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Characters / Titan Academy The Organization

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Portrayed by: Michael Chua
"All it takes is one bad sheep to spoil the flock, and I don't intend to let that happen."

One of the spokespeople of the organization that buys out the Titan Academy. He's the older man, and generally gives the vibe of 'unsavory businessman only in for the profit'. He also tends to mispronounce the word "academy".

  • 0% Approval Rating: The ridiculously absurd rules Alan and Regna (but especially Alan) impose upon the Academy naturally garner them the students' ire.
  • Ambiguously Related: He has the same surname as Jianhao (Tan), and in Season 8, it is revealed that he wears a yin/yang bracelet around his watch, which is very suspiciously similar to Jianhao’s. He could possibly be Jianhao’s uncle or grandfather.
  • Arc Villain: Of Season 4. Despite only appearing in a few episodes, he is responsible for the Cerebus Syndrome, as well as the examination that results in Class T1T5 getting split up, the majority of Titan Academy's students being expelled, and the school gaining a much darker and more miserable aura (which mentally and emotionally affects Jianhao).
  • Bad Boss: He reveals himself to be not above berating his own underlings, as shown with Teverly, whom Alan chastise after the assembly for failing his job to find out the crew behind the heist, then promptly tells him to get Denise expelled by any means necessary, purely out of his ego being hurt by her. Even Teverly is appalled.
  • Big Bad: Background-wise, he is just Co-Dragons with Regna for the Organization. However, narrative-wise, he's responsible for almost all of the dark plots for the Academy and somehow lords over Regna, making him more Dragon in-name only, he's the guy in charge of the bad deeds. However, Season 8 reveals that he really doesn't hold the Big Bad position; he's in turn being lorded over by an unseen boss, the proper leader of the Organization, who demands that he should make his plan of bringing profits from the Academy come true quickly or else the leader will close down the Academy.
  • Blackmail: Turns out he has Teverly under his thumb because he's paying for his scholarship which the boy's mother can't afford. Alan threatens him with this after Teverly fails to sabotage Denise during the SAT exam.
  • Co-Dragons: He becomes this with Regna once Titan Academy falls under the Organization's control, though he seems to be of higher ranking than her. Additionally, they're not the CEO or director of the Organization because someone else is.
  • Cold Ham: Despite the Faux Affably Evil air accompanying him, Alan nevertheless comes across as over-the-top with his shameless declaration that he will use the students of Titan Academy for the Organization's benefits and his Sadist kinks.
  • The Comically Serious: His frequent mispronounciation of the word "academy" seems to be the only thing remotely humorous about him.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: A member of the organization who is shrewd, manipulative, only interested in profit, has zero empathy and sees everything else like a pawn. He embodies the 'evil businessman' cliche to the fullest.
  • The Corrupter: He is implied to be this to Regna, as he denies her suggestion to guide the students by demanding to know if she is getting attached to them.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He can be condescending towards the students when they display a virtuous trait.
  • Demoted to Dragon: While Alan was always only a spokesman for the organization, he's been the technical Big Bad of series, as he lords over Regna and Teverly who work for him. With the introduction of the true Organization's leader in Season 8, Alan is firmly placed back in The Dragon position.
  • The Dragon: Technically, Alan isn't even the CEO of the Organization, but he's close enough as the Organization's representative. Should he get taken out, that doesn't mean the Organization will be truly gone. However, in all story technicalities, he could as well be the Big Bad.
  • The Dreaded: His influence intimidates even the most rebellious of Titan Academy's students.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Just about the only genuine good thing he and the whole Organization did was that he made sure that everyone from the Titan Academy is vaccinated to protect them from the COVID-19 Pandemic, no strings attached, because it's just what was needed for human beings to survive physically. Any notions that he and the Organization put up nasty serums within the vaccine (like Miss Sherly and Tasha theorized) has yet to be proven.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Jianhao. Both of them have a knack for strategy and manage to get people to work for them, but unlike Jianhao who helps the students, Alan regards them as merely pawns. They also both have Malaproper tendencies (Jianhao mixing up idioms, Alan mispronouncing "academy").
  • Evil Feels Good: He tends to have a smile plastered on his face while asserting dominance over the students/other non-Organization members of Titan Academy.
  • Evil Is Petty:
    • He didn't expel Cleverly without giving him a Traumatic Haircut first, purely to fuel his own sadism.
