called Card-Carrying Villain status is something he is in no position to actually enforce, even with the advantage of having Wormmon able to become Stingmon with his Dark Digivice far sooner than he did in canon.
  • Ambition Is Evil: His hunger for power and asserting his authority over Digimon is perhaps the biggest difference between him and Devimon, as Devimon was more than content with ruling File Island and not expanding outwards, whereas Ken was not satisfied with ruling File Island because he knew the protagonists have too many powerhouses to avoid taking any risks regarding only thinking small like how Devimon did.
  • Antagonist Abilities: It only helps him for so long considering the protagonists wind up with many of these same exact abilities later on down the road with the exact same mechanics, but at least Ken gave himself an opportunistic head start in employing them properly.
    • Villain Teleportation: Can open DigiGates from his Digivice without a need for a PC or other electronic device in front of him. Later used by all other D-3 Digivice users.
    • Invisibility Cloak: His attire of the Digimon Emperor can activate this ability. Later becomes standard with anyone with a Digivice, with Ken being the first to display this power with a D-3.
    • Sinister Surveillance: Has cameras all over File Island, Server Continent, and even Folder Continent. He tried placing them in other places like the Dark Ocean or Lady Sigma's Castle, but someone or something would always find his cameras and destroy them in said locations. Then there was an awkward case where he tried setting up a camera in the real world only for an owl to hijack the small area around it as a nesting spot. He also set up cameras on Rabbit Island, but for entirely different reasons.
  • Believing Their Own Lies: A major problem with Ken's self-doubt and trauma is that he can't honestly believe what exactly he says or even practice what he preaches. Everything that appears to be adamantly focused on one side, such as his Kick the Dog moment to Agumon, quickly turn out to be improvised cases of O.O.C. Is Serious Business weaponized against whoever he's up against, and when nobody is looking quickly beating himself on over allowing his emotions to jeopardize an important moment. Not only that, but he has a mutual crush on Yolei which he states to himself in Chapter 25 to be lies, except for the fact his mere claim of such is a big case of Blatant Lies in and of itself because of the fact Ken winds up getting distracted when typing computer code and inadvertently types a love poem to Yolei in binary in the process.
  • Break Them by Talking: His utterly callous calling out of Davis and Agumon's stunt during the climax of the MetalGreymon arc, in which Davis had encouraged Agumon to use his training to Dark Digivolve willfully if Ken ever succeeded as a last resort to try and break free. Considering Ken wasn't even near those two when that discussion took place and yet is aware of what was said, and the fact Ken has a surprisingly large amount of knowledge on Analogman's Machinedramon and Dark Masters Machinedramon...
  • Bunnies for Cuteness: He really is fond of the rabbits kept at school, especially the Black Rabbit which seems to strike dread in virtually everyone else except him.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: He's incredibly adamant about wanting to be the villain of what he believes is his own personal story with the Digital World and his role as a DigiDestined, in which trauma and self-doubt pushed his ego to believe that this is his purpose in life is to be the villain to everyone else's hero. Too bad for him he's not good at thinking things out in their entirety on the fly, whether it comes to important plans he tries to pull, or even just fucking believing any word he even says regarding who he is.
  • Didn't Think This Through:
    • His attempts to control Agumon as his slave backfire horribly because of the fact Agumon could still Digivolve to Mega Level even when corrupted, leading to Ken having to deal with no means of controlling Agumon every time he goes into SkullGreymon only to eventually break free by then going Machinedramon. Devimon even takes a diss at Ken for how this happens several times in the MetalGreymon arc and in the last time Agumon doing this entirely on purpose and proceeding to leave a gigantic hole in his defenses back at home base by using Infinity Cannon to blast a gigantic hole into his forcefield which won't be repaired any time soon.
    • Him trying to send Stingmon after Flamedramon and other Armor Digimon work just fine, it's when faced with Ultimate Level Digimon or stronger he's completely outclassed. He and Stingmon backtalk each other when they had the audacity to bluff this against '''''Lady Sigma as Alphamon Ouryuken'''''.
  • Face Doodling: After waking up early in the morning in Yolei's apartment, he finds Yolei fast asleep still and Ken could very much as easily murder her in her sleep like he's implied to have been wanting to kill her for some time now. Instead all he does is draw on her face and glasses, and when Yolei questions this to him, Ken genuinely doesn't know what she had expected him to do instead.
  • Fatal Flaw: No matter how hard he tries to play up the Card-Carrying Villain aspect of his personality, he can't genuinely pull it off because no matter how hard he claims he is evil, he can't back up his own words worth his life, all because he is such a traumatic wreck of self-doubt and self-esteem issues that can't seem to function without being the focus of someone else's attention; he badly craves the attention of those around him that he'll literally do or say anything to get such a reaction just to understand where exactly he stands on the social ladder. Even then, no matter how much he might come across as a jerk of an antagonist, the fact he has the Crest of Kindness and a loving affection for cute animals and also his crush on Yolei, all point to the fact he's such a dorky Tsundere who is pretty much all bark and no bite.
  • Foregone Conclusion: The only obvious clue given as to him being the Digimon Emperor is the fact this plot point already existed in the canon 02 series. Here he behaves almost the complete opposite of the Digimon Emperor when in the real world to the point he blends in a little too well without even having to actually try.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Why the black rabbit in the rabbit pens would allow him to approach; not only did Ken whistle soothingly to it while handling it, but Ken's kindness, while admittedly very subdued even at a time like this, is still perhaps his strongest defining attribute even in spite of currently being the Digimon Emperor with a secret identity from everyone else.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • It becomes quite clear with his overall self-esteem issues and relying more on opportunity, his sheepish civilian guise, and his inconsistency regarding living up to his claims to being a villainous force, he appears to have a lot of self-doubt regarding who he is with a lot of trauma fueling it further.
    • Exactly why he's associated with the Crest of Kindness later down the road is foreshadowed in Chapter 25. He is the first on the scene of a rabbit pen at the school to tend to the rabbits by feeding them, and Yolei helps him a bit, but what's more important is how Yolei nearly freaks when Ken tries to handle the black rabbit, only for him to whistle calmly into having the black rabbit's infamous reputation its alluded to have into staying still while he handles it. The black rabbit, who normally is super defensive and can and will bite virtually anyone else who tries to touch it, actually listens to Ken as if it wasn't a big deal.
  • Horrifying the Horror: At first he shows no fear to Machinedramon's remains, but when taken into consideration their tendency to gradually display borderline Weeping Angel-esque movement across his secret lab when the cameras aren't functioning right, and sometimes with the bellowing roar of Machinedramon being heard just as one of the cameras is taken out at the same time Ken looks through it.
  • In Spite of a Nail: The Dark Spore part of his backstory doesn't apply and yet he still takes up the helm of the Digimon Emperor. The one thing that does change, however, is the fact that since Ken's malice is genuine and of his own free will this time, the idea of redemption for him is a lot harder of a task than in canon.
  • Kick the Dog: His literal moment of this from the original source is gone, but a more serious example exists with something that happens later. When his plans for MetalGreymon and the successful development of the Control Spiral are foiled by both a physical beatdown from Davis that happens after MetalGreymon willfully Dark Digivolves into Machinedramon to break free, realizing that the Control Spirals are useless against Mega Level Digimon, Ken looks around at the whole scene unfolding and delivers a rather callous speech towards Agumon!Machinedramon.
    Ken: "So what? You would be victorious in this situation; you've found your way out of worse... isn't that right, Machinedramon?"
    Davis: "Like you're one to talk, Ken, you being the Digimon Emperor and all. Agumon just-"
    Ken: "Oh? What was that? I could've sworn I just now heard you speak ill of the reborn Dark Master, or maybe the title of the most loyal servant of the Analogs is better suiting? When I look at your associate there, Davis, I don't see Agumon, I see Machinedramon. I'm more than willing to bet, that judging by all of the gawking of those Digimon you had saved, all glaring towards Machinedramon, that their memories are strong, and forever lasting. They know I am no-one compared to him, after all. I hope those are some nice friends you have there, Davis, because I assure you, if he keeps that up, they'll be leaving you behind, whether you want to admit it or not. After all, you are the one who told Machinedramon to embrace who he was just moments ago."
  • Malicious Misnaming: In the end of the day of his thwarted plans with MetalGreymon, due to how it was resolved, Ken begins to refer to Tai's Agumon almost exclusively as Machinedramon, in reference to the individual that was the Dark Master in particular.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: He is in a similar boat much like how Devimon was, but Ken's ambition wants him to avoid staying stagnant while everyone else is already stronger than him. When he finds Machinedramon's remains in Chapter 12, he intends to study them with the intent of perfecting his Control Spires and Dark Rings, in-order to avoid falling into the same pitfall as Devimon did prior by only thinking small.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • His Breaking Speech against Davis and Agumon? All impulse and improvising due to the fact his fear of Machinedramon and with having witnessed Agumon fully embrace the form causing him to act out of his actual emotions instead of his usual slow and steady approach to his wording. While he was exstatic to learn of Machinedramon being within Mt. Infinity's core, he has shown to have developed a fear of said remains because of what had been going on in Mt. Infinity outside of everyone else's view.
    • After staying the night at Yolei's apartment, he wakes up earlier than Yolei and winds up doodling on Yolei's face and glasses, and when Yolei is confused as to why Ken didn't murder her in her sleep, Ken legitimately doesn't understand what Yolei is even thinking for once. Keep in mind, for as much as he doesn't fear Machinedramon, he greatly fears the Analogs, and him having resorted to seeking shelter at Yolei's to escape their grasp and his genuine naivety to Yolei expecting him to have killed her while asleep shows just how badly the Analogs have him scared shitless above all else right now.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten:
    • When he uses Yolei as a hostage and holds her with a knife to her throat, Yolei for the longest time refuses to let Ken forget he pulled this stunt not very long after his identity as the Digimon Emperor is exposed. For the record, not even Cody holds Ken as much of a grudge over this as Yolei does, considering Cody instead hates Ken for a lot of the other stuff he's done and doesn't just focus on a single individual thing, whereas Yolei is really only more concerned about being the victim of attempted murder as opposed to anything else.
    • He holds Agumon to this in regards to his Malicious Misnaming regarding referring to him as Machinedramon.
  • Pet the Dog: He is evil and ambitious, but the way he treats the rabbits, especially the black one, shows he does have empathy.
  • Ship Tease: Chapter 25 is filled to the brim with it for him and Yolei. He claims he disgusts himself with how he's believing his own "lies"... except it's later learned that Ken isn't even being honest to himself over what constitutes as a lie to him.
  • Sleepyhead: Before he ever became the Digimon Emperor he is a rather heavy sleeper who often is perpetually tired in some capacity, especially in the wake of his brother's death. Directly because of this, his Triple Shifter status when his identity of the Digimon Emperor isn't known yet has a disturbingly genuine air to his sleepiness, to the point the only real reason anyone reading the story would know he's the Digimon Emperor is because of Foregone Conclusion.
  • They Look Like Everyone Else: When we see him as Ken in the real world the first time, the only immediate giveaway he's even remotely the same person as the Digimon Emperor is mostly Foregone Conclusion but also the fact he's a Triple Shifter, in that while he's a student with high grades, he's often prone to napping... which is a character trait he's later revealed to have always been the case.
  • Triple Shifter: Even before becoming the Digimon Emperor he was a sleepyhead who often had issues with neglecting his own personal need for rest, as to ensure he could live up to his Child Prodigy status that he tries to emulate his late brother on. What makes his ability to hide his identity as the Digimon Emperor without coming across as Obviously Evil like in the canon is the fact Ken's behavior is modeled after real life individuals who have a similar form of dark secret in their lives, but otherwise behave like ordinary people most of the time.


