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Recap / All For Luz - Chapter - 18

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S2 - Ep 5: Summer Break Shenanigans - Part 5

After reaching her breaking point, Luz goes on a rampage with fatal results. Tyler afters decides that the gloves must come off to deal with Luz once and for all.

This chapter contains examples of:

  • Ability Mixing: Luz used her Super-Strength power to enhance the power of her attacks from her Giant Hands of Doom and Absurdly Sharp Claws.
  • Asshole Victim: Considering he was a Dirty Cop and Smug Snake, no one's gonna miss Sheriff Johnson.
  • Ax-Crazy: Jonah seems a little too joyous at hearing his next assassination job involves multiple kills.
  • Barrier Warrior: Not only Luz, but Millie is this, too. She can summon magic Deflector Shields just barely strong enough to withstand Luz's Giant Hands of Doom long enough for her and Riley to get away.
  • Blasphemous Praise: Downplayed. The Emperor's Coven member momentarily compares her power to be on par with Belos, the most powerful sorcerer on the Boiling Isles, only to reprimand herself for such thoughts.
  • Blinded by Rage: Luz a this for the first portion of the chapter. Luz doesn't demand to know why Riley betrayed her and tell her to surrender peacefully, like she normally would. Luz just wants Riley dead, familial ties be damned.
  • Brutal Honesty: When a worried Camila asks Luz where she's going now, Luz simply tells her she intends to track down and kill the Wittebanes before they kill her first and informs her that her niece Riley, that stayed the night with them, tried to murder her.
  • The Brute: Jonah is big, violent thug that works for Tyler because he's just that good at it. Riley notes his assassinations tend to be gruesome.
  • Cassandra Truth: Luz doesn't bother trying to explain to the crowd and her mother about what happened at The Independent believing that whatever answer she gave, no one was going to listen a word of what she would say, due to seeing her become a Cop Killer.
  • Clashing Cousins: Riley and Luz have become this after the former tried to kill the latter on the Wittebane's orders.
  • Cop Killer: Luz becomes this, wiping out over a dozen of them when in a blind fury.
  • Cosmic Plaything: Luz seems to come to the conclusion is frustrated by the unfairness of her situation.
  • Death from Above: Luz attempts to do this on Riley but Millie saves her.
  • Death Glare: Tyler gives one to Millie and Riley for failing to kill Luz. Millie compares it to Belos's, completely unaware that to are relatives.
  • Deep South: Jonah has a thick Southern accent, implying he's from one of the southern states.
  • Domestic Abuse: He was about to receive a sentenced to 25 years to life sentence for murdering his wife, until Tyler bailed him out.
  • The Dreaded:
    • If Luz wasn't this before, then her actions at the supermarket fight made her this now. Shigaraki notes that even Luz's own mother looks afraid of her now.
    • Riley considers Jonah to be this due to his brutal murders.
  • Empty Eyes: She's described as having empty black eyes.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Riley tries to plead to Tyler to spare her Aunt Camila's life.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Riley sees Jonah as a monster and is disgusted by his sadism.
  • Even Mooks Have Loved Ones: Luz notes that those police officers she just killed had families in town, now many have lost a parent, sibling and/or spouse from this incident.
  • Evil Is Burning Hot: Millie can unleashed a column of magic fire from glyph circles so hot that it could melt through skin and bone. Not that did any good against Luz's barriers.
  • Evil Is Petty: Tyler sends his worst Psycho for Hire to brutally kill Camila and Pastor Domenico in order spite Luz for not dying in the Assassination Attempt he orchestrated.
  • Exact Words: When Riley protests that Tyler said he wouldn't go after Camila only to invoke this.
    Tyler: No, no. I said no harm would come to Camila… should you succeed, Riley. But you failed. Therefore, the deal is off. Learn to pay attention to what I say before you agree to something, child.
  • Fallen Hero: Luz's Vigilante Man persona, All For One, becomes this to her town Gravesfield when her identity is revealed and she becomes Cop Killer in front of horrified witnesses when squad led by a corrupt sheriff tries to perform Police Brutality on her and turns them in to Ludicrous Gibs when Blinded by Rage.
  • Fantastic Racism: Despite willing to work with them under her emperor's orders, Millie considers non-powered humans to be pathetic in comparison to witches.
  • Fascinating Eyebrow: Tyler has this when Millie explains to him how Luz survived Riley's Assassination Attempt.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Tyler insincerely apologises to Riley for putting out a hit on her aunt with the same energy as one who just ordered the wrong pizza.
  • Flash Step: Luz appears to do this to Riley.
  • Genre Savvy: Luz soon puts it together that the Wittebanes hired Riley and others to murder her.
  • Giant Mook: Jonah is 10 ft. tall due to gigantism and works for Tyler Wittebane.
  • Given Name Reveal: The assassin with the Multiplier Quirk was named Derreck.