    • He became deadset on expelling Denise, the top student of the academy, simply because she embarrassed him in the assembly.
  • Evil Laugh: He lets out one over making Cleverly go through a Traumatic Haircut, as well as his plan on targeting Diana once the heist succeeded.
  • Evil Old Folks: Alan holds the record of being the only recurring cast that is old enough to have wrinkles in his face. However, considering that he's letting go of his tuxedo when he's about to find the hiding students, it gives the vibes that just because he's old doesn't mean he's fragile, he could still be very fit in case of the need of dispensing physical threat.
  • Evil Wears Black: His attire is all black, though beneath the tuxedo, he wears white shirt.
  • Expy: In consideration of the show making Shout Outs to Disney-based franchises, one of them being Star Wars, Alan might be based on Emperor Palpatine, as the elderly Big Bad who mostly plots from behind the scenes and making as few on-screen appearances as possible, although Alan is technically The Dragon for the Organization (as opposed to Palpatine being actually the Emperor), in the current arc, he's closer to a Big Bad. With the introduction of the Leader, it turns out that he's more like a Palpatine who is positioned like Darth Vader instead rather than being the true mastermind.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He speaks in a faux-pleasant smug tone, but mostly to put an emphasis on just how much screwed and powerless the students/other non-Organization members are and how much in the end, they're just pawns to him.
  • Hate Sink: You know about what makes you hate the school system and trying to make students miserable? Alan embodies it to the fullest and milks a lot of the Corrupt Corporate Executive tropes for all it's worth. Pretty much an Enforced Trope, since the show originally is lighthearted with No Antagonist, a hateable antagonist like him is practically a necessity to give a lot more tension.
  • Ironic Name: The name Alan includes the meanings harmony and noble. Double Subverted because he certainly wants to bring harmony in the otherwise rambunctious Titan Academy... but it's the bad kind of harmony.
  • It's All About Me: He starts putting his own desire for revenge against Denise before the organization's best interest.
  • It's Personal: Aims to have Denise expelled after she embarrassed him in the assembly by standing up for Jianhao, despite being reminded by both Regna and Teverly that she's one of the top students and her expulsion would hurt the academy.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk:
    • He claims to have the students' best interest at heart, both to Miss Siti and Cleverly, even enabling the latter's interests by supporting his games, but relentlessly shows himself to view said students as nothing more than pawns.
    • Originally he's the one who came up with the plan that "The minimum passing score is 80." But come the actual exam, it seems that something changed his mind that the passing score stayed 50. What does look like a Pet the Dog action is subverted that in the end, this isn't for the existing students' happiness, but to maintain the elite school image that they don't look too suspicious after the mass expulsion for newcomers that want to enroll.
  • Kick the Dog: He did promise a more permanent punishment for Cleverly, which is expulsion, and delivered on that. But the Traumatic Haircut, despite being more temporary, is added as a bonus that serves as nothing more but fueling his Sadistic pleasure of punishing disobedience. Even Regna didn't add up the Evil Laugh on the act despite being similarly unpleasant.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Whenever he (and Regna) makes an appearance, the usual lighthearted atmosphere of the show instantly evaporates; he means business in trying to make Titan Academy a lot more hellish for the students.
  • Lack of Empathy: Especially towards the students of Titan Academy, to whom he is utterly apathetic towards. When Regna begins to empathize with and respect them, he's quick to call her out on it.
  • Make an Example of Them: After he'd made Cleverly go through a Traumatic Haircut and is about to expel him, he warns the rest of the students that the same will happen to them should they eavesdrop on his and Regna's internal conversations.
  • Manipulative Bastard:
    • He successfully convinces Miss Siti to sign the contract for the new regulations the Organization wants to be implemented on Titan Academy by telling her that if the school closes down and the students have no future to look forward to, it will be all because of her.
    • Though he intends to do this for all the students, he considers Cleverly as one of the easier ones to manipulate, pretending to support his aspirations.
  • Narcissist: Very very smug and so far things are swimming on his way.
  • Not So Above It All: While observing the Study Buddies' Science Fair project, despite giving the order to Teverly to ruin the project, even Alan had to 'mingle a bit' by whispering to Julynn asking if Denise's project is 'really gonna work', in a tone of less condescending, more curious "Is this for real?".
  • Not So Stoic:
    • When Cleverly speaks up against him, he actually yells at him to be quiet.