  • Adaptational Badass: He can already Digivolve to Stingmon, and through the Crest of Kindness, he later gets his own Ultimate Level form as JewelBeemon, and later achieving Mega Level as BloomLordmon.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Since Ken was never corrupted by an outside force and Wormmon only saw the changes in Ken's behavior as more natural, Wormmon was more willing to accept this fact. He even directly fights alongside him as Stingmon long before Ken even remotely ditches the Digimon Emperor identity.
  • Foil: To Patamon. Both of them display a major case of Magikarp Power in their respective Digivolutions, with Patamon and Wormmon belonging to Families who are mutually weak to each other, in the form of Virus Busters and Wind Guardians for Patamon, and Nightmare Soldiers and Jungle Troopers for Wormmon.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Not just as a Rookie, but virtually all of his later forms as well, as in each Digivolution he goes through, his impalement based weaponry only continue to get stronger with each form.

Adventure holdovers


  • Adaptation Expansion: Much of his backstory is altered to incorporate the idea of Devimon and Angemon both originally being the same Digimon sharing a singular form, but most importantly to 02 Daemon from which he is a Composite Character of. 02 Daemon was criticized for being a Generic Doomsday Villain with no personality or general backstory, so while that version of the character was technically scrapped for this fic, the overall form and Demon Lord status of Daemon is bestowed upon a reborn Devimon as his eventual Mega Level form via Adaptational Badass.
  • Adaptational Badass: Achieves Mega Level, and becomes Demon Lord Daemon as his Mega Level form. Daemon Wrath is flat out considered to be even stronger than Daemon Mantled, even when that's already the case to begin with. That doesn't even begin to take into account Daemon Ultra... However, there is a tradeoff to all of this in terms of how his reintroduction occurs.
  • Came Back Wrong: He's fully revived, but he can't maintain his Devimon form as his default form like how he used to. Every now and then he De-Digivolves to Tsukaimon, his Rookie Level, and winds up needing Ken to be able to go back straight to Champion Level. Eventually he does find a way to not only permanently maintain his Champion Level form but also Digivolve further, but for the moment he's playing his cards carefully so he can at least ensure he doesn't get screwed over a chance for revenge by disobeying Ken while Ken still has him effectively on a leash.
  • Composite Character:
    • Adventure Devimon with 02 SkullSatamon and Daemon, and also the 2020 version of Devimon simply because both Devimon achieve Mega Level via Adaptational Badass. SkullSatamon and Daemon's original roles in the story and what little characterization they have are otherwise Adapted Out; however, their individual species' forms are given to Devimon to use as his newfound Ultimate Level and Mega Level forms respectively.
      • Originally, his Ultimate Level would've been NeoDevimon, but to avoid having SkullSatamon go to waste, he, like Daemon, were turned into his further Digivolutions as opposed to remaining their own characters.
    • In his Adaptation Expansion backstory, he is this with Angemon by proxy of originally having been the same Digimon in the distant past in the form of an uncorrupted, Ultimate Level Lucemon. Devimon and Angemon broke out of the form using DNA De-Digivolution, separating the two into who they are know, with both of them maintaining the now Lucemon Chaos Mode as their mutual corrupted Ultimate.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: As Daemon Wrath for the first time, when he destroys the Dark Area, what becomes of resident Ultra Level Cobaldramon? Daemon's whole, fully revealed head shows up as a gigantic wall of fire manifesting before Cobaldramon before promptly swallowing him whole. In the aftermath of his defeat as Daemon Wrath, the loaded data is still trying to process in his system, considering Cobaldramon's Ultra Level meant he just loaded far too much data than otherwise possible, causing him to Digivolve to Daemon Ultra in the process.
  • Dub Name Change:
    • Uses the original Daemon version of his Dub name as opposed to Creepymon used in most later English media. Davis at one point refers to him as Creepymon because of the fact Daemon at that point proved to be a nightmarish opponent for Magnamon to face, but it's only a one time mention of the Creepymon Dub name if anything.
    • The uncorrupted Lucemon he was as an Ultimate Level alongside Angemon is not referred to as any distinct name, but Lucemon Falldown Mode is referred to as Lucemon Chaos Mode, primarily because Lucemon at this point is literally a chaotic entity with no sense of intelligence as a form for both Devimon and Angemon.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: He is legitimately having a massive Oh, Crap! moment to the reveal of Machinedramon's still living remains being hidden away inside of Infinity Mountain.
  • The Power of Hate: Daemon Wrath, the uncloaked Daemon, is when Daemon's anger surpasses it's breaking point to the point of Explosive Overclocking. Daemon is virtually untouchable in this form, but ironically enough, only when in this form can he sustain actual permanent damage.
  • Trash the Set: By the time he awakens Daemon Wrath for the first time, the Dark Ocean as everyone knew of it at the time up until then is completely destroyed.
  • Unstoppable Rage: He momentarily falters upon seeing Darkdramon... then he gets mad and turns into SkullSatamon. And he is no longer intimidated by the sadistic beast, in fact he makes the other horror flee.


  • Adaptational Badass: He actually outright attempts to fight SkullGreymon head on when his arc is retold and summarized, as considering Etemon desires a Worthy Opponent to end his life with, he tries to pick a fight with SkullGreymon only for it to end on an anti-climax by SkullGreymon ignoring him and De-Digivolving before Etemon can arrive on the scene in person.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: He doesn't act out of malice of any kind when he originally appeared, unlike in the canon series where he was villainous 100% of the time. Instead, he's so bored and disillusioned with life on Server Continent, because he feels as though he's peaked, having achieved Ultimate Level, and now has no equal to call a Worthy Opponent. While he is still a pest to the DigiDestined, he seemingly orchestrates the events that lead to his demise against MetalGreymon, as while he may have become The Bully to everyone else on Server Continent, he genuinely desired to see Greymon digivolve into what he considered a Worthy Opponent. He's also the first one that Joe witnesses among the prior villains that Joe believes everyone was being fooled by their naivety as children that they failed to realize many of their antagonists were not actually outright evil much of the time.
  • Composite Character: Once he's reborn, he becomes the same Etemon who lives in File Island in a treehouse within Data Forest, who is otherwise slacking off and has a sign on his new home telling everyone to keep out, and only ever showing himself when a worthy opponent arrives at his door.
  • Expy: Of King Louie, at least as far as how both are primates with some form of higher power over others who had also basically peaked, and that their own realization of that is beginning to bother them both.
  • Now What?: He gains a Sanity Slippage upon being reborn as MetalEtemon, as he's increasingly angry over the fact he's alive again when he was fully content with having seemingly died to a Worthy Opponent to MetalGreymon. He doesn't know what to do with himself anymore, and while he attempts to fight a worthy opponent of a Mega Level, his victories feel hollow to him because his Chrome Digizoid skin makes everything too easy. Once he's killed SaberLeomon, he snaps, outright breaking down in tears, begging for Joe and Zudomon to strike him down with his Chrome Digizoid hammer since he knows it's the only thing that can kill him in turn, which is the first clue that Joe has that him and the others were having their innocence destroyed and Joe himself beginning to lose his childhood naivety towards the situation at large.