  • Heroic BSoD: Camila became shell-shocked when she witnesses Luz become a Cop Killer and heard from her daily she was going to go kill the Wittebanes in cold-blood with Brutal Honesty.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: Millie and Riley decide that Luz has proven to be too strong for them to defeat on their own and decide to dip it when they're about to be killed in her Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
  • The Hunter Becomes the Hunted: The All For One user effectively turns the fight between her and the assassins into a case of this.
  • Implacable Man: Luz tanks a panicking Riley's explosions with her regeneration and painkiller Quirks, while trying to crush the 17-year-old with her Giant Hands of Doom and stab at her with Absurdly Sharp Claws, while powering through the witch's abomination slime despite ripping the skin from her body.
  • Internal Reveal: Tyler hears from Millie that Luz stole Derreck's Quirk before killing him.
  • Irony:
    • Riley believed that most of the other officers didn’t give a shit about All For One or those with superpowers. She's completely unaware that the recently deceased police chief had personal vendetta against the aforementioned superhuman.
    • Luz pulls a It's Not You, It's My Enemies on Camila for her own safety. Unfortunately, the Arc Villain has just ordered his most brutal assassin to go after her mother out of spite against Luz for not dying.
  • It Gets Easier: Luz now barely flinches at the sight of blood on her hands.
  • Kick the Dog: Tyler sends his most brutal hitman to kill Luz's mother and a kindly pastor just out of spite.
  • Lean and Mean: Charlie is described as lanky and works for Tyler Wittebane.
  • Loop Hole Abuse: Churches were allowed to do ignore anti-hate speech laws whatever they wanted, and that was most likely how Tyler was able to get away with his bigoted preaching.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Luz's "Forcefield Projection" protecting her from bullets and fire.
  • Ludicrous Gibs: The sheriff and his squad are reduced to this after getting caught in the epicentre of an explosion caused by Luz's Deadly Force Field when Blinded by Rage. Unlike Luz, there's no coming back from dead for the Boys in Blue here.
    One second, they were alive, the next second, they were dead.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: Jonah Smith wears a mask that covers his lower face that's connected by pipes and some kind of canister on his back.
  • May–December Romance: Jonah was 19-years old when married his wife who was 37.
  • Mayor Pain: Averted with the current Mayor of Gravesfield — Mayor Abscott. He revoked the old sundown laws and made it illegal to discriminate against anyone for any reason, with a major fine being attached to those who offended. There was just one exception to the rule, and those were the churches.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: Luz tells Camila she's going to kill the Wittebanes in order to end this madness.
  • My God, What Have I Done??:
    • After she calms herself down after the intense fight, Luz has this moment when she finally registers the death and destruction she has caused in the space of a few minutes since the first gunman showed up in a fit of rage.
    • Riley breaks down into tears when the full weight of her actions (not only betraying her own cousin but putting her Aunt Camila on Tyler Wittebane's hitlist, sending his most brutal assassin after them) hits her.
  • Never My Fault:
    • All For One seems to be trying to instill this attitude onto Luz. After all, he can't have his new vessel developing a Guilt Complex, now can he?
    Shigaraki: It’s about time you realize that you were never in the wrong. I know that there are days when you believe yourself to be, but you are not at fault for defending yourself.
    • Tyler Wittebane plays this straight when he puts a hit on Camila telling Riley she should blame All For One, aka Luz, for she did not die as God decreed.
  • No Sympathy: Luz feels almost no pity for cops she just killed, sans a brief These Hands Have Killed moment, due to their attempted shooting towards her when she wasn't attacking.
  • Non-Fatal Explosions: Averted hard. The cops had no chance of survival.
  • Not Enough to Bury: There's much left of the cop squad after Luz's attack.
  • Obligatory Earpiece Touch: Millie does this when she calls Charlie for help.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • When Luz spots a small, terrified crowd of mostly teens and their parents, that includes her own horrified mother, with some that had witnessed and filmed her carnage on their phones. The All For One user rightfully has this reaction for a moment, now that people know Luz Noceda is a Cop Killer. The incident has well and truly fucked over any chance the teen girl had of ever having a normal life, let alone becoming a superhero.
    • Millie freezes in fear when she realises that Jonah has a gun at the back of her head.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Luz notes that Tyler is currently touring the southern States to spread his message of God. Meaning that he wasn’t actually in Gravesfield at the moment and getting his hitmen to do his dirty work.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Luz levels the supermarket she was fighting in before, making it look like it was hit by an airstrike.
  • Physical God: The two panicking hitwomen compare Luz to this.
  • Police Brutality: The Gravesfield cop squad he led tried to gun down Luz when she was about to surrender peacefully. This proved to be a fatal mistake.
  • The Power of Hate: Luz seems to running on just this during her fight.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Tyler orders Jonah not to kill Millie not because he cares about her wellbeing but because she's still useful to him in goal to kill Luz. He also doesn't want any infighting in his ranks either.