    • He can barely contain himself after Denise saves Jianhao by lying that she participated in the heist, to the point of ordering Teverly to get her expelled despite her usefulness to the reputation of the academy.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • When Mr. Alan observes the final assignment of the Night Class, he actually observes silently and gives a genuine clap, congratulating all the students for job well done, instead of trying to intimidate them. Seeing that most of them are adults (with the sole exception of Cameron), this implies that Alan could be nice towards adults, he just has severe issues with children or teenagers.
    • Judging the students' dishes in the cooking class episode marks the second time he's shown them a lick of admiration for the ones who impressed him with the quality of the food.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: After the fire, it would be actually easy for him to just expel JianHao and Vincent, moreso since they would be the greatest thorns in his plans. But seeing that refurbishing the school after the fire actually costed money for the Organization, Alan couldn't afford to just expel students or teachers alike anymore (or else there'll be less subjects/targets of his evil plans), and relented with just 'cleaning the school and be the assistants for the upcoming Night Class' as punishment (also rendering them unable to enjoy Summer Holiday), though he did try to threaten Miss Sherly with possible firing if she didn't want to join the Night Class.
  • Puppet King: After slowly being built up as the one in charge, Season 8 revealed him to be subservient to the true leader of the organization.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the blue oni to Regna, as he didn't see the need to raise his voice, preferring a Faux Affably Evil tone. Considerably, the role was reversed whenever his Sadist kinks come in.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Even after being reminded by Regna about Denise's top student status, Alan still speaks to Teverly in private and tells him to get Denise expelled by any means necessary, all because she embarrassed him in front of everyone by standing up for Jianhao.
  • Sadist: He is gleefully sadistic when making Cleverly suffer a Traumatic Haircut, taking delight in his horror and misery.
  • Smug Snake: He is overconfident in his belief that Titan Academy is under his complete control.
  • Spock Speak: He and Regna tend to use very formal and sophisticated dictation, though he isn't averse to contractions and does occasionally employ simplistic wording.
  • Villain Takes an Interest:
    • He takes a look at Cleverly developing games and decides that he might have some uses for the organization, thus calling him to the director's room. Once Cleverly reveals himself to have overheard him and Regna, however, this interest fades, and Alan intends to make him suffer a permanent punishment.
    • He takes on another to several students after the School Heist, not out of respect unlike Regna, but because he saw potential for them to be used for his plans and enforce his reign even more. Starting with Diana, and he plans to move on to Denise and Madeline as well.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He takes Denise's stand against him to save JianHao poorly. While he still keeps his composure until James' speech is over, when he prepares to go home, he ends up ranting and berating Teverly for failing his task and eventually resorts to ordering Teverly to ruin Denise's reputation, without any care that the Titan Academy's reputation will be destroyed because of Denise's fall, he just needs a payback for his humiliation. Even Teverly is visibly startled with Alan's order that can cost the whole Academy and money for the Organization.
  • Walking Spoiler: His appearance spoils the Darker and Edgier aspects and the details surrounding it introduced in Season 4.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Female students aren't exempt from his punishments, including physical ones, either.
  • You Monster!: Kevin outright calls him a monster with a nice suit and tie.



Portrayed by: Ferina Arriyani
"Stop right there! Whatever you’re trying to do, it’s not gonna work anymore. So give up, hand it over, before you suffer a worse punishment."

One of the spokespeople of the organization that buys out the Titan Academy. She's the younger woman and generally showcases the personality of a 'ruthless businesswoman'. She later goes on to supervise the teachers' teaching methods, and is typically the one addressing the students.

  • Ambiguously Evil: She gains this status in the School Heist episode, beginning to have a Heel Realization in which she considers the students perhaps worthy of being guided the normal way, but denies warming up to them when questioned about it by Alan. Therefore, it's unknown if she still feels that way.
  • Badass Boast: "I hope all of you will take this as a lesson, that when the Organization says we'll do something, we'll do it."
  • Believing Their Own Lies: Despite her first appearance suggesting she's similarly motivated by greed and profit as Alan, it's later strongly implied that she genuinely does believe Titan Academy can only prosper if the students are disciplined and the rebellious ones are expelled.
  • Break the Haughty: She suffers this in the School Heist episode, where her attempt to stop Jianhao, Vincent, Kevin, Diana, and Chloe from escaping during their heist fails when she gets literally blown away by Cherylene's yelling, giving them time to escape the school.
