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Podcast / Now Playing

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Now Playing is a movie review Podcast first launched in 2007, released on a weekly-schedule for most of the years since. The show has a revolving set of a total of seven hosts but each episode is only hosted by three at a time in a roundtable discussion. The hosts being Arnie, Stuart, Jakob, Brock, Majorie, Jerry, and Justin.

The format of the show tending to be retrospective deep-dives into franchises in anticipation of the release of a new installment of said franchise. For example reviewing every live-action movie (including T.V. movies) based off a Marvel Comics property in the anticipation of The Avengers (2012). Though retrospectives revolving themes are also common (ex. the films of Quentin Tarantino, films based off Stephen King books, or horror films released in 1986). Along with the occasional one-off episode that doesn't tie in to anything also popping up.

The types of episodes the show does can be broken down into three;

  • Tuesday Episodes: The main feed where most of the episodes can be found that are ad-free, most often the show where a new release will be discussed. Free to listen to.

  • Donation Drives: Episodes behind a paywall at various donation levels released on Fridays, usually also meant to tie-in to a new release but also covers older, "dead", franchises. Primary means of funding the show, similar to NPR or PBS donation drives and keeping the main episodes ad-free.

  • Patron Episodes: Episodes only available by becoming a monthly patron, also released on Fridays but usually one a month. Covers movies requested by patrons who donated at a certain level.

As of 2020 the show has recorded over 1000 episodes.

     Series covered by show include: 

This Series Contains Examples of:

  • The '80s: All the hosts grew up and came of age in the decade, with many of their retrospectives centering around not just franchises from the era but also themed ones such as "Summer of 1989" or ''Horror of 1986".
  • Animation Age Ghetto: Invoked. The main hosts all admit that animated movies aren't really their thing but do make exceptions for Pixar.
  • Author Appeal: Stuart and Arnie are both avid Horror fans. Much of the retrospectives in the early years of the show covering horror franchises in anticipation of then-upcoming remakes.
  • The Big Rotten Apple: A particular favorite genre of Stuart's. Both he and Arnie having grown up thinking New York was one of the most dangerous places in the world due to the popularity of this type of setting 80s fiction.
  • Broke the Rating Scale: When coming across a "so bad, it's good"-type of movie the hosts will give it a "Brown Arrow" recommendation rather than the standard Green or Red arrow.note 
  • Childhood Friends: Arnie and Stuart have been friends since they were kids.
  • Critic Breakdown: Arnie considered Alone in the Dark II so bad he made a video for the show's YouTube channel burning a copy of a DVD, imploring people not to watch it.note 
  • The Cynic: The three person review team for each retrospective usually has one host who has either never seen the series being reviewed or dislikes it.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: The first episodes were only around 15-20 minutes long and were hosted only by Arnie and Majorie. In addition they only discussed recently released movies with no retrospective buildup. It wouldn't be until the Friday the 13th retrospective that show found it's formula, but even that had a tacked on "epilogue" episode discussing the entire series that no other retrospective since as had.
  • Freudian Trio: Three hosts always make up the roundtable for each episode. The general idea being one host will be a fan of the movie or series being discussed, one will only be a casual, and the other will either be someone who hasn't seen it or doesn't like it.
  • Power Trio: Three hosts always make up each episode with Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob being the most common one (Arnie also being the most frequent host of the entire rotation). The only episode which had more than three was the 1000th episode, a review of The Breakfast Club, which had all seven hosts.
  • Self-Applied Nickname: Stuart's call-sign intro for years was "Stuart in L.A." before dropping it when he moved back to Illinois.
  • Stuffed into the Fridge: Stuart dubs it "The Mel Gibson Effect".
  • Spin-Off:
    • Now Peaking a show with mostly the same formula but applied singularly to the Twin Peaks franchise. It was also in conjunction on Now Playing's end with a retrospective on all of David Lynch's filmography.
    • Books and Nachos, later rebranded Now Playing Book Reviews, would review the books that films they covered were adaptations of, such as those of Stephen King or the Ian Fleming James Bond books.
  • Thematic Series: Retrospectives based around a theme are about as common as ones based around more standard movie franchises.