  • A Fate Worse Than Death:
    • His head, and thus his Digicore, is still alive and functional as it's own individual part. While his physical body got destroyed by Dynasmon early on, his head still survives the process of which, to which Dynasmon is deliberately holding onto BelialMyotismon's head by keeping it in his cooler because he gets much more personal amusement of BelialMyotismon's situation than simply killing him outright would give him.
      BelialMyotismon: Kill me.
      Dynasmon: Later.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Subverted; he wanted to protect Digimon of all kinds from the Analogs, but became so bitter and utterly xenophobic of humans altogether to the point his sanity was twisted and he had become the very same monstrous tyrant he believed the Analogs and by extension all humans to be.
  • Dub Name Change: BelialVamdemon is referred to as BelialMyotismon as opposed to the original Dub name of MaloMyotismon.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Genuinely had good intentions at first, but his desperation to put an end to the Analogs made him develop significantly nastier qualities to the point he became the very thing he was initially fighting against. Gatomon and Wizardmon both were there originally as Salamon and Candlemon to witness for themselves that yes, Myotismon did have genuinely heroic qualities at one point, but both of them developed nothing but a Broken Pedestal relationship with him as he devolved into nothing short of spite and hostility against humanity as a whole.
  • Not Quite Dead: He does get free after Devimon's resurrection, in which Devimon pulls a gambit that splits BelialMyotismon's Digicore and partially absorbing the split half. Devimon is attempting to leech power off of BelialMyotismon under the pretenses that if he allows BelialMyotismon to run free, Devimon won't just take all of his data at once.
  • Off with His Head!: His head, and thus his Digicore, are currently stored in Dynasmon's cooler. As for the rest of his body, it was sealed away because Lady Sigma had plans for studying it... until Dynasmon's desire to atomize it with his Wyvern's Breath eventually occurred not very long into the revelation that BelialMyotismon would even be appearing in the fic at all.
  • Taking You with Me: Since he and Devimon are aware if either of the two die after their Digicores partially fuse, it'll mean death for both of them, BelialMyotismon attempts to pull this off against the then Daemon to try and have the last laugh over their "partnership", in which BelialMyotismon allows Lady Sigma, Omegamon, and Gallantmon Crimson Mode to use their strongest attacks to vaporize him.
  • Wham Shot:
    • His body as BelialMyotismon was apparently contained for a while up until it was accidentally set loose only to be vaporized by Dynasmon using Wyvern's Breath. However, it's mentioned explicitly his head is otherwise missing, and that his Digicore resides in said missing head; it's apparently being contained separately from the body, which so far in-universe hasn't been stated yet, but Dynasmon is keeping BelialMyotismon's head in his cooler.


  • Came Back Strong: Reborn in the present as the Demon Lord Type Digimon Mega Level known as Murmuxmon.
  • Foil: To his former master Myotismon, who both wound up becoming Demon Lord Digimon which are not actual members of the Seven Great Demon Lords, with Myotismon becoming BelialMyotismon, with DemiDevimon becoming Murmuxmon.

The Dark Masters


  • Ambition Is Evil: If Sealsdramon's words in Chapter 20 are to go by, he's apparently even more ambitious in goals than even Piedmon ever was. Machinedramon wanted his own apprentice much like Piedmon had with Myotismon, so he selected the fiercest of the D-Brigade to fulfill the role with Sealsdramon. Incidently it's of no coincidence that Machinedramon and Darkdramon both are components in their own individual Fusion Dance with another Digimon of their level that makes them into extremely powerful and dangerous Digimon.
  • Cerebus Retcon:
    • He is the very first Mega Level in the history of the Digital World; he was created by Analogman, using various cybernetic parts salvaged from scrapped versions of MetalGreymon, MetalMamemon, Andromon, and Megadramon, and then amplifying them and installing them into a MetalTyrannomon, which subsequently became the Machinedramon of the Dark Masters. The Digital World, as it was at the time, could only support a single Mega Level Digimon; after Machinedramon's alleged demise, his data became infused in the network and allowed it to expand and grow, gradually allowing more Mega Level Digimon to exist at a time.
    • Instead of disintegrating like in canon upon being struck down by WarGreymon's War Driver, his sliced up pieces survive intact, and he later finds himself dragging his body to a likewise retconned Kimeramon in the aftermath of the Digimon Emperor saga and undergoes Combination with it to become Millenniummon.
    • One that applies to the fic itself; Machinedramon is the creator of the Sealsdramon that appears as a major character in this fic, and by extension, is smart enough to know how to program a Digicore to be Immortal.
  • Composite Character: Dark Masters Machinedramon and Analogman's Machinedramon are treated as the exact same Machinedramon here. For contrast, this Machinedramon is a Decomposite Character with Millenniummon, as Millenniummon's role in the fic, if any at all, is still up in the air.
  • The Dreaded: Devimon's massive freak out upon seeing Machinedramon's remains, very much alive after having been dormant for a long while since his defeat at WarGreymon's claws, indicates that even as a powerless individual currently doing repairs on himself, he strikes fear into Digimon who had never saw him personally for themselves prior.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: He died at least twice allegedly, and walked away from both instances heavily wounded but otherwise alive. First time was when Analogman deployed him against the Hiro/Mameo, in which he lost, and then would later show up against the DigiDestined, nearly defeating them until WarGreymon butchers him faster than it took Hiro to defeat him due to WarGreymon exploiting his Dramon-species weakness to his own weaponry. Despite now being "sliced like an onion", Machinedramon doesn't disintegrate like he did in the canon show, but while it does take him a while to reboot his systems before he crawls away and puts himself back together, he shows up later inside the core of Mt. Infinity, in which Ken had tracked down his remains upon reading the Diary of an Analog in the promise of a massive prize if he successfully broke in before Machinedramon could successfully reboot himself.
  • Sanity Slippage: His personality has turned more into his Dub's exaggerated version of his Sadist tendencies from the original, due to the fact that the whole Year Inside, Hour Outside factor still technically in play had led to Machinedramon being stuck in a repairing state, fully conscious of the whole ordeal, and having to deal with tremendous pain from the side-effects of WarGreymon's Dramon Destroyers affecting his repair mode.
  • Wham Line: If Sealsdramon is true about Machinedramon having created him or at least was involved in his upbringing, Machinedramon had discovered how to render a Digicore Immortal and has thus far never revealed this to anyone else, not even his own Dark Masters... that we know of.

Monster of the Week Digimon

  • Adaptational Badass: What few Champion Level opponents exist always turn at least Ultimate Level before being defeated, with some even becoming Mega Level. If not starting at Champion Level, though, the opponent is either Ultimate Level or flat out Mega Level, more than likely the latter above all else.
  • Overpopulation Crisis: Mega Levels are becoming significantly more abundant than they've ever been in the history of the Digital World, as Yggdrasil is apparently spawning all Digitama in the world to all be eligible of becoming Mega Level. It all began like this in the year 2000 when Diablomon arose from nowhere, and was later discovered to be the first witnessed account of Yggdrasil suffering a glitch from the Y2K Bug that triggered this chain of events. Lady Sigma believes Yggdrasil is beyond salvaging with this in mind, but she lacks the firepower to destroy his Kernel Sphere, so she believes that recruiting an Omegamon into the ranks and empowering it with the X-Antibody will be more than sufficient to completely destroy Yggdrasil.