  • Co-Dragons: She becomes this with Alan once Titan Academy falls under the Organization's control, though she seems to be of lower ranking than him. Not that she minds, and not to mention neither of them are the CEO or director of the organization. She also serves as this alongside Teverly and James for Alan.
  • The Comically Serious: It'll really take time for her to completely assert dominance to the whole Academy and that Miss Sherly's warning about her was correct.
    • When Regna decided to go punishment-heavy, she learned the hard way that sometimes her punishment attempts backfire. For instance, telling Ben to stand up to prevent him from sleeping instead caused him to sleep standing. And then there's her accidental calling to Madam Soot Beng...
    • Additionally, Class T1T5 doesn't immediately listen to her when she screams at them to be silent.
  • Control Freak: Overall, she gives this aura to the whole Academy, and she almost refused Miss Sherly's re-entry because the Organization takes 'chances' very seriously. It's only after Alan claims that there are merits for Sherly's re-entry that Regna takes back her decision.
  • The Dragon: Narrative-wise, she plays this part for Alan being the Big Bad, since she's The Heavy who carries out all his orders, akin to Darth Vader (without copying him too much).
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Her method of teaching, or supervising teaching. She cracks down extremely harshly on even the slightest display of infractions from any student, such as making Ren Yi Xiang stand outside the classroom on one leg while holding a chair over his head, Cherylene stand in front of the wall merely for being too loud, or Nicole write down "I will not be late to class" 50 times on the board.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • Double subverted: At one point, she did question Alan on how some changes might affect the students, but that was only a fleeting moment, she quickly falls back to going along with the manipulative persona of the two. However, she does eventually develop Villain Respect for Class T1T5 and consider them perhaps worthy of being guided.
    • Played straight later: While she tried to remind Alan about expelling Denise for the school's prestige as Pragmatic Villainy, when she finds out that Alan sends Teverly to make her fail, even Regna tries to object that plan.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: She is genuinely confused by Cherylene's Heroic Sacrifice, and does not understand why she would do it.
  • Evil Counterpart: Technically becomes this to Madam Soot Beng. Regna has the qualities of a Sadist Teacher in that she dispenses Disproportionate Retribution against misbehaving students, much like Soot Beng. Unlike Soot Beng, however, Regna really has no altruistic motives, she's just in to shape the students in the Organization's image: Being homogenous, obedient money-making tools.
  • Evil Wears Black: Her attire is mostly black.
  • Face–Heel Turn: She used to be a normal student in Titan Academy and answered to her principal Ms. Siti. Now, as part of the Organization, she's bringing terror to her old academy and with the guidance and help from Alan, she's bringing her former principal to her knees.
  • Fun-Hating Villain: She completely and utterly forbids fun occurring in classrooms, and has any teacher (such as Mr. Mabuhay) who makes the students have a good time dismissed.
  • Get Out!: She orders the Class T1T5 students who failed the final exam to go out of the classroom.
  • Good Cop/Bad Cop: The Bad Cop to Miss Sherly's Good Cop. Regna cracks down incredibly harshly on any sort of misbehavior, even very minor ones.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Her name spelled backwards being "Anger" aside, it isn't at all hard to set her off.
  • The Heavy: She's lower in rank than Alan is, but has more screentime than him, thus she directly interacted with the students and faculty a lot more.
  • Heel Realization: Regna starts to develop a Worthy Opponent-like respect for Class T1T5 after they successfully pulled a heist that forces the Organization to cancel the mass-expulsion and bring the expelled students back. And by that, she's suggesting that perhaps they shouldn't be so domineering and guide them the normal way. Alan, on the other hand, thinks she's gone too soft for that.
  • Hidden Depths: The "Types of Students During The Holiday" shows that she has a more lighthearted side outside the academy.
  • Hoist by Her Own Petard: She attempts to punish Vicky for snacking in class by calling her parents... unfortunately for her, she had no idea that her contactable parent also happens to be Madam Soot Beng, who not only let Vicky off the hook, but also proceeded to mouth her off about her lack of 'teaching credentials'.
  • Insufferable Genius: She smugly calls out Miss Siti for not understanding the situation about Titan Academy having less than a month to survive without the ownership of the Organization.