  • Psycho for Hire: Jonah seems to not only working for Tyler for money and loyalty but also the chance to kill even more people.
  • Psychological Projection: All For One appears to have a low opinion on churches viewing them as "those who share in the business in deluding the weak-willed", even though he himself has taken advantage of vulnerable people throughout his entire supervillain career just like that.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Jonah has purple eyes, purple smoke powers and is a dangerous foe.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Jonah was arrested for raping his own wife before killing her.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: At the beginning of the chapter, Luz's eyes glowed crimson-red with pure malice and hatred to her enemies.
  • Regretful Traitor: Riley regrets betraying Luz, and by extension, her Aunt Camila by trying to kill the former on the Wittebane's orders.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: The entire first half of the chapter is Luz on this. The “fight” was mostly her lashing out in a rage after being betrayed by someone she considered family. She mentions she was barely even coherent during the brawl.
  • Scars Are Forever: Charlie has a scar on his lip.
  • The Scream: Furious that her traitorous cousin has escaped, Luz lets out an angry one as she slams her giant fist on the ground leaving another giant crater.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Millie and Riley decide to do this before they lose their lives to the angry teen.
    Riley: We need to get out of here!”
    Millie: Working on it!
  • Slowly Slipping Into Evil: Luz starts to think this is happening to her.
  • Super Smoke: Jonah's Quirk is called "Smog" which allows him to turn into purple smoke.
  • Smug Super: Luz seems to be showing some shades of this mentality.
  • Targeted to Hurt the Hero: Tyler now intends to abandon his pretense of Even Evil Has Standards and orders his most brutal assassin to kill Pastor Domenico and Camila to get to Luz.
  • Tears of Remorse: Drowning in her own guilt, Riley breaks down into tears for the first time since her Accidental Murder of her abusive father.
  • Teens Are Monsters: Downplayed. Jonah's only nineteen, he raped and murdered his own wife and is an assassin that's killed many on Wittebane's orders
  • This Cannot Be!: Riley and Millie have this reaction when Luz unleashes her full power in her Unstoppable Rage mode, resulting in the destruction of the entire supermarket, as well as a whole police squad, with her Deadly Force Field.
    Riley: She’s not human… she can’t be. This kind of power is unreasonable!
  • Token Evil Teammate: While the Wittebane's militia unit are all assassins and Punch Clock Villains, Jonah is the only one confirmed to be a Sadist and rapist.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Shooting at the clearly enraged Luz was a fatally mistake for the police force, especially since she wasn't even focusing on them at the time.
  • Total Party Kill: Luz wipes out the police squad about to arrest her with her Deadly Force Field.
  • Town with a Dark Secret: Some time ago, Gravesfield had been a “Sundown Town.” The racial segregation was a shameful stain on the town’s history.
  • Undying Loyalty: Jonah appears to have this for Tyler Wittebane for giving him a special suit to maintain his Quirk and bailing him out of prison.
  • Villain Teleportation: Charlie has a "Warping" Quirk that lets him produce a black liquid that teleports people and items to different locations, even across states. He does this for Riley and Millie when they call for his help.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Tyler Wittebane leads a conservative mega-church that's popular enough to indoctrinate people in his Fantastic Racism "crusade" against superpowers and minorities, and has many supporters. Millie sees him as this world’s version of The Emperor, as he was so revered by the people that followed him.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • Millie and Riley have a brief panic attack as Luz survives everything they throw at her and proves too strong and aggressive for them to take down. They to decide to Know When to Fold 'Em.
    • Tyler looked like he was about to do this when he hears of the hitwomen's failure to kill Luz.
  • Wham Episode: Luz becomes a Cop Killer as she destroys an entire supermarket along with a squad of cops for their in front of horrified witnesses, including her own mother. Any chance this girl had of ever having a normal life, let alone becoming a superhero, is gone. She's now a fugitive from the law now. Meanwhile, Tyler sends his most dangerous assassin after Camila.
  • Wham Line: Tyler plans to ask for a specific person in the Emperor's Coven to take down Luz.
    Millie: (Frowns) Are you implying that you are going to try and get back into contact with Emperor Belos?”
    Tyler: I do intend to. If he is a man of his word, he will send me more reinforcements. Clearly, this is much bigger than I thought it was going to be. Perhaps this… Golden Guard I’ve heard so much about might be able to help
  • What a Senseless Waste of Human Life: Riley views the deaths of the cops at Luz's hands to be this.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Jonah threatens Millie at gun point for speaking out of term (he's quite annoyed when Tyler doesn't let go through with shooting her), has no problems about being ordered to attack and kill Camila and the less said about his late wife, the better.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: Not without being put in prison for life or killed on sight for killing cops, Luz.
  • You Have Failed Me: It looks like Tyler is about to do this on Riley and Millie but changes his mind.