  • Adaptational Backstory Change: Kimeramon was apparently already a Digimon which occurred naturally in the Digital World in canon, but as Millenniummon is otherwise removed from the plot in Diary of an Analog, Millenniummon's backstory possibilities were removed as to prevent him from potentially showing up earlier than a possible exception to this Adapted Out case. As a result, Kimeramon did not appear naturally in the Digital World until Ken ultimately created the very first specimen of the species.
  • Adaptational Badass: Mega Level as opposed to Ultimate Level. Kimeramon which proceed to be naturally generated in the aftermath of this individual's destruction, though, are only Ultimate Level as opposed to sharing this specimen's Mega Level.
  • Expy: Of Digimon Next Manga villain N.E.O., in regards to being an Ultimate Lifeform who combines the raw power of virtually every individual type of Digimon into a singular form.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: In an attempt to infuse additional data from a Virus Busters and Nightmare Soldiers Digimon, Ken needed to have the material originate from a Digimon who was in both families at once and use a portion of it that could easily be hidden in plain sight. MetalGreymon's hair was more than enough to give the kind of attributes Ken needed, as MetalGreymon is both Virus Busters and Nightmare Soldiers, and considering how many Digimon already part of Kimeramon's genome have hair, it would've been easy to hide the material, due to anyone mistaking it for Angemon or Airdramon's own hair or hair-like structures.
  • Power Copying: Kimeramon can change it's Attribute, Element, and Family to match whichever Digimon it shares data with. As a result, Kimeramon is a Mega Level who can be almost every combination of Attribute, Element, and Family he needs to be against a specific opponent, which ensures that in a lot of situations he always has the upper hand. Kimeramon can also Invert this, by using the Touch of Evil to bestow a different Attribute, Element, or Family onto the target, at the cost of having to trade whichever current set of variables Kimeramon has itself with the target's.
  • Refuge in Audacity: The reason for MetalGreymon's hair is explained here; Ken needed Virus Busters and Nightmare Soldiers data added to Kimeramon's genome, and since MetalGreymon was both at once, he chose to use data from that Digimon, but as he could only synthesize organic material from the various Digimon included. As a result of this, and due to already using Greymon's data for Kimeramon's torso, he threw on MetalGreymon's hair to hide it in plain sight since he knew a lot of people would be so baffled by how oddly specific that detail would be to realize the purpose of it right away.

    Antagonists (OC) 


  • Decomposite Character: They're based on the Monochromon from the first episode of 02, but instead of being 100 Monochromon, they're 100 Vermilimon, which are the Ultimate Level Palette Swap of Monochromon.
  • Palette Swap: The reason they were chosen as Flamedramon's first opponents as opposed to just a random Ultimate Level species is because they're a Palette Swap specifically of Monochromon, who was Flamedramon's first opponent in the canon 02 series.
  • Literally Shattered Lives: 8 of them are shattered by Crusadermon's Fist of Athena move by virtue of simply getting in her way.
  • Wins by Doing Absolutely Nothing: One of Vermilimon makes it out of the 1 v 100 brawl by having deliberately waited out the entire fight, doing absolutely nothing, in hopes to bargain with Davis and Flamedramon for it's own freedom by inaction. It succeeds.