  • Jerkass: Same deal with Alan and generally the organization, Regna is extremely unpleasant and very much looks forward to yell at the students at any slight of misconduct as well as explaining thoroughly why the Titan Academy is truly under the organization's thumbs or they might as well just perish naturally.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Again, just like Alan, if she enters the scene, things get rather grim, although unlike Alan, the shenanigans of the students start to rub off on her, even it's just minor parts, for the most part she tried her best to be the trope.
  • Leitmotif: She tends to be accompanied by a sinister sounding tune.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: Later on, due to her being designated to interact with the classes more (as opposed to Alan who stayed behind the scenes), we started to see Regna getting hammered with the uniqueness of the classes, so while she still tries to be the domineering teacher, she ends up being The Comically Serious and could produce more unintentional humor as opposed to Alan. As time passes on, the class' attitude and rebelliousness starts to rub on Regna even more that she starts recognizing their talent begrudgingly, think the domineering attitude might not be worth it anymore and consider them perhaps worthy of being guided the normal way. However, she's quick to get reeled back by Alan who calls her out for getting a little too soft on them.
  • Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The Dark Feminine to Denise's Light Feminine. She's also the Dark Feminine to Cherylene's Light Feminine.
  • Meaningful Name: As pointed out by Jasmine, her name backwards spells "Anger".
  • Mysterious Past: We don't know her personal background or how she started working for the Organization.
  • Not So Above It All: During the exam oversaw by her, she started to go along with the class antics while trying to maintain the 'evil teacher' persona, such as falling off her chair when Denise made her 'participate' in her 'pre-exam training', praising Terry for letting her expel a student that he sabotaged and getting distracted with a paper that praised her (actually falling for the ploy of Nicole).
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Downplayed. Despite being The Comically Serious who isn't above being subjected to the students' shenanigans, not to mention Alan having to spell out to her their plans for Titan Academy, Regna is still very much willingly complicit in the Organization's plans to make profit from the students and render them money-making machines. She's also a scaringly effective Sadist Teacher, and displays Lack of Empathy towards the students expelled as a result of the Organization's exam. Still, her attempt to stop Jianhao's heist was a complete failure.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • As a very, very minor example, she graciously lends Jianhao a sharpener during the final exam once he calls out to her for one.
    • Had Cherylene not pull a Heroic Sacrifice, it's likely that Regna would honor her re-appeal attempt instead of callously rejecting her.
    • When she calls in Vincent and ended up having to hear him rant lengthily that the fire was JianHao's fault, before proceeding with her more hard-ass attitude, Regna admitted that she's just worried if Vincent's okay, not just on the rant, but the fact that he might be seriously injured because he was in the nearest location of the explosion (it happened on his seat).
  • Pragmatic Villainy: After discovering that Jianhao is the mastermind behind the heist, Alan intends to expell him after getting the accomplices' names out of him. When Denise unexpectedly lies that she was complicit, Alan is about to expel her when Regna reminds him how bad it would be for the academy's reputation, considering Denise is The Ace.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red Oni with Alan, as Regna is the go-to person to raise her voice to yell at students for misbehaving and demanding students to obey her. She is also the more talkative of the two, but this role is surprisingly reversed during Cleverly's Traumatic Haircut. While Alan reveled in his Evil Laugh, Regna didn't even do that, she just did the haircut with just a silent smile.
  • The Rival: After Regna is put in charge of supervising Sherly's teaching, the two develop this, as they clash over how to handle the students, with Regna continuously insisting that Miss Sherly be extremely harsh with disobedience of rules, to the latter's disapproval as she is aware of Regna (and the rest of the organization)'s intentions.
  • Shadow Archetype: To Denise, as Regna takes her The Perfectionist tendencies to extents that harms students.
  • Smug Snake: For the most part, she tends to be smugly lord over the students even when she's not teaching. And she also claimed that she and the Organization has known everything about the Academy, but apparently she sometimes Failed a Spot Check: She didn't even realize that Madam Soot Beng was a former teacher and a mother for one of the students (Vicky).
  • Spock Speak: She and Alan tend to use very formal and sophisticated dictation, though she isn't averse to contractions, as well as the "ASAP" abbreviation, and does occasionally employ simplistic wording.
  • Suddenly Shouting: She does this a lot to intimidate the students, especially during the exam overseen by her, and even sometimes slams a ruler against a table while doing it.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Regna used to enroll in Titan Academy, where aside of teasing James, she's just as much as a normal student there, playing with friends with a beaming smile in her face. When she graduated, she ended up being employed by the Organization, and the sweet kid changed into a domineering, shouting-prone lady that brings fear to her old school.