Commandramon > Sealsdramon > Tankdramon > Darkdramon

  • Actor Allusion:
    • The author admits in the author's note where the last line is of this individual Darkdramon has his lines being read in David Kaye's voice he used for Hardshell from Transformers: Prime. As a result, the hammy "Yesss..." that Beast Wars Megatron is associated with is employed, which Hardshell also said at one point.
  • Antagonist Abilities: His abilities were at their strongest not long after his birth, and had wound up degrading since then due to the repeated attempts on my life which his Immortal Digicore took the full blunt of the damages that caused the other antagonist abilities of his to degrade. Examples of some of these abilities, alongside the aforementioned Immortal Digicore, is an energy drain ability which allows him to quickly gain the power to achieve Mega Level, in addition to being born from a Post-Our War Game Digitama, from which makes accessing Mega Level a joke for him already. As a direct result of this, he had actually gone Mega Level multiple times in the course of his history with the DigiDestined, and unlike other examples of villainous Digimon doing so, opts not to permanently keep the forms in favor of gaining a Healing Factor from being able to continue to De-Digivolve and Digivolve virtually at will.
  • Asshole Victim: Pick a moment. Any moment. Chances are, few are willing to sympathize with Darkdramon for what he's done. Even when T.K. and ShadowSeraphimon flat out hold back and make Darkdramon's death quick and painless, neither of them regret the fact they did so via outright using a Dark Digivolution to achieve this victory.
  • Beat Still, My Heart:
    • As of Chapter 18, his Digicore is a pulsating pile of mush, but otherwise still completely alive.
    • Not the first time he did this apparently; he does it more directly in Chapter 20 as Sealsdramon, merely to drive home the fact he's indeed got an Immortal Digicore.
  • Blatant Lies: He casually brings up having respect for the Dark Masters in such a way that it's crystal clear he has no such thoughts on them altogether, due to how he prioritizes and emphasizes his own personal benefit from their legacy.
  • Butt-Monkey: While perhaps the most brutal and vile of the individual Digimon opponents, not even this guy can escape Darkdramon's entire species-wide syndrome of this across the entirety of Citadel of the Heart. At the very least when this particular individual gets thrashed, he's an actual Asshole Victim who deserves every second of it, whereas many of the Darkdramon seen elsewhere in the Series Fic were protagonists.
  • The Call Knows Where You Live:
    • Had basically succeeded in butchering Sora's relatives in a similar fashion to the page image for this trope regarding Luke Skywalker's adoptive parents. As a direct result of this, Sora is forced into being a runaway with no relatives to turn to, leading to her living in an apartment with Matt and his father and assisting with paying rent among other things. This also caused her to end her 10-Minute Retirement and take up the mantle of a DigiDestined once more.
    • He was actively on the scene during the first encounter with Agumon and the subsequent fight between him as Greymon and Parrotmon. The size and power of both combatants and the fact Sealsdramon was only a Rookie Level Commandramon at the time prevented him from carrying out Yagami Susumu's execution, and is still kind of salty over the fact Parrotmon ultimately did him in before he ever got the chance.
    • Even while he's undergoing repairs in secret in his digivolution to Darkdramon, he's having him Sealsdramon henchmen stalk Sora as to give the impression it's actually he himself stalking her as opposed to his current form. Even if it were him, Sora's traumatic encounter with him has pretty much glued the appearance of Sealsdramon into her mind, meaning Darkdramon would have to do a lot worse for the mental image to replace his Champion form with his Mega.
      • Despite said Sealsdramon minions stalking all over the place? Darkdramon himself is stalking Odaiba Elementary School, using a cloaking device that not even Izzy can pinpoint him being there.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: His Immortal Digicore plays a vital factor in how he and BanchoLeomon Combine into Chaosmon, considering BanchoLeomon also possesses an Immortal Digicore. When both are involved in a major battle that involves both of them seemingly mutually killing the other, their Digicores activate and defy existence by Combining the remnant data from both to create Chaosmon.
  • Child Soldiers: Whether or not it's intentional franchise wide with Commandramon, it's worth noting that the Rookie Level is called the Child Level in Japan, but it would come off as quick a shock to see Commandramon as a fully fledged infantry unit even for a Rookie Level.
  • Death Is Cheap: For now, anyways; so long as nobody can find a way to terminate his Immortal Digicore, Darkdramon will keep coming back. BanchoLeomon likewise has the same kind of Immortal Digicore, giving heavy implication that they're meant to become Chaosmon, in which Chaosmon's... issues, with existence overall will probably be what finally does both of them in for good.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He is mad at Sora for leaving the Digital World... so he kills her mother.
  • Dramatic Irony: We first see him on-page as Darkdramon, meaning his remarks of being a superior to Machinedramon when he's still Sealsdramon in the year 2001 isn't an empty threat; because at some point in 2002 he succeeds in becoming a Mega Level as Darkdramon.
  • The Evils of Free Will: Darkdramon willingly took on his role to be an experiment for the whole D-Brigade, doing whatever is asked of him in exchange for keeping his overall personality and intelligence. Considering the people who hire the D-Brigade in the first place often necessitate one who is willing to kill such as Darkdramon, his creators gave no complaints for Darkdramon's simplistic demands considering he has the true makings of a killer with his own free will overall.
  • Expy:
    • Of the Gigan from Godzilla vs. Gigan.
    • After being horrified by how spot on he's portrayed Sealsdramon thus far, MF217 views him as a Digimon version of Ridley from the Metroid manga as he mentions in the author's note of Chapter 20.
      • Chapter 22 has a super blatant Shout-Out to the Metroid manga regarding how Darkdramon immediately begins taunting how his Healing Factor works by consuming others; of which he had just consumed Sora's mother.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He's fully willing in his evil actions, is most certainly aware of what he's doing is wrong, but flat out refuses to use his incredible abilities for good because he's so obsessed with being a Sadist with a Godhook Seeker end goal, wanting to more or less outright replace Machinedramon as the most dreaded individual of the Metal Empire as a whole, and only really thinks of himself while spouting lies about what he thinks of the Dark Masters.
  • Eye Scream: Blasts a laser into Datamon's eye after having remarked about how he has plans for him by first poking him in the eyes with his sharp claws, before draining all of his data and knowledge, killing him and then getting up and crushing his husk underfoot.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Despite Sealsdramon's efforts, Sora still actually has relatives alive, they're just not from the Takenouchi family; they're from her father's heritage, who had married Sora's mother and took her family's surname. Sealsdramon had merely assumed Sora's father had no living relatives because of the confusion caused by his surname, or, rather, his lack of one aside from the Takenouchi one. Without a surname of his own to track down, they were spared from Sealsdramon's wrath. In Chapter 7, this is brought up briefly by Lady Sigma and WarGreymon, who both refer to Sealsdramon as a bit of an idiot for having missed this detail.
  • Fatal Flaw: Sadist: His willingness to indulge in his great pleasure in seeing others suffer is where all of his credibility begins to bite him in the ass and actually make him rather absurd that he's lasted as long as he has. He's the perfect, ideal Digimon that the Analogs want to keep around, but his competence is marred by his sadism he relishes in taking too long to actually get to the point at times. Worst of all, he is capable of being a No-Nonsense Nemesis, but he doesn't know when to go for the killing blow when he has the best chance to do so, or figuring out when going for the killing blow isn't the best option at that point.
  • Flower Motifs: Black Roses.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Chapter 18 emphasizes his drooling and monstrous nature of his draconic mouth, which is intended to reference something towards the end of the chapter in which before beginning the fight, Darkdramon had vomited up corpses of his own victims just immediately after he freshly licks his chops, but when the fight is over and Darkdramon is believed dead? His Arch-Enemy BanchoLeomon arrives and pulls out the liquified, beating Digicore of Darkdramon from the pile of bones and bile of his victims.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: He started off as a young Commandramon who had a tendency of being an absolute brat to everyone around him before being taken in as Machinedramon's apprentice and undergoing the Selection-D exam, in which by the time he's seen again he's a murderous, vicious sociopath who is quick to take on an anonymous bounty on Sora's head and kills Digitamamon, a Megadramon, and a Datamon just to terrorize those weaker than him while also gaining information on his target. And keep in mind we've seen him after this in the timeline, as a Darkdramon, meaning he accomplishes his goal of surpassing Machinedramon after all.
  • Fusion Dance: Heavily foreshadowed and implied to be the entire reason his species was picked for the fic, as to ultimately form Chaosmon with BanchoLeomon.
  • Glass Cannon: Further evidence of his appearances as his chronological earliest bit in Chapter 20 reveals that even with an Immortal Digicore, he's a lightweight in terms of how much brute force he can take in a single hit, with Ogremon's Pummel Whack being powerful enough to send him flying backwards.
  • Godhood Seeker: Using the free will bestowed upon him and the Immortal Digicore he carries within him, he intends to succeed Machinedramon's throne as one of the Dark Masters by forcing everyone into a chaotic fight against him in which he'll Load their data to Digivolve into his further forms and rule the Digital World with his own iron fist, and has this goal mostly because he views everyone who "betrayed" the Dark Masters and Apocalymon as peace loving hippies who aren't true Digimon in his eyes.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: His final moments as both Sealsdramon and Tankdramon has him being torn to shreds by WarGreymon's Dramon Destroyers. As Darkdramon he makes an effort to avoid the same fate.
  • Hero Killer:
    • Murdered virtually every known relative of Sora and deliberately saved her for last, only to be thwarted from killing her as well by the combined efforts of Matt and Tai in separate encounters.
    • And this was simply the latest murder arrangement Sealsdramon was contracted into doing. Beforehand, Sealsdramon was given the order to seek and destroy any and all former DigiDestined regardless of affiliation the moment they even considered any option such as retirement, as the organization wanted to cripple the number of adult DigiDestined by making certain they never survive to that point.
  • Hostile Show Takeover:
    • The narration of the latter portions of Chapter 16, just after he has his own dialogue to add, sounds disturbingly as though Darkdramon himself were narrating what was going on for that moment.
    • Does this again at the very start of Chapter 20, with a Rhymes on a Dime nature to The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You with how he addresses himself in first person.
  • Kick Them While They Are Down: His motive for choosing to accept the bounty for Sora when it came to the various bounties the Analogs have posted for various Digimon. Sora at this point tried to run away from being a DigiDestined altogether after what she considers herself a massive failure for her puberty keeping her from helping Tai and Matt in a time of extreme crisis, to which the Analogs have a bounty on all eight of the DigiDestined simply because they pose a legitimate threat to their existence; with Sora attempting to leave behind her DigiDestined status, and presumably being without Biyomon at the given moment, Sealsdramon took the bounty offer under the pretenses that it would be an easy paycheck since he had presumed Sora would be completely defenseless. In short, he was too cowardly to pick a fight with any of the DigiDestined with their guard up, and he singled out Sora specifically because her guard was down and she wasn't worth any less as a bounty compared to other DigiDestined.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Oh maliciously so, considering thus far he's had the most on-page presence of all of the major antagonists and has had the biggest negative impact on the lives of the 1999 DigiDestined than anyone else introduced in the fic thus far. His introduction as Sealsdramon in a flashback in Chapter 20 only solidifies this, as he makes a meal out of Digitamamon and has him just barely alive as he eats him at his own pace, he kills a benevolent Megadramon and Loads it's data, would've killed Leomon before Ogremon intervened, Mind Rapes Leomon to get information on Sora, and then does this to Datamon which ultimately kills him via extracting the more important info via a laser beam to his eye hacking into him and downloading the data til nothing remains, and then crushing him underfoot when he's reduced to a husk. Then sadistically boasts at the fleeing customers of the restaurant he barged into about how one day he'll crush them all like bugs, and also boasted earlier about how the Digital World shall be ruled by an iron fist because he doesn't intend to use his free will for the cause of good, but rather his own malevolent ego instead.
  • It's All About Me: He doesn't want to rule the Digital World simply because he was built that way, and he admits he has more than enough free will to be the salvation of the Digital World; except he makes it clear he doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone other than himself, and he wants to use the entirety of the Digital World as his own playground to fulfill his Godhood Seeker intentions.
  • Mauve Shirt: The D-Brigade by default are generally given a very poor survival rate due to their line of work requiring them to fulfill combat roles for clients who are willing to pay for them. The funds they get go into creating more of them, and only the most successful of units digivolve into later forms, usually by a manual activation in regards to their programmer. Darkdramon is unique in that an application of dark matter while investigating his immortal Digicore is what lead to him becoming Darkdramon in the first place as opposed to peaking at Tankdramon. In hindsight, because of Chaosmon's later existence, Darkdramon is more accurately a Chekhov's Gunman.
  • Mind Rape: Does this twice in Chapter 20, first to Leomon to extract whatever he knew of Sora still, and then fatally to a Datamon in which he learns everything else he'd ever want to know about Sora and her family before downloading all of Datamon's mind into himself and crushing the now lifeless husk that remains. The way he kills Datamon is effectively a vampiric method as to how he killed Megadramon and Loaded it's data.
  • Monstrous Cannibalism:
    • In a flashback arc to his earliest chronological appearance, Sealsdramon throws Digitamamon into the nearest oven and cooks him at super hot temperatures into an omelette, and takes his time with eating him alive.
    • He ate Sora's mother as to how he killed her, except in a more supernatural sense by draining her of her life essence and then some. He also stole some data from Garudamon, MetalGarurumon, and MegaKabuterimon and used it to access his Mega Level form earlier than intended.
  • Never My Fault: He blames Sora for his killings of all of her relatives he knew. All because she wanted a normal life.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: He deliberately caused Sora to return to her mantle of being a DigiDestined due to his actions in murdering her relatives, and now because of that, Biyomon can no-w skip Champion Level and go straight into Ultimate Level.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: His primary directive as the Weapon of Last Resort for the D-Brigade is for him to target and kill any Digimon affiliated with "Codename: BAN-TYO". He encounters a BanchoLeomon as multiple points in the fic, but never once acts upon this; instead, something is trying to cause the two of them to forcefully Combine into Chaosmon from whose will is trying to figure out a means to permanently cause the two to Combine.
  • Phlegmings: He drools extensively as Darkdramon, often highly volatile substances referencing his Dark Prominence move.
  • Psycho for Hire: He originates from the D-Brigade, whom when ordered to do so carries out missions to kill without the information ever becoming public.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He's... oddly poetic with sending an entire Ikebana arrangement of black roses in the shape of a female human skeleton to Sora. The skeleton isn't just randomly tailored; it's 1:1 size with Sora herself.