  • Villain Cred: The one student that she somewhat respects is Terry, because he helps her expel a student by sabotaging him about cheating. She gives him an approving 'thank you' for it, as opposed to the others who get her angry no-nonsense side. It shows that if a student somehow has the qualities desired by the Organization (with no drawbacks), then Regna will like that student.
  • Villain Has a Point: She does have a point about the rambunctious behavior of Class T1T5. It's her methods of dealing with said behavior that puts her in the wrong.
  • Villain Respect: She develops this for Class T1T5 after they successfully pulled a heist that forces the Organization to cancel the mass-expulsion and reinstate the expelled students.


    The Head of Department (UNMARKED SPOILERS) 

Portrayed by: Keith Lee
"Since we still have people failing, we've decided to put it up a notch. Students who failed will be blacklisted from ALL schools nationwide."

James Ng is the father of Vicky and Madam Soot Beng's former husband, he is also the CFO of Q&Q Holdings, but... something happened. After enrolling in the Night School and failing to reconcile with his daughter, he becomes the head of department for Titan Academy and The Organization.

  • Abusive Parents: James deeply loves his daughter "Vicky", however, he tries to put out his thoughts in a respectful manner, but... Unless something causes him to lash at someone, when she describes him as ‘very manipulative’. He thinks he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants with money, being disrespectful and demeaning, and on top of it, he is very selfish, only caring about himself and nobody else. He may have also applied to spoil his daughter Vicky, his girlfriend Milly and his other girlfriend, so that he could take advantage of them, with them being the victims.
  • Affably Evil: As the director, he is not using an overly overbearing aura like Alan, but instead speaks in a more casual manner to show either disappointment or bad news to the students. He could try to give Pet the Dog moments, but can easily take it away if someone goes out of the line.
  • Arch-Enemy: He becomes this to his ex-wife "Madam Soot Beng" after their divorce, and also, don't forget that she saw him as the head of department during at the School Assembly.
  • Ascended Extra: After his limited screentime in "I Am A Teacher", James would go on to become a Night School student, and then a recurring antagonist after being appointed by Alan to work in the academy.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He's sweet mannered and nice to Vicky, using words that endear her to him when Madam Soot Beng usually defaulted to being a strict Education Mama to her. However, in the face of his new lover, James immediately drops his nice attitude to Vicky and becomes more or less uncaring to his own daughter. This is surprisingly averted when he's being the director: He does not cover his intention to be an overly strict and overbearing director to the students with sweet words anymore, but generally acts more nothing personal against those under him.
  • The Bus Came Back: After only appearing in I Am a Teacher and flashbacks, James is back for a serious amount of screen time as one of the students in Night Class. Then he becomes part of the Big Bad organization.
  • The Casanova: He's a playboy and serial cheater, and this was one of the reasons why Madam Soot Beng filed a divorce. Milly learned it the hard way in the end of I am a Teacher.
  • Co-Dragons: He's working for Alan alongside Regna and Teverly.
  • Disappointed in You: Expresses this sentiment towards the Study Buddies (Jianhao in particular for being the lowest scorer in the bunch) when they get their SAT results, and tells them they better not disappoint him again in the science fair.
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: At first, he's depicted as an uncaring and manipulative man towards his family, then he enrolled in night school and seems more genuine about reconciling with Vicky, while also acknowledging his past wrongdoings. Now, he's been hired by the Organization as a director as the antagonist of the Study Buddies arc.
  • Insufferable Genius: During night classes, he gives off this aura. He's smug and intolerable with his bragging about owning a company and the skills he acquired from it, but he really is that good.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While he really doesn't have the best interest of Vicky at heart, James certainly made a good point that these all stemmed from how much Madam Soot Beng invested in her Pride as a teacher that she's having a hard time after being fired from the academy. His mistake is not realizing that Soot Beng undergoes Character Development to fix her issues while he doesn't.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: As of the SAT results episode, James is the only employee working under Alan to be unaware of the latter's plan to have Denise expelled for embarrassing him in the assembly.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Can be said that his sweet-talking with Vicky is to manipulate her to favor him more than Soot Beng (though he ended up revealing himself when Milly popped in). Even Soot Beng described him as 'manipulative' to a bank customer service.
  • Not What It Looks Like: Debbie and Vicky walk in on James holding Debbie's mother from behind. He was helping her using the heimlich maneuver because she was choking on a cookie she made.
  • Nothing Personal: For the whole class members, James holds nothing of sentimental value, so he doesn't really intend to manipulate them, only displaying a 'slightly friendly, but extremely distant' director personality.
  • Pet the Dog: The latter Night School episodes show that James is trying to do good in spite of his sinful past and insensitive personality:
    • He gives Jack valid advice about growing a spine and standing up to his domineering wife.
    • He tries to save Chelsea from choking on her own cookie, although it leads to Not What It Looks Like moment when Vicky comes to the scene.
    • In his tenure as director, he's more than willing to give JianHao's group extra time out to prepare for the SAT Test rather than sandwiching them together with the school exam. Unfortunately, Ren Yi Xiang runs his mouth to insult him, so he takes it back.
    • After reprimanding Madam Soot Beng for not referring him as a director properly, but as her ex-husband, and despite saying that he would boss around the faculty members, James instead lets her carry on and refer him by name, not title.
  • Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up: Inverted. Back in the school days, James was actually the reserved, dutiful nerd who was bullied by the likes of Dan, Mabuhay and Walater. In the present day, James gets a higher, more antagonistic position as the director, and promises that the faculty members (which includes Dan and Mabuhay) will not be exempt from his antagonism.
  • Sixth Ranger: An antagonistic one. James was not part of the initial wave of the Organization members. However, after the Night School arc, he's drafted into the position, making him a late-coming antagonist.
  • Sympathetic P.O.V.: His appearance in Night Class showcases the conflict between him and Madam Soot Beng from his side. There, James is portrayed as an estranged father who knew he made a big mistake in the past, still has his personality flaws, and yet still tries to make up for it by reconciling with his daughter, even if he will face constant reminders of how horrible he was in the past.
  • Unseen No More: Used to be mentioned occasionally before his official appearance in "I Am A Teacher", then becoming an Ascended Extra.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: When James was in school age, he was a normal, sweet and diligent boy that only had Soot Beng in his mind. Somewhere in the future, however, he changed into a shameless womanizer (and a show-off, as shown in the Night Class) that Soot Beng rightfully filed a divorce. It's still not known if he was already a womanizer when he flirted on Soot Beng.
  • Walking Spoiler: For his appointment as the new head of department of Titan Academy, and now working under the Big Bad.

True Leadership

The actual leader of the Organization, effectively making both Alan and Regna (and to an extent James) to be his main enforcers. A mysterious man who demands result and even unnerves Alan himself.
  • Bad Boss: He doesn't care about the school's well-being and its educational system seeing as he threatened the board of directors to close Titan Academy if they do not make significant profits by the end of the year.
  • Big Bad: The true Big Bad of the whole series as the true leader of the Organization. Turns out Alan is just one of his dragons after all.
  • The Dreaded: To put it in perspective, he's this to Alan who's been The Dreaded himself to the students all this time.
  • Evil Cripple: He's probably older than the already old Alan, hence why he uses a cane to walk around.
  • Evil Old Folks: Based on his voice and walking with a cane, this guy is much more senior than the already old Alan himself. And as the true leader of the Organization, he's bad news.
  • Eviler than Thou: He successfully intimidates even Alan, the guy whose mission is to smugly intimidate the students as much as possible.
  • Expy: The way he's the true leader of the Organization and not even making an appearance until 8 seasons in makes him the closer comparison with Emperor Palpatine.
  • The Faceless: When he appeared, only his body is seen.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: He's the true villain of the entire web series, because he's the one who's in charged of The Organisation.
  • Greed: He's only interested in turning Titan Academy into a profitable business.
  • Hidden Villain: The true leader of The Organization was kept away from the audience all the time up until the premier of Season 8.
  • Malaproper: He seems to have the same habit of pronouncing "academy" wrongly that Alan has.
  • The Man Behind the Man: He's the one who's truly in charge, and lords over Alan.
  • Unseen No More: Played With. Throughout the time Alan was the Big Bad, he's almost non-existant, making people believe that Alan was the one truly calling the shots. In his debut appearance, he appears and affirms his leadership, but his face is not seen, all that's seen are his yellow clothes and how he walks with a cane.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's almost impossible to talk about him without spoiling that Alan is not the true leader of the Organization.