  • Running Gagged: Meta-example oddly enough, considering Darkdramon and this version of the D-Brigade owe their more serious depiction here to the fact MF217 was kind of getting irritated about a previous unhealthy habit of subjecting Darkdramon in particular to The Worf Effect for no particular reason that's obvious, so he dropped it in favor of making this particular Darkdramon and his followers in the D-Brigade into absolute killjoy sadists who are much harder to bring down individually, with Darkdramon himself being a lone individual who is effectively an SNK Boss in terms of how problematic he is, but only makes it all of the more satisfying when entities as monstrous as them get their inevitable Karma Houdini Warranty to wear off.
  • Sadist There is a chapter named after him living up to this trope. Below are some examples:
    • He wanted Hawkmon to suffer for daring to associate herself with Sora, and that's why Darkdramon simply loaded the Halsemon data from her and not Hawkmon in her entirety. Other than that he was completely no-nonsense regarding ensuring Halsemon would never come back into play.
    • Demonstrated far earlier with Chapter 20 when he cooks and eats Digitamamon alive, and painfully Mind Rapes Datamon to death in a slow, agonizing manner.
  • Sociopathic Soldier: He wanted to kill former DigiDestined so that the data of their Digimon would be loaded into him to fulfill his ultimate end goal of slaying the unknown "BAN-TYO".
  • Smug Super: Upon being the sole Mega Level Digimon of the entire D-Brigade, he kind of lets his power get to his head. Especially after using the Prismatic Array against WarGreymon and surviving that encounter while delivering a Game-Breaking Injury to Tai and WarGreymon, he begins to boast about this accomplishment as though he had actually outright killed them, when even he doesn't know for sure if he did or not. While the amount of firepower he used against those two were overestimated in terms of what would be needed to kill them, by the time he had inflicted their Game-Breaking Injury, almost 90% of said armory he was packing was rendered unusable in the fight.
  • Spiritual Antithesis: To Hardshell of Transformers: Prime, which is ironic when you consider the author has confirmed David Kaye as the hypothetical voice actor for Darkdramon and using the exact same voice as Hardshell at that. Hardshell took each of his main opponents with dead seriousness, got angry very quickly over discrimination, and only tended to boast about himself when he has the chance to afford to do so, and most importantly is not fucking immortal. Darkdramon is not only the former to a certain undefined degree, but Darkdramon is much chattier than Hardshell any day of the week, more than perfectly willing to outright lie about stuff to further boast his hubris, kills civilians that pose no threat and eats them alive, and is also a Sadist whom in spite of his otherwise No-Nonsense Nemesis nature regarding not calling his attacks a majority of the time and immediately exploiting weakspots in a given enemy the moment he learns of it, his boasting has left him vulnerable to being attacked during it and he only gets away with said boasting unscathed because of his aforementioned mutant Digicore.
  • Staying Alive: It takes a crapload of firepower to ultimately bring this guy down, and even then, it just sends him into the same dimension which birthed MetalEtemon, allowing him to come back again, but this time as Chaosmon, as BanchoLeomon was cast out into the same dimension earlier. It's all but outright stated that the only thing capable of bringing Darkdramon down for good is nothing less than absolute oblivion.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: His entire confrontation with Halsemon in a nutshell. At first he's unaware of where Halsemon's power is from, but once he lays eyes on the Crest of Love decorated on Halsemon he... completely snaps. He forcefully charges Halsemon with Super-Speed he didn't even know he had, grabs her by the neck and drains her of all of Halsemon's data and loading it into himself, burying Hawkmon alive in a fissure and sealing it shut to keep her inevitable rebirth stalled at the very least, and then grabbing a horrified Yolei frozen in terror, forcing her to hand over the DigiEgg of Love, then taking it and outright absolutely destroying it with Dark Prominence, leaving absolutely no trace of it left, meaning Halsemon is completely gone by the time Hawkmon is reborn, and even though Darkdramon has to endure a Great Tornado directly into his Digicore for his troubles, Darkdramon's remains still function as Ken sends a battalion of Machinedramon to secure Darkdramon's remains and bring him back to his lair.
  • To Serve Man:
    • Chapter 16 has him flat out eat a wandering student who had the misfortune of witnessing him and attempting to report him, so Darkdramon ate them to keep his cover from being blown. Although not helped by the fact Darkdramon still showed his Sadist tendencies in executing this poor kid...
    • To say nothing of how he ate Sora's mother at that.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: How much of a body count this guy has for his Hero Killer status is quite impressive considering they're all human murders at his hands. Then there is what he does regarding Hawkmon and the DigiEgg of Love and his earlier appearance chronologically in Chapter 20 where he goes on a smash and grab for information on Sora and using violence and terror to his advantage to get what he needs, resulting in three Digimon getting killed off, one of which being Digitamamon from Adventure and would've successfully killed Leomon had Ogremon not intervened.
  • Wham Episode:
    • Chapter 9 and Chapter 16: The former has him, as Tankdramon, stating that his repairs from his last encounter with WarGreymon are nearly finished. The latter? Repairs have not only finished but he's now Darkdramon, and is actively stalking the grounds of Odaiba Elementary. He could've easily acted when he first got there, but the narration implies he is deliberately taking things slow for his own amusement...
    • His sheer, unbridled hatred of Sora couldn't be any more prevalent than the absolutely monstrous brutality he gives Halsemon for simply being associated with the Crest of Love as a whole. In short, Hawkmon is killed but while she's later reborn, Halsemon isn't so lucky as all of Halsemon's data is loaded into Darkdramon, with Darkdramon going the extra mile in destroying the DigiEgg of Love in it's entirety with Dark Prominence to ensure that.
    • Chapter 18: Darkdramon for some odd reason wanted to be destroyed, but ensured his Digicore would survive by discreetly vomiting it up just before engaging MagnaAngemon turned ShadowSeraphimon in a fight to the death. Even BanchoLeomon is puzzled by this, but points out one key thing; that both of their respective Digicores are immortal, and that BanchoLeomon, or, rather, Chaosmon, wants to know why.
    • Chapter 20: The first half of his backstory regarding what the hell he did to Sora to make her life a living hell is elaborated on, with him invading Digitamamon's restaurant to find information on Sora, and doing so without hesitation on using violent methods to scare the customers into submission by killing and consuming Digitamamon alive, killing a benevolent Megadramon and Loading it's data, almost would've killed Leomon had it not been for Ogremon interfering, incapacitates everyone in the building briefly as he subjects both Leomon and Datamon to a severe Mind Rape for information on Sora, in the latter case killing Datamon through this by wiping his mind to nothing more than a husk in a very slow, agonizing method by firing a laser beam directly into one of his eyes.
  • With Us or Against Us: His primary motive for why he goes after Sora among the multitude of other reasons. He believes that the role of the DigiDestined is permanent, and that there is no such thing as breaks or retirement from the role, and to those who think such a thing can be achieved, Darkdramon will flat out kill them, believing that any DigiDestined who wants to move on is a deserter who had outlived their usefulness. Darkdramon's belief is apparently something only he himself believes in, and the only other genuine believer of this fact is Machinedramon, with Darkdramon being viewed as a nasty, vicious stereotype of everything a Digimon trying to threaten the human world acts like out of a petty, hatred fueled rage.
  • Would Hurt a Child: If for whatever reason Sora doesn't count anymore due to being 14 now, him executing a kid in Chapter 16 by grabbing them with his tongue and eating them alive most certainly proves how vicious he is to anyone.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: How he wound up eating Sora's mother into his DDNA to help him Digivolve to Mega Level.

Royal Knights


  • Adaptational Villainy: This particular Gallantmon showcases what would happen if the Digital Hazard within him had destabilized, and that the worst case scenario of having Gallantmon as part of the Royal Knights coming to pass.
  • Super Mode: Gallantmon Crimson Mode.


  • Armor-Piercing Attack: Fist of Athena.
  • Composite Character: Of her usual Royal Knight incarnation overall mixed in with some of the gameplay mechanics unique to her in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, most obvious with Fist of Athena being depicted as an Armor-Piercing Attack in this case.
  • Glass Cannon: Her armor isn't made of Chrome Digizoid like many of her co-workers with their own armor, so she's a lot more vulnerable to attacks than the rest. Her damage output, especially with Fist of Athena, is astonishing, considering her weaponry is likewise also not made of Chrome Digizoid material.


  • Giving Radio to the Romans: Lady Sigma uses her Clockmon form to travel to the year 2021 to steal a gaming desktop PC from there and bring it back to the present from which to use as all of the hardware power the Royal Knights will ever need to realize Examon any day of the week. Admittedly, realizing Examon wasn't the only reason she decided to steal advanced hardware that would inevitably come into existence in real-life time.
  • Power Creep: He's in the same tier of strength as Omegamon, due to Combining from two Mega Level Digimon into a single form. Problem is, said Mega Level Digimon can't freely access Examon due to the technological limitations they have skewed against them, so they act as a duo as opposed to a singular entity like they normally should anywhere else.
  • Shown Their Work: As Diary of an Analog takes place in 2002, the technology from which Examon needs to be able to appear physically wouldn't naturally exist until at least 2007. This is also the year in which Examon was first revealed at that in real-life.
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form: More like no PC currently in existence in Diary of an Analog can properly render this guy with all of the numerous details he has as well as his immeasurable file size ranging in the Exabytes. This is a plot point as to why Lady Sigma can't just immediately call upon him among all of the other Royal Knights; she lacks the technology power needed to back up Examon's realization be in within the Digital World or literally anywhere else. She has made 9 attempts to realize Examon using completely different combinations and numbers of supercomputers to render him, with only two of the attempts being able to render anything more than just one of his teeth alone.
